Xlje Journal. Iti'tr & rtiiiiEEcr. Prcprietors B O. DLIMSGEH, Asso.'i.v.o LMUor Hi!llicim.Tliitrstlay,llec.2o. TLorme —&1.-CO Pov Annum. ■ Horrible Tragedy ih Snyder County MIRDER AuTaRSOS COAi iiudvii. The rumors flying about, tire last few days, relative to a probable mur der near Troxelvillc. Snyder county. We have been able, after careful in quiry, to reduct to the following facts : On last Saturday morn iug, between 1 and 2 o'clock, two shots were heard by Mrs. Erb, who re sidesTncarcst the scene of the trage dy. She and her hnstmnb iminedi ntelv arose, and discovered that the housw of John Kinsler was on tire. Persons residing in tli* neighbor hood wore soon on the ground, a rnong them Ja o'o Scluwder ami To bbs Mitchell, who were the first to discover the bodies of the victims. Mr. Kinsler was found in a loom used as kitchen find sleeping d*part rnont. his arms, head and legs, lie ing burned to a crisp. Mrs. Kins ier's tHH'y was diSeovend in the en try, inmost entirely consumed. Blood was found scattered aliout, which leads to the suspicion that ono, at least was killed outside and thrown imo the house. Five pis tols and a shot gun were also found on the grounds, and a!*>nt twemy rive dxdiars. in niekles. five and ten cent pieces, which rendered it hut t+w evident that a horrible crime had Ijeen coinmitUsf. At this writing ro arrests hive been made. —d/.jtf.n- U : every other n* o. 'i';.: p' aof pove"- i ty ha lutliitl-' f no in * List <*r:t *} J ? iion and:- t h'*; lin-. "t'ro-"-;t*s ! net ravfds-r s!y 1 e r*r ?t'y. It • r-.; uiros w 1 sansljioe ! jud joy over the entire lions-laud : i end W" -incinelv piiy the f;ith r v.-bo j < onsiders a iitiU* in u. -y spout iu i ibis nay. as so much 11 r*wn uw:v. I VvV ;ie h.'tppv to sue Thud tie beau- ; tiful c-ld G rnn.it! custom .•. having a i "Chris Unas Tav" in every family WHERE there ;ue cbildn n. is IH'COOI- Ing more j ojmhir in this country every year. They cost but little and do a vast deal of goKl—nuich more than wc are ant to think for. If you never had one la-fore, try toe experiment ibis ve:u', and m ok the lup|y effect upon your child '"en. Everv Sundav School si ould have BR Chrißtnie.R Festival. If wc think of our oxen corn fort and happiness only wo will have done our dnt\ but poorly. If we desire that Chr'at, whoic anniversary birth day we are ceiebratlog, and who himself was the pe content to rest j even here. Our "good will toward men," should take a wider sen-**. 3f we have n noor neighKtr. niul we all can easily find such if we will, who st hard to keep the wolf from the -loor. we sh>>u'id rememle-r him Help hint along —just a little ii you can't do much. As ick of Hour, a few pounds of groceries, a new garment, a pair of shoes for the little bov or girl—or even a dress for tTe babv. if you can't do Iw-tter. may cause ranch joy in an luunble borne, ; while you will certainly not miss in j the least what von give. You can ! make your "Anril payments*'just ts easily for exercising a little charitv, once in a while, toward a needy neighbor, as if von act as though our kind heavenly Parent had creat ed the whole world, with ail its wealth and beauty, for your exclusive benefit. Bishop Dubs, of the Evangelical Association, is now making an E piscopal tour through Pennsylvania and will visit Oenti> county on bis way, preaching as lie goes. He is represented as living one of the ablest pulpit orators in the con-dry ; and our people wil' be g'etifi d to hear him. For appointments see Church Directory. We have a correspondence from Brush Vallev, signed t*x Tail which is well written and which we would cheerfully publish if the writ er hat! given his veal nemo. Tins we must, know in ah eases. Se id on your "Shavings," but let us know who you aie. If you wish to buy a suit or over coat you can save more than your fare by going to Koch & St rouse, Philadelphia Cinttd ng J falll>ewi£- bppg. Fa. Montandon, in Northumberland ccuntv, is represented in Congress bv our fellow townsman. It. M. Musser, Esq. Hope Ralph will do | tnc square thing for the Montan j dons. Wo called in at the popular Red ! Front Furniture Store, Lewisburg, ! Pa., lasv'woek, and made the a i quaintanrc of toe gentlemanly pro piieior, Mr. J. ifower. Wo have ' not seen Mich a tine collection o furniture for a long time, and if any jof our readers are in need of any | tiling rtallti they will find it at : the Bed Front at anch prices as j positively defy competition. By reference to our Church Direc j tory it will l*o seen t-hat the fust rogularxvorship by The sr. John's I Lutheian congregation w ill !o helu | Sunday the IWth instant. The con • giegation is now regularly org mixed i and chitrteiTsi.ami will constitute a part of the Aaronslung charge. It is intended to have worship statedly every two weeks. May the young ; organisation be the means of doing | much good. Mr. T.ouis Haas, the proprietor of the Ik'liefonte Brewery eatnc to ; our town the other w* el: and deliv i ered a wagon load of the lest lK*or !to tin* lan .'lord of the Millheim Ileat playing "Fisher's Hornpipe'* on the violin, dancing a jig, tejlmg a good story, and can drive a peg as well as a l*y of eighteen. And. of course, he votes the Democratic ticket every pep.— fTute.'i/ii iu. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. A inerrv Christmas to all. Suue of our citizens talk of going to Kansas bv April next. s. I.eitzeli's house is going up and | will make a big show when done. Chicken-Pox are prevailing among the young to some extent. The singing class under the di reelion of Prof. Philip M ycr, is in king rapiJ progress. Oil Friday as the grovel train came in thev run over a sheep and t kiih d it. Tom savs "poorthing." j Well. it does look liaid to see a ! Teless id m.mg'cd body, jt i.,- on ' ly A sheep. * ' VONKY. The school teachers in Williams on 't have ra'hev "rough sledding'* Wth some of fa ir pupiF. in cotisc qu se eof the intes-ferenee of shal i .w-piteit parents. Nome o{ the 'hy3 e-trrr mrtoh to me on "the HI aster, in case ho undertakes to eniureo the rt quire men ts y the sum!* as Mrs. C — s —. aud add rl that he should kick Tic teaehe*-." Under these circumstancvs, it would be sonicv. hat soft er and every way more desirable to join the Turkish army than to teach a common school in Wilkamsport. • fc- i . ■ In view of the idimerous demands u;on the purse, pantry, clothes rack, hen coop, and other portions of the property of our citizens in unseason able ho rs—and the manner in which watches, solid silver, overcoa's. jew elry, etc.. have lieen appropriateii by unknown individuals for the past t few weeks, wc a*e tnat shot guns, j revolvers, and even rifles, are to l>e ! used in the future for self-protec- i tion. An •rm or leg perforate! 1 i with bird shot or even buck shot- j our jieoph* argue would IH* a remind i er that "the way of the transgressor | is hard." The air is freighted with the odor of gun-powder, and nearly every other man you meet is carry ing home pow-ler and ball for the emergency. Muskets, revolvers, shot guns—anything and everything that will shoot, explode, wound, maim, scare and not kill, is lieing brought into demand, and prepared I for the occasion. Timid wives and daughters protest, but the liege lords snuff blood in every breeze, and the tiat has gone forth that prowling night thieves and marauder* must be punished. !*o look out for local items and uevvsv papers from Lock Haven. — Republican. Last week, while returning home from Lewisburg we made the ac quaintance of all the train men on our railroad, except the engineer and lire man, Mid we do say without the slightest wish to llatter that they are just as efficient anil oblig ing a sett of men as one could wisn for ot- any railroad, or anywhere else for that matter. Com in mder in-ehief Fury, is not the stiff, dig nified njfi er one generally meets on main lines, but is clover and accom modating to all. He is not above making himself useful whenever oc casion requires. Mail Agent Ueale seems to be thoroughly at home in his living post office. We were with hiin a good while to get an idea of the du ties of a Post Master on a train, and 11 is but justice to say that Mr. Bedc is an efficient and faithful agent, as far as we are able to judge. The balance of the men til seem to understand their several duties thoroughly, and perform them with a willingness and good cheer that is pleasant to behold. The fo lowing is a list of tho on tire crew: F. M. Fury, Con ductor, J. F. lleale, Mail Agent, D. F. Stonghton, Baggage Master, Robt. Buck UnB. Hartman, Brakesmen, JudsQa Smith, Engi neer, Milton Kebon. Fire nun. The JOURNAL BOOR STORK IS t now full to repletion with a choice selection of HOLIDAY GOODS. WO have the best and cheapest assort ment ever brought to Penns Valley. Ills simply crftt of the queatioti to try to enumerate all we have—or even our leading articles—aud se We will ask our friends and the public generally,, nfmst kindly, tenderly,' affectionately —CoMR AND SFCE. Bead the solomlid Christmas Story ■ on our outside. ! Beyer sella the i.ost Calico at 54 and Gi (Vnt per vaitf. Weather warm and pleasant and ; overcoat men mad as blazes. At Hover's yon can buy the finest Fur Hats at $2.00. Best style. Ladies Beaver C'ont* at Stain's— only $5. laulics Underskirts from | 75 cents to $2. I A full line of Clothing for men and boys—at "Hover's. Very cheap. Hon. J. 13. Eustis, Democratic U. S. States Senator elect, was ad mitted to the Senate the other Mon day, only eight Senators voting against him. Matelaese Cloaking for ladies at Hover's, $2.75 jier yard, vtry IsiUtl style. The Sheriff of Yoik Co. recently destroyed 1G 'lish liaskets, ia one day,4ii the Conewago creek. The "HISTORY OF CENTRE COUN TY," by Itichie A ftaynard, will Ix delivered to subHcril**rs in a -dort time. We leel satisfied tlu.t this will t* a valuable work and hoi** the publishers may have a well de served reward for their labors. All colors in Two Fly Maroon Heading Fringe, si'.k tied, at 3u els yard, at Boyi r'x. ♦• ♦ ► At a sheriff's sale in Snyder coun ty the other day, a horse, cow, hog. 110 bushels of corn. 5 acres grain in the ground, farming implements, furniture and household, goods too numerous to mention, brought all the way $27. Don't buy the old style Ball Fringe, when you can get the Two Flv Fring. at Buyer's, for only 30 cents per yard. The fifth annual musical, conven tion, under tho directors!!hi of I'r >f. F. C'. Mover, will IK* held in Five-" burg. Snyder Co., commencing Mon day evening, Jan. 11. ISTS. to con tinue one week. Grand concerts on Wednesday, Thur day and Friday evenings of sanl week. Having obtained special rates ofi ' COAL OIL to Cobuni Station we arc I now prepared to sell by the barrel! to | dealers of tin some pri.-< they would j be chaiged either at Sunbui y or Wil liamsport. tf SMITH & Co. Tin: silver war* delivered by the National Silver-IM.itiug Co., No. 70t Chestnut street. Philadelphia, is giving entire satisfaction. All or ders are promptly filled, and no one ! ;:eld hesitate about s<'tidiug thein j money. Luth.ran Observer. If von go to Lcwidr.irg you will J find the American House as good a , plane to st;ty while there as Llierc is ; • ait in town. Mr. Wcidensattl. is ! an • \jei ienccd hud lOl'd and a gen tleiuau throughout, and has the hap py knack to make you fe-l "at heme." Try him. linn's lnn;il> of Uuflalo Valley. Copies of the above valuable local history of the far-fntucd Buffalo Val- Vy may be obtained of B. F. llrowu ( Lewisburg, Daniel Detr. Belle fun te, or at the JOURNAL BOOK STORK, Miilaeim. Price $2. THE CENTRK COUNTY TKAOII KUS' INSTITUTE will meet in the Court House, jVdl*fonte, December. 25'h. aud adjourn On Friday after noon, December, 2S. Eminent B{>enkers and educators have liecn engaged and an interesting time is ex|**cted. Our teachers will Ibid it to thbir benefit to attend. Centre Hall has made another of her spusinn lie strides iu improve, inents. the other week, and the It"- porter man exilltinglv delivers him self thus: "litHde of a few we*k two merchant tailors, u a jeweler-a barlier ami a new -tore lutve opened up In our town. In ailUitiori to ;ne new fiimilic* that liuvr rnovcil here—anest {Minor stove, and the Economy and Zenith the best cook ing stoves in use. They are all made at Lewisburg oy the Slife , Walls Sc ShrinerCompany, and if by accident any {art or piece gets bfokeu. you can get another ill a day. Just read the advertisement inauothercolumn. After Decemlier Ist the subscriber will be prepared to carry express packages and small bundles and rxx es of goods, from Cobaru Station to Millheim, Aaronstmrg Wood ward, and all points along the line, at reasonable (dial ges. The patron age of the public respectfully solicit d J. WILLIS MUSSER. KMTTIxV rOH AIL. Miss Rosie !I. Deininger is pre pared to do all kinds of knitting for tlm public, in a very beautiful and substantial manner. Stockings Hose, and Socks, either wool or cot ton, knit upon short notice and at the most reasonable rates. A large pait of knit for 25 cents. Give her a eaib . tf. According to the time honored custom, there will be no paper is sued from the JOURNAL office next week. Printers need a little Vaca tion as well as others, and we think if they labor.faithfully, as we have certaiuly tried to do, they deserve it. After the holidays we will again en deavor to serve our patrons to the bffd. of our jtbiMties. A KIND RKQL'KST. It in now übout the season of the year that people think of paying their small debts, such a* taxes, slwrtvin.iker's and tSlloV's accounts, subscriptions to preachers, we ftmdiy lu>i>e—their printers. We haVc IjftK>red industriously and up* cording to the best of our Rbilitv to urivo our readers a good, readable Jors cat paper, and have received but a small sum on subscription, during the rear. Make up your mind when you read this, to pay your subscrip tion between ndw and Jan. Ist,-and do it. We need money—constantly —for current and living expenses, and if we get what is due us we can get along well enough considering tho times. Please remember—be tween now and Jan.-1. J The season of marriages has ar rived at Mirtlinburg. Schoen chuck les over wedding cakes in prospect. ■■ ■■ ■ i MARRIED. • On the 3rd, nit., at Bellefonte, Elizabetl r ZMllera, widow of MrJ. H. A. Zellen, de-' *HUL*ed, nerd 69 Tint"?. 6 month* mud 7 : daya. On the 7th, M*., at tP College, GtO. W. Tut*-, aged St years and 9 month*. On the 23rd nil., in Harris township, Kohtnd. mm of ,I.MU*H and Margaret Os tium. ugrtt 23 years. 10 uionllt* *d Adnya. t)n the ditlt uIL". In liurrN townsldp, Ju .nob Sparr.Rgod ill yr.t, ii tfiopth*, and Jdny. On tin; 27th ult.. *ln Harris townslfip, Saiwh A., wife of Da\ id Otto, Kgcd ywar*. 8 months and 18 day*. V •'* ' On tho % KKII, Benjamin Pter*, aged W yars, 3 mouths and 1 day. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ■ ■ *' Rev. G. VT. Itoft-r win preach lnHha Sl.' K. Church, neat Sunday evening.. Rev. J. H Peter., will preach in tfie ST- 3 vangelical Church, next Sunday utor ic ing. Gorman services in the Lutheran Church, Aaronsburg, next ftuutbay mo ru ing, by th* l'astor, Uev. J. TouOlnsPU. The newly orgabfzetl St. John's Yran gelieal Lutheran- (;ongi|gatluii nt Mill helm will hold it* first regular worship In the I". It. C'liurcli, Sunday the Suth.V Inst./ at to ciork r. M. English preaching by the Pastor. Rev. J, Toudliisou'. Council will be installed at the ame time. Tne public is respect full invited t<> attend. i The Reform -d Church at Krbersburg; will I'M consecrated, the Lo;d wiUiug, on the latii of January next. The Key. E. V. Gerluirt, l>. D., profe*oj-of the theologfc-- *1 seminary- nt I.ancaier,' Fa . will l>e present together with other uilulstcrs I ji oin abroad. Jit. Rev. Bishop Kn.toljih I labs, of the r .Hitkon"" 1 9**oelatlow will preach on (ontiwjUkd 8.-Jvll Valley circuit*, AM fob January 4. 0„:re H'll, evening " 6. Wood**. '• K. Millhelnt, 1" A. K it. " ~~T-~ r *• fc. llcbcrsSur.<, t\rrlig IlR* Lodrfa and Society Directory. . | The Mllihrim Cora*t Band a til ine t itcl lh<- Tow it Hall os Monday .-.nd evening*. Ppovld.noe Orange No. *77 I*. of IT., ! in Ales.-in.lnh block on the 2nd s,.' • i ur'l.: vof I-HCII month MI c l -; r. M. and on j limltll SMtlir.l lV Oifai-li l)."!Ulnil I'v, v. u. i Tbolrvhig I Horary institute meets in thoTowu ll.ill. >u the last 'rt-Jar M veuiti< ; ot .etch month, rati! ethrrw iae iriler-i. J 'i'iie MHlhelm l>. .C I. Nssoriathm uiet-1* i in the T.iwii liall. -*>n tin- evening of the j second Monday of each month. Mlllheltn Council No. ;?. tt. I". A. M ' ntf-et* every Saturday at 8 o'clock, r. m., t their Council K-MIIU," Wilt's BuliUlnfr: It gr f Meetings will be belo#es of his appointment, on Tuesday, the Hth day of January 1H79. at loo'ehtck, A M. of said day. at his'oftice in the Borough of Hrhcfoutt*. when and where all parties ihlerv*t d ua> attend. Due. 7. IM7, C. M. BOWF.R. Auditor. A DJHXIHTGAWBU BALE.—Letters of A Adininistrat uui on the estats of Phil ip la'lty.oll, late of If tines township, dc cea*ne. 30 now Cn i!. .T/ an,H ~h> - 'hitfitH loc. F. WASHBURN CO., Mlddlcboro, Mas*. , |w /ffc r SANFORIVS RADICAL K| ICUKK for Catarrh will not in •Ty # J wJstantlv relieve and epoetflly cure References, Henry Wells Esq.. Wells. Karpo &Cn,. Au- rora. N'. Y.; Wtn. Ilowett. Esq., McHattuii, Grant &, Rowhii, St. Imuis Testimonials and r ( (rrh treatise hy mail. I'rice with OMHisrrn jm|1IW(;(1 Inhaler. *l. Sold everywhere. WKI.KSit POTTER, Froprlo tors. Moslem. Mass. i'olllu Voltaic Plasters are the best 4 w Bv amriiif piA no il l I I S wswwiKawgHi si u I K SU GRAND SQUARE ■l B ® 0 g AND tTT'ItUHT S ■ is n c Altonts wanted 3 J'ls S H ■everywhere. Ad ■ V I I drew, PANEL F. Fr TVY Werhinifton, ry ,r. T e-', U. 8.4 L r.'Jftl. C. RAll. ROAD. SXTEPMON or THE LINK TOSPKINH MILLS. On and (Vf#r Morofrtii, August !Sf/i, 1877, frafna on (hi* ro I—, WFATWAkn JL-46TtrA/iD '• 3 1, 9 fIOXH. 4 r. M. A M. A. A A W .H. A M I- Af fi.lo 5j5 T.oi Af-mt ir*lon, or. JMW jr. ajo cf. ti.y> !*>yrj, g.sn, 5. fS llt.tT' 7.2U I air tJrvT.ru*, 4.', 5 1d.14 I'ii HirM. H..V n.2t* l'T-21 VickMntr?, . g/K) 5*13 10.77 740 . *l9 ytj 1ii,57 or. 8-tCi Mv'ln 7; a'^q 11 1" Laurf'ton, . 4 vi l.Ui (h'.uni. >4.-, . . nr. 1 4" tfpriny AfiUt _ j,) Am h>v l a JT ** *' ■ \ .Vej. Iay Kxvrtm* east, on the Philadelphia A and t jirm Jam Jtmi-. TVle reirvlnr Rail Road Tickets will be honored bet wean these t)*o points. HAIL ROAD. P.irL ID LTHI.i d. KRIS R. R DIVI SIVX. [ * iff MM IK TIMS TASUL &niin p. rjv " • " Philadelphia 11.55 p.m. I 1 "• " Rnltimore: 9.10p.r. I ,jf '* • Jtarrisburg 4.2f>a. m. * " AbtnAury 6.:ti n 6.57 a. m. '** - •• Wtlhnmsporl A.Vo. m. ,j*! •• " Lock Harm 9.ttia. C. 'V' ■ f* arr. at Erie 7. p. ft. Xiayura Ex. It axes Philadelphia 7/Jo a. nt. '' " " Harrithury lO.Tsi a. ru. " '• " Runhury 12.4/t p. nt. 1 ri '' Manfwndon ,1 oft p.m. " . " arr. af H'ti/iamsporl 2.2 ft p. m. j M " " lock Haven 3.lft p. m. !.f V *' " Kane 9.2p. nt. I ! Line loit es ir York B.2*> a. m. V-" ." " Philadelphia 11.30 a.m. • *' •* Jtaltimorn ll.Afta. m. li?V " " Uaeritbttry 3.20 p.m. 'J " *' tttinbary 5.40 p. m. -v - •• M&nt'indon 615 p. m. •* " " WHliamspo't 7.30 p. m. V**, r " .am. p.m. , . •• *• Xcte York 6.45 p.m. L*ny Sr. leaves Kane C.m a.;. " " " Lock Ha ten 11.91 a. wi. " " ** WiUiamsfOKi 12-40 a. nt. '* " " 3fwnfandim 1.47 p.m. •' " flunhttry 2.15 p.m. ■" (xrr.atJPtrruhiirtf 4.10 p.m. •- •• " J hiladelphia 7.20 p.m. '• •• " yew York 10.15 p. nt. itf -. ". " Jhtltimore 7.35 p. m. •- " " Washington {LOT p. m. Erie Mail leases Kric 11.09 n. ?n. I -• *• •• Loci Wanes 9.(5 p.m. •• " •• William sport 11.05 p. m. •• •• •' Memlandcm 13.19 p. in. •• Bunhttry IHSa in. -- *• " arr. af I tar rishury 2.45 a.m. • * •• •' •' Baltimore 7.15 a. tn " " " Philadelphia 7.00 a. tn " " *• .\ew York 10.05 a. Nt- Jhtd-fdnt huies UVRtamrpcrf 12.35 a. *• *•' •' •' Runhury 2 , * ) a. m a. .. mrr, Nt Jjarrishuro 4.> Vi a. tn .-£■ v.. >• tiultir.'.rx 745 a. t.i -m Pi,KP 4 etphia 7.35 a. m . * Xro, York JC. 25 a.m.' ! Ft * Mail lrts'f. yi'ifPira Z: K c ' ; - I *2 C \ U.tpess Accont. U"t ri and Day Prp7* fs r".-. •*W ( Leal, Plaster A alt. MILLHEIM, PA. Highest market prlro paid forP„ll kinds of ' GRAIIT, Delivered either t1 he WIPCK MII.I. or at the old MUM'JI MILL, la MII.LHEIM. r ' ,■> r COAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on hand and sold at prices that dc v" fy competition. A share of the public patrouagc respectfully olicltcd. 3'My • * . I.ate Inline use Discoveries bv b.f.ANLEY and others are _/u*t added to the only com plete. Life and Labors of Livingstone. "Thisveteranexpiofer ranks among the most,heroic ft < ttre? of the century, ami this book is one of the most attractive, fascinat ing, richly illustrated and instru'-tiv vol •uincs-evci issued. BOirg the only entiie and authentic life, the millions arc eager for it and wide-awake .Vfenfs at* wanted nulek.lv Per proof and terms address. iiLBrtAKD rnWlwyr?.- 7:">t:r*MS-rt.. Ttid'a. COODS AT HKPrCKTI PRICES •!! • AT itKDI'CEI) PUK ES !!( UUOKS AT ItEI)UCI-:i> i'KICES :JI J. W. STAM. DEALEM'IX General Merchandise, ATA LF-XA X I'ER'Sm.n STAttD' Main Street, Millheiot, Pa. SSclls as chcirp for CASH nuany store in the county. Sin -yy-HKN is Lttwituiulta call AT H ARRIS' MILUNERY STORE, Market Street, near TJiirj, Where you will ilnd a full line of MILLINERY GOODS' rnnMMtii* of lamlM*', Nlaaca aAd 4hi drena Unto nnd Bonnet*. Itlmmed anij tint rimtnod. The ItrnMt aasnrtment 01 l.udlon' Kre*> Trimming*, Htnlerj tiloreo, Hnlr UIMKI*, Jen wiry and Notion*. HASs FIRS, MRS, Tho bent ft*ortftietit wrt of Thiiadeiphia ail at th* lowost prioea. Black Walnut Motto Frames at 30 oenta. COT tn fry Produce taken in Exchanqt. 3 Aft A AGENTS WANTED. Froin 9" . wUU tt Sift a Day Sure. Mtnisters. " Book and I'lctuie Apcnt*, and all out of of eiiher here t the best chance offered iliit season. A Cnsh Fresent of from $5 to SIOO will be given to every good working "agent. .Send 10 cents for small samnle, rr Ivtter sill', II for 3 Urge samples with circulars, terms Ac., and go to work at once. HLV.S. T BUCK. Bo\ Ji6, Milton, Pa. *#*Mmtl(iu this paper. 4a-4w Hlta-ion's Publications. Great redaction io price for f575 tfcf Go* ttny'n EICTORUI. to A- * year, birfglt copies ft cents. , THE lIOMK CiiiCLE to $2 a vear. Single eOit les 5 cents for silo bv all nowsoealers r,i.E*m>N's MONTHI.t Cnkf *nOS to Si a year,Mnitle copies lOoeuls .Vll jst mc frbe- Sample copies scut on receipt 6f a 3 cent stamp The price of Chromox has just bwen creat lp red need. No one now gives sut-h.fni-ral terms to agents as we do. Send for new circular. Add-ess K GLCASOX, 739 Wash ngton St. Boston, Mass 45-. Semi fur Re.lurc l Price List of MASON & H AMUfi CABINET ORGANS NEW ANI)SI' I.KNr)Ir>SIYI.r.S; FI;I'TS I REDUCED sloto*o. EACH. THIS MON fl. ! (Nov. 1877). A ltd res*. MASON & HAM LIN OHXAN CO., Boslou, New York 0:1 Chicago, 41x1*. VAHTPII^ 0 rure 1 c:iM> < ATuunn in each n 1111 iLUneigiihorhooh. rv'.th lf. KalhS , i ,, e Remedy. t<> Introduce it. Sample free*. J. C\ Tilton, Pittsburg, Pa. 49- m FATHER'S i For uls - t, Sprains. Blind and Bieod REMEDY . j li'f Piles. Hheumntl-m. ! Fractured limb-*, Fr-.slfd Ll'nbs. and Farts, Pains in the Glides ami Jolnis. indop-ut Dicers. Ids ••li'irvlnir ttores. SwT'ledSore Le?. Erysipelas and Varl ose Veins is tSasrOKii's KXTKACT or WITCH lIAZEI.. Ask lor it. tieeause it i t-ett-r. stronger and cheaper than any other and is warranted by WEEKS & PorTF.lt, W'noLrsAi.r. DKL'PGiBts, 36J Waaliinkton street, Boston, Mass, 46-iw- WANTiD] An Energetic Mow or Woman in every ( ountv to take the Airi-ncy for twro of the Most Popular Publications in the country. Four of the Finest Ltirouios (2tx.'ioiocln-s each) t<> Everv Nui,crlber. Tlio Best eoifibi nation Ever ftctore f'ffered to Agents, an 1 the Most Liberal Inducements to Subvert l>crs. Our Fine Prb'.tca'lnns, E'cgant Pre tulunis. and Uarge t'nnindJsioas place us A head of all Comietitor9. Send for illustra ed Circulars and Terms. tP. P. & L. REST FIN, Publisher*, 71? Sansom Stretd-, Phlladslptdn. 4w AGENTS T"~ WANTED ! ! FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. P Broadway, New York City: Chicago Hi.; New Orleans, I-a.: 4(-4w. or San Francisco, o*l. prniCivnd Revoiver. Illustrated Prioe Tdt UUHUfree. (Jreat Western Hun Works Pittsburg, Pa. 4k. by the refer-w e.u ther. T. S. AUTUCH- A book toSTAKTt.P. and KNi.toliTCN the people. Vivid pictures and FHOor*. how It curses BOIy. (Mt'L. iiomk. SOCIKTT. etc. Unfolds the work of INKWKIATK AflVf-tXB. ftM*PKI- TKMPKKANCK, WOMAN'S CRtkXnr.. FKANOIS Mikphv. I'KOHUUTIOS. vtc . etc.. oNt.Y HI- Its .sale is m tKVKt.hots. OCR RIKI.SiK with 200Plt.!.t*sTttATtoxg fur e xeell all others. Prictsjust roduccd 25 CT-M Send for terms. HtTBBAUD BROS., Tubs.. 723 San-xim St.. l-hiladelphlit, - 4d-4w AGENTS WAIT© FOR Creativo Science or Masnoon. "o'OMAN'Ksyn. and TUKTK Mr- TT'AL INTLH-Rki ATioss: IjOvk, tT9 LAWS, P(WRK, ETtr. A~#-nts are selling from 15 to 25 copies a d:*„<.' Send for*jteelmen pages rind our extra terms to Agents. ;md see why it sells faster than any other book. Address, NATIONAL PcDLtentNO Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 46-> CONSUMPTION CURED Ah uiu p.>i.CT.ui. rotiroU irwui r*- OC.T.-U irutu ..u i ju iuujft uutoibukr) lue luru,uw uf i-i.n,'lr vvkiiUUxo rouii/ lor.-ptiisjy hi>U purui.K.tiiil rurp <•! cm ua/'.iM, (nmc/ibb, ru ui'A,u A.-.a, I'.id ui birfj.lu4l-"* allHt-t.v'UK ; itlMU CHisiut iiHrvou* a. o I.VP nl H iiuryou* cumptHk.U, havuit, Ursina .tj car_i.vc powers i:t tb U> r.i At it kuuwn t ft. urt riajj t'r.lows Acta stud by aUtxurto L*. if.joc/ir.iJil'jivmr'tiilui-kaiiKaiitloJi. A*. A GRE AT OF a EE HOLIDAYS! We will duime these HAlil) TIMES and the IIOLtDAYS dispose of lU> NKW PIAN- ' 05 and ORGANS of tirst-class makers at lowtfr pi-lees for castt or Installments, than ■ ever before offoretl. WAT Kits' Pi ANOS ; 6 ORG ANS are the BKBT MADE, warrant- : ed for 5 years. 111. Catalogues daPed, Great iiiifucement.s to the trade. PIANOS 7-octave. 9i40; 7 1-3-octave, Jd'H). ORGANS 2 stops. itS; 4 Stops, Sl3 ; 7 stops, lift? S stops, 97'1; 10 stops, 9 s -> ;12 steps. ; in perfect artist", wo: used a your. Fih**t UHJ- J sic, >of bail price TIORACE WaTLR!* } SONB,.Manufacturers and 4O Last 1 yob (dr**t;Nfs4 York , ?7as&-, Hutchinson, PEAI.IK J* Atl KINDS COAL, at CO3URN STATION. tj;krt n. stovkb, ahem. guarantiee' 'ten C. >i. PETREE. CIOAR MANUFACTURER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ('// oice Bran r/.v oj' Tobaceo and Cigars, S3JOKKCS' ARTICE9, ETC., HA WTST BTK:.T. Lew isburff, Pa, jjj Pi OcU chance bvmaketno SokSS h8 *-•>. It you can't g*t gold & ■ >'•*" fft ue feed a per* >n Ju every tOWTI to l.lkl ftUiH'StiptlOlM for t'le and best 1 net family nub'dca ii:r. in iln* world. Any one eat) lwconio a miccvmHul agent. Lite jinHt elegant works of art given free In Ku:>eriners. The price is so low that almost Ugly subscribe*, i/ne agent rrjiiMin inaKine over fISU in a week. A lady agent report* taking over 40> Mbscritwi> In ten dpi*. All who engag* rt-ake inouev fast. Y# can devote all your iinic t Hit* business, oronlv your mare time. You need not be awnyfnim hotne overnight. \ou can do it as wejl as others. full pail! ciiUi;-, illrectiitjis and term's free. Elegant ;.n expensive utlit free. tfy.,u want piniituble work aend us your address a.i once. It cn.v!* notliin" t > try the bnsi-oss No \\tin >, fSges (alls to make great pay. Addles* ' Ihe i eopit s J.iuibiit, ' l uitutiiil, Maine. 3i-i> Daniel F. Beatty's IMTnu^QWA^S' f AfTto*.—The re.>nUti.nt. have c uutd and the c-Icbi iiv o',h rgios, har- indue cd somo unpriucipied pnnlea and a*ni* to eopp my cireuiars. and misrepresent my instruments; against this he public ae hereby cautioned. All my titans near m> tradc-niak, Golden Tongue, and all inv Tie nos have the word PI Q underlined and teei iencc. P A UEATTT. Washiitton, N. J., wftiiytui wluch none is genuine. Addles-, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. J., l r . S. A. f*TTD ft\TT^' T>i ' urr th* plainest at all books— "l'lain Home Ta'k and .Medical Common Hense,"—nearly I,oob pa fee*. 3>; illustrations, by Dr. K. H. foorK. l IJu L'Xineton Ave' N. Y. I'tircaaiers of this book are at '!lv*it to consult its author in jcrsoti or lv tna free, i'ticc by mail. fc1.24 for the b'TAJtiMR • dtlion, oi ft..Vi for the jropruu edition which contains all the same riatie. and 11 lust rations. Contents table* free. Aorvn V antv-H. Mi l KAY HILL TUKLIsHiNH Co., East Dili St. N. Y. 30-1 y EbfA BL .oiIED IW*. C4B FAX RISCK' WRITINGINKS A\J) MITtLMSK. The best in the Marked. Jel Black Scntol Ink A Speciality. iO SAI.E BT AIL I.r AM NO STATIOIKRS AJfl) HARRISON INK CO.. 8 Murray SL, X. Y WASTED! YVe w iON & NEW YORK CHINA TEA CO.. I*. O. Bex 574. No. Ch'jraii tff, Naw York. Kfly STORE; LE inSB URG;I'EXX 1. J. HQWER, Proprietor. Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Extension Tables, Bureaus, Parlor Tables, Bedsteads, and Chairs in great variety and at gvefy price; All kinda of FURNITURE constantly on hand. ly CAMERON HOUSE, LEWISBURG. PEXXA. GH 0. BTJRB, l'roprUlor. Firsi class n all lesprcts and Centrally Located. BEATTY'SMOF ORPBI KslMTinim Believing It to be BY FAB the bct Parlor and e,rb cases of new ami elegant designs. Ministers, teachers, churches schools, lpiigcs, etc., should send for prico list and discounts. Dealers will find it to their advantage Id examine this instrument, t has improve uvMits found in no oilier. Correspondence solicited. Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me (Daniel F. ReattyJ• hot h ways if unsatisfactory, after a trsi trial of five civ s Organ warranted for six years. Astirdst.is count given everywhere, luve no agent Agents wanted. Address, IANKL F. BEATTY, Hsßhtagtca !Vf Igrtey ! BEATTY.P**— • 0 via ad Square blu! • \ dtf-.r v ?r;i!R lvru cjvi *; - .j , DARIi-T, F.g:.v;-,y WaMiingloii, New ,li v . i KSUIiMCIi m! -r • ABESTS \\\m I Ssw Isiß i. j . • ytit ohk-M u:uiu*i i*: the COU'L.: . I 1835. riin /1 r . yy E ot-*; MARIAN* V./'AJUN. IS3 South l oiii lii iflieet, rti'i.'tl-uv. •• •' • •'.• C • • • Wedding n k Add fis' Fat i"-" * pun T'.icaU'Vt uribffes >-nc ! v TTK have N> n retailed j,., f-" •' rupt VjUa'A and u vti !. .v . ; i 'io'd YVatch;-;, f*c|| |.-r K ti a i pdscC"fJV>d timer?!, f'tual in ! a "jifnj jjciilruc roid. '"His rep .'* !"• ! honesty, fair dealing .ltd .l'b-r* euualed bv anv ;i*l' t."li**- ' iu H'-l ? Ctt~. 3". Ikrt e. If.. tfl . roui Atu: J-TAv-'s i AvF.X ar."v. K. MOt'KMAN 2" j; M rT.. New v NERVOUSDEBIi ,IT ; | V ital IVeaVncffr n' D*nee*>;..r. ?. •e. t; • hanet|l fo Unc uo ieri;y er vur.„e; ' r,-s iJt of Mental vfj.wttf*. ludNereia-t.* 1 ! Kk.hcM*.s. or siviit- drain e ; >' . always eund bv fl?ii!?lire v: s'Homll)E ■2B. It larte< op and irivltora'fsv" th* *•"' dispell the yio'mt and strv-ntfth nil energy—store;.the ora-,; >• rejuvenalos tne utire ini, Iw-j r twenty yeari with icrlect (i|< r, "ejw t-y tn* - ami v S. hi by dealer*. T 'ldv, f !.'.• r. ■. gi* vialr or per pa?h:tf>" of v. and *2.u! vial of powder, jvnt by i.'.ai • rteripl ot pr:c.. Address Mnmnhrv Mount- pailtic Medici Uc Cowi'dfrfj", NU Ti". way. New York. JACKSON'S BEST & AB m Ah! 11;es* t>rands of Sweet I'hig *n>-iun;i edwe.l by ad.ln bj 11 > I'lae d Tokaress in the markof. Tat up ; s .. sitaiws and in ioiu2A'iv a-i 1 r.Rs wrappers, froki by the icicle t-nera'.y. "k-.. for vtmplo to t.ue uiamil t"turers. C- A..UJ.VS . : * i • u j. T. <;. ¥■ W.iKUUt,l.eoeral Agent. 35—i N'oj. 3iit )5 i i tAt . r„'! p, \ liranil Square ami C*frlc;si<- Frmn flee. 11 Arm if tY c. T Leteiivr A Bra. IVtnkers. I'ayetle, Me. "We received the nlano amltM-ikf rery litie toned one out nere. Waite.i \ sr. j • tune to give it a ohul t u. f vou wish - word in :avor of it we v.iliMuDTfuUy gi•• a .Taiiret Ji. Erowii, Kdwa.vi.riho 1 says : ' i'he n?i't*'y reec-ved clt"* •*" sati-fae.tiou." Ae. e.ls waiitod. eataloKue. Address MMEIj F. BE4TTV. Waeiitctrnn. Nw oiraiy. V. C iiiiACiAiUßal . J. P.S.WEIDSNSAU: Proprietor. OLD AND rOI'VLAR STAND, Corn or Market and iToat c-tc LEWISBURG.P. A First C'hiss Ilotol in all F>:?jwv. CI IA UG Y.H- M ( )E V, RATE. -<$ V- h g*T¥