f|t fournal. Tiller t Deinißj[er ; Proprietors B O. DsntiMafta, Associate Editor tflftlheftm,Thursday May M. ■' ■ ■ f . Terms—flOO Pw Annum. 1 *• V . BWIMHI State ttAA ton OOTR*0 HON ANDREW H. DILL, . .. OW CHtO* OOCRTT. •O* LIETTRWART OOTKKXOft HON. JOHN FERTIO, o TMAWOO OOCKTT. MI imrabt IWTEEKAL imiM (HON. J. bIMPsiOX AFRICA, Of BCHTISOOON CWCXTT. •OR •CFRKM* JCTM3B HON. H. P. ROSS, 0 KO*TOOMERT OOrXTT, DEMSCtVTIC STATE CO>VEVTION. Hon. A. H. DILL, tor Qorernor. JuOat* HENRY P. ROSS, tor Su preme Judge. Senator FBRTIO, for Lleutenaat Governor. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, tor Seore ■ tary of Internal Affairs. A YIRT STRONG TICK ET. The Democratic State Convention assembled in Library Hall, Pitts burg, on last Wednesday the 22nd Inst. It was without question the beat attended st tte convention, both by delegates and visitors, held in .many years. The prospects of a de cisive victory next fall, amounting almost to a certainty, inspired the Democracy with enthusiasm and .bono. The business of the convention was opened by nominating Hon. R. Milton Spear, of Huntingdon, and 'Hon. Wm L. Scott, of Erie, for temporary chairman. Mr. Speer, who represented the Dill strength, received 122 votes, to 99 for Scott, on •whom all the opposition torces cen tred. This showed "Conclusively ihat Dill was too Strong *o be over thrown by any possible combination that could be effected against him. After appointing committees ou , credentials, permanent organization \and resolutions, the convention ad journed until eight o'clock, p. M.; bust upon reassembling the commit* credentials was not ready to .repmrt, and the convention adjo"rn ud of rer until 8 o'clock next day. . Thursday morning the committee ,on credentials reported and the con tested seats were disposed of. Ex- Senfator Buckalew was made per iEianent president, with fifty vice -presidents and a large number of secretaries. Much time was agaiu .consumed in useless wrangling over . < minor matters, and it was 11 o'clock before ballot was reached. Mr. Coffroth, ot Somerset, nom inated Hon. Andrew 11. Difc, for ' . 11. MINGLE, I I'nAT .H. HELD, *• Com mif fee. B. O. DgINIXOER, I Mitlheim, May 28th, 188 S. BEAUTIFUL. There are many things beautiful both ih art and na ture, but what we 'have special re ference to just now is the beautiful music performed by some of the boys of the Cornet Band, for some time past, on quiet, beautiful nights. The boys are becoming expert in making good music ; and by that we mean those soft, tender, and oftinee plaintive straines that touch the soul so magically and carry the thoughts far above and beyond the cares and sorrows of this world, in to the celestial regions of song and praise. Go oil boys—there is at least one heart that always feels cheered and grateful to hear you ; one who it and ever was your firm friend. Go on—but strive your utmost to make your lives as useful and pure as your music is good. WIMU b Knswn About Ausrluu Newspapers Pettenglll has published his Hetetpapcr Directory tor l7*. and In it shows not merely that bis knowledge of American newspapers surpasses that of all his con temporaries. but also that there is a meth od of enabling every man who possesses a copy of the new book to utilize that know ledge profitably. The classification of newspaper lists is the most complete ever accomplished. No man who is In the hab it of advertising bis business can be fully equipped for werfc without a copy of Pet tengiira Directory. The science of d I recto rymaklng is mastered In ths most admira ble manner la thflv latest publications re lating to newspapers. Of course much labor and gseat care have been bestowed in the preparation of this Directory. It brings theiteader into immediate commu nication wiith *,615 newspapers, in all parts country. It advises advertisers bow, and when, and where to adveitlse so as to make their expenditures effective. There is no newspaper man, whether editor or publisher, in the country, who will not hail the advent of this newest and best of Newspaper Directories. ORAIGE PLORIDA. OfTUATKD on St. John 4 River, near O Jacksonville. It contains 9,000 acre* of the best of Orange aad general Fruit and Vegetable, lands, averaging 30 feet above the river, with uo swamp or marsh lands on the tract. It is rapidly being settled with the verv best class of thrifty Northern families, and offers to those desiring to live in a State that has the capabilities to make the moat desirable homes on this continent the fol lowing Inducements: Post-ofllce, with dally mails, School during regular school months. Religious services every Sabbath. Within ono hour of the only sure market In the Slate, both to sell your products and buy your supplies. A first-class physician located here per manently. Perfect Titles, and full Warrantee Deeds to all purchasers. " Large and attractive Hotel completed and open the eutlre year at very moder ate rates. At this point Thermometer rarely goes above 90 or below 40 deg. We have garden vegetable every day In the year. Send for descriptive 'paper, pamphlets, eet. sent free on application to ORANGE PARK CO.. Orange Park, Fla. MARRIED. At Logan■rllle. May 12, I*7l, by D. m. Morris, J. P., Mr. A. I. Heller to Miss Nora Couler, both of Logans vllle. At the residence of the bride's parents In Logansville. May 14, I*7B, by Rev. D. P. Kline, Mr. Albert F. Schrocaer to Miss Zaidee E. Shlveley, both of Sugar Valley. On the V-Lb Inst., at the Lutheran Par* sonuge, Jersey Shore, by Rev. J. A. Bright, Mr. George Slaughepwhite, of Salladas- Miss Prucllla Rhine ©f Larrys' At MOD toursvllle M. E. Parsonage, on the 16th. by Rev. M. F Croatbwaite, Mr. John Myers , of Jersey Shore, and Miss Annie Achenbucb. of Logansvmo, Clinton co"Dty, Pa, DIED. On the 15th ln*t„ at Centre Well. C*thr In*, wife of I'ei.T Schlfßci , need 71 years, 7 month* and 15 days. On the 20th in Philadelphia; Abr*- hain huasinan of Beilefonle. (A(fa not glren,) On tUe 24th -Mst, in Mlllhelra, after a long ud Uegcrhig sicklies*, Mr. W- SlvaU, agod 67 yearn, 6 month* and 12 day*. Deceased wai Poet Matter at Mlllhrlin for tome eight yean, and re*jgued only a lew month* before hi* death, on Recount of 111 health. He wa* buried on Sunday at Hprueotown M. K. Church, nrheu the ooca *foh wa* improved by an appropriate er mon by Rev. W. K. Whitney,. L'. OHUROHDIRBOTORY. J 1 ' • • r >? * Bxvorukd /?er. J. O Shotmakrr, Puiftr English preaching in Aannntburiy, uext Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ECvamovlicaL.—English preaching next Sunday evouiug, by Rev.C. F. Uclutnger. I.OTaKRA*.—Ker. J. 7b mil aeon. Farter. English services next Sunday aflcruoon at 3 o'clock, and In Aaronanurg In the evening. General Couhcll meet* at Aaronaburg. next Saturday at 10 o'olocfe. Lodge and Society Directory. The Millheim Cornet Band wtl) meet in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evening*. Providence Grange No. SI? P. of H., meet* in Alexander • bloek on the Snd Sa turday of each month at r. a. and on the 4th Saturday of each month nt r. a. Mill helm Lodge, Ne. 955, I. O. O. F meet* every Saturday evening. Lodge Room In Wilt's ftulldJjnc, The Millheim 11. A |. Xsaoclatto* meets In the Town Hall, on the evenly of the ■eeoud M4+y of each month. CONGRESS. We are authorized to announce thxt D. 0. Bush, Esq., of Bellefonte, wtll be a can didate for Congress, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. JUDICIAL We are authorized to announce that C. P. McConnlck. Esq., of Lock Haven 1* a candi date for lh office of President Judge of tki* district, subject to Democratic rules SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce that John B. Balr, of Penn township, is a candidate or Sheriff, subject to Deinoeralie rules. We are authorized le announce that I. T. Munson. K*q . of Bellefonte, 4* a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the drelston of the Democratic County Convention. LEGISLATURE. We are authorized to announce that W. A. Murray, Esq., of Roalsburg, Is a candi dal* for Legislature, au bjcct to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce that W. L. Musser, Esq., of Millheim, is a candidate for J*i.lslature. subjeet to the decislou of the Democratic County Convention. TREASURER. We are gnthorized to aaaouaee that F. P. Mufstr, aow of Bellefoate. is a candidate for County Treasurer, subjeet to tke deelaloa of the Democratic County Convention. FROTHONOTARY. We are authorized to aaaeune* that Sana qgl M. gwartx. ef Potter township. Is a can didate tor ProßhogoUry, subject to Demo cratic rules. We are authorized to anaeuaee that B. F. Shafer, Ksq., of Wglker township, Is a can didate for the offlce,of Protho notary, subject te the action of the Democratic Couoty Con vention Wt are authaeDisd to aaneunee K. J. Herinx, Esq., ef Gzegg township, as a can didate for Pn.thonotry, subject to the de cision of the Democratic County Conven tion. COMMISSIONER We are antkozlted to announce ih*t A. J. Gricst. Esq., of UnjuHvllie. will be a candi date for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic County Con vention. -• , * i r /O We are author I red lo anneunoe' that X*hn Hoy, Jr., of Marion township, is s eaufU date tor County Commissioner, subject &o , the decision of the Democratic County Cesi veution. , We are authorized to announce J. If. Halm, of Mtlesburg, as a candidate for, County Commissioner, subject to the df cislon of the Democratic County Conven tion. VT# „re anlhoriied to announce that 11. A. Mingle, K*q.. of Heine* township. It a candid*!* (or County • 'ommlaaloner, sub. Jeri to the trQon *>f the Democratic County Convention. 'A SKINKK'BSALE OF KJi&L A)fD I KK /V MiNXL PROPERTY. - The under siKiied, Astieuee of.Samuet Haekman. will tell r.t public tale on the premise*, two miles south of Millheim. on Saturday. June Ist, I*7B, the following described real es tate, to wit: a house and lot In Penn town cfiip, Ceatre eoutty, Pa., bounded bv the L. 6t. Exeeatar. ADMINISTRATOR'S UtteCN of administration on the estate of Martin Stover, late of Haines township. Cen try county. Pa., deceased, haviug been granted to toe undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are Itercbv notified to make immediate payment, and tltose having cluitns, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. NOAH BTOT*R, Mien AM. Srovan, Administrators. T?XECUTOR\S NtmCE.-Letters testa JCJ mentary on the estate of Aehn Rupp, late of Haines Township, Centre County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Knowing Ihem selves indebted to said decedent are horeby requested to make immediate paymeutTd those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settle MEM. /. P. COBORH. Executor. Aaronaburg, May 22ud. IS7B. 21 A. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Silver Leaf rouhi. For Stoves, Ranges, etc. ALWAYS READY FOR V3X, NO M DU ST? 'NO BK^Slk, Circulars free. W, H.STEWART, 22-3 in. -Courtlaad St.. New York- Xgents W AOTED7 Pure Teas in Sealed Packages. * AGENTBWANTED EVERYWHERE t° sell Teas to families, hotels, aiul large consumers—the largest stock in the country to select from—qualities of aU descriptions, from the highest imported to tlm .lowest grades—a large discount, and a -.handsome income to all who sell for us—countrv store keepers. drugefsts who wish to sell teas in sealed poupd paekagos, tidier, and, in fact, all who w-fsb to obtain an honorable living by selling teas should write us for a circular, 22-3 m. i. . n T P& Vri£ i& H TEA COMPANY, V *}. Pox 1-V> *1 nilt-n St., New York P, GKPHAKT. 1. A. Vl'bSKB, GEPHART & MUSSER 1.. . m j hFALKK* m CtovoreooM, ; * T ' Fleer A ; m w—A, I ..'A . riaeler 4A # . .. ' v'\: " . kit MILLHEIM, PA. Highest: market pijbee paid for aU kind* o Q-RATN", Dellvered'elther at tbeIBRICK MILL or at the old MUSSKU MILL, In MILLHEIM. GOAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on hand and aotd at price* that de fy competition. A *hare of tke public patronage reapeetfully elleltpd. -Iy ■ lllketaa Market. ~ Wheat ho. 1 1 is Wheat No. S 1.10 St*" *• ye , 50 at* White... t& Oat*, 81ack.... ~,.'L 23 Keekwhoat 50 Flour.. . 6*lo Bibu A ShorU,'pitrhundred ...... tsA) Salt, per.Brl MO Plaster; ground 10.00 Cement, per Bushel 46 to 90 Barley SO Tymothy*eed Ham* ......... " Side* i veai Kfct* w w " t Rotating..,,.'. 7% gs"r.;- * Dried A p pie* ||. i. l>ried Peaches Dried Cherries COAL MARKET ** C0a1..;....; 44.75 Stove " 4*o Chestnut" 4.50 *5%. v ; .* CArt*eted every Wodeteeday by Gephart AtMneaer, Dtainond. Rtar, Egg. ROM, and EWal Cards 13c., with name. b Co., Kinder hook, N. V. 19 4. \*> . VEGETINB. ORKAT HOOD rVRiriER, U K. STKYKNN, Paw/RUtTon, Boston, Maw. )Nw 91ANS **" £ % Vpr&C AT A I.OG U KS and CI ECU LA ItS Mplee rde ed prices and n? C £, , ! , J 0 r. I ?.* Uon ■•■tftwe. MASON* i*rw?i ORGAN CO., Ho*Von., New York ofr Chicago. XI-44. ™mmnu :Chfi*iDE Tcbacco! -Awa*4e4 t a* CWmul KipMiWo* *Jr ' 'V*""' H*" Mi pMIUmi n4 SMr V <., Tk k„ vA*ra*l it*., t.'z- ruip m laitou4 lafwtor fa...U it, Jiu „VJ # s' to iS^^SL 7 / I *' . "* Wealera. *•< ItftMtU ' O S^ F ; W tV* 1 * GB * f al Age Mi. 91 aw New. 8 and 5 Souih Water Street Phlla. HEW RICE BLOtni! 'T'f!" I** 1 ** rilu ,n * k * N >* KWi Blood. and will Completely change the btood in the entire system in three month*. Anrpvaou Who will Uka 1 pin each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound *2fffc I, ? iC . h * 1h1,,f l# P"lbte. Sent by Si*-" ,ett * r Hampn. 1. ■. JOHXSO* • !•., Bangor, M. XIAt. PIAIO QMAI ?•■■■• wniy MM. Sjupcrh CrauXTSuTre riant* price II.IM only pas. jQerant Price t4 only |IIM New htyle tprtght l iani>s4ll.JV# Orgaas l|l 0r *** stop* $7tt.SC Ibnrch Or' K*"*'•Mope, price *Wu only #ll6. Ele f*" I *lrrwr Tep Organs. oulyfluS. Buyers come and see me at home, If I am not as represented. R. R. Fare paid hoth V ° or ° r K n Klren free. Large i'* ; t *VJ! r!,p # l *l. wi " l n ' uch Information about cost of Flmm A Organs aew9 addreas Damiml F. B*ATTT, Washington, N. J. 21 At. fVI rh MTW TOD.rr PREPARATION Jj ABSOICTELT HAMLEM Removes FRECKLES, TAN H AND ALL BLKMISUES. Make* the Ceaplealea ton n ekw Opetal. toad the skl H □Q in elt •• Velvet. A alantlftc O preparation does not eever sip, bat KEHOVE9—and that without the Wsllgkteet Injun - , 5o Cents per Bottle. Qg3 BOLD BT AI.L DRUGGISTS. .£7* 00. A. KELLOGG, PROP'R, No. 6 Lb Church St.. N. Y. XI A HEALTH AMD HAPPINESS. Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessor, and yet they are within *ll4 reach of erery one who will use WRIGHTS LIVER PILLS. The only sure CURE for Torpid Llrer, Dys pepsia. Headache, Seur Stomach. Constipa tion. Debilitv, Nausea, and aU RilUous com plaints and Blood disorders. None gsnulno unless signed "Wm. Wright, Fhfla.' If your Druggist will not supply send 23 cents for one bos to Barrlrk. Keller * Co.. 70 JJ 4th t. Phil*. * CA r,fAC4SI ® f CATAKBB jQI jThat Mufl Radical Cere for Catarrh will not In ' 5 * stantly rellere and speedily jure. References, Henry < Wells, Esq.. Wells. Fargo ■ Co., Aurora, N. Y.; Wm. Bow €f% Esq.. Mollatton, Gran,. Va Bowen. St Louis. Testa* moulals and treatise by mail, w with Improved Inhaler, sl. "old erery where, WEEKS3S POTTEk Proprietors, . *a Mass. , lUw fkfUf mm Great chance to make me ■ ■||l ■ ■ ner. -If you can't get gold |ll|L|Jjvou can get greenbacks. ■ m We need a per sua in every town to ttke sul>scriptlous for the largest, cbeapeet xnd best Illustrated family publica tion in the world. Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant work* of art given free to subscribers. The Rrice it so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making over $l5O hi a' week. A lady ageut reports taking over 400 subscribers In ten days. AU who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to the buSluess, or only your sparu time. You need not be away from home over night. You ran do it as well as others. Full parti culars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive utnt free. If you want profttable work send us your address at ouce. It eoets nothing to try the business. No one who en gages rails to make great pay. Address "The People'* Journal," Portland, Main*. 31-ly CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. All sufferers from thla disease that are anxious to be cured should try Dr. Kisa- NBK'S CR.TKNNXTKN Comrxrnwß FOWDBRS. These Powder* are the only perparatiun known that will cure CosimrnoA and aU diseases ot tho THHOAT ANI> LUNGS —indeed so strodg our faith in them, and al*e to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer* by. mall, post paid, a free trial box. We don't want your money until you are perfectly of their curative power*. If y'oujr JHfe worth eavlug. don't delay In giving these rowußss a trial as tfaey pJH surely cure you. Price, for large box, $3.00, sent Jto any part of the United States or-Canada, by mall, VII receipt of price. Address, ASH & BOBBINS, MO.FCLL'ON M'lgfEK, FVOOKXT*. N. T. Unprecedented BARGAINS AT STAHMR6 STORE, 235 MA REST ST., near THIRD sttoiskrg,|)a. Our old Slock entirely told ont and recti ring NEW GOODS DAILY the Spring and Summer Seasons, which enables us to offer cur patrons the CHOICEST NEW COODS IK THE Millinery Department. o We have all the New Styles of Hits and Bonnets for Ladies, Milled and children, such as Chip, Leghorn Neapolitan and Straw Braid, trimmed and un trimmed. Trimmed Hats from 50 etc. up Untrimraei " " 15 cts. up Hat Frames, all shapes, 8 cents. Full line of S>Uc Ribbons, Flow ers, Feathers an Ornament*. o— Trimmings, No tions and Fancy Goods Department. Complete Line of Late, Fringes, Drees Buttons, Cuffs, Collars, Bash es, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloaes, Ties, Zephyrs End GdcauHttewn Wools, Honeyconab and Java Can rags, Card Board and Mottoet, Per fumery, Jewelry, Hair Geoda, &e. Notice a few of oar Prices: Hamburg aod Cotton Edges 1 ct. up 200 yds Machine Cotton, 3 eta. Coats Machine Cotton, 6 eta. Pins, per paper, * . 3 •• Needles, per paper, . 3 eta. Corsets . „ . 25 cts a pair Neck ltouchea . . 1 ct. up Hemmed and St-itched Hand kerchief! from . . 3 eta. Tip Gents' Linen Faced ■Collars, 10 c. a b. Ladies' Fancy Hose . 10 eta. 11 White Hose . ft cts. Gents' Half Hose . 8 cts. Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs 18 c. Gents 1 Linen Shirt Fronts 20 e. Alpaca Skirt Braid • 5 c. Rubber Dressing Combs ft c. Rubber Fine Combe, . e. Shoe Lace\ per JDosen, 3 eta. Motto Frames, Glass and Back • * % 30 cob Remember the place— No. 235 Market St.. Lewisburg, near Third Street. JJfiMJISgp • fl cZttL II I IItI *.. MM M II ■■ ®omWne rr*ij dcir*6l/tuprra*ai.*■• . If II 4HT Vrtry Machine e*. mtk NaiwiilMUMllM A CURAT HRMf!f' f H tm*yuU jptaaSet^T __ . . ** ncTOR SEWIW XACMXI 00.. imV! T7!? iTT- * Mw ' m " **"**• g *^ r " 111 '■f"i". miiim. r RED FRONT STOTWHfc LEWIS BURG, PEMA. J. HOWER, Proprietor, ... 4t ; i Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Extension Tables, Bureaus, Parlor Tables, Bedsteads, " and Chairs > in great variety and at every price. kll kinds of FURNITURE constantly on nand. •' ly O.SHUGERT ft CO, ALLEGHANY JSTRRET, BELLEFONTB, PENNA., ' L'eaters in Medicines Toilet Articles, Ac.^AE9 A full line of Goods of the best quality always fctpt on band. Qur stock is as complete as any lathe Count}. We invite the people of Penns and Brush Valleys to call and examine our goods for anything they need in our line. lA4y. American House, J.P.S. WEIDENBATJL, Proprietor. OLD AND TOrULAR STAND. Corner Market and Front treete. L E WISBUR(t,P A A First Class Hotel in all Respects. CH ARGES-MODKRATE. C. M. PETREE, CIGAR MANUFACTURER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Choice Bra nds of Tobacco and Cigars, MOIRES* ARTICLES, ETC., BCABXJrr OTSSSFT. Lewisburg, Pa, FURNITURE J. H. H A ZFiLT., Spring Mills, Pa., Is at all times prewired to make furniture to order. He hopes by good work and low prices to merit a share of pablte patronage. Cane tottom chairs always on hand. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALITY. PITS E(LEPSY.I FALLING SICKNESS Psrsmaeatly Cared-ae knibng— by who aosTs i rs.vot or Dr- GwcxAitD'a CaLuaaATßo Invalurlr Fit Powders. To oonvtnoe sufferers that these powders will do all we claim for them, we will •end them bv mail, rowr r aid, a mi TBl ax BOX. As Dr. Goulard ia the only phy sician that lias ever made tbie disease a < special study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been vnaMairßirrLT cos#n by the aee of these powders, we will guar antee a permanent cure In every ease, dr refund you all money expended. All sufferers should give these powders an 1 early trial, and be convinced oftbelr cur ative powers. i'rlcc for large box. $.1. 00, or 4 boxes fer 910.00, sent by mall to any part f United States or t'anadu on receipt of price, or by express, (\ O. D. Address ASH & BOBBINS, 900 rwi.ro* Strbkb, Brooblt*, N. Y HIGHEST HONORS. ATftl Centennial Worlds Fair, 1878 ! raw SHONINGER ORGANS PRONOCBCBD rBAHIMOCSLT AS TUB BEST INSTRUMENTS. Their comparative excellence is rscegniz ed by the Jmdgee.iu their Reperi, from which the follow ing Is an extract: •'The B. VMMIgOER ORGAN cerw esMblt ae the Beat Iwatrn swewte at a price rendering them possible to a large class of purchasers, having a coinbluatiop of ltecds and Bells, producing novel and pleasing effects, containing mnay desirable Improvements, will stand 'onger I in dry or damp climate, less liable to get out of order, all the boards being made three- Ply, Pttt together so it Is Impossible for them to culler shrink, swell or. suilt." THE OUT ORGANS AWARDED THIN RANK. This Medal and Award w** granted after tli most severe competition of the best makers, before one of the hi wax compe AestjsrlM ever assembled. New Styles and prices just Issued, which are in accoruance with our rule, the BENT •ORGAN for the least money. We are prepared to appoint & few new Agents. - .- Illustrated Catalogue mailed, post-paid on application to B. SRQNINQER ORGAN CO. 5 <• m CIIKBTMT STKKKT, t VKW Hatvs. fVSV, DR. D. H. MINGLE, - Offer* WprofMsf lie. Answers calls at a) boon Office amd rksidemoji llllhelm, (tarslsM 'mpr*Te fWLA r Sstmlc Applium arc a sp< Mr and PeimMfit cure lor RWuin lisni Neuralgia, Kiduey, Liver and Female Com plalnts, Nervous Proßtratioa. Bk ad spinal Irritation, and kindred PI lessee Prices, Waist Belt. *.O ; Spfn.' toft. 7* Par .lysis jcdSfiina! AiJnia. WANTED! We M is aeout. ■ >u in town of this county, to get up Clubs' among laasitlea, hotels.factories. Ac, (or the •*& of our Teas, and will oiler very liberal .>•*- missions to sueh. We have been Importers of leas for ever apjroars. and can afford to send, and wo wOT eaad a hotter article fee the money than any other houeo la Wow Yo1 ? ** * *• U oand packages wfUl the name and price printed for terms and Mask term Bee 'Plain Home Taut and Medical Comma** Sense,"—nearly 1,000 page*. **. iilaMratler * , t by Dr. K. B. Foots, of iao Lexington Ac* N. Y. Purchasers of this booh are at Utmi 1 to consult its antbor in- person r byte / * free. Price by mall. ALJI for the ST a* Di ed it lon, oi gI.SO for the fomUs edit* which contains all the same matte, and i lustrations. Contents tables free. Aa* . Wabtkd. MUItRAY HILL FCBUAHIMk. I P., 11* East Wth St N. Y. W-lf DAV. I.BROWN, Manufacturer and Dealer la TN-WAH, STOVEPIPE & TIIIIGS SPOITIMi and FRiIT CAM r • §f e Would- resphotfuWy itsfcariga„ the public Iha he keeps on haud or makes to order all hinds of Tinwabp. Brova- FIXTL KBS, rUL'ITCASS, •_ etc.. etp. SSPOUTINGi SPEOAHTT Fruit cans alwavsonluvnd. Kepnl! l lnßdone at short notice. Having loin* ten yearaexperienew In thebusiness hefiatters btir . self that his wprh is fully equal to I any In IhK section df the country. A | share of .the pubHc'eiuiitreuage Is respect folly solicit** moat !, t, Aohi nnl Hook fff#re, MJltkelm. Ps.