Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 04, 1880, Image 2

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    Jj|illljeim Journal.
Is publl lied .-very Thursday. In Musser'S Build
ing, inruor t" Main and IVnn streets at
Or <d 27> it not paid in ad ranee.
1 week. 1 mo. 3 mo. R mo. 1 year.
1 square,... | ♦H*' I 12 M *' 0,1 1 *! "®
t.,column... I 3 ixi | 4w i>(K) 10ml
V,oolmnn... I 500 1 750 10 00 15 00 1 void
f Mlnmn..! \ SOO | 12 00 20 00 35 00 | 60 00
One inch ntnk-'s a square. Administrators
nnd Executors' Notices $!.50. Transient ad
verUsomcnts locals 10 cents per line for
first Insertion ami 5 cents par lino for each ad
ditional insertion.
Job Work done on short rotieo.
Iknrdi & Snniay School Dirtctory.
Ministers now absent, attending annual scs-lon
of Conference.
Wio .(• F. Dfininper. Preacher in chart:*-
Sunday School, 2r. M.—D. I- Zerby. supt.
Urchdker-in-eharge absent attending annual
session of Conference.
Jiev. H r . li. Whitney, Preacher-ln-chargc.—
Sunday School. 1 P.Jt.,—D- Kimport.mipt.
Rev. S. S. Siogel will preach next Saturday
afternoon at salcm' church In Herman and In
the evening Jn English; i n Sunday fort-noon in
Aaronsbvirg German, end in the evening in
1 ngiish: in St.Tauks church>in
United Brethren.
Ji*v. John Londif, Prtacher-in char era. —
/vVr. John Tomhntvn, Potior.—
CerniAn preaching in Aftroukhutg next Sunday
morning, aiu! in Miilhcim in the evening, eng
United Sunday School, 0 x. M.—F. P.
Luse st.
Lcdie & So KtyJJirsctory.
MillluHm l.Oflijo, No. 955. 'I.'Q. O. F. meets in
hrtrhall. Penn street, everySnhmlay wening.
Ket*eoa Degree Meeting every Thursday on
or before tin- fnli moon ol each month.
H. A. I'.T MT.LP.R. See. U. B. G
PrtTidencr Grange, No. 217 P. of II , mect*kt
Ale *ader s bl<*k on the second Saturday of
each month at fit,, r. M-. nod on the fourth Sa
turday of eafh iiuui.h ut I*. I*. M.
P. L.ZKXIIY. Soe. A. O. Master..
The MilllrTin B. & 1.. A.vwriatfon nnvts in
the Peon street school house on t le evening of
the second Monday of c.vh month.
The Mlllheiin Cornet Hand meets 111 the
Town Hail on Monday nd Thursday evenings.
F. P. OTTO, sec., K. IIARIEK, l'res't.
MilUu-iin Escort of Co. P.. sth Kegt., N. (}..
I okl their drill meeting on the second story of
Alexander's Block, every Tuewlaj and Friday
Ontee tVevnty Oeroineratie Commit*
tee for IKS 9.
•DlSffll'T?. SVMKS. P. O. AI>I!UMS.
•S. W \V C 1 lei 1 lie
>' *V--W.,..\Vni Harper*£.~ Frank K Bible... Milesbnrg
VnioJiville P •' McDonnell,..Unionville
Howard ,A .1 Gardner Howard
phhlnsbi rtf *.C G llorli tiger... Philipsb'g
Miilh tin 1 II Itelfsuxder..Millheim
Ilenuer Uriah Stover.... Ilellefoute
lloigx... . -las A MeClain... Mileshurg
Burusjde. Win Hopple Pint-Glenn
College Sam'l Gtuiiaml.. Hoalsbttrg
Curljt) David lb-10ng... Howard
Ferguson. G P D.Ol Driebeibls.. State Col
s*. p O M Sheets Stormston
Gregß..... I- M ltishel Spring M s
Jluines George Keister, Aaronsb'g
HalEjcoon lohu Ward stormsto'n
Harris .. Sara'! Islder Hoalsburg
Howard David Tanver... Howard
Huston H (I Chrotuster.. Martha
l.ifeeriy W II Gardner—Blnnt-liard
Marion John Hoy, -Jr Walker
Milos Sam'l K Faust Millheim
pattou G W Rumberger..Fillmore
IVnn ... \\ F Smith Millheim
Pot t-r, N. i' D F J use Centre Hall
•• *>. P (> W Spangler Tusseyv'e
Hash WilliamCullen... Philipsb g
Suow >Loe lolru G Uzzle Snow shoe
Spring EC Wood IMlefon'e
Tavlor Samuel Hoover.. .Fowler
Union J S Fredericks... Fleming
Walker Sannel Decker... Zion
Worth G K Williams Pt.Matilda
J. L. sl ANGLER, Chairman.
FI:.VXK E. BIFLC, Secretary.
Blaine a Part of Grant's Ad
The independent republicans of New
York have is rued a cu uiifesto in which
they pronounce against both Grant and
JJlaii e as unsuitable candidates for the
presidency. They deel ire that upwards
of nineteen thousand New York repub
licans "scratched'' the name of A. B.
Cornell for governor at ttie election last
fall and that this large element is un
compromising in its hostility to a third
term ai.d to any candidal# fur the pie
sidency win se record is not without
taint of corruption or ofiicial malfeas
ance. It may be said that these recal
citrant fellows are bard to please, but
in putting Grant and Blaine alike undei
their ban they are simply consistent.
The fact is that Blaine really was as
much a part of Grant's administration
a3 any member of the ex-president's
cabinet. As speaker of the house of
representatives he was "the third olli
cer of the government" and his approv
al and oftimes his active support of the
measures of the Grant administration
became necessary to secure their adop
tion by congress. Not a single one of
the many notorious schemes of the lob
by which received the sanction of the
Grant administration passtd congress
without the assent if not the decided
nipport of Blune. He could have de
feated any one of them by a nod of his
head or a wave of his hand. He c mid
have stopped with a single word the e
normous grants of land to the Pacific
railroad companies and the lavisn ap
propriations lu money that were voted
to favored claimants during the presi
dency of Grant. He could have broken
up the Indian ring and the Whisky
ling with a hint to the appropriate
committees of the house which were
his creatures and servants. He could
have driven out of the White House
with a shake of his little linger the
hi ids of prey that roosted there from
18 ;9 till 1876. But he cnose deliber
ately to do none of these things His
c ireer as speaker of the house therefore
cannot be judged apart from the histo
i v of the Grant administration and the
independent republicans of New York
do liiru no injustice in placing him on
the same plane of political morals with
the ex president, lie has hut one ad
vantage over Grant and that consists
in the fact that the l itter lias already
had two terms of Hie presidency. —P it
Our Wnnhlnginn Irtttor.
Washington, l>. ('. Fob. 2S|ii, isso.
So far as I'lesidentlal Candidate# arc con
cerned, there was never a better prospect of
harmony Tor tlie Democratic Convention than
now, nor a better prospect for a quarrel in any
convention than in the coming Republican con
vention. There Is no Democratic quarrel that
reaches beyond th" bord w# of a state, and
none, even of tha'. limited character whl*h is
not likely to tw settled long before the conveu
tion meets at Cincinnati on the 22nd dax of
June. In the Itepuhilcan party, however, tho
differences are raduat and permincnt. The
leading dcpubllcans are men who (40m various
causes hate each other bitterly, and nt least
two of the most prominent aspirants for the
Presidency among them would welcome defeat
rather than success of the party under ttic lead
ership of others.
Besides this unprecedented rivalry among
leaders, the radical party lias on its hands a
question which in no previous election has as-
SNUted so much iin;orlancc. 1 am told that
educated and aspiring negroes—Senator Ka
innnds might call mem "niggiV—are disaa is
fled with t ie meagre recognition gtvn them
by the Republican party wd are angry, lo
calise of their social eAeluM H lieu they
happen to have scats in the Senate or to occupy
other oflicial |K> itions.
1 renew a predict! >n m lie months ago, that
we will have an early adjounun Mil ofUongr ss
The recent course of delay—tho question of ad
aptiug new House rule;—is out of tiic way sub
stantially. The rules are 110 '.on get* to l • cm
slderad iu Cft'JiuUtee of tlie wh ne, where all of
-.them hive been .cted on, but in open ilou-e
and commencing with Tuesday they will be rap
idly disposed of. An a IJ.urnnn?nt in May, so
that Congnvs will be out of the way before the
convention meet in Jane, will be a great hcip
to do Dent>eraeytewards victory.
The idea that M. D.-U-qieps is u'l engi leer of
experience and ability has d m. 1 much t> give
! ee/'if to a l'amana canal scheme mi icr Ins di
rection. He is not an engineer, and hid no
connection with the on Imvr work 0:1 Die Suez
canal, the only engineering accomplishment
with which his name is connected. In that
great work ho was simply the head <>f that body
of capitalists who coasts u go-l the canal, it doctrine of the
Democracy uiwn th'J erroneous idea tlut a
Frenchman is the only man that ea 1 do the
work. CARROLL.
THE NOW York State
Convent ion c.ime off at Utica, last
Widucsday, ttie 2.">lh.
No one is surprised to hear that
the convention instructed fr Grant,
for it was well known long since that
such would be the re*ult. Conkhng
who manages the raacl.ine in the Em
pire state, strained every nerve to give
the state to the silent man on horse
liaek. Vet it was as surprising as it
was unexjected, that {Blaine developed
so much strength .in the convention.
The iii st test vote gave 217 votes for
the would-Im prospective e:nj>eror, and
IS 1 for 111 une, leaving 0n1y47 >f ma
jority, in a convention of 387, in favor
of Giantism, Third-tenuis;a and cor
rupt ion generally. If any one thing is
clearer than all utiles it is that if Un
people had their fiee choice, Giantism,
with allats lengthy train <>f wrong and
evil, would be condemned by the Am
erican people m a voice so emphatic
that it wouki never be heard of again
asa factor ju politics.
The Democratic Dark Horses.
Tli dv is a noiicsHble Ilanco- k feeling
s 1 t< ttio current of m iniou A ci
responHent w io has talke'l with four
teen Southern Senat us tells nu- that
Limy almost unanimously f.vor Han
cock's claims. Sptaker Hantlall's sud
den change from Chicago to Cincinnati
gi-vee rise to considerable speculation
It is saiJ that it means a virtual retire*
ment of Mr. TiJden in favor of General
Hancock or Mr. Jewett. The selection
of Cincinnati is regai dt d as favorable
to Jewett, who is from Ohio aud repre
sented a district of that State in Con
cress before taking the presidency ol
the Erie It ad.
The Vermont Republican Con
vention D3clare3 for Gao.
F. Edmunds.-
MONTTELIEK, Vt., Feb. 20. -There
publican state convention met to-day
and adopted resolutions presenting the
name of George F. E hounds as a suit
able person to be made the candid.ito
of the republican party for the next
Cincinnati is considered to be a real
good place to hold a Democratic Na
t oual Convention, and the 22nd of
.June just as good ati ne. Now let us
have a number one men as candid ites
for President, and Vice President, and
we will give Grantisin, Third-term ism
and Credit Mobileisio such a quietus
that liiey will not again be heard of
until judgment day.
THE Hon. E. B. Washburneannoun
ces that under no circumstances will he
consent to be a candidate for President.
Well now that's just what we had in
tended doing when it occurred to us
that nobody asked us to be a candidate.
Guess that's precisely the mau's lix
who writes Washburne with an "c".
No, we can't all be President.
IT must be apparent to even tne dull
est intellect that Grant will by the Re
publican nominee for President. Cam
eron, Coukhiig Si, Co., have the matter
i i hand, and judging from the way
things are miuaged in Pennsylvania
and New York it is evident tin y are
determined to force Grant on the peo
ple for a third time whether he is wan
ted or not.
Edward Ilerrick, Esq., at present
chief clerk of the Auditor General's
Department, is mentioned as a proper
candidate for that ollice. He is said
to he altogether fit and worthy.
CoI'NTY, FROM JAN. 1., IST.i, J YN. 1., IS*O.
To taxes outstanding. Juu. 1,
lsT-.i #iV,liW.6l
To taxi'# assessed for 157'.'.... 42,517 30
To amniint received of Com
inlftdoiieis nil loans 22,4T-4.57
To amount rec I vert of Com
missioner#, costs and col
lections 450.5*
To amount received of Clear
field county, balance on
Mosh.t niiou briilge 1,145.6*1
To iimonnt received of ration
toe nship. lus.i ne account 10.7 c!
To amount r ceived of College
township, insane acount lu.ioj
Toaim uni received of Spring
township insane account 2iW,51
To am't ree'd, rct.t of house 4# on
To registration blanks 501 d... 5.70
To balance on hand Jan. J,
lust! 3,727.17 *
JUl'i. 1., I*o.
By taxes outstanding. f>7,<>23>i
By county older# paid 53,2i>1.73
Kv anu unt state Treasurer re
ceipt 3,%0.2H
By com mission on State lax
paid 1<V4.35
Bv exonerations allowed eollee
' tors
Bv C'>mniis>loiis aHouisl eoliee- 1,277 >1
By salary 2,0o.0<
By stationery
Balance 3,727.17
XV H the undersigned. Auditors of Centre
county.-do hereby <vrt t'v th it we have exam
ined the above account of Adam Yeartck. Treas
urer of Centre county, and find it collect.
Witness on ilia mis and seals liiis 22d day of
January, A. D. isso.
J vxir.e I NTUXUT. fI. S-l Auditors.
G:o. It. Wif.Lt vM4.[|..s, l
K ' I'UNntTCR^i.
Ojinmitxionera' Pay.
AnArow Oresg * 711 H
Jacob D nkle !i?' ,
George Swab 2muiu
llenrv Reck. (. o nmi.sV# Clerk ,i.00
■ ■
Jury Cbmriu'.ttioners' Pay.
1 N. J. Mileiien
Henry Kell-r -4 c
Henry Beck, eleik 3-' &>
C'oiint'j .' ru'itor*' PuV
lames T. stuuit
G. K. Williams .
T B. Janusou - 0 ;
j C. L. BulUngton, clerk i rt o(xi
Improvement nnd Repair*.
John Markie, for fence nt Jail— l. v, <
1. W.JCberhart, for work at J.V.I
sin le *"'l
! J. W, Barnes, for gas fitting do
(John Gregg, tor work at furnace
jut' $ '-
: Fenna. K.rti. Co., for freight on
lumber '
\ Win l.neus, for work at Jail HC. >
jM. -I. Dolan. " .... 6-0 >
Adams Kxpresi Co., for freigt.t
on pipe# for jail Tb
C. !W,r. hydrant for jiil Id-"'
! J. W. Barnes, hydrant for J ill— 12.H*
I Thomas Mathews & Sou. lumber
• for jail -j3<72
I Henry Walkey, labor at jail ... AS.po
JC. W. Corman. " " *-'7
A, Carr. brass cocks for jail.... L..'A)
Jio 1> i.leb & Co, hiiuberlor Jnil 3K3
' R. r.irb-t', liauHug for jail 2
Samuel Brugger, siwctheutious
I for Jail - U-2>
'O. \V. Lamb'ii, repairing at Jail '
i Win ttalbrulHi. plumbing at Jail 23.7J
| Jas Harris & Co., Mil in .terial
for jail 242.11
! D. XV. XVo-dring, ful watcluug
st jail * M
I B. & S. S. li. li. Co., Jul#t for
Treasurer's OFFICE 6. pj
John Wetzel, carpenter work
| at * il 'JP7.I3
Ojiirt Exp jifcs.
Jurors' pay 4 J62 85
Commoitwealth Costs 2.4**5. l 'l
J. 11. Vosburx, court reporter., ibn.oy
\V. F. Rcber, court reporter— -74.24
It. Gulbrailh. . ourt c:.-r 162. o>
IV ti&ilbraiUi. Janitor
Tipstaves pay .363.5*)
M.J. lhdan. special detective.. 'iUi'.tW
Court Proclamation* bv Sheriff
Spuiißh*r 122.26
Summoning jurors, by Sheriff 183.0)
(Vu-ntf Prison I
Mrs. Shaffer, washing fot pris
o.ers..; * &-?>
Mrs. Price, wash, for prisoners 27-0
Joseph Bros. it Co.. clotlii.-ig for
! prisoners -M-'l
Harper Bros, cloth, for pris rs. 00.';3
IS& A Loeb, arise, f r prison... .17>I
•• •• *• . 2C.'
Robert Mcknight, gas bill 2i-4 A>
Geo Do'an, work at cessn h>1....
J H Fellenl-anni, iep'ug locks.. it-SJ
Daniel Dorr, gas
W k Galbtuith. plumbing
W T TwitmliC. repairs at jail.. 7-40
1) Kb.-rhart. reisdr.s at iatl 1.'.'l
J R-yi Ids <k run, water back
aiid grate I'J.oO
retina K. K. Co, tretght on
water back and graie/
Jno Mc'.vrmjti, remv'ng ashes 400
Frank Johnson, ch-anine pipes .5
J s Mnllory. repairiug t-
Alviu Brady, cleaning pip -s I 'M
Win i ucas. repairs at -Table... 4. *'
Win Garcs. repairs at cells— 5."0
11 o Holler, spittoons for J i 11... 7.00
Print iw Hilt*-
FI. Hutfer*. admlal 4rater's biil I'
K I Tiiteh o'd-'o
Sbugert A Forster 214. >1
Fred Kurtz M-W
Walter & Deininger 50.00
KCBeiid.-r 50.<<0
Bridge view s < :>i.2"d
Murray, Dougal & Co.. b-tlanee
of account from I*7B 1.284.40
MUesburg bridge-
Murray. D -ugai& Co,
for iron bridge 12.5854.90
Jonas Speartng, con
tract tr H*io.od
Samuel Brugger. engineer 12L25
Geo Hider, for railing at
ends 5.80
Unlonville bridge—
G W Korrey, contractor.. 470.00
Baiuuci Bruggcr. engineer ls.'ki
Sprin' Mills bridge—
John Cold ron, eimiractor 60.0J
Port Matilda Bridge—
Jonas Spearing, eonti actor 765.00
Samuel Brugger. cngurecr 75.04
Itepaicsat Unlonville brtdge 2J.5.1
Itepairs at Karthoiia bridge 12.00
Repairs at Beech Cirek bridge.. 2.097
Signs ami linger boa ids on iron
bridges 154.93
Repairs at Howard dam bridge 4'A).47
Keuairs at Julian bridge I.'O
ltej.ltirs at Curtiu bridge*.! 8.00
Commissioners' expenses to
bridges 40.53
Teasers' Institute 9 14 4.24
Western Penitentiary 34*4.04 .
Koad damages 75.0 J
1). A. Musser. balance of account 824.27
Agricultural Society 100.()
J no spangler, Slieritt' on account 1,394.72
J II Dobbins, sal'y as jail phy 10o.<
J K&C T Alexander, coal for
Court Homo and Jail 69) 3d
I, L Brown ll"..l
Potter Twp, on case lunacy 21 25
Ferguson " " " 22.6.1
Worth " " " 5-do
Rush " " " 15JJ0
Assessors pay 1,273.'*)
C M Bower, Coin's attorney T.0)
Road views 570. W
Running line between Unlou and
lieniier townships 51.00
Running Marion township line 200.63
Constable's pay 418..M
Election expenses 1,:y0.4.3
Scalp premiums 1,335.60
Kedcmplion IT. S. Lands 233.A5
Jtcfunoing tax #
Insurance on county buildings 115.50
Interest on loans paid 3,122.89
Commissions on lunacy 31.32
I nquisiti JlTS ou dead bodies % 62.12
Nu'.w) paid 16,161.ft!
Premiums to collectors 23 U
Commission to C M Bower for
collections made 153.01
Tax paid oil real estate held by
countv 3.15
Higipital for insane, Danville 2,624.91
Kooert Ale Knight, gas bills 143.6)
Ll. Beck, copying registrations 30.00
J 1' Gcp'iait, ackuowledgins
Commissioner's deeds 50.00
Books and stationery for Com
missioner's oltt-e 22.92
Jos W Sanderson, for Judges'
Chairs 09.00
Keeder and Keller, clerks elec
tion returns 10.00
Ira C Mitchell, attorney's fee
in 7 cases 21.00
II A Mingle, services at Audi
tor's -.ettlcmeut 6.09
J N Had, services at Auditor's
settlement . 9.00
Adams Express Co., reight
on blanks, &c. 4.20
Penna R K Co., freight on
chairs, etc. .1.1)
IHuTI U.triußn, for Jur
<>n and hire . IS-00
WTTw it mire repairs al Moves 12.M
J no T Johnston, postage, envoi
etc. • 89.(7
II Beck. w c>x '** 1,1
IHwkK 18.84
Jho Me I leiiiinH. removing *h.
en at Court llou*o l.'W
-J M Mullory. renair'g ymte at cII 4.00
I.lrh a tiarbricK, lee nv Court II 3.50
Williams & Bro. glaring at V II 2.00
Cost* In county vs. J'hllipsbnrg
Borough 98.62
Win Mann and others, books
for office# 141.85
.rc Harper, repairs at Frothy'*
ffiec ' ' 3.52
VV A Morrison. t'oin. Pleas cost. 10.U2
liar per Bro*.. bill carpet C I! 24.15
.1 Harris & Co., bIU hose. Kr. " J6.i,6
W A Sclirover, eovcrlug tables
at Court lloU*e *S.'O
Sumtry |H>r*ons. foraoap, blnd
liik carpet, &e. 2 75
I) Kverliart. repairing lte
wrtlrr'* office
Wilson, MeFarlane A Co. hart!.
ware at Court House 11.35
Wood for Court House 3.£5
Mr.s. Ilallei, serubbliK offie • l.(V)
.Ino Uruckblll, stools for office l.Ot)
TuUtl expenditures $53,3i*4'37
CKSTKE <S)f*Tr. JAN. J, 19*0.
To county orders received on
account #l,
To costs received 61.57
BuUuce 7*4.76
By hoarding prisoners 3.197
days, at 40 ct* 11.176.60
" 04 turnkey fees at 80 ct*. 75 .'2O
" conveying 6 prisoners to
penitentiary, ♦ at fln.OO
ahd 2at mOOoaeli
" conveying C l*rfec to house
ot rofiigo 4*.56
" conveying 5 to insftne as
sylUiu at ftO 200.(0
" publlfiling cutrt proclaina
lion January term 28.50
" pitbll-hiug court proclaina
tion April tcrui 24.1.0
" publishing court proclama
tion. A tin ust term 19.0)
•' publishing court proclama
tion. Noveiulicr terin 17.4')
M publishing court proeiama-
Hou, January term, ]Mso 19.00
" Sheriff* lees on court pro
clamations. 4 Cotrts, 4.f*
" publishing ftsh proclamat'n 9.(x5
" ill's fees on general
election proclamation 4."0
~ summoiii.iK Jury, March
* special term 14.00
" summon'g jury, April term 34.00
" *unituon'g jury. Aug. term 3t.(*)
" sumtnon'g Jury Oct. special
term % 14 .ik)
'• summon s Jury Nov. term 47.0)
*' summoning Jury,-f auuary
tcrin. lUtO 49.09
" bill luiult''. aoap, spoons,
etc . for j til X.'K
" filling and mending 42 ticks
at 50 cts. 21.00
" costs on I I Fa, No. 2-3, April
term 2.19
" Sundry co*ts, Jau. term 14.56
" " " Aug. term 16.29
" Commonwealth costs 5.3.74
" D F Fortiiey'* iirder 34.25
" removing fish baskets
l'etius, I'ine and K'k creeks 42.59
" removing thih b.wkets spting
creek 10.4 d
" icmoviUg flsfl bdskets Lo
gans Branch ' 4.US
" removing tish baskets Kivcr 6L52
~ removing Ash baskets Mo.
shannon 43-50
" tilling j'try wheel 4 days lti.on
" expenses after Klngguld and
ll.tanigardiier 27.62
Ry balance due Sheriff at .settlement, Jan. 1.
I*Bo 1754.76 1
.state of reuu'a. /
r *• I
Centre county. >
We, the undersigned, Audi lorn of Outre
county, do hereby certify that in pursuaure of
an ac; of Assembly, entitled - An art relall ,g to
count h-s ar..t tow nshlps and county and town
ship ortleer*," > e met at the coinniiiMonerr" of
tlee, in (telleUnite, en the Ist in J.uiu
ary, W. and did audit and settle and adjust
the several accounts set foil It in the foregoing
In witness whereof we have hereunto net >ur !
hands .and seals this 23d dnv of'., 1880.
T. B. Jam isos, (5.1.,1
JamksT mi art. tA.l..] Auditors.
G KO. K. WlLl.lAV*.[Kl,.]
*H Catdo.t, Bellefonte $ aires# 297 2*
*.lo|in Ward, Half Moon 2.76 97
♦i> hvbb, Ltbert/ 14.52 27149
•Daniel Msbiue, Itngjg* 7 6t
JLC tterlck. Marion 36 07 4168
•Joseph Fox. Bllefoute 97111
•William Hi'ttb>, Phiii)-s!>u g 84'>H3
• Fred Kerrhoff, Curtin ]23 2S
•William Cross, Huh AIOOII a 72
•!! It Wi!ct x. Bush fdt 11
•1) H Y eager. Aliow Shin 75 75 2-581 <i
"Charl* Brown, Kellefuiito 768 *1
*.( I* sloje, M Mo* lih r 223 99
♦II L Harnhart. ihtdtt 55 91
•Ino 1' Lucas, Curthl 29 11
•it B Wiluox. Bus.i 7n 7J
•James Watson. Know Shoe m6y 121918
•) If Morrison, HolMenle 652 52
•T M Hail. Miiesfearg m:;7
t\W' McCulcbeon. Plulipxfeuig is 51
•William Mmiiu, t'll'tlli 4 12
♦David Barter, Marion 2441 tM
•William Weiser, Tenn 12117
•U W ko.h. PotWr 7-5.1 '>
•Jehu Noil, spring 38i in 2L18J2
{lt I. Shirk., Mclyvbtirg • \ . 176 22
{Jackson *jtrlu. l'Mlip.burg 17966
14 0 Mutter, Howard 125 46
Uriah stover. Benner 395 95
{J C Walker. Hogg- ij.t 1*
Km.uiuel Musser. College 4M4"2
fCourad Sinner, 'Cnrtjii 1.17 52
W H Fry, Ferguson W <\3
John Myers. Harris 2771(9
Geo Gonsamc;*. HaM Moo* 441.54
J . Kline, Howard 358 72
David itobh. Liberty 409 PR
1) W 'w, Marion 2-54417
Joel Morris, Miles 197 50
U W F Cray, l'atton 316 85 I
William Smith. I'emi 102.1* j
{Henry Swab, Fatter 7.5s 37
r' I! Dale, l!u h S4 i*t
H J Tibbfn.", Sprihg 927 83
William Miller, laylor 107 68
{J T Diinkle. Walker 183 91
JW 11 Williams, Worth 57 19 7927 76
• 1879
William Jones, llellefonlu 595 56
K !1 Carr. Milcnhurg 199 00
KUMattern, Philipsburg 470 97
Saiu'l Brick Icy, Howard borough I*2 12
ft has smith. Unionvilie 1166
Thorn is Perdue, Ik-liner 10x7 21
{J 0 Walker, Hoggs M 2 21
i Ino A ltupp. College 72008
Henry Thiel, Curtin 134 cfi
John II Gates, Ferguson G5.\30
{(' 1* Leitzell. Gregg 1221 21
l> 11 Kot", Haines 171 16
Jno Carper, Jr., Harris 3'4 70
; llis Lytle. Half Moon 81 49
7 John Craig, Huston 291 91
D M Burlew. Liberty 248 (2
1 William Irvin, Marion 636 44
{William Tresslcr, l'atton 4.59 36
John D Foote, Feu a 1502 07
Jas C Deal. hotter 529 31
F H Ihije, Hush 658 26 J
{ A J swart/, spring 169164
Jos Thompson, Snow Shoo 126 76
Samuel Hoove;, Taylor 293 oO
1 Kilue Zimmerman, Walker 504 no
Samuel Stepneus, Worth 190 71 13909 30 1
1 V C Musser, Millheim 415,64
{Dan*! Ayers, Philips burg ss>2(l
A N ItuHseli, Unionvilie 229 16
JW A Taylor, Benuer 1556 .54
J M Ktuart, Btirusidc 192 <sl
J C Walker, Buggs • 116156
tWm Foster, Coll -go 24.54 67
tHenry Thiol, Curtin -to 44
{Ceo W KichMne, Ferguson 2HH4 (if,
{Cyrus Lose, Gregg 3")02 73
{.Jacob Bower. Jr. Haines 1564 47
J H Griffin. Half Minn 894 12
{D W Kline, Huston 178 73
{.J M Kline, How ard township 252 (i 5
JC A Corter, Liberty 698 57
{.J J Hoy, Marlon 1194 52
iGeo It Haines, Miles 1601 36
j Daniel lleckinan, Fatton 1046 75
IC Alexander, Fenn 134172
;J W Messingcr. FoCicr 3.568 12
.John B Long, Bush 51815
{John Gurbrick, Spring 2446 88
{Samuel Bower, Snow Shoe 302*24
J no T Fowler, Taylor 392 s}
Wm Spoit>, Union 1 204 7.8
{David Yocuin, Walker 2390 2i
{Geo H Williams, Wortn 29(5 31
♦ W.Ulam .Miles, M lesburg 428 35
tltobcrt Cook, Jr. Howard bora 3*20 30
U A! Keicbline, Beßcfonte 3946 56
iteujamln Staram, Harris twp, 1723 00 38321 96
Total taxes outstanding #67,023 36
* In hands of attorney for collection,
t Paid in full since J"* Jst, ,
{ Paid In part since Jan. Ist. 1
To notes and bonds outstand
ing #93,564.70
" balance due John Spanglcr,
Sheriff <54.76
" balance due Geo Swab 49.50
" balance duo Jac Dunkle 18(.50
To bu'aDce due by Centre Co. #7,815.59
By amount in html* of Co.
Treasurer $ ,1,727.17
•' notes of sundry persons
held by commissioners 2,409.(X)
" Bote* in bands of A Hoy
for collection 1,627.32
Holes in hands of AC Bow
er tor collection 1,058.19
'" taxes outstanding Jan. 1,
IH6O 67,023.3d
" amount due from boroughs
and townships for insane
tu't*. as tdi'.ows:
" Kesh tap 111.32
" I'hllipsburg boi oiif l 2,*11.15
" lien ner twp. 405.49
•' Soring twp 2.199.15
i ' Mllcsburg bo rough 27 .90
" Huston twn "996.57
" Bellef.ilite fIOIOUgh "1,613.21
potter twp '121,12
" Worth twp 125.25
" l.tbeHy twp. 'l,*B.>l
" Kerg ison twp 147.0<
" College twn 210.44
" l'urtr.dge KM 70.00
" balance du* from A (Irege 173.74
" baancc due from I. W Mnnson 29.3.24
" K"al estate held by county 419.(4
" balance from < leartb'Ul coun
ty, (common plea# costs) 43b.'.<6
" Hands twp. fire commission 2o.o
" balance 7.8|5,59
CKNTKK COUNTY, KM. ~>l •",4 -
We the imdersigtied, CommUsioncis of ( en
trr county, do hereby certify that the foregoing
i 1* a true and correct statement of the receipts
and e\|M-nditures nf said county, fro.n Jan. 1
1*79 to Jan. 1, INRO. Wit ness our hands.
ANT>IM-:W OKi.tJti, y
OKOKOK HW.tR, ('oin'ri.
J AC. rVNK LK, s
Attest: Hc\nr Bkpk. Clerk.
UItKPIKB K4.F.CThN.~\ati-i i- her.-hy
given I. the stockholders of hc Helb-foiite,
] Aarnnshurg and Yonngmniistowti turnpike
• cAinpany, that an elertion will beheld ntthe
| house of Win. InhnfT, In MlfUiohui g, on Taes
| da , March 9lh lxso. for the purjuoe of electing
a board ot managers.
By'the Board,
.it John Stoner. Pres't.
T7S6TKAY-— Came to the premises of the suli
"jserlber, in (Jregg township a dark red
steer, supposed to be about one and a halt
years old. The owner Is notified and rej nest
ed to prove property. |ay charges, and take
the same away, otherwise it w ill be disposed
of according to law.
W. If. Bloom.
'•regg township. Fee. IS, JKHo.
T7B\f-X I'TOJt'S N'ITICK —Letter* testamen-
J tary an the est ite of Magdalene Garret
late of Miles tow nship, deceased, having been
granted to the subscriber, all persons knowing
•teinselves indebted to said estate are hereby
nu)U<n>tiMl to make immediate payment, and
'ftiose 'having claims against the same to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlcmert.
A DMI.MSTKATOKS NoTfTE.~<l.elters of
./V adinknistration on the estate of Jacob
Neese, late of Gregg township, deeeased. itgv-
Ing been granted to the underHigiied.all person*
knowin tlieinselves indebted tosabl estate, are
hereby requested 10 make immediate pavim-nt,
and those haviug claims to present them duly
authenticated fur s*ttlenient.
M. J. I! Kiel NO.
Wvi. 11. N rtsK.
4-6| Administrators.
T"N\K<T'TIH > NOTH'K —la'tter lestameiit
-4 ary on tlie estate of flnriiett Krum, late
of lluines township, deceavd. having lieen
granted to the u!<iej-sigti"d, all persons know
ii.g tlieinselves ii.debte.i to said estai- are here
in tequircd to make immediate payment, ami
those having claims against the same to present
Ihetn duly authenticated for .settlement.
P. T. Mt sskh.
i i-H Kxerutor.
Fashionable Berber-
Two doors west of MilHieitn lintel,
mm house.
Prices to Suit the Times.
Improved '-tabling and car.'ful Hostlers. Low
s|m*clhl rat*s to Jiirynien and Witnesses
Cleanlliies-, euiufort iriexerile l
against-lite le !*icers. th*i*i -.vlimn noti ire
mor<* wur by. or m ir>. ■••niiled l<> utt-'titioa.
The Bn."h l!siis* havlug over three tiue-s th.
capacity of other h**teK, t<i*>re i no , c*as.,*t
ordlsposlHon to ttnr gnc.cs in atib
rooms. Ttii* a<*eouills for Its grawing L<< a
Trade. We do inn trust your innsc* t; the
care wnd profit oi parties discounecte.l w ilh
the hotel.
j. u MY t:ns.
.54-6 tf. Proprietor.
Window hades,
950 Sortli Second Slrcef,
943 St. John Street,
- i— •
First Class Work and
Low Prices.
Country Trade Respectftilly
TV. r.r.Ni li cupariar t> umy nark!** 1 ,trr um r-r
i¥#r ij 1, VK. ItAHRIA I.KWIS.
rrefut.r.l &( N, York DtiryiEvu'a Aao.
TV' 'f 'k (MM '■ *r!ll tS xf*lr* Mr li mor.
tfts Kil >a*iJ than .fur tWa .iilruat rurhlDat.
rmUvct firatn' Club, Llmiru, N. Y-
Th Furv Wnw. T It 1b vary hot w #vrr taw, end Ihrra It
a* ilda-cut ntonar Ibat caa compare wltS It la any rcipact.
v. 6. riou.CT,
stata Cran(< Lecturer, Wjrtex, P.
Tba manner la wbl'h It I'arra lSrnt(rati, lo Mid open
to the tut and wind ready for drying, putt the Kuraka far ahMd
of may machine I avar awd. B. LAPOKTE, Atylum, I*V
Manufactured by EUREKA MOWER CO. To wan da,
Bradford County, Pa. Correspondenoa lOttsHed.
Ckxulare waHed on application.
end how to obtain them. Pamphlet
free, upon receipt of Stamp for poat
age. Addreau—
Solictor* of piitrnti,
h'nr Prt.-rt P. C
wccensors to the "East Lewis* burg Lumber & Manufacturing Company,'
Mmiii Dirt urcr* of
Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Doors, Sash, Blinds,
Verandas and all other kinds *of Building
BEING provided with* mp'.e faclllti?*, the latent ami ino*t linprorpd machinery, and
the best uierli.niicul skill, we lire prepared to execute all orders promptly, anu in the
very best manlier.
dVc giw special attention to the furnishing oI Material for tire -bet
ter git des of
Also, to the innnufactiire of SCHOOL OFFICE and CHURCH FURNITURE,
'N. B.—We can send Materials to Co burn or Spring Mills at cheap freight*. 25-ly
V IH B1 ©N 8 1
Procured for Soldiers disabled 1" the U. H. ser
vice from any c;iuse. also for Heirs of deceased
soldiers. All pensions date back to day of dis
charge, and fo date of the death of tlie soldier.
Pensions-Increased. Address, with stamp,
•VU Hi 3 K. H. N. W. Washington. I). C.
And Grand al cf Honor.
Economy, Durability and Rapidity
oombinad with perfect work,
Are Dini.iguir.hing Features cf the
Giant Farm and Wareloose Fans,
Racine, Wis.
Mow having many late i.mprovcrirnts. they are fully
equai to ev e*y deiraiid: t!c.-.t;i::g a.l kind* of Grain,
Pea, Beans, Caator Best s. Corn at d Small S.ed.
They grade perfectly fcy once Ssandling. Sep
arate Oats from Wheat, Barley :rd Bye. They have
very perfect airaitjemcrts f r cleaning Timothy,
C lover, Flax ed. Or. h-n! <*, ai d a'l other
Small Seed* They Chr.ff ycrf.-u'v, cctnbiv.e
every qualifirbtic.t required tJ<!a the Le-t vrctk in
the ah orttit time.
Warehouse, as well as Fr.m Mills, are largely Con
structed, both kin's reqiarirg rirte sl-es t"> accom
m-'datc the demand, and ci* ins a capacity t f from 50
to 510 bushels per hnisr, acc- riling ta ? :c cf mill.
They arc shipped, b.ixcd f roceaa transportation,
and "set t:p" cr "knocked <!-" Fx forw-tding
ir.lad, is requested; and it all c'ser put free on
board Cars cr Steamer. Otders filled same day as
Mills shipped "knocked down" pa fcr half the
freight charged as when f rwarded "set tip." Olo
graphs and Circu'ars supplied n -1 application. lhices
will be quoted lew and cn liberal terms. Correa solicited.
lluttlo Crcok, MU-h.
VI 13 IX ATO IZ 99
TIIE Matchless (JralncSxring. Tline- C av?ng,
• txi V!onfv-3hNli<2 Tbr--hers of il \* Jay uw I gear-ra
tJ^vo. Hc}cu<i a!l rivalry f.r KapM V ork. Perfect Clcaalnf,
Atrl tor
STF.A.M Ptiwrr Thr;-*bor> n Ni.ttri*ll). o*l
|j' of S-parators r-jndc cxprfJ-lj fcr .Siesta Power.
OUU Unrivaled st-am Thresher Kneine*.
both Porublr *nJ Trnrll.n, with Vsluablo luproTa
asentr. fur beyn4 any other make or kiuil.
THE OTIR Threshing Expenses (and often
throe •> fire t'mt, that Mucnut) can he made t.y the
Bxtra CI rain SAVKI) by thca ImprovwO Machines.
GRNIN H,tlwrr* will not KnbmDtothr ror
uv>n* .vta*c of flrabt mwi the Inferior work done by
si! ether machines, when once po*t<4 on the difference.
VOT Only Vnstiv Knpcrior for Wheat, Oa',
*W Barley, R.r. aud like Grain*. but the Om-y Sucre**-
fal Thrcthcr ir. Flu, Timothy, Millet. Ciorcr. and like
ffed. Rcquiro* no "attachment*" or "rebuilding" to
Change from Grain to Scads.
IN Thorough Workingaakip. EBtrmnf Finish.
Prrfi-ction of Part*. CemylatcueMi of f'quiunioß'. etc..
onr " ViaKATon" Thresher Outfits arc Incomparable.
IVf ARYKLOUS ft.r Simplteity wf Ports, using
JiTdb i;„tH oup-hnlf the usual Ilelts and Gears. Makes
Clean Work, with no Littering* or Scatteruigg.
rOI'R Size* of Separator* Made, Ranging
Litre SK to Twelve-Hot te size, and two styles of Mount
ed Ilorfo Powers to match.
FOR Particular*, Call on onr Dealers or
•writ* '.3 ur fit rC-' u Jf od tSroular --*■ ttfs.
Sewing machine
Unrivaled in Appearance,
Unparalleled in Simplicity,
Unsurpassed in Construction,
Unprecedented in Popularity,
And Undisputed in the Broad Claim
OF anno TWC
2£ost Perfect Sowing Machini
The great popularity of the WhHa It tho most con-
Idr.clnc tribute fo fts cxccl'cnea and superiority
Avar other machUtos, and (a submitting ft ta tho
trade no put It upon iti mo-l*s, and la no inpanco
he * i t evrt yet failud to satisfy any
ta its tawtr.
The demand forth* Whito has lacrroted fo such
CR extent that MO ara now compelled to turn out
A. Ccoaa.yeXat
e ttozzt tiirce xaia.utos Iju.
tho o.a.y to *vt.ppiy
thkj demar. a.l
Every machine is warranted for 3 years, and
told tor c sh at fibers I discounts, or upon easy
payments, to suit tho convenience of customers.
WAB*ra Tiira IR wxemn imircFT.
Hi'36B Euclid Avo., Cttveiand, OMo.
S - 3SS -
il B|z*l S
> 5 > 1. ? 2
"j -" is b H fc ff I
tS O ? a
O ° ~ < -.3 M
8 I g® O 3 : "
9! Isso B | i
sM§o sft s
s § * n
as THE
CtwtotnM World's Fair, 1876!
raoaouKosD xmtjnsxoznt AM nca
Tbetr ooaapomMre oxcollonco la reeogstzad bp
tba Ju igM la K.puit, troui which tho
foUowiug ia aa axtraot:
exhibit as tito beat Instrumento at a
prluo rendering them poooibio to a large elasa
of porohaeera, having a combination o! Seeds
in i Bella, prod uoin : novel and pleasing effeoto,
eontalaieg many desirable improventra'a. will
stt id longer la dry or camp climate, leooTlablo
to got out ofordrr, all tho boar do being mado
fhreo-ply, put together to it is imnoaoiblb for
th m to either shrink, owell or apiit.- TUB
Thi* M-dal and Avrard was ft ratted after the
moat avreru competition ol the beat n-.&kera,
before oim o tbo most competent Jaries
over io*uib.t)il< /
.Kew Btyl * and prices Just leoued, whloh are
in aoenr.lance with our rale, the BEST OR.
SAN for tho least money.
Wo are pre pared to appoint i few new Agents.
Z2!u'traN>d Catalogues mailed, post-paid, eo
application to
STRW Tfk*.*r r^W.