Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 11, 1880, Image 2

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    jljt J|iUl|tim | onrnal.
Is published every Thursday. In Musser'S Build
ing,, corner of Main and Penu streets at
Or *1151( not paid In advance.
1 week. 1 mo. 3 mo. 6ma 1 year.
1 square.... | $1 00 *2 50 *3 00 *IOO *7 00
W column... | 300 400 600 10 00 15 00
V column,.. 1 500 750 10 00 15 00 35 00
1 eoluruu,.. I SOO 12 00 20 00 35 00 60 00
One inch makes a square. Administrators
and Executors' Notices *2.50. Transient ad
vertisements and locals 10 cents per line for
first insertion and 5 cents per line lor each ad
ditional insertion.
Job Work done on short notice.
mm _ 1, J '.A-..'. -!-
Clitircii & Sunday School Directory.
J?. C F. Deinlncer , Pm<\ch*r-i n-charffc.
Sunday School, 2r. v.—P. I* Zerby, supt.
rreacher-in-ahavgo absent attending anuual
session of Conference.
liar. IT. H. Whitney, JVettr/Nr-ia-charpe.—
Sunday School, Ip. y.,—D. Kimport, supt.
United Brethren.
Rev. John Tomlinson, PoMor.—
Pastor Tontllnson experts to attend a dedi
cation at Troxelvllle, Snyder Co., next Sonrtsy.
No appointments therefore.
Vnited Sunday School, 9 a. F. D.
I.u>* supt.
Lodge & Society Directory.
Mlliheini Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets In
heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday eveulng.
Rebecca Decree Meeting every Thursday on
or before tbe tut I moon of eaeb mouth.
K. A. Si-killer, Sec. R. B . Hartmaw, N. O
rrcrhtence Grange, No. 217 P. of H.. meetsln
Alexander s block on the second Saturday of
each month at 6H, v. y.. and ou the fourth Sa
turday of ea h mouth at lb, f- Ml
D. L.Zkkbt. See. A. O. Delntngcr, Master.,
The Mlllhelm R. & L. Association meets in
the Penii street school house on the evening of
the second Monday of each month.
A. Walter, See, B. O. Dkinikoer, Prest
The Millbeim Cornet Band meets in the
Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evening*.
F. P. Otto, bee.. .i. F. Harter, Pres't.
MUlheim Escort of Co. 8.. sth RecL, N. G..
l.ntd their drill meeting on the second story of
Alexander's Block, erery Tuesday and Friday
Centre County Dowornitle Commit*
tee for 1880.
BeHefonte, If. W., WIR. u]braitb,...l>ollefoutc
* W....WCHflinle
\V W Wm Harper
Mlle.sburj: Frank E Bible...Milosburg
UnionvHie F J McDonnell,..Unionville
Howard A J Garduer Howard
Fhilipsbt rz C G Her linger... PhSlip*b 1 g
MiDheim J U Relfsnvder..MUTtaehn
Benner Uriah Stover Bellefonte
Boggs Jus A McClain... Milosburg
Jjurns'de Wm Ilepple Pino Glenn
lollege Sam'l Gilliland.. Boalsburg
UurUn David Delong... Howard
Fergusou, O. P Dan Drtebelbis.. State Col
" N. p O M Sheets Storraston
Gregg.. I. M Rishel Spring M's
Haiaes George Keisier, Aarensb'g
Hall moon John Ward Storinsto'n
* Harris Sam'l lshler Boalsburg
Howard David Tanyer... Howard
Button H G Ohromster.. Martha
Liberty W II Gardner....Bianchard
Marion John Hoy, Jr Walker
Miles Sam l K Faust....Millhenn
Pattou G W Kumberger..Fillmore
Penn..r..... W F Smith Mlllheim
Touer, It. P D F Luse Centre Hall
S. P G W Spang)sr.,..Tu!weyv'e
Rush William Cullen... Philipsb g
Snow Shoo Johu G Uizle... .Snow Shoe
Spring K C Wood Bellefonte
Tavlor r.. Samuel Hoover...Fowler
Union J 8 Fredericks... Fleming
Walker Samuel Decker...Zlon
Worth G R Williams P'tMatllda
J. L. SPANG LEE. Chairman.
Fm.9% t. BIBLE, Secretary.
Eight Years Ignored.
The men who are running Grant for
a third term and an empire, present the
record of their candidate's career in
two chapter*. The flrst begins with
Vicksburg and ends with Appomattox.
It deals with his military operations in
the field. The second chapter begins
with Grant's departure by Red Star
steamer from Puiladelphia in 1877, and
contains the history of his wanderings
over the face of the earth down to
date. It records the honors said to
have beeu paid him abroad, follows
hiua around tbe globe, and enters min
utely iuto the particulars of his ap
pearance, behavior and conversation In
Europe. Africa, Asia and the West In*
dies. The third term men would like
to have the country believe that their
record in two chapters is complete.
But there is another and a very im
portant chapter which they leave uu
told. From 18d0tolS77 Gen. Grant
was President of the United States.
What sort of a President did he
make ? Did he turn his opportunities
to good purposes or to bad ? "Was his
Administration honest or dishonest ?
Did he call around him honorable men
or scoundreD ? Was the history of the
eight years during which Grant held
the ollice of President a history upon
which good men dwell with pride or
with shame ?
The third-term shouters are silent
about these eight years. But the peo
ple have not forgotten them.—X Y,
IN the lengthy aud comprehensive
anuual report of the board of directors
of the Penna. It. R. Company the fol
lowing is the only allusion to our road.
We can not see much in it that would
indicatce an early extension or comple
tion of the read :
• The Lcittisburg, Centre and Spruoe Creek
Kailroad was foreclos d uudcr mortgage, and
lias since been reorganized as the Lcwisburg &
Tyrone Kailroad Company.
The man has at last been found who
is willing to accept a nomination on the
Republican ticket for Vice President
with Grant for President. Ilis name
is Stewart L. Woodford, and be resides
somewhere in New York state.
THE Selinsgrove Times thinks it
would be a real nice thing for the
Democrats of this congressional dis
trict to do, to elect the Hon. A. H. Dill
to cougress. Really, Frank, your sug
gest iou deserves consideration.
Harmony in Prospect
It is reported that an effort will soon
be made by the democratic members of
the New York legislature to harmonize
the differences which divide the demo
cracy in that state. The Brooklyn iki
yle, which has been a very ardent sup
porter of Mr. Tilden, has recently an
nounced its preference for Gen. llau
cock as a candidate for the presidency,
and its changed attitude on the presi
dential question has caused quite a stir
in democratic circles not only in Kings
county hut throughout the state of
New York. The course of that news
paper in announcing general Hancock
as its choice is regarded by some of the
wise men of Gotham as pointing the
way to .a reconciliation between the
Tilden and auti-Tilden.factions. It is
thought that a union cau be effected by
an agreement that the delegation to
Cincinnati shall support the hero of
Gettysburg. While this is probably
mere speculation it may net be with
out foundation in fact. The democrats
of the Empire state recognize the fact
that something must be done, aud that
speedily to reunite their broken col
umns. General llaucock has not been
identified with either faction and his
name can therefore be made a rallying
point for both wiugs of tne party. At
any rate every well-wisher of the demo
cratic party will be glad to know that
a movement having for its object the
restorati m of harmony in the ranks of
the New York democracy has been
commenced, no matter in what direc
tion those engaged in it may look for a
presidential candidate. Jfrirrisbury
Republic or Kmpir®.
A Letter From Mx. Tildeu.
New York, Feb, 21., 18S0. J
MY DEAR SIR My engagements
here will deny me the pleasure of being
present at the dinner of the Democrat*
ic Association of Massachusetts on the
anniversary of the birth jf Washington.
I need not say how much I should be
delighted to meet the company who
will be assembled on that grand occa
Nothing could be more fit at the pre*
sent time than to commemorate that
day. It was the Father of his Coun
try, "first in war, first in peace, and
first in the hearts of his countrymen,"
who set the original example against a
third term in the Presidential office.
He made that memorable precedent as
a guide to all his successors, and as an
unwritten law of the American people,
lie did so in the light of a prevalent
fear iu the minds of the roost ardent of
the patriots who had achieved our na
tional independence and created our
system of free government, that indefi
nite reelegibility would degenerate into
a practical life tenure.
The vast power acquired by the Fed
eral Government over the elections by
its officeholders, its patronage, the
money it levies, and its various forms
of corrupt iufiuence, have developed
this danger until it darkens the whole
future of our country.
In the choice between the republic
and the empire, we must believe that
the people will be true to their ancestry
4nd to mankind.
Tendering you assurances of my es
teem, I am respectfully yours.
Chairman of the Executive Committee of tUe
Democartlc Association of Massachusetts,
Boston, Mass.
Provision to be Made for
Counting the Electoral
WASHINGTON, February 27.—The
Democrats of Congress have determin
ed that provision shall be made at this
session for a method for the counting
of the electoral vote. This will be done
by a joint rule, as it wis before the
Democrats came into power in the
House, under the rule adopted in 1865.
This rule proyided that an objection by
either could throw out a State. Tbe
Democrats insist that this was adopted
solely for the purpose of enabling either
house to throw out the electoral vote
of any Southern State. As soon as the
Democrats obtained a majority in the
House in the Forty-fourth Congress
tbe Republican Senate refused to con
sider any joint rales, tnis among others,
as operative. Democrats say they will
make a fairer rule than the old one, for
they do not believe that one house
ought to have power to throw out the
vote of a State.
''Sphoke too Late."
The meetings held in Chester, Cham
bersburg, Meadville and other points in
fovor of Blaine, are behind time.
What does Cameron care for such ex
pressions now, after he has captured
the delegates ? They are like the chirp
of the chicken in the bad egg, when
passing down the Irishman's throat,
Pat quietly remarked, "You sphoke
too late."
Death of Senator Bayard's
Law Partner.
WILMINGTON, Del., March 3., 'BO. —
Henry Pepper, the law partner of Sen
ator Bayard, was found dead in bed
here this morning. It is believed that
he died from apoplexy during the
night. •
THB Greeubackera ate going to bold
a State convention at Harrisburg on
the 23rd of the present month. What
.Greenback conventions are really good
for we are unable to say.
•r Waihlncloa LIUr.
March 6th. 1880. f
The Indians "must go'* from the In
dian Territory, or stay there at the
peril of associating with white men.
Considerate men in House and Senate
are seeking for the best means of re
conciling the inevitable extension 6t
wnite civilization with the best inter
ests of the Indians. To this end Mr./
Carpenter has a resolution before the
Senate, Mr. Vest & bill, aud various
members of the House propositions tor
either partial or complete change in
evisting methods of government. The
most radical is that of Senator Morgan
whose proposed joiut resolution declares
that the XIV Amendment makes dlti
zeus of all Indians. This would stop
the making of treaties, break up the
anomalous government of the Indian
Territory, and compel Indiau* every
where to submit themselves to the
same government as white men do.
This District has queer financial
management. One pioce of property is
taxed, and iuterest charged if payment
is delayed ; another piece goes untaxed;
%n 'titer piece it taxed, and a "draw
back" greater than trie original tax is
given. The facts have been of current
1 knowledge here for years, but are being
given to the public now for the first
time through a Congressional investi
gation. The government of the Dis
trict is in the bands of three men, ap
pointed by—two of them by President
Grant, and oue by President Hayes. I
would like to have Senator Thurmao,
or Senator Bayard, or some other
prominent aud influential Democratic
Senator, inquire whether, with all the
evils resulting from popular suffrage
in cities, it is not better to let the Dis
trict govern itself as all other cominnl
ties in the United States do. We have
a despotism, and natuially the despot
ism favors the rich as against the poor.
Hence these frauds. The Democratic
majority in this Congress will not do
its dutv unless it shall at least dtmpud
an equality of the people of this Dis
trict with others.
Senator Logan concluded yedttrday a
four day's speech iu Senate on the bill
to relieve Fitz John Porter. There is
a great effort on the part of Republi
cans to make this a party question, but
many of that side will vote for the bill,
and seek party advantage in some safer
if not more creditable direction,
The Storm.
CLEVELAND, 0., March 5.—A ter
rific storm accompanied by thuuder and
lightning did great damage here this
morning. Many chimneys, signs and
trees were blown down, walls toppled
ever and several small frame buildings
wrecked. The Cleveland female sem
ioarv on Woodland avenue was partly
unroofed and a portion of the upper
west wall was torn off. About seventy
young ladies were sleeping in the insti
tution, but none were injured. Tbe
roof of the new brick wire mill of the
Cleveland rolling mill compuny was up
lifted and one of the walls was throws
ia on the workmen, killing Julias
Brown and severely wounding several
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 5.—A
terrific tornado passed over this city
last night. A large number of bouses
were unroofed, chimneys blown down,
trees uprooted, etc. The Central ave
nue Methodist church was almost en
tirely demolished. A dwelling house
was lifted from its foundation and cat
ried five or six feet. The inmates of
the bouse escaped with but slight inju
ry. Two or three persons were serious
ly injured, but so faraskuown, no lives
were lost.
TOLEDO, 0., March s.—During a
heavy storm of wind and rain early
this morning the chimney of the Buck
eye brewery was blown down, falling
on and crushing the engine house in
which policeme u John Hassel and M.
F. Doyle and the night watchman of
the brewery bad taken refuge. The
former were killed and latier was se
verely injured. The wiud did consid
erable damage to roofs, freight sheds,
ets., and prostrated telegraph lines in
all directions.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., March s.—The
burial casket work of C. £. Cunning
ham A Co., were struck by lightning
last night and destroyed. Loss, $lO,-
000. The storm was very severe.
A "Grow" Boom.
A copy of the Montrose Republican
together with 4 'Biographical sketch of
Galusba A. Grow" in pamphlet form
was recently sent us. The ltcirublican
has a lengthy leadei bringing forward
Mr. Grow as a candidate for U. S.
Senator, in place of Hon. W. A. Wal
lace, whose term will expire March 4th
We can hardly believe that the Re
publican expects Democratic papers to
assist iu starting a Grow boom, and
yet that may just be the truth in the
matter. For years Mr. Grow has been
a real or prospective candidate for U.
1 8. Senator, or for almost any other of
fice that just bappend to be vacaut, but
the fates seem to. be against him. In
point of ability, integrity, and general
elements of popularity, Mr. Grow has
few equals and no superiors, among
; Republicans in Pennsylvania, but he is
not made of stuff to suit the Cameron
Dynasty, and of course stands no
chance whatever.
| The Republican seems to be a trifle
t verdant in politics, else it would not
•Pnd time and money -in •epdlng
"Grow" literature to Democratic pa
papers, WtY (id fact
everybody) is ftilly with the
*ervice of the Hon. W. A. Wallace
and it would be no improvement to
wend Mr. Grow Jn his steiid, although
he is a very clever fdao, fol: a Ropubli
*®Un.''' "jllii'i f.s'.e'-v '"V.;,.
In hfif^h* r.befOiw tliejxo
pk the fapubtiwn further betrays its
dgnoriinfs of politics are managed
id l*ennlt|itania, since the Cameron
ring carries the-State iu their podkets.
Neither the press, the legislature or the
people have anything to ray as to who
shall be our pufotto officers. The ring
substantial!,? appoint our officers and
the voters bate at best only a ratifying
If the Republican wishes to see Mr.
Grow U. 8. Senator, it must first get
the consent of the Camertfc Dynasty
and the thing is done, provided that a
Republican legislature be elected next
November, it is altogether unseason
able and utterly useless to start a
"Grow" boom in the manner the
Montrose Republican does.
'A > ; * i
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l 4 * , y
JT* \
. itt
> • :
• ♦ .
Deininger & Mtsssr
v . •• • • ,V.
■>< i. .•
' - -"-JiU *.'u3 * ... , t-v
; Jh. . .
4/., ;
f £ . •• .. _
• X
The -old and popular establishment
is prepared to do all work in
> h, - • v
their line In a style equal
to .in. Central
f: q •*
* * Pennsylvania,
•ii r, - j. •
t t |U prices,
. '
that defy competition.
.. :.n. -v
♦ -T v * • v .
V cor st* r.r - •• • *
•' * -
* V, 1 i
• ' t
of all styles and prices made
orrshort notice.
. • •• i
The proprietors hope, by
Strict Attention
? *
w • / •* • ~ .
• * • *Y ' *
to merit the continued confidence of
their frierds and pat rons, and
cf the public at large.
Shops east of Bridge,
Millheim, Pa-
.A. TOWN PKOI'KKTY.—By vlj tue Of A<t or
'nr of the Orph 411#' Ouurt of (.'entire county} the
anderilgiied, administrator of tlie e*tate of W.
B. Harter, deceaaed, will ofhr at public nale, at
Mtlihelm, onrfiatiirdav, March Z7tb, 18*>. the
, following valuable property: All that feerttin
House and Lot situate In the Rora' of Mlllhelm,
Centre couuty, l'a., bounded on the north by
l Main street, 0.. the east by lot of the M. K.
Church, on the south by mill race, and on the
i- west by lot of Gobble, containing
about one fourth acre, wore or less. Thereon
la ereeted a two story frame dwelling house,
| stable and other outbuildings,
i Terms: One half of the purchase money shall
! be paid upon confirmation of sale, and the
other half In a year, with Interest. To be se
i eured by bond aud inortgago on the urcinlsos.
Hale to commence at one o'clock or said day.
TURNPIKE KI.KCTION.—Notise i*hen*.y
given to tbe stockholders of the Hellefonte,
I Aaronsburg aud Youngmanstown turnpike
cainpany, that an election will bo held at ike
I house of Win. Inlioff, In Mtftltnhurg, on Tues
da>, March nth iWW, for the purpose of electing
a board ot managers.
By the Board,
St John Htoaer.'Prcs't.
EST RAY.—Game to the premium* of the snb
scrlber, in Gregg township a dark ret!
I steer, tappoeed to be about one and a halt
years old. The owner Is notified andTwq uet
rd to provo property, pay charge*, and take
; the sauie iiway. otherwise It will be disposed
of according to law.
W. 11. Bu>ox.
Gregg township, Fee. 18,1W0.
EXKL'UTOR'B NOTlCE.—Letter* testamen
tary on the eatate of Magdalene Garret
late of Miles township, deceased, having been
granted to the Rtibscrltier, all tiersons knowing
tetnselverf Indebted to said estate are hereby
requested to make Immediate payment, una
those having claim* against the same to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
administraMou on the estate of Ja£ob
Neese. late of Gregg township, deceased, hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons
know ing themselves indebted to said estate, are
hereby requested to inake immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them duly
autbcutlcaled tor settlement.
S.J. llkrjng,
Ww. 11. Nkjmk.
4-Gt Administrators.
EXKLTTOK'S NOTlCE. —Letter* testament
ary on the estate of Harriett Hrcoii. late
of Haines township, deceased, having been
grunted to the undersigned, art persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are here
by required to make Immediate payment, and
those having claims against the satec to present
Them Ally authenticated for aettleinetn.
P. T. Mumku,
V-6t Executor.
Main Street, Mfllheiin, Ta
. "
Fashionable Barber.
Two doors west of Millheim lfotel,
Prices to Suit the Times.
Improve,l Stabling and careful Hostler*. Low
Sieclal rate* to Jurymen and Witnesses
eanline**, comfort unexcelled
xgalust the Froduoem, than whom nwa.- are
more wort hy, or ntorv entitled to attention.
The Hush House Paving over three time* the
capacity of other liotela, t lie re i* no eeeastou
or disposition to pluee the gtesi* in attic
rooms. This account* for it* growing Local
Trade. We do not trust your hoisc* to the
cam and profit of parties disconnected with
the hotel.
J. 11. MYERS,
54-G If. Proprietor.
Window Shades,
956 North Second Street,
943 St. John Street,
i— -♦ mm
First Class Work and
Low Prices.
Country Trade Respectfully
TV. Iv*> * tuiwivr to UIT IMCVIM I tvir u* it
wru ww L w.- HARRIS LEWI*.
TfMmti .f Nw York Dslrymw's Km.
TV. miW •' ptM rut with th K.r*k. Utwtr li mar.
ma aa4 r*ld tVaa aTtrr tVa *dc-rat marhion.
rrwtdMt ruam' Clafc, Xlaiia, N. Y
TV* Ear*ha Hnrtc It tha wry bat w r.r taw, ul thm 1,
H (Maeal ia*wr thai <aa canpar* with 11 r*|ct.
State Graac* Lacturrr, WyiM, T.
Tha auur la whtfh It bam th cat|rraM, twa sad *p*a
to th. .aa and wted raady for drytec, pot. th. Karaka far ah 4
of aay aiarhta* I rar n-d- R. LAPORTE, Arylum, Pa.
RradforS County. PL Corrosponfienco soliMtoß.
CfrcuMr* hmßm n sppfioatioß.
and bow to obtain them. Pamphlet
free, upon receipt of Stamp for post
ego. Address—
So fiction of Patent*,
Knr rtenl Of Ice, ]Vashlni/t>m, f>. C.
dueeeasors to tbo "East Lewisburg Lumber & "ManufacturiDg Company
Munufnctiirm of
Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Doors, Saish, Blinds,
Verandas and all other kinds of Building
BEING provided with ample facilities, the latest and most Unproved raachineiy, and
the best mechanical-skill,-wo are prepared to execute all orders promptly, and in the
very bust manner.
Wc give special attention to the furnishing of Material for the bet
ter grs des of
Also, to the manufacture of SCHOOL OFFICE and CHURCH FURNITURE,
N. B.—We can send Materials to C-oburn or Spring Mills at cheap freights. 26-Iy
Procured for Soldiers disabled In the U. 8. ser
vice froiu any cause, also for Heirs of deceased
soldiers. All peitslous date back to day of dis
charge, and to date of the death of the soldier.
Tensions increased. Address, with stamp,
3—4t 913 E. Bt. N. W. Washington, D. C.
—————— -•
lad Grand Medal of Hoaor.
"Economy, Durability and Rapidity
combined with perfect work.
An Dittisgutshing Features of the
Giant Farm anil f arete Fans,
Racine, Wis.
Now having many late improvement*, they are fully
equal to every demand ; cleaning all kinds of Grain,
Bean*. Cauur Bean*, Corn and Small Seed.
They grade Wheat perfectly by once handling. Sep
arate Oats from Wheat, Barley and Rye. They have
very perfect arrangements for cleaning Timothy,
Clover, Flax Seed, Orchard Grass, and all other
Small Seed* They Chaff perfectly, and combine
every qualification required ta do the Lest work in
ike shortest umc
Warehouse, a* well as Farm Mills, are largely con
* true ted, both kinds requiring nine sizes to accom*
mod ate the demand, and giving a capacity of from 50
to 500 bushels per hour, according to size of milL
They are shipped, boxed for ocean transportation,
and "set up" or "knocked down" for forwarding
inlacd, as requested; and in all caser put free on
board Car* or Steamer. Order* filled same day a*
Mills shipped "knocked down" go for half the
freight charged as when forwarded "set up." Oleo
graphs and Circulars supplied on application. Pncei
will be quoted lew and on liberal terms. Corres
pondence solicited.
Battle Creek, Mich.
THC ■atcklM. C.TIM-S.Tlnf,
and Money-Saving Thre.hrr ef tale duv and genera
ttoe. Beyood all rivalry for lUptd Work, Perihct Cleaning,
STEAM Power Tliri-eher* a Specialty. Special
■iiee of Separators wade expressly for Steam Power.
OUR Unrlrmled Rtoam Thresher Engine*,
both Portable end Traction, with Valaable Improve
ments, far beyond any other make er kind.
THE ENTIRE Threshing Expenses (and often
three to Ave time* that amount) can be wade by the
Extra Grain BAVKD by thcee Unproved Machines.
GRAIN Raiser* will not submit to the enor
woua wattage of Grata and the Interior work dona by
all other wachihee, when once posted on the difference.
NOT Only Vastly Snperior for Wheat, Oala,
Barley, Ave, and Ilk# Grains, but the ONLY Success
fol Thresher In" Flax, Tltoothy, Millet, Clover, and like
Heeds, acquires no "attachments" or "rebuilding" to
ehange from Grain to Seeds.
IN Thorongh Workmanship, Elegant Finish,
Perfection of Parts, Completeness of Kqulpment, etc.,
our " YuMUTon" Thresher Outfits are Inoomparable.
MARVELOUS fbr Simplicity of Parts, using
less than ono-half the usual Celts and Gir-s* Make#
Clean Work, with no Litterings or Scatterings.
POUR Sixes of Separators Made, Banging
from Six to Twelve-Horse sixe, and two sty leu of Mount
ad Horse Powers to msloh
POB Particulars, Call en our Dealer* or
write to us f* ntalKatcd Clwular, wkloh wo mail frets, j
Unrivaled in Appearance,
Unparalleled in Simplicity,
Unsurpassed in Construction,
Unprecedented in Popularity,
And Undisputed in the Broad Claim
or BCINO Ttsc
Host Perfect Sawing Itochini
til THC WORLD. %
The great popularity of the WSils It 8* MOSL C<Ml
•lncirsg tributa to tu oxcaMefict and superiority
over other machines, and Hi submitting ft to the
trade we pet It neon its merits, and In ne fnstsnct
has it erorycl tailed to satlsh say recoaiaeadattea
la Ms tenor.
The demand ter the White has Increased to such
an aiteat that we are aew compelled te torn out
JL Cexsvplwtm Bewingr HXwrtTilqam
evany tlnswm mia.utss Lsa,
tbo to arta.ppiy
t2xo dgmanal
Every machine Is warranted for S years, OS
tofdfor csh at liberal discounts, er apea easy
payments, to suit Uto convenience of custom art#
Hi S6B Fnfgd Ave.. Ctosclaad. OMo.
£ !S3£ j J
S s ||2|| ,
Q a S3 VI e
Oi3 3 Z H
3 §g m 8 * a
$ 1 § 5 H fc I
%. 5 c 5 IP I s
0 " W 3 WW. LJ = ft
slut O9:
aSW ® |
2 k£ > 8
1 Is S 3
Centennial World's Fair, 18701
bwowonwexs musaninur as TXU
Their comparstlve exoellenoe is recognised hp
Che Judge* in their Report, from whlefc the
following lo on extract:
exhibit aa the beet Instranaeiato ot a
prloe rendering them possible to a large clua
of purchasers,having a combination of Reeds
and Bella, producing novel and pleasing effect*,
containing many desirable improvements, will
stand longer in dry or damp oiimate, leas liable
to got out of order, all tbe boards being made
three-ply. pnt together oo It la lmno*slble for
them to either shrink, swell or spilt,** TUB
This Medal and Award was gphnted after the
moat severe competition of the beet makers
before one o* the moat •omuetent Jar lea
over assembled. /
Few Styles and prleea Juet lscsed, wbieh are
tn eooordanco with oar rule, tk# BEST OR
GAN for tbe least money. 7
We are prepared to appoint a tew new Agents.
Illustrated Catalogues mailed, poet-paid, on
application to
Hltf RiV*w. Cora,