Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 12, 1880, Image 2

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    |f|f j||i 11 !| ci m jour n;i I *
la published cverv Thursday, in Muster's Build
ing. corner of Main atid IVmi streets :>t
' "Or $1 25 if not paid in advance.
1 wxvk. Vino. 3 mo. Onio. l year.
, 1 pmiarc..., | **.<*, I $2 50 $3 Oil $1 00 I *7 <*o
V. column,., \ 300 400 600 1000 l 1.5 0"
; a Colvftr.ll,.. I 500 7"0 10 00 15 00 35 00
I Xroluilin,.. I 800 12 00 20 00 35 00 I 60 00
'hie Inch makes a square. Administrators
and Executors' Notices $2.50. Transient ad
vertisements i.nd locals 10 cmts per line for
first insertion and 5 cents por line tor each ad
ditional insertion.
Jab Work done on short notice.
. t*uliH<itu>rH.
Clinrcli & Sundsy ScM Directory.
Xbi Fun day morning nov. C. F. Peiningor will
! preach a missionary sermon in Gorman.
AVr. C. F. IXininger, P-rcchcr in-chace
Sunday School, 2 i'. M.—P. I- Zer v> y, supt.
' Quarterly meeting next Sabbath, rirachintr
satu'dav evening. Sunday morning and Sou
day evening. Communion services on Sunday
turning. Rev.S. c. Swftllov,Presiding LULr,
js expected to be present.
i.Vr. B*. if. Whitney, Preacher-in-chnrye,—
Holiday Sclvool. IP. M.,—l). K import, supt.
The charge is hi present without n pa>t.*r.
Rev .1 O. Shoemaker, of Kansas, will preach
in Aaronshu'jr next Sunday morning, and in
the St. rauisehuroh in the al'tenn on.
United Eret hren.
F ••. J.>hn Lnrufis, Prcacher in charge.—
/fee. J'.'hn TKnnlinson, Pn*tor.—
English proaelung in Aarousluirg next Siur.iay
Tuited Sunday School, 0 A. m.—B. 0.
lV'iniiißor. supt. *
Lodte & My Directory.
MBlheim la\ige. No. n">s, i. o. (>. I'. meets In
heir hall. I'enn Street, evi i i Saturday evening
It. A. Bv.MlLLiia. See. It I>. HAKTVAX. N. t;
Pre vi-'enee Grange. No. 217 I*, of 11.. meets in
Alexander s block on the seeond Saturday of
each month at fi l 2 . v. M.. and on tin fourth Sa
turday of ea, h month at l - l*. M.
I>. L.ZKUBY. S-c. A. O. Ueininger. Master..
The Millheim B. & 1.. Association meets In
the l'enti street school house on the ev. uing of
the seeoud Monday of each mouth.
The Millheim Cornet Band meets in the
Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings.
F. I'. OTTO. See., „. F. HARI EH, ITes't.
Millheim Fseort of Co. P.. sth Kegt., N. G..
I old llieir drill meeting on the see >n<! story of
Alexander's ltloek, every Tuesda> and Friday
C'-etitre County Dcmoorntle Commit
tee for tssio.
lKdlefonte, N. W., Win. Gsdhraith,...Beik-fonte
s. W....W CHeinle
" W W—AVni Harper
Milesbure Frank K Bible.. .Mißsburg
I'nlonville P.) McDonnell,..l'r.ionvilSe
Ilowaixl A J Gardner Howard
Tbiiipsbtrg (' G Ibrlinger... Philipsb'g
7'lißheiui 1 11 ltelfsmder. .Millheim *
Benoer Criah Stovr Bellefonte
B ggN A MeClain... Mileshurg
Burrside Wm Hepnle I int-Glenn
College Sam'l Gillilaud.. Boa'sburg
Curtm David Deloug... Howard
I'eißr.son. o. V l);,n Dvieb-lbis.. State (.'ol
N. P O M Sheets Ntormston
Gregg I. M Kishe) Spring M s
Haines George Keister, Aaronsb'g
Halfiuoon John Ward..- Stornisto'u
Harris Sam'l Isliler i'oalsburg
Howard David Tanyer... Howard
liuslon H G Cbronister.. Martha
liberty \V 11 Gardner Hlanchard
Marion John Hoy. Jr Walker
Miles Sam'l R Faust....Millheim
I'atton G W Rumberger..Fillmore
}Vnn W F Smith Millheim
Potter. N. P 1> F I.use Centre Hall
" S. I' G W Spangler Tusseyv'e
Hush William Cullen... Piiilijisb g
Snow shoe Tohn G I'zzie Snow shoe
Spring EC Wood Bellefonte
Tavlor * Samuel Hoover...Fowler
t'nion J S Fredericks... Fleming
Walker Sanirel Decker...Z'on
Worth (f K Williams P't .Matilda
J. L. SPANGLER. Chairman.
FKAXX 12. BIHJ.E, Secretary.
DA n Cameron's State Convention.
The Machine Pats Thingo
The Rulici.l Cameron meeting of
Venosylvania came off at Harrisbure,
last WeJce day, the 4th inst., to ratify
the eelection-i made tome time ago by
Senator Don Cameron, of candidates
for the several offices to be filled by the
voters, at the election next fall. -
As the merest matter of form there
was first a temporary and then a per
manent chairman appointed, commit
tees were named and resolutions passed
j isl as if it were a real political con
vt alien representing a great party
when every one knows, and none feel it
so keenly and pointedly, as those of our
Republican friends who would still like
to preserve a spark of independence and
manhood, that the convention did what
Don Cameron bade them, or permitted
them to do—llo moie no less. The Re
publicaus of the state are Cameron's
absolute property, but they seem to en
joy this new system of vassalage right
Grant is nominated for President
just as Don decreed he should be, al
though fully four-fifths of the rank and
file of the party are opposed to him—
opposed to him generally, because they
are opposed to everything that smacks
of third-term ism ; opposed to him spe
cially, because Grant's administration
Was the most corrupt one known to
American history.
The nomination of Green, for Su
preme Judge, and Lemon for Auditor
General, were matters of comparative
minor interest, and had of course beeu
settled before the convention, by Buss
A sett of machine resolutions were
passed, but the Republicans have just
as little confidence in them as have the
Democrats. One paragraph, however
is so supremely ludicrous as to cause
the inquiry why Dan Cameron permit
ted such trifling by his serfs, in view
of the gravity of the situation. It is
the "seventhly" of the fifth resolution
and reads thus:
An hottest count of ah votes legally cast and
and an honest return of whoever is elected,
free from all attempts to defraud the people
of their choieo through technicalities or by
:in arbitrary rejection of their votes.
The Democratic National Com- ;
WASHINGTON', Feb. 2.—Fredeikfi
1\ l'rince, Chairman of the Demociat
jc Xatio ud Committee, has sent nolie-
cs to its members, inviting them to
meet at Wila'd'a Hotel in this city, on
Monday the 23rd lost., to select a tlaee
and time for the meeting of the Demo
cratic National Convention. The lat
ter part, of June or first of July will
probably be the time chosen for holding
the Convention. Cincinnati, St Louis
and Louisville are spoken of a.s the cit
ies where the Convent ion may he held.
A strong influence will be brought to
hear to induce the s Committee to select
Washington instead of a western town.
Excellent, hotel accomodations arc af
foided here, and it is said that the new
National Museum building will be then
far enough advanced toivatd eomple
tion to give splendid hall room for the
—— ——- "
Our Washington
j Mr. Conger, of Michigan, ma lean
; exhibition' of himself again yesterday.
1 lit' objected to a bid to remove the ilis
i abilities of a southern man, taking the
gn>uml that the man should in his pe
tit ion have described himself as a rebel
and a traitor. Tno sooner the Demo
; orotic party passes a general bill m tills
subject, making It a pit'ty measure if
necessary, the sooner it will d its full
doty, ai d radicals of the calibre of
; Conger will Iv deprived of power to
make themselves bated by posterity.
The time is e >ming when the memory
! of men like S. L\ Ciuse, Lyman Frum
| ball and Willi tut 11 Seward, will again
be honored by Republicans in the noith,
j and when that day conies creatures
: like ('>: ger will disappear from public
thought. 'Representative Young of
Tennessee will reply to Mr. CJtiger
j next week.
i A fuller investigation of the conduct
of Indian affairs is to b.* had. There
is no doubt of, Secietary Sclitcz
,c m ider it. or Congress will Profii
! gate expenditure, frauds by the bead of
the Bureau, and others, failure to feed
the 11.di:n s accoidii g to treaty, and
the abs lute and cowardly neglect of
i reasonable efforts to punish those Utes
: who nioi.ths ago forfeited their lives by
infamous crimes, make up a statement
. <f gii-vances against the Bureau and
[ agai'ist the Secretary of the Interior,
which should be investigated and which
there is a determination to investigate.
The time has come when the Govern
raent of the United States must take
some decided steps to control the con
struction of the canal across the Is li
mns of Panama. The necessities of
Commerce and trade demands that the
j banier between the two oceans lie re
moved, and De is only express
ing the advanced sentiments of all
! Commeicial nations. The passage of
|ti e canal through a semi civiliz d
country requires the guarantee of some
j powerful government. Unless this
; government can and will extend the
needed protection, it cannot afford t<
insist 111*0:1 the enfoicement of the
Monroe Doctrine against France or
England whose iuterests as wel asouis
demand an early completion of that
highway. The people of this country
aie ready to stand by tt e Monroe d"C
trine, and insist that foreign govern
meats shall not, upon anv pretext, ob
tain a foot hold upon this continent,
T"is doctrine should be asserted most
emphatically and the great work
should be done under the control of
our own govern men t. Once ht a
French colony be established upon the
Isthmus and how long before the
French government will be celled upon
to protect it, and thereby extend its
influence and power against the United
•States. The matter deserves the seri
ous and imediate attention of Congress.
THE Republicans of Chester county
are just now amtinsing themselves by
getting up a mutiny against the Cam
eron Dynasty. They say thai the
square thing wasn't done at Harris
burg, with Blaine and they are unwil
ling to submit to Don's dictation.
A meeting was held at West Chester,
on the Sth, which was largely attended,
and resolutions were passed looking t<*
the holding of another state convention,
at which it is of course expected to
have Blame nominated.
Tnat's right, boys, go for Don, de
throne him, takeaway all power from
j him, force hi:-- to resign his seat in the
S mate, and then elect a man who is fit
, to represent the great state of lVnnsyl
; vania in the highest council of the na
tion. Displace Don, nd then send a
"gentleman and a scln lar." one that
tottld fitly take his seat beside the able
and efficient. Demoriatic Senator—the
llou. W. A, Wallace.
SOME funk that Col. Mosby should
be appointed Indian Commissioner, in
stead of the scoundrel Iloyt, but Mes
hy wouldn't answer very well, as tie is
much too honest. llow would Ex-
Senator John J. Patterson, of South
Carolina, do ?
TIIE Philadelphia Press is quite sure
that Ti'den will be the next Democrat
ic candidate for President, but very
spitefully refuses to tell where it got
the secret. Now we consider such ac
tion downright mean for such a big pa
A Sensational paragraph is going the
rounds of the papers to the effect that
President Tildeii is soon to be married
to M 133 F iiinid Rauck, of Lewisbuig,
but the Chronicle of that place gives
the matter the quietus by stating that
"Of course, it is a falsehood, manufac
tured out of whole cloth, and to none
was it more a matter of news than to
Miss Rauck." That settles the mat
ter. The Chronjcle man no doubt
Two miles of railroad have been built
011 the ice, crossing the St. Lawrence
River at Montreal. The ließ and
stringers are laid flat, and then water
is pumped between them to freeze, thus
making a solid bed.
John McGarty lias been convicted at
Ottowa, Oat., of cutting the tongue
out of a horse belonging to a widow,
who had refused to marry liirn, and was
sentenced to seven years' imprisonment
in the penitentiary, ,
Col NTV, FROM JAN. 1., 1879, JAN. 1.. 1880.
To taxes outstanding, Jan. t,
\s7si shV*, 163.61
To taxes assessed for 1879.... 42.e10.JK)
To amount received of Com
missioners tin loins £1,854.57
To . mount reciffvod of Com
missioners. e.sts and col
lections 468.58
To amount received of Clear
field county balance on
Uoshaniion bridge 1,145.80
To amount received of l'alton
township. Ins ine account 10.52
To amount received of College
township, insane account Ith) 00
Tc amount received of Spring
township. Insane account 300,51
To ain't recti, rent of house 4N is
To registration blanks 501 d... 5.70 >p
To balance on hand .lan. 1,
138" 5,727.17
Jan. 1., 1880.
By taxes outstanding $07,025.50
By cnunty orders naid 53,264.73
Bv aim.nut State Treasurer ro
i ceipt 3,900.28
Bv commission on State tax
paid 108.35
By exonerations allowed collee
| tors 1,082.10
Bv coiniitisslons allowed collcc- 1 ,275.06
By salary 2,t'tX.' 1 0
i By stationery 10.""
Balance 3,72<.17
\Vi> the undersigned. Auditors of Centre
I count v. do hereby eert fy that we have exam
ined the above sect.nut of Adam Yearlck, Troas
urer of Centre county, and find it cot reel.
Wit it 'ss our hands and seals this 23d day of
1 January, A. I>. 188;*.
I T.R.JAMISON, D-D* -1 .
JAMES V STI AHT. [I..S.J Auditors.
(<om in issloners' l*ay.
\ Andrew Gregg $ 714 48
I Jaeeb 1> llklo \B'.oo
I George Swab
Henry Beck, Commis'rV Clerk ,m>.tio ?
Jnry Commissioners' Pay.
| N. J. Mitchell 30.72
Henry Keller -
Henry Beck, clcik J__ -v, j '
County .4 uftitors' Pay.
i Tames T. sinart .C'.ft)
G. K. W. Hiatus 3"0 i
T B. Jamison tt 'o>)
| C. L. Buffinglon, clerk 3
Improvement and Repair*.
1 John Markh*. for fence lit JULL I.SB
L>. W. Eburhart, lor work ;vt jail
■ J. W. Barnes, for gas lilting 4.1
John Gregg, for work at furnace
1 Jail , R —
I Penna. K. K. Co., for livlght 011
lumber lV-
I Win Lucas, for work at jaß 84.<0
; M. J. Dqlan. " " C ,>J
Adams Express Co., for ireiglit
on pipes for jail J ( \'
C. D-ir. livdrant for Jiil D-W
J. W. Barnes, hydrant for fail 12. sj
Thomas Mallicw s A Son, lumber
for Jail .-••• *i?Y~
Henry Walkey, Lit>or ul jail
C. WlCorman, " *' 5-5"
A. Can*, brass cocks for jail.... 17.MU
JIO 1* Lieb & Co, lumber for jail 3Afd
K. Barletf, liauiing for iai1...... 2-i
Samuel Tlrugger, specifications
for Jail
O. \V. Lambert, repairing at jail 20.'"0
i Win Galbruitli. plumbing at j.ill 23.7 d
•las Hai lis A Co., hill in .tcrial
for jail 212.11
i I>. W. Wood ring, lot watching
at Jail 4
j B. AS. S. K. B. ('<>., joist for
Tre isuivr's olhco 0.40
John Wetzel, carpenter work
|. 007.13
(r>urt Expanses.
i Jurors' pnv 8
i Commonwealth Costs Z.1N.'.11
| J. H. Vosbarg. court reporter..
W. F. Reber, court rwporter 274.-N
I It. Galbraith, court ciler it'- 01 '
' R. Gailbraith. janitor
1 Tiustuve'a pay
j M J. DoUm. special detective.. 200.00
! Court Proclamations by Sheriff
i Spangler 12--2S
I Summoning Jurors, by Sheriff
Comity Prison Expenses.
Mi-s. Shaffer, washing foi pris
oners R '.o.>
| Mrs. l'riee. wash, for prisoners 27..0
i Joseph Bros. A Co., clolhiug for
I pi isoners '-L'M
1 Harper Bros, eiuth. for nris rs. o'J.fiH
'S A A Loeh, ind.Se. f r prison... 37.^1
•• * "... 2^.io
. Robert MeKntaht. gas bill
! Geo Dolaii. work at cessp 01.... .>w
J 11 Felleiibaum, rep'ng locks.. 5.
; Dan iel Den . Has fittings
i W S Galbruitli. plumbing.. ?•■>
\ W T Tw itmirc. rpaii*s at jail.. 7.4')
| i Kbcrliavt. repairs at jatl 1.31
I J Revti ;lds A ton. water back
and grate 10.50
i reima K. It. Co, freight on
j water back and graie
| Jno McCVrmott, reinv'ng ashes 400
; Frank Johnson, cleaning pipes <
!J s Military, repairing bedst'ds 11.50
! Alvin Brady, cleaning pipes
i Wm Lucius, repairs nl stable... 4-0"
Wm G:ires. repairs at ce115.... 5.00
1H O Iluffcr, Epittoousfor jail... 7MO 0 )
rrint ng Rills.
' F L Hatters, udmini-irator's bill 12*2.81
i ET Tuteu 52.15
! Sbugert Forster 211.->1
i Fred Kurtz 51.50
! Walter A Deininger 50.00
E C UcLdjr 50.00
Bridge view a $ .V..'J)
Mui iay, Dougal \ Co.. balance
j of account from 1878 1,284.40
i Mileshurg bridge—
j Murray. D ugai&Co,
for iron bridge $2,589.80
| Jonas Spearing, con
tractor 950.00
' Samuel Krugger, engineer 12i.2<5
I Geo Kbler, lor railing at
j ends 5.80
3, '>39-30
! Uiilonvilie bridge—
-1 GIV Forrev. contractor.'. 170.01
•Samuel Briigger, engineer 18.(X)
Spriu • M Ills bridge-
John Coldron, contractor GO.O)
Port Matilda Bridge-
Jonas Spearing, contractor 705.00
Samuel Brugger. engineef 75X4
Repairs at Unlonville bridge.... 23.83
Repairs at Karthous bridge 12.00
Repairs at Beech Creek bridge.. 29.97
! Signs and fingerboards on iron
j bridges... 154.93
■ Repairs at liwa r d dam bridge 420.47
Reoairs at Julian bridge 1.00
Repairs at. Curtin bridge 8-.00
I Commissioners' expenses to
bridges 40.58
Teachers' Institute $ 144.24
Western Penitentiary ."43.04
' Road damages 75.09
; I). A. Musser, balance of account 824.27
Agricultural Society 100.00
Jno spangler. Sheriff on account 1,394.72
J fl Dobbins, sal'y as jail phy 100.00
J R A' C T Alexander, coal for
Court House and Jail G3O 39
I I, L Brown 110,01
Potter Twp, on ease lunacy 2125
' Ferguson " " " 22.09
Worth " " " 5."0
Rush 15.00
Assessors pay 1,273.00
C M Bower, Coin's attorney 75.09
Road views 570.40
Running line between Union and
Beimer townships 54.00
Running Marion lowuship line 200X<3
Constable's pay 418.51
Election expenses 1.340.43
Scalp premiums 1,335.ji0
Redemption l r . S. Lands
Refunding tax 24.27
Insurance on county buildings 115.50
Interest on loans paid 3,122.09
Commissions on lunacy 31.32
Inquisitions on dead bodies 02.12
Notes paid 16,161.03
Premiums to collectors 23 00
Commission to (' M Bower for
i collections made 153.01
Tax paid on ieal estate Hold by
county 5.15
Hospital for insane, Danville 2,624.91
Robert McKnight, gas bills 143.50
L L Beck, copying registrations 30.00
J P Gephait, acknowledging
Connnissionei 's deeds 50.00
Books and stationery for Com
missioner's office 22.92
Jos W Sanderson, for Judges'
Chairs 60.00
llceder and Keller, clerks elec
tion returns 10.00
Ira C Mitchell, attorney's fee
in 7 cases . 21.00
II A Mingle, services at Audi
tor's settlement 6.00
J N lla.l, services at Auditor's
settlement &00
Adams Express Co., freight
on blanks, &e. 4.20
Penna R R Co., freight on
i chairs, cfc. Ll')
Pun I (lArimn, meals for jur
or ami ill it) ] ,r,
VT r T 1 ! inl l" r,, llrs at stove* 12.10
Jno I Johnston, postjiiro, fnvcl-
OpCS, I'tc. gg Iff
II Reek ontorln® 88 cases In
l>ockt 13 34
J no McHormntt. removing ash
es il Court House 8 00
rennir'g cuts- at C II 4.00
Uol> \ (JarlirißK, lee for Court II 3.50
W (Hiatus S Bro, kl*k|iik at C II 2.60
Costs in county vs. PhUipiiburg
Borough 5)3.62
Wm Ijlnnii ami others, books
for offices 143.85
J u Harper, repairs at Frothy'*
"tllce :U2
W A Morrison. Com. Pleas cost 10.02
Harper Bros.. Mil carpet' 11 24.1.1
.1 Harris & Co., bill hose, Ac. " 26.it6
NV A Sell rover, covering tables
at Court House 6.00
Sundry persons, for soap, bind-
Ilia carpet, Ac. . 2,75
1) Kverliart. repairing at Ke
corder's office 1.50
Wilson, MeFarhine A Co, hard
ware at Court House 11.11
Wood for Court House 3.25
Mrs. II a Her, senibbin t olfice 1.00
J no BnvckblU, stools for otlteo 1.00
Total expenditures KU,264.73
t'RNrttK COUNTY, JAN. 1, 1880.
To county ordert racelved on
account $1,700.00
To costs received 61.57
Balance 754.76
W. 116.33
By Ixvarding prisouors .T197
days, nl 40 cts >!,*278.80
" 91 turnkey fees at 80 et.*. 76.20
" euiiveying 6 jirisoncis to
penitent buy, 4 at S4O. w)
ahd 2 at WB.OGeaeh 22V10
" vonveytng C Price to lioueo a
ot refuge 48.16
'• conveying 1 to insane as-
Hylum at $lO 2>X.of)
" puiiilshhig court proclama
tion January ferm 28.50
" imblivhing court proclama
tion April term 24.00
" nuhlishlng court proelainft
tion. August term 19.00
•' publishing court proclama
tion, Noveiu tier term 27.40
" imbllshiiig court proetuma-
HOII. January term, 1880 19.00
" Sberiff's fees on court iro
elamations. 4 C'ourrs, 4.(0
" pul'ii-hing fish proelamat'n 9.01
" Niieritf's fees on general
election proclumullon 4.90
~ *ummomng Jury, March
Hpcclal term 14.(0
•' Huinmon'K Jury. April tefiO 34.00
" suininon'g Jury. Aug ccrin ;n.o#
" summon'gjuiy Oct. special
terra 14.00
" anmmon'K Jury Nov. tcrfn 47.0 i
•• summoning Jury, Jauuary
term. 188U 40.00
" "bill lumber,
etc , for Jail 36.06
" filling and mending 42 ticks
at 50 eta. 21.00
•' costs 011 Fl Fa, N0.20, April
tmn •" • 2.19
" buudry costs, Jaiterm 14..Y8
" '* " Aug. term 18.29
" rommOnwexWAi Ensn M.74 *
" 1) F Fortuey'a order 34.21
" reinoviiig flsli baskets
Pen us. Pine and Klk creeks 42.19
" removing fish baskets .Spring
creek 10.40
" uemoving fish baskets Ix>
gaua liranch 4.06
" removing Asli baskets River 51.52
" removing flsli baskets Mo
shannon 4VV)
" filling Jury wheel 4 days 16.00
" expenses after Ringgold and
Baumgarduer 27.62
By balance due Sheriff at settlement, Jan. 1,
!*BO ' # „ 1714.76
State of 1 cnu a. )
Centre county, 1
We, the undersigned. Auditors of Con're
county, do hereby cert Ify that in pursuance of
an .us of Assembly, entitled "An act retail g to
counties an i townships and countv and town,
ship officers," we met at the commD-toners' of
fice, in Belle ton te, on the Ist Mofutav in Jauu
ary, I*Bo. and did audit and Settle and adiiisl
the several accounts set forth in the foregoing
In witness whereof *f have hereuntoaet vur
ha nds and seals ihi.* 23d dav of Jauuary, 16>0.
J A MI'S T WTCAUT, (S. L. j Auditors.
GEO. it. Witi-UM,|N.L.]
•II Ctirton, Bellefoute $ 207 2S # 207 28
•John Ward, Half Moon 256 97
•D Kobb, Ltbarty 1152 271 49
•Daniel Malone, Boggs 7 61
JL C Keriek, Marion 30 07 43 6"
•Joseph Fox, Bcllofonte 97311
* William Riddles, Philipshurg M" 93
•Fred Kereholf, (Junln 123 28
•William Cross. Hal! Moon STJ
•II B Wile. x. Rush 55SJI
•D II Yeager, snow Shoo 7175 2584*90
•Charle Brown, BeTlbfonto 7t1853
•J P sbo|K>. MUesburg 22399
; II 1. Barnhart. Bsiags -. .1191
•InoT l.ueas,Curtiu 29 11
•H B Wilcox. Rush 76 74
•Jatnes Watson. Snow Shoo f>4 60 123518
• J H Morrlsnn, Bellefoute 65212
•T M Hall. Milesburg 144 37
fW C MeCuteheon. Philipsburg is 51
•William Maim. C'urtin 4 32
•David llarter. Murion 240 09
•William Weiser, Penu 324 37
•G W lioeh. Potior 06
•John Noll, Spring 381 18 2518 42
. . 1577
JR LShirk, Milesburg 176 22
J Jackson Norton, Philipsburg 179 66
H C ilolter, Howard 12146
Uriah Bennnr 393 96
J J C Walker. Bogg.s .315 JQ
Fmauuel Musawr. College 414 02
fConrad Singer, C'urtin 137 52
W H Fry, Ferguson 1681 8.1
John Myers, J lair is 27709
Geo (iensaiuer. Half Moon 446 .14
J -• Kiine, Howard 358 72
David Robb, Liberty 409 03
I) \V orr, Marion 2.14 87
Joel Morris, Miles 197.10
G W K Gray, Patton 316 83
William Smith. Peun 102 38
•Henry Swab, Potter 758 37
F H Dale, Rush 84 00
H .1 'libbins, Sprihg 927 83
William Miller, Taylor 107 68
J J T Hankie, Walker 183 93
j W II Williams, Worth 57 19 7927 75
William Jones. Bellefonlo 595 18
L H ('arr. Milesburg 199 00
K O Mattern. Philipsburg 470 97
Sam'l Brickley,*Howard borough 18212
fC'lias smith. Uni.ipyille 11 66
Thonns P rdue, Benuer 1087 *2l
11 C Walker, Boggs 882 23
J'no A Rupp, College 720 08
Henry Tnief. Uurtlh. 134 86
John H Gates. Ferguson' 653 30
H P Leitzell. Gregg 122123
i> H Rot**, llaines _ i- 171 16
Jno Carper, .Tr Harris 36>4 70
1 lbs Lytle, Half Ma>n 81 49
t John Craig. Huston 291 91
1) M Burlew. Liberty 248 02
J William Irvin, Marion 636 44
J William Tressler, Patton 459 36
JChn D FOotts Pfiun 1502 67
.To* U Boal. Potter 529 31
F II Dale, Hush 618 26
JA J Swartz, Spring 1693 64
Jos Thompson, Snow shoe 126 76
Samuel Hoovei, Taylor 293 09
JKline Zimmerman, Walker .104 09
Samuel Stephens, Worth 190 71 1390*9 30
t \ C Musser, MJHbclm 431,64
JDanT Ayers, Pbitlpsburg 512 03
A N Russell, Uniouvillo 229 16
tW A Taylor, Renner 1556 54
J M Stuart, Hurnside 192 63
J (I Walker, Boggs 1161 56
+ Wrn Foster, Coll *ge 24.14 67
J Henry Thiol, Curtiu 230 44
tGcrv W Kichline, Ferguson 2684 ai
{Cyrus Lose, Gregg 3"X2 73
{Jacob Bower, Jr. Haines 1564 47
J 11 Griffin. Half Moon 894 12
|D W Kline, Huston 378 73
JJ M Kline, Howard township 352 85
JC A Corter, Liberty 698 57
}J J Hov, Marion 1194.12
{Geo B ilaines. Miles 1601 35
{Daniel Heckinan, Patton 1046 75
IC Alexauder, PeJin 1343 72
JJ W Messinger.Potte* .3168 12
J John B Long. Kbsh 51815
{John Gurbrtck, Spring 2446 88
{Samuel Bower, Snow Shoo 302*24
Jno T Fowler, Taylor 392 86
Win Spotts, Unfon 20478
J David Yocum, Walker 2390 26
itieo R Williams, Wortn 291 33
iW.lliam Aliles, M.leaburg 4135
t Rotiert Cook, Jr. Howari boro 320 30
|J M Keieliline. BeHefonte 39^56
Benjamin Stamm, Harris twp, 1723 00 38321 36
Total taxes outstanding $67,023 36
• In hands of attorney for collection,
t Paid iu full since Jan. Ist,
J Paid In part since .lan. Ist.
1880 ' J
lo notes and bonds outstand
ing $91,004. <0
" balance due John Spangler,
Sheriff od.7t>
'• balance dne Geo Swab £9.50
balance duo Jac Duukle _
To b a lanco doc by Centre Co. $7,815.99
By amount In lands of Co.
Treasurer $ 3.727,17
" notes of sundry persons
held by comtnlHsloiiers 2,100.00
" notes in hands of A Hoy
for collection 1,827.32
" notes in hands of A C Bow
er lor collection 1,058.10
" taxes outstanding .lan, 1,
1880 67,023.36
" amount due from boroughs
and townships for insane, as follows:
" Hush twp 111.32
" rhllipsburg borough 2,811.11
" Beimcr twp. 401.19
*' SJIILII); twp 2,109.11
•' Milesburg borough 27 .90
" Huston twp *16.07
" BeHefonte iHirough 1,813.22
" Potter twp 121,12
" Worth twp 121.21
" Liberty twp. 179."H
" Ferguson twp 117.U1
" College two 210.41
" Partr.dge K*t 70.00
" balance due from A Gregg 173.74
'• haiancc due from I, W Munson 293.21
" Heal estate liebl by county 419.0t
" balance from Clcartleld coun
ty, (common pleas costs) 430,96
" Harris twp. fire commission 20,00
" balance 7,811,19
We ttie undersigned, Commissioners of Ccn
trecouoty, do hereby certify that llie foregoing
|s a true and correct statement of tlie receipts
and expenditures or said county, from Jan. 1,
1879 to Jan. 1, 188. Witness our hands.
GKORGK sw.VB, ,'Coin'r*.
Attest: lIENWi BECK. Clerk.
EXECUTOR'B NOTlCE —Betters testumen-
I lary on the estate of Magdalene Garret
late of Miles township, deceased, having been
granted to the subscriber, all persona know ing
teiuselves indebteo to said estate are hereby
requested to iimku iinmedlato payment, and
those having claims against the sainu to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
\I> MlNISTKATOHS" NOTlCE.—Letters or
administration on ttic estate of Jacob
Neese, late of Gregg tow nship, deceased, hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons
know in themselves indebted to said estate, are
hereby reouesled to make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present tfiein duly
authenticated for settlement.
4-6t Administrators.
TTIXECI'TOK'S NOTICK.-Leller< testainent
ary on the estate of Harriett Breon, Into
of tlaliies township, deceased, havtu IKO-II
granted to the undersigned, all persons know
ing them*rtves iudebteu to said estate are here
by requited to wake immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same to present
them dulv authciiticni.-d for settlement.
4-6t K-seem tor.
ADMINISTRATORS xoucE.-iatiers of
Adinii istratlon ite bonis non. cum testa
mento annero, on the-estate of George Snyder,
late oi Haines township,deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, all person* know
ing themselves indebted to aid estate are here
by notified t< make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same to present
them duiy"authenticated for se'tletuent.
3-6t Administrator,
dc bonis non, cum testa nun to anrv-xo.
Faahionable B .rber.
Two doom west of Millheim Hotel,
bwm m .
Prices to Suit the Times.
Improved stabling an l careful Hostlers. Low
special rates to Jurymen and Witnesses.
Cleanliness, comfort unexcelled
against the i r .liters, than wit rn no t are
more wor by, or in >r ent|;l • t t > alt-nH .
The Rush House having over three tluf-s the
capacity of other hotels, t i -re is no occasion
or disposition to pl.fc the guess in attic
rooms. This ace mats for its growing Local
Trade. We do not trust your lint ses to the
cure and profit oi parlies disconnected with
llie hotel.
J. 11. Ml'KltS,
54-6 tf. Proprietor.
Window SHADES,
956 \orth Second Street,
913 St. John Street.
• w
First Class Work and
Low Prices.
Country Trade Respectfully
TB* r.urrl, ii ii;tior to any liclc-enl marhinx I irrr utea or
Pre. Went of New York Dairymen'* AMO.
Th firing rf tho jr*. cut wilh the Ettrrl* Mower it nt on
*vro and rot-Id ihon orier the t m*> MDM.
FroaWont Farmeri' Club, Elmira, N. Y•
Tba Eurolio Mower I* tho very Wt *" re.-r raw, and there !
oo rldo-rul mower thai can compare wi'.hlt la any rr.pecl.
Suta Gran-e Lacturcr, WTI, T.
Tho manner In which It leavee tho rut pnut. and open
to Iho eon and wind ready for dry inc. nute the Kuraka far ahead
of any machine I ever ured. 11. LAPORTS, Atylum, Pa,
Manufactured by EUREKA MOWER CO. TowandA,
Be art ford Count*. Pa. Correspondence cot totted
•ireUtara mailed on appdeation.
and bow to obtain them. Pamphlet
tree, upon receipt of Stamp for post
age. Address—
KolUitnrs of Patents,
AVer Potent W'atMngton, /'. C.
duccesiora to the "East Lewisburg Lumber & Manufacturing Company/
Manufacturer* of
Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Doors, Sash, Blinds,
Verandas and all other kinds of Building
TAKING provided With amplS facilities, the latest and most Improved machinorv. bA
the best inechanlcni skill, we arc prepared to execute all orders promptly, ana In the
-J very best manner.
We give special attention to the furnishing ol Material for the bet
ter grg ties of
Also, to the manufacture of SCHOOL OFFICE and CHURCH FURNITURE,
N. 8.-We can send Materials to Coburn or Spring Mills at cheap freights. 26-ly
|iPi!Jßi©H SI
Procured for Soldiers disabled in ibe U. S ser
vice from any cause, also for Heirs of deceased
soldiers. Ali pensions date back today of dis
charge, and to date of th* death of the soldier.
I'ensiaiis lucieased. Addre.-, with stamp,
MODDAI'.T A < < ,
3-lt 913 E. .St. N. \Y. Washington, D. C.
And Grand lledol cf Honor.
Economy, Durability and Rapidity
combined with perfect work,
Are Distinguishing Features cf the
Giant Farm and Waretae Fans,
Racine, Wis.
Now having many !aic improvements, they are fully
equal to evety demand ; clennit g a.l kinds of Grain,
Teas, Beat s. Castor Hearts, Corn a: d Small Sred.
They grade Wheat jedcrt!> by once handling. Sep
arate <3fiK from Wheat, Barley rnd Rye They have
very perfect an-angeinents for cleaning Timothy,
Clover, Flax Seed. Orchard Grass, and all other
i Small Seed? They Chaff perfect'v, and combine
every qualification required to do lite bc:t work in
die shortest time.
Warehouse, rs well as Fnm Mills, are largely con
structed, both kinds requiring tine tizes to accom
modate the demand, arid j.i\i..-r a capacity i f from 50
to 500 bushels per l.ottr, t.c c< rdir-; to Jrc cf mill.
They are fhipoeJ. baxed f r ocean t ran sport ntion,
and ' set t:p" cr "knot!: d d w-j" for forwnidtng
tttla J, as requested; a: d it r.U C"SC put free on
board Cars cr Steamer. Ordcts f.ILJ tame day as
Mills shipped "knocked down" go f r half the
freight ch rgcd as when f rwardeJ ":ct up." 01 o
graphs and Circu'ars supplied en application. Prices
will he quoted low ar.d on liberal terms. Corres
pondence solicited.
Battle Crot k, Mich.
THE Matchless Graln-Savlna-. Time-Saving,
and Unßcy-Savlng Thrr-hvr of ihi <Ut and genera
tlan. Bey end all rivalry for Kapid Work. Perfect CWanlng,
and for Sa* iu£ Groin fro^
STEAM Potier Thresher asperialt). bp clal
kizea of Separators ra.iuj expressly for Steam Power.
OUR Unrivaled Kt tn Thresher Engines.
both Portable anl T action, with Valuable Improve
ment*, far beyond auv other muko or kind.
THE F.MIB-: Threshing Expenses Kind often
throe to five times that amount) can be luailo by the
Extra Grain SAY KD by t'acae Improved Maehiiie*.
GRAIN Kaisers will net submit to the enor
mous w aslagr of Craio and tho inferior work done by
all other machine*, when once posted on the difference.
NOT Otiiv Vastly Superior for Wheat. Oa's,
Barley, Rye, and iiko Grain*, but the OMLY buccess
ful Thresher in I lax, Timothy. Millet, Clover, and like
Beeda. Requires no "attachments" olr "rebuilding" to
obatif;p from Grain to Deeds.
IN Thorough Workmanship. Elegant Finish.
Perfection of Parts, Completeness of Equipment, etc.,
our " VIBRATOR " Thrwher Outfits are Incomparable.
MARVELOUS f.r Part*, using
ltw* than ottc-utiif the usual Holt* and (&earß. M&kcs
Cloan Work, wiih no Littering* or Scatterings.
rOUR Sisses of Separators Made. Ranging
from Six to Twelve-Horse sise, and two styles of Monnt
cd Horse Powers to match.
I *lOll FartieuJara, Call cn our Dealers or
4 A write to us for ni'iik'jtcd Clrzziir, '-fclch we wall free.
Unrivaled in Appearance,
Unparalleled in Simplicity,
Unsurpassed in Construction,
Unprecedented in Popularity,
And Undisputed in the Bread Claim
cv acuta txc
sjncKi:sT BF.U.IHS,
Host ?:-rfcct Sewing &aehini
I -'.V)We jf -rf'-f f i 1
'"• • ■ 1
Tss great popularity cf t*e White It the Met cw
tlnclng tribele to its excellence id suaeriority
Dvef other machines, sid in submitting ft to the
trade ive put it upon iis mc; its, end in no ins'anco
hav it ever yst fiiicd to S-djfy any f.SKnmendatfea
In lis tenor.
The denwid JorltnViVtshss Increased to such
an extent thr t vo are now ccmpetied to turn out
CoxYi-pkoto 2vCi?.cixi3io
tiver-y tivrco; •
too 0.0.37- to s-jppiy
tT- j A6aafiaia I
Every trachire is warrswtHl for 3 years, an*
told tor c'6h at liberal discounts, or upon easy
payments, to suit tho convenience o! caztcmsrs.
Hi 3EB Euciil Ave., Citrciand. Ohio.
| "ft i
1 £§m H s
5 i ? ii: p : m
o i 5 g Z. s*
■< 1 w 5 HI H - 9
5 S >S; __J E
H fi> §
O ® - 5 j = H
85q®O *4 I 8
eg \ 2 ii t i
m 35 c A ?
P " § UJ o a
2 2 > 3
5 §* S *
Centennial World's Fair f 1876!
psosoxnrcra* rsA*aeoT7Si.T ai TKS
Their comr>nrtlvo ezoellenoe Is ricognleed by
the Ju iget ia thair iteport, trom wliloh thd
foliuwiug is an extract:
oshf-blt as the best Instrument! at i
price rendering tbcra possible to A large CISM
of purchasers,Ti&ving o combination of Reed!
and Bells, prodncln : novel and ploasing effect!,
containiug mar.y doelrable Improvement!, will
stand longer in dry or damp climate, less liable
to get oat of order, all the boards being mad#
thrss-ply.pnt together Bp It Is impossible for
tb m eo oitbor shrink, swell or split," THB
It A A K.
This Mdal aid Awsrd WM granted after the
most sovero ocinpotltion cf the best makers,
before ouo* tho iaot competent Juries
ever asserub.od.
Hew Styb'6 r.nd prices Jast Issued, which are
in acoortanca with our rule, the BEST OR
GAN for the least money.
We are prepared to appoint & few new Agents.
Illustrated Catalogue! mailed, post-paid, en
application to
2'hvr Cows,