%\)t lournal f litr I Dririn er. Pi oprietars B O. DSIXIVOF.R. AIWO'-late Krtltov ttilltirtuijiiia-siia) l)cf. 10. i■ * ' Terms—sl.so Per Annum. M .le.el n t*-LC. &S 0. t.'t., h v popalat iaot n •* • .itnivi. business TSIITIE.ALTI.'OIUIVFSTLIRLR.ITK'IIR.INAVEI.ICE rmlHlt ot opt ing the sooty magazine Willi a stnug of her shottldeis. As if he could In lp that ! But he began bb. wi'g r way the so* for the tyeutivih time thai C.*y. was four yrats s;i ce 1 is iali.ei died, and Jib and nia inother hud cou.e ty •town, Ui d in tnat litue i*e i ad done Othihg L>Uc light agaii si s< ol a. d starvation. lie opened o:.e of the story papers for boys. There was . se.i story in it ; a boy goes ft in the fit si chat - li 111 l ill viv •\, li Ihe llilld, "the gallant boy leaped upon tne deck, at at couiiuodoib c asped hnu )u liia aims s " On the uext page was an account ; c-f h boy goii g l.oaie frotu wo;h, ; who arrived jusi in time to .-e >le | the walla of a bi r lug lioi.se, ai.u reseuid a child, lor wii.c.iuarmgact j be whs tiie next day '.ukeiiinio j au- I i ersb ; p by the child's father, a mill ionaire. "cmiue fellows have such eplendid chances!" said John, fining down the lawk with a sigh. *X vv I've ben here for years, and notuiHg grand or nolle ever tutus up foi ine to do. Biy ten I'oaL-i, til Lee.i Jour nals, daily ; ?cll tueui— it 1 can. On oaluidu..3. buy tlio wet-kli-. Once a month the magazines. 1 ii.ti'a the heft of ii, year in and year out. How's a ftlh*w to muk: a len-sLiike ' at ttist sort of wot k ?" An old geuticinau vlio had mi? Ed the train -uuiiieitd up, and b<- gill idly 10-king over the bo^'a SIOCA. John w'ntciied him anxiou-ly. If J e siiould buy one f the .-tx bound boiks! Fiofi. on e.*ch w.is twen ty five Cents. 11 he should buy one cf thost*. ne could take ii- iue . litlic treat to hia undhei af#er ml The boy's eyes faiily glistened, for, be:i: s being foud of his iu lh cr, lie was hungry, and the *iueil of fried oysters ami c >!feo from lue restHuriini near by was almost moie than he could bear. The old gentleman took up one of the boaks. John thought lie was certainly going to buy it. What' should tiie treat be ? A bit of fresh meat ? Ani i nce pie ? lied ec id ed that s-eak would be the b* St. "All, here is a hook which I have wanted for a )'l ir each, sir." "I'll lake tliis. X, you needn't tie it up. I'll read it on the cars." He laid down a brignt silver dol lar. John could almost s:mll the d'lic fous steak, and he thought of Ins mother's thin, starved fise. Tney had not tasted m- at fir days. But a glance at the b > >k, .n tlie go .tie man dropped it into his satchel, caused him to say faintly— "Stop, sia 1 Idi I not see which one \ou were baking. That is a > imieifect c >py. There are four leaves missing iu the middle." •'Ton bad !"—throwiug it down. "The dollar, please." " Will none of tiie olherk suit ?" >uid John. "No, I haw J this Lnok for •Jin** f !*u" I "Von can have it for seventy five cents," sid J iim, eagerly. " I do not wad a mutilated c >pv at all." John handed him hack the dollar, ; and closing his satchel, the tna walued on a few steps, and HH! di wri in a open doorway to wail for hi train, lie was a rud ly, fat j old gentleman, with a kindly, I shrewd blue eye. Having iniinbg !to do, ho thought too matter over leisurely. "That's an honest 1 id," ho said to the proprietor of the sh p in j which lie stood. "110 migh I have c' eaieu me just now. but j he. did not." j "Who? John M' Tuvish? A i honest as si*el. He's been uuuer i my eve now for four yeais, and 1 know hi utohe as truthful a I.id as evei w is lorn of Scotch blood." "Urn, inn !" Siii tie old geoth-- man. Hut tie |>ur -m his specla. le ! and e\ed J.liu from lie.ul to 10->l. Toe next dav he st>pp d at the I same stiop, and walk* d lip to th i prom. tor. "il w's he for intelligence, now ? lie h gan, as if the on versati-m h.id s( |' d l lie m-tiieiiL bef re. "Si li pid. proh.li|y r" "1 d n' ttiink lie's very sharp in trade," was the rei ly ; "but lie's a very liaudy Im.v. lie has made a go. il many convenieot kuickkmieks f.r the iieigtdhra—th.t bookshelf, for instance," "Wt.y, Hi t'-> tlie very tiling I ' want in all >. Well, Li tre's liij j tiain. CrHxi-dar, .-ir." I "lle'll be back again. Old nil fellow," said the merchant, lang i lUg. The next ti;iy he was back , and lie c me at the suae hour. "I like that bov's looks, sir. I'v. been wale ting liiui. Bit of coin e he has a d z n mla'ious —di ti ikea I father—rag-tag of brother?— WHO j would follow hnu. ! "No. He has only a mother, a •(] I slit* is a decent, G id fearing Scotch woman—a good seam >ties.-, J< 11. tells me, iin can git no woik. Times are dull iieiv j. HI now. I'm the country folks will pur into the citita. Mis. M"T vi>lt ha> nothing hut what iho b>y cams at the >ta> d y-nder. T e old genih n an made iu replv. But the in\' day l.ewiut nptottie bo's stand. John was looking I ale and anxious S one cf his i g ular cur t a -rs n.d refusal io tnkr tfit-'i mag.X!ins—tim .? being so hard. I'iiey would lie dead Ins.- ] on hi? hat d*. "Piper? Mag ziite-t, sir?" lie! •tskt d. "X •. A woid Willi you. my hid. ' My name is B thn n lam the o.vu- ' er of the Birds! Nurseries about . thirty miles from here. I want a , young man to act as clerk and .-.ilea- ' man on the grounds, at a sahny of i for'y dollars a anmte, and a woman 1 WHO will besttiCi a d ordmly, t oversee the gills who pack ll iweis- ■ -nd?, at twenty four d lla s a 1 IIMU'II. I offer iiio P'siti Mto y>i and y. in mother, and I give yu uutil to-morrow to think it ovr." , "But y •—you—do .At, know ui *, ' sii I" gatqa d John. "I kn ivv yon v rv well. I -pner* J ailv know what I rru about. T<>- j morrow, be iedy t givey mr a-s- [ wer. I w'll take you fur weeks on j trial. If lam sati-fi I the e J mud will tie ie> ewed for a year." All the iest o the dav, John f b like one in a dream. Ev**rybly ; had heard nft'e Bornale Nurse* ies. j ai dof good Id Isaac Bolu ii tln-ir j owner Bit hat had lie d .ne, ! t' at tliis ear' 1 ly paradise tho Id ; open to bini ?" "Yu*li c-'tne, eli ?" said Mr. | B iliim, the ii xt. d iv. "Thought y>u wiuild. When can you begin work ?" 1 "At once, sir..* "Good. Bv the way, there's a . Vacau' house on the gtmjnds, which your itioflier can have, rent free, if sheri mains with ui\ V mere box. but big enough. There's uiv team. Sun;' Owe y.u cooie out, M'Tavish. I and look HINUII JIMI ? You can CMI.E ! back all right." John 1-icked up the s and sent a message to hi 3 mother, h*id wen with Mr. B dinu. fie had no* y r tld his mother of his c'ia ig* i i their affair*. He was v-ry silent when tie name home that evening, hut oddly t* der with his moth-r ; and she no | ticed that lie remained a long time on ttis kne-s ;it prater that night. Tney had only a little bread and mi k for breakfast the m ir i ing. a d John * camel y tasted it. "You 10->k as if >ou could not hear this much longer, inothe ," he said, coining up to her. and putting hi- hands on shoulder. ••You Ued good w IOU-S >NIH me.ils, an L i tie 'resli air. and tie aids aid he trees, instead of thin /" looking our it tlie piled stacks of chimin\s o lit i ig forth the black siu >ke of an iro.i foundry. "D Ill'i talk of them, .John, lad 1" "Well, I wont and tie put on his hat and went out. An hour later lie came back, "What is wrong? Why have you lett the stand?" asked the mo her in alarm. "We are going to Ivivo an o-.it iug, mother. Djn't say a word. I MP, AFF -RD !• She never had seen the boy so full f excitement. lit* hurried her to tiw station, and soon tliev were ulidii g among beautiful rolling i. ill-, at (I acmes 1-v*lv meadows, thai were sweet with the odor of new-moon hav. At noon, they Cone to stretches ot rising ground covi red wil li nurseries of younu trees of delicate green. n d with vmejarda. ami field after field of roses, mignonette, and all kinds ot s pet -sin Hi .g ll vers. "Why, .1 >hn, this is fairyland! What is t' is | la *e ?'' "The II itliil Nurseries. We will get oil'here, mot er. I want to show von a house that—" lie tumbled with agitation. Hi* fact was pale as lie led her down to the side of the broad, gl ncing riv er, near which was mstled in tin* 1 T WIMMIS a cosy little cottage, covered : with a led trumpet cre-per. There ; was a garden a well, ami a padlock i f iii c w. I side, the ro-niis wer clean M nil u.idy f i fur nisliin:. Tut-liver lipjl d diottsily against i its pi'd lv shoie ; tlie tnds dub d •I. rough ihe blue, sunny air; the scent ( f loses came in upon the 1> t-t-ze. i "Mottifr." said John, "this I hojH', will Nie your homo no>v." And with that, he begin to laugh and cupel ah ut iter like a Uy ; but j the tears rolled down his thin cheeks. John M'Tavisli is now foremati of the Bui dale NTuseiies, and a man |of ingli st oldi ig i i theciuitry. Not long ago, hes.n l to oil Mr. j ".oiltill— 'l ove this all t< the f.ien l who I sai i •g• I vor I tor m•t h i liv i ( j P.*r* ing ' * N Jh ," sii 1 ift * ol 1 m . I"> II owe it n> tiie nc* k vi h i(t i mi-si tg pag-s. I' i • ci 10" 0i il Ito you. A- i' o m sto ev-cy '• . * • : •" iio-.iest. llo'p*stv in I (il isi ry. j John, ar what bi-ce woioh bi ing* -a-isfacti >n to every i:unto, an 1 which in ahsense d :t s back the heart bv t lie fuel aisoei it ions of comfort and content. Let this be dot e, and this sacred s;nt will be- I come more mivi-Iv the.-ceneof cliei'r fuln and fieitCe. Ye naretiis. who won! 1 fia e \our child en hannv. be imlus'ib ••us to It*ii g tlmni up in tlie midst ( fa ph Msant, clieei fill and hippy Inane. Waste not ymr time in ar (■•■mulati g wcal'h or tlieto, but pl.i'it. in their nii' ds and H tils, 'n the wav croposed. the seeds of vir tue and prosperity. IV II IT WK SOTF. We take • otM nf all the rasc iltt* Wf io!. .*oTriMl {• the S(|vfa.ee pub lic an busi ess life, hut little ac count i* t ike-* of f h • st. hon esty. With which the gigintfr* busl i.e* one> itio*'S of Hie Coinmunitv c 'iild iv if be carried on for a day. lime and there are breaches of tiust. but as few. perhaps, in pro. port inn to population an \ the mag nitude of The business co- diirtel, as iii :mv forme- j riot. Every dv milliops are ctiangi'ig hands on the si" pie faith i the verbal promise* of men Tbev make promises g(t(l. Ope c-tmmt go ami-is of men win tiave made their pinmises good when 'tie immediate losses in eiit-red M*er tiv have ranged from fi'tv th usand up to a quarter of a mi'lo.n dollars. No note is oyide of Km-ti tns'tti ces. But wtiep some petty h-cml. c a ** - I I-1V. couoni** at re:.oh of trp-t, j ••vrrylii'v i 'itmlc cq'i-o' tnd *i*h ftiat fart ; and of •( few ra ; se tlie Ip:e ti 11., * Is'lmreanv ' ones' V in itiecoir. I'li'iity V" Yes. there is a great rbal < f honesty and a grea' deal of morality. < d these are a' rhe f unci itiou of the v iSi lusiii.-Ri which is conducted trnm d iv to day. Mmeover. there is a great deal id holies'v in f.lie ia ks of hiliuivg men. in which ma\ be inc'uded all the wage earning cla-s. A-y per son wiio is experienc d m business, employing lntge numbers of men, can testify to this fact. A Cat hone priest preached a ser rrron in behalf nf the Chinch a'-d Convent if St. L-mis Beitraiid, at Louisville, in tlie course of which | he paid • glo*iitg fibu'C to the faith a- d lioetality of the woman of : tiie Catholic Chinch, and said that especially to the servant girls of Atueiica docs Ue Cuuich owe tn(>st of us success. Tneir donations have made the Catholic Church what il is to-day, iu the United States. CHEAP KANSASLANDS We own fuul control the Railway lands of I KK OO IUN I V, KANS.vs, about miually dividml by I"ie Kansas Pacific Hallway, which w arc aniline at an average ol *i.is pei a re on •'A"v tonus of payment. Alter nate sect oils of liovciniurn! lands Can be taken as Innne-leads by aetu Usettlcra rii-'se laiui lie in t lie U tK v f 1.1 >IUUTON E HK.1,1 of I'ntial Kansas, the wail wtnter wheal prod ieli di lii- t of tfib United st ,tes. yielding from At u 3;' Bi.i-ljelfl per Acre. The average vearlv rainfall In this eounlv Is Miv Hi.i aisc nis io.it ANNUM, one-third Ki'xiiter than in th * mil li extolled AF.KAN has \ Ai.Ltcr. which lias a yearly rainfall of h-st ih.in 2."> incites per aiiiium in the saino l settlctl by the t>-class of Northern and Kastern people a.id wiii -n appreciate In va ue by the tin provem -lit • now being made us to make their purchase aPproaeut prices one of the vrv be-t lavestin-'iits that can l>e made, asi le from the profits to be derived ivom their ••u.tivatl .11. Mem >ers of our firm re sid.-iu >V.V KKF. VKY, a id will show lands a* a.,y'tine. A pamphloi, giving full infor mation in r 'gar Ito s >il. mini He. wajer sup j ply, A -., will be sent free on request. A Id r ss Warron Keoney 6 IHJ.HO , t:n idDflapo Til 153 STANDARD TEA CO. • o3er in p ekag< sof 5 lb. and upward, i their standard qua fly of TEA 5, at 5 3 cts, or lb J COPE EE. 25 ctr. " " The II >t'fs nil ? large co* smut en order direct from t ih ir cur live lHwciM. If your die is worth saviug. •fon't dcluy in giving these rowotKS a trial, as th-y will xiit'u.y cure von. Price, for large box, # 1.U1), rent to any part of the I" ni .ed "*t C&J than ail other machines combined. f?-Agent3 wanted in lr'uual>ciiug .7. r >p K*B. wi'.l colored plato j KENT IU: K To our customer* of p.-wt yevrs, aud to ali pur-'liaHcr* of our UookH. either ' OAHIihNIXt; FOK rK'FIT. I'KACT* | ICAI.Kt. UICULTCUK, or OAItDKN- J lNt roa I'l.KAKUl.lvm rreelpt f i of-Ac. Plain I'lant or *eed catalogue*, f without I'late, free to all. PETER HEND R3ON&CO.. f SKKUHMK.N, MAHKKT (iAKOjiKca AUD : . ILOKIHTM, fc 35 Cortland St., New York. I * AmHOcVfi * ntnKf ll I ' l'or SI.OO we will scml fre< by mail I J eitlier <>f t'n-b 'l.w uamcd collecttom, ! I ail distinct varieties : 1 OAb tliiHix, or 4 AZtlca*, ! • S (U-goiii is, ,r 3 Cainedias, J 21'aUditims (fancy), or 5 L'aruations i 2 (inouthlv). li I hryMantbcinums. or 12 Colucs, SOn'tiiureat or b other while leaved jdantM, ! 8 ikthllav. or 8 DUtithu* (new Japan), b Kern"*, f .tliiMtui, or S Fu li->ia-, SUeranlums, KAUCY, S Variegated, or 1 blvy leaved. 4 (vloxiuU*, H Uladiolus. orbTubero.cn (l'carl), i ( 4 tfrajm vines, 4 Ilonoysuckles, 4Hs - ; ty siira'ax. k HeKotropo-i, HLanLaiiu*.or Prctnnl; i 8 P.tuslcx (ucw (tciiii.kii), ot 8 Salvia? ) S Ko**m , Alonlhlv iiardv lly brid. ot j (fliiiiblng. i 8 Violet (vented), or 8 Daisies. Knt. ! 12 Scar ret Bedding,or 12 Scarcer rc< house I'UnlM, j 16 Verbenax. dlHtlnct and splendid aorta . i'> Varieties ol Mower, or A; vartetie* c( i * Vegetable S,-cl-i, i or by EJkPItKSS, hc.ycr to charne*. :f rolici timi.s for • S :, H %; • 3 for L*; ! 12 for*'.; 11.',,. IS fort 1 ■:- the full • Col lectin 11 of .ivi varieties >f I'liofs and Seeds—sufficient t- stock a greeiibouso and garden—for %->. to our book "(iard eniu< for I'lcasure" and Q.aialogucoflcr. cd above (value 51.75) will be added. Peter Henderson A Co. ' So Cortland't St. f ,Y. i\ Wash. Hutchinson, DKALL'II IN ALL KINDS OF COAL, - VT. COBURN &TATION. I'KKRY H. STOVF.K WM. satisfactiou guaranteoc i). H. GETZ Attornej-at-!aw Lswisburg, Pa. Office onp isiti the Union N itioual Ran k Can be cousulte I iu Fagliah or Uermau. Vo. 2-iy. i GXxOBSi ! VkiteM i V:i t Co. ! CAPITAL STOCS, sloo,oo^ Thcw Pinn tro mi* o. r- cly for tie. an7 xhad-i ,>r "njor, and r >4-1 1.1 any quauUtlea from Ouo iquai t lu a iUrrt-L I f i 5 DO YOUR CWN rAINTING. Thnsr Paints nre inn da cf Pure Whit - Lead, : 7.lnc aur. Lin* ed OH, bold in s< bit In u a-d ready for use* fn*<* one third cheaper t.nd wiii la-t threo > time as long as Paint mixed in tho ordinary way. ! $25 REWARD I I will be paid for every mince of adulteration 1 found in them. Tlmmanda of bouse* and aotut j of the fiut-bt villau iu America are painted with ! these Paiuts. B<-i)d for X atimonid-ef same, also fur Hauipic Colors aud Price Lists, to tho GLOBE MIXED PAINT CO.. OFFier.i 103 Chambers St., New York, WO it K s : Cw. WWN STS, lERSEY Cff* — ■ ■ ...... jis 4 f H p S v * ' 'T HARRIS' BTAHOAEB iSTOJ IE, 235 MARKET ST., near THIRD fctoisl)urg.|);t. FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT. We have now complete fitoclf of Millinery, Trimmings, Notions and Fancy Goods, at prices fully 25 |>er cent, lower than else where. An examination of our stock will, be sufficient to con vince lit wiot we e'av is sqimueljr uc A Assortment the fol lowing articles alwavs on hand : Ladies', Misses and fhih rtns Hats trimmed >r untrimmed Hats & Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Silks & Velvets Ribbons & Ornaments, ; Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets & Underwear, Cuffn & Collars Ruches, Laces Trimmings, Real &. Imitit'on Hair Goods, Hamburg Edgings & Inserliigs Ladies &Mis3&s' Furs, Jewelry & Perfumeries, Motto & Picture Frames. Zephyrs, 121-2 per oz Geraantowi Wool, 9 Coats Machine Cottoo per spool 5 cts WilliQ2toa M. Cotton, per spool 3 cts. Pins, *er Seeiles* cer paper 3 cts, Gents' Faper Collars JO cent per tiox, <.. id r. .lourt-.md otner articles .'too numerous to mention. Don't forget the place. HARRIS' STANDARD STOS E, 235, Market St. LEWISBURG, PA. w 5 v ■■ j jgpi CJ TBI ffrftW 9ir Jt . Vtf.tn Bruch OS*. 381 WjtNwtisoi St.. PbicJM. HL PtllCTXl OrC3 iii Uiauf:taie.-, Ki sLizn, Cm RED FRONT STOBB, LEWISBUBG, PENNA. J. HOWE A, Proprietor Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Extension Table, Bureaus, Farlor Tables, Bedsteads, and Chairs in great variety and at every price. Ml kinds of FURNITURE constantly on nand. lv KEYSTONE WRINGER. " kim/of rulf now know n. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE KEYSTONE WRINGER. American ixoass, j . H . E, J T S WEIDENSAUL Offers his profe*lat the*© powders will do ail we claim for them, we w ill I send them by mail, rosTrAio.a frke hi al rok. Ai ilr. d<'Qlanl It tkieOniv phy sician that has ever ma io this dtaeapc a • special stuilr.ami as to our knowledge thousands have been r brmankntlt cukbd by the nse of theso powders, we will guar- I an tee a permanent oars in every case, or reiutiU you all money expeuited. All , pnfftrerH should Rive these powders an early trial, and be convinced of their cur ative powers. Trice for large box. S.IOO, or 4 boxes for tl-ci. r.. ...an j uit oi United ( Stato. or Canada on receipt of price, or by express, C. O. D. Address, 360 FCITON NTKfcKK. Brooklyn. N. T HIGHEST HONORS. AT THK Centennial Worlds Fair . 187S 1 TIIK SHONINIER ORGANS, PRONOUNCEI t'N ANIMOI'SLV AH THE n i-:s r i. vw ra u. haw rs' Their ennnarative excellence is recogniz el by the Judges in t en Rep ort, from whi-'h I he Indo.tiiig is an extract : •Tie n. -IININGKR ORGAN COM e alt I bit <• le best liistril iue.it. at a iriee reudei lug theiii possible io alar .e class of puree.isnra, ti.viujr a combination of Heeds and Bells producing nove and pleasing effects, containing nmtiy desirable iinpiovements. will stand longer in do or namp climate, lew® liable to ret out of eruvr. al. rue o mid- being made three ply, nut t >g ther so it i Impossible tor them to* en -er shrink, swell or sosit. 1 " THE ONLY OHGANM AWAltlllll) TltlM RANK. This .dedal and Award w;i< granted after 'the Most severe competition of the best m ikm s. before one of th" most eomp© tent juries ever assembled. New styles m I prloe- just issued, wd'i h are in fvoovu.iiiee with oar rule, the BE* i ORGAN Tor the least money. We ire prepared to appoint a few new Agents, illustrated Catalogue mailed, post-paid on tp dlcati >n to P. SECiIEEIE fICB (P. 1 \0 l'i €HKrM T KTttKKT, NhwHAVB?, Cokn OF PICK AND REID£KGI Jllllktim, _5 (•led T.'dng Mr the Wen. IVervwata Mini Mib'l tutcd Onr latet ImnrMft Keif Aellr.g (.RTHt'k ipplivmfN are a rpeedy and Priwanent cure for Uln-uin itisiu. Neuralgia, Kidney, l iverai d Innate com plaints. Ne.vous frustration. Back and spinal Iriitatioii, and Kindred Disease* Tiices. Waist Ik't.U.ffl ; Spinal FMt, for far lysis and Spinal Ailments. ilOtti. ami uuwaids; A: mets. Anklets. Head Ban da, Knee Cap-. 4C.it each ; .-us pen so ties, 46.0* Illustrated ramp ;lct lire. Address. Oil > tNO-ni 11l M *>MM I 4TIOII. *.*7 East Ninth Street, New York lMjr BUSH HOUSE, B2LLEFCNT, J V ti EOR ii E 11 OPP KS . lToprietor. - SPECIAL RATES TO FAMILIES. PER MANENT HOARDERS AND PER SONS ATTENDING COURT. BOTH LANGUAGES 6FOX.EN T OUR IJOTKL INSOPAKGE MEN! t ss?.ce AGENT. IVANTED —rOK THE— H=.w ' ralanf Mutual Life us. C 9 The oldest mutual iu the country, Charter© 1835. LIBERAL TER 8 GIVEN. MARTON Si WAKKLIMI ei eial Agent* IX3 South Fourth street mil ' WA'A - D We w h an arent. male or fema *, h aeh , town oi .1, county, to get up t lubs anient ' I'txniMcH *k la, factories. Ac.. for the sale ol our Teas. eais, and can aitord to send, and we will semi a better aitiete'Ru- Um mi tiey thau au> other house in New Voik. Cur Teas arc put up in one pcuad packages, with the name and price printed upon each. Address, for teinis and blank form for Clu LONDON : NEW YORK 111 N A 11 AO., P. O. Box 571. No. 9- Church St, New Yore 39-1 v ATTT> VTllaeHsea Cwri; New IN iLpatlis maikei out by tho Plainest oi all looks— 'l'latn Home Talk and 3iedical Coirmou 8c: se,"—nearly l.i*b pages. 3* ilhistraiUvne, j by l>r. P. B. I ootk. ol I3i Lexington Ay. i N. Y. Piircuasersof this book are at liberty i to consult its author in peison or hy iral free. Pi ice by mail. $3.24 for the ntaniubd ed tion, oi 41.50 for the hopUlak edition , w kich contains all the same matte, am 1 il lustrations. Contents tal les free. Aoxnt* Wantkd. MURRAY HII.LPULUMIIRG • to.. Tj>< East 'jsth r-t. N. V DAV. I.BROWK, Manufacturer and Dealer in Tl\-tVAKE STiIVEPIPE & TRIHIUXSi SPOUH\(I and FRUIT CANB, Would respectfully Inform the public tha he keeps on hand or makes to order *ll kinds of 1 inwakk, Stoy*- FIXTURKB, FKUITCASS, etc., etc. , I SSPODTIH3 A SPECIALITY 3 Fruit cans always on hand. Repairing done at short notice. Having some ten years experience In the business he flatters War selt that bis work is fully eqoa to Auy In this section of A share of the public patronage jully varnal Doeb Iter*, MHlhsl—.