fie fonrnal. Wilier tMiiiar, Proprietors B O. DctsiVuHi, Associate Editor i , WKlhelm,Thursday Jan. 9. fii— ■ IJLI ■L -1 1 Trmi —tl.fiO Per Annum. ~!!L* ■! JL 11 ■ " "* Democratic County Com - mittee—lß79. Belief onto Bom. X. W. D.I. Ktino W "..William Harper, S. "..Arthur Brown, Mtlesberg Bore : Austin McU'.aJn, Cnion\lU? Bor Vj T ' Le ? t A ( l ,9 \ HOWMI Boro Howard Briealcy. Phinpaburc Bm> L.O. I.ingle. Ocnner Township Samuel teuiick. Bores " .losepkT. efl, Burontdo •••••- -Dpcar Holt, College " ...Michael drove, Curtin " 'William Mann, 1 eguton. old Fibct Alb'^'rt Hey. new Prect J. H. Ncidioh, Grocg... Haines , " ..... Halfrooon 4 J. W. Miller, HITTH '• >RK U Potter. S award 44 William \oarlek, ouston 44 Djudcllrvin, Liberty 44 -.W. H. Gardner, Marlon 44 1. S. Frujn, Vile* " Cyms Biunjrard, Patton 44 {..Aftnewsvlleiw, Penn 44 P. P- Musser, rotter, north Prect John Shanou, sowth Prect William From, Bn-.b townstip T. J.Dunkle, BBOW Skheo '* H. Holt, Sprat •• Perry. Fentiel, Tavloi 44 Samuel Hoover, tnlon 44 J. H. Stover. Worth " W-Willlama, >Vad>er 44 lainac! Decker, D. P. RORINEY. Chairman. Some 12,000 Democrats were dfs franchised in Philadelphia at the J*te election on account of non-pay ment of taxes. The Am eric us Club ia about to take the umtter in hand .jftid will undertake to raise $20,000 for payment of the taxes of indi gent volersi The payment of this sum will enfranchise, 50,000 voters for two years to far as the tax qual ifications are coucer tied. Theßei>ub lican committee, it is ascertained, operated this way in Flrtladelptria during the recent canvass. The rames of the residents of an election precinct wei*e filled in tlic stut)6 of thetnx colktor's'bn motion of J. C. P. Jones tbc following plan was adopted with but oue lisßenting vote, to carry in to effect the foregoing preamble and resolution. First—The various publishing houses to send samples of the books io'each school board in the county for c-XHminaiiou. and to 6ubmit therewith the lowest exchange, in troductory and wholesale prices, and the length of time they will guarantee to furnish them at said prices. Second—No agent of any publish ing house lo be permitted to do any work in the county, be he either general or local agent, beyond send- In jt bis hooks and terms as al>ove stated. Any house or agent violat ing this understanding their books to oe cocnted out of the contest. Third —The several school boards of the county after examination of the various book* which may have been submitted,to hold a meeting at which each director shall make out a list of the books which he pre fers to have adopted in the county and to send it to Ilenry Meyer, Esq.", County Supe intendent. Rebersbnrg, Pa , pirior to the i}rst day of June, I*7o, who shall make a canvass of Vi£ several staDments 30 sent, and tbetiooks upon the various branches having the highest number of votes or preferences shall be the series re commended for county uniformity. . The County Superintendent, after having made the canvass as above to send the result of the same to each of .the. |>apers in the count? for pub lication. •± - '■ W. C. HEINLE, J. C. P. JOKES, Chairman. Secretary. ■ —? • SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Our school is in a flourishing con dition nnder the instruction of Mr. A a E. Reetively. The next regular mooting ot the Centre County Medical Society will be held at the Bush House, Belle-: fonte, on Wednesday. January 29th D 79. at 10 o'clock, A. M. ♦ • a r • -- rhs Republican man got a brand new W haters Unabridged, Ac., Dictionary from somebody, as a Christmas present. Very appropr iate. The Millheini B. A L. Associa tion next Moodiv evening. A full attend nice is desire! as busi ness ot importance is to be trans-., acted. Win ft. Weiser had the misfor tune lately to lose liia memoranda book. It Is leather rovere I and any person finding the same will do him a big favor to return it. l-2t. ♦ ♦ ♦♦ Kvitttvo ron at.l.—Miss Joana II Peininger knits beautiful hoods for ladies, miss s and children. Patronage respectfully solicited. Charges moderate. tf. , ISTMKL WK WKR. ot Aaronsbnrg has 1000 choice grafted young apple trees fur sale, which he offers at 15 cents a piece. Also a large let of plastering lath, very cheap. tf. The .Central Pennsvlvsni i Jonfer enee of tV Methodist church will • meet at Bloomshurg on the lfit.h of | March, and l>e presided "by ' Bishop Randolph S. Foster. ftv referiiig in another ooluion it wi 1 le seen that theOrphne's Court • sale of the real estate of C. IT. Held. • deceased, of which 1). 11. Rote is j Administrator, has been postpo ied j to the 24th inst. t s. When Mr. Blaine in tde his speech against southern outrages, why did he not dissert and denounce that biggest "of all outrages, hv which the nation was cheated rut of its choice for President V Guess Jim forgot that. Some nieu.'are conve niently forgetful. The subscriber will he prepared to carry smalls bundles and ox;-s •f goods, from Cob trn Station to Millheim. Aaronshuig. Woodward and ulI points along the line, at reasonable charges. The pat ronage of the public respectfully solicited. J.WILLIS MLSSKR. Beliefonte has a new 'Squire in the |Mrson of John I. Rankin. Mr. Rankin was appointed hv Governor Hartranft, vL-e J. P. Gephart., who was elertpd to tue Legislature, last fall. Mr. Rankin is hig'ilv spokt.n of as a fit successor to Mr. Gephart, who was very popular bath as a man and a public officer. In nil Classes of Society. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP is the ruling purifi er. Ladies use it to remove defects of the com-dexion, and persons ttonnled with emotions or other ir ritations of the skin are promptly cured hy ir. hv all Druggists. HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE, Black or Brown, 50 c. 50-4w Reflect that in evpry cemetery t of the silent tenants are the victims of neglected Coughs and cold-*; and if von are thus afflicted, avoid th'ir fate bv resorting at o hce to HaWs Honey and Horehound and Tdr s an immediate, agreeable, and certain means of cure. Sold by all Drug gists. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in 1 minute. The Mns'ser brothers. Miss Ella Musser, Miss F.inma Deshler, Miss Cannie Bright, Mr. J. C. Meyer, Prof. W. T. Meyer, have all been "at home" during the Holidays but have all left us again. Somo of them are teaching while others are attending college. May health, prospeiity and happiness accompa ny them Mil. The CENTRE DKMOCRAT is the name of a new Democratic paper published at Bdlefonte, of which Hon. S. T. Shugert and M j. R. H. Foster are editors. It is the siz'r ot the Watchman \nud Republi can, and is furnished at sl., r )on year iu advance. Maj. Forster, who of co-'rse is the editor, is one of the best imfoimed public men in the state, and is a very aide write- lie sides. The first r-umber augurs success and the enterprize has out best wishes. BOYS AND TOBACCO.—Physicians are weil agreed that the use of tobac co by crowing hoys is full of danger. Recertt investigations, especially in i France, have demonstrated that a I whole train of nervous diseases iiave ! beeii traced to this practice. If you want to stop growing, if you want | to have a set of nerves that are like i those of in invalid old lady, if you wish to grow feeble and thin, if you I wish to look sallow and puny—we do not know any better way than to smoke tobacco. It will make a drain on j our nervous system whi b • will be sure Jo tell after awhih Let iis hope that if a thousand boys j read this, some of them will bo sav j ed from forming a baoit which moet wee regret. j It is the univeisal opinion of man ; kind that Newman, the great King j Clothier, is a public benefactor, in : that ho sella better and cheaper . gt>ds than an/ other man that ever tried the same business in Centre ' COUli'V. •*— ■ .'-M- ■ j RCADINO, Dec. 31.—The commit i i it y was startled yesterday morning j upon learning of the suicide of Miss ; Annie Mohotler. aged sdvoptebn, a highly respite table and pre posses - | ing voting lady, residing with her i parents in this city. She took cor rosive sublimate, and died after un dergoing fearful agony. Prior to ; hei death she made a full confession jto her parents. Xhe said ste was tired of life, and wanted to end her existence. Domestic trmblo and ian unhappy love affair arc gi\eu as . the cause of the deed. P. H ft. AHEAD.— An immense locomotive, built in Philadelphia, for the Mexican & Southern Pacific railroad, passed through 'his city a few IHVS ago. The engine weighs 118*,000 pounds, has eight driving wheels and has a pony (two wheel) truck. The weight is so great that the western railroads over which it must pass will hot Veiinlt it to go over bridges, so it will le taken to pieces and carried over in sections. It passed over all *he bridges of the Pennsylvania road without being dismantled.— Altooaa Mirro*•. Richards, a Nebraska herdsman, confesses to the murder of nine per sons. and tells with perfect coolness and appaient pride how he killed at one time a woman and her three children. They wetp to start in the night on a long journey, and he cal culated it would ne s fe to murder them. l)pcause the neighbors would not readily suspect anything. lie went out and due their graves le. fore committing the crime. "I was not," he said t> a reporter, "any more excited than lam now. I bad st tdied the matter over a long time. I had calculated the risk I ran. and 1 knew thoroughly what I w is do ing. I .vent at it exactly as if I had been butchering so many hogs." He says lie expects to l>e hung, ;fnd nobodv is disposed to think or wish he may be disappointed. NOTt REV K. It is now about, the season of the year when people think of settling their small accounts, and we take the opportunity to remind Our friends and pa'rons that the printer needs tnonev just as much as any body, to carry on his business. The expenses of a printing office are large and constant. Labor, rents, fuel paper and other materials are all cash i'e us whose payment it will not do to put off. The only safe way in the printing business Is to pay as you go. We would there fore most kin-My ask our friends to come to our help bv paving the small sums they owe us either on subscription, advertising or job work. We dislike to send bills'fo them, hut take ibis morfe to ask our friends to help us along, and hope our appeal mav not bb in vain. ■ I. -II I ,-■ 111. , ttl*!). Thursday and Friday crons froz nto death through out the country, especially in the w e>'. • Tue nrr. veg thy poor all over the land during a few d.ivs of such intense eeld, must h> terrible. Corporate and individual charity, should-in its utmost t. feel the. hungiv and relieve the destitute, particularly during U,M present rig orous season. We once heard a man boastfu ly say that lie always thowrht of the poor during odd weather. While this is doing much, as poor human goes, wo must do much more, if we would have the approval either of our own con sciences or f II un who never tiros doing u? good. COXSt'PTIO* rtREI An old physician. r*t.rn• tl* Sen Hull, Pi'iin street, every Saturday evening. • I.!;<• Library oion every Sulurday ovn. nine after The Millnrtm TV .1 T., Ysaorluttovi meet* in Um Town Hall, on the evening of the second M> inlay oi each monitv inXECI'TORS not ICR— Letters tosla inontary on tli estate of 0t". S\- srtt, tlociasod, latV of Pcun township. Centre e-'untv, Imv lug been, grant isl to the nndoV sigued, all nersoin' indebted* arc required to make tinmedlA'e payment, and those having isg.vl claims .%gnfut the same to present them duly authenticated hv law, for settlement. *2 61. S. M. ft\y\T/. TuvseyvUle, Centre Co., Pa. PI* BLIP NOTICE —Notice is hereby giv en that th*' un.|6mluned has ltl"d in th* oßlee t the . ccrvtary of Internal Af fairs at Huriisburg hU *|>piiMt:on for a warrant ol survey for aim hundred acres of urtltnToveil land, situate lp the town ship of Haines and county of Centre, bound vd on the North and East l.v tract in the warrantee name of It. F. Brown. South by David Nerlbner. and weßt by tract in the warrantee name of Robert Irvin. John Burnt lakn. . llelicfojise, P*., Jan. Ist I*7o 2-3. T7TRaY NOTICE.—Came to the resl iienee 01 h on or about the' Kit li dav of October, two heifers, one a brlndle with white fn and bellv. the oth r red. Tuey are one and two years old reapec Ivciy and < ve no particular marks. ITie owner or owners are requested to p- ovc pro|H*r2v, pav charges and take them away, otherwise they wld be disposed of as the la v directs. Dec. Isth, 1878, U. 8. SH A PER. 80 3m ORPHANS COURT SALE.—By virtue of an Older issued mP of the Orhpau's Court of Centre county, there vrlll tie Pl posed to publ c sale in vitbUvim, on Sat urday, lan. '3ti, th • real estut t of the UfeC. M. If-ld. drcetsel, constating or a lions' an t lot situ lie in Utu town of M|l|- holin. Ivinn I*d m tho nxt i by Main St., on th 9 vveet by an alley, on the south by mill rac • and on Ihe cost by lot of Sjrah A. Zeiglcr. Term* of aa?c:—One half the purchase money to be nald nr. < mdrmatlim of *vie *u 1 one half In oue year thereafter, lobe secured by bond and inort raje on the pro nHsns. S.sle to begin at So'cljik. P. M.. n\ said day. 1). H. IUJT3. Adiniuietrator. MllUveitn, Jan. 9th. 1879. PIANOS AND ORGANS 11 K.-TSi averv nupereriur Piano or t'rgan. equal ly every to a;i7 made at Manufac turer's Wholesale Price, and tb jsosve .near yone half of your ruonev, doaet fail, before purcUtcdug. to write for catalogue of dv scrip'l in and prices, to l'.'st office Box Now Y'ork. 112-1 jr. I'. G EPS ART. 1). A. UISBKR. GIPHART & MUS3ER D€Al.Ktih IN liraln, fleversecd, Flour A Feed, Cel t| Fixate? A .Suit. MILtHEIM, PA. U4phc->t market price paid for all kinia o OE/A.T.3ST, DjiDc-redeDh-rattbo BRICK MILL or"at tae oi l iU&Eit MlLL.tin MILLHEt M. COAL, PLASTER & SALT Al ways on hand and soi l at pricos that de fy competition. A share of the public patronage rcsrcctfullv oUtile I. . 3-3-ly 100 nnn a,, d Women are Wanted, to iUImUUU make from 6.' to #ls per day. Agents arc now making that amount. Adiw. w lt: oue c,nt stamp. 1-4 Rev. B T. BICE. .MUton, Pa. AGENTS READ THIS. We will pay \gentsa Salary of ilO) pr month and expanses, or allow a largo com mission to s"1l our n-w and wamdvrtul 1 vml'ins We mean veYut uv: tny. Address without d day. SIIkKMAN u CO., .Mar shall Miehiean 44 4. fiIIY'VTV ! Soldiers discharged for | IJtFL.II I . Wowvif. liHjrturn < irothe: j luiurv (not disease) c 411 necurtr full llnunty 1 those re-enlisted f ,r three years he- 1 tween .Jan. 1,1553. and April 1. ]W>l, haling previously serve;! nine mouths or more, are entitled to bounty or so much thereof as re tmius unpaid ; those who en- Hsted before July 22, Ivil. for thiee years, an t were mustered be ore Aug. 6. lWil. re en'Hl 'dtu fl'Wlwunly, regardless of time served; all for [ >ro ,iu v 19, where but shX' bounty ha-- I been paid, eirit'tsi to additional bounty under Sol-llct A l df duly 3*, tf not already paid. It >pldir died in service h -irs are e;:Jfla to the, bounty. No fee un tli c! tl nis pa- 1. F)r ftt'l information ad dress w'th enc osc t >-ta!nn. "1-1 MCNEIL Si UIIKIH. w .j.uanon.l). C. * VIBRATOR*^^^ Big. lUrtkll. THE ORIGINAL & ONLY GENUINE "Vibrator" Threshers, with rsrroTEO MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, And Steam Thresher Engines, Made only by NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., BATTLE CREEK, micd. bavin*, mti4 BloiiTlirtftUcrf of I ! rt ./ and jr*n+r*tlon. nil Rlvalrr for JUplil Woil, k*of* foci 6o*uiuc, oatl lor bavluf Ore la from WooCßfe. BRAIN Rnlsers will wot Hsbml'ta the • norniooa < f Oram 1 lln r v.irk •><• ■ 1./ the other machine#, whe. Mica pomJou the ttlffalwoco. IHE ENTIRE Thrcohin* Expenses tand i-n st • & 1 ttouui w i 1 - ly 11*49 Extra Grain blVu) ly lb*— Improved lUciuu, ox. NO RcTPlvini Bhnfit Inside the Sepa rator. LnUrr./ Ir.j i.oia Bat ration*. Ferfvtljra ',n,rj t < all Kinit. an t C et Oratn, W.t or Dry, Letts or Bho. I, U.uJuUor Itoual NOT only Vastly Superior far Wheat. O-.te. Hnrley, kyr, aixt llk'i (train*. 11..1 Hie im. / bito cnvful Thraabar la Flax, 1 tuw.tliv, Hill.l, Clover, lH tike Kequlrr-a no * attachment. "or reuuihUitf " to ruange from (train to Qewls. MAItVEI/Ors for Blmpllcity of Parts, tmlnjt It -a titan oik-boll I :u umihl l>lu au4 UtMua. AbUicS DO LitUrtu ur ocMeriQf A. FOLtt Sizes of Separator* Made, ran*- lut I'om h\x ti Twclva l|oro iuo, and lao oljaooi j fcloktoiod Uorso rowers to match. STEAM Power Thresher* a Hpeclulty. .4 .(walal alzc beparwtor toed. lot dkmu iourvr. OUR Unrivaled Btcam Thresher Es Willi Valuable ImprnflMni. a" I l...U*tKve Features, Ur Iwjotnl say ou*r uittau or kiu.L IN Tliorosih Workmanship. Slscita HdUii, lSnotiiuß of Ports. Cotnpttf!ieM of 1 (juipmeai, •Ac,, our •• ViMurom" Thrsobsr Ouulu are lucveuparehUh COR Pertlenlars, call on oar Dealesrs J or write to a. fcr lUn.lrote.lCircular, vrhlpi sr. msu few. Mlllyrlm.Hnrkft. Wlwwt X#v 1 flf Wheat No. 2 • Com * K*e ... V Oats Whit* * 24*. Block Sf Bhfli xx hunt. H Flour , &.'t SoKglUi::::::::::::::: tSS Barley 6 TjrtnoUiMMHl v... Flaxstma..... Clovcrseod Lb 1 DutUir 1* Horns.., T tlgvt V 1.,.. * p0rk...., ; m B •• Hm....!) PoUtoee. Card Ta11aw..,., s*aj>. Ift-ted Apples Mod Dried CkerrKp.. ;• * COAL MAItKET. Kr# Coal M.Jf dv " V£ 41 .; : bA V •• .'i ohs sent free expl-tntng eve rythlug. Address, BAXTER & Co. Hank EN ,17 Wall Street. S. Y. W 4 DIPHTHERIA!! tiveiy ~,evoii ttit ■ fjruo o di r.a> , wfil positively cure u|n* eases In ten. in formation that wl l save many ilvi-s **•>. free by null. Don't delay * moment. Pre scntiou is better than cure, bolu every where. • 4S 4. I. S. iull.NbOV a CO., VaoKor. Malm A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS!! We will during th, 3 wiih ITv-ai and toaplr, >t), 2 sets #'■ Isk>t eiy. T-vt 7 octave ail HOSKWOoI Pi AJJ.iS |l3O, 7 I 3 do 4!4', warrant-d foi BIX years. AGKNTSWASrKU. IlluUra t* A > .YittiTvu*' 4a let! Moftc atJbalT price. HOKACr WATER. $ 3uN>. Ma aft a. A IP aicr.-, 40 K. 14 th.. St., N. Y. 4V4. A NEW EXCITING BOOK B.tStHntf 1t tti >Viao Ao/ii edition. Hv toe briUlifit ueecriptlT" r*vil or, //on J. T. Gives* fall Abfo ry of ma won t-jrfq, d.s • >ve rle in Afle' and mtrv hfj I>u i\*v do vn t> * Com/a M ore / k*cin Uin-j tl> vn r>m anc. /Vafnselv lu-tr tb'd. an 1 highly en lo r*cd by the c Urgi til yri. Over i,"00oold. Aluie AQENT3 WANTED. P.r partlrjilara *but the but. t.uecn* o agents anft terms. Address, fll B BAUD HK0.3., ITibflshers, P:i|ta. 14. W. J. Straieb FashioQable Brbar, OppocltK Stent's Store. MILLHEIM, PA. Tit.' pßr.onntre of the poN'lc respeck- Jolly solicited. The meet nscf&i preeeut FOR YOUR WIFE, latsniN wile,' othw. or ilsttr,!* one o f our Nc.kie PiAlei and Polished Fluting o< Crlinptng Ir uxs. 4 Irons on one handle and it r.-aUiy Ae tocrn raicas. King Rwersable tTndng Iron. .and IVimplng Iron |7.76. aKXT A*KRf*4l D on receipt of price.- BewittMfg. O). Pit'burgh, Pa P. O. Box, sM. or lfW Penn Avenue. 45-6t. \n Wanted in this Co amy. To MBgßzitie Club-slter* ! GLOVES, I'it £ NTH KS6LUU Cashmer> •\ud X!ehe nest known remedy for L.'.mk an' I.VCK. rheumatPm. Female Weukuess, Lumbago. Die;ikcd Kidncv p:nalCo:nplaiuti and ail pis for whirl >o>ous piasters a?e used. Ask you .iruggisl (t*plue ria-te in I v*e that you tet nothing cbe. told >y i.l Druggists, rriee 2 'ts. .d ile.l on-xt ceipt of j rice by Seabnry A Johnsou, ft I'iatt Street, N I*. 50-4 t | .8: 8 ? ? 9 ! I !New Millinery Store in M-'Uheira!! ! ! ■ " MRS. ABTDfA M. WEAVER takes plaa&nre t announcing to the 4Jr . people of MlJihelm and vicinity tliai sbo will open h new and j elegant stock of Millinery Goods on Monday, October 41st. A ; cw fbH line of Choice and .Fashionable Goods always on hand at • popular prices. DRKBSMAKIHO GPKCIALITf. Tho ne? Otis Plalter and Trimmer used. Public patronage solicited. i-iiiiiiiisii'iii M 3 mn Cinnn Invwtßd In Wall Street JJll) 1U It)UU BHK-ks makes fortune* *v , ry month. Book sotit free expiatniuc v --r rythtnc AddrVPs, HA XTRK * CO., Hui* | * re Irnprovd • Mow .Scale. Aggrafl*) riunoe, only Wio, ent on trlKl uf cntr rrperud. CaMtlogpe with :.u '.uitU of refciencea, fre. HOST buy Piano until you read our Catnioßtio. It ill inferiwf you. Addrcxi, U. H. PIAXO o. MANUrABIUitrKS 163 oleckncr Ht., V. Y. 86-4 iWEEBHRHAH jliswing Tobaora! IvsKid *1 P-'/1 l> •., Mn'M et V 1 kf-f .*. e>. I *~i t*>| tkHno ■r rji./W A"",, H.f .' iK~ I 't. Wr, S< . lh* rnnnH", >•. lo i. v. % V* t• leo. P. WiTttur. General Acent, Nov 3 aai'f Boulli Water ftroet Philo MM! arioni' Piirga! Ive PIIU make Kw ttloh Blof, tfto ii jst popular Publications. Six of the Finest hrotuua, mouuted and stretched {ilsAOi 1 Every Subscriber. The Be Combination vet before otle cd to Agea't, and the Most i.:beial liirluccincuts-to Bjl?rjb<.-rs. fur ine Puhllcutlcns, Pi'gar. Premiums, and urge f 'ommia&lcna ula<-v us ahead of all "ini'tdlicrs. Illustrated Oicalars Free. :. r. * L. ruUiaheis. Nwtb tUst Cornet 7th aud llckln;ou Streets, Pbii ideiphli. HEALIH m H4PPIRES.. dealth and H vp'iluaes %rs prioe!©',s Wealth ■to their posesor. aud vot thev are within he reacn of every one who will use WRIGHT'S LIVER PILLS. I'he only sure CUKE for Torpid Liver, l>>*~ •epsl i. lfeadodhe. >our 8tm ich. Constipa lon. Ivlnlttv, Nsiuea, and all Bullous coift .vlaicte and Blood hu^ , • It .•our Drngxtst will not snpply send 2o * oeute or one box to BarricA. lUaer & Co.. 70 k*. 1 St. Bulla TOES PROTRUDING Throach fawd Hob'R need ro lorer of nd toe eye, or children's COSTVT sßowe uc ! ukows av at on tbat accotof, vvlien oth*r viee but UTTi-E WORN. IltL AMERICAN ♦'fOK Tll* CO.. have sts-ed MILLIONS OF DOLLARS nnuully to Parents in this cutuitry. by the ntrc'ductlon of the topper and Silver Tips, •mi they are applied cbieSy to children's • a vv Shoes, manv Purcnts objecting to the ogks or urraL Tips ON -FINPSSrtOES. All such will let liappy to know that tfetx ttunnany have at lat perlccted a BLJLCKI Til 3 vhicb adds to the BEAUTY OF THE FIN EST SHOE the toe remaining neat until tho cioe U worn. rhc&e Tips a.rdstampodA..S.T. CO The more eo*tly the Shoe the more imper 'ant the Tip. a it at /coat dono/e* the wear tug value of the Shoe. PARENTS ! bur vo Children's Shoes without the Metal or th<* nn-e Black Tin. and thtus REDUCE VOLT. sHOE BILLs MORE THAN ONF.- 11ALF. if.4 A.ek your Shoo D€ml©r for Theih. 1879 1879 A SPLENDID PREBIIUBI , 4 TO BTCHY NSW arBSCIUBM TO THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES Tfct .<* r Annals Of Ths War. Wrl t/.-n by the participants is tite late Civil \1 ar, Noith und sou h. A Royal Octavo Volume of 800 Pages. Beauiifuliy Illustrated And Bound in Colored and Gold Cloth, with Illuminated Covvf Linings (Price 64),. Will l>e given to every subscriber to THE WEEKLY TIME'- for 1579. upon the follow ing terms, lu *ll ca.Mi the postage paid by us: For 64 we wIU es-nd one copy of THE WEEKLY on® year and ono copy of the I -'ANNALS." For 610 we will wca'Vihrce copies of THE year ami three copies of the I Club Term* f fhc Boskly Times: 1 copy, o:.c y. F.!.00 10 copies one y ilSadn 5 copies. One y. 5.00 2u copies, ouo y. 25jlw THE "tUklflfh PRLMIUM A oopy of the "Aunuis" w,]l I** glvca as a Pretuiuiu to any one sending us #.6 for a club of ten, cr a 6i> for a club of twenty. This Is a gran.l opportunity, without cost aqd but liU.eU'oublc, to g.-t a oopy of a Nplendid Work thut dhouiu be read by every ote. TEE WEEKLY TIMES 1 FOR 1D79. Will be kept faliy ep to tl e high standard ol toe past, and itnpiovenicnt* aUlvd fiom time lo ilioe, as thev may be sugves.ed hv 1 xpvrl n -e and lbs wants of our te.ide.s. ihe g.'iu l n'l't 1! snlnctlve fentu v of T HE V. LLKI. i I IMLs, thut naspr ved .> popu l*p i a the lui- i will be cout.nue.l lurough out the year lsfn. viz: * aoriea of chapters of the Unwritten Hi-lory of tbo Late bivll War From l eading Actors in th- Cabinet, in the l-ielo.intii Torum. Ninth uiui houth. 1 This feu'.the oi THE 1 IIU.ADLLI'HI A 1 WEEKLY TIM KM has become veiy poptt- j lar, and increases in , pie rest witu ev-ry 1 week's Issue of the paper, while kc-e contvtbutois will L free Irojn all sectional partisan t ;• f / ra a*t of m tmfc . * , •" 4 * ** CHAMBER SUITS. ■ .- i -• ." • . 1 'i 1 M'* | CHAIRS & TABLES. BEADSTEDS. ■ • % %..-* ~.■••♦ ' r • • * .fountiX MttsJl aVd ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN TIXBfR LTKE. • n , . •. • . . . * ill' • Hopalrlng Jonf, (>rder< promptly attended to. pikoscbap,touitlljt*ai*. CITY MADE COFFINS 1 V iff Always on hand and sold .A.T BOTTOM IFIR/ICiEJS. FUNERALS ATTENDED AT ALL SOURS, L.C, SB.C Bill R3AD. WESTWARD. .. . L LATT. A. M. f. w. , r.w Montandoa 7.00 lAS 6.30 I>e*iburi: 7.16 "2.31 6.96 Fair Ground T f 1M • ; Blehl 758 *46 Vtcksburg- 7-V6 2 43 Mlffl'nbavz 7.J6 Jtt Millment 6-60 6-9* Latirelton 6.15 199 Cafcnr n RtS Arrive at Spring Mills 9-50 EASTWARD. i i e. LEATS JI.H. A.M F M Perot; Mttts *V> Cobum _ 10.J lAn.vKo* IJ.IS 4 * MulinoiO. i , *1.56 A3* Mltfiinbcrf 12 10 4JB VK-ktburg nJT' 6.06 Behl il*T A'S Fair Ground 12 -V. 6.25 LewlAbuJg 6.9S EL 45 5.45 Arrive at Mooia&Aee.. 610 1.00 6MO H'*. 1 & 2 ccmneet at Montauden wtth Rrte Mail west era the PolladelpUia 6k Elk Bail Koad. No* 3ft 4 with Day Express east ano Nia gara Express wat. Nog. 5 ft 6 with Fast Line west An Omnibus will ruu betweeu Leniaharg aud 31onamlon, to convey passengers to and from Pacific Express e*st . M '• Lock Haven..; 34? p. m. EASTW \RO PACIFIC SXF. Icav. Loek Haven..6 40 M " Jersey shore 714 a. m. " " WllLaeispo: 17 56 a. n. •* err. at Harrii>hurg..ll SS:.m. " " Philadelphia S4sp. m. DAT EX.PREBleaves T-ock Haven .'id)a-m. " •' Wjilianwport 144>p.m. " . atT. at Harrlßburg.. 41 . m. •* M *' Philadelphia 7JOp. m. ERIE MAIL loaves Retiovo. 8 35 p. m. " M *• Wi!Wnm*port..ll dtp. m. " arr. at Harrisburg 2 45 a. m. Philadelphia. ...Ttti.n. TASI LIKE leave* Wiilinmspnit. .12 36 a. in. " arr. at Harrisbui g.... 3 6Fa. m. " *• Philadelphia ...7 40 a. n. Parlor Car* w|U rui. between Philadelphia anit WilJlamsport on Niagara Evnress west. Kri* Express West. Philadelphia Express East. i>nv Express East and Sunday F.xpress fcael. Meaning car* en all night I rial nr.. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Bupt. DfiAUf Nivhitt Itbrs 0t oflwoHd* Eltrdria * Aarh.kffw. A TPS I OATALOGrESanOCIRCr LAI? tvh now style* rtfneed prlr* an n-a bWot Ttu-on neat free. WADN MMN I KG AN CO.. Ltw!. TUM H A HAKE FOR PKOKITABLE EM FI ITT WENT. EXTRA''INDRCTMEN RA TO NOTK SCN*CKIBE.IS AND AOFNTB.. AGENTS-RUN NO KISK. Koit'PLLDSTKATKD OlßCl'LAke |VrNO 1-EKM6 AND FVtL FARTLCX'i-A, Alt VIICS* F. P. ft L. REiTBIN, I \ fij sr., PBH-ARFIPHIA, PA. 4M | i FAMILY and jPOCKET BIBLES, LEDOERS. LAWBLAHKS, CANY ASS, BRISTOLBO ARD, Eepliy, qermantownwbal. Photograph & Autograph Album*' Luther an ft Beformed Hymnbooke- f 3ZN* TU;3S3 • I' \ VNN3J 'MI'dUTIUII '3HOXS HO 08 TYNHflof#f SHI JSEX 1 .'cjergrSatT .sjeqoee.T. g? eienvM 'gexoqjedg-r '9edote.\n-T ag aoctej "wr .gNgj bllyts ssiyts 'saooaAJOQV ssoogiooHos sV B*ttt* tkmm Evtr. |>X PRICE REDOCEO.^* Plain. Prnctk^ReK^He,. | Paying Information... L" far Waal, Eut, Sooth. North; for CNw j ; •4 Cat tie. Hum, Sheep, SwjmEV or f*•*•. y Gardens. or Vilhg* Lou; for Houaehcepats; <".' * far ail LoysaodGtHat - £ OVER 700. Fine ENGRAVINGS^ both pleasing mod instructive. Tl American IsieiKiristi ' \ S 7V Chtis i/Un or wrr, aw>wr, /ad +M, X : ONLY $1 EACH, g 4*|eaah. Single MiVecripttofti,ss.s- V One number, ije. A specimen, post-free, jloc. c AiAßimcOff stwimtt vmmtifa iii; r Largo msniOßlt fbrtlabfc § vleeoeA BmgUik A tfmaw at mm p