Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, June 05, 1879, Image 3

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    £jjc f ouraal.
""ttiter * DtiBiMST. Pronrictors
B O. UaMv-BU, AwsoeUto Editor
■illhrtm Thursday June S.
I l - i *
Term* —81.50 Per Annum.
_■_ ■. ...... i.
Whenever things begin to get dull
the TikJcn income Lax case is pretty
sure to start up. The latest deve
lopment is the the tilling of a "bill
of discovery." whatever that may
be. bv the United States District
Attorney. It seems thai the last
time tie case was in court, several
months ago. Mr. Tildcn's sunset
announce*! that they were ready for
trial, bat tlie District Attorney
wanted the matter postponed till he
could file a bill of discovery. At
last tie has cot his bill of discovery.
aftesnat little document with four
teen hundred odd items and nearly
five hundred interrogatories. These
Intertogttories Mr. TiMen can ans
wer or not. as he chooses, and as
noon as they are disposed of one way
or the ether, some new expedient to
"facilitate matters ami make an ear
ly trial possible" will probably lie
discovert. —Philad< hthm Tintcs.
Hie Republicans of Ohio held their
state convention on the 28th alt., at
Cincinnati, and nominated Hon.
Charles Forstor, for Governor, a
man thit answers to thefunnv name
of Hickanlooper, for Lieutenant
Governor, and Hon. F. W. Johnston
for Supreme Judge. It is t lie ad
ministration ticket and is generally
considered a weak one.
Now why don't the Radical papers
once in a while give us the least bit
of news about Gen. Grant ? Please
do. jast for variety, if nothing else.
Our poor heart is aching for a little
information concerning the great
and good man. Tell us, oh. tell us,
whether be is in China or Japan,
whether he is exploring the River
Nfle or the Mountains of the Moony
Most of all we beg to be informed
when he is oomiug "Home, Sweet
Home."* We will try ao hard to
shape a new suit and 'meet the great
general and sff<.nwr* at Fran San-
CJSCO. Do be a trifle accomodating
for once.
Decoration Day was this year
aery appropriately celebrate*!
in Millbeim. The committee had
matters well arranged and the pro
gramme was atcelv carried out.
At 2 o clock a procession was
formed at the Town 11*11 in the fol
lowing order : Hearse; Speakers
in carnage ; Millheim Coruet Band;
Squad of soldiers. Co. "B," sth
Regt-. X. G.; two Sunday Schools of
Millteim ; Odd Fellows; citizens.
The column was a long one. It
moved op Penu Street to Maiu,
down Mam to the bridge, thence to
the cemetery- were the decoration of
the graves was proceeded with. Ap
propriate and impressive addresses
were mad? by Rev. W. R. Whitney
and Rev. S. G. Shannon, after which
the procession returned to town and
dispersed. Everything was done
with that doeotum and solemnity so
becoming an occasion calculated to
awaken so many s.ul bat precious
Capt- VanVahn's soldiers nude
an especially fine appearance. They
show that they are under a splendid
system of drill and discipline.
" In the evening Rev. Mr. Sliannon
delivered a very able lecture in the
Odd Fellows" Hall, on the subject of
Odd Fellowship. This lecture will
long be remembered by those who
bad the good fort une to hear it.
Thus ended Decoration Day in
Millheim for the year 1579. Its me
mories frill be lasting.
At aooat 6 o'clock in the evening,
Use Academy bell was rung, and
soon groups of children, laus and
IMK men and women, begin to as
semble in front of the Academy. A
procession was formed, headed by
the Millbeim Coruet Band and the
Aaronsburg Drum Coips, which
proeeeded to the Lutheran cemetery,
where the graves of six soldiei-s were
sue an with flowers. Short, but
very neat and appropriate addresses
were here made by 0. Sumner Mus
ser, Ed Shoemaker, Jacob M. Stover
and James D. JBoyer. The proces
sion then proceeded to the Reformed
cemetery where, after the decoration
of one or two groves speeches were
delivered bv Rev. J. G. Shoemaker
and J. P. Coburn, Esq-
The large assemblage then dispers
ed to their homes.
The Union County Agricultural
Fair will be beld Oct, 1, 2, 3 & 4th,
aad w? hope it will be another such
grand success as that of last year
was, which our people so largely at
tended and remember with pleasure.
The following are the officers of the
Society, and it strikes us they aie
gentlemen who are fully able to ma
nage the affairs of the Society suc
cessfully, and particularly —get up a
good fair: President—James Beihl;
Corresponding Secretary Philip
Frederick; Recording Secretary—G.
W. Walls ; Treasurer—C. 11. "Has
aenplug; Librarian—J. A. Gundy;
Chemist—J. F. Schrack.
The following are the officers of
the Centre County Agricultural So
ciety for the ensuing year: Presi
dent-—S. S. Lyon, Beltefonte; Vice
Presidents —John Wolf, Miles, It.
G. Brett, Ferguson, Sam. Bennison,
Marion, It. Underwood, Union;
Secretarv and Treasurer —Wilbur F.
Boeder, Bellefonte: Executive Com
mittee—Clement l>ale, Bellefonte,
Jas. F. Weaver, Milesburg,
Kishel, Benner, James McClintic,
Gregg. Matthew Elder, Half Moon,
ProfTjohn Hamilton, College.
The annual fair is to be held on
the Ist, 2nd and 3d of October.
At Island Pond, Vermont, a num
ber at school children drank from a
little brook of water into which po
tato tops had beeu thrown, on which
Paris green had been used. The
carcasses of dead animals had also
beeu thrown into the brook and the
water was so thoroughly poisoned
that nine of the children have al
ready died, and otbeis will probably
follow. There is terrible distress in
tlie community about it; work is
suspended and the excitement is
- ♦♦♦ ■
The temperance wave has struck
New Berliu. Will it ever strike
Millneini ?
Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy
Tobaeca. 47-ly
Rev. W. C. McCool, pastor of the
New Berlin charge, (Lutheran) has
Hon. J. B. Packer, of Northum
berland, planted 8,000 willow trees
this spring. Big Business.
BUSY PLACE— Mrs. Weaver's Mil
linery, on IVnn Street. She adver
tises in the Journal.
■ -JL-
The Millheim B. & L. Association
meets next Monday evening. Pre
pare the stamps.
The liouse of Mr. A. S. Valentine,
Bollefonto, was robin d of a lot o'L
silverware the other Monday night.
James C. Smith's splendid new
house is approaching completion ;
ditto, S. D. Mussel's; ditto, Freddy
Oatherman's. Guess we must bring
up the rear.
Two of our greatest statesmen of
latter days—Abraham Lincoln and
Stephen A. Douglass—have each a
son surviving, each residing in Chi
cago and each a successful lawyer.
The first side walk constructed
under the Borough government was
last week made along the front of
the old Roighard property. It was
much needed and is a good one.
■ " - • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ■
The Supreme Court o! Pennsyl
sylvania has decided that no liquor
cau be lawfully sold on election day
from 12 o'clock A. >i. till 12 o'clock
p. M., that is during the- whole of
24 Hours of the day.
On Friday a little daughter of C.
W. Hartman had the misfortune to
break its collar bone. The child is
only about a year and a half old. It.
ft 11" down a few steps in the rear of
the house which caused the fracture.
She is doing well.
corner stone for Miller's Evangeli
cal church, in Sugar Valley, will be
laid June 29th. Preaching in morn
ing and evening. Ministers and
people are very cordially invited to
attend. * D. P. KLINE,
■ •
LVDIES, have you seen the fine
display of Jewelry at Charley
St org is'store y We have no dispo
sition to overdo matters hut will
just say that Charley can suit you as
well and sell to you as cheaply as
any cue in Pennsylvania.
Are we going to have a meeting
of the Cemetery Company this
spring t Is anything going to be
done to put our "city of the dead'"
in a better condition V Who are the
officers aud where are they ? The
JOURNAL office is open during busi
ness hours tor satisfactory answers
to the above questions.
Messrs. Donachy & Ainmon start
ed a soap factory at Lewisburg re
cently, and very considerately sent a
lot of the first soap turned oiu to
the ednor of the Lcieisburg Journal.
Strange to say Whitman takes it all
in good humor and praises the soap
into the bargain. We'd pet awful
mad over such a strong hint.
ixGsJby Rev. S. G. Shannon, Mil
roy. Pa., with an Introduction by
Rev. 11. Zeigler. I). D., Superin
tendent of the Missionary Institute,
Selinscrove, Penna."
This |K>pular Bible Manual is for
Price, 25 cents. tf.
i ■ ■
The writer of a letter in tlie Lon
don Time s points out that an ounce
of bread wasted daily in each house
lio'd in England and Wales means
about 25,000.000 quartern loaves, the
produce of 30,000 acres of wheat in a
year; while an ounce a week of
meat wasted amounts to some 300,-
000 sheep.
■ ■
Deminger & Musser have just re
ceived another car load of marble,
and are turning out some of the fin
est work in the interior of the state.
Monuments, Headstones and Couch
es iu every variety of stylo and
price. This is the "old reliable es
tablishment" that has deservedly
enjoyed the confidence of the people
for so many years.
•-♦ •
The General Synod of the Luth
eran church of the United States
meets at Wooster, Ohio, on the 11th
inst. The following is the delega
tion of the Synod of Central Penn
Jno. Tomlinson, D. L. Derr, M.D.
J. G. Anspach, S. B. Hoffman,
J. K. Miller, W. Kohler,
A. Linsz, Col. Wm. Willis.
HORSE FAlß. —Arrangements are
now being made to have a horse fair
at the grounds of the Union County
Agricultural Society on Saturday,
Juue 14th next. Purses are to be of
fered ranging from S2O to SSO for the
best trottings. Purses also for pac
ing and ruuning races. There will
also be a wheeling match, walking
trial and pig chase. The prices ot
admission will be low. Bills for this
fair will be printed in a few days,
and circulated throughout the coun
One of the solid establishments of
our town and valley is the MILLHEIM
MARBLE WORKS, Deiniuger & Mus
ser, Proprietors. For many years
the people have given the Millheim
Marble Works a good support,and
to-day its business prospects are
better than ever before, and the
reason of it all is that the proprie
tors have established a reputation
for good work and fair dealing, sec
ond to that ot no other establish
ment of the kind in the interior of
the state.
At the last regular meeting of
Millheim Lodge, No. 955,1. O. Q. F.
the following resolutions were pass
ed :
Resolved , That a v©te of thanks
be tendered by the members of Mill
heim Lodge, No. 955, i. O. Q. F., to
Rey. S. G. Shannon and Rev. AV,R.
Whitney for the able addresses de
livered on the cemetery on decora
tion day, also to the Millheim Cor
net Band, to Capt. VanValin and
the members of Co. M B," sth Regt.,
N. G., and to the United and M. E.
Sunday Schools of Millheim for par
ticipating with this lodge in the
ceremonies of Decoration Day.
Resolved , That these resolutions
be published in the MILLIIEIM JOUR
I i Sec.
The new borough school board
met and organized on Tuesday, as
follows; W. It. Weiser, President j
A. C. Musser, Secretary; Samuel
11. Moyer, Treasurer.
When a man 1 uilds himself a house
all sorts of minor improvements will
suggest themselves around about the
premises as the work progresses. So
last week the idea seized us that a
sodded embankment along the creek
would most admirably unite the two
chief considerations in improvements
of all kinds —use and beauty. Wo
went to work ami built the embank
ment, dike or levee, by whatever
name one wishes to call it, for we
are not partieular about a name, or,
to be exactly truthful—we had it
built. Hut that is not what we in
tended saying about it. We kept a
count of the "opinions'' of the job,
as wo went along and the following
is the result;
Full sized, (Men) 31
Half „ , (Hoys) 52*
Our men classitled them thus :
"First rate," - r >o
"Pretty good,'' IS
"Not worth a cent," 4
"Wouldn't give a cent," 2
"X>umio," 1
83 J
"Looks well," S3
"Dunno," 1
Grand total S3 J
Farmers are complaining.
Improvements in various ways
are being made in our town.
Mr. Kinney sold a lot containing
forty perches to Mr. J, Brungart,
for $1)0. Who says, 'Hard times de
preciate the value of land.'
Our village justice came home a
few days ago with a 812 horse. You
bet he is a monster.
It is our genial landlord J. E.
Roush who understands to make the
best ice cream in tnis section of the
Dryness of eirtli, tramps and
tater buqgers ara among tlio many
things we now have.
Prof. Meyer has laid jvsitlo the
Superintendent t-xja for a few days,
and is busily engaged diggiug a
well, —he is no bad workman.
Pinching a dog's tail, or not low
ering the window curtains, when
spai king the woman you love, are
two things which our lads and lass
es should try to avoid, people will
talk, you know.
W. J. Alexander is engaged in the
huckstering business.
Jas. N. Leitzell has the contract
to build a house for John A. Gren
On Tuesday last the children of
Mrs. Sallie Ken nelly gave their
mother a rather agreeable surprise—
it being her birthday. The children
all gathered around the old lireside,
bringing their presents. It is said
thev had a very happy time, long to
be remembered by all present.
Gen. George Buchannan is still
bedfast and little hope is now enter
tained for his recovery, as he is over
the "four score."
The Methodist quarterly meeting
was held here over Sunday. The
Piesiding Elder, Uey. S. C. Swallow
was present and pfeached in his
usual able style. Indeed his sermon
on Sunday morning was considered
oue of the best ever heard in this
section. In the afternoon a cliild
rens' meeting was held which was
addressed by Keys. Swallow and
Whitney. Both addresses were en
tertuiuing and profitable.
- ■ ■ - ■■ ■
The Nursery Club (Franklin's
best) have made grand arrangements
for the proper ceremonies of Decora
tion Day. llev. J. A. Fradenberg,
D. D., is to be the orator of the day,
and llev S. J. M. Eaton, D. D., is
to deliver the invocation, while oth
er eminent ladies and gentlemen-
Pete amo<uj them —will take a pro
minent part in the ceremonies. The
presence of the military will be an
appropriate and imposing feature of
the occasion.
Our oil men are happy over the
defeat of the bill proposing to tax
oil. The other day an old lady gave
vent to her feelings on the matter
thus—"l deglare fur gootnis, sis zti
bat, zu tax the oil rigs and derricks."
Our Senator, Hon. J. W. Lee, and
our Representatives, Mess is. Mapes
Myers & DeWoodie have labored
nobly for the interests of their con
stituents. Especially has Mr. De-
Woodie endeared himself to the
people for his honesty and industry
as a representative.
A man who was working at an oil
well in Franklin last week, thought
he would look down into the hole
whilo the torpedo which they were
putting into it, went down. lie did
so and continued looking until the
explosion took place—and now he
must do without nose and upper lip,
for these useful members were
blown off. The wonder is that the
ma J wasn't blown to atoms.
On Tuesday evening of last week,
while a man and his wife were milk
ing there came up such a thunder
storm that they had to quit and go
into the barn for shelter. They had
just entered the barn when a very
sharp flash of lightning killed three
of the cows. It was indeed a nar
row escape for these people.
A funny thing in the line of wed
dings occurred here lecently. The
intended wedding came to naught
three times , for some reason or other;
but the mother of the bi idegroom
became * l nil desperandum," and af
ter trying in vain to borrow a little
of the spondoolics fox her sen, to go
away and get married some place
else, (You know, Mr. Editor, a fel
low wants a little money at such
a time) he finally made a bargain
with a certain 'Squire to pay for the
job of splicing, in planting corn.
The other week for several days he
was busily engaged in fulfilling his 1
part of the contract. Surely perse
verance will conquer.
Accept Pete's thanks, Mr. editor,
for the nice compliment received a
few weeks ago. Pete will come one
of these times, to visit his Penns
Valley friends when he will give the
big broad of ve editor a good
hearty shake. Of course he then ex
pects to see your animal youi
Wolf. Voila tout
We had very copious rains on
Monday and Tuesday and vegetation
is wonderfully revived.
—•■ -
Tiiic QtrfesTioN is often asked,
why does Newman advertise so free
ly ? The answer is simple—because
he does such a big business. Hut
why does ho do such a big business t
Esisv again—because lie advertises so
freely, anil keeps about the fullest,
best and cheapest line of clothing of
any establishment in this part of the
state. No matter what others say
Newman is bound to bo ahead all
the time. All wool cassimer suits
made to order for sl2. White shirts
at 50 cents. Finest line of linen
dusters in tho county. Nice white
vests for 70 cents. When you go to
Hollefouto, don't fail to go to New
man's Eagle Clothing Hall. 2d-2t
Annual Statement
of I'fim township School District, for tho
your ending June 3. 1579.
Frank. Kiimt, Treasurer.
IS7S Receipts. I)r.
June 3. To balance due $ 305.14
" int.uu siuiir,6 muiitliK,.. IMA
" stale appropriation 341.20
" amount duplicate, 1578,.. lolo.H
" unseated land tax ].. r >o
1879 Expenditures. Cr.
dune 2. Rv teachers orders paid,.. 41(00.00
•' fuel W1.75
" Walter & Deinlnger,
printing, 1a.15
" repairs, 20.53
" tuition paid Haines twp.,
" cxlioHorations 27.21
" abatements 011 taxes.,.. S<>.4 l
" secretary's salary 25.00
" auditor's clerk & room, 5,25
" publishing statement.. 2.00
" treasurers percentage, 25.. 8
" balance due twp ........ :'HB.'J2
We the undersigned. Auditors of Pen 11
township, have examined the ahovc account
find the same correct and approve of the
same. U.K. Duck,
ANl)i>BW Uaktek,
June 2nd, 1879. Auditors.
"* 11 11 - i' ■. ■
On the lsi inst., by Rev. W. M. Landis,
Mr. Harvey Z. Blerly with Miss Alice R.
Riown, both of Sugar Valley, Clinton Co.
On the 3d Inst., by Rev. J. tl. Shoemaker,
Mr. W. H. Philips to Miss Clara Meyer,
both of Aaronsburg.
On the 22nd last., near Cntre llall, Mrs.
Mary Stahl, aged 27 years, 11 months and 9
Reformed— Rev. J. <7. Shoemaker, Ihistor.
Preuchlag in Aarouahurg next Batulay eve
latiieran.— Rev. J. Tomlinson, ra*tor.
Prmchlug ui Autousburg next Sunday eve
Methodist.— Key. W. R. Whitney will
preach next Sunday evening.
Evangelical.— Rev. C. F. Delnlnger will
pivnch next Sunday morning— German.
Lodgo and Society Di octory.
The MiUheiin Cornet Ibxml will meet In
the Town llull on Monthly uml Thurmlay
Providence Grunge Xo. 217 P. of 11.,
meets In Alexander's block on the 2ml Sa
turday of ouch month at 0% \ m. and on
the 4th Suturtluv of each month at I>£ v. M.
Mlllhciin Ixiiiire N0. 955. 1.0. <>. F. meets in
the New Hall, Penn street, every Saturday
lAHlge Library open every Saturday eve
ning alter >o'clock.
The Millheim It. A L. Association meets
In the Town Hall, on the evening of tin*
second M ntlny of each mont h.
Millheim escort of Company 11.. sth Uegi
meut. National Guards eill hold tlielr
drill meeting, on the second story of Alex
ander's Block, every Tuesday and Friday
nual Meeting of the Stockholders of
the Lewishing, Centre & Spruce Creek
Railroad Company wilt he held at tho olhce
of the Company, No. 233 South 4th Street,
t'liihulelphi-i. Pa., 011 Tuesday, June 10th
IS7P at 10J4 o'clock, A. M.
Election for President and Directors same
day and place.
Jambs r. McCluiir,
COUNTY— In the Mattek or the Es
Township, iikc'd.— The undersigned Audit
oranpoiuted to make distribution ol the
t una iu the hands of the Executors, to and
among the pai ties entitled thereto, will at
tend to the duties of his appointment on
ednesday the2stli l:r of June. 1879, at 1
o'clock, i. m., at his ofllce in Bellefontc. All
persons aie required to present their claims
before the auditor, or he debarred from
coming-in for a share of the fund.
John Blair Linn.
23-3t Auditor.
Dr. Saxkord's Liver Ihyiqorator
is a standard Family Remedy for jA
diseaoss of the Liver, Stomach
and Bowels. — lt ia Purely
Vegetable. — It never |T||
Debilitate — lt ia | y
Cathartic and RDH ML I
TUT ! h 4 4 tf<*'
T O S°£V
l \ ft V Vu\ /ft 1
'•.few t
1 W IW V
si \t .\®< SB
9®, "rfSSS CI If PJ'* LIVOI
V°esfifl l J|ia X?* i : ' vl KU>*<T
11 RBry eeu ÜBe^
fKi 9 * n P rac Lce
|j% w and by tho public,
jjj> for more than 35 years,
witli unprecedented results.
Mapsand pamphlets free. J. F. MANCH A
Clare uiont, Va. 21-4 w
CATION. For full particulars Address.
J. C. McCmdy & Co. , Philadelphia, Pa. 23-4
Cures Lame & Weak Back
1 Piatt St., N. Y. 23 1
235 ST.J
srarxe iijrirovxcßMßtrr.
We always lead, we never imitate,
Our shelves and coiir.ters'aro now loaded will hi i/lit newj Good
from lloor to ceiling consisting of the*(bllo\ving articles:
Millinery Department.
Spring and Summer Hats tfc Bonnets,
Trimmed and untrimmed,
Latlics, Misses A Cliildrcns Chips,
Straits ct Leghorns.
French ct Domestic Flowers.
Brocaded, Two toned A Double
faced Ribbons.
Satin, Gros Grain and Silk Rib
Black it Colored Silks and Satins.
44 44 Velvets it Plushes.
4 4 4 4 Ostrich Feathers.
Hat Ornaments, Ac., Ac., <t,
Bee live Store
XjOOKZ Hj^/vpiisr,
The Largest Dry Goods and Carpet Store in
Central Pennsylvania^
Is., just receiving its Second immense Stock
F0 SPRING OF 1879.
$20,000 WORTH
Now in stock bought for cash and sold so low'that every l>ody in
of first class Dry Goode will be largely interested in buying their goods
at the Bee Ilive Store. 5000 yards of new Caipet just received, 2 per
cent, below last Seasons Price, comprising the largest, cheapest and baud
someststock eve shown iu this City.
Beautiful Brussel carpet only 75 cents. Beautiful Ingrain carpet 25 cts.,
Good Floor Oil Cloth 2 yards wide 7 1 cents. Great bargains in Carpet
Chains and Mattings. 500 Pairs of Misses' and, Children Stockings G cts.
a pair. Great bargains in Men's and Ladies Stockings. The largest and
cheapest stock of Black colored and Fancy Silks, Blaok Cashmers, Black
Alpaccas, Jamestown Aloaccas, Fancy Dress Plaids Mate.lesse iu all colors
and all the new styles of Dress Goods ever shown in this City.
Wonderful Bargains iu Mens and Bovs Casimers, Cottoade Px nts
Stuff, Shirting, Ginghams, Ticking, Tabl9 Linens, Towliugs, &c„ &c., &
f000 yards of the best quality of Calicd at 4 cents a yard, nd every
thing proportionately cheap. By keepings only first class goods, selling at
very low prices, and fair, honest dealing, we have built up a very large
business, not only in Clinton County, but in all the adjoining comities,
reaching hundreds of miles distant, enabling us to buy goods in large
quantities and thereby can undersell all competitors. Call early and be
convinced of the Great Barguits we oiler.
Bee Hive Store, Sign of the Large Bee Hive
Over the Door, 65 Main Street,
V 7
20,000 lbs of good washed wool wanted
In exohange for the above bargains for which the Mgheet cash price
will be paid.
Notions & Fancy floods Department.
Hosiery, GlovcslA Corsets,
lluchings <£• Collerettes.
Linen Cuffs <fc Collars.
Silk, Lmcn and Cambric Handker
Silk Boies £• Tics.
i% & Worsted Vailings.
Breton, Russian & Hamburg Laces
(iilt, Pearl, Ivory A Silk Buttons.
Hamburg Edgings, 100 different
Toiccls tfc Napkins
Jewelry, Perfumery A Hair Goods.
. Flouril*
l.ii ter >w
Highest market*"price pald'forrall kinds"o
Delivered either at thn'RRICK MILL or?at
Always on hand and sold at prices that de
fy com petition.
Asharc of the public patrmiage!respectfully
elicited. 39-Iy
1 . J- J 1
Mlllhcim .Market.
Wheat No. 1 1.00
Wheat No. 2 90
Corn 40
It ye 41
Oats White fif
Oat*, Hlack 20
RUCK wheat 50
Flour .*>.oo
Bran & Shorts, pei un 15.00
Salt, per Brl 1.75
Planter, ground 10-60
Cement, per Bushel 45 to so
Barley 50
Clover seed 4.00
Mutter 12 1
Hams K
Sides 0 '
Veal 3
B -et
Kites R
Potatoes 60
Tallow 0
Soap 5
Dried Apples
Dried Peaches
Dried Cherries 4
Egg Coal f1.25
stove " :
Chestnut 44 5.n0
Pea 44 3.50
Corrected every Wednesday by Gephart
& .Mustier.
Free. Address J. F. MANCiIA & CO.,
Dover, Delaware. 21-4 w.
CiOPafM"! a year. Send 10 cents in 1 cent
Stamps for a Due Silver Plated
Thimble, retail price. 95cell's, ar.dlearn
how to make 82500 a year, wo huiubugs.
Only those who mean business need apply.
A. T. BUCK & CO., Milhc n, Pa.
C9A MAPE IN A SPJOLE DAY. Jan. 30th by
Va" an agent. Send 1 cent stamp for
particulars. Rev. S. T. Been, Milton,
Pennu. l.V4vv
Alt soldiers, wounded or Injured, can
now obtain pensions ; under the new law
to date from discharge. Address at once
with stamp for blanks and new Soldiers
116 Siuithflcld St.. Pittsburg, henna. 15-4.
*#-01dest claim agency in the State.
(bin TO ftinnn Invested dn Wall Street
ipiU ill ipIUUU Stocks makes fortunes ev
ery mouth. Book sent free explaining ev
erything. Address, BAXTER & CO., BANK
ERS, 17 Wall St., New York. 11-4 w
A copy of Brown's famous Illustrated
Shakesperian Almanac for 1*79, together
with a copy of hts illustrated paper, the
(irovina IVorUI, will IK- sent free to anyone
Who will sand their address on a one cent
postal card. Address J. GIBSON BKOWK,
21 Grand Street, Jersey City, New Jersey.
nronft' Piirgat Ive I*l In make New
Kich Blood. unci will completely change the
blood in the entire system in three months.
Any person who will taka 1 pill each night
from I to 12 weeks may be restored to sound
health, if such a thing'is possible. Sent by
mail for s letter stamps. I. S. JOHNSON
A CO., Bangor. Me.
Awnrdrd h nt Ccntoiiniul }.x jwt.iticfi fox
fur rl.ntiip yuniil** ami crrrtlm.-< anti I,Mini char
a.-t,T t.f tKertcniny a*i fiaroHnj, Vlu> beat tobacco
crr ma.l, Ar :.iir blm- Ktriji trade-mark inclovtil*
undated on inferior -.-oiida, -. limt Jcf in
on every I>ls{. Sold % I dealers. Send for sample,
0v, to c. A. J*. ...>us ft * Wfrs., l'eiersbvs, Vx
(100. F. WARILE, General Agent, 324w
Nos. 3 and 5 Soulh Water Street Phila.
9ftft returns in 30 days on SIOO invca
?fa"" cl. Official Reports and infor
mation free. I ike profits weekly on B'ock
options of $lO tos,*d. Address. T. POTTER
WIOUT A Co. Bankers, 35 Wall Streot
Now York- 21.4t .
AGENTS WANTED for Smith's Bible Dic
'.tlonavy and HOLM AN S NEW
Prices reduced. Circulars Free. A. .T.
HODMAN & Co., PliDa., Pa. 15-4
Do not fail to send for my latest 20 page
Illustrated Newspaper with much valuab e
Informatiou. Free. New Pianos, $125.
$135 and upward. New Organs, $55 to s44fi!
Be sure to write me before buying else
where. Beware of Imitators. Address
DAN. F. BEATTV, Washington, N. J. 154
rAHENTS. you need no longer throw
away youi Chlldrens Shoes before thoy tare
half worn, on account, of Holes through the
toes. Either the
' Or.A. S. T. Co."
.Will Preve nt [This.
...Ask for these shoc when buylujj.
stead." sddrcM Land (Wabtkucr. *!>**. LMU.
I- a moat lily, tOO-pagc Scrap Bark of tbi crnamaf
tho World's Litantare. fiiralcio espy. Soo.. or rl r-.
rear. An Gil Ohrouio (UxJO inches) of '* Vom-m. •.
V idler." prica, *3; " Black Sheep, 'aft CO book.
paper binding: "Christian Oakley "a. Jl.!.%" a i i
hook, in payer binding. and a naraplo copy of "woe-'. t
Koaeshold Magazine"—all post-paid,for only Xi or;.•
In money, or in one-cent poetoro stamps. Ajrrttl
5 ante A M o-t I iboral terms, but not hi pe sent I reo
Address S. H.Wood, Tribune Building, Lew York Oil.
L C. & 8. c. b&ilroad!
1. X 6.
Moutaiidon 7.00 I.6ft e.ifti
lajv.islmrif 7.16 2.20 iK
Fair Ground 7.W 2.30
Rlehl 7.26 2.40
Vlckslmrg, 7-35 2 4*
MifUinbnrg 7.46 3.15
Miltliiniit S.NO H.W
Tamrelton 6.10 , 3.5®
Cotoarn ®.3ft
Arrive at Spring Mills 9JO
2. 4, 6.
LEAVE A.M. A. f. p.
Spring Mills IP.IO
(obnru jP-Sft
Laiuelton 11,46 4 05
Miiloiont 11.56 4.5)
Mtffllubura fj 10 4JO
6 icksburg 12.20 ft.os
Biehi 12.27 6.13
Fair Ground 6.23
lewisbwig 12.4 ft &45
Arrive at Montandon.. 650 1.00 6.00
Nos. 1 & 2 connect at Montandon with Brie
Mull west on the Philadelphia & Erie KaU
No* 3 & 4 with Day Express east an* Nia
gara Express west.
Nos. 5 & 6 with Fast Line west.
An Omni bus will run between Lewlsburg
and Montandon, to convey passengers to
and from Pacific Express east on tbe Phila
delphia & Erie Railroad.
The regular Railroad Tickets wIU be hon.
ored between these two points.
Philadelphia & Brio R. 5. Div.
On and after SUNDAY, Nov. 10th 1376,
the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail
road Division will ran as follows :
ERIE MAlL leaves Phllarteipla...ll Up. m.
" " Harrisburg —4 35 a. in.
" Wi!liaro*|ort..B 38 a. M.
" " Jersey shore,.9 07 a. m.
" " tek Karen. .9 40 a. ra.
" M Kenovo II 00a. in.
" art. at Erie 7 35 p. m.
NIAGARA EXP. leav. Philada.... T 90a. m
44 44 Uarrlß
" arr. at wniiamsjiort aoop. m
" " Lock Ilaven 3 95 p. m"
FAST LINE leaves I'lilladelpliia. .1143 a. na *
" " Harrisburg.... 835 p. m*
" arr. at Williainsport. .7 25 p. m*
44 44 Lock Haven...B 40p. nr.*
PACIFIC EXP. leav. I.ock Haven. .6 40 a. m
" " Jersey Shore 714a. m.
" 44 Williattuiport 758a. m.
44 arr. at Hairlsbure.,ll 55 a.m.
44 44 Philadelphia 345 p. m.
DAY EXPRESS leaves Lock Haven 1130 a- M.
44 44 WlUiamsportl24op.m,
44 arr. at Harrisburg.. 4 10 p. a.
44 Phi ladelphla 7 30 p. m.
ERIE MAIL leaves Renovo 8 35 p. in.
44 44 Lock Haven...9 45 p. m.
44 44 WiUiamsport..ll 04p.m.
44 aw. at Harrisburg ~245 a. ni.
44 44 Philadelphia,..." 00a, m.
FAST LINE leaves Willlamsport..l2 36 a. m.
air. at Harrisburg 3 55a. m.
44 44 Philadelphia... .7 40 a. m.
Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia
ami Williamsporl on Niagara Express west,
Erie Express West, Philadelphia Kxpre*?
East. Day Express East aud Sunday F.xpre
East. Sleeping cars on ail night trains.
WS.A, BALDWIN. General Sup
has just returned from the city with a large lot of
(hip, Straw and Leghorn Ilats, trimmed and untrim
med, also Bonnets, Flowers, & Ribbons.
Slot) on Peon Street opposite Hartal's Fonndr.
Q9\ 'Til I Judiciously iuveshd
s£o 111 SOUOU I llt w*ll St., lay*the,
foundation fur subset utial fortunes ever>.
week, .md pays an immense percentage of
profits by the now Capitalization System of
oueratlip; in Stocks. Full explanation on
applic-Vi-ion to Adauis, Brown, & Co., Bank
ers, i 6 Broad St., Y. 21-4w.
WANTED is^sfc
to SIOO per Mouth and expenses. Refer
ences required. k.A BF.LLE MAMU
FA<TIIJi Co., 93 Clark Street.
Chicago. Jl-4W
is the title of a new Pamphlet uf 72 pages.
It contains the biography ©f all the Presi
dent of tlie United State*from Washington
to Hayes wtta tlieir portraits ( 19 in nil)
engraved expressly, for this work, aiso 12
portraits or Canadian notabilities. The
National Life will be sent to any address
by mall, on receipt or3ct. stamp. Address
If. It. STKVESS, Boston, Mass. 19-4
Bellefonte, Pa.