Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 19, 1880, Image 1

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    VOL. LIV.
C. T. Aievarder. C. N. Bower.
Office in Garmau's now building.
Office en Allegheny Street.
Northwest corner of Dlunond.
D. O. Bu>h. 8. H. Yocunn. 1). U. HasiingS.
High Street. Opposite First National Bank.
Pract'cea in all the courts of Centre county.
Bpoc al attention to
In German or Engl sh. •
vyr ILBL'R F. REED Ell,
* . .
Alt bus ness promptly attended to. Collection
of claims a speciality.
J. A. Beaver. J. W. Gephart.
attorneys at law,
Office on Alleghany Street, North of High,
attorney at law.
Office am woodrlng's Block, Opposite Court ?
Huu-e. • s -
S. KELLER, • t
Consultations lu English or German. Offlee I
In Lyon' - Building, Allegheny Street.
, |
Office In the rooms formerly occupied, by tb*
late W. P Wilson. -
A. WALTER. Cashier." DAY. KRAPK, Pres.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A Long Time Without Food.
A wooden house was recently built near
a copDer mine at Litlly Bay, Wisconsin, so
that there was a vacent space beneath the
floor. Before this space was boarded in a
pig crept in, coiled itself in a quantity of
f shavings, and fell asleep. The office was
" not immediately occupied, an I the noise
made by the pig when ii discovered its di
lemma was not heard. Like a true philo
sopher, the pig accommodated itsetf to its
circumstances. It wrapped itself in the
shavings, turned its back to the cold world,
and went to sleep for the winter. Tins
was on the 22d of November, 1878. The
pig was remarkable and a credit to its
owner, who sincerely mourned his loss
about Christmas time. The pig found a
viaticum in its fat that kept up animal
heat and sustained life. The office was
occupied, but the trarnp of feet did not dis
turb the sleeper. For four months the pig
slept as Bound as a Pharoah in a sarcogha
gus. With the wafrmth of April its vital
energies returned. Its fat was exhausted.
It opened its eyes, turned over, and began
to grunt. The occupants of the office were
mystified. The animal grunted with a
gusto, and began to knock for a release. A
board or two was removed, and the pig
was brought to light. Its appearance was
piost pathetic. The ribs on each side
seemed to have met. The hams had van
ished, and only the hip joints stood up,
gaunt and angular. The vertebrae could
be counted, and the ears drooped from the
large skull. The eyes looked out of deep
bony sockets with a profoundly melancholy
expression, as though their owner bad been
in the other world and had found there
specially hard times. For a time no one
recognized the pig, but at length the wo
man who owned it, declared, with tears in
her eyes, that she knew it by a peculiai
turn in its tail. It had a singularly grace
ful curl in its appendage —the only aesthetic
point about it—and this had survived the
destruction of all tissues. The poor wo
man's joy over the recovery of her lost pet
was quite touching. The news spread ra
pidly. The miners gathered from all
quarters to view the wonderful pig who
had lived for 142 days without food or
The hammering of bars of iron, ii
their lengths be in any other direction
than perpendicular to the line of mag
netic north, tends to make them more
or less magnetic.
AAT man much tor his
whistle when he has wet it fllteen or
twenty times a day.
Down the Ions? v nta* of tho vines,
With tassels laden.
Tho alum'hrouH afternoon in splendor shines
On youth and maiden.
Who seem to dr nk the spioy lethoan air
In happy slumber.
And lau>.h as drt amers lamhwho do not eare
The hours to number.
The 'asy sun glides gently down the sky,
Tho nightfall bringing,
The hollow a'sles now bring the olaugor uigh
Of crickets singing.
Tho very Earth seems drowsing 'm ath a spell
From hop blo.uns shaken,
And waits tho night-wind in some upland
• To bid it waken.
Then bring fair Autumn from the waiting
And deck tho maiden,
With drowsy hops, and lea i her slowly forth.
With rich fruits laden;
And if she fall asleep along the way,
Or sports detain her,
The Summer months will longer with us stay.
And Earth be gamer.
Aunt and Niece.
"Ik***', you're a fooliah
child, said her auut Mary.
"But 1 can't help it," said Bessie Norton
"Help it! uouscnse," said her aunt.
Here I am over forty, and I'm not in love;
no, nor likely to be."
"3ut, Aunt Mary." meekly pleaded the
bluieyed little damsel, "only think of the
difference between forty and seventeen!"
Mary llepworth rubbed her nose vehem
y*Upon my word, Bessie," said she. "I
don't know what to do alniut tnis ridicu
lous business of yours. Dear, dear, lam
sure I don't know what this world is com
ing to anyway.
, "But I am seventeen," argued Bessie,
"and 1 danced at the last Charity ball, and
i*y (fresses are all made with leng trains.
Besides, George sav9 I am bis guardian
"Ofo, fiddlesticks!" cried Aunt Mary,
what do you want of a husband ?''
• "All the girls have husbands," returned
Bessie. #
, "Aren't you happy as you are ?"
"Y—yes." confessed Bessie; "but I—l
•think-1 should be happier if 1 were married
to George."
"And why. in the uame of reason .'" de
manded Mary.
"Because he loves me !"
And the deep roses came into Bessie's
cheek as he spoke.
"Loves you!" scornfully echoed Mary—
loves your money!''
"1 have no money," said innocent Bessie;
"so it can't be that."
Mary laughed a hard laugh. •
"It has never yet occurred tft her mind
that she i< my heiress and that the people
call me "the rich old maid," thought Mary
to herself. "Poor little unconscious dove.
And for her, of sllpeople in the world, to
become tlie prey of a fortune hunter! I
won't have it; so there."
And she turned once more to Bessie.
"Bessie," said she coaxingly, do oblige
me and give up tliirf, foolish notion of a
"Oh, Auut," criwd the girl, "really I
couldn't." •. ' * i
"I'll give you the diamond cross that you
fancied, last week." *
"Oh, Aunt!"
"Or come—you shall have a summer at
"I don't want to go to Saratoga."
"Would you prefer going abroad?"
urged the elder lady. "I don't like sea
voyages, but anything would be preferable
to wrecking your future."
"I—l think I prefer George. Aunt," fal
tered Bessie. "Thai is, if you won't be
"You';will rush headlong on your fate, !
then ?" eried Mary.
"Yes, 'J confessed Bessie. "I think that j
if you don't object, 1 will."
"Bessie," said Aunt. Mary. "I never !
w •
denied you anything yet, and I don't sup- ;
pose I shall deny you this. Tell George j
Dickson to come and see me. And if he is j
really in earnest "
"Oh, aunt, there never was anyone half '
so much in earnest as we two are," fer-j
f vently interrupted Bessie, claspihg her
"Yes, yes, I daresay," said Mary. "Very
well, as I was remarking*"!'!! take it into
And Bessie sat <Jowu and wrote a little
pink note to her l&ror ;
i "DEAREST >~Adnt Mary has re
lented, and you/are to come and see her-at
I once. Oh,
'' - ' Yours Eternally,
And she called the gardener's boy, and
| gave him twenty-five cents to post the let
| ter immediately.
I Mr. George Dickson, being like bis fair
fiancee- very luUch in.earnest, lost no time
n'responding to this rose scented summons.
"Frank," he said to his law partner, and
| particular friend, "you'll stand by a fellow,
| won't you?"
! ..'/To the death," said Frank Wright.
"Then come with me to face Bessie's old
aunt," said Dickson, "for it all depends
upon her —our future I mean. Bessie is
such a dear, dutifull little kitten that she
will never marry without heraun;'s con
sent." ,
j "That's the situation of allairs, eh?"
said Mr. Wright. And where does this
arbitress of your destiny reside ?
"Iu the Bloomiugdale road," said Mr.
Dickson. "But you see, rich or poor, it
makes no ilifTerenco to mo. "lis her niece
I want—not her money."
"Money is a convenience, for all that,"
thoughtfully remarked Wright. "Yes,
I'll help you to face the music. At what
hour am 1 to present myself?"
"At ten tomorrow morning," said Dick
"Isn't that rather early ?"
" I he sooner 1 know my fate the better it
will for me," said Dickson. "Either 1
enter into the gates of paradise, or I drown
"What a tlung it is to le in love," said
Wright, retleetively.
Mary was in the garden pruning rosea
the next morning when the two gentlemen
"Go awav,'' said Mary, without turning
her head, as she heard the creaking of the
garden gate. "You are the boy that broke
down my lovely blue iris yesterday. Go
away I say."
"I—l beg your pardon," said Mr. Dick
son, in some dismay, "1 am not the boy
that broke it.''
"Oh!" Mary turned around, and drexv
off a portentous pair of gloves which
shielded her hands. * I see. You are the
young man that wants Bessie.''
"Yes," said Dicksou, "1 am the young
man that wants Bessie, and this is mv
friend, Mr. Wright."
Mary bowed stilly to the stranger, and
.hen turned abruptly to Dickson.
"I suppose you think you are going to
marry money Y" said she.
"1 haven't thought about it in that light,"
said Mr. Dickson, reddening.
"Don't tell me," said Mary, "feeling in
her pocket for an official letter with a big
red seal. "Up to yesterday my niece Bes
sie was looked upon as an heiress."
"I assure you, ma'am " broke in
Dickson. „
"Don't waste your breath in assuring
me," said Mary. "Its time and trouble
thrown away. Just hear me out, if you
please. Yesterday I received ibis letter
from my lawyer, announcing the failure of
the Ithuriel Insurance Company I have
been foolish enough to invest in it. And
whoever take Bessie now must lake
her for herself alone."
"1 desire nothing better," said Dickson,
"Are you prepared for love in a cottage?*'
satirically demanded Miss Basil.
"My income is not large," said the
young lawyer, modestly, "hut it is quite
sufficient to maintain a wife in comfort.
1 love Bessie, and there are not many
hardships which love will not sweeten."
"That sounds well in boolca," sa 'd Miss
"You shall see that we will reduce it to
practice," said Dickson cheerfully. "And
Miss Basil "
"You have been a second mother to Bes
sie ; she loves you dearly. Need 1 say how
delighted we lx>th would be if you would
consent to make your home with us?"
Mary dropprd her gloves into a bunch
of blue larkspurs.
"Eh?" she said. "Do you mean that
you would actually burden yourself with a
poverty stricken old maid, like me?"
''George held out both bauds to Miss
"Aunt Mary," said he. "I may call
you so, mayn't I?—pray believe that it
will be doing as both a favor to come and
live wilh us. We cannot, perhaps, give
you the luxuries to which you have been
accustomed, but of one thing you may be
Certain—a welcome from the heart."
Mary stopped for her gardening gloves
and turned away.
"Young man," said she, "there is more
in you than I thought. Take Bessie if you
want her. Yonder she is, watching us
from the oriel casement. Go to her. Tell
her the stony-hearted old aunt has relented
at last. And —stop a minute,' she added,
as he was eagerly turning away; "1 told
you that 1 had property invested iu the
Ithuriel Company."
"It was only a thousand dollars. The
rest is all safe, and will one day be yours
and Bessie's. Aud you will not need to
support the old maiden aunt out of your
kindly charity, though 1 shall continue to
give you plenty of my company. JNow go
to Bessie. As for you, Mr. Wright," to
the astonished George, "you can help me
with the weeds and. watering put, while
those two young turtle-doves are billing
and cooing inside."
| And so ended Mr. Dickson's wOoiilg, and
! little Bessie was the happiest of brides, in
white silk and orange blossoms.
"But if it bad been me," said Frank
Wright, "I should have proposed to (he old
maiden aunt. To my mind she's the pret
i ties woman of the two."
Strange Discoveries. *
The Bank nf England has no end of val
uables committed to it.s keeping. The
vaults of this establishment holds laddering
chests, deposited there for safety's sake,
and apparently forgotten by their owners.
In 1,873 one fell to pieces, front sheer rot
teness, exposing to sight a quantity of
massive plate and a bundle of yellow papers.
The letter proved to be a collection of love
letters of the period of the Restoration,
which the Directors were enabled to restore
to the lineal descendants of the original
owner. In 1875 a tfn box was fished out
of the Seine containing more than five hun
dred letters addressed to divers per
sons in Paris, This box—set alloat miles
above Paris—nnd been hermetically sealed,
and was furnished with little metal sails,
that might catch the current of the river at
every point; but it had failed to make a
successful voyage, and laid at the river's
bottom for years with its freight of letters
for the beseiged Parisians, some of whom,
however, had the gratification of- receiving
them five years after date.
Nlgim anil Portents.
When the crescent of Ihe young moon
rent* supinely, its horns in air, it is a sign
of dry weather; because in this position it
holds all the water, thus preventing its fall
Ito the earth 'litis is also a sign of wet
weather, the explanation in this case being
that a wuterful moon is emblematic of a
water-soaked earth. Don't forget this sign
of the new moon. It is rarely you will find
one so impartially accommodating.
I Whoever finds a four-leaved clover is
; generally a liar. It is so much easier to de-
I tach one leaf from a live-leafed stalk than
' to hunt for one with four that the tempta
tion to mendacity is too much for average
When a mouse gnaws a hole in n gown
some misfortune may be apprehended. The
misfortune has already happened to the
j gown, and may be apprehended to happen
i to the mouse,
An old sign is that a child grows proud
■if suffered 'to look into a mirror while less
than 'welve months old. But what the aver
age infant can see in the mirror to make
; it proud it is difficult for any but the pa
rents to understand.
A red skv in the west at evening indicates
that the next day will be pleasant, barring
accidents of rain, snow and hail.
" Jf you take down your shingle, prepara
tory to putting it up in a new loeatiou, it
is a sign you are moving.
If a hen runs across the street directly in
front of you, it is a sign that a hen will
soon he on the other side. If she cross
over just behind you—Pshaw! who ever
knew a hen that wouldn't die right in her
tracks rather than cross one's pathway in
his rear?
When you see a cat running around furi
auslv, it is a sign that the crockery or glass
ware is in danger.
When you drop a knife and it sticks in
the tloor. i' is a sign that some one is com
ing. if you are a small boy, that someone
may be your mother, and her coining is to
remonstrate with you with her slipper.
To dream of a wedding is a sign of ina
To dream of a funeral betokens too much
pork and cabbage. .
To dream of finding money betokens that
it is easier to dreatn of finding money than
to work for it
To dream that it is Sunday morning is
To be suddenly awakened from your
sweetest sleep to ffinl that it is not Sunday
is—that is to say, very disagreeable. It is
it sign that you will he unhappy.
A great many more equally infallible
signs might he given, but the reader has
probably had enough for otic day. The man
who believes in signs is sufficiently credu
lous to believe that our knowledge in that
line, as well as in every other line, is inex
A Rarer of The Plains.
Jack Christy was the drover's name and
he recently arrived at St. Louis, from
Texas. Jack "got behind a beer or two a
few night's ago and then and there related
a marvelous story of a remarkable horse,
for the truth of which Jack said he was
ready to vouch. The susbstance of Jack's
narrative was about as follows: Not a very ;
great distance from Fort Concho, in Texas,
for the last seven years, a wild stallion of !
wonderful speed and endurance has been
seen but during all this period the endeav
ors of the raniberos to capture him have
proved unsuccessful. Jack has seen the
horse himself, and says he only stands
about 14 hands high, and is coal-black in
color. I lis body is covered with very long
hair, so that in appearance the hyrse is ,
rather shaggy, lie has a long flowing tail
which trails on the ground, while his mane
is at least two or three feet in length, llis
hoofs have grown very long. The animal's
eyes are exceedingly bright and tierv, and
when galloping with dilated nostrils over
the open inuskcct pruirie, Jack said: 'lt
was enough to make your heart glad to see
such a noble animal.' As stated above,
this horse has now haunted the vicinity of
Fort Concho-for seven years and it is sup
poswl that he is about 9 years old. lie w;is
seen to gallop a distance of three miles on
open prairie in less than four minutes and a
half. He dashed out of ravine in the Wic
hita Mauntains, and going a' headlong speed
he disappeared beiiiud a log hut," which
stood at exactly three miles from the en
trance to the gully. One of the raneheros
with the party, who was watching the stal
lion from a rocky eminence, timed him, es
timating that the animal made three miles
iu 4:50. This would make him the fastest
horse ou record, and be its all the racetini".
Some f'>ur years a company was organized
to capture 'Black Bogs,' which was the sob
riquet by which the animal was kuown in
the region. About 25 ranchers and herders,
mounted on the fleetest of Texan horses and
mustangs, determined to give chase to the
hitherto uncaptured and untamed steed.
One of the party was the celebrated Mex
ican vaquero Juan Gonzalez, who bears the
j .reputation of being the greatest expert
with the lasso living. Tor five days did
they pursue 'Black Boss' on their fleet
footed steeds. Bmuetimcs they would
chase him for hours, when he would gradu
ally distance them and disappear from sight.
Black Boss' actually seemed to enjoy the
Sport. He would occasionally stand still
until the.pursuing party approached him,
then, with a loud neigh and toss of his
powerful head he would at once show them
jus heels. The raneheros, however, contin
ued to stick to his trail, and after a few
hours again came upon him, when lie sped
fiway from them like wind. Four days
onger they kept up the chase, but in vain.
Uonzlezjw lio on account of his skill and in
trcpidriy had been chosen. Captain, on the
.tilth day organized the company into squads
and told them the only hope of success was
to drive him to llennosa Gully, which is a
small ravine in the "Wichita Mountains, the
j figged precipices forming a veritable cul
dc sue. If they could succeed in driving
him into the ravine be believed they could
secure him. Three bands were accordingly,
formed, and they began to scour the prairie
for 'Black Boss.' Gonzalez' company, after
a few hours' riding, came upon the stal
lion, who immediately began his ant ics of
playing with his pursuers. It was on this
occasion that Gonzalez made a most marv.
elous throw with the lasso. Ile managed
to approach pretty close to 'Black. Boss,'
who at once snorted and bounded away.
Gonzalez stuck his spurs deep into the
flanks of hissteed, which gallantly auswerd,
and in a few moments carried his rider
nearer the flying stallion. Ihe two horses
were now seperated by about '225 feet, when
quick as lighting, Gonzalez seized his lasso,
and, with unerring aiub threw it. 'Black
BO9S was encircled by the fatal coils and
; thrown, but his struggles were fearful. The
| shock was too much for Gonzalez and his
i horse, steed and ruler, rolled over on the
ground. The noble Black writhed terribly
in his bonds, which suddenly snapped,
and the horse, once nore on iiis feel quick
ly disappeared, dragging the trailing lariat
after him. Gonzalez, however, was not
discourged, and he and his hand con
tinued the chase. They where overjoyed
to find that 'Black Boss' was galloping in
the direction of liermosaGully, and this cn
couraged them to keep on. As night ap
proached they saw the horse canter up the
ravine, whereupon tbey resolved to block
ade it and wait until morning and the ar
rival of the other two hands before seising
their prey. During the night ihe whole
company were reunited, and early at day
break began cautiously to enter the gully.
Presently they espied 'Black Boss' who
neighed, threw up his head, and started
for the end of the gnlly terminating it the
<*itl hit .sue. G mzalrz and his paity follow
ed close behind. At last the powerful beast
was brought to hay. The lasso was once
more brought into requisition, and 'Black
Boss'was a-prisoner. Having, as they
deemed, seem ly fastened him, he was freed
from-the coils of the lariat. With immense
fnrv the horse turned upon the man who
held the improvised lialter, bit him severly
in the shoulder, and with his heels and teeth
soon scattered the whole party. Not one
of them would shoot him, as they prized
him too highly. Three uicn were badly
bitten, and several injured by his savage
kicks. Suddenly the horse darted at
Gonzalez, whom he seemed to recognize as
the chief of those attacking him seised him
by the shoulder with his teeth, ami set off
with him at full gallop down the.gully,
dropping him only after he had dragged
him a distance of 50 yards. Gonzalez'
shoulder was terribly hurt., and it was long
before he recovered. The 'lkjvs' were
thoroughly disheartened, and gave up the
pursuit. 'Black Boss' was not seen in that
ucighlmrhood for 12 months after, when he
again reappeared. Time and time again
have expeditions been formed to capture
him, but he always manages to elude all
pursuers, llis experience with Gonzalez
also seems tt have taught him something;
he no longer w aits for his enemies and never
allows them to get near enough to have a
chance of lassoing him. None of the
rancheros in the vicinity will shoot him.
Jack added that, six weeks ago he saw the
wild stallion careering In all his strsagtLi
across the open prairie near Concho.
What we Smoke.
To the world in general a cigar is merely
a tightly-rolled packet having little frag
ments of dry loaves within, and a smooth,
silky leaf for its Outer wrapper. When it
is burnt and the pleasant flavored smoke is
inhaled, the habitual smoker claims for. it
a Soothing luxury that quiets the irritable
nervous organism, relieves weariness, and
entices repose. Science, scouting so superb
tieial a description, examines tirsj the
smokes, second the leaf, third the ash. In
the smoke is discovered water m vaporous
state, soot (free carbon), carbonic acid and
carbonic oxide, aed a vaporous sulwtauoe
condensable into oily nicotine. These are
the general divisions, which chemists have
further split up. and in so doing have found
acetic, formic, butyric, valeric,'and propi
onic acids, prussic acid, creosote, carbolic
acid, ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen," py
ridine, viridine, picoline. lulidine, cojh\line,
parvoline, corodiue and rubidene. f These
last are a series of oily bases belonging,",!/)
the homologues of analine, first discoveretl
in coal tar. Applying chemical tests to the'
leaves, other chemists have found, nicotia,
tobacco camphor or nicotiamne (about
which not much is known), a'bittef attract
ive matter, gum, chlorophyil, malate of
lime, sundry albuminoids, inalic acid;
woody fibre, and various salts. TJieTeath-'
erly white ash, which in its cohesion and
whiteness is indicative of the good cigar,
yields potash, soda, magnesia, lime, phos
phoric acid, sulphuric acid, silica and Chlo
rine. The ingredients extractible from a
poor and cluap cigar would be fearful and
wonderful to contemplate. Here is a list
from a parliamentary report on adult na
tions in tobacco. Sugar, alum, lime, tiour
or meal, rhubarb leaves, saltpetre, fuller's
earth, starch, malt comiqiiigs' chromate .'of
lead, peal moss, molasses, burdock leaves,
common salt, endive leaves, lampblack,
gum, red dye, a black dye composed of
vegetable red and licorice, scraps of news
paper, cinnamon stick, cabbage leaves, and
straw brown paper.
Starting a (Iriirrysril.
Adolph Sutro tells the following title in
relation to his starting a gtaveyard in Sutro.
. "One labors under all sorts of difficulties
dealing with men. It seems ridiculous,
hut the most difficult thing we had to do
was to start a graveyard. It took some
three years to start it. Whenever a man
got killed, or died, the men would get up a
big funeral and go oil to Virginia City,
or some other piace, to bury the man* All
work had to be stopped for one or two
shifts. They would each lose their £4 for
wages: would pay S3OO or S4OO more for
teams, and some would drink so freely as
to be unlit for work the following day. 1
was determined to put a stop to that. So
I said to the men : 'Why can we not have
a graveyard of our own, ami bury our men
here ?' I had a grave dug for the next man
that died. The dead man's friends came
and said they would not have the man
buried there. 1 asked them why. They
said 'that it would he too lonely for the
poor fellow.' That, seems ridiculous, but
it is a fact. I did not wish to have liiiy
trouble over the matter, and so I let tbem
bury the man where they chose. Every
time a man died we had just the'same trou
ble again. At last two miners got killed
.who had not paid their fees to the Miner's
Union, and had been discarded. They had
no friends there to object, and m we hur
ried them there, and thus were able at last
to start own graveyard."
Al>ont tli© Tiling.
A near-sighted friend, went to an op
tician the other day to change the glasses
of his sj>ectacles, which had become too
weak. He was given the next number
"After this number, what will I take?"
he asked.
"And after that?"
' 'Those."
"And then?" asked the myope, with an
anxious air.
"Then," said the dealer, "I think a small
aud sagacious dog, with a string attached,
will be about the thing."
Fitfliinaing For Fun.
1 landed my first pickerel the first even
ing we were on Lake Minuetonka. lam
not a skillful fisherman. I told the boys
that I could do a little plain fishing, bx.t i
didn't wim't to be set down for anything
with any kind of flutiug, embroidery, knife
plaiting or anything of that kind about it.
I fished from the shore by the side of a
veteran, fisher, Mr. A. K. Dtinl tp, of
Titusville. He knows every fish in the.
lake Iy name. He can tell by the move
ment of the line what kind of a fish Is at
your hook. Something ran awav with my
"It's a pickerel," shouted Mr. Dunlap,
in intense excitement. "A big fellow.
Take out your lines,'' he yelled to the rest
of them. "Give hiiaplent of roam! Play
him!" he shrieked at me, "Let him run!
Keep your line tight! Don't gife an Inch
of slack! Look out! Don't let Jiitu do
that again! Let htm run! Now bring him
in this—lxxik out! Don't let him do that
By this time I was so excited I was on
the point of throwing down the pole and 1
rushing out in the lake, intending to run
the fLhh down and kick it to deatlu I
screamed to Mr. Dunlap:
"You take the pole and land him, I
never can."
Jie refused. lie turned ami hauled his
own pole, lance fashion into the woods.
"Here!" he shouted, rushing down the
bank about twenty feet below me, stooping
down and spreading out his arms. "Here!
Now! Bring him in here through the shoal
water! I'll get hint, Careful! Steady!
And Hip, flap, I had him on the shore.
He was a beauty. A little suntish, about
three and a half inches long.
It was a long lime. l)£frjr£ we said any
thing. Mr. Dunlap. climbed a big birch
tree in the top of which his pole had
lodged, ami we resumed out fishing. Pres
ently Charley Armkuecht coQghed, and I
"How funny the frogs sound over in the.
Add then we laughed ajong time at the
frogs. A long, long time and very Hear
tily. They were very funny frogs.
But Mr. Dunlap fished on very silently,
and by and by he said the fish wouldn't
bite when there was very much noise. So we
held our hush and the fish bit. But they
didn't bite any of us very badly.
The fishing is excellent almost anywhere'
in the lake. That evening on the upper
lake one of the bovs caught nine large
pickerel. When we came to count fish,
however, it appeared that he had caught
one pickerel. When we came to count
fish, however, it appeared that he had
caught one pickerel nine times. It was a
very large fish, and they are going to have
its skin dried wholy for a spectacle 'case. >1
caught more fish than one else in the'party,
but they were all, with one exception, Cat-,
fish, and 1 learned, to my amazement, that
I had disgraced myself and the lake. Why
isn't a fish a fish, I'd like to know? •- • •
How Fuat Will Trees Grow.
Some years ago we were on a farm in
Southern lowa where timber culture had
been carried on to a greater extent than we
have ever seen it elsewhere, and in order to
test the rapidity of the growth of the differ
ent varieties planted we took the
measurement and height of a large
number, with the following result: Two
Norway spruces set twenty years, were five
apd a half feet 111 circtuufercncc, forty feet
in height and had a spread.of about twen
ty six feet each in _ diameter. A Mack
Spruce set fifteen feet was twenty-five feet
in height and proportionately large. Two
balsam firs, set sixteen years were thirty*
. feet high. A European larch, set seven
teen years, was four feet in circumference,
at the base. A Scotch pine, set eighteen
years, was twenty-six feft high. A hard,
pine, set seventeen years, was three feet
and 'eight inches in circumference *and
twenty-five feet high. A Russian sprUoe,"
fifteen years, was aitout fifteen feet in
height. The red cedars and arl>oi viftes
set fourteen years, averaged twenty feet
in height, while a hedge ctr wind break set
entitely.around an eighty acre farm, was
composed first of a row of cedars, set
about fifteen years, whieh averaged fifteen
feet, next a row of Seoteh pine twenty
rive feet high, outside of this a row of soft
maple ranging from tweaSydlve to thirty
feet in height. These formed a perfect-, se
| curity against high.winds an( l rqduced the
temperature in the" enclosure several
'degrees. Hard mapies, ' set ••■twenty
| years averaged over • thirty: -f*t - in
height. One soft maple, set eighteen
! years, was fifty feet in height and six feet
;in circumference at the body. A blaca
: walnut, set sixteen years, was four feet
three inches in diameter, while a sycamore,
transplanted twenty years before lrom the
j timber, was seven feet in circumference at
| the base and forty-eight feet in height.
I A silver leaf popiar, set twenty years,
I was'sevsn feet, two inches iu circumference
! and thirty-five feet in height, ami a golden
1 willow that yeajs before had been stuck
iuto the ground a switch was eleveu feet
eight inches in circumference and over
forty feet high. There are many other
varieties, some of them rare specimens—
but enough has been shown to prove that
even our slow growing varieties, if care
fully cultivated, will, in a few years, be*
come great trees. But they must be taken
care of and the cattle kept away from them
just as though they were orchard trees, if
the best results are to be secured.
Drug-Store Curiosities.
A Irian stepped mtoa Heading, Pa., drug,
store and said to,the clerk, with the confi
dent air of one who knew exactly what he
wanted - : '* ...
"Gdt any roach pdwder ?" 4 'ob, yes,"
was the bland reply: The apothecary threw
open a glass case and immediately placed
upon the counter in front of his customer a
bottle of 'tsiire Death to Cockroaches."
"Tell me how it works?" "Certainly;
you take a pinch of the powder between
thumb and linger, hokl it down near the
crevice and give it a pull-—so; it'll be sure
to kill 'em."
"Kill'em 1 Heavens! The powder's for
my old woman. Kill'em Not much!"
and the man shook his head.
Inquiry developed the fact that it was
Rochelle, not roach powder, that had been
recommended for the "old woman," and
the correct article was soon supplied.
A reporter, hearing of this adventure,
asked the druggist if many such cases, re
sulting from ignorance or carelessness, came
under his notice. '
"They occur almost daily, " was the reply;
"and are not only dangerous, but superla
lively ridiculous. What would you say to
this for instance ?" Ilcre was displayed a
number of the orders that had been received
from various customers, among them the
following: "Pleas giv the barer 5 sents
worth of onikaP (arnica) " to
pondesof LickeHclf.** "I want a j lb. Grlm
itatar" (cream of tartar). 44 Send roe some
Maganicsha, for a fisig." Ten cents of hole
Sinimou." 4 *Twe*ty-tlve sends of heir creas
ing." "Fleas find me some said peater-"
1 he spelling of some of these has been some
what improved and the punctuation attended
The writers generally seem to think they
must carefully state the purpose to which
they pjo wee applying the articles sent for.
One writes for "Ten cents' worth of cologne
to smell a trunk with; " another for 44 two
coughing sticks of candy." One wants
"stinking-plaster," having changed the
fourth letter of the first word from e to n.
Here is a horrible case; "Send uie epicack
for my little girl."
Heading druggists formerly did a large
bus ness in deca comanies, or transfer pic
tures. One asks. 44 OiTe me fifty cets aud
dogs and ten tigers;" another. 44 1 want a
little girl." -
Customers generally imitate the articles
they desire. There is called for: "Hops and
delldock (opedeldoc), "Paint killer," "Tit
terrintmeut," 44 0ummare lack,"and t4Lad
AerMi the Continent.
————— t * T* .
Charles Sanger with his family arrived at" 1 *
Cleveland, Ohio, a few days ago, having
crossed the continent in a two horse wagon. .
Mr. Sanger was a former resident of Cleve
land. lie left about six years ago for LBs,,
Angel OR, Cal., where be lived over fr.;ir_,
years. While in California, Sanger
good business as an architect and contractor* •
but building being a trifle dull, aud his wife
and family being homesick, he determined
to return to Ohio. He procu>ed a strong
spring wagon, into which he packed the
little personal property the faini.y would
need on the trip, and at the-asme time •*
leaving room for himself, wife and four
children, the eldest being a boy of 15 years.
The party traveled very leisurely at first,
wintering at Yreka, Cal. The start Jrom
Yreka was made last May, the party having
s|ent most of their time at this point fish
ing and hunting, laying in provisions for
their long trip. From Yreka to Fort Steel
it was found necessary to use four horses in
drawing the wagon and its load, owing to
the rough and mountainous roads. .From
the latter point to Cleaveland the trip, with
only two horses, was comparatively pleas
ant and easy. Occasional stops were made
for hunting, etc., but the journey was
pushed to an end as rapidly as possible.
While in the mountains several inteiesting
thV ugh bloodless affrays were had with
grizaly beare and other playful animals.
Bands of Indians were frequently seeq, but .
the little party was left unmolested. The
trip - from Los Angelos to Cleveland was*
made in four months, including all stops on •
the road. Wben Jon the move the party
averaged about 25 miles a day.
A Gat Story.
An aged gentleman and his housekeeper
constitute a household in Yarmouth, Maine,
and their old cat finds the lines are fallen
to her m pleasant places. Family prayers
are the rule each evening in Lite
household, and the cat fell into the
habit of regular and punctual attendance.
No other of the cares that proverbially
crow d a cat's life was ever allowed to crowd
this religious duty. At the signal for pray
ers she would even leave a mouse half
caught, or give a doomed bird a longer
lease of existence, and decorously compose
herself in the lap of the housekeeper, with
an'tii* of attention to the service that was
.highh* edifying. At the final "auien"-she
went friskly about her business. But in an
evil day there came a kitten that was deem
ed superfluous, and sentence of death was
passed upon it. The bead of the family
undertook the execution of the sentence,
and, unknown to him, the cat was a wit
ness of the scene. From that day tbe C&t
refused to attend the morning service, and
cannot now be induced to listen to the
prayers of one who had so shocked her sen
sibilities. She faithfully performs all other
duties as before, and socially purrs for the
famih' on all secular occasions, but sec ins
to say "Let,my religious hours alone.''
The Ooote.
This is a name applied to many varieties
of aquatic birds belonging to the sub-fami
ly. Aiixcrinic. The genius atise'r < r wild
goose—the former being the 'Latin • name
for goose," is common throughout the old
world, -arid this, with "the- bean goose, an
Aretic bird, which spends its winters in
temperate regions, is supposed to be the
ancestor from which our different varieties
of domestic geese originated. In large
tlocks, it is seen going south at the ap
proach of cold weather, and returning
northward in the spring. It is large and
somewhat swan-like in its appearance and
has a similar patch of white on the throat.
In taking their long journeys northward
and southward, they fly iu two files with
their chosen leader in advance. If the
leadcj is shot, the flock becomes at once
demoralized and alight in the first open
water lliey chance to find, where they
generally fall victims to the sportsman.
The domestic goose is a valuable bird and
profitable to raise boiti for its feathers and
flesh, and at the prices of a few years past,
will pay as well as anj'thing. \Ve will re
member when the standard price for the
carcass of a well-fattened goose was twen
ty-five cents, and they were much more
generally raised then now, when they are
Worth more than four times that sum.
Concealing hie Contempt.
When "Thad" Stevens was a young law
yer in the Pennsylvania Courts, he once
lost his case by what he considered a wrong
ruling of the Judge. Disgasted, he banged
his law book on the table, picked up his
hat, and started for the door.with some'vig
orous words in his mouth. The Judge
feeling that his dignity assailed, rose
impressively and saftf: 4 'Mr. Stevens!" Mr.
Stevens stopped, turned and bowed defer
entially. "Mr. Stevens," said the Judge,
"do you intend by such conduct to express
your contempt for this court ?* And Stev
ens, with mock seriousness, answered:
"Express my contempt for this court!
No, sir! I was trying to conceal it your
Let murderers haug themselves,
NO. 7/