Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, January 15, 1880, Image 4

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nonc Up
Th lirer if it is dormant, and avoid a train of
evfla which mut otherwise anatie. Among
antl bilion# m'dcine* none rank BO high as
floststter's Stomach Bitters. It epe<di y Dan
ishes those pains in the region of the affected
organ, the yellowness of t te akin, nausec, ver
tigo and Bick headache, which attend a bilious
attack. A bilious subject. aft>r a biief oourse
of this capital liver stimulant an 1 iuvigorant,
find* that his tongue is no longer furred in the
morning he breath is grown sweeter, a hun
dred inexplicable seusations no longer make
his life miserable, h s bowels have acquired
the steadiness of a well-regulated piece of
mechanism, and be can eat with a hearty ap
pe'ite and go d digestion, it is because the
Bitter assists natu-e in her efforts to bring
baok the disordered liver and bowe s to their
normal oonditnn, that it accomplishes such
remarkable cures.
Bow-LIDOS. —Mothers who desire to
see their children physically upright
should.attend to this suggestion : Bow
legs and knock-knees are among the
commonest deformities of humanity,
and a Manchester (England) physician.
Dr. Compton, attributes the first-men
tioned distortion to a habit some
youngsters delight in, of rubbing the
sole of one foot against that of the oth
er : some will go to sleep with the soles
together. They app ar to enjoy the
contact only when the leet are naked :
they don't attempt to make it when
they are socked or slippered. So the
remedy is obvious; keep the baby's
soles covered. Knock-knees the doc
tor ascribes to a different childish hab
it, that of sleeping on the side, with
one knee tucked under the hollow be
hind tho other. He has found that
when one leg has been bowed inward
more than the other, tho patient has
always slept ou one side, snd the up
permost member has been the most de
formed. llere the preventive is to pad
the inside of the knees, so as to keep
them apart, and let the limbs grow
freely their own way.
ROAST RlO.— Choose a youifg pig,
with thin delicate ears, fringe on the
tongue, plump hams and curly tail.
Shave olfall tho hairs, or burn them oft
with a white hot Doker, using it oare
tullv and qnickly enough not to burn
the "skin. Dress" the pig. saving the
heart, liver and kidneys, which you
must wash, slice, fry in a very little
tat, and then chop fine. Wash the pig,
dry it well with a clean cloth, stutt it
with force-meat, sew it up, tie or
skewer the legs in place, tie up
the ears and tail in buttered p: per. to
prevent burning, and put it into a drip
ping pan, with the following vegeta
bles; Haifa medium-sized carrot, one
onion, a few sprigs of parsley, and a
bay leaf. Brush the pig thoroughly
with salad oil or melted butter- put it
into a hot oven until the crackling is
set, basting it every fifteen minutes. A
medium-sized pig will cook in from two
to two and a half hours.
VCOKTIKK has never failed to effect a
cure, giving tone and strength to the
system debilitated by disease.
RAISBD PIS. —An excellent des-err
for a Thanksgiving dinner is raised
pie. The paste for raised pies is made
of a quarter of a pound of butter, and
one egg to a pound of flour, and enough
of cold water to work these ingredients
up. This paste Is nsed to line a mould
which is then filled with alternate lay
ers of game, the yolks of hard-boiled
eggs and highly seasoned force-meat;
an ornamental cover ot pastry is fitted
on and ihe pie is baked in a slow oven
for four hours; after it is cooked a cut
is made in the cover, and it is filled
with some rich grayy which will fo'in
a jelly when cold. The pie is eaten
when cold
Oxiox SAUCE. —BoiI some onions in
milk with pepper, salt and nutmeg.
When quite done, pans them through
a seive. Put some butter and flour in
to a saucepan; when the butter is
melted, and well mixed with the flour,
put in the pulp of the onions and add
either milk or cream, stirring the
sauce on the Are until it is of the de
sired conilstency.
A T.AOT'S WI<II. — Oh, how I do
wish my skin was as clear .as yours,"
6ai.i a lady to her friend. "You can
ensily make it so," answered the friend.
"How?" inquired the first lady. "By
using Hop Bitters, that makes pure
rich blood and blooming health. It did
for me, as you observe." Read of it.
Two drops of laudanum in a half tea
spoonful of warm water, put into the
ears, is said to be a speedy cure for
neuralgia in the face and head,
KSBOSBXK lamps which are trimmed
daily, rarely explode. The careless
ness of the house-wife can be blamed
for most explosions.
A PIXT of mustard seed put in a bar
rel of elder will preserve it sweet for
several months.
ANT tree or plant whipped by green
elder branches will not be attacked by
OXIONS and potatoes should be put In
warm water aa hour before cooking.
DISTUBED parent and his five-year
old. "See here, sonny; whatdid your
mother tell you?" "She told nie not to
Jump," "What makes you Jump then ?"
"I didn't hear her."
BALD HEADED men are like kind
words, because kind words never dye.
LIGHT literature — A bank-book with
no balance.
OLD Sol has adopted tho ten-hour
Presents of mind—Bits of advice
Thank God for Anakesis! 11
WKLLFLEET, MAM. , April 10, 1873.
Dear Bitb : Enclosed 70a will find one dollar,
for which please send me a box of Anake*ia.
Direct 11 to Ma:ford Rich, Jr., Wellfleet, Barn
stable Co., Mass. My wife has suffered terribly
with piles for ten years, and had tried all kinds
of remedies that she oould hear of without
much relief. Last summer I happened to hear
of Anakesis when 1 was in Boston and so 1
procured a box and she experienced immediate
relief. She says she cau exolaim with the cele
. brated professor: Thank God for Anaketia I
She gave part of the contents sf the box to a
friend of her's ha Proymoetown, and they
helped her so that she sent the next day and
bought some. The most of the inhabitants of
this place and vicinity are sea-faring people,
and by being exposed to wet and cold, and
bard pulling at ropes, nine out of ten are trou
bled with piles, and have tried so many reme
dies without relief that they are discouraged
and have no faith in anything, but 1 know that
they are a good article. Now I will tell you
my plan; I am a peddler and travel in Barn
stable county, and times are so hard that
money is very scarce, but if lean afford it this
summer I want to buy about a dozen boxes on
purpose to give awav to the unbelievers, and I
think that by so doing, and being acquainted
with so many people, that i oould get up quite
a trade in Anakesis if you would give me the
sole right of this county.
¥ouis truly,
Anakesis is sold by all iirst-elass druggists.
Price $1 00 per box. Samples mailed free to
all sufferers, on application to P. Neus aedter
& Co., Box 3946. New York.
ED. —A passer-by puts his head in at
the window of the shop where an hon
est cobbler is working, never thinking
of evil, and says cheerily: "Well, my
friend, how many thieves arc there in
this street without counting vou?"
•'What!" yells the cobbler, "without
counting mo?" 44 We11, then," aays
his imperturbable questioner, "how
many are there count ng you?"
A COUNTRY doctor, being out for a
day's shooting took his errand boy to
cany the game-bag. Entering a field
of turnips the dog pointed; and the
boy, overjoyed at the prospect of his
master's success, exclaimed, "Lor,
master, there's a e >vey; if you get near
'em won't you physic 'em!" "Physic
them, you young rascal? what do you
mean?" said the doctor. 41 Wliv, kill
'em to be sure," replied the lad.
A COUPLE of young men staying un
conscionably late one night with their
sweethearts, were surprised to see the
"old man" looking about the halt ami
finally tin parlor as though in search
of something. "What arc you looking
for, pa?" at last asked one of the girls.
"The monninj papers!" growled the
old uiHn, and the young men took a
hasty leave.
GivKyour neighbor a helping band by
recommending him to keep Dr. Bull's
Baby Svrup in his family for all the Ills
babies are subject to.
THE boy who substitutes a living for
a dead hornet in the collection of a
near-sighted entomologist, and then
asked the mau of science to show him
where the insects sting is located,
should be held responsible for any re
ligious sentiments the victim may ad
An impertinent lop made sport of an
old farmer's large nose, mouth and
chin, but the old farmer silenced him
by saying, 44 Your nose, muutu an' chin
all had to be made small so that there
would he material enough left tor your
"I WISH you would pay a little more
attention to what I am saying, sir,"
roared a lawyer to an exasperating
witness. "I am paying as little atte r .-
tion as I can," was the calm reply.
AN Irishman was accused of stealing
a handkerchief of a fellow traveller,
but the owner on finding it apologized
to Tar, and said that It was a mistake.
"Arrah, my jewel," retorted Pat, "it
was a two-sided mistake—vou took me
far a tliaif, and I took you for a gentle
THE hand that rocks the cradle, is
the hand that moves the earth. Dr.
Bull's B:ibv Syrup is the best remedy
for all complaints children are subject
to, such as Dysentery, Diarhrea, Sum
mer Complaint-, Wind Colic, etc. Price
L's cents.
THE subject of conversation at an
evening entertainmoi.t was the intelli
gence of animals, particularly of dogs,
says Smith —"There are dogs that have
more sense than their masters." "Just
so," responds young Fitznoodle, "I've
got that very kind of a dog myself."
THE following explanation of a legal
term ts offered by a Teutonic member
ot the Canton police force: "Ven I get
me out a hapeas scopius I can eh list so
veil catch a man where he ain't as
where lie is."
"MONEY docs everything for a man,"
said an old gentleman pompously.
,4 Ycs," replied the other one, "but
money won't do as much for a iran as
some men will do for money."
THE young lady who aspires to be
admitted to the ranks of the legal pro
fession does not reflect that the grati
fication of her ambition would only
make her a bar-maid.
Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, Catarrh
and other diseases of the bronchial
tubes, no more useful article can be
found than the well-known 44 Brown J t
Bronchial Troches.
"MAMMA," said Harry Thomas, a
bright little fellow living over in Al
giers, "Mamma, have my toes got
eyes?" "No, my darling; why do
you ask such a foolish question?"
"Because my foot's asleep."
FATHER: "And so papa's dear little
boy is very ill. Now is there anything
I can get him that will make him feel
better?" Invalid; "I don't know, pa
pa—but—l think I would like a gong."
MISTRESS {to her late, servant) —
44 We11, Mary, how have you been since
you left ine, and where are you living
now?" Ye servant —"Please ma'am,
I don't live anywhere, ma'am; I'm
married, ma'am."
AMATECH Composer—"Heard my
last new song?" Candid Friend(with a
perceptible shudder) —Oli, Lor! I hope
so!" _
CAUSE AND EFFECT.—' The main cause
of nervousness is indigestion, and that
is caused by weakness of the stomach.
No one can have sound nerves and good
health without using Hop Bitters to
strengthen the stomach, purify the
blood, and keep the liver and kidneys
active, to carry off all the poisonous
aDd waste matter of the system. See
other column.
ANYBODY can travel from Boston to
New York by telephone who will go on
the sound.
No woman has yet been known to
kindle a fire with either a fashion mag
azine or a paper containing the trial of
a clergyman.
A BOOK agent was found the other
day who hadn't the cheek to try to sell
a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles to a
blind man.
A CHILD on the lap of it's mother has
an kneesy time of it.
A TENT that defies the blast of adver
WHAT is hit is history—What is
missed is mystery.
UNEASY liks the foot that wears the
IT is better to bear injustice than to
do it.
BEST when rare—Family broils,
ANOTHER, the accompanying Cough becoming
settled and confirmed, and the Lungs so strained
and racked that the production of tubercles fre
quently follows. Mmy existing cases of Pul
monary Disease may be thus account-el for, and
yet how many oti ers are now carelessly allow
ing themselve to drot through the prellml an
vmptoms. controlled by the fatal policy or al
lowing a cold to take care of itself, on the
•ntimation of a Cough or Cold, or any Throat or
Lung trouble, resort promptly to Dr. Jayne's
{expectorant, a safe curative of long established
reputat ion. and you may avoid the con-euuences
of such dangerous trifling.
Pilgrimages to Ilr.ntilo, N. Y.,
are made by thousands of invalids an
nually to consult with tho medical
and surgical stall' of the World's Dis
pensary and Invalids' Hotel, the larg
est private sanitarium In the world.
All chrouie diseases are*tjeated by soi
entllle methods. The practice Is di
vided among nine eminent specialists.
Among the most popular domestic
medicines in the land are those manu
factured by this Association, among
which are Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal Discovery, the greatest of altera
tives or blood-cleansers, and Dr.
Pierce's Pellets (little pills) that have
largely superseded the old-fashioned
coarse pills. Compound Extract of
Snvirt Weed i deservedly popular ns a
remedy for diarrlsun, dysentery, llux,
and kindred diseases ; also as a pain
killer and remedy for colds. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the
great remedy for female weaknesses
and associated d"i\ingeinents. Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy is the "Old
Reliable." Invalid's Guide Book—lo
cents, post-paid. Ad Iress World's
Dispensary Medical Association. Buf
falo, X. V., or Loudon, England.
To APS AMI Sqt'lß 111:1 s IN Wilis.—
The quantity and variety of filthy
matter which is found deposited at the
bottom of wells, in some localities, are
astonishing. \N e recently had occa
sion to examine 110 tltbri s taken from
a well which had been cleaned the year
previous, and among the acrumiila
lions were decaying toads and squir
rels. These creatures had been proba
bly attracted by the water, to reach
which they had clambered down the
wall till they reached the solid rock In
to which, lor several feet, ihe well
had been excavated, when they were
pereipita'rd to the bottom, and could
not retrace their steps. To obviate a
repetition of the same annoyance the
stone wall has been removed down to
the solid rock, relaid in hydraulic ce
ment, and carried some three feet above
the surface of the ground and finished
for some distance around the top with
cement underlaid with stones. On this
solid foundation a curb lias been so
closely fitted as to exclude even crick
ets ami grasshopper*, which are so apt
to find their way 'nto wells. To those
who detest impure water ami would
avoid perhaps the sickness ol an entire
family, the above plan, or the adoption
ot some better precaution against the
contamination of wells, is recommend
ed. This is the season when springs
and wells are usually low of water, and
therefore it is the best time lor clean
ing the bo'torn of the latter and re
pairing the walls if found defective.
Tin: price of soap is rapidly advanc
ing. A year's stippiy of DOBBINS'
ELKCIRIC bought now at old price will
he a very judicleus purchase.
Wood Stain* —To turn o ik black so :ts
to cause it to resemble ebony 4 the wood
should be immersed for toriy eight
hours in a hot saturated solution ol
alum, and then drushed over several
times with a log wood decoction, pre
pared as follows : Boil one part of best
logwood with ten parts ot water, filter
through linen, and evaporate at a gen
tle heat until the volume is reduced one
half. To every quart ot this add ten or
fifteen drops of a saturated solution of
i/idigo, completely neutral. After ap
plying this dye 10 the wood, rub the
latter with a saturated and filtered aolti
tion of verdigris n hot concentrated as
cetic acid, am! repeat the operation tin
til a black of the desired intensity is ob
tained. Five minutes suffice ordinarily
to giro a deep coloc. A few trials will
indicate the proportions.
CAI.BOI.INF. the deodorized petroleum
hair renewer and restorer, a&lmproved
and perfected, challenges the world
and stands without a rival among the
hair dressings, and is a universal favor
ite with the ladies.
OFTENTIMES a fellow finds that it's
the girl's mother he has to court.
WIIII.E it lasts, the wag of a dog's
tail is purp-etuul motion.
IF Yora Liver IB Disordere Uoefland* Ger
man Bitter* will set it aright.
81,425.00 Profits In 30 Days.
*lO in legitimate Ftock Speculations in Wall
street pays immense profits. Pamphle s ex
plaining ever> thing sent free. IIEATH & Co.,
iiiokors, 1227 liroadwav, N. Y.
UieskelT* Teller Otnlmenl Will cure every
form of Tetter.
Ir YOB Would Enjoy flood Health Take
UooflaruT* German Hittera.
FOR PIMTI.ES on Mle Face, use fTietkeWt Tet
>er Ointment. It never fails to remove them.
IF IHOCBLED with Constipation, take IlooJ
and'* German Bitter*.
IF YOC are Dyspeptic Ilooflantr* German
Bitters will cure you.
ißbf 1 s
1 WrJLmwm j5
Iff <CHEAPi &lj
. ft SONS, SI 8 SS ft. ftEXTII ftW
The symptoms of an acute attack of Inflara
inntlon'or ihe kidney* & re ** follows: Fi'vor,
i in in ih > small of ihe " " k - thence shoot
ing down warn* nuinboifi °f ths thigh, vomit
ing uonlh at first a deep fodcoioroi tueur no.
whlcu hecooii'S pale ind colorless sth (llaoase
increases, an t is discharge I v. ry often with
pain and difficulty; eosttveneas, a d some de
cree ore .lie. in chronic uhwaa aoft he kidneys
tlv- symptoms a e pain |n tlie back and limbs,
dryness of the sklu frequent urination (especi
ally ai night) general dropsy, headache, dlzxl
nesa or sight, Indigestion, ind palpitation of tho
heart, grad ml loss <f irength. paleness ami
puninom of the face, cough and shortness of
In diseases <>f the kidneys the Vegetlne g ves
Immedlato re lor. It lias never failed to < ure
when It, l> taken regularly and directions fol
lowed. In many cases It may take several io -
lies, especially cases of 1 >ug standing. It acts
directly upon ihu secretions, cleansing and
strengthening, removing all obstructions and
impurities. A great many can testify to cases
n longstanding having be n pertcctly ou nl by
the Veget ne, even after 6 ylng in my of the
known nine tea widen are .-u d to be expressly
foi tills discos •.
Kidney Complaints*
1 UiiIIKMI Nltteon Pounds.
CINCINNATI,O., March n, 1877.
Dear sir.—l hav been a great sufferer from
Kinney i innplulnt, and after the use of a tew
Don I s f VegiMlue I find innelf entirely cure h
l ga m d sixteen pounds tu flesh while taking
the Vegeilue. 1 will ch'*eriUlly re otiiineudl'.
Yours tru y, W. T. SKCHKIt,
No. 330 West Mxth Street.
Kidney Complaint.
CINCINNATI, 0., March is, 1577.
11. It. STKVKNH :
/Mor Mr—l have u-e1 your VBOSTINK for some
l line, and can truthfully say 11 has been a gre it
benefit to me ; and to those s itiering from dis
cus s of the kidneys l cheeriullj recommend 1..
Bt sped fulli. O. II SMITH.
Attested to by K. B. Ashfleld, Druggist, cor.
Eighth and Central avenues.
Kidney Complaint.
• INCINNATI, 0.. April 19, 1977.
Ma. n. R. STKTKVS:
I have suffered several years with the Kidney
Complaint, and was Induced to try VKOKTINB. 1
have taken several bottles of your preparation,
and am convinced it is H valuable remedy It
has done me more good than any other medicine.
1 can heart }iy tecoiniQeud It to all suffering
from Kidney Complatnis.
Yours Respect fully.
J. 8. McMII.LEN,
First bookkeeper for Newhall, Gale A Co.. flour
merchants, No. *8 West Front street, Ciuclo
natl, o.
-i Prepared by
Vegetlne !■ Sold by nil Drnggtut*.
Importers of Diamonds
Maiifictsrm of Spectada
•IB IAII9B Btrwwt, ntUMialykla.
Illastrwfted Frioe Lfet mi to (to trwh
Popolar Music Boils.
New T<mp-rinc Soug of the best qualay. 39
cents. (>.mi ly r-ndy.)
The .west '"-st SiLhith School Song Book ever
inuiß*. 3D inri.
Superior collection of Aothema for Church Ser
vice. $i iw
A cAn 1 Cantata Br Sullivan. C mmended to
Mui.cttl Si cietie. 73 conts.
- Mived Vo'c*.. Duo of the try belt Gleo and
Chorus Book*. Q\Ui.
For Voice Trainlut. One of th very beat. ®!JO.
Fine Op- ra. Good Music and e*-iy to k!v*. 31J4.
Ttjr • p-rinien-of th .e stid other b'Kik*. or any
puce of no t Mui.c niailod anvah re, po.l froe, for
ih>- rot .11 p
Oliver Ditson & Co, Boston.
•21 ChMnat St. Pblta.
PIMPS Unllned.
PUMPS Iron Lined.
PUMPS Porcelain Lined,
i PUMPS Copper Lined.
Chain Pump flxturea and tubing.
[ Rubber Bucket®, Steel Chain, Ac.
I4A MARKET Street. Plillndn.
" The best Knulish wrjyr* *n<i the rooet particular
American writer* use WOKCkSTKE at their au
thority.'*— New York Herald,
The standard vadt-mecum of the corropoodent and
For the School, the Uffloe, and (he Counting Room
For nU by all Bookseller*. For olrculara, etc .
J B. LIPPINCOTT A CO., Phlladelphla.
fit nn n reward
I I I immediate relief, caret eaaea
■ of long etanding la 1 week.
I I ■ and ordinary eaeea in S days.
WlUUUciutioa ss.sE
wrapper ) t n§ printed on {I it black a Pile o f Stones and
Itr.j P. Mtllrr'i signature, rhila. 81 S Dottle. Hold
by all druggist*. Sent by mail by J.P., M. D.,
Propr.. S. W. out. Tenth and Arch Si*., Phiiada. .Pa.
Any Hnnday Hrhnnl cam new afford to supply tts
teechers w th The Sunday School Ttmes.n eix'ecn
p*Re weekly paper. Here are the tie* rales. From
I t• 4 copn a, each. From # to 9 copiee. to one
address, $1.90 each. From 10 to 19 copies, to one
aildre , SlWeech. Twenty copies or more to one
addri si 91 00 each. No charge for p*lae Pro
portionate rates for les-th in a year Twenty 'each
< rscan be supplied f>r hree month* for 99 00 While
'lie paper sf r a club must b tent in a pneknge in
one aiiilreHH, the p inlither r qnir--s that e ch clnb
subscription he accoinp mb-d with a list of the name
and adJrecKi'S f the person* who are to use tho
paior. The Sunday School Times will be sent on
ial t' a pew subscriber every wei k for thr-e months
forlTeents. Ap ciumn free. Sml also for a tr e
■"ccimen of The hcliolars' Qnarterly, a 48 pag
-< h.'lars'lesson hel n, coatainiug colored map. etc
I'll Quarterly *ill be improved for 1880, and iie price
reduced. Address
JOHN D. WATTLES, Publisher,
723 CHESTNUT Street,
) blind Iphia, Pa.
dohnnon's Anodyne Liniment will post
tlvoly prevent this terrible disease, and will
positively cure nine cases ID ten. Infromatlon
that will save many lives sent free by mall
Don't dolay a moment. Preventl n is better
than cure. Sold everywhere.
I. JOHNSON & CO., Bangor, Me.
Those answering an Advertisement will
confer a favor upon the Advertiser and the
Publfaher by stating that they aaw the Ad.
veriiaemrnt In thlT loninat, naming the
for nnr New C<itlngn and Pries LIt."YB
OKronls OtKMM, by • rootlmUmtng mrsitm.
UR.T.I) ATrfc7llom HomoNlßl Bum,M
MMn was h*v* OMK! this Trsatnoat
Pianos and Organs ?„* r
advance la prices- Plane, gig) to S4OO : 8-atop or
gan, 8(&l nil tlrxl cl*-s. lit on trial. t'atnloifue.
fi*o. i nt*l Mo-ir. H pile*. I'"l in '• worth. S
price. t'ntaloutif of 1800 p lerw • nt for 3c. ■tamp.
M WIITI.• CH T I'IANO < ).. 21 K IMb lit.. N. V
/ IN ENTEUINfi upon iu Fifty-tbhU Year, the YOUTH'S
MSMT W COMPANION fully the fact that the times
■/ deuiaud the higlicst ntauilnrd of jiopular literature.
ML I BYTO WL '1 lie following Auiiouucementa iudicate that the Volume
Wl WJ 117 for ISBO cannot fail to reach lliis eUiudard.
T '^' lC variety and worth of its contents will mßke it
| \\/ N repository of the choicest literature; A library of tnlss,
/A | V* i l . y' ••* i travels, adventure, history and biography; a " Conipan-
R— —- —————— ————I J ON " f UR the study aud the fireside, for the older as
INCREASED IN SIZE well as the younger members of the family.
' , jyjmJ Special Stories.
V A Serial Story, by - - Harriet Stow*.
\ X* SAT -IIIU Little Mother "a Serial, by Dinah Mulock Craik.
A Serial blory fur Boys, by - - .1. T. Trowbridge.
C~"- SR 'VJVL ■ A Hiory of Southern I.lfe. by - Marie U. Williania.
/ A Tale of Cuiulx-rland Mountains BY Charles Craddook.
Stories of Adventure, by T
T ' Capt. E. Frechette, Fred. A. Olier, ,
111 (IPs! 1 WU!FL S /I /&% \L Charles Cnuldoch, Mrs. 11. It. King.
L i Stories for Girls, by
JAM houlse Chandler Moulton. Jnlia Kastman,
III'.; ./ ,IK -•>-, V L ,1 Mury A. ileitison. Karult Winter Kellogg.
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Health of Eotty is ffealth of Mini
Railway's SarsaparilM Resolwent
Pure Wood mnlce* wund flesh, strong bone and
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We extract from Dr. Radway'a "T eatlse oa
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List or Disease* Cured by
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Chronic Skin D!seas>es, Carles of the Bods,
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easea. however slow m *y b • the cure, "teel bet
fet," and find their general health improving,
their fledj and weight increasing, or even keep
ing Its own. U a sure sign that the cure Is pro
gressing. In these diseases the patient either
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the blood It will spread and continue to under
mine the constitution. As soon aatbetURSA
rAK I.UAW make* the patient 4 fuel bet ter," every
hour you will grow better aud increase In health,
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The removal of these tumors bv Rioirin
K solvent is now so certainly established that
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wit ne a the cases ofllannah P. Ko ipp, Mrs. C.
K epf. Mrs J. U. Jolly and Mrs. P. D. Hendrlx,
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*rs <•. a. Hibblns. m the present edition of oar
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One Dollar per Bottle.
only requires minutes, not hoars, to relieve
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Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rad-
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All remedial agents capable of destroying life
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In very sma.i doses, relieve the patient during
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ere >se the suffer I g. and another dose cause
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Radwat 8 Pills, for the cure of all disorders
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tr Observe the following symptoms result,
log from Diseases of the Bigestive Organs; Con
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6 usations a hen in a lying posture. Dimness of
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A few doses of Radway's Pnxs will free the
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Send a letter stamp to RADWAT A CO.,
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EMfwvwywsMawp. Mteneethesk