fbe lournal. O v.-' Wjllcr SDoinittger. Proprietors D O. Mkimnokr, Associate Editor Mlllheini,Thursday Oct. 31. '■. i. Terms—Bl.so Per Annum. l)mocrfi(ic Ktntc flckct. VOX OOVBBSOS Hon. ANDREW 11. DILI., OF CMOS OOfSTY . roa LinrTCSAST OO^EKSUA Hox. JOHN FEKTIG, OF T*WA*

l. Foster. Jr.. 3'l. Wtn. A. Marr. 31. C. P. Dull. 32. W.E.Miller. S3. T. ij. Adams. 34. .T. A. W'OtHIWHW 35. 1?. G MeLaralrn, 3d. >Ym. Kevser, :C. J. H Maine, .X J. li. P. Hall, I S3. John 1\ til:us. ! I'l A. J. sterling. ii ,1. A. McsJulloeh. ' 42. IV. P. Scliell, Jr it J. A. Hate. I 4. IV. Lock hart. I4\ Patviek Foley. : 4v>. T. Bradford 47. s. W. Vim-cut, j is. Wui.Hnsson, is. Ileni. Whitman, j 53. A. d.CUurch. Hox R. MILTON J- Diuthicts. I. I>. A. 1.H119. •J. Geo. M, 1)hiIa". a. J. G. McKcvnaii. 4. T. H.CUrk. 5. Daniel Coyle. . J. Kidman. 17. A. D. Shiver. 15. J.Gill Allan, 13. A. B. Damming, ill. J. K. Bogert, 21. li. K. Packer. 22. W. A. Pork. 23. A. H. Forsman, 24. A. J. Hughes. 2#.. J. 11. DiweuWrry, I>irfrlt anil County Tirhrt. For President J n<" sc. C. A. Mayer, For Congroes. A. G. Curt in. For senator. C. T. Alexander, For As>emMy* W. A. Murray, of Harris J. P. Gephart, of Bellefonte. tor Sheriff. John Spangler, cf Toticr. Kor Prothor.otary. J. C. Harper, v! JDcliefoute. For Register, W. E. Burcl.iltK!. of Ferguson. F'.r Ileeor.ier. W. A. Tobias cfMiios. Tor Treasurer. Adam Y ear irk, of Marlon. Per Commissioner*. 1 George Swab, of Harris .lacob Pur.kte, of alker. Per Auditor. J. B. Jamison, . of Creep. Geo. It. Williams, of Koxrard Kor Coroner. Dr. C. W. Cambridge. BIGLER, RUCK, Is If K A LETT "Tell myfriends that 1 am st'll rn bid fashioned fJemoer 'i as I ul'C ujr, have bmn, end that J would ratfwr have Gov. Cicetin to c present rne t)i Congress than any other man in the district." Ez-Gov. Ltjler to Mcj. R. 11. Ferneter. V/ cannot imagine a sensil'e Demo crat hesitating on such a subject. Curtin''s election, it seems to me, would be a great (food to the pid* : ?. IP is eminently li7 for the nigh ami digniiicd office l'r which ha is h eandiJate. OUR DISTRICT TICKET. Curtin for Congress, Mayer for Judge and Alexander for State Senator, present? an arrnv of talent per haps never before equaled in CENTRAL PEX XSYLVAX FA. Not only should every Democrat but every veer, fee! proa 1 to be represented in our National Legislature, ; by a statesman ? o eminent and popular n* the , Groab War Grovarnor of Pennsylvania. : He will go to Congress with a , majority far above the party vote. Hon. C, A. Mayer, than whom i no abler Judge ever presidcJovcr ; our courts, will receive tho j largest vote ever polled in this } district for that office. The slnn j tiers roc ntly circulated against hiin will notf. in the least disturb ; the confidence of the people in his integrity and worth. : Hon. C. T. ALEXADER, Our Candidate for State Sen ator. is one of the leading lawyers of the far-famed CENTRE COUNTY BAR. ! He has been actively engaged in the practice of law for many years, and has twice servod this county in the House of Represen tatives of the state, with honor and credit. He is popular with the people and will poll a largo vote OUR COUNTY TICKET ! is ene of great average s trenglh. I Especially is this true of our can didates for Legislature. J. P. Gephart and W. A. Murray. j They deserve the confidence and I votes of the party and will rc | ceivc them without stinct". ! We cannot further individual ize, but would urge Democrats to vote the ticket. If the candidates are worths they should have our supportwhefhcM* they be personal enemies or friends, i Especially do we to s*e j a full turn out by the Lower End; j and there/ore wo do most earnest ly entreat Democrats to • TURN OUT AND VOTE. I "SE^ATORIAI.," Lust w.'fk wf published an article ill the JOVRN'AL, (t.l fuh'rrtisv- Itirnt, which advocates the election of Mr. S. Woods Caldwell, the (iiv n- Iwek candidate for Senator, for th* district. We did not wvitc iljo said article.are in no way responsible for what, it says and published it only as a matter of business —"being paid for it at regular rates. Wo did not. think that it would do Mr. Alexan der, our worthv Pernor rati it candi date for Senator, any harm, and least of all did it oerur to us that mo* position on the Senatorial ques tion eouid Ih> misunderstood, as the said article was headed "Advertise ment." but more especially because we bad expressed our hearly support of Mr. Alexander just the week tie fore, in tlie most unequivocal terms. We have but a casual acquaint ance witii Mr. Caldwell, think lie is a gentleman personally, but as h. Greenback candidate he certainly lias no claim on Demoeiottc votes. We are assurer! too, that he is a Catufroniitn, and that alone should deter every Democrat from voting for him. no matter what else he may or may not be. Mr. Alexander deserves the full est support of the party if any c;ui didate on the ticket does, and we are satisfied that lie will have it. THS RAIV STORM The rain storm that raged along the Atlauti.* coast on last Wednes day morning was the furious as well as most destructive of its kind that visited our eastern snores these nianv years. It came from the Gulf regions ami swept along the Atlantic northwards. Its great est fm v seems to have been spent in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylva nia, where the damage done is im mense. Heading, Lancaster, Potts ville. Easton, Fottstown, West t'besier r.fd many other places, have all suffered very much, but it would seem that the storm fiend made Pliladelplila its particular target. The following from the A". Y. Sun shows how fearfully the elemeuts raged and what a large amount of damage w as done : Philadelphia, Oct. 21— By yesterdays'* sloriu in tins city ,;-t dwellings an 1 ev oral wore completely demolished. There were, besides. Ki.il >• injured thirty one churches, twenty-three <>elioolhou*cs. tldr tv live factories and warehouse*. five hotels, two elevators, ami fifty other inruo !lld inas, su j. n> depots, rrrry-houvw, mills and railroad oliloes. Tin* fatul ac •i-h-nts vr.-iv mx. and liio-e serl- u-'.y uijnnst num ber thirteen. In the southern part of the ettv the Delaware overflowed its banks for one mile from the u-untl r les of lumsca in boats sets', out Xiom the N ivy V ml. i hjly one in .n '.v.is di w ii* •! io this seetioti, tna the loss of iiye sto.'k was verv jrreat. and ten or elev n old w.wd. n Im n'i-es w. Ie s\\>'n; ly/av. The well kn oni Updmark. th law nip house at the Kne island N..vy V trd. w.ii leveiled to the ground. IT ,s insjiossFoie at proven' to estimate the i >ss in money :,s !t is distributed in various amounts buw> n hundred* of owners, but it is L't* no rally estimao d at |2,>H',pv). t'jy foliowimr lvinjc among lh- heaviest losses; Christ F. K. Clr.ireh hi t;eriu:ntn •" knittlu;; ntiiL t'V o>Vi. fhe shipping inter, s.sal o sufce'e t vo'ei- iy, eight voawls la-ink rt-p I' le.t ,unk r,:i i iv.i ii>-thr.e ilamr.-re 1 i;i rliis hnrlmr. At l'.iint Bre-'Z" 'in- -si]' D.eial-l MeKav, tons, of I.ondon : the bark-' ls"it:e \t. Farr.'it'd oi H-i-'-ui. nn-i fee \f-df.), •!, V'd-C Kay. d i-i'in r. r.Yid Ar*:rfla * rtf* ■ I !••: riL l .•< > bioeked 'd 1 toe S- h }{|v-r eomp'et- ly. a.-d sum-r.-'l -sitiiti ttV.'is at.cl- r-f tK.dar-C worth of dnm iiTC by choflny or runniap srtli.ne A", the s-iir.e ji'a -e tb-- shi'F Home, vv'h v "i htrri N oi'oji, m Shorr, and was so Nullv (tamMged thai -h - will prntiabiy have to it*< ";.:;e f.: r-'nnlrs. O.i th Dele ware, hclow Reedv Islmm ant Rhte.'.st of the I' i'SL'-' If-lit. tie- taz K. t. Kowicr was wreeked, an t her Captsdn and .: boy f.-redrowned, fho rest of the i rew e--aped IWMilmnu i?. Tilt: Capt Cu of it. c\-s-.-i Mary '.m w ilch a rivcsl t!o mnraiii_'. -IK the storv :t i ■ th.it, b ■ fell nearly one hiindretl of the -.s.r fli-et K-uod t > t!;6 city on tho uiAiiiua- al tl'c sf.M on. !**>reports & BiutiWr suu.%, iuaiij and two lives lost. The Muooncr Fuekeye, from 11.1' port, r.ijit. Anp eti.ii in.tstr. wn wie iked iiojul three miles from N.-weistlo. and the Cap tatn, his vrife and two nous un.t u seaman were drown, d. Geotfic Kelly was the only survivor. The seiioOner FsMle Ur!r held in Central IVnusvlvania. Everybody | wit'in a radium of fifty mil *3 seems i to li n e pour?"' into tbe <>1:1 burg un til the assemblage nuinb'Med manv thousands. T rinrc?'-tv In sec ard 1 lie:ir k *Llle next President, 5 ' was ver/ ; great. At 2 o'eloek a meeting wns organ j iz'-'l with Cov. T'igW ms President and thirtv Vice Presidents. Telling sneerhes were made bv Gov. 11-Mid ' riolm. Gov. Walker and Gov. Cnr -1 tin. and in the evuiing hv Hon. C. : T. Alexander and Israel T*t Dound i less and it is thought that much was done foi the cause. The political rampfires are b'nzing brightly all around us. Monday evening there was a Remibliean I meeting at Woodward. T esd.>raPTiex rrnro. An old pliysioun, retired from practice, having hid placed m his hands by an East India tnivti unary the foi mnla of a sinipie vegetable remedy, for the speCJy and per manent cure for consumption, 'broncliuts, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung af fections. also a positive ami radical cure for | nervous complaints, after having tested ils ] wonderful curative powers in thousands of , cases, has felt it )ps duty to make it known to his sullt-ruijt fellows. Actuated by this motive, ami a desire to relievo human suf fering. I will semi, free of charge, to all w ho desire it, this recipe, with full directions for 1 preparing:! nd using, in German. F cuci, or ; English. Sent by mail by addressing with 1 ttarop, naming this paper. W. W. Bherar. i HP P.srvcr's IJln *J. Rochester, New Voik. Ilyutt's Wire Hound l'atcnt . Nlutt's art' all tlio >io. For sale at (lie Journal Hook Si ore. About fifty good chestnut posts | and about ten eords of cooti ilrewiHul j v\ill Ik 4 taken nl the Journal olfloe 1 011 subscription. tf. Israel Weaver, of Aaronsburg has IOUO choice j rat let! young applo ; trees for sale, which he offers at 15 j cents a piece. Also a large lot of plastering lath. Very cheap. tf. Wm. *s. Maize offers his services to the owners of lots on the ceiue- i tery, to clean and trim them. lie will put family burial plots in good and neat condi.ion for a very rea- \ sonahle sum. tf. V. T>. McColluin, whiloin the gen tlemanly and popular landlord of the Hush House, but now Special Agent of Hrooklvn Life Insurance Com pany, gave us a call on Thursday. ! Hope Mac may be largely success j ful, Mrs. Kllz. iheth K nish has just re ceived her fall and winter stock of j Mil • irerv Gomls, such as Hats, Hon nets, Floweia, Feathers, MilU.Vel. | vels, Kibbons, A<*.,.wlilch slie s-lls j cheaper than the c jeape.st. Call at • her residence, North "trcct, and be convinced. it. John F Hartcr, Dentist „ is now prepared 10 do work in all branches of deiitistrv in tiixt class style. Spe cial attention paid to the -preserva tion of tin* natural teeth." All work warranted. Oflice one door west ot M. E. Church, Millhenn, Fa. tf. The RID Kkont Furnttuk* SroKK of Jacob Ilower, Lewisburg, Fa., is one of the hest places in this pot of the state for 1 ;rl furnituVe. Any one who visits Mr. Ilowt r's establishment Mill l e surprised at two things viz.; the substantial quality and beautiful designs of his j furniture, f gooda, from Cb rn Station to 1 Millheim, Aaronsbmg, Woodward ' and all points along the line, at reasonable charges. The pat/onaf'O of the public respect fullv solicited. d.Willis Mlssku. Michael Stover, of Haines town ship. County of Centre, applies for thirteen acres of 1 i*id situate in said Haines township, adjoining lands of John Young on the west, Simon ft rat jF survey on the south, Daniel Wantz on the east and Martin Stov er's heir on the north. 4Jt4 Michael Stover. '•lt *et nis :g if I should cough my I head off" is sometimes theexclama -1 tion of a -sufferer from a severe Cough. Quell the paroxysms with Utile's ll'tnuj cf IJoreht'und ahd l\ir. The relief i*s uiunediate and the cure certain. Sold by all Druggists. Hike's T-Kittuiche Drops cure in 1 minute. Friend a word nilli you ? If you j are troubled with any skin diseacs ; or other cutaneous irritations use [ Glsnn's Sulphur Soap. Dj like -1 v :.'ipct clothing ever hrouglit U> Centre county. f*,d Ovt-rcoats at $-.50, good winter ■ suits at SJ.Jo, under we tr at HO cts., ! A!jo-boats and shoes. Juts and a.;',-', shirts, neckties, suspenders, umbrellas, kerchiefs, A-c. Newman will sell yon good goods for less money than ory other tran in this county. 43-2. M'tj. J. If. Fisher is nt present in the rity purchasing a new stork of General Merchandise, which ho exi>ectK have ready to opeq at his old and roil tide store at iVnn Hall, ny next Saturday. His stock will undoubtedly be one of the largest ever brought to Gregg Township, and in quality then- can l>o no mis take us iu always makes his selee tics in person. His prices will be as low as t!:* lowest. Don't fail to call at his store before purchasing else where. - • ♦ * - ■ ■■ ■■ ■ - SPRING MILLS ITEMS, Our rchools ojfiu d on Monday. Scud on your children, parents. Tin school board of the township has adopt "d anew series of school book*. Hope the exchange may be a good one. Mr. I). II tinkle will move Into his new house soon. He luis improved his new homo very much—lias all new buildings. W. 1?. BUner has the Ifoss house in town. It is now being painted by Messrs. jhinkle & Annum, men wlio understand tluir business. A. E. Miller moved into the new house on Wallace Street, built by S. it G. Crawford, during the summer. The Planing M ill building put up 1 y Mr. I. .1. Grenoble, will he readv in a few days, and will be occupied by Mr. Phillips, from Booneville, Pa. We need more improvements. On Thursday we ex pect a big crowd here, to hear l>ill, Curtin and others. Everybody should conic and hear the questions "of toe day honest ly discussed. AN ON. MARRIED . On the 27th Inst., at the Lutheran Par honiu'i', It'dvibhurK, by Rev. F. Auranri. Mf. .leremiali Brungard with Miss Lena Lauiey, both of .Miles township. DIED. <)n the 10th inst., at the residence of W F.ierly in ftebersbuig, Miss Catharine Hov er. aged 83 years, 4 months and 17 days. '" CHURCH DIRECTORY. LUTHERAN. —Iter. J. Tomllnson , Pastor. Lnglish preaching in A irnusburg, next Sunday evening, EvANhKl.K'Al,.—ltev. J. D. Stover will preach next Sunday evening. UEi'oiiMun. —tier. j. O Shoernu/cer, Pastor. Preaching in Aaronsburg next hiiinlay all e rnoon—Germ an. Lodgo and Society Directory. The Miilhelm Cornet Band will meet in the Town Hall on Monday aud Thursday evenings. Providence Grange No. 217 P. of 11., met Is In Alexanders block on the 2nd sa turdav ol each month at r. M. and on lb! 4th Saturday of each month ut 1 p. M. Millie ini Lodge N0.5*55,1.0. (). K. meets in the New Hall, i'eini street, every Saturday evening. M.'bheim I - b. Association meats in the Town Hall, on the evening of the second M. ndny of each month. NOTK. K—Tim cill/.onH of Mlllhaim, in IN-nn township. Cent re ('o, I*n., will nukc ImUUloti tot hi* m-xt tfeiii'ml term of I Court (November) tor the Incorporation of wild town into u bo-vcnuli. t<" PjlST KAY NOTICE.-Cnme lo tflV pl:or ij ot tin- subscriber tu Miles township, ; some time tiri rK thesuminer, thrrtilKihri'. : :tie.l from two to tbreo jears. Iht owner Ik requested to prove property, l*0 uot fall, before purchasing, to write for catalogue of de srrl ptlon and prices, to Post oftiee Box New York. llj-l.r. Mlllhelm Rarket, Wheat No. 1 K7 Wheat No. 2 NJ (Corn 40 It>e 4ft ,oat* White 20 Out*. Block 22 Buck wheat 30 Klour ft. 00 llran j per hundrt-d M Milt, per lirl 2.00 duster, ground 10.en (Vnrciit. per Bushel 4.1 to Mi Itarley M> Tvtnothvsued Flaxseed Cloverseed 4.00 Cutter 1H Hams 11 Hdes ft Veal Fgg* I*> Potatoes .'■o Lard 7 Tallow 7 Snap .1 I hied Apples l>ried J'eaelie* Dried Cherries 4 COAL MARKET. Lgg Coal t", .00 Stove " C ..ft Chestnut " ft.V) 1* " Mo Corrected every Wednesday tv Genhnrt 4 Mosur. P. G CPU AST 1). A. MTSSKR. GEPHART & MUSSER DEALERS IN Groin, 4 loverseen, Hour 4t. rt*4, Coal, Piaster A Halt. MILLIIEIM, PA. Highest market prleo paid for a!: kind* 0 Delirored either at the RHTCK MILL or at the old ML'SSEK MILL, in MILLHEIM. ! COAL, PLASTER & SALT , Always on hand and sol i at prices that de fy competition. ' Ash are of the public patronage rcj-r-ectfolh elicited. I fM T J *P" • A y "IR XZ 12 eS 77 ~ o Is * Z t ™ a s-s c s rj " Jo O • S --j § £ 2 • ® ■—• z a. v 2* fee ?! o © * * -Ws=s 5 t I - **"■9 z ' 1 i | A. u. vs . 15£ g S :L3 5 = - ps fi -'J - E t a * -s - a U M •. - x -S -w ■ v xs c L> w w ic -*! C a. - - ic GJ w w C a. £ w ar. O * a, t- Z S 2 - -z *"-• g §■ M Z 0. 1 i i st a i 4 5 ••It Is woith double its price."— Oitairn. {Oinndi}, Advertiser. .Ttr CHEAPEST 'AND BESTIRS PETERSON'S MAGAZINE • FULL-SIZED PAPER PATTERNS 1 .***h >t" PI.KMENT iritr be ciren tn every number for 1879, contain*ny a fu'lsixr, patten sheet for a tody's or child'* dress. titer}/ subscriber will receive, during (fie yeor. ticelre of thesepatterns, go that these, ale ne icl'l lw. worth more than the subscription price. Get at improvements vriU also be mads in other respects."frfc ■ ■>l -•■ —r—- "PKTERSON'S M AOAri!*r." contains, every year, DUO pages, !4 ®te<-L plAtes, 12 colored Berlin iKitteriiK.buioininoth culored fashion piulcs, 24 pages ofiuuslc, und about yue *OHI cat/i. Its principal embellishments arc SUPERB STEEL ENGRAVINGS 1 Its Immense circulation enable* it* proprietor to spent! more on embellishments' stories, u c.. than any other. ftpive* more /or the money than any in the vorld. lis Thrilling Tales And Novelettes Are the bhnt. published anywhere. AH the most popular tiiiters are employed to trrite ['ft'!'.. l .V.~?i'S,' terson.'' In 1879, in addition to the usual Quantity of snort stories, {• 1\ L , iKIoIN Al, COl'_\ UIGIIT NOVKLF.TTKs will lie given, by Ann S. Stephen*, frank I,ee Benedict, FratfeeS Hodgson Burnette, Jatlc G. Austin, and that dn rivalled humorist, tile author of "Josiuh Allen's Wife." Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates Ahead of all others. These plates are engraven on steel, TWICB THK RSRAT. SIZE und are uneiiualled for beauty. They will be supcblv colored. Also, Household, un>l other receipts ; in shorteverything interesting to'ladies. A .ft.— As the publisher now pre-pays the post aye to all mail subscribers, l 'Peterson'' is •HE AI'LR THAN KVI_K ; in fact is IHK CHKAI'EST IN THK WOKI.W. TSJ32MS (Always in Advance)s2.oo A Year. AtfHiEDUC'EI) rft ICES TO t'LUBS.-S* 2 Copies fi)' $3.50 L With* a copy of the premium picture (24 x 20) 3 " 4 * 4.50 1 "( ,'n it Ist BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN," affi e 4Co ies f PC" }^ar nujraviny to the pel son getting up the club* G ° PeS 'i) 00 iHi extra copy of the Magazine for 1879, as 10 • n u.Oo ( :i l >rem ' uni i to the i>erson getting up the club. 5 Ctfjfie for SB.OO a With both an extra copy of the Magazine for 1879, * " " 10.504 and the premium picture, Jive, dollar tngravintj, *" " " IZ.OOf to the person getting up the club. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, :t'K? Chestnut St., I'hllmtelphfa. Pa. Specimens seat gratis U'wrltlcn for. UJUV nn UirC'T n Send for Delaware Vrnl uU nliul f Farm Catalogue ami Map.*. J. K. Mancha. Dovor, Del. 42-2 Or FANCY CAKDH Willi name. We.. Plain or Hold. IV) *tylt*. Agenhs Out lit Hie. Aull A' Co.. Abliland, Mh.*k. .16-4. k- BUS, 17 Wall St., New York. 37-4\V AGENTS! READ THISii We will pay Agent* salary of RHW pe month, and expenses to sell our new nd WOVIIKRrUL INVENTtOMH. AddTCSS, KHEU AN & Co., Marshall. Mich, 34-"* w WANTED! ACTIVE AGENTS IN ETBHT COCNTT re>K Ot'H KIN* II LHirRATRD HDI.ICAT!fNS. TNlf ISA UAKK OPItIKTCNITT Fi IR PKOKITAMI.iI EM - ri.OTMKvr. EXTRA unit gußvra TO imtn MBV HIHKKK 4SI) AOENTK. AGENIS HUN NO RISK FOR ILLUSTKATKDriRrcUMi UtVfEO I'KUUS ASti FULL PAMTICVLAUS. AD UREeS K P. & L. RKSTKIN. HOC cneviNVT nr., Pdilabri PUIA, I*A. 42-4 Msg Masco! ab- ted ' •*. ft. • mat •ve 'i*n ft* f.m. d<-, I cj ' . .■> / /.ni< ft f ■ > • < '. •• i.t fwtawa 1 > n ntadv oirMi • Mi ;• ■• -• . • < i-♦! in. 1 i'r 1 • 11 . 't ... - s* I. . !*>••* * an*> • * 1 > -i ft- Ideate HrstlnrMuHi, tf*. tp r. t. '• -I".* t V' I at. trl'U'K. Va t;eo. Y. Waudlf. General Agent. K-4w Noi. i aud > Souih Water Htrts't Ffclla. SEW RICE BLOOD! arnonv' Piirxat Ivo IMII* make New Hich Blood, nod will eoinpletely change the lilood in the entire system in three mouths. Any person who will* taka 1 pill each night from I lo 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a thing is nossible. Sent -by .mall for H letter stamp*. I • JOHNSON A CO., Bangor. Me. i'J- WANTED. A . nucrgettc Man or Woman in every County to take an Agency for two of tbe nio>t popular Publications. Hix caUud electi icnl appliances. llt contains new medicinal elements which iiicombination with rubl>er, pos sess the most extraordinary pain reliev ing, Mrengihening and cuialive proper ties Any Physician in your own locali ty will confirm the above statement. E. and thus REDUCE YOU it SHOE FILLS MOKE THAN ONE t HALF. . 42 4 ! Ask your Sh'ue De.tler tcr *houi. i W. H. MILLER & BRO., I Proprietors of the I Furniture Rooms, MILLIIEIM, PENNA., WoqUI most respectfully inform the c'.litera of T'enoe ami Brush Valliel that they keepoo hand In their Furnilure Store, throer§ east of the hank CHAMBER SUITS, • T 11—. sarmmaamammmmmamsm ■* m JI ' ■ B J CHAIRS & TABLES, I • • • " BEADSTEBS, ———————— I AND ALL'OUTER ARTICLES IN TflElt LISE. J Repairing dune, Order* promptly atteuded to. Th ices cheap, to an It tbehme. CITY MADE COFFINS Always on hand and sold -A-T EOTTOM PRICES; _ FUNERALS ATTENDED AT ALL HOURS. L. 0. & S. CJjAIL ROAD. WEHTWARD. - i 1. ?. f. j I-fatb j. m. p. *r. r.u. ! MonUndou 7.f0 1.-V> fl.i j Lewiaburg 7.15 5.30 0.55 Fair Ground 7.'JO J ) Blchl 7.25 2 p> Vteksburg 7A5 2 45 Miffllnhurg 7.1A JUS Miilinont *O9 Laurclton *.lO syj totmrn 9.23 Arrive at Spring Mills 0.00 EASTWARD. : 4 o. 1 LSAVB , AM. A.M. P.M. Spring MRU 11.10 (' v >urn jO 35 Laurclton 11.40 4 00 MiUmont 11.06 4 20 r. M. Mlfltlnbnrg 12 10 450 Wksburg 12.20 .VOS Bieb! 12.27 MS Fair Ground Yl.'-A 5.21 lewisburg.. 6.35 12.45 5.45 Arrive it Monundoo.. 6 00 1.00 6.Q0 Noi 1 A 2 connect at Montacdon with Erie Mail west on the Philadelphia & Kite Rati Koud. N<>s. 3 & 4 wjth Day Express east ana Nia gara Express west. Nov . r > & 0 with Fast l.jne west An Omnibus will run between Lewislmrg and Mont&udou, to convey pas.*>ngci to auil from I'aeltk- Express east on tne J*h:la ce'puia & Erie Railroad. The regular Railroad Tickets w ill be hon ored between these two points. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia a. m. " •' WUiiamsport..B 35 a. m. " " Jersey Shore. .9 07 a. m. •• Lock Haven. .9 40 a. m. " " Renovo 11 00 a.m. " arr. at Erie 7 &5 p. nr. NIAGARA FJtr.leav. Philada,... 720 a.m. " Hafrtsbhrgio 50 a.m. " arr. at V Ullaisspet t 2COp. ru '• '• Ixtrk Hartn sisp. m. " " Kenovo 4 49 p. m. FAbT LINK leaves Philadelphia. .11 -o a. m. " . " HarrDburg SSs|>. m. " trr. at Wllliarosport .7 25 p w . " " Lock Bivcn.. .8 40 p. in. eastward. PACIFIC BYP. le ir. Lock Haven Clos. m. " " Jersey *-h<>r: 114 a. m. •' " WilPatrsport 7 ;>5 a. m. " arr. at liarrieburg..ll 55 a.m. •' " PhUlidc'phia 34* p.m. DAT HXI'KES.A leave* Kenovo—lone a. tn. " '• J-ocr Haven 11 K- tr. " , " tVlUiamsporlU4oi.in. air x*. TTarriaburg tl'tp.tn. " " Philadelphia 7 2b j. m. ERIE MAIL leaves Itenovo S 15 p. x>. " " I/oek Haven...? 45 p. nr. Willlamsport. .11 05p. m. " arr. #,t Rarrisburi: 2 45 a. m. '• " Philadelphia... .7 00 a. ui. FAST LINE leaves Wllliamsport. .12 .'V r > a. m. " arr at Harrlsburg.... 3 55a. m. " " Philadelphia....?3s a. nr. Erie Mall "West, Niagara Express West. Lock Haven AcminmodaUon West and Day Express Rist make eli<--e connections at Northumberland with L. & P>. 11. It. trains for Wilkeshavr* aud Scran'n. Erie Sail West, Niagara Express West and Fast lane West make e connection At Willlamsport with N. C. lc W. trains nurtli. Erie Mail West. Niagara Express West and Dav Express East make dure connection at Lock Haven with K. K. V. It. K. trains. Erie Mall East and West c"un'ct at Erie with trains on I. H. & M.S. It, U., at Corry with O. C. A A. V. It. It., at Emporium w'.tli U. N. Y. & P. K. It. and at Driftwood with A. V. It. It. Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia and Willixmaport on Niagara Express x>est, Erie Express Wot. PbimritfpliU Express East. Day Express Last and Sunday Express I East. Sleeping cars on all night trains. \VM. A . BALDWIN. General Sup't. i i ! -DP fUCI llightft honors at all too rid' j PitlT dno inhibition*. | y. A TEST e ATAT.OGC KS and CIRCULAR with uox* ilyles rduced price* an much Infetmaiion xent free, MASON AM LINt RU A N CO., BoMen, Now Yord r Chicago. 21- & J. P. .BROOKE, (Chas. A. Sturgis, .igcut.) WATCHES. i ANL> | Musical Instruments. Repairing done on short notice. ENGRAVING A SPECIALITY, ! at tlit? Mtllhelm Jewelry St m\ one door 1 f of Fienhnth'.* Drug store. Msi n t tt'et, i MII.LHF.II4. PA. SCHOOLBOOKS, COPYBOOKS. SLATES, SLATE & LEADPENCILS, PENS, HOLDERS, Ink. Facer & Envelopes, Paperhoxes, Wallets & Pouketbooks,. Teachers' Registers, I£T THE JOURNAL BOOK STORE, MILLHEIffi, PENNA-^Jg peuuojea 3? aejaqqwi qdejßcqoq.j 'looAOAoqtrmnja Q 'J^qdZ 'aHvoaioisraa 'SSVANVO 'SWISALVI 'SHaoctai saiaia xaxooa p** AUJHVI PARIS. 1878 AT EVERY Two Gotd feeduK "I^B hWKUK>', m* World s PHII.ADA, IS7 8 AMI Alio, 1875 VlK*r\A, 1873 FOP 12 YEARS PARIS ISS MHESf mm ll,ive been at-ai ded the Mason & Hamlin CABINET ORGANS At the Paris Expedition this year the? ar* awarded GoLl> the lnsi.e recompense at the disposal of the Jury. Tliiiv have also received tin; GRAND GOLD Atjv- DAL or SWEDEN & NORWAY. 1878. NO other American organs have ever attal