fjje Journal.. Wilier Detainer, Proprietors B O. DttMXOER, Associate Edlto ■Ulhelm, Thursday Apl. 25. Te rms—Bl.6o Pfer Annum. ■< -♦ o I ...J JL.-L Ll..'. DO!Ct PROMISE RASIIIY. Candidates are now beginning to announce themselves for the several county offices to be filled next No vember, and the party will soon have an ample number asking its suffrag es, to select from. The system of electioneering now prevailing is cer tainly not the best that could lie de vised—it is open to grave objections. A candidate who asks the sumort of the party, is almost obliged, as a eanyass is now carried on, to travel the whole county and "see" almost everybody ; and since this is next to impossible, it frequently becomes a matter very embarrassing to the candidate w horn to visit and whom to pass over, especially where he is not personally acquainted. It is also obvious at first sight that the present system is uselessly expensive, and that men of moderate means who would make excellent of ficials, are often detered from offer- he in selves for this very reason. The stakes are too hazardous. The defeated candidate will of course lose all he invested, while the suc cessful one will try to make it up af ter lie is in office. Herein is a strong temptation to officials to "make" more than the} should, and they often do make more than the law, in letter or spirit, contemplates. Much of the dishonesty and general corruption in official circles are traceable to this very source. Som3 worthy men are entirely too timid to run tor office after thefash ion now in vogue. The absolute and abject begging for "support" is dis tasteful to such, to say the least of it; and this class almost always come out.of the canvass secod best, while their bolder compepitors carry off the prize. This is unfair to a very large class of our best ciizens, aud very degradiug irt its effec upou politics generally. We would say then to tie rank and file of the party, whose sole in terest it is to have good, faithful men in office, doa"t promis rashly don't agree with the first candidate that happens to call on you, to do all for him you can, for vou may re gret it if you do. Wait until the several candidates are announced, then see who in your judgement are the best, the fittest, and the most worthy of your suffrage, and for such vote at the primaries. What is here said is based on gen eral principels altogether, and not in the interests of any candi date or locality. IH)X. W. K. 4LEXAKDLR. Tbe present Legislature is doing about all it-can to make itself odious to tue people, above, vn rather below any preeeeding one. Early in the session it became painfully evident that a majority of tbe members were disposed to make tbe most of it for themselves ; to stay at long and do as little for tbe public good, aiul as much for ring and personal Itgisla tiou as possible. Tbe party majori ty will have a tremendous heavy ac count to settle with tbe people next November. It is not our present purpose to enlarge on this matter but to show that our representative Mr. Alexander, has uniformly spok en and voted for a short, xcorking session, and in the interests of the people generally. He voted against the dc novo dodge, by which little arrangement much labor done by tbe previous session was ignored and a pretext gained for a long sitting at "ten dollars a dav" for all days over one hundred. He voted agaiDst the infamous Recorder bffl, tbe Bank Examiner Bill, and similar measures, gotten up for tbe special benefit of ring-pets, who happened to be left out in the eoid by the votes of the people. The other Friday, when the ques tion of additional sessions, that is for two sessions on Fridays and Mondays was up, Mr. Alexander said: I hope that the amendments offered by the gentleman from Montgomery [Mr. RICHARD s-ONI will not be adopted. Wv have already fooled awav too much of the time of this session, and it is now time for us to do some thing. Gentlemen ought to understand that it is necessarv for us at least to hold two sessions on iridays and Mondays in order to have the business of the House transacted. And I give notice now that when the vote is taken lshall move a call ol thejeas auu nays. The proposition for additional working was defeated, and tbe long and useless session grows longer, but Mr. Alexander's vote stands record ed on the light side of tbe question, as well as on others. He has no axs to grind, is no candidate for re-elec tion, but we deem it an act of simple justice to place him right before the people whom he represents. Judge Blatcliford of the United States District Court lias decided against Mr. Tilden, in the demurrer iu the matter of the suit against him to recover income tax alleged to be 4ue. It will be recollected that the .question of Mr. Tilden not having paid the proper income tax, was rais ed while lie was Democratic candi date for President. Like many oth ers he declined to make a return for several years, but paid the tax the assessor assessed, with a penalty of five per cent, additional. This was in accordance with the law. Judge Blatcliford now decides that the as sessor had no power to levy such tax, t "fee. If this opinion be sustained it will cause a vast deal of tvquble and litigation, and every man who failed to make a return but allowed the as sessor to fix the tax, will find himself -tackled on to a lawsuit.— Doylestown Democrat. "CLEVER FELLOW."— The term as now so much used and abused that it has about lost its definite meaning. It is frequently applied to one who asks you up to the bai to take something, but when we use it in reference to our friend L. A. Haupfc, Esq-, the eflicient conductor on the B. F. V. R. R., it has a far more significant and better meaning. Mr. Haupt is a gentleman of educa tion and culture an obliging official, and to us a .true and value friend. es formed twenty years ago between teacher and pupil have grown since- and will last as lung as life. The United States have nn Rvmy of civil officers numbering 8. r >,Bßo. Ilavc you your yards cleaned up and the flower beds in order V May Ist Auditor General Sehell and State Treasurer Noyes will take charge of their respective offices. The expenses tor keeping the poor of Lock Haven for the year ending March 31st, 1878, were $4,482.f>0. It is rumored that Gov. Curtin is to be the Democratic candidate for Congressman. We propose that he be made Uuited States Senator. Dr. St am is in the city this week, to lay m a stock of spring and sum mer goods. There will be a rush to his store when the goods come. . Gath," the able and well known Washington coires t H>ndent thinks that Hendricks ill be Democratic candidate for President in 1880, and Grant or Sherman the Republican. Peter D. Wanner, a restless Read ing lawyer, would much like to have Mr. Clymer's seat in Congress. Well, he lias a perfect right to try for it. Neighbor Brown now has his shop "fixed up," next door to the Journal Pock Btore. Dave is a teal good fel low and a first class tinner. Let the orders come in tluek and fast. Bill WeiserV new house is ap proaching completion. Sheriff Mus ser's store building and Odd 1 el low's Hall is up, and so is Israel Confer'sand Yoney Barter's. Our other improvements are making head way. C. M. Tetree, of Lewishing, paid our town and valleys a visit last week, partly on business and partly on pleasure." and returned well pleas ed in both directions. Mr. Petree is every inch a gentleman, a square practical business man, and sells about "the best cigars ever smoked in .lieso parts. Call again, Charley. J. Newman, Jr.,the Boss Clothier f Centre county, las the laigtst, est selected attl cheapest stock of clothing ever offered for sale in this section of t-lie state, aeob keejs everything in the line of gentlemen s wear, and you can buy an eutive out fit at a very reasonable figure. If you go to Beilefonte, don't fail to call ut the Eagle Clothing Hall. 15-4w. Lightning struck the barn of Ja cob Bower, Jr., in Haines township, last Friday night, killing five sheep. The electricity struck and followed the lightning" rod to within some four feet from the ground, where it entered and passed through the wall, shattering the same considerably. The sheep were near where the light ning went through. A number of trees were also struck in the neigh borhood. The irate editor of the liclkfonU Republican is just now part ici.lai ly mad at Journals, and spitefully saur that the MILLIIEIM JOURNAL and the PIIILIRSNURG JOURNAL togeth er have hardly half as large a circu lation as the Repulheun. well, guess work te as good t.s any, if it hits. But if JOURNALS are such contemptible little tilings, why are they so much in the Republican's way ? ♦♦ ■ [Communicated.] EDITOR JOURNAL:— l'eunit us through the columns (t your paper, to recommend to the Democrats of Centre county as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, Mr. John It. Bair, of Pent, town ship. Mr. Bair is an eld citizen of the county, a sound Democrat, has good qu tlifications for the office and has never before asked for any pub lic favors. If nominated and elect ed, would be a faithful and popular Sheriff. „ „ . Democrats of Humes. The Lord willing the new Luther an Church at Rebersburg win be dedicated to the service of Triune God, on Sunday May 12th, rext, preaching to commence on Sunday previous. Prof. Zeigler, P.D., Rev. W. L. Criley and other ministers are expected tobepiesent. The chris tiaii public is most cordially invited to attend. F.AURAND, Pastor. The Northern Conference will also convene here Tuesday evening, May 7th. Our reply to tfre hateful, nnlig nar.t and venomous article in tl.e Deporttr of last week, against Treas urer Musser and this paper, for t" c present is as follows : OPLXwVfi* "DIFFEK. A certain disinterested source kind y condescends to no tice this journal by calling it "a political nonentity, a half and half concern, and a fraud." This language differs slightly from that used by the same source about fcwo yearc ago, in reference to our paper. Then it had an "improved appearance," had "our Lest wishes for success," and we were called "welcome to the quill brigade." When we read that we felt happy for a time, but alas, our happiness was of very short duration, and yet we do not feel particularly disappointed —for blood will tell. Opinions differ. Not only do dif ferent men differ on different sub jects and things, but the same men differ on one subject *at different times, of which ourquotatiousaboye are a good illustration. The source just now seems to have great contempt for the JOURNAL, and here is just where others again differ with him. We can show let ters from gentlemen whose feet the source is not fit to wipe intellectually, complimenting the JOURNAL very highly, as a live, spicy llocal paper, as well as for its decided political tone. "Strange that such difference there should .be. 'Twixt tweed!cw.ivm rd iwc i ce." SEWING MACHINES, like all other machines, sometimes set out of or der, and nut few people understand to look properly where the difficulty lies. If there is anything wrong with your machine, you hotter not try too much to mend it. but take it at once to I>. 11. Rote, Aaronsburg, and get it fixed. Dan is a mechan ical genius of a high order, as we have reason to know, and he will charge you but a moderate price, tf. Friday might last we bail one of the most terrific thunder-showers ever witnessed in this section at so early a season. At nightfall the heavens darkened with heavy clouds and soon the pent up storm burst forth in great lower. Flash follow ed flash, sharp and vivid, until the entire heavens were all ablaze with flame, while the rolling thunder shook tlm very foundations of the earth. It was a sight at once awful and grand, displaying the power and majesty of the Creator in a manner that made the creature fear and tremble. Lightning struck the cotnbe of the roo of Snooks' Building,aud follow ing the cornice toward the street, must have glanced off into the air on reaching the eaves, as no trace of it can be seen from that point down. Is not this a freak of na ture ? The cornice is considerable shattered, otherwise no damage done. SPRING BDLLLS ITEMS. Had a very lively war dance in town the other morning. Shoo fly . W. B. Krape is the boss fence maker and is chock full of business. Sabbath school opened and is very well attended. lloi>e the same spir it may be manifested during the summer. Miss Blakely has opened sub scription school which is largely pat ronized. Parents know their chil dren have a good teacher. Mr. S. A. Woods is about as han dy at cleaning and repairing sewing machines as the next fellow in liis line. His work gives satisfaction. W. B. Bitner is at last getting in earnest about building. Ilismasons will begin work soon. Go in, Vill yum. Mr. I. J. Grenoble is now on the bill, in his new, magnificent store room, and no doubt, as heretofore, will not be undersold by any one in the same business. Israel is trying to have a town over there. Hope he may succeed. YONEY. A timely dose of Schenk's Mandrake Pills Is sure to prevent an attack of bilious ness, when a short neglect of the warning symptoms may develop a serious case of fev er, either bilious, intermittent or typhoid. Schenk s Mandrake Pills remove all cau ses of biliousness, promptly start the secre tions of the liver, aud give a healthy tone to the entire system. It is no ordinary discove ry In medical science to have found a harm less cure for this stubborn complaint, which accomplishes all the results heretofore pro duced by a free use of calomel, a minora justly dreaded by mankind, and acknowledg ed to be destructive in the extreme to the human system. That the properties of ccr ain vegetables all the virtues of calomel without its injurious qualities. Is now an admitted fact, rendered Indisputable by scientific test.*. Those who use the Mandrake Pills will be fully satisfied that the bos:, med icines are thae provided by nature in the common herbs and roots of the fields. Those rills open the bowels ami eorreet all bilious derangements without salivation or any of the injurious efforts of ealoniel or other*!*. Tlie secretion of bile is regu lated as will !*• seen by the altered color of the stools, the disappearance of the sallow complexion and the cleansing of the tongue. Ample directions for use accompany each box of pills. Prepared only by J. It. Schcnck & Son. at their nrinelpal office, cor. sixth and Arch Streets. Philadelphia. Price 25 cents per box J-'or s alt 1 y ail diutgiMS at d dealers . MARRIED. On the 21st Inst., at Rebcrsburg, by Rev. P. Aurand. Mr. Ilenry A. Meehtley and Miss Anna M. Koycr, both of Tylersvtlle. DIED. On the °nd inst.. In Miles township. Catha rine Long. widow, aged 78 years, 8 months and 5 davs. On the 6th inst.. at his residence near Clinton Dale, Walter B. Kady, aged off year* 10 months and 25 days. On the 17th Inst.. at Aaronsburg. after a long suffering of Cancer. John Koop. aged 64 years, i months and 1 day. CHURCH DIRECTORY. LCTHERA*. Iter. J. Tomlinson, Pastor. German preacblu in Aarousburg. next Sunday morning. REFORMED. 7?T. J. O. Shoemaker. Pastor. Preaching In Millhcim next Sunday at 3 o'clock, p. M. KVANGEI.ICAL. Quarterly meeting at Green Grove Church, next Sunday. METHODIST .—Rev. W. K. Whitney will preach next Sunday evettng. Lodge and Society Directory. The Millheim Cornet Band will meet in the Town Hull on Monday and Thursday evenings. Providence Grange No. 217 P. of 11., meets in Alexander's block on the 2nd Sa turday of each month at P. M. and on the 4th Saturday of each month at p. m. Mill helm Lodge. No. 955, I. O. O. F meets every Saturday evening. Lodge Room in Wilt's Building. The Millheim Is. & L. Association meets In the Town Hall, on the evening of the second Monday of each month. Annonneementn. We are authorized to announce that C. S. McCortnick. Esq., of Look Haven is a candi date for the o.fliee of President Judge of this district, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that Sam uel M. /Swartz, of Potter township, Is a can didate for Prothonotary, subject to Demo cratic rules. Wc are authorized to announce that John K. Hair, of Penn township, is a candidate for sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. NOTICE OF APPEALS.— AppeaIs wni ie held at the Commissioners' Office in Bellefonte, Pa., as follows: Monday, May 13th, for the townshins of Spring, Beuner and Borrough of Bel efonte. Tuesday, Mav 14th. for the townships of Penn, Miles, Ba ncs, Gregg and Potter Weunesday, May 15th, for the townships of Harris, Ferguson, iialfmoon, College, Pattou and Walker. . ... Thursday, May 16th, for the townships of Boggs, Union, Huston, Worth and Borough, of Unionvtlle and Milcsburg. . Friday. May 17th, for the townships of Taylor, Burnside, Snow Shoe, Bush and Borough of Philipsburg. Saturday, May 18th, lor the townships of Marion, Liberty, Curtin, Howard and Bor ough of Howard. All between the hours of Y o'clock A. M., and 4 o'clock P.M. J. N. HALL, ( And. GKKUU, < Commissioners. H. A. MINCiLK, < Henry Beck, Clerk. 17-3t EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters tcs'a mentary on the estate of Catharine Long, (widow.) late of Miles township. Cen tre Co., Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly au i thentieated for settlement. W. U. COKMAN, 1 Jtcbersburg. A pi. Jo ji. Executor. DISSOLUTION NOTICE.-Tl™ arm of Young, Wilson & Delhi Ims this day dissolved by noil mil consent. The hooks an' account* will lc left In the lunula of It. C. Delhi, at the old stand, where per sons having unsettled accounts or notes will please call lor settlement without d" lny Wtn YOUKO, K. F. WiLaow, „ It. C. DIOJU- Farmer#' Store. Apr. Ist, 1878. 15-3 EXEOHTOK'* NOTlCE.— letters Testanintary on the estate of Abraham Kehcr, of vtlles township, Centre county, Pa.,'de erased.having Uen granted to'lhe under signed, all persons knwlng themselves lu dehteil to the said deceased are hereby re quested to make Immediate navmeut, and those having claims against the same to ptesenc them duly authenticated for ecttlc mcnt. Geo. K ZKHNICH THOMAS MOSTKKM AN 116 Executors. SETTLEMENT NOTICE.-All persons having accounts with the estate of Abraham ltels-r, late of Miles township, de ceased are hereby requested to present them for sett lenient,-at the late residence of decedent, ou Tuesday, Mav '->3ll next. •Geo. K. ZKU.NKU THOMAS ItosTKUV AN. 14-6 Executors. ADMINfsTIt ATOlt'S NOTlCE.—Utters of Administration of the e-date of Johniliuey, late-ef Peiiti Township, Centra County Co., Pa., decease J, having .dteii granted to the undersigned all persons knot.lng themselves indebted t (said dece dent, are requested to make Immediate pay meut, and Cmse'fntvliig claims ngalust the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. AUUCSITS IIBKY 13-6 Executor. P UEPUAKT. D. A. MI'SSER. GEPHART & MUSSER DEALERS IN Grain, 4'ioveraeed,* rUvr.A I'Ml, f'laster * Knit. MILLIIEIM, PA. Highest market price paid for all kinli o 0-IR,AJCN% Delivered either at the BRICK MILL or at the old MUbSER MILL, in MILLIIEIM. COAL, PLASTER & SALT Always ou hand and sold at prices that de fy competition. A share of the public patronage respectfully •Ik-lied. KMy Xillbpim Market. Wheat No. 1 1.30 Wheal No. t 1.10 ! Corn 40 | Kye 50 OatS White 76 Oah. lilwic 25 Hack w lieu t 50 Flour 5.40 Bran .t Shorts, i>er hundred I.OU Salt, per Itrl 1.80 Fluster, proline. lOieo Cement, per Bushel 4ft to 50 Parley 50 T ymothyseed Flaxseed Clovcrseed Butter 22 Ilats 0 J Ides 6 Veal Kggs s Potatoes 2ft Lard 7 Tallow f Soap Dried Apples Dried Peaches Dried Cherries.. ; 4 COAL MAKKEL. Egg Coal 14.7 ft stove " 4.<0 Chestnut '• 4.50 l'ea " .25 Corrected every Wednesday by OrphHil A MASSER. Collins' Voltaic Plaster IS SIMPLY WONDERFUL. KISUSTON, MINN., \ April 20. 1877. J I consider COLLINS' VOLT Aif PI.ASTKK the LA*st plaster 1 ever saw. and am reeorainending it to alt. C. MCMOKROW. TII'ME, 111., \ April 18, 1877. } It ha* done my lwiy mope good than all other medicines. He now goes to school for the ilrst time In three years. ELIZA JANK DCPFIKLD. COLLI*!*' VOL lAIC PLASTER for local pains, lameness, soreness, weakness, numbnesu, and inflammation of the lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, bowels, bladder, heait ami muscles, is equal to an army of doctors and acres of plants and shrubs." PRICE 35 CENTS. Sold bv all Druggists an d bv WEE* & POT TER Proprietors, Boston, Xfass. 17-4w. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. All sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try I>r. Kiss- NKIt'H CELEBRATED CoXsmi'TINE POWDKIUS. These Powders are the only pcrparutioo known that will cure Coxhi MITIOA and alt diseases of the THROAT AND LCNOS —lndeed so strodg our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by. mall, post paid, a free trial IKIX. We don't want yonr money until you, are perfectly satisfied of their curutivq powers. If your life "is worth saving: don't delay In giving these rowneiw trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large box, s.'{.oo, sent to any part of the United Slnlek or Canada, by mall, on receipt of price. Address, > ASH & ROBBINS, 300 FCLTOM STREKK, BROOKLYN. N. Y. EST Milton Colvitliont Plate, free to all. ■PinjER HEND c RSON & CO., BESDFTMK.S, MAIIKKT GAIUINKUH AMI FLA>KJBTS, • v " U- Cortland St., New York. A GItbEHIOISEVUSSt" For II (Ml h will send fife hp mall either of theAtelow-mimed collections, s all (I I nil net varieties : 8 Abi.lilons, or 4 Azaleas, e Begonias, or 3 Camellias, 'i-Caladiunut(fancy), or 8 Carnations (monthly), 12 Chrysanthemum*, or'l2 Cohies, 8 Cenluureas, or 8 other .white-leaved plants, 8 Dahlias, or 8 Dlanthiis (new Japan), S Perns, 8 Mosses, or 8 Kn 'hslas, BGeraniums, Fa*cv, 8 Variegated, or 8 Ivy leaved. 4 Gloxinias, 8 Gladiolus, or BTuberoses (Pearl) 4 Grape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, 4 Har dy Shrubs, 8 Heliotrope-., BLautanus.or 8 Petunias 8 I ansles (new Gei'tnau), oi MMirias, 8 Roses Monthly 8 llardy Hybrid, or 4 Climbing, 8 Violet (scented), or 8 Daisies, Engl. 12 Scarcer Redding,or 12Scarcer Greeu house Plants, 16 Verbenas, disllnet and splenttit-sorts 2o \ urleties of Flower, or 21) varieties of Vegetable Seeds, or by EXPRESS, latger to charges. 3 collect ions for ; 5 for *s; 9 for l r >: 12 for *ti; II for f7 ; 18 for flu: or the full collection of 350 varieties of Plants and seeds—sufllcieiit to stock a greenhouse and garden—for f 25, to our book "Gard ening for Pleasure" and < atalogue otter ed aliovc (value! 1.75) will be added. Peter Henderson & Co. So Cortlandt St. ,A\ 1! HALIH AND HAPPINESS. Health and Happiness are (iriceless Wealth jo uieir possessor, and yet they are within me reach of every one who will use WRIGHTS LIVEIt PILLS. The only sure URK lor Torpid Liver, Dys pepsia, Headache, Sour Stomach. Constipa tion, Debility. Nausea, and all Hilllous com plaints and ltlood disordres. None gcmilno unless signed "Win. Wright, J'hha." If Sour Druggist will not supply send 25 cents •"[ °ne box to Barrlck, Roller & Co.. 76 . 4th &t. Phlla. rIIT? AVTTri® 1 •**•** Cured. New WfllwiN I tt Mt , l,y the t-v planiest of all books- Plain Home Talk aud Medical Common Sense,"—nearly I.CDO pages, 2tn illustrations, by Dr. K. 11. KOOTK, of 120 Lexington Avc- N. Y. Purchasers of this book are at liberty to consult its author In person or by mall free. Pi lee bv mail, 83.24 for the STANUAHD edition, oi f1.50 for the rori'UK edition wkieh contains all the same mattei and II lustrations. Contents tables free. AGK.NTS WA.NTKD. MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING ©., 120 Last IMb M..N. Y. &*-ly WANTED! We wish an BRent. male or female, in each town of tlrls county, to get up Clubs among tamilles, hotels, factories, &t;., for the sale of our I>as, and will offer very liberal com mission* to such. We have beeu Importers of Teas for over 20 years, and eau afford to seud, and we will send a l>etter article fcr the money than any other house In New York. Our Teas are put up In one pound packages, with the name and price printed upon each. Address, for terius and blank form for Clubs, LONDON A NEW YORK HI NA 11 AO. , I*. O. Box 57. No. 2? Church St, New York. 30-1 y 9 B"fc Creat chance to make me -18111 II nev. if you can't get gold KJf Ml Iv L 9 BVIIU can get greenbacks. We need a person in even* town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and l>est Illustrated family publica tion in the world. Any one can "become a successful apent. The most elegant works of art given free to sulscrll*cr*. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. Due agent reports making over $l5O in a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All whe engage make money fast. You can devote all vour time to the business, or only your spare t"ime> You need not be away from home overnight. You can do it a* well as others. Full parti collars, directions and terinsfree. Kleganland expensive utflt free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No ole who en gages falls to make great pay. Address "The People's Journal," Portland, Maine. 31-ly ivins' patmt nair cri* pers. Adopted by all the-queens of fasMsn. Send ■for circular. K. IVINS, No. ffldo North Fifth Philadelphia, Pa. I 111 1*23. . SEND FOR 1818. £w 1118 New York Observer, The Besl ReligiousaKd Stctilar Famllv News paper. $3.15 a Year, |*>st-paid". Established 1823. 37 Park How, New York. *Ca , BAMfI.BR FRKB YXJV 11 mail c a "d one-half dpz- W w W lil en tt,e most beatffHul new Chromos, in French oil color, ever seen for SI.OO. They are mounted in 8x 10 black enameld ana gold mats oval opening and outsells anything now before the public. Satisfaction guarau teed. Two samples for 25 cents, or six for fl cent. Send 10 cents for grand illustrated catalogue with chroino of ootilightou the Rhine, or 20 cents for two landscape and Halla Lilies on back ground. J. A. LATH CA v C ). 419 Waslil ngtoti St. Boston ass. ■p£s£A FORTUNE. .. a- WJL PI AMI ORfiAX renewed. latest Newspaper for full reply sent free. Beforobuying PIANO or ORttAN read my latest circular Betty's celebrated Plnhos & Organs, beautiful Instrument! Challenge coinpurison ! Rivals are jealous Of uiy success ! Most successful house in America! Commenced a few years ago without a dollar, scales uow nearly $2,000- poo annually. Lowest prices ever given, elegant Rosewood Pianos 9135, 16 steps Church Organs. slls, tremendous bargains now ready. Adrrcss, DANIEL K. BEAT AVAR WAR |K/-VFor AflS of tATAHRH J'rhat Sauford's Radical Cnr# for Catarrh w-Ml not in stantly relieve and speedily cure. References, Henry Wells, Esq., Wells. Fargo m Go., Aurora,N. Y.; Win. Bow Esq., Mcllatton, Gran., ■& Bowen, St Louis. Testa and treatise by mall ■ Price with improved inhaler, %t. AVEEKS& TOT T KK Proprietors, 5 o on, Mass. 15-4w ACHABCS TO MAKG SOM3 HONEY - SORE, p , "to,qlPß History of Pennsylvania," Nov, roadv. 'Write for Agency at once JOnN tHJLLY & CO., Publishers, 7*5 Ran som Street, Philadelphia. 13-4 m. CRIST ADOROS HAIR DYE. Cristadoro's Hatr Dye Is tlie SAFEST and EST; it acts instantaneously, producing he most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and is easily applied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well unpointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists. . CTHSTADOKO. P. 0. l)x. 1343. >'ew York- Unprecedented BARGAINS AT H ARRI 3' | BfAWM® STOZE^IE, 235 MARKET ST., near THIKD ITctoisburg, |k Our old Slock entirely sold out and receiving NEW GOODS DAILY the Spring and Summer Seasons, which enables us to offer cur patrons the CHOICEST NEW GOODS IN THE Millinery Department. o We have all tlit New -Styles of II Jts and Bonnets for Ladies, Misses and children, such as Chip, Ltghorn Neapolitan and Straw Braid, trimmed and un triinmed. Tnmmed Hats from 50 cts. up. Untrimmed 44 44 15 cts. up Hat Frames, all shapes, 8 cents. Full line of Silk Ribbons, Flow ers, Feathers an Ornaments. Trimmings, No tions and Fancy Goods Department. Comp'ete Line of Laces, Fringes, Dress Buttons, Cuffs, Collars, Rush es, Handkerchiefs, Ilosiery, Gloves, Ties, Zephyrs and Ger&antown Wools, Honeycdmb and Java Can vass, Card Board and Mottoes, Per fumery, Jewelry, Uair Goods, &c. Xotlce a few of onr Prices: llier, . . 2 *• Needles, per paper, . 3 cts. Corsets . . . 25 cts a pair Neck Itouches . . 1 ct. up Hemmed and Stitched Hand kerchiefs from . . 3 cts. top Gents' Linen Faced Collars, 10 c. a b. Ladies' Fancy Hose . 10 cts. • White Hose . 0 cts. Gents' Half Hose . 0 cts. Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs 18 c. Gents' Linen Shirt Fronts 20 c. Alpaca Skirt Braid . 5 c. Rubber Dressing Combs 5 c. Rubber Fiue Combs, . 3c. Shoe lAcef, per Dozen, 3 ts. Motto Frames, Glass and Back ... 30 cch Remember the place— No. 235 Market St., Lewisburg, near Third Street. Bny tho IJWI&YEi llfl &>£i uTlfirfr fife *f~th l t* *bnu n,/> ' # ' u ccntfrucflza and ran* tjwfjl&l lff W" It ha* the Mi/-jef(ingn**tfr, cmr till Jl YS W a Tp*t4 thut'U, with a paftct Un in, * iikii 402 111 ™sa cliaii|ra the bol*bibeotm>t*x>iauted. §f JB •"Kfl Hi ■ fid" mating peln/s art adjutiaUs. i"' trl ayS 19 desirable improvement. m\Jr iWh g n #M * J.P.S. WEIDENSAUL, Proprietor. OLD AND rorULAB STAND. Corner Market and Front treetc. LEWISBU RG,P A A First Class Hotel in all llospocts CHARGES-MODERATE. C. M. PETREE, CIGAR MANUFACTURER WHOLESALE ANP RET .AIL DEALER IN Choice Brands of Tobacco and Cigars, SMOKERS" ARTICLES, ETC., MARKET BTREBT. Lewisburg, Pa. FITS EPILEPSY, on FALLING SICKNESS Permanently Cnrod-no hnnibur - by inc MONTH'S USAQK or Dr- GouL.\Rn"a C'KLKBRATEO INFALLIBLE FIT POWOERS. To oonvtiioc sufferers that these powders will do all we clntw, for tlicuv, we •mdil send them bv mull, rosTPAin, a FRKK Ttfl- AL BOX. As Dr. Goulard is the only phy sician * hat lias ever made this disease a special study, and us to our knowledge thousands have been vfcitu.wfcrcrLV iTrbo by the nsc of these powders, we will guar antee a permanent cure In every case, or refund you all money expended. All sufferers should give these powders an early trial, and be convinced of tlielr cur ,ative powers. Prioe. for large hox, EJ.Of>, or 4 boxes for 110.00, sent by mall to any part of United States or Canada on receipt of price, f&r by express, C, O. D. Address, ASH & ROBBINS, 300 FULTON STHKKU, BROOKLYN, N. Y. SgPfl COUNTS,PLATFORM WAGON&TRACK THE BEST ARE->—> , <— THE CHEAPEST MARVIN SAFE %SCAIFCa ' 265 BRQADWA Y N. Y< 721 CHESTNUT ST. PH/LA. PA. !>t 117 SENECA ST. 0. ■ Dit. D. H. MIXGLfc, Offers his professional services to the to*n lie. Answers ofcils at a) hours , OFFICE AND RESIDENCE MlUfcclm, 18, Glad Tiding* for the Weak, Sferveei and Debilitstpd. r atest luiproved ftelf Acting Gavante Appliances are a speedy and Periuannt cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney, Liver and Female Com plaints. Nervous Frustration. Back and Spinal Irritation, and Kindred Diseases. Prices. Waist Beit, ♦',.! ; Spinal Beit, for Farjlysis and spinal Ailments, tiauo, and upwards ; Armlets, Anklets, Head Binds, Knee Caps, tilkteaeh.;, fi.oo. Illustrated Paiui. itot Free. Address, fiALVAHO- B KMC Jf L ASSOCIATION. 27 East Ninth Street, New York. - W-Iy. FURNITURE! J. H. HAZELL, Spring Mills, Pa„ is at all times prepared to make furniture to order. He hopes by good work and low prices to merit a share of public patronage. Cane tottoin chairs always on haud. j "UNDERTAKING A SrWALITY. 3USHHOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA. F. D. M 'W L Lofl , Late Chief Clerk of the Robinson House, PITTSBURG, Peima, Proprietor] Only First Glass Hotel In the City. Charges moderate. Glad Tiding to All! JOHX B. FORD HAS OPENED A TALLOLTSHOP IN Mai street, Millhsim Pan. Where he i< now ready to sKMsffy all those who will give him ikdti- 1n city style. He is a first-class Cutter and Fitter aud as a workman can not be surpassed. With close attention to Business he hopes to receive the Patronage -of Hits community aud the count ry generaby All orders promptly filled and all work g-uarantad. j JW-M JOHN B. FORD BELLEFONTE BREWERY", LE&18 niAB Ppo.ipletw. ftellefonte, 25-1 Pi HIGHEST HONORS. At th Centennial Worlds Fair , 1873 / A-db SHONINGER ORGANS PUONOCNCED UNANIMOUSLY AS TIIB BEST INSTR UMEJVTS. Their comparative cxceile ice is recognio J?,**?" l , n their Keport, Tom which the followiug is an extract: "The B SI*3iIIMSE ORG AX. tO S exhibit aw the beat Inatrn* ments at a price rendering them possible to a large class of purctutsorß. bavins a combination of Iteeds and Bells, producln-' novel and pleasing effects, containing manv desirable improvements, will stand loucer in dor or damp climate, less liable to get out of ortler, all the boards being made three ply, pot together so it istmpuasible tor them to either shrink, swell or snilt." TIIK *<): e*A* v s awarded thm VA£|lla This Medal and Award wa< granted after the mat so Vera competition of the best makers. bofore one of the moat conap* tent Jnrlew ever assembled. New styles and prices just issued, whl ?i are In with our rule, the BEKT OBuAa for the least money. k e arc prepared to appoiiit a few new A euts. Illustrated Catalogue Wailed, post.' pa Id onapplication to B, SHONINGER ORGAN CO. #J to 123 CHESTNUT STKEKT, KAW Haven, Conn . - INSURANCE MEN! AWE.MTS WASTED l r —1 on THE— New Englanl Mntnfil Life Ins. Go the o (lest mutual lu the country. Charter 1835. LIBERAL. TERMS GIVEN. MA If TON AWAKFI-rr, tirwerat Agent* 100 *mth Fourth .street, rW!(.dc!pMa.