Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 13, 1877, Image 3

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    %\t |ournal.
filkr & Dctnlnter. Proprietors
B 0. PKixmif.a, Associate Editor
■Ulliciui.Thursday, Drc.lL
|i in —ir. - - "r* ——*: r
Tormo— Per Annum.
W.- - . . - A' * J
This annual document, owing to
Its general importance, is entitled to
some remarks.
By tliese state papers we are in
formed of the views of the Execu
tive In regard to the various subjects
that mav from time to tune become
of primary interest to the people at
large. He presents his southern pol
icy, financial views and civil service
reform successively, first taking up
a large part of the message. It is
easy to lie observed that he is enjoy
ing no little amount of self-satisfac
tion because of the succea of his pac
ification policv, that the promising
outlook for permanent success has
ttrmlv grounded him in his course,
and despite the opposition of the
partisan,in his own party tie will not
falter. To him largely belongs the
honor —he can well be proud of the
success of the policy. He no doubt
had this subject most at hctrt when
he entered upen his duties, it l>eing
then the most important problem
demanding a solution, and having
successfully solved it is most proper
to invite the general acceptance of
his solution.
A large space is devoted to finance
which of course*would be in accord
ance with the views of Secretary
John Sherman. Little comfort is
given to the anti-resumptionists, by
plainly affirming the importance of
enforcing the Resumption Act and
then return to specie payment at an
early date. He would have us be
lieve that a liltle silver mixed with
the circulating medium would lie ad
visable and assist in the return to
specie payment, but plain notice is
given, that a bill giving us the
amount our silver men would have
wo*dd not meet his approval.
He emphatically denies the pro
priety or right to pay off the bonds
with "any other than .a gold coin.
Civil sew it* reform is taken up
and in a mild wav he assertr his de
votion to the purpose of reforming
the public service. It indicates the
qaalitie*of patience and forbearance,
for if otherwise he would hive made
a more direct assault on those who
have resisted and made w r again ;t
bis purposes. The rest of the mes
sage is a reference to our friendly
'relations with foreign powers, the
several cabinet reports, and several
subjects not of primary importance.
The document presents the char
acteristics of Lite man, thoughtful
and lirni. but not agressive views
modestly presented yet stamj*-.! with
unyielding purpose. No great abili
ty or personality is displayed, but i'
licars the impress ot a strong mind,
practical throughout, and ranks fa
vorable as a Sr.-ite paje-r.
T.\ar* is one paint of great iini*>r
tan'M! to the people of the United
-States which President Hayes entire
ly forgot to say any tiling about, and
that is the Electoral Commission
♦msmesa. It would interesting,
perhaps profitable, to Know* what he
thinks of the matter, and as he is of
rasher an accomodating disposition
and tries so l ard to please everybod
y it is the more strange that he
Withholds bis views on a subject on
wMeh all parties desire him to take
the floor, t >ne thing is true, name
ly that in his inaugural, messages
and speeches, lie never yet claimed
to have been elected. He is simply
muni or. that point, anil doubtless
thinks the less said on it the better ;
lut that course is hardly fair to the
people, and we suggest that he send
in a gpeeial message on the subject.
—On the 25th of September last, An
derson Shifflet was hanged at Har
rison! >urg, Va M for the murder of a
roan named Lawson. Tlie follow
ing is the account of the hanging :
SMfflvt in arte & dying statement to his
spiritual advisor, assertinc his Innoivnce
jj the actual iaunler, but acknowledging
flifct he knew Lawson aas to be kiHed.
4s the rope holding the trap door was
fut the doomed lyan fell to the ground,
the rope being broken. Shifflet uttered a
groan and was again lifted to the scatTuld.
Here he renewed his lamentations, ex
claiming **God knows lam innocent." A
second anlstronger rope was procured.
While it was being adjusted he asked Dep
uty Sheriff Bowman to raise the biack
cap eyes so that he might look
upon the light once more. His request
was granted, and turning toward the
spectators he said with some firmness:
•'Gentlemen, I bid you all good bye." The
eaconil attempt of the sheriff waa success
ful, and the doomed man was swuug Into
Tliis unfortunate man resided in
, Lock Haven fur several years, on
Water Street just below where Hile
Myers, resided. He left here about
1865 or '66. He was sometimes call
ed Shippey, but his true name was
Shifflet. Our informants, who knew
him well, say he was known here as
a "sporting man." — Clinton Demo
Last Saturday night burglars en
tered the residence of Mr. Geo. W.
liipule through a window and stole ,
a dosen solid silver teaspoons, a
wedding gift to Mrs. H. from her
father. The thieves wanted only
the best, as they broke a plated spoon
to try if it was solid silver, and left
that kind of ware.
At the residence of Mr. Dudly
Blanchard they got through a bay
window, it is thought, and took from
the room in which they were sleep
ing a lady's gold watch and a gold
chain, valued together at $250. The
was No. 28,&43. Humbert watch, i
Geneva, maker. They also took $3
out of Mr. B's. pantaloons, and a sett
of solid silver si>oonB, a bridal gift
to Mrs. Blanchard from her father.
While the thieves were operating,
she though'' sfie heard some one in
the house and said so. He made a
little reconnoisaance and returned
satisfied that everything was all
right, but the morning disclosed the
truth of Mrs. B's. fears. The
rogues missed some things, especially
$lOO in tho bureau, part proceeds of
the Episcopal Thespian entertain
ment. Mr.Blanchord offers $lOO for
the capture of the thieves, or $5O
lor information that will recover
t£e articles.
At Mr, Samuel Christ's they took
overcoat and that of Mr. Frank
. l*?eVK
The burglars tried Mr. Geo. Stmy
er's. upset a crock getting In the
window and left. They also paid
their respects to Mr. Cridor's, but
came awav empty handed ; and it is
suspected'that the? tried but fatted
!to get in Mr. Good's and Mr. New
ton Frederick's.
In addition to the above, which
was evidently done by professionals,
the following are antno petty thiev
ing of recent date : From S. If.
Frederick's cellar a quantity of
lard ; T. C. Kintting's ice-house,
IB pounds butter ; l>r. naves', G.
B. Perkins, and J. W. Harris'
clothes lines cleaned ; Mrs. Mc-
Ghee's hen roost. No arrests.
A full line of Clothing for men
and boys—at Buyer's. Very cheap.
A Mr. Orwig shot a wild turkey
in Lewis township. Union county,
weighing 23 pounds.
The oil well at Flyner, Cltnt in Co.
is now 1900 feet deep, and is still
only an imaymary oil well.
Matelaese Cloaking for* ladies at
Bovcr's, $2.75 per yard, very latest
The Telegraph Is up and we aie
now in lightning communication
with Union county and the 6ianc
of the world. Progress.
Col. M'Clure, of the Philadelphia
Tones , spent several days in Belle
funic, ana brorber Meek had the
pleasure of a call by the popular
Linn's Aanal s of Buffalo Valley.
Copies of the above valuable local
history of the far-famed Buffalo Val
'ey may lie obtained of R. F. Brown,
Lewisburg Daniel Derr, Bellefonte,
Miilhcim. Price $2.
After l>eceinbor Ist the aubscriber
will be prewired to carry . express
packages and small bundled and box
es of goods, from Coburn {Station to
Millheim. Aaronsnurg Wood*
ward, and all points along the line,
at reasonable chat ges. Ttie patron
age <>f tbepublic respectfully solicit
All colors in Two Fly Maroon
Heading Fringe, silk tied,at3oets
yard, at Buyer's.
Everybody that sees it is pleased
with the J'runwi liimk Store, and al
most everybody buys something be
fore leaving. Our stock of goods is
full, select, and constantly increas
ing, cur prices are all down on the
ground floor —and then we (plural)
arc such pleasant, clever and accom
modating fellows tnat people seem
to consider it a pleasure to buy of
us. Fact. •
The following wo clip from the
UeV.efnntt It'puhlicon :
A tcaeh*r in one of oarSnnday sehon]*
asked br scholars this emailon : •-141
vo'i know vou were all lrn in sin ?"
"Oh. no. said nn bright itttie trlrl of Cve
sumnu'r-. "I WHS born in Mileuburg."
••Well, it 1* All the same said the tcaclwr;"
'•but don't interrupt me."
Never kt ew that "sin"' and
"Milesburg" are svnonymous terms.
Brother Ttiton. Is it because both
are so iuteuscly Republican?
Mr. Louts Haa*. tho proprietor of
the Bellefonte Brewery came to
our town the other \v-ek and deliv
ered a wagon load of the lest In-er
to the lan ilord of tho Millheini Ho
tel, Mr. W. S. Musser. We call
the attention of our readers to the
fact, that Mr. Musser sells tho beer
at the same low figures, it can bo
obtained at the brewery iu Belle,
finite. Give it a trial. 2t.
At Dover's you can buy the finest
Fur Hats at $2 00. Best style.
• - *
At present the streets of our cities
and larger towns are enlivened dur
ing day time and in the evening by a
vast mass of people, examining and
admiring the splendid display of
Christinas Goods in the large and
brightly ilium inated show-windows.
Tn our own town the show-window
of the JotTRNAT, BOOK STORE con
tains a flne let of Holiday Goods,
which .is increasing every day.
Come and look.
Christ Alexander is a real down
greedy fellow, even if he is a granger,
and seems determined to be at the
head of the class all the time. He
the biggest corn ears and
the most of them, he hauled away
the find load of g<>o Is ever brought
to the Forks by rail, and now he
brings the first load of. wheat ever
received there for shipping. He
ought to be ashamed of niniself
—that's what he ought.
Borer sells tho best Calico at
and G1 cent per yard.
old child of Archie Munro, of Far
randsville was scalded to death last
week by upsetting a tub of hot water
upon itself. — Clinton Democrat.
Miss : A word in your ear. The
next fine afternoon that you saunter
out, buy a box of GLENN'S SUL
PHUK SOAP. That admirable puri
ti ei will remove every one of those
pimples which detract so much from
your beauty. Sold by all Druggists.
There is Youth in every bottle of
It makes us about li ilf mad to see
how our oyster merchants put on
airs. They walk our streets dressed
in broadcloth and tine linen, just
like a sett of bl< at xl bond-holders, as
if there was no i rork to do all the
year round. But let any of these
aristocrats whether Lion or Hear,
come out for office, and the Journal
will go for them rod hob.
The Laurel Wreath, single or dou
ble, is the beet parlor stove, and the
Economy and Zenith the best cook
ing stoves in use, They arc all made
at Lewisburg ny the Slife-, Walls &
Shriuer Company* .and if by accident
any part or piece gets bioken. you
can get another in a day. Just road
the advertisement inanothercolumn.
J. JVewman, Jr., of tho Eagle
Clothing Hally Bellefonte, Fa., keeps
up his reputation as the boss cloth
ier ill Centre countv. Newman un
derstands his business thoroughly
and sells lower than anv other house
in his line in Central Pennsylvania.
Overooats. winter suits, gloves,
boots, liata, underwear, and in fact
everything in the line of Gentlemen's
Furnishing Goods, of the best qual
ity and at the lowest. prices, Pat
ronise Julius—he will do tho square
thing by rou.
Having obtained special rates on
COAL OIL to Coburn Station we are
now prepared to sell by the barrell to
dealers at the tame price they would
he chaiged either at trunbury or Wil
tf SMITH A Co.
Wanted —a foot of snow.
The Co. Superintendent has l<ocn
visit iug our schools the last few
da vs.
Our teachers will attend the
Countv Institute en ma.i.e.
Jesse Long sold his property at
Rockvill to John s>. Fisher, for $l5-
(X), and gives possession iu a few
J. R. Brungard has resigned as
teacher of the Reberaburg Primary
School, and A. E. Wolf, has becoon
his successor.
Mr. Jerry Keesler and lady, who
have been visiting their many
friends throughout our valley for the
last month, have again left for their
home in Rockport, 111. Don't for
get us, Jerry, nut eoino soon again.
Our school is flourishing Under
the direction of Prof. W. A. Krisc.
Krumrine A Sons shipped their
first car load ot wheat last week.
J. D. Long has added to his sad
dler shop H first class stock of leath
er wnich he sells very cheap.
Hicks A Bro. do a rushing busi
ness in the stove line. They sold
five in one dav and it was a poor day
it that. They are enterprising men
and adeerfwe. Success to Messrs.
Hicks A Bro.
And now we have the "Tele
graph" to this place. It Is general
ly supposed that I>. Wallace Dun
can w ill be the operator.
The young man "Cniu" of this
place of which the WiuleAruan givea
an account, who had a paraly tic
stroke while in Bellefonte, last week,
is getting along right well, and his
attending physician has hooos ot his
speedy recovery.
Mays the Lock Haven Democrat:
The recent flood brought in about
12,000j000 feet in logs.' Flynn A
Merrill's drive didn't get In. It is
hung up at Westport, and will b*
there till tliere is water enough to
bring it in, which mav lie this fall,
and it may be not tiil next spring.
IN the latter case they'll have to be
hauled out and cared for. There is
about 4,000,000 foot in the drive.
Square timber went off at lietter
prices than ruled in the spring.
I'ine 8 to 13 ; Oak 0 to 8 ; and Hem
lock 4to 5 cents. Most of it was
sold ; the balance is harbored iu the
mouth ot Bald Eagle, numbering 35
40 lafts.
The mills started by this are
Ihirdee A Conk's, \V. A. Simpson's
Brown, Shouso, & A Co's, and
Bridget!s ,v Mann's.
—The Pittsburg papers print tno
anteinortem statement of Jennie
Hamilion, of Milrov, MitUin county,
who was enticed away from her
horns under promise of marriage,
and ruined by a drummer for a
school furnishing house jn Cincin
nati, named ('harls Hose. In her
statement she said that Dr. Schinau
ser. of Allegheny, to whom she had
applied for relief without knowing
the cause of ner illness, performed
an operation upon her at two differ
ent time*. I)r. Sehtnuuser has been
anrcated and is in jail. The papers
speak of hei as a l*utiful £irl of
about 23 years, auia is another sad
warning to thoughtless glifs, wno,
blinded by inotnenlary passion and
tho blandishments of heartless
scoundrels, rush into engagements
which result only in a world of mis
ery and unbapuiness, and, probably,
a shameful death. Gills, shun all
association with men you do not
know to be honorable, and lie partic
ularly guarded against the licentious
"drummer." — A'totmu l^ribune.
as liothrock at home , — Dr. Thomas
Kothrock, of Beech Creek, whom
the papers have been heralding over
the country as the abscondiug abor
tionist in the Winslow case, and
whom the shar|)eHt detectives have
been hounding, hears of the charge
against him, hastens home from the
hospital where he was being treated
for disease, and in open court, in
Bellefonte. last Friday enters bail
for his apuearance at Lock Haven,
to defend himself. He denies the
charge in toto, and defies ids accus
ers, and also asks a suspension of
tlie public judgment until the facts
are known. We intimated in the
WATCHMAN last week that matters
were getting along rather fast in
Dr. Hothrock's case, and from the
way in which he has met the charge
there is every reason to believe that
he will prove himself entirely inno
cent of the disgraceful and criminal
accusation.— Watchman.
TUB FORKS.— After an absence of
some weeks we visited the Forks
again on last Thursday and are hap
py to sav that the spirit of improve
ment is alivo and active down there.
Smith &. GVs large grain elevator
and It. It. siding are complete and
in working order. Grain is hoisted
from the wagons by horse power.
Mr. Christ. Alexander has the hon
or of having delivered the flrst
wheat ever uiarktd ad the Forks.
Mr. Samuel Huckman has his boss
restaurant a-running and seems to
be getting along quite cleverly.
The Forks Tlonxc, under the man
agement of mine host Perry, and
his estimable lady, is an established
success already. Mr. Stover assures
us that he has a good and increas
ing custom, and judging from the
excellent manner in which the Forks
House is conducted, there is no rea
son to doubt it. tn the least.
fhe one public place which we did |
not get time to visit—Grennihger's
store—is said to be doing a fair busi
In and about the Depot everything
indicates business. The waiting
room is now provided with good,
comfortable seats and a stove that
would warm up Greenland, when in
full blast. The freight room is
chuck full of goods for I'enns, Brush
and Sugar vallies. Large qu mtities
of freight are brought to Coburti
continually, and the Depot building
is getting too small already, but°we
told them so"—the railroad ossifer*
namely, that Coburn would be the
Boss Station on the route, and that
thej should give us a larger Depot.
They cau uow soo wnat oomes of not
heeding the advice cf m c n of ■faJg-
ThitS U.
It is now about tbo season ot the
year that peoplo think ot paying
tlmir small debts, such as taxes,
shoe-maker's and tailor's
subscriptions to preachors,
we fondly hope—their printers. We
have labored industriously and aCr.
cording to the Ix-st of our ability to
give our readers a good, readable'
cal paper, and have received but a
small sum on subscription, during j
the year. Make up your mind when ]
you read this, to pay your auUcrip-1
tion between now and Jan. Ist, ndi
do if. We need money-—constantly
—for current and living • expense*,
and if we get what is duo us- we can
get along well enough considering
the times. Flense remember—be
tween now and Jan.-l. 1 ' ' '•'
- —• %♦ ■"
Don't buy the old stylo Bail
Fringe, when rou can get the Two
Flv Fring, at Boyec>, /ok oo)y 30
cents per yard. ■ *
TIIK silverware delivered by tbo
National Silver-Plating On. No**;
704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, is
giving entire aatlafaction. AH or
ders are promptly filled, and no one
netd hesitate about sending Wtera
money.— Lutheran Observer.
NOTICE,— AII persons knowing
themselves indebted on the road and
school fAx duplicate* for the teftf
1876, are hereby notified to pay up
within ten days from tlie date of
this notice. All taxes remaining
unpaid after that time will be col*
lected forthwith as the law directs.
Dec. 13th, 1877. COLLECTOR.
MOCY brought SH per cnit, pre
mium for permanent loan. at Uie
meeting of the M. 11. A. L. Asso
ciation on Monday evening. The
books of the Association are now
open for stock subscriptions on Se
ries 4. Apply to the Secretary of
Sammv Faust, residing over at
Spring Bank, is certainly OIAJ' of •
cleverest fellows out of jail,- and w)e
doubt very much whether tl\pre are
any unite as clever in jail.' Think j
of it, dear reader, liere we liive boeu
sitting and waiting a la Grttnt, .tor
some of our patrons to bring pre
sents around, but unlike Grunt we
didn't got any—not even a few bush
els of upidea.or a turkey to aid us in
our Thanksgiving How
hard. The other day. however—ye*
.the otlwr day, l>ec. 10th, A. D. 1877,
our poor'heart was made glad—we
almost wept hig tears of gratitude
and joy, for Sammv Faust sent us a
suu*a<je of such enormous size that
all feeling of want is Iwiiiished from
our iH>or heart, for this winter at
least. Sanipiy knows how tp make
the hearts of the i*or rejoice. He
knows that giving to tho poor is
lending to the Lord ; and if .we get
to Kingdom Coiue before he U>es,
we will do our utmost to keep a
serve*! stvat in waiting lor h:m
Xcxi'i r " 1
'*A arreal newspaper In e*i>ry serine
the phraw" l the.iu<t(Oiul of Jour.illtsle '
and the ieople iipow the Philadelphia
W'EkKt v i iMKi. Not yet a your old, this
weekly tapor has aelilevi-d a •u*e?n In
circulation a* well us In Influence that I*
without parallel. It enibrn-e. eljc'ut pa<>.<.*
or fifty-six column*, lull to overflowing
w Ith readable matter gleaned from every
part of the * lile UUUIH of I'olltlou, J.ltrra
tore, Hv-tenre and Art. The editorial page
ab >uids in crisp comiuenU on the ucw* j
of the d*e. atabullying careful and Inde
nt no en % 1 .". , e1y rtprrwl
The departments relatiuv *o rfnipe and
Society an 4 the Farm ami .make*
it welcome at every flreakle. tDi ?BC
from week to week temptation* that are
Irrefutable to the Delators of an editor.
Fiction. i>oetry and ta'es of travel aud ad
venture find a place In every number.
Rut the great distinctive feature of the
Philadelphia VNUI TIMES U Its current
series of chanters o the I'nwsirru His-
TORT ortHi WAS Every one of these is
from the pen of a prominent actor in the
late conflict between the State*, and de
scribes r>e phase of Ihe war that came
within hi* own personal observation. No
new*patcr ever before presented <
array or contributors as appear In Ibfe/tHd
nartineut. Amour them arc such men sis
lion. Carl flehurs, Hon. A. G. C'urtla, Gen
eral Joseph E. Johnson, General Joseph
Hooker. General James Lonrstreet. Hon.
John W. Eomev. General G. T. Beaure
gard. General tVllllam B* Franklin, Hon.
John 11. Kcsran, Hon. Slinon I .tmerim,
General RichardTaylor, General John C&
Fremont, and such women as Mra. Stona
wall Jackson, Mra. E. E. Brings ("Olivia ')
and Mrs. Jessie Benton Krectnonl. The
prospectus of the WagKLT TIMES appears
in another column. At thin season wlici.
people are selecting their newspnjxjrs for
the next year, no one should fall to send,
for ami examine a specimen copyoftble
truly remarkable Journal.
On the 18th ult., at Pine Grove Mlllt,
Samuel Dueb. aged 80 veart, 8 months and
18 days.
On the 3d intt.. In I-ock Haven, Nannie
J. daughter of Jacob and Catharine J.
JvamP. aged 13 years and I days.
On the 4th Inst.; near Centre Hall, Mrs.
Rebecca Florry, aged 72 ycn.s.
Rev. C. F. Peinlnger will preach .
Kvangolloal Church, next bunday eve- ■
Rev. J. M. Smith will preach In the I*.
B. Church, next Suuday morning.
Rev. J. G. Shoemaker will preach In
the Reformed Church. Aaronsburg, next
Sunday afternoon. Kuglish. : *
Rev. J. Toinllnson will preach In the
Lutheran Church, Aarousburg, next Sun
day evening. Knglteh.
The Reformed Church at Rrbersburg
will he dedicated, Sunday,. .Jan. 13th.
Notice of the exercises will he glveu lit
Lodge and Society Directory.
The Mlllhelm Cornet Band will meet In
tho Town Hall ou Monday and Thursday,
evening*. „ „ „
Providence Grange No. 2t7 P. of Itf
meet* In Alexander * block on the 2nd Su r
turday of each month at Oj-4 r. *• arfd ott
the 4tn Saturday of each nionlh at I\* r. *.
The Irving Lliemrv Institute meets -in
the Town Hall, on the last Friday evening
of eaciymrmlh, until etliogwise ordoiwd.- >
The Mlllhelm 11. & L. AHSoriaSfcm moots
In the Town Ilall. on the cveufbg of the"
second Monday of each month. .
Mlllhelm Council No. 309, O: U. A. M
lneot.H every Saturday at 8 o'clock, r. M., \
tholr Council Room. Wilt's Building. D
grce Meeting* will be heh' on Tuesday
or before the full moon of each month.
| C. 11. Hud Sec B- F. Millbh.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob Stover,
late of Ferguson Township, deceBed.
The Auditor appointed by said Court, to
: bear and determine the exception* filed to
the account of Adam. Stover and Jonathan
Stover, Administrators of &c. 6f said Jacob
Stover, deceased, will meet the parties In In
terest for the purposes of his appointment.
, on Tuesday, the 7th day of January I*7B. at
i 10 o'clock, A. k. of said diy; at his office fto
1 the Borough of BeUcfonte, when and where
! all partie* interested may attend
' Dec 7. im. C. M. BOWER
I Auditor.
1 Letter" of
JCV 'AdthlbtMU-iUlon on the eNtutnofPhil
ip XelUell, late of ILitnca* townahlp, do
:'oewmd, Imxrlng been granted to tho under
>£e*l, nlppcrwin*. dtnowlng themuelves
Indebted to said oaUito ro i-qne*tcd to
make Immediate pavmcnt, and tho**. hav
ing claims again Nl ilia autnc, to proaeut
tbum, duly authentlcaimt for settlement.
4?<U AdmlnlaUutrtx.
LEGAL ls hereby giv
en thAt apnllcßtinn wdl be made to the
, -liCgislature of Pennsylvania ourlng Its tiext
to have the "eeond sestlon of the
Act of Assembly approved January 31st 1849
. eroctkvg - Henrysbwrg tig Centre county,
.lgh>A'borough, so "hanged ga to eeaure a
moreK|Uitable Asacastneut of water true*.
On and after Mrmday. Avpint 13fh. 1877.
• treinum this road %cill run daily, (except
Bxlndatft) as follows f
> * *f " r "• ~ r
- .) / . d*
A 1 ST A TIOX.I 2~ 4 TT
P. M. A A.M. A. tf. A H P.M.
AlO 9,20 7.J0 hfontand'jn, nr. nr. idft ar. R.OC'
•er. f.2& lh® 7.15 Levcifta/ ry, R. 35 g.3fj 8.45
10 OS 7.20 hair Ground, R.-44 Lis
10.14 7 AT Rie/U. lOG 5 30
)*.a 7.35 Vickshurg. • a.29 5.13
10-37 7.45 g.l9 6.00
LT.57 ar. A® MUlmont. R. 05 4.40
11. W Laurelton, 4..10
l.'O Qotnim, 2.41
ar. LP) Spring Stills. * J.l®
P. AC P iv~l A. M. A. Sf A 3L \ P kf
.VGA 1 A 2 connect at kianlandon utth
Erie Sfaii %oest IM tht Philadelphia D Erie
Rail Road.
Ifos. 3Jk 4 With Pnc(Jtc Rjcpr-ts D M.
A'OI 5 .FE D with Past Lin* 1 west.
An Oii\nlhu* will run Ittween Jrwistnirg
and Montandon, to convey passenf/erx to
and from Niagara Pxpr. ** W*F and Ixiy
Mo press east , ON CM Philadelphia A and
Rrie Rait Road.
The REGULAR Ron JLVNF Jhck+ts win he
honored taiwoen those two points.
, ON and d/ttr DNIWFAP, May IMA, 1877, the.
Trains on the Philadelphia and Jtrie .tail
Road IHtiSen wilt run as follows:
skspi Mali leaves New York. 8.25 P.M.
" - " Philadelphia M.Mp.m.
- •' *♦ Baltimore P. to p. M.
"f H , Ilazrisbnrp 4.J5A.M.
, " * " ffti nhury 8.3'0. m.
• ** 14 Monlandtm £.57A. M.
'• " ** Williamsport A36 A.M.
•' *' Lock Haven 8.40 A. M.
" " arr. at Erie 7.35 p. t/i.
ffiagdra Rx. it arts Philadelphia 7.38 a. m.
I ,ih " " Marrisbufg 10.50. M,
" *• '•* AUNS/RY 12.40 p. M.
" - Montandon IOA p. RN.
". " arr. at milifimsport 2.V1 p. M.
" •• t •' I.nek Ha*vn 3.l'> p. M.
" Kane 9.'S> p. M.
FP't Line teaves New York A.2.' A. m.
! „*? " Philiidslphia U.3.m.
" " tt'Utimore 113.5 A.M.
•' " " * Jtarrishvrg IN.
•• *• • B.4 Cp. M.
•' M M M< inland on A l l, p. m.
" " •* * Wiltiamsport 7.30 p. M.
L .. " •• arr. at Lock J/A- EN -. 8.40 J. M.
Pacidr Pr. leaves fork Harm ASS p. M.
'• •• " Wiltiamsport 7.F-A. M.
Montandon . low a. m.
> A-.N hury 9.25 a. m.
" " arr. at Harridturg 11.55 a. M.
LIE; f ?*' M 'Baltimore AlOji. m.
•' " . ** Philadelphia 8.45 p.m.
.Vc c York Kih p. M.
if ij lit* kar-s Kane MX) a. m.
* ? • " I.ccktlirm 11.20 A. M.
•• •• " Williams/met 12.40 A. m.
I ** .* " " . .WONFANDON 1.47 p. tn.
•• •• KunUury 2.15/.M.
, . " arr. at 4.lOJ>. M.
'*• •* •• Philadelphia 7.20 p.m.
" " " JVEW LORFC 10.15 p. m.
-* " " Baltimore 7.35 P.M.
•- •• " Washington 9.07 P.M.
frio Mall l*ax<i Erie 11.09 a. M.
s ... .. Lock Haven 9.45 P. m.
'• " Wllliamxpori 11.06 P. M.
" •• " Mintandim IHB p. tn.
" " " Runhury 12 46 a* m.
" " arr. at Harrisburg X 45 A.M.
•• •' " Baltimore 7.43 A. M.
" " " Philadelphia 7.0*) A.M.
>' " -VEIC I'ARL >0.06 A. M.
Put L ine ls-i'Ct William sport 1L35 A. M.
tiHtv.ury ion a. m.
" •* arr. at Jfarrist/urg 2.<H) A. M.
•• •• " Baltimore 7.45**. H.
" u •' Philadelphia 7.36 A. M
" " Hew York 10.35 A. RN.
Erie Xfait IFIIF. Niagara Ex. West. luwk
make close connection at Northumberland
with L. A B R Jl trains for Wilkesbarre
and ftcranton.
Eric Mail East ond Wt *f connect at Erie
with trains on L. R AM. S R R.. at FBRP
,TEI(6 O. C. A .4. V. It. ft. at Kmi*>rium with
[ R. N. V. A P. R. R., and at Driftw>od with
a r ji it*
parlor OIN will nmVlWfii Philadelphia
AND Willuerrutport on Niagara Express HVM
Pacific Express East and Day Express East-
Bleeping Cars ON all night tniins
WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. !
Mlilbrln Market
Wheat Mo. 1 1
W heat No. 2 J.
Com M
Rye W*
Oats White *8
Oats, Black 55
Buck wheat *0
Flour 6 "5
Brau & Hhorts, per lOO
Malt, per BrJ '.W
Planter, ground 10. CO
Cement, per Bushel. *6 to 30
Barley M>
Cloversced *•'s
Butter "
llatns J 5
f Idea
Kegs • 5
Potatoes. 15
Dried Apples *
Dried Peaches
Diicd Cherries: : *
CoiTeeted every WeJnwaday by Gephart
A Matter.
rietr Sc
PlttUr A
> *c ' ••
fllgheet market price paid for ail kinds of
... GKR.A T~N",
Delivered either at the BltlCK MILL or at
.Always tin band and sold at prices that de
fy competition.
A share of the puhHs patronage rctpwWoßy
# eltoted. '•
General Merchandise,
Main Slrcet, Millhclm, Pa.
■• ■ -O ■■ ■■
.Sella as clieup for
as any store In tlte county. 3tn
Martet Street, tear Third,
Where you will Had a full Mne ef
Consisting of L*dl, Mlmrwb and Chi
drena Hat* and Bonnet*, trimmed
and uutrlmmed. The largest imsortinept ot
lad Ira' )rea* Trimming*, Hotlarjr
Olam, If air •*•*!*, Jewelry and
The bl atro; wcM of Tfehadctpbia
all at tho lowiat prloo*.
Blaok Walnut Motto Frame* at
30 oentd.
Country Produce taken in Exchange.
J.UUU to sty a Day Nure. Miniau-ro,
f Book and Picture Agent*, and
all oat of employment, wt etcher set, here I*
the be* ebanee offered I Ida sueon. .
A Cash Present of from 96 to
9100 will be given to every good
working agent. Kcnd 10 cents for
aatall wonde, cr !>oUer atlll. Si for 3 Urge
taaipie* with etreular*. terra*, &c.. and no to
work at one*.
XKV.S. T BUCK. Box Ml, Milton. Pa.
SUTMention this papar. a-iv.
O't-HVi'i Public it ions.
Great roduetlnn l* price for DOR of
aox'a PICTORIAL, to S3 year, Single topic*
5 cent*.
Tne HUMS FA* os 2 a year. Rinprle cop
les 6 cents, for hv all newsdealers.
GLE*k<N'i MO MLY Companion to Si a
year, single copie 3 IQoeuts. All pooiagc free.
Sample <*ople sent on receipt of aSevnt
The price ofChroinos has Just been great-
Ip reduced. Xo out now giro* such liberal
terms to agents as wc do. Send for new
circular. Aild.waaF GLCABOM, 73S Waili
ng ton St. Ilo.ton. Mass 4C-I.
Send f H d>iced Price List of
(Nor. 1*77). Address, MASON A HAM
LIN oKAAN CO., 8.-slcn, Xew York o*
Cblcaen, 44* 4w.
W A IfPPTHo cm re a eaao of CATARRH in eaeh
W nil liiUiieSghborhoob, w'.th Dr. Ramser*
Remedy, te introdueo iu Sampla tree. J.
C. Tllton, PittsbnrK, T*-
TBATHF.R'a 1 For Cut*. Brniww t
° Bpraliss. Bli'nl and Bleed
REMEDY . | In* rues. Kkeua.Mtl-ru.
• ! Fractured Limbs,
Frosted Limbs, and Parts, rains in tbc
Musetea and Joints, Indolent Ulcers. IMs
eharitlnit Hoi-es. Swelled Sore Eraslnelas
and Varl-oee Veins U Saspord'S FXTHACT
or Wert H HAZEL Ask for it. beeauso it ts
better, stronger and cheaper than any other
and ts warranted by WEEKS it POTTER,
Wholesale Diicooists, 21) Washlnrton
Street, Boatoo. Mass. 46-lw j
An Koeri.tle Man or Woman la every
County to take the Agency for two of the
Most Popular Publications to the country.
P<>ur of the Finest Curoains (24x30 luefcrs
each) to K*enr Subscriber. The Best combi
nation Ever Before offered to A tenia, a*i
the Most Liberal I udueementa to Subscri
ber s. Our Fine Publications, Klexant Pre
tnlum.. nd Large torn missions place u* A
head of all Competitors, bend for lllustra
ed Circulars and Ternta.
tF. P. & L. Kh>TKIX, ruWbkers, 717Sansom
(Rreet. PhlladslphU. Aw
829 Broadwav, Xew York City:
Chicago III.; New (,rleans. La.;
10-4w. or tkau Franeisoo, Cel.
nrTVaand Revoiyera llluatratod Prloe last
uUilUfres. Gr*at Western Uun Works
Plttsbarc. P*. 46~*w
FCARI>9. JS stvles with name 10c. Out
ZOfltloc. Sample 3c. J. Hl'trSD & CO..
■nppMiMsoTH Otrrrrr To Krs-
L mJ L L rt BOOT. Htcm-wluder watch ;
"g free with first order. TVn Dol
* a day gnaranteed. M. j
| -* * * j
•ieiilt the DEMOS DUISK. by the refcran au
tlier. T. s. AKTHVR. A b*wk tosTAKTt.R and
ENi.MiitTRN the pewple. \ irid pictures and
puoors. how It curses ROOT. will, BOMC,
SOCISTT, etc. Unfolds the work <A INKBUIATR
etc.. etc. ttMA V- ■ It* sale Is MARyRLt oyA
OCR mfll.rwwltbaOOOiM.rsTßATiosis far
CACCII all others. J'rltetJust reduced 25 PR
cr.!! Hend for terms.
HUBBARD Bltos., Pubs.. . bansom St..
I'hiladelphta, _
Creative Science
Agents are selling fi*ni 15 to S copies a
day. Send for specimen pages and our extra (
terms to Agents, and see why it sells faster
than any other b*>k. Address. NATIONAL
PimuiHiNS Co.. rhUadetplua, Ta.
An old <3J>. retired Itvm priwMcti. r*-
ee,vd ir*iu *n <Aot luui* m;.-oiurj Uiu I'funo o.
% Muipio rw*ctnb) reiueuy frr sat) prmir!
coti ol i.u, rt-tt.rA, Aiii
s!i Uir,Mt ii,l affwtMm: )*>a *•'' K* crrn
d, b.i.t7 and all uervoua omplaint*, harm* it :
en:-atie pownrs in thousanoa of caaw.hM !•: .*
cmiloUMkL'il iaoaa to biaauHcriim fallows. i„ A, \ •
atoU t-y admm toralivvod-iiuaii aaStiranr.l unl M.. .
tro.' to all n no tloiur.. iI.IUM r,.ip in Oonnau,ra.:..
tetiu# liidi, v.thy *ll litroctMxif. Aulr*4.wiUiKt.uit;.
V*. .V,&.wrjr.uSf'uirvr'.i*t.K-k^r.S.a.
\Ye will duruig these HARD 7IHKs and
tho IlOLtDAYNjijsuose of 100 XEW PIAN
OS and <HTG\X of first-class makers at
lower prices, for casn or lustaHments, (/*n
eecr before offered. WATERS' Pi A SOS the BEST MADE, warrant
ed for 5 years. 111. Catalogues Mailed,
Great inducements to the trade. riANOH
I 7-ooUve. *'.4o; 7 1-3-octave, $l5O. ORGANS
I 2 stops, .448; 4 stops, OA ; 7 slops, ffJO ; 8
slops. 470 ; 10 stops, |-<5 ; 12 stops. ; ill
\ perfect order, not umenl a year. Sheet mu
■ sic* at half price. HORACE WATKRm &
HONS, Manufacturers and lvslej-?. 40 Ea?t
V'th etreyi, New York '* fw-inv
Wash. Hutchinson,
Satisfaction guaranteed V 4
Choice Brands of Tobacco
and Cigars,
Lew ittburff, Pe,
Hfll It Orett rt,Tfe to mat• ino.
■(■ Ill || ory. If jou can't aet geld !
UUkll| VIM fA " grcmbacl-u.
4 A , crned a p,'rx>ii in vry
town to take siitKKHrMlom for Hie lrfret.t, I
o!i<.aia?st and i>e*t illasiratod faonii> publjrxi ]
nor. in the world. Any one can been roe a !
| succ-tseful ag.'iit. The bviM decani works 1
.yf art ic*vcu free to -ulrscilhcrv The pricj I
l is so low that almost everybody sutscilUc<.
i One ageut inifkipe un'r tl'M jo a ■
: week. A lady aj;ent report* takiiiß ot*t 400
: sunecrit'ers In ten days. All who ;
uivke iion-y fast. You can dcvoU all vone I
Nmft tnthc hurincss, or only your spare time, j
I Xt'C U'.C'i n i b*. froUl b owe overnight, i
io*a can do itns well as otiiera. Eufi parti. 1
eiders, dtreothms and l I iusfrw*.. Ei;g.riiaod I
expe n |irts utftt froe. If you want pr.ditablo !
work semi us jour address at once. It coats !
uotklnc to try the bushicw. No vrlto en. !
Kafirs rails to make crest pay. Address "Ths i
J'eoplVk Journal," PortUud, Maine. ii-iy ;
Daniel F. Beatty's!
raL'rro*.— The reputation hare catae-i :
the celebrity of mr rgons, havo tndut '
cl aoifle unprincipled partiM and aKPiMs •
to eopp my circulars, and inlsreprosejit my!
Instruments; against this he publh are
hereby cautioned. All my trgans beat ie>
trade-mak, ttoWlen Tonrne, uud all mv Pia
nos h.ive the word PI vQ undt-itirjed
and also have mr name MHBCBnnd tcsk
deuce, havtai. F. RBattt, Washiutaa, N;
J., withi'ut which nous Is eenuiue.
Wi!lnsai, -N 3.. V. 8. A.
r'TJD ftXTTr ,nil,w, > <m s w*
wAfuWXS I wl J;i! ' ,s market out
W W plalcsst of a.I books—
"Tlain lloine Talk and Medical Connoou
Sense."—nearly l.Onti pxiue*. aTUluVratlons,.
by Dr. K. H. FOOTK. <<l I">j J.^x|u K u>n Ave
N. V. I'urcnasem of this book are at llbctl
to cunsmt its author in peison or bv to*
free, l'liee b> mall. A.V.J4 for the STaNnaa
ed llon. oi II.SO for the mptlaw edition
which contalus all the same maUm and it '
lustrations, ranfents tahlos free. Aosntr
CO.. 123 East >tb St. N. Y. 5F3-1 J
(Jet Ready For Winter!!!
* ' 4, \f 9
If vou want the very beet mnii cheapest ' *
' ' 4 %• -• ♦*
Parlor Stoic (Siaile orßoiilflc Heater^
Theee stoves have two row# of tight*. ami damping crate, arranged t 0 clean out
the dluker*. No danger trout <a*. no parts to bifrn oat o as ft lei KM tnt uK* *
room \V make three site# of theac stoves, as smgte heaters and lei a# dcuNe
If you n-Bt the r©ry best aWi r heavest
Cookiz Stores,
They art the b<t In the market, have si* boiler ho**. shaking and dumping eealP rd
Kplv the heat to all the boilers at once. The oven ts targe and.square, the < lotus in llM.ti.
Ie VLATIS are ll*a\ t. unlike tlir light pUtes of Hty staves. We make a No. VafiJ T< . '
of both the#e conking stores. A:1 warranted and yon euu get repairs from tho maaofao
Itiory i iu one doy.
For Satob, 7 J. A REE3EMAN, Cautre Hail.
J. B. FISHER, PennHaii, ■
" " " SNOOK, SMITH & CO., Millheiro,
" " "G.R. SPIGELMYER, Woodward.
Manufacturing Company,
We also manufacture the
Elegant T;ible Silverware I^Sgsji'
he h a'l r. .emi-llMi-. till '.lr f.*. ..!* -r: T i;r X' A S>. -r 35®': gf'wl.'
lii'K rwMUI . JIH >.,|titil firert, I tii.enfcift r.* t* F 1.., Hfcjtt'.: t-i.
elect AO, or-t°leV"t 'A' ■ rv. ,l:| • I ... ej,j , i,, icy*.,,-. ti, a i f*lT*J>i-i
Vair*-riic4 Miiw %im* any Uaawf-tf
ifll. V*4 tr* t* t*SvaiV Skil iwleg SI.TCCIMC u•: i v ..<1 ii t y®|i7 K. J
>U> f :i!i fur t,a<. :,i H 7# kai s'l t i.
•j charge*. I-,i r.(mint 0.1. i...,. r: kiw'f. be-nir. t*.
< §*,. The Siva, -|il fc. ..til l>y -or iu:Ul if , .u F.i.f i,pm .U... i. Amvsf
i* 'liitr k*k4l iUMI finiii r w:. T'...5.. ?. srr sm. re.,•.* <■ \ti yW£{ J
he beet mci rWi. >1 Mich* U,t * mrm wade, .* .. £.
vr, >m tb* t'> ihf tt/(i u.iifk : tlKßpf ■ ']
Omf|i>fJi(iiA Ibvu rLTT* c.. "M 0-'tn> St.. "Ptif, r* t'' I
T TvUom it may Cb'iccrn.- Th S, u* u>i ••:> at. r.- ,• „ a: gAe jS !
;r*..irv after but<.tii>.r.rH t.oailiv ■. 4 it* |.t.L r.l, UVi-i' Kf A| ■'J
L low,, i. m l • 4..n, Ic-eaira , laic <.f Cvtu-SiM.4nr4 si w r if.wj a^EfVV f
f Hit a rt-L luJ rtwiti tu U', iU rery cca*. Si T.r.p >. Io' n TT-t*-.." WkSf sj
XV. wi., !i BunrAac a O.a 4* u l cmi a iha Ml a'rjr. rr*-a. -*"* illTii* -M
il i, ■.*: a-.a at Mr bIuMT >;> • frr.o, lie *■ r* • f liN ;**• •. Mf's|a>
KATIOt.AI.bILVtJI rt.".11K3 <TO., ' Pf r**
'.o* Cficßtnwt St., t.i.laftTß.Jila Jj
.SILVERvT!ur?r < . ;
e O:, Cnup. a. t'g.fbur ajifc 7f i- ar> "■ vV. \
>f , Tpr,r H. .lag. citarmtUy r;J li. tmy. , c h -rol.t jr_.Y SvU#tu -tty TJ-' *
."*• a i-l t 0..-1 cj U.4u-lilku4kr<l luabV, .*V I*.<J v • . V^ltX
SILVER ■ ' . . * S^YI
r>4 "t .itch Sr-unn ur d. ~r<4 iafii-.F. All ekarit. ,-+ V fc -r.-vil' V, H&S
75 c.-um .ci a., ail airfiva, till bj OvliiatcJ ... Jul .••
liuu.l lur a|n</ i'l floljl IV, pjpe'. *rt- tfr, /* nil „h V •_ JSSjaP
' >-!• iSiJiu?} KATIOVAL SILVKtt go. . EjlH
_ 701 C'liTatnn'. rfl., r':iflct. 1 tir*4. *.'•** IPUq
kStitl# ll h lt*lrt4, 4#J "a" •' tl.a '..'.li-iJU-RiW " i'f ti'Asiv! !•,* ■ " *•*" J&SSjßfn
tl' ; ibe Svu.9, on f ibu •!•.. HA f+rt" . Si.n*l '' " *
baltT*. L..on.t haa4Mar>nU 1 ;.lc.v, vt -i*. ;.>b.Jilt iA'AS ">.l ,Ut*V •SBUWwigSp^aL
at: •<* fur*,, val'hul mi .iIT-c htM. Vi r,>. if .i ;hiW : i /i
f.*A, nr. d•■ >. rel. twl..e thr h-Ihl chnre * lS h MifTr, 'S eta.for . a /ApJWmfli' ■ Sjffl/Wjr'*-
#! fur tulret. and >r P rk^—uh.', V* 70— ibti MNrnriue fie 55.7W Tyiil.TY*,
ah,i at'ttitf t ,mi u. b unfit i-Ttt . there, r# 6. r* mb that * ■ fj|' T'T^
each er*Ale. mw -Ave". wIU Uengraved Vfiiu auy Uitial W" f , W,
dtialrcd wttheat extra dai. - :^J
T>il !!•;'! offer Ite .i, .u<-4 f, r-xm <!, M. eiefeer uSSI it" | £&
It Nto the lrter*.i ~r,|j l..r.ii .e-i re it.. ..-i.-aTTu ... i.. al lAef > -w!
are n-ttdi-twrrtrlW teiivMi fR" eaat-ftf tni'afAbe tiaarweci&ni. .#dßkV d . ,
tar* o.tWting SHl,er- .*r Uwuld he iircv; to lie •• * • • - W|,'i ■ iff
NATIONAL CTV., * v W&i? jft
Be. 704 Cltes*.i>M| a£i
P4 Mfi
'' ■ . V
Ottnd fiqnarro Ami Uprig*.*
Bbt v rru* m sffy BEA'.>*.
DilE F.BEAffT, 7
Washington. N>w .I<vttrv, (.*.<
smcem: , r
—ni* TBk
> let ftgiari I4ie If.
I Ihe oldi>t mutual in the country, Oia* '• -
I !835.
li *',CWYi&N•
MARION A WAM UK,.tittnul > i
. izi douut I'wiUijiuttt, ---^
■■ T
LI ■ ■•
HI Is&£-'
I# | 111
*"i sinral -iu>b. **-llur out ton
wedding ring. mid gerls' J'irlfljiw di'tw .
njn. Tsc aifcvJ article RW. W .#' * :
i i TsTliaivVon r< Tail** ftr >•'
; runt slock and unit be sold. B ,>l ld MiV
i Uold •;ic^joh./ur*i*etttaUrtV'
; poses, tr.n-.1l tlmciA. C'idin Hi feppquwief
1 *AWjjcuaiuo fir*H. git 1
honesty, fair d*ilhig n"t*4 Htwraftty t%J*
Mttaltfii by may ad' ertisnc In this CiVJ• •
r Daw Book n-.\ IC, IS*. ■ * '
I*. MUCK MAN U Spaf..
f" Vila! Wr-altntK or I*■ pre .*!?£. a wojef- *•
I hauslcd tcling, no energy "T <V U "'-i •
I Wnilt f Mect-it ve; worn, linliKiiMiKT
j Lactase*, l> some dralu u;uu u*,j<*v:w * *
I always cured ly
i HnDphrs® : s HoQicotata I'* 1 '* B*s!Bj iff.
! 28, ■ ■
I ll tone-* Up ai.'l tSb S/Wie*:
I dispel* Uw g!>om and deanputfeocy, J/cfi...
! strength nd cuergj "t J\* t*.s drain a**
! rejuvenates the enure man. Kien
i latklv vear* Willi perlcet uoe*f !•}' In*-?
audi.' .Id h*b*alrn. ''itee,*!
ek vial; or t*A)d*Mr package •>! ftr ® yj ' <
and rUI f acr. Srtit *!•' *•• •
riceiin of price. Ai4ro* Uu<OPrv,
ii<>iaoa*atl!ic Mcdiclac.cuuipsnv. **: Urot-.
wmv. NVw ¥*rir. . M ty.,
These 'jfaud* nf dwt-et riu~ ato a"i6y
ed??.f ly all. to h.. liowi.aK
Toimrft tu xua'l-i. rye up i> A
shapes ami sir"*, it ialre!Wy pad VAi'J.
nrappMV- freM y ihetrsdi KCctra'-iy- ***■■•
for j;vple tj the Pia^u!a^uTf.
C. A. JAUK.I %' •<< 'f -
Gko. i\ Wa*ui.% Genrral A jeuf.
j. d SM. S ami . Sfixji *' iHr f.n* ;V A
D C A TTV p lAN b i
DE A ill Kus£*m=r-
Ufand f<iare IJ^risVfc
From Geo, B. Letcher. w h
LeicUer & Oro. BauK*;'*. f aycttc. - fcrn.*
•• We received i*J H*o ami loiua it •
very Un* ouc out Ueitj. \V aitod a *asi'
titic to jilvc tt .1 tvi - I you nlen a
wordlnUtor o| U w will. merlulh-Kjroit.'
Jama* VL Bruvru. . K-rwardJilllint
"Tfce ttaiij riano we< jvad glvfa
satisf-u'tiou." Ageti'm wutilod. km 1f
catalogue. Address ' ..x.
V. Nw \£. *. A