Aa American Miner In Australia* W had dug our shaft at the liasc of a ten-font hill at McAllister's store, and had striven a tunnei right through into the hill, followiusr a lodge that yielded some rich washing The drive was very narrow, liv ing only large cooogh to give admission to om man. 1 dmnadcd the shaft one morn ing *nd entered the tunnel, .lust as i was •IVHII t<> drive in ray pick a monstrous snake rose up in frmit of me; 1M had denrended the siiaft during tin mght, and worked his way into the end of the drive, 15y the light of ray candle 1 saw it was a Mack snake, one of the roost vcaotaoos of Aus tralian reptiles. 1 saw he was altoul to strike, and so I drew hark, hat in the act strn.'k nr hind against the toof of the drive, hitlinr inysell Mich a srverr Mow that for a romn'Mt i hst rav senses, and falling, 1 ov'Tturmsl the light and felt myself in total darkness Something seemed to whiz over tin as half stupidly 1 trie*! to raise myself to a sitting posture. 1 aiustst (bricked w it li terror, hut the instinct of self-preservation kept me silent. 1 lay for some time listen ing. and IeJing certain that 1 had not lieen lntten. I became possessed of an irresistible l< uurinc t< gvt out of the lMle. 1 crawled to the mouth of the drift and there, at the iMUom of the shaft 1 saw his soakeship Muumring and tvris.ing himself about. He had strtxfc for me, hot on my falling bank *:a4 missed me and went over me; then fmnhflfchr being somewhat frightened him ■bit, he hat nought the numth of the drift to mail r his escape. But he could * him. and mas for cutting off his ij.wd a: .moe. but a party of minors m ho had gathered around us begged that he might be laid •cross an ant-hill 1 told them they might dispose of him as they pleased. Tliey earned bin. to an adjvMtritur ant-hill and laid aim across h ; the SPINE Iwing ln>ken, IK* of could not escape. Tln n ensued a fckt. The ants attacked him in force, mad he slaughtered Jhcni by thousands, but the* buried legion after kgnm upn him, and ia less lltu two hours all thai remain ed <€ the snake was a beoatifalty polished s&efcfon. mrbich lay across the ant-hill chwiamg in the sunshine. A IKWltoin ting to a picture of a goose on the wall—"and 1 am a biped, and you all are bipeds. Now what am I?"* Pause. One of the bipods: "A goose, sir." "EDWARD," said Mr. Rice, "What do i hear?—that you have disobeyed your grandmother, who told you just now not loiumpdown thesesteps?" Grand ma didn't tell us not to, pa; she only came to the door and said. 1 wouldn't jump down these, steps' boys,' and 1 shouldn't tbiiik she would an old ladv like her!" AK auctioneer was endeavoring to sell a fowling-piece, and failing to get a hid, a by-slander who had read tlie papers said, "lllow in the muzzle and it will go off." "Tnrs do we burn the midnight toil," said the facetious editor as he consigned old Mumblcpeg's manuscript to the fire. THE King ot the Fiji islands is said to relish "Baby Mine" very much. He likes it well done, too. A WYOMING man won $lO in a wager by eating twenty pigs' feet. This was a pig's feat, Indeed. A WHITEHALL justice is called "Old Perfumery" by the boys, because he has sent 'em up so often. ♦ A FURNITURE dealer advertises that he is putting cane seats in old ehairs at "bottom prices." THE difference between fair ladies and ladies' is—the forraor beseige men's hearts, the latter their pockets. No Indian was ever known to play on abrass horn. Hence Pope's allusion to his "untootered mind." MY son emulate tlie nine; it is hack ward in deeds in deeds of violence. Why do old maids wear mittens! —To keep off tlie cliaps. STANDS to reason -A woman Eugenie'* Wi-allli. The ex-empress of France is said to lie one of the richest widows in England. In addition to her Hungarian estate she has a castle in Spain and a nice place in Switzer land But hard cash is what coincs most useful to dethroned sovereigns who hope to return, and of this the empress has long had abundance. It is estimated in Paris that she is worth at least a million sterling. Only recently she sold a large block of house property in the Rue d'Alba, in Paris, and M. Uouher's house, a well-known po litical centre at the corner of the Hue d'Elysee, was hers, in her own right, and was sold last year for £15,000. The death of the prince adds to her property, since he left to her a considerable amount of landed property in Italy, as well as the Toulouse property, bequeathed to him by tlie grisly general who had been equerry to the prince when he toddled about the corridors of the Tuileries nearly three feet high and weight ed with the miniature uniform of a colonel in the cent garde. This vast property was no incumbrance to the empress whilst yet she had a son to live and scheme for. It was drained pretty freely by tlie Bonapar tist organs of the press in France. The Ordrc and the Paj/s were lavishly sup ported by the empress, and she also drew handsome checks in favor of the reduction of the Gaulois. The need for keeping these fires warm is now dead. The empress is not likelv to keep newspapers alive to work for her good cousin Jerome. Checked In Their Advance By the speedy action of Hoatetter's Bitters, dyspepsia, nervous irdisposition, constipation and bilious comp'aints cease to harass tbo in valid. That they will instantly give ground is not pretended, but no medical fact is more certain, or avouched by more competent testi mony, than that these maladies, and others to which it is adapted, entirely succumb to the influence of the medicine, if it be given a fair trial. Their total, if not instant rout, is certain to ensue. Losses of strength are re paired, and failure of appetite and nerve qui etude are remedied by the Bitters; and as the stomach grows stronger and assimilation is aided by its action, a gain in flesh will follow. Ladies in delicate health, aged persons and convalescents, derive bodily and mental solace from its use, and experieuce none of the re pugnance which ordinary tonics frequently in spire. The emphatic recommendation of phy sicians confirms the v<. rdict in its favor. —The traffic in eggs in this country is estimated to equal $2000,000 per an num; G,000,000 dozens are exported from the country every year. DOMESTIC. DOMESTIC NURSING. —Nothing Is more easy to an experienced nurse or more difficult to an Inexperienced one than to chance the bed linen with a person in bed. Everything that will he required must be at hand, properly aired, before beginning. Move the pa tient as far as possible to one side of the bed, and remove all but one pillow. Untuck tin* lower sheet and cross sheet and push ihcui toward the middle of the bed. Have a sheet, ready folded or rolled the 1c ig way, and lay it on the mattress, unfolding it enough to tuck It in at the side. Have the cross sheet prepared as described before and roll it also, laying it over the under one and tucking It in, keeping the unusual portion of both still rolled. Move the patient over to the side thus prepared for him; the sidled sheets can then be drawn away, the clean ones completely unrolled and lucked in on the other side. The coverings need not be re moved while this is being done; they can lie pulled out from the foot of the bedste .d and kept wrapped around the patient. To change the upper sheet take oil the spread and lay the clean sheet over the blankets, securing the upper edge of the bed with a couple of pins; standing at the foot draw out the blankets aud soiled sheets, replace the former put on the spread. Lastly, change the pillow-cases. BKKF-TKA WITHOUT HEAT. — Take one-third of a pound til fresh beef, mut ton, poultry or game, in i need very tine; place it in 14 ounces of soft cold water, to which has been added a pinch, or about IS grains, of table salt aud three or four dreus of muriatic aeid; stir all with a wooden spoon, and set it aside for one hour, stirring it .occasionally ; then strain it through a gauze or eeive, and wash the residue left on the solve by means of live additional ounces of cold soft water, pressing it. so (hat aU the soluble matter will he removed from the residue; mix the two strain ings, and-the extract is ready for use. It should be drank freely every two or three hours. BKAUTIFIKRS.—I.adies, you can no l make fair skin, rosy cheeks and spark ling eyes with all the cosmetics ot France, or beautiflers of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such strength, buoyant spirits and beauty as Hop Hitters. A trial is certain proof. See another column. FIRST RATE COFFEE. —Take ACO lloe cup of the best Java coffee, browned to the color of chocolate (not scorched) ground not too line aud mix with halt an egg. Put this into a coffee-pot or boiler (which is as ch an as the cup you drink from), and pour over it one quart of boiling water, stirring as you put the water in; boil slowly for 15 minutes, then stand the boiler on the back of the range for ten minutes to settle; turn all coffee off from the grounds at once into an urn or coffee-pot that can stand upon the stove to krep Hot. Cof fee loses the flavor by standing on the grounds longer than Italian hour, and should be very hot to be good. Put into the cup a teaspoo.iful of "Ameri can condensed milk" and some boiled milk, and turn tiic coffee into it. No French coffee is any better. BAKED TOMATOES. —ScaId the toma toes, peel them carefully, so as not to break them, and lay them into a deep dish; seaso.i wi h salt and pepper and spread a teacup.ul of cracker crumbs over the top; cover the dish lightly, and bake in a quick oven from an hour to an hour and a half; jnst before tak ing iroui the oven add a few bits of butte-. Slip the tomatoes out carefully, the brown side up, or serve them in the baking dish. Or, season bread crumbs very highly with pepper, salt, grated onion, sugar and butter; peel, take out the core from the tomatoes and press some of this dressing in the centre of every toinatoe and stew over them a light coating of the same. Bake slowly. < WORTH LESS STUFF!— Not so fast my friend; if you could see the strong, healthy, blooming men, women and children that have been raised from beds of sickness, suffering and almost death, by the use of Hop Bitters, you would say "Glorious and invaluable reinedj'." See another column. To VENTILATE A ROOM. —To venti late a room without draught, make a hole through the wall to the outer air. in a corner of the room just above the skirting. Through the hole put one arm of the tube three inches in diam eter. and bent at right angles. The arm of the tube reaching to the outer air should be in length equal to the thickness of the wall, and the other arm should be two feet long, standing vertically in the corner of the room; If desired, it can be covered with paper of the same pattern as that 011 the wall. A tube of the diameter given above is sufficient to ventilate a room of moder ate size. IF you have a Sick Headache take a dose of I)r. Bull's Baltimore Pills; we know joti will find relief. To REMOVE FRECKLES. Scrape horseradish into a cup of cold sour milk; let it stand twelve hours; strain, and apply two or three times a day. Or, mixlemon juice, one ounee; pulver iz.ed borax, one-quarter drachm; su gar one-half drachm keep a few days in a glass bottle, then apply occasion ally. REMEDY FOR FRFCKLFS. —The follow ing remedy has been found efficacious iu Europe for freckles: Finely pow dered sulpho-phcnate of zinc, one part; oil of lemon, one part; pure alco hol, five parts; collodion, forty-five parts. To be mixed well together by trituration and applied to the skin. PERFUME FROM HOSES. —Tincture of Roses—Take the leaves of the common rose, place them, without pressing, in a large-mouthed bottle; pour some good spirits of wine over them, seal the bottle securely, and let them re main in a dry place for a month or two. Starving to Heath. Thousands of men and women are starving themselves to death. They dare not eat this or that, fearing it will increase tlieir flesh. Life depends upon continuous self-denial. The only safe and reliable remedy for this terri ble condition is Allan's Anti-Fat. it is wholly vegetable and perfectly harm less. Its use insures a reduction of from two to five pounds per week. Sold by druggists. BUFFALO, N. Y., June 13, 1878. To the Prop'rs of Allan's Anti-Fat: GENTLEMEN— The following report is from the lady who used Allan's Anti- Fat: "It (the Anti-Fat) had the de sired effect, reducing the fat from two to five pounds a week, until I had lost twenty-five pounds. I hope never to regain what I have lost." Yours, respectfully, POWELL & PLIMPTON, Wholesale Druggists. An Infallible llemrtly No longer liko Job need the afllictod million* cry out: "Oh, that my grief were weighed and my calamity laid in the balance! Ye aro forgers of lice; ye are all physicians of no value." For an "absolutely safe, reliable and certain ci ire for I'iles, the most exasperating, pain/ul of all dist asos, lui* 'am fouwl by Dr. Nilsi Half a million of sufferer* with piles lestifv t<> the virtues of Auakesis. Physicians of all schools endorse it and prescribe it; 500.000 persons have used it in all stages and varieties of piles, and none without bonetU. It lias been pronounced the "happiest medi cal discovery of tho ago." ami Dr. Kilsheo, an experienced and soientiile M. D. of 40 years" practice, "a benefactor tohis race." No rem edy so simple and yet so infallible as Antikesis for Piles has been discovered. It is a happy combination >f the soothing poultice of tue English the instrument of the French,and tho curative medication of toe American surgeons. It affords immediate relief troui th < uiost ex cruciating pain, holds up tho painful tumors, and ultiinat Iv cures the worst eases of Piles. Samples of "AHA Kiwis" are scut /rw to nil sufferer* on ap tu-aiion to the sols manufac turers, Mo.-sr*. I*. Neitstaednr V Co., ]3ox SIUC New York. Also, sold by druggists every whore. Price SI.OO per l*x I I.L HEALTH ON TIIK FARM. —In the first place, all formers should look well to their collars. In too many of tlieui will be found rotten apples, cabbages, lurulps, onions, &u. In sonio will be found old brine, with pieces of decay ed meat, sending forth tin odor, when the cover of the barrel is taken ofl, vile enough to wrench the stomach ofa pig. In others there will be musty cider bar rels, possibly vinegar casks, in which the vinegar has passed oil to the pictre factive stage, disseminating tho spores of decay and death, not only through the upper part of the house, but even escaping through the cellar windows and polluting the outdoor air. Decay ing wood generates oue of the mostsub tle of poisons, because the odor Is not particularly offensive. ltotten limbers in the cellar and mouldy wood or chips in the woodhouse till the air.with spores which breathed by a person iti the lull vigor of health may be thrown ofl* with impunity but inhaled by one whose blood is low may find a congenial seed bed and generate disease. Under the cider and vinegar barrels, and potato bins, may be found old timbers and boards that are full of dry rot, ready to propagate itself wherever the rotten particles may liiul a lodgment. In the well, rotten wood Is a subtle poison, more dangerous than a decomposing toad, as the latter makes its presence known, while few tasies are so keen as to detect the presence of decaying wood, l'robably the most prolific source of di sease around the farmhouse is the cess pool into which pass the kitchen and chamber slips. In the cities and large villages these are carried ofl* in the sewers, but seldom does a farmhouse have any system of sewerage. The slops are too often thrown out of the kitchen door, and left to generate vile odors on the surface ot the ground. To keep the air of the cellar and around the house sweet and pure, we have never found anything more economical, pleas ant and efficacious than a free sprink ling, as occasion may demand, ot dry air-slackcd lime. Chloride of lime is a greater absorbent of vile odors, but this is itself offensive to most olfactory nerves, and is also quite expensive. Common lime is cheap, and if scattered ireely in the cellar and wherever there are impurities, will render the sir sweet and wholesome,even IU ihe most decom posing dog-days. BABY .-hoivsaio the fashion now,but as long as mothers continue to nurse their little cues with laudauum or other opi ates, the}- canuot expect their Babies to look bright. If your Baby needs med icine get a good and harmless one such as Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. SALTING STOCK. —One of the most important things to attend to in the care ot farm stock of every kind, is that they have access at all times to salt. In this connection we would again call attention lo the practice in vogue with many farmers, in that they salt irre gularly, and at such times with too li beral a hand Thus animals will gorge themselves, and this often results in severe purging. Again, when salt is thrown about on theground to be licked up, the larger animals get more ihan they should, and the smaller ones little or none. Besides, injury to weak ani mals is often the result ol this strug gle. The proper way to salt stock is to have salt placed under cover, where they may get it every day If they wish, in this way they take just what they want and no more, and while eating what is neeessary for them, they never take enough to do them injury. Thus cattle will seldom take more than an ordinary tahlespoonful per day, and this is about what they require in sum mer as an aid to proper digestion. SAND ton STABLES. —F r the past two years 1 have used considerable sand to good advantage, both to my crops and land, as an absorbent. For this pur pose I constructed on the back side of the stable two boxes, one at each end of the stable, about live feet in width, ten feet in length and six in height, lilling them through the summer and fall with dry sand using it with little trouble or labor for the cows through the winter. The use of sand keeps the stable dry and sweet, and also absorbs most of the liquid manure, Hand also cuts the man ure, sothat it lsmor' 1 easily worked and spread. 1 had betore used sand to some extent; but, having no convenient place to store it when dry, could not use it in winter. I have also lound sand excellent for mixing in the hog pen, making the manure line. I have used such manure to advantage for pota toes in the hill, as well as for corn." OXK trial of Dobbins' Electric Soap, (made by Crag in & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.,) will satisfy the most doubting, of its great merit. Pure and white as •now. Try it. Make your grocer get it. His Prejudice. When Dennis Ttnn first began to pan out largely oleaginously, Tidioute did not con tain within her limits an undertaker, hut did an old resident, well known for his eccentricities, among winch was intense In trcd of secret societies. It so happened that when the great death took place on the run, this party and a friend were walking upon the street and were the first persons encountered by the messenger, a stranger to both, sent to town for a coffin. The fol lowing colloquy ensued: Messenger—"Can you tell mc where I can find and undertaker?" Eccentric individual —"That depends 011 what you want to undertake.'' M.—"A man has just died up the run and 1 want a coflin." E. I.—"O! Mike Lynch can make you one; there's his carpenter shop across the street." No sooner had the messenger departed thanE. I: turned to liis friend, saying with much excitement: "Billy, watch that fel ler; he don't want any cotlin; that'sablind. Undertaker is one of them secret society pass words; watch him Billy, watch him.'' I* YOUR THROAT FKKLS SORK or uncomfortable use promptly or. Jayne's Expectorant, it will relieve the air-passages of all phlegm or mu cus, allay Inflammation, and so give the af fected parts a chance to heal. No safer remedy can be had for all Coughs and Colds, or any complaint of tne Throat or Lungs, and a brief trial will prove Its efficacy. Ir You Would Enjoy flood lloalth Tako Uooftand'* German Hitter a. I YOUR Llvor is Disorders IJooflaruVs Ger man Hitter* will set it aright FOR I 'IMPLIES on Mie Face, use mmkrWn Tet- Ur Ointment. It novor fails to remove thorn. MAN* persons liavo U bud headache every few days. It can be stopped in one hour by Dr. DAY'S OURK KOH HKADACUK. Ask your druggist, or it will l>o sent by mail on recoipt of price—Fifty cents. D. 13. DAY, ltidgway, Pennsylvania. IK TKOUIILKD with (Jonstipation, take UooJ ami's German liitter*. IK Yon aro Dyspoptio Hooflaiui'* German Hitter* will euro you. Ihe*kell' Tetter Otniment Will cure every form of Tetter. Oakland Female Institute. NORRISTOWN. PA. WINTER TERM WILL COMMENCE SEPTEM BER , 1870. For circular! add re*. J. CHI Kit liALSTON, Principal. S. M. PETTENGILL & CO., A DVEKTIMINO AUENII, 37 Park Row, Mew York, 701 ('beat it m Street, i'bllatlelpblia. Pa. The Singing Class Season. Jiißt out. The Temple. , oop., d„.™> A. •pl. IIIB.T new NniMng School, Convention and I hoir Hook, by L)r. W. O. Perkins. As a Olioir Iliiiia , II1 to NNR of the LATPE*' nnis. AN a alneftiß School hook, BETTER lhau the cheaper and mealier one*, niece It hit ninrli more mimic; thai in , IS' tiuirctl of new Koiifc'! and Ch en, and 188 pagoa ol Ihe bel METRICAL TUNES and ANTHEMS. Bp D uien cupie* mailed, poet free, for SI.OO. Remember alio TIIK VOICE OF WORSHIP, • $9.00 per ilwiil, RECENTLY ADVERT ED ; Johnnie a MEW MCIIMMI tor Hlnclii( (Tnaars, an excel ltiHi book. ( uu pr d"Xii). Ho&iti lor impute Catalogue*, or Circular*. Joet ont. MTK7DENTDT LIFE IN NONU. ( *' 10' with liitr.xluci ion BY CHARLOH Dudley Waruer. L)5ol I lie lolliegi ot College Soiif*. A capital book lor eocial ALNITING. VOICE AM A MISICAL INFTTKT MI.MT, by C. 11 H. Davie, M D.|B7c.) Aii i u \ u i Uit Li Jo (iciitiMi* fn t!i* construction and man agemeinof the Vocal Or Kane. WIIH plate*. THE LA.t number of Til E MUSICAL KM'UKII, SEND 6C- nt lor one number, 91.G0 fir the year. " W ouldn't be with ut it lor ve time, THE price." Oliver Ditson & Co, Boston. jr. K. NITNON Jk CO.. tnt Clietinnl ftC. Phi la. Pianos and Organs a,l\ ;.n-E In mice*. I'U*.F 140 to 94*1 ; S-A'l.p or gan, FFIT!), all N *R.clas, -ENT .>■, trial. I ntalo,;ue* tree. S;,EET Mimic. H PR'FE. lMlar'* worth, H CF.ee . ataloaue of 1 <* PIECE* aso' fr .V. .tamp MKNDLEMOHW PIANO Co., 21 K. IFTIHN., N. V. AGENTS, READ THIS I . W will pay Aireot* a aatary of f lie per month aad rjpon' . or HIIOW a largo comminaion, to Mil our Now and Wondarf-ol firvntion*. W mean what Hamplo froe. Addrm* bUKKMAN A CO.. Marahall, Mich. CA Hadhdaa. iat m Drlalu) ■ora, ircnu, UARVULUI DANDELION, An rm Tvwmrt An Burr Mranu QMUW OF iu OTHxa Brrrna •rsinr fini^• All DtaaaaM of tta Stomach, BovataJßtoaA, Uwar, Kldaeym, and Urinary Organ a, NcrrmmnM. fllaiag Mmnu aad aapaetaQy mala Coaagiatata. JpVUI ha paid for a oaaa Oieywm oot can or ftotp, ■Tor anything Impose ar lnjtxrloa* fmnd ta rtiaa I Aak rcmr drngglat far Boy Bitter# aad try thaao Epafora yon alaap. Tahaaaathaa fetor Cloven Cvnlithe mat aafaat aad, hat . Ait Children |The Bar Par far Bt oanaeh, liwar aad XMagi ft •a parlor ta all opart. At Dragglato b. LC. fa aa aftaotata aad trradarfhaa eara M |Draahaanaa. oaa of apt am, WUM aaTaaaotte MB— head for eftoolar. BBBBi fflinnn REWARD i&sr LI 111111 "1111111 l Remedy fmjUuocure. Girua ■ immediate relief, noma -una 1111111 l of long .landing in 1 weak. wrapper hat printed on it in black a Pile of Sttmae and l>r. J. P. Milfer't npnatnre, rhila. ft I a bottle. Sold by alldrtiMuU. Sunt by mail by J. P. M. D., Vropr., S. W. oor. leutb and Arab SU., Pkilada. .Pa. UUri |.Aj|CCD ,Jur> *■guarautoedto be the if'oLL NUULrII cheepeat and beat In the jo., aiaw iwuuiig cau boat our SAMING MA tnlAa. It aawa oil a x-tuo t log fti 'j minutes. Pictorial books free. \V. GILES. Chlougo, 111. ffJTJ I{l —Cboloeat ta the world—lmport era' I f.QX prices— Largaat Company ta America A AJAAUI —atapla article—pleaaea ererybody- Trade continaalty increasing—Agents wanted every whare—beat inducements—don't weete time—tend for circular. KOI'T W ILLS, if Teaay at., H.T. P. O. Box ISR7. """TO ADVERTISERS.^* IP" We will ftirnieli on npplleatlon, estimate* for Advertising In ibe beet and largest circulated Newspapers in the United States and Canada*. Oar facilities are a nan r passed. We malte oar Customers* Interests oar own, and study to please and malte their Ad> vertlelng profitable to them, as thou sands who have tried as can testify. Call or sftdreas, ft. H. PETTINOILL A CO., 8T PARK ROW. New York. TOl CHESTNUT street, PMiadelpMa. Knpor'iis' celobratwt Single Br*ch-lodlfifr Fho ►un at sl6 up. r>oiiblp-l>arrl Breech loader* at $AMip. Muzilx and Rreeoh-1 iitdine Gun*, Kiflo* mid I'iatols til most approved English and American makes. All kinda of ep irtinir implement* and urti cl * required by *port*men and enn-mnker*.— COLT'S NWW BllKK' 11-LOAIUNG DOUBLK OCNS at $.lO up—the beat gun* yt road* lor tha price. Price on application. JOS. C. GRUBB & CO., 712 Market St., Philada., Pa. 126 EXODUS To the bast lands, In the bast climate, with the bast markets, and on the best terms, along tha Una of H'y. 3,000,000 ACRES Mainly In tha Famous RED RIVER VALLEY OFTHE NORTH. On long time, low prices and easy payments. Pamphlet with full Information mailed free. Apply te D. A. McKINLAY, Land Com'r, gLP.X.AE.K'y. gt-PaaLMlam. LANDBETES'SEEDS ARE THE BEST. D. LANDRETH & SON 8, 21 & 23 S. SIXTH Street LPHIA. firiffTQ' BEND POSTAL FOR PRICE A-'AI A ° I List and Instruction fo PIJIE I Self-Measurement, to rnnrr C F - BARTLETT, NHIIKN I 29 South NINTH Street, J Philadelphia, Pa. THE RECORD, OF PHILADELPHIA, tiieciikapkmt daily iniirpendekt NIIWNIMI'IH IN TUB UNITED STATES. . r 32 COLUMN* IOR OIVKCm. The lu* of SATURDAY contain* 6! column* ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS „ FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Complete aid Accurate Marie! Reports. ITS QKN RRAL NEWS AND ENTERPRISING BPKCIALITIKS MAKE IT A VALUABLE PAPER FOR ANY LOCALITY. Price, BS.oo a Year, Free of Postage. BKNT ON TRIAL ONE MONTH FOB 25 CENTS. Th* Doebl* Shoot (Kiglit-Pagn) Saturday tnirrtbor will bo sent froo .f puainu.- to any inl.tr.,* for Si 00 s year, *ml contain*, bojilm tlia now* of tli* diir, nii*"ol lsiioou* reading maitsrofan im stealing char acter, PRESENT CIRCULATION AVESAUKS fti.uw DAILY. P*ctwu Copies HKNT FREE to my Addr*** THE RECORD, PHILADELPHIA. When Trade is Dull, Judicious Advertising Sharpens It. HOW TO ADVERTISE. *** 868 rFTTKiIwILL WHEN TO ADVERTISE 8< e T-TTENHILL. WHERE TO ADVERTISE. W Hee PETTESbILL WHOM TO ADVERTISE THROUGH. tr Q.Q TO 37 PARK ROW, NEW YORK, and AT Sj^ETTESGILL 18TABLISHKD IMS. MORGAN & HEADLI, Importers of Diamonds AND SaMfictirers of Spectada. •13 GAM MOM • trees, Fhllsdelpbla Illustrated Price List seat ts the toads es appltoatton. RAWLINS' WHRT niILADKLPHIA ACAD KM V. AO9 S. 42nd *tr(. West Philadelphia, Pa., a Select <'U**ioal Boarding fccho 1, will reopen Sep tombor 22. Honor* of 7: ,at La- Uyott* Collegei Honorary Oration, at I'rinoetpu. J. M. KAWLINB. A M.: Principal. C AGENTS WANTED T T FORTES OMPLETE JrloME MRS. JULIA McNAJR WJUGJJ ISMKWBOOK. Th- Moral*. Haalth. B-auty, Uork, Anui*em>*nU, M -tnl>er*, M'iney. Bav mr* and Sp*ndlnga ar* all clearly d>-nlt with In fhaelnttaK alyle, full of aaeedot* md wit. W itn beautiful colored lllu*- tratnina, uw ty|>, toned pan r. rWolre binding*, and low orlee.thW work t* HOITNOTO HAVE AN IXNE.NSE SALE. No book like it ha* aver been pnliliaitfal For full d ci ipi ion and extra term*, a Idrea* J. C. MHTSny d' CO.. Phlladalpkta. fa. 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