Xyc Jounal VJir & Baiter. Proprietors t O. Drau'uul of a "barring out; "Mv early life was made minora Ide by one Mulberry Bangs, a gen lieman of the old school, who de himself to reading, writing arithmetic, ami the general use of a stick. Upon TOT lit id and o*her part; of my jxerson L.° imprinted himself so positively that 1 can see bim ew as if we lud pan °d but ysaterdav. He was a stout uian, wto made in his figure, when in profile. Doprth's line of beauty, being round-shouldered and croik ed in the leg*. lie was a blonde. The hair of I.is bead had that sunny J tinge *o much admired to day, aud when rubbed down with a tallow candle, as was his want to dress it, was so smooth and strdzht that the tolwrod that the flies slipped down it and broke t!*-ir legs. Ills eyes aw dark and fierse, and hil under j tbe cavernous recesses Bu.d* by his j bosky red evebrows, seemed to ! watch like evil spirits over his pre cious nope, n e nose was a ruby j nose, bottle in shape, and when! Bangs was angry, which appeared Sfcbeall the time, it glowed like the liead of a l ocomotive. His month finished without lipe and rasembied ***** in a piece of sole hxtiimr, i # ♦ i * * * THE ooirarntACT BANGS. **CWd Bangs wis famous tor his j power of resistance, and wasted t bat no school of bis ever smcceodtd in conquering in baring hiai out. There were two big boys in school mtmH Bill Ilening and Bob Strong. Tbey were knotty headed, broad- j shouldered, and hard fisted fellows, who worked through tbe summer fox means to attend school during tbe winter. Each, iu tarn, bad been uuuaerci'uny whipped by the i master, and it was understood tbmgbrat the school that the bar ing out cf Master Bangs was to be axnculhM a - d old scores settled. T* e evening before the general en gagement Bill and Bob, our noble leaders, with a few confederates, stole back to tbe school house arm ed with hbkory poles. Breaking open the doo , they whit'led one end of tbese tongh 6aplings to a point, aud then Hardened the points tn the fire. Then riving these in a corner ready for use, with a stout cord, they gave orders to tbe boys willing to take part in the fight to lie ou Land at the school house be fore daylight tbe Dext morning. At the time indicated nearlv all the lads were in attendance. Some were lib and trembling, others were noisy and boastful, but I observed that the real leaders and reliable mdoiers quiet -so quiet, in deed, tfiat one might doubt them. *• * * Oar firet order was to cut and carry in enoagb wood to wrve the gamson daring the siege. This was promptly erecuted. The window shatters were palled to and securely nailed, the door closed and desks and bene'ies piled against it. After two port boles were opened ly removing the chinks and daub ing, we gathered about a roaring fire is the huge fire-place, and waited Ihe approach ot t'.ie e nc-tn y. As the time approached for the master's coming a dread silence fell opon the 3;Uie crowd, so that when be did come we could h j ar his heavy tread upon the crashing snow, and many a heart sank and face wliittened m terror. Toe leaders sprang to vheir posts on each side of the door, * MI. oil being ordered to surrender, b ddiy demanded a week's holiday and a treat of cider and apples. This was sternly refused. "Fire I" cried Rfll ard Bob. and two poles ware Varus! oat with all the strength ilie stout arms could give them, rney took the indignant pedagogue n i!te with such force that F -it 1 I." •• ?HI*"K IVIUUI L over -KII holes might have been made In his wicked b dy. As it was, he stag geied back, and for twenty minutes we saw him sitting upon a log catching his breath and rubbing his wounded siiids. We gave no end of cheers, claiming for oui selves tho drat knock-down, if not the first blood. BANGS MAKES AN ATTACK. "At the end of twenty minutes the master arose. Digging a large stone from the snow, lie approached and threw it with great violence against the door. The stout oak batting fairly shook under the blow, but held its own. Another and an other followed, amid jeers and laughter, encouraged by our noble leaders to keep up the courage of tneir followers. The fourth stone split the door and the fifth broke the upjer wooden hinge and but for the barricade within the breath would l ave beu available. The enemy now being aware of the de fense within suddenly dropped the stone and ran in at the door. We were not to be taken by surprise. Again were the sharp lances thrust out. One hit with decided effect in the commissary, vulgatly called stomach, the other, as he stooi>ed doubled bv the pain, in the face, in dicting an ugly wound, from which the blood llowed in profusion. He retreated, and we saw him fairly dauce with rage and pain. The more of this he indulged in the wil der grew our delight, which we testified in screams of laughter. He soon ended this exhibition and disappeared around the school house, evidently on a recomiois sance. There was a dead silence, ; and we realized that which we have jso often felt since, the unknown movement of a silent enemy. This ; was euded by a noise upon the rod and soou volumes of smoke pouring into the room told us that stiutegy had taken the place of assault. We ; were to be sumked out. For a mo ment our leaders looked puzzled. Fortunately, in the excitement of the conflict, the fire had not been feJ. and now only a few chunks and embers supplied the s noke. These were scattered unon the broad hearth and water thrown in to extinguish the remainder. Then Bill and Bob, selecting i"?ur of the stoutest poles, thrust them up he cliimuey and at the word we kive to use our own phrase, "blood; 1 hist."' The consequences were a rattling of falling hoards upon the ground. We found afterwards that the master had not only covered the chimney top with boards but had seated himself upon them ; the sud den and unexpected "hist" had tumbled him off. We heard dismal groans and cries for relief from the enemy. Some were in favor of go ing at once to his assistance ; oth ers more cautious, opposed such a merciful errand. "He's hollerin. ! too loud to be hurt much," said sbrewed Bob. A DESPERATE SORTIE. 14 We bad a division in our coun cil of war. This ended in a call for a volunteer to make a sortie and in vestigate. Jack Loder, one of the most daring and active among the younger boys, re*ponded. A shut ter, on the opposite side to the cr.es f>r help, was opened quickly aid Jack thrust out. The result of this was not only a cessation of groan ing, but a chase that we witnessed through the port-holes. Jack was a good runner, and when the two disappeared over the meadow into tVe willow thicket Jack was gain ing on him, and we had good hopes of his escape. To our dismay and horror, in half an hour we saw the • master returning witu poor Jack in his grasp. He had a hostage, and was swift in his use of the advaut age. Stopping before the house he , began whipping the poor fellow un mercifully. Jack's cries were pite ons. "Oh, let him in, boys, let him jin ; he's a killin' o' me ?" rung in our ears. There was a hurried con sultation. The benches and desk were ! quietly removed from the door. A soitie had been determined on. The 1 master stood on the side of the house, south of the door, and as soon as the opening was made Bill unclosed a shutter and proposed a parley. The answer was a rush at the opeu window by the master who began climbing it. Brave little Jack seized him by the legs, and before he could kick him off a doz en stout lads were clinging t ih?na, while as many more held him on the i inside. Bill seized the rope and at i tempted to pass the noose over his asms. In the hurry and eonfusion of the fight he succeeded only in getting it over his head. I'ulling it as the boys did, there was a fair I prospect of ending the useful labors jof this teacher by strangulation. That he deserved it, no one of us doubted ; but Boh having climbed over the master in the window, and with all the school pulling at the ends of old Bangs, was soon master of the situation. Getting hold of the rope, and assisted by Bill, lie succeeded in tying the arms of the almost exhausted man to his sides, lie was then tumbled from the win dow uiiour.nionioudy a pig. THE TRAGIC FINALE. "Will you give up?" demanded our leader. *"Xo," gasped the master. "Then we'll put you down the well, hanged if we don't I" "The brave old pedagogue still refusing, he was dmgged, rolled and tumbled to the 1?ell-eutC. "Will you give op, darn you?" demanded Bob. "No I won't!" "He was shoved inside the buck et and orders given to lower. But the weight pro veil too much for the lads, and the crank of the windless slipping from their grasp, the learn ing of our district wont whirling to the bottom with a thundering noise befitting such an ex t. This was more than we bargained for. Had we really murdered the mas ter V Bob aud Bill, assisted by the stoutest, began pulling up the uu furtunate old fellow. It was hard work, and, trigging at the wl dlees, they had just caught a glimpse of his blonde head when a wild cry o f 'Fire !* caused them to let go, and again the yeuerable Bangs rattled dowu with a splash iu the water. The school house was on fire ; the chunks pulled out by the boys had communicated to the floor, and the dry old concern was In a blaze. A few neighbors who li id just then ar rived gave the alarm aud attempted to extinguish the flames. To do tlus they called for water, and the first bucket brought up contained the vanquished teacher. J lie came up with his teeth chattering, and when lifted out, and untied was too weak to stand or sit. The school house burned down. The roaster was cariied to a ueighbor's house, and for weeks hung between life and death. We were regarded as heroefc by the country side, and in the burning of our place of torture and the sickness of the master we were the happiest set of little ani mals in the world. ■ ■ A BOY HKBO. They sat down to their little break hist, mamma, Ralph and baby. Ralph was a bright eved little fellow of nine, and as they were seated to their meagre fare, Ralph looked at it with a very sober face. "Mamma," he said, "is this all ?" Mamma tried to sm le as she ans wered, "Yes, dear." Ralph did not say anything, but cfo.'e softly around and kissed his mother's thin, pale tace. "ilea'' £M-tle man," she said, as she stroked hair ; and he was more of a despite his years than the father Wi.'° spent all his earnings at the grog shop. After breakfast Rilph to be iu deep thought, aud soon went out. Manama sat down to her sewing, while babv played with a few blocks at her feet. Through the cold Ralph plodded a new resolve in his brave heart. His clothes were thin and the wind blew fierce, but he ran on with blight eyes and flushed cheeks. At many doors he rang the oell, to be refused his request to clean the snow from the pavements, for he looked so small and punny. Older boys jolted him aside, some times so roughly that they hurt him ; but he forced back the tears and tried again. At length a Kind lady, won by his pleasant face and polite manner so different from the most of the boys that come fcr such work, gave him the job. Very proudly our hero went to work and though he was tired, and hit lingers were cold and blistered, there were few prouder boys than our R dull when he received his first earnings—ten cents. You boys who spend that much for eanfy or toys, do not know what that seemed to Ralph, as he ran out of breath to his homo. Mamma's tears fell fast as she kissed the blistered hands. "And, mamma," he said, "now I can help you," and when after a few weeks the father died, and Ralph's mother was left alone, lie did help her. Studying evenings and working davs at anything, though it was ever so small a child could earn, he ros from one place to another, till he stands to-day one of the most respected and wealthiest of our citi zens. And that boy was what I call a hero. Edison's sister tells a good story of Edison's boyhood, "He tried to sit on eggs," she said, "What's that ? How ? What do you mean? inquired the listener. "Why he was about six, I should think, and found out how the goose was sitting, and then saw what the surprising result was. One day we missed him, call ed, sent messengers, couldn't find him anywhere. By and by, don't you thiuk, father found him curled up in a nest he had made in the barn and filled with goose and hen's eggs—actually sitting on the eggs and trying to hatch th9tn 1" It was a New Jersey wife who said, "My dear, if you cau't drink bad coffee without abusing me, how is it you can driok bad whisky with out til? r' J. P. BROOKE, (Cbfts. A. Stargls, Agent. WATCHES, AND Musical Instruments. Ucpalrfug ilon*4>u short notice. ENGRAVING A SPECIALITY, ,l t the Mtllhelm Jewelry Store, one door ustoi LUeulnith'* Drug store, Main street MU.LHKIM. PA. MrnonV I'uißiitiin Uloli Blond, and will completely change the luflod In tin entire Rjrtm In three mouth*. Ajiy person who \illl t;ik:i 1 pill each night rom I to 12 weeks maybe restored to sound eatth. if such mhinglt p neible. Sent bv " nil for 8 letter M imp#. Y ft. JOIKAO) CO., Bangor. Me. M-c Est a blisti ed ISGO. "QnalityisKtrnetcstofCtapiies THE , r STANDARD TEA CO. offer In packages of| ft 5 lb. and upward, V*. F their standard qu&Uty of TEA , at 50 cts, pr lb. COFFEE, 25 cts. " " The Trade, Hotel* and lartje con si truerß can order direct fm,i% us. Coods sent to any part of the V. 8. QUALITY GUARANTEED ST.WDARD TEA CO. 21 Pulton Street. 21 Nr;W YORK. 1879 1879 A SPLENDID PREMIUM TO EVERT NEW SI BNCIHMKU TO TUB PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES TIJE Annals Of The War. Wrl ten by the nrlneintl participants in the lato Civil \> ar, North and South A. Royal Octavo Volume of 800 Pag-es. Beautifully Illustrated And ?. and in Colored and Gold Cloth, with Illuminated Cover Linings (Price sif. Will be Riven to every subscribe, to THE WEEKLY TIMES for 1879. upon toe follow ing terms, tu all case* the postage paid by us: For Ft we wIH nend one copy of THE WEEKLY ono year and ono copy ol the "ANNALH." For $lO we will send three copies of THE WEEKLY one year and three copies of the "ANNALS." Hob Terms of the Weekly Times: 1 copy, One v. $2.00 10 copies one y. $15.00 5 copies, One y. 8.00 20 copies, one y. £>.oo the "AHNIS'TT PREMIUM. A copy or the "Annals 'will be given as a Premium to any one sending us sls for a club of ten. or a $25 for a club of twenty. This Is a grand opportunity, without cost and but litt.e trouble, to gel a copy of a Splendid Work that should be read by every one. THE WEEKLY TIMES FOR 1879 Will be kept fully up to the high standard of tne past, ami improvements added from time to time, as they may be suggested by experience and the wants of our readers. The grand and distinctive feature of THE WEEKLY TIMES, that lias proved so popu lar In the past w|U be continued through out the year 1879, viz: a series of chapters of the Uawritten History of the Late Civil War From Leading Actors in the Cabinet, in the Field, in the Forum, North and South. This feature of THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES has become very popu lar, and increases in interest with every week's issue of the pa er. while hese contributors will be free from all sectional partisan tone, they will be written from the various standpoints of the respective auth ors and over their pr .per names. The ar ray of distinguished contributors to the de partments exceeds in brilliancy any ever presented by an American periodical. aurSend a postal card for a SPECIMEN Copy of the PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES. It wid 1*? sent to you without cost. Examine well, and we believe you will pro nounce it, the Largest, Cheapest and the Best of the Weeklies. Try The Times. By UUIU.UK with a few f lends, and mak ing up a club of twenty, you will each get THE WEEKLY TIMER for oneyear, post age paid by US, for the LOW PRICK of $1.25. If at any time during the year yon are dis satisfied with the paper, send to us and we will return your money. ADOKKSS, THE TIMES, The Times Buildmgr, PM I.in KLI'HIA MILLHEfM I MARBLE WORKS. ' ' ■ ,9* ' IDKISIMIER & ZMTRSSER I ; PROPRIETORS This old and popular estab lishment is prepared to do all \ work iu thoir lino in a stylo equal i to any in Central Pennsylvania, ; and at prices that defy com ! petition. MONUMENTS, COUCHES, HEADSTONES, of all styles and prices, luado on ihori notice. The proprietors, hope by | STUIC T ATTENTION l usint ss, FA CTI DEALING find GOG. WORK to merit the continued confidence ; J ( of their frier da and pitron?, aud tf the public at lnrie. Shops, ea3t ol Bridge Miilheirn Pa. omblar tataloguc for 'iS j -or— Ersryiiiing far ttc Gardea | Numbering 175 pages, with colored plate NEXT IKt.i; f To our customers ol past years, and to J all purchasers of our books. eitlier GARDENING F> >lt PROFIT, Pit ACT* K'Ai. FL'MUCL LTL'UK, or GARDEN INd FOlt PLEASURE (price sl.6t'each, prepaid, by mail). To others.on receipt of ->c. Plain i'lant or Seed CaUluguus,, without l'late, free to all. PETER HBND RSON&CO., BKKDHMEN, Mlltlirr GAKDXICUS AND FLORISTH, 3j Cortland St., Xitr York-. A eRBE\HOIBE •TMS.V For 91.00 we will send free hp mall either of the below-named collections, alt distinct varieties :, 8 Ab' tllons, or 4 Azaleas, 8 Begonias, or 3 Camellias, 2Caladiiuns(fancy), or 8 Carnation* (monthly), 12 Chrysanthemums, or 12 Colnes. 8 Cent aureus or 8 other white leaved Plants, 8 Itahhas. or 8 Dianthus (new Japan), 8 Perns, 8 Mosses, or 8 Fu hxias, 8 Geraniums. Farcy, 8 Variegated, or S Ivy leaved, 4 Gloxinias, BGladiolus,orßTubcro*cs (Pearl) 4 (.rape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, 4 Hs - per acre on easy terms of payment. Alter nate sections of Government lands can be t : sh J mestoads by actual settlers. These lands lie In the G HEAT LI M ESTON K BELT of Central Kansas, the best winter wheat producing district of the United Stales, yielding from 20 to 35 Bushels per Acre. The average yearly rainfall in this county is NBAKLT 33IKCUW l'Kit ANNt'M, one-third greater than iii the much extolled ARKAN SAS VALLKT, which lias a yearly rainfall of lest than 23 Inches per annum in the same longitude. STOCK-RAISINO and Wool. GROWING are very REMUNERATIVE. The winters are short and mild. Stock will live all the year on grass ! Living Streams and Springs are numerous. Pure water is found in wells from 20 to 60 feet deep. THE II A i-THI BT CI.IMAT IN THE WORI.D ! Nc fever and ague there. No muddy or impassible roads. Plenty of fine building stone, lime and sand. These lands are being rapidly settled by the best class of Northern and Eastern people and will so appreciate in value by the tm provements now being made as to make their purchase at present prices one of the very best investments that can be made, aside from the profits to he derived from their cultivation. Members of our firm re side In WA-KEENEY, and will show lands at any time. A pamphlet, giving full infor i matlon In regard to soil, ollmate. water sup ply. Sic., will be sent free on request. Address Warren Keeney v- ( r Offers his profeasliinalsorvieesLo Hie pub lio Answers calls at all hours OFFICE AND RESIDENCE MUlhelm, ~ Cilnil Tiding-* for the Wcs, Nervous and l>ebltllnfcd. Our lateat luiprovert Nslf-Astlnf tisvsnlf Applianrei are a ipvedy and Permanent cure fur ItheumatUm. i Neuralgia, Kidney, Liver and Female oom glaints. Nervous IToxt ration. Back and piiiill Irritation, and Kindred Diseases I'i lues. Waist Belt, sr>.(N)$ r >.(N) ; Hplual Belt, fur Par i lysis and Kpiiial Aliments. $lO 00. and unwards ; Armlets. Anklets, Haad Bauds, Knee Caps, s2.ooeach ; Suspensories, $5.00, Illustrated I'anui.ilet Free. Address. iiALVA.NO-.VI KllI NL AHKOfIATION. 27 East Ninth fttront, New York BUSH HOUSE, BELLBPONT, PA. E0 R0 E ii OPP ES . rro/n iet or HPECIAL HATES 1X FAMILIES, Fit It MANKNT BOARDERS AND l'Klly SONS ATTENDING COURT. DOTII LANGUAGES NFOK&K Vr ODD LIOTKI. IHcUPNCF Mrß • T VOTICB AGEATs WASTED -VAN TP— New Eoilaiid Mnliu, Life es.ro The oldest mutual iu the country, C'hartere 1835. LIBERAL TER S GIVEN. MAKTON* WAKKLLNG ei ei:d Agtkle 133 South Fourth Street Pliiledelpbia. WANTED! We w'h h un agent, male or female, In eaeli town ol „!u tpuuty, to get up Cbilia among ninilles ho Is, factories. Ae,, for the ale of our Teas nd will offer vera lib, rat e v m- JU'scioD* to >ueh. We have l>een impoilers of Teas Toi over 20 years, and can afford to send, and we will send a better article for the money than any other iiouae iu New York. Our Teas are put up In one pouud packages, with the uauie and price printed upon each. Address, for terms and blank form for Clubs, LONDON & NEW YORK 111 NA TF A 0., P. O. Box 571. No. 22 Church St, New York 39-1 v fs\TTFfDleiuie Card. Now wXlJEwUriiypath* market out by the plainest of all brohs 'Plain Home Talk atid Medical Common Sense,"—nearly 1,000 pages. 20C illustrations, by ])r. E. B. FOOTE. of 120 Lexington Ave. N. Y. I'orehaseni of this book are at lihertv to consult its author in person or by ma I free. Price by mai1.53.24 for the STANDARD edition, 01 $1.5( for the POPTLAU edition whleK contains all tlie. same piattei anc B lusi rations. Con tents tabies free. AUKNTS WANTED. MLRLAY HiLL PUBLISHING Co., 129 East 28th St. N. Y. N-l> D. H. GETZ Altorncj-aMaw Lewisburg, Pa. Office opposite the Union National Ban k Gan be consulted lu liugUxU or German. No. 2-1 v. American House, J.P.S WEIDSNSAUL Proprietor. OLD AND roiT I.AH STAN Ooruer a rketai dFr cnl treeit LEWISBURG PA Firr C 1998 llutel n all l\4-si>ectr 1 CIIARiiESMODERA TE. C. M. PETREE, OIOAH ASCT?A.7R UREB WHOLESALE.AND RETAIL DEALER IN Choice Brands of Tobacco and Cigars, SIIOKI RS' ARUt'LKS, ETC., BK.ET LTRIZT. Lewisburg , Pa, FURNITURE J. H. HAZELL, Spring Mi ls, Pa., Is at all times prcnaredto tnnke furniture o order. I!e in pes by good work and low prices to merit a share ol pubhc patronage. Cune Loltom chairs always 011 hand. UNDERTAKING \ SPETIALITY. FITS EPILEPSY OU FALLING SICKNESS Fermnneatly Cnrrd-na hnmbiifr— by one MONTH'S LBAGK OP Dr- GOPLAKD'S CELKKUATED INPALLTBLE FIT PowaEits. To convince suite re rs thai these powdera will do nil we claim for them, we will send tlicm by mail, ROSTP.MD, a PUKE TRI AL BOX. As Dr. Goulard Is the only phy sician that lias ever made this disease a special study.and us to our knowledge thousands Wave been PERMANENTLY CLUED by the use of these powders, wo will guar antee a permanent cure In every ease, or rotund you all money expended. All sufferers should give these powders an early trial, and be convinced of their cur ative powers. Price for large IK>X, $3.00, or 4 boxes for SIO.OO, sent by mail to any part of United States or Canadu on receipt of price, or by express, U, G. D. Address, ASH & BOBBINS, 800 FULTON BUOOKLVN, N. Y HIGHEST HONORS. ATJJTTIR Centennial Worlds Fair , 1878 ! THE SHONINGER ORGANS PKONOONCEIJ TNANIMOrSLV AS THE BEST INSTRUMENTS Their comparative excellence is recogniz ed bv the Judge* in their Report, from whi
  • A ! rvjj Wl Ay It '■ so riwpV in et*p*frwiion r.nd ret: 1 ,7. ■ /T BmhfK • ohmtU. with a worfAtteruhn, x..nc.. ' * F; U > V a auMiu change ae tlx? bobbin beconu-a exiian^tod. > ( ■ f| Uf *r VTtlt'artnrjxinte-are miljuofaH:, 1 a if i if Fi Yn combine everv desirable intprovrmrut. A l£ fa M'.kFH 4gr brery ifachlnuhtccMtoutruadyforcid, G y l GBJEAT RLlrL'i'l aSi fr7ffl%am ffc-6 % F> PIlirKS we continue to useihebekt i r. WS/bjjSj&Jfo and the greulert caro ia their tuanuiar YTCTOR HRTnXO MACHINE CO - Brush Ofise, 351 Wt* Ifsflice St., CHcagi, Hi. mreiPAL Omsi esd Meaafectetoe, IQlhli KEYSTONE WRINGER. Has Greater Capacity, rolFmwritiiow^ 0r ' ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE KEYSTONE WRINGEF THE WHITE # SEWING MACHINE THE DEBT OF ALL. —•—em Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim or aciMa tmc YBRT DEBT OPERATING QUICKEST SELLING, HANDSOMEST, AMU Host Perfect Sewing Machint IH THE WORLD. l The greatpopularltyof fhe WhHtlt eNNMStcofi* •Inci.-a tribute to Its excellence and superiority over other machine*, end In aubmitting It to tho trade wo pot It upon its merits, and la ao Instance {wsttftMr yet failed to satisfy any reoommendatlon The demand for the White has Increased le saeh an extant that ma ara now compelled to turn out A Ceepleto Bewlng 3JChelxlaae tveiy three mlnvitaa la tad day to tho domaadl Every machine It warranted for S ytare. and told for c*sh at libaral discounts, or apon easy payments, to suit tho eorweniooce of customers. WABMT3 WAMTO Pf dzOOCQID TZS2H7X7. WHITE SEWINQ~MACHINE IH 358 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. • to cbanje from Grata te Seeds. 3 ' MARVELOUS for Simplicity of Parts. ualnp lea than one-l.atf t.i* ...nl lielts ami Ueara. Mbkcs no Uttorlngs or Scatteringa. FOUR Blsm of Sepamtors Made, rang- In, from Ms to Twelve Uo.-a aixe, and two.tyie. of | Uouuted Horse Powers to tualcb. STEAM Power Threshers a Specialty. x .pecial aUe (Separator wade exprewily for buauu Power. OUR Unrfyaled Steam Thrcnluv En- F'liee, wltli Valuable liiipiwvemeiu. an I < .uluciira Featuras, far beyond any other mate or k u.- IN Thorongh Workmanship, Elegant PlnUli, iVr!eciin of rant, Complelciieud of hquitwiieutp etc., our 14 V idea Tom" Thresher Out Liu are lacoiuparahiA fOR Particulars, call en oar Dealers . or writo to lie for 111ueirated OtrcuUr, which vo hiad Ipma 1 Br THE lkswct:.. - mwmm Tf BEST, LATEST IMPROVED 1 and most THOROUGHLY conalnictec SEWING MACHINE ever invented. A3 J the wearing parU are made of the BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED and arc ADJUSTABLE. It l.aa the A UTOMA TIC TJEJrfZOJf: ? a haa the X AUGUST BOBBIE; It has tb { Easiest Threaded Shuttle The EOBBItfS are WOUND wit* HUNNIrfQ or UNTBBEADINO v. . I MACHINE. It has a \EEDI.f t hae a I) LAL. lor regulating the length of t WIfHUCf 'IK-UNO; It has a LAI. SPArK under the ana; It is MOISKIJ n-l hue more points of £XC JCLLEMCK t all Ottiu* niuchinoa com billed. srApents wnnted in lecmlit wlvero we ara not reprsMnted. Joniison, Clark & Co. SO UKIOK SQUARE, N. PAINT GLOBS White Lead ana Mised Ce CAPITAL STOCK, SIOO,OS * ft Theao Paints are mixed, rrady fop o*e. • shadA or colcp, nu.d read" for uao; are one third shea per and will last thro I time as tougas Print mixed in thoordinary waj $25 NISWAED! will bt paid tor. every ounce of adulter*tic found in them. Thousands of liourcs and son: < uf tho finest vilhe in America are painted wit these Paints. Send for TestinjopL-ils e* j*u also f.r Sample Colors and price idats, to the 'GLOSS MIXED PAINT CD,, orFirci > 103 Chambers St., New York, WOltfiMt 4r. MORGAN & WASHINGTON BTSL iLRSt > CIT : THfs baber aisrs /, ert.. nuHtirtru: ' - ■ --1 a•■v., Aifnril IV 3. F" " ' m N Better than Ever. REDUCED. x< B Ky' Full of Plaia, Practical, Reliable, Paying Information SJ lor West, East, South, North; for Owne - | fl Cs of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine, or FARM W N Gardens, or Village Lou.; for Housekeeper S{ for all hoys and Girls; SOVER 700 Fine ENCRAVINC , I - both pleasing and instructive. The „} m llierisan imcatturi: J rwuVinia KTe Cluht eften or mere, erne y*r,}ott-f .