AGRICULTURE. The Nerres as • Source of Trial. Instead of beinir a vehicle for agreeable sen sation* some people # nrvca are a most di*- tr-ae ng enre vigor. There w a meane of obtaining it, if they will Lnt avail themselves of that means. It ia Hostetter'e Bitter*, a tonic which experience haa ebown to be of the utmost service to the debilitated nervona and dyspeptic. Digestion 11 aliwv d upon a permanent basis by tha Bit ters, ministers aa it ahonld to tlie wanta of the avwtem, and its integral part*, of which the nerves are one of the mo*-t important, are properlv nourished and invigorate d. The vari on* fuiicbo a are thn* mora activelv rii*- char.od and obstacle* to a re urn to health removed by increasing vitality. Im-tead of nervont prostration, new strength and vital tv will be infused into the whole motive machinery. CATS AS FARM STOCK. —The "harm less, unnecessary cat" is not so well treated as it deserves. One rarely con siders that a well-kept cat may profitable than a cow. If one rat per day is destroyed, the services of the cat may be estimated as at least equal to SIOO per year. us try to calculate the enormous damage done by 3t>o rats in one rear, to say nothing of the ravages of the numerous progeny of the veruiiu. One rat per day is a moderate amount of business for mnactiveeat. Recently tne writer counted Ave rats captured iu a stable by one cat in one day, and pos sibly others were not seen. The cat be ing weli fed, hunted for amuseiueut, and did not eat the prey. This ia the principal point in the management of a vat. It sbouid be well and regularly fed, for rats are unwholesome food. Tbey are in tested with larttcof tape worms. and cats arc frequently tor mented with the mature parasites in consequence or diseased rats. When kept free from hunger a cat will watch more patiently, and will only occasion ally devour a rat or a mouse. The most successful food for a cat is a mixed ani mal and vegetable diet. Milk and bread, a few potatoes with meat gravy, or a little fat and a spriukling of salt, with an occasional scrap of meat, are excel lent food, and will keep the animal in good health. VSETIXK.— Fr eradicating all im parities of the bloo 1 from the system, it has no equal. Il has never failed elect a sure, giving tone and strength to the system debilitated by Ctevauxfi MANURE.—It is remarka ble that more attention is not given to the subject of covering manure from the weather, and especially from too roach rain. Those who have given the matter particular atteution have found that manure so protected is worth doub le that which is left ont in the open air. Two loads lor oue is a profit few far mer* can aflord to lose. There is no question to vitally concerns the farmer at this one of manure. Much that he doc* has reference to it. Straw is not to ho fed through the winter for the ex press purpose of manure making. Ar ticles which scarcely pay to send to market are nevertheless taken to the city In order that manure may be brought back as a return load : and yet the whole ot the manure made remains all the season exposed to the sun, wind and rain until It is tiimiuished one-hail' tu value. The trouble is probably that lew really believe that exposed man ures undergo this loss. But the matter has been too thoroughly tested to ad mit of a doubt. We know first-class farmers who did not themselves be lieve it until by actual experiment they lound out its truth. Iu arranging farm buildings ft will pay well to look as much to the preservation of the man ure as to the hav or grain, and those who have their buildings already fin ished without these manurial arrange ments will find that twenty-five or fifty dollars spent on boards for a covered shed will rank among the best invest ments ever made. CHARCOAL FOB SICK ANIMALS. —Near- Iy all sick animals become so by impro per feeding in the first place. Nine cises out of ten the digestion is wrong. Charcoal is the most efficient and rapid corrective. It will eure a majority of cases if properly administered. An example of its uses. The hired man came in with the intelligence that one of the finest cows was very sick, and a kind neighbor proposed' the usual drugs and poisons. The owner being ill and unable to examine the cow, con cluded that the trouble came from over-eating, and ordered a teaspoonful of pulverized charcoal to be given in water. It was mixed, placed in a junk bottle, the head turned upward, and the water turned downward. In five minutes improvement was visible, and in a few hours the animal was in the pasture quietly grazing. Another in stance of equal success occurred with a young heiler which had become badly bloated by eating green apples after a hard wind. The bloat was so severe that the sides were as hard as a barrel. The old remedy, saleratus, was tried for correcting the acidity. But the at tempt to put it down always raised coughing, and it did little good. Half a teacupful of fresh powdered charcoal was given. In six hours all appear ance of the bloat had gone, and the hei fer was well. A WORLD or GOOD. —One of the most popular medicines now before the American public, is Hop Bitters. You see it every where. People take it with good effect. It builds them np. It is not as pleasant to the taste as some other Bitters as it is not a whiskey drink. It is more like the old-fashion ed bone set tea that has done a world of good. If you don't feel just right try Hop Bitters.— Xunda Yet es A small percentage of silver and cop per is added to gold for heating, say about 1% per cent, of alloy. A Hint to Workingmsn, The honest workingmen of the coun try, many of whom have large and in creasing families to support, have been the chief sufferers from the great fi nancial pressure under which we have labored for the last few years. Dimin ished wages have not been attended by a corresponding dlminuation in price of every tning which the workingman needs. Rents, fuel, food, and clothing, are cheaper, but these do not constitute all his necessities. It is sometimes ne oesaary for him to employ a lawyer or a physician, yet the fee rates of physi cians and lawyers are as high as they were in •'flush" times. * Yet cheap medicines are as necessary as cheap rents or fuel. Cheap medicines are not necessarily poor medicines. It must be obvious to every intelligent person that medicines, compounded and put up at wholesale, can be sold at much lower rates than when retailed from the doctor's pill bags. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgath e Pellets have completely re stored persons who had spent hundreds of dollars in vainly seeking relief ftem private practitioners, and all at a very little expenditure. DOMESTIC. WEARING FLANNEL. —Put it on at once. Winter or gummer, nothing better can be worn next the skin than a loose, red woolen flannel shirt; "loose," for it has room to move .on the skin, thus causing a tltillatlon which draws the blood to the surfaco and keeps it there; and, when that ia the case, noone can take a cold; "red," for white flannel fulls up, mats togetli2 er and becomes tight, stiff', %eavy and Impervious; "woolen," the product of a sheep and not of a gentleman of color, i.ot of cotton wool, because that merely absorbs the moisture from the surfaco while woolen flannel conveys it from the skin and deposits it In drops upon the outside of the shirt, Irom which the ordinary cotton shirt absorbs it, and, by its nearer exterior air, it is soon dried without injury to the body Having these properties, red woolen flannel is worn by sailors eyen in the midsummer of the hottest countries. Wear a thinner material in summer. OATMEAl..— Oatmeal, Indian meal and hominy all require two things to make them perfect; that is plenty of water when tirst put on to boil, and a long time to boil. Have about two quarts of boiling wkter iu a stewpan, and into it stir one cup of oatmeal, which you have already wet with cold water; boil this an hour, stirring often, th*h add half a spoonful of, and l>oil an hour longer. If it should get too >iitf, add more boiling water? or if too thin boil a little longer; you can not boil It too much. A LADY -i I t< m the other day. "Dobbins' Electric S .tp. (made by Cra gin & Co., Philadelphia, l'a.,) has saved my life, it lias so lessened my labors when I have been worn out." Try it at once. BLISTERS. —If you wish a blister to heal quickly, be careful not to remove the skin. Ou infants this should be ob served. The iirst dressing should be lily or cabbage leaves coddled in boil ing water. Then a salve made thus: one part wax, one part lard, one part turpentine from the pine-tree; melt and strain. Resin is sometimes used instead of turpentine. This makes basil icon. If the part blistered be in a situation apt to be rubbed, cover with cotton bats, as in tne case of a burn, especially if the patient be an infant. APPLES may bo kept in pits, as pota toes are. Put them on Lite ground, not in a hole but on the surface, and pile them in a conical heap; cover with sheaves of straw gathered together at the top and tied there. The straw be a foot thick. Then cover the straw with earth dug around the heip, leav ing tlio extreme point of the straw un covered for ventilation. The pit should bo made iu a high aud dry place. HE is a fool. We mean the man, who lets his baby cry all night in the arms of its mother, and does not sleep a w ink, when Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup will quiet the baby by relieving its pain; a bottle costing only 25 cy re curaflfe t0 Dr ;, Ja r n *' a Expeotorant. a „ "pee'ally adapted to sooth; and maiffUl Bronchial tubes, allay lnflam- Itta a a J Lna remove ail obstructions. [TUMOROUS. A GRANI> SCIIKMK. —''I have a most wonderful scheme for making money," said a man on a Jersey city ferry boat the other evening to a person whom ho had never met before. "What I. it?" "Why a new system oi theology— something a littlo more lurid and en tertaining than the old-fashioned style." "What Is it to be called?" "I'll tell you my scheme. I intend to start a seminar}' out in the country somewhere to be called Lawson's Ath letic Seminary. I am going to have the thlug flxed so that a green hand at preaching can be developed Into a crack aeroionizer." "You can't make a preacher in that time ?" "Yes, I can. If he is strong, and has any taste for athletic sports. Now, if lie knows anything about the trap eze—" "The what?" gasped the hearer. "The trapeze. 1 intend to have a trapeze, horizontal bar and tumbler pitchers; ami have made arrangements to have a good gymnasium erected. 1 am also going to have lessous g.ven at the pupils' residences—ten lessons lor $25 just like boxing." But who •will teach the Latin and Greek, and can a pupil master these languages In the space of time you mention ?" "There ain't going to be nay such foolishness as that; It is going to be a sort of Dclaarte sfl'iir; you will be able to tell by the manner the preacher turus iu the air when he say: My idea is to have preaching by a reg ulur sta.- company. To have one man open a sermon by swinging around a bar, and have another take him up at the end of the paragraph by turning a somersault, and have the thing passed from one to the other until a climax and wind-up is reached." "I)o you intend to have a cornet?" "Not at all, air; not at all; lam go ing to have bust) drums, and have the doiuonies led by a regular leader stand - ing ou a flour barrel, and the presenta tion of bouquets is to be strictly prohib ; ited. It witl pay big money. It will supplant pedestrianism. Now, what I want you to do is to let me have a quarter. I am just raising a little money to have a plan drawn; the building is to be of granite, three sco ries high 1 think I can have you made a stockholder. Now, then it you will kindly dish me out the quarter—" "I haven't a quarter 1" "Well, let me have fifty cents." "I haven't got it." "Perhaps 1 can have you made Pres ident of the institution." "1 would'i be President your ' blamed old thing." "No, I know you wouldn't; you are too depraved; you would rather be ! President ola base ball club; you don't believe in the evolution of theology, you don't, and you ain't lit to drive a back at Tilden's funeral," Then he went over and asked tT man to give hitn a light as he pulled a stump out of bis pocket. A CRYING baby is a bore to the whole neighborhood and the parents should be forced to keep Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup handy. Price 25 cents. "IT'S cool to-day," said a mother to i her litele son. "Yes, it's school five | days of the week," replied tlie embry onic pnrographlst. IN Chiua, tneu never go to a barber shop to get shaved. The barber travels around with bis tools like a scissors grinder, hunting up customers, and you sit down on a doorstep or the curb stones and the barber shaves and skins you at the same time, for oue price, which Is ridiculously low. An Amer ican uever gets shaved by a Chinese barber the second time. He would rather be shaved and talked te death by an American barber than be skinned to death bv a heathen Chinee. HUMBUGGED AGAIN —I saw so much about the merits ou l,rtVo already re- V CgCllllO eetved in favo of \our great and good medicine. Woktink, for I do not think en o.h ciiultostld in tr v . • It* pnilse; for I•• a-; troubled over V OgOlllie thirty .tears witlt tint dreadful dlneasa, Catar h an 1 had such bad Coughing ispMls Hint It would tr ,• neeui as thou i I never could V egeillie breathe any m re. Nad Vegetine hue cured uu; and I do leol to thank God all the time that there tr In so good a mediom as Vegetine. V egetine and 1 alno think It one of the b;ai medicines for c ughs. end weak, sinking feelings ai Hie stomach. V„ A"d advtae everybody to take the V egetine Vegetine, for I etui assure thcin It la one of the be-d medlclnea that ever was. Mita. loork. V tJgOllIlO cor. Magazine and waiaut sta. Cambridge, Mush. tr .. GIYEk IIKAI.TH, vegeinie ntrknuih A- APPETITE. My daughter hu receive! great Via.Totiiio benefit from the u-e or Vogetlne. v ucr declining li'altli was a source of great anxiety to all.lje rrtends. A fesv bottles of Vege kie re- Vegetine ;'°2S te h " N. 11. T'LDRN. Insurance and Real Bstate Agent, Vegetine VEGETINE. Prepared by IT. R. STKVENB, Bostok, MASR. Vegetine la Mold by all IFrngglata. ■ ■ - . ii in i . ■ a,up THE NEWEST MUSIC BJOKS. WHITE ROBES. A New Runday ftchsl B,' Buk uf no isnsl hastily Br A. J. Al)lw| tsil M J. M linger. t'rica 10 cents, tut a hi. b Sp cnv n Cvpnswdl be mailed. Kiatnlue Ibis ehi mtng collectlou nl.wu new boeks are aeeiied. Klaif *oi.g U tjowei Tbe newest Operas Are rAR.nrM, n, utst. g2i FATIA'ITSA. Ity Knppe #?CO uonok UF A I.4'ANT A HA. KlcLbsrg, new snd sslsre.-d etlillou 91. W. BKLLk VP t'OKNKVILLE. Hf PlA&qaette % I SK riNAFORF.. Gilbert And SalllvAU. oee O is. HOKI'IiKKK. ft 00 Ths newest Church Music snd Hinging He boo I Bo"kasre VOIC'K VP WOKMIIIP. L O. Kmersou, gt 00 per ilel.ti, TEMPA.IL f>t. w. u. Perkins. 9 uo per dorsa. The nsweet Tmlnins Reek le I:ai foi ai. METHOD. §ijd. o p .ei, suiple|e And u.lul nlu.r proete pn pos ur clseees. A new Anthem Book is nesrir ready. Tbt Afnsirnf tUrwd, Is AIWAfS eeW. 1100 pe* fsur, A ceul per -pr. Oliver Dltson & Co, Boston. 8. K. IIITAVA A CO.. Oil ChMtnal At., rblla. WORCESTER'S 'IBIJ 81ANDARD. •' The beet Kngllrb wriir "pd the moot pert leal or Am. r can writers nw wORCEBTk.It m their au thority."— Arte \urk Hetaid. The standard Mt/i-Wfum or tbo correspondent and reader. WORCESTER'S POtKET DICTIONARY, 63 on. For (be School, the Office, and (he Counting Boom. WORCESTER'S 00MPREHLN8IVE DICTIONARY. ForeAu Dr. J~I P. MiHrr't *teauUwr, F%il*. ft | a Uttla, Sold by all druHUia &-ot by mail by J. P. Mibucb. M. D., Ftopr.. H W. oof. Tenth aod Aroh tola, PbUada. .Pa. IRABUBHXB IMS. MORGAN & HEADLT. Importers of Diamonds AND Metiers of Speetaeiee. 618 SAW SO M Street, PhlledelpMa 111 ur tinted Price List sent to the trade on application. The Albrecht Arr the CbeapMt flrtO-el mm Piano* In tb aarkti. Call and yet yrlec*. or aond ftr Ululratad Cataioiu* and Price Ltd. ALBRECHT SL CO., Wnreroom, t 610 Ar.u street, Phlladeifbla, Pa BLATCHLETS PUMPS 4TH K YERY BBBT GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICES. PUMPS Unllncd. PUMPS Irou Lined PUMPS Porcelain Lined. PUMPS Copper Lined. Chain Pump fixtures and tubing. Rubber buckets. Steel Chain, so. C. G. BLATOHLEY IM HABEBT Street, PMlnda. EXODUS Te tha beat lamia, la tba beat climate, with the be* market*, aadaolhe be* term* aioag the llae of K'y. 3,000,000 ACREB Mainly la the ham RED RIVER VALLEY OFTHE NORTH. On lonjr time, low prleee aad easy payment* Pamphlet with fall Information stalled free. Apply la D. A. MoKINLAY. Land Com'r, at. P. IK. a M. E'y, St. Payl, Mlna. GOLD WATCHES UITBK AWAY. 8000,009 wei th of eolld and Silver Watch*, Blivat-ware, Piano* Orgau* Sewing Machine#; French, Mtnieal, Alarm Clock*, and Je.veliy, be •ideean hnm.nm amount f ether goods, just for doing as a little fever, which every man, woman, bey or girl eaa easHy do. kle mooey re quired. Ail tbe elegant aal costly articles to be given away are fnlly described and Illustrated by engravings, IN a book entitled " Thk GoldkN Pnirk," which we will send gvatle. and free of post age, to any one In the United Steles or Canada. Ad dress r. GLEASUN k CO., M Summer Street, Boe ton, Mass. LffDffiHS' SEEDS awr TBM BK&Ti D. LARDBItTHB. SIXTH St. C AGENTS WANTED T TFORTES OMPLETE XXOME MJta. JULIA McNAJR WRIGHTS TsW BOOK m Heanty, Work, Amusements, *nd Spend inn srs all r rJ7l_l ' i: 1 aiyfg, ft. 11 of rratJotf. fltw i" bcautmil rolored lllue nßiLLii r ?£\ ton ' K ' J>*J> r, rko|c* bindings, AM IIlr£2d h i"/. ork " HOW to TO IUVK " AIroiitti Btaxm.iM *v®o b t oMd thja Tmatmoat . Pianos and Organs S.K Jl.J'b'rf"™ Advnm In nrlt . I'iano , $ 40 to %♦*) ; ■ stop or f:an, tft.',, all ft at-rlaa*, ant on trUC. ( atAlowuea roe. Buret Music, hi pure. Dollar's worth, % l>ric < at*lop* of l-'AJO pieces sen 1 fin So. Um>. Mrndlkmomn Piano Co., 11 J£. Ifttb at., ft. Y. Nixon's Copying Pad. A Cheap, lnip 0 and porfoct method for ths In stant rsproilnctiuii of ft ■ to 100 Oi.pliw of nor wilting, drawing. Ac. Kisctric Peu. Pupyrogiaph, Ac., completely ouldons. Rrrryoae tela own Printer. Postal card la. BOc.; note. 1.e.; Letter, fJ.OO; Legal, null, postage prepaid Ag uts wauled. KD. H. NIXO.V, AS Maiden Lane. New York. SOUTHWICK'S COMBINATION STORE, Cor. Eleventh & Chestnut Sts., Philada.' Pa,. HAS JTJBT STARTSD ONE OF THEIR Grand Semi-annual Sales of Dry Goods. To the people of Philadelphia there la no need to say thai at these sales the Greatest Bar gains in Black and Colored Silks, Black Goods, Dress Goods and General Dry Goods that are sold In Phi lad el Dht a can always be found. TWO HUDDKED AND FIFTY THOU SAND DOLLARS' WORTH have got to be sold In the next 60 day a, and to sell this large sum we have mad some of the Lowest Prl e* for choice and good goods that have ever been made In the United States. Bbonld it not be convenient to visit the city, we will cheerfully send samples of Bilks, Velvets. Black Goods, Dreßs Goods, or any other kind of good tnat samp es can be cut from. $1 25 Black silks for 90c $l oo Black Bilks for fl 00. $2 oo tfia k Bilks for $l 25. $1 lsitf colored silica for toe. Si 50 colored Bilks for f l 00. Sl2 00 Lyons Velvets for $7 00. S3 oo Black Silic Velvets tor $2 00. Si 75 Black Wuteied Bilks for SI K>. 85c. Black Cashmeres for 45c. Si oo Blaciv Oa hineies for 85c. Si 50 Black Henriettas for tl. 87Ua Wool Dress Goods for 12V6a 50 ;. Wool D.~e a Goods for 25c. 51 oo Wide Wool SuKlngs for 66c. 7ftc Kid Gloves for 35 •. Si so Kid G oves for 7sc. 86c. wmte Woolen Flannels for BOC. 75c. Black Silk Mohairs for S7mc. 250- Ladles' and Children's Stocking for lt)fC. Si 25 Ladles' Corsets for 50c. s2l oo Paisley Shawls for sl2. so 08 Blankets tor $4 50. 85c. Colored Stockings for ST wc, 76. Colored Wool cashmeres for fioe. 19 Oo Black Clot h Coats for $5 00. 4&e. Red Twilled Fianael fur 35c. Sl.oo Damasse Bilks lor 87 vc, 20c. Hemstitched Hdkfs. for lß#c. 15C. Fancy Dress Goods for 9c. eoo. Black Ratine Cloth, 25c. aac. Beaded Net Scarfs. 15c. Tsc. Merino Underwear, aoc. , 44-lnch All-wool Colored Buntings, 25c. aoc. Black W 00l Cashmere, 37* c. 11 75 Black Silk Velvets, $1 10. BILKB, VELVETS, SATLNS. 75e, Black Silks for 80e. SI.OO Black Bilks for 760. $1.25 Black Silks for 90c. $1.37 81. ck Silks tor Si. 11 so Black bilks for 1.76 Black 811 hs iorSi.96. $2,00 Black bilks tor, Blank Bilks for f 1.76, |H.oo Black Bilks for $2.00. $a.25 Black Bilks for $2.25. $1.50 Black Bilks for $2.50. 75c. Colored Bilks tor 6JC. ti.oo Colored silks for 75c. |i.2S Colored bilks for 90c. $1.37 Colored bilks lor tl.uo. $1.50 colored silks tor $i io. $l 75 Colored Bilks for $1 2V $i 16 Colored Satins ror $75. $1 so Colored banns for $l 00. $i 35 Black Bilk Velvets tor $1 00. $1 so Black Bilk Velvets for Si 10. $l 7sß.ack Silk Velvets ror fl 25. |2 oo Black Bilk Velvets for $i 6o 850 Black bilk Velvet* for $1 .6. oo Black Bilk Velvets for $2 00. $j 5* Black Bilk Velvets for $2 tse. $4 25 Black bl k Velvets ror t> 00. $5 so Black Bilk Velvets for St 00. $7 oe Black Bilk Velvets for $5 00. sio 00 Black Lyons Velvets for $8 so. sl2 00 Black Lyons Velvets for $7 00. sl4 oo Black Loons Velvets tor $2 60. $2 0 Colored BUk Velvets for $1 no $s 50 Black Striped Velvets for $3 75. $4 oo Colored Striped Velvets for $4 25. Black casnmeres and Henriettas. Black All-wool Cashmere, 87 tec.; worth 50a " _ " " 46c.; worth 400. * " 50c.; worth sc. •* " ** 80 worth 85c. *• " * 65c.; worth 90c. " " " 76c., worth SIOO. •• " ** 86c, worth $l 15. •' '* M 96c.; worth $1 as. " •• '• $100; worth $135. " $110; worth $1 50. •• •• " $12; worth ft 75. Bflk Warp Henriettas soc.; worth slls. M u 96a; worth $l 25, • "U 10 . worth $1 35 •' H $1 26; worth $1 75. " a $150; worth h 26, •• M ♦' $176; worth $9 80 Best make* of Calicoes, 4c. Bee styles patchwork Callooes, 3^o. Be 14 4 Chintzes, 6<*c. There has never been a sale made tn Philadelphia that will compare with this Bale either Id extent and var.etv of slook or tlie townees of prices for geod goods. bhould any rtader des re to order a Cloak or Coat, they can do BO with perfect safety—only be careful to send the correct hack and sleeve measure. SOUTHWICK'S COMBINATION STORE, Corner BLEVEXTH and CHESTXIJT Ste., Philadelphia, Pa. >7 FOB 36 CENTS. —POPULAR MUSIC. - 20 BEAUTIFUL PIECES FOR 30 CENTS. 13 VOCAL, 8 XrrSTnUBKSMTAL, MAMerr LEE, - .... Adams SITBRT Reach WAKJHOB BOLD - Pl'BK AM BNoW, . . * . . Lance TRJUfBLAIE, AUli n LEA F, Grelg IJ6HT IN TUB WIXDOW, - Lonsdale ni'BlC BOX, Liebich DABBT AMD JOAN. . - . Molloy (illlllßl OF MAY BELLS, • - Bohm POOS BIRD. VILLAGE MAIDEN. .... Conradi IT IS MOT MO, ..... Llnte NIGHIMG FOR HOME, - • Jungmann AM It FOUR OTHXB POPULAR SONGS. There have been ever 100,000 of theee popular pl-os sold at 80 ot. each, bnt In order to introduce them Intoevvry household where wood music Is appreciated, we will send the 30 all postpaid, for 36c or 13 qo, stamps Mention this paper and address WILDES A CO., 81 Milk Strwni, Boston. BKstaa. ADVERTISEMENTS nserted in ANY OR A I*l* of the Newspapers named in their Direo tory for ONE TIME, or for ONE YEAR, in the best positions, which are carefully watched, at the LOWEST PRICES, on application to ' * ' " * • * ♦ I , t\" ' ... • *- y , .1 r 1 S. M. PETTENOILL & CO., at either of their offloes in ESTIMATES MADE For Advertisers without charge, for insertion in a CHOICE SELEC TION of Newspapers, or for the REST Newspapers in ANY City, Town, County or Section. Advertisements in the Best Positions, at Very Reasonable Bates. S. M. PETTENGILL & CO. 701 Oliestnut Street, Flillada. a ADWOtob' I %ARE LIKED WITH Hffl-CIfIffIUCTING CEM£NT> PI Ilea' Hamilton Percales, sc. 16c Bourette Hatting, sc. Choicest Styles Wrapj>er Reps, ltUc. Choice Dauiassu Popiins, 1214 c. All (tolor-t Plain Cashtueres Vixc. Wool l'lald Dr 88 css • Pop,lns. an col, ISfcc; wortu 16c. D. width Cashmere.-, all colore, lsc; value, Sbc All-wool bulling*, so ; regu ar price, 26c. Choice styles all-woul Suiun's, 8 o; cheap at BTU Choice Freuch P.aids, 25e; sold elsewhere, 80c. All-wool Pekin -tripes, Shoodasand satlues, 335. All-wool Ktnpies* Velours and Oaxna-se, Sac. AJI-wool cashmeres, all colore. ♦> . All-wool Camel's Hair, 60c; have been 9i. French Tai lau Plains, 660; elsewhere, $ . Fiench Damas-ie Cashmeres, 87 xc; cheap at 60c. bilk and Wool PI ids, 7s>T; cost $1 20. lllgh-colar> d Plaids, 76c; value, |l 85. Velour cords, $176; regular price, f iao, ui 3 h class Novelties, $i 76; value, SO 25. Our purchases in aU line lor Igu Dress Fab rics are not made until the Importer is ready to break prices and take low offers, giving m the oh ince to sell at Less price* *•"* moo. houses pay for the same goods. COATS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. $3 60 all wool Beavers Shawls lor $2 00. $4 uo Waterloo and Middlesex Sua wis for $3 00. $6 60 Blue and Green Long Shawls for $3.00. $7 to Middlesex Double Shawls for $6 ou. $8 00 Blue and Green S otcb shawls for ST 00. Sit) 00 Black Thibet Long Sua wis for $6 60. sl2 00 Black Thibet Long Shawls for $8 60, sl6 00 BluCk Thibet Long Mi a wis. fur $lO 60. f* 00 Go earner Waterpruols, $2 8. $s Maialasse Beaver cloth Coats for $4 SO. $9 so If Beaver Clo. h Coats for S3. sl2 80 Mataiasse Beaver Cloth Coats for $6 60. >l6 oo Matalasse Beaver Cloth Coats for $9 60. 121 oo Diagonal i eaver cloth coats ror tlx 6 •. S3O oo Fur-Uned Dia. oual Cloth Coats for SIS 00. $j oo Plain Beaver cloth Co ts for fsjso. sl2 oo Plain Wool Be iver Cloth Coats for $6 80. SVB oo silk Velvet-trm'd Beaver coats for Sio so $26 oo Richly-trimmed Beaver Coals ror Si 6 00. Besides many very handsomely-trimmed Plain and Pauoy Cluth Cuats and Dolmans, all made in our own building, under ;he supervis.on or an experlenoed arils ; Large, good Wool Bl mkets. U 50; value S3 28. Large, good Wool Blankets, S3 60; value $4 80. Large, good Wool Blanker s, $4 u0; value $5 s'. Extra good "Wool Blankets. S3 00; va ue Si 00. Extra go d Wool Blankets, $7 00; value $9 60. Extra good Wool Blankets, $* 60; value sl2 00. Extra good Woql Bankets. sll 00; value sl6 uQ. 70-lnch Kl bD i mask Table Linen Jl; value Si so. so-lnch Turkey Bed Table Linen, soc; value 70c. 64-lnch Turkey Red Table Linen, eoc; value 78c. 76-lnch Turkey Red Table Linen. Isc; value sl. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR; 9rb. Kid Gloves, Black and colored, 85c; were 48. s-b. Kid Gloves. Black and Oolored, 45c; were 75. 4-b. Kid Gloves, Black and tailored,Sbc; were $1 28. 4-b. Kid Gloves, Black and Colored, 76c; weresl 50. 2-b. Castor Gloves, 80c; god value, $1 26. 8 Elastic Fleeced L sle Gloves, 26c; value, sse. Ladles'; Misses' Fancy Hose, If Jsc; value 250. Ladles', Misses' Fancy Hbse, 25 value 45c. Ladles' M rl iO Vests and Pants, 60c; value TSc. Ladles' Merino Vests and Pants, 73c; value sl. Ladies' Merino Vests and Pants, 88c: value $l 86. Ladles' Scarlet Underwear, $l 60; value $: 85. Men's Scarlet Merino Underwear. $1 50; value $2. Men's Merino Shir a and Drawers,3"c; value Tsc Men's Merino Shirts and Dr*s, 75c; value. Si id. Men's Merino Shirts aud Dire, Si; value. $1.50. All makes of Bleached and Unbleached Muslins sold as ow as the A gents's Prices. Black bilk Fr.nges under prioe. canton Klinnel , both Bleached ana Unbleached, Lower than elsewhere. HEALTH ISWEALTH. Batid if MHWtt if- Bit Railway's SarsapariUian Resolvent • Pure blood makes s und flesh, strong 1 bout and a c ear skin. llyou would have your flesh firm, . yoor bones sound, without carles, and your co < - Plexlon fair, use Radvajr*! larsaparilllaa A GRATEFUL RECOGNITION. "To cure a CHRONIC or LOHO BTANDINO DISBARS is truly a victory in ,the healing art; that reason ing power that clearly discerns nimtor and sup- a remedy; that restores step by Bt< p—by degrees—the body which has been slowly at tacked an 1 weakened by n Insidious disease, not only commands our respect but deserves our grail'ude. Dr. Ralway has furnished man kind wlih thnt wonderful remedy, Rad way's Harsapnrllllan Resolvent which accom plishes this result, and sulTer.iig humanity, , who drag out an existence of pain and disease, through long days and long nights, owe Min their gratitu le." Me .if IMm ngtr. • FALSE AND TRUE. We extract'from Dr. Radway's "T eatiae on disease and Its Cure," as follows: • Lilt of Diseases Cartd Jly Radway's Sarsaparillias Resolrent. Chronic Skin Diseases, carles of the Bone, nuinors in the Blood,- Scrofulous Dipe ses. Bad or uunaiural Habit of Body, Syphilis and Vene real, I'ever Sores, chrouic or old Ulcere, salt Rheum, Rickets, White swelling. Seal t. Head. Uterine Affections, cankers, ofi u uiar swell ings, Nodes, Wasting ant' Decay of the Body. Pimples and Blotches Tumors, Dyspep-la, Kid ney a d Bladder Diseases, chronic Rh umatlsm and Uom, Consumption, Or tvel and calculous Deposits, am varieties of ihe above corn plaints to which sometime* are given specious unmet. We assert that there is no known remedy that possesses the curative power over these dis eases th t RADWAY'S RESOLVENT furnishes. It cures, step by step surely, from the founda tion. and restores the injured parts to tnsir sound condition. The wmtrnof (he body wre stopped sad healthy blood Is sup plied to the eyetena. from which new ma terial L formed. Tula is the CO rectlve power of RADWAY'S RESOLVENT In cases where, ihe system has been tallvated and Mercury, Quicksilver, Corrosive Sublimate have accumu lated and become deposited in the bones, Joints, etc.. causing carles of the bones, ricke s. spinal .•urvaiurei, contirtlons. white Rwel.lng*, vari cose veins, etc.. the SARSAPABILLJAN will resolve away those deposits an • exterminate the virus of the disease from the system. If those who are taking th-se medicines for the cure of Chronic. Scr fuious or Syphilitic dis eases. however slow may b • the cure, "iecl bet. ter," and flnd their general health Improving, (heir fle-h and weight increasing, or even keep, ing its own. Is a sure sign that the cure is pro gressing. In these diseases the path at either gets better or worse—the virus of the dlseadb u not inactive; if not arrested and driven from the blood it wiu spread and continue to uodere mine the constitution. As soon as the SABAA PAB'IJJ AN makes the patient • feel be'ter/' every hour you will grow better and increase in health, strength and flesh. OVARIAN TUMORB. The removal of these tumors by RABWAVS R SOLVENT is now so certainly established that what was once co isidered almo t miraculous s now aco nmon recognized let by all parties. Wltne s the cases of Hannah P. Kn \pp. Mm. C. Krapf. Mrs. J. H. Jolly and Mrs. P. D. Hendrlx, pub lshe lin our Almanac for 18TV; also that of Mm. c. a. Bibbing. in the present edition of our "False and True." One Dollar per Settle. MINUTE REMEDY. Only requires minutes, not hours, to relieve pain and cure acute disease. Radway's Ready Relief, fn from one to twenty minutes, never tails to relieve PAIN with way's Pills) so quick as Baowar's Ready Rbu.f. It will in a ;ew moments, when tiken accord lug to directions, cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea l Dysentery, Oollc, wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pains. ' • Travelers should always carry a bottle of Han- War s Rsanr Rausr with them. A £eW drops In water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is hotter than French brandy or bitters as a stimulant. Miners end Lumber men should always be provided with It. CAUTION. All remedial agents oapable of destroying USe by an overdo o Should ho avoided. Morphias, opium, strychnine, arnica, hyogctamua, and other powerful remedies, does at certain times, in very small doses, relieve the pat ient daring their action in the system. But perhaps the second dose, if repeated, may aggravate and In crease the suffering, and another dose cause death. There is no necessity for using these uncertain agents when a positive remedy like Bad way's Kkadt Rblikp will stop the most ex cruciating pain quicker, without entailing the least difficulty In either Infant or adult. THE TRUE BELIEF. RadwaVs Rkadt Kklisv is the only remedial agent in vogue that will instantly stop pain. Fifty Cents per Battle. Radway's Regulating Fills. Perfect Purgatives, Booth lug Aperl* enta, Aet Without Pain, Always Bella hie and Haturul In their Operation. A VEGETABLE SUBSTITUTE FOB CALOMEL. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regu.ate, purify, cleaner and strengthen. Radwatw Pit .La, for the cure of all disorders of the Somach, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys Blad der, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipatlbn, costtveness. Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Bilious nrss. Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all derangements of the Internal vtsclra. warranted to effect a perfect oure. Purely veg etable, containing no mercury, minerals or del eterious drugs. or Observe the following symptoms result ing from Diseases of the Digestive Organs; Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in the Bead. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, sour Eructa ions. Sinking or Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffering S 'nsatlons when In a lying posture, Dlmne&i of Vision, Dots or We be before the Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Per spiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Cheat, Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning In the Flesh. A few doses of Radwat's Pnxa will tree the system from an the above-named disorders. Price, 20 Cents per Bex. SOLD BY DBUGGISTS' BEAD FALSE ASD TBDE." Bend a letter stamp to BAP WAT ♦ JPA, No. 82 WABBEN, cor. CHURCH St., New York, Information worth thorn nds will be sentjoq. H HOP BITTERS/ < (A WelWia eeea.Brink.) eoarrAzvs ■dps, suchu, mroiuu DANDKLIOM, a **■ Dun am las kuntt'Dtfam or Aix OTKxa Brrrsss. TECHY OTTJEUD AB Ptoasaas of the Stomal, Bowahjlood, Liver, Kidneys, sad Urinary Organs, "* Tm * i ns_Slsufi tww sspechny Female Complaints, DIMS Df GdLD. Wm he paid fdr s esss Iheywffl net smv r hSB m for anything Impure er lajurlona found in them. Aik your druggist for Hop Bitten end try then before yea sleep. Take ne ether. Btor Coees Cum Is the eweetem asfmi and beet Ask Children the Ear Pa for Stomach, Liver ead Kidneys 2 superior to all others. AakPrfp^^ P. L.C. fs aa absolute and torettatfbie ears M Prunheneee, use of opium, tobacco andnMooti*. ■H Send for etrcular. ■■■■■ HopMO,M%.O. S.rKiaw,M.T. Those answering an Adverauemeat_wUl confer a favor upon the Advertiser and the Publisher hyeletlagmst they sawdhsadw ttsemeut In this touraal tnemtag the jpepef