Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 24, 1878, Image 3

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    tile jioitnial I
Wilier & Dcinißier. Praurietars j
D O. IKIMWER, Associate F.J 11 or
fiftililcciiiiJliursday Oil. 24. \
t"i. - . —,
Terms— Per Annum.
Democratic State rickct.
Hoy. AXI>R£W H. DILI.,
or vsxaxoocorxTV.
or HrxrmoPox corxTY.
OF vovroovrnT COCNTT,
Democrntlc Slate ComniUlrc. j
irgAa. Chairman.
27. T. E. Power,
2k A. Rosa,
23. Sol. Foster. Jr.,
30. Wm. A. Man.
31. <\ I'. Pull,
32. W. E. Miller.
33. T. ii. AJatns.
"4. ,T. A. WooUwiu-.l
,V. It. G MeLarahn,
36. Win. Kovsor,
37. J. 11. Maize.
33. J. K. P. 11 v'.l.
' 2fc>. Joliu Kuhns.
40 A. J- Sterling.
41 J. A. MeCullno it.
42. W P So hell, .'r
, 43 J. A. Ilatv.
t4. W.. I 0.-tehart.
4A Patrick Eolev,
, 4'k T. It nut ford
j 47. S. W. Vincent.
143. Wm.Hasson,
i 4S. Beid. Whitman,
i CO. A. 0. Church,
1. D. A. Lang.
2. Geo. M. Pallas.
3. J. G. MoKernan.
4. T. H. Clark.
A Daniel t'oyle,
I). J. R. Lynch,
7. A. 11. liadncr,
3. Win. Kelley.
9. Clement Carr,
10. (i. Koss.
11. Evan Mtshler,
2. lanlei Jaci'Uy
13. A. .1. siefumun,
14. F. P.. White.
15 E- P. Cobaugl}.
16. C. J. Evduian.
17. A. P. Shiver,
13. J.GiUflllan.
19. A. P. Pmnminjr,
•A). J. R.
SI. H. E. Packer,
22. W. A. Parte.
S3. A. 11. Foreman.
A A. J. Hughes,
JB. J. n. Dasenberrr.
OUtritl (Old County TicHet
For President Judge.
C. A. Mayer.
For Congress.
A. G. Curtin.
For Senator
g". T. Alexander.
l'or A?seinbl>
SV. A. Murray.
of Harris,
J. P. Gephart.
of Beilefontr.
For Sheiiil-
John Spangler,
of Potter.
For Pr'jthoaotirv
J. C. Harper.
of Toil * a.te.
For Register,
W. E. Burchfield,
of Ferguson.
FOJ Recorder,
NV. A. Tobias,
ot M:
For Treasurer
Adam Yrariek,
of Marion.
For Coraiaissfbacr: l .
George Ssvab,
of Hants.
Jacob Dunkle.
of M alker
For Auditor.
J. B. Jamison,
ol Gregg.
Geo. It. Wiiliaois.
of Howard
For CVroiier.
Dr. C. W. Cambridge.
'•Tell my frie>nds that lam still an
old fashioned Democrat as 1 alicaus
have benn, and that J wovhl rather
have Gov. Curtin to represent mc i t
Congress than any other man in the
Ez-Gov. Biglcr to MaJ. R. If. Eorsier
*'/cannot imagine a sensible Demo
crat hesitating on such a subject.
Our tin's election, it to nu. u;<ml<l
be a great good to the party and th,
country his commanding tab nts are
needed in Congress, and his devotion
to honest genera merit xcov.ld his con
stituents as ire 7 .' as hirnselj."
Judge Bluck to Chairman Gephari.
"7 consider it both politic and wise
for the electors of our state to support
men for Congress who hare been regu
larly and fairly nominated by the
Democratic party, I ecdl go further
and say that the presence in, Congress
of men of experience and ability is a
necessity e,f the, times, and is to be
promoted by all honorable and proper
iPr-Sen. BuekaUzic to Chairman Gephart.
A few weeks ago the leading ques
tion before the nation was which
party should have a majority in
Congress ; but since the people have
decided that in favor of the Demo
crats—since it is fixed oeyond the
power of reversal that both senate
ind House will be Democratic,
another question, scarcely less im
portant to the people of Pennsylva
nia, comes to the fore.
If Andrew 11. Dill be elected Gov
ernor, it will be a victory of theppe r
pie against ring rule. Nominated
by the spontaneous action of a great
party he is the expouant of the great
principle that the people should rule.
"Andrew H. Dill is no man's man."
Kings and cliques wen: no factors
ill his nomination. His ability,
sterling integrity and devotion "to
principle, alone have secured for
oini the acknowledged leadership of
the Democracy of Pennsylva lia.
Not so with Gen. Hoyt, the Carao
roD candidate. The Republican par
ty proper no longer exists in Penn
sylvania. It has degenerated into
what is known as Canierocism. For
years the Cameron power has been
absolute in the state. Republican
?tate conventions meet but to ratify
its nebests. Its baleful influence
POrmcates every county and town.
| In the state. In the Repnbli
'■ can party to day no man can be
i nominated, none appointed or re
' moved, except at the dictation of
| i lie Cameron power.
Camoronism iias done more to pel
lute politics in Pen tinylvania, de
{grade legislation and oppress the
; people with taxes that jobbers may
: revel in luxury, that all other outses
! combined, ami th< question before
trio people of the state is—"Shall the
festering ulcer in our body politic oe
forever eradicated, or shall it have a
new lease of life." This is the main
: question in Pennsylvania, and we be.
i lieve it will be decided IU the inter
ests of the people.
Si;\ATOKI il.
The above gentleman is the unani
mous choice of the National party in
this district for Senate. It is a mat
ter of congratulation to the patty
that t ley have been thus fortunate
, in selecting as candidate for Senate
: a gentleman so entirely worthy as
; Mr. t'aidwe 11.
S. Woods Caldwell was born in
Limestone township. Montour coun
ty. in IS-14. He passed his boyhood
: until the age < f sixteen upon a farm,
; when he was sent to the Millersvillc
! Academy, in Columbia county,
i where he remained for one year. At
I the outbreak of the rebellion be en
! listed m the three months' service in
Company C, 14th Regiment, Pa.,
Vols. At the expiration ot the
term of service be returned and
worked upon a farm until lSiki.
During the oil excitement he went
to Venango county ami engaged in
the oil business, in which he remain
ed until It- OS, when he returned
and again went to fanning, which
I be followed until IS7I, when he pur
i chased the hotel kuoen as the Irwin
House, { Lock Haven, Pa.,) .vhich is
widely known as a tirst-class bouse.
Mr. Caldwell has never been a
1 politician, and is spoken of by all
j who know him as a gentleman of
] superior excellence of character and
! high moral worth, lie was among
; the tirst to espouse the Greenback
j cause, and being convinced at heart
; that its doctrines are rigid., and for
i the good of the whole people, he has
I been one of its strongest champions.
| lie was never cashier of the Reitova
. Rank,or of any other bank and all
•' such reports an utterly fa'se. lie
• never resided in Renova. llis per-
J sonal popularity and sound views
• will w in for him a handsome major;-
j ty in tliis district.
j ' The Republicans made no nomin
atiou for that office, in this district
and the nominee of the Democratic
i party will not receive more than ;t
i nominal vote from his party as his
: nomination was contrary to the
| agreement entered into two yeais
i ago win n Mr. iletts of t.'lenrlmld
I withdrew in favor of Senator Pcale.
i At that time theatre uncut was that
1 if Botta would withdraw in favor of
j Peale, he, lietts, would be given the
t nomination in 1 >TS. Knt tilts :\r
' rnngement was not adhered to and
; this man Ah vender entered the rkki
..g linsi the wishes of the majority of
the Democratic party of the district
and especially cunti .u y t > the de-
I sires of Betts friends, 'lie Demoe-
I.VT of ( iearric.d •.'•mnty at- in T :vor
of fair phy and wl.t-n !!• '.r wkhea
rre disu garth d tl. > toil!!:.* retali
ating upon the riueO*. r; who pu up
the job for i! eni and we are assure i
that Mr. Caldwell u ; linioe ninny
voteis from im j ranks of rJ: atis
fa d Dtn.Oi'r.'Oy.
; In former years v.hen men v 1.1
the party ticket been usihiir h ad
i-vs told them to do a. t!: 3 lev. h
j of faith might have passed without
serious results to any one. but n v
: that the people are b-'gini iug to rs
seit tin '.r rights <nd refusing to
led by demagogues and knows, eve
i ry trick of this kind will to an inju
ry to the men who originate it. Wo
do not see how a Democrat who be
lieves in honestv and reform can
1 vote for Alexander. Mr. Caldw li
} is a gentleman whose genial nature
j causes a feeling of pleasure to all
' who meet him. Pis superiority
• over Alexander is well known to the
! citizens of this Senatorial district,
and liis election will revert to the
i honor of his constituency. Let eve
| rv man who believes in electing hon
j est men to ollice vote for Mr. Cald-
J well, for hi him the people liave a
! candidate wliom they can safely de
: pend upon in time of need.
. Bellijfonte, Pa., Oct. Bth, I*7S.
Hon. J. S. IJlack, York, l\i.
Dear Sir :—As there seems to he a
difference of opinion as to the ; >iicy
!of Democrats supportin j E:c-Gov.
A. G. Curtin tor Congress in (lie
20th District, and sir ail know your
high standing in the Democra' ie
party, and your fidelity to its prin
{ ciples, I desire your opinion 0:1 the
j following points :
Ist. Was Gov. Curtin respond -
ble for, or a party to, the arbitrary
' ai rests and ilk gal imprisonment of
Democrats during the war ?
2nd. Was lie a party to the .at
tempted fraud upon our pasty in the
I election of aU. s. Senator during
I the session of ISG3, and if not, did
! he in any manner contribute to the
•' prevention of such contemplated
j fraud ?
3rd. Would in your judgement,
his election to Congress from this
district promote tnc welfare of the
country and of the Democratic par
ty ?
By answering the above you will
greatly ablige
Yours Very Respectfully,
J, P. Gkphakt,
Chairman Deni. Co. Com.
Nf.w York City, Oct. 15th, 187 S.
Dear Sir : —Hour letter of the Sth
came to my home when I was ab
sent. I take the earliest unengaged
moment to answer its iutercogator
ries, and I do this in the oidcr you
propround them.
Ist. To the best of my knowledge
and belief Gov. Curtin bad no lot or
part in the illegal and arbitrary ar
rest of Democrats for the expression
of their opinion or the assertion of
their riglus as free citizens, during
the war. lie threw the whole moral
and physical power of the statu into
the course of the union, but lie never
engaged in or encouraged the outrag
es upon personal lilieity which were
so common ir- those evil Jays. I
watched him narrowly and I recall
one of his stirring addresses in whicli
he explicitly confined his support of
the Federal administration within
the limits of the constitution and
laws. I set these things down in
the book of my remembrance at the
time they occurred, and Hick of
them no y Viithplca rue and grati
' tude, for I b 'licvi that Gov. Cur tin's
conduct saved us much trouble and
prevented much wrong.
2nd. I have no special knowledge
j concerning the fraud, corruption,
and briNny by which certain of our
political enemies tried to detent the
election of a democratic I". S. Sena*
tor in lSiJ'k Rut sure I am that
Goy. Ctirttn was no party to that
iniquity. <hi the contrary it is a
: notorious fact, that he exploded it
jby refusing to protect t!o inaletacl
' ors with tin' troops of the state.
.'bit. My judgement on the qncs
i tion whether bo ought to bo elected
| to the next Congress may be infer red
j froto what 1 have said already. No
opinion of mine ought to intluence
i the voters of his distriet ; but 1 can
not imagine a sensible democrat hesi
tating on Midi a subject. 11 is dec
tion, it -v,m; to no would boa great
, good to the patty and the country.
His commanding talents arc needed
' in Congress, and bis devotion to
! honest government would honor Ins
constituents as well as himself.
I am with great respect
Yours Ac.,
.1. S. ID. \'U.
To .1. P. Gi:ri vu r, Esi..
Chaiiman Dtm. Go. t ou.
The Philadelphia 'iVoica is out
squarely For Dili.
Read Ex-Senator llucku'.ew's let
ter to Chsirnian Gephart in our Ger
man depart men i, it you can, il not
get some one t read it lor you.
About fifty good chestnut, posts
and about ten cords of good lire wood
will be taken at the Journal oificc
on subscription. tf.
ISRAEL WEAVER, of Aurouabmg
has lOOd choice grafted young apple
trees for sale, which he otters at l>i
centsapieee. Also a large lot of
plastering lath, very eheap. tf.
NVm. S. Malze offers his services
to the owners of lots on the ceme
tery, to clean and trim l hem. lie
will put family burial plots in good
and neat eondi ion for a very rea
sonable sum. tf.
Rev. J.G. Shoemaker and W.
M. I.andis are absent now, attend
ing the session of the Reformed
Synod in the United States, which
met at East on. Pa., yesterday.
* LOST. —A bunch of two koys and
one linger ring, all strung in a ke>-
ring. The tinder is kindly asked to
return the same to the JOCKX 11.
Ail the members ot the Millheim
Cornet Rand are requested to meet
in the Town Hail on this i Thursday)
evening, as business of importance
will be transacted. Pv cider of tlie
Mi L. B. Frank, of Rebsraborg,
brought us an apnle of the pound
kiudih-it weighs) 171 ounces. It is
a "slaver" and while we. feel thauk
fnl for it we would ne much nnuv so
for about a wagou loiul of "sich."
In i private lei tor from Mr. il.
C. Deiui. received the other dav, he
writes that he likes Kansas and es
perually Ellis county, where h" lives
\c-rv well, and what is ju-t r.lKvit as
i uiji'j; tant. "and s > does the wife." K. li.irb r. Dentiat, ; now
• p; • pared do work in all branches
of d-oUistvv in first class stylo. S.t
--; ci-d attention l aid to th" "presi.rv
i tioii of the natural teeth." A:i
work w irrnnted. ihileo oi •• do;r
• west oi M. P.. Vancb, Mill;-, nh,
' Pa. tf.
Tin: ilr .u l rtoNT F; us: rum.
STOKE OF .11 T.B II wer, L0r, 1.-ibnrg.
1 Pa., is on? of the best, places in this
part of the state for ' furniture.
'Any one who vkdt.t Mr. llo.wr's
'establishment will bo surprised
two things viz.: the substantial
. quality and b -ae.titnl designs of his
unniture, an.' Ins low /'oVce tf.
. .
Th 1 order has been issued by
Chairni m Quay, of Don's commit
tee, tint defeat must 1>"
made effectual.'" Wonder just how
they are going to effect such a little
tiling as "CurtiiPs defeat. 1 " An
drew will go to Congi ess by more
, than the usual majority.
♦ # ♦
The subscriber will ho prepared 1 o
: carry smalls bundles and boxes
' of goods, from C>b irn Station to
i Millheim, Aarousnui g. Woodward
| and all points along the line, at
reasonable charges. The pat/onage
of the public respectfully solicited.
"It seems as if I should cough my
head off" is sometimes the ex larna
tion of a -iUikVrer from a severe
Cough. Quell the p iroxysms u iLIi
little's Honey of Iforchaund awl l ie.
The relief is'in. mediate and the cure
certain. .Sold by all Druggists.
Bike's T-Mlnachu Drops cure in 1
J'rlc ul a word tv;*!s you? If you
are troubled with any skin diseases
or other cutaneous irritation, use
Glenn "s Sulphur Soap, Do like
wise if your complexion be pimpled,
blotched or sallow. Von won't re
gret it. Sold by all Druggists.
Hill's Huh & Whisker Dvr,
i Black or Brown, 50c. 4w
It affords us much pleasure to
stat' tint our young friend, Mr. W.
il. 15. Fisenhuth, has secured the
Ijiueolu school, just below J.aurel
ton, I'nion Co. "NV illis is one of our
nmsl deserving young men, of excel
lent character an 1 possessed of
qualifications that many older teach
ers might envy. t\V sincerely wish
that ho may succeed well.
Mr. .John W. Runkl", of the firm
of Fiedler & Rankle, left for Phila
delphia on Monday morning to lay
10 a stock of goods. John is one of
the most active and enterpiising
young business men in the valley,
and a tip top fellow all through.
The goods will probably he unpack
ed this wtek yet and tilings will be
lively at the old Farmers 1 Store.
Prices as low as the lowest.
Yesterday we had one of the se
| verost rain storms ever witnessed in
. this part of the country. Most fear
j fully did wn.d and rain contest with
i each other for the mastery, and
j whoever was compelled to be out
j was made tbe easy victim of both.
JNo noubt wo will hear of much
; damage throughout the eounh by
iht;: torni.
Tin: !>rsii HOUSE maintain* its
high reputation as ;i first chis* hotel,
mi lor the present proprietor, <eon?o
IlopjH'.s, H-ip, very well. Every
thing tlw.t goes in the make tip of a
N >. I house is there. The uniform
kiinlne:--; ami attention with which
quests are treateil rives one the "at
home" ft ding to t high derive. The
etlieient clerk, Mr. Hilwin F. Hart
/.ell is a thorough gout h mmi. and
no one e.m help hut, tali m love, with
him at sight. He speaks <t<nt&clt.
Suueess to the Jlush lions'.
Farents should not tail lo notice*
new advert isenu nt in another eol
utnn. in relation to Children's s 'iocs.
h:1 the Metal Tip has done for
C'hildreiF-? is to he
lioped this new Tip will accomplish
for the lii er ipuihties.
It is rather discouraging to buy
fine costly shoes for cliiltlron with
the fueling tliat tlu-v will almost eer
tainlv IK- through at the toe with the
til si tew day s wear.
i*arents will do well to look into
this matter.
The HrtH.Mib.ick meeting cm Satur
day afteru am and evening seems to
have h "en entirely satisfactory to all
concerned. A speech of two hours
long was dcliyered hv a Mr. l.viuan.
in the afternoon. We did not learn
who addressed t lie mooting in the
evening, as we could not be present
either in the afternoon or evening.
We have not heard whether any c>e.i
verts were made to ihe new e ruse or
not, but are iuclided to think that
onr (iieenb.iek friendi; did not gam
any votes.
J. Newman, .Jr.. the king C!oth
mrot Eagle Iliill, ltellefoute, Fa .
lias adopted it as a nile that he wiil
not be under-old by any clothing es in the stale. No mat
ter what kind or'pjality of clothing
Vou want, Newman has it. and will
seil to you at prices that will utterly
astofish vou. If you wish to have
a suit in ide lo order you can bo ae
coinmo 1 iled U;H>U the samo libera'
terms, as he runs a More!) rat Tailor
ing establishment in connection
with his large clothing Hall.
Farmers a'v busy husking corn,
j Oar youag friend. Ih M. MVool
' has accepted :u k-rkskip with Mr. A.
Schnure, iu Lauivlton.
!. .1. Grenoble sells goods s-) very
cheap that every birJ> goes there to
J. I). lui.-, it-modehil his
coal shed, and customers will now
thai him in his new shop, near de
11. Krmtniiie is going to put a
wagon scute in ft out ot" his gram
ht> Fhougnt ho .shoukl, long
,l O •
The abutments of the propositi
j new iron bridge, under the manage
ment of that boss eontarotur and
I builder. Mr. John Coldron, are pro
j grossing finely.
1.-tst week, as Mr. Root. M'Cor
; mick loft town on his way home, ho
1 had a runaway. He thrown
! an! . f the w.igonand hurt somewhat,
though not seriously. The n<j was
about used up.
John Confer on his way home
• fcoti) hero, too other evening, had
i the misfoitune to upset his wagon
witlitii.sf.unil> in. Mr. C. got un
d'-r the wagon an l was prcttv Killv
; huit.
The lh'.l ( luh is working iiidushi
; .r!y for .l'o! / and the whole tick*
, e.i f'. M. lluwi r, and a Mr,
Horrelt addressed the eiuh on SaDtr
\ dn\ evening. The meetings are well
j . ttended b: the people which shows
a hve iiiteitst in the cause.
Who is Anon ?
Our public schools will open on
Mond.iv n \ r .
Tht corn is abopt f.; t v p.r cent.
Es th;ii. full crop.
Our in"!id.('. (). 1,1., i.s una tic
ngain. He will lcgiii to use hi.-,
\.i ii.g{gi,'.il td::Il in a U \v days.
This tiine it wi s Mr. Benjamin
Llnibcrt. of Mudistinhtirg, that was
certain of suc< tss. He was out
hunting, last Saturday, arid in a
Very short time he espied Mr. Hruin
only a few rot's away. Our friend
lien being certain to capture the
nioii;-t r concluded to share it with
his neighbors, as he was confident
the beast would weigh tj' O pounds,
hut the skin lie would of course keep
himself, for a protection in cold
weather. Through some mysterious
happenings nut to be accounted for,
our friend Hen's p'an was frustrated
through a little mistake, lien for
got to use bis gun, and Urtiiti is still
at large.
: Saluidav uip'lil Pr. Ilillbish
; fell victim to the di prcdatioiis of
thieving. Toe party entered ids of*
j fice 111 nwi*l! a wind >\v pane and took
; a pair of gold spectacles, gold pen
| and three rnz trs. Tiic same uic'it
j Mr. .1. A. Miller's cellar was visit
led and a number ot articles stolen.
I Wish the I)r. could have met them
iin his office. It is the general opin
ion that these stealings are carried
on by a set of domestic thieves, in
stead of tramps, as was first believ
ed. AN ox.
An old physlcUn, retired from practice,
ha vail; hin planed in his hands by an Fast
India jni.s.slunary the iounula of a siinpio
vegetable remedy for tiiv .-p*t\ly ami p. c
inanctit cure for c.oir-uiiiptjun. hron.'hiti.s.
catarrh, nsthnn, and all ihro&t and luugaf
ftv! :<ma, ab.o a positiw ami r.uii-al euro for
m-rvous complaints. after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, lias felt it h s duty to make it known
to 'altering fellows. Actuated by this
motive, and a desire to relieve hnmmi suf
fering. I wiils".ud. frivol charge, to all who
desire it. tins recipe, with full directions for
preparing t nd using. In German, !•' neb. or
bnglish. S(;itl by mail by addle .slug with
stamp. naming t!ii< pajwr. W. W.
MMl'owor'.s KJyck, Rochester, New OVK.
1.1 IN FIT AN. — /ILCC. J. Tomlinsoa, Pastor.
German preaching in Aaronslmrg next
Sunday morning.
Mitt UOIJIST.— Rev. W. R. Whitney will
preach next Sunday evening.
KVANUKI.ICAL.— Rev. I). stover will
preach next Sunday morning— German.
will preach next Sunday morning.
Lodge and Society Directory.
The Milllieim Cornet Rand will meet in
the Tow n Hull on Mondnv and Thursday
Providence Grange No. '217 I*, of If.,
meets in Alexander's block on the ind SA
turday ol'each month TIL C>£ •. M. and ON
THE 4TH Saturday of each month ill IVI R. M.
Millheim bodge NO.'JAL 1.0. O. F. uie'ets in
the NOW Hall, Peim street, every Saturday
'2he slillheim 11. AL. Association meets
n the TOWN Hat!, on the evening O'F the
ceond M nduy ot each month.
( 1 I<'l .-T ciiiri'iiw <>i" MUlhoini, In '
IVnn township, centre Co, I'll., will
make petition tnihr n '\t general term >f
Court (November) for tin- itit'orpomtlon
of siilU town ituu a'i-n. t,. ,
I'jSSTK.VY NOTICI c.sme to tie |l:e e
~j lit the Niihsi'iP).>r hi Miles- township,
; smite time dm ma iho summer, tliwu hellers.
I :i){e.l from iw., to flu, .' yo.trs. he owner
I is leqiresfed to move property, pay ehnws
I nnl take thi'tu away. Otherwise they will
In; ilealt with ;r 'oriiing to law.
DANIKI. W At K! it.
i Miles Twp., On. 17, I*7*. tl-X
1 a very suppi'i'iim-I'DnO or Organ. equally
j every excellence to any nia<te at Mnnufai
: turer's Wholesale Price, anil thus save near
, y one h.ill id your money, tlo not fail. In-fore
I purchasing. to w rite for catalogue of do-
I sert ptioii at. 3 prices, to Post ulllre Box .i'.t-".
' New York. 112 ly.
Millhelm Market.
I Wheat No. 1 H7
1 No. 4 . Si
Corn c.
| It ye .. , C,
oats White jii
1 <uts. Ulaek C_'
Itjuek wheat Ml
! Flour wt
| Uran A Sluo ts, per hundred
I Salt. per Brl V.rtO
i Piaster, ground • IMA
( orient, ju-r Bushel C, to Ml
I B.OJux M!
! Vymnthvsecd
' Fla\seer|
| Cloverseed.. .. t ""
i Butter . hi
I Hams . U
I f Idea s
I Veal
' Kirs *
i Potatoes
bard 7
Ta110w...... .. . .
Soap ■*'
Hrie.t Anples
, Dried Peaches.
Dried Cherries *..... i
j Kse CuU 15. So
I S'.ovo •' f .Vl
Chestnut" ... . .-7;,
l lv f - , -.v.-v.v.v.v.-.v.v.v.^
I Corrected every Wcdni>dux by l.epliut t
; A Mu-e. r.
, i\ uKi'lldftT 1). t. MtSSER.
L* I* A'. I t: s IV
! (•rain,
t'luv ersccd.
flour A
Con I.
I'lnvler A
j . fc ,
' Ili.-.bcst market prlco paid for alT.kiods o
j Ivlivcred either at the BRICK MILE or at
; the oKI MU3Si:it MILL, In MILLIIKIM.
• Always on hand and sold at prices that de
fy competition.
Ash trcof tht. pHtP.lcp.itrouagc rcsrcetfullv
; C licit'.'.l .• ;tp_Jy
*> t* *: e. i* f* *>
■■!% 3' SV. t •. \ v <e e. ' - V
" !!! New Millinery Store in M'llheim!!! -
*••• MRS. ANXA &. WEAVE. 5 , fairs pleasure i.l announcing to tile "**-
n J} people of ililUielm and Ucliilty that fh t will open n new and ... k
elegant stock of Milliner) Goods on Monday, October 21st. 3
fry' "vrQ
Jtrl line of Cliolce and Fashionable Goods alwajs on liand at
Ak> ' popular prices. DKESSMAKIXb A Gl'Et lALITY. The nerv Otis
ir-r Plaiter and Trimmer used. Public patronage solicited.
* v i+ c c f J c ■' (T a * r,
a & ~ m V t*Oo(**3
••It is worth double Its price."— Otitic i, (tVa ola), Advertiser.
A st iii r.'icsT it'll hn given ir cc ry nnwVr fi>r 1 S?D. containing u in ' *u* pattern
."/tee~l for a liiriy's <>r child's dress, Pin r>; subscriber irill rcceire during itic .V O*. T UNV of
these patterns, si t.'r it thesr alone vr'l' he cor'.h mure i.'i in tlr? subscription 'die-:. Great
improvements irill also be muele in other respects.' y a
"I'NKRSON's MA{.\ZINE" contains, every year. l') 00 pages, 11 steel plates, ]• colored
Berlin patterns. 12 mommoth fashion plate", "1 pages o! music, eud ah-'Ut Rk'
wood cut*. Its principal embellishments uro
Its immense circulation enables it.s proprietor to spend more on embellishments,
stories, &c., than any other. It gives more for the money than any in the tcorUi. Its
Titriinng Tales ivA Novelettes
Are the best piildishe.d anywhere, the most popular icriters art to icrltv
orioinai!;/ for " I'etc r son ln 187'. 4 . in lublitl n to the usual quantity of short stories,
i-'IVM HtiGIN AL COi'VtllGil'l NOVKLfcITTtIS will be given, by Aun S. Stephens.
1 rank bee Benedict, Frances Hodgson Kurnette, Jane G. Austin/and that unrivalled
humorist, tue author of "Jcsiah Allen's Wife."
Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates
Abend of ULL others. These plates are engraved on steel, TWICH TIN: cst'AL sizi: and are
unequalled for beauty. They will bo supcoly colored. Also, Household, and other
recemts : In short everything interesting to'ladies.
.V Tt.—.ls the publisher now pre pays the postage to all mail subscribers. "Peterson" is
ciir.Ai I K THAN KVI U ; in/act is Tim CHKAI'Kst in TMK WOKI I>.
TERMS (Always in Aavance)s2.oO A Year,
/js RKDFCEq I'Klf'Ks TO CU'BS/Vt
2 Colli cs for s'{..">) L Viitb* a copy of tl.e premium picture (24x20)
{ dollar engraving to the peison gettißg up the club.
1 topics for - CoO With a.i extra copy of the Magazine for 1879, as
n > t J the person getting up the club.
5 Copies for SfS.OOt With both an extra copy of the Magazine for 1879,
7 " " 10.50 s and the premium picture, a jicf. dollar cngravintj,
12 " " 17.00 ( to the person getting np the club.
Address, post-paid,
SftO t hcifdnni St., Ta.
A'T Spceivnens s>ni gratis if written f'r.
I WHY GO WEST ? ftTbSasr j
and Maps. -J I". MANVUA, Dover. Del. 12 2
nt I'ANi V (Mill < w th iia.nie, I'V . plain
/,) or Colli. IMI sty I -s. AtO'llts OillHl lite.
VtiU \ Co., V-*htaud. Mas . :ai t
<MH Tl ilfinn biv.-U-d til Wall sweet
s>ill ru vMUuU Storks makes fortune.-., v j
!1 1 y nnedh. It-<ok sent fr< e t-xp!. luU)i? r.v. 1
1 erythmg. Address, BAXTKK & CO., Hash- j
una. 17 Wall >t . New York. 77 p.v j
,We will pay Agent, u salary of stoop- '
I month, and EXPENSES to soil our MCW ud 1
; WO* frKUJTI INvrNItON.s. Address, Sm.u
, AN A. Co., "tar.shall. Mi di. CI-*"w
; \C ilv 1; Atii'A I s in LVKKY er in roe.
0111 K:M: itr.esriiri N naim vriu*.'. ru'S
! IS \ It * It'OtVOHTCMI 1 !*■ >K I'KOftr Altt I. KM-
1 XTIIA iNt'il'loitnis ro intra
j M BST HtKtHs \ \!• A..l:\-IS. AtiLNTS KUN •
SO KIBK I oil ILI ITSTHA II D tut i J.AI - '
OIVINU . iatM.s ANI flit, flltrii CI ltt>. At" 1
[ nuc-s
! 1 v e. 1 KFTI:IN.
IhtJ . iu. >t sci sj .. Pjm.MiKt mtt, P1: 1
. i
: cieiim Teiiacco!
Aw Ht- •t ' -' .' l• • •**! r| >• :. I <: j
•Jto.. I. ' .' . . 1 ••, .Vu .
: ! too. P" W'A!tbLr,,Ci c;ra! \geut. H> <u
: j No.. 3 and d S iiilh W'atirr htr-att l'hila.
MrMunit' Fargat 1 •. •- p|||n j iaki N •
1 • Hieh lhoo l. and will completely ehaney the
j htnod m tin- entire syeu*,n 111 three iiiontli:s
. Atij l> rson wtto wtli'taka 1 pUI ea'-p nigtit
J from Ito VI weeks may b • reaiorid to sound
! health, if such a Ceng ,s i>o*sitj!,,. Smul hv
| mat I tor 8 letters' am; s I. N. .51)1! SSO \
t A ( ., Ba'.i:;or. Me.
A . r.m rti c.e Man of W'oinao in r*.cry
C'ouii'yto take r.a Ayettev for two of the
i 1 most popular PabHcatloiis. hix of the P.ut-ai
, Chrmoor. mounted and stretched CJtxVb
jto Kvery Subseril-er. I'iie Be* Conitdnattou
I liver bvlorc o lie red to Agati'a.i.d the Most
. Uheral Imltcemonts to Sjbseribers. Out
t Pine Puhitcattor.s, WejMfi Pretniuins. and
| l-artre Commissions place us ahead of all
I Coioiiftiuirs. Illustrated Circulars P'rce.
'K. P .V I- RIiSTKIN. PulMisl.or.s. North
i East Corner 7th and LUckLison Streets, i'ntl
Health . 1 a.l Utppi'iets am prl-fedcss Wealth
> to thetr possessor, and yel iliey aio wit'An
f the reach of every one who will use
j rue only sine CUKE n,r Torpid Liver. l)\s
i pepsin. Headache, No.jr St unaeh. Const j pa
-1 1 timi, Deblhtv. Nausea, at.d all lbiliuus i-on
, plaints and 81.H.d disorders. None 10-.nuh.o
; unless tigited "W'ni. Wright, i'hVta.' If
your I)i ngjiist wl'd not supply send 2a cents
i or one lam 1 > Barrsck, ItoiJer fiCo., 73 jg.
; th St. I'l.iU . -
There i< nocoinparisjn between !l and I
the eoiam in slmv acttin r porou* plaster. I
It ts trie v.:iy way superior to Mi! other fc
external reniedic* inclitiins lioimeiiU
suet ilje sn-e.\lle,| elect' ienl appliances.
It eoulitin. new medicinal elements
winch in combination with rubber, noi
se-- the most cxtraordi-ary u:itu reilov
•nt, strea,;Un an*! ru,auv: propor
! tics Any Physician m your own locali
ty wilt confirm the ul>ve ntateineut.
j |l or L\MK HACK. Kb-.nnatlsm. IVmole
. j Weakness. Stubborn and Neglected
■J ('"Ms and Couchs. deceased Kidneys,
Whooping eouttfi. afTectious of the heart.,
and all ills f r whte'i non .is plasters are
1 used, it I*-imply the beet known reine-B
' dy. a-k 1"! iu ?isoq'S ('apcine I'orous I
j Pbistcr and lake no other. Sold by all I
8 i>i i.eni-'s. Price J cents. Kent on re-1
! | ccipt of price, by Scat my .1 Johnson. I
■ 12! l'iau Street, Mi York 1
nei^ , HsianrjO.<soKi , atnTTssrr''
! Through Il'iwert Jloies need no longer of
fend the eye. or children's COSTLY SHOES BE
i Tunows ,ii\ av on that account, when other-
1 SHOE Til* CO., l ave saved
i annually to Parents in this country, by the
! introduction of the
: Copper and Silver Tips,
ami they arc appllud chiefly to children's
h 'avv shoes, many Parents objecting to the
All such will Ic happy to know that this
company have at last perfected a
which a.Ms to the lIEAVTV OT THE HI V
KsT SHOE . the toe rcuaitting neat until the
stn w is worn.
These stamped A.S.T. CO
The more coatlji the Sho- the more inxpor
tmt the Tip. e.s ft at 'e nsl the wear"
ing value cf the Sho--. I'AIiENTS ! buy
no Children's Shoes without the Meti' or
this nice Hi-rck Tip, ami thus HE I) IT!!
vori: shoe liu.i.s moke than one
Ask your Shoo Dealer lor Them.
Proprietors of the
Furniture Rooms,
U miM iii'Ml 'ctfully i'lfiu MJ tho c ; .li7.e: sof lVuus au.i TlruHi
•lb?! It I try kcrp <; haul i:i their Ptiruiluro hj'.uif, threw jjr > ut <f t j* t>i*rik
lle;uiri..G I]<JlU'. (.sprouipi ly al'i'WihJ to. P> icc. cheap, to suit thetim*.
Always on hand and sold
L. 0, & S. C.JAIL BOAD.
J. 3 5. j
LEA VL A. v. r M. r.\r. !
Mi'iitaudon 7. 1.7.3
Lr.*i*hurg 7.1-3 £.A ft.Hj I
Fair Ground ?
Blehl 72> 2.41
Vjeksburjr 7 Vj 2 4S
Mbtlinburg 7.43 3.13
NlillUimit fi.OO 3.*A
Laurel* on tkio 3 >j
Coburo 0.25
Arrive at Spring Mil!* 'J.SO
I. 6.
I A M A M. 1" Jf.
Spring Mills- ]U<)
O-oburn I'j.its
1.:IUUHOB. I!. 4.3 4%
Mtlhnout 11.56 4.20
r >f.
Mlftlinburg 12 ]t 4.*>•
Vtcksburc 12.20 5.05
Fair <} round 12.35 523
Lcwisbiirg (4.3,3 J2.45 5 v.3
Arrive at Mnntaodon.. 50 1> A/iO
NOP. 1 A 2 connect at M.nitandon with Eric
Mali Host un iliu Philadelphia & Fits Kail
Nos 3 & 1 w;th I\ty Express cast anc Nia
gara Express wot.
Noh. * it r with Fast I.ine we&t.
An Omnibus will r;iu lctweeu l.ewlslmrK
and Moutandoii, to convey to
and fn>m Pacific Express cast oa the Rhlla
deip .in A; Eric Railroad.
The regular Railroad Tickets will ic hon
ored between these two points.
Philadelphia <&. Brie R R. Dlv.
''uand aftci S'Mi.tY, June 2nd.
lb: trains on the Philadelphia * Erie Kaj;-
ioid Division xv.ii run as lollops :
OKIE MAIL leaves PhJladeipia.. .1! 5o p. m.
H:iriisbur<....4 3." a. m.
v> i'.liuiinqiort. .S3 a. n.
'• Jersey Spore..9 07a. in.
" l-ock iluven. s4O a. jn.
" Kenovo 1100 a. nt.
arr. at Erie 7 33 p. at. .
NIAGARA EXiMeav. riiihtda.... 7 20a. hi.
" Harrijonr' 10 y> a. m.
•' arr at WUlumspoit i'.op. m.
" " Lock Haven 33* p.m.
Kejovo 4 10 r. 10.
FAST 1 INK leaves Philadelphia. It a. ni.
llarrisburx 3 .'-3 p. u;.
arr. At vviiliaiiispurt..733p.m. !
Lock Ha veil... Slop. m.
PACIFIC EXT. hav. l ock Haven. .6 fin. m.
" Jersey shore 714 a. in.
" Willi amsprirt 755 a. 111.
arr. at Harris burg.. IJ 55
Philadelphia. 3 t" i. m.
DAY tXI'KESA leaves Itrnovo. . lop" a. ni.
" Lock Haven il 20a, in.
" Wi'lianisjKjrt!2
arr. a'. Harrisi-urg.. 4 1 p. IU.
" Philadelphia 72' p. in.
ETtIK MAIL leaves Kcnovo S y. p. m.
I.ook Haven...o :3 p. r.:.
" Williiiusport. 11 07 p.m.
" arr. at Ilarrisburz 2 43 a. nt.
" Philadelphia 7tOa. in.
FAST LINK leaves Willianisport. 12 :<■'< a. nt.
arr. at llarrlstiunr J ."sa. in.
" Philadelphia 7 5.7 a.m.
Uric Mai! West. Niagara L.\prvs West,
I or'.t Ilaven Accommodation West and Day
Express East make close connections at
Northumberland tvith 1. Si K. 11. It. trains
for V, llliesbarrr and Si rantou.
Kile .Mai! West, Niagara Express Wfst
and h-*t lane West make close eonmteiion
at Wi!'damji>jrt, wiih N. It. W. trains
la ii- M.iJI We.t. Niagara K'i>rc.s West
an t Day Exprov. make close connection
at Lock Haven with H. V. 11. It. trains.
l.'rio Mai! EAst and West connect at E*i
with train* on I>. S.&M. 8. R It., at Corrv
with O. V. \A. V. It. R.. at Emporium with
It. N. V. i I'. K. K. ami at Driittvwd avitii
A \ .It. K.
far lor Cars oill rui. between Philadelphia
and Willi tmsport on Niagara Express v\ p*t.
Irie Express Wc>t. Philadelphia Exproa
) .d„ T >ay la'ii ess l ast ami Sunday Express
East. cars utt at! :iig..t trains.
AWL A. !tALDWiN. General S'.ip't.
nDfl UliO W'jhctt honor* tit u'l icor'.W
I P. JilPllJ I'st'ibitir* n*.
with new stylos rdnood prices an
much infoi matlon scut iroc, M.tsuN
A Mi.IN t UCiA N CO.. Boston, New Vord
r Chi oa-;>. -'l-&
((has. A. Sturgis, Agent.)
* I
Musical Instruments.
Repairing done on short notice.
at the Millheim Jeweh-y Store, oc; door
* o<t ol' l\i--cnhulh , e l)i on store. Main street.
Mji.llH.lNi. PA.
Ink, Faper & Envelopes, Paporboxes, Wallets & Pocketbooks, Teachers' Registers,
'aqooqiiaiAjj paanojay; 3p upjeqitvr 'sumqiy qd-saScqtiv 3J
'cravoaToisras 'ssvanyo 'shnvtsmyt 'SHaoaai 'saiaia LSKOOdp™ atiwvi
iwo Gold Me.tai?, "ZYT 11
tKis World s
svvTMi-Vt s* exposition
Have be-on av.mlml the
Mason & Hamlin
At iho Paris KxiHwltiiui this year ihey aro
j awarded (i(>Ll> iM) A]:. ll# ]. ,I E
: iccomyense at ttin disposal of the jury. They
t have al< mcived the OJtAXJt GOLD MJv
! other American organs har ev.;r atMidvd
j hi^lr-st award at any world's
Sold for cash or uayiu'dU? by justailinoiu-.
! f.nt<st CATALOwL E3, with now' style?,
I plies eto.. five. MA SOX & HA M LIX <>K
- CAUO. :<S-t
! lU^j^fsCK < S^
I MFORUisl\s>:scrCfe£ J n i??!?!"
na C.ironi Cardi. (yerkvn tf.tu ie) wri*'i
liJ 11 *•••. I>*. <• K.ii l't.v Ta it?: 'arAC.
A Oil:i>i i. .. • :';i*