Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, January 01, 1880, Image 1

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    YOL. LI 11.
The saddening sunshine shone upon the fallen
The fallen leaves nr. re crisp, and dead, and
The noiseless wind, still like a heart that
Yet uiotled .he laaves of the waning year.
A soothing sadness, the sada ss of beautiful
th ngs.
Came with the breeze, the aunohine and the
How many things were down, or gone, like
Uncrown'd, or glisteuing empty ehcaves!
That I should sigh, aud savliy see these au
tumn days.
Now ripe, now sadly -dm fade and falL
As falls the leaf, as fails the dower, I promise—
Were not strange to one whose l.fe is past
{From Our Second Century.]
My grandmother was a Gypsy. Think
if it 1 One of those miserable, wandering
ne'er-do-weels that Lave infested the earth
for so many centuries. But since lam in
no way lesponsible for my grandmother's
nativity any more than for my own, she
might hvve been the prime tattooed Belle
of the Cannibal Islamls, or first heir to the
British throne, and 1 have been equally in
different, at least in respect to her birth.
1 was educated a thorough Democrat, never
theless I had an imagination—which was
not wonderful considering the fart which
I preliminarily announced. This imagina
tion led me to gaze very often upon a small
paiuting of uiy grandmother, taken when
my grandfather tixst met her and loved
Tliey told me I resembled her. I had no
dark, hair or olive skm; I was slight and
very blond, with the faintest color. How
then could 1 resemble her, 1 used to won
der. As I grew older, and the rep- ated
comment led me to study myself, 1 knew
why—l was naturally restless, and I had
dark, nervous eyes, the iris of which were
small com pared with the large, full ball of
white, In truth I had caught glimpses of
myself in the mirror, while under some
strong feeling, when it would appear that
my eyes were small live creatures, ready to
leap from their sockets.
I say I was given to dreaming over the
romance of my grandmother's life, for my
grandfather met her under pecuiiar aus
pices.* Sitting by his favorite trout-stream
fishing, the English boy suddenly heard an
altercation in the woods behind him. Turn
ing, he saw a tall, dark man vehemently
menacing *a forlorn, little, shrinking girl,
miserably clad, tlnn and wild looking. She
held a book, old and soiled, in one hand by
her side. At last the man struck her
violently, and left her.
The girl sank at the foot of the tree and
wept. The young fisherman was over
powered with indignation at such treatment
and sympathy for the girl, lie knew they
were of a Gypsy tribe then haunting the
neighborhood. He went to the girl, who
was about thirteen years of age, and drew
from her this statement, timidly, wildiy
given, that the man was her father who
was always angry if he found her off with
this book, which was an old school speller
she had found on the road, and which,
doubtless, one of the school children had
dropped. "Why did she like the book?"
She liked the pictures.
The young man was not then his own
master; but he there resolved to get the
girl away from her people and educate her.
lie prevailed with her, and shortly after
ward effected her clandestine departure.
In two years she was greatly civilized and
sobered. Remarkably intelligent she had
accomplished wonderful results in that time.
Innocent and pretty as she was, the young
man at last fell deeply in love with her and
married her.
One thing besides the painting puzzled
and interested me. A small block of grey
blue stone, about four inches square, smooth
aud ordinary looking enough, which my
grandmother had always kept with her,and
at her death gave it ;o my mother, who
was also dead now, and in turn had given
it to me with my grandmother's words,
which were these: "My mother, the Gyp
sy, gave me this, and bade me never resign
it till my death, then let it pass only into
the hands of my children. 'ln one hun
dred or one hundred and fifty years' my
mother said, 'it will tell its own story.
The one who steals, destroys or loses it, will
have no peace thereafter, for my spirit will
haunt and torture him for the rest of his
life.'" A mysterious thing, indeed, I
thought, as I held it in my hand —a home
ly, square-cut stone.
My father, after my mother's death, took
me with him to Europe. Business de
tained him in London for a year. There I
mingled in society, and at last met Cecil
Castenwell, a man who, despite his con
nection with one of England's best families,
carried himself with an unostentatiousness
which at once attracted me. My regard
was reciprocated, and within two years my
gypsy grandmother's grandchild was mar
ried into the family of Castenwel' of
as indifferent, however, to the fact that I
had made a fine connection, as I was to the
alien birth of my maternal ancestor. I
loved my husband for himself.
One day, about a year after our marriage,
I opened "the box, which, with other valu
able relics aud trinkets, contained my
grandmother's stone. I had not looked at
it since my marriage, had not even men
tioned the fact of their being any such pe
culiar article in my possession. My hus
band stood by my side as I opened the box,
and as I lifted the stone I began an ex
planation, but stopped midway with a
startled ejaculation. The stone had parted
horizontally, and the upper half only was
in my hand. Cleanly, evenly it was halved
( and in the centre a hollow roughly hewn,
in which was fitted a rough ball of plaster.
I hastily recounted the story of the stone,
as I took out the ball, which we now sur
mised. must contain something withiu itself
still more curions or valuable.
, u My great-grandmother's prophesy de
clared that the stone would tell its own
story. Yerily, it hath revealed itself. But
we must not destroy it, Cecil, the old Gyp
sy forbade that, so after all we cannot open
the ball."
"My word, the ball will open as the stone
did. Allow me," and he took it from my
hand. But 1 had a superstitious dread,
aad I stayed him. "I will but tap it
lightly —see," ami ho struck it softly as it
lay in his palm, ami, marvelous to liehold,
it cracked and parted as the stone had done,
directly in the middle of the sphere. In
the centre of the hall (whose surface was
very thin\ was a small flat roll of rough
Upon enfolding it we found that it had
writing vp m it. Something hard was in
its folds which slipped out anil rolled over
the tnh'e.' it was a jewelled ring. We
seized it, looked upon it. and wondered.
A very large brilliant diamond in the form
of a star, in a quaint old setting, surmount
ed the ring, and we turned now and read
the scrawled writing, which it was difllcuit
to decipher. Cecil at last read it aloud.
"This is to certify that I, Leftie Skrinc,
wife of Hale Skrine, stole from the house
of Leohard Castenwell, of , York
shire, England, this family heir-loom, the
crown star diamond ring, commonly worn
by the proud daughter of the house,
Amelia Castenwell. 1 stole it to revenge
myself for her haughty treatment of me
aud mine who sought to predict to her the
fortunes of her house, i wish to make
confession before 1 die, but wish it only
known by her descendants that 1 did so. 1
repeat here my prediction, uttered to her.
and which will prove true, hs time will
show, thoug she saw fit to gainsay it. The
blood of the Cast en wells, of , York
shin', will mingle with that of our tribe
within the next hundred years.
At the conclusiou of this reading my
husband sat down aghast. "This then is
our family diamond, the loss of w hieh my
grandmother, the haughty Amelia Casten
well, mourned up to the time of her death.
It is of great intrinsic value, and was pre
sented to one of our remote titled ancestors
by a member of the royal family, as the
reward of valiant action in their defense."
"And the Gypsy's prophesy has proven
true, your blood has mingled with that of
her tribe, and within one hundred years."
My husband smiled, ahd looked by no
means miserable at this reminder.
"How strange that you have never sub
mitted this stone to a chemist. 1 think
he could have discovered the line of
"My father did, but though the
chemist was an eminent one, he made no
discovery, but prouounced it a solid
loiter on, my husband exposed the stone
to a friend of bis, a geologist, who told
him it had beeh rendered thus firmly ad
hesive by the use of an invisible cement,
which, on account of its enduring qualities,
ought, a hundred years ago, to have been a
fortune to its iuventor. He also said, had
it remained in the mo.-e huntid atmosphere
of England, it would, without doubt, have
separated much sooner, and that its return
to that atmosphere had hastened that ac
The Traveler's Trunks.
There was an odd genius, but not at all
odd as to his utter disregard of an econom
ical preservation of his income, who was
once ornamental, and to a certain extent
useful upon the Philidelphia stage. He is
now one of the "highly efficient" attaches
of the police of Baltimore. Jack came
from an express otfiee upon the stage. He
was an incorrigible joker. One Summer—
it was his last upon the stage —being out of
an engagement, he came here in search of
a "snap." Of course he wasn't flush of
funds. But he was well dressed aud as
airy as a prince, lie "gunned" around for
a hotel or place whereat he could abide in
comfort. He tonnd one, genteel ami reason
able in charge. The landlord was all smiles.
He gave him a fine room. "Where is your
baggage—your trunks?" "They'll be here
this evening." For a fertmght Jack fared
sumptuously. The landlord had again and
again suggested payment, until at the end
of two weeks he became obstinate and
savage. "I want your bill," said the irate
host. "No more promises—the money or
your room. You have deceived me, sir.
Where are your trunks—the baggage you
saiclyou had ?" "Sir," said Jack, * 'my trunks
are here! They've beeu here ever since I
have." "Eh—oh, ho! Well, sir, where
are they?" said the landlord a little molli
fied at the prospect of security. "Ask
your cleric, sir, at the office, said Jack, lof
tily. "And, sir, you can retain them for
your beggarly bill—if you choose."
"Wait," said the landlord, starting for his
office. "lie hasn't any baggage," said the
clerk, "except this paper, which he left
here the day he came." "The lying,
swindling—let me see that parcel." The
landlord grasped it, tore it open, and saw
the "point." It contained a pair of old
velvet stage trunks —part of a shape suit.
These were the "trunks" Jack called bag
gage. Next day Jack caught a "snap,"
and started off on the road. He sent a
note to the landlord requesting him to be
careful and not break the locks of those
trunks, as he might "want to wear 'em
some day."
Household System.
The sooner a young housewife remem
bers that there are but seven days in the
week, and that in that period of time con
sists one revolution of the household,
washing day beiug the central sun, and
baking day and sweeping day being, as it
were, planetary affairs, but exerting tidal
influence, tht sooner she will come into
her k'ugdom and reign undisturbed by her
people- Custom fortunately fixes one day
of tlie seven for washing day in this land,
although in some lands across the ca that
fearful epoch arrives, with a fifty times
multiplied power, but once or twice a year,
with an importation of white-capped wo
men into the family to celebrate its rites
through an unnamed period till all is
over. And washing being fixed, of course,
ironing day is its most immediate satellite.
If for the rest, the young housekeeper
makes up her mind that one day shall pever
infringe upon the orbit of another, that
baking day shall be a fixed feast, nud
sweeping day an immovable feast, and that
the silver and the closets shall now and for
ever be cleaned upon their own day and no
other, there will b<* a code established that
will keep things straight as long as she lives
and rules her house. Her work will roll
off her hands, if she does it herself, with
half the wear of body and soul that it usu
ally takes; and if she has servants, she may
fall sick, she may go away, she may have
a score of distractions or of other occupa
tions —the house will never show it; and
whether, like the good woman of the Pre
verbs, strength and honor are her clothing
or not, she will cert 9 inUws
to come."
On the Itcllcrophoii.
In Fulton county, Ha., there is now living
an old man who enjoys the distinction of
having guarded the great Napoleon during
his short captivity on the Rellerophon, pre
vious to his departure for St. Helena. Mr.
Gregg, for that is the name of the old man,
is now eighty-flve years of age, hut is still
in the enjoyment of good health, and his
memory seems to be unimpaired. In the
course of a conversation with the veteran
some time ago, a few facts were elicited
which will doubtless he of interest to the
many admirers of the French Emperor.
Gregg, according to his statement, was
one of the British marines on the Bcllero
phou. After the Emperor Napoleon, or
General Bonaparte, as ho was studiously
called by the officers of the vessel, came on
board and surrendered himself to Captain
Maitland, claiming the hospitality of Eng
land, he was assigned a cabin and one of
the marines always on duty at the door.
This post fell to Gregg's lot a number of
times, and he soon began to feel a friendly
interest in the illustrious prisoner.
• 4 1 low did Bonaparte look and act?" 1
"He was the grandest looking man I ever
saw," replied Gregg. "He had a splendid
head, dark-brown hair, and a face like mar
ble. His eyes were a light blue, and when
in high spirits his smile was the sweetest
"lie was cheerful at all times, was he?"
"Oh, yes; sometimes he would speak to
me and to the common sailors as pleasantly
as you please. He would utter a few words
of English, and then ask if what he said
was correct, und when we would point out
his mistakes as well as we could, lie would
laugh like a boy ; and then he wou'd turn
the tables by picking flaws in our French.
Oh, he was a rare one, sir."
"Always in good humor, then?"
"Well, no, sir. Sometimes he was very
blue, and then again he would get mad,
and, Lord, sir, how he would swear."
"Swear! The great Napoleon swear!"
"Yes, sir, that he did. lie would swear
by the hour at nnylxxiy or anything that
crossed his path,''
"How did lie pass his time?" I queried,
"lie read some, and talked with the offi
cers a good deal, and then he was very fond
of pacing the deck. Sometimes he would
shut himself up in his cabin all day, but
generally he was was walking about notic
ing everything. Nothing seemed to escape
him, and he was in the main very willing
to talk to anybody that came along. Some
times he was unassuming, and then again,
considering his jxisition as a prisoner, and
all that, it did look us if lie was a little too
"Did he ever appear at all cowed ?"
"Cowed! Not a bit of it! Why, sir
he walked the deck as though he owned the
vessel and everybody on it. He would get
blue and mad, as I said before, but he al
ways carried himself grandly, atul every
body, from the Captain down, showed him
the greatest possible respect. In fact, we
all took a liking to him, and that's the truth
about it."
"What was Napoleon's height, as near
as you could guess?"
"Well," replied old Gregg, meditatively,
•'they tell me that he was a little man, but
I did not think so when I saw him. It was
because I was a raw youth, I suppose, and
the sight of the greatest man in the world's
history dazzled me. But, then, his man
ner was always so dignified and impressive
that we never thought of his small
"What was the opinion of those on the
Bellerophon in regard to the Emperor's fu
"Why, sir, we all thought that he would
be received as England's guest, and by some
provision in the treaty be allowed a pension
ou condition of not again taking up arms.
We had no idea of anything else, and, sir,
our men shed tears of humiliation when
they learned that Bonaparte was uot to be
permitted to land on English soil—they did,
sir. and our officers, too, were a great deal
ruflled—and they felt that the British Go
vernment was doing something that was
mean, pettj* and 11 alicious.''
Here is the foundation for two or more
coats of paint. The first coat upon the
wood is called the priming. This may be
made a little thinner than thick cream by
the addition of more linseed oil. Some
painters add spirits turpentine to the pri
ming, but it is not best for outside work,
even in the priming coat, and it is ruinous
for the outer coats, as it causes the paint
to soon cut all to pieces in the weather anil
rub oIT like lime whitewash. Spirits tur
pentine is often put largely in outside work
by dishonest painters, (1), if they furnish
the paint themselves, because it cost less
than linseed oil, and (2), because it makes
their work dry with greater rapidity. The
farmer doing his own painting will not be
apt to find himself in any great hurry about
the drying, but if he does he can make the
paint dry fast and yet be all right by adding
to it, at the mixing, a small quantity of
what they have for sale at the paint sh(>i>s
under the name of "Japan gold size."
The second coat of paint mu'- v never be
put on until the first coat or priming is en
tirely dry and hard. If you desire to put
on a third coat prepare your paiut exactly
as for the second coat. Be very careful
not to get your paint too thin; and before
putting on the third coat, make sure that
the second coat is perfectly dry. For in
side work you take your lead fr#>m the keg,
and mix it to the consistency of cream with
turpentine alone. Some painters apply it
in this condition; but if it be used about
the house, great advantage will be found to
come of the addition of one-half pint light
colored coach varnish to every gallon of
paint. This gives it a peculiar hardness,
and makes it so that one may wash it thor
oughly with soap suds and not damage it
in the least. This, it must be borne in
mind, is for a second or third eoat; the
wood must first have been primed the
same as for outside work, though the pri
ming may be mixed with turpentine instead
of linseed oil, yet a small proportion of oil
improves it. A very beautiful finishing
paint for inside work is made by mixing
zinc white (which is something similar to
white lead) in damar varnish, and reducing
it to working consistency with turpentine.
This imparts a bright gloss to the work;
but you will find it more troublesome to
put on smoothly than any of the other prep
It. is said that locks with sliders and
uuniblers have for centuries been made
The sponge may bo found in the various
subtropical waters of the world. The
principal sponging grounds of the United
States are the waters around Key West
and along the western coast of Florida,
from Tampa Bay on the south to Pcnsacola
on the northeast. The sponge schooners
have two places to clean their sponges when
coast sponging. Ono ut Anclote Keys, the
other at Book Island. Of the sponge there
is several varieties, classed according to
their marketable value as "sheep wool,"
"yellow," "fox glove," "grass," etc., he
sides one class, "loggerhead," which has
no value, and is not thought worth picking
up. The first-named is the variety mostly
sought, as it bears the best market price.
The most of the vessels engaged in the
sponge trade are owned and fitted out at
Key West. The outfit of a sponge schooner
constats in a number of loug poles with
hooks fastened on the end for gathering
and from three to seven small boats called
"Dingys," from seven to fifteen men, with
provisions from eight to twelve weeks,
water-glasses, &c. Having a curiosity to
sec actual sponge gathering, last a bright
morning found me aboard tbe sehooncr
"Samfiler," spinning towards the bars;
but owing to light winds during the day
we did not arrive till after nightfall. The
uext morning, however sponging com
menced in earnest. Shortly aftor sunrise the
"dingys," manned by two men each, with
water glasses, sponge hooks, etc., set off in
quest of sponges. One ot the men iu the
"dingy" sculls the l>oat about here and
there, while the oilier, lying across the
boat's thwart with his head in the water
glass, scans the bottom for sponges. The
water glass used by the spongers is notli
iug but a common deep wooden pail, with |
a circular pane of glass for a bottom.
Placing tills upright in tiie water, and put
ting the head in far enough to exclude !
most of the light, one can easily sue an
object on the bottom in six or seven futh
oins of water. The sponger, when he sees
a sponge, by the waving-of his hand directs '
the sculler how to go, and when in u de
sirable position he thrusts his long pole
down and hooks his spongs. The vessels
usually remain out ujion the burs from
Monday until Friday evening of each week,
coming into the Keys Friday night, in
order to clean the sponges which they had
gathered the week previous, put those gatli- j
ered the present week into the crawls,
put their wood and water on board !
and prepare for the uext week. The sponges :
which they gather one week are put in !
crawls or pens, made by driving posts into j
the sand, where, at low water, tliey will he !
quite or almost dry. llere they are left
until the next Saturday to he washed by ;
the tides. On the following Saturday they !
arc cleansed by striking them one or two!
light blows with a paddle. When the j
sponges are cleaned, they are taken aboard I
the schooner and strung on strings usually j
about five and a half feet long, when they :
are thrown upon the beach to bleach anil
dry. The number of vessels engaged in
sponging from Key Wcsjl piohably reaches
1 'Jo, gathering sponges to the value of:
about SIOO,OOO annually. Besides the'
Key West schooners, we have aliout forty
or fifty fitted out from Cedar Keys aud '
The Finest Diamond* lu the World.
Western sovereigns nrc not the posses
sors of the finest diamonds in the world, for
the Rajahs of Manton, Borneo and the Shah
of Persia have the largest hitherto known.
The one belonging to the Emperor of the
Mongols weighed 279 carats (about four
grains each), and was valued at 12,000,000
francs. The famous Orloff, the property of
the Russian erowu, is one of the most re
markable diamonds, on account of the
well-known circumstances under which it
was brought to Europe. The large stone
belonging to the Emperor of Brazil, which
weighs 1,730 carats, would be worth many
millions were not its brilliancy diminished
by certain defects. The Sultan of Nizam's
diamond weighs 400 carats; that of the
Emperor of Austria 20 graius; and that of
the King of Portugal 25$ giains, The fa
mous Koh-i-noor, or Mountain of Light, is
the property of the Queen of England.
The one which adorned the tiara of Pius
IX., and was bequeathed by him to his
successor, Loo XIII, is one of the finest
stones known. It came from the treasury
of the Duke of Burgundy, seized at Gran
som. It was sold after the battle to a Jew
of Berne, for 3 crowns, then successively
for 51)00 and 6000 ducats, and afterward
purchased for 14,000 by Luigi Sforza, from
whom it passed into the hands of Pope Ju
lius 11. for 20,000 ducats. Every one
knows that tho "Regent", of the weight
of 136 carats, is the finest diamonds belong
ing to tne French regalia. Connoisseurs
consider it to be worth 12,000,000 fraucs.
At the last meeting of the British associa
tion, Sir Johu Lubbock read au interesting
paper on seeds. He commenced by calling
attention to the difference presented by
seeds, some being large, some small, some
covered with hooks, some provided with
hairs, some smooth, some sticky, etc. lie
gave the reasons of these peculiarities, and
then spoke of the modes of dispersion, by
means of which seeds secured a sort of natu
ral rotation of crops, and in other cases were
enabled to rectify thefr frontiers. Some
plants actually threw their seeds, some were
transported by the wind, and many were
provided with a wing which caught the
wind. Dispersion was also effected by the
agency of animals. This means was divid
ed into two classes, where seeds adhered
to animals by hooks, and where the same
purpose was effected by sticky glands. The
next point touched upon was, that seeds
found themselves in spots suitable for
growth. Most seeds germinated on the
ground, but there were instances, as the
mistletoe, where they were parasitic on
trees. Such seeds were embedded in a
viscid substance, so that if dropped by c.
bird on a bough they adhered to it. In
some cases plants buried their own seeds,
and in other instances the seeds buried
themselves, the means by which these
processes were effected being fully explain
ed by Sir John, who, in con
clusion, called attention to mimick
ing seeds, such as the scorpiurns, tho peds
of which did not open, but looked so ex
actly like worms that birds were induced to
peck at them and thus free the seeds. That
this was the purpose of the resemblance he
would not assert, but lie threw it out as a
matter for consideration.
Our best intentions, even when tliey
have been most prudently formed, fail
often in their Issue.
Our Civilized Indians.
There are in th' United Stales about
300,000 Indians; 55,0(J0 in the five civiliz
ed tribes—the Cherokee*, Creeks, Clioctaws
Chickasuws anil Scniinolea— 20,000 more
belonging to other tribes in the Indian
Territory, anil the rest are scattered in the
western part of the United States, with a
few remaining in New York, North Caro
lina and other States. The civilized tribes
have forms of government more or less
similar to that of the States.The Cherokee*
have u constitution and code of laws. The
Creeks have a constitution, but their laws
are not yet codified, although efforts have
bean made in this direction and a code pre
pared. Tlia Creeks have a chief, elected
by the people every four years, a house of
kings\ * a supreme court. The chief
justice of the Muscogee nation is a Baptist
preacher, and is now a missionary to the
wild tribes two hundred and fifty miles
west of his home. I met him the other day
at the Muscogee Baptist association, on liis
way from his missionary labors. He came
back to preside over the Supreme Court at
its next session, in about two weeks. The
Rev. John Mcintosh, is his name—
grandson of General William Mcintosh,
whom the Creeks killed in 1825, on account
of the treaty of Indian Springs. The pres
ent chief is Ward Coochman, born in Ala
bama, and who remained there until about
1848. He was a delegate to the Baptist as
sociation at Newoka. He is a stout-built
man, about 55 years old, black hair, black
eyes, thin whiskers, will weigh two hun
dred pounds, and was dressed in a citizen's
dark gray suit. He is a man of ability, and
lias an alTuble address. I tixik tea with him
—coffee, rather. The Presbyterians aud
Methodists have each a mission school on
the manual labor system, and the Creek
nation pays the board and tuition of a cer
tain number of pupils. The Baptists are
contcinpla'iag the establishment of a mission j
school this fall.
There ure twenty-eight public schools,
kept open ten months in the year, and under
the supervision of a superintendent of public
introduction who is also superintendent of
blacksmith shops ! The nation puys for
sharpening both mental and agricultural
tools. They pay S4O per month to teachers
and pay for school books. The Indians
enjoy religion. I attended an all night
prayer meeting on Sunday. They say
they used to worship Cod all night too.
The meeting began at dark, and ended
al>out, sun-up, or a little later. Imagine a
savage crowd of Indians singing in Creek
at the top of their voices just before day
light, and suddenly a bugle blast sounds on
the air—wouldn't you think of Gabriel?
The Creeks have no marriage laws, but
the Baptist association adopted a memorial
on the subject, urgiug the next council to
pass a proper marriage law. The writer
had the hdnor of drafting the
memorial. Their custom allowed several
wives, but the churches have so altered
public opinion that it is rare to find a man
with two wives.
"How did you punish a violation of
of niairiage vows ? I asked the Indian
"You see that man there?"
"Well, his wife was taken by another
man, and one night be went with some
other men, arrested the betrayer, beat him
senseless, and then cut his ears off with a
dull knife?"
"How did they treat the woman?"
"The same way. Sometimes they let
her off easier than the man."
"What became of the man and woman?"
"They are living together as man and
wife, and the iujured husband got him an
other wife."
"Was that your custom ?"
"Yes; the chief made the law, and
everybody followed it."
Sometimes they cut the woman's nose off
byway of variety.
If the criminal could hide out uutil after
"Busk," the annual festival, he wcut free.
Some of the tribes had cities of refuge, as
the Israelites had.
UuffMltet uud Military Tructic*.
"Yes, sir, caught these buffaloes when
they were calves ; got the prairie dogs when
they were puppies; the antelope when it
wasn't as big as a kitten, and the prairie
wolf when the eyes were scarcely open.
They are all over four years old now, aud I
trained them myself."
The speaker was Joliu Richardson, who
for ten years had been serving Uucle Sam
as a private soldier at Forts I). A. Russell,
Ilarker, Wallace and other outposts on the
Indian frontics. lie varied the idleness of
garrison life by studying the habits of the
prairie animals, and as a result he has been
able not only to make pets of three buffa
loes—a cow with two calves, a bull and a
heifer—an antelope, a prairie wolf and a
prairie dog, but also to bring them into a
tolerable condition of training. Recently
he landed them in this city and
proceeded with them to the farm of James
Archer, near Fordham, where they will be
kept until he can give an exhibition.
"What can the buffaloes do? asked the
Herald reporter.
"Well, I would hate to tell you without
proving it; because you thing I'm boasting.
Well we have a little exhibition soon as I
feed 'em. You see they've been on the
cars since Thursday, when I started from
Leavenworth. I had the buffal>eß out at
Rochester, and like enough they're scared
and won't obey first-rate."
The prairie dog nestled on his master's
shoulder, the wolf sneaked at his heels and
the antelope walked alongside the buffaloes,
all of them responding to their master's
voice by following him through the stock
yard of the New York Central railroad.
Then they were fed —the buffalo with
hay, the antelope with twigs of spruce and
grass, tho prairie wolf with a great bone
and the dog with a apple.
When they were through with their meal
Mr. Richardson called out "Fall in!" At
once tne buffaloes stood facing him and
formed in line accordingly to size. The
antelope took position as file closer, while
the wolf, refusing to take part in the drill,
got a beating, and slunk off into a corner,
where lie whined piteously.
"He is very disobedient, and will parade
onlj r occassionally. I control him by fear.
The rest, except the antelope, are very do
cile, and he isn't wild. I taught him to
stand always behind the line. Now you
see I got these things, and I made pets of
them. I didn't intend to train them for
anything but fun.
"Being myself a soldier I, naturally
enough, taught them Upton's tactic, so far
as they can be adopted for three big shoul
dered brutes like Topsev, Geaeral Custer
and Meadow Grass. The heifer is Meadow
Grass. Fours right—l say fours, but its
really threes—march!"
Immediately the unwicdly Meadow Grass
liegan to wheel, the others keeping the
alligmneut by moving more slowly until
the front bod been changed. "Halt! right
dress !" aud the great shaggy beasts turned
their heads und eyes to the right, aud
waited for the order "Front!" Then came
"Fours left!" "Fours right about!"
"Two left and rights !" "Three step to
the rear!" and a score of orders intelligible
only to a military man. All obeyed with
promptitude and intelligence. Finally,
the order was given, "Forward, double
turn, march 1" and at once the trio, follow
ed closely by the antelope, started off at a
sharp nn:, and halted a the word.
"Perquita," said Kiehardson, speaking of
the prairie dog, is sick. He has been sick
ever since he got out of Kansas. But he
shall turn u summersault for you. Here,
Perquita; over ! march!''
At the word the quaint little animal
threw a half handspring that would have
done honor to a trained athlete.
It is Richardson's intention to give ex
hibitions of the chase of the buffalo, as the
Indians do it with bow and arrows, and to
that end he has brought with him a mus
tang and a bow, with blunt arrows. "I use
blunt arrows because I wouldn't hurt my
Meadow Grass, would I if" and the master
put his arm caressingly over the shaggy
neck of the heifer, while she responded by
affcction&tly rubbing his hand with her
The niaziog Mine.
The fire in the Butler colliery,a short dis
tance from the Lehigh and Susquehanna
Railroad, on the outskirts of Pitta ton. Pa.,
continues to buru fiercely. At present it
is estimated that tea acres of anthracite
are glowing in the upper vein, and the
most startling phase of the affair is that the
miners in the employ of the compuny are
working the vein beneath. A visit to the
workmen in their subterranean oven gives
some idea of the intensity with which the
fire is raging over their heads. Although
separated from them by seventy feet of
solid rock, yet the heat is so great that they
are compelled to work without a particle of
clothing upon them excepting a light pair
of drawers or overalls, i'he perspiration
pours constantly fiom their bodies, and the
temperature is contiuualh' much the same
as if they were at work in the presence of
a roaring furnace. It is very seriously
questioned by those understanding the situ
ation whether the men should be permitted
to work in this intensely perilous position.
The lire in the Butler mine has now beer
burning upwards of two years. It origi
nated in the old work-shop of an abandon
ed or worked-out mine, near what was
known as the outcrop of the fourteen-feet
vein, and on the very highest ground of*the
property of the Butler Coal Company. The
destructive spark was first kindled by a
poor, degraded woman, who having been
driven from the shelter of the town took
refuge in one of the numerous caves on the
outskirts. Here she made a fire for the
purpose of cookiug such stray crumiis as
she couUl pick up and to keep her warm at
night. One ninht she was alarmed by
seeing the entire side of th cave on fire,
and she fled in terror from the scene. Su
perintendent Bennett, one of the most
practical and careful managers in this
region, had his attention called to the fire
early in June, 1877. By that time it had
made a good deal of headway northeast of
the pitch along the pillars, aud the course
it was taking indicated that it would shortly
exhaust itself. There was nothing to give
rise then to the apprehension that it would
work its way down the pitch or declivity,
and immediate steps were taken to cover
the "cave holes'' by which the air was ad- !
niitted to feed the llamcs. The immediate
vicinity of the fire at that tune was honey
combed with three cave holes, caused by
the caving in of the surface where the
mine had been worked out and no pillars
left to support the roof. The stopping up
of these prevented in a measure the pro
gress of the fire, hut owing to the ele
vated character of the place it was impos
sible to obtain water in sufficient quantity
to be effective. An arrangement was made
with a party to open and clear out an old j
chauilier in the mine, intending ther by to
cut off the flames, but the work wa*- dona j
in a bungliug manner and failed to to wla' ;
was intended. Seeing the threatening char j
aeter of the element, the company at lcngih
adopted a plan at an enormous expense,
which it was hoped would prove effective, j
A point was selected about eight hundred ]
feet from the lire, at which an open cut was
begun from the surface down to the old
woikings. It was intended that this cut
should be 350 yards in length, 20 feet wide
at the bottom, and ranging from 12 to 45
feet in depth. The plan was that of Engi
neer C. T. Conrad, who contemplated at
the outset the removal of 50,000 cubic feet
of earth, rock and coal in the construction
of this magic circle about the fire. He
tunneled a part of the way, and, in the
lace of obstacles apparently insurmount
able he worked steadily day and night with
a strong force of men until his plan was
effected. The progress of the flames has
since been slow, but now they seem to have
gained a great hold, and not only the coal
hut the superincumbent rock is red with
fire. The danger lies in the tunneled part,
where it is feared glowing rock will carry
destruction over the archway and commu
nicate it to the adjoining property. The
great danger from the fire would arise
from its extension into the workings of the
Pennsylvania Coal Company, and once there
no power on earth can prevent it from
working its way under the town of Pitts
ton. Here indeed would be a poetic and
terrible revenge on the part of the outcast
who was denied shelter by the town and
fled, like llagar, to the wilderness.
Tlie Sarcastic Trarop.
On the wall of tie woodshed which con
stitutes the station at Dorsey's, on the
Baltimore and Ohio railroad, the following
has recently been wrUten in a fair com
mercial hand: "Bound for Virginia in
search of employment. Lodged here one
night and breakfasted on dandelion salad
and peas—a delightful dish. The polite
attention of the waiters at this establish
ment I can not too highly commend to my
followers. Edgar A. Wilkins, of Bristol,
England." The sarcasm of this can be
appreciated when it is remembered that the
dandelions and peas had to be plncked
from a neighboring fleid, and that nobody
lives within half a mile of the station.
—Paris has ohacco shops.
The greatest losses arise from neglect
of smallest opportunities.
Never tail attention to the features
or forms of any one present.
llow fww faults are seen by us which
we have not ourselves committed.
Do good to all, that thou mayest keep
thy friends and gain thine enemies.
There are vices which do not deprive
us of friends, and virtues which do.
Love mocks all sorrows but Its own,
and'daraps each joy it does not yield.
Your benevolence should seek the
{oor before the poor seek your beuevo
Men who believe they will die like
beasts are apt to live in the same man
The sourest temper must sweeten In
the atmosphere of continuous good
He that canuot forgive others breaks
the bridge over wnich he must pass
It Is counted an honor to live like
princes, but it is a greater honor to give
like princes.
Nothing ever touched the heart of a
reader that did not come from the heart
of the writer.
There is an alchemy in a high heart
which transmutes other things to its
own quality.
Some people think it an excess of
magnanimity to forgive those whom
they have injured.
A sincere confession of our ignor
ance is one ot the fairest and surest tes
timonies of our own judgment.
I know of no manner of speaking so
offensive as giving praise and qualify
ing It with an exception.
Exemption from care is not happi
ness; on the contrary, a certain degree
of care is essential to enjoyment.
The poorest education that teaches
self-control is better than the best tbat
neglects it.
Of learning the most difficult part is
to unlearn, lience the necessity of be
ginning betimes.
Ingratitude is a kind of mental weak- *
ness. We have never seen any able
man who was ungrateful.
Man ought always to have something
that he prefers to life, otherwise lilo
itself -ill appear tiresome aud void.
Don't pin your faith on so-called
great men. You will find most of them
very small 8a yon approach them.
A man who has duly considered the
condition of his being, will contented
ly yield to the course of things.
Secret kindnesses done to your fel
low-creatures are as beautiful a9 secret
injuries are detestable.
Without the virtue of humility one
can neither be ltonesc in poverty nor
contented in abundance.
It takes less time to get over one's
misfortunes than to he reconciled to a
neighbor's good fortune.
Not that which men do worthily,
but that which they do successfully, is
what history is eager to record.
The only passion that not blunt
is avarice, and which the longer we
live only becomes keener.
There is no state of life so anxious as
that of a man w ho does not live accord
ing to the dictates of his own reasou.
The oblectof all ambition should be
to be happy at home; if we are not
happy there, we canuot be elsewhere.
If you want knowledge, you must
toil for it; if food,you must toil lor It;
and if pleasure you must toil for it.
Don't expect to earn your living
without labor of hand or head. You
must eat your own bread or somebody
It Is a most mortifying reflection lor
any man to oonsider what be has done
compared with what he might have
They asked Lokmaii the fabulist from
whom did you learn manners? He an
swered promptly: From the unman
Sin is never at a stay, if we do not
retreat from it, we shall advance In it;
and the furtner we go, the more we
have to come back.
Beware ot anger of the tongue; con
trol tiie tongue. Beware of anger of
the mind. Practice virtue with thy
tongue aud with thy mind.
Sow not wishes in other people's gar
dens; wish not for that which you are
not, but earnestly desire to be the very
best of what you really are.
Health Is the only riches that a man
ought to set a value on; for without it
all men are poor, let their estates be
what they will.
If any one say that he has seen a just
man in want of bread, we answer that
it was in some place where there was
no other just man.
Justice is a duty—generosity is a vir
tue. Yet the whole is too apt to regard
the first as a favor, and the latter as a
Hard words are like hailstones in
summer; beating down and destroying
what they would nourish if they were
melted into drops.
Every human creature is sensible to
some infirmities of temper, which it
should be his care to correct and sub
due, particularly in the early period of
The proper element of man is con
stant activity. The waters of life are
like those of the Bethesda poel—it is
only when they are agitated that they
are healthful.
It is better to set a frugal and wel
come table before the guest instantly,
than to keep him waiting a long time,
in order to provide tor him a splendid
repast, perhaps grudgingly.
.Reticence is a valuable power, but
one In the use of which great discre
tion is required; and it loses all its dig
nity all its dignity as soon as it is prac
ticed without sufficient cause.
Never let a lie go to seed in your souls.
If you should happen to be tempted in
to telling a falsehood, let it be plucked
out by a prouder confession of your
fault as quickly as possible.
Life is like a game of chess, each one
holds his rank according to his quality ;
but, when the game is over, kings,
queens, knights and all vhe rest are
thrown into one common box.
If those who are the enemies of inno
cent amusements had the direction of
the world they would take away the
spring end youth; the former from the
year, and the latter from human life.
NO. 52.