%k ftrarral water & Deininjer. Proprietors B O. DKIMSUKR, Associate Editor MUlhclm,Thursday Scpt.'o. - U " . Terms—sl.6o Per Annum. Vrmorratlc Mate Ticket, FOR GOYEK son llox. ANDREW H. DILL, O UNION COUNTY, FOB LIEUTENANT COVER'SO® HON. JOHN FERTIG, 0 YKNANQO COUNTY. FOB SECRETARY I STERNAL AFFAIRS HON. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, 0* HUNTINGDON COUNTY, FOR SVI*RiaiB*JRTHI* HON. n. P. ROSS, 0 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Democratic State Committee. HON. H. MILTON SVBAR, Chairman. DISTRICTS. 27. F. K. Bower, 23. A. Ross, 29. Sol. Foster, Jr., 30. Wm. A. Marr, SI. C. P. Dull, 32. W.E. Miller, S3. T. ti. Adams. 34. J. A. Woodward 33. R. G McLarahn, 36. Win. Keyser, 37. J. H. Maize, S3. J. K. P. Hall, 39. John Kuhns, 40 A. J. Sterling, 41 J. A. MeCulloch. 42. W. P. ScheU, Jr 43 J. A. Hare, 44. W. Lock hart, 4.\ Pat rick Foley, 46. T. Bradford 47. s. \V. Vincent, 45. Wm.llasson, 49. Beiu. Whitman, 50. A. G.Church, DISTRICTS. 1. 1). A. Lans. 2. Geo. M. Dallas, 8. J. G. McKernan, 4. T. H. Clark, 5. Daniel Coyle, 6. J. P. Lynch, 7. A. IL Lartner, 8. Win. Kelley, 9. Clement Carr, 10. G. Boss. 11. Kvan Mishlcr, 12. Daniel Jacoby 13. A..?. Steinman, 14. F. R. White, 1.1 E. B. Cobaugh, 15. C. T. Knlman, 17. -V. D. Shiver, IS. J.Gilltlllan. 19. A. B. Humming, 20. J. K. Bogert, 21. 11. E. Packer, 22. W. A. Park. 23. A. 11. Forsman, 24. A. J. Hughes, 25. J.H. Duscubcrry, !>ltrlf nail i'anty Tie Met. For President Judge, C. A. Mayer, (Subject to the deelsloh of the Jadiel.il Conference.) For Congress, A. G. C'urtin, (Subject to the decision of the Congres •tonal Conference.) For Senator. C. T. Alexander, (Subject to the decision uf the Senatorial Cenference.) For Assembly* W. A. Murray, of Harris, J. P. Gephait, of Belle font?. For Sheriff, John Spangler, of Potter. For Prothonotary. J. C. Harper, of Bellefonte. For Register, W. E. Burchfield, of Ferguson. For Recorder, W. A. Tobias, of Miles. For Treasurer. Adam Yearick, of Marion. For Commissioners, George Swab, of Harri*. Jacob Dunkle, of Walker. For Auditor, J. B. Jamison,- of Gregg, Geo. R. Williams, of Howard For Coroner. Dr. C. W. Cambridge. 6HERJIAX AND THE SILYER DOLLAR. The history of the Silver bill last session of Congress is yet so fresh in the minds of all that we can well re collect the public characters arrayed for and against it. The Secretary of the Treasury was opposed to it as also was the President. It Is sup posed, the secretary should know what fiscal legislation is, proper and necessary and what improper and injurious ; thus he becomes the ad viser of the Executive and the two are a power in preventing any legis lation that dees not accord with their views. Secretary Shermans co quetry with the silver dollar is un becoming of so high a public offic er, to say the least, and is calculated to defeat its practical mission. From the beginning he surrounded it with a system of red tape, has con tinued so to do under modified forms, thus interfering with its go ing into circulation and then, when the public, owing to the obstacle placed by the secretary, failed to take it as fast as coined, the people were asked to believe that nobody wanted any silver dollars. It is plain that the department if the head so wills, can in a great measure make such fiscal laws that do not suit their individual ideas, defeat themselves. Let the public have a fair show at the Dollar of the Daddies—They were created for them iii answer to their wishes, take away the obstructions raised and the silver dollar will do its mission to the full extent of expectation and purpose. It must be also pat ent to all that as legislation now stands, the Secretary and President have too much control and power in our matters of finance. Tney can in a large degree withdraw or add to our volume of circulating medium in actual circulation, as may suit their personal whims. Business should regulate the amount of cur rency and not currency, as the Sec retary may choose, regulate busi ness. We have not space to go into a full explanation of how the volume now is arbitrarily controled by the secretary, the power being conferred by the resumption act, but will like- Iv again refer to this subjeet at some other time. Mr. Sherman is not a man of and for the people, hence the people through their representatives must keep liim in hand. Who Is Andrew 11. Hill? Not having the good fortune to inherit dollars and property from u most worthy father, raised in pover ty and having to look to his own ef forts for success, Andrew 11. Dill is by no inheritance, instinct and edu cation the friend ot those who like himself have to buffet the world for a livelihood and earn their daily bread by bard work. Though his district always contained a consider ble republican majority, the people thereof always elected hiiu whenever opportunity offered. They watched his course, tney studied his record, they keenly scanned his whole con duct ; his political opponents cha grined by repeated defeat in their stronghold, criticised his every act with the utmost desire to Ibid fault and thus cripple or destroy hiui; vet such were the ret it ude of Iris con duct and his faithfulness to their interest, that those hardy -sons of toil (though politically opposed) four times elected Andrew 11. Dill to the Legislature from republican dis tricts. There lie was ever the friend and champion of popular rights and the best interests of the people, the muk and tile, the farmers, mechan ics and laboring men who elected him. Our limits do not permit us to refer to liis votes in detail, but if they had not been of the most unex ceptional character and most thor oughly in the interests of the work ing people, republican counties and districts would not have repeatedly elected him to represent tlieui. That is the most positive proof of the purity and tidelity of his official life, the propriety of his votes, and the patriotism of his pui poses, b'ueh endowments under such cir cumstances, are at once convincing and overwhelming evidence of great competency and unquestionable in tegrity. From the time he passed the threshold of manhood to the ma turity of middle age, Andrew 11. Dill has been prominent in the pub lic view of bis constituents, and it is therefore a proud thing to say that no blemish rests upon his character public or private. Always acting in public, and for the public, neither bis neighbors or others could be mis taken in his character, and those neighbors at all times and under all circumstances endorsed him. Such is Aurew 11. Dill.—Exchange. The Yellow Fever. LONG LIST ADDED TO TDK DEATH-ROLL. The Story of Another Day of Death and Suffering in the Stricken South—The Situa tion Not Improved and the Outlook Far From Hopeful, MEMPHIS, Sept. 22. It has been a quiet yet busy Sun day. At the Ilowai ds .headquai ters there have been many calls made, principally, however, for female nurses. There have been thirty three deaths officially reported by the Board of health for the twenty four hours ending at 6 o'clock to night. Of these nine were colored. Seventeen physicians of the Howard medical corps leport one hundred and fouiteen new cases. Drs. A. G. Wendell, Minneapolis, Minn., and M. T, Keoting, of New York, arrived and have been assigned to active duty. The fever has made its appearance among the children of the Leath Orphan Assylum, situ ated about one mile north ot the city. Of the forty inmates seven have been taken clown. The How ard Association to day sent a phy sician who will be quartered 011 the premises, also three nurses. IIERXANDO, Miss., Sept. 22. Nine cases in the last twenty-tour hours. Amon&the nomber is Dr. I'D well. GRAND JUNCTION, Tenn., Sent. 22. T. E. Jones, president of the Howard Association, has just been taken down. There are only 3 white men on their feet. Three new cases and 3 deaths to-day; 40 cases on hand. One of our New Oileans nurses is down. One Doctor has j ust been captured off the down train. We are sadly in need of blankets and other necessaries. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 22.—1t has been warm, generally cloudy and misting all forenoon, and night. The Howards have received a dispatch from Tangipahoa saying there is a great deal of sickness there, supposed to be yeilow fever. NEW ORLEANS, Sept., 22. Death, 50 ; new cases, 185 ; total, cases to date, 7,838 ; total deaths, 2,470. The death list to-day includes thirteen children under seven years. THE PLACE TO GO. The best AGRICULTURAL FAIR ever held between the SUSQUEHAN NA RIVER and the ALLEGHANT MOUNTAINS, will he held at LEW ISBURG, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday October, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and sth. SSOO in premiums will be given to patrons of the fair. A Corn Husking Match will be held on Wednesday at 3 o'clock ; prise SO.OO. Trials of Speed, Thursday at 11 o'clock. On Saturday, the fourth day of the fair, Trot at 2 o'clock, and Tournament at 3. This will be the Farmers' Sale Day for stock, grain and merchandise. This is a new feature and should be encourag ed by every farmer in the county. Excursion traius will run from Spring Mills to the Fair Ground on Thursday and Friday. (See small bills). Our friends from Centre County are most cordially invited to attend. JACOB GUNDY, Prest. W. C. DUNCAN, Secy. S. O. McCurdy has engaged a cchoo' near Lewisburg. Out of the i * 4 !iok her" business, Mac ? ® ■ i ■■ Don't fail to be in M.llheim to morrow to witness the dedication of the new Odds Fellows Hall, an nounced iu another column of our paper. Aliout fifty good chestnut posts and aliout. ten cords of good firewood will bo taken at the Journal ottiee on subscription. tf. On Thursday evening, October 3rd, the closing exercises of the Rebers bmg Select School will lie held. The programme promises to tie very en tertaining and interesting. Fall is coming on fast. Their forerunners, the frosts hayo made their appearances several times. Better look around lor overcoats, coal and good stoves. In the Journal Book Store you will find the largest and oest assort ment in l'enns Valley, of Family Bibles, School Books, and Stationery. Just received a largo lot ot slates, vci y cheap. ISKAKL W RAVER, of Aaronsburg has 1000 choice grafted young apple trees for sale, which lie offers at 15 cents a piece. Also a largo lot of plastering lath, very cheap. tf. Our Associate*left* for Reading on Monday morning, lie says he lias a little business down there | and—besides —they sell lager now in [ Heading for only Hi cents a glass, live glasses for 10 cts. Think of that ye thirsty. John & Susan Miller, a couple re siding inCurtin township, this coun ty, lost three children within one month by that dreaded disease—diph - theria. In their affliction let them remember that " Earth hath no sorrowjthat Heaven can not Heal." For a fine assortment of Perforat ed Board, Java Canvass, Zephyr and Germantownwooi go to the Journal Book Store. We have just filled up our stock, and are now fprepared to satisfy any demand in our line. Mr. John F. Ilarter, our young dentiit, has.come kick to Millheiiu to stay this time and was warmly welcomed by his Jnumerous friends. Especially our band boys feel very glad about it, as he is iil>out as good atja hoin, rs can I e expected of any man, outside Prof. Feehrer. ■ ■ ■ ♦ • Just received new goods, splendid stock, at the Journal Book Store. Call if you want a first class slate, with wirebound frame, to prevent falling or pulling apart, at the low est price. Win. S. Maize offers his services to the owners of lots on the ceme tery, to clean and trim them, lie will put famiiy burial plots in good and neat condition for a very rea sonable sum. * tf. It is thought that the Greenback ers will leviso and improve their county ticket. Well now that's business. Had no idea that the first edition would so soon be rxh'instert. But who is to IHJ shoved ofT and told that he is unfit ? Bailey has the door. • •- The subscriber will le prepa red to carry smalls bundles and boxes of goods, from Cob irn Station to Mill heim, Aaronsbui g. Woodward and all points along the line, at reasonable charges, 'l'be patronage of th 3 public respectfullv solicited. J.WILLIS MUSSEK. Ab3. Harter, (we think some of our readers may have heard of him lefore] laiseil 430 bushels of oats from eight acres of land, and good measure at that—the oafs we mean. Who would have thunk that there is such a socking farmer in Abs. — but then there is good land in Brush Valley. No getting around that fact. EXAMINATIONS OF TEACH ERS FOR 1878. THR EXAMINATION or TEACHERS FOR THE SCHOOLS OF CEXTKR COUNTY WILL BU HETD AS FOMJOWS: Penn. Millhf*im. Saturday, Sept. SR. Haines. Aaronsburg, Monday. Sept. 30. Miles, Rebersburg, Friday, Oct. 4. GoolNote, Sermon, Getter and Foolscap paper, Envelopes, Ink, best Pens, School Books, Pocket and Family Bibles, Testaments. Walk ing Canes, Papeterie Boxes, Auto graph Sc Photograph Albums, Sun day School Cards, Ac., at the Jour nal Book Store. Call and see. Health is an inestimable jewel. The cough that deprives you of it may take your life too. One bottle of HaWs Ilmis.y of llorehound and Tar wi*l avert the evil, and save you from consumption. Will you 'weigh Life against a half-dollar? Sold by all druggists. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in 1 minute. 37-4w. TIIE RED FRONT FURNITURE STORE of Jacob Ilower, Lewisburg, Pa., is one of the best places in this part of the state for qood furniture. Any one who visits Mr. Ilower's establishment will be surprised at two things viz. : the substantial quality and beautiful designs of liis furniture, and his low prices. tf. CO KnUMPTION ITKF.I) An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed In his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and per manent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung af fections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, lias felt it his duty to make it known to ids suffering "fellows. Actuated by ;this motive, and a desiee to relieve human suf fering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing* nd using, In German, French, or English. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming tnis paper. W. W. Sherar. 149 Power's Block, Rochester, New York. ATTEATIOS VOTERS. THURSDAY, SEPT. sth, is the last day upon which voters can get assessed, and SATURDAY, OCT. sth, is the last day upon which tax can lie paid, to secure a vote at the ensuing election. Persons who vot ed on age last year should be particu lar to have their names placed upon the assessment, and pay their tax as above indicated, otherwise the law provides no way by which they ican vote. ATTENTION!!! The new Odd Fel lows Hall in Millheim, will be dedicated to morrow. A number of other Lodges will be present. Several Bands have been engaged for the occasion. Grand Parade at 11 o'clock, A. M. Dinner at the Millheim Hotel, at 1 o'clock. P. M. Addresses will be de livered by prominent members of the order. Come! Come I Come! and see I!! MiLLiirciM'is certainlyabigtown else it could not have contained so much greatness as it did on Friday last. An Ex-Covemor, a prospect ive Coventor, at least a half dozen other lionorables, with a lot of 'Squires too numerous to mention, to say nothing of a host of candi dates. This was certainly an array of greatness present that larger towns might enjoy. The truth is however* that J. Newman, Jr., is a bigger man than they all, in hit particular line. Candidates find it mqierative to get their clothing from him in order to make the bes, ap pearance before the people. BKAITIFIL AND NEW. Phantom Footsteps is the name of the latest successful Song and Chorus by Henry ('. Work, author of "Clraiul-father's Clock," and oth er popular snugs. We consider "Phantom Footsteps," the b**t song Work has written, and do not won der at its immense popularity. It lias a beautiful aehnly and the chor us is unusually effective. If you want the prettiest song published in years senu to any music dealer for "Phantom Footsteeps," or 011 re cepts of 85 cents it will bo mailed lK>st-paid to any address, by the publishers. S. BraimuxTs Sons, Cleveland, Ohio. DEDICATION. The new Odd Fellows Hall in Millheim, will be dedicated accord ing to t lie rites and ceremonies of the I. O. of O. F. Friday. Sept. 27th, 1878. A number of other Lodges have l>een invited and are expected to be present. Several Bands have l>eeii engaged for the occasion. Addresses will be deliver ed by prominent members of the Order. Grand Pan.deat 11 o'clock. Din ner at the Millheim Hotel, at 1 o'clock. Tickets for Dinner can be bad of the committee. By order of Millheim Lodge, No. 955 D. O. DEININOKR, D. 11. MIXOLE J. F. 11 OUSEL, r Com. A.(). DEIXINOER B. F. MILLKU, REBERSEURQ FRAGMENTS. Our School Board has decided to make a change in teachers salaries, being from $24 to $33. Our school houses shall lie furnished with coal stoves. That's light. llow many of those Rebersburg folks that made a raid upon some of the g>od people in the country, hist Sunday, have summoned the doctor to give relief? Murder will out, but hereafter do better, when visit ing or we will tell the whole story. The picnic last Saturday under the ausnices of the three eastern schools in the township, was a decided suc cess in every particular. The num l>er present was variously estimated from 600 to 800, and all were sorry that; Joshua could not be summoned to pray that the sun might stand still for a while, as the ordinary day was too short to carry out the after noon programme. All credit to East Brush. PETTY THIEVIXO. —On last Thursday evening an attempt was made to enter Mr. Frank's store, but the clerk,discovered the lad, lie fore he succeeded 111 having the window opened. We shall forbear publishing the name of the young boy, although lie is known. The following night some one with the aid of a few carpenter tools suc ceeded in gaining an entrance into Mr. Spigelmyers's store. Ilisjbooty as far as known, consists of two pair of shoes, revolver with cartrid ges, razor and a box of pocket knives. No clue. , Oil Saturday morning between the hours of 7 and 8, while Mr. Henry Gorman and family were away from the house, sonm villain took posses sion of the premises and succeeded in procuring two setts of gold ear rings, gald bracelet, with three dol lars of money. Party unknow. ANON. i Thirty of the best organ makers Of thfe world are competitors at tho l'aris Exposi tion. A cable dispatch to the Associated Press says two highest gold medals havp been awarded to the American makeH, Mason & Hamlin. A Wonderful Invention. [From the N. Y. Daily Graphic.] An Invention all frugal wives will appro cute—ln fact, an article that even rivals the sewing machine in usefulness—is now on exhibition at the Broadway store of the W Ison Sewing Machine Company, in in city; yet it is so wonderfully simple out it can scarcely be classed as an in dention, and a wonder to everybody tliat it was not discovered years ago. The in vention consists of a very simple little gt tachmcutof the Wilson shuttle sowing machine for. darning all kinds of rids, worn-out places, eet., in clothing, talflo and bedlinen, stockings, underwear etc * in the same manner that it is done by liuud, and leaves the repaired part scarce ly discernible. The operator of the sew ing machine can darn a large-sized hole in a bed sheet or table cloth almost in stantaneously. It is to be regretted, however, that this wonderful invention is putcnted and owned by the Wilson Sew ing Machine Company, of Chicago, 111., who will not permit its use except wit h one of Its make of sewing machines, whicu* the Company's manager states, is furnish ed euoli of the Wilson sliutt sewing ma chine .without extra price. Truly, this is a golden nest egg for the Wilson Sewing Machine Company, and. it is said, they are running tliolr works day and night and makinga nd £>elUng3oo machines a day. HAM AND ODDABS.—I; avery wipererlor Piano or Organ, ly every excellence to any matin at Manufac turer's Wholesale Price, and thus save near y one-half of your money, do not fall, before purchasing, to write for catalogue of do ■crlpilon and p rloos, to Post offlce Box :tm NewYotk. 112-1 y. MARRIED. On th#22nd Inst., at the residence of tlio brb'o s Parents near Centre Hall hv Rev. W. K. FlshdrMr. Jacob r. Lyons and Miss Mary C. t'elstwbltc. loth of Bellefonte. DIED. I . On th# 18th Inst., in Harrlsl township,* Mr. George Murray, aged Jtf years 0 months .and J days ' Mr. Murray was a soldier or 112, belong ing to Gen. Harrison's command, ami was In the service seven months, where he was honorably dlschaiged. lie came from Bucks rountv when nine years ohljand lived on the same farm iu this valley over siuce, a period of 57 years. CHURCH DIRECTORY] UNintn BHKTII IIKN.— Kev. J. M. Smith will preael, ~exl Sunday morning. Kv \NGKI.ICAU— EngIish preaching next Sunday forenoon by Rev. J. C. Stover. B KKoaMon.—Ktv. J. u. Shoemaker, Pastor. English preaching iu Aaronsborg next Sunday evening. Lodge and Society Directory. Cornet Band will meet In the POWJI Hall on Momtuy uud Thursday evenings. l'rovidonoa Gmngo No. 217 P. of 11., meets In Alexander's block on the 2nd Ba tiirtlayofeaeli month at 6W P. M. and on the 4th Hat un lay of each month at \i< p. *. Millheim Lodge N0.955. 1.0. O. F. meets in the Nep llall, Peun street, every Saturday evening. ♦ •fll?® *J,Hlhelm 8.,% L. Association meets n •hoTown Hall, on the evening of the o£onl M> inlay of each month. NOTICE. R. F. Brown of the boro, of Lcwisburg, in the County .of; Union, applies for four • iV, e d acres of lan J situated in township of Haines.and county of Centre, adjoining binds of William Far'ter, William Gtdd & others on tlio cast, |Ua%id Scritmer on the south, MarSaret and Robert Irvin ou the west, Michael Gratt and Joseph Henry on thiuorlh. 37.4. Millheim Market. Wheat No. 1 90 Wln at No. 2 go Corn 40 B>e 40 Oats White 20 Data, Black 22 Buck w hunt 60 ' '°ar V.'.'.'.V.V 5.n0 Bi-aa A Shorts, per hundred 85 2 (W Pla-dor. ground 10.UO Cement, j>er Bushel 45t050 Barley 50 Tvniothvseed Flaxseed C'lorprseed Buttkir . . 14 Hanp J \ eaL Potatoes go f-wd* 7 Tallow 7 Sowp. 5 Dried Apples Dried Peaches Dried Cherries 4 COAL MARKET. Fjrg Coal | '.75 Mow " 4,0 Chestnut " * " 4,50 uea " '. a.25 Corrected every Wednesday by Gophart A Musscr. t" I *'." 1 11 ■ immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm t)C FANCY CAIIDS with name, 10c.. Plain hj or Gold. 150 styles. Agents Outfit inc. Aull Co.. ▲shland, Mass. 36 4. no ChroinoCards, (iierfeet leauties) with tiV name. 10\ Outfit 10c. Turner Card Co. A.-lilan J. Mass. :-4. in /\AA AUEMTfI WASTED. XUjUHJv/ Only those who mean bus iidss. and desire to make from #2 to #ls per day need apply. Scud 1 cent stamp for par ticulars. Kev. S. T. BUCK, ,Mi ton, Northumberland Co., l'a. 37-4. PI AN lIQ I lMI (IU l'rlce # '4O only ™ w *<\ Pajiertree. DANIKL F. BHATTT Wnslnngton. N. J. .34-4 SPECIAL OFFERS FOR Newspaper Advertising W 1 publish a book of 112 pages 8 vo. (no advertising) Kiting special offer* for ad vertising all over the country. Prices lower than ever offered before. The last edition &ent post paid on the receipt of 25 cents by DAICH\ & CO.s Printers' Warehouse and Advertisement Ageucy, 191 Fulton street, N V 34-4. Ear Diseases Dr. C. K. Shoemaker's book on Deafness and Diseases of the ear and their proper treatment—especially Running tar. How to get immediate relief from aU the unpleasant ness of this disease, and a perfectly harmless and permanent cure. A book fevery family should have. Sent free to all. Address Dr. P. K. SHOEMAKER, Aural Surgeon, Reading, l'a, 304. ■ 4- NOW READY! The Grand Achievements of STANLEY olly II fly Hon. J. T. Headley , the Prince of de scriptive authors, A lull history of his ex plorations in Africa and marrelou a jour neys down the Congo. A new exciting book, bristling with wild adventures and thrilling scenes of "danger. Is profusely illustrated. The public eagerly await it. It is selling wenderfnlly. pi TTmyflW beware of misstatements of ln uuUllUn teresfed parties, but send for pf oof of genuimnes* and full description of this work, also terms. 30-4. Citier "■"" Preserves PRESERVING FLUID. W. ZINSSER & Co., 197 WiMam Street, New York. 3S-1. The ANTIDOTE TO ALCOHOL FOUND AT LAST. TilK FATHER MATHKW REMEDY! Is a certain and speedy cure for intemper ance. It destroys all appetite for alcoholic liquors and builds up the nervous system. After a debauch, or any Intemperate indul gence. a single teaspoonfnl will remove all menialnud physical depression. It also cures every kind of FEVER. DTSRERSIA and TORPIDITY of the LIVER. Sold by all drug gists. Price *1 per bottle. Pamphlet on ''Al cohol. its Effects and Intemperance as a dis ease,' 1 sent free on writing to the Father Mathew Temperance & Man'f'g. Co.. 38 Bond St, New York. 38-4. AOKNTS WANTRD 0% B Pfc MM If* for Dr. Farch's 11 MftJ M I*l NK V OOK I IIM fli\ Dawn In this new volume the Popular Author of NIOUT SCENES IN TUB HIULB portrays with vivid and thrilling force and eloquence the events of Sacred Truth, and adds fresh testi mony to the beautv, patlies and sublimity of the Stories of the bible. Agents will find this Book with its sparkling thoughts, glow ing style, beautiful Engravings, and rich bindings, the best in the market. Terms Liberal. Circulars Free. Address, .1. C. McCurdy & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 38-4. PARIS. 1878 AT EVERY Two Gold Meant,. TTT ljt. SWKDKN, 1818 W OrlCl S JS! EXPOSITION vikssA, ' 1838 FOR 12 YEARS PARIS IHBJ flI g H gg T HONORS Bart' bceti awarded the . MasoN b HamliN CABINET ORGANS. At the Paris Exposition this year they ar® awarded TWO GOLD MEDALS, the highes 1 recompense at the disposal of ihe jury. They have also received the GRAND GOLD ME DAL OE SWEDEN & NORWAY, 1878. No other Amerieau Organs have ever attaided highest award at any world's exposition. Sold for cash or payments by Installments. latest CATALOGUES, witli newest styles, prices &c.. free. MASON & HAMLIN Olt- GAN CO., BOSTON. NEW YORK or CHI CAGO. SM I I'. ai.iiLi.lii. ... A. hloobli. GEPHART & MUSSER DBA I,UIIS I?f I drain, Clovereeed, Flonr A Fcwl, i'oal,| , Planter A Malt. MILLHEIM, PA. Highest market pilcj paid forSallTclnds o O^AUST, Delivered eltlier at the BUI TK MILL or at the old MI? ASK it MILL, In MfLLIIEIM. GOAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on hand and Hold at prices that de fy competition. A, "hare of the public patronage respectfully olJeiteJ. 3P-ly tin to tmnn j, nvo 2 ted ' Wa s ■•• s*ll2.so 'trgsn, #SS. Organs 12 stops #72. O Church Or pins 16 stops, price #:fciO only #lls. Ele gant f.175 Mlrror Top Organ*. onlv#lus. Buyers come and see me at home. If 1 am not as repr< sen ted. K. 11. Fare paid both ways and Piano or Organ given free. lunge Illst. Newspaper with much information about cost of PIANOS & Organs SKNT FKEK. L'lease address DAM EL F. BEATTY, WASH INGTON, X.J. 27-4 w WANTED. A . Energetic Man or Woman in every County to take an Agency for two of the most popular Publications. Six of the Finest Chromos, mounted and stretched (24 x3O) to Every Subscriber. The Iter Combination Ever before offered to AgeiP s. and the Most Liberal Inducements to Subscribers. Our Fine Publications. Klegap. Premiums, and Large Commissions place us ahead of all Competitors, Illustrated Circulars Free. E. P. & L RKBTEIN, Publishers, North East Corner 7lh aud Dlokiusou Streets, Phil adelphia. AGENTS WANTED. Pure Teas in Sealed Packages. AGENTSWANTED EVERYWHERE sell Teas to families, hotels, and lar •- consumers—the largest stock in the couut o to select from—qualities of all description from the highest Imported to the lowea f: null's—a large discount, and a handsome ncome to all who sell for us—country store keepers. druggists who wish to sell "teas in sealed pound packages, peddler, and, in fact, all who wish to obtain an honorable living by .selling teas should write us for a circular. 22-3 m. THE WELI 8 TEA COMPANY, F. O. Box 4560. 201 Fultou St., New York HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessor, and yet they are within the reach of every one who will use WRIGHTS I.IYER P1.1.5. The only sure CURE for Torphl Liver, Dys pepsia. Headache, Sour Stomach. Constipa tion, Debllltv, Nausea, and all Bullous com plaints and Blood disorders. None genuino unless signed "Win. Wright, Pbila. 1 ' If your Druggist will not supply send 25 cents for one box to Barrick, Roller & Co., 70 4th St. Phlla By T. S. Arthur. Is the most POWERFUL aud COKYINCINO temperance work ever written. Describes the work of Murphy, Reynolds. Inebriate Assylums, Prohibition, etc. Is just the book: to warn the young, reclaim the erring, enlighten the people. PATH Kits. MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS should buy It fOr their young men. "/ be lie re it will be a power in the right direction."— Henry A. Reynolds. "It is just the book- for the times." —Hon.Win. E. Dodge. "Your ad mirable work is aU right."— Hon. Neal Dow. "As I closed the book. 1 thanked God and took courage." I — Mrs. L. K. Leavltt. Treas. W. C. T. L. Agent* report 30 to 100 conies per week. Such success proves its worth. Male and female agents wanted. Terms b era!. HUBBARD BROS., 73-1 Sausoin treet. Philaddelphia. 25-4. |tM| M| Great chance to make mo- SCH ill II "°V. If you can't get gold lIULIIIPU oan ket greenbacks. VVe need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publica tion in the world. Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost evervlwdy subscrilaM. One agent reports making over $l5O in a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage make money fast. Y'ou can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full parti culars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive utrtt free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who en gages mils to make great pay. Address "The People's Journal," Portland, Maine. 31-ly CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. All sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try I>r. KIBS NER'S CELEBRATED COXSUMITIXE POWDERS. These Powders are the only perparution known that will cure CONSIMITIOA and all diseases of the THROAT AND LUNOS—indeed so strodg our faith in them, aud also to convince you that tliey are no hunibng, we will forward to every sufferer, by. mail, post, paid, a free trial box. We don't want your money until you are perfectly satisfied of their curative powers. If your life is worth saviug, don't delay In giving these POWDERS a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large box, $3.00, sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by mull, on receipt of price. Address, ASH & ROBBINS, 300 FPLTQN STW*H. BKOOSI-TN. X. T. W. H. MILLER & BRO., Proprietors of the Furniture Rooms, MILLHEIM, PENNA., Would moat respectfully inform the citizens of Penns and Brush ValHea | that they keep on hand in their Furniture Store, three doors east of the hank CHAMBER SUITST CHAIRS & BEDSTEADS, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN TIIEIR LINE. Repairing done. Orders promptly attended to. Pi ices cheap, to suit tbetimw. CITY HADE COFFINS Always on hand and Bold -AT BOTTOM PRICES. FUNERALS ATTENDED AT ALL HOURS. LC. & S. C. RAIL ROAD. WESTWARD. , 1. 3. 5. I.EAVK A.M. P.M. P.M. Montandon. 7.00 1.55 6.30 rair Ground 7.20 2 30 "jehl 7.28 2.40 \ ieksburg 7„*ts 2 48 Mifltlnburg 7.45 3.15 Mill moot g.oo 3.35 Laurelton 8.10 3.50 • Coburn 9.25 Arrive al Spring Mills 9.50 EASTWARD. I.KA Y B A. M. A. M. P. F M. Spring Mills 10 io Coburn J035 &" relto " 11,45 405 Millmoat 11..56 4.20 Miffllnbnrg 1210 4-50 Yirksburg nlehl 12. "*7 5 is Fair Ground 12 85 SVI Lewisbn- 6.35 {££ £g Arrhe at Montandon.. 650 1.00 6JOO Nos. 1 & 2 connect at Montandon with Erie Ma;;, west on tbe I'hiladelphia &lErieLßali Nos. 3 & 4 with Day Express east amUNia- Kara Express west. Nos. 5 & fi with Fast T.fne west. An Omnibus will run between Lewlsburg and Montandon, to convey passengers to V- ac!fl £ Fx press east on the Phila delphia & hne Railroad. The regular Railroad Tickets wia be hon ored between these two points. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia ck Haven. .9 40 a. rn. 44 Kenovo 11 00 a. m. NIAGARA EXP. leav. Piiilada— 720a. m. " Harrisburg 10 50 a. m. arr. at W illiamsport 2 00 p. m. " Lock Haven 325 p. in. " ** Itenovo 440 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia..ll 30a. m. " Harrisburg — 335 p. in. arr. at Willianisport..7 2" p. m. " Lock Ilaven...B 40p. in. EASTWARD. PACIFIC EXr. leav. Ig>ck llaven..6 40 a. m. " Jersey Shore 714 a. in. " Williams,K>rt 755 a. in. " arr. at Harrisburg.. 11 55 a.m. " Philadelphia 345 p.m. DA\ EXPRESS leaves Renovo... .10 05 a.m. " Lock Haven 1120 a- nr. " Wiiliainsportl24op.nl. arr. at Harrisburg.. 4 10 p. m. " " Philadelphia 7 20 p. in. ERIE MAIL leaves Renovo 8 35 p. m. " 1/ock Haven...9 45 p. m. " Williamsport. .11 05 p. m. 44 arr. at Harrisburg 2 45 a. m. 44 Philadelphia 700a, m. FAST LINE leaves Williamsport. .12 35 a. m. " arr. at Harrisburg 3 55a. m. 44 Phi lade lpi da 7 :t5 a. m. Erie Mall West, Niagara Express West. • Lock Ilaven Accommodation West and Dav Express East inake close connections at Northumberland with L. & B. li. R. trains for Wiikesbarre and Scranton. Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make close connection at Williamsport with N. C. K. \Y. trains north. Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West and Day Express East make close connection at liOck Haven with B. K. V. R. K. trains. Erie Mail East aud West connect at File with trains on L.S. & M. 8. R. K., at Corrv with O. C. &* A. V. It. It., at Emporium with B.N. Y. & P. It. K. and at Driftwood with A. V.K. R. Parlor Tars will run between Philadelphia and Williamsport on Niagara Express West, Erie Express West, Philadelphia Express Fast Day Express East and Sunday Express East, Sleeping ears on all night trains. W*. A. BALDWIN, .GeneraI sup't. Che? ing Tctecco! A ward,a kk<]Ktt! prue at CVntunial Kxfocuion fox llne fVuinj yu.Uitct And unit t. i iij ekttr ae'.tr oj ttttflnunf cii Jlamrnj, The b*l tohacco • ,r made. A * ">ur blu, atrip f aod, tli.it Atrto'i )int ia on erery plti<. Sold hy ldtalrr*. Send .'orK.itnwla, Ire, t C. i. Mfra., IVtofaburg, v®. Geo. F. WARHLB. General Agent, 32-4w Nos. 8 and 5 South Water Street Plilla. lE* Bill EM! n" 0 ""' i'nrißHllre Pills make New Rich BlotHl, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will taka 1 pill each night from I to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a tiling is possible. Sent by mail for Bletter stimps. I. S. JOIINNON *■ CO., Bangor. Me. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Silver Leaf UtlL For Stoves, * Rang-es, eto. ALWAYS READY FOR USE. "vo mixing, xrn onoß iXVy DUST, iN O BRUSH. Circulars free. W. H.STEWART 22-3ir, 64 Courtland St., New Yo.-k. AGENTS! READ THISiT We will pay Agents a salary of tilou pe month, and expenses to sell our NEW nd W°YI>EHFCL INVENTIONS. AddICSS, SUE H AN &CQ., Marshall. Mich, 24-vw WHY (iO WESr? alogue dM a ps, J. F. MANCBA, Dover, Del. • 30-4 w. REVOLVER FREE Address, J. Bowu & 5in,136&138 Wood St ttsbbrg, Fa. 39-4w. ohIAP KANSASLANDS We own and control the Railway lauds of TREGO COUNTY KANSAS, al Jut eer acre on easy terms of payment. Alter nate sections of Government lands can be taken as homesteads by actual settlers. rhese lands lie in the OHEAT 1.1 MESTON E Br- LT of Central Kinsas, the best winter wheat producing district of the United Kates, yielding from 20 to 35 Bushels per Acre. The average yearly raiufall in this county is NEARLY 33 rxcrrxs PER AjrNcsf, one-third greater than in the much extolled ARKAN SAS VALLEY, which has a yearly rainfall of lest than 23 Inches per annum in the samo longitude. STOCK RAISING and WOOL GROWING are VER > I NWIATIVR- The winters are shot l and mild. Mock will live all the year on grass ! Living Stream* aud Springs are numerous. Pure water is found in wells from 39 to EN feet deep. TH* HEALTHIEST CLIMATE IN TUB WORLD! NC fever aud ague there. No muddy or impassible roads. Plenty of fine building stone, lime and sand. These lands are being rapidly settled by the best class of Northern and Eastern people aud will so appreciate In value by the Int provements now being made as to make their purchase at present prices one of the very best investments that can be made, aside from the profits to be derived irom their cultivation. Members of our firm re side in WA-KEENEY, and will show lands at any time. A pamphlet, giving full infor mation in regard to soli, climate, wajer sup ply, &0., will be sent free on request. Address Warren Keeney & Co., 106 Dearoorn St, Chicago. OK WA KEEN Co.; Kansas. Established 1860. "Quality isHieltriie tesMaeapnes THE STANDARD TEA CO. offer In packages of 5 lb. and upward, their standard quality of TEAS, at 50 cts, pr lb. COFFEE, 25 cts. " " ' The Trade y Hotels and large con sumers can order direct from us. Goods tent to any part of the U. S. QUALITY GUARANTEED. STANDARD TEA CO. 2£ Fulton Street. 21 NiuW YORK. AGENTS WANTED ! M-dals and Dlpl mas awarded 'ornOLMANS p ICTOBAI BIBJJgg 2,ooo lllustrations. Address for new circu D, r ?,' HOLMAN, & Co., 930 Arcli street Phila. 23-st. .ID fi A Highest honors at all world* wnUAilO . Exhibition*. AlhSI CATALOGUKSand CIRCULARS with new styles rdiiced prices and sent free. MASON & AMLIN CItGAN CO., Boston, New Yor r Chicago. 21-