fV > 11 m Jj oarn aI * THURSDAY, FEB. 19, 1880. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL la published every Thursday, in Mussef'sßuild ln(, corner of Mala and Penu streets at 11.00 PER ANNtTM, IN ADVANCE Or 11.26 if not paid In advance. AD VERTISIXG RA TES. 1 week. 1 mo. lino. 6ino. s l y**r. 1 square....l $1 5260 gSoo|>4 00l fi iAMKB. T. O. ADDRBSS. Bcllefonte, N. W., VTm. Galbratlh,.. .Belicfoute R. W....W C Heinle " W W..,.Wm Harper " Mllesburg Frank K Bible.. .Mllesburg I'alonville P J McDonnell,..Unionvllle Howard A J Gardner Howard rhUipsbi re C G HerUnger... l'Mllpab'g MiUhcint -I H Belfsnvder. .Mlllbelm Dcnner Uriah Stover.... Bellcfoute Bogus das A Mcflain... Mllcsburg Burnsidc Wm Hepple PlneGlenn College Sam'l Gifllland.. Boalsburg Curtlu David Delonjr... Howard Ferguson. O. P I>au Driebelbls.. State Col N. P O M Sheets Stormston Gregie L M RUhel Spring M s Balnea George Kelster, Aaronsb'g HaUmoon John Ward Storinsto'n Harris Ham'l Ishler Boalsburg Howard l>avld Tanyer... Howard Huston HG Cbronlster.. Martha Liberty W II Gardner....Rtanchard Mar10n............ John HoJ, Jr Walker Miles Sam'l K Faust....Mlllhctm Pat ton G W Bamberger.. Fillmore Penn W F Smith Mfflheim Potter, X. P PF Luse Centre Hall " 8. T G W spangler... .Tusseyv e Rush William Cullen... Phllipsb g Suow shoe John G Uzzle Snow Shoe Spring EC Wood Belletonte Tavlor Samuel Hoover...Fowler Union J S Fredericks... Fleming Walker Samuel Decker... Zlon Worth G R Williams rt Matilda J. L. BPANGLER, Chairman. FRA*K JK. BIBLE. Secretary. THE ELECTIONS. MILLHEIM BOROUGH. CHIEF BURGESS : James C. Smith. ASST BURGESS : Israel Confer. COUNCILMKNJ: A. C. Musserj D. L. Zerby, F. father man, D. H. Mingle, B. A. Bumiller, George Royer. SCHOOL DIRECTORS : A. Walter, S. I). Musscr. OVERSEERS : 11. 11. Welser, Dsnais Lose. ASSESSOR: Jacob Alter. ASSISTANT ASSESSORS : C. W. Hart# man, Jonathan Harter. IXSPETORS: W. H. B. Eiaenhuth, S. G. Gutelius. JUDGE OF ELECTIONS: J. W. AO anas. AUDITOR : J. R. Bair. HIGH CONSTABLE : Samuel Otto. CONSTABLE: Johu H. Maize. PENN TOWNSHIP. Judge of Elections: Emanuel Nees. Inspectors: Jacob Kerstetter, David Kim port. Assessor: Aaron Ulrich. Assistant Assessors: Wm. Nees, Andrew Stover. Siqm visors: Geo. M. Harter, Henry M. Swartz. Overseers: Samuel Ard, David Ertel. School Directors: Jacob Dutweiler, Daniel E. Gentzel, Elias Hoover. Auditor: C.Alexander. Town Clerk: John H. Swartz. Constable: Dauiel L. Gary. nAINES TOWNSHIP. Julgeof E'ections : Frank Dutweiler. Inspectors: 11, H. Weaver, Charles S.nith. Assessor: Thomas G. Erhard. Assistant Assessors: Michael Bower, J. G. Meyer. Supervis<)rs: Jereuiiah Winkelblech, W. K. Stover. Overseer* Bmaatisl Cronmiller, John Orndorf. School Directors: Thomas Yearick R. B. Ilosterman, G. B. Stover. Auditor r .T. W. Runkle. Town Clerk ; John J. Musser. Constable: J. H. Wyle. MILES TOWNSHIP, Justice of the Peace: Samuel Gram ley. Judge of Elections ■; J. B. Kreamer. Inspector*: n. V. Kreamer, J)aniei Dubs. Assessor: S. M. Winters. ssistant Assessors : Reuben Krea mer, John Wolf. Sup-rvisor*: O. W. Ttoyer, Philip (ivainly. Overseen: John Hos'.erman, Daniel Brum yard. School Director', Nath. Boweraox S. K. Faust, 122 votes, Reuben Hatter 122 votes. Auditor : Henry Gorman. ToicnVlerk> Jos. K. Wtbcr. ComUtbit : M. A. Carlln. GREGi TOWNSHir. Justice of the Peace: S. J. Herring. nfu&ge 6] Election': Philip Shook. liHpectoYi: John 11. McCcel, John *D.Long. Assessor : Geo. B. CraWforil. Asst. Assessor : James 5". "Grove, Geo. Gentzell. Supervisors : J. ; B. 'lleAcnian.'Geo. Korman. Overseer*: 'Pred. Settle, John B. Ream. School Directors: Daniel B. Weaver, Emanuel Zettle. Auditor : Pealer. Totrn Clerk Benjamin Bieon. Constable : Reuben Kline. How Blaine Was cheated out of his termination at H&rrtsburg. The Pittaton GazetU calls attention to the fact that Lackawanna and Lu cerne furnished seyen of the votes which were wrested from Blaine by special influences. Crawford, Lycoui ing, Perry and Centre furnished five mare. Besides these betrayals, the "regularly elected Senatorial delegates in the Union district, in the Somerset dis trict and in the York district were un seated by a packed committee appoint ed by the temporary chairman, and Grant men without claims were put in their places. These fifteen changes re versed the compleiion of the conven tion. But for them the Grant resolu tion would have been beaten by ten votes, notwithstanding the solidity of thePbiladelphia delegation in voting for personal reasons against its judgment. These practical frauds have destroyed whatever of vitality can be claimed for the resolution referred to. It was not only forced on the convention by pow er, but it was carried by deception and fraud. It deserves no other fate than to be denounced and repudiated by the honest organir.it ion whom it vainly seeks to bind.— Press. Light Wanted. Lombard, Potter and Wagrenseller attended the State Convention in a body, as the embodiment of the Solins grove Ring. Before ttie convention met, the people of Snyder county were certain these fellows were all Blaine men. Lumbard openly opposed Grant, and urged the nomination of Blaine. Wagenseller was elected Delegate to the state convention as a Blaine man over Capt. Harding, a Cameron-Grant man. Yet Wagenaeller was selected by the Cameron-Grant convention as a Cameron-Grant delegate to the Chica go Convention I How, in the name of all that is wonderful, did this happen ? A Blaine delegate from Snydfr county going to Chicago as a Giant delegate ! Well, well, wonders never cease. This i* a subject that deserves consideration by the Blaine men of Snyder county. Were they sold ? or bow did it happen they sent a Grant man to Harrisbnrg ? —Sclinsgrovt Times. A grave question has reeently arisen tn San Francisco, namely who will oay General Grant's hotel bill. Well we are not going to take any stock in Granting ; let them settle the matter as they please. Hon. A. E. Borie, a wealthy Phila delphian and warm fiiend of Gen. Grant, recently died, leaving a will in which the sum of SIO,OOO was be queathed to the great smoker. That ought to keep U S. in cigars the bal ance of his life time ; but it would have been infinately more creditable to Mr. Borie's judgment had he divided up the SIO,OOC among about 1000 country editors. That's all. Whatever may be the sins of our fraudulent Preside nt it can not be sa : d that he is destitute of gratitude to his benefactors—to those who stole and gave him the Presidency. The infa mops Wells was appointed Surveyor of the Port of New Orleans, for the for gery and perjury committed by him in turning over the electoral vote of Lou isiana to Hayes. Wells' term is up and now our pink of a President ap points his (Wells') son to fill the lucra tive position. The Senate will no donbt resent the insult by promptly re jecting the appointment. How to Elect a Democratic President. The third-term lunatics seem to think thit if Conkling can carry New York and Logan Illinois, as Cameron I has carried Pennsylvania, the thing is done ; the rest of the country is to be whooped up and driven like a drove of cattle by the ringsters into the Grant pen. They make a mistake. The nomination of Grant by the Republi cans would be equivalent to the election of the Democratic candidate for the Presidency. TURNPIKE H hereby given t > the stockholder* of the Bellefonte, Aaronsbarg and Youngmans'own turnpike eampaujr, that an election will be held at the bouse of Wm. In huff, in Alifftlijburg, on Tuca dav, March 9th 1880, for the purpose of electing a board ot managers. By the Board, 3t Jonn Stoner, Pres't. E STRAY.—Came to the premises of the sub scriber, "in Gregg township a dark red steer, supposed tb oe about one and a half years old. The owner in notified and request ed to prove property, pay charges, and take j the same away, otherwise It will be disposed of according to law. | W.H, BtOOM. ] '• res? township. Fee. IS. 18*0. A UDITORB' REPORT OF THE RECEIPTS J\. AND EXPENDITURES OK CKNTKK COUNTY, PKOM JAN. 1., 1879, JAN. 1., 188a DR. ADAM TRARIOK. TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH CRNTKK OOUNTT. J AN. 1., 1880. To taxes outstanding. Jan. 1, 1879 sßs,lß3'** To taxes assessed *or 1879.... 42,515 80 •To nmount reevjved of Cora 'lbhlionera oh lhans 22,854.57 To amount received of Com missioner*, costs and col lections 458.58 To amount received of Clear- Held county, balance on Mosbannon bridge 1,145.88 To Hinount received of Palton township. Insane account 10.52 To amount received of College township, insane account la) 80 to afiihunt received of Spring township. I inane account 209.51 To am't recM, rent of house 48.00 To regtstratlon'blank* 501 d... 5.70 To balance on liaud Jau. 1, 1850 3,727.17 CR. Jan. 1.. I*o. Ity taxes outstanding 967.023.M By county orders paid 55,264.73 By amount State Treasurer re celpt 3,160.28 By commission on State lax psld 188.38 By exoueratlons allowed collec tors 1,882.10 Sy commissions allowed eollec- 1,275.68 y salary 2.0u,00 By stationery Balance 3.727.17 We the undersigned. Auditors of Centre county, do hereby cert fy thnt we have exam ined tne above account of Adam Yearlck. Treas urer of Centre county, aud find It cotrect. Witness our bauds and seals this 23d day of Jauuary, A. D. 1810. T. R. JAMISOM. (L-S-J JAMXST. STUART, [L.B.] Auditors. GEO. K.WIUUAIIS.(L.S.) •TPtNDtTruns. QommUstmeri' Pay. Andrew Gregg • 714.4* Jacob Dnnkle George Swab... - Henry Beck. Columis'r's Clerk 700. Jnry Cbtnmittionert' Fay. N. J. MltcbeU Henry Keller -J Henry Bck. cleik x ' 00 County Avditora' Pay. fames T.'Htuart G. R. WlllUms 30 W T. B. Jamison 30 0® C. L. Bufflngton, clerk 30 00 130ir4) Improvement and Repair*. John Markle, for fence at Jnll— 1.88 I>. W. Eberhart, for work at Jail sU le * J. W. Barnes, for gas flttlng 4.15 John Gregg, for work at furnace Jail *■*> Penna. R. Ft. Co., for freight on lumber <-f* Wm Lucas, for work at Jail 4.J M. J. Dolan. " " -W Adams Express Co., for freight a on pipes for Jail ,1-j* C. Doir, hvdrant for Jail J. W. Barnes, hydrant for iall— I—B® Thomas Mathews & Son, lumber for Jail W3.72 Henry Walkey, fcabor at Jail.... 35.8* C. W.Corman, " " -5^ A. Carr. brass cocks for Jail.--- Ji-w Jno D Lleb A Co, lumber for Jail 3H. John Wetzel, carpenter work at Jail 58.06 ; 907.13 (Jaurt JCrpunset. Juror*' pay S r, .)®L*s Commonwealth Costs J. H. Vosburg, court reporter.. 250.00 W. F. Keber, court roportor B. Galbratib, court crlcr 102.00 B. Gailbralth, Janitor tfO.W • Tipstave'* pay 2b ?! {M. J. Dolan. special detective.. 200.00 Court Prclamattou* by Bheiiff Spangler 122-2* j Summoning Jurors, by Sheriff 18.3.W Cornty Prison Erpsntci. Mrs. Shaffer, washing lor pris oners • 5£ i Mrs. Price, wash, for prisoner* '**...o Joseph Bros. 4 Co., clothing for prisoners '14.91 Harper Bros, cloth, for nrlvrs. 50.08 S& A Loeb, mdse. f r prison... 37 JW " 14 " ... 234, .10 Robert McKulght. gas bill 234.05 Geo Dolan, work at er*p<>ol— 3 50 J H FeUenbaum, rep'ng loeks.. 3.50 Dan lei I>err. gas fitting* 5-35 W 8 Galbraith. plumbing 9-40 W T Tw ltmlre, repairs at Jail.. 7.40 D Kberhart, repairs at Jail 1.91 J Reynold* A Son, water baek and grate 10.50 Tenna K- R. Co. freight on water back and grate 59 Jno MeCermott, remv'ag aahes 400 Frank Johnson, cleaning plpoa 75 J 8 Mallorv, repairing bedit'd* 11.50 Alvln Brady, cleaning p1p0a.... 1.00 Win f.ucas, repair* at .stable... 4.00 Wm Gares, repair* at ce11*.... 5.00 H U Hoffer, spit toons for Jail... 7.00 Prlnt'rt Bill*. F L Ilutten, administrator** bill 192.81 KTTuten W. 15 Hhugert A Forrter *14.51 Fred Kurtz M.50 Walter & Delninger 50. Refunding tax ' ~ 24.27 Insurance on county building* 110.00 Interest ou loan* paid 3,1i22.HD Commi**ions ou lunacy 31...2 Inquisitions on dead bodies 62.1* Note* paid 16,161.63 Premiums to collectors 23.00 Commission to C M Rower for collection* made 153.01 Tax paid on real estate held by county 5.15 Hospital for insane, Danville 2,624.91 Robert McKnlght, gas bills 143.50 I, L Beck, copying registrations 30.00 J P Uephait, acknowledging Commi**ioner's deeds 50.00 Books and stationery for Com mission er's office 22.92 Jos W Sanderson, for Judges' Chairs 60.00 Beeder and Keller, clerk* elee tion returns 10-00 IraC Mitchell, attorney's fee In 7 cases 21.00 H A Mingle, ervices at Audi tor'* settlement ■> i 6.00 J N Hall, rvjees at Auditor'* settlement 9.00 Adams Exprew Co., freight on blank*, &e. f-20 Peuna. B K Co.. freight on chair"; etc. 4.19 I>an'l Oartnan. meals for Jur- or* and hire " • ' 15-00 W T Twltmlro, repairs at stoves 12.40 Jno T Johnston, postage, euvel opes, etc. 36.07 II Reek, entering 88 cases > n Docket 13.34 Jno McDerinott. removing Mb* „ et Court House , . 0.00 J R Mallory. repair'* gate at C H . 4.00 I.leb Si Oarhrick, lee for Court II 3.50 Williams A ltro, glazing'at CH, ( Costs In county vs. ThUlusbuirg Borough *' *1 " ,■ • 93.62 Wm Mann and others, #gK>ks for offices / > . 143.83 , J C Harper, repairs at Prothy> office 3.8 J W A Morrison, Coin. I'lea* cost. 10.02 Harper llros.. bill carpet C H 24.15 J Harris & Co.. bill Hose. ic. " *>.> W A Sehroyer, coveting tables at Court House ' 8.00 Sundry arsons, forsoapt blnd -1 itK carpet, &c. 2,75 I) Kyerhart. repairing at. Re- - corder's office 1.50 Wilson, McParlane ft Co, hard. ware at Court House t 11.3.5 Wood for Court House 315 Mrs. Ilaller, scruhbtn* office 1.00 J no Hrackblll, stools for office 1.00 Tola' expenditures *' 153,'*>4 37 JOHN BPANGLKR. snaaivr. r* aococrr WITH t'IKTMWCITI, JAN. 1, 1880. 1)K. To county orders received ou account #1,700.00 To costs received " C 1.57 Balance , . 754.76 #2,516.33 CR. By boarding prisoners 3.137 days, at 40 eta #1,278.a0 44 94 turnkey f-es at HO cte. 75.20 " conveying 6 prisoner* -.to penitentiary, 4 at #40.(10 ahd 2 at #3d.ooeach fflO.Ort " conveying C Price to bouse of refuge , 44 conveying 5 to insane as avium at #4O 200.00 " publishing court proclama tion January-term 28.50 " publishing court proclaims* tlou April term " 24.00 44 uubllshlng court proclama tion. August term 19.00 •* publishing cohrt-proclama tion. November terra - *7.40 " publishing court proolabia tion, January term, 1K8) 19.00 " Sheriff's fees on eo)rt pro elaraattouf. 4 Court*, - 4.00 " publishing fish proclamat'n 9.05 " SherHTs fees on general election proclamation v 4.00 summoning Jurv, March SJHCIII term * 14.) " summon'g lury. April term .54.00 " summon'* Jury. Aug. term 34.00 " summon'g jury Uot. special term 14.00 " summon* Jnry NoVilerm ' 47.00 " summoning Jury, Jaunary term, 1880 " bill lumber, soap, spoons, etc , for jail 38.06 14 filling and mending 42 ticks at 50 cts. . 2100 44 costs on Fl Fa, No: JO. April term ,* .- 2.10 44 Sundry costs, Jan. term 14.58 44 44 44 Aug. left* .• 18.79 44 Commoiiwaatvb corn* , - 58.74 44 I) F Kortney 4 s ord*r ' 34,35 44 removing fish baskets l'enns, Hn and Elk creeks 42.59 44 removing Ash baskets Spring creek - 10.40 44 removing fish baskets Lo gans Branch 4.08 44 retwovlng fi-sh luvskcts Hivec. 51.52 44 removing fish baskets Mo shannon ' 43.50 44 filling Jury wheel 4 days 16.00 44 expenses after Ringgold and Baumgarduer *7.62 •2,516.11 Hy balance due Sheriff at settlement, Jan. 1, 18V) • 9754.76 State of IXsnn'a. ) [s.s. Centre county, ) We, the undersigned, Auditors of Centre county, do hereby cert ifv that lu pursuance of an act of Assembly, entitled "An act relatl g to counties an.t tuwimblps and county and town, ship offlcers," we met at the cnmmts-ionera' of tire, in Bellefoute, on the Ist Monday lu Janu ary, lHff). nnd did audit and settle and ad lust the seTcrai accounts set forth in-the foregolug statement. In witness whereof we have hereunto set mr hands and seal* this 23*1 day of January, 1880. T. M. Jawisom, (S.L.I JamssT StcaimY 15. 1..] Auditor*. Gko. K. WitutM,[ii.L] TAXES OUTSTAKIHSO a*M> It' THfe OOVXTT nT COLLECTOR*. •: 1871 •Jl Carton, Bellefonte • 307 2* $ 207 28 1872 •John Ward. Half Moon 256 97 •1) Kobh. Liberty 1452 271 49 1873 •Daulel Maloue, B7 81 JLC Kerlok, Marina *O7 4368 1871 •Joseph Fox, Beilefoute 973 11 •William Kiddles, rifiiipshn:*" *45 93 •Fred Kerciioit, Curtin 123 • Williaui C'roas, Hair Moon • 72 •11 B Wllco*. Kiuh , ,5S 11 •D U Y eager, Suow Bhoo 75 75 2584 90 * 1H75 •Oharle- Brown, liellnfonie 768 83 •J I* Shop-, MMesburg 223 99 •II L Bani.hart, Boeg* 55 91 •Jno T Lucas, Curtin 29 11 •II B WUcdx, Rush 78 74 •James Watson. Snow Shoe *4 < 1239 18 187 C •J H Morrison. BelWonlo 652 5* •T M llall, Mllesbura U4 37 fW C McOutcheon. Pmlipsburg 18 ai •William Mann, Curtin 4 32 •David Haiter. Marlou 210 09 •WIIHbm Welser, Penn 324 37 •G W Koch, Potter 753 06 •John Noll, Spring 381 18 2518*42 Jit LShirk, Milraburg 176 22 JJackson Gorton, PUllipkhnrg 179 66 H C Holler, Howard .. .. 125 46 Uriah stover. Benner 396 96 1J C Walker. Hogg. 31510 _ Kmanuel Musaer. College 434 02 ♦Conrad Singer, Curtin 1.17 52 \V II Fry. Ferguson 1681 KJ John Myers. Harris 277 09 Geo Gciisatner, Half Moon 446 54 J Kilne, .Howard 368 72 David Kobb, Liberty 409 03 1) W Orr, Marion 264 87 Joel Morris, Miles 197 60 U W F Gray, Fatton 316 8> William Smith, Peon 102 .18 ! Henry Swab, Potter 758 37 F I! Dale, Rush *4 00 H J Tibbins, Sprihg 92783 William Miller, Taylor 107 68 tJ T Duukle. Walker IR3 93 JW 11 Williams, Worth 57 19 7927 75 1878 William Jones, Beilefoute 695 5.8 K II Oarr, Mllesburg 199 00 E t> Mattern. Pbiltpabncjr 470 97 Sam'l Brlckley. Howard borough 182 12 fC'has Smith, tnionvillc 11 66 Thorn is Perdue, Benner 1087 21 !J C Walker, Bogga • . 882 23 J.Jno A Kupp. College • 720 08 Henry Thlel, Curtin J34 86 John H Hates, Ferguson 653 30 JC I* 1-oitrell, Gregg " 1221 23 D H Rote, Haines 171 16 J no Carper, Jr.. Harris 164 70 I lbs Lytic, Half Moon 81 49 t.John Craig, Huston 291 91 II M Burlew. Liberty 248 02 J William Irvin, Marlon 636 44 J William Tressler, Patton - 4.59 36 John D Foote, Penn 150267 Jas C Boal. Potter 529 31 F H Dale. Rush 658 26 J A J swartz, Spring 169.164 Jos Thompson, Snow Shoo 126 76 Samuel Hoovei, Taylor" 293 09 J Kline Zimmerman, Walker 504 09 Sumuel Stephens, Wort h 190 71 13909 30 1879 JACMusser, Millhelm " 435,64 J Dan'l Ayers, Philipsburg 562 03 A N ltusscil, Unionville 229 16 1W A Taylor, Benner 1556 54 •I M Stuart, Hurnside 192 61 J C Walker, Boggs 116156 fWni Foster, College 2454 67 ! Henry Thlel, Curtin •' 230 44 Geo w Kichline, Ferguson 2*84 05 Cyrus Lose, Gregg 3002 73 Jacob Bower, Jr. Ilalpes 1564 47 H Griffin, HaU Upon *94 12 JI) W Kline, Huston 378 71 ;j M KUtfe, Howard township 352 *5 JC A Cortcr, Liberty 6* 57 IJ J Hoy. Marlon , 1194 52 lGeo B Hainc*, Miles * ' 1601 36 1 Daniel Heck man, Patton- < 1046 75 IC Alexander, Penh * * " 134372 1J W Messinger, Pottei . 3668 12 John II Long Rush. 51815 J John Garbrick, Spring 2446 8* 1 Samuel Bower, Snow Shoe 30CF24 Juo T Fooler, Taylor 392 *6 Wtu Siiotts, Uhlon ' 201 78 tDavid Yocuin, Walker • 2390 36 J Geo R Williams," Worth 295 33 I William Miles, M.lesburg 428 35 t Robert Cook, Jr. Howard bora 320 30 t-J M Keichllne, fcplfefont* 3946 56 Benjamin Htamm, Harris twp, 1723 00 38321 36 Total taxes outstanding ♦67,023 36 * In hand* of attorney lor collection, t Paid in fun Hinee Jan. Ist, t I'aid in part since Jan. Ist. FINANCIAL cohmno* or CBKTRI! co. t JAM. i, . . . 1880. To notes and bonds ootstand- Uig #93,364.70 " balance due John Spanglor, Hfcftrtff 7.54.76 " balance due Geo Swab 49.50 balance due Jac Dunkle 187.50 To balance due by Centre Co- #7,815.59 By amount In hands of Co. Treasurer # 3,727.17 44 notes of sundry persons held by commissioners . 2,400.0) 44 notes In hamls of A Hoy for collection 1,827.32 44 notes tn hands of A C Bow er tor collection 1,058.10 44 taxes outstanding Jan. 1, 1880 67,023.36 44 amount due from boroughs and townships for Insane In Is, as follows: 44 Rush twp 111.32 44 Plilllpsburg borough 2,811.15 44 H**n tier twp. 4u'.49 * 4 Muring twp 2.199.15 44 Mllesburg borough 27 .90 44 Huston twp HiSi.o7 44 Hellefoiite borough 1,813.22 44 Totter twp . 121,12 44 Worth twp 125.25 44 Liberty twp. 179.78 44 Ferguson twp 147.05 44 College twp 210.44 •' Tarti idge Est 70.00 •' balance due from A Hrogg 173.74 44 haianee due from L W Munson 293.24 44 Real estate held by county 419.04 44 baluuce from Clearfield coun ty, (common pleas costs) 430.96 44 Harris twp. fire commission 20.00 44 balance 7,815,59 CF.NTKK COUNTY. RH. We the undersigned, Commissioners of Cen tre county. do hereby certify that the foregoing U a true and correct statement of the receipts and ex|iendlturesof said county, from Jau. 1 1879 to Jan. 1, 1880. Witness our hands. ANDREW Hlti-.HU, J <(K4)KOK HWAB, ,'Com'rs. J AC. DUNK I.E. ) Attest: HKNKY Bact. Clerk. . INXE4 UTOR'B NoTIOK —tetters testamcn j tary on the esLtte of Magdalene Uarret late of Miles township, ddbeasefl. having been granted to the subscriber; mi persons knowing temselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested to inuko immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. JACOB SHI'LTZ. Executor. * " ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.-Lettern of adiniulsi ration on the estate of Jacob Ncesf, late of Oregg township, deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all l*rsons know-In . themselves Indebted to sain Estate, are hereby requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. K. J. HIKING. W*. 11. Nkesk. 4-Ct Administrators. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letter- testament ary ou the estate of Harriett Rrcon, late of Haines township, deceased. ha* ill: been granted to the undersigned, all persona know it.g themselves indebted to said f stale are here by required to make immediate payment, uud those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. F. T. Mt wsEK. 4-6t Executor. ADMINISTRATORS NOTlCE.— Letters of Admit Ist rat ion dc bonis won, cum testa menfo tfnnrxo, on HH 4 estate of Ueorge Snyder, late of Haines township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all jiersons know ing themselve.sindcbted to said estate are here by notified to make Immediate payment, ami those having claims against the same to present litem duly authenticated for se'tlenn-nt. HAMUEL SNYDER. 3-61 Administrator, dc bonis non, ct/m testament# annexo. 1 JOHN H. GRAY, Fashionable Barber. Two doom wreet of MiUheitn lktel, MILLaHEIM, PA. COUNTY JTARMEICS' HOME, TUB OTSH HOIfSI, Prices to Suit the Times. Improved sighting and careful Hostlers. I.ow siMH-hil rates to Jurymen and Witnesses. Cleanliness, couifort unexcelled NO DISORI -alryva'a Ana. Tk. rarioc of IS. fua rat with iH. Xar*k. Manor la nan ma m< npU Hum fw lla illmi narblaat. GKOR6K W. HOFTMAN, rmldial Finuia' Clb, klnira, N. Y. Tk. E.rak. Xawr ta Ik. vaajr kat w. .Tar a.w, sad ikrr. la a. ed. rat manor ik.l cu caßMri wllk I♦ is in raaoacl. V. PIOU.IT, Slat. Gran-a Locturar, Woaox, P. Tk. maun In wklck It Imtm tk. tut r™*< I""* "><• n P* W tk. ana nnd wind rrady lordrv-inc.ruuih. Koawkn far aka.4 afaajr mnckint I avar awd. K. LAPORTE, Aiylnm, Pa. Manufncturod by EUREKA MOWER CO. Towtnda. Bradford County, Pa. Oormipowdnco toMMHA Bum lon moUod oppßootlon. PATENTS •od how to obtain them. Pamphlet free, upon receipt of Stamp fqr post age. Address— GILMORE, SMITH & 00. Mieitor 0/ Peirata, 1 Kmr raCfr.t £. C. NESBIT BfctOS., Successors to the "East Lewisburg Lumber r A Manufacturing Compaiy,' Xaanliirliirri Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Verandas and all other kinds of Building Materials.^ *—*> — " . .... BEINC; prceial attention to the furnishing ol Material for tho. bet ter ' '.• •■ • . * . HOUSE ■HTTTT .-nTNrn-. Also, to the manufacture of SCHOOL OFFICE, and CHURCH FURNITURE, SUNDAY >CHOOL, and PRIVATE BOOK CASES.. FACTOR l'-EASI I.EWINKI'KU. MUUT BIM N. 8.-We can send Materials to Cobum or Hprtng Mills at eheap freights. > lf ? 8' §loft 5 ! Procured for Hokllers disabled In the U. 8. ser vice from any cause, also fur Heirs of deceased soldiers. All pensions date back to day of dis charge, and to date of the death of the soldier. Pensions increased. Address, with stamp, STODDAKT A CO., 3-U 913 K. >n. N. W. Washington, D. C. B'UilmJUPvk VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Grand Medal of Hocurt. Economy, Durability and Rapidity combined with perfect work. Are DiaUaguisking Feature* of tbe celebrated ' 4 Giant Fan and Warehouse Fans, * • .MADE SY A. P. DICKEY, Racine, Wis. Now htofng scany laic improvements, they are Mf •qua! i" ;-cleaning all kind* cf Grata, Pea*, Beans, Cator Beam, Ccro and .SmaH SrW- Tbay grade Wheat perfectly by -nccliard!hig. Sep arate Oats frost Wheat, Barley and Kye. They have rsry perfect man gem errs fir cleaning Timetby, Clever, Flix Seed, Otrhcrtf Grass, and aO ether Small Ttoy Chad" poCtth, and combine every qualification recirucu ts dy ds beat work in the shortest time. Warehouse, as well as Farm Mill*, are largely con structed, both kinds requiring; nine tires to *ccom modate the demand, and giving a capacity of from ye to 500 bushels per hour, according to sire cf raifl. They are shipped, boxed for ocean transportation, and ."set up" cr "knocked down" far forwarding ml* d, a* requested; ar.d in all case' put free on board Car* or Steamer. Order* filled same day as received. Mills shipped "knocked down" go for half the freight charged as when ft rwarded "set up." Oleo graphs and Circu'ars supplied on application. Prices will fce quoted and on liberal terms. Cart as pondence solicited. NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., Duttle Mich. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE "YIBHATOR " THRESHING MACHINERY. TBI ■.trhl". Cr.ln-S.fi,Ttm.-K.TlBf, and Monrr Sat tnR Tbreh.f rthi. day and piv Uan. B.yond all rivalft fer Kapid Work, Perfect Clsaaiag, STEAM Power Threshers a Specialty. Special aire* of Separator* raado rxprcs.lr fcr Straw Power. OUR ITnrivaled Strain Threahcr Kngiaea, both Portable and Trartlon. with Valoabla Improvo mcnta, far beyond any other make or kind. THE ENTIRE Threshing Expense* (and often throe to flvo time, that amoaati can ha made by the Satra Orain SAVED by these Improved Machine.. GRAIN Raisers will not submit to the aner men. westate cf Grain and the Inferior work dona by all other machines, when once posted oa the difference. NOT Only Vastly Superior for Wheat, Oafs, Barley, Rye. and like Grain*, bat tfeo Oaxr Sueeoao *ul Threoher in Klax, Timothy, Millet, C|pver, and Ilka Seeds. Require. no •' attachments" ar "rebuilding" *• change from Grain to Seeds. IN Thorough Workmanship. Elegant Finish, Perfection of Perta, Completeness of Equipment, etc., •or " Vmnaton" Threeher Outfit, arc Incomparable. MARVELOUS isr simplicity f PRTU, astag * lens th*n one-half the osusJ B®Hi and Oftri. XtlMI Oma Work, with no Littering* or Batterings. POUR Sizes of Separator* Made, Ranging from Six to Twehro-Hort# *lie, and two atylo* of Momnfe od Horse Power* to match. PDB Particulars, CnU ©n ©or Bealera ©r write to aa fcr ma*aac* Circular, tU'l>t ttsjT&na "THE WHITE „ I SEWING MACHINE TUX BEST or AM.. \ r ' A 1+ Unrivaled in Appearand, • ** - Unparalleled in Simplicity , Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim •V MM was THY BEST OPERATIHO QUICKEST SELLING, HANDSOMEST, AND koft Ptrfect Stwinf ItohiiM IN THK WOULD. Hf&| \ I 'ERMHs Tbt |raat pspatarfh §1 IN White It tttf mat tarn ttneina tribute to lb aicetitnc# n aaaattority aver aOtar amcbteaa. and hi aabmltßm ft to tba trad* wa pat It upn Ha ateetta, and la aa instance has it ever yattaUed to satfcfy aay raaaaaaaadahon la lb bsar. Tin demand tarMtatohMa has laeraasid to aach •aaafaat that w arm mam aaatpiOad to tora ant Mm Oeaaplata SawU&g ahfatcli Trim avaty thn© xsalnutaa la ttta day to rl STTI B n wk 1 f vary oatSb# fa manaa/tai far f yaara, and NNlw riit riNtoalitowNkw aw *y pa/as all, to sail toa caavaafaaca af castaawrs. Sto Aill Jll WA3ISIB zk wmxmo TSSZXTQKT. WHITE aEWIiaIUCHIHE CO* . m m iiwim, nstoaf. met > 5> 1 l.'iS wf* ill zii i 1 i § ||Tl 8 ; .* H I §■ | "H fc I 1 s 2 m &. aLjs g !!;§?; f shso si f $ 2 1 >*\ P S 2 HIGHEST HONORS Cmhnmat World's Far, 1876/ . SBONDTGfSR ORGANS wiasaiiaai) wA*mociLr aa its BUST INSTRUMENTS. ftdnasyatsHw atasllaaaa to neagalasd ly tha iatlga* la their Koftort, ftoaa wtkish tha iaUawbtg to an aztraot:. "Tha M. SHONINOBR OROAM OO.f sxUMt aa tha hast lastraaasats at a prioa rendering than poadbto to a large alaaa of varahaaara.bf>Tlßf eoaatoaaUoa of Baada aad Malta, protf acin.; moral and plaaaiag sffaeis. aantalalaf any d—lrabla lmprovaaaaata. will ■toad Usgat'la dry or; daap ©Unau, lsaa ItaMa to fat •slaf ordar. aU tha boards balag sada pat •• it la laaoaaiHa far them to either shrink, swell ar apllt." TUB ONLY OUSAJW AWARDED TRIM RANK* This Medal and Award was granted after tba aaost severe competition of the beat makers, before one o' tba aaaat aoaapataat juries aver aaaambisd. • Mew Sty be and prices just Isaasd, whleh aw to aaeordanoa with our rata, tha BltT OIL* • BAM far tha least money. Ms are prepared to appoint slew new Agents. Illustrated Cetaiafaea asaltad, peat pal A •• ■ppllsslliiii to B. SHOHINGER ORGAN GIL, * to ltt i'MKSTRHT .. JSn ccbl