YOL. LIV. PROFESSIONAL CARDS OF BELLEFONTE. C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower. A LEXANDER A BOWER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BKLLKFONTK, PA. Office In Carman's new building. JOHN B. LI NX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. omee on Allegheny Street. OLEMEXT DALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. Northwest, corner of D 1 unond, D. O. Bush. s. H. Yocura. D. n. Hastings. gUSU, YOCUiI A HASTINGS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. High Street, opposite First National Bank. c - HEINLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE. PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre County. Spec at attention to Collections. Consultations In German or Engl sh. 11. BUR P. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. All bus ness promptly attended to. Collection of ilulruan speciality. v : J A. Beaver. J. w. Gepbart. jgKAVEII & GEPHART. ATTORNEYS AT LXW. j BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street, North of High. A. MORRISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. Offlce on Woodrlng's Block, Opposite Court JQ S. KELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. Consultations in English or German. Office In Lyon's Building, Allegheny Street. JOHN G. LOVE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office Hi the rooms formerly occupied by the Ute w. p. Wilson. BUSINESS CARDS OF MILLHEIM, &C. A. STURGIS, DEAI.ER IN Watchee, Clocks, Jewelry,. Silverware, Ac. Re pairing neatly and promptly and war ranted. Main Street, opposite Bank, 51 llhelm, Pa. - - - "T O. DEININGEIi, NOTARY PUBLIC. SCRIBNER AND CONVEYANCER, MILLHEIAI, PA. All business entrusted to him, such as writing and acknowledging Deeds, Mortgage.-, Helens-s, Ac. will be executed wnh neatness and dis patch. Office on Main street. TT H. TOMLINSON, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Groceries. Notions, Drug 3. Tobac< OH. Cigars, Fine Confection*-, les and everything in the line or a first-class Grocery st re. Country Produce 'aken In exchange for goods. Mainvst eet, opposite bans, Ml lhelin. Pa. r\AVID I. BROWX, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN TINWARE. STOVEPIPES, Ac., SPOUTING A SPECIALTY. Shop on Main Street, two h uses east of Bank, Millhelin, Penna. T EISENIIUTH, * JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, MILLHEIM, PA. All business promptly attended t?. collection of claims a specialty. Office opposite Klsenhuih'a Drug Store. \| USSER & SMITH, DEALERS IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Wall Papers Coach Trimmings, and saddlery Ware, &c„ Ac. g ra des of Patent Wheels, corner of Main and Penn Street.-, Miilhelm, Penna. TACOB WOLF, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, MILLHEIM, PA. Cutting a Specialty. , „ shop next door to Journal Book Store. yjiLLHEIM BANKING CO., MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. A. WALTER, Cashier. DAV. KRAPE, Pres. HARTER, AUCTIONEER, REB3RSBURQ, PA. oatilactl9? Guaranteed. TIIE RIGHTS OF WOMAN, The rights of woman, what are they? The right to labor, lovo aud prav, The right to weep when others weep, The right to wako whan others sleep. The right to dry the fallen tear, The right to quell the rising fear ; Tiie right to smooth the brow of oaro, And whisper comfort to despair. The right to watch the partiug breath. To soothe and cheer the bed of death, The right when earthly hopes all fail, To point to that within the veil. The right the w an Jerer to reclaim, Aud win the lost from paths of shami>; The right to comfort aud to bless The widow and the fatherless. The right the little ones to guide. In simple faith to litui who died ; With earnest love and gentle praise. To bless aud cheer their youthful days. The right to live for those we love, The right to die that love to prove ; The r ght to brighten c-arthly homes. With pleasant smiles aud gentle tones. A Double Plea of Guilty. That Amos Talburton married the Widow Bamford for her money was tirmly believed by everybody but the widow herself. She, poor, simple body, uevtr suspected that day when he took her hand and asked her to be his, that he had any other object than the avowed ones of devoting himself to her happiness and being a father to her little beys. The widow's fortune was in' ready money, from all care of which her new husband soon relieved her, and before the honeymoon was over, Mr. Tolburton enter ed on his paternal duties with au energy which soon convinced Charley and Robbie Bamford how exceedingly loose had been their previous uotious of family govern ment. Mr. Talburton's system was a combina tion of those of Solomon aud Mr. Murd stone, proceeding on the theory that the two most potent instruments for the expul sion of folly from the heart of a child are a rod of correction and the Latin Grammar. The elder ijoy, Charley, was a warm hearted, spirited lad; a boy to go through Are and water for those he liked, but with a temper that rebelled against injustice or unkinducss. It soon liecame a state of constant war between Charley aud Mr. Talburton. The former grew releutless in his punish, ments. Charley's mother ventured to intercede for him ouce; but her husband read her such a lecture on the sin of inconsiderate mercy that she never dared renew the sub ject. Bobbie who was over a year younger than his brother, got along much better. There were two reasons for this: he had his mother's gentle disposition, and secondly, Charley's transgressious were so numerous that they kept Mr. Talburton's attention fully occupied. At sixteen Charley was a strong and well grown youth. More than once, after re ceiving chastisement, he had been heard to utter threats; and one day he struck back. A violent battle ensued, in which he was badly worsted, but not until he had left on his adversary's face divers marks of the fierceness of the contest. That night the household was aroused by the report of a pistol. Mr. Talburton was found weltering in his own blood just out side his study door, and the servants who first reached the scene, as they afterwards testified, found Robbie standing near the body holding a pistol. The gas light in the hall way had been turned up and the wild and dazed expression of the boy's face was plaidy visible. The wounded man died before assistance cßuld be summoned; and terror and fright threw poor Mrs. Talburton into a swoon, which, happily, for a season rendered her unconscious. Tiie police came and searched the prem ises. One of the first discoveries made was that Charley's room was vacant His bed bore traces of having been recently occu pied. But Charley himself had not been seen since retiring to bed early in the even ing. Robbie when questioned, appeared stu pified. and returned no answers. The com mission of an act of violence seemed so I foreign to his character, that in spite of ap ; pearances few were disposed to regard him ! with suspicion. Still it was thought pra j dent to detain him till the tragedy should i be fully cleared up. i Next day the coroner's jury begau their i investigations. In addition to the facts al j ready recounted, it was shown that imme diately after the murder all the outer doors and windows were found closed as usual— a fact which pointed to an inmate of the house as the author of the deed. A dealer in firearms testified that on the day preceding the murder he had sold the pis'ol, found with one chamber discharged in Robbie's hand to Charley Bamford. At this evidence Robbie started up ex ; citedly and spoke for the first time. "I tell you my brother is not guilty!" he exclaimed. "Perhaps then, you can tell us who is," said the coroner, dryly. "I am!" the boy answered, with the de fiant look of one brought to bay. The case was soon closed, and the jury were not long iu returning their verdict that Amos Talburton had come to his death by a pistol shot fired by the hand of Robert Bamford; and the prisoner was immediate ly committed for trial. The distracted mother retained mo to do what I could for her unfortunate boy; but the task looked like a hopeless oue. To j all my questioning I could get but one an ! swer. Robbie persisted in asserting his own guilt and the innocence of his brother, whose ab sence he attributed to his having run away to escape bis step-father's cruelty. When asked as to his possession ot the pistol sold to Charley, and the motive of the crime he fell into his usual silence. In due time my client was indicted and arrainged to plead. I stepped forward to answer for liim, but before 1 could inter pose the boy himself had spoken. "I plead guilty," he said, in a clear, firm tone. "No no!" cried a voice that startled all who heard it; "it is not he, but I, who am guilty!" and the next moment Charley Bamford stood at his brother's side, encir cling him with his arm. "Was it not I who ran away?" he went MILLIIEIM, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1880. on, hurriedly, "and my pistol that was founds Cannot every one see that my poor, dear, generous brother wishes to screen my life at the expense of his own?" '•Do not believe him!" broke in ltobbie; "it is he that would sacrifice himself for me." "Lot the prisoner be remanded," said the judge, visibly moved at the scene; "and lot his brother bo detained. There is some thing here which requires explanation." And withiu a week the explanation caino In a manner least expected. John Willis, an old servant of the family was taken suddenly ill, and soon lay at death's door. Before he died he sent for a clergyman, to whom he told a story which completely cleared up the mystery. The day liefore Mr. Talburton was killed Charley Bamford had offered to sell Willis a pistol which the latter bought for a few dollars. That night Willis heard a noise as of one stirring in the house, and slipping from his room, pistol in hand, he saw some one moving stealthily in the lower hall. It was long past the hour at which any of the family were likely to be up. Burglaries had been frequent of late, and acting on the first impulse, and taking the best aim ho could, by the dim dght, Willis tired. Seeing the man fall he ran down aud turned up the gas, when to his horror, he discovered that he had slain his master! The pistol dropped from his baud, and hearing the approach of hurrying footsteps, and fearing to ho accused of murder, he concealed himself in the study, from which he did not emerge till others had made their appearance, the tirst being Robbie, who picked up the pistol. The strange conduct of the brothers was now fully accounted for, Robbie, who hail seen the pistol during the uay iu the possession of his brother, and in view of the laitcr's flight, and his rela tions with his step father, believed him guilty; and had taken advantage of the ap pearances against himself to shield his brother. Charley acknowledged that he h:it bought the pistol to defend himself against his persecutor in their next encounter; but, changing his mind, he determined to rui off tosea, for which he had made secret ar rangements the same afternoon; and it was from his first voyage that he had just re turned ou the day of Robbie's arraignment. Doubtless it wus Charley's stejis, stealing down the stairs, and out at the trout door, which latched itself behind him, that had aroused Mr. Talburton and the servant, the former having remained in iiis study that night to a later hour than usual. Airs. Talburton's grief was greatly molli fied by tho restoration of her two boys; and this time she is likely to remain a widow. Tyroles* Costumes. The curious and picturesque costumes of the laud of Tyrol are conspicuous every where. The dress, particularly that of the women, varies in tho different valleys. Generally, it is to be seen in its fulness only on Sundays and feast-days; but, in some parts, the people wear it on week days, although most ofteu, as is the case the world over, it is "sobered by the rust of long U9e. " The women, after the fashion of whatever valley their dresses may lie patterned, depend upon bright colors and jewelry. The men's dress re sembles that with which we are familiar only in coat and shirt. The breeches are of black leather, with green cord down through the seams, and green embroidery at the hip and knee ; they reach only to the top ot the knee, aud are so loose that in the sitting position half the thigh is ex posed. No stockings are worn under the heavy hob-nailed shoes, but a very thick woollen stocking leg, often ornamented with green figures covers tho calf, the top being rolled down over the garter. For the length of about six inches at the knee the leg is quite bare, tanned, ruddy and hirsute with life-long exposure iu a climate of great winter severity. The hut is decorated with feathers at the back, usually the half of a black-cock's tail. Every man and boy, we are told in the guide-books, smokes, aud must never expect to meet one without bis porcelain pipe ad a red or blue umbrella, which the women also carry as universally. The girls wear a little jaunty cap. or or ieghorn hat with an im mense brim, and dresses generally dark, and nearly always short; and while some of the costumes apDear very coquettish, others are stiff and formal and have even a classical correctness. In one of the neigh borhoods of the Ziller thai, the women wear thick gold or silver tassels lying on the front part of their hat brims, and carry a carnation, or other bright flower, over the ear. Even travellers catch the mania for picturesque costumes; and, says Mr. Waring: "It is especially pleasing to see a staid, smooth-shaven Englishman, who at home would reprehend the wearing of any thing less than a stiff hat, unbend Ins rigid lines, deck himself with light and rolling felt, and sport a cock-feather or a bunch of Edelweiss at his crown, it is good, too, to see hs side-long glance at the mirror, and the little wreath of pleasure that winds about his lips at the thought of such rare indulgence." A Loitfer'n Method. How the lilies of the valley, who neither toil nor spin, nor have any private means, manage year after year to enjoy all the good things of this world has always been a wonder to me. Sitting the other day with one of these lilies, I ventured to ask him to explaiu to me the mystery of his existence. "This is," he said, "how I provide myself with excellent dinners and pocket money. Whenever a new restau rant of any repute is opened I dine there twice, and pay lor my dinners. The third time 1 send lor the proprietor, and telling him that I have forgotten my purse, ask him to send a waiter home witli me, when I will pay my bill. To this he objects. 1 give him niv name and address, and the next day 1 send him the price of the din ner. Then 1 dine two or three times with out paying, and have thoroughly establish ed my credit, and 1 can diue luxuriously for a long period without being troubled with the bill. lat once'iuaugurate picnics, I beg each guest to hand me his share of the bill, and I pocket the money, leaving the entire amount to be charged to me. A new restaurant does not like to commence its career by suing a customer, so wheu at last the proprietor is tired of feeding me, 1 promise to pay him some day and then commence operations witli one of his con freres. Jealousy, and a pleasure iu seeing those in the same business done prevents any one who has been victimised from warning others against inn." GHiiiu to the Last. Not long ago a lady of .Hartford COHII., had an earnest battle witnu rooster. She had two docks of about a dozen hens and one rooster each with a separate "run" for each squad, and the hen house is partitioned through the middle, with a window in the 1 partition, Almost every day the lady visits the hennery and usually stops to stroke aud pet the feathered favorites. Under this , treatment the fowls have become quite tame and never before had she such an experi ence as we me aliout to relate. The lady, as she tells the story herself, had passed through the tirst division of the hen house and stopped to j>et fowls in the other half, and while she was thus engaged she notic ed the big rooster iu the other domicile had taken a position where he could see the lady's operations through tho partition window. He watched her with a jealous eye. Directly the lady reached out to take iu her hands a hen, but it evaded her ami ran off with a frightened scream. At this the looker on in Vienna —the old rooster— became unduly exicitcd, ruffled his feath- 1 ers, elongated his neck and showed he was 1 as "mad as mad could lie." He looked as I if he wanted to tackle the lady, and sure 1 enough when she entered his room to pass out he did make a most determined assault. He rushed at her fairly bristling with indig nation, and savagely stiuek at her with his spurs. The lady, rather pleased than other wise, lifted a fool to poke him away and did give him a vigorous shove. But he returned anil let fly his spur-mounted heels and gave the lady's No. 3 gaiter a lively craek, leaving quite H stinging sensation. Ami from this time out the lady and the plucky old rooster had a regular pitched battle. She says at first she rather enjoyed the sport, but before she got through the fowl was so terribly iu earnest it did not seem like fun and she determined to end up tic fight by taking the old fellow by the j neck and holding him suspended in midair uutil the fight was all taken out of him. The next fly be made at her she clutched him, and lifted hint from his feet, but he struck at her several times with his spurs in rapid succession ami iu most spiteful and : ugly manner. He got in one blow on the back of the hand ami wrist thai left a mark three inches long, and she was glad to drop him. But now her woman dauder was up and she was bound to conquer. She turned on him and kicked at him first with oue \ foot and then with the other, following him around the little house, tie fighting gallant- 1 ly as he retreated. He would lly at her, ; catch her by the dress with his bill, ami and crack would go the spurs with as much vigor us if the old fellow had a roosters headiu chancery. Again and again the old lady grasped him by the neck, choking, I twisting and shaking him, but he would compel her to let go by the ragid thumps 1 of his tough, hard old spurs. After the tight had lasted fully ten minutes the lady thought, as there could not l>e much honor in conquering a rooster, and rather admir ing his pluck, she and let him enjoy his crow of'.JHry. But as she turned to go the of the plucky fellow were fiercer and filler, ami she was compelled to retreat backwards and kept her feet employed in trying to keep him at bay. When she turned to open the next j door the rooster, as a parting salute, flew, up at her waist high, and gave her a crack, it was a fowl blow, but the lady did not j stop to claim the victory ou that account. ' She hurriedly closed the door aud the de- 1 determined fellow actually gave the door a ' clip and looked disgusted because tlie lady j had got out of his reach. The KINII Didn't Hite. A very short old man, having a dried ' herring on a siring and a fish pole on his 1 back, and the line on his hook bailed with j a piece of salt pork, halted a pedestrian at the ferry wharf and began : "Have you a human heart in your breast ?" "Yes, I suppose it's human," replied the man. "Then for goodness' sake lend me a quarter for a few days. I've been fishing here right along for four hours, aud this is the only thing I've caught. " "I'm not resiKiusible for your bad luck," said the citizen. "But am I? Can I make the fish bite if they don't want to? I've sat here and spit on this bait and bobbed my line up and down till I'm clear broke down. It seems to me as if I didn't care to live another day." "Well, I didn't tell you to go fishing." "Sposen you didn't ? When you sec an old man trying to get along and catch a ! sucker to take home to his starving family, j can't you feel a little human toward him? I Think of my taking home this old smoked herring and trying to pass it off on my con fiding wife as an able-bodied pickerel!" "But I cau't give you a quarter," pro tested the citizen. "I'm not going to be held responsible for your bad luck when you go fishing." "The case stands like this," said the old man, as he swung his pole around aud knocked a man's hat off, "I come down here to fish. I bob ami fish and spit and fish and bob. No luck. I pay ut my last cent for this old herring, hoping it may prove a sort of attraction for other fish. No go. He simply attracted a dog and lost his tail by a bite. 1 am now utterly crushed and soul-kick, l am about to re turn to my wife, who expects me to bring a sucker two feet long. What shall I say to her ?" "Tell her that it was a poor day for flsh ing." "But women don't understand such things. Oh, sir! take this herring and lend me a quarter! Give au old man some show." "Cau't do it." "Will you compel mc to take this home to my family and tell 'em its the only bite I had? Have I, at my age, got to play the part of a deceiver and liar ? It. rests entirely with you. 1 place my moral char acter and the happiness of my family en tirety in your hands." The citizen turned eoldly away and in quired the price of grindstones of a ware houseman. The oid fisherman flung his herring down, jumped on it with both feet, flung his lish pole oil the wharf and strode out of the crowd with the remark: "Gentlemen, I can never, never, reward a wife's confidence with au old herring ! Rather than deceive her I'll go and get drunk, and she'll fully understand that no drunken man can tell the difference be tween the bite of a perch and the bite of a whale. When I ant full lay me in some quiet corner and don't let the police take I this plug of tobacco out of my left baud ' pocket I" Mr. Trout aud the Oypy David 8. Trout is a rich planter of Roa noke county, Virginia, a strict church member and one of tho most successful men in his county. He has several farms and lives on the line of the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, close to Bulem Dost Office and near the Roanoke river. Recently accompanied by Detective John Ween, of Richmond, and Chief of Police Donovan, of Newark, he visited Brooklyn and identified Matilda Worton, the gypsy fortune-teller, who is in Raymond street jail on a charge of robbimr William Jessop, of Princeton, Indiana, of $2,250 as the woman who, three years ago, robbed him of a package coutalng SIO,OOO in green backs, leaving in its stead a similar package that contained strips of newspaper cut into the shape of bank notes. Mr. Trout says that in February, 1875, he received a note, sigued I). T. Worton, saying that there was a natural deposit of silver on his farm. In 1870 Mrs. Worton, the gypsy woman, called on him. "Blie said," continued Mr. Trout, "that close to my house there was a deposit of silver contaiuiug al>out a million dollars: that tho mass of it was in a crude state, but that a large amount of the metal hail already been mined. The silver, she said, was first discovered, many years ago, by two Indian chiefs, named Curry and .Mesh, who, on shifting their habitation, buried their fortunes there and put a spell over the niiue, which it required a super human gift to break. The hiding place was sealed by u secret, and she alone could charm it away and open the mine for my benefit. 1 told her that if she could show me where the mine was I would give her one-half of the proceeds, but she said that she needed a package of $12,000 to handle., always iu my presence, so that she could work >ut the secret, i didn't have so much money ut hand, and I told her that I could not get it. Bhe came to see me u number of times, and at length she said she could extract the secret of the hiding place of the mine if she could handle SIO,OOO, but she promised that the money should uever go out of my sight. At length 1 got the $lO,- 000 together iu bauk notes and tiie gypsy began her incantations. She counted the money, sprinkled it with earth, muttered over it and said prayers without uumber. When she had finished she went away, leaving the money iu my hands, tied up in brown jiaper, and as she cautioned me not to toacli it for fear 1 would undo her work 1 put it up and kept it intact until she re turned again. She paid me several visits, and each time took out the money, ex amined it carefully and prayed over it. I held it for a tune while she prayed and then she held it aud prayed. This was done several times. At length, on May 7, 1877, she said that all of her plans were working so well that iu oue more visit she would charm away the spell that bound the secret of the mine, and would, she thought, be able to lead me directly to it. She again Look the money, prayed over it and asked me to coaut it, so that I could see it was all there. 'I don't want you to think,' she said to me, 'that 1 would steal any of it.' 1 said: 'lf you took that money, or fooled me, 1 would kill you.' 1 saw that all of my money was in the package, just as I had given it to her, and then she carefully lied it up and put a string about it. 'Now,' she said, 'the spell is broken, and iu one more visit it will be cast aside. But,' she added, 'no oue must touch this package.' 1 promised to lock it up, but she said she wauted me to swear to it upon the Bible. 1 turned to get the Bible, and the money was hardly out of my sight a moment, i turned again, and she had the package ex tended toward me. 1 swore upon the Bible that 1 would uot open it or allow any one else to do so. and look the package. 1 wrote 'D. S. Trout' upon the back and made marks upou it wherever there was a fold of ibe paper, so that 1 could tell if any one disturbed it. Theu 1 put it away. As she did uot return and as my time was up when I was obliged to return the money to the bank where i had oDtained it, 1 opened the puckage aud found that it contained strips of newspaper cut to the size of bank notes, and that there wasn't a penny of my SIO,OOO. Air. Trout w ill begiu a suit m iiutlsou county, New Jersey, where the, gypsies have property, to recover his tuouey. Interesting Scientific Paper. Capt. Catlin, United States army, lost a leg during the war and since that time has suffered from traumatic neuralgia, some times in the heel, but more frequently in the toes, of the absent foot. He has care fully noted the effects produced on himself by changes of the weather. Dr. Mitchell's own studies in this case, as he says, "would never have proved successful had it not lieen for the unusual ability, interest in the task, aud perseverance of the accomplished gen tlemen who lias obliged by making his own torments useful iu the solution of the ques tion of how far weather affects the produc tion of certain kinds of pain. The hourly observations cover a periixi of five years. "For the first quarters of these five years there were 2,471 hours of pain; for the second quarters, 2,102 hours for the third quarters, 2,059 hours; and for the last quar ters, '2,2'21 hours. The best yield ot pain is in January, February and Alarch, and tho poorest in the third quarters, July, August anti September. During these five years, while the sen was south of the equator, there were 4,092 hours of pain, against 4,- 158 hours while it w as north of the equator; the greatest amount of pain was in the quarters beginning with the winter solstice, and the least was in those beginning with the summer solstice. The average duration of the attacks of the first quarters was twenty-two hours, and for the third quar ters only 170 years. By taking the four years ending January 1, 1879, it is found "that of 537 storms charted by the signal bureau, 298 belong to the two winter quar ters, against 239 for the summer quarters. Hence we have the ratio of the number of storms of the winter quarters and summer quarters corresponding to the ratio of the amounts of neuralgia for these respective periods, and the ratio of average duration of each attack for the same time corresponds closely with the ratio of the respective to tal amounts of neuraliga for the same per iods. The average distance of the storm centre at the beginning of the neuralgia at tacks was GBO miles. Storms coming from the Pacific coast are felt farthest off, "very soon after or as they are crossing the Rocky mountains," while storms along the Atlan tic coast are associated with milder forms of neuralgia, and are not felt until the storm centre is nearer. Rain is not essent- I ial to the production of neuralgia. Ouncr IlfDi. HUMK of the Loudon inn signs are very odd. For instance, there is the Scriptural sign—The Good Samaritan; there is The Widow's Son ; there is the Luke's Head; there is the Jacob's Well; there is the Noah's Ark; there is the David's Harp. Moreover the Job's Castle gets recognition, and the Brazen Serpent, and the Baptist's Head, and the Corner Stone, and the Ju bilee ; whilst the Adams and Eves count up to a dozen; whilst there are fifteen Augels, nine Angels and Crowns, an Angel and Sun, aud a final Angel and Trumpet. Then, as many as eleven Saints bare been atfixed, or hung, or otherwise painted and engraved, as signs to invite the eye and lip. There are Saints Andrew, Luke, Paul, John, James, Bartholomew, Martin, Leonard, Helena, George and Anne. To them, too, must l>e added the cardinal virtue, Hope. It is a favorite, having risen to the number of fourteen editions, without reckoning the Anchors (of which there are twelve) that are its symbol, and the frequent cases in which it is painted Anchor and Hope both, lest want of artistic skill should lead to the least misinterpretation and mistaking; then four Golden Anchors ought to swell this list, since color has small power to alter form (except illusory,)and identity is clear in spite of it. A few samples are ready, too, in the same superficial and indicatorial manner of signs historical. There is Whit tington and his Cat; there is Old Will Somers ; there is the Vicar of Wakefield; there is Chilile Harold; there is Thomas a-Becket; there is John of Jerusalem t there are Sir John Falstaff, the Jane Shore, the Nell Gwynne, the John of Gaunt, the Wolsey, the Jack of Newbury,the Sir Wil liam Walworth, Jack Straw, (in the shape of his Castle,) the Sir Hugh Myddleton, the Sir John Barleycorn, and those other noted specimiena, Valentine and Orson. After them come Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Sidney Smith, Sir Ralph Abercrombie, Sir Robert Peel, Sir George Osborn, George : Peabody, Sir William Gomm, and Captain Cook. As for Admiral F, and the part they play, in history, they come in a host from Ik*nixw and Blake down to Nelson, (ob liquely commemorated also iu the well known inn name, The Battle of the Nile,) Vernon, Rodney, Napier, Codington; and as for Generals,they come only in a sprink ling, such men as HilL Picton, Canrobert, and Wolfe. Signs social come next. For instance, there arc a hundred and twenty three dukes enjoying convivial memory in the metropolis, Wellington standing at the head of them as an overpowering favorite. There are forty marquises hoisted up, he of Grauby standing bravely amongst them; there are as many Earls,and there are about sixty lords. There are also one hundred aud fifty public bouses christened after kings and queens. The majesties selected are Lud, Alfred, John, Harry, George, Prussia, Denmark, Sardinia, Edward the Sixth, Henry the Eighth, William the Fourth, Catherine, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Adelaide, Victoria anil Anne. There are a hundred Princes, and about thirty Prin cesses. Literary signs shall have the next place, rare Ben Jonson coming in nicety at tiie head of them. He has seven several public-house existences. In company with iiim are Bishop Blaize, Sir Richard Steele, Paul Pindar, Robert Burns, Lord Macaulay; and there are reminiscences of "Black Jack" in the Ivemble's Head, and of Jon athan Swift in the Lilliput Hall. Then, signs classic may not be forgotten. They stand the Hercules, the Hercules' Pillars, the Neptune, the Phoenix, the Bacchus,the Bacchus ami Tun, the Apollo,the Centurion, Comus, the Roman Arms. And signs floral force themselves to the front also, for there are thirty-eight Roses, five Mulberry Trees, two Laurel Trees, six Olive Branches, six Pineapples, oue Holly Tree, one Orange Tree, one Pear Tree, one Primrose, one Ixjiuon Tree, forty-five Grapes, one Dew drop, one Fleur-de-Lys, two Elder Trees, a Flower of the Forest, a Virginia Plant, four Vines, a Flower Pot, three Acorns, several White Thorns, four Bunches of Grapes, five Cherry Trees, four Hands and Flowers, one Hand and Marigold, three British Oaks; with (though these would come better, possibly, under the head of signs miscellaneous) two Grasshoppers, a dozen Beehives, three Jolty Gardeners, one llayfleld, and one Cottage of Content. Next, let there be signs zoological—the class A, beasts, the first to be treated. It iucludes Goats, Goats in Boots, Brown Bear, Flying Horses, Tigers, Griffins, Gre yhounds, a Giraffe, and Intrepid Fox,a Cow and Calf, a Dun Cow, Foxes, British Lions, Bulls, Buck's Heads, Buffaloes' Head, Civil Cats, Spotted Dogs, Camels, Stags, Uni corns, Reindeer, Roebucks, Lambs, Leo pards Nags' Heads, Panthers, Pied Bulls, Porcupines, Elephants; outbeasted every one of them by a Monster. Class B, birds, includes Eagles, Cocks, Swaus, Peacocks, Pheasants, Black Ravens, a Partridge, a Duck. Class C, fishes, lias nothing like such a number or variety. It comprises ten Dolphins and two Salmon.one of these appearing as The Salmon and Pair of Com passes. Signs ethnological contain a Her mit, a Lad of the Village, a Gypsy Queen, some Moonrakers,a Colleen Bawn,a Mogul, an African Chief, an Australian, a Spanish Patriot, two Druids, two Blackamoors' Heads. Spouse Plantation. For many years the sponge fishers of the Mediterranean have carried on their avoca tions so recklessly that there is reason to fear the supplies from the great sea which yields the best article will practically cease unless means are adopted at once to prevent the men from destroying—as they do at present in countless numbers —the young animals while securing the full grown victims. Aleantime Dr. Brehm, the illustrious naturalist, has suggested a plan for raising sponge artificially. Selecting a few hundred specimens, he divided them into seven thousand small pieces, fastened separately in perforated cases, which were then towed out to the bay of Socolizza. He then attached the pieces to a wooden framework, which was then lowered in a shady spot to a proper depth. In a few months the sponges had grown to the size of good natural ones, exhibiting their dis tinctive black color. The authorities re garded his scheme with favor, but the fishers, with that ignorant prejudice which has so often delayed sound reform in almost every industry, attacked the plantation at night, destroyed the frames and made off with two thousand sponges. By substi tuting copper wire for woodwork. Dr. Brehm immediately checkmated the teredo whose ravages in woodwork are notorious; and, by fastening the sponges to stones it was observed that they speedily attached themselves firmly. FOOD FOB THOUGH L\ Out of debt, out or danger. Our own bands are heaveu'* favorite instruments for supplying us witb the necessaries of life. if the ordinary politician could see himself as others see him, he would be a surprised party. Every closet hath its skeleton if it's nothing more than the willow iraiue of an empty demijohn. Young man go to the good and virtu ous for advice, but please don't trouble • us during business hours. Recklessness is the parent of misery. In the bpring the trees leave and iu the Autumn the flies leave. The hardest thing in the world to do so constantly that you can do it well is to mind your owu business. it is very dangerous for any man to . find any spot oil the broad globe that is sweeter to him than his homo. Thou shalt not abstain from deceiv ing others by word or deed. Thou shait speak no word that is false. Modesty and humility are the sobri ety of the m&u; temperance aud chas tity are the sobriety of tie body. No human scheme can be so accu rately projected but some little cir cumstance may intervene to spoil It. There is a pleasure in contemplating good; out the greatest pleasure of all U in doing good, which comprehends the rest. A great many people are anxious to introduced new leliglon into the world who have never given the old one a fair trial. it would improve some people very much if they were as careful of their daily lives as they are of their ortho doxy. It doesn't hurt a good man to have his character investigated; neither uoes it hurt a gold coin to try its ring on the counter. There is a pleasure in contemplating good; but the greatest pleasure of aii is iu doing good, which comprehends the rest. The virtue that a man does not pos sess that he thinks he has, while those virtues that he does possess seem noth ing U/ him. Tell the boys on the street, tell the young men on the road to ruin, that God loves them, and show them that you believe it. Fire, flood, mistake or accident may rob us of our material possessions, but they cannot get at the treasures of the immortal mind. Educatiou is the one living founda tion which must water every part of the social garden, or its beauty withers aud fades away. Good u&ture extracts sweetness from everything with which it comes in con tact, as the bee extracts honey from every flower which it visits. A man of sense will never swear. The least pardonable of all vices to ( which the folly or cupidity of man is addicted, is that of swearing. A man may be right In feeling that the woild can do without him, but every man ought to feel that the worid needs the best efforts of his life. If we have the faith to look forward with the eye of llirn to whom a thou sand years are as one day, the sight will kindle iu each one a divine courage. What is needed to-day in preaching io to simplify and apply the doctrines of Christianity tnat any man or womau can understand them and practice them. We are sowing seeds of truth or er ror, of dishonesty or Integrity, every day we live and everywhere we go, that will take root in somebody's life. A lie will die of neglect sooner than in any other way. The only reason why some lies grow so large and stout is that everybody pets and feeds them. Christianity is a thing not to be put on or off at pleasure, ft is part of the life of the man—the development of a new life—and this it takes time te do; It Is growth. When a man speaks the truth you may count pretty surely that he pos sesses most other virtues. And If he Is found to be untruthful most other vices are near at hand. One contented with what he has done stands but a small chance of becoming famous for what be will do. He baa lain down to die. The gra9S Is already growing over him. What unthankfulness It is to forget our consolations, and to look only upon matter of grievance; to think so much upon two or three crosses as to forget a hundred blessings. Never be too presumptuous. Ponder over this observation; the reason so many people upset and sink la the stream of life, is because they put up more sail than they can carry. As holiness if not so much an attri bute of God as the glory of all the Di vine perfections, so love must be, not one element in a minister of Chrislt, but the very soul and life of his work. As every thread of gold is valuable, so is every minute of time; and as it would be a great folly to shoe horses (as the Roman Emperor Nero did) with gold, so it is to spend time in trifles. Help and give willingly, when you have anything, and think not the more of yourself; and if you have nothing, keep the cup of cold water always at hand, and think not less of yourself. I sleep most sweetly when I have traveled in the cold; frost and snow are friends to the seed, though they are enemies to the flower. Adversity is in deed ci ntrary to glory, but it befriend eth grace. We are always doing each other in justice, and thinking better or worse of each other than we deserve, because we only hear and see separate words and actions. We do not see each oth er's whole nature. Charity thinketh not evil,.but sec tional prejudice Is ready to believe any evil accusation against its objects. Good men should never repeat, much less indorse, an evil report, until they know it to he well-founded. Trials are moral ballast that often prevents our oapsizing. When we have nmch to carry, Heaven rarely fails to tit the back to the burden; when we have nothing to bear we can seldom hear our selves. The burdened vessel may be slow in reaching the destined port, hut the vessel without ballest is in immi nent danger of not reaching it at ailt NO. 21.