ftjjt lountal filler & Deiiiapr. Proprietors B O. DEIM.VOXB, AS scciato Edito llllhelm, Thursday April!. Terms—sl.so Per Annum. •gIUL -- - - —- FAVORITE PIBMCATIOXS. Frank l.eille'a Chimney Corner. —This be utiful periodical, the best Ameri can Family Journal. Story Paper ami Uftßte Ft (end. has boon the successful rival of all the weekly Journals f.r the past thirteen Years. It gained a place in the minds and hearts of our people, and now the name 01 its patrons is Legion. This year the CmKNrr CORNER seems to bo better than ever. Its serial stones are of the most absorbing character, of great pow er, true to life and full ot merit, taking a wide range of subjects to please every mem ber of a household—the domestic story tor the mother, the charming love tale for the daughters, the more dramatic for the voun t men, the solid novel for older readers, and then we have stirring adventure for the boys and fairy-tales for the children. H jibber ton, Howard, Robinson. DcFoiest, Benedict. S. Annie Frost, Annie Thomas F.tu W. Fierce, and oil er eminent writers, are Its regular contributors. The subjects treated <>'{ arc very varied. The Illustra tions ace profuse and are a;l beautiful. Short stones extremely interesting are com pleted in each number, whi'e Biographies, Adventuies, Essays, Fun. Travels. Natural liistorv, Legends. Anecdotes, Science, etc., make ibis publication one ot the most enter taining in existence. Exquisite steel engravings are frequently given awnv to its subscribers. The CRIMNF.Y CORNER, sixteen pages.with eight pages of Illustrations, printed on flue paper, is puoiisded every Monday, price on- Ty lbeents; annual subscription. $4, post paid. Address your orders to Frank Les lie's Publishing House, 537 Pearl Street, New York. Trank I eallc's Lady's Jonrnol, IS pages, issued weekly contains excellent Pic tures and full descriptions of the very la test Sty les of Ladies and Children's Wear ; useful information on Family Topics ; se lect stories : Beautiful Illustrations of Home and Foreign Subjects; Poetry; Fashiona ble Intelligence; Personal Chit Chat ; A rcuiiTTß Cartoons on the Follies and Foibles 0i the day; Sparks of Mirth, etc., etc. FRANK LESLIE'S LADY'S JOURNAL IS the most beautiful of all the ladies' papers. It should be found on the table of every lady in the land. Trice 19 cents a copy; annual subscription, 44. postpaid. Frank letlie's Popular Monthly has made rapid strides as the rival of many aspirants to public favors. Its contributors are some of the best living writers. Every department of literature Is represented in .Its columns. The amount of instruction, entertainment and amusement afforded by the articles, essays, stories, aad general miscellany contained in the 12S quarto pages of each number of this publication has been well appreciated. Every copy of the POPULAR MONTHLY is embellished with over 100 beautiful illustrations. Being the cheapest periodical of the kind in existence, and at the same time one of the most select and universally welcome, it must continue, to increase in public favor, and rar.k with the publisher's SUNDAY MAGAZINE— the highest among all our American monthlies ltls published on the 14th of each month. Trice, 25 ccuts a number; Bubscription $3, per year. Address your orders to Frank Leslie, 537 Pearl .Street, New York Frank Leslie's Sunday Magnxin? Is a beautiful work. It will interest educa ted aad cultivated minds as well as the most ordinary rentier. It is the only Sun &ay magazine published in this country. Every number has 128 pages fill with the most select and fascinating literature rang ing from the Sermon by the Editor (Dr. C. Deems, pastor or the Church of the Strang ers), to stirring Tales, general Topics and Essays. Poetry, Music. Fun. Science, Histo ry, etc., in great variety. Each copy of this Mcgazine has 100 exquisite engravings of the most Interesting character. It has reached a circulation and prosperity such s make it one of the marvels off periodical literature. It is indeed a beautiful work. Buy It and see for yourselves. Single copies are only 25 cents, and Annual Subscription Price only i 3. postpaid. Address orders 0 Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 537 Pearl Street, New York- 11-3 m TREASURER S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS FOR TAXES FOR 1*76 and 1*77. AND PREVIOUS YEARS.—Notice Is Uerei*y given that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly. passed the 12th day of Jane A. D.. 1815, entitled "An Act to amend an Act, directing the mode of selling unseated lauds, in Genu e County,'' and the several supplements thereto, there will be exposed at public sale or outcry, the following tracts of unseated lands in said county for the taxes due anil unpaid thereon, at the Court Uouse. io the Borough of Belhefonte, ■on the second Monday in June, A. D., IS7B : ACUB9. PZTT WARRANTEE NAMES. TAXEV" BZNNER TOWNSHIP. 50 John Moore 9 5o 50 J. I). Harris 50 2 John Davis 40 50 Andrew Coon 50 IR K. Holmes 57 16J Fred Houser 1 33 li'O Foster Tate (owner) 1 U) BOGGS TOWNSHIP. 453 7*3 David I/ewis 6 91 433 183 William Gray 654 433 163 Garrett Cottinger 20 3o 436 133 Josiah llaines 20 61 *33 1;3 Jonathan Harvey 20 61 431 40 Moses Hood 20 51 143 Ann Deal 6 82 43?J£ John Russell 20 61 305 112 John Coeliran 19 46 453 S4 William Russell 29 11 4?3?£ Thomas Russell 27 51 400' D. Carskadden 5 > 33 433 120 Daniel Reese 4 67 100 John McClure 4 67 337 M Livergood 16 02 179 73 John Curtia 152 339 John McClure 16 13 130 Mary Lane 7 12 ir£433 163 Joseph Hlgby 19 31 BUBNSIDE TOWNSHIP. 433 120 Samuel Scott 36 13 433 120 Robert Gray 24 26 433 120 William De wart 16 47 4:13 120 John Dewart Id 47 433 12) ' James Towers 16 47 433 120 Wi.liam (iray )6 47 415 John Wetzel 16 15 415 James Black Id 15 413 Joseph J. Wallace 16 15 433 120 William Cook 16 47 423 129 John Cowden Id 47 433 129 Win. P. Brady 24 26 433 129 Henrv Rhaefer 24 26 433 120 Johu Housel 20 37 433 120 John Lyon 20 37 433 129 Chas.Gobcn 24 26 4.i3 liO Tnomas Grant 1647 433 12) Johu Brs.dy 16 47 453 120 Johu Kidd -24 26 433 120 Henrv Doare'.lv 24 26 4:3 120 Robert Brady 3196 433 153 Joseph Morris 16 47 433 153 Alexander Greaves 16 47 3GO Frances G urney 6 00 411 Thus. P. Whaiton 7 49 140 of Henry Harris 10 64 433 153 Charles Hall 12 73 433 130 Johu Donnelly 16 37 73 Henrv Wheeler 8 32 100 of Henry Harris 7 60 is 2 Benjamin Harris 32 W) 406 John Hoover 11 31 415 Joseph Thomas 15 8) 415 Nathan Levy " 46 216 63 of Jeremiah larkor 8 21 200 Part of Win Mtiter 3 65 433 Joseph Wallace 16 18 433 Alexauder Hurtter 12 12 433 Jacob Wlntems.ii 26 00 433 Benjamin Young 12 13 433 163 Ihoinas Hamilton 23 13 433 163 Bird Wilson 7 81 433 163 John ItupK 8 45 John Shyiu 7 89 413 . Kll Can by 8 06 433 163 Samuel f'ancoct 3 92 479>£ i>avld Lewis 7 24 413 John Barron 7 89 433 163 Samuel M. Fox 7 81 415 Sarah M. Tallinn 7 4S 33 Walter Stewart 1 80 433 163 Alexander J. Dallaa 16 48 CURTIN TOWNSHIP. Robert Aincsley 28 80 | 200 Richard Tunis 11 52 I 133 163 Mary Talmati 20 69 433 163 Thomas Hale 21 40 411 Thomas I*. Wharton 3 71 >2074 Caleb Lawns llltj 4 2074 Isaac Longstreth 12 9 * 113 4 D Carsradden 72^ 890 27 D Carscadilen 14 4° 194 85 JC II oil man 69^ 326 127 Martha Godfrey 46 f5 100 Peter Smita 19 80 106 142 Mary Lane 20 34 298 106 Joseph Kelso 19 90 123 Paul Curtin 6 44 94 112 John Curtin 5 29 71 131 Roland Curtlu 3 96 250 John W Godfrey 17 10 188 W P Brady 16 91 433 120 Alexander Bell 31 17 433 120 Chatles Hall 31 17 415 Joseph Taylor 47 16 448 99 Andrew Epple 20 15 392 80 Robert Irvin 26 97 439 138 N L Atwood 31 24 309 119 N L Atwood 20 88 304 4 Job W Packer 19 14 158 93 Job W Packer 10 80 158 93 Job W Packer 787 415 Peter Ilahn 43 59 415 Susan Hahn 27 39 415 Jacob Wain 31 28 415 Nathaniel Levy 16 47 415 Thomas Humphry 57 99 415 Robert Gray 33 61 '413 "William Gray 33 61 461 William Yardly 16 60 376 Samuel Baird 18 65 50 Jts*e Brooks 1 36 415 Rebecca Kelso 44 92 415 Esther Eddy 52 18 415 Casper W iater 44 92 196 James Miller 5 40 203 Jaiues Irvin 7 20 60 El Ilollowell 1 62 £2o7s Robert A inesiy 20 00 415 John M'Callv 15 37 200 Philip Meyers 44 64 420 43 Valentine Meyers 30 24 420 46 Michael Meyers 29 34 10C Simon Meyers 27 92 133 150 Samuel Scott 24 53 38o| Joseph Kelso 43 02 337 Lit.dlev Coats 21 27 415 William Gilbert G4 80 2u7s $ i f Calab Lawn 11 81 207} $ of Isaac Longstreth 12 06 433 163 James White 36 49 $434 \ of Job Packer 14 OS 311 $ o' W P Mitchell 6 09 $434 $ of W P Mitchell 6 45 $220 $ of W P Mitchell 3 95 434 sor Joseph Develiog 14 26 100 J W Packer 1 98 434 $ W P Mitchell 9 29 400 W P Mit shell 4 78 220 W P Mitchell 2 76 $434 Joseph Develing 10 73 325 Job W Packer 4 11 53 Cline Qnigley 69 434 J W Packer 2 61 sls J W Packer 24 215 153 Fi.shbnru Wharton 19 54 415 Jesse Wain 14 54 415 Molly Wharton 14 33 415 Joseph Wain 14 33 383 Rachel Wain 13 70 390 49 John S Furst 11 75 $434 Job W Packer 2 61 $434 163 Abijah Davi3 14 89 $433 W P Mitchell 7 79 $ of 400 W P Mitchell 7 20 4 of 220 W P Mitchell 3 94 $ cf 326 J W Packer 5 64 $ of 434 Joseph Devling 6 50 $ of 53 Cline Quiggle 232 \ of 300 J P Mitchell 5 25 400 J Z Long 15 30 4!5 Ciarle3 Allen 29 29 $ of 217 F.shburn Wharton 9 91 200 Richard Tunis 14 40 405 Jonathan Willis 7 20 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. 10 Arabham Hicks 88 100 James Olivor 4 29 162 116 Geo Kohlinger 7 07 135 127 Joseph Barnet 8 83 323 John Anderson 17 45 190 George Nice 14 87 122 Jacob Lite 7 88 130 Peter Crisdfn 5 07 332 Samuel Duncan 24 92 36 47 Thomas McCullough 2 36 70 Leonard Hartline 4 53 388 49 Alfred B Orewit 625 409 19 Thomas Ferguson 12 95 418 23 Aaron L s -vy 13 81 404 115 James Moore 13 35 383 Hannan Turner 12 63 398 122 Daniel Turner 13 14 151 54 Lydia Fowler 657 91 41 Jacob Way 991 15 46 Henry Medler 163 100 Richards & Ginter 4 35 225 Richard Moseley 7 43 177 Henry Manly 7 70 145 Benjamin Hoover 9 46 40 John McKean 2 61 300 Robert Rankin 13 05 337 Isaac Buckby 12 38 400 James Baker 17 40 400 Jahu Petherbridge 17 44* 00 Jnsiah Lusdy 9 92 125 Caleb North 4 13 63 John Petherbridge 2 07 110 John Baker 6 02 150 Samuel Brison 6 45 50 Isaac Buckley 3 78 50 Jnsiah Lushy 3 78 50 Richard Moselcv. 3 78 GREGQ TOWNSHIP. 130 John Mercor 2 HI 130 Robert Askjm 2 81 03 Margaret Dougherty 189 100 Roush& Vanads(owner) 4 17 50 George Stover (owner) 144 372 31 William Hepburn 73-i 382 129 John Cowdea 7 47 408 127 Andrew Carson 8 0S 330 Alexander McDonald 6 51 20 55 John F. Price 24 HAINES TOWNSHIP. 202 1 S. Snyder & 11. Gillman 25 77 253 S. Snyder & H. Gillman 24 92 400 James Barr 3 so 400 Mary Jen kg 5 80 400 Thomas Barr 3 8o 40J 6ft Mary Barr 6 75 406 60 William Harrison 6 75 4GC 89 M. Gratz S 93 436 John Simpson 3 98 359 Henry Antis 5 91 185 John Kidd 212 218 150 William Mosby 324 425 Charles Hall 14 25 HALF MOON TOWNSHIP. 77 A Stephens Est. (owner) 4 So 24 Jac. vampool (owner) 259 3 50 Abraham Elder 23 52 133 Henry Waite (owner) 437 216 Jo3ian Lamburn 27 21 88 Wm. King 7 SO 174 Samuel Brian 10 11 207 John McKissock 15 50 417 10 Henry Floyd 8127 308 80 Richard Wbithead 2310 4qo William Lamburn 30 00 210 Jacob Underwood 15 74 133 116 Jacob Pyle 1112 400 120 Richard JolltT 30 00 209 John Hannah 15 00 18 C. & F. Delige 1 83 63 89 C Vampool Est(owners) 2 00 54 99 C Vampool Est " 181 67 76 C Vampool Est " 3 41 45 C Vampool Est " l 49 *0 10 Peggy Sbearrer 2 40 70 Christ Vampool 4 41 HARRIS TOWNSHIP' 100 Samuol Young 168 133 George Fax 3 35 I 150 Marv I. Frank (owner) 252 409 Samuel Wilson 335 400 Jwlm Mitchell 3 25 300 John Reynolds -2 52 250 S licnry £ 10 200 Thomas SAYikpy 168 400 John Steele " 336 400 Robert Sample 3 35 400 Adam Connelly 335 400 David Wilson 3 35 400 Work 3 35 400 David Work 335 400 Nathan Simpson 3 35 150 Wm Wilson 127 400 Allen Steele 330 400 Edward Wilson 3 35 400 James Steele " 3 35 400 Petu' Wilson 85 4021 Ela nor McCormic 3 35 684 25 J.C. Fisher 342 400 Absalom Amlro 3 35 50 John Irvin 85 50 John Irvin 85 400 William Blown 6 64 407 02 Kerney Wharton 692 350 John Bell 8 84 400 Thomas Johnson -3 35 10 William Irvin 14 50 John Irvin 80 100 John Irvin 1 00 100 B. F. Brown (owner) 50 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. 120 A nam Knhtrs 14 64 283 Philip & J Kuhns 13 58 HOWARD TOWNSHIP. 150 White & Nestlcrodo 7 03 104 63 John Brady 822 292 William Ramsey 7 67 25 Joseph GreS> burg 6 88 91 A G Cui tin in trust to Meeso 3 45 50 A D Harris 4 98 134 J J Lingle 6 67 80 Henry Antis 4 76 154 James Gteen 19 41 200 Samuel Custin 16 10 40 Paul Custin 3 60 250 Jesse Evans 24 8S 203 John W Gonfrey £0 7f 141 123 Roland Curtin 11 49 60 Joseph Taylor 6 97 23 151 Joseph Hotter 2 35 150 70 Hannah Turner 12 08 40 John Crawford 3 22 100 Wm Parker 0 64 433 161 Samuel Pandoast 16 46 390 49 J S Furst 14 82 160 140 of Jonathan Wiles 12 62 242 97 Joseph Harris 28 77 48 Henry Antis 5 91 87 11 1 James T Halo 1 82 49 142 Samuel Leathers 4 28 20 William Cross wan 66 136 92 J D Harris 16 97 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. 7 Daniel David 86 75 Simon Ling'.e 78 40 Stephen Chambers 7 44 30 Hop Baker 6 03 200 R&Jllavs 4170 175 Jas A Quigley 4 73 175 George 1) iless 4 73 150 Sarah Custin 43 43 100 Joseph Roberts 28 95 .100 Charles Bruce £S 95 175 Samuel Custin 27 63 50 Daniel Pletchcr 12 00 63 John Potter 18 2 i 50 1) Carseadden 2 33 80 William Gorrell 3 72 188 Daniel Rouse 124 20 7 162 Daniel Krearaer 2 54 10 Samuel P Sheuk(owner) 3 99 81 92 George Carr 405 103 John Potter 18 CO 406 ICO Stephen Stephenson 29 90 406 120 John Dun woody 29 90 4(6 120 Ebeuezrr Bauham 33 86 398 80 Robert Irvin 29 32 35 Henry Donald 49 406 40 Peter Lytlo 18 72 439 Christian Smith 28 U7 341 Jeremiah Jackson 6 65 MARION TOWNSHIP. 50 William Allison 1 90 60 35 Margaret Wilson 10 76 169 GS Constance Curtin 1124 53 McCalmont 5 63 200 Robert Young £0 50 117 Alexander Scott 60 82 70 Christ liohrer £3 45 50 Christ Rohrer 10 50 83 Johu Shun It 19 20 50 W A Thomas 16 75 200 McEhvain Pletchcr & Co. (owner) £1 05 20 Thomas Lewis 2 42 100 John P. Harris (owner) 12 60 42 66 John COl man 265 108 James Harris 11 44 6.5 18 J.D. Shugert 69 50 AM Tilgh man (owner) 10 50 MILES TOWNSHIP. 320 128 Joseph Fearon 4 08 110 Strohecker A Reynolds 183 250 Daniel Seigfielil 4 12 150 John Ilouseal 1 88 15G CO S Derr & J Stahl 1 40 403 James Carothcrs C 02 2-30 Jeremiah Jackson 4 14 250 Jeremiah Jackson 4 14 150 Jonathan Wolf 1 47 476 Thomas Grant 7 85 400 Alexander Hunter 7 50 430 Jeremiah Jackson 7 11 125 Wra. Stead man 2 09 130 Robert Taggard 2 16 2JO Thomas Smith 3 30 300 Anion Levy 4 85 430 Robert Brady 7 11 410 II ami all Brady 6 81 429 Robert Gray 7 11 100 Abraham Scott 2 03 50 Samuel Scott 92 90 Samuel Scott 2 94 150 Abraham Scott 1 50 255 Jane Brady 3 08 440 Wm P Brady 726 200 John Brady 3 30 424 George Calhoun 5 32 300 Win Parker 2 83 125 John Dorsey 1 60 125 Moore Wharton 1 60 53 Wm Parker 97 425 Henry Toland 6 41 425 David Williams 5 41 425 Samuel Norton 5 41 324 Richard Parker 4 13 324 Jeremiah Parker 4 13 100 C Long 90 405 Peter Housel 5 14 320 128 George Kitts 4 03 400 Richard 1. ake 6 60 130 123 Simon Gratz 2 16 123 47 Simon Gratz 204 195 1 Simon Gratz 323 196 42 Simon Gratz 323 130 141 Simon Gratz 220 277 Peter Swineford 5 33 110 Hepburn & Harris 195 75 Thomas Tones 63 422 116 John Mackey 3 41 156 80 Benjamin Young 140 150 2 Jonathan Wolf (owner) 136 150 12 Samuel K Faust (owner)l 36 100 Philip Gramly (owner) 90 75 William Barton 68 200 Robert Gray 90 PATTON TOWNSHIP 400 Benjamin Horner 45 63 300 Jacob Baker 34 35 133 Henry Gross 13 60 PENN TOWNSHIP. 320 80 Peter Kreamer 500 170 Peter Swineford 94 300 150 Adam Bolander 1 73 300 Albright Swineford 173 POTTER TOWNSHIP. 196 II & B Fullmer 1 58 138 134 George Foust 1 42 300 John Brown 3 65 105 Georga McClelland 1 10 327 S A Scott 3 76 42 James Moore 71 300 Andrew Duff 2 52 300 Thomas Greg* 2 72 300 John McClelland 2 72 300 Joseph Blair 2 72 300 Thomas Gordon 2 72 300 John C Reed 2 72 300 G Jacobs 2 72 300 Thomas Falls 2 72 400 Robert McKlnney 3 65 4UO David McKinney 3 65 400 Shives & Fullmer 4 60 400 Ed ward Garnigue 3 20 4(H) W Garnigus 3 20 288 Mary Bond '3 71 400 Daniel Smith 4 825 100 Samuel Young 1 03 20 11 B Fullmer 2 35 40 Livingstone 46 IH6 54 John Si oner 1 55 33 Burnet Wagner 38 14 40 Bainet Wagner 17 45 J C Costeboider 51 26 A Hunter 29 IK) John Bituer, Sr. (owner) 1 04 580 Parker 6 97 170 Parker 16> 300 John Brown 1 13 100 Adam Barges 68 200 Charles Gobin 1 15 200 Joseph Ewing 1 15 100 William Durst 58 100 11 Vandeislise 68 100 Christ Getting 50 150 Thomas Martin 86 150 William Sawyer 86 400 Joseph Cowgill 6 47 RUSH TOWNSHIP. 40 Samuel Chestnut 5 60 15 Casper Lawrence 2 10 433 153 R Morgan, E.-q. 60 62 405 147 Jacob Rush 56 70 422 44 John Weidman 59 08 402 116 Jacob Weidmau 56 28 433 133 Jacob Den tier 60 62 433 133 Daniel Brenner 60 62 433 133 Eleanor Siddons 78 83 216 Robert Rainey 83 73 40 10 Richard Atherton 10 08 433 153 Riceard Malone 109 12 433 153 Isaac Britches 109 12 177 84 Herdman Philips 44 2l 216 156 Thomas Hamilton 53 53 216 156 Thomas Giant 53 53 433 153 Jacob Rndisill 15 41 433 153 Daniel Fitzgerald 42 72 433 153 Daniel Ehler 48 82 433 153 Henry Pinkerton 60 92 433 163 Paul Rush 60 02 433 163 Paul Black 60 6£ 433 103 Paul Suck 60 62 413 163 Joint 10 ueland 60 62 433 103 John Kelley 69 62 433 163 John Rush 60 62 133 103 John Suck 60 62 40J John Black 56 00 312 Joseph Wells 43^28 438 153 Sebastian Graff 51 30 80 Henry Witrner 4 48 433 153 John Allison 48 49 75 William Allison 10 51 328 James Allison 36 73 100 153 Robert King 11 20 433 153 Reuben Haines, Jr, 126 92 'Paul Wells 3 65 4<*o James Rush 6 30 433 163 John McComon 6 07 300 Thomas Erfklne 4 20 433 iC3 Rennet Lucas 6 07 200 John Ring 2 *o 433 153 George Slough 6 07 433 153 Ilonvy Piukerton o 07 434 John Montgomery 53 63 434 W W Montgomery 36 43 433 163 Richard Malono o 62 133 163 James Toner 43 40 430 James R imsey 02 300 3/athias Graft 4 20 433 153 Kearny Wharton 907 433 153 Thomas Greaves 6 07 433 153 lUvid Lewis 6 07 433 153 Philip Ebberraau • 07 43* 153 Jacob WeUker 6 07 433 153 John Wilson 30 32 433 153 John Hopkins 72 75 433 j53 Daniel Buckley 00 02 433 153 Isaac Britches -42 47 SNOW 6IIOE TOWNSHIP. 30 job Reily 34 20 433 153 Moore Wharton 49 71 433 153 William Parker 4943 433 153 Rebecca Wain 49 43 433 153 Benjamin II Tallman 49 4, 433 153 Elizabeth Wharton 49 433 153 A S Valentino 4943 433 153 T M Milliken 49 43 200 N J Mitchell 22 80 433 Joseph Morris 49 43 433 Alexander Greaves 49 43 433 George Eddy 49 43 100 David Carscadden 1140 433 163 Andrew Summers 12 31 360 144 Hugh Pirn 41 10 360 141 John Riley 41 10 433 103 Robert Waters 4916 450 Sarah McCurnaham 25 67 iVS Henry Vandyke 2:36 300 Joseph Devling 12 75 300 J Z iyjng 17 10 300 Joseph Devling 17 10 325 William Banks 18 54 400 David Williams 45 co 433 163 Kearuy Wharton 49 43 41 2 44 D Carlcadden 47 04 412 4i D Carscadden 32 79 133 120 Luke Mustier 26 87 134 34 James Giiiilaud 764 *OO David Carscadden ll 60 **B3 James T Hale 43 ec 433 James Me Man us 49 36 433 Sumnel .Linn 49 26 433 Benjamin R Morgan 49 36 415 Sarah Wharton 47 31 431 Samuel Dobson 49 47 216 i of Jeremiah Parker 3 13 3CO John Pim 41 04 433 153 Sharp Dolaney 24 74 237 80 D Carscadden 32 79 •133 153 A'rn MePheraon 24 74 433 153 Edward Mat don 24 74 433 153 William Lewis tl 74 432 153 Francis West 24 74 433 133 Jasper Malen 24 74 433 153 Benjamin West 24 74 433 153 William Bingham 24 74 133 153 James Hawthorn 21 74 '433 153 Blair McClaoahan 24 74 433 153 Edward Scott 24 74 433 153 Paul Cox 24 74 433 153 Wm Lewis (sawyer) 24 74 433 153 Thomas Cuthbert 24 74 433 '53 Ro" ert Morris 24 74 443 153 Eelix Brunt 24 74 433 153 Thomas L Shippen 24 74 433 153 Thomas Hawthorn 24 74 433 153 George Mead 24 74 433 153 George Campbell 24 74 433 Bird Wilson 49 76 433 163 James C Fislrer 49 43 433 163 Phebe Wain 49 39 433 163 Sarah M Tallman 49 41 433 103 Samunl W Fisher 49 41 433 IG3 Samuel M Fox 49 41 433 103 J imes C Fisher 49 41 216 Robert Rainey 6 15 433 153 Marv M Wharton 49 43 438 153 Joseph P Norris 49 43 433 153 Frances West 12 38 433 153 Wm II Best 12 38 133 153 J hn West 12 38 ! 133 153 D II Cunningham 12 38 368 71 J tin M Ncsbrt 12 38 400 Joseph Devling 20 00 4l>o of J Z Long 17 0j *2OO |of J Z Long 11 40 314 Jacob Z Long 8 90 189 28 WP Mitchell 261 433 153 fof Marv Wharton 27 44 433 153 fof J P Norris 33 04 433 153 Kearney Wharton 49 43 433 Robert Waters 49 43 100 Sarah Biltlebell 2 90 409 73 J N Mitchell 1187 40 W P Mitchell 58 50 John G Uzzle (owner) 570 SPRING TOWNSHIP 250 Thomas Johnson 17 50 3 Wm Furey (owner) 34 19 Joseph Stover (owner) 3 03 92 100 Thomas Thorn burg 13 21 40 It Curtin 2 CO 20 John Long 1 38 14 C Tayl >r (owner) 85 300 Catharine Robison 26 90 300 Rebecca Robison 26 90 150 Richard Robison 13 20 100 Jas Goiden Est (ow'r) 5 90 186 115 John Portion 6 33 50 J & P Barn hart (ow'rs) 6 50 100 J B Mitchell (owner) 950 | A Warren (owner) 34 50 John Moore 1 28 10 Rachael Robison 52 15 John S Kurtz 52 96 62 of Henry Tool 328 80 of John Smith 80 50 of Thomas Johnston 50 TAYLOR TOWNSHIP 100 David Ralston 14 10 80 Daniel Beck 9 12 -200 Jacob Vanpool 18 00 250 Clement Beckwlth 56 25 100 Michael Weidner 33 60 100 " " 1125 80 Jacob Beck 6 72 100 George Mong 14 70 433 153 Mary Smith 41 80 100 William Willison 810 434 John Sherrick 9 40 434 Ilenrv McKwen 21 12 434 Polly > 30 78 217 Joshua BUliams 12 41 4 Catharine Jarret 96 128 J W Thomas 5 66 119 " " 4 72 80 " 4 80 76 J A Sbultz 6 82 59 Christian Buck 8 55 250 Marion Morris 51 09 175 Mosos Coats 28 80 100 George Markley 72 06 60 of Joseph Yoder 19 79 433 124 E J Primer 11 65 332 yce T 15 82 26 R Mullholland 741 433 163 William Clark 25 41 250 Ann Deal 15 25 26 R Mullholland lo 20 139 Samuel Phipps 15 14 145 Jane Black 15 is 150 * 0 William Bower 915 120 David Spotts (owner) 15 02 433 103 william Baird 28 41 433 163 Benjamin Baird 26 41 WALKER TOWNSHIP. 560 Henry McEwen 10 92 143 Margaret James 2 73 242 88 James Sutler 924 34 Jaoes Sutler 68 50 William Ackert 8? 25 Capt Osman 99 15 Maagaret Doucherty co 441 193 Samuel Robeson Be 3 220 135 Elisabeth Dougherty 4 09 121$ Samuel Miles 2 23 75 Ja:nes Sutler 79 ; 123 William Gilbert 1 30 190 159 Jesse Evans 3 72 fi" Peter Hahn l 33 85 Amos Wickersam l 72 211 93 William Gilbert 194 161 John Knox * 29 IS2 Richard Purdoa 7 lo 175 Rachel Robesea 8 38 92 20 Williem Ackert 170 211 44 CaptOsuian 411 115 13 Margaret Dougherty 223 214 39 Margaret James 429 179 110 Elisabeth Dougherty 3 51 100 39 Joseph Evaus 195 211 72 Peter Hahn 411 90 94 John Mercer l*7 90 94 Robert Askem 177 80 40 job Packer 1 69 39 40 job Packer j* 174 59 40 David Johnson 1 17 327 154 William Manrell 6 40 12: 120 of Ruth Brooks 2 55 327 100 David Mercer 6 40 337 154 Robt f * if. centfnxac* red res* •* \l jui •5 J_"C2tf eailf that a cbilu can opcrat* it. S'fi /&' sr**&*e ■**" il ba,li:e titaisht, *ir-**tingn**>, ottr It*. ? M tf V q IwH TrovtJ ghuUlt.wkh a iwftcl yKhkhCot fccl ; -i L' J $&LLji ctai.ge a tbc tot" - s> tnc ]i>us art adjhjtabU, and ft t'S *9 M py combine* every dexirabl* improvement. 6,1 H Jn 'J 13 . S~ K'try Si*ck:-!fci4tejßtC3tr;ajdr£brae, yJLy iti b cijl R thoroughly UrUcL rs&r f'YftSKif jfek'-d NKwSihtuiiu* the G TIB AT REDrCT?#'! fiypi nllmSffiF* T _ IL V3m and ex * rcijc :lia rt:ce.tft.Ui their Buumfaf.uro. . TICTOK SETTING MACHINE CO.. im M fl*',, , M " U " r "' r>!;3^'ll mirefflt Cm ui XusTutoiiM, KUieUva, Uci. J. Z2LLEB. & SON, *o. 6. Brockerlioff Row, BELLEFONTE, PA' DEALERS IN Medicines, Toilet' Articles, Drugs, &o. o A Full Stock of Goods ol Superior Quality always on Hand CHAMOIS SKINS for lO cents and upwards. CARRIAGE SPONGES, 15 cents and upwards. A share of the public patron age respectfully solicited. HARDWARE JAMES HARRIS & CO., Dealers in Hardware, JVa o. Brocherlioff Row bellefoitte, ipa.. TOtDEBT HARDWARE; RTOKJE IJf CEXTBIt^fI Complete line of Hardware of all Kinds at the LOWEST PRICES. Tte Gelebrated Barley SMCool Store i Anchor Heater CALL AND SEE. HARDWARE HARDWARE RED FRONT STORE, LEWISBUBG, PENNA. J. HOWER, Proprietor. Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Extension Tables Bureaus, Parlor Tables, Bedsteads, and Chairs in great variety and at every price. All kinds of FURNITURE constantly on nand. 2y CRIST ADORO'S HAIR DYE. Crlstadoro's IT air Dye is the SAFEST and EST; it acts instantaneously, producing he most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and Is easily applied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well appointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman, sold by Druggist*. J. CKI3TADORO, P. O. Bo*. 1513. New York, spiral studs, collar nut ton, heavy plata wedding ring. and pert*' Parisian diamond pn. The above articles post-paid, fir CTM. have been retailed for 16. Bank rupt stock and must be sold. Solid Milton Gold Watches, *lO each, for speculative pur. poses, pood timers, equal In appearance to a *2OO genuine gold. "His reputation for honesty, fair dealing and liberality Is un; equaled by any advertiSer'ln this city."— Y. Day Boole, Dec. 16, 1876. PORTAGE STAMPS TAKEN AS CASH. P. STOCKMAN 27 B ND ST.. New York. NERVOUSDEBUJITY. Vital Weakness or Depression, a weak ex hausted fcllng, no energy or courage; the result of Mental ever-worK. In-Mscretlon or Excesses, or soin drain upon tbe system la always cured by HoiecnatMc HoiecnatMc tt Co. 28. ft tenes up and invigorates the vycteiu dispels the gloom and desopndencv, Imparts strength • nd energy—stops the drain and rejuvenates the entire man. Beea used twenty year* with perfect success by thou*, ands. Sid bv dealers. *i ice, *I.OO per shi gle vial; or *5.00 per package of five vials and *2.00 vial of powder. Rent by mail on rjorlpt of price. Address Humphrey's Uomoepathic Medicine Company, 562 Broad way, New York. 51* lily. HARDWARE'