sD|c Journal, Wilier & Dciniii£cr. Proprietors 15 o. DEIXINGER, Associate Editor Mliihelm,Thursday Terras— Per Annum. Vcm. Shiver, 15. J.Gilliillan. IS. A. 15. Dmnminff, 20. J. K. liojrert, 21. 11. E. Packer. 22. W. A. Park, 23. A. 11. Foreman, 24. A. .1. Hughes, 25. J. 11. Dusenbcrry, DEMOCRATIC DELEGATE PLEOTIOX. The Democratic delegate election In Centre county will be held at the regular places of holding the general election for each ward, precinct or township, on \Ath, IS7S, be tween the hours of - p. and 0 p. M. The delegates so chosen will meet at the Court House, lhulefoute, on Tuesday, Sept. 17th ls7S, at J o'clock p. m., to nominate one candidate for Congress ; one for President Judge: one for Senator; two for Assembly ; one for Slier iff : one for Treasurer; one for Prothonotary ; one for Register : one for Recorder : two for Commissioners; one for Coroner ; one for Auditor, and erne for Jury Commissioner. The con vention will also select Congression al, Judicial and Senatorial conferees and transact other business. The number of delegates to which each district is entitled under the present apportionment, is as follows: )w. w. 1 Beltefonte }>■ v\ 2 S X. W. 2 Milesbnrg borough 1 i'nlonvilfe " " 1 Hows Til *' '■ 1 Philipsburg " " - Boggs township - Penuer " 3 tturnside 44 " 1 College " 14 1 Curtiu Ferguson ''A Gregg " 4 Haines " " 4 iiallmoon ,J 44 1 Tlic ineijinign Opening A Series of Hsstinas in Loci Haven. THE CIIT ABLAZE TWTH EN THUSIASM. Social to the Journal. LOCK HAVEN, Monday evening Sept. 9th, IS7B. The city is all one vast mass meet ing—or rather a series of meet nigs. The Greenbackers occupy the Coin t House. They had possession of it since noon and would not yield to others. 11011. F. W. Hughs speaks to a middling sized audience. The Democrats have their meet ing 111 front of the Court House. The crowd is immense, and the en thusiasm knows no bounds. A spe cial train just came in from Belle fonte, loaded, crammed and "jammed with Demociats. Curtin isjust now speaking one of his peculiarly happy efforts. Dill spoke and carried cap tive with his logic and persuasive eloquence the vast assemblage of people. Senator Wallace made one of his stirring i speeches, lion. J. Simpson Africa spoke to the fullest satisfaction of the entire meeting. Such a combination of ability and eloquence cannot be surpassed in the state, and the wild enthusiasm pres ages a grand victory in November. Hon. 11. W. Iloyt, the Republi can candidate for Governor, also spoke in front of the Fallon House : but this meeting was not marked either for numbers or enthusiasm. For the Journal. LET MERIT HAVE ITS JLST REWARD Mr. Editor : —Among the many worthy men that are before the De mocracy of Centre county for their suffrages, tlrere i 3 none more deserv ing the support of Democrats than the Hon. i J . Gray Meek, one of the candidates for Congress. Mr. Meek is a life long Democrat, and has stood up in defense of the glorious principles of the party when others around him faltered and fell. Nor is it on party grounds and for party service only" that Mr. Meek's nom ination is asked. He is a gentleman of staunch integrity, first class abili ty and extensive culture, and is thoroughly identified with the labor and industrial interests of the coun ty and district. Mr. Meek is no novice in Legisla tion. having served the county three several terms in the State Legisla ture, with much credit to himself and honor to his constituency. Let him be nominated "by the county and the district will no doubt respond to the action of the Democ racy of Old Centre, by endorsing her choice. PKNNS VALLEY. Hon. A. 11. Dill, Democratic Can didate for Governor, and Hon. A. G. Curtin, the great War Governor, will positively address the Democra cy of Penns Valley, at Millheim ON FRIDAY EVENING. This is the first time a Candidate for Governor ever visits Millheim. Democrats, turn out!!! DISTKUTS. 27. F. K. Bower, 28. A. Boss, 2iL Sol, Poster. !"., 30. Win. A. Murr, 81. C. P. Dull, 32. W. E. Miller, Xk T. it. Ailuins, 34. ,T. A. Woodward 35. It.G Mel-aralm, SO. Win. Kevser, 37. J. H. Ma'lr.o. ; be filled this fall, reminds us that the time for our annual convention is near at liaud. Being neither an of fice holder nor an office seeker, and having no other interest in the con test than to see such men nominated as are best fitted for the respective positions and will reflect honor and credit upon the party, I hope you will allow me a little space in your paper to say a few words on the sub ject of a nominee for Congress, on? of the most important offices to be filled. For this position t nve names aie presented to tlie Democrats of the Conntv those of Hons. I'. GRAY MEF.K, I>. G. I>UMland Ex- Gov. CURTIN. While L have naught to say against the two form er, but am willing to acknowledge their claims upon the party and their devotion to its cause, we think the demand ot the people ao the present time is for the nomination of Gov. CURTIN. lie is eminently fitted for the position, and lias every qualilici tiou, ability, integrity and princi ple,'—necessary to render him one of the leaders in Congress. No one will question that in this respect he is fully equal if not superior to his competitors. Moreover his nomina tion is not only demanded by the people of our county but by the Democrats of the entire district, and if his name will be brought before the District Conference by our coun ty. bis nomination can be effected without a struggle and will cause such an enthusiasm throughout the District as will injure his election by an almost uuanimaus vote. But not only do the Democrats ,of the District but those of the entire State expect and demand this nom ination. It will give strength to our State ticket and conciliate to our party the class of men of whom Gov. CURTIN is a representative, and be worth at least 3000 votes our to State ticket. All this can he accomplish ed by the nomination of Gov. Cur tih—llo part of it by that of either of the other gentlemen named. Besides the nomination would be a good one independent of the above considerations. None that would he made would reflect greater credit up on the district—no man whom we can send could exert greater influ ence for his constituents, or would receive more hearty endorsements throughout the length and breadth of the land. New England and the South send their representative men to Washington and shape and mould the legislation of the nation. Why cannot we do likewise ? Gov. CUU TIN does not seek or ask the nomin ation. The office in this case seeks the man,—the people demand his nomination and we feel confident they will show their feeling 011 t lie subject by the almost unanimous verdict at the delegate elections 011 Saturday next. DILI for Governor and CURTIN for Congress will make a ticket that will be irresistible in the central part of the State, and will send our .State ticket to the gates of Philadelphia, with such a sweeping majority that will defy the arithmetic of repeaters and ballot box staffers. Democrats of Centie do you desire tills result? If so, turn out en massee 011 Saturday and voce solidly for CURTIN for Con gress. Make your influence felt for once in the councels of the party. VOTER. ltcy. (Jto. Guyer, :i prominent Methodist preacher at Hell's Mills, was lined lecently for shootingsquir rels out of season. Tho drouth still continues, there having been no ruin ot any account for a long time. Seeding is about over, but the grain can not germin ate until we 401 rain. __— P. Gray Meek, Editor of the WdtcJnnaa. Ex-Member of the Leg islature, good fellow generally and candidate for Com/rexs, gave our modest printing shard y a call on Thursday morning. Come again, Kiss. ire received a communication on J/emht;/, written in [the interest of a certain prte.ninnd candidate foe q'lnv tint enlist rc~ ijuircd bit publishers of papers. It is n. Editors are sometimes aeeub ntal lv hit by a little lack, and this is just liovv the "venerable sinner'' of the He raid come to be invited to a good, clean bite in the Hush House last week. Hut. the local is veal mad about it and rips ami tears like a in ideap. Ho then whiuningly complains that though he can smell the delicious dishes lie can not get to them. (iret nlhW, sir, will do the business, or if you just happen to be short, try and eousole yourself with the idea "that "the grapes arc sour anyhow." A IS::; I L INVENTION. We clip the following from the Centre lie raid ned endorse wet y word it says. The invention is one of real, pract ieal use, and we hope our neighbor, MR. Luse, may realize handsomely for it : Dennis Du-v. of Milllieini. litis invented a nil obtained a put lit for a very valuable Port .b!.' Jack f>r motive powrs. The in vention relates to a Jack for attacldug to machinery for a'lju the driving shaft of a power, and revolving a bom it, a yoke which carries the snail of a bell dilving wheel and adjusting said yoke upon a segment at any rebuild angle." so that tho belt may bo regu lated a-> desired. One of the |E"on.iuent fea tures is that the motion can be r. verse 1 without wov ins the Jack. Another Is that you can thrash In any part of the barn • re guired without moving • lie Jack a, i:i the old way. It can lie applied to any kind of motive"power. Uig'e.'.s can bo obtained of D.unis I.use. M'dlh. ini, Pa. SPRING HILLS ITEMS. Oapt. Hassenplug is very i!!. The Snii-( lrali>:t was a decided success. Everybody was well pleased. It closed on Sun day evening with addresses I* lb v. W. E. Fisher and Rev. Prof. D. M. Wolf. The church was filled In its utmost capacity, and the occasion will long be remembered by all pres ent. Miss Nancy "Wilson returned front Red ford Springs where site had Ken for health. So try to say—no improvement at all. I. J. Grenoble *is now unpacking one of the largest stocks oL' Fall A: Winter Boots Shoes and Heady made Clothing ever brought to lVnns Val ley—untqualed in price and quality. 1 J. D. Long is building an oiliceat Ills coal yard near the Depot. John is a go-ahead fellow and we wish him success. YOXEY. To THE EDITOR OF THE JpUR* NAL : Rarnmu's Rig Show will visit Lock Haven next Tuesday. Read Rambler's long article on the outside, lie talks like one who knows what he is about A lady ninety years of ago recent ly walked from Philadelphia to Reading, in four days. It is thought that Rev. Samuel E. Furst may receive a call front the Lutheran congregation of Relle fonte. • ♦ About lifty good chestnut posts ami about ten couls of good lirewoed will be taken at the .Journal oil'tce on subscription. tf. What do you think of one hund red aid sevi nt v-l'ive fence posts made out ot one tree? This was done in Ltbanon county, recently. Dr. J. W. Statu, of Millheim, hereby announces himself as a can didate foi the cilice of County Treas urer, subject to Democratic rules. At last Spring Mills is to have an iron county bridge too. Wo con gratulate our neighboring town up on the much needtd improvement. See letting notice by tho county i commissioners. An exchange says that Rellefonte has 700 dogs. Rut how can every dog have his day when there are neatly twice as many dogs as there are day's? Guess the rule don'l apply to Rcllefoute. Wm. S. M li.'.c oiV.-rs liis services to the owners of lots on tho ceme tery, to clean and trim them. lie will put family burial plots in good and neat enndi ion for a very rea sonable sum. tf. The yellow f, ver '-out inner to rage in our Southern cities with unabated fury, and the condition of things is : truly appalling. It is the dutv of the people of the North not only to pray for but to In dp their Southern brethern with their mentis. Mr. llarry Taylor has opened a Coach Painting shop nt lVnn Hall and is now prepared to do all kinds |of painting in his line. Mr. Taylor I is a mechanic id' skill and t xperienee | And all work entrusted to him will be executed in.a satisfactory man ner. Give him a call. That most enterprising fellow, J. New - man. .Ir. of tin' Eagle Clothing Hall, R Ilefoute, has secured the services id' Mr. Jack-on, ore of the Kst cutters and litters in Philadel phia. Mr. Jackson under-lands his business thoroughly and people wiso get tht ir suits made at Newman's will get jtfs to their hearts* delight. THE RED I'uoxr Fr UNIT urn: STOKE of Jacob Lower, Lewisburg, Pa., is one of Lie best places in this part of the state l to be a big tiling. Col. Piolette, Pres. C.;l-j del*, and Mr. Train, will speak on be- ; half of the l'utrous. and Gen. Bea ver for the Ct liege. T'ii• College Cadets will be r< 5. wed. Restaur ant will be on the git un.l for the ac commodati>n of tl.<* public. Large : delegations fiom m ighl orlng coun- ; tries have pi on.isoil to be present.! T'ne paiblic is respectlullv invited l-j ; attend. DEDKMTIOX. The new Odd Fellows Hull in | Millheim, will be d.Niieati-d accord- ■ iitg to the rites and ceremonies of the I. O. of O. F. Friday. Sept.. ! zTili. IST ; . A number of other | Lodges have l cen invited and are 1 expected to lu present. Several , Bands have Ken engaged for the j occasion. Addresses will be deliver- j ed by prominent members of the I Order. Grand Parade at 11 o'clock. Din- ; ner at the Millheim Hotel, at t| o'clock. Tickets for Dinner can be! had of the committee, By order of Millheim Lodge, No. 953 D. O. PEININOE::, j 1). H. MINGLE I J. F. IIOUSEL, ! Cor,l. A. (>. PEIXIXGKR, I B. F. Mi I.LEU, J () 1 S iturdav m irniiig the birn of .T-icob Ilasel, 1 ear Madisonhtirg, in Brush Valley, burned to the ground with all its contents. The lb** must have started after it o'clock, as Mr. Ilasel was up and out about that time. We understand that the barn was insured to a fair amount, but the grain, feed and implements were not insured, and the 10-s falls heavi ly 011 the tenant, Mr. .Jacob Ilasel, •Jr. The cause of the lire is a mys tery. EXAJIH.Vims OF TEA!II • i; as FOR 1878. Tun I XAMINA . fo\ OF Irou TIIK SCHOOLS OF Oivrui: UOCNTY WLL RE IICTD AS r 01. lows: Harris, Boilshirg, Friday. So:t. 1.1. S'jH ing, a!i inii.e's School lions *, Monday, ft pt. 16. ;•:*. Knox s School House, \1 cd'.iesduy, Sept. is. Uoilcp". Leniont. Thursday, Sept. 10. I'i.ttcr. I '' IRI ids'v. .-Vpt. A', (in*™, IVnn Hn I.Saturday.Sept. 21. Walker, Hublcrshurg, Monthly. Sept. 2.'t, Marion, Jacksou\ ille, Tuesday, Sept. 24. Liberty. K;e:l viiic, Wetlnes Ivy. Sept. a".. Howard and Cm tin, Howard, Thursday, Sept. 21 I'l'iiii, Millheim. Saturday, Sept. Hauit-s. A.iron- burg, .Monday. Sept. EO. Miics. ltoUrsi urg, Friday, Oct. I. REBERSBURG* FRAGMENTS. Seeding is over. Mrs. Abby Miller's house is near ly completed. As. s. Union Picnic will he held in Mr. Geo. Brmigarts Grove, 011 Saturday Sept. L'l. I S7S. Apples are ordinarily plenty throughout the valley. Very fortunate —the lady who had two chances to go to Camp-Meet ing—but imagine the feeling of him who came out of the contest second best. The adage "Never promise impossibilities" comes very nicely into question in this case. Mr. C. C. Zeigler lias of late de livered a series of Lectures in oui town, 011 "Geology"—"Witchcraft and its teachings 111 the Bible" and "011 Ilell" —claiming that all will be saved, there being no such a thing as Eternal Punishment. Rev. W. M. Landis took ihe 'oppo site side of the question and very clearly proved hat there is a Ilell. Mr. Z. will challenge the llev. gen tleman to a public discussion 011 the subject. ANON. A Mr. DtmililaziT Killed tweuly oiu rattle snakes in one nest last work, u| noar Wilkesbarro. Tliat'M •l<> Mr. I*. ; vou'roolootoil Iv a largo majority. I'lease step three pares to the trout. Rt XALLY A RRI'STKR. — Ait Al /<': a dozen others follow d, and we fell so sorry \v • could u. I aect pt ail. Addresses were delivered by K\- (iov. I'igier, Lx-(.ov. ( urtin, (en. las. A. Beaver, Rev. J. <1 Shoe maker and 1 lev. S. 11. Thompson. -V w.y comprehensive, very inter esting Listen* of the school was read iy Rev. .T. T\ Wilson, soli of L'cier Wilson. Ksq., the veir-ran .Su perintendent of the school, who just fifty years ago was pit sent and par ticipated iit its organization, and has Uen a faithful l.ihorer in it ever i It was Inn universally expressed opinio!! tins was tin* most su<*- eessfu!. pl.-a-; nit .iiid it is hop*,l prof ite.Llc Stm lav S.-'iool festival ever held in this valley. The cause re ceive! an impetus on llrt* Semi-C li tem;!;:! picnic. Sept ."t It, • H7S. Halt will Im'.iv p* >(1 fruit for i teruit v. services were continued, as part of the festival, en Thnrs.lay, Friday ami Saturday i veilings. iu the l'resbvtei ian church, in which {.!.•■ school is held. The following ministers of the eos'pei were present : —ltev. .his. 1 ). Wilson. Key. S. If. J*|iOiop> >n. ltev. John Tornlinson. Hi v. J>. M. 'Volt, Ih'v. W. J-:. Fisher. Rev. It. \\\ Whitney, Roy. ,J. Shoemaker, Rev. S. Crittenden, Rev. IS. G. non. MARRIED. On tlie Ist at the nMb no-*of the bride"- n:u. Nts, by i.s v. s. M. it, !.•••, x* i-; .Jacob T. Missn'T "ami Mi>- Susannah Tl!>- bons, botli (>f Or gg to. 1 a .hip. DIED. f*n th" ard Inst.,la Penn to v. nship, f'liris tina Nees, aged c.jcurs, a months and i> days. CHURCH DIRECTORY. KV.vngk! i'-at.. —Herman preaching next Sunday nioi ning, ly ltev. F. Deiuireccr. I.i'THEHA J. Tomlinson. Parlor. Herman jireaei. - lift in Aar.msburg next Sunday at a o'clock, p. M. Un'OKM'tn. l!c'\.T. u. Shoemaker. J'l-tor. English preaching in Van no burs next Sun lay afternoon at 2 o'clock. VI v nioDisT. —The second Quartet ly Meet ing of l' nns V liley Pin nit will h ■ 'hel.l iu Midle im. Saturday and Sun I sy. i!\e 1 It!: & I'.ih insl. !••*.*. Prof. Dean! A. M., of 4'i'iina. Slate Colhuu . i-> exoec'.e I to proa c'i Saturday evening. and Sunday. Quarterly t'oate.ence will meet immediately after preaching on s u sir lay evening. Preaching iu Aaroiisburg, Friday evening. Lodge and Society Directory. The Milllieiin Cornet Band \s ill meet In tlie Town Hull on Monday and 'iiiursd.ay evenings. Prov ulenee H range No. 217 P. of 1!., meets in Alexander's ldoek on t lie -ml Su turduy of each month at oP e. k. and on the It li Saturday of ouch month at IhJ v. si. Millheim Lodge No. l .).V>. 1.0. <>. F. meets iu tlie New Hall, l'enn street, every Saturday evening. 'J'lie M.lllicim It. & 1,. Association me-ds iu the Town llall, on the evening of Hie Second Ms r.duy of each mom h. LETTING, —The Commissioners of Oen- J tie county will receive Proposals utilil VI o'clock, nooii, Tuesday, Kept. 17tb, N for the building abutments for a bridge aero: s Sinking Creek at Spring Mills; plans and specitieatious can lie scon at the Commis sioners oftico, ilellefoute, Pa., uhere bids will be received. The Commissioners re tain the right to regret auv alid all bids, •i. N i:wi.!N Hai.i., i ANDKKW TINRUO, < Commissioners. LI. A. IDLNUI.K, ( PIANOS AND IfiICTEE a very supcrerior Piano or Organ, eyual ly every exeel'ence to any made at Manufac turer's Wholesale Price, and thus save near y one-half of your money, do not fail, before purchasing, to write for catalogue of de scription and prices, to Post office Box 31)83 New York. Hilly. AmioiincciiioiKH. | ... CONGRESS. , i are authorized i• > announco licit D. (I. Hash, Khj., of llclh'lonto, w ill tie a can didate forCnngrcss. sul>jol to tie 1 decision of the Pi iioeiatie t '.u;nt> Convention. M•' jl | 'f Uti'.lioi i/etl to announce that I*. Ot av Meet of ll'dlefonte will he a candidate fort'on;: rts-i, subject to the decision of the I 'inncrath County and district convention. SEN ATE. V\e artiauUio.!/<•( to announces the name of C. I. Mexander. Ksi|., of Itellefonto us ii wutdlivM* for State Senator, subicct to the decision if Democratic County Convention. JI'DICIAL. We ariimitlin i/od to announce tbut C. S. McCormirk. Hsu., of l.ock Haven is a candi date for the offlue of President Judjie of this district, subject to Democratic rules. SHI HI IT. We ire authorl/.'ul to announce that John It. Pair, of Perm township. Is a candidate or sheriff, suh|o-t to Democratic vui M e lire authorized to announce thai h. T. Mumon. Esq., of RcUpfonlc, is a candidate for SlierilV. subject h> the decision of the bi'iiiocrtitio County Cpnvi nllon. We are iiutkorl'rd to announce that Ceni-KO Hafter, of Palter town .hip. Is a can didate for sh-riff. sublet to the decision <>f bornie ratie Countv Convention. W<• arc authorized to announce that Joh'fi it. Iz*at!.cr. of Howard township. Is a can didate for Sheriff, subject to Hie decision of the Democratic Countv Convention. LEGISLATE EE. Wc arc authorized to announce that W. A, Murrav, of Hoalsbiirtr, is a candi dal' for Legislature, subicet to tin' decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorize I to announce that W. b. Mincer. C.s.i., antwninc.''tirC I*. P. Mijsx •!'. now of Kcllcfoote is -i candidate for Countv Treasurer, sublet to I he decision of the li.nnoenitie fonntv'ConveoHon. Wc are *iuMor|/cd to announce that Per ry W. McDowell. of Howard Borouirh, s a eandid ite for County Treasurer, sut ec to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that .1. li. Holt, i si, 0 f Snow sji i.'i-> a candidate for County treat tirer, subject to tic dicisionof tin* !• mecratie Cotinly COIIV< ntum. We areaetiiori/.<"t to 'innoutit •• Adam Veai i'. of Marion township, is a candidal ■■ for Coutiiy Tn a.>urer, nl-j< ot t" Dciuoera'ie rules. V.c are authorized t > announe • that R. I*. I, a:licr <, Esq., of UiUouvllle, will boa can !•* Countv ricasurer. subject to the 1 k'litocj at:c i 'onn ty (\>n\ cut ion. PP.OTIIONOTAItV. We iu e ledhori/.ed to announce that Sam uel M. AUarl/. of l'ot'.er township, is a can didate fo; i'rotiionotai y, stihjeet to Demo e.atie rak's. We are authorized to annonnee that R. I'. it, r, IVt.. of Walker townsiiiji, is a can didate for tite office of Protiionotar., subieet to t!c action of lie Deinocrulie County Con vention. Wt arc autii'Tizcd to announce S. I'crint;. IS'i , of tiicut township, as a can didate for Prolhonot ti y, sabicct to the de cision of the Democratic County Conven tion. We are niihori <*d to announce that Rob ert t;. Ibdd.of 1 ei'-iison i >\vit.ship, is a can didate ftir Protiionota.ry. subj.-. ■*. n the iieci s; >n of the Democratic Co a ity Conven tion. Hesnra. Walter & Deinlngcr: Please an t!>>n:i Coat l pur pose to l>e a c*i!i !> late for t!ii' of IVothonotary. and if s • t >rca;:ate as to p e ivc Hit* iavorabie considerali.ei of ni> f.-:>oe. 1< .nocra's in I'.eir pitniari s. ni'ol.c , Mill p e l- * my •< , b. if elected, to a taU'iful met s >tisi.i-lory discharge of tin dutii of the office. S. T.Hhcgkut. We are anlii >rize.| to announce tliat (•. W. Kumbci cr, of Paiton Town hip is a candi date lit, Pi'ulhouu'.ary, sulijeet l> lieiaoerat ie rule--. l OM MISSION Kit. Wc are atlthoi'i.'c Ito anr.e;it.> , . > tliat bco. V.. stovej-. K>'i . >d Penn township, is a can didate for tin nfllceof County Conuuiasiuu er. s|th| et to the a< li >u of the lleuiocraltc • . unl> Convent'oii. We are authojized toanoottnee that A. J. Hrici, iis.|.. of Uuiouville. will ! • a candi d.t for Co.mty Coinini -l uicr. sabjeet Jo the a ii i of tlie Demoeia'.i • County Con vention. We are authorized to announce that John Hoy, Jr., of M .rion township, it a camli d te for ( -mi >i> • oiauti -ioic'r, sutseet t t la* decision of ihe i iMUcrutic County Con vention. We are authorized to announce J. II Haliu. of Mih-s'ou'if, us a candidate for County Commissi iner. subject f-> the ile eiston of the Democrat;county Conven tion. We rtt>'an'.liori/cd t< announce that 11. A. Minrff, IN. of Raines township, is a c i.>• tor County Comm.ssjouer, sui j< i to the action of the Democratic County Conventh n. We are authorized to announce that John 15. Heekiu-in, of llrcaa township, is a candi date fur County Commissioner, subject] t<> the d vision yf'jlnj D> nijviati■•'.'uuhty Con vfniion. We are authorized to announce that J. Newlin Hall, ot Howard township, is a can didal" for County Commissioner subject t> the decision of lite iX'inoeralie County Con vention. KKCORDIIIt. We are authoriz >i t> announee that W. A. Tobias, now of li 'defonfe. is a candidate for rc '.aunination t th" <1 vision of the Democratic Coun.y Con vent ion. KKCISTKR. We ate authorized to announ •<• that W. E. lUirclnh-id. of Reilefoufc. Isa candidate for i ;•> iitina'cm !• rlh i;.s. r. vtbje-1 to I lie d<'cisiju oi the Dciuoeratie County Conven tion. VSillbeiin .tlarket Wheat No. 1 old I'd Wheat No. 2 s; Porn ltye M Oats While Oats, Slack 2'.' liiicloi iu u t FJour b.tVi Bran v Shorts, per hundred tt Plaster, ground 10.1)0 ( ei.lent, tier llti-hel 45 to ."si It ii ley 50 Tvmotlr. -ced Flaxseed • 'lev ersced Hatter If Hams Sides Veal Fugs 14 Pel at ies f I .ai d < Tallow 7 soap 5 1 ried Anples 1 ried Peaches 1 tried Cherries. l COAL MAUKET. Egg Coal if 1.7"' stove '• I.all Pin stunt '* 4. ■'> Pel " 3.25 Corrected every \Vodno.~duv ly ciephart & Mussor. p. r w.■*.—P=a rrzrm^ nr FANCY CAUDS with name, 10c.. Plain Z" or Held. I.".tt rtyles. Agents Outfit l-e. Aull & Co., Ashlar.d. Sla.-s. 30-1. r.n ( hromo Cards, (ne. fee; beauties) with Zj name. lue. O'utlit lee. Turner Card Co. Ashland. Mass. 36-4. cjn M S iCA price ifi'AH)on I>,iNir.t. F. ltn.vTTY Washington. N..1._ .'U-t SPECIAL OFFERS FOR, N swspaper Advertising We pnblho ah iok of 112 pages s vo. (uo adverti-inc) giving special otl'ers for ad \ei l i-ing all over tic country. Prices lower than evr ottered before, 'the last edition sent j>n*t paid on the receipt of g"> cents liy DAFCHV N co.s Printers' Warehouse ami Adv"iils.'iueut Agency, lid Fulton Street, N. V 34-4. Ear Diseases Dr. ('. K. Shoemaker's hook o'n lVnfr.e-s ami IMseascs of the ear and Pa ir pro|r treatment-especni'ly itumiing Far. lioiv to get iiiihiioliat>' relief from n./tlieunnh asanl icess of tins disease, ami a jtcrfecUfj hai mless and permanent cure. A hook'every family slmuid have. Rent .free, to all. Address Dr. p. M. Shoe u.\Kim, Aural Surgeon, ltemiing, Pa, 3d 4. NOW R£At>Y! The Grand Achievements of STANLEY mm By lion. J. T. Ileadlejt, t lic Prince ot de scriptive authors, A full history of his ex plorations iu Africa and marvelous jour neys t'own the (iom/o. A new exciting hook. Prist ling with uild'advenlurcs and thrilling scenes of danger. Is profusely illustrated. The public eagerly await it. It is selling wonderfully. ntllTTfllJ P'cware or misstatements of ln- Ufiu ilUil terested parties, lint send for proof or genuineness and jull description of this work, also terms. 36-4. Kh. Awtft Waatel I\ liGI'HAKT. 11. A. MISSKK. GEPHART & MUSSER DEAI.I'IfS IN (■rain, Ciovorseeil, Flour V Feed, Foal,' (Master A Salt. MILLIIRIM, PA. Highest market price paid for'alllktiiil* •> O-K/AJTIT, Delivered either at tlie'r.lHCK MILL or at the old M CSS Kit Ml 1.1., in M11.1.11K1f.1, COAL, PLASTEP- & SALT Al ways on hand and sold at prices that de fy competition. A share of the public patruiiune resj ectfuliv olieite.i. S-'-ly sl3 70.51300 XX't&ZIIZX <-iy iiioutli. I.ook scut fre" j>! iinii. ; \- eiytlilii". Addtess, RAXTJ-.IJ r. CO.. I?." ti Ktis, 17 Wall M., New York. U7-4w is a - l-iitiire'lteinedy, lieinp tlie LgCi _ result of y ais of .study by a ■ ■ >- nroinineiit l iiysa-Jati. a:ul imviim , ■ . lii'cn use I iii i;i-. o'tvu practice a *-ZV lone while 1> tore iv:ng Kiveil to m>i g : the public. It is the gr< at FXIBOKLiS REMOVER. •-> rik' l "'! Complexion ItcK.itifi " —r:i r. N•>t it I nr Itlo' 11 li >s ever l> f-'i'e I c> n oil. 11'|. ltdix'Stl.e __ '" work like Mapie and is Perfectly Harmless—ic-ivin;! the Skin lik-- QM —. v t, and the complexlod as P I'lcar r.s'.l. ; P cents per rp> >" ' SOLD I:Y ALL DUXJUCISTS. ! Tl.c only c>i' d.inatioii S milfils'x of Ihe I rue Jamaica ij.xAl vfftu ij e> r with clime-' Aroinat j i"s and Krcne!i Rrandy | for Cholcr. , ..Cliolera Mor- B t *5 t IP I leas. <"ramps and Pains, r/.i n til A ; iM.irrho aand Dy cntery. I\ spepsj t, Flaluh n v. Want of l mi • and A*tiv '-'L'J* itv in th<- Stciune'a am! IJ *.J Poweis i.' il ..v iding th • linr.'.cii ..f Cliange of Water. Fo.kl and Climate. Ask for Wanfoju/S JAMAH A (IINOKI:. S7—IW ri\v> • oggig slilooo .'."ilj sl'fV. Sujnwl, •;ranTl""iV: i'lar.os price fI.IOO o>i!y >2".5 Kb*.ant I l'. iyi : t |:i||(s, price -.VIO o'.li l.t.i. New >ty!>■ t'pi iyht Pi.ili >s*ll'.AO ".rjians >- t ■ i only !•>. 171c p.aiit y 7". 15 i rror 'I o; Oryans. cnl vfhi >. Riiyers come and see nic ;.t iiomc, it 1 am not as represented, E. fL Fare paid ix'tii ways and Piano er Oriran Ctvwn free. Larire IINJ. New>pajcr with touch information aboii'cos; o? Pi amis & (he; INS n:sr fkkk. Please addi . -s DAM PL P. 11LAT1 V. W ASU -INUTOX, X.J. -J7-4W """ WAITED/ V . Micrectlc Man or Woman in every County to take an Apen y for two of the in m poputar PiiblP'.ttions, six of the Pines' Chroraos, mounlcj and strcl- lied (it\ 0) to Kvi-ii Subscriber. The He.- Combination liver b''fore otfered to Ajren's. and the Most Pibesal Iml'.i.'cim ut> to'ribers. Our Kine Pubiicaiions. Premiums, and Large Commissions place us ahead of all Competitors, lliu>traicd Circulars Free, K. P. & L, REST KIN, Publiahers, North EaM Corner 7th and Dickin-oq btrevds. i'hii adoipliia, AGENTS WANTED. Pure Teas in Sealed Packages. V GENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE ' sell Teas to families, hot'ds. and lar i' consitmerft—the lar r.-si stock in the count to s 'lect frolu—qualities ot all lics-'iipiion from the hipi'.cu imported to Die lowest grades—a larjje discount, and a income to all who sell for us—country store keepers. druggists w !io w is'i to sell teas in v *aled p 'trill na-'kages. peddl-r. and. in fact, ali wini wish ti> obtain an honorable livlnj; by selling teas shoul-1 vv: it>' in for a circular. 22-fbu. THE WELT S TEA COMPANY, s*. i>. Pox -l.">0o. r* i Etdfen St., New York HEALTH AND MSEST Health aa>l Hapniu *ss are priceless Wealth to their possessor,and yet ihey are within the reach of every one who w ill use VV RUS&TS LIVE it PILLS. The only sure < PRE tor Torpid Liver, Dys pepsia, llcadaehc, s.>u r Stomach. Constipa tion. Dcbltitv, Nausea, and ail Rillioits com plaints and Riood disorder.*. None ccnuiim nnliss (signed "Wm. Wrifbt, /'inia.' If your Drtii-'Kint will not supply semi 'JS .'"Uts for one l>\ to Rarriek, lioiier A Co., 7e N -4ih St. Phila !y. r. s. Arttuir. Is tlie most rowiairn. and CONVINCING temperance w srk ever written. Dcscriln s the work of Murjihy. Reynolds, lie Ini it-* Assylnins, Prohibitieu. etc. Is just the fo ir-trn the younu. r< e!*^<. " Vonr e away from home overnight. You can do it as well as others. Full parti culars, direct ions and terms free. KJegant and expensive uttit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No o.ic who en gages toils to'nuiko great pay. Address "The People's Joiil mil," Portlaud, Maine. 81—ly INSUHIPTIQN Positively Cured. Alt an lie revs from this disease that are anxious to lie cured should try I> I*. Kiss- Nl'.lt'S ('El.Etm.vrEl> CoNSLMITIXE PoWUEIU. These Powders are the only perparation known that will cure COSSVMITIO.V and all diseases of the THUOAT AND IO NOS — indeed so strodg our failh in them,and also to convince yon thut they are no humbug, we will forward to every sutler or, by. inail, post paid, a free trial box. We don't want your money until you are perfectly sat'istied of llieir curative powers, it your life is worth saving, don't delay in giving these VOWHEHS a trial, as they will surely cure you. Trice, for large box, sj.t.oo, sent trr any part of the United States or Canada, by mail, oil receipt of price. Address, ASH & ROBBINS, gdsj F'v't LO-i S C;W-U. If UOOXEYN. N. Y. W. H. MILLER & BRO., Proprietors of the furniture looms, MILLIIEIM, PENNA., Would most respectfully inform the citizens of Penns and Brush VaflleS that they keep on hand in their Furniture Store, three doors-east of the bank, CHAMBER," SIMU tvi 4tuvnrai •*.*%. -vAMUkrO ■iq *** " vr9lt — 1 *" ■■■ miwmm CgAißg & TABLES, BEDSTEADS," AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN TllEllt LINE. Repairing done. Orderspromptlf attended to. Ihiees cheap, to suit thetimei. CITY MADE COFFINS Always on hand and sold -APT BOTTOM PRICES. FUXJiJULS ATTENDED AT ALL L. C. & S. C, RAIL ROAD. WEST WAIJ O. 1. 3. X I CAVr. A.M. P.M. P.M. Montnnd'ii T.oo l.' o.:f> LewNburg 7.1", 2.20 l air Ground 7.20 2.31 Plehl 7.2S 2.t0 Vi.-ksburg 7.:;" 344 Miilbuhurg 7.15 3.!5 Millmout 8.00 3. A I.aur iron 3 yo Coburti 0.25 Arrive at Spring Mills 9.50 EASTWARD. 2. I. 0. I.KAVK A.M. A. M. INK. Spring Mills l'Uo ('ot)urn 10.35 Laurel.on . 11,4-, 405 iMillmoiit ll.Vi 4.2,') p. M. Mifflinburg 12 10 4,50 vick-burg i 5.. V 0 with Past Line v.'cst. AIM minibus will rim between Lewlsburg and Moiitaiidnii, to convey passengers to ai.d freni .Pacific Express e.vst 011 the Phila celpt.i 1 A Erie Railroad. The regular Railroad Ticket's will be hon ored between these two points. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL EGAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Div. SUMMEI! TIME TABLE. <>n and after SUNDAY, Juno 2nd, 1878. the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail road Division will run as follows : ... . WESTWARD, ERIE MAIL leaves Philadeipia... 11 ,55 p. ia. Harrisburg....4 25a.m. " Wiliianisport. .8 35 a. in. " Jersey shore..9 07 a. in. " Lock" Ilaven..9 40 a. IIL " Renovo 11 Op a. m. " arr. at Erie 7 55 p.m. NIAGARA EXP. lea v. Phihuia— 7 A) a. in. " Harrisburg b 5 a. in. " arr. at Williamspnrt 2no j>. m. laiek Haven 3 25 p. in. " lienovo 440 p. in. LA>T LINE leaves Philadelphia.. 11 30a. in. ilanisburg 335 p.m. arr. at Widian:sioit..72sp.m. lAH'k Haven...B4op. 111. EASTWARD. PACII'JC EXP. leav. Leek Haven..6 40n. m. " Jersey shore 714a. m. " Wiliianisport 7 .55 a. in. " arr. a! Harrisburg..ll ,V> a.m. I'biladelphia 3 !"> p. 1:1. DAY EXPRESS leaves Renovo— " Lock llavcn 1120 a-in. '• " arr. at Harrisburg.. 4 l- p. m. " " Philadelphia 7 20 p. m. ERIE MAIL leaves Renovo 8 3,5 p. 111. I.vk Haven.. .9 45 p. in. 5v il' 1 uitsport ..11 05 p. in. " an-, at Harrisburg 2 45a. ni. Philadelphia....7 00 a. ni. EAST LINE h vives sViliians|K>rt..i23s a. in. " arr. at II irrjsburg 3 " : a. n:. " Philadelphia....7 35 a. ni. Erie Mail West* Niagara Express West. I ock Haven Yrc'tinmodaiion West and Da> I \i>r ,4; Ktst make ehwe connections at Northumberland with L. & 15. U. K. truius for Y':lke and Soulh Water street Phila. PursoM*' Pnryatlfe Pills make N(v. Kieli Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will taka 1 pill each night from 1 to Id weeks may be restored t<> sound health, if such a tiling is possible. Sent by mail for S letter stamps. I. S. Ji>ls>>OX A CO.. Bangor. Mo. ASK YOU it CtluCElt FOII Silver Leaf tfuS. Fc r Stoves, • Ranges, etc. AL }] . IYS 11EA D Y FOli USE. XT- A MIXING, "VYA or>ou, aN J DUST, J>U lilU SU, Circa irs free. W. H. STEWAKT U2-3!P G4 Courtland St., New Yo ;k. AGENTS! HEAD THISi i We will pay Agents a salary of sfclbO pe month, and expenses to sell our NEW nd WOMIERFUI. INVHNRIONS. Addresa, Siinn AN & Co., Marshall, Mieb, 24-4W WHY GO WEST? alogue and Maps, J. F. MANIIA, Dover, Del. 30-4 w. REVOLVER FREE VBTtSPSBSS Address, .t. liown & Sou. 13(5 XI3S Wood St., Lisbbrjr, Pa. 3h-4w. I cxa ::EIAJ= KABSfISUNDS t WPMIKUK! control the Railway lands of TKKGOCorXTV, KANSAS, about equally divided by the Kansas Pacific Railway, which we are selling at an average of *3.25 per aero on easy terms of payment. Alter i>ate Mictions of Government lan,ds can bo taken as hom' si. aIKSTON K BKLT of Central Kansas. the best winter wheat producing district of the United *t lies, yielding from 20 to 35 Eushels per Aere. | The average yearly rainfall in this county lis MJAIU.Y INCHES I'KK AKSCM, one-third | greater than in th<- much extolled AUK.VS- I*AS \ AI.LKY. which lias a yearly rainfall of lest than 23 inches per annum m the same longitude. STOt-K llttsiso and WOOL RBOWINO are very LCI MLNKUATIVK. The winters arc short and mild. Stock will live all the year on grass ! Living Streams and S|>rings aro numerous. Pure water is found in wells from tin to 60 feet deep. THE HEALTHIEST CLIMATE IN THE WOULD! NC fever and ague there. No muddy or impassible roads. I'icnty of line building stone, lime and sand. The c lands are being rapidly settled by the best class of Northern and Eastern people and will so appreciate in value by the tin provem•elite now being made as to make their purchase at present prices one of the very 1 investments that can be made, asine from the profits to be derived front th' ir cultivation. M<'inlters of our firm re side in WA-KEENEY. and will show Ltndi at any time. A pamphlet, giving full infor mation tn regard to soil, ciimatc. water sup ply, will be sent tree on request. Address Warron Keeney & Co., b Dearoprn St.. Chicago. OU WA KEENEY. Trego Co., Kafisas, Established 1860- "Qualify istts trns IdofCtape; THE STANDARD TIHA CO. oiler in packages of 5 lb. and upward, their standard quality of TEAS, at 50 cts, pr lb. COFFEE, 25 cis. " " TUe Trade, Hotels and large con sumers can order direct from as. Goods sent to any part of Ike V. 8* QUALITY GUARANTEED. STADiRD TEA CO. 2£ Fulton Street. 21 NEW YORK. AGENTS WANTED ! Medals and l)lpl mas awarded PICTORAL BIBLES, 2,ooolllustrations. .Address for 116w cireu lavs, A. J. HOLAIAN, & Co., 930 Arch street Phi la. 23-st. • -> I? ft A Tad Highest honors at alltoorieT dUlTililu /exhibitions. UATFST CATALOGUES and CIRCULARS with new styles rdueetl prices and much iufoiinatlon went tree, MASON & AM LINt KG AN CO., Boston, New Yor4k r Chicago. 21-t G&Y S LTVERG>\ I -VS. I A DVSFEP<'(M i tea lf4 LIVER STCMACtI C l£AaS TT.E iu