jfillh f int Jour n nt. THURSDAY, JAN I; ART 8. 1880. n. o. I>EIMXI:K, ... KUITOR. R. A. BUMILLKR, - - ASSISTANT EDITOR. Local ilcpai'tiHcnt, —Job work of all kinds done at the JOURNAL Office at prices as cheap as the cheapest. A tine ladies kid glove was found and left nt the Journal O.lice. The owner will please call for it. —A splendid private residence with the good will of a medical prnct'ce for sale. For particulars apply at this of licc. tf. —The papers say that the days are getting longer but th.it is not true. The cloudy, gloomy weather t ikes oIT a piece at each end, and this makes them shorter. —Mr. Israel Confer broke ground the other day for a new house on Penn street. This makes two new houses to be built next summer. Hope the num ber may yet be increased. Go in, yo that are houseless. —That dreadful scourge, dipthcria, seems to lie gaining a lodgement in the. "lower valley" neighborhood, that is below Aaronsburg. Two little girls, daughters of John Zeigleraiul Kmanucl Musser, died ot it in the beginning of tho week. —We had a very friendly letter from Rev. C. 11. Reiter, the other day. Mr. R. and family now reside at James Creek, Uuntindon county, ivhore he serves congregations, and we conclude from tin-general tenor of the letter that they art' getting along right well. —ln a private letter from Prof. Jos. 11. Fee'irer he informs us that he is en gaged in teaching singing schools in and around Seliiisgrove and that he meets with much success in this line. Glad to hear it. Prof. F. has many warm friends here. Hope he will take it into his head to show himself around here again before long. —The five cent counter was again fully replenished the other d ly. Coiue along now. just as fast as you can walk trot or run, for your dippers, gravj la dles, sad iron stands, coffee pot stands, tops, drillers , cake dishes, and number less other articles of use and beauty. Come. —Miss Josephine K infTm.iu's Ger man scnool opened on Tuesday evening with some 15 to IS pupils. Miss IC. is a lady of superior accomplishments and we are glad that so many of our young folks are disposed to improve this ex cellent opportunity to learn German, llope the school may he entirely suc cessful!. —The FIVE CENT COUNTER will be kept up and replenished from time to time, notwithstanding the holidays are over. Many of the articles sold are so popular and so cheap tiiat the commu nity would very much miss its five cent counter, if the machine were stopped. We mean to keep it a-going, frienus u and don't youj'oryd it." —The Evangelical 8. S. Festival on New Year's evening, passed off to the entire satisfaction of all concerned, ex cepting that the conduct of the audi ence in the fear of the church was not quite what it should have been. We had barely time to go down before the exercises commenced, to see the deco rations, and those were tine indeed Over 200 presents were distributed—a larger number than were ever before given out on any similar occasion. —Mr. B. P. Kleppor, of Booiieville, was around and about here, more or less , for several days last passed. Well guess he has a right to be. Ben is about as good looking as any man in tlie.se diggings—clever—a good Lutheran said to be an o used cost him i>7 cents each, and for using one phrase three times he was charged 40 cents each ; total charge, $13.95. —Mr. James Aiken, for many years a citizen ot Lewisburg, died at the resi dence of Mr. Jesse M. Cornelius, in Lewisburg, on the night of IhcJlst lilt. Mr. Aiken was well known as a teach er, poet. elocutionist, and literary char acter generally. lie was well known and'inuch beloved by the people of Aa ronsburg and vicinity, where he taught school some 30 years ago. "May he rest in peace.'' —Don't know, ain't sure, not at all certain whether we could make a hand rail, newel post and balustrade suitable for a stairwayor not; but we do know to a dead certainty that we couldn't make them as neat and substantial if we tried for live years, as those which Mr. Jona than Ilartergot from the Xesbit Pros., Fast Lewisburg. llow we wish I lie "ih'of/ors" would serve just such a iriek on us as they did on Yoney. lint you sec we are only a poor printer and Yoney is—yes he is—well, we don't care to make him blush. —TIME IS MONEY.—Just so; and Jin order to have exact time you must have a good time piece, whether watch or clock. Therefore you had better make your arrangements to attend Frank. P. Blair's great auction sale of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Fancy Goods, at Bellefonte, begin ning next Monday, and to continue every day and evening until the entire stock is sold. Here's a chance as you never had one before. —Some valuable property is advertis ed in this week's JOURNAL at public sale. W. 11. Cormun, Asignee, will offer the entire real and personal pro perty of John W. Scholl, of Miles town ship, at public sale, o;i Monday and Tuesday, January 19th and 20th. J. 11. Reifsnyder, Administrator, will offer at public sale, Saturday, Jan uary tlie 17th, the undivided one half of the property occupied by John F. Chambers—Doing the state of the late Samuel Sivels. deceastd. A KIND BEQUEST. It is noic (u/ain \ the season of the year ichcn people who have system in their business, pay their 1 small debts, etniomj which is the hasc earn t forjei us. Our (aptoses are heavy and constant, our subscription jrriex very low audit is absolutely nec-sserry that we should be pel eel rcy alarey. It is tin turn of the year, too, when otcr have many ex traordinary expenses, preparatory for Winter. So please don'tforyet us when you err,ne to tenia. Just see /<"■ you can jdeuse v.s by the payment of a few elol la rs. AAB ONSBURQ- CHUM3S. Communion services in the Lutheran church Sabbath morning ami evening. The seruion3 OP. Saturday and Sunday evenings were preached by Ilev. W. E. Fisher, of Centre Hall and they were excellent indeed. Tnere is nothing so plenty with us just now as mud. Indoors and out it prevails every where. Oh for a little enterprise, just enough to furnish tis with the most ordinary wslks that would keep us OKt of tin? mud. Town seems deserted again. The ho'iday excitement (?) is over, the vis itors nearly all gone and things are as suming their accustomed appearance. Mr. W. T. Cannon, of Tyrone, inado one of his pop visits,and left, as usual, much too soon. May his shadow never grow less. Dr. E. J. Deshler has returned from Baltimore, where he had gone to see his son, who is attending Medical Col lege. Eyery pupil in the infant department of the Lutheran 8. 8., received a neatly bound Testament as a Christmas pre sent from the school. Mrs. John G. Kurtz, of Milton, her two daughters and a friend spent some days in town. Many of our people spent New Years evening in Millheim, attending a festi val. Complained that HK? crowd pre vented their enjoyment. Some rumor that a very pleasant lit tle widow is going to leave us. Don't like to spare her. X. Y. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. M ud—mud—mud. Dieary days and dark nights. Protracted meeting still in progress. The Musical Convention in prospect promises to be good. Mr. Jacob Frederick had the misfor tune to freeze his feet. Capt. J. MeC'ool lost a very valuable horse the other day. Mr. Ed. Tvvitmyer is again back to school. Bight, Edward. By appearance the "Bee Ilive" of Penns Valley is at I. J. Grenoble's since the "Cash or its equivalent" sys tem has been introduced. Just what is needed now throughout the valley. Yom:Y, i The Riot Claims against Alle gheny County to be Reduced. [• PITTSBURG, Dec. lis.—The indica tions are that Al'egheny county will be able to effect a very satisfactory com promise on the railro id liot losses. A consultation was had yesterday morn ing between representatives of the j Pennsylvania railroad company, the ' county authorities, and a number of prominent citizens. The meeting was a private one, but it. is understood that the railroad company scaled down their claims very considerably, representa tives of private claimants intimated that they had similar propositions to offer. It is probable tli.it < public meeting will be held at ati early day, when the propositions will bo fully dis cussed and recommended for adoption. * ; It is thought that the entire claims can ; be reduced one-third or probably one i half. Tho King of Spain Shot, at An Attempt to Shoot. Hi-a While Driving with thoQaeon. MADRID, Dec. 30.—As the Kmg and Queen of Spain were driving through j the gate of the ltoyal Palace this eve : ning a young man, dressed as a work ! man, fired a shot from a pistol at tlie 1 royal carriage, but his aim was had and nobody was hurt. The ball has s'uee I been found, and weighs one ounce. It passed close to the head of one of the j royal footmen. King Alfonso was dri ving at tho time. The would bo assas j sin was immediately arrested, and he has confessed his crime. Ilis n imo is | Gonzales and his age nineteen years. I He is a waiter by occupation and a n;i• | tive of Galicia. | The Di'irio Esp'tnol say: "Two shots j were fired at the royal carriage, tho i second passing quite close to the Queen's face. The weapon Used was a double barreled pistol. The di; 1 >mat ic body have gone tocp.il ic? to congrat ulate their Majesties up m their es cape. " The attempt excites general indigna- ' tion in Madrid. It is believed that i Gonzales lW*il accomplices, and throe | persons have been arrested on suspi cion. Gonzales has been living in Mae i id for some time. King Alfonso attended the opera at J night. News MiseeiJnuey. KILLED BV A METEOR.—As David j Meisentbaler, the well-known stock- | man of Whitestone township, was dri- ' ving liis cows to the barn about day- . light one morning recciuly, he was struck by an aerolite and instantly i killed. It appears as though the mete- j or had come from a direction a little west of smith ami fell obliquely at an angle of about sixty degrees, for it first j passed through a tall maple tiv. cut- j ting the limbs as clean as if it bad been a cannon ball, ami then struck him ap parently on or under the shoulder, passing him obliquely from be-low the right shoulder to above the left hip and buried itself about two feet in the soft black ground. The poor man's iegs i and head were uninjured, bi.t the great er part of his body seems to have been crushed into tho earth beneath the ter rific aerolite, which is about the size of , a common patent bucket and apparent ly of a round shape. It appears to he formed of wli.it is called iron pyrites. We do not remember of ever before; this 'earning of any one having been killed by a meteor; but when at court three weeks ago, while m conversation with Richard Sanders of I'erry town ship, lie told us that some years ago when he lived in Chapman township, not far trorn the river, he started one , morning before day on some business I down by the river; a ul when descend ing a hill in the road towards a stream of water an object of some kind in stantly and with great velocity passed close by his head and apparently lodged in the stream of water. All ho could see of it was the momentary Hash of light it emitted in its flight ; but he felt a strange sensation as it passed. Xo doubt it was an aerolite, and if it had hit hirn that would have been the last of Mr. Sanders.— Lucyrus (O.) Journal. A DRUNKEN MAX FATALLY STABS HIS WIFE AND THEN ATTEMPTS SUI CIDE.—Easton, Pa., Dec. 1. John Burns, while intoxicated, last night, at, south Easton, stabbed his wife while ; she was lying asleep in bed. She is not j expected to recover. Burns afterwards ! made an unsuccessful attempt to com- ; niit suicide, lie has been arrested. Blair county must be a good hunting ; country. On Thursday last Solomon Boone shot a panther measuring eleven • feet ten inches and a half from the end I of the nose to the tip of the tail, and on j Friday Win. Vv'right shot a fine black ! bear weighing a trifle oyer 200 pounds, j There is a boy living at Bendersville, ; Adams county, 12 years of age, who j eats regularly five times a day and is j said to weigh 170 pounds. MURDERED BY IIEU SCHOOLMATES. —Two girls, each about fifteen years of age, daughters of wealthy parents, were expelled from a country school near Centreville, Ind., two weeks ago, for badly treating a schoolmate of the same age, named Kates. While the latter was going home l'rom school, they as saulted her, one of them I. locking her down with a base ball club, ihe othei jumping upon her and breaking her ribs. The unfortunate girl died soon after reaching home, but her mother, in consideration, it is said, of a bribe of SB,OOO from the parents of the murder ers, kept the matter secret. The crime lias bTcu divulged by children who wit nessed the assault. Luther's wedding l ing is on cxhibi. tion ;it the jeweller's, llorr Itothe, nt Dusseldorf. The ring, which bears the inscription, u Dr. Murtino Luthero Cuthcrma von Horn, 13. dune, 152-V' is a work of considerable art. On it is represented the Passion ot our Lord, the cross and the body of Jesus forming the middle, surrounded by nil the e.hiot tools of the carpenter's craft, a small ruby recalling the holy blood. JANUARY JVUY I.IST. -Tlio jurors drawn fur llio tt'i'iu ot court commencing January Ciitli, ureas follows: <; IS \N !> JURORS. William p >tts, Union J uumorvlUr. S Shoe Vlex. Miller, Spring .los Armstrong. ! otter .tos (; Parson. Potior Plias It sli ttl.-r, Harris F M I't-licr, l 111011 Scntt Williams. Union V n Potter. PMlipshurc Kolrt nie.rlj. B.iugs Win White. UuriiMile Men W Mover. Haloes 1! ttolter. How aril hnro.las S K r:|r'. I'cruiison W IS Noll, Spring ('otiran latsh, oalker DC Gent."oil, ivnn . Si- spring i U D Uetrly. Miles .1 .eoh Keone Penil It S hidings, Union A Watson, Philiiisburjc W II Kreanier. Miles Si Kline, Howard bolo | TUAVFRsK ,11 ROUS— FIRST W KKK. ' I FKrelis. Ferguson .1 C Knnklii. Snow Shoo ! Dav M Henrv. Potter luek Fet/ar, Hoggs Sam M Winter. Miles I'M 1 ys-ni, l.e leloiit i ti C'opeuliaver, Taylor B It l*Js", Miiesburg i .I . >liii r l.ee. Pott -r [Cameron lloak. s. shoe Harrison Kline, SjirinWillWm Mtisscr. loiter ('ons'eeCtirtln. Ito jgs HA Minau'. Haines Uolni Carlo iek. Spring A.I I'lnuiipson. Uallin n Hen Kekenrotb.S|iriiift Km'l Peters, rergnson ,Ins Aml rv. Sr. Worth Hun U M .lone, Hoggs John Hotter. Bellefoiite Aloii I ThomC llouf/, Coib'ue Patrick Holloa. Uush Thorn ltecbUol, S. Shoe I' 11 I Moil, Woith Jon Snuiieier, Miles Jtolt 1 (lnunst' , n, lat toil It Thompson, Huston Win tote. Ha t Win It Uiiigrv, Worth W siialhraitli Belief tt Jane's sua,t.i,i. Potter Davis l.v.ins, 1 otter U,l Haves, snow Shoe lli /.ekiah Hy, Benin l s It Priimle, T..\ lor •' \ ledeffer. John P D 'hass, ( urtill Win Wiser. sani Brngger. I'nionv'e h W crhler, Ih out II Simler, PlnliiiMuirst L \ Lyman, I ' 'lUs g 1 si*l Kanllnian. Spring •' Kckeiiroth. Sprin, TU V \ KltSI 1 .1 ftOnS —SKCDND W KKK. Wm .VUlon, I'of.r w illiain Ishier. Potter found tu county 1 Sam Cilliiaml. t allege John Hov. T Bollinger, I crimson John Liulwi„. ( M|' r.e John H Mu-ser, Haines 1 Imni , .i,,^ Win H Colieen, Potter <•'> KeMei, nanus Satnu '1 Hoover, T;i* lor Pre,l ?,layer. t>regg J B ( urt in. ltoggs M m Bun:, G'J l!, Jacob Mu-e, Poller Kh.lah Bu.il, Hat > l * Hugh Adams Huston Mieli (oi inan. 1-ilh it> I. A Shatter. Walker ' red I.iinbcrt. Haines K Montgomery. Belle'te .1 C !';"dersoii ; Huston J New .lla'l. Howard t| Benj liuek. Halfinooii Thorn s tangle. Liberty C U } ''iriek. Ma Hon t'lias Reese, s;u\v shoe < 1 G.iib.u i\, B ' t Wm r.aird. Mil- Mun ; Jos V MitehMt.t ol.ege J K iiost-rman. Miles Win "e.v, Bi 11.-toiito lletirv Kt T>, College I* H ft'liner, Bell-foutc 'l itAVKBSi: JUROKS-TIUIU) WKKK. Jlt Hoilen. Mileibin' g 11 O Bower, llaines John A Haines, tire-.vg HI nr Alexander. I nion <; W Weaver. >. Shoe B liamherger. Hallin u John From, Spring (' U Kephait, l'attoii John s Hov, Marion S Crh in ill. Philip o g J II Crllltn. Halfinooii William From. Bo ter Jos Heehdol. I.l'K'rtv .lohnsoiit n I leu, Kus'i J,.< Kekk'\. Snow Sho • Thim If irrison. Spring A K Cobb.e, (Sregg H I. Harnhart, Hoggs T It Be> nobis. BeileFte John I. l'lnk. Taylor Sam Showers, Walker Sam eariek, II dues It I .urns. How aad baro William S .•smith, lean I) It Deb in g, Curtin Alli-'-i Hoy, 1 eigusou John Tavi< r,Creeg Fred Jamison, (c'cgg John Hamilton, ttreggC \s Kuuibm'ger.i alto.i John Miller. Walker Peter ltrmu, Potc r Ftl Holt, Snow shoo ll> Dsinau. Potior .1 C MARTIN, KU-H HUMI DIED. On the 31th n't., in Haines township, Mrs. Elizabeth Snyd -r, widow of Oeorge Snyder. do ce.is<*d, atred 71 years. mouths and days. On the7t!i Inst., in M.llhoim, Thomas K., in* ant son oti'ii 's ('/and .-.u'.ta Suiltn, as''tl 1 year and 1 month. yiillbclm Market. 0 every Wednesday by Oephart & Mnsscr. Wheat No. 1 ' I,' Wheat No. i u ', tt.v* : !>: Oats \\ hlw • Out*. IHaek liuek wheat „ I lour Ilian A-• ■iitM-M nn Salt. per - - blaster, ground ' Cement, iter liu*hel So - 1 " Barley 60 Tymothvsecd Flaxseed (iioverseod ''-.7) Butter r Hides Veal Cork Be, gBW Potatoes Lard Snap Dried Apples Dried Peaches Dried Cherries.. ••••• COAL M AKKLf; En Coal >tove " ' •' i.' Chestnut'• ;J • ' MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS. Deininger & Muster PROf KIETORS. This ol I an 1 popular establishment is prepared-to do all work in their line in a style equal to any in Central Pennsylvania, |. at prices that defy competition. COUCHES, MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, of all sizes styles and prices made on short notice. The proprietors hope, by Strict Attention TO BUSINESS FAIR DEALITC ©TO© WSIE io merit the continued confidence of their friends and patrons, and i f tho publicjat large. S.hops east of Bridge, Pa. J". 331. "BEE HIVE" STOEE. Allegheny St., BIHiLEFCNTE, Penna. HEADQUAHTES FOR DRY GOODS ,II HIE M;i: in, I: V,: i:x, i.iso L:i.V ITOIII:. I am oliViing the LAIUJEST, BEST and CHEAPEST STOCK of Dry Goodwin Centre County. PRICE LIST FOR THIS WEEK : I Dress Goods from SIV MOTTO is: Cashmeres all*colors,yard wide 25 cents'per yard AI.L JI Y GOOD Black Cashmeres, all wool, 40 inches wide--50cents " " Silks, all colors 50 cents " " ' |Hw I'RK'E," 1 Cantor, flannel C cents " " ARK MARKED Crash for towels, 5 cents " • " Table linen, all linen 21 cents *' " "Tin; VKI.'V Low KST" Carjiet from 15 cents" IN PLAIN Chilereii's hose, extra bargains 5 cents " pair Felt skirts 39 cents each A\l> NO Children's knit hoods 25 cents each FIGURES. SPECIAL ItAKO AINS IN LADIES (OATS. , Coats for MISREPRESENTATION j V° :, P'V'V VI f.l? < oats, fair quality l.iri (kiats, KMUI quality ; 2 1 • ( oats, extra good quality 2.10 AND i Fcti. LINI: of P.Krrcr: OKADKS. Hoping to roceivw an early call, I remain Respect fully yours, y JT* I. , —• ■mmmm mm „ . <„<„ j ' " ' ' "" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IypLLHEIM BANKING CO., MAIN STREET, Millbeini, Centre Co., I'a. A. Walter, C.ishr. David Krape, Pres. 6 V - BOWER, ATTOHNXVS AT LAW, Hellcfoiilc IVim OFFICE IN OARMAN S NEW lU ILDINO. Joii.y Jf* Lzyy* ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bsllefonts, Pa.. OFFICE ON ALLEGHANY STREET. Bush House, Bellefonts Da. J. H. MEYERS, JYoprietor. M'KCIAL RATES TO FAMILIES, PERMA NENT HOARDERS AND PER SONS ATTENDING COURT. ROTH LANGUAGES SPOKEN AT OUR HOTEL. DAV. Si avtlOW tb, Manufacturer an d Dealer in TINWARE, STOVEPIPE AYD THFiHUSW . SOII flMi & iitur t.I.VS, ♦ -♦ - • Would respectfully Inform the public thnt lie keeps on hand or makes to order all kinds of TINtVAUE, STOVE-KJXTI'KES, I J'.L IT CANP. CtC. A SPECIALITY. -S Fruit cans always on hand. Repairing done at short notice. Having some ten years experi ence in the business lie flatters kin self that his work is fully equal to any in this section of the country. A share of the public patronage ts re •qmetully solicited. Miop sie*t (Inn- to Jouriml Diaik stdrr, >liJlhetn, m X hlj)l -A-jNTID OY=:H]2;TIISrO ! ! MRS. AWA !H. WEAVER has just received her Ikill and Winter Stock ot MILLINERY GOODS consisting of , French bonnets, Round Hats, French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbon and all kinds of FANCY GOODS. DRESS MAKING In ail its Brandies S P E C I A L I TY. She invites her many friends and customer to I TJOM C* L'AIIAXTKJ*: ] Jgji IOX'B PATENT | Breech-Loading Shot Gun Ram" N klidc one side. A Gnn to st.ind ihc trrar and tear, and not pet shak/ or out of order. I'rlwt, from 950.00 upwards. iS-nd ataiu? for Circular to AMERICAN ARMS CO. 10J M.lk Street, Boston, Mass. PBWSYLTAHA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after St'NDAY, Nov. 9th. 1879, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie ltiiilroa.il Di vision will run as follows : WESTWARD. ERIK M All. leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p. m. •' llavrisbnrg 4 25a. in. " Wiiliains'Hjrt 8 35a. in. 44 dors y Shore 907 a.m. 44 Look Haven- 94Ja.ni. 44 44 Kenovo 11 (K) a Jit nrr. at Erie 7 55 p. m. ; NIAGARA KXP. .leaves IMitladelphia 8 00a.m. • 4 Harrishurg 11 25 a. tn. arr.at WilJiainsport 2 25p.m. Lock li^ven. 350 p. m. PAST LINK leaves Philadelphia M sji. in. IJarrGburg 8 &5 p. n. arr. at Wlßi.inisport 7 23 p. in. *• Lock Htt\en 840 p.m. EASTWARD. | PAOIFK' EXP. loaves Uck Haven.. 7 00 a. tn. Jersey Shore.. 783 a in. • 4 Wllliaui-sport. slsa. m. arr. at Harrislmrir ...12 do a. m. 44 Philadelphia. 340 p.m. DAY EXPRESS leaves Lo. k Haven. .1120 a, in. 44 Wilhnmsport 12 10 p. m. 44 arr. at Harrisburg .. 4 It) p. in. • 4 Philadelphia 7 20 p. in. ERIK MAIL leaves Kenovo 8 10 p. in. 44 Lock Haven.... !!50p. in. 44 44 w (lliaißsport....ll]o p. in. arr. at Harrisburg 2 45 a.m. " _ 44 • Philadelphia 7.00 a.m. EAST LINE loaves WilHaiiui|mtt....l2 35a. m. arr. at Harrisburg 5 50 a.m. 44 44 Philadelphia .... 7 40a. m. Erie Mail West and l>.iy Kvoress East make close connections at Northumberland with L. & I>. R. K. trains from Wilkesbarre and Scran ton. Erie Mail West. Niagara Express West and l ast Line West make close connection at Wil iiamspoit with N.c. li. W. trains north. Niagara i xr-ess West and Day Express East make close connection at Lock Haven with a. E. V. It. li.trains. Erie Mail Eas 1 and West connect at Erie with trains on L. !■'. & M. S. It. it.; atOorry with o. C. & A. V, It- 1\ :at Emporium with lL N. Y. & P. It. K., and at •riftwood with A. V. It. R. parlor cai-s will -un between Philadelphia and WllUainspnrt n Niagara Express west and Day Express Ea -t. Sleeping cars on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Snp't. L. C. & S. C. RAIL ROAD. WESTWARD. 1. 3. 8. LEAVE A.M. r. M. T.M. Montandon 7 up 2 00 6 2d Lewisburg Arrive 7 15 2 Id Hon Lewisburg Leave 7 15 2 20 Fair Ground 7 20 2 50 Ifleill 7 50 2 40 Vlcksburg 7 A3 2 48 Mililinourg Arrive 7 50 8 05 Miniiuburg Leave 7 50 315 Milimont 810 3 35 Liuiyclton S 20 3 so] Cobufn •) Su Arrive at Spring Mills 10 00 EASTWARD. 2. 4. 6. LEAVE . A.M* A.M. P.M. Spring Mills KIMO Cotniru 10 45 Laurelton 1155 4 06 MHlmout 12 05 4 20 Miftlinbuvg Arrive 12 30 4 4!) MRtliiibiirg Leave 12 30 45') Vieksburg 12 45 5 06 IMehl , 1252 513 tair Ground 102 5 23 Lcwisburg Arrive j 10 5 30 Lcwisburg Leave 6 35 1 20 5 46 Arr. at Montandon 6 50 1 30 6 00 Nos. 1 & 2 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail west on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road. Nos 3 & 4 with Day Express east ana Niagara Express west. No.>. 5 & 6 with Fast, Line west. An Omnibus will run lietween Lewisburjt and Montandon, to convey passengers to and froia Pacific Express east on the Philadelphia & Ertto Railroad. The regular Railroad Tickets will be honored between these two points.