The Home of the ExlledNapoleons. Juat below Constance the beautiful island of Relchenau lies like a gem in the miniature sea. On the hills to the left are chateaux, villas and castles. At least one of these is historical; it is al most the simplest among them, but is interesting as having been for twenty years the home of Queen Hortense, the daughter of Josephine and the step daughter of Napoleon the First. With all her brilliancy of birth and cliaiac ter, she was an unhappy and an unfor tunate woman. She had seen her own lather murdered on the guillotine. Ller mother married an Emperor, only to die broken hearted, ller step-lather died on a lone island of the sea. She herself married a King, only to be di vorced and dethroned, while her chil dren and her whole family became wandering fugitives in strange lands. It is extremely saddening to walk through the rooms of her little home here, and recall the fate that followed her in lite. When Napoleon became Emperor, she was one of the most bril liant and talented women of his court. She wrote excellent verses, arranged plays and composed songs that have cheered the French armies in battle from that day to this. Her song "Partaut pour la Syrle" may last with the French language. When Napol eon's star of destiny failed him, and all who bore his name, or were related to him, were banished from France, poor Hortense, after being refused a resting- place in many lauds, bought this little villa in a quiet corner of Switzerland. Here she devoted many years to self-culture and the care of ber two sons. Here was spent the boyhood of France's second Emperor. Arenen burg is a plain villa outside, but is sit uated on one of the loveliest spots ol the shores of the river Rhine. In the garden near the villa Is a long, low house, used then, as now, for stables. The upper floor of this out-house con tained the rooms of the young Prince, Louis Napoleon. Here he studied, and here he schemed. In a recent visit to Areneuburg the writer hunted up a number of old residents of the neigh borhood who had been companions of Napoleon, and a few who bad been friends of Hortense. There many re membered incidents of the life of both; for both, though in a very different way, had been much liked by all the villagers. Hortense's kindness to the poor of all the district has embeluied her name In grateful remembrance there, and even the stern republicans of Switzerland had a warm sympathy for an unfortunate Queen. As to lier son, the late Emperor, people never could tire telling of the incidents of his boyhood that pointed to the coming man. What a swimmer he was! what a horseman! what a wrestler! Of his horsemanship it is maintained he had not an equal anywhere. It was a habit of his never to mount a horse by the use of stirrup, but to run and spring over the crupper and Into the saddle at a bound. Louis Napoleon visited Arenenburg when he became Emperor, and twenty thousand people came to bid him wel come. As a young man he had been a captain of militia sharp-shooters there, and president of the village school b:>ard. These bodies joined officially ln the greeting. There were several coaches and four drawn up at the sta tion for the Emperor and his staff to ride in. What was the astonishment and joy to see Napoleon j imp into the one-horse wagon of a friend that hap pened to be there, and with him head the great procession through Con stance ! How the people shouted and clapped hands at the democratic Em peror. Hor tense, after suffering several years with a dreadful cancer, ended her eventful life in 1537. She died in the little upper east room. The s.ranger going in there now will be Impressed to see everything just as she left it. There is the bed on which she died, and near it is the camp bed stead which her son the Emperor had at Sedan. There, too, is her harp, as well as the harp of Josephine. Down stairs there are five rooms filled with remembrances of the Napoleon family. On a little table in the reception-room is the gilt clock used by Napoleon on the island of Sc. Helena. In other rooms are good paintings and statues made from life of Napoleon the First, Hortense, her mother Josephine, and tier brother Prince Eugene; also the furniture presented to Hortense by the city of Paris at the time of her marriage to Napoleon's brother. There, too, covered with a crown of ivy, is a mar ble bust of Napoleon the Third, taken from a cast of his face after death. The Empress Eugenie repurchased this place (it had been sold after the death of Hortense), aud presented it to the Em peror. It was lately the summer resi dence of herself and the young Prince Louis. Over the hills from Reichenau and in another arm of the lake, lies the pretty little island of Mainau, with Its charming gardens reaching down to the blue waters. Real royalty dwells here, #rr it is the property of the Grand Duke of Baden; and his father in-law, the Emperor of Germany, often spends his summer days in this lovely retreat. ,Iu fact, the Kings and Princes of Europe have managed to secure most of the rare spots around the lower end of Lake Constance. Mr. Ernest Frolich, of Christiana, Norway, thinks he has found in our India rice a living proof of the truth of Snorre bturlson's history of Leif Erics son's visits to this country nearlv nine hundred years ago. The" voyagers re ported finding in Vinland not only an abundance of wild oats, growing plen tifully along the marshy river sides. This grain, which they said the natives used for food,can be no other he thinks, than the well known Indian rice, or wild rye (Zizania), which grows almost everywhere along the swampy borders of our coast streams as well as around inland lakes and ponds. Mr. Frolich propose to follow the example of our "VYestern game preserving association, who are sowing wi!d rice in our mar shes for the benefit of wild fowl, by sending home seed for planting on Norwegian marsh lands and moors. THE road to matrimony is a brida path. AGRICULTURE. GOOD ROADS.-- -There is a decided in crease in the selling value of farms which always have a good and level road to market. 1 do not believe the importance ol having good roads is ap preciated as it should and will be, but there is already an understanding on this subject which makes intelligent road improvement profitable. As a rule, most of the work annually put upon country highways is wasted. Consciousness of this fact is one reason why such work Is generally shirked as far as possible. Most men will not work at their road tax as they do on their farms for themselves. If they could know that their work on the road was as directly lor their own benefit as that which they do in every day farm work, this would not bo so. To have men engage earnestly in road making, it must bo shown that their labors are producing good results. As itjs now, very often the harder men work the worse will be the roads. The severe winters and superabundant rains and snows of our northern cli mate, make the kecpiiig of roads in re pair extremely ditliciilt. "We have hardly begun to appreciate the import ance of underdraining to keep roads in good order. It is, on all heavy soils, the fl r st thing to be done, lu neigh borhoods where farmers underdraln their land, the roads are much better than where they do not. Very often the drain crosses the road, and always at a point where it will be most advan tageous. With MI underdraln three feet deep crossing a road, and usually In a depression, it shoo Id be easy to keep a long stretch of road always dry. This is the place to put In a piece of maca dam turnpike—two or three layers ol' stone lightly covered with eaarih and gravel. The macadam turnpike is real ily a thoroughly drained roadbed when tis perfect. The reason why it so often fails beeause in many places there is no outlet to the drain. The water run 3 under the road to some depression, and there lies until winter frosts have lifted the stones from their foundation and left the road a quagmire as soon as the spring came, if the macadam road bed la eonneetod with an undordraiu it will obviate this trouble and make a Arm permanent road-bed Piling loose earth and sods in the centre of the road may be somewhat better than lea\ ing the surface level. But if the soil is vegetable matter, soils ami the like, the more it is piled up, the worse the road bed will surely be. Nothing will do any good except to first remove surplus water by stone or tile underdrains. When this is done, it is surprising how little stone or gravel is needed. 1 am glad that road makers are learning to use more gravel; but in thousands of places drawing gravel to throw on an undrained turnpike is nearly a waste of labor. * WASTE OK LAND. —An agricultural writer wiih a calculating turn of mind gives the following, which is well worth the consideration of the Intelli gent farmer : "If a farm of lt>o acres is divided by fences into fields of ten acres each, there are five miles of fences. If each fence now is one rod wide, no less than 10 acres of land are occupied by them. This is equal to G>- 4 per cent, of the farm, and the logs ol the use of the land is exactly equal to a charge of 5' 4 per cent., on the whole value of the larm. But nearly every fence row in the country is made a nuisery for weeds, which stock the whole farm and make an immenso amount of labor necessary to keep them from smothering the crops. Much damage always results to the crop from these weeds, and if these expenses are added to the first one, the whole will easily sum up to 20 per cent., or a tax of one-fifth of the value of the farm. To remedy this we would have fewer fences, or we would clean and sow down the fence rows to grass or clover, and mow them twice a year. Ten acres of clover or timothy would at least sui>- ply a farm with seed and a lew tons of hay every year. We would, in short, consider the fence rows as a valuable part of the farm, and use them as such." • THE COST OF SOILING CATTLE. —The supposed large amount of extra labor involved in soiling cattle upon green fodder crops, cut and carried to them in yards or barns, is the greatest ob jection urged against the system. While a certain amount of extra labor is needed, this is by no means so onei ous or so costly, as to overcome the ad vantages of the system. By the use of a one-horse mower, hay-rake aud wagon, sufficient for a day's foddar for twenty cows, can be mowed, gathered, loadwi and hauled a quarter of a mile to the stable in an hour, by a a smart boy of fourteen or fifteen years. The labor of feeding, watering and cleaning the cat'.le, will occupy two hours more. If half a day is thas taken up it will cost about a cent and a half a diy per cows for the labor. The saving of manure will more than pay for tills, and there are other savings about the system which will sum up in nil to a respectable profic. It is on small farms that the advantage of soiling is the greatest. VARIETIES TO rfow. —'The first plants to go into open ground are: Cabbage, cauli-fiower and lettuce. For early cabbage, Jersey Wakefield is the lead ing variety, seconded by Early York, and a second earlv is Winstadt, for general use. Of cauliflower, the Early Erfurt is standard; and the Tennig Ball and Boston Market are the favorite sorts of early lettuce. THE demand for heavy horses far ex ceeds the supply, and is likely to for the next ten years. " Wn EN I was once in danger from a tiger," said an old East Indian veteran, "1 tried sitting down and staring at him, as I had no weapon." "How did it work," asked a bystander. "Per fectly ; the tigei didn't even offer to touch me." "Strange! very strange' How do you account for it?" "Well, sometimes I've thought that it was be cause I sat down on a high branch of a verj- tall tree." WHEN a Milwaukee man advertises for a lady to elope with him, it is em barrassing both for him and the wo man who answers the advertisement to find that they are already husband and wife. Eucts for Tourists and Emigrants. Whether fjr the touti-t, bent on p easure or busiuess or the enri rant seeking a far western home, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is the best protector against the hurtful influences of olimatic changes or malaria; the most reliable med.cine for general use he can possibly carry wth him. It nullifies the effect of sudden changes of temperature, braces the system against the enfeebling influence of excessive heat, prevents injurious cons quen es from a change of diet or of using tad food or water, is a line resuscitant of physical energy dimin ished by the fitigue of traveling, and tends to oount iract the effects of exposure in rough weather. It is much and serviceably used by mar ners and others whjse out door life and arduous labor exposes them unusually. It is moreover of great servioe as a preventive and curative of disorlera of the stomach, liver, bowels, and as a general ton o. DOMESTIC. SCRAP IT DDING.— Put scraps of bread crust and crumb, into a bowl, with suf ficient milk, to cover them well. % Covcr with a plate, and put it into the oven u> soak for about half au hour. Take It out and mash the bread with a fork till it is a pulp; then add a handful ol rais ins and as many currants, a teacupful of brown sugar, half a cup of milk, some candled lemon peel, and one egg. Stir it up well, grease a pudding dish, and pour the pudding in. Grate over a little nutmeg, put it Into a moderate oven, and let it bake for an hour and a half. D01.1.Y VARDKN CAKK. —Take four eggs (do not beat whites separately), two cups of sugar, half cup of butter. Beat these together for halt an hour; add one cup sweet milk, three cups silted flour, one teaspoon of cream tar tar, half teaspoon soda. Divide the batter in half; add to one half oh batter one cup seeded raisins, one half cup of currants, one teaspoon cinnamon, one grated nutmeg. Bake in layers. Put together with icing, alternating the light and dark layers. Flavor the white batter with lemon. ROLLED BEEFSTEAK. — Beat large tender stpak thoroughly and carefully. Sprinkle over salt, pepper, sage, minced onion, mi need parsley and hits of butter. Have ready some inealv Irish potatoes niashei tine and season ed with a little butter and salt. Spread over all and roll up tightly; fasten the ends and sides securely with skewer pins. Place it IU a pan with such broth or gravy as may be on hand; if none, two teacups ol boiling water, and one small minced onion, pepper, salt and one slice of pork. Simmer and baste as you would a roast duck. iSift over it browned cracker, pounded line. TIIK successful man has many imi tators his peculiar line of business, but still there is only one originator. So, also, the great petroleum hair renewer. Carboline, as now improved aud per fected, holds the palm against all imi tators as a genuine article of merit. Tiy it. _ To PRESERVE FLOWERS. —A good way to keep cut flowers Iresli is to lay them in wet clothes. Take them out ot the vases at night, sprinkle wiili cold wa ter and then wrap them In clothes made very wet with cold water. Ihe weight of the cloth will not crush the most delicate flowers, while it keeps out the air and prevents their falling to pieces or opening still more. PAINT splashed upon window glass can be easily removed bv a strong .solu tion otsoda. A flannel cloth dipped in warm soap suds, then into whiting, and applied to point, will instantly remove all grease. To take ink spots out of linen —dip the ink spot in pure melted tallow, then wash out the tallow and the ink will come out with it. This Is said to be unfailing. MOTHS IN CARPETS. —Moths w ill work in rooms that are kept waim In the winter as well as in summer. A sure method of removing the pests is to pour strong alum water on the floor to the distance of half a yard around the edges before laying the carpets. Then once or t w ic: during the season spi i ikle dry salt over the carp t before sweep ing. Insects do not like salt, and suffi cient adheres to the carpet to prevent their alighting upon it. THERE is danger for children in every medicine which contains opium in any form and we therefore cheerfully ic commend I)r. Bull's B thy Syrup, which is warranted not to contain opi ates or anything injurious. CODFISH 8A1.1.S. —Two pounds 1 one less fish, soaked and boiled over night, and well-beaten before breakfast; boil 12 or 15 good-sized potatoes; mash them very smooth, with milk and a large tahiespoonful of butter, beat lit the codfish; add one egg; if not soft enough add a little more milk; make into a cake and fry. The secret of good fish cakes is to have the potatoes fresh boiled and beaten very light. To KEEP CHEESE MOIST.— Many housekeepers complain that their cheese becomes dry, some use a kind of hell glass to put it in. A very simple ex pedient will keep cheese in the best condition. Take a linen cloth and dip it in white wine, squeeze out the excess of wine, and wrap the cheese in it. By doing this it w ill not only keep moist, but its flavor will be improved. ANGKJ. PUDDINGS. —Two ounces of flour, two ounces of powdered sugar, two ounces of butter melted in half a pint of new milk, two eggs; mix well. Bake the above in small patty pans uu til nicely browned, and send to table on a dish covered with a serviette. A lit tle powdered sugar should be sifted over each pudding, and slices of lemon served with them. The eggs must be well beaten before they are jplded to the other ingredients. A COUGH, COLD, CATARRH or Sore Throat should not be neglected. "Brown's Bronchial Troches' ' are a sim ple remedy, and will generally give Immediate relief. Imitations are ofler ed for sale, many of which are injur ious. The genuine "liroion's Bronchial Troches " are sold only in boxes. COOKIES. —Beat well together two eggs and two eupfuls of sugar; add a cupful of butter or shortening, a cup ful of sour cream with a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in it; if you use sweet cream, sift two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar in your flour; spice to your taste and add a littie salt; flour to roll pretty stiff. These will keep for months in a tin can. To CLEANSE OLD CLOTHES. —The most efteetive way, without injury to the clothes by scrubbing, is to steep them in warm water lor about half an hour, and use borax soap, rubbing it well on the most soiled parts; wash well In hot water and rinse two ortiree times'n col 1 water. The clothes will be whither and sweeter than by any other soap. WASHING SILK HANDKERCHIEFS —ln cleaning silk handkerchiefs, wash in water in which the- best white castile soap has been lathered. Then snap between the fingers until nearly dry, fold and press under a weight. Never iron. (j fit-Edge Butter Muker. makes July, August and YVinter butter equal to best June product, Grocers pay 3 to 5 cents a pound extra lor but ter made with this powder. Guaran teed harmless. Increases production 6to 10 per cent. Beduces time of churning one-half. Sold by druggists, grocers and general storekeepers, bend stamp for "Hints to Butter-Makers." Addresg, Butter Improvement Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. WIT AND HUMOR. TUKRU was a very pleasant gift party, the other evening, ami the company sung, 'We give up all for heaven,' with great teellng; but the next day the minister expressed a desire to resign, He sahl that three quarts of beans, a pillow ease of dried apples, two pounds of head cheese, a pan of twisted dough nuts and a calico dressing-gown were undoubtedly very valuable in their way, but they seemed to form an un natural basis to preach sound theology from." I)KAX COWPKK, of Durham, who was very ecoiiotuicul of his wine, descant ing one day on the extraordinary per formance of a mutt who was blind, re marked that the poor fellow could see no more than "that bottle." "J do not wonder at It at all, sir," replied Mr. Drake, a minor canon, "for we have seen no more than "that bottle" all the afternoon." WHEN a certain man had been made the Prefect of a small village he bought his wife a new fur garment. She, proud of her llnery, and full of her husband's new honors, entered church just as the congregation rose to their feet to hear the gospel read, She, thinking this was done out ol repect to her, and recalling her former condi tion, said graciously, "sit down, good people 1 1 have not forgotten 1 was once poor I" CATHOLIC Amerleans and others! send six cents for specimen of The Illustrated Catholic American, 11 Bar clay St., Now York. Blight pictures, stories, poems, and sketches. "MY dears, I miss something or somebody, 1 can't tell what or who," said Jones to his children, as he sat down to tea the other night. "P'rhaps It's mother," said little Billy, "she's gone over to aunt June's to tea." The child was right. It was Mrs Jones who was missed, and Jones remarked In continuance, "Well, let's have a quiet supper." DAMKI. I)RKW originate'! the term "watered stock." He was u drover in early life, and one day when a party desired to sel him some Inflated stock he said: "That stock makes me think of old farmer Brooks, up in 'Put,' who used to suit and water his stock to make the cattle weigh heavy when he sold them I" The broker told the story In the street, and it became an adage. A LITTLE five-year-oM friend, who was always allowed to choose the pret tiest kitten for his pet and his play mate, before the other nurslings were drowned, was taken to his mother's sick room the other morning to see two tiny, r.ew, twin babies, lie looked re flectively from one to the other for a minute or two, then poking his chubby linger into the check ol the plupest baby, he said decidedly, "Sive ibis one.". '•WHAT shall 1 bring you lor desfert. sir?" said a polite waiter at a fashion able hotel, as he commenced removing a formidable array of empty dishes from before a guest, evidently from the rural districts. "Now, young man," said he, jest you give me time; all you've got to do now Is to li 11 all them dishes up again the same as they were before, and bring 'em here; bvmeby we'll talk about your pies and puddins." DANCERS are informed that the "Liverpool lurch" and the "Boston dip" have been replaced by the "Bos ton grip" and the "South-Sea cuddle." We have often wondered why the grace ful "South-Sea cuddle" didn't replace the awkward Liverpool lurch" or "Boston dip." We never heard of it before, but there must be more poetry of motion about it. IMPORTANT.— Do not let your Drug gist paiui oil'on you any new, cheap remedy lor colds when you inquire lor l>r. Bull's Cough Syrup or you will he disappointed. Price, 2.") cents a bottle "WHY, Jimmy," said one profession al beggar fo another 4 "are you going to knock oft already? It's only two o'clock." "No you mutton head," re sponded the other, who was engaged in unbuckling hU crutch, "I'm out going to put it on the other knee. You don't suppose a fellow can beg all day on the same leg, do you." A YCI'NG man who became engaged to the daughter of a plumber last fall has broken off the match. He expeo ed to marry an heiress, but owing to the miid winter her father didn't make two hundred dollars, and as this was his flrst season in business for himself, the almshouse is now staring him 111 the face. A SCOTCH VIAN havflig a warm dispute with u London cabman about his fare, said: "I'd hae ye ken I'm a Mackin tosh": to which the lreverent cabby replied, "You may be a umbrellar for all 1 know but my fare is heighteer. pence. A I.KCTURKR was explaining to a lit tle girl how a lobster cast his shell when he had outgrown it. Said he : "What do you do when you have out grown yotir clothes ? You cast them aside, do you not?" "Oh, no!" re plied the little one; "we let out the tucks." IT JS odd, and sometimes melancholy to see a man trying to "make up his mind," when he lias no material 011 hand to work with. "I'I.L make you prove that," said a man to another, who had aeceused him of theft. "Don't," said a witty by stander, "for you'll feel worse after it than you do now." lurc general talk is Dobbins' Electric Soap, (made by (Jraglu & (J0.., Phila delphia.) There never was a soap so highly and generall)- praised. It tells a story of its own merits, that caunot be contradicted. Try it. WE have received important infor mation that American glrU have re linquDh their leap year privileges dur ing the coming ice cream season. "I'LL not compromise my honor," said a loud-voiced politician. "No, and for the same reason I will notcldse the eye in the back of my head," said ids opponent. "WHAT on earth takes you oil' to the stable so early in the morning lately ?" asked a woman of her husband. "Curry hossity," he meekly replied. SHIPS are frequently on speaking terms, and they lie to. A DULL HEADACHE, costlvenes-i, Low Spirits ana No Appetl e, are some of the indications or a ontous attack, arising from a torpid Liver, nr. Jayne's Sanative Pills will soon re tore the liiver to action, drive all symptoms of bilious* ness from the system, and assist In bringing about a regular action o tne bowels. —— - - - No one can enjoy life without health. By all means keep healthy. An ailment that prevails to great extent is Liver Complaint. Miserable are its victims! Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Constipation, Dyspep sia, Tain In the slde.Palpltatiou of the Heart, and other miseries are its atten dants. Impure blood can be made pure; bolls, sores, pimples and other erup tions removed,the skin assuming a clear ami healthy uppearuuee all by taking Simmons' j.lver Regulator. "My sufferings have been great. 1 have spent thousands of dollars, and traveled through many States seeking health in vain. 1 never expected to re gain perfect health, but 1 thank Qod that Simmons' Liver Regulator has re stored me to health and happiness, i felt impelled to write to jou and have done my duty to suffering man and woman. My eldest daughter has taken It, and no Headache since. C. IIOLT, Chester, S. C." *r ot Carpet. Careful house keepers are often dismay ed at the wholesale destruction which their best carpets have suffered, through the de predations of some insect paste, and as usual the injury will be attributed to the well-known domestic scourge, the clothes moth. * But it may lie of interest to some to know that an insect of quite a different order, and far more destructive, is fostered unwittingly beneath our carpets. If the windows of infested rooms be carefully ex amined during the winter and spring, a number of small beetles may often be found not exceeding one-eighth of an inch in length, and of an oval convex form. These insects are beautiful objects, being jet black, variegated with scarlet, and white markings, if examined through a low power microscope these markings are seen to be composed of minute elongated Bcales various colors, with which the body Is completely covered as with a coat-of-mail. This is the insect, which in the larval state plays such havoc with the carpets. Its discovery in tins country is of recent date, and it bus probably been imported from Europe, where it lias long been known and dreaded for its destructiveness. Owners of carpets who have not suffered from this source have reason to congratulate them selves and should he vigilant; making fre quent examinations during the summer m mths, at which time the iuseel is in the larval state und commits it ravages while its presence is often unsuspected. The larva measure about three-sixteenths of an inch in length, in mature specimens, and are clothed with shortly bristly hairs, some what longer ul the sides where they form small tufts, and are terminated at the. hinder end bv a tuft of longer hair, making them appear nearly three-eights ol an inch long. When they are disturbed they are active and glide very quickly away into some crevice of the floor or beneath the wash' oard. It is not very consoling to know that this ]>est is rapidly increasing, while no effectual means for its destruction has yet been discovered, although benzine, kerosene and insect powder has been re ported beneficial. A curious fact concern ing these insect is that the imago, a perfect insect, is frequently found on flowers, ap parently feeding on the poleu. VKUKTIXK in Powder Form comes within the reach of all. By making ttie medicine yourself you can, from a 60c. package containing the Barks, lioots and Herbs, make two bottles of the liquid Vegetiue. Thousands will gladly avail themselves ol this oppor tunity, who have the conveniences to make the medicine. Full directions in every package. Vegetine in Powder Form is sold by all druggists' and gen eral stores. It you cannot buy it of them, enclose fifty cents in postage stamps for one package, or one dollar for two packages, and 1 will send it by return mail. 11. K. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Tlie ltenevolent Terrier. There is a terrier in a cafe. Rue St. llonore. that no sooner s.'esau habitual cus tomer enter than he runs up to the new coiner, opens his mouth, and looks implor ingly at the customer. The latter so well understands the pantominc that he puts a sou in the open mouth. The terrier bounds to the door, and in an instant is at the nearest pastry cook's. The latter gives the dog a cake, which the latter briuirs to. his benefactor, who breaks the cake into three pieces. One is forthwith given to the terrier; the dog, having eaten it, stands on his hind legs, lets the customer put the second piece on his (the dog's) nose, let's it stay there untouched until the gentleman raps ten times on the table; at the tenth rap the tei rier tosses the cake in the air and catches it before it falls to the floor. The gentle man then takes the third piece of cake iu his hand and says: "Billy, you have eaten two of the three pieces of cake. There are thousands of dogs in Paris wh > have never tasted a piece of cake. Now, Billy, if you be a gentleman—and I believe you are a gentleman. Bill) —you will take this third piece of cake and lay it v in the street for dogs that ure not as well off ii: this w)rld as you are." The terrier takes the third piece of cake in his mouth, carries it to the street, leaves it there, returns to the cus tomer, looks inquiringly at him as much as to ask, "Have 1 done the genteel thing?" and lies down to doze until another custo mer enters. Taper l'ulp. So much is being said aliout the paper pulp which is so extensively used in the manufacture of paper at this time that a brief description of the process of making it will be interesting. Any white, soft wood may be used. The hark is taken off, the knots, dark and decayed places cut out. It is then put into a large caldron and boil ed, which extracts all the glutinous matter and resin and renders it soft. It is then put on a large stone grinder, with water pouring on it all the time. This grind stone wears off the fibres until they are finer than sawdust, which float away into a receptacle. The water is drained off by means of a fine sieve, leaving the pulp, which consists of fine fuzz or spliuters of wood. It is white, and requires no bleach ing or chemicals, but is ready to be mixed with rag pulp or anything else that has a strong fibre and receive the proper constitu ents to make it into a paste after which it is run off into paper sheets, whereas rags have to be washed and bleached with chloride of lime, soda ash and alum, and such strong chemicals, to take out the color. Then they are picked to pieces and made into pulp. The process by which wood pulp is made is purely mechanical, and as any soft wood, such as cottouwood and poplar, may be used, it can be made cheap, say at about one cent per pound. A CARD.—To all who are Buffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weaken*, early decay, 10-s of manhood, etc., J will fend a Rec p> that will cure y. u, FREE O F CHARGE. Thiagreat r.-inedy WUB discovered by a missionary in South Ann ric.i. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. JOSA.I'H T. INMAh , Station D, New York City. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. Will send their celebra'ed Electro Voltalo Belts tj the afflicted upon 30 dajs's trial Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they Bay. Write to them without deLy. 130 Vegetine. The Great Blood Purifier. IN POWDER FORM -50 cts. a Package* DR. W. ROSS WRITES: SCROFULA, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, RHEUMATISM, WEAKNESS. Mk. H. R. ntkvknh, Boston: 1 have been practising medicine for 25 vears, and as a remedy for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Dyspepd , Rheumatism, Weakueas, and all dla easea of the blood. I have n 'ver found lis equal. I have hold Vegetine for neven years and have never had one bottle returned, i would heartily eroiumeiid It to those In need of a blood puri fier- DR. W. ROSS, Druggist, Sept. 19, 1878. Wilton, Jowa. Vegetine. One Package In Powder Form Cured Scrofula. How to Reduce Your Doctor Bills. M Ukkuin St., East Boston, Mass.. September 80,187 P. Dear Rlr. My little daughter Stella has been uniicted a 1 ,n/ time with Scrofula, suffering everyi hing. 1 employed different physicians in Ka-i Boston bu'i n.-y helped her none, 1 bought some of your Pownin Form Veoktink, and my wife steeped It and gave it to the child aci ord luj to the direction-., and we were surprised in a forlulght'rt lime to see how the child had gained in flesh and stret.g h. She is now gain ing '-very day. and I can cheerru ly recommend your remedy to be ihe beat we have ever tried. Respectfully yours, J. T. WEBB. VEGETINE PREPARED BY 11. R. STEVENS, Boston, Hast. Vegetine is Sold bv All Druggists. I WATCH B'OH FIFTY CENTS. (1 An eWnt little watch with richly chased caw, ■ Dutiable fur eith-r laiyor g* tleman. will be sent to any reader of this paper on reoHpt of tit cents, or watch with ch tin ntt >cb*d for • cents. Niirict.—Mi iul l you liot be atitk-d with the run ning of the watch, after giving it a trial of two weeks. re uri, t-> u. and *>■ will 1 • mediately refund your m-ney. Have told d Ting lust three month, over H'OU Mauv p-r>na ordering ou,e oraar a DJOp llotna, Albany; Rev. Dr. P -a , Bt. I.ouia; lira. F L Patton, John Poddl % H. W. Thni-s, Geo li. Pouke an t othara, lb c ito Sold in number-. AdJr.-ea AKllll K BOIT. Albany, N. Y. SAPONIFIER Coacentratad Lya for FAMILI SOAP MAKING. Direction, accompany each can for making Hard. Kofi and Toilet Soup tuicxly. It la tull waight and strength. A-HK FOR BAPOMFIER, AND TAKE NO OTHER. Mil's SALT MAHCre PHIL AD'A Stnrimnt's Great Catarrli Remedy la thaaafaat.moat agraeabla and aff-ctual remady in the world for the cura of CATARRH. No matter from what caui*, or how long giving STURDIVINT'S CATARRH REMEDY a fair and Impartial trial, you will be convinced of thlefact. Tbia medicine t. vary pleasant andean be taken by the moat delicate stomach. For sale by all Druggist#, and by HOLLOWA Y k CO., 901 Arch ■treat. Philadelphia. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ZCTORIAL HISTORYo^WORLD Embracing fa 1 and autbantic accounts of every nation ol ancient and modern time*, and including a hiatnry of th- rise and fall of tb Greek and R'-man Empires, the middle age*, th cm-ado*, the fendal system, theT-eformat'on, the discovery aud settle ment of the New World, etc., etc. It contain* 67S flue his real engravings, and la t's c mplete History of the w rid a er pub lished. 8 nd tor *p cirnen pvget aud extra t rmato Agents. Addrea. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. MAKE HENS LAY. An Fuglia Veternary Surgeon and traveling in this country, save that most of the Horse and Tattle Powder* here ate worthies* trash. He says that t-b-Tidan's Condition Powders are abso lutely pire and immensely valnai le. Nothing on earth will make bene lay like Sberidans Condition l'owder*. Dose, on<- tea.poon to on- pint of feed. San3p^lßt' t ffeP ***** **• ® Mata * P o ™*- Gaa ran teed free (Vom all lajariaaa tagradleafek Glres a alee Geldea Color tko pear roaad. M ~ worth will prodaet SB.OO la increase of prodaet and JHEsa market rain*. Caa yea make a better investment! Beware fflgjjl of Imitations. Genuine told only In boxea with trad> [SBRMI nark of dairymaid, together with words " GILT-BUG* BCTTXB MAKXS " printed on each package. Powder eold Grocoi* aad General Store-keeper*. Ask your dealer tor O* our book "Hlnta to Butter-Makern," or send stamp to v for it Small siae, X lb., at 25 cents; Large size. Hi fee, * l ' ool 6mt by buying the larger sine £ J Addreaa, BUTT£| |*r IO YEEI(T CO* Prop"* oMwV mfc mm* am Si>r immdU Bvrtaia. K ADVERTISEMENTS nserted in ANY OR ALI of the Newspapers named in the Di-ejf tory for ONE TIME, or for ONE YEAR, in the beat positions, whioh are carefully watched, at the EOW EST PRICES, on application to S. M. PETTENCiILL & CO., at either of their offices In ESTIMATES MADE For Advertisers without charge, for insertion in a CHOICE SELEU TION of Newspapers, or for the BEST Newspapers in ANY City, Town, County or Section. Advertisements in the Best Positions, at Very Reasonable "Rates, S. M. PETTENGILL & CO. 701 OtL©etnut Street, Pliilada. New Music Books. Common Praise Hymnal, RVwi coversi,bv J. H. WATKKBURi. <• a wondartuOy good, compact nd cheap colle.-tiou of 13U standard vtun tunes, 170 atandari hymn*, and.numerous chants. Examine fur Sunday (School or Congrega tion. * New Flower Queen, ( k?ot ' b jSi viand and Improved by the author, and is a fins cau lata for May and flower Time. Emerson's Anthem Book, KMr.KAuN. A very superior Anthem Book. WHITE KOBKS. (30 cts.) Bust (Sunday School Song Book. P.nVinßfYnnrl a (*®cts.) music, am™ AUUIIISOnaae, to recite. tbi xutaudtniui iuir action, founded upon th adveuturea of " Four itohiusouUrnsov." By A. DARU. TEMPERANCE JEWELS. (33 eta) Best Teuiperauoe Bosk. Field of Honor; A famous opera. Just published. The Sorcerer, C 0!:' BULLITA ** bf Any book mailed, post-free, for sbove prices. Oliver Dltson A Co., Boston. J. E. DITBOK k CO. 12M r'heatnot St.. Phlla. m UHED WIIHNfIKONmCTING CEMENT> * yt ' 111 l . 1 V 'jT .4 RETAIN THE HEAT LOHGER>- ZIRON BOTH I ' IKmSmiM Anpertna' celebrated Single Breech-leading Ska 'U at 119 up. Douhle-barral Breech loaders at 930 up. MuaaU and Breech-loadinc Oana, Bides and Pistols of most approvd English and American makes All kinds of sporting implements and artl ol-s rstuirod by sportsmen and cun-maksrs.— COLT'S HEW BEECH-LOADING DOUBLE GUNS at #3O np—the beet gnna yet, mads far the price. Price ea application. JOS. C. GRUBB & CO., 712 Market Bt., Phlladt., Pa. THERMOMETERS, 8 Microscopes, Opera Glasses, Eye Oiaaeee, Spectac) s, Barometers, ml Greatly Reduced Pnus. It & J. BECK. Manufacturing Opticians, Philadelphia. Bend S .tamps for illustrated Catalogue of MA pages, and mention this paper. * ••• *** AbeengMeft. sad shea a PI Mi . MM* nb 1; utHtasa. hwi.t.MiK.nsa a* V/ 1 -iHF yr CATARRH CURED. Rev Kari D<" Bourne, a foreign mi-alonary, hav ing suffei ed and doctored ovir ten years for Catarrh, without any permn<-ni relief, was persuaded to try s prescription from a London ihiaiclan After using it for only two weeks he was si.t rely rured, and hun'lred. of others have since tu-ed it with the same results .an • now for he ben*-flt of tnose suffer lug with Catarrh, th s prescriptio will be seat, free chat ge. by senofng a three cent stamp to DR. L. K. LAMOHT, Leßoy, Haw York. 11PHTHERIAT! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment wUI posi tively p event this terrible disease, and will positive!v cure nine cases In 'en. Infortna lon that will save many live, sent free by malL Don't delay a moment. Prevention Is better than cure, soid everywhere. I B. JOHNSON A CO.. Bangor, He.