Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, May 30, 1878, Image 4

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    £|e foornal.
" filer & Deinin?B?. Proprietors
<g* g —* ••
m 1 * * ' * '
&4X SkMMttfM?* Associate Editor
lillhcim,Thursday May 30.
—JPMI i4O t 1 * , _ ■.*
f i I ■ I' ■' — u
Terms— Per Annum.
'|f rr--" ■ '.'i
MUUicha on tlu b- C. & s. C. K. Rh** a
population ot ikn\ is a tlirfvlng business
" centre, an>l controlshetiaUe<>l iii aveixgo
railfus or mMpreiaUMniUis. u wiucU tUe,
JoeuHJU. ins a circulation than all
other papera* opined.
The Gooit-t'or-Tothinsr.
"Yes, I think 1 may say without
boasting this is the model
school of the State, and Clarence
Tracy is its model scholar."
Mr. Pigeon, as he spoke, glanced
'at a slight, tall boy, at the head of
the class.
"Always first. "Recites page aftei
page without the break of a syllable.
Obedient, gentlemanly ! Iu short,
sir, it yourdrevorer a fault in that
bov, you must have keener eyes
Uaiu mine."
T It was Mr. Pigeon's last day In
the academy. He had been ap
pointed to' a prolTessdisnip in a col
lege, ami tbe uew teacher, Mi. Na
gle, had arrived to take his place.
Mr. Pigeon, in fact, was inauge/at
ing him in his office.
"Here is the roll of names," be
said. "1 have added a remark to
m t'ACh whiaii miy give yoy a hint ot
the uharaetir of the boy a. You will
flud it useful."
Mr. Xagle looked over iL .
44 l John Steele'—which is John
Steele ?" he asked.
"The loutish, red-haired lad at
" the end of the bench. You'll ol>.
terve the vacancy in his face."
Now opposite John Steed's name
was wiitteu, ' 4 Tke good-fifr-uo th
As the boys changed class, Mr.
Pigeou whispered, 4 T am almost
forced to beHeve that that boy's
mind is impenetrable,—so far as
kuowlulge goes."
*** Mr. XagTe more attention
* V to'Jblin Steele tlniu to any other
boy that afteiuoou. It was undeni
ably" a bad c.we. lie was in the
first page of the Latin grammar,
while other b>ys of his age were
reading Virgil,
John stumbled over the first de
* -.clensibß* breaking doWu invariably
bounded Prauce
by Russia. and moved Canada in a
South America.
Mrt Pigedn had a taste for poetry;
netelMa fiiah fine effect, aud was
that his boys sholild"acquire
ihe satu'e taoie. lie was in the hab
i: f reading some brief poeius to
thorn at of the mornings ex.
ercises. To day he chose Longfel
low's "Ta&hn of Idle.'' The boys
w ere encouraged to give their opin
ions on it. •
tr r i
doea !!• is poem affect you,
ClareuM t? i.sked Mr. Pigeon.
They are most noble verses, sir,.'
said the lai fluently. 4, * We might
Uku eom-ti of them as a motto fur
- our lives."
"Very tfiie. Good criticism.
Aul wiiatdid you think of them.
John ?
t * l A>idn : t think anything."
"Yuu must have had aocao glhn
a - mcr of au idea about them."
John's i'rcchiediace red.
"What was it ? Out with it."
"Any man's a fool to be spendin'
ms tunc ranking footmarks on the
sand," burst out John. "Why
didn't he build sdtnetbiu'—souie
thm 5 that wouldn't wash V"
Mr. Nagie smiled, and locked at
the i iy, puzzled, lie managed to
I.'ill to most of the boys separately
during recess, and among the rest to
• John. *
W I aiu sorry to see you so low in
Sour class, John."
"Mostly foot." V *
"W0 must' Iry uhd bring yon
- * iflft-ghmluliy.
"You can't do it sir," —looking
him straight in the eye, *nd epeak
iug with a ready decision that start
lul the teacher, 4 1 study more
than any boy bote. But I can't
learn. I'm of no account, Air.
Pigeon says."
Mr. A'agle was very patient with
John. But after a few weeks, he,
too began to despair. The boy seem
ed to Lave absolutely 110 memory for
words, and very little for ideas, if
a rule in arithmetic or a fact in
history was-Lammered into his head
to-day, by to-morrow it was sure to
be goLe. As far as his poor brain
was concerned, it certainly seemed
fit it uatuie ureterred a vacuum.
One day John's mother called on
Mr. Nagle. She was a'little anx-
ions woman, dressed in deep mourn-
"Can you do nothing with th°
l>oy J"' she said, with tears com
ing to her eyes. "lie is all I have.
His father is dead. I tope to giye
him a classical course, and to see
him in some profession." * •
"I Will do all I cnn," promised
Mr. Is agio. But his heart sunk
within him.
"Leaving Mrs. Steele, he went
dowu the village street. A erowd
had collected about a trench which
bad bean dug for some purpose.
The door's horse had fallen into
it, and was struggling desperately
to get out, the shelving yellow clay
giving him an uncertain foothold.
Some of the men bad beat him
cruttily and fsouie were trying to
urge him by (fragging at the reins,
All the other* were looking on
solemnly, with their bands iu their
pockets. Just then Mi. Jsagle
heard a clear, authoritative voice.
"Help me bring these planks and
put them In the trench !"
Surely that was John's voico.
To his surprise, the men listened
to him. "What's yer idee, John
ny ?"
"Tlid 1 horse ean help h imstlf bet-,
tcr than all of you can drag liirn.
only give hi u a solid footing."
In live uiioutes the poor beast had
struggled out, with the help of two
or three planks.
lie limped as he was led off. No
body noticed this but John.
"Stop a moment," he cried, and
lifting foot, he picked out
a atone from it with a little tool
whioli lie took from bis pocket ; for
John's pocket was filled with little
tools and queer, tiny mechanical
"Who made them, John ?" said
his teacher.
"t did, sir," looking stupid
\ The next day, about dusk, Mr.
X !gle was in the ferry-bout which
crossed the river at that iioiut,. Sev
eral of his pupils were on board,
com in g back from a match of base
iwuii among them Clarence and
Whea half way across the river,
tliore was a lord explosion, aud Mr.
Xagle found himself clinging to the
deck rail his legs in the water.
The boiler had with such
force that the boat was shattered.
A portion of Iho dock bad parted
from the hulk as the latter sank to
the bottom of the river. There was
a frantic oiruggie for life. Then
the portiou of the wreck ho was on
lloated down stream.
About a dozen passengers of the
crew citing to it. The night fell
fast. The shore was but a rast-re
ceding dark line, with red twinkling
Upon the shattered deck cabin
bung a single life-preserver. John
saw it, climbed like a oat to where
it was, and brought it down.
"Give me that 1" shrieked Clar
ence- "Oh, give it-to me ! i otiu't
swim I"
"It's for tliis woman."
There was but oue woman among
them, aud she was old and lame.
"Give it to me, I say? llelp, heln!
tt'e're drowing ]"
He seized tne life-preserver. John
quietly took it from him, and hut
toned it about tie ojd womau's
*Then lie to drag out one
or two beucbes ar.d boxes that were
iu the ca^iu.
Mr. JJ agle noticed how cool and
alert the boy was, In spite of his
deadly paleness and trembling.
"\Y> had better tie ourselves to
these," he said. "This deck is so
shattered it will go to pieces before
they see us from shore."
Mr. Nag)a, without a word, fol
lowed lus advice.' Jimn was a Lat.
inist and no poet, but lie had one
quality which made liim leader just
A few moments later, the deck
broke up, end Mr. Naglo found him
self in the rushing current, but was
picked up by one of the boats which
were out in search of the victims.
The banks were lined with pale,
territied faces. As he was lifted on
shore, he saw a boy dragged out of
the water, and a poor little woman
iu black fly to him with a wild cry.
"I'm all —all right, mother," g ts- !
ped John ; and then be cried on her |
bn-ast like the child tliat he was. |
*•1 thought I'd never see you ;
again!" he sobbed.
Now there Lad been a stranger i
board,—a queer, wizened little man
with a foxy wig. This man, who
was among the saved, took up bis
quarters at the village inn, and pre
sently there arrved by express a
mysterious engine or pump, directed
to him, which was placed iu the
hallway of the inn.
It seemed to have a curious fas
cination for John. lie spent half
his leisure time pouring over it,—-
measuring the tubes with his inch
In front of the case there was a
square of plate-class. Now it hap
pened that one day, while John was
relaxing his mind by a game of ball
in the street, he threw the ball
plump into this costly bit of glass.
The other boys ran, and John ran
too,—but only a few steps. Then
he went to his savings-bank, and
took out the money which was
meant for Christmas. lie present
ed himself before the old man, who
was looking at his shattered glass
and taking snuff violent ly.
"1 did that, si,-. There is the
money for it. WiH it ne enough
"Cm, yon dfd it, Oh?" srnwiing
at him. "Well, eive mo the money.
What are yon eternally prying into
my press for, anyndffr ?"
"It's not a press. It's a pump.
I understand it all but that wheel.
I can't nniko out what thgt wheel is
there for," starting for it, his bauds
in Ms pookets.
The o d man talked to John awhile.
That evening he called on Mrs.
Steele, and sent up his card. "Pe
ter Copley, Machinist."
"I've had nav eyes on vour bov,
ma'am," he said, abruptly, "for
some time. .Noticed hiiu the night
of the Explosion. I'd like to take
him with me and teach him my
trade. He has a sound, practical
head, that bov."
Mrs. Steele accepted the offer,
and went with her boy.
Twenty years afterwards, Mr.
Nagle, then a judge in the Supreme
Court, tried a case in which the
firm of Copley and Steele, engine
builders, was plaintiff.
In the oonrse of the suit, he be
came acquainted with ihe Junior
member of the firm, a man of high
standing in his business, and of
equally high repute as a uian of
probity arid honor.
Onfl day there was a sudden re
'•/ohn Steele, the— ?"
"Good-for-nothing ? Yes," said
John, with a laugh ; "and ".o let
ter acquainted with the classics or
belles-lettres than then, judge. 1 had
but one talent, and * I c<me very
near burying it* for life. "Whenever
I hear a hoy despond because he lias
| n't a dozen tflfft lite ; I say. "Lo>Jl
for the one talent, boy ! Look for the
•: * * " t£ * * J"' 1 LL
* •
I'iiLiUTATiox. "Phairest Flo
ra!" biled an amorous youth,
4 'phorevor dismiss your phears, and
phly with one whose* phervent plian
cy is phixid on voualone. Phriends
phamily—phnthen—plwrget tliera,
and think only of pheliclty of
th" phuture ! Phew phellows are so
phaotidwus as your Plierditiand-'
nheign not phoiulnesslf yon plierl
it not. Plioregn phrolie, and ans
wer phiually, Phlora." "Oh, Puer
dinaud, you phool," sue cooed,
This old and popular cetulj
lishment is prepared to do all
work in their line in a style equal
to any in Central Pennsylvania,
and at prices that defy con;-
" petition.
of all sizes,* styles and prices,
made on short notice.
The proprietors, hope by
fo merit the continued confidence
'of their friends and patrons, and
el'the public .at large.
Shops, east oi Bridge
Millheiin, Pa.
Wiiite Lead aui Mixed Paint Co.
Tlii*t,f lufntu ai*>> mlx.d, ready for nee, any
eliiult- or color, and n >1(1 iu any (rota
Uu quart to .barrel.
\ \
Theee Paint* are undo of Pure White Lead,
Ziuo ami J.JUM-I d Od. held in solution and ready
M-eone (bird clM&p-r and will luatthr-co
time an long as Paint mixed in the ordiuairy way.
\rfll ba laid for every ounce of .adulteration
.found in Uiom. Tliuur&uds f houses and some
of the finest villas In America are fainted with
those Paiuts. Send for Testimonials of same,
also for Sam2>le Colors and Price Lilts, to tho
I 03 Chambers St., New York,
• a very supererhtr I'lhiio or Orpin, equal ly
i fcvery excellence to any made at Mimufac
j furor's Wholesale Price, and thus save near
j ly one-half of yoar iitonsy, Us not fall, before
; purchasing, to write for catalogue of t|e
seripiiim and prices, fo I'osl otllee Box HSWS
New York. 12-ly.
Frank cmllc'm ChiMnrr .('oriior,
—This beaut", fill utudodlcul. the host Ameri
can Family Journal. story I'ujierand home
Friend, has been tlie successful rival of all
the weekly journals for the past thirteen
years. It gained a place in the minds and
lic.utsof our imniHc, aud now the name of
lis pat i ons Is Legion.
nils year the faitMNrrt'OiiN en seems to be
better than ever. Its aerial stories are of
the most absorbing character, of great povv
t, true loJileaiid full ul merit, taking a
wide range of subjects to please every mem
ber of a household—the domestic story lor
the mother, the charming lovodalc for the
daughters, the moio dramatic for the youn T
men, the solid novel for older readers, and
lUeitwe have stirring adventure fur the
boy s and fairy-tales for the children
Habliertmi, lloaard. Hidiinson, Do To rest,
Benedict. S. Aunte frost, Annie Thomas
Ktta w. Fierce, uu<t otr.ot eminent wiilus,
are its regular contrilmtors. The subjects
treated of aw very varied. The illustra
tions are pro fust? and are all WaatiTol.
Short .stone* eviieiUL-ly Interesting are coin
plcted In each number, while Biographic*.
Adventures, Essays, Fun, Travels, Natural
History, Legends, Anecdotes, Scjenee, etc.,
nmke this puhlicatlon onfc of the most enter
taining iu existence.
Fxquisitc steel emrravings arc frequently
giv en away to its subscribers.
The Cm it Nit V COKNKit. sixteen pages, with
eight pages of Illustrations, printed on fine
paper, is publisdcd every Monday, iirico on
ly 10 cents; animal subscription, 41, post
paid. Addressings orders to Frank Les
lie's Publishing House, 537 .Pearl street,
New York.
Trank h\ L% I y 'k Jonrna , 16
pages, issued weekly contains o.voelleu Pir
tuies and full descriptions of the very fa
test Styles of Ladles and Children's Wear
useful Information on Family Topla* ; He-:
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and Foreign Subjects; Poetry; Fashiona
ble Intelligence; Personal Chit Chat ; A-*
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Fkank I.hsi.ik's Lady's Is lUo
most beautiful of all the ladies' papers. It
should be found on tlio table of every lady in
ha land. Price 1') cents a copy ; auuual
nbseription, postpaid.
Frank lon m'* opulnr Monthly
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are some of the best living writers. Kvery
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miscellany contained tn the 128 quarto
pages of eaeli numlver of this t>ubUcation
has been well appreciated. Every copy of
the Poer i.Ait Monthly is embellished with
over 100 beautiful Illustrations. Being the
ehcapept p. riu.lua:l of llur kind in cxUtenec,
and at the Mine lime one of the most select
ami universally welcome. It must continue,
to iucreasc in public favor, and rank with
the publisher's m-ndat Magazine— the
highest anHng all our American monthlies
It is n the Idtii ct each mouth.
Price, 23 cents a number; Subscription *G,
postpaid, per year. Address your orders to
Frank I-us'de. 537 roarlstreet, New York
trnnk f.osi; c ' s Nundny Mngmlnr
is a beaultf ui Work. It will interest educa
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uay magazine published iu this country. |
kvei v. numbel has i'Jo pag. s till .wait the
most so)c*t said fascinating literature rang- j
iog froit tlifSerjWcn by Hie Edllor (Dr. C.
lV"nts. pastor of the Church of t lhs straug-
to sutrtiig Tales, general Topics and
Essays, Poetry, Music. Fun, Science, Histo
ry. etc.. In great variety. Rich copy of this i
Magazine has IW exquisite engravings of
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jiiler.ourc. Jt i-, indeed a beautiful work.
Buy if and sec for yourselves. Mngie eoiftcs
are only 26 cent*,and Annual Subscription
Price qiity**. potpcll. Address orders o
trunk est lo'a IblKlilng House.
337 I' l St( ct. Nc\v York. IJ-'on
Wash. Hutchinson,
- VT
" * * . 3* $ jr
fiiTaatisfactiou guaranteed,
Lewisburg, Pa.
Office opposite the I'nloa National Bunk
(.an be consulted in Ktißksfc wOrmau.
No. 2-ljr.
187.. AND PREVIOUS YEARS.— Notice Is
hereby given thai in pursmtnee of an Ac!
of Assembly. passed the 1-JTLI day of dune
A, !.. ISL.I, entitled "An Act to amend AN
Act, LURCCLWIG the MODE ui selling unseated
lands, in Genite cTetuty.*- ~nd rtie several
SUPPLEMENTS Hereto. therewill be Fxposed
at public sale or outcry,* the foliowing
tracts OL unseated latnl S 111 SAID county ior
the taxes DUE and unpaid thereon, at tlie
Uourl House, iu iheJlorough of He I let on te.
on the second Monday in June. A. i)., 1676 :
W Jobn MWR* ■" AT
59 J. D. Harris 50
2 John Davis 40
•*■o Andrew t'oon 50
58 It. Holmes 57
162 Fred Houser 1 53
R0 Foster T;ao< owner) 1 00
433 J' ; 'J David Lewis 59]
4-H 163 William uray 694
4. 3 163 Garrett Cottuiger So 30
4 A 163 Josiah llalnes -JO 61
♦>•3 13 Jonathan llarvry 20 61
431 40 Mwses Hood 20 51
143 Auu Deal r 6 82
433* JOPU Russell 20 61
30>> 112 Johu Cochran 19 46
4.>8 W William RUSSCL 29 11
431Y1 Tlioiua-s Russell 27 54
4°" 1). .Carakaddcu 2.5 31
433 120 Daniel ltcese 467
NW John McCluro 4 67
7(37 MLivergood 16 02
179 70 John Curtin 8 52
339 John McCluro 16 13
DO Mary Lauo 7 ]2
INK Jautes Cur tin 5 i(
428 Jesse Brooks 15 78
O'O Fiisati ltcese II 62
I'W Wiliiam L.ane 11 89
Bbeeca Wilson 7 12
1.4 <£> Pucset k Lucas s 51
38 >9l of I'etier 173
William Wilson Y 511
131 107 Martha Godfrey 21 52
12 63 It, Cirrfltr 61
63 36 Austin Curliu 276
10 • .surah Lauo 6 16
59 William Lauo 2 57
150 Daniel Reese 7 72
34 51 Andrew GREGG 1 75
208 3 Johu Holt IN 70
100 Joseph Kelso 5 n;
150 142 Sarah Lane 779
145 21 R. Curtin 7 ;> 6
418 4'J William Hood IO H6
300 Frank M'Coy 946
163 Joseph Higby 10 31
433 120 Samuel SEOU 07 TO
433 129 Robert Gray .>4 •>!;
433 120 William Dewart 16 47
4.>3 120 John Dewart TA 47
4374 J2O James Tower 16 47
433 120 William Gray 47
415 John Wetzel 'J (! 15
41 James Black *l6 15
J(*et>h J.
133 120 William Cook /J}?
433 120 John OowUcn 16 47
4;U* 120 Win. P. Brady 24 26
433 129 lleurv Sliaefcr 24 ftu
43,1 120 olin Housel 20 37
438 I'4o obn Lyon 20 37
1 433 120 Chits. Goben 24 26
413 120 T nomas (irant 16 47
4:21 120 ohn Brkdy 16 47
4Ti 120 ohn Kldd 24 39
433 T2: FTortrv HonnPUr '24 26
433 120 Robert Brady 31 99
415 John Boyd 14 60
438 IJ3 oseph Morris lt 47
4AI 158 Alexamlet <Jleaves Ri 47
3'N) Frances ciiruey 6 00
411 Thoa P. What ton 7 4o
140 of Henry Harris 10 64
433 153 Charles HiUl 12 73
433 120 John Ininitellv 16 37
73 lleurv Wheeler 8 32
100 of fienry Harris 7 60
462 Benjamin Harris 32 00
406 ohiiilo-tvor 11 31
415 oseph Thomas 15 fto
415 Nathan Levy 7 4ft
216 83 }y or Jeremiah Parker 821
200 Part of Win Miller 3 60
4*l Joseph Wallace 16 48
Alexander Hunter 12 12
Jacob W hit ennui 26 00
488 Benjamin Youug 12 13
4*4 16.1 Thomas Hamilton 2.5 13
t; hit Bird- Wttoo 11 7 si
433 163 John It 11 Kg 82b
415 ohti Sli viii 7 89
H5 131 Can by ft 06
4*l 161 Samuel Pancoxt 5 92
I79ii DavifTta'Wis 7 24
j's * lohn Bar run 789
f93 ]ft3 Samuel 6k Fox 781
41A Sal all M. Talinan 7 48
f'3 . Waiter stowari 180
483 163 Alexander J. Dallas 16 48
2F7LJ Robert A tnesley 28 80
260 Richard Tunis 11 fiC
433 IftS Mary Tatniau 20 69
438 lftß Tltomaft llitle 21 40
411 Thomas P. Wbarton 871
J-2rm Ci!eb TjHwbb 11
] *JU7j Ismmo IfUugdUdUx 12 ( ,l"
113 4 1) Oiuacadtlen 7 2^
GOO 27 T ) CarßcAdaen 14 4O
104 80 j C Heiluinn o*^
820 127 Mhi lltii CioJCicy 4li 5 ,r
100 Peter Smit.i 19
30i 142 Mary JLano 20 :j4
298 100 Jobeitlt Kels lU,9^
128 P.tol (Jurtiu 0 44
04 lia John Curtm 1 ft^
71 131 Rolami Curt ill 3 9O
250 John 4V (iodtrcy 17 1<)
18.S W P Urady * • 16 ol
433 120 Altixainlttr Bell 31 U
433 120 Charles Hall 31 l7
415 Joseph Taylor 47 2'*
418 90 Andrew Epplo 20 y5
,342 80 RoVert Irvin 20 97
499 138 XT> A (Wood 31 24
339 119 N L A Lwood 29 8^
304 4 Job W Packer 19 j4
108 93 Job W Tacker 10 80
158 93 Job W P.ttker 787
465 Peter llaiin 13 59
435 Btiftan Haiin 27 39
415 Jacob Wain 31 28
415 Xtfthttnfcl Levy 10 47
415 Thomas Unotphry. 67 99
415 Robert Gray * 33 01
415 WiliianaGiav 01
401 Willtam Vaidjy 10 00
370 . B tird 18 <ls
59 JfcAae B l ooks * * 130
415 liebecca Kelso 44 92
415 Esther Eddy 62 14
415 Gai€r Wistor -44 92
190 Jaiiies Miller 5 40
203 James lrviu - 720
GO Ed Ilollowell - TG2,
1207] Robert Ain • 20 00
415 Johu M'Callv 15 37
200 Philip Meyers 44 64
420 48 Valentine Meyers 10 24
420 48 iehael \f*vers 2014
IOC Simon Meyers * • ■ 02
433 130 Samuel Scott 24 58
3*o} Joseph 43 o*2
337 Lindlev Coats 21 '27
415 IViliiitin G jibert 64 80
2071 of Cal.ib Lawn 11 81
2074 of Isaac Longstroth 12 06
433 163 James White 16 49
1434 i of Job Packer 4 OS
311 1 of \V P Mitchell 6 00
4434 i of W T Mitchell 6 45
1220 h of W P Mitchell 0 95
434 ioi Joseph Leveling 14 26
100 J W Pucker 1 98
434 4 W V Mitchell 9 29
400 W P Mitchell 4 78
220 WI Mitchell 2 70
1434 Joseph Develing 10 73
326 Job \Y Packer 4 li
53 CliueQuigk-y 69
134 J W Packer 2 61
115 J IV Packer 24
215 163 Fish burn YVharton 19.54
415 JcSsS W.lln 14 54
4'5 Molly Wharton 14 33
4io Joseph Wain 14 33
383 Rachel Walu 13 70
390 49 John S Furst 11 75
1434 Job X7 Packer *2 61
J434 103AbijHh Davis 14 89
WP Mitchell 7 70
i of 400 W V Mitchell 7 20
I of 220 W I' Mitchell 04
i cf 320 .t "W Picker 5 04
4 of 434 Joseph Devling 6 50
of 53 C'liao Quigglc 222
4 of 300 J P Mitchell f 35
400 J Z Long 15tM)
415 Charles Allen 20 01)
i of 217 F shbmu Wlmrton 0 41
200 Itichapd Timt 14 20
400 Jonathan Willis 7 90
10 Araonatu Hicks 83
100 James Oliver 4*29
102 110 Geo Kohlinger 707
135 127 Joseph Baruct 8 83
323 John Anderson 17 45
190 George Nice 14 87
122 Jacob Dite 7 88
330 Peter Crisrfln 5 07
32 Samuel Duncan 24 92
30 47 Thomas McCullough 2 '3O
370 J-eou.r.d Hnrtlinc 4 53
488 49 Alfred B Crewit 025
409 19 Thomas Ferguson 12 95
4IS '23 Aaron Levy 13 81
104 115 James M ore 13 35
483 Ilannan Turner 12 03
398 129* Daniel Turner 13 14
351 54 Lydia Fowler 057
91 41 Jacob W*y 991
15 40 Henry Medler 103
100 Richards A G inter 4 35
225 liichard Moseley 7 43
177 Henry Manly 7 70
145 Benjamin Hover 9 40
40 John McKean 2 01
300 Robert liankiu 13 05
337 Isaac Buckby 12 38
400 Jutues Baker 17 40
400 Johu Petherbridge 17 40
I(JO JfiSlah Jitisdy 9 12
125 Caleb North 4 93
03 John Petherbridge 2 07
110 Jobn Baker 6 021
350 Samuel Prison G 45
50 Isaac Buckley 3 78
50 Jusiah Lusby 3 78
50 Richard Moseley. 3 78
1"0 John Mercer 2 SI
130 ItobMt Askim 2 SI
93 Muau'i't Douajierty 1 si
100 Roush& V&nuda (owner) 4 17
50 George Stover (owner) lit
372 31 William Hepburn 7 33
3S*J 129 John C<>wdcu 7 17
408 127 Itwfiw Carson sO6
330 Alexauder McDonald 0 51
20 35 Johu )\ Price 24
2C2 140 S. Snyder AH. GUlman 25 77
253 S- Snyder & U. Gilluum 24 02
400 James Barr 3 80
400 | Mary Junks 3 so
400 Thoiuns Barr 3 8u
400 00 Mary Barr 5 75
406 00 William Harrison 5 75
406 so M. Gratz 3 96
436 John Simpson 398
359 Henry Autia 5 91
ISS iJohn Kidd 212
228 150 William Mostly 324
425 Charles Hall U 25
77 A. Stephens Kst. (owner) ♦ aft
24 Jae. AOrtipool (owner) 25ft
8 .V Abraham Elder . f, S>
sft inn Henry Wsito (owner} 4.17
216 Jus lab laiilibiiru 27 21
Bft Win. King 7(A
174 .Samuel Brian 10 H
*J7 John McKi>sock 1550
417 10 lieury Floyd *127
anrt Nit Richard Wfdtheiul XIIO
>OO Willtuni Lam bum no 00
210 Jacob L*nderwood 18 7*
180 110 Jacob TyUi 1112
4ml 120 Richard .follfT 30 00
2ml John Hannah 15 00
\ft C. Si K. Ibdiae 1 63
uS 80 C Vam pool Est (owners) 200
•'>4 00 C Vain pool Kst " 1 Hi
07 70 Vainpool Est •' j 41
48 C Yum pool list " ) 40
40 10 I'egKi Shorn rer 2 40
70 Christ Yuuipool 441
100 Sainttel Young 168
I*l Uootgi l Tux 3 35
150 r y L Frank (owner) 252
4"0 Samuel Wilson AJA
400 0 lin HI telle II 345
•W0 ohii ey nobis 2->2
'A4J S llenry 210
2>o Thomas Ran key 1W
4m) oil i St is de JtJIJ
4<*' Kobert Sample *35
400 Adiuuja>fiiy 335
400 • • -HavlpiUs hi 3:t5
fOO I'MNO ik 835
400 - DuvK ork 335
400 Nalhn 1 Simpson 3 3.5
VjO , Win M JlHOii 127
400 Allen teelo 336
4"0 Jbdwiu I Wilson 235
4(W James teem 335
400 Peter Hson 86
4t25i Klcano • ,1 i j'c *B6
HS4 25 C Fisher 3 42
400 A bxiltuil Andre 3 T>
••0 John lrviu H5
60 John Irvln * 8.5
4410 William Brown 6 64
407 92 Kearney Wharton f2
350 John lJell HB4
400 Thomas Johnson 2F85
10 William Irvin 14
50 John Irvin 65
100 John Tmh * 100
100 B Fllrovfn (owner) 50
-120 Adam Kntms 14 64
"M Pliilqi AJKuhns
156 Whifc R-Nestlcrude 7':
1W 63 Juhn Brady 8 22
ifl92 William Ramsey 7 07
2> Jcwcpli <:vevbnrg OSB
ftl A<* urtm In trust to
MaeiMk*.. .146
50 , A l> Harris 4 08
134 J J Mfigh' 667
80 • Henry Amis • 476
554 fume's Oroen 19 41
300 Ham Iml at Liu * 1610
40 Paul i<t'n *OO
2.50 jesse Kvans 24 *8
208 jphn W Godfrey 20 70
142 123 Roland urtin 1140
00 Joseph Tay lor 5 97
28 151 Jacob Holier 2 .'!f>
150 70 Hammh Turner 12 oB
40 John raw ford 322
U*) * WiuParkur 604
Afki lti.l Samiml
4ft J S Thirst 14 4J
160 140 of Jonathan Wiles 1262
242 97 osej It Hants 28 77
*4? Henry Ant is 5 04
81 114 Janic.4T /lale 182
46 142 Hun 1 lift] Leather* 4 28
; William Lrussutan .. 79
136 92 j DlfaMS T6 60
Liiitiiii; jEUWS&ifrr
7 l>aiiK>| David 16
7e Saiimet Lipult |S
10 Bte|ber\ -Ohiwtibers 7 U
30 - - Hop Maker . fc
2W R a j iLitv. a 70
174 . James A Uulgley 473
175 <Jeorj?e 1> Tic** * 17s
I*o HarabOw<ih 4C i.i
laO i Roberts 28 95
Ibd C'lUil h*s Bim e JS £5
l"i B:mur'! CusTin *7 6.1
rj Piinlel lit tlirUer 12 W>
68 John Potter la
00 U Cajscadilf-n 2 3.1
so Wlluiun Worrell -3 7
188 Daulej Rouse 121 CO
7 1<55 ' lnitii4 Ke arner' 2f4
10 Samuel 1' Shcnk (owner) 3iO
K 1 *2 George Cart* 4* ft
100 John rotter lb 694
4(i6 120 Stephen Stevenson 29 9i
i lie>. 1: Dun woody 29"9Q
4'ie 120 Ebenezet ttenfMnn ki-Kd
398 80 Robert Irwin 29 32
65 Henry lk>uuid 49
4CG 40 Peter Lytic is 72 i
439 Christian SiniUi , 28 :7
341 jereiuiali Jackson 665 i
53 . Win Allison 190
69 .35 Margaret Wilson 10 70
109 68 oust .nice uitin 1124
A3 MoMaltnont sr?
2>K) Roltcrt Young 2.150
117 Alexander acatt 50 52
70 liriHliun Koliror . 23 45
5o luist lloluer moi
A3 John Shunk 1J 20
50 W A Thomas 10 75
200 McKlwin Pleteher & o
(owmr) 21 X
20 Thoiuas Leu is 2 42
lK> John P Harris (owner) 12*
42 66 John ornion 2 65
I'JB fantm Karris 1144
< 13 j I> Shuet rt 6y
50 AnnaM Tilahmtinf owner) 10 50
320 128 Joseph Fearon 4(W
110 Strohocker &-Ueynokte 183
Dnuit-lSeiglkai 4 12
1-50 Jolm llouseiU ISS
156 CO s IkTrtt j stalil * 140
I'JS James Carothrito *iC2
'3lO jore.niiah Jackson 414
25U Jeremiah Jackson 41)
l>o Jonathan Wolf 1 47
♦25 john Trip 7 01
470 Thomas Grant 7 85
406 Alexander Hunter 759
430 Jeremiah jaekson 711
125 Win StoHdman 2 09
130 Robert laggard 216
200 . Thomas Smith .3 30
300 Aaron Levy 4 95
430 Robert Brady 7 U
HO Hannah Braily 8 83
429 Robert Gray 711
IX Abraham Seett 2 TO
AJ Sauiuel Scott 92
I*so Abraham Bc<tt 150
90 ihWffiThr Si'ott 219
2Vt jane Hrady 3 80
440 Win I Brady . 726
290 John Brady 38)0
2'24 Georjte 4'alUoun 5 52
300 Win Parker 298
125 John Horsey 160
1'25 Moore Wharton 160
•AH Wlll Parker 97
425 Henry Poland 5 41
425 David Williams 5 41
425 Kaißiiel Norton 541
3*24 Kir herd Marker 4 13'
•324 jcretniah l'arkar 4 13
M 8 C Loiik 90
406 I'eter House! 574
•320 128 Georce Kitts 4 08
490 Richard Lake 6 60
1:40 123 simon Grata 216
123 47 Simon Gr.,U 204
195 1 simon Gratz 3 2.?
196 42 bimon Gratz 323
136 141 simon Gralr. 2'20
'277 Peter swineford 633
110 Hepburn & Harris 195
75 Thomas Tones 68
422 116 John .Mswskey 341
156 89 Betijanun \'oung 140
150 2 Jonathan Wolf (owner) 1 .'46
150 12 samuel K Faust (.owner) 136
100 Philip Gramly (owner) 90
75 Win Barton 68
200 Robert Gray 10
400 Beujamiu Horner 45 83
■3OO Jacob Baker M 35
133 Henry Gross 13 60
329 80 Peter Kreamer 500
170 Peter swinefond 9i
.'4OO 150 Adam Bolander 178
300 Albright swlneford 173
196 H & B Fullmer 1 56
jjOO John Brown 3 65
iOS Georgo McClelland 110
S A Sco*t 3 76
' 42 Jumea Moore 71
000 Andrew Duff 2 52
vUO Thouias Gregg 2 72
!'i)o John McClelland 2 72
']oo Joseph Blair 2 72
..00 Thoinas Gordon 2 72
John C Reed 2 72
•00 G Jacobs 2 72
'OO Thomas Falls 2 72
yK) Robert McKlnney 3 05
,00 David McKinney 3 65
.00 Shives & Fullmer 4 60
00 Edward Garnigus 3 20 -
*OO W Garnigus 3 20
4 08 Mary Bond 371 .
'Joo Daniel Smith 825 ■
Samuel Young 1 03 ■
130 II B Fullmer 235 -
40 Livingstone 46 <
136 54 John Stoner 1 55 >
33 Barnet Wagner 38 4
14 40 Barnet Wagner 17 <
45 J C Cosbeborder 51 4
26 A Hunter 29 4 J
. * : -J,','?
90 John Bltner,Br. (owner) 1 04
w Parker - y 97
170 Pitrker ' 166
300 John Brown I 16 4
, 100 Adam Bojxea 5S
200 Churles G')(>in 1 15
200 Jobpj h Ewbjg ' 1151
100 William Durst 68 {
100 II Viindeislise 58 '
100 Christ Getting 50
16 ) Thomas Martin . 86
150 William Sawyer 86
400 Joseph Cow gill 66 7
40 Samuel Chestnut 5 60
15 CrtHper Lawrence 2 10
433 163 It Morgan, Esq. 60 6'i
405 147 Jacob Rush 56 70
422 44 John Weidman 69*18
4<)2 116 Jacob Weidman 56 28
433 133 Jacob Defltler 60 62
433 133 Daniel Brenner 60 62
433 153 Eleanor Siddona 78 83
216 Robert Ruiney 83 73
40 10 Ricbard Atliertou 10 OS
433 153 Kiceard Malone 109 12
433 153 leaac Britches 109 12
177 H4 llcrdman Philips 44 2f
Jilo t r o Thomas Hamilton 53 53
216 IJ6 Thomas Gi ant 53 53
433 158 Jacob Rudisili 15 41
433 158 Daniei Fitzgerald 42 72
433 153 Daniel Eider 48 &2
4718 153 Henry Pinkertou 60 92
433 Jr Paul Rush 60 62
433 188 Paul Black 60 62
433 163 Paul Suck . 60lili
433 163 John Boreland 60 62
433 IC3 John Kelley CO 62
433 It; 3 Joim liush 60 62
4j;3 183 Jolin Suck 60 62
40U johu Black 56 00
312 Joseph Well# 43 28
433 153 Sebastian Graff 51 30
80 Henry Wtimar 4+48
43S f53 John Allison 48 49
75 William Allison 10 51
328 James Allison 36 73
100 153 Robert King H'jl)
433 153 Iteut.en Haines. Jr, 126 02
433 L r 4 ' Joseph .1 MUler IKV2 '
433 153 Joseph J Waihire 12692
250 of Andrew AULvjTI 42D0
300 of Andi ew Allhroti Si Jno
Lilly M 40
6 Jaiui's Nelson F.)ft Sh(
im John liarrfsop 2W2li]
4315 153 John Cutmhieham 60 til!
303 163 WrtJuunUray Mob
21# Sebastian Graff 24 31
217 John Musser 24 31
133 153 William Wilson
i 217 Gworpe Mn>ser (Snrtth ) 24 31
15<i Ilarmuau FWllps 27 05
I 75 William Wilson 654
433 153 Eleanor ijidd. HlS 36 4h
4w 1.13 Dauiel Ttirncr 18 50
1433 153 James Tui nrr M 5u (
tW John Coprnhaver ' 22 CD
2rv Jnlm Coprnhaver 16 40
431 . 143 Joseph Hopkins 72 75
M 6 3J BUiiholomew Wistar 4f<44
4jT. Rlelurd Morris {>9 51
433 IK Thomas Wistar eof.i
fw f'Asper W Moiri# tit) 62
,-153 Isjuc3V Morris 72 75
153 Zackeus Collins it) 64
153 Win IJeaeh " no 62
400 Nathaniel Matlock W 58
153 3\ illlaui McCoy C 47
48,1 153 Henry Hees 72 74
4 L 53 Christian Stoner v 72 74
,433 153 Jciliuiitouer 72 74
433 J33 Christian Hess 72 74
433 15} Benlamtnl'Morgan 80 6Lj
4:13 153 Robert liecd 80 62
AX) Josjali Matlock 1200
433 153 John Bui*tj 66 7e
424 Charles Lucas *64 <7
313 It*. Joiiu Wltjner 8-5 tXT ]
313 196 John Low den *Rst*n
4*t 153 ChiVilan Hare 8S "d I
f7 16 Jacob Sieck 27 4h
[> 164 Chrl<Ua Hare Jr 87 72
167 7 Gts'i ue Hlißigh 13 75
4#3 153 Andrew Sheuk " *4Sc® j
433 153 David Hare 4* 49
219 Andrew Scott IS 39
433 153 Michael Shenk 46 59
4.33 IK Christian shenk X 37
431 153 Chrhuirn kohrer 30 9b
4: 151 John Miller 30 30
433 153 A Keig. rt Jr 38 37
4. A Uelgr.rt 30 50
433 163 Jacob Miller 363T
433 153 John flublcr :^37
4:33 153 John lland 42 42
•321 53 Joseph f'iin 45 28
:J4 L 73 Henry Tim 4? 83
:*il I'd George I'lin 42 fw
256 so of Hugh Hamilton 24 art
20 Patrick Hats 2 W
AD William Wilson 43 00
438 153 , Robert Spear 60 B2
433 153 Christian Lenhorn 60
'4:il 153 C.esper Shafuer 60 62
100 Rol>ert King , 640
4.'<3 163 Jaeob Slough 60 GS
4SS 153 John 1 lam bright CO 62
4,*W 153 Andrew Graff MlO
AT 1.37 Christiau Jlusser 5". 59
404 Joseph liauimui 14
73 Thomas Giant 980
•59 Christian Huber , 4 2l)
•2T>l *BS v I'hitip Lbberinan 3514
14* 75 Juhu Khlwriiuu Jui!
4:t3 l. r #3 John la>u#h*r
43:3 153 Thomas Grant 69 65
43:4 153 b< njamiii Rush G<)62
A33 153 John Funk 3693
323 Hugh I'atton " 7 2710
418 Crsjier Lawrence 6l*4i
a l * Samuel Chestnut 46 77
438 J.'A Jolm HamUright 51 00
439 1S John F Harris 4994
433 168 Will P Harris 42 45
4.33 153 John Spear 42 45
433 103 Wui K Jeukins 43 04
4. -4 153 Robert Ervin 6*89
>: 153 Andrew Allison 53dti
120 80 John Libhy ' ' 16 80
43.3 153 William Gray . 30 3*
50 John Weils # TO
C"0 Joseph Strong 2 80
•r*i Paur Wells 3 55
400 James Rusli 5 60
433 163 Johu McCoinon 607
30ft Thomas Erskiae 4 20 1
433 165 ih'tiuct Lucas 6 07
2*>' Jolin Ring 270
433 16*3 George Slouch 007
433 154 Heury ■i'iukerton 6 07
431 John Moutgomery 53 66
4214 TV W Montgomery 35 43
433 153 Richard Moioue 6<J 62
4.31 153 Jaiucs Toner 48 40
430 9 James llomsey 6 02
itno MAXHIAS Gaff 4 20
4At 15.3 Kearney Wharton 607
433 153 Thomas' Greaves 607
433 153 David Lewis 6 07
488 153 I'liUip Klnsrman 607
433 153 Jacob Wetsker 6 07
4:43 153 Johu Wilson .30,32
433 151 John Hopkins 72 75
453 153 Daniel Buckley Co 62
43.3 153 Isaac Britches 42 47
80 Job Kelly 34 20
433 153 Moore Wharton 49 71
483 153 Win Parker 49 4.1
4143 153 Kebecca Walu 49 43
433 153 llenjamin H Tallman 49 43
433 153 Elisabeth Wharton 49 43
433 153 A S Valentino 49 43
433 153 T M Mill 1 ken 49 43
20C N J Mlu net 22 80
433 Joseph Morris 49 43
433 Alexander * reaves 49 43
4.33 George Eddy 4j-i3
ion David Carseadden ll 40
433 163 Andrew Sommera 12 81
360 144 Hugh l'im 4140
360 144 John Riley 41 lo
4: 163 Robert Waters 4916
450 Sarah MeCarnafcan 25 67
196 Henry Vandyke 22:36
300 Joseph Devling 12 75
300 J Z Long 1710
30(i Joseph Devling 1710
325 William Banks 18 54
400 David Williams 45 60
4:a 163 Kearney Wharton 49 43
412 41 1) Carscadden 47 04
412 44 JU Carscadden 39 79
433 120 Luke Musner 36 87
134 34 James Gilliland 7 64
400 David Carscadden 1160
383 James T Hale 43 66
433 James McManus 49 36
433 Samuel Linn 49 36
433 Benjamin K Morgan 49 36
415 Sarah Wharton 47 31
434 Samuel Dobsin 4947
216 ♦ Jeremiah Parker 313
360 John Piiu 4104
433 Sharp DeUny 24-74
287 80 D Carscadden 32 79
•133 153 Wm McPherson 24 74
433 153 Edward Mafcdon 24 74
433 153 William Lewis 24 74
432 153 Francis West 24 74
433 133 Jasper Malen 24 74
433 153 Benjainiu West 24 74
433 153 William Bingham 24 74
433 153 James Hawthorn 24 74
433 153 Blair McClana an 24 74
433 153 Edward Scott 24 74
433 153 Paul Cos J 24 74
433 153 Wm Lewis (sawyer) 24 74
433 153 Thomas Cuthbert 24 74
433 153 Robert Morri3 24 74
433 153 Kelix Brunt 24 74
433 153 Thomas L Shippen 21 74
433 1$ Ttyoujas HaM? thorn 874
433 1 & George Mead A ♦ 24 74
433 Camp ielVii 24 74
r433 Bird Wilson - O 49 76
433 163 James C
433 163 PlMfbe W nln - ~.4989
433 163 Sarah M Tullmiin 4t41
433 163 Stimuli! W Fis'.ier 49 41
! 433 168 Samuel M Fox 49 4
433 163 James C FUke r 49 4l
433 WbSr iIP- 19 IS
438 tM Joseph P JtorMft IV 48
433 158 Frances .West a 12 48
433 153 JFm II West 12 38
433 1"3 J.Jit! Wm ' 12 38
433 153 D J? WBfli #** * 42 38
368 71 Jciiii M NeSbjt 42 38
400 Jesrnli Devil Og 20 00
400 IDTJZLW, J 17 00
200 JofjZLong 1140
314 • Jacob Z Long 8 90
189 28 IFP Mitchell 261
433 153 fof MMV WUarUn 27 44
433 153 L.f J P Norris 33 04
433 T53 Kent nay Wharton -40 43
433 - Robe i t Waters 49 43
100 Sarah Bit'iebell a to 2 90
409 73 J N Mitchell 11 87
40 W P Mitcheß *•* 58
50 John G lizzie (owihr) 670
.* '' V* 3C
- PPBIMfI TfllifhiMlP ,
.0 IfiMli.)
Uz.loo Thomas TUouiburg 13 31
40 B Uurtm 2 60
20 John Long ' 188
14 C TAylor fownefr) 86
800 Catharine Robiaon 26 90
: 300 ltebcocfi Robfaon 26 90
160- f> Richard Rdbiwm 13 20
100 < 2 Jus Golden Fat fow J r) 590
180 IJ6 John Pnrden 6 33
150 ** & P Barn hart (ow'fs) 650
00 J B Mitchell (owner) 960
4 A Warren (owner) 34
50 7bhu MooriL I 28
10 Hachael Bmiiion ; 52
96 62 of Hepry Tool 828
80 of/ohjiSmtfh 80
6C of Thomas Vojbnston 50
,' n •' tAYLOR TOWS9UIF ti
i-ax rijiw
ICO David Ralston .14 30
80 Daniel Beck ? • 912
, 200 Jacob Vanpool 18 00
250 Clement Beck with
100 Michael Weidner 38 60
100 " ' 1U25
80 Jacob Beck a 6-00
100 George <mj 14 70
433 153 Mary Smith 41 80
100 William WjlHson . 810
434 ji ha SJerrick 640
434 Henry McEwea LI 12
434 Polly . 30 78
217 Joshua Williams 18 41
4 Catharine Jarret 96
128. .* J )Y Thomas 5
119 ;472
80 tf kV| / 4 80
70 JASbuils /6 82
50 Christian Buck i 855
?50 Marion Morris 41 -51 W
*76 Mo*s Coats ' J) 80
+*X m* George Markley t Ti 06
, J6O of Josfpilvodcr \ IS 79
&3 124 K J trimer v\ 1166
' $2 1 Robert TPmner \J7 98
WjMiauilkdl TM64
k£ _ Tjiomat Wct'irtn SW
,*? WIRT Thmnas Met tain 8 01
}M PAN THOMAS MeCuin 6 08
' MB > M Jl*eph Crick 56 88
5 50 M J Craiir & NSherrle* 95 4F
Thomas W alpu-e 15 77
f*) Richard WHITEHEAD. 5010
FLTT Joshua WILLIAMS 52 95
200 22 J(JW Lamb 5301
;W George W Alberty 4101
*>) Andrew BerryhUl 23 01
4LL Nicholas HAMMOND 30 40
F) Wash BJLTE 39 48
?*) Kller 55 *>
299 1 Joseph Welsh 45 30
RI;I9 Klija Mcrryiuaa* 78 99
■TIN ROBERT T*;mipbeH •' • 54 00
*W James Qirr 53 20
MIO Thomas MA*ion - 84 30
,. r <o JOSEPH Clark 14 2S
JO.) John Slienk . 31M
•.V) John Hoover '■*- I- 29 70
•00 William AttkmaiU 63 30-—"
.40 .1 unes Fox " 13 OR
("■J MoseaCoataa 25 29
*33 AbnerWeld* 75 00
- 0 Samuel .Ihnvnlug 37 .V)
3JO JOSEPH iVvwnk.g **3o 00
FTA 1 * JAMOA BWOI I 10 80
i' ]C3 Thomas McCkumnond JlO9
*:U m IESICY MiaoiiJ N W
*33 163 J ohtrMcCaimnond 11 9
*33 IC3 Klisabeih Hootraan ' ' 17 38
*OO 4 James Moore ... . 136
.50 Vinrent Stephens * • 135
Joo John CopenJhave* 15 75
'76 Moats Cißiaa t ;• 16 31
raw* township. '
190 Jr.nC Bin*© 10 90
!00 Samuel Phijfu 10 90
50 Iluyce Da via 4 25
14 George %. r*ter 150
140 John C(K>iier 15
P & H Kntus *g 2180
175 Hanauel Mke* ISOT
100 John laing, 610
BbTe* Bmtik '* 715
*2 96 Klf Ohl fed fend 741
458 103 William C'kuk. 16 41
250 AunDdl! 1 15 26
MQueiniiipy , 15 14
146 . Jhiw Blaek 1518
160 SO wfinam Berber 916
HQ ' pavifl *pottowiir> 15 05
435 ICS William lUiixt 2(41
433 163 Bcmjaiuin Surd 26 41
560 lienry McEnen • r * 092
14S Margaret James 2 78
242 88 James Sutler 9 54
James Sutler 66
50 . iWm Ackert ► 89
25 Capt Osinan * 99
15 Margaret Dougherty 60
441 193 Samuel Robes*tu 8 68
220 105 lOisabethDougherty 409
124 X Sgpiuel Mitts 228
75 Jahies Sutler T9
128 WiUiain Gilbert 130
190 159 Jesse Evans 371
63 Peter Halm ' 138
M Amos Wickers ham * 1 72
211 OS Win Gilbert 194
101 John Knox 629
182 Rlehxrd Prmlon 710
175 Raphael Robeson 6 82
92 96 William Ackert 170
m g siyfiHw* is
214 38 Margaret James 4 29
im 'so Hisabetli IXjnßherty 351
100 39 Joseph Kvaas ■ 195
211 72 PCter Hahn 4 '*- f 411
90 94 Joll*> Me.—* r ITT
90 94 Robert A skein . 177
.86 -*> Job Packer 1
83 40 Job Packer .Tr N
Os? w /uu ntcKfr Jr. 174
69 40 I*avki /irfmson i 17
327 154 William Muarell 0
127 120 of KvOii Brooks 255
32f 100 David Meteor S4O
3SR 154 Robt & Jblia Baker 661
£l 47 Kbtaezer Dahn 44
65 - 40 WUl'aiu Halm len
352 138 Dartd flnttw 7 v
384 36 William Miller 7 3D
280 729 Mary Currie 646
214 155 Edward Jhirea 3gx
250 John Eyrskine 29 25
201 133 James .Sutter • 781
40 John Baker 155
160 158 William Wlater I§§
96 John Mcromlng 192
80 George Fry 3U
25 15 Sawfiel M iles 50
212 Samuel Barkraau g 27
150 David Keed Sg§
woiixh TOWNSHIP.
370 George Lawman 14 87
545 John
G John Singer m
88 John Boss 4 m
33 • Henry Civmer S 290
274 Samuel Mile* 24 n
237 Daniel Wistar 14 08
30 William Wistar 264
88 ' William Shijk>en Jt 6 46
£ John SwanSbk w 7 88
200 Thomas HawUwtQ 1152
230 Jasper Mayiand . 767
25 * Kobeit Campbell * a 2 26
91 53 Jaeob-Jfcuhns 5 07
180 40 Joseph Tuthns 812
119 83 Abraham KodW*. "X 676
247 150 George Kuhns 1121
390 40 Matin as Kumro Zl 22 6i
174 Hoover & Keese (owners) 12 44
100 William Shippen Jr 5 80
50, JW Slmuson (owner) 2 90
100 George KellyJ owner) 2 99
V. Muser, "