Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, May 27, 1880, Image 4

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pleasant as well as profitable feature of
tanning In Steuben county, N. Y., is
the annual harvesting ol the liquid
produce of the maple. To the world in
general the process of sugar-making is
comparatively unknown. All agree in
saying the present has been a good sea
son tor sugar-making, a cold winter
being necessary to insure a profitable
spring harvest. Then, when the sun
swings high in thdjheavens, the beds of
ice move out of the streams, and na
ture's pulse begins to beat, the sugar
maker armed with a half-inch bit, is
seen boring the trees, penetrating very
little under the bark. A metallic sap
spout, with hook attached to hang the
bright tin bucket on, is driven under
the hole, the trees tapped this way
wasting no sap, and cleanliness being
secured. The first 4, run" is the best,
like the head wines, of the European
vineyards; the sugar that first reaches
the market bringing a large price be
cause of its superior quality and flavor
—always providing that the unprinci
pled grocers does not reuielt it and add
two-thirds of inferior brown sugar,
thereby swelling bis profits by swind
ling his customers and searing his con
science. A well regulated sugar oamp
has leaders made of tin orciean wooden
troughs leading to some central point.
The buckets are emptied into the lead
ers. and the bush is drained into huge
receiving tinks or vats. The process
of boiling is an interesting one. The
boiling-pans shou'd be made of sup> r or
Russian iron or heavy copper, with in
side cross partitions, pans should
be about ten feet long and set in arches
of brick, the cross partition being set
three inches apart and open at alternate
ends. Thus the sweet water travels a
great distance, and over a moderate
ti.*e. When it drops from the pans it
is called B}*rup, and weighs eleven
pounds to the gallon. The syrup is
carefully strained through heavy wool
en cloths. When thoroughly cleansed
it is put in kettles, and this Is called
"syruping down." Two eggs and one
quart of milk are necessary In cleans
ing sixteen gallons of syrup, heating
slowly over a fire and skimming un
til it comes to a boiling point. To
this is added a small piece of butter,
when one has a superior quality of
sugar, such as rarely finds its way luto
Americau markets. The superintend
ant of Agriculture says that 40,000,000
pounds of maple sugar is made annually
in the United States.
iment was made at a foundry in Placer
ville, lately in fruit-curing, by blasts of
cold air. In this experiment about a
peck of sliced apples were placed in a
sieve and subjected to a cold air blast
lor three hours in the cupola furnace
of the foundry, and the fruit is report
ed to have been completely and beauti
fully cured by the treatment, remain
ing soft without the slightest discolor
ation. We were about to say dried,
but cured is a better word, for there
there was Hone of that hard, hi still
dryness about it which frequently re
sults by sun-heat or flre-heai. The ex
periment was a most gratifying success,
and, in our judgment, is fraught with
results of great importance to the grow -
ers and manipulators of fruit. The
blast of cold air completely frees the
fruit from its excess of moisture, with
uo possibility of burning or shriveling
It. Compared with our sun-drying, it
effects a great saving expense, atten
tion and risk. Anybody who can com
mand or devise a strong blast of cold
air, can dry fruit in a superior—we
might say peifeet—manner, without
being dependent on the weather and
waiting on the slow process of sun
drying, and without the most expen
sive resort to fuel and risk of overheat
in eggs is the result of one or two
causes—either the food on which the
fowls are fed, or the substance on
which the eggs are laid. This may be
easily tested by shutting up a laying
hen, and giving her garlic or malted
barley to eat. Another theory is—but
we cannot speak of it with the same
certainty—that an egg laid in any
strong-smelling substance will contract
it. This is explained by the fact that
the shell, when the egg is Mrst laid, is
comparatively soft and impressionable,
and only hard after contact with toe
atmosphere. Let your birds be whole
somely fed on plain food, and your
nests be made with clean straw, Hay
nests have a :eudency to make eggs
There is no better base for compost
than leaf mould of the forest. All the
ilead animals of the farm, the refuse
brine and vegetables, the leached ashes,
the woolen rags, feathers of the slaugh
tered fowls, and hair of the slaugh
tered hogs should be scrupulously ad
ded to the compost heap. If, on enter
ing the village grocery, you smell old
brine or putrid fish, oiler the merchant
to take the nuisance off his hands. They
will make a valuable addition to the
compost heap. If there is a woolen or
paper mill or a tannery, these estab
lishments will furnish you uiuch valu
able refuse matter for composting.
DWARFED TREES. —The passion for
possessing miniature trees and shrubs
of various kinds may be mentioned as
one of the traits peculiar to Chinese
and Japanese gardeners, who take great
pains in producing them. A dwarf
ed umbrella pine, reared in a moderate
sized flower-pot, has taken ten or
twelve years to bring to a state of per
fection, Although scarcely sixteen
inches in height, it has the proportion
ate character of a full sized tree. Such
examples are very expensive, being
eagerly bought by rich Japanese ama
teurs for the decoration of their dwell
the upper portion of the straw on the
cereals becomes yellow, no further in
crease takes place in the weight of the
seed. If the grain be not cut down
soon after the appearance of thi• sign
its quality deteriorates and its weight
a lump of butter in a saucepan, and set
it on some embers until it begins to
inelt; then take it off, and stir one way
until the whole is melted. It should be
white and quite thick.
Safety from a Pestilential Scourge.
Pr. tectum from the uieease, not a medici
nal agent which merely checks the paroxysms,
is the grand desideratum wherever the en
demic scourge of malaria prevails. Quinine
does not afford this protection. The chief
reason why Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has
won such immense popularity IB that it pre
pares the system to lesist the malarial pest
This it does by brae ug. aud toning the phys
ical organism ; regulat ng and promoting an
equal flow and distribution of the animal
fluids, and establishing digestion on a sound
basis. Not only is fever and ague prevented,
but the worst types of the disease are oon
quered by it Suoh is the only just conclu
sion to be drawn from the overwhelming evi
dence in its favor. It is equally efficacious in
dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint and
general debility, aud rheumatie complaint,
aud is a reliable diuretic aud nervine.
A GENTLEMAN called his servant one
day and informed htm ho wished him
to learn the name of the books lathe
Bible. "Now," said he, "I will tell
you the first, aud during the day I will
ask you what it is, to see if you remem
ber; it is Genesis."
Later in the day Bob was called, but
he could not remember what It v. as.
"Now," said the master, "I have away
to impress it upon your mind so you
canuot forget It. Now, Bob, we itave
an old hoss in the stable. What do we
call li?"
"Correct. And we have a little girl
in the kitchen; what do we call her?"
"Very well; now put the two to
gether and you have Jenny—Sis—Gene
sis. 1 think you can remember it un
til to-morrow."
"Yes, sir."
The next morning Bob was summon
ed to appear before bis master. "Good
momlng, Bob. Can you give mo the
name ot the first book in the Bible this
"Yes, sir."
"Well, what is It ?"
"The ole hoss, sir."'
THK Chinese must go, and all Amer
icans should go—and buy a bottle of
Carbollne, the deodorised petroleum
hair renewer and dresser. Since the
recent improvement, no preparation
ever had such a sale or gave such gen
eral satisfaction as Carbollne. Sold by
all druggists.
LITTLE Edith (who has heard her
maxima speak of blighted affections) —
"Mamma, and you think if a person is
really and truly in love It would he
wicked to deprive her of the object ol
her affections ?" Mamma—"Why. cer
tainly, Edith, dear; but where In the
world did you learn all that?" Edith—
I heard you tell it to Mrs. Jinglejaw to
day. And, mamma, I'm awfully in
love with that piece ot cake in the cup
board." It is needless to say that
Edith and the object of her affections
were immediately united.
PROFESSOR PROCTOR complains that
the intelligent compositor made him
say "links, bonds and stripes for the
violent kind of spectres," instead ot
"lines, bands and stria in the violet
part of spectra." There may be some
difference In the meaning of the sent
ences, but the compositor's sounds the
more intelligible, and if lie were em
ployed to "set up" all tho Professor's
lectures, ninety-nine per cent, more
readers would understand them.
A SHORT article going the rounds of
the press is entitled "Mow to Cook a
Husband." If he has a voice in the
matter he would prefer to be "toasted"
—at the club; but when he goes home
and kicks up a family broil, ho ought
to be "basted." A "chafed" husband
is uot desirable. Perhaps, after all, it
would be best to par-boil him, for often
pa bolls with rage when he is obliged
to meander up and down the chamber
at midnight with a squalling intant in
his arms—we've been told.
NEW remedies and old ones under
new names are being constantly intro
duced to the public, but Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup still takes the lead for the
cure of Cough, Colds etc. Price, 25
Two sons of the Shah of Persia are
rivals for the throne, and one of them
has had engraved on his sword the
words: "With this steel I will mur
der my brother," and caused the fact
to be eommuicated to the latter. That
boy has read too many dime novels.
The next thing we shall hear that lie
lias started West to exterminate a few
thousand Indians. His brother should
have him arrested and put under bonds
to keep the peace.
DOCTOR MOUNTAIN, whose wit please l
on all occasions, being at Court with
Goorge 11., who liked his company on
that account, news was brought to the
King of a vacant bishopric. "I know
not," said his Majesty, Mountain in
stantly rose, and, putting his hand D
--on his breast, said, "If thou hadst faith
as a grain of mustard-seed, thou wouldst
say to this Mountain, "Be thou re
moved, and east into the see !"
w hen allowed to dissolve In the mouth,
have a direct influence on the inflamed
parts, allaying Pulmonary Irritation,
and giving relief in Coughs, Colds, and
the various Throat Troubles to wbich
Singers and Public Speakers are liable.
A SOUTHERN cat couid not be induced
to go through a hole except by back
ing. The secret was that in going
through a hole in a corn-rick one day.
in the usual way, a terrier made a grab
just as she was disappearing and bit
ner tail oft'.
"llow do you contrive to amuse
yourself?" "Amuse," said the other,
startling, "do you know* 1 have my
house work to do?" "Yes," was the
answer, "I see you have it to dp; but
as it is never done. I conclude you must
.have ome other way of ra sing vour
A WORTHY couple in a Massachusetts
town had lost their only daughter and
were deeply depressed. As they sat
one evening in the drawing-room,
heaving sighs at intervals, the wife
remarked: "Well, George, there is
one consolation. Situated as we are,
we could never have gotten .lane into
Boston society."
THE rising generation ought to be
protected against the stupefying in
fluence of Opium preparations. We call
the attention of all mothers to the fact
that Dr. Bull's Baby Svrub is absolute
ly free from Laudanum or other
Opia tea.
An inquisite Westfleld <hap is an
xicus to know if Longfellow had in
mind a Ute chief w hen he w rote "This
is the forest's prime evil."
iSHARP old lady—The mother of
"Became Sound and Well"
R. V. PIERCE, M. D.:
Dear Sir —My wife, who has been ill
for over two years, and has tried many
other medicines, became sound and well
by using your Favorite Prescription.
My niece was also cured by its use,
after several physicians had failed to do
her any good. Yours truly,
"Best or All."
BALTIMORE, Md., March 5, 1879.
Dear Sir —My family have used your
Favorite Prescription and it has done
ail that is claimed for it. It is the
of' all preparations for women com
plaints. I recommend It to all families.
G. S. WATERMAN, Druggist.
HANGING rr COATS.—A heavy gnr
uient, like an overcoat, if hung by the
loop at the back of the collar, will soon
stretch out of shape by it own weight,
to avoid this, various devices have been
made some of wire and others of wood.
A piece of hard-wood, long enough to
reach from the out-shleof one sleeve to
that of the other, will answer the pur
pose; it should have a hole bored
through center, or a loop of strong cord
to hung It upon the nailor hook. U nder
couts and vests may be hung in same
way. For the "best suit" this little
matter is of considerable importance to
all who desire coats not to be full in
the hack of the neck, and therefore,
out of shape.
AI*PLK SNOW. —Six fine pippins; two
cups powdered sugar; one lemon—juice
and half the grated peel; one nlut of
milk for custard ; four eggs. Slake a
good custard of t lie milk, one cup of
sugar and the yolks. Bake the apples
—core, skins and all—in a covered
dish, with a little water in the bottom
to prevent burning. The apples should
be so tender that a straw will pierce
them. Take off tho skins and scrape
out the pulp, mix in the sugar and
lemon; whip the whites of the eggs
light, and beat in the pulp by degrees
untsl very white and firm. Put the
Custard, when cold, into the bottom ol
a glass bowl, and pile the snow U( o i it.
BKKK SOLI*. —Three pounds beef,
three carious, one turnip, one bunch of
celery, four onions, two bunches ol
leeks, tablespoon of salt, pepper to
taste; cut the meat into pieces the size
of an egg; vegetables to be washed,
scraped, aud cut into suiall pieces; put
all iuto a large saucepan, with four or
five quarts of water; boil very gently
one whole day; let it stand all night;
carefully take off the fat next day; add
oue pinch of cayenne popper; make the
soup boiling hot and serve.
LAVENDER WATER. —Oil of English
lavender, 4 oz; alcohol. 5 pius; rose
water, 1 pint; mix anil distil, 5 pints.
An excellent lavender water, obtained
by simple mixture, is produced from
the subjoined formula: Ola of laven
der and bergamot, of each 3di m.-; otto
of rose and oil of t loves, of each t'
drops; oil of ro'emary and essence ot
musk, of each, drm; benzoic acid,
v., drm.; honey, I oz • alcohol, I pint;
esprit de ri sos, 2 oz. Mix well and keep
till old.
MYSTERY SOLVED. —The great secert
of the wonderful success of VKOETIXE.
It strikes at the root ot disease by pun
tying the blood, restoring the liver and
kidneys to healthy action, invigorating
the nervous system.
BARLF.Y WATER. —To a tablespoon FUL
of pear barley, washed In cold water,
add two or three Km pa of sugar and
tiie juice of half a lemon. On these
pour one quart of boiling water, and
let it stand seven cr eight hours; strain;
never use the barley a second time.
Half an ounce of isinglass may be boll
ed in the water. Increase the sugar if
desirable. For fevers or weak stomachs
a strenghening drink.
BROWN BETTY.— AII the clean bits
and fragments of bread are dried cri-p
in the stove oven with the door open,
then rolled, and bread-crumbs are al
ways at hand. Sliced apples, bread
crumbs, sugar, cinnamon and a deep
piuldiug dish. A layer of apples, sugar,
spice, crumbs; apples, sugar, spice,
crumbs, and so on until the disli is lull.
FRUIT PlE. —Apples, pears, peaches,
pluius, raspberries, strawberries and
blackberries are all made alike. Make
a good crust, till the dish quite full of
the raw fruit and add sugar, a little
water, spoonful of tiour, and bits ot
butter; cover and bake slowly, to pre
vent the juice from boiling over.
LADIES who have difficulty In making
their hair remain crimped may And the
following of u 4 e: Let live cents' worth
of gum arabic be dissolved in a very
little hot water and left stand over
night in enough alcohol to make it
thin; then bottle. The hair should be
wet with tiie mixture before being
To MAKE SAUSAGES.— Take tender
pieces of fresh pork, chop them very
fine, with some of the leaf fat, in the
proportion of three pounds of lean to
one pound of fat. Season very highly
with pepper and a small quantity of
dried sage rubbed to a powder. Fry in
WASHDAY Is a holiday, thanks to
Dobbins' Electric Soap, (made by Cra
gin & Co., Phila.,) which h rapidly
coming into general use. It acts like
magic, and bleaches clothing without
injuring the fabric. Try it.
CRANBERRY SAUCE. —Put a quart of
clean cranberries into a saucepan with
a cupful of cold water; stew slowly
stirring often, tor an hour and a half;
take from the fire and sprinkle abund
antly with white sugar; rub through a
fine culander, and set to fortn in a wet
EGG SABCE.— BoiI two eggs ten min
utes. Chop the white ß , put them with
the yolks, and chop toge her. but not
very flue. Put in a quart *r of a pound
of nice but er melted, and pour them
into a boat. .
Instruments jor Travelers. —1 11 H lec
ture to Li e French Geographical Socie
ty, M. D' Abbadie has discussed the
re'ative merits of tli® sextant and theo
dolite a3 applied to the determination
of ch 1 .tii|ii e and longitude f places
in unexplored countries. M. D'Abbadie
infists strongly on the dis: dvantages
of the sextant. The fact that an ang e
of more than 110 deg. canot be meas
ured with the sextant makes it
impossible to observe the meridian
altitude of the sun in the tropics, whilst
observation by night require artificial
light which a traveller in wild regions
finds it difficult to procure. Further,
in, constructing a map azimuths are re
quired, and these are so dicffiult to
obtain with a sextant that they are
rarely taken. M. D'Abbadie, there
fore, recommends the theodolite as the
most useful instrument for travelers;
and he describes a pattern which he
has found very serviceable. In this
instrument a prism is placed in front
of the object glass (which is more
powerful than in most theodolites of
its size), and thus the telescope is al
ways horizontal, a convenient form of
construction. The whole weighs 1%
pounds, without its case. The tripod
is formed of three rattan canes, wh'cti
are screwed on to a wooden triangle.
In determining azimuths with this in
strument M D'Abbadie recommends
the well-known method of equal alti
COUGH, when a remedy, safe and certain as Dr.
Jayne's Expectorant can be so easily procured.
Sore Throat and Lungs are speedily helped by
Chronic Loo-enes* of the Bowels re-
Mills from imperfect digestion, wnl
tl 1* Tom stomach Irregularities
and interruptions. The cause lies in
the torpidity of the Liver, and the cure
is, take Simmons' Liver Regulator to
uul digestion, to stimulate the dull and
sluggish Inver and to regulate the
"For twenty months I was : 111ictod
w.vti Dlarrhcca. Numbers of physi
cians prescribing for mo missed my
case—their medicine, mostly astring
ent, aggravating my condition. I was
advised to use the Simmons' Liver Reg
ulator. Tins medicine soon indicated
the proper diagnosis—an impure mat
ter, secreted from a disordered Liver,
and, coursing the passage of the bow
els, irritated and inflamed to a diseased
condition. In a tow weeks the medi
cine corrected it. I was restored to
perfect health and have remained so
over two years, no symptoms having
returned. I use it In my family as a
specific for all disorders originating in
disordered Liver. "J auks G. 'lihon,
Bagdad, Texas."
Rurmah, a Kingdom on the Indo-
Chinese Peninsula, lias, as it now ex
ists, three well-marked divisions,
Northern Hurmah, Rurmah proper,
and the Eestern JShan. tributary States.
The inhabitants belong to the branch
of the MongoliJtc distinguished by a
monosyllabic language; they are short
headed, broad-skulled, ll it-faced, have
black hair, and dark brown skiu, and
resemble (lie Mongols more than the
Hindus. Bo h sexes wear a white jack
et, called in-yie; the men wrapping
rouud the lower part of the body the
put-so, several yards long, and the wo
man wealing tlie k-niiiui, a scant silk
or cotton garment, to which are added ;
011 occasion silk muslins, and gold or
naments. The men and women alike
smoke cigars and chew betel-nuts to
excess. The former arc, for the most
part, robust and well made, and excel
in boxing, rowing, wrestling, and
otlie • athletic exercises, and have con
siderable mechanical skill. The houses
are a framework of bamboo, thatched
with the water-palm, and are built on
posts several feet from the ground.
I'lie women are more industrious than
the men, buy, sell, weave, and attend
to domestic duties. Both sexes are
very fond of feasting, sight-seeing.
bulToonery, theatricals, and bull'alo
tlghting. The natives are attached to
their liouie, though they aie far from
patriotic. Without individual cruelty,
they arc indifferent to the shedding of
blood by their rulers, and, while tem
perate ami hardy, are hostile to disci
pline and continued labor of any sori. !
When in authority, they are often ar
rogant, tyrannical, and corrupt. Be
sides the genuine Burmans, a variety of
taees inhabits the Kingdom. The
Mouans, or Telalng*, descended from
the ancient Peguans, are largely amal
gamated with regular natives, and the
Shan, or Tal, the most numerous, per
haps ot the Indo-Chinese people, are
distributed over the peneinsula from
Munnipore to Bangkok. Some of the
Eastern Shan States aie tributary to
Bu&mah, others to Siam, those west ot
the Irawaddy being entirely uuded
Burmah rule. Buddhism, the prevail
ing religion, haw/ccn preserved in
great purity; its sfrines, temples, and
monuments are numberless, and its
festivals rigidly observed. The Gov
ernment is hereditary ami despotic,
the soyercigu being assisted by a coun
cil of the nobility, over whose mem
bers he exercises a kind of feudal jur
A Good Thing to Know.
Eyery man and woman in the land
ought to know that Kidney-Wort is a
sure and safe cure for all diseases
caused by the failure ot the bowels or
kidneys to perform their duties. Do
not fail to try it Reporter.
Fotato Omelet. —Take five ounces
of potatoes mashed, pepper, salt, and a
little nutmeg; mix it with five eggs pre-
well beaten separately. Squeeze
In a little lemon juice, and fry nicely.
Important to Sufferers.
The greatest benefactor is one who relievo*
p&iu and cures disease. Dr. Silsbt-e liaa ac
complished both by hia miiaculous discovery
of "Anakeeis," an absolute, ea-y, rapid and
infallible cure for I'ILBS in all thapea of de
velopment. 20 000 sufferers testify to its
virtue. It ia a simple suppository, acting as
an instrument, poultice and medic ne. The
relief is instant, and cure certain. Price $ 1.00
per box. Katnp e sent free on application to
"Anakesis" Depot. Box 3016, New York. For
sale by ail tiret-claos diuygieta.
A Valuable Gift Free.
A bonk on the Livea, its diseases and their
treatment sent free. Inclndinp treatises upon
Liver Complaints, Torpid Livir, Jaundice,
Biliousness, 11 adacne. Constipation, Dyspep
sia, Malaria, etc. Address Dr. ban ford, 162
Broadway, New York oity, N. Y.
A CARD.—To all who are suffering from the er
rors and iuuiacretiona of jouth, nervous w aknes*,
early decay. lon* oi nmnlioo t, etc.. I will send a Ke
cipe that will cure you. Fans oF Chargk. This
great remedy wa,dierov red by a missionary in South
America. Send a self addretoed envel n to tb ■ ltev.
JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. New York City.
The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.
Will send their celebra ed Electro Voltaio
Belts to the afflicted upon 30's trial.
Speedy cures guaranteotL They mean what
they say. Write to them without delay.
M TfTe Only EVledicine fcj
II That Acts at the Same Timo on
l| The Liver, the Bowels and the Kidneys. M
O These great organs are the natnral cleans- M I
H crs of the system. If they work well, health rl
■ 1 will be perfect; if they become clogged, Ml |
J Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jann- U
■fl dice, Constipation and Piles, or Kid- W
II are developed because the blood Is poisoned Ij
M with the numors that should have been J
[1 will restore the healthy action and all these 1
hi destroying evils will ne banished; neglect 1
M them and you will live but to sufTcr. J
|B Thousands have been cured. Try It and you fl
IL3 will add one more to the number. Take it ■
■ and health will once more gladden your heart. U
|1 Why Suffer laager from the torment of aa Aehlagb,kt ■
I ' Why berueh(lUtret from C'ußllpUon mdl llet II
IJ KIDNEY- WORT will cure you. Try a pack- II
■I age at once and be satisfied. Bfl
It is a dry vegetable compound and
H One Package makes six quarts of Medicine. M
fl Your Druggist has it, or trill get it for W
|| you. Insist upon having it. Price, SI.OO.
Ifl WELLS, BICEABDSON k CO., Proprietors. |J
UI O (Will (n<i pot paid.) Burlington, Vt. ™
Purifies the Blood, Renovates
and Invigorates the
Whole System.
All Writers, and Their Names are
ItCyton, Say that to Have
Uood Health
Header, Have You Got Scrofula, Scrofu
lous Humor, Cancerous Humor,
Cancer, or any Disease
of the Blood ?
You Can Positively be C ured.
Tlioumhimlm oi' TeMtliuo
iiiali* Prove It.
DruggUta, Chemists, Speak. Indorse and
Kecommend it as th'e B st aud
Only Eeliable
Monthkal, Jan..
If. K. Stkvkns, Esq —near sir: 1 do not like
to write lestiiuonialh lor aUvcrtlsi d uied oluea,
but the great 1 eneiit that to many of my cuv
tomeiH have obtained from the uae of Vegettne
com pots uie to say thai with an experience of
overs'' yearn, both in Greit Britain and this
countrv, I have never known such a useful
remedy placed before the public.
Assistant of the Apothecaries Company, Lon
don, M mb r of the Pharmaceutic a Hoc iy of
Great Britain. LU-etnlate In Pharmacy of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Corner Noire Dame and McGili streets.
"V emetine
Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists.
Palenon. Hi. J. and lO Barclay ML, X. T.
Flux, lie, op. Jute, hope and B-gitiiig Mach'nery;
St-M in Endues aud Boilers of every de-cripttuu,
ItotM'iiiK Miti hinery fi>r miner,, ho. Owner and ex
clusive manufacturer of the new Pateut Baxter Port
able Ki.mii e 1 hea>- envinsa are a great linsrove
men! over the old aiyle, and ara admirably drt"d
for all kind, of and uiecbarlcai pur
pose,. bend for dsciiptlve circular, Address as
above. •
Cultivate all the Farm Crop, in the Best Manner.
Brsed.Feed and OareforStoek, Grow Fruit; Manage I
Farm Busmen,. Make Happy Home*, and
How to Make lUtmejr on me Farm.
■ vcv Farmer should has a ropy ABO Pages.
14© Illustrations. Send for circular, to
J. C. McCUHDV M CO.. Philadelphia. Pa.
SCT V tg suliad with apectaoiea, apply t
oorreapond to
DR. N. O. OKAY, Optician,
PhUadelpula. Pa.
ter. Pa. . re opens January 7. Civil engineering
Chemistry, Classics and Fnall-h. Degrees con'er red,
colonel TH EO HA I'TY. Pres.
Berry t'riatea and Banket, Heat and cheapest
madr. Free Circular. N D. Pa'tereo-,
Bntlalo. N. Y.
n>. n. s w i.\ i Hot •• 110 lltb lu Pictures."
" containing J> Engraving, by Jnitus rchnoir
v >n C rol-f-ld. Thi- work la hivhlv indorsed by
Pres. Ch-db WU|iara*Col ge; B -h >p Boane,
Mbauv; ltev. Dr. P"e:. St. I oiils, li, F 1, Patton, ,
J"bu Pwldl... U. w Thimaa, Ceo. U. Peak# and
oibera, Chicago. Sold iu uumt>era.
Ad ir. aa ARIUCA MOTT. Albany, H. T.
Jehnieß'i Anodyne T.tnlncnt will post
lively prevent this terrible disease. ax:d wll
pC'Sltlvely cure nine cases la ten. lufrnmatloc
that will save many lives sent free by mall
Doht delay a moment. PrerentLa is better
than cure. Sold everywhere.
I. N. JOHNSON dk CO., Itaater, He.
mjfin n reward ?ik:
" I I I I I I I Blind. Itobuig, cr Ulcerated
| I I I I Pile* that Oeßtng'a Pile
1 a I I | | I I | Hrint-dy failatocurcL Gives
■ immediate relief, cures cases
I of long standing in 1 week,
fl and ordinary cases in S day,.
vramvr boa ririnfe./ on it in bhwk a Pile of fftotuu and
Pr. J. /•. Milfer'i rignaturr, Phila. A 1 a bottle. Sold
by all druggists. S--nt by mail by J. P. MILtXB. M. It,
Flour- sTW. oor. Tenth and Arch Bla- Ptuiaaa. .Pa. .
S Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery enres all Humors, from the worst Scrofulu ,o a
ioounon Blotch, Pintple, or Eruption, Erysipelas, Anll-rheum. Fever Ho res, Scaly or
Rough tiklu, in short. all diseases caused by bad blood, arc conquered by this powerful,
purlfving, and invigorating medicine.
Especially has it manifested its potency in curing Tetter, Rose Rash, Rolls, Carbaa*
cles, Hore Eyes, Scrofulous Bores and Swellings, Whtto Swellings, Goitre er Thick
Neck, and Enlarged Glands.
If you feci dull, drowsv, debilitated, have sallow oolor of skin, or yellowish-brown spot®
on face or body, frequent "headache or dizziness, bad taste In mouth, internal beat or ohilla
alternated with hot flushes, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, yon are suffering frcm
Torpid Liver, or " Biliousness." As a remedy for all snch cases Dr. I'ierce'a Golden
Medical Discovery has uo equal, as it effects perfect and radioal cures.
In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Ceagha, Week Langs, and early stages of Con
sumption, it has astonished the medical faculty, and eminent physicians pronounce It the
greatest medical discovery of the age. Sold by druggists.
Noose of taking the large, repulsive, nauseous pills. These
a Pellets (LiUle lulls) are scarcely larger tlsau mustard
\bTl\aVPft C seeds.
. WWT,' ■- Jr.X,'! Being entirely vegetable, no particular care is required
\G a S a\\v while using them. Tnev ojerate without disturbance to the
VVV VU O svstem, diet, or occupation. For Janndlee, Headache,
9O m, (x\\ q+ R Constipation, Impure Blood, Pain In the Shoulders,
WW e® Tightness of iliest, Dizziness, Sour Ernetatlens from
A Tha - xjttis oi*nt" CathsrUo. Stomach. Bad Taste in Month, Billons attache, Pain in
oiant catoaruo. of internal Fever, Bloated feeling
about Stomach, Bush or Blood to Head, take lr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellet*.
Sold by druggists. WUULD'S DLSPENSAUY MEDICAL ASSOCIATIVE, Prop'n, Buffltlo, K. I.
Surpasses all others In quantity sad quality of butter made. It secures matured and ripened cream,
which mutes butter of tho best texture, flavor, and of uncqualcd keoplng quality. It excludes flies, dust
nn 1 odors; Is constantly at the correct temperature (58* to 00°); has room for "the cream and butter, and
saves three-fourths the labor. It can be used with either Ice or water, and both summer and winter.
THE FF.IIGUMIN CONCUSSION CHURN lathe best. It combines scientific principles with
tho best labor saving devices. No floats or paddles. Wrings the butter In granular form, and secures the
largest yield. Hefor buvlng snv other Churn or Croninen orany pans.or cans, send fot large Illus
trated circular to TllE FERGTBON SIF'O CO., llurlingtoa, VL •* liellshle Agents wanted.
nserted in ANT OR AEI of the Newspapers named in the Dlreor
tory for O\E TIME, or for ONE TEAR, in the best
positions, which are carefully watched, at the
LOWEbf PRICES, on application to
at either of their offices In
For Advertisers without charge, for insertion in a CHOICE 8 Els EC
TION of Newspapers, or for the BEST Newspapers in
ANT City, Town, County or Section.
Advertisements in the Best Positions, at Very Reasonable* Bate s.
701 Olieatnut Street, Piiilada.
New Music Books.
Common Praise Hymnal,
coversi, bv J. U. WATKKBURt. IS a wonderluliy
d. compact and cb*p wolletlou of 160 standard
hvmu tune*, 170 slaudar* hymns, and numerous
( hauls. Exsmlne for Sunday fcehuol or Cougrega
New Flower Queen, SOOT/j T !£
vised and improved by the author, arid is a Hue can
tata for May and Flower Tim*.
Emerson's Anthem Book, (,?L*U,
EMLliduN. A very superior Anthem Hook.
WHITE KOIIKH. (30 cts.) •
Best Sunday School Bong Book.
RnViinnnnaH* ( els. > Good mnslo, a poam
ACUlllSOnaae, torcoite.tabi NUiindinmi
lur at-tlnn. fnutidod utH>n tha adventurea of " Poor
Robinson Crusoe." By A DARK.
Best Temperance Bosk.
Field of Honor; ,", r ;T7
A famous opera. Just published.
The Sorcerer, ( oVte.' BULLIVA * ,BbMt
Any book mailed, post-free, for above prices.
Oliver Ditson A Co., Boston.
J. E. DITSOK A 00. 122A f'heetcnt St.. Phlla.
V iiypiisp swsassssaaaasaaMssaaaasMSaasmssasi ■ Wk ■HsmarnasMaamaawwa——— H
OECUBB THE BEST. Don't set Eggs fr-m 9~>
lowls. The f vorlta Brahmas,"The
f r all puriK-es"— A mrr ten a ifrtrS'Mrut. " Mors
free from dlsea-e than anv bre-d"— I nets Wright.
V.ggg f-on prime stock, S per 13; two sitting- for
•5. guaranteed. Vd. K. BCBBA&D,
Box S. Tottenville, Rlchmna Co.. N. T.
An Knglis- Vetarnary Surgeon and Chemiet-now
traveling in this country ,sa>s that most of the Horse
and Cattle Powdsr. here are worthies* trash. Hs
says that fhcridan'swondltion Powders are abso
lutely pure and tmiumarly valnatde. Noth ng oa
earth will make bens lay like Sheridan's Condition
Powders. I'iet, one tearpoon to on- pint Of feed,
hold everywhere, or seni by ">al! tor eight letter
stamp*. 1. 8. JOHNSON A CO., Banger, Ma.
StnnliTanCs Great Catarrli Remedy
I* the safest, most aitreeabl* and eff-ctnal remedy In
the world for the cure of CATARRH. No matter
from what cans*, or how long standing, by giving
a fair and Impartial trial, yon will be eoavinced ef
Ihlsfaet. This medicine ts very pleeaant andean
be taken by the most delicate stomach. For sale by
all Druxrtsts, ami by HOLLOWAY A CO., 80S Arch
Street, Philadelphia.
Embracing fnll and authentic accennta of every
nation ol ancient and modern times, and including a
history of the rise and fall of th- Greek and Roman
Empires, the middle ages, the rro-ades. the feudal
sjst-m. the reformation, the discovery and settle
ment of the New World, etc., etc.
It contains S7S tine hist- ricnl engravings, ard Is
the m<>s c triplet* History of the W rid e< er pub
lished. Bind for specimen pages and extra t rms to
Agents. Address
utiia n Bin iiwit k mi
Baflwafs Sarsaparillian Mn\
Pure blood makes sound flesh, strong boas aa
a dear akin. 11 you would have your flesh Arm,
yonr bonea sound, without cartes, and your eon*
Kxlon fair, use Eadwaj'i Sarsaparllllar
M To euro a SUKONIO or urns STANDI** WUM*M
Kb truly a victory In the healing art; that reason
lag power that clearly discerns owner and sup
Tea a remedy; that restores step by step—by
gross—the body whlca has been slowly as
tacked and weakened by an insidious disease,
not only commands our respect but deserves
our gratitude. Dr. Radway has furnished man
kind with that wonderful remedy, kadwar'i
■arsisparllllan Bssslvest which aooosa
pushes this result, and suffering humanity,
who drag out an existence or pain and disease,
through long days and long nights, owe him
their gratitude. "—Msatoal Muunggr.
We extract from Dr. Radway*s "Treatise ee
disease and Its Cure," as follows;
JLlst sf DIMSSN Osred by
Railway's Sarsajarilliai Resolrest
Caronlo Bkln Diseases, Carles of the Bon*.
Humors In the Blood, Scrofulous Diss ises. Bad
or unnatural Habit of Body, Syphilis and Vene
real, Fever Sores. Chronic or old Ulcere, Sail
gheam, Rickets, White swelling, Seal i Head,
terlne Affections, Cankers, Glandular sweU
iagn, Nodes, Wasting and Decay of the Body,
Pimples nnd Blotches Tumors, Dyspoptsia. Kid
ney and Bladder Diseases, Uhronlo Rh- umatlsm
and Gout, Consumption, Gravel and Calculous
Deposits, and varieties of the above complaints
to which sometimes are given specious names.
We assert that there is no known remedy Chat
possesses the euratlve power over these dis
eases th<t KAD WAV'S RESOLVENT furnishes. It
cures, step by step, surely, from the founda
tion. and restore* the Injured Darts to their
sound condition, Th W*S!*A ef the BODY
mrm slopped ana healtliy blood to up
piled to tbo ajratosn, from which new ma
larial is formed. Tots is the flast corrective
power of RADWATI RESOLVENT. In eases where
the system has been rallvated and Mercury,
Quicksilver, Corrosive Sub'tmate have accumu
lated and become deposited In the bones, Joints,
etc., oausing carles or the bones, lickcs. SDtnal
curvauiraa, contortions, white swel'lngs, vari
cose veins, etc., the SARSAPASILLIA* will resolve
a war those deposits an t exterminate the virus
•it the disease from the system.
If those who are taking these medicines for
the cure of Chronic. Bcr rulous or Syphilitic die
eases. however slow may be the cure, "isel bet
ter," end find their reneral health Improving,
their flesh and weight increasing, or sven keep
ing its own. is s sure sign that the cure ts pro
gressing. In these diseases the patient either
gets better or worse—the virus or the disease
U not inactive; if not arrested and driven fro®
the blood it will spread and continue to aodr
mine the constitution. As soon as the Sanaa
tAiLUAN make- 1 the patient * feel be' ter," every
hour you will grow better and increase in health,
strength and flesh.
The removal of these tumors by RADWATT
R> SOLVENT is now so certainly established that
wh it wis ( n eco sidered almo t miraculous •
now *co union recognlz- d f ct by all parties.
Witne s the cases of Hannah P. Kn t pp. Mrs. C.
Krapf. Mrs. J. H. Jolly and Mrs. P. D. Htndrtx.
pub lshe iln our Almanac for 1579; also that of
tors c. 8. Bibbina. im the present edition of our
"False and True."
One Dollar pur BoUIu.
Only requires minutes, not hours, to relieve
pain and cure acute disease.
Railway's Ready Relief)
tn from one to twenty mlrutes, never falls to
relieve PATN with n thorough appllo moa.
No mat'er bow vlol-nt or excruciating the • ala
rhe RHEUMATIC, Bed-rllden, luflrm. Crippled.
Nervous. Neuralgic, or p. with disease
may suffer, RADWAY'a READY RELIEF will
afford instant ease.
Inflammation of tbo Kidneys, Inflamma
tion of the Kladder, Inflammation of the
Bowels, Congestion of the Lungs, Bore
Throat, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation ef
the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria,
Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Toothache,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills,
Ague chill.. Chilblains, Frost Bites,
Bruises. Summer Conuilalnts, Coughs,
Cold, kpralns. Pains la the Chest, We eh or
Limbs, are Instantly relieved.
Fever and Ague cured for Fifty Cents. There
Is not a remedial agent in the world'that will
curs Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious,
Bilious, Scariet, Typhoid, Yellow and ether
fevers (aid d by RAPWATM POLS) so quick as
It will la a ew moments, when taken accord
ing to direction*, euro Cramps, Spasms, Sour
Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhoea.
Dysentery, colic. Wind to the Bowels, had all
Internal Pains.
Travelers should always carry s bottle OF RAD
WAT S RXADT Rgusr with them. A few drops
La ws'or will prevent sickness or pains from
change of water. It Is better than French
bronav or bitters AS S stimulant.
Miners nnd Lumbermen should aiurajl
be provided with It. "
All remedial agents capable of destroying tigs
by an overdo-e should be avoided. Morphine,
opium, strychnine, arnica, hyosctamus, and
other powerful remedies, does at certain times.
In very small doses, relieve the pattest during
LheliTßCtion in the system. But perhaps the
second dose, if repeated, may aggravate and In
crease the suffering, and another dose cause
death There is no necessity for using these
uncertain agents when a positive remedy like
RADWITI RXADT RSLIKF will stop the moot ex
cruciating pain quicker, without entailing thr
least difficulty in either infant or adult.
RAWAY*S RXADT RELIST is the only remedial
agent in vogue that will instantly stop paia.
Fifty Coats per Battle.
Railway's Regulating Fills.
Perfect Purgatives, Booth lug A per ft
eats. Act Without Pels, Always Relia
ble sad Matural fta their Operation.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with
sweet gum, purge, regu.ate, purify, cleanse
and strengthen.
RADWATS PILLS, for the curs of all disorders
of the Stomach, Liver, bowels. Kidneys Blad
der, Nervous Diseases, Head*-he, OonaUpattoo,
costiveness. Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Bilious
first. Fever, Inflammation of the Bowel* Piles,
and nil derangements of the Interna! viscera.
Warranted to effect * perfect cure. Purely ww
•tabie, containing no mercury, minerals or deV
sterlous drug*
W observe the following symptoms result
ing from Diseases of the Digestive Organs; Con
stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood
tn the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea,
Heartburn, Disgust ef Food, Fullness or Weight
m the stomaoh. sour Kructa ions. Sinking or
Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffering
9 -nsatlons when In a lying posture, Dimness of
Vision, Dots or Webs berore the Eight, Fever
and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Per
spiration. Yellowness of the Bkln and Ryes, Pal*
in the Side, Chest, Limb* and Budden Fluahes
of Heat, Burning tn the Flesh.
A few dose* of RADWAT*S PILLS will free the
system from all the above-named disorder*
Price, M Ceuts per Bo*
Send a letter stamp to RADWAY * CO.,
No. Sto WARREN, cor. CHURCH St., New York.
Information worth thousands will he eentyou.
I" OLI Mallwhle Concentrated Lye for FAMILY
SOAP MAKING. Directions accompany each oau
for making Hard, Sell and Toilet Soap tuioaly.
It Is 101 l wsight and strength.
I for cisterns or wells of any depfh.-
i A P"*™ ai*, or Copper->intd.
< S. ra s?i XC. G. XIX, GO, O No 1,
u , D B* JU No. 1. For sale l>y the
u i, ' Uuuntiy stores, P mp makers, eto.
See that the Pump yon buy is stenciled
M anufssetmrer,
Those answering aa advertisement wll'
confer a flavor upon the advertiser and the
publisher by stating that they sawtfbe adver
tisement in this Jeurnal (yawing the paper. J