Xij c Journal. Vw> WJtr & Ccinis er, Proprietors B O. DctMfdßK. AJUKX'iRW Editor ■lUht'ittiJUursilny Jan. 23. i— ■ i— Toruaa—3l.so Per Annum. MKlhelm on the L. C. & S C. R. R. baa a popula'iob of 000—700 |> a Uu'lvlck l>uhue-> com re an 1 ooatrol* 110 tra.li* of an a verare radius f over UUt miles, in which the JOCKS VL h.is a lir;er circulation than all c tiwr e .iinty pi|Hrs co.nl>inel. Adwrllttr* will nV/ue in a At 1 a note of this. ■U IJB. L Ml EST! U JIM. BV REBECCA. IIAKDtXO DAVt. '•Pets ! Champion of Egla'd |®na ! Fresh pullr*d this mr it •%'!" Carroll Huttei sau itered to IH window an the cry sounded in font of tlie house. "Dooiue here, mamma! Did yon over see anything so absurd * lVBitiv*ly, Rolims bus *tp|*d the wretched croature* I It is a dis grace to the h*u*e." The wre'clnd creatures were t doiitVy and Its driv* r, a lliln, lme boy of twelve, c!.l in well iatc •'<] lags. Tlte ii mkey drew n sort of a basket wagon, uls pitched with willow withes, bits of sapling*, etc. Inside were p i atoes, peas and a few late straw bT;ies. Mrs. Hutti i stooped to the side door, before which the wagon was drawn up, and beckoned to her ser vant. f, lt llins, why did you bring that miserable creature near the house? &*on should either send it to th- Istck dr, or buy froui the provi sion store. "Because, iradant, ceoksiys that tilts boy' vegetable**re ju it out i f the ground, and thoee in e stores arc stale. .1 could have sent l.im to the back d>or, but the lad is inclin ed to resent tan order' of any sort." Mrs. Huiter, like many fashiona bla women, liked to fancy herself a capable housekeeper. She silently motion* d to the boy. "How can yon br'ng fresher veg etables than Scoot, who supplies all -the best families Jin this neighbor- Itwd ?" "I> CD use I raise thrm, ma'am." "Wl*efe is v ur farm ?" "I onlv a patch—i i Jeisey, five vniles the oihe*- side of the river." • llow do you sell your peas ?" interrupted her son Carroll. "Fifty cents the half peck." "II w d es th it comjmre with S:VM*.s o-toe. R >1 lions ?" "Just, double, air." "You are % cheat, hoy I I shall not give von one penny more than Sco*t asks," Tli* boy promptly emptied th- I>°H.S Into th wip-i aguu. *'T'i-*R are worth double. t shall not sell them for less." ho said. H dim* gla >c d at. his mistress "Thhy are worth it, m i tam. Ife Belts them to Judgs Shaft -r's |eo 1- St that orif*. ll*'* a sort of a •♦prothey" of Mrs. Shifter." Nv tIM Shaflferf reigned abso lutely in that wotll of fashi •* in which the I?utters were admitted on sufferance. "A protege of Mr*. Shaffer's ? Ah 1 Come hero b y,'* said Mrs Jliltter. "You can fake hi* vegeta bles, Rollins. How did yon find means to g> into this business ?" "I had no mefcns, ma'am. I was a newsbov. Mother took i>i sewi ig. One day Ifo md .ve cml 1 root a house beyond Camden with an acre of laud f-tr what o tr *>o ns c st us. So I took m t!- r out th*-re. We raised vegetables and herbs ; I al ways bring thnn in with the dew on them. I charge the highest price, and only take theui to p oplo wl o have money to pay the highest pricp." "What do you do when the vege table season is over ?" I "I bring in nuts and press d leaves, and ferns to t ! e same 1 *dies. I sell to them cueajier than fcli-v could buy in the stores, and they give me tnore than the stores woul 1 p;;v to me." "The boy had a real business faculty," said Mrs. llutter. Her Hn Carroll, who was a year older than the pea merchant, car reasQ'i his u er lip, where tho mus tache would he some lime, and star ed at him insolently. " What a ridiculous turnout I D : d you buy the cart and jackass with the proceed i of t.hit patch, eh I "Yes. Did yon ever buy any thing wit!i money y>u had earn ed ?" looki ig at him ste idilv. "I? Whatdyou take me for. you imperii ne it puppy? you know a genMeuiaa when you tee cmw, y.u beggarly huekiter ?" The other b>v stopped, surveyed hi a c olly fro nhe 11 to fit, and then saiquietly, "Yes, I think I I). Id m't see hi n here." Cirn tigrc# white with ra?e, the m ire as its f^ r >cidil he s v a covert '-• n fic • "Tike tlitf, you do.#!" Iw sa dealing the cr p I* ft blow across the face with Hc I T which ho carried. The IMV staggered hick, recover ed himself, and sprang at him furl miily. Mrs. II utter wp-imoi, It dlins caugnt Jim and hel l Ir.in helpless. "G for policeman, Carroll!" c M his mother, T SAW hi II at tack yn 1 II infant W|t*ier'f* Rnllftt* l'H>ft-ned his hold. " You'd lietter cut alio;.ld you have pr.w ked the hy f How do you expect to in die others respect y-ni wn u yo i d B uot ivap-c yourell ?" "Nohody reap c's ree. I can never la? a geiith man !" sobbd the po.ii cripple, llis mother was t>o to rea sou with Into. She div.v his head to her breast and lotted him iwlnl\ "Now come to Miip,;er. Jiiuinv. The sn .por was go ul, aid ue.nlv served. Wheo it was iv.*r, Mrs. ii- d'ow ligntetl the loop and pi ice.l so ne Uatks on Ji n. wi h a brigiit face, sa' down to his Ic - sons. Mrs. Ludlow was an educat ed woman, and was teaching t e boy as tlioroug ly a-, lie co ll i have been taught i. ihegraum ar sch I. I I It was late lief'Te they put the .i b mks away. Jim dew a haffdfol ' ! of silver fro u his p cker. . j 4 *S.niethi -g t- g into th- ba ik. k mother," lie said, laugliiug. "On capital grows." "Yes ; but here is the capital." touching *lie books, ••which will , make vou Ih° espiMl or any gentle man ill th# liild, witil G . l's help. W. 'll ask for that, Ji n nv." And • hey knelt together in prayer. Tne Verv next aftorno :. C irroll Gutter, driving out to P.ok. SHA 1 the foiloro linle earn and d nikey in front of him. He WHS portico i i.trly el iteil with a sense of 'ms own consequence j i-.t now. as tie was diivinga |Mir of nln >Je.| p • lies which his mo: her had preaeuted to him a month ago. Yet the bo , witli his dashing equipage, ami du motel shirt Ipitt'ins, was ift-rally Prer as to m uiey than Jim ny Ludlow. Wlide OH in-itber had thought 1 e was at the uuiversi y, Curoll s r )ent th- days in bill ard rooms, lie had played awav his last dollar that morning. He was afniii to ask for more, and was consequently in a sa7 igc state of ill hnuio.-. "Get out #f my way !" he shout ed u I'll an oath. Jim had drawn up his cirt to tne -idearalk. and was giving a ha :dful •f Iv-rries to a half sawed child witli a baby in her n>\Tis. "Tnat fellow." said Car-nil to hi* companion, "cheats mv mo'her by charging d üb*. o- ic- for his stuff, and then gives it to lieggars " Jim's face grew red, bat lie d: I nor turn his bead. At tha* mom-m , ao open car riage, drawn bv a p-werrul blaek horse, came dashing 1 w the street. A gray h tired old man and ay ui >g ill weie inside. The children shrieked, so ue laborers sprang af 'ei tlie horse with will yells, terri fying him all t he more. Carroll, in abject fear, though he WHS not near the horse, spra ig fro u his dog cart and ran to the pave ixi • t The c irriag-' racke I fr m side to side, threatening to th ow the girl out. At th.* end of the >q ia e tii • street crossed Fiirmmut aveuii*. along which a train of stea n cm was ra i lly appro uhi ig. M-oa 11 women cu the streets sto 1 paralyz ed with horror. Toe horse had shied when it Massed C irroll's c irriage. a id slack ed its pace a lit'le j ist then. Jim. the huckster, who ha t cli nbo 1 fr II .is cart as the horse slackened l ( pace, si>rang directly in trout of him, a.'d clapped".m euip'y p# at* tiasket ovt r his he id. Tne animal reared, and then stopped a >ec md. trembling ami wet with perspira 'ion. Tue horse was sTz- lat once by a p Jicem in who was sta-iding near, a d Hie ol 1 gen'l-* naa alij it ed. and til in aged to f ill as he di I s >, nut scrambled up and hel|ed his daughter out of the carri ige. A glittering |stoue dropped fre n his breat as he stumbled. It rolled into the gutter. " Well, here, boy ! Y m stopped that horse just i.i time !" he said to Jim, who w-is picking his bisket i i with others. "Here! You deserve a gold medal. But perhaps this will serve your turu as well," hold- Tng out a teuk - . "I don' tak • wage* for that sort of work," said Jiui, dryly, cluubi ig into his cart, "On papa." c- led tho vming lady, "your dianpml is gone 1 "What What I It must have dropjteu when I got out of the car riage. Tut, tut, one calamity lu tugs a other. I.'Hk about, men, I'll pay a big reward for it " Two or three inen eiul ieys went around stooping over tle pave ment. Jim alone sat calmly wateh ing them, with ak-aui, anxious l dt on his faiv*. At I lit CirroU I latter raopi 'g his hoot with his erne, sauntered to his dog-nut ami pre pared to mount. Ji a stapue I fro o hi i cart and ran to his side, and Slid, *T saw you pick op that dia mond ! Give it nick instantly." he said, in a shrill wltisjie>, "or I'll tell the policeman, and you shall no ar rested." The hoy's face took on a ghastly pdloi. 11,; stooped, pretend it to pick up tlie stone, and iheu srappel across the sidewalk and gave it to the old gen' 1 man. "Ah! A thousand thanks! What lew iid can 1 give you V" "Oh, he dmi'l work for wag s either,'" cried Jim. with a laugh, as he diove off. Twenty wars fter that day, a tramp found hi* way to a groat sheep fi 4 tCor. Sew York Sou.] 1 DloH.JioKl) SIT ft)ll'd SIIUTOK. Droppin /on lib* I\ urs at a GirVs Je'tCL and Sh'rniaj Uimsc'f. Frank L me, a yo ing mech inic f Bndgep nt, sh #t himself i i tne he.* I m .Su iday evening, after his dis mis-al by Ins K't'** d.trTu, Tav 1 ittur i* at attractive gi. lof about twe .I y years of age, who works in a pap*r ling factory Sie and Lane b-cvue acq iaiutel about a vear ago. : d M iy la*t tliev bv'c.iiue engaged. Line, Wuo had oeen si I • ily ah it Ii * t nis wi d ways, and was llieieaf.er ex uiplny in h:s hihirs. Ha was a d vi ed siiiti.-, calling upii lav si ! >we y eve ni , Til s*eki ig her moiety at ever* oppnr u liiy. They •Vere to nav •be i iiirr.nl >i to 3;.h re ;# slp ..H1 to D -CEN he , 10. li. L) i Sa.i.!av afternoon Ud ami diss sin iin went on a long walk lOgdaer.; la the eveuiu/ ume called on tier again al tte house of J. L)n tiling, where nhe boaids. Mr. Dunning, who was i i the pallor with tin in until within ten mi iU.es of tue tragedy, not-.ee 1 tnat they were ' ea-nng and u intei tag each outer a gi eat deal, but had no snapici >n iroui 'neir mauiiei tiitt they were approaching a qtitrrel. After lie • eci;ed the (] i srrel be lie mora s irited, and Lane tl.pp d Mi.> Marti ain tlie f.cer Sie ways tint she does not la la Ve that lie did it in bai temper, but at any rale the alapaige ed ner into telling lum that if he struck her again it would i be after tlicy were married. Tueu j she tol l him tint she wanted notli- j ing more to do with hi 11, a d to | empiiasizo her words she look off uereugagerueut iing an 1 threw it in hi* face. t( :r sv trd.s ai m ni n'rs roused Line to a Miiduen fren zv. II -is nervnis an I#i ilea te u- • pered, and forme I ami execmed is •U spel ate purpose ln-t n e tue girl ra 1 z d wii.it had liap iened. When -.lie to-S'-d hnn t in ri.ig ne stepped to the d IOI* and 1 ck'*d it. I'u •i he pulled ut hi* pistol, aid dripping on his knees at the girl's feet, punt ed the we i,#oi (o his he it a ul dred As lie had oft© i fo >l j d with the revolver h-f ue in .Miss Mirti i's pies-mce, she s i .piHl :n vn o.ilv trying to frighten her until siie Heard the re' Utanl si w hi a ftll uackwa don the fi >or. The ah >ck so terrified her that some minutes elapsed before she ouid rise from the sofa or litter a smnd. Then her wild shrieks quickly 1# ought the f imilv to her ro > u and a p tlioHin-iu from the street. Toe foolish suitor died and the girl is nearly crazed with grief. A UIhtKTKM ItOISK. An obnervKnt spectator will no tice that the fl' Hl four window* of a I lnr* h<>um at the c Titer e hrid* was i missing :-i note in her h O'd vrping va found edd*eeeril to tie Inlde pr >rni. It'" fiv informitig hint that she h-.id e|one-l that morctg w ; th his best man. a guv nd g i]l n' cn. tain of d**agoona. Thejiped t-ri te gr (M m did not av much, hut ho ! went nln oto the room in which j the-yedding h-p ikf isf was Juld out Iwi* h his oo'n hands not t|*> the shutters mil d-e-v th* blinds. 1 vk 'ed the door and took the key. ffe ! gave ord t.s that the door shonl 1 he j nail'd up and birred with padlocked hire, and that no one s'mhiM enter trie room aga'n. U'H'ii the house i was let it was stipulate) thtt the room in nn-s* ion sh oil t rem do un touched. and •• so n of £ -X) ivr an num w s paid to t?,. to 11 ,t to com- P'-i'S'de hnn fir the d'"i**iv:|tivi of f 1 e ii-p of thero >m Tori m his never 'men e <*erod since t.'ie d -v he *1 sed it. and 'here are 'he *'-ved ding meals" mouldering sijei-t I v w-iv. an-t the rn im ibfij nhltng to dust in tie* funeral gl oirt. Mi s Susan Mi- g. o' t il -m. re j ee tly - v t'pf !| •v| g ndyr'HP j n nf in a c n *v n-'-Tsni .e I '.l'nw t • g-t l-i —i -are -r t-' enl 8 cents .,m >, File tin. Inx 41?. Pint! ind. M I' l 1. y rill hi itv. st'e fo • n 'ictf. on! n-c ivd fe f-lloi'Jig epU ; • Work like f p I dio il and in v" sp nd a cent.*' CHEAP KANSASLANDS I W> own mil eintfijl the iialtw.iv lands of TJtK PXMfXTV. !vANXS. about equally I liiviil •* terms of payment. Alter na'e sect ens of ie.r on grass • I.tv'ug Streams and springs are miiiterot! Pure water ts 'ottnd Ui wells fr >m f*e to SO feet h en. TilK AJ.tiu ('nykT iv ttik \V uti.n! N't fever and ague Oi-re. N • inu llyor Im as*U>K roads. Pl-nty of enc b it duiur s'one. Itmr and *w' f the verv be-t t irestm ups that ran te mad-'. .181 le from the profits to he derived troni th-tr-u.tiva'i >n. M--m'ers of our fire- re side in W V-ivKB\KY. and will show lands at a..y tbn •. A pain-dilet. eiv ng full inf r --tn iMin in i- • rar l to * d!. eiimate. water sup ply. 4-.. will Iw sent free on request. A'.dnss Warro t Koency Sc Co., 1 R l te.-trir rn St . Chicago. U't WA KEEN SY, Trego Co.. Kansas. THE LIGHT-RUinnNG The BEST, LATEST IN!PROVED, end most THOROUGHLY eonstructed SEV/iNC N.ACHINEevnr minted. All the wearing parts are niado of the BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED ami arc ADJUSTABLE. It I as the A UTOMA TIC TEX K JON: I\ Las the a. AUG EST 808 VIA • it nas the Easiest Threaded Shuttle. The BOBBINS are WODJJD without BUNNIMG or UJ.M 'IHUE AJjING the machine. It lias a S "ItiF-SFTTITO NTT.r-LF; It has a lUAL lor regulating the lengtii ol" stitch. \Yiruonr ye-fims; it has a ukok SPACE under the arm; It is NOtgfCLE-S, o-id has more points oft XOciLFKNCU h->" All other inacliinee combined. S&r Aflents wonted in localities ▼.-hero wo are not ropreeemod. Johnson, Clark & Co. UNION SQUARE, N.T. MILLHEIM | MARBLE WORK.S JDRIXI.WER & DOSSER PROPRISTOKS. i Thin old and |s)pnlur estab lishuicut is prepared to do all work in their line in a style equal to any in Centiul Pennsylvania, und at prices that defy cont petition. MONUMENTS, COUCHES H3AOSTONES, ;of all Bizes # styles an ) f prices, made on short notice: The proprietors, hope by ST IMC r ATTENTION t usilb KS, FAIR DEALING GOG. WORK 'o merit the continued confidence jof their frlords an 1 patrons, and f the public at large. Shops, ea3t ol Bridge Millhaii), Pa. I omblni' MUlnzucfui'o —OP— Ererytliini for the Garii NumlH-iitij; I7Bji with -lured |l.ite SK\T Fill i: Too ircuHtiim.*rKof lii-t yeirs, and hi all jiiii-ii i-ipp> ol <>tii boiks. viilv i (t Alihl N I Nii F ! '45 I*•£ *• li. I li.v I I Al. Fl. iti "i" I. '• 1 1.1 "t %. 'Kin N IN ; fuU I'I.L y- ULI . • , pr< I;. nan) • a-i. I>i • i't ii- rial ■j- diM. niliiwUl i 1 . • . .!!. Pi!iTBR ' NO R -)N Sr TO ■ttOUBX . u i l' '('.-TS. sire , - ,v . v .-• r ; A (ilti K\UO; bir *• uo -• t\in •*--, d ire -hn m >il vltlv-' oft -h- i v n i a-,| .-olivet. oli, al! dfitinct riei'ti-g ; S Alt ii.oiis. or i V/. il--as, S i. r ! C i n • li is, SC.il dill.ii- (f tn.-> ). or H Carnations i iioiitlily). l"i L'iirysa to -uui n- or SOvni.jUrvas oi H otlivr wtiitv leaved I J plants. A S lYihliis.oi A Di.uitliiis (new .l.apan). 5 h Feins, i .dos-v-, or " F'l h-ias. 4 8 (•eratiiums. F*lc'.\ S Vartvgateil, or 4 I Blvylv 11 vt?. . 4 Ol< oil ni.is, s iiiadiolus. or STnbermcs i f (!•••• li, | i 4Orapv vines,4 Honeysuckles,4 Hi - 5 dv stu utis. I 8 ll'vli-.tropes,B|,n t tamis.or siVtuni: r s 8 P.msjvs(new ifvrman), m BSalvM" | SU-.kws, loiithb 8 ltardv ilybiid. oi { ' *|init>i"i:. 9 8 Violet (sevito I), or 8 Daisies. Kn( 12 -s.-a.-eei it'll timr,or 12 >carver*reei > k'W PUi.U, IS VeiN-tias. distinct and splendid sort* 25 Varieties of Flower, or £• varieties of Ve retal'le Seeds, ■ ur by EXI'HIiSS, Hu>jer to rhiryr*. 3cohectioiiH for fnrfdW for - 12 for ;1 for f?; IS lor 4 •{ • the full C'lllectiou of 350 varieties of I'iaiits and , .Seeds—sufficient to stock a greenhouse i and garden—for 4.'5. to or. rlnMik "< nd- t e.iing for I'le isure"an l 'atalogue oiler- * ed ilKive (value#l.7s) will lie added. Peter Henderson & Co. oo CortUuult St. ,A\ 11 Wash. Hutchinson, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF COAL, - VT. COBURN STATION. I ERRY n. KTOVKH < NI. guarantoo*.. JSD D H GETZ, AUornej-al-!ow. Lowisburg, Fa. Office o i.i witn '.'in IJ ii 11 V iti •i il Ran k Can be consulted iu UuglUU or tierinan. No. 2-IV. GLOBS White Lead na i Mi efl Pant Co CAPITAL STOCK, S'.OO.OCf Tlid"" Pain's a -♦ ni'x' f r r an, •hiido <>r -olr.r, a-i.l nil i n -u.y li uutniou tvon One Qun t to alia. ret re c / • 3 < DO YCUR OWN TAINTINQ. Ttißf Paints s-e made of Pure Whit- J.eeo, Zinc snc Lin-e.-d Oil, held In BolnMon a d radj for use • are one third cheaper ami will last three time aa long as Paint mixed iu the ordinary way. $:fS BFt WARD! will bt r'*d for every ounce of adniteratlor fonud in them. Thoncands oi honsen and BOTnt ot the finest villas in America are painted xrtti these Paints. Fend for T< stimoi'Li-s ame also for Sample Colors and Price Lists, to ths GLOBE MIXED PAINT CO.. OFFICK t ' 103 Chambers St., New Yorl^ fcy, MOR6AM i IE RS£V OT* i HARRIS' STANDARD [ST OJ E, 235 MAHKETST., near THIRD fctobburj^a. FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT. We liave now complete ptock of Millinery, Triuimings, Notions and Fancy Goods, al prices fully 25 per cent, lower than else where. An examination of our stixk will bo sufficient to con vince lit w at we say is squa-ioly uo A 'I Assortment the it W li}. I.| f.i i b :• \ i ' ; L idles". M-s -i :it \ J. r l lisits ( mimd n u m Hals & j3oh..v t. F cw r ' r§ QI ' i . I A C VOw - rilb ii h Oi* i ;i;IJ .tl, Hj iir/, ti/j , Corsets & CLidcrwear, CifTs & 0 )Ya :s Rut lacts Tr'mrr'n' s Real &. Imit .t oa Hair Geo Is, Hamburg Edgings & Insfir i g3 Ladies &J!iss.s' Furs, Jewolry & Perfumeries. M;tto & P.ciuro Frames. Zephyrs, 12 1-2 i:r oz Gernantowii Wool, 9 Ccats Michiie Cottaa p:r spool 5 its Willmitoa M. Cotteu, prr spool 3 e!s. Pin', "er p.,per 2 cts, eiite- m paper 3 els. Gents' Paper Collar ]0 cents per Box, and l .lonatiid (tier articles •'too numerous to nicnlioii. Don't •orget the place. , HARRIS' STANDARD S T O R E| 235, Market St, LEWIS3SJR3. PA t i ji(gtiMwgi' Snl fel| RmjK}|} •i* Ii Uo tT^era?elt. "v BfV Em A3 mi AT n r*r f-.- &jf if \ lull proud t/iuf U>. wtlh a wn, M'AiMTTU'i L-^a LI ft \; 0 Whm :*- i:..| wove meet. || if \£ Big iff luery Machineh at-ut but rwad/for oae,aily/ NMirUfcfitmidlß.'! tHo CtIJAT RfUCTT' JSjfr I*' ' Eft IN I'ttlCf* we cemii.ua to .* f!. b—t4mm*r. j exwciai' the f uur wire ur fibrous, nt— ~ 5 terial. or anything else tsat rubber tfrifg t plßas. ifidp*' used. The rulher t> vu'eanaed iyA ' *h>'ft and con out It t"lm ojf except by orb &i*Brx ( =^-";.J' j£- ti r. kind of roll now Renown. " \ ASK YOUR DEALER FOR " ,iC +-11 i.ikOiiS J) J.P.S Wi3ID3NSAUL Proprietor. OLI) AND roI'UI AU STAN 'oroer Market a jdFVom Streeit f.EWLSBUItiJ PA A Fir* t'l.Ps {! • I*l I i.n lini'T I'll A Rl E>M' I) EH \TE. C. >l. PETREE, CI3AR A Kw/ACTUEER HOLBSALI.JANI> FETAIL IM.ALKU IN Choice Drauis of Tobacco ami Cigars, B>:okKß>' / RtirtK,, err., MARKET STREET. I. ei' is burg, Pa. FURNITURE J. H. BA£ELLi, Spring Mils, Pa., Is :U al- times i: eiKirel t m.h* furniture to oider. lie !•)> 'J ir< <>d wik and ow } ;t ices to merit a share o" pub ic p.ition ge. Cui.e i-ottoiu chaii* aiways on .sand. UNDERTAKING A SI'KCIALITY. "FITS- EPILEPSY OR iVALI/N > SICKNESS •'crmHiitiitlj Cared-no tumbs- • tsv o: e jiontu'o is.mjk'op Or- oo.iaßb'g URLKBKATEU I NKALLHO.E KIT I'OWUK-A T< coiiviuoe #Uilei"wis t 'At these powders will do a!I i\C cliiim P*r them,' we 111 send them bv mail. rosTP.\ir>,- vrke Tli -,AL uox. As ilr. lioUiard Is ilijonlv phy sician thai ims ever made Ids dlsertsea si.i iil study, and as to <>h f knowledge thousands luive been pes a axextly ctreo by toe use of these powders, we w ill guar ait tee a permanent cure in every case, or nnuiKl you ail uiouey expended. Aii sutl'erers should give these powders an . ejirly trial, and be convinced of their enr- ( alive powers. . . Pilce for large box, $3.00, or 4 boxes for $1 .00, scut by tuiiii -to any putt oi L nued States or Canada mi receipt oi price, or by express. C. O. D.' Address 3t'iQ Kl'LTO* bTKELK, ÜBOOKLVN, N. Y HIGHEST KGInGRS. AT THE Centennial Worlds Fair, 187* / TUB HCNINGER ORGANS PKO.VOUNCET, tTNAXIMOCSLT AS THE BEST LA "STRUM Their camn ir itive excellence is rerogniz e , inento at a price reti le.lug them possible | i to .i large Class of pure;* isers. having a I coinbiiiatiou of heeds and B 'lls producing ; | I nFFICk AND HEX 1.108 Millbiitn, " ii> tit nil TMlnirsrir tW Wen. Xervwma and (>eb-t t rd SWHfMUr. 27 East Niutb Street. New Yert: BUSH HOUSE, BSLLBPONT, PA. GEORGE - HOPPKB. . v . " Proprietor. r SPECIAL HATES TO F ' MIf.IES. PER MANENT HOAUI) R8 AJDrBR* 1 SDNS ATTENDiNO COUUT. ** BOTn LANGUAGES SPOKEK AT OITK IIOTKt. ' KIPOMJ: - T isfr Ai£ T WATTEb TOR TMK— Naw - mlaai Setal Life is. Co llie olncst inutuai in the country, Charter' 1835. ■■■■•" LIBERAL TLR 8 GIVEN. MAKTON A WAKELINti i 133 South Fourth btreet Phil; delphte. WAsiliiD! We wi *i an agent male or female, (ft eaJfe towu oi .L *ount>, to get up Ctuhs hJUOOS t unities, hi,. Is, faetoiiea. Ac. lux |Le oi our Teas >ni w ill otter very lib, ral rotn iil'.vd.in* to >uel. We have been impoHcfS of fen> foi over 20 years, and cau a Bore to send, and we will send a beitei aitjycle lor the in-mey than any other house fn New toi k. nuY Teas are put up in vM pourft packages, with the name and prig* priutttt U]>OII each. Address, for terms and blat-k form frfr Clu s, ■ . en LiViniNAtNLW YORK HI>A HA >., 3 i M v* Church St,"New Yot K fITTT) ft V?f WlMneauie* Card. New wJaXhL/xi iLpaths market out "by the plainest ot ail took:- 'Plain Home Talk and Medical .Cbnuriop Sense,"—neaiiv I,W* pages, sw illustration! 4, by Dr. K. it. 1 OOTK. ot htti Lexington A- N. Y. Purcuuseiw of this liook are at libei ty to ci>nsiut its author iu pe;sou or by 'uad free. Pi iee by mall. *1.24 for the WANtoAJtlb eddlnn, oi ♦f.bu for the popllak odithrm which contains all the same inatie, U lustrations. Contents taUesfxee. Aox>t*i \V'AXTKX>. MUIiI.AY liHXlLhLlfJtthG Co., 129 hastjbth M. N. J \._ - 38-^ DAV. t.BnOWN, Manufacturer and Dealer in TIT-WAR STOVEPIPE & Tl I Illli SPOI'THG and FRIIT CANAL - - j.fV I TTiTp • * 1 # Would respectfully Inform the puWJeAh# he keens on hand, or makes to order all Ktnds of Ttxwakb, FIXTURES,jntftTCANBv . •tc.. etc. I SSPODTIH3 A SPECIALITY j Fruit cans •' ' * alwa vson hand. i Repairing done at A abort uotice- Having M some fen year* cXperlenee In the business lie Hatters blxr eelf that hi* work 4* fully eona Itt S anv In this section of the country, A, bare of the public oatronage Is evpsvt ■ By solicitd- ■ desk ■ fl