ciinjj o u ra I. THURSDAY, JANUARY 8,1880, THE M3LLHEIM JOURNAL IK published every Thursday. in Muster's Build ing, comer of Main and Penn streets at SI.OO PUR ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or At 25 if not paid in advance. . //)] 'KirrrsjA'i; R/TKS. 1 wiH'k. 1 ino. .1 mo. 0 mo. I year, i | *lo:>| #_>,-*)! *3OOI *| j .T> 00 Fro! inn a... | Soo| I*2 00 | 20 00) 35tio| f>ooo One inch nnkfs a square. Administrator* and Kxeeutors' Notices *2.?-o. Tran>ieut ad vertisements .ad locals lo cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents per line tor eaeii at ili'.ional insertion. Job Work done on short notice. WALTEU d DEixixarn, Publisher* Hihrcli & Smday Sclioal Directory. Evangelical. li-'V. c. F. D 'iniiwer, Preacher- in- ch e present. SuiuVty School, 2 r. xi.—l>. 1.. Zerby, supt. Methodist. Per. it*. P. Whitney, Preacher ineh diijc.— Sunday School, 1 v. M.,— ll.lvimport.sup*. Reformed. The charge is at JHVSO.U without a pastor. United Brethren. Per. John Ltoulis, Preacher-in charac.— Lutheran. Per. John Tahiti nson. Pastor.— United Sunday School, 0 A. m.—ll. O. Reiiilnger. supt. Lodp & Society Directory. Millheini Lodge. No. y.V, I. O. O. F. meets in hetr hall, Penn Street, overv Saturday evening. R. A. BVMII.LKII, See. IT. It. IIAHTXIAN. N. it Providence Grange. No. 217 P. of 11.. meets in Alexanders block on the second Saturday of each month at (J'-.. •*. M.. ami on the fourth Sn turday of carh month atr. M. I>. L.Zkkky, < v ee. A. o. Deiutnger. Master., Th' Mil.'liilm R & 1.. Association meets in the Penn street *eluol house on the evening of the second Monday of each month. A. WALTER, SOC, " 11. o. DEININOKR, Prest. The Mltlbeim Cornet Hand meets in the Tow n Hall oti Monday and Thursday evenings. F. P. OTTO, *CC., . F. HABTEK, Pres't. Miilheim Escort of Co. R.. sth Reef., N". G.. 7.01 d their drill meeting on the second story of Alexander's Block, every Tuesday and Friday evening. Centre Comity Oemoeratle Commit tee for !S!i9. oiST. nrrs. XWMFS. r. o. Aiur.rss. Bellefonte, N. W., Win. todbraith,...Bellefonte S. W....W V Heinle " W W....Wm Harper " Milesburtr Frank K Bible..Afileshure I'uionvUle 1' •> MeHonnell,..l"iiionvillc Howard A J Gardner Howard I'hiiipslu rg ( IL i linger... l'hilipsb'g MillUeim ' H Heifsnvder..Miilheim Rentier t'riah Stover Bellefonte Hoggs Jas A McGlaiu... Milesbnrg l'.urnside Wm Ilepple l iucGienn College sam'l Gilliland.. Boulsburg Gnrtin J>avtd Belong... Howard l'ergt.son, t. p Dan Dri *lh ibis.. State Col N. 1* t) M Sheets Stormston tiregg L M Sfabel Spring M's Haines George Keister. Aarotish'g Halfiaoon John V.'ard Stonnsto'n 1 lurris Sam'l Ishler lioalsburg Howard David Tanyer... Howard Huston H G Chrontster.. Martini Liberty \V 11 Gardner.. ..Blanehard Marion lohn Hov, Jr Walker Miles Satn'] K Faust....Miilheim Partial (4 W Bamberger..Fillmore I'cr.n W F Smith Miilheim Hotter, N. P 1> F Luse Centrellall " S, R G W Spangler Tusseyv'o Rush William C'ullen... PliiLpsb g S-.iow shoe John G U/.zle sn-wv shoe Spring F. C Wood Hi-llefonte Tavior Samuel Hoover...Fowler Gnion I S Fredericks... Fleming Walker Samrel Decker...Zion Worth G If wriiati'.s R't.Matilda J. L. sPAXGLEit. Chairman. I'KAMC K. RIULE. Secretary. Our Washington Letter. Washington. I>. C.. Jan. :)J, K*o. General Hatch brings two or three Indiai s out of the I'tc country. and, better still, bis own scalp. He waited twenty fire days or so. at the re-inert of Secretary Schurz to see if a lozen Indian murderers would not come in and giyc themselves up, like good little children in the nursery oeoks, but. strange to say, they did wt report. When Secretary Scliurtz hcaid of this unreasonable conduct on the part of the Indians he v\a-", an organ says, "much depres sed." lie hau lost faith in that class of beings for the first time. The best men in our politics have long been objects of distrust and dislike with Secretary Schurz, to be sure, but he put unlimited trust in the proved murderers in a savage tribe, liy and bye. no matter what par ty shall rule the country, such men as Secretary Schurz will be dropped from our polities by mu tual crmsen f . Peace prevails in Maine and will prevail. The authorities will preserve it, even if disor derly persons attempt to destroy it. To the prevention or suppression of violence number loss Republicans are pledged, and they will net as faithfully under a Democratic as under a Re publicau (Governor, i'ol.tical troubles will be settled in the Senate and House, and at tiie bal lot IHIX, and questions of law will be decided by the courts as his always been the ease. A few indiscreet Republicans did, however, push the State almost to the very verge of revoiuti n. They will receive such reward hereafter as they deserve at the hands of the people. There have been more boisterous celebrations of New Years day than that in this city on Thursday last, but none possibly that were more enjoyable. Almost everybody's house was open. Mr. Tildcn,—l mean Mr. Hayes,— received at the White House, the cabinet of fu -•" families, and even Attorney General l>e yeus, who has no family, received. The foreign ministers' residences were open to the general crowd. The palaces at the v.cst end. and the cottages upst of the Capital had the latch string out Last and the year before there was a noticeable absence of liquors among the refresh ments. This year the contrary was the fact, but little was seen of t lie bad elfeects of over in - dulgence. In short, it was u model Ne.v Years day in the model city of the Great Republic. General Grant's party send word that they enjoyed their trip south very much. They were everywhere received with all the hospitality that the limited time would permit. In the General's absence bis I'l evidential interests are behig carefully and efficiently worked up by Senator Cameron. It must be great relief to Grant to know that some one responsible per son, and that person at the head of the Republi can organization. Is performing that duty. The indiscriminate support he has had for the last year or two lias not been to his advantage, CAKP.OLL. Jlow to pay Political Debts* The Lancaster Intelligencer says: As we understand the suit of a Republican printing firm in Philadelphia, against Matthew S. Quay, Secretary of this Common wealth, and an aspirant for United States Senator, lie gave a check to the printers for 52.G07.30, which he owed them for debts contracted as Chairman of the Republican State Cen tral Committee and signed the sheclr, 'M. S. Quay, Chairman." lie had co monev i: the bank on which the check was drawn, it was protested and he is sued for It. 11 is defense is that he con - tracted the debt as "Chairman," Rave (lie check as "Chairman," and is not liable. As the Committee lias no corporate existence, of course Quay is not liable, nobody is, and the printer must Vie cheated out of bis money. Wo believe Mr. Quay generally pays his I arty's debts this way, as I'rof. Wm. Howard Day is fomi of exhibiting a cheek for £">o which Mr. Quay, "Chair man," sent him with a letter saying "I expect it to be protested." For Flitted States Senator of the second State in the Union—M. S. Quay, "Chairman." A. Violent Grant Programme. 1 But can he be elected V The conspir -1 ators do not expect him to be elected. I They would, in fact, lie rather distp ' pointed if he should bu fairly and peacefully chosen. They want him to j come in under circumstances that will give some color of necessity to their scheme of ''stronggoverninent," which , they intend shall issue iit practical mi ! perialism. A disturbance or a serious I snarl in ISSI would serve as another 1 excuse for a military election in 18-4, j or, better still, for Grant to hold over ; without t!:at expensive formality. | They know that Grant is unpopular ; i that he could not carry Massachusetts ; , that his candidacy would make even • Pennsylvania doubtful on a vote of the people, and that it would carry India , no, Ohio, Illinois and Wisconsin over iin a solid column to the Democrats. They comprehend fully the extent of the Liberal German opposition as well as that of the anti third term, anti-ring and anti-machine Republi c\ns. But they are not staggered by it for they do not expect to need their support. They will wait until the last moment and then in all those states where they have both the Governor and the Legislature they will call the Legislatures together, ana, in the lan guage of the Constitution, "appoint electors" to suit themselves.— Sun. . . THE independent Republican press is ! squarely opposed to Grant ism ; third-term ism, and the Philadelphia ! Evcnimj Itkji'dph, one of the ablest o! I them delivers itself thus in speaking on | the subject: i 'lt i* the truth of history that the govern j nient was nev. rso debauched by p •;i;hw! <• or | ruptinu us 'luring the lime ire was president * it I is part of the truth of history that the country | was never, except in time of war. in so disturb ed a condition: it is part m the same historical j truth tlint political seand-ds were never before 1 or so rife, anil part of the saw • ! truth that the faults and crimes of our govei n ; meat were never before or since so ronspieu \ ous. H was an era of political injustice, of p ! litieal plunders, of political corruption, of gift j taking, bribe taking, nepotism, of usui pat ion. of j constitutional methods set aside and personal met hods .set up in their place. The men v. ho made that administration the shame of the country that it was are the men who came in •.en. Grant's tram on the 16th instant—tin- Han cocks. the Belkuaps, the llohesons, tie* Cam T ons. They came as t'ue vultures eome w lien the scent of prey is in the air. They come to *li ipe tin.' new administration as they nad shajwd tin old. Is it any wonder that the great soldier, whom ttie people honored for his soldierly ceils, and who wanted to forget forever It s civil ie e >rd. was received so coldly by litem wacn they recognized his ambition to again till the pia lie bad so i iy filled, and when thev saw about him the same rapueious crowd of political ad venturers? If the great ovation was intended to test the popular reeling, it was a great sue cess; it did that, and despite all the efforts of the authors to tin* eontr.irv. it has shoicn that the leaders of the republican p at {/could do no more uicidal thinp than to insist upon the torn {nation. of General (front >r the thinl term. The voice of the people has hen heard ur-on ihut question, anil Js voice is juAentia!." PERSONAL DICTATION. It is a sorry comment on the intelli gence and indepenilauce of the Repub lican party in Pern sylvani I, that it ' consents to remain in voluntary politic- I j al vassalage to a man of no more gen • eral merit or ability than Don Camer on, for such i 3 the palpable, aim -st ac ! know lodged fact. Mr. Cameron does not even possess the c-Lraents of states-, j manship. lie is a skillful, designing ! politician, is bold, ambitious, unscru pulous ; but as a#iT.ator of the second state of the Usion, he is but little rumor, , either to the great state he pretends to ! icpresfnt, or to the party whom he compels to foist him on the Senate. He owns the Republican party in Penn j sylvaaia so absolutely tint he dictates I the course it must pursue, without : consulting any one or even allowing the poor courtesy of a little debate to thase few of his party who imagine they still have a little say so in the course of events, or a tinge of an opin ion of their own. Just at this time Din Cameron is en- I gaged in gathering up the big party in to his breeches' pocket, preparatory to delivering the satno over to Giantism, alUu Imperialism. There is not a par ticle of doubt that Blaine has a larger following in Pennsylvania as a candi date for President than Grant, but he will hardly have a single delegate in the state convention, which is to meet at Ilarrisburg on the 25th of February. Don has decreed that the Pennsylvania delegation must go solid for Grant,and so it will. It is for this that the c >n vention is lixed at so e irly a day. The ukase lias gone foith and what's the use in delay or deliberation ? Many of the best Republican oapers protest against this arbitrary course, and so they did against Don's election, but what's the use ? If they know what is good for their health, they will soon dry up and vote as Don commands them. They ought, even to thank him for the priv ilege. Rev. Dr. James Galder, President of State College, will read an essay at the Pennsylvania fruit growers society meeting, at Bethlehem, Pa., on the 21. and 22d of this month, on the "Uses and Abuses of Pruning A. E. Loiigs dorf, of Meehanicsburg, will read a pa per on "Fruit Culture in the Camber land Valley," and Prof. S. B. Ilieges, of York, a paper on "Science in the Garden." A Dauphin County Preacher Mulcted in $225.00 Dama ges for Slandering a Farmer. LutVer C'. Shamtuo, a farmer residing in Lower Paxton township, near Lin glestown, brought suit for slander a j gainst Rev. Simon Mower, a preacher | of the United Brethren church, for tl.e 1 i mpose of recovering damages. The jury returned a verdict of "22 > damag- J es and costs against Mr. Mower. The' suit arose ftom the circumstance that ! in the month of October, INTO, a report was circulated that Mr. Sham-no had j set lire to his bint to secure the insur*! a nee money. This report he followed' up, and finally traced it to l*ev. Simon j Mower, the defend nit, and forthwith instituted suit against him in an action for damages, with the above result. —— Counting Out in New York. ' There were more votes thrown awiy I in New York by republican county canvasseis, on mere technical grounds, ; it is said, than would have elected Olarkson N. Potter, democratic candi- J date fcrlieutenant governor. All tick- j ets having the names Claiksou M. Pat ! ter and C. N. Potter, being many more i than would have changed tie result, j were thrown out. With the republi cans of that state this fulfilling of the law was all right and proper. But when the fusionists or anti republicans do the same thing in Maine, there is a ) great howl of dispairand fraud goes up in all parts of tiiecountry. It makes quite adiffeience whose ox is gored.— ; iri.>h/io/-( html Dtiii'K'i'd.t. The state treasurer should be caieful not to mislay any state bonds, for an other investigating committee would bankrupt the treasury.— lore [ford Tic- j 2>'>rtcr (rep ) KEGISTLU N NOTICE. —■Tin? follow in.T ac- I'oittit* have l etui oxainiiicil ami p i s t b> in-.' ami remain tiUai oj rivnrd in tlii.s of>a*o for Hn 1 Inspc.'tioii nMunrs. Icfralei-.s, fif(lSUj>, anil all others in any way inteivstfU ami will In'- presciiletl to the Oiph.tns'Court of t'ciine poun- ! ty. .. issn. for continuation and allowance: 1. The first .leeonnt of Adam leekrand i Satiiuci Stem, xpcntors of &•. of Adam !>e.*kcr late l Emanuel Shuey, ad- I ministrator of fee., i rea.l c-tntc : of Sarah, lit oj^'Spring tow nshin. i d ce.tseil. •i. First end partial account of Samuel Evert ' ami George Bower, executor- of Ac. of Jaiohj hveit, late of JVnu town?hip. deceased. 7. Third nartat! account of v It. Ha;low ami \V. V. Heck with, executors of &c. of t icmcnt i Beck wit.i. late ot Worth township, deceased. s . The ae'cunt of 1. S. Frapi, guuridun of •John A. l.odcr, minor child oi Margaret.!. 1.0 der, late of Matlon towns ,i;. decease I. 0. The tlnai aeeoiint of ,1. 1. shusnrt. aear (Tiau of Bella ILovcr. uiince .-Liltl of .Joi.u 1". lloover. !.it' > > s,-;t ■ i-.u est at c 'i •• oitu Hugh -, late ol Howard tow itship. dcecas- d. 14. Tli" fust and final account of J. K. Lcat!'.- e:*s. administrator of Ac. of J imcs l'heasaut. laic ol Howard township, d< cc ised. 1> The guordiatisiiip .iccoani ot >. F. Foster. : guardian of \\ ilLaui I\. Fo-ter, of l'riiicctou. New J.'i'scv. W M. L*. !U RCHI'IKLIV Lit. Ucgisbw. i VDM INI-TRATt HGN N<>i*iCe:.—Letters < f Administration on tl.e estate of Jacob j liiimel. lata of Pciiu towushij*. dcrei-ed. iia\- ii.g Lecn granted t, ( the unaersigned all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate are hereby mdiiie 1 to mike immediate payment, and thus ■■ having cla ins against flu same, to present tliem iiti\ authenticated for settlement. J. 11. BI.II'SNVDEH, 2-d't Administrator. VSSIGN'KK'S SALK.--T!ie subscriber, as signee of John W. Scroll of Miles town- , ship. Centre connty, Pa., oiler at public sale on the pri'jni>es, on Friday, tin? 2 >tn iiav >t January, issp. ;l t oneo dock. i*. *t.. the folio ing described valuable real estate of tiie said j John W, >ciu)!t, viz; A certain farm, situate In Miles township, a foresaid, bounded and tics. rihcd as :olhws; erected a two-story frame dwelling house, large hank bun, and all other necessary outbuildings. A thrifty orchard ! is oil the farm. A never-failing streani'of water j near the buildin s. This farm is situate within 5 miles of the rail road and only .luce miles | north of Miilheim. along the turnpike le iditi, j from Miilheim to Nittuny Valley. Will be of- 1 fered in one or two parts to suit purchasers. j Terms: One-tuird of purchase money to be paid cash on day of sale, or t>\ note with ap proved security, payable April Ist, issi, and the balance in two eque.lannual payments. Also—all th-right, title and'interest of the i said John W. SchoJ) in that certain messuage, tenement :ind tract of land situate in Miles townshin aforesaid, bounded north by lands of Joel Morris and John Krcamcr. cast by .Mrs. , George Fehwint, south by Gritz's heirs, and west by Mrs. George Weight, containing acres more or'ess. Thereon erected a two-sto ry log frame house, bam and other outbuild ings. Will be sold at the residence of John W. iScnoll, one tube east of Wolfe's store, Monday the lfith day of January, lskJ at 12G o'clock, sharp. Also, at the same time and place, ail the persona] property of the said John VV. Seliol! j l-3t W. 11, COKMAN, Assignee. 1 v IJUBLIC SALE.—WiII b • sold at public sale, by order of the Orphan's court, on the. j promises in the Borough of Miilheim, on Sutur- I day, the 17tu day of January, lsso; The undivided one half part of lots Nos. 23 25, in said borough, the property of the late : Samuel Snivels, ocecased. Thereon erected a iar e, two-stoi v dwelling house, pottery, stable and other outbuildings. The house is suitable for two faniilics to reside In. TiatMS: One half of purchase money to he pai i oil confirmation of sale, and the n-sidun within one year thereafter with intercut, to he secured by homi and mortgage on the premises. Ten percent, of the fust payment shall he inude on tiie day of sale, to t:e refunded if the sale is not confirmed. .Sale to commence at one o'clock I*. M. J, li. liKDSNYDKtt, 1-ht Administrator. ] EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testanieut j ary on the estate of Jonathan Rliili]s. laie ol tiie Borough of .Milliicim, Centre county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the under signed, nil pi-re.ons indebted to said estate art) lequlred to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. i he note-, and accounts are left in the hands of L. O. Deiningcr for settlement ami collection. JOHN P. RIJNKLK. Centre Hill I-Gt B. o. DKIMXUJSH, Miilheim. Executors. i PATENTS ancl how to obtaiiy thom. Pamphlet tree, upon receipt of Stamp for post age. Address— GILMORB, SMITH & CO. Solicitors of Patents, Pear Office, Washinjlon, JJ. C. Grand Auction Sale -OF— FIXE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SlltlAV CASES, CLOCKS, & FANCY GOODS. I will (lisjose of' o< V 1 ntir,' stork of the i above articles oI AVCJIOX mile I beyinniny MONDAY AFTERNOON JAN. L 1880. •id !?:1!0 oV'tH 'k tool continue every after ! no on, and vveniny < ) until (In tntirc | stock is disposi(l of. You ore invito! to nth nn|.)tts (Lite luck to day tf tliseharge. l'eitsiuns increased. Athltvs-; wit It stamp, STODDARf & CO., 4„'-4 No. 91:11; M. N. W. Washington. I>. C. ; Vti hiS I K-J ■ b SEWING ESACHINS YIIS DIA3Y ©XT AE.L Unrivaled i.i Appearance, Unparalleled i:i Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Bread Chirr, or BCUJO TW: VERY ri-ST OPF.It.4Ti:C3 CIICKE9T SCLtIXC, IIAXDSO?iE£T, AKB Kcst Perfect Sewing l&shim !W THF- VV33LU. t ~ I -*> C&s!ri'&* ' 7 ; <* C-Ai/i The grr. 1 popularity 0? the While !s iha mml con vincing tntulu to its excellence end superiority over other Rod in submitting It to tho trade we put II upon itc merits, and in no Instance haiy f"r Si*ni Power. Ol'H Unriralet! fifoatu Thresher Kncrlnea, !)oth Portable ur.i Traction> with Valcablo Improvc montx, far beyond any other make or kiud. THE ENTIBK Thresltinu Expenses (and often thri>o Uvo ttin';n tl.nt niuouiit) run l.c by tho I'itra (irnin BAVKD b}" tll"sc Iw, proved Machines. C IRA IS Raise rn will r.ot submit to the enor ■* mouK wasteKt' <>r Crntii and the iurerior work done by nil other machine*, when once posted on the dttTcreuuc. TWQT Only Vastly Sunerior for Wheat, Oats, /3 li.iriey, Rye. and i'.kn Grainy hut the (tM.r .Sueces*- flit Thee.her in FUx, Timothy, Millet, Clover, *nd tike Psedv. no "ntfachmenta" or "rebuilding" to ohangr fruiu Grain to Seeds. TfN Thorottifli Workmanship, Elegant Finish, A Perfection of forte, Completeness or Kquipment, etc., our " VtDUAToa " Tiircuiier Outfits are Incomparable. TVff ARVELOUS for SLnpiirity of Parts, using AT* less than nne-half tlio Rein and Gears. Makes Dteiu tfork, with uo Littering.or Scatterings. rOI'R Sizes of Separators Made, Hanging from Six to Twelve-Horse site, and tw 0 styles of Mourn ed Horsepowers to match. FOR Particulars, Call " nir crf-otly by once handling- Sep arate Outs from Wheat, U.tsley ;nd Rye. They have very perfect arrangements f r cleaning Timothy, Clover, Hax Seed, Orchard Crr>*s, and nil other Small Seed* '1 hey t haft i trfeciV, :i:d combine every qualification required ta da the be t work in the shortest time. Warehouse, as well as Farm Mills, ate largely con structed, both lands requiring nine tires ta accom modate the demand, and giving a capacity effrom ;o to 5.00 bushels per hour, according to sire of mill. They sre shipped, boxed f r ocean transportation, and "set up" or "knocked down" f r fonvndlng inland, as requested; and i.i all enser put free on board Cars or Steamer. Orders filled tame day ? received. Mills chipped "knocked dnvn" go fur half the freight charged rs when ftrwaided "set up." Oleo graphs and Circulars supplied or. application. Prices will he quoted low and cn liberal lertr.s. Corres pondence solicited. SIJHTAIIJL, IHIIKI) IH4O, Be sure and send for Catalogue and inquire for the CABINET ORGAN, BEFORE I'URCIEISJNG VF BASIFS § f MANUFACTORY AT WORCESTER, Mass. HIGHEST HONORS AT TZOC Centennial World's Fair, 18761 ma SHQNINGER ORGANS caijaiiorsz.7 A3 Tar BEST INSTRUMENTS. Their comparallro cxcellenco Is reccgnlcei hy t' f Jatlpfii in their Keyuit, ircm wiiiab tea folic •sing la an txtracl.: f *Tbs B. SSIOMXGER OKGAIV CO.'il cxliiVlt ao (hs beat Instruments at e price rendering theru poceib.e to s Jsrgo disc of parch&sars, xmviEg a oombiaatlon cl Heeds GT.d Bells, proUucinq HOTCI &nd ploeoing effects. eoaUlclcgtatucydesirsblo lntprovcoienia, w:J longer In dry or ('.smpclimste, lees liable to get oat of order, all tho boards being msds ihrec-p!y, put together so It is Itnroeelbls for to slther shrink, swell or apHt." TI!13 Y.VLY UAICIA.VS AAYAKDKD TML BANK. This Mrdal fcud Award vrxs granted after the meet aovere competition of tba bot makers, before one of the xnoel cunipotcut juries over assembled. ITew Stylos and prices Just ironed, which sro in aocor ianoo with our rule, the BEI>Y OZk- CSAN far the least money. We are prepared to appoint a few new Agecto. ;ilntrat-d Calclcjuea mailed, post-paid, oa cypUcatloa to e. SHQNINGER ORGAN CO., SJ to 128 CHESTNUT STBrrr, Nxtjt HIY*H. OOHV;. W£LBC.^ v a Dt2i£GT Df?AFT EUREKA MOWER, cr - [ " '' ' THE LIGHTEST DRAFT MOWER. THE CHEAPEST MOWER. THE LARGEST MOWER. THE BEST MGWERJN THE WORLD; TESTIMONIALS. Th- r.ur.-U is superior t j any eidocut m*thin I cv.r nsca or evrr isw in u,e. HARRIS 1.EW13, (TXevr York Dairymen', AMO. Th- ruring ' f t!* grass cut with the Eureka Mower is more tveu and rapid than alter the tide-rat machines. GEORGE W. HOFFMAN", President Farmers' C!ub, Elmira, N. V. Th- Eureka Mow-r Is tho very host are ever sarr, nnd there is no side-cut mower that can compare with it tn any respect. V. s£. PIOLLETT, Stato Grange Lecturer, Wysox, P. Ttie manner In which It leaves the cut grass, loose and nfen to the sun nnd wind ready for drying, puts the Eureka far ahead of any machine I ever uses!. B. LAPORTE, Asylum, Pa, Manufactured by EUREKA MOWER CO. Towanda, Bradford County, Pa. Correspondent solicited. Circulars mai!cri C.oods, sohl ull through the season at s2£"t,'now sold at *U'i. Olio lot Inch Ileal Camel Hair Clotli sold at >irJ mnv *1 p**r yard—all colors. Olio lot double witlt <'loin Suiting <' Mat $1 now sol i it 5" cents. 500 y nils all wool cishnieri;, full double w| lih, in all the new shad-*, sold at 00 cents now offered at 4fi coiits. .VW yard* all wool Twilled Dress Good* sold at "'> cents now offered lit 33 cents—a great oar Jin in. One lot French Double Weight Cashmere, sold at S! now offered at Kicts.—all colors. 150n yards B'ack Cashmeres. all wool, from 40 cents per yard, up—c!ieu|>er than any store In Central I'eiinsylvanla will or can s*il them. 2000 yards tine Twilled Cashmeres, in all shades and colors, all wool tilling, sold at Vl}4 cents, f rincr price 25 c-nts. l.'iOO'y int-* hre;u|i. Drcs*. Itc-mtifnl colors. l' ceo** a'v.ird. sold at I*2'J and 13 cents. An iiiimeiis" stOi-U of Seetch I'laidsaitd Fancy stripe* at It)and 1'2?4 cents, way below their value, with the largest stock of Itlaek and Colored Silks, Black anil Colored Silk Velvets, Fancy Trimming Silks and Velvets in 11i( * see ion of the state. The largest stock of Ladieg, Mioses ed children's Coalings and Sackings, Itlaek Heavers. Diagonal and Striped Coatings to be found in laick Haven, at great bargains. All Immense Stock of Ladle's Ready-Made Coats, Bought at a great bargain and will !>" sold much below their value. Everybody should see the great bargains in these^goods. Our stock of Flannels. Blankets. I.adio's •. Shawls. Men and Boys* Casslniers, Shirting. Bed and While Manuel, Table Uncos. Tickings, Ginghams. Toweling. Caoton Fiannels. Bleached and rnMeac'.n d Muslins. W| le Slieetings and Billow Case .Musiins are simply the largest ever shown i.i this city, at very low prices. In stockings.lives. Danuk'-rehi Nubias. Hoods, Corsets. Bushings, Tics Bu"kskin Gloves, and Mittens, and everything in the No ion line, comprising the largest and cheapest stock in Central iVi.nsylv i. We make this -easoii a great speciality In silk Fringes, in colors and black. Have an Immense stock in Ignites, Misses. Children's. Men's and Boys' Undershirts and Drawers, we etn undersell everyb sty. .Inst received a new lot of C.VRI'Ets." in 3-ply, t-ply ami Ingrain. Mattings, Oil Cloths for II mY and t ible. Cotlon Bat Is. Carpd Chain, &c., od last color HACK calk'O, the best in this city AT koiu CENTS, 4 cts, 4 et-. 4 ets. a ya'd- The Bee If iv is the leading Dry flood* Store of Lock Haven. II ke"js the greatest variety of goods to select front. It keeps only tlmt-cla** goods. is enabled to sull'thein cheaper tint. any other store < buy much che-mur than small stores, mid enables u* to sell th<*in at a profit and b. fully as cheap as the goods | cost tliem. > \ er\ ho.i v call ear!v and be convinced that we onlv advertise facte, and that I large si evs tjke tin* lie • Hiv.* can offer decided advantages over every competitor. The (jrcut lice llive Dry (JoihlS .Store. ."> Main Street, laK-k.lfavet:, I'M, ,f, J, / VFItETT, PROP®ft* All Orta by Mill will reoeive Prompt Im®e"Altenti;L YOUR ZPATRONAGE SOLICITED. NESBIT BROS., Successors to tlie "East Lewisburg Lumber & Manufacturing Company r r Manufacturer* of Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Verandas ana all other kinds of Building Materials. , o B F.I NO provided with ample facilities, the latest and most Improved machinery, and tin* It s: mechanical skill, we are prepared to execute all orders promptly, and in the very best manner. Wc give special attention to the furnishing of Material for the bet ter