I"I| e journal. THURSDAY. APRIL 15., ISBO. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL Is published overv Thursday. Ir. Muster's Build ing. coi ner of Main and Ponti streets at H 00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE OrIVSS If not paitUn advance. ADVERTTSTXG 1 week. 1 rim. .1 mo. 6 mo. 1 vear. 1 square....! fIOO I SgWll $0 00 1 ♦l'll *7 00 -*c iluwn,.. 1 .no I 4(vH sou ! in no I vovi K ooJumn... I son .: ro | io on i i* .. i M. I). L.ZERBY. 9oc. A. O. Delnlnger, Master.. The Mlllhelin S. & I. Association meets in the Penu street sclioolhuUM* on t he ev ldng of the second Monday of each month. A. WALTER, Sec, B. O. DKININIJER, Prest. The Mtlibeim Cornet K.uul meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. F. P. OTTO. See.. ~ E. HAHIER, Pres't. Mtilheiiu Fsc tli Kect., X. (J.. i oid ihrlr drill meetlne on the:-eeoiia story of Alexander's Block, every Tuesday and Friday eventus. Offlcal nrectGry. Kcirular Terras of Court—Fotirth Mondays of JannavT, Apri. August and NovoiulKir. President Judge—Hon. Chas. A. Mayer, Lock Haven. Additional I>avr Judge—lion. John II Orvls, Beliefonte. Assccfate Judges—Hons. Bainue! Frauk, John \ Dlven. rrothonotarv—T. C. Harper. KejrDter of Wilis and Clerk of O. C —'W. E Bnrcbft-Md. Recorder of Deeds, &c —William A. Tobias. District Attorney—David F. Fortncy. Sheriff—John 'paneler. Treasurer—Adam Yea nek. Countv surveyor—Joseph Dcvling. Coroner—Dr. Joseph Adan.s Couaiy Commissioners—Andrew Georpc Swab. Jacob Dunklo. Cierk lo CY-nnty Coiniui.-sloncrs—Ucn' y R \-k. Attorney to County Commissioners—G. M. Bower. Janitor of the Court House—Bartrim Oalbralth. Couutv AudiUis—James T Stewart, George P. Wiiiiarns. Tnomas B. Ja miaou. Jury Commissioners—John Shannon. David W. If fine. Smerintenden! of Public Schools—Prof. Henry Meyer. Centre Couuty Dcmarrallc Commft lee for ISBO. TTSTKICT3 P. O. ADDRESS. Beliefonte, N. W., Wm. Galbraith... .Eeilefonte S. W....WCHeinle '* IV W....Wm Harper...... " Mllesburg Frank E Bible ..Mll'-sbnrc t'nionville P J McDonnell...Unionville Howard A J Gardner Howard phiiipsbt rg C G Heriinger... Philipsb'g Miilheim H Ke'fsnvder..Millh' im n-nner Uriah Stover Beliefonte boggs Jas A JlcClaiu.. Milesburg )->urns:de Wm H< ople rineOlenn College..% Sam'l Giililand.. Boalsburg Cnrtiu David Delong... Howard Ferguson, O. P Dan Drlebclbis.. State Col '* X. P O M Sheets Stonnston Grogg L M Kishel Spring M s liji .es.. Georp* 5 Keister, Aaronsb'g Halfmoon John ward Stormsto'u Harris Satn'l Isiiler Boalsburg Howard David Tanver... Howard Huston H G Chromster.. Martha Liberty W II Gardner—Blanchard Marion John iiov, Jr Walker Miles Sam'l K. Faust Miilheim ration G W Humberger..Fillmore Penn W FSmith Milliieiin Potter, Ji. P D F Luse Centre Hall " 6. P G W Span pier Tusseyv'e Hush William ('alien... Philipsb g Snow Shoe John G Uzzle Snow >hoe Spring EC' Wood Beliefonte Tavlor Samuel Hoover.. Fouler Union J s Fredericks... Fleming Walker Samuel Decker...Zion YVorth G K Williams P't .viatilda J. L. SPANGLEIt, Chairman. PUAL'S E. I'IBLE, Secretary. If Grant Is Nominated Money Will Do It. If anything can be made plain in American politics, then It has leen made plain that Gen. Grant is not the first choice of the mass of the Republi can party. The New York Tribune preeminently, has established the most important truth ; and in cluing this it has performed a patriotic service which deserves never to bi forgotten. Mr. Blaine has very many more friends than General Graut. Tne ma jority of Republicans in the U-iited States prefer him to Grant for Trod den t. - How, then, can Grant bo nomina ted ? Tiie answer is brief and simple but true, lie will be nominated by inon >'• The jobbing interests are in favor of G rant. Of course some most estimable citi— ZCJS gave him a qualified and halting support—as, for instance, our highly esteemed coutemporary, the Tunes. Still, as a general proposition, rueu, many of them already rich, who ex pect to pile up fortunes under Gen eral Graut, are his chief supporters. Never before was any sum of mon ey ready to be expended in a Presi dential election as is now in readi ness to promote the election of General Grant. Shall Mone'yb 0. | April 10, IS>O. j It has been necilrd by lite Demo cratic Sen it as aim >B' beyond 'be pow er of cta ige. to let the Kellogg Spof— ford case alone until the appropriation bill and other matters of more general interest are dispose lof There is a st rong feeling i" favor of Sp ff.ud and a/ainst KMI >gg, hut there is, anio g a majority of Democratic Senut- is, a wish o a'j uirn early. This is nroduc I rd partly by a e nvietion that i is best i to adj turn before the D.-ut eratie C n --| vent ion meets, and partly a J she to ! accommodate Represent tiv h who wish io g.> lioitie to lo >k after 'heir re nomination The former at \v 11 recommend its: !f to till Deinocra's wh desira that the people, and not, Con g ess shall in ke the Preside tial notu i in dims in June '.ext. . The mo ie set sil le and cool headed i Democrats are satisfi- d with the i CM I | heretofore made on the Army appt •- Ipiiatioti bill, iocbiding the proviso agait st paying for the use of the troops at tie p< lis, at din favor of allowing radicals to d all the talking on the subject. The facts that leading radi cals voted for the bill, with tins provi so, at the ! ite extra session, anil that attacks by them up m it now will be an impeachment of their own record | rather than of the Democratic position, j h> what will probably induce Lite D *m ocrats to day—the final day of the bills consideration—to remain silent. Mr. tinifield and the rest can cross their own legislative paths as often as they please. Dam uratic oratory cannot make the inconsistency plainer. ITobably no one regrets ttio recent discreditable quarrels in the House uu.ee tlrm ttie participants. Tncy were all able and industrious meti and expeiienced legislators, aid for this reason the scenes or distiller will doubtless nave a pronounced effect in preventing future occurrences of tins kind. During the coming week or a part of it the llous j will discuss the Naval ap propriation bill, and pronably adopt it j substantially as it left the Co ami ii i tee. Every day adds to the probability of !a Republican bolt of fn mid.d ie pro por i uis if G -nerd G Mit hall be in .de J He Republic in ''residential candidal -. i Of cou se General Grunt will be imo.* | mated. but Abethei the tb.atened hd" | wi'l surely occur I am unable t" say | Hut I am e irain, lha in any even', a j good Democri like H i'icck, cm de ; ft-a* a Uiiid Hrm Republic oi candi date. A b >ll would pioh.ibly throw ttie electi !i into the il u e, when of course lite 1) uioc atic ca didate would UE chosen. CAR HULL Tho An:i-Third. Term Move ment. ST. LOUIS, April 4.- Emory S, F >s tcr, Secret .ry of tiie An'i-riiird Term Committee, says that assurances of eo operation have lieen teceivid from io wa, vlichijpi i, Wisconsin. Minnesota, Kentucky, Kueas, Illinois, Oiiio, Ar kansas and New York. Grant Nominated by the Meth odists. NEW YORK, March 31—Tho New York Confere ce of tho M. E. Churci es its session to-day in this j city, Bishop Isaac W. Wiley presiding. ; Rev. J. J. Deans preach*d t<> tiie con i tVrence on "True Greatness." In I touching on the subj -ct of the great ness of men he compared the charac ! tcrs of-Sumner, Calhoun and Webster. said there was another man whose I name Miould he ad Pd t t!ur. list—the ; man wi.o la eW received attention fu>m : the whole of Europe. lie albnb-il. he ! said, to General Grant, who servr-d 'he I country well for two terms, ai d the speaker saw no good reason why be I should not be elects d a third time. : Mr. Dean's remark.® in reference to Grant were long and loudly applauded. No class of men in this country en joy greater respect than do ministers ' of t ie G >spel ; and mis out .sh vs the i estimate which the nation place* on tiie Gospel itself. But when ministers forget themselves so far as to prosti tute their hign offices to sue i bass uses as Mr, Deans did before th • New York C mference, they forfeit luuen of the respect due theua as "amoassa 1 >rs for Christ." Yea more ; they simpiy trier it tho contempt of every light thinking I person.' Is it not singular in Mr Deans that in scau.iiug tne world's history for models of true greatness, he sh.uld have passed by in silence the apostles, the church fathers, tiio ref n* ners, a >d hfcli up only statesmen, proniucut a moiig which lie names Grant! In sin s ling out Grant as a pii un- model of greatness and in sayh g tliat bo "serv t-d the country weil for two terms," Mr. Deans only shows his stupidity audigiorai.ee, and the country will not De one iota wiser-for his seruion speech. If those who "long and ludly" cheer ed Mr. Deans, were tiie members of conference, they should at once redgn their several charges and clerical offices, mount tho political stump, and eudea vor to i iipress tiie voters nf tie United States of their duty tn elect Grant foi a third term. They are certai ily not proper men for ministers of the Gos pel. THE Republican del egates from Con necticut to the national convention stand on the several candidates as fol lows: Blaine 5, Edmunds 4, Wusli burnc 3. Grant 0. New York Politics. A Tildon Dofoat. at Syracuse. SYRACUSE. N Y, Ajuil 11. -In tit'"Sc* assembly diatilet onnvenMo ?i heM hv the d mo'rats In this city vn terd.iv Tilden was routed, "bars.', foot and dragoons." The opposition did not hop* to in ike a clean sweep of the deck, hut tlie resit I' was nothing abort of it. The entire delegation to the state conveiitio ■, t be held in thiscitv on t lie 20 h in-a , are oppo ed to the n tni'i t' io • o: Til Iff f r the prosiden cv. F'ttni the Fust district the dele Kates nre Win (J. linger, I)r. fl. 11. lllvnn and 8 initicl II 11.,• ki .s ; from the Second distiiot, Robert C. Dor chester, (Je tiLta \V Hill and A. 11 Fainter ; from ttie Tniid disttirt, M.ir ; shall H. l> ef, John Grant, and las Daell. Everyman on the deb Ration la a s-oiiul and trid Democrat. The anti Tilden men are to hang a banner ovei Salina strep' nex T week hearing this legend : 4t l r or Fie-ndout, Hyratio Seymour." ANTI TILDEN DELEGATE* FROM BT. LAWKKKCB COUNTY. CANTON, N. Y , April 11. — In the St Lawrence county Second assembly district democratic convention hero on Friday the following anti Tilden dele gates to the s'a'e con vent ion werecho sen : W. 11. Sawver, 11. I). Carpenter i and Hiram Ikn tlett. OSWOO ANTI TiI.DEN. OSWEGO, N. V., April 11— The dem : ucratic caucuses of this city elect solid anti Tilden delegations to the district convention. Starting a Seymour Boom. i WASHINGTON*, April n. —An organ ized effort to start a Sevinour boom i will be ma.lt! within a few days. A latter signed by the tl n. Sauford Church, Senator K *rr.un, and other leading Don crats in different parts ; of the country will be s -nt to Mr. S *y | iinur requesting him to become a can didate for the nomination. In addi tion to this a committee of representa tive Democrats will visit Utica to urge Mr. Seymour to cons nt to tfie use tf his name at theCiueinuat i C mvent io Med to third | term priu nples. | LAWRENCE, April —The maj rity i of delegates chosen by the Republicans this evening to the Stale Convention are anti-Grant, and are divided be tween Blaine, Shennm and \Va!i --| bume. The district, delegates are in doubt, but t!ie Grmt .ecu cliiui a ma jority. THE MOST sentimental married man in America lives in one of the Western towns of Otsego county. New Yoik. One cld winter night in 1 S3l this .nan, now a rich farmer, was sdting by a bright, warm lire that burned in an old fashioned open Are place. Not un mindful of the spirit of Pope's lines : There swims no goose so gray but, soon o> la'e, She finds so ne houe-L gander for a mate, the hired girl also look a seat by the tire. The master of the house w .sdes pcratcly in l<-ve with the hiied girl, and when she remark j d that the fiie was a cheery one ho rcp'ie I that it ehould burn for lier as long as she lived. The two were in iniei a id ttie husband has ke,.t Ins w>r i. Toe fire in that old fireplace lias c intituled to bur i wit •- eut interinissi >n f>r foi tv swo ye i. s. Ti.e old con,de's c ii.d en are grown, but tie eccentric husband says thai the fiie shall never go out. THE latest ''peace auu harmony" proposition appears in the Pmladelpuia Time of versiord.ty and 's as follows: I. All contests for seats from ci y ami state to lie reierred to Joun 0. B.illnf, A. II Jill and llensy D VVelSn, Who sluil meet at Harricnuig n tue d.iy b- foie the conveiuio i, lieir all parties, determine according to dein >craun rules, and the repoit of a najo ity to be final. 2. Delegates-aL larg •to be agreed upon if p -ssiple; it not, tneu to be chosen by the convention as aw hole. District delegates to be selected by tne delegates fmm the respective districts. 3. The delegation to vote as unit on all questions in the nario nil convention. 4. To,oppose the rescision of the two thirds rule. 5. The delegation to vote for General Hancock as the candidate of Pennsylvania. 0. A. H. Dill to be chairman of the state c jniuiittee.— Patriot, April 12. THE NEW York i>un thinks that K-inhlH, the nHf-coti fussed briber, mil: 1 t do :\ vast amount of good, in I.is old days, t< oiYo's evil lie has d >Uf in hi* time esjxoi illy in tlm ' division ami silence" iHI-dueya. by vviith ([ out a fol! confession of his own crooked political career, uinl stal tned, nil peiim h knowing themselves Intlel tel to sakl estate are ht'o by noUlie-a to in ike immediate lavmcnt, and those having flu IIP t > present the KIIUU duly authentic.,.) J foi payment. 12-GL . MICHAEL I'L.UH H. JH. "I,^\• CUTOH'S NoTK K.—letters ledum* nh J j ary on Hie estate of Ki-Uu-cu It ss, late of Haines township, docsd. having heen giant *d to tbe undersigned. ail JHUSOUS knowing themselves indebted to s.ud e-ta'e are hereby requested to make iaomediat ■ payment, and th< se having ehiints against the same t< present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN L. Kk; .\Mr.n, Executor. VMMISISTK VTOirs NOTlCE.—Letter* of Adminisiiatam on t!ie I'sta'e of Maioiah (.'••onniiller, lute of Haines town i.ip. decea e 1. has lhj; tie n granted to t|j- under Igned. all persons knowing theim-c. ves indebteu to said csiate .tie hereby rese liiviav ei.U us against the Hatne to fesont tliem uu '< nutln ntientcd for settlement. JAKHO I'AKrt.t. Aduiinaurator. 13-6t &?ll' fanta. Ha. Ed sin J. Deshlcr. J. Jordan Desiiler. jrXESIILEIi & SON. Physicians & SURGEONS, Aaronsbttig, Pa. Calls promptly answered day or night. m D H. MIWGLLL " PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, M.ii;i Street, Millhcim, Pa J OHN a GRAY, Fashionable B irber. Two doors west of Millhe ni I ltd, MILLHEIM. PA. STi TSP "ST "Wa Y j Tll u JJL;M-. 9 Lightning, Wind and Rain, you will NKYI tt HAVE MUCH A CHANCE AOAIN. We have the hi it large si/.e, improved KUHBEH ROLE Clothes Wringer in the World, soiling at I.KSM THAN HALE rmz.E. Good references guaiatUeed. E/erybody "rrd hot"' to get one! No competi tion; The best chance <>f your life to MAKE MONEY. Samples, A2.IV>. Circulars and lull pari icttiars tree. AGENTS WILUNO TO NI cox viNcen. Address, PAKAGON WuiNorai CO.. New* Red ford, Mass. !2-3m obtained for disabled soldier* 4 , from date of dis charge, if application is tiled before July Ist, 18ft0. Pensions increased. ' Send postage for new laws blanks and lustruNS Soldieis dis ubled in 11. S. Servic > from any '.iuse;also, for heirs of d •ceased soldiers. All pensions date back to day of discharge, and to date of death of the soldier. Pensions increased: Bounty and new Discharges procured. Address with st inip*.Vroi>i)AHT &* Co., ito on No. 6 .St. Cloud Building, Was iugton, D C. 12-1 in W'AJSTTED. Immediately, a few Young Men and Ladies to learn Telegraphy, g x> 1 situations gu&rnnte -u, address wW.i stain,). OBiiuUN TELKHRAPH C 12-1 m Gbcni , Ohio. Hp J vour address o:i a Postal Card lora sam- Ou U pie copy of our beautifully illustrated paper, YOUTH "a HOMS LIBKAKV, Boston, .Mass. 12-1 in I 1 <• ViilAi iff. - .o^. iMMUswy' \ RiVud? 'J . \ vlp-i i!"t', ! ) > *■' i jT'jk !S S 5*4 jt Torrfble* I>~siULe, it mic of the Harp N lieie produced by any one, ni > u, woiiain or chßd. even though entirely Ig norant of music. 'I he strings ate numbered from one to fen , and the initdin which accom panies lie instrument Is numbered In like manner, instead of Lung printed In notes. I've:yl ti ly appreciates the inu Ic i tin- haip; It Is the king of musical instruments, and this ts a perfect harp in miniature—the same delici ous tones—and -houhl be In eveiy family in the land. Any one who em read this advertise, nieiit can piny it at oneo as well as the most ae compllseea musician. Elegantly inlabed nnd an ornuiiient to any room. We also send along with it a large lot of music numbered as cx nlalnod above. The list Includes "Home, sweet Home;' "I.ust KOHH of Siuuincr;" "Sweet Bye and Bye;" "Gld Folks ai Home;" "Ilold the fortand all t.ie fav<>i lie nu-lodic * <>i tbe day Perfect satl-f,ctlon guaranteed. Every one who pureh IM-I endorses them and ifiv'miiiPiiits them to their neighbors. Think of It no more tedious months ol study to master music. Here is a superb musical Instrument, all ready for us • and reunit ing )lo practice to play perfectly. Bond At once, and in the HiRKTTi ym win lutve at log of beauty and joy forever. Sent prepaid in a registered package (which ensures absolute b *fe delivery) on receipt of price, ♦2.iO. Remit bv ;wstifllce ord< ror rc;H>teitui letter. A dress. KEN HALL & CO. 222 Prank- I n St., Boston. Mass. "An old established concern whose reliability Is unutic e"d \V:iat; a'l th' soit- RM. out of Timothy Seed, and all the PLAN TAIN si )A) out of t'lover seed. Tiih MIR i:as two Shoes wo king in opposite directions; La* Monk .vitKKji Si\lA< e than the oll fashion* d mill.". and will go in a door three feel wide. Sen I S- HE , 03 S 01 5iZ e; j 5l - m 8 i I > § > fei I pr ; : 2 5 H jk § I §S R 5 _ a n SDIO J: §S. 530 8 i I nls 5s a ? p ■ * § £P o s. 2 B2> *4 5 s a"7 ? > 2. e HIGHEST HONORS A3 not Centennial World's Fair, 18761 RAA SHQNINffER ORGANS noEOTTVOBD CMAKTMOUALT A1 7XI BEST INSTRUMENTS. Their comparatiye excellence ia recogofr-eA by tba Judges in taeir Usport, irom which the Loiiowiug ia au extract: "The B. SHONINGER ORG AIT OO.'S exhibit as tho best InstrumenU at s prioe rendering them possible to a large cUse of purchasers,having a combination oi Reads and Belie, producin ; novel and pleasing effects, containing many desirable lmprovemen's, will stand longer in dry or camp climate, less liable to got oat of order, all the boards being mads three-ply, put tog-rher so It Is imnoesible for th"ri> to either shrink, swell or split." TUB UA'LY UUQAAI3 AWARDED THIS KANE. This Modal and Award wae granted after tbo most severe competition of the beet makers before oueo' the most oompeteot juries ver asseiulced. Hew Btyl-s and prices Jcet leaned, which era In acooMauce with our rale, the BEST OIL* QAM for tbo least money. We are prepared to appoint - few new Agents. Elustrated Catalogues mailed. pcat>paid, 00 jppiioatica to I SHONINGER ORGAN CO., ®J to 123 CniSTTfUT 5T8223, KIW COSTJ.