tljf founutl ftlicr ft DciniDger. Froprietors * 0. DRININGRU, Associate Editor ■lllheim.Tkiirsda), Junto. Terms— Per Annum. ma ■. . t LEhISL VTIYIL The Legislature met at llarcis burg on the first day of the year. The Senate elected Hon. Tims. V. Cooper, of Delaware county. Presi dent. pro tcni., and T. B. Cochran, Chief Clerk, In the House Speaker Meyer took the chair, and after some routine byislfiess the llousc adjourned until Wednesday morning, since when nothing has been clone, as matters have come to a dead lock between the Houie and the Senate, on the mooted qflest ion whether this is a new or an adjourned session, the Senate taking the former and the House the latter view of the matter. If the Senate's view prevails :.ll business must begin snew, which will oe a great loas of time artf "en tail a heavy expense upon the treasu ry for re-printing, while if the course of the house is follo\Ved the business wili lie taken up where left oiT wlicn the Legislature adjourned last •prlng. and much time and money saved to the state, ll is strongly hinted that this is one of the many legislature tricks in order to prolong the session over the hundred that the m miters can draw the cov eted "ten dollars a day" for every day in excess of one hundred. In oar opinion the House yiew is the mere sensible and practical, as weli economical, but we have no desire to impugn the motives of those who think differently, unless they only find it convenient to ent-reneh them selves behind legal scruples in order to stay as long as possible and draw as much pay ts they can. • Below we give tiie Houso. vote on t&e question, by .whicn it will be , seen tl&ic our representative*, Alex ander and Weaver, voted in Oppo site directions. The question then rceurrlnx upon Mr amendment to take up the ol*l calendar and resu ne business, 'vnere it was left at close of lust session, it was adopted bv the following vote : YlA— Messrs. Aekerlv, Alexander. An dre, Bachman. Biilingsley. Black, Bower. Brooks, Brown. Burgess. Butler, Cbapin. Conrad. Creps, Dewocs. Dljkey. Donnelly, Downey, Duncan. Early. Kdsje. Englebcr . Keith >ir. Findley, Fish, Foster (Bradford ~ Foster (M'Keanj. Fuitan.(Chcator), Fulton (Indtana). Gaflwy. Gutcs, Gelir. licnuniil. Uentner. Glllett". Greenaaalt, Gro-s. Hail. Harris. HeHr. IliU (Fayette), Hill (Ly coming). Mines. Hitchcock. Howe, Hughs. Hunter. Irvine. Jackson ( Mercer). Jack ron (Wyoming). James. Jones D. M.. Kauffiniu. Kiersted, Kimble. Kineaid. Kin*. K''n. Kn 1 v> o Potter, Lenw of Rucks. Lind?v. I,ouguk< r. Mapes, Martin, Mstiack. M Cite v. M'- Cnuv. G:,ruai, ilVorniick- .H'Kiuben, JM'Lean. Means. Mvers. Mitliiu. Miller <>.' Berks. Miller of Lebanon, Miller of Sny der. Miner. Morgan ol SchnyikiU, Xakel. Nisiev, Peoples, Potter. Potts, Qui*ley. Rapshcr, Ueznor, Kola-rts, Schaetfei c. lterka. Sehell, Slieibly, She: woo 1 of North umberland. Shock. S >ok. Smith, o . Berks. Snyder. Spang. Steinrnttz, Stcv en>,Summei"viil. T.tto. Tyler, Walter, Will, Wilcox, Wise and Ycakul. —110 NaTs—Messrs. Agnexr, P.oksorcn, Bell. Bigger, Baone. Bucktuau. Can hey. Can ntnsrbam. Deveroux, Donaldson, Por rattce, Dong'ais, Kberhsart. Elliot. Litis* Fiinn. Frazer. Gil!c-pie (Pidlaijslphia), Graham (Allegheny), Graham (Philadel phia). Uullowell. Heine:. Hill (Allegheny). HUI (Philadelphia). Holland. Huln.Jaeo by. Jones S. S . Judge. Kennedy. Kochcr rperger 4 Law (Montgomery), Lodge. Long Magi 11, Marshal. MVarron, M Elroy, M- Gowan, Miller (Allegheny). Mitchell, Mo naghan, Moore, Morgan (letwr-ncc). Xetll Newell. Pallatt, Patterson. rVlr.uT. for*, tfulrk.Richardson. Ringgold. Sti'.te*-, Scha fer ( AUcrhenyi, Scbnnttorly, Shantz. She:. wool (York), Shoemaker. Snavely. So*u'- rters. Spears, sr.icknole Stewart, Sotc - Thotnaa- Walker. Weaver, (Allegheny). V ---r (Ceatro), Zeru aud >peak-- r.—7l. IT inn >OT DOfl'X. r Just*a-\*tJe;iJ*mocratic press, as *** about to cease for a tinte. in ventilating tie Git at Fra'd of ,in a President That was rejected by the people, the I*ll oj*ns on the Repub lican side of the house. No less a ferforpgp Ibsr ihe H<. Win. E. Chandler, the New Hampshire mem ber and Secretary of the Republican National Committee, is mt in a lengthy letter to lis iwditical breth ren of the Granite state, mi which he charges some very ugly tl ings on his radical co-conspirators. He inti mates very stroagly that Hayes was made President as the sequel to a corrupt bargain between the lender of the Radical party.* In regard to how matters were cooled up in the Pelican state, Mr. (\ says: "In I .ouisinna. however .there had Ken thrown into the l>allot t*>xes over 7,000 more vote* for tle TiMcii than for the Hayes electors, and to make Hayes President it became necessa ry for the returning lioard, acting un tier ffficiihhr throw out more • than 7,000 Tilden' votes to perform 'this extraordinary, even if justifiable work." Hew we have the bluntest confes ' sion of one of the chief conspirators. Mr. Chandler is no d ulit one of the worst of nulic d ranee la, but even rakcals makes very good wiinesses sometimes, especially when they turn states evidence. Thus does the light of truth shine upon the daikest part of our jiolitic al history, first obliquely ana faint ly. hut flnjiliv it wil' come directly and forcibly, until the entire wickeil plot shall have been laid bare to the astonished gase of the nation. Simon Cameron, Esq., is accused Of having done a great many disrep utable tilings in his time, but the smallest of all is the settling of a breacti of promise case with the wid . ow Oliver for a miserable thousand dollars. To wound the feeling of a poor widow by breaking a solemn n promise Of marriage w bad enough ; but to hush her up afterwards with ' such a contemptible sum is a down right shame for a man so prominent and wealthy, who has made his money so easily. And this is the man whom the entire Pennsylvania Re publican delegation in Congress re commended for Minister to the Court of St. James ? Fortunately for the honor of the country, Ruddv Hayes has no better opinion of Old Simon. as a courtier, than the in jured widow Oliver. Hon. James F. Farley. Democrat, was elected U. S. Senator by the Ca lifornia Legislature, vice, E. Sargent. Republican. Mr. Farley is a prom inent laiy.jror and politician, is oppos ed to all railroad .subsidies and in frvrr of lb* sibvrTloHsr. "It is pretty cold." ■ M •-*- * Oysters, fresh, hig and fat, at Toiuliuson's Millheitu Grocery. If you ar: a School Director have you visited the schools? If you are not, have you done so anyhow ? Wednesday was a mild dav hut made havoc of the sleighing. "More snow" is the general desire. Being overcrowded with matter this week we could not give theGov i ernor's Message anv attention, hut w ill do so in our next. ♦•♦ The Milllteim 15. A L. Associa tion meets in regular monthly meet ing next Monday evening, lluve your tines ready. A fellow wn.i reentlv fl"ed, at Lock Hpven court, s.* (10 for point ing a revolver at another. Served him right ! ■ - ♦♦ • - ■■ ■ The ice business was very htisk for tlie oast few days, hut 's getting dull too lilte everv other branch of trade. Hard Time*. The Fallon House stable, in Lock Haven, burnt down recently. Logs, $l2OO ; insurance, $7OO. Well thev are used to that sort ot tiling over there. ——_ ■ ■ ■ The Grand .Turv o' Clinton conn hat* found a tmo bHI against Dr. Thomas Tb'throck for d"th of a child and i's mother through :wi at tempt to procure an abortion. Tlie W'ttrhnuin says that Cyce A .Tim Alexander have struck a nickel vein at SnnnvsHo, near Rellefontc. Ho|*e there's millions in it and that the Alexanders may strike them out. —the millions. ■ Messrs. A. A S. Collins, the con - tractors for the pew railroad in 8,-a -zd. will on Saturday next start from Philadelphia for llrazil with a large number of me.i front that city. ■ Theßildwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, have just ma le a con tract with Russia to furnish 40 Pro motives during February and March, fr wjuch they get over half a mil lion of dollars. A snow of SI inches deep fell on Thursday night and Fri I v morning. This -is the first one of the season of toy account, and the drooping spir its'of sleighmakers are wonderfully revived. Seems we see Sammy Faust laugh all over. If you wish to get substantial in form ition on the state of KANSAS, its soil, climate'and resources, go and bear Mr Stebbiit's lecture. He has been a resident in that state for over twenty s\ years, and wi'l give i fair, impartial and practical lecture ou the same. See notice. The telegraph is now m working order, the instruments having lieen put up at Coburn snd Spring Mills the other day. Messages can now Be sent to Lewishurg anl the bal ance of the' world. Agent Huston is ti.e ojiera'or at C iurn. but we hav not learned who runs the ma chine at Spring Mills. We do not advise any one to go to law as that sort of business seld m pays; but if you are s* unfortunate as to get into scrapes of that k nd in Union county. I). 11. Gelz. Esq., of Lewishurg. is just the man to help you out —unless your case is a very ba I ute. He cm sneak Dealack as well as English. See Curd. • What Next. Mr. Em!. Motz scuds tiro tonx r I ratO'S takes all the wav troil) Cinrloote, North Carolina, to Dr. .4. Priesoa, f Lock Haver,as a Christmas present we suppose We always knew that Man was good on novelties, hut honied rattlesnakes as a gift, Ugh ! it makes ns shudder to think of it. Man is overdoing matters entirely. We h?v had a hea l put on us. How do you like it *—R*JWohtc RipuWicun Not the least bit. It is simply a -hauge. without an improvement. The old head looked letter than the IPW ; liesides we cannot hel| but -uggeet that a ch mgr of heart, ratlier than of head, would have been bet ter for your own good, as well as more desirable to your friends. How do ron like our aew dres* I—B'lle- Jor.t U"pn/*liran. Right well; first rate, in fact. Il has the good old qualities so desira ble in dress and alas so rar' in tlies" days of luxury and pride —nenints* and cleanliness. Rut don't, lie so vain alxnit it, old frllow, but reinera ler that "Fine feathers can neVr make line hints." Ex-Sheriff Musser has just entered into contract with John Gerstweit for the erection of a large store build ing. 24 feet in front and 50 feet deep, twostori s, 1 let ween his residence and the school house. It is to be competed by May Ist, next, and will lie "for rent" as sKin as done. A goo eir New ear's Festival. Much of the suc cess of the occasion is attributable to them; and as it is out of season to wisli them a happy new year, they will say "a happy entire year." Our musical friend, Prof. Wm. T. Meyer, seems to le busy as a bea vei, preparing and holding Musical Fes tiv ils. The grind affair of the Sea son is to come off at Jacksonville, under the direction of Mr. Mever, commencing Jan. 14th. Of co rse, that delightful piccolo could not be spared on sue i an occasion, and so Frank agrees to be ou board and have his piccolo along. A little son of Mr. William Wolf, residing in Peim township, was dreadfully scalded last Friday. It happened in this wise : The hired girl was in the act of carrying, a boiler full of hot water from the cook stove to the sink, where the uhild was standing, and setting down the boiler rather violently the water slopped over into the child's face, neck, arms and breast. The poor little boy suffers dreadfully, bnt is d<-ing a# well ss ran we evpfyfred. Koch A Strouse's Philadelphia Clothing Ilall is the largest and cheapest Clothing Store in Union county . Try it and be convinced THE silverware delivered hy the National Silver-Plating Co., No. 704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, is giving entire satisfaction. All or ders are promptly filled, and no one nctd hesitate about sending them money.— Lutheran Observer. Linn's Annals of Buffalo Valley Copies of the almve valuable local history of the far-famed Buffalo Val- Vy may lie obtained of It. F. llrown, Le wishing Daniel Derr, Bellefoute, or at the .lOTKNAI. BOOK STORK, Miilheim. Price $2. The subscriber will be prepared to carry express packages small bundles ami Ixixes f goods, from Unburn Station to Miilheim, Aarons burg. Wttod ward and all points along the line, at reasonable charges. The patronage of the public respectfully solicited. J WILLIS MUSSKR. KionsiOLTrs SVVBVHT AI,MA\ KV. This is one of the neatest and lest gotten up annuals that has reached us this year. Besides living a regular Almanac it contains much ot I ici-'vat uable information, such as postal regulations, election, stray and game laws, which alone make it worth more than the price asked — ten cents, Addiess tho publisher, J. E. Eich'ioltz, Snubury, Fa. KANSAS ! Charles M. Stcbbms, Esq., an old resident of Atcffison, Kansas, w 11 deliver a lecture ou that state and western emigration generally,giving honest ad vie* as to who should and who should not go, , At Woodward School House, Jan. 10., 7 p. M. Miilheim Xown Hall. " 11., 7p. M. Spring Mills, " 12., 7p. M. The Beliefontt RejaihHran greets its read PI'S at the lieginning of its 10th.Vol:'with a new dress and head of which the old man seems to feci as proud as a little girl with a new doll. Aside from its political bigot ry and v- nom we like the He/iuhliran right well. Ou the great mom I quest ions of the day it is most always right side up, but often savs its sav in such a spiteful way as to do hut little good. However we hoje that with r. Love as Associate Editor, the reading matter of the Kefuddie'in xvi 11 in future lie much more lovthf esjH'cially to us Democrats—than it was in the past. 11l the bigness of our German heart we wish Mie Re publican well and congratulate Mr. Tuteu upo i his success, "despite the hard times" which his party have brought upon the country. ATTEMPT AT MIRRER. A BiiJTih Tmcnshijt Young Man Fired I '/em. Mr. Wm. Kuhl. aged almut 19 years, son of Henry KuM of Hiiff*- in Twp.. narrowly. escaped being killed hy a brace of highwaymen on Thursd tv evening of last wfek. He had been in J.ewisburg and left for home, HI his buggy. at aimut "o'clock p. M. ec 20th. 1*77. Wlmle No. on roll—1:5. No. in attendance duriug month —in. Average attendance —2V Per cent, of attendance during month—72, ditto • luring term —71. CUvton Kcmtetter. William Swartr., Ab ble Braucht, Florenoe Hinge* am! Maggie Swartx, were present every day. The seljool. RS regards eonduet still main tains its forinost position. The progress has been good, while the attendanee is not as good as is desired. No directors luive visited ns vet. and onlv one patron. Mr. Jacob Dutwiler. Parent* and direct ors. do not compel ine thus to notify you every month as to vonr duties? Come ! J. R. V AXORMER. Teacher. THE TK.VCHER'S INSTITUTE of Centre county held its" annual ses sion in the Court House, Bellefoute. froinC ristinas morning till Friday evening following. Supt. Meyer, as the otlicial head of the Institute, pre sided. Nearly 200 teachers were present, of whoiu alioul 150 are teaching in this county. We are glad to see by the list of presents that the Imerr end was well represen ted, both in point of ability and in nmntiers. The music was furnished hv Clem ent Dale. Esq.. as organist, assisted by a corps of excellent singers. The principal I-cturers were Prof. Smith, of State College, who answer ed the question —"What do we mean by Chemical Analvsis." Prof. Er iiiertrout. who spoke on "The Arts of Memory,' 1 and Col. A. Frank Seltzer, of Lebanon, who aid what he knevc about money. These lectures are said to have been of a high char acter especially that of Col. Seltzer. In speaking of this leetu e the Watchman says: "The Colonel is an eloquent and attractive speaker, a deep thinker, a man of much hu mor and Wie possessor ot a valuable fund of information. lie greatly pleased his audience, which was fair in numbers and intelligent in under standing." Upon the whole the Institute was a marked success, and we trust those in attendance—esiecially teacheis— may not only have been entertained and abused* but profitably instruct ed a well. Having obtained special rates on COAL OIL to Cohurn Station we are now prepared to sell ly tin- banell to dealers at tli* game jirice they would ho chained either at Snnburvor WiU lianisporL. tf SMITH A Co. ■ , A Fare with charming features may ho rendered actually rrpuUive hv \>'otohes or pimples. GLENN'S SULiMlint SOAP, promptly remedies all eomplexional blemishes as well as looal eruptions of the skin, hums, nruises, scalds, &c. Sold hy all Druggists. Hill's Hair A Whisker Dye,black or brown, oOcts. 4. KYITTINIf rnK All. Miss Rosie H. Driiiinger is pre pared to do all kinds of knitting for th* 4 public, in a very beautiful and substantial manner. -Stockinc*. Hose, and Socks, either wool or cot ton, knit upon short notice and at t lie most reason able rates. A iurtje jxiir nf stocking 3 knit Jor 24 rents Give her a cull. tf. A XKW VERSION OF A X OLD STOUV.—lien Franklin gave the people of his day a receipt for op tioning health, wealth and wisdom. The present generation is not sup posed fo lw in want of wisdom, and would prefer happiness combined with health ami wealth. The mod ern way to obtain all thesp is told in tlie advertisement of Barrick, Roller A Co., headed "health and happi ness,'' in this paper. We cordially recommend our readers to the care ful consideration of their advice. fHXHEf RITIOX. The new Reformed Church at Re liershurg will l*e consecrated on Sun day. January 13fli, next. Services will lie held mornings and evenings, during the week previous,commrnc-- ing Sunday evening, v Tai\. 6th. Revs. Shoemaker, Droll, Engle and Hartzler, will le present to take part in the services, which will bs conducted in English and German., The christian public is cornially invited to attend. Pastor. REBERSBURCJ FRAGMENTS. The merry sleigh l**lls are ringing. ' Preaching every day and evening luring the week, in the Reformed Church. 4 *C:in you chitngeu 20 dollars hill?'* is the salutation of everv IH'i-sou you meet. Who says tiovs are haul ? * No inarriajpßS or knock iluou since Christ mas. Dr. i.. B. Frank is anxious to know who the fellow is tlint scut Itiiu a box of valuables from Belle foute, as a Chi istmas present. He would like to observe the srolden rule. siinday, Jan. 6th was our.coldest day—the thertiiouie or indicating 17 dctrrees below 7."r0 in the morning. We are having a kind ot a winter af-' ter aIL Mr. Oliver Gram toy, formerly of this place, is with us again. lie lo ks very natural, undergoim? no Change—save that he It-It us 12 years a-j in a state of sin *le Wesaedtttas and now leturns a married man. . Bishop lhftts, one of the shi ling lights iu the Evaugelical Assx'iu tro.i preached one of the ablest aer* mons ever delivered in these parts, to a crowded house, ou Sunday eve ning. Mr. J as. Mallory and famPy, a few days ago receivetl the sad intel ligence of the death of their son Willi im. He left here 10 years ago, traveling through nearly all the states and tciritories sine.* then, and was iu New Mexico for the last few years engaged iu mining. lie was on his way home and had trav eled on coach to city, Nebraska, w ere he took siek wth pneumonia and die I after two d >vs. 'The full pirticulars attending his death am not jet known to the family here. A SON. BPRINQ IV ILLS ITEMS. Wanted —more snowr. Mr. Fred. Gray, the section bo*s, is a man who knows how to protect the interests of the It. It. Go. He had all the snow shovel©,| from around the Depot, so that travellers tnav have e;t*y access. S. Crawford slaughtered his big porker —result, 510 |oun s dressed meat. The thing looked like a bahy elephant. The shooting i*\tch at Konnelly's proved a success. George Korman and fiv§ other Ni in rods were out in the Seven Mountains hunting, and brought home three deer. Capt. M'Coolhasa hull calf of the Short Horn Dutch br Md, that it 6 months old and weiglis 520 poundr. As S. Hankie AC. Finkle wiHfe returning home froin IVnn Hull it of a sufferer from a severe Rough. Qu II thb paroxisms with Utile.'* Iloney of litre hound and Tar The relief is immediate and the cure certain. Sold by all Druggists. Pike's l'oothacne Drops cure in 1 minute. It Is nww an estal.listvd fact that Co*- BCMKTION CAN BE CCRPO. It has b 'ffn CUied in a vei v great number of cases (s that disease, and patients afflicted with it reconciled themselves to death without an effort being made to save then from a doom which was considered inevitable, i I>r, Sehenck himself was supposed at one time to l>e at the very gate of death, tils Physicians having pronounced his case hope less and abandoned liiin to his fate : he was Ct'KBD by the aforesai I medicines and after ward enjoyed uninterrupted good health for more than forty years. Thousands of people have used Dr, Schenck's preparations with the same reinarkaole success. Bchcnck's Almanac,containing a thorough treatise on Consumption, Liver Coinplalnt t ; Dyspepsia, AC., can be had gratis of any ! druggist, orof J. H. Schonck & Ron, Phila delphia. Fuil directions for tlie ur.e of Schenck's medicines acoompany each pack age. : Bcbeuck's Pulmonic Syrup, Bca Weed Too j lc, aud Mandrake ruts are fr &ole. br all dr uggtstw. MARRIED. Oa the 30 th nil.. at the. residence of the bride'* fuiaei, Mr. Wilson Walker, former lv of .Ufthei'Nhurz, ami Mist Crtthuriun /iiniiiorinun, ol" Dakota, Illinois. At the parsonage of Itev. Young. Lo frunsvi ie. Dec., v'J. 1M77. Mr. Andy Grata ey to Mis* CaHseft Zelgler, both of Sujgur- V alley. On the same day and hy thn Mmv Mr. Philip Caves of to Ml.-s Mury .J. Smith of ftoonevllle. . /)n4>co, jIMIi, 1h77, at Centre Hall, Pa.. Mr Willaril .Miller, of Logansvllle, to MlbS nrir.a J. Albright, ol f*uu|i Hall. Pa. On .the .lid hint., at the Kvankelical Par liiiniKi' In Mlllhehn. by llcv. ( . K. Deln- J tiger, Mr. John XV. White-leather and Mtas Leah Muwr, all ol Gregg township. DIED. At his late residence In Potter town s!il|. Altera long and severe Illness, Mr. I 'a v id Allison, aged 78 years and 7 moni lis. Near t.ijfuiHVlllr, on Sunday evening. Pee. ;tO, IC7. MM. Elia# ('outer. Mrs. V. died f rout the 4-P'eets of a eanccr. During las| three inoutbs she lived she often en dured ureal pain, but bom all with Chris tlan re.-,ignation. CHURCH DIRECTORY. I.tTdßtuw.—Rv. J. Tnmlinson will preueb in tlie V. B. (.'hurch, next humluy at 2 o'clock, v. x , ut Aaron*burg iu the morning, KVAXOBLICAI. AK.sociATOiN.-Ker. C. F. Deintnger will preach next Sunday eve mug. Lodgo and Society Directory. ' The Mtllhetm Cornet Kanl will meet In (foe Town Hull on Monday and Thursday ON ealnjr', Providence Grange No. 117 P. of H., fleet#, in Alexander's block oa the 2nd Ba nrdav of each month at r. u. and on the 4tU Saturday of eueh month at I>J r. n. Tho Irving Literary Institute aircts in the Town Hall, on tlie last Friday evening of each m F. Mill SR. I*~TxE'i:TOC* NOTlCE.—letters TesU j menUry having l sen granted to Hie 1 undnsigned on tlie estate of -George Bruit gard, sr..'lite of Miles township, deceased, all persons knowing theiuxetves Indebted to said estate art hereby notitied to make i:n mediate patntent, and ihose ImMiip claims agaliiHl flic same to piescnt litem duly au thenticated lor paj inetd. , S S'AMI KI. FHANK. * GKOEOC BKLNOAKP, Lxeeutors. Miles Twp., Jan. 10th, I*7B. i-64. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—Letter* of Administration on the dMuteof Phil ip Leltzell, late of Haines township, de ceased. having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to sahl estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav tug Claims against the same, to present '.kite U, duly authenticated lor settlement. .... - " MART Wt SKLKUI. gen, 47-6 L Administratrix. TEO'AL NOTP'E.—Notice Is her 'by glv- J en th t apidieatlon will be made to the Legislature ol Pennsylvania during its negt i xessiou lo h ire the second section of tlie Act of Assembly approved January 31st 1849 erecting Henrysbutg in Centre county, Moxtwraaaft.mchanged M to secuie a more equitable iusessment of water taxe*. 48-.SI. X^EOTICE.— Notice Is.berebv vixen that application will be made to the next 1 session of the Legislature tor the pa-sagc of a law to prevent the huuting ol deer . with dogs in Centre County. Decern be • !i. l CVL'TION.— All ieri.ons are hcrebr can tinned not to negotiate a note drawn by the subscriber. !>♦•*. 6th. at four months t after date-in favor either of Jas. s. Marsh A C. or hen. H. Bristol, payable at the Banking House of John C. Motr A Co.. as ' LJtnvs recekved no value for the same and will not pay It unless compelled by law. Fenn Twp. J. K. HITNRR. lira Xh, 11T77 3t. D. IT. GETZ, Attornoj-at-Law, Lswisburg, Pa. Office opposite the Union National Bank Can be consulted in or Get m in. No. JJ-lv. NEW oßtiiXN iitBtoffU3U>, rv>. 12. a J'/a vos retail price IT'O only R236. Bend for cmfi>n lal Hie ilar.v Pnll I'. acaUy.Wanklafftou.V J.2w Oaf* vocal A 2 new Instrumental places e>Slieet Music, toe silver or alps. Music l'ub. Co., Aitdd'eboro, Maw. 4w n STY EE"' OF CARDS, 10c .or New Year t'anl* 20c. Samples 2e. J. Husled&Co.. Nassau. N Y. 4w ST/"Y , ards. V> styles, 13c. ;30 Klcjuut f'ards. OvF'io? alike. 10c. with uame. Seooinu A Co , Klnderhook. N. Y. 4w t ftUR.;F MIXEDCARDS with name, in Xjll'Mse. 13c. 2f> niih<>ut ca-e. 9c 30 new fun w c.irdlf.c ml fits JOe. F. WASHBURN & CO , Middlebnru. M.tss. 4w gfo #w SANFORD S R VDICAL |CUItK for Catarrh will not In •if4/ a# slant IT relieve and speedtlv cure References. Henry Wells Esq., Wells, Fargo & *,. Au rora. N. Y.; Wir.. Bowen. Esq.. McHatton, Grant A Bowen. Ft. lands Testimonials and _ r treatise by mail. Frlee wilh •lUtarrD improved Inhaler. *l. Sold everywhere. VEtKSi IN/I'IEK, Froprle tots. Boston. Mass. Collin Tallair Plasters are the best4w i\v iDur p i a no -111, I I I I #*Agents wanted •lie / 111 I Vr'STISBfEtV" IATTY Washington. New Jeraoy, U. S. A AGENTS WANTED ! ! roR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS ■ WILSON SEWIN'i MACHINE CO. 20 Broadway, New Y>rk City: Chicago 111. New Orleans, La.; 4w or Kan Francisco, Cal WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE WELLS' CARBOUf TABLETS, a sui>remedv for COUGHS, and all diseases of tlie TUROAT, RUNGS, CHEST and MUCOUS IEMUiCANK. PIT IP 03i .Y IN Bl.l'K BOIES. SOLD nv ALL DRUGGISTS. 1-4w C. N. CKITTENTOM, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. York. Id 000 1 Ulil •'ill - HioM i.u.'.o .do i ii>Rr.ur ... . •C* | dealt t ie DEMON DUiSK. by the veteran au- I -titer. T. S. AiiTtiiTß. V t)i>'k to STAUTI.k and ENMHIITKN the people. Vivid pictures and PROOFS. how it curses BODY. sol'R. HOMK. •OCIKTY, etc. Unfolds the work .f INKBKIATK ASTI,v.'" ? B, GOBPKI. TEMPERANCE. WOMAN'S C'KUSAUF. FRANCIS ML KPiIV, PROHIBITION, etc.". ONM.Tti Its sale Is maKVKI.LOI'S- Ol'lt Bill F.N with -2000 ILLUSTRATIONS far exccli ,i jat iters, /'Vices Just reduced 25 bkk CT !! Send for terms. HUBKAKO BROS., Pubs.. 723 Sansom St., Philadelphia. 46-4w HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. Health unit Happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessttr, and yet they are within the reach of every one who will use WRIGHT'S LIVER PILLS. The only sure (JURE lor Torpid River, Dys pepsia, Headache, Sour Stoniaoh. Coiiatipa tion, Debilttv, Nausea, ami all Blldous ennv i plaints and Blood disordres. None genuine unless signed "Wnt. Wrlglit, rhlla." If .. your DruKgiftt will not supply send 25 cents j for one bo*, to Barrlck, Roller ft Co.. 70 N. 4:h . riil'a ' ■* c I C. A 11. *. RAILROAD. WBSTk'A RD, 1. 5. ' 5. LKAVK A.M. P M. P M. A/onfonfun 7.(0 6.2-i /.ewfshure 7.1A 2.2b C SS Pest. Xos. sA 6 i cith Pint Lin * vest. An Omnihv* will run between Leyri/tatrg and Mt-nta rulan, to convey pa semper* to end .from Pacific Express east on tht Phil aiielphia A t'rte Rail Road. The regular Rait Road Tickets vrdfi 6 honored t*(w:n then two points. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAR. PHIL AD LP lIIA it ERIK R. R. DIYI Bio.r. FTHMIH TIN 1 TXRIJT Or> and i\fter Afunday, Mry 13IA, 1877, the Trains an the Philadelphia and Krie Rait JtoaU Division tr til run as follows: WERT WARD. Erie Mail leaves Xeie For* - , 8.25 p.m. " " " Philadelphia 1135 p. en. " " " Baltimore 110 p.m. " " " Ma rrisburp 4.2.5f1.Tn. " ' " Mi>nhury 8.a. m. Montnndon $.57 a. m. " " " Willtamsport US a. m. Lock Haven f.40. m. •' •* are. at Erie 7.35 p. m. Xlugara Kx. leaves Philadelphia 7.3U a. m. " " " Jiarrisbnrp 10.50 o. m. " " " Runhury 12.4" p. m. " " " Moritandon 105 p.m. " " arr. al Willlamsport '2.20 p. m. " " " Lock Jiavcn 3->p. m. *' Kane 8.20 p.m. East Line leaves Jfew York I 25 a, m. Philadelphia ll>ia.m. " " " Baltimore 1135. m. •' " " Marrishurg 120 p.m. *• •• Runhury 5.40 p.m. " •• •• A f.>nt anion 6.15 p.m. WilUamsoert 7.30 p.m. " " err. al Lock Slaocn 8.40 p.m. MASTWARD. PariJle Ex. leaves lock Haven 6.riop. m William sport -7.55a.m " " " Montnndon 9.08 a. m " " " Runhury 9.35a. m " " arr. at Harrishurg U..V>a. m " " " Baltimore B.lop. m " " " Philadelphia -3.45p.m -" " ' tc York 6.45 p. m- Day Ex. ieevc* Kane B.u'a. m " " " Lock Harm 11.2n a. m " " " WiUtamspnet 12.40 a. m " " " hfintandon 1.17 p. m ** " " Nunbury 2.75 p. m " " arr. at I/orrishurg 4.10 p. m •• •• " Philadelphia 7.20 p. m •• •• " Mew York 10.15 p. m " •• •• Baltimore 7.35 p. m •• •• " Washington 5.07 p. m- Erie Mail leaves Erie. 11.0® a. m " Jjovk Haven 9. lb p. m " " WiUiam*i>ort 11.08 p. m " " " Montnndon ll'tp. m •• •• •• Runlntcy 12 45 a ■ m ■ " • arr.atHarrisburg 2.4A a.m. • '• " Baltimore 7.45 a. m. " " " Philadelphia 7.00 a.m. •• " " Mete York 10."5 a. n. P"a*l Line leaves William sport 12.35 a. m. •• • •• Sunhury 2.0" a. m. " " arr. at Harrishurg 4.00 a. m. " " " Baltimore 7 45 a. m. " • j'hiiad iphia 7.35 i m. " " .Vctc York 10.25 a. m.. Erie Mail UVsf. St 'para Ex West. Jjock Haven .4crom. West and Day Express East make close connection at Morthumherland with I. &R. R R. trains for Wiltesbarrs and Svranton. Erie Mail Fad and Wr#f connect at Erie with trains on f.. S. A M. R R R-. at tx>ry with O C. ,4- A- I'. R. R. at Emporium with R. A*. }'. A /. 72. R.. and at Driftwood with A. 1-. R R Parlor Car* wilt runhetween Philadelphia and William sport on Xiapara Express West Picidc Express East and Dap Express East. Sleeping (\irs on all night train*. WM A. BALDWIX. Gen'l Sup't. Mlllhetra N*rk*L Wheat So. I It* Wheat Mo. 1 1.15 Corn 50 kv Oat* Whit* *> Oats. Black it Buckwheat Ss Kl"or I*s Bran A short*. per hundred 1.00 Stlt, pr Brl LB© PlaMler. ground 10.'O Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50 Rirley M TymnMitwed Fiax*ed Ck>*ereeiU making over kiob iu a week. A Isflyagerrt rrports t.-ikfn;' over I0- sdbvilhers In ten nlate. A'l who engago make monev fast. You can devula all your (line to the tu ilv *' argons, lndue ed some unprincipled parties and agent* to copp inv circular*, and rnlsrepreseut my iustruuients; against this he public at* iiereby eaiitiouod. All my trgans bear ms trade inak, Golden Tongue, and all my I'ia nos have te word PI O underlined and also have inv name . ''PWfUud te^. ence. DtMU. F. Reattt, Washinß-u, N. J., without which none is genuine. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Waahingion, X. J., U. 6. A. n, * eMm, " rwl s { * yXlIu lypaths market out bv th 'Platn Home Tn'k and Common Sense."—nearlv 1.000 pates. 2n illustrations, bv Dr. F.. B. Kootk. of l2oiL"Xiiigti>n Ave S. S". Purchasers of this book are at libei I to consult its author In person ot by *ta free. Pi ice by mall. 1.24 for the Stanhar rd.tion. oi $1.50 for tlie popti.a.r edition >\ kicli contains all tho'snme mat' e., and CI lustra?loos. Contents taides free. Aqevn Wantcii. MURRAY HII.LrUBLISHINO Co.. 129 East ttlh St. N. Y. 3s-ly F.9TACL oHfcD IWA USB HilKlKK' WRITING INKS IS D M LIT LACK. TJic best in the Market. Jet Bl;tt k Scnooi Ink A Speciality. For Sale ur all Leamnu Station bus awd HARRISON INK CO.. >hbH) .. n. r WAITED! We wish an agent male or female. In each town of this county, to get up C!ut*> among families, hotels, facrorio*. fir.., for the hale of our I'e.ts, an I will oiler very lib ral m in'vdons to such. We have l-*n imnorteis of for over ' years, and can a fiord io send, and we will send a l>ttcr aiiicle fcr the money than any other house in New \oik. our Teas are put up it. one pound package*, with the name and price printed upon each. Address, tor terms and "blank form fi Clung, LONDON & NEW YORK CHINA TKA CO.. P. O. Boa s<*4. No. 2C Churvh St, New Turk SJ-ly RED FRONT FXJK/ITITTJItE STORE, LEWISBt r RG> J. HOWER, Proprietor. • $ Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Extension Tables, Bureaus, Parlor Tables, Bedsteads, and Chairs in great variety and at every pries. All kinds of FURNITURE constantly on hand. ~: ly CAMERON HOUSE, LEWISBCRG. PENNA. Gh S. IBTJIRIR/, rfoprUtor. O Firs Class ■ all respects and Ctntral I j Located. BEATTY'SParIsr Orps > in/ \j IBJ6! Believing it to bo BY PAR tbo best Parlor and Orchestral Organ manufactured, we challenge any manufacturer to equal them. The celebrated Ooldeu Tongue heeds In this organ in conjunction with the Perfected Kcetl Boards produce sweet, pure and pow erful tones. Superb cases of new and elegant designs Ministers, teachers, churches schools, lodges, etc., should send for price list and discounts.. Dealers will find It to their advantage to examine Ibis instrument, t has Improve ments found in no other. Correspondence solicited. - Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me (Daniel K. Reatty) both ways if unsatisfactory, after a test trialuf Ave dnvs Organ warranted for she years.* Agents dis count given every*:be*c bwe no agents Agents wanted. Address. DANIEL F. BEATTY, Waihlogtow. Www JtrHg BE ATT YPI AST' ! rani 3 pinr® s id Upritf nr v tki rvg* otTn kow un* * DANIEL P.BEATff, WMhinjrton, New Jersey, V. N, . ISURAM MEN! A(E\TS WANTED ' -W1 Til- Neir EnjlanJ Mutual Life I;:..; rJK uhls-l mutual in tii# MuniTv, CW* " ** 1835. II IF/I n I V GKV 3 1 V ARTC'.y * WA* FIT*. Gereta] /" * 133 South Fourth Street, Philds>Uio flßßfci etifl rnura "■" ■k BH /HHL Gobi Jr. .. HPIH H I ■■Bohr. Co*#- ' I H| am oh , EWWA 9 jjoa •tics' !:•• vro-cfc.3 rn ■ Art H J9** 4 .-ti. KlU, C<*M. .-4ir'.l, Wvy ;• wedding r|n£. and gei l' PaiUia* d. ** - pin. The aAnte articles wat. pM * CTR. have bee n tela lied for Ik*. ■_ rupt stork and must to sold. fc>H >► " Galtf Watcftes.flft cacti foraparllfi.* - l>os*, good timers. equal l cj>eKv _ a >)0l> genuine cdd. "Ilia rePu'*Hic honesty, fair dealt n# sad ltiwrattyy ft equaled by any adveiii>er In this rt:>. r. D*u Boot, f)*. W, |Ci PORTA*** XT A* K4IAKK* A* C*. . Y. *II)C£ MA V V Nt> *T. Raw 1 NERVOUS DEBILIT r Vita) Wenkueu or Det>v**Mbu. a wif*-, - hausled feeling. o euergy or .mura* ; result of Mental ever wort. fsdberMih or wm drain ?oh Va sjaU > ;tl ways cared Hr HiijliM'T Bom® ShsSSr > 28. It tones op ved iuvisorutrs tko *'•- • dispel* the ctootu tad d**opd*3et, trif* strength ud energy— • 4-ate . . rejuvenate# the enttre man. lae w twenty jreara with perked ueea If tb . and*. it ild &▼ dealer*. *iW. * gle vial; or #5 UC per narkage of tve -. • and rial of powaer. Mnt by mar r*cipt of prlea. Address Uumphi*- Honaoepalhie Medicine G*mpay, W3 ftr \ -i way. New York. bia illy JACKSON'S BEST & ABOVE All . These brands ©fjSweet aakri* ** edged by ail. to bi the Ft a eat hiwia, TobaeriM in the .market. Pat •• la tia|es and size*. (a rnthogauy an J s.■-: wrappers. Sold by the tr ;.d ceperally. *#.• for sample to the manufacturer*.' 4 C. A. JA-JtCi A . * •!*;, 7*. Gbo. Y. Wauule, Gaaara) Acaat. Z*~i NOl.l al4 t aai.i *b#r tireet. P BEAITYI^ Brand Kguare and Cprlghk Prom Oeo. K. Letcher. lrm*f W, It Lateber A Pro. Rankers, layette, hie. "We received the i|ao and think • verv flne toned one out here. Waited ash i time to give it a good teat. ( you wink . woid in favor of it we will cheerfully give it James K. Brown, tvq , EdwardsriHe L aay: "l"he Realty Tiano received aiveaenfc -' satisfaction." Agents wanted. Road m* catalogue. Addrraa DANIEL F. BEATTY, Whiug*K. New joeooy, V N- * American Hou33. J.P.S. WEroENSAUL. Proprietor. OLD AND POPULAR STAND. Corner Market and Front Street: LEWISBURG.PA A First Class Hotel iu all Rcspeets. CHARGES-MODERATE. ae£ TT V A ojf i^ QEsM I I la— ik*st i m DANIEL F. BEATTY •Vasliingion, New Jersey, U. S. A. ivrs r mirST Adopted bv all the queens of fa-h!an. feed for circular. F. IVINS, No. W North Ptfta St.. I'itiUck'iliihia. Pa. SIITS! SWTS! r isimt I! AND Overcoats!! Overcoats!! , * v . i • i ♦*. Bold at Cost and ' BELOW COST! For 30 days from date, to reduce oor larg© itaek. —* 11 ' Call at KOCH & STRQUSE'? Philadelphia Clothing Is I, Lewisburg, Pennn