Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, January 03, 1878, Image 3

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    [f'ije Journal
Itllir & DeialiiEEr. Proprietors
B O. PKtxtxatn, Associate Editor
Mlllhclm, Thursday, Jan. 3.
Terms—ll.6o Per Annum,
■fcwi— 11 .a." ■' i J"i
This nemlier liegins the 52nd vol
ume of the Joi* as AL, calling it a
continuation of the old Centre Jh •
richtrr, which it certainly is. A
year ago we gave a brief history of
our paier and will nht repeat it now.
The future, roorq than the,
claims oo r attention.
To eoaduct a newspaper success
ful ly requires ePergV, untiring latmr
and no small amount of business
capadtjr—independent of any
literary attainments or aptness to
write. The former qualities we
claim -to possess to a fair degree—as
to the latter we make hut modest
pretensions. Whatever talents we
may pave we*e spent upon our fond
ling JoURNTfX. We did the best we
could with the limited resources at
hand to make it a good, readable,
and at the same time respectable
local paper. We have neither ' lat
ent outside" nor patent inside,- but
control every line and word ourself.
Covert abuse and obscene advert is"
MG can And no place iu the JOUR
NAL, whether there is money in it
or cot. ...
U> on the whole we have no re*,
son to complain, but truly much to
be grateful, for. To tlmse of our
patrons who have promptly aided us
by their moral and material sup]>o t
during the prst year, we return our
sincere thank*. With those who
are willing but unable to jxiy tip , at
this time we wiß continue to exer
cise all seasonable patience ; wlulu
those who never intend to pay Would
oonfei a favor by informing iia of
the fact. - And now, fricuds, we
wish you all a ,
"Happt Mkw tsii?."
Another leaf in our history is turn
ed, another year of our loves gone,
and it behooves us to look back and
examine Jtot© it was spent:
Moat men ask them selves onlv
" material questions at such intervals
• as the beginning of a new vear, as
for example—'"How much money
have I made this year ? How much
property hare I added to inv former
stack ? There are other questions,
infinitely more important than these,
and they should come home to every
heart, on the threshold of each new
year. "Have we grown In knowl
edge and virtue ? Have our deeds
of kindness and charity been more
numerous the past year than the
rue before ? Have we tieen more
useful in our sphere and calling ?
].nj?hort, are we better mei (and
women) thftn we were-a year 7go
if we can answer tkt*c questions
in away that satisfies conscience, it
is well with us ; if not, let us firmly
resolve to do better during th 3 year
just begun, l-f the past year has
l>cen an entire blank in our lives, let
tie repent i:i sackcloth and ashes.
Time flies, whether we improve
it or not. We educate ourselves for
future blise or wor. When our last
year, our last day and moment
cranes, w* will surelv not regret of
having done too mwh good, but may
regret of having done to little. t>e
riotii thoughts I
Christmas was a genuine good old
feiiow-in Millheim this year. He
ppent more real joy than perhaps on
any former occasion. Everybody
seemed to be happy and to enjoy the
happiness of others A lwtter fel-
J<;w-feeling. a more thoroughly conr
terms and liberal spirit certainly nev
er >* fore prevailed here than did on
Christmas. Present making was
the order of the day. We feel sure
that more presents were made on
this Christmas than on half a score
together before. It seemed to be
the study of every one to make oth
ers happy. Especially did the ju
venile world cotne in for its full
Khare of gladness and gifts. Fath
ers a*)d mothers, uncles and a-nts.
vied with each other to prepare a
world of happiness for the little
fc>ks. The historic Christmas Tree
found its way into not a few homes,
and we fondly hope that parents may
have improved this propitious season
tosoWHeed that may bring forth
fruit unto life eternal.
- January Ist, A. D. 1878, was a
grand gal t day for Millheim. The
young YEAR WHS ushered in at mid
night by the Millheim Cornet Band,
vrho made the welkin ring with
sweetest music, and by discharging
loaded anvils, which shook the very
. foundations of the earth, to say noth
ing of the incessant rattle of small
arm-;. 1
The day dawned as bright and
clear as any one could desirp. Ever
ything was activity and bustle to
get reorly for a grand Masquer uic and
Mechanical Procession on. Wagons.
At 9 o'clock the long train of thir
ty-seven wagons, headed by the
Band, all under the direction of
Judge Hartican as Chief Marshall,
Started for Aaronsburg. and a grand
right it was. On every wagon there
swTia some mechanical or mercantile
arrangement, typical of the thrift
that ought to mark every branch of
cur Industrial pursuits, but
well we ate not writing a political
articlw just now We have neither
gpace nor inclination to particular
tie, as the whole affair was a decided
enccess an I beautiful in its way.
Everything passed off decently and
in order, excepting that just as the
procession had returned and the
warons were each turning home
ward, the traveling bar"— oh horror! —
had the misfortune to capsize right
in the centre of town. Bottles and
tumblers, and whatever else was in
nd about tho bar were dashed to
the grour d with violence. Tne in
mates may consider themselves
lucky that they escaped without
broken lic&bs, and this incident
shouM-be a solemn warning to all
bars tn generil, and to this one' in
particular—never to risk tliemselees
' a wheels, but to remain on terra
&*raa Mher* they are sire of a W?a
f'-ienJ it i+n. "
In the afternoon our Aarousburg
friends returned the compliment bv
a demonstru! ion very much like ours.
Our genial friend, L. 1). Kurtz act
ed a* Cliief Marshall, assisted hv a
squad of cavalry who brought up the
rear. We always did concede that
Lute is a much better looking man
than poor, clumsy we, but had no
idea that he would cut such an im
losing Agnre on horseback, when
trimmed off in regimental trappings!
Whew 1
The Aarousburg procession had
just us mauv wagons as ours, hut
some think that their general make
up was Iettcr. We do not like to
pass an opinion 011 a subject so deli
cate, but are willing in order to set
tle disputes, to eonte;s ourselves
leaten just the least bit —sav al>ont
"8 to 7." The on* feature that was
most f o our taste, was the Miunim
(don't read medium) String Hand.
Sorry we could hear it but a mo
ment ; but if the boys should take it
into their heads once upon a time to
cheer our editorial heart with their
all but celestial music, they will And
us at home. We will give them each
a brand new eigar with a chrouio
thrown in—we will.
In the evening we had two Sunday
School Festivals—one in tne Evan
gelical nd one in the Methodist
Church. We felt duty Ixiniul to
visit both but foil id it iinora -tica
ble to divide onrsrlf into two exact
ly and an we could do
no letter than to go first to the one
and then to the other. Both church
es were most t ite f ully decorated.
The festooning* es|>eei.illv, were
very graceful and chaste. Hut the
trees, the beautiful trees, loaded
to groaning with all that is dear to
the heart of a child ! We have seen
some lieantifiil sights in our time,
but to us th most precious one al
ways is a flock of happy children.
Here we saw our ideal of juvenile
Miss realized in its fullest and broad
est sense !
In the Old church we heard a
good Christian speech, if it was
short, by Rev. Mr. well he spells
his name exactly like ours. Rev. J.
11. Peters folio wed. but we could
not remain to hear him. In the
Methodist Cliuich addresses were
made by Rev. G. W. Rouse, our CM
piring young friend, Mr. J. R. Van-
Orraer, and the senior of the JOUR
NAL staff, A. Walter. Hxq. The
first we did not hear, but just know
that the Rev. George Washington—
like unto the other great George—
always hits the nail square on the
head. Of Reese's speech we will on
ly say that it was grvnl, what there
was of it, and that is saying just
enough ; but if vou wish to hear a
sound, didactic speech on almost
anv subject, don't fail to hear Mr.
Walter whenever you have the op
Tlie distribution of the gifts wis
the mast lively part of the exercises.
It seemed as if all were pleased—
none dissatisfied or disappointed ;
and this pleasant finale must cer
tainly afford much satisfaction to
the projectors of these festivals, who
labore Iso ns,rd to in ike them suc
cessful. We are also happy to note
that at least some of our poor were
kindly rememltered.
T ins ended the holiday season in
Millheim. May its pleasant recol
lections and esjx-ciallv its moral
teachings, last as long as life itself.
If we can't lx>ast of anything els\
we can boast of the finest weather in
the valley.
Sausages and protracted meetings
are now in order.
Wolfe's store feels proud of its
new boss, m-w goods and low prices.
The latter defy competition.
There is a protracted meeting in
progress at the llruugard church.
Hope the old veterans will be reviv
ed and a new company of new vol
unteers enrolled.
The Co. Superintendent has been
visiting onr school lately, and finds
it just what it ought to be—conduct
ed in the most approved style and
Dec. 1877. Fox TAIL.
Wanted—* two-toot snow on this
freeze tip.
X*w Yoar made its appearance a
little sharp but clear. ami with it ;
came roasts and visitors Irom all i
direct inns
"Kansas" is the question of the
day. Hojie all my IK* suited when |
they pet there but wouldn.t le stir- j
prised if they wou'd constitute them
selves into an "eight to seven re
tirrniny l>oard."
Com** and see our Bi Store,
floods cheap, the B >ss obliging, and
you can buy "<m fieA "' for a short
time if you are pood for it.
Watch meetinp at all points were
convenient. Hone the pood people
will watch the good thinps the pood
B'Hk tells them as eaperly as they
do the eoniinp of the new year.
Hop. we will all watch our own
faults more and those of our neigh
bor* less, during the new-year.
Those lteliersburp chaps were too
exorbitant in their demands. Ten
dollars is entirely too much toll for
a weddinp party these hard tims.
Be reasonable hereafter boys, or stop
the foolish practice altopethei, and
you will avoid all future unpleasaut
i ness of the game kind.
It Is now an e*f.V:lNhed fact thit Cos.
SUMPTION CAN BE CURp.r. It has been cured
inaverv great number of cases (some of
thein apparent ly desperate ones) by Scuenk's
Pulmonic Syrup alone, and In others by the
same medicine in connection with Schcnk'S
Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills. one or
both, according to the requirements of tha
The old supposition that "Consumption Is
Incurable," for many years deterred Phy
sicians from attempting to find a remedy for
that disease, and patients afflicted with it
, reconciled themselves to death without au
effort being made to save the-n from a dooin
which was considered Inevitable.
T>r, Schenck himself was supposed at one
time to be at the vorv gate of aeath, nis
Thyslcians having pronounced his case hope
less and aband med him to his fate: he was
: CUBED by the aforesaid medicines aud after,
ward enjoyed uninterrupted good health for
more than forty years. Thousands of people
have used l)r, Schenck's preparations with
the same remarkaole success,
j Schendk's Almanac,containing a thorough
treatise on Consumption, Liver Complaint,
[dyspepsia, 4c., can be had gratis of any
druggist, orufj. 11. Scheuck & Son. Phlla
delphia. Full directions for the use of
Schenck's medicines accompany each pack
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, Sea Weed TOD
ic, and Mandrake Fills are for sale by all
; druggists.
Health Is an inestimable Jewel. The
. cough tkat deprives you of it. may tike your
life to One bottle of Ifale'x Homy and
Moreh.ou.nd and Tar wl 1 avert the evil,
aud save you from eousuiuptiou. Will you
weigh Life agatust a half-dollar 7 Sold by
alt r>rn£Clßt3.
nke'.'TooPtiyiis Prop cu*f In I niini'o.
I Read change in Time Table on 1.1
C. & S. 0. It. U. iu another col
Cloudy, rainy and muddy, from
Monday till Fridav afternoon : then
a little s 'nshine. and on Saturday a
clear, beautiful day.
Yen can buy a suit from $1 up ;
an overcoat from $2.75 up ; under
clothing from 4o cents tin. and other
goods in proportion, at Koch A
Strouse' Philadelphia Clothing ila'.l,
l.ewisbnrg, Pa.
Messrs S iml. F."Brngger. D. 7..
K'ine and Geo. Alexander, jurors to
review tne proposed road from the
toll gate at Aaronshu' g, to Swart*'s
saw mill, in Petin township, were
here and attended to the duties of
their appointment, Dec. 19th.. No
report litis as yet transpired that wo
know of.
The suhs-nhor will tie prepared to
carrv exnress packages small
bundles and boxes <f goods, from
Cohurn Station to Millheim, Aarons
bnru. Woodwurdand U points along
the line, at reasonable charges. The
patronage of the public respectfully
TIF. silverware delivered by Die
Rational Silver-Platiug Co., No.
704 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, is
giving entire satisfaction..-All or
ders are promptly filled, and no one
netd hesitate about sending them
money.— Lutheran Observer.
Linn's soT Buffalo Valley.
Copies of the above valuable local
history of the far-famed Buffalo Val-
Vy may tie obtained of R. F. Brown,
Lcwisburg Daniel Dorr, Hellefonte,
Miilheim. Price $2.
A Face with charming features
may lie rendered actually repulsive
liv h'otehes or pimples. GLENN'S
SULPIIUB 'SOAP, promptly remedies
all complexional blemishes as well as
local eruptions of the skin, burns,
nruises. scalds, &-c. Sold by all
Hill's Hair A Whisker Dye, black or
brown. 50eta. 4.
The entire jiersonal of the Journal
Book Store—the tmsses. salesmen,
book-keepers, and errand lx>ys —re
turn their thanks to a generous pub
lic for fie lineral patronage received
during the Holiday season, and they
will further strive to merit the con
fidence of their friends and patrons
by strict integrity, moderate prices
and courteous service.
Miss Rnsie IT. Peininger is pre
pared to do all kinds of knitting for
the public, in a very beautiful and
sultstantial manner. Stockings.
ll<se, and Socks, either wool or cot
ton, knit upon short notice and at
the most reasonable rates. ,4. lar<je
pair nf .*tocli)i(js knit for 25 oriits
Give her a call. tf.
The new Reformed Church at Ite
bersbnrg will l>e consecrated on Sun
day. Januaiv 13th. next. Services
will hehl mornings and evenings,
daring the week previous,commenc
ing Sunday evening, .Jan. 6th.
Kevs. Shoemaker. Groh, Engle and
Ilartzler, will be present to take
part in the services, which will b
conducted in English and German.
The christian public is cordially
invited to attend.
It is just sixteen years ago that we
last taught school, and the other
day ' one of your (our) former schol
ars." as the naper states the accom
panied the gifts, made us .a modest
but very acceptable present. The
Lord b'e-s this former scholar, who
ever it may lie. for we do not know
and mav he or she feel assured that
it is a source of great pleasure to us
to know that the hearts of not a few
of our former pupils still beat warm
ly for the old teacher. Yes —
"'Tis sweet to be remembered."
Another one of the supposed Sny
der county murderers—Hitigcmrn
by name was arrested in Lock II w
en, last week. He traveled through
Pentis Valley as an organ grinJer,
but always refused to play when
asked. He gave a detailed account
of the tragedy at Woodward, which
lend Mr* Long, the landlord, to sns
! peet him of complicity. He was not
; molested however, until reaching
Ivck Haven. The particulars of
I the arrest we have not learned.
G KORRETOWN. PA., Dec. 31. 1.877.
Mr. Editor: Just praise is a debt
we owe—flattery only ;t gift.
statesmen are complimented with
public banquets, warriors with cost
lv swords, clergymen with service of
plate and editors with a great many
things, (Sorry that we are an excep
tion to tlie rule,) and now I propose
to do a just thing—nay a proper
thing, by making meritorious men
tion of one name, that of Wm. S.
Musser, proprietor of the Millheim
Hotel. With one eve strictly to
business, he never forgets that he is
a gentleman, and that those who
place themselves under his care for
the time being, are entitled to gen
tlemanly treatment.. All honor to
the urbane proprietor of the Mill
heim Hotel.
j. ir. s
•i— ——
A happy New Year t > all.
A. E. Miller has opened up a sa
ioon opposite the Depot. Oysters,
I'eauuts & Candies.
George Gentzel has at last bought
the farm on which lie lives —belong,
ing to the Gentzel heirs.
Fred. Fahrion lost a horse the
other day, who had been kicked by
another horse and had to be shot.
The boys of this placo should be
taught how to conduct themselves.
[Ditto —the boys of this place, and of
some other places that wo could
name. Ed. Journal ]
The Snyder county traced 1, men
tioned in our last, tiirn* out (o l*> a
horrid, cold-blooded inurdtu', aa will
be seen by the following, clipped
from the MiiJlinbitrg Ttltgraph of
Dec. 20i.1i anil 27th
The Doable Mnrder lit Snyder Co.
Wo obtain tlo additional par
tlrulara tho napponnl murder
of John Klntrlor and wtf, from tho
Sollnaicrovo Times : Thoy wort dormant,
pame from I.vcoinlnjf county and r.vtidcd
about u mile from Troxelrille. Snyder Co. ,
for a pflnd of twontv yoara. Mr. K w:n
a tall, atroitif tuun. without fear, and about
77 year* of,ago. They lived |u a small log
house In a miserly, slovenly manner
more like swine than human brings.
In the Hneof defense he was well prepar
ed, having three guns and about the same
number of pistols, always loaded, and a
number of dogs. On. Sunday m irnlng,
Hth lust., ab nt 1 I'cloek, neighbors aboilt
JIO yard* distant hoard thn firing ofgiths
at Kint/.lur's house, an t shortly after saw
the Are. Before the house was quite con
named these neighbor* were upon the
scene an l found things about as follows :
Mr. Kintzler was burnt to a crisp and his
legs were nearly burnt u\>, and ho lay
wbont Vrhere the bod usually stood. Mrs.
Kintzler lav out in the entry a id was *l-'l
so burned to a erlsp. In the room WerC hl"
so a b trnt <t an 1 a burnt pig whieh.they,
kept In the house. The guns t wero <lls
chargetl. One dog with a drag or rltib
tied to his neck wai alive at a feiioe wherd".
he got fast by jumping ovor it. A spot of
blood on the ground usar th 1 h u and
also some on the bushes were found. It
should lw aoUi.l, however, that the weelr
before these people had butchered." t
The profession of these people was to
tell fortunes, by which thy pleke.t up a
good bit of cli in<e, anil they bore the rep
utation of huvliu; a Rood ileal of money
about them, as well as la bank. Klntzldr
never ma le change of money In oue'i
presence, not oven to pay the tax collect
or, but wouM *ay he'd pay next day, by
which time he would always have the pro
per amount uoe.led. Inside around the
walls of the hooso no loss than 2.VX) cents
were found that had nojdouhl fallen out
•of the cracks between tho logs where they
had beeu conccale.l,| and a go id in iny
more. It is supposed, wjra oarrle l aw ly
by the p*ople who caine there to view the
spectacle. Mr. Jas. M. Middles worth, J.
P , summoned a Jury and hold an Inquest,
and we understand their opinion was that
murder had been committed. Ws would
state also that Kiulxler buruel wool In
his stove, and Instead of cutting It short/
he would put in plecri as long as a rail
letting one end rest on a chair, and as the
wood consumed in the tire he would shove
\t after. These folks must have relatives
In Lycoming county, from whom some
years ago they receive 1 about ll.tol, which
a friend brocght i\own.~-T*u<irAph, Dec.
The Snyder Co. Trage
John Klntzlr and Wife Were
Arrast of the Suppo33d Mur
Thrre y nt foist, now in the Midlleburg
stnee our last iiceonnt-of the prnbablf
murder of foirn Kinttler nn-t wife, an
aged eoup'e re-i'ling near Troxolvilla,
Snyder Co.. and the burning of their resi
dence. together with their 1 > !l>s. on tile'
night of the Bth of Dec., we learn that the
perpetrators of that horrible crime—t'.ire*
and peril ins m ire in nmnbcr—'iavc bc-n
discovered, of wljom thrva have been ar
rcsled and now await tHal la the Middle
tiurg jail.
Our Informant says that one Perry Rich
hart was arrested for dealing horsey, when
lie asked why they had arrested htm.
Home one answered, "for murder"l
didn't do 11," or words to t hat effect, which
HMtSf l llietutplilifmi of ttl© oftlccis of
the law. who believed that he ie u tmpll.
cate>l in tlu re<*rnt inardar. or knew who
wa guilty. He has placed In Jail. and. on
being interrogated, said lie was' aofmaled
'.a to participate in tbe crime, but 1M hct
take any part in it. That, after the crime
WAS committed, the perpetrators inform
ed lit tn that lie hvd better have taken a
hand tn It. a It would have paid hlin. He
revealed names, thn result of whicfv'lia*
tiern the arrest of Jonathan at\"l i I'rlajx
Mover (brothers) and Emanuel
tho latter having been arrested at- if pro
tracted meeting, the other two while out
hunting. Th-* alleged murderers ar<v resi
dent© of Snyder county and llvo not far
from the scene of the tragedy.
The amount of money said to have been
©ecured by the mur-lerers was S3X)O —Tele
graph, Dec. 27.
Thomas Jordan, snppoHod to be |
implicated in the Kintzler murder
ill Snyder county, was arrested some
where alvuit tlie Forks, last Thurs
day, bv Newton llaekman and .Tack
Elmer, He was brought- to tovyo Tie.
fore justice Iteifsnyder. but as the
men who had arrested him had neith
er warrant nor evidence against Jor
dan. the justice could take no cogni
zance of the matter. He was |rr
in it-ted to take dinner at Musser's
Hotel, after which he tried to escape
his captors by hiding under some
straw in the hotel stable, bujb was
soon found and taken to Mifllinburg
on a hand car, and thence "to Mid
dleburg, where he wis lodged in jail
to await further developments.
- ■- ■ •
just as we were going to pecsa we
received the Miftlinburg Telegraph
from which we clip the following,
which we gladly publish in order to
do justice to an innocent man :
CORRECTION. Last week we
slated that, we had lieen informed
that Mr. Jonathan Moyer had been
arrested as one of the supposed per
lietrators of the late crime in Snyder
county, silica which time we have
proof p-'sitive that, such is not the
case. Mr. Jona. Moyer having writ
ten us that he is at his home, with
his family, and that the report is
false in every particular an far as it
relates to him. Independent of this
error, balance of the account is prob
able correct, ns we have not heard
anything to the contrary, •
'**• /•
.' f
EDITOR JOURNAL: , ■ -v : .
On last Friday, Mr. Frafiik. J.
Weaver, of Gregg township, shot a
wild turkey weighing pounds.
Let Union county hunters bent that
if they can. Mr. Wild Gobbler made
a fine roast, and Mrs. Weaver is
just the woman that knows how to
do it up. Justice.
Having obtained special rates on
COAL OIL to Colmrn Station we arc
now prepared to sell by iliobarrell to
dealers a! the same price they would
be charged either at Sunburyor Wil
i tf SMTTH A CO.
Oh the 11th dlt.. at the residence of tho
brkie'H parent*, hv Kev. ieo. P. Uattzell,
Mr. tisnu-ge A fJltleyto .Mies Mary A.
King, nil of Jack son .-(lie.
on nabbuth the 2.3rd dlt., at the Luther
an Parsonage, Uebcrabvg, by Rev. K-
Auraml, Mr. J. P. llublar, of Hebmsburg.
and Miss Lileu Spotts, o." I.ogarisvllle.
On tho same dav bv the 'ainc. Mr. Ira J.
P. Itecbtel antl Mis f.ydia A, Jtowo, both
of lloouctille.
9 •
(It. the 4th nit., in Mllroy, Col. William
Read, aged si years.
"H the l"tti ult.. In . fnrion township,
Bebeeca, wife of John •. Boy, aged 4J
yi-u'-a. y months and Id davs
On doe 11th silt., in Potter township. L-
Uzalietl) Kmrrick, aged 72 years, > mouths
and 12 days.
tin the ilih ult., in tlregg township, Da
vid itlstiel, ageit 73 vcars, to months and
8 Jays.
On the night of the 21 at ult.. In Milt s
township, Mr. lieorge ltrungard, Sr., urfed
S3 years, ft 111 out ha and 10 days.
On the 28th ult., in Colleye towoahlp. of
larvngeal asthnm.' rtaruh, wile !nf Joseph
Baker, and daughter of tieorge t oblo, aged
01 years, 6 lutmths and I<> day*.
' 1 —-
Rjw, G IV. Rouse will preach iu the M.
K. Cnurch.'hc.jrt Sunday, evening.
Rev.'J. Toinllnson will preach in the !
I.Btlieruu Church, AHrormburg, nest
Sunday morning, tfetitian.-
lit. Kev, Bishop ItieKdph Iubs, of the
17vlSnfceIleal aid pryach on
CrsU)*ajid Valley circuits, as fol-
January 4 Cantrc Hall, eveaing.
.'* - ft. Woodward, "
V 6. MUtheim. 10 a. m.
' tk " 2:30 r. U.
'J. •• Rebersbnrg, von lag
1 •
.Lodge and Soeioty Directory.
Tfio MUlhelm Cornet Band will meet in
the Town Hall on Monday .and Thursday
- Providence Orange No. il7 P. of 11.,
meet* in Alexander's block en the 2nd Ba
tnrday of each month at r. u. and on
-the 4th Saturday of each mouth at r. m.
The Irving Literary Institute Meet* In
1 thy-Town llall, on the Inst Friday evening
of each mouth, until other* Ise ordered,
The Mill helm B. A L. Asportation meet*
in tin- Town Hull, on the evening of the
Second Monday of each month.
MilHiclm Council No. O. C. A. M
meets every Saturday at 8 o'clock, r. i
their Council Hooni." Wilt's Building. I)
(free Meetings will be held on Tuesday
PI .before the full moon of each month .
C. 11. Ilm/D Sec p.. B. Y. MtLLKh,
-A vpitor b NOTICK.-
xV It ttre unman*' Cot'KT or Cmsraß Co.
* the matter of tlin estate of Jacob stover,
late of l-'crguson Township, dece ned.
The Auditor ap|H>tnted by said Court, to
hear and determine the egcepti-ius tiled to
the a ceo lint of Adam Stover and J* nathan
Mtoywr. Administrators of Ac of said Jacob
Stovay. deceased, *lll meet the parties in in
terest forthe |>uipoe* of Ins appointment,
on Tuesday, the Bt!i day of Janu.rv 1878. at
10 o'eloek, a. m. of atd day. at his" office in
the Borough of Bellefonte. when and where
All pai lie* ii.teti-ifd ma> Attend
Ihjc. 7. 1877. . C. 51. BOWKR.
Administration oft the estate of Phil
ip I.eltzcll, Haines township, de
ceased, having Keen granted to the under
signed. ull persums knowing theninelves
Indebted to said i-stHt- are requested to
make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claim* aguinat the same, to present
tliein, duly authenticated for settlement.
47-6t. Administratrix.
IKfIAL NOTICE. —Notice l hereby glv-
J en that application will be made to the
Legislature of fenn*y!vania auring its next
••ssiou. to have the second seitlun of the
Act of Assembly approved .launary 31st IM9
erecting Henrysbuig In Centre county,
into a biraugh. so changed as to secure a
more equitable asseasin ut ©I ealer taxe .
f • . T
>TOTI('K.— Notice is hereby riven that
application w 111 be made m the next
IAHIOII <if the T.egihlatiire for the passage
of a law to prevent the hunting ot deer
with dir* In Centre County.
December t>\ DT7.
VI'TION —All person* are hereby can
j tinned not to iieguihttv a note drawn
by the subscriber. Dec. four month*
; after d.ite. tn favor t-llher of .fa*. S. Marsh
i A Co. or Ceo If. Bristol, payable at the
Banking House of John C. Motz A Co., a*
! I have received no value for the same and
will not pay It unless compelled by law.
IVnn Twp. J. K. itiirNßß.
Dec. 201 n, 1877 3t.
4rWnR43N 16 Stops 4123 IP, N5. 17.
fk'-, 4. 4VS. RTA>oB letall prtee fT;/) only $235.
Kend for ooiifldential eirenlar*.
Dialal F. ltealljr,Waliiavt*B,k.J.2w
• I'iew r.seal A 2 new Instrumental pieces
• Mus|c, IPc-silver or alps. Music Pub.
X'o., Middieboro, 31a*. 4w
OtSTVF.ES or CARDS. KV:.. or 75 New Year
! •"'•Cards. 20c. Samples 3e. J. Hustrd&Co..
assail, N Y. 4w
T.*. .style*, lie. ;30 Eicgaut Card*.
LfLclio? alike, lhc. with name. Seooinb &
CO , Kibdcrhuok, N, Y. 4o -
LARGE MIXED CARDS with name, in
OlJcase. 13c. 25 without ca?=e. 9c. 30 new fun
cards inc. Dutfits loe K. WASHBURN
UU., Mlddlcborc, Mas*. . 4w
£tk f* R4DICAL
ICUBK fur Catarrh will not In.
>[lo B1 f st.intly relieve and sjwedlly
~ cine Referei.ccs, Henrv Wells
Esq,, Wells, Fargo At 0,. Au
•__ _ ror:>. N. V.; Win. Bowen.Esq.,
Mellatton, Grant A Bonen.
Bt. I.ouis Testimonials and
>rr*i.*th treatise by mail. Price with
*** rri improved Inhaler, sl. Sold
everywhere. WEEKS A POTTER, Proprie
tors. Boston. Mass.
Colllu Taltale Plasters are the bcst4w
111 1 I I I"" A u D IT K
I 1 £ TV I I ■ *W" A gents wanted
llf i 111 I r,S*fcWV:
EATTY Washington, New Jersey. 11. 8. A
829 Broadway, New York City:
Chicago III.; New Orleans, La.;
1-iw. or Saw Erauciaco, Cal.
a surf remedy for COUGHS, and all disease*
of the 'l'll Ro AT, LUNGS, CHEST AND
C. N. CHITTBSTOS, 7 Sixth Avenuo, N. York.
lO nno A crn* Wfl.nt.AH Sol
i i;i I;I;
Tur uiosi inl'r.ase. anu powekf. l. • eoi
dealt tlie demon DIUNK. l>.y the veteran au
thor, T. S. AKTUUH. A book to stahtlk ana
knlioiitkn tlie people. Vivid pictures and
proofs, hmv It curses body, socl. home,
society, etc. Unfolds the work of Ixerkiatk
etc.. ete. only ♦I- Its sale is m vkvciaoiij.
Ocr Binccs withaoooiLi.r.sTiiATioNN rr
r Lccll all others. Ibices just reduced 25 fek
or.!! Send for terms.
HUBBARD BKOfl„ Tubs . 723 Sansem St.,
Th Hade' phi a. <Mw
L (*> Jt H. C. RAILKOAO.
1. JL *.
lea vk a. m. r. m. r. M.
ifantandoii..,,.. n. .. 7JO l.ftft 0.3"
lAvdsjhutQ 715 3.20 d.35
Fair iJruuml. 7-20 .-.30
. Richt 7-2* Zto •
Xirkthurf 7.J5 3.M
Miptiuhura 7.!* 3-7?
Mithnont ...... fa#
Laiireltun. .. H.W
Cbftu rn !
Ac. ( Spring Mil'* 0.50
LJM I'A' 3 ♦£ '
A M. A. M. r*X
Apr inn Mlllt. - Y l '^
ojfturn 10.33
All Urn* nt
Mi.ftln'mrfi. . {j™' J-J?
VicksOurp 12.20
Mr hi If-7 *■**
hair o'round ? 7?
iAwisburg ■ AM I*. •'fj'
.(t . at Montandon 8 50 i.OW 0 00
-Vo* 1 ,fr 2 ronnct at Mont imlcn • *Hh
hri- Mai' i erst on the Fiißudclphta A£• *
Kail Hand. .
,\(w. 3 tint! I tcith Day Express rant and !
.Xiaaara Kzprr.** rest.
Ao.t. 5 V'i Kith Hut /.inf! vest.
An Omnibu* will run between la.kiiMirp
and Montandon, to convey jmssrnprr* to
and from Pacific Kxprr** rant on the Phil
adelphia A Erie liaii
The repaidr lluil /load Tickets viU h#
honored between these two point*.
rsaaikYLVASiA kail road.
On and after Sunday, May IM/t, 1177, the
Trains on the Phi/ndclphta and Kric Rait
Road Division Kill run asfolloKs:
Erie Mail leaves Reus Yorsr, i.'X p. m.
Philadelphia ]1..'.1 p. m.
" " " Baltimore. 9.10 p.m.
Hnrrishurp - 4.25 a.m.
Bunhtiry #.30 tit.
" " " Montandon 6.57 a. m.
" •' ** Wittiamsport 6.35 a.m.
•' •* " Lock Haven 9.10 a. in.
" " arr. at Erie 7.35 />. in.
Xlayara F.x. leaves Philadelphia 7.20 a. m.
" •' " Harrinhorp 10.50 a. m.
" " " Hunhury 12.10 p. m.
" •• •' Mont and on 10& p. m.
" " arr. at ll'Ultamxport 2.2 L' p. tn.
" " " Lock Haven 3.25 p.m.
•• •• •• X<tne 0.20 p. m.
Fast l ine haves XtK York'- i
Philadelphia ll.yta.m.
" " •• RaUitiiore f1.85 n. in.
" •' Harrishury 3.20 p. m.
" •' •* Run/airy 5.40 p.m.
" " Montandon 0.15 p. ni.
" " •• H'iPininepari 7.30 p.m.
" •• arr. at Lock Haven i.V) p. m.
Pacific Ex. hurts ftaren 6.3b p. m
•• " " Wi lliamsport 7..V6 a.m
•• •• •• Mcntandon 9.' a. m-
Sunbvry 9.35 d.m
--" •• lfnrrisluty ll&>a. m
•• " '• Baltimore 6.10 p. m
•• '• Philadelphia 'Aibp.m
--•• " "• Sevs York r M> p. m-
DHy Ex. leaves Kane 6.U a. m
" •' •' Lack Uciren 11.20 a. m* '
" " " William*poet 12.t0 a. tn
•• " " Afoniandon 1.47 x. tn
•• 'i " Niin'rttry 2.15 p. in.
•• •' arr. at Harrishurff 4.10 p. m
••• •' " Jhiladelphia 7.20 p. m
" •• " Neve York 10.15 p. WI
• " " Baltimore 7.35 p. m
• " " Washington 9.07 p. m-
Erie Mail learn Erie 11.00 a. m.
" Lack Ifaren 9.45 p.m.
" " •*■ William* port 11.05 p. m.
" •• " .Wontamfon 12.14 p. m.
•• •• " &un*ury 12 45 <v m.
" " err. at/farrisburg 2.45 a. m.
•' •• " Baltimore 7.45 a.m.
•• " " Philadelphia 7.00 a.m.
•' •' " Nev York 10.05 a. m.
/>uit Line learea WiUtam*port 12.35 a. m.
•• " •• 8v nOury 2.00 a.m.
•' " arr. at//arr/sf>t/ry 4.00 a.m.
" *♦ •• Baltimore 7.45 a.m.
•• •• •" Philadelphia 7. a.m.
" Nev York 10.25 a.m..
Erie Moll Wert. Niagara Ex Went. Lock
Haven Accom. West and Day Express East
make cl"e connection nt Northumberland
vith I. A K. R. It. trains /or WUketbarre
and Br ronton.
Erit /foil East end West connect at Erie
vith train* on L. fi. <4 V. A'. R. R-. at Cbry
vith O. C. AA■ V. R. R at Emporium vith
B N. Y. AP. it- it-, and at Drijtvood i nth
A. V. R. R.
Parlor t\irs vfll runbetveen Philadelphia
arid WiUiamsport on Niagara Express ilVat
Pacific Express East and Da?/ Express East.
Sleeping (Mrs on at? nioht trains.
WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup'l.
Millfceim Market*
Wheat No 1 124
WheatKe. S Lsl
Rve hv
i iu White **
Oats. Black w
Buckwheat *0
Flbur •-•J
Br*u A short*, per hundred 1-00
Salt, per itrl l-®£
Plavi-er. ground lO.Ts)
Cement, per Bushel 46 to 50
Barley 50
fides 1®
TaUloes V
Lard.i. ...; 2
Tallow •
Dried Apples •
Dried Peaches
Dried Cherries *
Egg Coal W-75
Mma *• 4.<0
Chestnut " 4 50
Pea " 2.75.
Corrected eTury Wednesday by Uuphart
A Menace.
J. r. 6KPHAET. ft. A. M CSS It
44 rain,
Flair 4k
Plaster Jk .
Highest market price paid for>ll kinds of
Delivered either at the BRICK MILL or at
Always on baud and sold at prices that de
' fy competition.
I A share of the public patronage respectfully
olioited. 30-1 y
I '
Late Immense Discoveries by MTANLRY
and others are Juat added to tiro only com
Life and Labors of Livingstone.
This veteran explorer ranks among the
must heroic il ures of tho century, and this
book is one of the most attractive, fascinat
ng, richly illustrated and tnstructiv vol
nms ever issued. Being the only entire and
uthcntlc life, the millions are eager for it
nd wide-awake agents arc wanted quickly
nt proof and term? address HUBBAKD
, CuMl hor, oSfar.'tir H.. lEi's.
j Wash. Hutchinson,
SS? Satisfaotlon guurauto-yd "sia
(J/ioicc Brands of Tobacco
and Cigars,
Lett iftburff, Pc.
fl|l| ■% Great chance to mahn k't
■■III II ney. If you can't get go!&
U|&■ |U■ vou can gel gieenback^.
We need * perMtt in every
tow n to take uiluurtpttnin for the largest,
chcapexi and
uor. in the world. Any one can'become a
successful agent. The inost elegant Wrrk 1
of art given free to Milttorlber*. ihn |>rice
is *o low that almost ererylxalv subscrDa:*.
Otic agent reports mailing over #IM) in a
week. A lady agerst ie|K>rla taking over t(K
subscriber* in ten d:vvs. All who engage
make money fast. Vou can devote all vour j
time to the tup.i lies*, or only yutr arvare time i
You need not be away from liomc over night, j
Yon eau do it a* well as otners. Full parti- ]
culars. directions and terms free, klcguntaud
expensive utrtt free. If you want profitable
work send us your addres, at once. It coel*
nothing to try the business. No o a who en
gag* fail* to make great pav. Addre.ji "The
People's Journal," Porllaud, Maine. Sl-ly
PIAK ! (\S & Mwans
Cacridß —The reputation have gained
a*d the cotebrity of in * rgons, have indue
ed some nnprfnclplcd panics aud agents
to copp iny circulars, find misrepresent my \
itistrunieuts: against tliiy he public are |
hereby cantionod. AH my trgans bear m* j
trade-nlak, tiolden Tongue, and ail my Pia !
no* have the word FI O underlined j
and also have ni v name "HlJand tcsl- !
deuce, Damei. F. Bkattt, Washinton, N. i
J., without which none Is genuine.
iUPaths market out bv th
w plainvst of alt,:books
'Plain Dome Talk and Common
kense,"—nearly 1.000 page*. *J(k iihistrmtlons,
bv Dr. E. R. Foot*, of l'jn L?xington Ave
N. Y. Purchasers of this ixsik are at iilwiA
to consult its author In pfrson or by ma
free. Price lv mail. *<.24 for the Stamp ah
edition. oi Oi.SO for the popclau edition
which eonlains all the same matte, ami it
lustrations. Contents tables free. Aokstb
CO., 129 Fast Sk • >*• Y. 3t-lj
The best in the Market.
Fox Hale hi all Lfaptng Stationeiu an®
9 Murmy JM.. N. T
We agent, male or female.ln earh
town of this county, to get up Clubs among
lamilies hotels, fa.Tories. &c.. for the saie
of our Teas, andNvill'urter vciy lib -ral c,.m
m*ssins to Mieli. Me hive bs-an:importers
:of Tea* for over'JO year v. and can afford to
send, and we will send a better article fr.r
the money than auy>>tlier hou,c in New
\ork. Our Teas are put up in one pound
packages, with the nameraud price piintcd
upun each.
Address, for Rerms and blank form for
; P. O. Boa 574. No. T: Chureb bt. Now York.
J. HOWER, Proprietor.
Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Extension Tables,
Bureaus, Parlor Tables, Bedsteads,
and Chairs
in great variety and at every price.
All kinds of FURNITURE constantly on
hand. ly
C 3". S. BTTIR/IR,,
Pr prietor.
First Class ■ all respects and
Centrally Located.
TTF.ATTY'SParIor Organ-
KstM. in 1856.
Believing it to be BY FAR the best Parlor
anl Orchestral Organ manufactured, we
challenge any manufacturer to equal them.
The celebrated Uelden Tongue Heeds In this
organ in conjunction wit-n the Perfected
Xeed Boards produce sweet, pure and pow
erful toues. Superb cases of newand elegaul
designs ministers, teachers, churches
schools. lodges, etc., should send (or price
Ust ami discounts.
Dealers will find It to their advantage to
examine this instrument, t lias Improve
ments found in uo other. Correspondence
Rest offer ever given. Money rcfanded
upon return of organ and freight charges
paid by me (Daniel P. Realty).both ways if
unsatisfactory. afteT a test trial of Ave days
Org,in Warranted for six yenrs. Agents dis
count given everywhere h.\v m agent?
Agents, wanted. Address,
Sfwir .Puraay
rand Siuare and UpriUr
BEbT v rrilK KTKTt fifths NOW RK * •*.
>V anhington, Xew .Jersey, U.
—?cx ti:e-
Ira Enslana Mutual J-ife Ir,'
Ike oldest npituat >>. country, rtu it "•
• irir / L r ;i i A r Or7J~c
V AhT.ON A VAVM N\ Co.. >,. lir '
.! South Fourth Street. rilfphU •
BBS , T *. -
wSA mm - ° lll •'' " •
Bgj itW IBi out. r*fM.-o -f
' . .Of ■IK , •
M jpp -jam; watch etu..
1 fiSffW "JUTS' ha.>w _ J
■-WPV **■** w
ee, fcluus, c/llu. .<uu<-n, heavy
wedmnx "in -, and gent*' Parisian' d* it:
pin. The a bun- urfirTeS *#n*. pont.phM, t *
H CT*. LarebeC-n rrrnilclHor **. P"k
i rupt Mock and im;*t be beHd. fkdpi Mi ,
I OO'd Watcli**r>lftoach; for peculartrf
I ,:oseo, pood tinier*. equal <•* apjWararr*
i a t'>"o Jeir.iine gold." f.'ljo jvptitftttu't *•.
I honew'. fall dealing ar.d hb*rahtvV ~*
equaled nv anT advertiser M •Ms-'dtT "**
1 y Da'/ Jtool-. Iter. If.. IKTO.
i *OSTAL, KT 4.V NTAK J! Y Ao4* \
y. *took:*> w n b nd m.. *e y*. a.
Vita! Weakae* ' tr Depression, a wfa\
tuusted fcdiUg, no mcrgy or eouraaei '
result of Mental #ver- *Oi K. IndfsereWl
Execs*'-*. or sour tae '•!.
always cured by
HmuiWs Borneo"^
. 28.. .._.„
ft tones up and the
dispels the bJo<ih and desopndeoev, Imp
strength nd energy ~-step- the 4 r, * n **''
rejuvenate* the entire u;tn. R-ee n* '
twi n;y year* wjtb tterfe.ct snevc** ut the- •
ands. Hdd by dealers. *i lep, #I.U. per
gle vial: or *.>.00 per package of lire fa
and *IOO Vial of powder. rtent hymatt-"
receipt of pilc. Address HnmjMre..
Ilotnoepavhic Medicine Coicptnv. f<2 Hreob
way, Netv York. At* Wty. .
These brauds of S.veet I'lue are artsm'
edpe.l b>' all, to b- tn < Hewiwa
Toborroo in tite market. Tut, n> In '
si/ei, lit m ih't'tany and hiss*
wrapper*. Sdid by toe tra de ccueraUf.
for sample to the ina^ufactarers.
C. A.• V'JKA *' : ' .'M-.ivt, Fv
Ceo. K. Warule, Ceneral Agoat.
3>l Nos. 4a i l I S at. A' ita,- T4
Srand Sqenrt and Cprldkt.
From Ceo. T.. T.ctcher. Urn sf W.. W
JL Bro. Banker*. Kayotte. Mo.
**We reeelved the piano and think it •
rerv fine toned one nut here'. Waited * *hnr
time to pive It a gmai test, f you wNh *
word in favor of it we wt I! cheerfully lve it."
James U. Brow u, Ksq , EdwardaviUe T
>: <.. .:"
"The Bcatty Fiann rewired nive*wwirr
satisfaetinu." Agents *attld.- Swtsd he
catalogue. Address •. , ,
Vsblmtn. "Kcr *jr**r, V.#. A
American House,
Proprietor... ,
Corner Market and Front Streets
I A First Class Hotel in all Respects.
i 2JTM I I lew&Bss , m
Best in tse.
Xcw !*. S. A.
Adopted hy all the oueent of fashion. Bend
I for circular. V. IVINS, No. 2t5 North Fifth
St., Philadelphia. Pa. •
AND .. .
Overcoats!! Overcoats 11
Bold at Oast and
T •
For 30 days from datA
to reduce our large stock. I
Oail at
Philadelphia Clothing Hal
Lewishurg, Pennl