Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 26, 1880, Image 2

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    j|iUl|f int journal•
la published every Thursday, in Musser'a Blind
ing, corner of Main aud Penn streets at
Or #1 25 If not pehl in advance.
1 week. 1 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo. 1 year.
1 square*;;. 1 II (10! 12 50 *IOO HOO 17 00
VI column.. . t 300 400 000 10 00 IS 00
V: column... 5 (X) i 7 74) 10 00 15 no 35 (W
Vcolumn,.. | S 001 12 00 20t .VW 6000
One inch make* a square. Administrators
and Executors' Notices 62.60. Transient ad
vertisements und locals 10 cents per line for
frst insertion and 5 cents per line for each ad
ditional insertion.
Job Work done on short notice.
WrAJ.YER * Wim N4JF.It,
Okercb & Snitg? School Diretttry.
' Rev. W. 11. Ifartiibui will preach his 'farewell
Nurmon next Sunday morning.
Rv. C F. Dcintrtccr, PreachCr-in-charge.—
Sunday School, 2 P.'V.—l>. L. Zerby, supt.
lie*. IT. Jl Preacher-l* charge,—
Sunday SchCcl, 1 P •.,—D. Klmport, supt.
The cbatgc is at present without a pastor.
United Brethren.
ifee. Joftn 'Landii, 'Treacher-in-chargc.—
JCer. John T Vmitaaun, PaMor.—
German preaching In M illhelm next Sunday
afternoon. 2V$ o'clock, and in Aaronsburg in
the eTcn'.ug. engitsb.
"United Sunday School, 0 A. M.— F. D.
l.use supt.
Loite & Society Directory.
Millheim Lodge. No. 965. I. O. O. F. meets In
heir hall, Penn street, every Saturday evening.
Rebecca l>egree Meeting every Thursday ou
or before the full moon of each month,
li. A. BVMILLER. Sec. R. B . HARTMAS, N. G
ProTidencc Grange. No. 217 P. of H.. meets in
Alexander s bh>ek on the second Saturday of
tach month at '<S- P- Rid on the fourth Sa
turday of ea h month at lJv P- M.
D. L.ZERBY, Sec, A. O. Deinlnger, Master..
The Millheim B. & L. Association meets in
the Penu street school house on the evening of
the second Monday of each month.
The Mlllhciin Cornet Band meets In the
Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings.
F. P. OTTO, sec., .. F. HAKTKII, Pres't.
Millheim Escort of Co. R.. sth Regf., N. G..
1 old their drill meeting on the second story of
Alexander's Block, every Tuesday and Friday
feotre County Democratic Commit
tee for 188.
BWlefonte, N. W M Wm. Galbraith... .Bcllcfonte
" S. W WC Heinle "
W W Wm Harper
Mllesburg Frank E Bible...Milesburg
t'nionvllTc P •' McDonnell...Unlonville
Howard A J Gardner Howard
philtpsbi rg C G Herlinger... Philipsb'g
Millheim ' H Reifsnvdcr. .Millheim
Benner Uriah Stover.... Bellefonte
B<ggs Jas A McOlaln... Milesburg
Burnside Wm Hepple TiueGlenn
College Sani'l Giniland.. Boateburg
Curtiu David Dclong... Howard
Ferguson. <>. P Dan Driebelbis.. State Col.
" N. P O M Sheets Stormston
Gregg I. M Rlshel Spring M' George Kelster, Aaronsb'g
Dalfmoon John Ward .Storiustom
Harris Sam'l Ishler....,.Boahburg
Howard David Tanyer... Howard
Hustou H G Chronister.. Martha
Liberty W H Gardner Blanchard
Marion John Hov, Jr Walker
Miles Sam'l K Faust....Millheim
Pattou G W Rumberger..Fillmore
iVnn W F Smith Millheim
Potter. N. P D F Luse Centre Hall
*♦ S, P O W Spaiigler....Tusseyv'c
Hush William Cullen... Plillipsb g
Snor. Shoe John G Uzzle Snow Shoe
Spring EC Wood Bellefonte
Tavior Samuel Hoover...Fowler
Union J S Fredericks... Fleming
Walker Samuel Decker... Zion
Worth G R Williams P't Matilda
J. L. SPANOLEK, Chairman.
FBAVE E. BIBLE, Secretarv.
Cameron's Big Contract.
It is perfectly Clear that General
Grant cannot be next president ot the
United States uuloss he be nominated,
and unless the jieople vote for him.
He possibly can be nominated ; but by
no earthly possibility can he be voled
for by enough Republicans to secure
his election. In every closo state, in
all states where success demands the
concentration ot the vote on the candi
date, he will be ruthlessly slaughtered
by the Independents, the Liberals,, the
Conservatives, the anti-third termists
and the Germans. The states of Ohio,
Wisconsin, and New York, with,their
enormous German Republican popula
tions, which we must carry, or lose the
presidency, cannot bo carried for Gen
oral Grant.— Phila. Evening Telegraph,
Tilderfs Candidacy.
A Washington dispatch says that
Seuator Barnum, Chairman of the Na
tional Democratic Committee, at the
Arlington Hotel, ft is said that while
he is not too friondly to Mr. Tilden,
that he believes lie will receive the
Democratic nomination, because he is
the strongest man that-can be put up.
lie thinks Thurraan is out of the race,
also Seymour, because he will not con
sent to have his name used, and that
Bayard cannot lie nominated because
Ihe We3t will cct support him. Me al
so thinks that the Tammany New
Y ork troubles will be all reconciled in
the national campaign.
Relations by Mamage.
ltelation by marriage seems to be
without any binding force wliatevei in
politic i. Don Cimeron married a
niece of John Sherman's, and is quite
oblivious of the candidacy of the lat
ter, or seems to be. of Maine,
and Gareelon, aire brothers-in-law who
glare at one another politically.
Wayne MacTeagli, who has always en
deavored to lead the hosts of rqform a
gainst the Cameron machine
delphia, married a daughter of Simon,
a id even Senator Tburman'sson-in-law
MVorniiek, Is a dashing republican.
THEUE IS a prosi>oct that theCurtin •
Yocuaa case will soon be settled, and it
is about time that it should bo. Mr.
Yocum and his friends have succeeded,
from time to time to draw out this
case unduly, and thus he retained a
seat in Congress to which another was
elected, all through tho sesslcn
last Mil and through perhaps the great
er paft <\f the present regular session.
But his props are weakening very
much, especially since he has so artful
ly dodged voting Hi the Ponnelly-
WashhU'rr.e case, and hecntinot main
tain himself much" longer. The report
soon to ho made by the committee will
either directly declare Curtin elected
or refer the matter back to the woters
of the district, so that in no event can
Mr. Yocum keep his seat. Let the
matter be determined speedily— every
body is anxious to see the end of it.
Oar WashlnstoniiUMM'l.
WASHINGTON. 11. C., Feb. 21. 1360.
It seems to have been decided that Cincinna
ti shall have the next Democratic Convention,
aud that some late day nJune or the ."th of
Jkily, shall be the time This decision is sensi
ble in-all respects. The place Is central and
Skr time Is sueli that errors or quarrels among
the radicals can DO taken advantage of. I
speak after luqutry, by the way, In saying that
a radical a -lit at Chicago is uot unlikely. The
party is held together chiefly by two things,
tho cohesive powers of public plundei, and ma
lignant hatred of the south.
Its leaders are personally hostile to each oth
er, to an extent not known for years In out* pol
itics. Thfv Oonkling does not love Hlaine, and
tlutfllaiiie docs not love Conkllng, are facts
well known, aud that Grant, represented by
Oonkling. w ill make trouble at Chicago if Blaine
seciu* likely to be nominated, li equally cer
tain. Many Republicans, appreciating these
facts, are looking around for "another man.'*
This gives to secretary Sherman a cbauce
much better than he has heretofore been *bc
teved to posses*. The Sburmau booin is auioug
the early certainties, and his nomination, as
Tlewed by politicians here not uulikely.
Tbo House scramble orsr ltule 21 euded hap
pily, the cause of it be ng. as a greed to ( that no
legislation except in the luterost of economy
shall be perinitte . on appropriation bill*. It is
thought.he rule will be out of the way by the
end of next week.
1 don't know that anything can bo -saida
gaiust .Mr. "Irowbr.dge, Just appoiute d Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs, but neither is it to be
saia that he has any official fitness for the of
fice. lie is not familiar with its duties. He
probably know* no more of them than Sec
retary Schutz. ki must bfiices training or oth
er evidences of fitness is considered in making
a selection, lu this very Important office tnls
rulo seems to be ignored, lu the name of com
mou sense why should not the Indian Bureau
be transferred to tlio War Department. Tten
not only a Uor ie of expensive officeholders
would be got rl.l of. but army officers lamiliar
with Indian habits and haviug a life position
which would be forfeited by dishonesty, would
be put in charge If there Is one good reason
why the change should not be made 1 fail to see
Ab Attempt to Kill the Czar.
A Plan to Mine tbe Winter Palace
and-Kill the Imperial
LONDON, Feb. 18.-A dispatch to
Rt-uter s Telegram Company from St.
Pet rabusr, says there lias been an ab
ortive a lempt made to kill the Impe
rial family by layiu£ a mine in the
Winter Palace. Five soldiers were kill
ed and thirty-five wounded.
A later-dispatch from St. Petersburg
reports that the mine was laid undei
the guard room of the Winter Palace,
which is immediaUly under the diubtg
hall. Owing to accidental delay the
Imperial family had not entered tne
latter at the usual time. The explo
sion made a hole in the fioor of the din
ing ball ten feet long and six feet
The Winter Palace is the largest pal
ace in the world. It occupies the site
of the one destroyed by tire iu 1837,
and not the least remarkable fact con
nected with it is that its present form
was the work of but two years. Its
front is toward the Neva, 700 feet in
length. It is in the form of a vast
square, the angles of which nearly cor
respond to the four cardinal points
The palace is uneqtialed in spleudor.
When the Czar resides in it it is said
to be occupied by six thousand persons.
The interior is gorgeous in the extreme
consisting of suites of splendid halls,
filled with marbles, precious stoucs,
malachite and pictures.
The Senate Committee appointed to
investigate the way and manuer in
which lugalla, -of Kansas waa elected
Senator, report that though there were
corrupt means used to secure his elec
tion, he himself is innoeent. Ilis
friends who worked for and secured his
election are very sinful anl wieked,
but he Is clean and pure as the driven
snow. strange.
The Lewilburg Journal has cerae to
the conolu9ion that Bayard is about
the right man for President, en which
point our namesake is entirely level.
Harvard University, near Biston,
the greatest and best institution of
learning in the couutry, is .for Bayard.
The students 594 in number, vote thus:
Bayard 233, irant 146, Sherman 139,
Blaine 70.
Ii is considered pretty safe to assume
that Senator Ferry, of Michigan, would
be willing to accept the Republican
nomination for Vice President.
given t. tle stockholders of *he Bellefonte,
Aaronsburg and younginanstown turnpike
campauy, that an election will be held at the
house of Wm. Milfliiiburg, on Tues
da , March oth 1880, for the purpose of electing
a board ot manager a,
•By the Board,
3t Stoner, PrcsH.
E STRAY.—Came to the premises of the sub
scriber, In Gregg township a dark red
steer, supposed to be about one and a half
years old. The owner Is notified and request
ed to prove property, pay charges, and take
the same away, otherwise it will be disposod
of according to law.
Gregg township. Fee. I € .
To taxes outstanding, Jun. 1,
18711 6ft\1<13.61
To taxes assessed for 1870.... 42,516.30
To amount received of Com
missioners on loans 22,854.57
To amount received f Cnn
lalsstuuera, ciAta and col
lections 458.58
Q\) aiawnnt-received of Clear
field courtly, balance on
Moshannou bridge 1,14ir66
To amount received of Pat tun
township. Insane account 10.52
To amount received of College
township. Insane account 1(E) 01
To amount received of Spring
township, inuane account 206.51
To ain't reed, rent of house '48.00
"To registration blanks 501 d... 5.70
'To balance on hand Jan. 1,
1880 3,727.17
•Jan. 1.. I*W.
By taxes outstanding |f.7,f23.3r.
Bv county orders paid 53,264.73
Hv aim unt State Treasurer re
ceipt 3,960.26
By commission on state tax
paid • 4 C6..Y'
Bv exonerations allowed <xMcc-
I " tors 1,082.10
By commissions allowed collnc- 1,275.86
[ by salary 2,x*'.00
By stationery 10.00
"* taßW SiIwMUJS
We the undersigned, Auditor* r.f Ontre
COtintv, do hereby cert fy that we have exam
ined the Above account of Adam Yearlrk. Treas
urer of Centre county, and find it cotrect.
Witness our hands and seal* rhls 2*l day of
JMt.uary, A. I>. I*Bo.
Jamks T. BTt'AKT, [L.s. J Auditors.
Geo. R WH.LIAMS.IL.!*.]
C\>mmiM(oners' Pay.
Andrew Gregg I 714.48
Jacob Double 155.0)
George Swab 2*V1.00
Henry Beck. Commit'r'* Clerk
Jnry CommOsioners' Pay.
N. J. Mitchell 3*.72
Henry Keller <H-b
Henry Beck, clei k AvOO
- Vtxi.
County Auditor*' Pay.
James T. Stuart .0d
G. R. Williams MM
T B. J a intern •**?£
C. L. Buffington, clerk 30.00 j.^,qq
Improvement and Repair*.
John Markl*. for f*nee at Jail.... I.SB
l. W. K herb art, for work at Jail
t* le
J. W. Harnei, for gas fitting 4.1*
John iirt'Kg, for work at furnace
jail *-2>
Penna. R. R. Co., for freight on
lumber 'IM
Wm Lucas, for work at Jail ** • *
M. J.DOUII. *• " •*>
Adafcs stsprees Co., for freight
n pipes for Jail !-&>
C. Deir, hydrant for Jail. I o.>
J. \V. Barnes hydrant for la 11 12.*0
Thomas Mathews Si Son. funaber
for Jail 243.72
Henry Walkey, labor at jail.... .V.Ob
C. W. Connaii, " " 5-50
A. Carr. brass cooks for Jail 17.00
Ji ol> Lieb k Co, lumber lor Jail .6X
K. Barlett, hauling for rnit
Samuel Brueger, spmftontkMis
for Jail ll.'£>
O. \V. Lambert, repairing at Jail 2tM>
Wm Galbralth. plumtoug at jail 23.70
Jas Harris & Co.. bill m Or rial
for tail
D. W. Wood ring, for watctnng
at Jail s>
B. Si S. S. R. K. Co., Joist for
Treasurer's office 6.46
John Wetzel, carpenter work
*"*" ii°2 7.13
f burf Expenses.
Jurors' pay S\l62.S>
Commonwealth Costs 2,4X6.91
J. 11. Vosbiirg, court reporter.. ~ WX<X)
W. K. Keber, court reporter.... 274.2S
B. Gulbruith. ourt crter 162.00
B. Gallbroith, janitor 350.00
Tipstave'a pay 363.50
M. J. l)olan, special detective.. 200.0)
Court Proclamations by Sheriff
Spunglcr V 22.2*
Summoning Jurors, by sheriff IfcVW
Ounrty Prison Ex^nses.
Mrs. Shaffer, washing for prW
oners * 2£.06
Mrs. Price, wasli. for prisoners 2..70
Joseph Bros. & Co., clothing for
prisoners ;4. "1
Harper llr>3, cloth, for i>rl*'rs. 50.0s
S& A Loeb, in lists. I r prison... 57.)
•• • •• ... s.:?o
Robert MeKnight, gas hi11....'.V 234.06
Geo Dolati, work at cessp.s>L... 3 51
J U Felleiibauni, reu'ng locks.. 3.50
Dan !el Deri. gas fittings 5.55
W S Galbraith. plumbing 9.40
WTTw itmlre, repairs at jail.. 7.4(
I) Eberhart. repairs at Jail l.'Jl
J Reynolds Si i*>n, water back
and grate 10.50
Penna K. R. Co, Height on
water back and grate >9
Jno MeCermott, remv'ug aslies 4.00
Frank Johnson, cleaning pipes 75
J S Mullory, repairing bedst'ds 11.50
Alvin Brady, cleaning pipes— 1.00
Wm Lucas, repair* at stable... 4.00
Wm (lares, repairs at ce115.... 5.0(1
H O Uoffer, spittoons for Jail... 7.00
—— 503 JO
Print no Bills.
F L Mutters, administrator's bill 192.31
KTTutcn WJ.
Shugei t A Forstcr ZH.SI
Fred Kurtz 51-f^
Walter K Delnlnger .t0.)
EC Bender JMO
Bridge views I 36-£>
Murray, Dougal A Co.. bnlance
of account from 1*76 1,284.40
Mllesburg bridge-
Murray. Ihtugai & Co,
for Iron bridge 12,559.30
Jonas Hpeariug, con
tractor 950.00
Samuel Brugger, engineer 124.26
Geo Rider, for railing at
ends 5.50
Unlonville bridge—
G W Forrcy, contractor.. 4T0.C0
Samuel Brugger, engineer 1S.0)
Sprin ' Mills bridge-
John Coldron. contractor 60.90
Port Matilda Bridge—
Jonas Spearing, wntraelor 765.00
Samuel Brugger. e ngiacer 75.04
Kepaii** at Unloavlile bridge — 3JC
Repairs at Karthous bridge KM)
Repairs at Beech Creek iTtdge.. 2>.9ff
Signs and finger boards oo Iron
bridges . 104.!k*
Repairs at HowanJ dam bridge 420.47
Keoalrs at Julian hridxe 1-W
Repairs at Curtln bridge 9.00
Conuntssioners' expenses to
br " lg "
Teachers' Institute ♦ 144.24
Western Penitentiary
Road damages 75.00
I)_ A. Musser. balance of account 824,27
Agricultural Society 11)0.00
Jno Mpangler, Sheriff on account 1.394.7;!
J H Dobbins, sai'y as Jail phy 100.00
J RSi C T Alexander, coal for
Court House and Jail 690 3d
L L Brown 110,61
Potter Twp, on case lunacy 21 25
Ferguson " " " 22.69
Worth " " " 5.00
Rush "• 44 " 15.00
Assessors pay 1,273.00
C M Bower, corn's attorney 75.00
Itoad views 570.49
Running line between Union and
Benner townships 84.00
Running Marion townfrtiip lino 200.63
Constable's pay 418.51
Election expenses 1,340.43
Scalp premiums 1,335.66
Redemption U. 6. Lands 283.35
•Refunding tax 34.27
Insurance en county buildings ll.'x.iO
Interest on loans paid 3,122.69
Commissions on lunacy 31.32
Inquisitions on dead bodied 62.12
Notes paid
Premiums to collectors 23.00
Commission to C M Bower for
! collections made . 153:91
Tax paid ou real estate held by
county 5.15
Hospital for Insane, Danville 2,624.91
Robert Mcknight, gas bills 143.53
L L Beck, copying registrations 3(1.00
J P Gephait, acknowledging
Commissioner's deeds 50.00
Books and stationery for Com
missioner's office 22.92
Jos W Sanderson, for Judges'
Chairs 60 JW
Iteeder and Keller, -olerks clec
tion returns . 10.00
Ira C Mitchell, attorney's fee
in 7 cases . ~ 21-00
H A Mingle, services at Audi
tor's >ettient h.oo
J N Ha l, services at Auditor s •
settlement , ..
Adams Express Co., reight
on blanks, &e. 4.20
Tenna R K Co.. freight on '
eJiafrv. etc.
Dan'l Garnian, meals for Jur
ors anl hhe 15.00
W T Twltmlre. repairs at stove* 12. W
Jno T Johnston, postage, envel
l>ov etc. - 36.07
U Book, entering 88 cases In
IkTvket 15.54
Jno MrfDermott, removing 9h*
*• at Court Mouse' 8.00
J S Malinry, repalr'g sate at CII 4.00
Lleb & Garbriclc, Ice wr Court H 8.50
Williams & Bro, ular.iiiit at C H 2.00
Costs in county vs. Phi Upshur#
Borough 03.62
Wm Manu and others, books
for olikes HLM
J C Harper, repairs at Arethy 4 *
• fflee 3.92
W A Morrison, Coin. Pfea* oost. lo.iri
Harper BTOS.. bill carpet C II 24.15
.1 Harris & Co.. bill liose; &c. ** 26.66
W A Sehroyer, covering tables
at Court House 6.10
Sundry persons, for soap, bind
ing carpet, Ac. 2,75
D Kverhart. repairing at Re
corder's ofllce 1.50
Wilson, McFurlane A Co, hard
ware aC Court House 11 .3">
Wood for Court House 3*">
Mrs. Haller, serubbln-t oflloe 1.00
Jno Brack bill, stools for office 1.00
Total expenditures *Vt.964'37
To county orders recelvod on
account ♦1,700.00
To costs received 61.57
Balance 754.76
By Imarding prisoner* 3,197
day. at 4b els 11.278.80
" 94 turnkey fees at 80 cts. 75 20
" oonveylng 6 prisoners to
penitentiary. 4 at 840.00
ahd 2 at *IO.OO each 220.00
" conveying C Trice to hpiiue
of refute 45.56
" conveying to Insane a*
sylum at #4O
" publishing oourt proclama
tion January term 28. V)
" publishing court proclama
tion April term . 24.00
" Publishing court proclaiua
tlon, August term 19.00
• 4 publishing court proclama
tion, Novenilter term 27.40
" publishing oourt proclama
tion, January term, 1880 19.00
44 Sheriff's lees on court pro
clamations. 4 Courts, 4.n0
44 publishing fish proclainat'n y.06
44 Sheriff's fees on general
election proclamation 4.00
~ summoning Jury, March
special term 14.00
44 siimmou'g Jury. April term 34JRI
, 4 * aumuioii'g Jury, Aug. term 34iM
( 44 summou'g Jury Oct. special
term .14.00
41 summon g Jury Nor. term 47.00
44 nuiniuonlng Jury, January
term, 1880 , _ i).oo
44 bill lumber, soap, spoons,
etc.. for Jail 36.06
44 filling and mending 42 ticks
at 50 cte. 21.00
44 costs on F1 Fa, No. 20. April
term 119
• 4 Sundry.costs, Jan. term 14.-SA
44 44 44 ' Aug. term ls.*9
44 Commonwealth cost* 53.74
44 D F Fortney'* prdc* 34.2.*
44 removing flab .baskets
Penns, I'Tne and EllPcrceKs 42.59
44 removing fish basket* Spring
creek . 10.40
44 removing fish baskets Lo
gans Branch 4.08
•' removing flsli baHketaKtver 51.52
41 removing fish baskets Mo
shnnitmi 41-50
44 filling Jury wheel 4 days 16.00
44 expenses after Itluggold and
Baumgardner 27.62
Tiy balance duo Sheriff at settlement, Jau. 1.
1960 #754.76
state of renn'a. )
[, 8.
Ceutre county, >
We, tlie undersigned, Auditors of Centre
county, do hereby certify that in pursuance of
an act of Assembly. entitled "An act relati g to
counties at..i townships and county and town
ship officer*," we met at the cumitilion'rs' of
fice, in Bellefonte, on the Ist Moiutav In Janu
ary, 1:*0. und did audit und M'ttle and adjust
Hie several accounts set forth in the foregoing
In witness whereof we have hereunto set vur
hands and seals this 23d dav of January, 1880.
T- B. JiMisos, [ S *E*]
JamksT Stuart, JS.L.J Auditors.
•11 Carton, Bellefonte $ 207 28$ 207 24
•John Ward. Half Moon 256 97
•l> Kobb, Liberty II 52 271 49
•Daniel Malone, Bogg* "61
J L V Kerlck. Marion *; 07 43 68
•Joseph Fox, Bellefonte 97311
•William ltlddles, I'hilipsbug *4193
•Fred Kerehoff, Curtln 123 24
•William Cross. Hall Moon s 72
•H U Wilcox, Knsh 554 11
•D 11 Veager, Snow Shoe 75 75
•Charle Brown, Bellefonte 76*83
•J !'Shope, M'teaburg 223 99
•II I. lUrnhart. lioggs ,V. 91
•JnoT Lucas, Cm tin ay 11
•II B Wilcox, Itush 76 74
•James Watson, Snow Shoe 84 60 123918
•J H Morrison. Belief onto 6*52 5$
T M Hall, MllesbVg lit 37
fW C McCutch*>n. rhilipsburg in 51
•William Mann. Curtin 4 32
•David Haiter, Marron 210 09
•William Welser, Pcftn 324 37
*G W Koch, Totter 753 06
•John Noll, Spring 341 IS 251S 42
1R L Shirk, Mtlesburg 170 22
♦Jackson Norton. ThiUpsburg 179 66
11 C Hotter, Howard . . 114 46
Uriah stover. Bentier - I *' 395 96
t J C Walker, Hoggs 31.5 10
Kinanuel Musser. College Ail 02
♦Conrad singer, Curtlu 137 52
W H Fry. Ferguson 16*1 S3
John Myers. Harris 277 Of)
Geo Gcusamer, Half Moon 446 54
J . Kiitio, Howard 354 72
David Kobb, Liberty 40903
!> W Orr, .Marion 2,54 47
Joel Morris, Miles 197 50
(i W F (iray, Patton Sl6 45
Wiliiam Smith. Peun 102 34
1 Henry Swab, Potter 754 37
F H Dale, Hush ' K4 00
H J Tiblnns, Sprihg 927 A3
William Miller, Taylor 107 64
JJ T Dunkle, Walker 143 95
IW 11 Williams, Worth 57 19 7927 75
William Jones, Bellefonte 595 5$
E M Carr, MUesburg , 199 00
E O Mattcrn, Phllliwburg 470 97
Sam'l Hrlckley. Howard borough 18212
tCkas Smith. Lnionville 11 66
Thonris Perdue, Benuer 1087 21
J J C Walker, Hoggs 442 23
jJno A Rupp, College 720 04
Henry Thiel, Curtin 134 46
John H Gates, Ferguson 653 30
1C P Leitzcll, Gregg 1221 23
D II Rote, Haines 171 16
Jno Carper, Jr Harris 364 70
r IDs Lytic. Half Moon 31 49
t John Craig. Huston 291 91
D M Burlew, Liberty * 34802
t William Irvin, Marlon 636 44
JWilliatn Tressier, Patton ' 459 36
John D Foote, Penn 1502 97
Jas C Boal. Potter 529 31
F H Dale, Rush 658 26
J A J Swartz, spring 1693 64
Jos Thompson, Snow Shoo I'JB 76
Samuel Hoovei . Taylor 293 09
IK Hue Zimmerman, Walker 504 09
Suniuel Stepheus, Worth 190 71 13909 30
|A C Musser, Millhelm 4As;f|
JDanT Aj'ers, Philipsburg 562 03
A N Russell, Unionvlllo 229 16
1W A Taylor, Ileuner 1556 54
J M Stuart, Burn side • 192 63
J O Walker, Hoggs 1161 66
t Win Foster, Col lego 2454 67
i Henry Thiel, Curtin 230 44
iGeo W Kichtine, Ferguson 2844 05
tCyrus Lose, Gregg 3002 73
♦ Jacob Bower, Jr. Haines 1564 47
J II Grtffln, Half Moon *94 12
ID W Kline, Huston 378 73
IJ M Kline, Howard township 352 AS
1C A Cortcr, Liberty 698 57
1J J Hoy, Marion 1194 52
Geo H llaines, Miles 1601 35
Daniel Heckman, Patton 1046 75
C Alexander, Penn 134.3 73
J W Mensinger, Potter '3566 12
John B Long, Rush . 51815
John Uurbriek, Spring" * 2446 88
Samuel Bower, Snow Shoe * 30T24
Jno T Fowler, Taylor. , . 392 86
Wm Snotts, Union '*■> 204 78
David Yocum, Walker 2390 26
Geo K Williams, Worth * 295 33
W.lliain Miles, M.leHbure 42435
Robert Cook, Jr. Howaru boro 320 30
;:J M Kelcliline, Bellefoute 3946 56
Benjamin Stamtu, Harris twp, 1723 00 38321 36
Total taxes outstanding $67,023 36
• In hands of attorney for collection.
t f/Ml ! u full Binc J n - lst '
I I aid in part since Jan. Ist*
To notes and bonds outstand
lng $93,864.70
" due Jo h n Spangler,
Sheriff - • "54.76
" balance due Geo Swab *9.5®
balance due Jac Dunkle m 6t L,
■mrnm li
To balance due by Centre •Co-* 7 ' B1 *'' 5 ®
By amount In hinds of Co.
Treasurer ♦ 3,727.17
" notes of sundry persons
held by commissioners 2,400.00
" Botes In hands of A Hoy
for collection 1,827.32
" notes in hands of A C Row
er for collection 1,088.10
44 taxes outstanding Jan. 1,
IHBO 67,023.36
" amount due from boroughs
ami townships for Insane
lulls, as toliovvs:
" Rush Iwp 111.32
" I'll 111 psliurg borough 2,Hi 1.15
44 Rennertwp. 405.40
•' Spring twp 2,100.15
" Milesburg borough 27..00
•• Huston tvvp 806.07
" Itellefonte borough 1,81.1.22
" Totter twp 121,12
" Worth twp 125.25
" Liberty twp. 170.78
" Ferguson twp 147.0,5
" t.'ollege two 210.44
44 Tartr.dge Kt 70.00
" balance due from A Gregg 173.74
•' baiance due from L W Munson 203.24
" lteal estate held by couuty 419.04
" balance from Clearfield coun
ty. (common pleas rostsl 430,90
" Harris twp. lire commission 20,UU
" balance 7,815,59
We tlte undersigned, Commissioners of Ccn
trecivunty. do hereby certify that the foregoing
Is a true ami correct statement of the receipts
and expenditure* of said county, from Jan. 1
1670 to Jan. 1, iB6O. Witness our bands.
Attest: Hknky Rata, Clerk.
IjIXRI UTOK'S NOTlCE.—Letters testaraen
IA tary on the ost-ite of Magdalene Garret
late of Miles township, deceassd. having been
granted to the subscriber, all persons knowlng
to in selves indebteu to said estate sre hereby
requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same to pre
seut them duly authenticated for settlement.
Administrator* notice.—Letters of
administration on the estate of Jacob
Neese, late of Gregg tow nship, deceased, hav
ing la-en granted to the undeiSigned,all persons
know In themselves Indebted to said estate, are
hereby iou nested to muke immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
S. ,1. Jlkkino.
WM. 11. NKKSE.
4-Ct Administrators.
IJIXBCCTOR 4 * NOTlCE.—Letter- testamcnt
_j ary on the estate of llartleti Breon, late
of Haines township, deeeas-d. hariu- been
f Tamed to the undersigned, all persons know
ng themselves Indebted to said estate are herc
b> required to make Immediate payment, ami
those liar lug claims against the same to present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
T. T. MI sbik,
4-6t Executor.
Administrators NotirK.-L.tter* of
Admli istratiou de b*mi* non. cum tctla
mento anmro, on the estate of Oeorge Snyder,
late of Haines tow nship. deceased, having lieen
granted to the undersigned, all persons know
lug themselves Indebted to said estate are here
by notified to make Immediate payment, and
tuwse having claims against the same to present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Samuel snydkr,
3-Ot Administrator,
de Urnis non, cum Usluinento annexo.
Fashionable B-rber-
Two doors west of Milllieim Hotel,
mm mmm.
Prices to Suit the Times.
Improved Stabling and careful lloillen. Low
special rate* to Jurymen mid Witnesses
Cleanliness, comfort unexcelled
npalnst the 1 nvlucfw, than wli>:n non are
more w>r hy, or m >r entitled to attention.
The Kuph House having over three times the
capacity of other hotels. Cure IM no occasion
or disposition to ptaee the gue*;* In attic
rooms. This accounts for If* growing I.oca I
Trade. We do not trust jrour hoises to the
care sad profit of parties disconnected with
the hotel.
tf. Proprietor.
Window Shades,
956 North Second Street,
946 St John Street,
mm wi
First Class Work and
Low Prices.
Country Trade Respectfully
TW Tar... I. up*rl*r t ay lld-rt murhrna I nn M><
rmUnl .1 X. York DlltytMi'l Am*.
Tk. rurtaf .flit, (IUI rut with th* Xurrk* Mrm U our,
mi oad rapid Um ofur Ik. ii<ir-rul iwhlin.
rmUett ?u.ii' Chib, tlain, N. Y.
Tk. (mil Mum li Iks rrry bnl wo rr MW, M< Ikor. k
ao td*-cut saewor that CN rooiporo wi'.S It ia OUT ropoct.
v. a. rioxirr,
Stat# Graafo Lactam, WJISI, T.
Tk. mwiff la wklrk It IWN tk. ml pin, I*OM mad ip
lo th* ion oad wlad roody for dryhr.puU th. Kurok* far h*d
cf any maektor I oror tud. B. LAPORTK, Aoyiaaa, Pa.
Manufactured by EUREKA MOWER CO. Towanda,
Bradford County. Pa. Oorfpowdowt OdNdHoR.
Prcohtro molted mi eppftcattoo.
and bow to obtain them. Pamphlet
tree, upon receipt of Stamp for poet*
aye. Address—
ebtirUori of PTUMUM,
3'fvi' J*c((vt P. C.
SucceßHOin to tlo "East Lcwisburg Lumber & Manufacturing Company,'
Mannfadnrem ®f
Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Doors, Sasb, Blinds,
Verandas and all other kinds of Building
o -
BEING provided with ample fuclliUfH, the latest *u4 most Improved machinery, and
the best mechanical skill, arc prepared to execute all orders promptly, and in the
very best manner.
Wc give npecial attention to the furnishing, of Material for the bet
ter grs des of
Also, to the manufacture of SCHOOL OFFICE and CHURCH FURNITURE,
, N. 8.-We can send Materials to Goburn or Spring Mills at cheap freights. to-1/
Procured for Soldiers disabled In the U. S. ser
vice from any cause, also for Heirs of deceased
soldiers. All pensions date back to day of dis
charge, and to dale of the death of the soldier.
I'eusluns lucieasu d. Addresn, with stamp,
5-U on K. St. N. W. Washington, I). C.
WBE—gayiw i ■ wMMgrnp
And Grand Medal of Hones.
Economy, Durability and Rapidity
combined with perfect work,
Are Distinguishing Features of the
Giant Farm and Warehouse Fans,
Racine, Wis.
Now having King late improvements, they are fully
equal to every demand : cleaning a.l kinds of Grain,
ftu, Beans, Castor Beans, Corn and Small Seed.
They grade Wheat perfectly by once handling. Sep
arate Oats from Wheat, Barley and Rye. They have
very perfect arrangements fcr cleaning Timothy,
Clever, Flax Seed, Orchard Grass, and a3 other
Snail Seeds They Chaff perfectly, and combine
every qualification required It do the best work in
foe shortest time.
Warehouse, as well as Farm Mills, are largely con
structed, both kinds requiring nine sires to accom
modate the demand, and civing a capacity of from jo
to 500 bushels per hour, according to s ! re of mitL
They are shipped, boxed for ocean transportation,
and "set up" or "knocked down" far forwarding
Hilard, as requested: and in all case' put free on
board Cars or Steamer. Orders filled same day as
Mills shipped "knocked down" go for half the
freight charged as when f rwarded "set up." Olo
graphs and Circulars supplied on application. Prices
will he quoted Ant/ and on liberal terms. Corn*
pondcr.ce solicited.
Bottle Creek, Mleh.
THC Mst.hlM. Graln-Sail... Tl*.-R*t,f,
end Meety-Saviug Tbrr-k'r* of tkl* Coy Hd lw
IN. Bsyond all rivalry tor ltapid Work. Parlsct Cteaataf,
STEAM Powrr Thresher* e Sperlalt). Kpvcial
site# of Svparators loaJo expressly tor Steam Power.
OCR Unrivaled St-ani Thrrahcr Engines.
both Portable and Traction, with Valuable Improve
m.Dt, far beyond any other mat* or kind.
THE ENTIR ; Threvhlng Kxprneea (and often
thre* Ui five tlmci that amount) can l> madti t>J tbt
R*trß Grain SATKD by these iMproved Machines.
GRtIN Katwrs will not mkmltto the enor
nioui wastage of Grain iind the inferior work dent tr/
all other machines, when once posted on the difference.
NOT Only Vastly Superior for Wheat, Oatg,
Barley, Rye, and ILKS Grains. but tho ONLY Suecess
ful Thresher in Klax, Timothy, Millet, Clover, and lik
Hoods. Roqulrro no " attachmonta" or " robulldins" t®
ehanar from Grain to Seeds.
IN Thorough Workmanhip, Elegant Fintih.
Perfection of Part*, Completeness of Kqulpmeat, Ote.,
our " VUIATOX" Thrcaher Outfit, arc Incomparable.
MAEVKLOI S for MmpllcH) of Parts, using
Ires than ouo-half tho usual Belts and Geari. Makes
Clean Work, with no Littering* or Scatterings.
FIH'R Rises of Separator! Made, Baiag
from Rlx to Twelrc-HorsoiUe, and two style# of Mount
ed Horse Powers to matob.
FOB Partlfsilars, Col! on ear Dealers or
wit* q, r.r iUmuairl rk'ralar. "2i:a aofl free-
Sewing Machine
Unrivaled in Appearance, t -
Unparalleled in Simplicity ,
Unsurpassed in Construction ,
Unprecedented in Popularity ,
And Undisputed in the Broad Claim
•w actus VM
Host Perfect Sewing Kaehlni
Ths great popularity of the WWtal* thamcstecn
•tncing tribute ta it* excellence and superiority
em other machine*, end in submitting ft ta the
trade we put It upon Its merits, and in ao instance
has it ever yet failed to satisfy any recommendation
In Its favor.
The demand for the White has Increased te seek
IB extent that we are new cempeUod te turn eat
A. CGonplete Gavrriag
evory thzee zoinutca ia
tfam da .y to supply
tli. cLesxxauadLl
Every machine It warranted for t years, end
sold for e*sh at liberal discount*, w epon easy
pa/starts, to suit the convenience et customer*,
IB 158 EucM Asm, Cieeeiaed. OWe,
512 * S
S " c a ET ►
5 1 § m h 5
z 2 fc ils
11 ~ 5 *I ' =
§§ l!o 3! t
Sla 53) 5. J I
s ' ?80|i !
s w£ > 3
> - e
Cntnnial World's Far,
nowoowoss mAsmotmLT AS nti
Their comparative excellence la roeognteod try
the JnigM ta tnelr Report, from wktoh Ike
following ta en extract:
exhibit aa Ike boot Imatrumente et •
prioo rendering then possible to Urgo close
of pnrohasers,having a combination of Reeds
end Belts, prodncln: novel and pleeatsg effects,
containing many desirable Improvements, will
stand longer in dryer camp climate, loos liable
to got oat of order, ell the boards baing made
three-ply, pnt together so it Is imnoaalble for
th ra to either shrink, swell or ap!!t. M THR
This Mdol end Award was granted after the
most aevero competition of the beet makers,
before one o* the meet competent Juries
ever assembled.
New Styles and prices Just loaned, wbleh ere
in aooorianco with oar rule, the BEST OR*
GAN for the least money.
We ere prepared to appoint afow new Ageeto.
Illustrated Catalogues mailed, peat gild, em
application to
91 to ltt CHESTNUT iTBIIT,
";;rr HATW*. Ocw.