Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 24, 1879, Image 3

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    t|c fonnval.
ftlftr k Dciuiiiscr. Proniletors
B OL DKIMNGEK, Associate Alitor
llllhrim Thursday July <4.
Terms— Per Annum.
From and after Jul) 3lsl
instant the mil! El*
JOI XML will appear as au
English paper. We only
desire now to stive no
tice of ftris ehanae, and
may have mare to say a-,
boa! it nevt week.
Senator Bayard's Opinion.
Whnt nm Mm dnt the Extra cw
alnw *ff tWHtrcM
lnu*TTiewr ia X>* York War Id.
I tbink the repeal of the tost oath
and the formation of the itnprevvd
system of obtain:rig impartial juries
vreie atone a sufficient recompense to
the eruimrv and to Congress for ail
tbe expense and harassment of the
session. It is evident that these
roost erfol and necessarv refoi ins
found lit He favor with tlie President,
a 5K* vetoed the ion bills
uiUt which ihev w>we at ffrst cen
bined a ithout a woid of intimation
that he approved of any features of
the tcTls- For the reasons I have
c I veil I consider the results of the
extra session to have been valnaole
te the country. They have wiped
out a feature of war legislation per
mitting the use of troops as police at
tlie polls. Thev have removed a test
oat .i to our age and coun
try. Tbry have made a step towards
the abolition of the radical system of
packing* juries in political cases.
Phey have exposed to th* people i
whoa for the oratralization of
mar, and for tlie people to be fore
st ain is to be forearmed. S 1
consider the results of the extra ses
sion to have been favorable to the
g>xdfovm meot ot the country and
< rvJtafete t - tlie Dem xuatic majori
: SHp Whose exertions these valn
-1 reforms have lteen rtehiewii de
spite the ohstmetiveness of a Re
publican Executive.
Prof. Mtyer, our worthy County !
Saperirr<-ndent, is out with his a
nual report, which is published in
the Watzh>mn ot last week. Tl:e
rvjtoi: is unlike most documents of
this class aod we regret tliat we can
not publish it in full for want of
sqpace. The Superintendent gives
much practical information and
some valuable hints, though thev
are r.ot exactly sugar coated, and
may not be quite as palatable to the
public taste aa such papers usually
Mr. Meyer starts out by saying
that there has been tut little pro
gress Bide during the year. Tiiis
is undoubtedly, yea necessarily true,
although many may not lie willing
to believe it. and we honor the Pro
fessor"* candor in leaving the beaten
track of self-deception and self-glo
lifijation and stating the truth so
plainly. Tlie cause of popukir edu
ekNoaalmafU did grow slowly and al
ways will, no matter wliat visionary
BBiusutsts may say alou: tin* mat
Unt'wbad the Prof, a} s abont the
study oi Grain mar in oar schools is
ft air true and aftiftber season
abic. There are no donbt si ores of
boys and girls in our schools .who
Lave •'studied grammar" for years 1
and wt are net aWe to write even
an ordriary letter creditably. This I
is n>t guesswork but fact. And
how do such results compensate for
the large amount of time s;ent in
the study of Grammar—s© called ?
In a large majoritv of cases Gram
mar had better be abandoned for ]
something more practical, as is i>er
tiuently suggested by Prof. Meyer.
But bear what be says:
"I am convinced that much ot the
time pupils devote to the siudv of
crer.mar is wasted. As alrtadv
stated the majoritv of our boys and
girls leave school tit about the age of
fifteen or sixteen, and at that time
they may have committed a number
of defmitkms and rules of grammar
but have not learned to apply them.
If teachers would give language les
sons in plaoe of having pupils study
technical grammar ami would in
sist on constant practice in writing
senteuoea and short composition, I
believe pnpils would derive greater
bew-Si. If book-keeping were sub- j
stituted for abstruse "grammar it
wonld be of more practical use to a
majority of our pupils. I would, of '
course, not be in favor of abolishing i
grammar— it pupils are far enough '
advanced to take up this studv and
the probability is that'they will stav
at school tang enough to acquire a
practical knowledge of the subject
let them study by all means,"
We only hope that words so plain
and truthful may not be lost.
Baxr For Treasurer.
The Democratic state convention
met at Harrisburg on the Pth in
stant, for the purpose of nominal*
trig a candidate for State Treasurer.
Hon. It. E. James, of Northampton
county was appointed temporary
chairman. After adjusting the co i
tesied seats and other routine work,
Hon. A, .11. Cuffroth was chosen i>er
manent President of the oonveution.
A number of A ice Presidents and
Secretaries were also appointed.
Jf oroinntions for bciojr in
order, IX C. Dissinger. of North
ampton county, John W. Mish, of
Lebanon, and Dani'l O. Barr of Al
leghany. were named, but the first
two named gentlemen were with
drawn iiefore a billot w T as had, leav
ing the field entirely to Mr. Barr,
who was nominated by aoclnnation.
After passing a series of well pre
i tared and timely resolulious the
"*" *- "re adjourned.
State Elections in 1879.
The first State election this year
will lie that of Kentucky, on August
4. The others come in order as fol
lows: California, September, State
and Judicial officers, four Congress
men and Legislature; Maine, Sep.
tember 8, State officers and Legisla
ture; Ohio and lowa, October 7,
State officers in part and Legisla
ture: Maryland, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, Mississippi. New Jer
sey, New York, l*enn By Ivan in. Vir
ginia and Wisconsin, November 3.
Governors are elected in all the
States named except in Mississippi,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Wis
Hon. Daniel O. Borr.
Hon. Daniel O. RUT, the Demo
cratic candidate for State Treasurer,
was Ivun in Indiana oountv. Pa., in
PMO. He received only a common ,
school education. He was tirst. em
ployed in a store in his native town.
Afterwards lie was employed by
Messrs. 1\ A T. Collins, in tho con- i
struct ion of the Indiana branch off I
thud'. llJl. the completion
Of this road ho engaged in ft tel. j
•graph office at TUiirsvlile. Mr. ;
H irr scon Tame under the notice of
Cel. Scott, of the P. It. It., who sent:
him to Pittsburg as one of the prin- ;
cipal operators there. When Col.
Scott left Pittsburg for Altooua,
Mr. Harr accepted an appoiutuiout ,
in tlie Pittsburg Trust Company, a
larg® banking house, and has kept
said position ever since, a period of
twenty-one years.
Mr. Bari is a man of standing
and integrity and few men have
-warmer or more personal fnends in i
the community m which ho liyes. :
He has the elements of a popular ,
The assessed valuation of Millheitn
Borough is which is prob
ably two fifths of the real value.
Mr. Ceo. W. Ilolloway and wife,
of Jiurbauk. Ohio, are here 011 u, visit
to fatlier-in-law,cousins and friends
generally. Welcome.
Somebody "up the valley" must
have mown oats, else how could the
cool winds of last week be accounted
for? We move that the follow be
kept at it tor at least several weeks
♦• ♦-• —■ ■ ■
John C. Motz has just bought a
first class Williamsport Sweepstake
I'i.uier, and we suppose by this time
it is already set up and doing work,
at Mr. Motz's saw mill, near wood
Rev. James Crawford, Reformed
minister at Lewisburg, has accepted
the position f Rector at the Acado
mv of Franklin and Marshall Col
lege, Lancaster, Pa.
The Central Manufacturing Com
pany of Lewisburg has this year dis
posed of every reaper that had been
manufactured. The Company en
joys a high degree of prosperity.
At Lewisburg one house is being
built this summer. This we learned
down there his: week, although we
did not go exclusively to Ascertain
that single fact.
Our old friend, Capt. John Millet,
has entirely transformed his old
dwelling, and it now has a very neat
and attractive appearance. Mav he
long live to enjoy tlie comforts of his
neat little home."
T;ieC ent re County Pomona Grange,
of the Patrons of Husbandry will
meet at Centre Hall on Tuesday,
August sth next, at 10 o'clock, A.
M.. and remain in session during the
day and evening. *
' ' *"V/ i OIIUHO ui iIUnVXIIIUI J Will
meet at Centre Hall on Tuesdav,
August sth next, at 10 o'clock, A
I M.. and remain in session during the
I day and evening. *
)■' —U-TO •TO •
Mr. Jonathan Harter has now the
I boss side-walk fin town—along the
i side of his dwelling. He got his f! Vg
i stone of a Mr. Pross in Centre Ilail,
j and had thein all cut in regular
I squares. It is a bc-autiful and per
manent walk.
* ♦ * - —.
j The apple and peach crop—especi
• ally 1113 latter, will be very abundant
in this section. Now if the corn,
sausage, ham, and lieef crops pan
out well in the fall and our friends
( remember us with presents as they
' should, guess wc can manage to live,
; D. V.
Rev. 11. C. Ilolloway, of whom
i bis native place, Aarousburg. may
; well be proud. Lias resigned the Cuni
berland.Md. charge, which
so acceptably for many years, and
wiil soon remove to Newyille Cum
berland Co. Pa., his new field of la-
Ur. Success to the good mail aud
faithful ruiiuslei.
LETTING. —Our school board gives
notice that they intend to repair the
school house on Penn street and will
receive proposals for the job up to
August 2nd. Right, gentlemen, but
make a good Job of the matter, else
you'll get scolded; and if yrtu do
make a good job you'll get scolded
With this number we intend to
! quit the carrier's system,at least for
j the present. Our sbbscribers in
Millheiui will please call for their pa
pers at the post office where we will
hereafter deliver them regularly every
; Wednesday evening, unless it may
happen, as it rarely does, that much
j extra labor throws us back a day.
Mr. D. L. Zerby will open a select
school in the North Street school
house, commencing on the 4th of
August. This will be the only op
portunity liefore the regular winter
term, and we advise parents to make
use of it. The charges are moderate
so as to enable everybody to send
their children. A liberal patronage
respectfully solicited. 2t
Among the distinguished visitors
to our sanctum recently were Jose ph
C. Nesbit, Esq., of Lewisburg, Mr.
B, F. Stewart, prospective mission
ary to Africa, M. M. Zeiglerairl
Stalil, students at Harvard Univer
sity, Meyer and Rev. W. M.
Landis, of Rebersburg, and last but
not least. Rev. John Tomlinson, tlie
man tcitk a voice , from Aaronsbiug.
They all agreed they would call
It seems that yellow fever has ta
ken hold of Memphis in dead earnest
and will not be easily driven out.
This year it was not imported as
was the other years, but took
its start from the wearing of cloth
ing that had been worn by fever pa
tients last year. The disease seems
to be spreading and the scourged
city is panic stricken. Everybody
is leaving that can get out of the
way. Poor Memphis, how she needs
the syrnuaUiv, prayer and help of the
('how .tackson's llcst Sweef Navy
Tobucea. 47.1y
Life in tho Woods.
Wo never saw ft happier party than
the one for some timo encamped at
Camp Chamberlain , on tho banks of
beautiful Ponns Crook, near the
rail road, about midway botween
Laurelton and Coburn. They came
on the 1-th inst., and loft yesterday.
Their encampment consisted of sev
en tents altogether, used respective
ly for. dressing, cooking, sleeping,
keeping provision and hospital—al
though tho last named seemed to be
entirely superfluous. The part/
spent its time in tlshing, exploring,
reading, plays, archery, music, de
listing and other literary exercises.
On the last night of their presence
they had special exorcises in prophe
sy, poetry, history, recitation and
selections in music.
They attended preaching in a body
the otiier Saturday evening, at Par
sley's school house, Rev. Mr.
Sell mire officiating. On Monday tho
whole party was photographed by
that fust class artist and general
good fellow, J. Wes. Cornelius, of
J,e wishing.
We never saw mirth, hilarity and
genuine fellow feeling manifest it
self 111 a more beautiful phase, and
regretted very much circum
stances forbade us to accept a mess
ing invitation to "stay all night."
The following are the names and
residences of this happy party, and
if wo happen to get some of them
wrong, please blame Mr. Irviu, of
Ilarrisburg for it :
LKWISBURG. — Mr. & Mrs. Linn,
Mr. & Mrs. Mattock, Misses Beaver,
Wilson, Dale, Billinger; Messrs.
Wilson, Wolfe, Duncan, Slieller,
McDonald, Kelly, llimmelreicii.
Harriahurg, Mr. Irvin; SunDury,
Messrs. Morr, Burrows; Philadel
phia, Mr. Harmon, Misses Harri
son and Doebler; Williamsport,
Misses Smith fc Ay res; W*st (Jlies
ter, Miss Noble; Carlisle, Miss Bor
Tlie Hcrahl man, of Girard Kan
sas, goes heavily for our friend, Mr.
Elias Wasser, of the Press, and
merely because Elias takes liini to
task i'or "giving aid and sympathy
to the party now seeking to nullify
the Federal laws. "It's downright
shameful, and if we were oat there
just live minutes we'd box that If r
<.Utl chap's oars so effectually that
he'd hear a Inhuming, roaring noise
in his head for at least a fortnight—
so we would. But really we are a
little muddled oil the matter ourself,
as Elias does not say which party he
refers to. and so we will ventuie to
suggest that it u .*>•£ be the party
whose chiefs —Chandler, Cameron,
Sherman, and others, stole the Pres
idency, lor such an entire nuUijicu
tiwi of law, right, honor and decency
never before occurred in the history
of this country. Gopher them, Ellas,
and for every one that gives them
"aid and sympathy," and we will go
your backing— at this safe distance.
Mr. Frederick's house is up at last.
Who next ?
The most and best ice cream for
lOcts. a dish can bo bad at J. 1).
Long's every Saturday evening.
Mrs. Helen Ilanna has been very
ill for some time and her recovery
is thought doubtful.
llev. Oryder Evans, of Pottstown,
Pa., end Rev. John M. Evans, of
Clarion county. Pa., are here on a
visit to their parents.
Last Saturday as Mr. Michael
Ream, with wife and son, were re
turning lioaie from Union Church,
tlioy met with an accident which
just escaped being serious. They
upset coming down the mountain
and all three were thrown out. The
old gentleman was badly though not
seriously hurt.
John N. Dunkle, while chopping
wood, accidentally cut his foot. The
wound is not very serious.
We have been asked very frequent
ly of late, whether there would be
an excursion to Lewisburg soon, for
instance to the probable Harvest
Home celebration of Union county,
but have been obliged to say in eve
ry case that wc do not know. "We
hope though that if our neighbors of
Union county intend to get up a
Harvest Home they may fix upon a
locality upon the line of the rail
road, say near Lewisburg, and then
an Excursion would naturally fol
low. The excursion of two years
ago was such a grand success and
left so many pleasant recollections
with our people, that a proposition
to ruade the matter a permanent in
stitution every year would have re
c ived well nigh every vote, and
when things took a different turn
last summer the disappointment was
We hope our friends down there
will take the matter in hand and
act. Let us have a rousing, high
old excursion and
"We'll all take a ride."
■ ' • ♦ ♦
On the 23rd illt., at the Reformed parson
age in Roalsburg, by liev. Win. 11. Groh,
Mr .Samuel Rage, of Rock Hill, ami Miss
riiebe S. Gill of Pleasant Gap.
On the 6th Inst., by the same, Mr. Win.
Klinefelter and Miss Mary Uechdol, both
of Potter township.
Oil tlie 20th in* t-, :it tlio resilience of the
bride's parents, near Rebersburg, by Key
F. AuranU, Mr. Alvin Sliucy anil Miss Al
ice C. ConUo, both of Pleasant Gap, Cent
Onthetltli lust., in Harris township, Mrs
Sarah Kuhn, wife of Alexander Kuhu, aged
43 years, 7 months aud 15 days.
On the 24th nit., in Davis, Illinois; Mr.
John Vore, formerly of MiUheim, ajjed 73
On the 15th inst., in Gregg township, Mr.
Michael Hettinger, aged 4$ years. 2 months
and 14 days.
On the 17th inst., in Qreggtownship, Mrs.
John Zublcr, aged 04 years, 3 months and 4
USITEU BRETHREN.—Rev. Mr. Landis Will
preach next Sunday morning.
EVANGELICAL.—Rev, W. H. Hartinan will
1>: each next Sunday evening.
REFORMED— Iiev. J. G. Shoemaker, Pastor
Preaching in Aarousburg next Sunday mor
LUTIIEUAN. — liev. J. Tomlinson, Pastor.
Preaching in AarousburgnextSunday mor
ning—German, ami in Millheiui in the evo-
Lodge and Sooiety D 1 eotory.
The Mlllhrltn Cornet Tlnnd tvlll meet In
tho Towh I lull on Mouikiy utul Thursday
I'Vcnln^. % - . „
Providence UranßO No. 217 I . ot *•
meet* in Alexander abloek on tho 2nd sa
tnrdaj*ofetlcll month at fl'-* r. *i. nl on
t lioAiXt StiiuiMuy of oueli month at l, v i {*. M.
MTllhotin Loilao No. DM. T. O. O. F. moot* in
the Now Hall, I'onn street, every Saturday
' TSritfe Library v>eu overy Fatimlay eve
niiiff after rio'outck.
The Millholin l. $ I- Aso,"lotion m®®*"
In Uu> Town Hull, on tho even.?!* or tlio
second Mi inlay oreueh month.
Mlllheim escort of Company n.. nth It®Rl*
ment, National Huaros will hold ttle.T
drill meeting, on tiro second story of Alex
ander's Block, every Tuesday and Friday
(TACTION. —All persons are herotiv can
j tloned not to purchase u certain shanty,
erected on my lands, near Delhi's saw mill,
In llaines township, us T claim the same as
my property. All persons are also oautiou
'.•d not to remove or take aiiyltiliiK from
said promises. DANII I. WOLF.
Ilaines township, July 2tth, 1875*. 20-3
N r OTIOK.~All persons are hereby can
Honed not to enter upon the lands of
the subscribers for the pur pom of hliootiip;
s(|ulrreis, or for other unlawful objects. as
tli<-\ arc determined to enforce the law
uefainst all trespassers.
Miles township, July 24th, IS7U. 2iid
VI > MIMSTUA T< >lt's N * >TI' K.—I-elters
of adiiiiiiistralioii on the estate of l.cvi
■snook, late of Miles townsliin, deceased,
h ivlng been granted to the UII Icrsiprued, nil
persons knowing themselves Indebted to
tin 1 said estate, are requested to luuke im
mediate payment, anu those hiring claims
anuiost the same, to present them pioperly
I probated for settlement, without delay.
2'Vbt. Administrators.
Millliclin Nurkct.
Wheat No. 1 1.05
IN heat No. 1 I.<H>
It ye 4}
Oats White ~... 25
tints. It lick 23
Buckwheat 80
Flour (j.fO
Bran Shorts, foi nn 15.00
Suit, per Brl 1.75
Blaster, ground IOJKI
t'einent, per Bushel 45 to fit)
Barley 50
CloversceiL • • Loo
Butter R
Hams 1"
Sides "0
Veal 3
r. el
Kegs 2
Lard.... 5
Tallow 0
Soap 5
Dried Apples
Dried Peaches
Dried Cherries 4
Kjrs Coal $5.25
stove " 5.50
Chestnut" s.'*'
Pea 4 *.50
Corrected every Wednesday by Gcpluiit
& Musscr.
llonr A
lai tor A
llifchost marketßprlec paidl(or"alllkin<lsi
Delivered either at the 11RICK MILL for fat
Always 011 hand and sold at prices that do
ly competition.
A share of the public
elicited. 30-Iy
ia a Staudur.l Family Run-vly for **
diseases of the Liver, Stomach
ami j?offi':B.—lt is Purely
V< rotable.— Jt never /£L B J JH
Dbilitd *—ll io <*£'£? V! y f.v J Ui
Cathartic and
G 1 A ff
ff W***, l V s V 1
M A %O V V o ''
Vv t .®> V VW#H
*®V ?-A
\A V) A A o S*V>*|J ECI |AV„\
vc 3 fi B* 1 m v^f\ D
I 5 •^* S6 N'J^\ B9 A\O O4 '
HP?® U< E
sl°a^ p \s, NA** O
jLjl 0
G B Los BEEN used
IP FA RAW ERP ■*** IN my practico
W P* ,% AND by TLIC public,
?|W R*>**F° R nioro than 35 years,
WILLI unprecedented results.
(MQfifl retu rns in'3o days oh tlOOln vested.
u)lZuu Ofll3 iul Reports and information
free. Like profits weekly on Stock op
tions of *lO to SSO. Address T. Potter
Wiglit A Co., llankers, 35 Wall St. N. Y.
upwards, not used a year, good as new;
warranted; NEW PIANOS and ORGANS
At KXTKAORDINAUY LOW priees/or cash
Catalogues Mailed. HORACE WATERS,
Agt., 40 East 14th St., N. Y. P. O. Box, 3530.
QAUFNTTTL'FL T 'IO only combination of
uiirli UNU KJ the true Jamaica Ginger
with choice Aronpit cs and
T L iff AM L French Brandy for Cholera,
jAMAIuA Cholera Morbus. Cramps 6I
jnmiuuu PJ . I)IAR ,. LLOEA & byaen
n tat firm tcl '.v. Dyspepsia, Flatulency,
FRTN(TTIR Want of Tone and Activity
uiliUlJlli in the Stomach and Bowels
and avoiding the dangers of Change of Wa
ter, Food and Climate. Ask for
*■*> e-.--.p-. Jamaica Ginger.
I , : 1 -■? , ,
1235 ST. -
We always lead, we never imitate,'
Our shrives and counters arc now lorded wllljlni/hi new Good
from Jioor to cciliug consisting of the following articles:
Millinery Department.
Spring and Sumnu r Hats it* Bonnets,
Trimmed and untrimmed,
Ladies, Misses & Childrcns Chips.
Slrau'j? it Leghorns.
French t Domestic Floiccrs.
lSrocadcd, Two toned it Double
faced Jiibbons.
Satin, Gros Grain and Silk llib
Dlwk Colored, Silks and Satins.
u 44 Ve I vets it Plashes.
" 41 Ostrich Feathers.
Hit Ornaments, Ac., etc., d ,
Bee Hive Store
LOOK: H^vjeist,
The Largest Dry Goods and Carpet Store in
Central Pennsylvania
Is j list receiving its Second immense Stock
$20,000 WORTH
Now in stock bought fCrcash and sold so low that every body In want
of first class Dry Goode will be largely interested in buying their goods
at the I live Store. S'HIO yards of new Cai pet just received, 2*> per
cent, below last Masons Price, comprising the largest, cheapest and hand
someststock eve sluwa in this City.
Beautiful Brussel carpet only 75 cents, Beautiful Ingrain carpet 25 cts.,
Good Floor Oil Cloth 2 yards wide 7 1 cents. Great bargains in Carpet
Chaius and Mattings. 500 Fairs of Misses* andChildrcn Stockings ft. cts.
a pair. Great bargains in Men's and Ladies Stockings, '/he largest and
cheapest stock of Black colored and Fancy Silks, Black Cnshmers, Black
Alpaccas, Jamestown Alnaccas, Fancy Dress Plaids Matelesse in all colors
and all the new styles of Dress Goods ever .shown in this City.
Wonderful Bargains in Mens and Bovs Oisimers, Col toad e Pants
Stuff, Shirting, Ginghams, Ticking, Table Liuons, Towlings, Stc., &
5000 yards of the best quality of Calico at 4 cents a yard, nd eveiy
thing proportionately cheap. By keeping only first class goods, selling at
very low prices, and fair, honest dealing, we have built up a very Targe
business, not only in Clinton County, but in all the adjoining counties,
reaching hundreds of miles distant, enabling us to buy goods in large
quantities and thereby can undersell all competitors. Call early and bo
Convinced of the Great Bargains we offer;
. i
• . •
Bee Hive Store, Sign of the Large Bee Hive
Over the Door, 65 Main Street,
20,000 lbs of good wasted wool wanted
Iu exchange fofr tlxo above bargains for which tile highest cash price
will be paid.
Sotions & Fancy Goqtls_ Dcparlffient.
Hosiery, Glares A Corsets,
liurhinrfs A Colhreites.
Linen Cujfs <fc Collars.
Silk, Linen and Cambric Handker
Silk Bows A TTcs.
i% d; Worsted VailintfS.
Breton, it Hamburg Luces
Gilt, Pearl. Ivory <t Si/Jfc Buttons.
Hamburg Edgings, 100 different
Towels <0 Hapkins
Jewelry, Pcrfunury it //air Goods.
Successors to tlio "East Lewisburg Lumber & Manufacturing Company,"
Mnunracturei-H 0 f
Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Doors, Sash, Blinds.
Verandas and all other kinds of Building
7 h /Uw-'ffffl *
BKfXO provided with ample hictlitie; the Intent nnd mont Improved lilfleiiiVtoi
Kd In"tner. 1 ' W ° "* l ° WU> 11,1
We give special attention to tiic furbishing of Material for th
better grc des of
Also, to tli'e manufacture of SCHOOL OFFICE and CHURCH Fuiui-
N. B-We enn semi Materials to Cuburn or f Mid cjicnp height*. j ,■
NOTICE™* am O&ffi^SSS^UTt.
iQttWlh MMW*
Bcllefontc, Pa.
:ha£ just returned from the city with a large lot of
Straw and Leghorn Hats, trimmed and nntrint
nted, also Bonnets, Flowers, & Ribbons.
Stop on Peun Street opposite Harta's Foanfir™.
1. ' 3. 5.
Leave a. m. p. m. r.M
Montnndon 7.00 1:55 G.'Ji
Lewisburg 7.15 2.20 C.35
Fair Ground 7.20 '2.-J)
Weld 7:23 '2AU
Vicksburg. 7.35 2 48
Miflllnbnrg 7.45 3.15
Millmont, 8.00 3.35
Laurel toil 8.10 3.59
Coburn . 02.5
Arrive at Spring Mills 9.50
2. 4. 6.
Leave a. \t. a. \r. p.
Sjrring Mills
Coburn 10.35
Laurelton 11,45 4 05
Millmont 11-50 4.20
• P. M;
NllUltiburß 12 10 4.50
\ icksburg ' 12.20 5.05
Bield 12.27 5.13
Fair (.round 1L35 5.23
1 ewisbiug • 0.35 12.45 5.45
Arrive at Montaudon.. f 50 . 1.00 6.00
Nos. 1 & 2 cmmct at Montaudon with FYie
Mail west on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail
Nos 3 & 4 with Day Express cast and Nia
gara Express west..
Nos. 5 with Fast Line west. ■
An Omnibus will run letuecu Lewisburg
and Montnndon, to convey pfts>aYigers to
and from Itteiflt* Express east uu the Phila
delphia & Erie Railroad."
The regular Railroad Tickets will be hon
ored between these two points.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. DIV.
f>n and after SUNDAY, Nov. 10th 1873,
the trains ou the Philadelphia <S Erie Rail
road Division will run as follows ;
ERIE MAIL leaves Pldladeipia.. 11 55 p. m.
" " Harris burg.. ..4 2la. m.
" 44 Williamsport ..8 35 a.m.
" Jersey Shore..l) 07 a. in.
44 Lock Haven.' .9 40 a'. m.
44 . Runovo 11 00 a. m.
ftrr. at Erie 7 35 p. m.
NIAGARA KXl'.leav. Philada.... 7 20a. m
44 44 Harrisburg 10 50 a." in,
44 arr. at WiUiainspoi t 200 p.m.
4 4 44 ; Lock Haven 325 p. m
FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia. .11 45 a. n(
44 Harrisburg... i 335 p. in'
arr. at Williamsport. .7 25 p. m'
44 44 Lock Haven... 840 p. nr
PACIFIC EXP. lcav. Lock IJaven. .6 40 a. in
44 Jersey sJioro 7IT a. id.
44 , 44 Williiunsjiort 7 s"> a., in.
44 arr. at Harrisburg. .11 55 a.m.
44 44 . Philadelphia 3 45 p.m.
DAY EXPRESS leaves Lock Haven 11 20a- in
44 44 Willi;iH!spo'rtl2 top.m
44 arr. at Harrisburg..4 10 p. i.
44 44 Philadelphia 7 20 p. in.
EHIjK MAIL leaves Renovo 8 35 p. m.
4 4 44 Lock llav 4 en. .'.9 45 p. m.
44 . 44 . Williamsport..ll 05p. m.
44 arr. at Harrisburg 2 45a. in.
• 44 • • 44 Philadelphia...,7 00 a, m.
FAST LINE leaves Williamsport..l2 35 a. in.
44 arr. at Harrisburg.... .3 55a. m.
44 44 Philadelphia. ...7 40 a. ill.
Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia
and Williamsport on Niagara Express West,
Erie Express West, Philadelphia Express
East. Day Express East and .Sunday Expres
East. Sleeping cars on' all nlglH trains.
WM. A. BALDWIN. General Sup
$25 TO mOO !?„*'.• 'KISS
foimdation for substantial fortunes every,
week, pays an immense percentage of
proflts by the now Capitalisation System of
oueratiug in Full explanation on
application to Adamß, Brown, & Co., Bank
ers, 20 Broad St., N. Y. 21-Iw.
is the title of a new Pamphlet of 72 pages.
11 contains the biography of all tjie, Presi
r.ent of tlie United States from Washington
to Hayes Witn tlietr portraits ( 41) In ain
epgraved expressly for this work, also 12
portraits ot Canadian notabilities. The
National Life will bp seat to any address
by mail, on receipt of3ct. stamp. Address
If. R. Stkvens, Boston, Mass. 10-1
Cum Lame & Weak' Rack
1 Plait St., N. Y. bi-i
HOW Tfl Q£T TK£M '•>Uw bu ptrt M it.e at-r. s.noit.O'
" far •. for free Wff "Kurn I'lclflr
4Jru I_und Camlanlflrr. kalim. Kir.t..
Vcar. Au Oil Cturomo (14* inches) of " Voo.-kv. j
r hoy f Blackßhwp. '•*: id hoik, ly
p-per bu<liu*: "Christian Oakley's jCwtaks." a?.
book, in Mp'-r l>jadia. and a sample o-py of • 'Wcrr*.*
Household nianaziue —ell post-paid, for only 3M c~ti: a
ini laoopf, or laooo-wot postajjo stamps. Ai&U
Mot liberal terms.],nt ndUlttUCe"3t free.
Address S.H. Wood, Tribune Building; Now Yorit-Jtty
a >'°ar. Send 10 Cents In 1 cent
<Ps£tJKJKJ stamps for a line Silver i'late4
thimble, retail price. *£"> cen* s, at:'l ley i n
now to make SriSOn a year, no hnmbtiKa
Oniy those who mean business neeo apply.
A. T. BUCK & 0., R'jfiu it, fa.'
&OA Mape IE A SfNGUi Day, Jar- 3hU by
V£V au agent. Send 1 cent stamp for
worticuiars. ltev. 8. T- Much, Milton.
_ 15 ' 4 *
~ All Soldiers, wounded of injtircd, can
now obtain pensions t umlcrlhc new law
to date from discharge. Address at once
with stamp for blanks and hew Soldiers
UOSmitlifiold St.* Pittsburg, l enua. 15-1.
Ad-Oldcst claim agency in the State.
(hAtptoA YEAR for lion est, intelligent
ci£. b . u>qaess "Kin or agents. New.bmhiees
work. Address Co-Opeuati~e
Autscv, Madison, Ind.
• -A copy of Brown's famous Illustrated
Miakesperian Almanac for IhTO,
with a copy of his Illustrated paper, tlm
OrorciW o orllf > will bis sent free to anyone
who will send their address on a one "cert
postal card... Address J. Hinsos Blown.
-!1 Grand Street, Jersey City, New Jersey.
17-1 w
AwiirHrU A fyrirt at eVn't-nnltd Fxpr*7ti<*i f<>r
■ . V f •* crnU.n.t ami lot i r that cf mtrfniuip ilarntini. The* Wa
ever nuila. Ar <ur title Mrip "lr*tk>-tnark m cltwf.'v
imitnli'd on inferior see that Jarlt-n'r fttl ft> Sold 117 ldhlm. (or Nui.idov
free. to C. . J*, Mrrv, l>terlM,r e .HV
Geo. F. WAuri.R. Cenei al Agent, 32-4w
Ntp>. j/iiid o Syulh Water Street Pliila.
$1 rP ? ur ' ! ys mi $1(10 inves
V*fcv\/ eu. oflicuil KYiiofts ami infor
mntion free. I ike profits weekly on Sio,k
options offiOtofSO. Address. T. I'oiTvit
Mb bj & Co. Rankers, 33 Wall Street.
New v ofr 21.4t
in ' ",° J , I: i'A.° snul for my latent 20 pa re
IllttHtraTod Newsp;v>)er with much valuab o
ill format ion. Free. New Pianos, *125,
•100 and upwurd. New Organs, frts to s;>.
v'V s i? rt , If f hic buying else
where Beware of Imitators. Addres.
DAN. 1-. llrAtrv, Washington, N. j. 15.j
PARENTS, you need no longer throw
away yoqi (hiidrens Shoes before they 'are
lialf worn, 011 ueeountof Holes through 'the
toes. Either thu
4 Or A. 8. T. t'o."
Will Prevc nt This.
„Ask lot these shot* when buying.
m io-w.4
Mupscmd pimpMetxfrec. J. F. MAMUIIA
Glare mont, Va. 21-4w
MONTH during VA
full particulars Addiers.
.. AlcCu> L'o.. I'hbavUdplna, Pa. -.."-4
I I ulaegetl xsly Jut, ij47o. Price tin.
, fnaiigctl.
1 be onlyxoinbiiiulionof the true Jamaica
Tn'ntuti r Clmjce aromatics and French
ree i-.tituft^ r,^ cti bg intemperate habits,
regulating the stomach ami bowels bieak
'tessf 11 is uuiy