Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, June 10, 1880, Image 4

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VALUE OF WHEY.— As the time ap
proaches for starting cheese factories,
the disposition of Whey will soon re
ceive attention. Farmers who take
milk to a co-operative factory are very
particular about getting the entire
amount of whey that belongs to them.
They often insist on getting more than
their proper sliarei. if they take eight
cans of milk to the factory they insist
on filling them all with whey to take
• back to their farms for tlie purpose ol
feeding it to pigs and calves. The
managers ot cheese factories, "to keep
peace in the family" of patrons, often
add water to the whey, so that every
one may fill all his cans. Without
doubt the value of whey is greatly over
-estimated. Some years ago Mr. I. H.
Wanzer, at Elgin, declared, at a meet
ing of the Northwestern Dairymen's
* Association, that it did ndi pay patrons
to haul whey from a factory to their
farms. Various and-continued experi
ments had convinced him that it was
nearlv valueless for feeding to ssoek.
Now that both butter and cheese arc
made from the same batch of milk, it is
evident that but little of value remains
when these are removed. There is
, much of the sugar originally contained
In the milk, anil a minute quantity of
fat and cas in. If the whey is fed be
fore the milk-sugar is converted into
acetic acid, it will be of some benefit to
stock, aud that is about all that can be
said of Its value. When whey is fed
alone to calves and pigs it is often a
positive injury to them. It contains
scarcely anything from which muscle
andx bone can be formed. It may be
employed to some advantage as a drink
lor hogs that have the run of a clover
pasture, and have a little dry foovl as
corn, bran and meal. If fed to calves
and young pigs, corn meal, bran,
shorts, ground oats, or oil cake should
be mixed with it. The quantity or the
meal and other dry substances should
be small at first aud gradually increas
ed as the pigs increase in size.
SETTING MILK.— It seems now to be
admitted bv all scientists in dairy man
agement that the sooner we can cool
the milk the quicker will the process ot
creaming comnieuee, and by keeping It
at a low temperature the more perfect
will it be. 1 would advise, therefore,that
until the deep-setting system is adopted,
which I forsee it will be at a not very
distant period, tlie milk should be
cooled as soon *as it is drawn from
the cow, and before it is set for
creaming. This process is more rapid
ly and more efficiently done by passing
it over a milk refrigerator, when that
eau be had ; but when that s not in use
it can be cooled very fairly by the pro
cess adopted in Holland, viz.: by put
ting it in tin or brass vessels to stand
for a short time in a cistern in cold
water. If the shallow system be fol
lowed, I am disposed to recommend tin
pans pressed out of a solid piece and
not jointed, as being about the most
generally useful. Glazed earthern
ware is usedf but unless of a good
quality and well glazed, 1 do not re
commend it and when of a good quality
it is expensive, and being very easily
broken it is a costly item. Euamelled
iron pans are used, but are liable to
the objection that the enamel does not
wear well, and that they are cumber
some and expensive. Wood keelcrs
have been very generally used in Ire
land and on parts of the cor.tioent,
but owing to the labor required to
keep them clean, they must ne super
seded, which I fiud is rapidly happen
ing. 1 have already described the
deep-settiug system ; and so far as ex
perience goes, it would appear as if it
is probable that it will be more largely
adopted as it becomes known.
DRY Cows.—lt is a common practice
among tome dairymen to give their
cows, when dry, but scanty living.
When a cow ;eases to give milk, or ie
dried up, any feed is considered good
enough for her. 1 think rh sis a great
mistake, and the result is a diminished
product of milk, both in quantity and
quality, when she does come in.
There "is a large draught on the system
to sustain the calf while the cow is car
rying it, and to keep the cow in good
condition good food Is an important as
when she is giving milk. It is my
opinion that one dollar's worth of food
when the cow is with calf is worth one
and a half dollars after she co ues in.
•All animal in poor condition cannot
digest as much food as an animal In
gtod condition. If a cow is poor when
she comes in she will not digest enough
food to support the system, and, at the
same time, to make large quantity JOI
not he least doubt that allowing trees
to lear heavily when young Is injuri
ous, both to the health of the tiee and
its future bearing. We have noticed
upon our own premises on several oc
casions, that whenever we allowed
young trees to bear unreasonably, it
affected their future bearing for two or
three years. We have since reduced
the early product of a tree from one to
three specimens, the number being in
creased with the Increased age and
vigor of the tree, and have found the
trees afterwards, to go on bearing reg
ularly. It is the same case when a
tree, of whatever age it ma . he, is per
mitted to mature thiee times as much
fruit as it ought to do.
THOSE farmers who have no sap
houses and large evaporators in which
to make maple sugar, will find a deep
dripping pan when placed on the top
of a cooking stove from which the
covers have been removed, will be
much better and more convenient ves
sel to boil down maple sap in than ket
tles or pots. Metallic sap-spouts are
much superior to wooden ones, for
they do not hold sap to turn sour.
Cleanliness and sweetness are among
tlie essentials in the maple sugar busi
THE first crop of peas—Extra Early
—should be sown as soon as the ground
is fit, and followed by others according
to their period of producing. The
onion crop is among the very firgt to
get in. and ought to be set before the
end of April. The value of the
vegetable is greatly underrated.
None is more nutritious and whole
some, and it should be in every house
A Word to Tourists.
Ton cannot have a better compaction on your
journey than Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters.
That prime medicinal agent will enable you to
drink brackish water without running the risk
of disordered stomach and bowels, will neu
tralize the influence of foul or miasmatic air,
aud will prove a most agreable and wholesome
stimulant and meanß of counteracting the fa
tigue of traveling and sea-ickneas. Change
of climate, water or diet, is apt to induce har
assing and often dangerous diseases, The
three changes combined are fa'al to thousands
of emigrants and travelers every year. Is it
not, then, of the last importance to know that
Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters are an absolute
preventive of the hurtful consequences aris
ing from these causes ? Travelers, voyagers
and emigrantj to new countries cannot be too
often reminded of the fact that this agreeable
vegetable tonic is the most reliable safeguard
against disorders to which they are far more
liable than the hab.tual denizens of healthy
three thoroughly fresh eggs,, and let
them cool. Take six anchovies, wash
them, wipe them in a cloth, cut oil the
heads and fins, and scrape away the
skins. With the fingers and thumb
split them opeivdown the back, and
take the fillets or sides from the back
bone. -Prepare some fresh leitu e1 y
cutting up in tiny bit 4 and dressing u
with mayonnaise. Then cut six thin
slices of German rye bread or home
made Graham bread (the ordinary
baker's brown bread crumbles too
inuch). Butter them, and lay between
each two one of tlie eggs, shelled, and
cut into very thin slices, a layer of the
salad aud the fillets of two auchovies.
Press the slK'es together, with a sharp
knife divide,them into small squares,
and arrange them on a dish covered
with a napkin. The leaves of bread must
of course be large to make the sand
wiches of proper size.
If marble Is smokotVor soiled, either
by bituminous coal or too free use of
kindling wood, Spanish whiting, with
a piece of washing soda, rubbed togeth
er, and wet with only enough water to
moisten and make It into a paste, will
remove the grease and smoke. Dip a
piece of flannel In this preparation, and
rub the spots while the paste Is quite
moist. Leave the paste on for Hours,
and, if need be, remove it and renew
with fresh paste. When the soots dis
appear wash the place with clean hot
soap-suds, wipe dry and polish with
chamois skin.
AiiMver Thin.
Did you ever know any person to be
ill, without inaction of the Stomach,
Liver or kidneys, or did you ever know
one who was well when either was ob
structed or inactive-; and did you ever
know or hear of any case of the kind
that Hop Bitters would not cure. Ask
your neighbor this same question.—
IF ink is spilled ou a carpet or woolen
article it should be attended to at once
while still wet, If possible, and then is
very easilv removed. Take clean blot
ting paper or cotton batting and gently
sop up all the ink that has not soaked
in. Then pour a little sweet milk 011
the spot and soak it up from the carpet
with fresh cotton batting. It will need
to be renewed two or three times, fresh
milk and cotton being used each time,
and the spot will disappear. Then
wash the spot with clean soapsuds and
rub dry with a clean cloth. If the ink
has been allowed to drp in the milk
must remain longer and be repeated
many tunes.
OIL MARKS 011 wall paper, or the
marks where inconsiderate people re?t
their heads, are a sore grief to good
housekeepers, but they can be removed
without much trouble. Take pipe-clay
or fuller's earth, and make it into a
paste, about as thick as rich cream,
with cold water; lay it 011 the stain
gently, without rubbing it in; leave it
ou all night. It will be dry by morn
ing, when it can be brushed off. and
unless an old stain, the grea sj>ots
will have disappeared. 11 old, renew
the application.
NERVOUSNESS, and all dcrang -
ruents of the nervous system, are
usually connected with a diseased con
dition of the blood. Debility is a fre
quent accompaniment. The first thing
to be done is to improve the condition
of the blood. This is accomplished by
taking VEOETIXE. It is a nerve medi
cine, and possesses a controlling power
over the nervous system.
FOOT. BALLS. —MeIt together over a
gentle fire in an iron pot: Pitch, one
pari; gutta percha, two parts; orange
shellac, five parts; add to this six parts
of white lead (lead carbonate) in im
palpable powder, and stir until a per
fectly homogeneous mixture is obtain
ed, and you will have a composition
hard enough to make pool balls, which
may be cast and colored with aniline
dyes mixed with dilute alcoholic solu
tion of bleached shellac.
WHEN velvet has been wet and be
comes spotted, bold the wrong side
over steam, and while damp draw the
wrong side quickly over a warm iron.
It takes two to do this —one to hold the
bottom of the iron upward, and the
second to draw the velvet across.
Thirteen cents is the cost of five
gallons of soft made from one
pound of Dobbins' Electric Soap,(made
by C'ragin & Co., Phila.,; and the soft
oap will go farther than a dollar's
worth of common soap. Try it.
bouß apple sauce is greatly improved
by the addition of a tablespoonful of
butter to a quart of sauqe, and, more
over, there is much less sugar needed.
A little lemon peel makes a fine flavor.
To brown sugar lor sauces or pud
ding, put the sugar in a perfectly dry
saucepan. If the pan is the least bit
wet, the sugar will burn and you will
spoil your saucepan.
FOR sleeplessness a high London
authority recommends, instead of stim
ulants, a breakfast cup of hot beef tea,
made from half a teaspoonful of Lie
big's extract. It allays brain excite
IVORY that has been spotted, or has
grown yellow, can be made as clear
and fresh as new by rubbing with fine
sand paper, and then polishing with
finely powdered pumice stone.
The opinion of the people has been
fully confirmed by wide-spread ex
perience that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
is the best and cheapest remedy for
Ceughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asth
ma, etc.
CUTLETS and steaks may be fried as
well as broiled, but they must be put
in hot butter or lard. The grease is
hot enough when it throws ofl a bluish
MEAT and poultry will lose their
flavor and firmness if left in the water
after they are done; as will also fish,
which will break to pieces.
WHENEVER you see your sauce boil
from the side of the pan you may know
that your flour or corn-starch is done.
IN making a crust of any kind do not
melt the lard in the flour. Melting
will injure the crust.
FAINT splashes upon window glsss
can be easily removed by a strong solu
tion of soda.
general strength gradually wasted by a per
sistent, deep-seated Qough, which DB. Jayne's
Expectorant may be relied on to cure. You will
derive certain benefit from it also, if troubled
with either Asthma or Bronchitis.
To Tratflr by Sea and I.unci.
The effect of change of air and of
travel is to produce Constipation, which
is followed hy Headache, Piles, and a
general 'disarrangement of the sygtom.
The Stomach, already nauseated, gags
at the very sight of a pill, while other
mixtures, sweetened or not sweetened,
or acid, are revolting. Nothing of the
kind Is ever complained of in taking
Simmons' .Liver Regulator. It is al
ways grateful to theJStomach,whatever
its condition maybe; in fact,the slight
ly bitter taste of the .Regulator Is plea
sant in removing the sick taste from
the mouth. A doe of Simmons' Liver
Regulator, say from a half to a full
tablespoonful, will impart a grateful
warmth and glow to the weak and nau
seated stomach, will regulate the se
cretions and will gently assist Nature,
slowly and surely, without griping or
nausea, as though 110 medicine had
been taken.
• -
"BOY," said a gentleman to theliost*
ler of a hotel, qn alighting from his
pine ton, "extricate that quadruped
from the vehicle, stab 11 late him. donate
him an adequate supply of nutritious
ailment, aud when the aurora of morn
ing shall again illuminate the oriental
horizon 1 w*i 11 award thee a pecuniary
compensation for thine admirable
hospitality. l ' *
JONES says: "Give an oyster locomo
tion and the tive senses, and he might
be the rhinoceros of the sea." He
might be; but we hope no generous
person will give blin those things. The
price of hall a dozen fried oysters as
large as a rhinoceros would strike away
beyond the margin of most editors'
pocket-books; and a couple of spoiled
oysters of such dimensions would de
populate a town.
CorLD I but see Oarboline made
A lid view the process o'er,
No bald head i>ate would uiaLe afraid.
Nor gray hairs fright me more.
AJB now Improved aud perfected.
No oil was ere so suro,
All skin disease, of limb or head.
It uever fails to cure
A LECTURER on optics, in explaining
the mechanism of the organ of vision,
remarked : "Let any man gaze closely
into his wife's eye, and he will see him
self so exceedingly small that —" Here
the lecturer saw a smile 011 the faces of
his audience, and abruptly stopped.
A CAPITAL anecdote is told ot a little
fellow who in turning over the leaves
of a scrap-book came across the well
known pictuie of some chickens just
out of their shell. "My companion
examined the picture carefully, and
than, with a grave, sagacious look at
me slowly remarked, "They came out
'costhey was afraid of being boiled."
"IT is said that the male wasp
does not sting." But as a male and
female wasp wear the same kind of
polonaise, and look as much a like as
twins, the only way to distinguish
tHeir sex is to catch one and examine
its arsenal. If it stings you it is a fe
male; it not, it is a gentleman wasp.
BRONCHITIS. —Throat Diseases of
ten commence with a Cold, Cough, or
unusual exertion of the voice. These
incipient symptoms are allayed by the
use of "/iroira's Bronchial Troches,*'
which, if neglected, often result in a
chronic disease of the throat.
A ci. ASS of primary children were
buisly engaged in their reading les
sons; they read in order something
like the following: "The hat is in the
box." "The man is in the box."
"The rat is in the box." "The cat is
in the box." When suddenly up came
a little chubby hand, the sign of per
mission to speak. "Well, what, is it,
Mattie?" said the leacher. "I should
fink 'e box 'ood be full af'.er a while."
"TATA," said he, as he was shown
some pictures in a book Santa Clans
had left him; "papa, why does camels
have such bunches 011 their backs?"
The information received r.ot being
very satisfactory, he at length solved
the difficulty himself. "Why, I know,
papa," said he; "it's so"s they'll be
camels!" Which must be the reason.
It doesn't do a bit of good to take a
twelve mile promenade in a fourteen
foot room with the baby, and sing or
declaim: "Hootchie, pootchie, pudden
and pie." Use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup
and be done with It.
ADA, aged four, who was doing
something, and was told to desist by
her mother. Mother—"Ala, am I to
speak to you again?" Ada—"Yes, ma,
you may if you like."
Two young men out riding were
passing a farm-house where a farmer
was trying to harness a mule. "Won't
he draw ?" said one of the horsemen.
"Of course he will," said the farmer;
"he draws the attention of every foot
that passes."
"JANK," said a fond mother, sticking
he head out of the bedroom door," it Is
11 o'clock. Tell the young man to
please shut the iront..door from the
' Tmc'wise mother avoideth teaching
her daughter how to cook, and
when that daughter gets married tlie
visits of the mother-in-law are always
A little boy's remark in school, at
Pottsville, Ind., that he knows a good
way to kill babies, which was by throw
ing them out of a window, led to the
discovery of a child murder.
THE latest wrinkle in East Boston
"society" is to have a printed visiting
card with a small photograph of the
"party" pasted on the upper lelt-hand
corner. This really elegant style one
dollar a hundred.
Ax exchange rausually remarks,
"Better late than hardly ever."
IN Palestine, Texas, the thermometer
registered ninety degrees the other day.
ARE tight boots ever drunk ?
New Publications.
are furnished by the World's Dispen
sary Medical Association,Buffalo,N.Y..
and Great Russell Street Buildings,
London, England, on terms to suit Hie
times. A new edition of the People's
Common Sense Medical Adviser, about
1000 pages, nearly 300 illustrations, by
R. V. Pierce, M.D., post-paid, $1.50.
Invalid's Guide Book,post-paid<lo cts.
Motion as a Remedial Agent, illustra
ting movement for paralysis, diseases
of females, stiffened joints, club feet,
spinal curvature and kindred affections,
10 cts.; Diseases of Generative Organs,
10 cts.; Catarrh, its rational treatment
and positive cure, sent on receipt of
one postage stamp. Address as above.
Father Is Getting Well.
My daughters say: "How much bet
t<*r father is since he used Hop Hitters.'
He is getting well after his long suffer
ing from a disease declared incurable,
and we are so glad that he used your
Bitters.—A lady of Rochester, X. Y.—
Utica Herald.
A Jovful Announcement
to Buffering millions is the K'ld tidings tlmt a*
laet a oeriaiu our® for pilea ha* boon diaoov
orod. 600,000 persons *tbo liavo used Dr
Hilsboe'a Anakesis, pronouueo it infallible
Doctors of all modioli schools prescribe it in
practice ; empirics and nostrum venders coun
terfeit and imitate it, and ail, without excep
tion, admit that it is entitled to the naino of
' Mediocvl 'Miracle." Nothing in medicine is
more simple, rational, prompt and certain, it
is not an accidental blunder of iuexperience,
but tho sciouiilio solution of a most difficult
problem, by an accomplished physician of 40
years' practice and study. Anakesis is a
happy combination of a sootliiug poultice,
sup)>ortiug instrument and curative medicine.
It alleviates at ouoe the most excruciating
pain; it holds up the raw. sensitive tumors,
and by firm, coutiuued pressure and medica
tion applied to the swollen veins is able to
cure the most inveterate cases of blind or
bleeding piles. The inventor of ' 'Auakesis"
mav well be regarded as a public benefactor,
ami sufferers from this terrible disease will
thank us for calling attentiou to a discovery
so worthy. It is uot less singular that in the
circular concerning Auakesis, full directions
are given for PUKVKNTINU I'ILEH, a fact never
before observed in any medicine the propri
etors wished to sell. "Anakesis" is sold by
dru . gists everywhere. Sent free on receipt
of price, $l.OO peßbox; amplt•* gratis by I'.
Neiistaodter A Co., Box 3940 New York, sole
manufacturers of ••Aoakcsus.'
' New Hampshire Returns.
A New Hampshire lady writes : Mother has
been affi.oted tor years with Kidney diseases.
Last spring she was very bad. and bad an
alarming pain ami numbness in one side, Kid
uey-Wort proved a great blessiug and has
completely cured her.— RECORD.
A Valuable Gilt Free.
A book on the Liver, its diseases and their
treatment sent freo. Including treatises upon
Liver Complaints, Torpid Liver, Jaundice,
BiliousueiM, Headache, Constipation, Dyspep
sia, Malaria, etc. Address Dr. Hanford IG'2
Broadway, New York city, N. Y.
A CARD.—To all who are suffering trom tho or
rors and indiscretions of youth. nervous weakness,
t*a rly decay. loss ot manboo I, etc..l will win! a, Re
cipe that will euro you. FHEK or CHAKOK. This
groat remedy wasdiscov- rod by amissionary in Botith
Amorlra. Send a wdf atldroa-od envoi noioth'Rev.
JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. Now York City.
The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich
Will send their celcbra'ed Electro Voltaie
Belts to the afHieted upon 30 days's trial.
Bjieedy euros guarantevil They mean what
they aay. Write to them without delay.
Purifies the Blood, Renovates
and Invigorates the
Whole System.
Reader, Have You Got Scrofula, Scrofu
lous Humor, Cancerous Humor,
Cancer ?
You Can Positively lie Cured.
TIIOIIMUIHI* of rcslliiio
iilalM Prove It-
11 ANN FA 11..
CK\b OncHARn. Lincoln Co., Ky., May s, ISTN.
Mr. EL It. SißVKvs: Sir—l consder It a duty
tbat I owe you and tlic public to let you know
what your medicine, VKUKTINE, lias done loi
my daughter. Ab ut four years ago she was so
amlc'ed wlin 'crofuli as to be drawn to one
side a* she walked. After trying several of the
bast physiciaus at home and at Lou'svllle with
out relief, she was Induced to try VKUETINK.
After taking ao bott es 1 consider her perfecily
( Sue has now a beautliul. clear corn
plexton without blotch or blemish, and I have
no hesitation in attributing her cure to your
valuable medicine, and In r commending it to
the use ot the afflicted. There are many of the
inhabitants of this county who can and will
testify to the above.
Yours. MRS. S. E BItOOKS.
I can testify to the above.,
Finn of Carson Hro*., Druggists.
Proprietor Crab Orchard Hotel.
MONTREAL P. Q . Jan. 8. ISB.V.
MR H. R. STEVKXS— D ar Sir: We take great
pleasure In add ug to your numerous tesdmo
iilals In regard to VEQaTiNE. We sell a great,
deal or It. an i it Invariably gives BBtftrfact 08.
Severable remarkable cures t- Its use have
come under our notice, and .* e i hink It a pie is
ure, as well as a dutv, to testiry In its behalr.
We remain, yours truly. DK LEDL'C a CO..
Chemists and Drug.lsts.
Jan. 7, isso.
MR. IT. R STIVKNB— Dear sir: 1 have recom
mended and sold your VEGETINR In a great
man . cases Indeed, but one case came under
mv special notice in which three bjttles com
pletely cured a friend of mine, whose case had
resisted all other medicines previously • ned.
Yours, P. O. GIROUX, Druggist,
60. SL Joseph St.
V emetine
Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists.
IcthftOM RillabU Concntratd Ly for FAMILY
kOAP MAKING. Direction" accompsiif oach can
for making lltint, Moll anil Toilet Bom# quickly.
It ia lull wight and str-ngth.
JKLT suited with spectaolea, apply t
eorreapond to
DE. N. C, ©BAT, Optician,
88 N. TWELFTH Street,
rhlladelpula. Pa.
Berry Cralri mid naiko'p. IIA-t and cheap,*t
made. Free Circular. X. D. IlstDrson,
fluftalo. N. Y.
for clalerna or urella of any depth.—
,Plain- Iron, Perce aitt. or Copptr-hnea.
jygSL s : l Brands. Xl'. G. XIX. GG. GNo 1.
> ii. KB. b Xo. I. For sale by the
Hardware trede, Count' y Stores, P np makers, etc.
See that the Pump you buy D stenciled
kjf Knflia i Vetarnary Surgaon and Chamlit,row
tHWeling in thißCouutrxsiAja that most of tha Horaa
and Oattle Powders here are worthless trash. Ha
■ays that fheridan's Condition Powdars are abso
lutely pure and immensely valuable. Noth ng on
enrth will make hens lay like Sheridan's Condition
Powders. Dose, one teaspoon to on> pint OI feed.
Fold everywhere, or sent by mail for eight letter
stampe. 1. S. JOHNSON ft CO., Bangor, Me.
IP 8
Embracing fHll and authentic acceunts of every
nation of ancient and modern times, and including a
history of the rise and fall of th Greek and Roman
Empires, the middle agee, the rrusades. the feudal
system, the reformation, the discovery and settle
ment of the New World, etc., etc.
It contains 678 fine hist' rical engravings, and la
themos, complete History of the w< rid ever pub
lished. Send for specimen pages and extra t rrns to
Agents. Addness
Q Constipation and Piles.
Dr. R. H. Clark, South Hero, Vt. jay", "In canes I
H of kldiv; 1 roubliw It has acted life a charm. It IH
U hae cured many rerr bad canes of Hlw, and has E.
■ never failed to act efficiently."
Nelson PairchJJd, of St. Albans, Vt., says, "It Is I
II of priceless value. After sixteen years of great n
■ suffering from I lies and OostlTonaas It com- U
■ pictely cured me."
IN O. 8. Ilogabon, of Berkshire, says, "One pack- I
la J age has <lono wonders for me In complete! v cur- aj
■ lag a severe Liver and Kidney Complaint."
POWER. iliiH
Secuie It let! oath* LTYIB, tkIBOWXLS tad I
th UDNE73 tt the ctat tioa.
I Because It olrantM the gygtam of I
■ the poisonous humors that develop# H
1 In Kidney and Urinary diseases, 81l- mm
WM lousness. Jaundice, Constipation, ■
■ Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia I
n * nd nervous disorders.
M KIIINRY-WOKT la adry vegrtahl, cans. |
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klliEill "^L'SS'X"^
■ immediate relief, Coras eases
I of long standing In I week.
vramr A<t printed on it ' Muck a fits of Stoat sad
Dr. J. r. Milter'i ngnatort, I'M I*. || a bottle. Sold
by all druggista. Kent by mail by J. P Mn.t.aa. M. !>.,
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Cultivate all the Farm Crops in the Beet Msnnert
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Address H A. BKTTS, lie N. THIRD Street,
Nr. Louis, Mo.
Stnrdmnt's Greet Catarrh Remedy
Is the safest. most agreeable and effectual remedy tn
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cognised n authority by the Department* of our
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thority.''—A'cw York iirrani.
For sale by ah Booksellers, r will be sent by mail
on rc*fpt.ot price, bv the Publishers,
J. IL Liri'lMOTT A (0., I'lillndrlptiia.
Those answering an advertisement wfl
confer a favor upon the advertiser and the
publisher by stating that they saw the adver
tisement tn this Journal (naming the paper.)
| "V>R Trice List of bast INVALID CHAIRS, ad-
JL dress with greeu stamp, Vt. N. W. Co., Spring
held, Vt.
CDriDTCMCN send addrees to A
drUnldlflLil CIS Norwich. N'. Y.,|or sam
ples o( fishing tacklo. You can save money by it.
I'KEKI Music Journal. C.A.COOK. Cleveland. O.
FELT CAKI'ETIXUN A)to4ftota. per yd. FELT
CEILING tor rooms in place of Plaster. FELT
HOOFING and HIDING. For Circular and Sam
pi.-, addioMi 0. J. FAY, Camden, New Jersey.
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Burpage* all other*ln quantity and quality of bnttrr made. It tecare# matured and ripened cream.
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trated circular to THEFERCffcsON MPG CO., iiiirlington, Yu •' llelisblc Agents Wanted.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures all Ramtrt, frep the worst Seremia'lo a
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Bench Skla, in short, all diseases caused by bad blood, are conquered by this powerful,
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It you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, hare sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots
on face or body, frequent headache or dissineae, bad taste in mouth, internal beat or chills
alternated with hot flushes, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from
Terpld Liver, or "Biliousness." As a remedy for all such eases Dr. Pierce's Golds*
Medical Discovery has no equal, as It effects perfect and radical cures.
In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Weak Langs, and early stages of Coa>
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Worn No nse of taking the largi, repulsive, nauseous pills. These
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S mm> a*
lA 11/ BV'_VaUn lie lag entirely vegetable, no particular care is required
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™Q yh Q*r Q4 m Constipation, Impure Blood, Pain la the Shoulders,
W\ wJ am Tightness ef Cheat, Dizziness, Soar Brnctatlons from
Tks ~ Tints tlsni" ffsihmiie ' * Stomach, Bad Tasto la Month, Billons attacks. Pain la
reglom of Kldaeys, lateraal Fever, Bloated feeling
I beat Stomach, Bash of Bleed to Mead, take Br. Pleree's Pleasant Purgative Pellets,
CEeited inANY OR ALI of the Newspapers named in the Diren*
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Advertisements in .the Best Positions, at Very Reasonable^Rates.
701 Oliostnut Street, PbAlada.
A New Temperance Song Book of low price, but
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uperitnen .' Costs but gIU per hundred, and I'ic.euU
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Contaltis twenty-four of the beet songs of this fa
mous com power, any three of which are worth the
moderate price of this flue volume, which is gi.UO.
All Sunday Schools that try It, take to WHITE
ftullKK {9O cts). No bettor Sunday School Song
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New England Conservatory
Method for the Pianoforte,
1#5.25, complete. In 3 parte, each 91-90.)
lias been for year* a standard and favorite mefhod
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Try TilK MUSICAL RECORD. Weekly. (9*oo
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Try GOSPEL OK JOT, (30 cts). Bewt "Gospel"
Oliver Dltson & Co., Boston,
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rrocrr npppß organ*. HS.M,
A untA I urrtn nP ward t piano* hm,
upward. Warranted • year*. Nrrosd
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Wauled. Illustrated CATALOGVK Free.
New York.
A GKNTS WtNTkD for "The Blb'.e In Pictnrae,"
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others, Chicago. Sold In numbers.
AdJreae ARi HUH BOTT, Albany, M. Y.
Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will JHJBL
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Don't delay a moment. Prevsntioß is better
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I. B. JOHNSON A CO., Banger, Ma
Pater-eon. N. J. aad Id Barclay SL, N. Y.
Flax, Hemp. Jute, Rope and Bsggtog Machinery ;
Steam Engines and Boilers of even- description;
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clusive manufacturer of the new Patent Baxter Port
able Engine. Theae engines are a great improve
ment over tbe old style, and are admirably adapted
for all kind* of agricultural and mechanical pur
poees. bend far descriptive circular. Address as
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Healtt of Body is Wealth of fill
Radway's Sarsaparlan Mot
Pure Mood makes Bound flesh, strong bont and
a dear ikln. If you would bare jrourfleah arm,
yonr bones sound, without carles, and your com
plexion fair, UH ludway'i laruparlUlu
is truly a victory in the healing art; that reason
ing power that clearly discerns DSFXOT and sup
plies a remedy; that restores step by step -by
degrees—the body which has been slowly at
tacked and weakened by am insidious disease,
not only commands our respect but deserves
our grat U ude. Dr. Had way has furnished man
kind with that wonderful remedy, Bad way's
RarMparllllas Resolvent, which aeoom-
Sllshea this result, and suffering humanity,
ho drag out an existence of pain and disease,
through long days and long nlghti, owe him
thslr gratl tU JS. Mtuieai Muttngtr.
We extract from Dr. Radwayt "Treatise on
disease and Its Cure," as follows;
List of Diseases Cured by
Railway's Sarsajarilliai BesolrenL
Chronic Skin Diseases, Carles of the Bone.
Humors in the Blood, Scrofulous Dtse <ses, Bad
or unnatural Habit of Body, Syphilis and Vene
real, Fever Soros. Chronic or old Ulcers, Salt
Hbsvm, Rickets, White Swelling, Seal t Head,
Uterine Affections, Cankers, Glandular Swell
lags, Nodes, Wasting and Decayvof the Body.
Pimples and Blotches Tumors, Dyspepsia, Kid
ney and Bladder Diseases, Chronic Rh umattsm
and Gout. Consumption, Gravel and Calculous
Deposits, and varieties of the above complaints
to which sometimes are given specious names.
We assert that there Is no known remedy that
possesses the curative power over theae dis
eases that RADWAVS RESOLVENT furnishes. It
cures, step by step surely, from the founda
tion, and restores the Injured parts to their
sound condition. The waste* uf the body
are stopped and Healthy blood Is sup
plied to tbe system, from which new ma
terial la formed. This is the Hast corrective
power of RADWAVS RXSOLTXKT In eases where
the system has been salivated, and Mercury,
Quicksilver, Corrosive Sublimate have accumu
lated and become deposited In the bones. Joints,
etc.. causing carles or the bones, rickets, spinal
curvatures, contortions, white swellings, vari
cose veins, etc.. Bars ar aat loan will resolve
away those deposits an i exterminate the virus
of the disease from the syst em. <S
If those who are taking these medicines for
the cure of Chronic. Bcr fuioua or Syphilitic dis
eases, however alow may be the cure, "teel bet
ter," ana find their general health improving,
their flesh and weight Increasing, or even keep
ing its own, is s sure sign that the cure is pro
gressing# In theae diseases the patient either
gets better or worse—the virus of the disease
is not inactive; if not arretted and driven from
the blood it will spread and continue to under
mine tbe constitution. As soon as the BAKSA
PAI LUAN makes the patient "feelbe'ter," every
boar you will grow better and increase in health,
strength and flesh.
The removal of these tumors by RASWAVs
> SOLVENT is now so oertalnly established that
what was once oo isidered alms t miraculous s
now a common recogntxd fact by all parties.
Witne.-s the cases of Hannah P. Kmpp, Mr*. C.
Krapf. Mrs. J. H. Jolly and Mrs. P. D. Hcndrlx,
pubiishei In our Almanac for ltTt; also that ot
Mrs a a. Btbbtns, m the present edition of Mr
'Falne and True."
Oss Dollar par Bottle.
Only requires minutes, not hours, to rstlsvt
pain and cure acute disease. q
Railway's Ready Relief,
In from ens to twenty minutes, never tails t#
relieve PAIN with one thorough appllctlon.
No matter how violent or excruciating the fain
the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled,
Nervous, Neuralgic, or proeurated with disease
may suffer, RAD WAT'S RMADT RELIEF will
afford instant ease.
toflammatloD of th Kidneys, Inflamma
tion of the Blndder, Inflammation of the
Bowels, Congestion of the Langs, Sore
Throw t. Difficult Breathing, Palpi ration of
the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria,
Catarrh, Infiuenaa, Headache, Toothache,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills,
Ague Chills, Chilblains, Frost Bites,
Bruises. Summer Complaint*, Coughs,
Cold, hpralns. Pains In the Chest, Bach or
Limbs, are Instantly relieved.
Fever and Ague cured lor Fifty Cents. There
is not a remedial agent In the world that will
cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious,
Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid. Tellow and ether
fevers (aided by RADWAVS PILLS) SO quick aa
RAD WAT'S Kb APT Kxuftr.
It will in a ew moments, when taken accord
ing to directions, cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour
Stomach, Heartburn. Rick Headache. Diarrhea L
Dysentery, Collo, Wind In the Bowels, and all
Internal Pains.
Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rab
at at s RSADT RxLisr with them. A few drops
In water will prevent sickness or pains from
change of water. It Is better than French
brandy or bitters AS a stimulant.
■lsenasd Lumbermen should always
ee provided with it.
All remedial agents capable of destroying life
by an overdo-e should be avoided. Morphine,
opium, strychnine, arnica, hyosdamus, and
other powerful remedies, does at certain times,
in very small doses, relieve the patient during
their action in the system. But perhaps the
second dose, if repeated, may aggravate and In
crease ths suffering, and another dose cause
death# There is no necessity tor using these
uncertain agents when a positive remedy lUn
RADWATU RBADT RILIXV will stop the most sx
oruoiating pain quicker, without entailing ths
toast difficulty la althar Is fast or ad'Uk
RADWATU READY RELIEF is the only remedial
agent in vogue that will instantly stop pain.
v Fifty Cepta per Bottle, j?
Rad way's Regulating Pills.
Perfbet Purgatives, Soothing Aperi
ents, Aet Without Palm, Always Relia
ble and Natural la tMelr Operatftoa.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with
sweet gum. purge, reguiate, purify, cleanse
and strengthen.
RADWAVS PILLS, for the cure of all disorders
of theS omach, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys Blad
der, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation,
oosttvenesa. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bllieus
orsa. Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles,
and all derangements of the Internal Viscera,
Warranted to effect a perfect cure. Purely veg
etable, containing no mercury, minerals or del
sterlous drugs. " a?
tw Observe thV following symptoms result
ing from Diseases of the Digestive Organs; Con
stipation, Inward Files, Fullness of the Blood
m the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea,
Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight
in the Stomach, Sour Eructa ions, SinkLNg or
Fluttering *t the Heart Choking or Suffering
Sensations when In a lying posture, Dimness of
Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever
and Dull P&m in the Head, Deficiency of Per
spiration. Yellowness; of the Skin and Eyes, Pala
in the Side, Cheat, Limbs, and Sudden Flushes
of Heat Burning in the Flesh.
A few doses of RADWAVS PELLS will free the
System from all the above-named disorder!.
Price, 23 Cents per Box.
Send a letter stamp to BAD WAY Jfc CO.,
No. S3 WARREN, cor. CHURCH St, New York.
Information worth thousands will be sent you.
ThelPurestand Best Medicine ever Made.
Aeoumhination of Hops, Buehu, Man
d rattle Dandelion, with all the best and
most c% lira tive properties of all other Bitters,
makea\the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver
Reg U IB ator,and Life and Health Restoring
Agent onWQffiWMM earth.
So disease an possibly long exist where Hop
Bitters are ua\ed,ao railed and perfect are their
c perattonaffiKffi
Zwj givt aewliV# and vigor to the tgti and hflm
To all whose e%mploymcnts cause Irregular!
ty of the ui-inary organs, or who ra
quire an and mild Stimulant,
Bop Bitters are without Intox
icating. ffiffiffik _
No matter what your few ennga or symptoms
are what the disease or ailwnent is use Hop Bit
ters. Don't wait unti' you al'v slok but If you
only feel bad or miserable,* use them at once.
It may save has® saved hundreds.
$BOO will be paid for a caw they will not
cure or help. Do not suffer % or ' e ' : you r friends
suffer,but use and urge themV uso Hop B
Remember, Hop Bitters is drugged
drunken nostrum, but the n d Best
Medicine ever made j the HOEXD
and DOPX" and no person Or
should be without them.
D.I.C. Is an absolute and ffiffi
forDrunkeness, use of opium, tobacco and I Ml
Rochester ,N.Y and Toronto, Out.
O/V Superb Rosebud, Chromo Cards, or 20 all
A\9 Flowered Motto, with uame, lb cts. Nassau
Card Co., Na>-fcau, N Y.