lie journal. ss VN-VWNXN . ■ C" -filler -& Deinin£Er. Proprietors < * • K O. DWsrsfOEß, Associate Edlto r k , ,4.'j / Sillheiin.Thursday, Doc. G. Tnn— Per Annum, SLIDIXG INTO THK LAST DltCfl. For the past week or more party strife has raged most feartullv in that high and august body—the.Uni ted States Senate. The Republicans, feeling that they nre"swiftly approaching their 14 last are making a last dvsjie- struggle to retain tle i>ower they so long held and which for the last eight vears they used almost cx ■chiaivelv for tle advancement of party and personal interests. Tne House is Democratic beyond the hope of recovery for the Reptile licans. Ilis Frsiu lulencv, the Presi dent, it; seriously defective as a pu tisan. He is not at all "particular whether he apj>oints Democrats. Ex Rebels or "good Republicans," to office. 110 does this not from anv motives of statesmanship, but to atone for the crime of having ac cepted the high oilice of President, loaded and coated with fraud. The Republicans in the Senate are 1 furious over the loss of their power in making appointments. They can no longer foist their sat elites and vassals upon the people, whether possessed of any litness or not. The uaintlyConkling and the pure Ed munds become surly and ill-tenijier ed. They put their heads together to devise means which may for a while longer secure them a majority, and then find a remedy tenijtorarv though it be—in the admissson iff the noble Kellogg as Senator from Louisiana. Under the parly lash and parliamentary trickery Kellogg is admitted. It makes nod inference to Edmunds and Conkling that they are simply cheating the Louisiana penitentiary out of ils dues : it is even a recommendation with the great Edmunds that Kellogg is soak ed and saturated with the stench of Return Board infamy, perjury and fraud ; nor does it in the Iwwt ar rest them in their partisan course to know, as they must know, that Kel logg's.claim to a scat in the Senate has not the slightest foundation in law or fact. Such minor considera tions can not be suffered to stand in the way of great party achievements. Kellogg is a Republican—lie claims the seat—his dirty vote in neeeed— lie is admitted and is now a full Hedged Senator. While we congratulate the Remit u llcan party upon their glorious vic tory. wepridict that Kellogg will le custed anil laiuled in a penitentiary, long before the "six years from .March 4th, 1577. shall have expired." TiF r\Rot.l\t rtssi. The Sfnlene* Imp cars impris onment in jail and fine, and one year's imprisonment added if the fine is not paid at tiie expiration of two years; Smalls, member of , -Congress, for accepting a bribe of "$5,000 while a member of the State Senate, three years at hard labor in State Penitentiary ; L. Cass Car neuter, formerly proprietor of tiie Columbia Daily Z'nion. for forgery in raising amounts for publishing tiie laws in his paper, two Hears in jail and fine of one thousand dollar*. Appeals will be made in all the cas es, Smalls has been out on lwil and n motion was made to continue bail in his case, which lias nut l-een de cided. Pending decision ac to trial, he remains in custody of the jailor. •Cardoso remains in jail, where be has been for some weeks, but appli cation for bail has lieen made by his counsel. No effort to bail Cafpen- Jter lias been made. Rioters Sentenced. PITTSBURG. December, I—Judge Kirkpatrick, in the quarter sessions court this morning, sentenced the following persons, convicted of par ticipation in the railroad riots of July last: Daniel Mortn and under M'AllisterT for tneliciou* mis chief, were each fined $5OO ai d sen tenced to six months in the work "bouse, the full extent of the law. Moran tampered with a telegraph instrument at the railroad station and M'Allister intimidated a freight engineer. J. M. Green, for divert ing a switch, was lined $1,500 and sentenced to one year and six months in the penitentiary. Thom as M'Call, for striking Assistant Su perintendent Watt when the latter attempted to move the switch, was fined $1,500 and sentenced to an ini prisonmeirt of oneyear. James Car ter, for making incendiary threats to burn the Susquehanna freight depot, was fined s£,ooo and sentenced to one year and ten months in the jien itentiary. Matthews Marshall, for firing coke cars, was fi ed $5,000 and sentenced to six years and ten months in the i>enitentiary. All were drunk at the time the offenses were committed. The Union County Teachers' In stitute wili hold its 22nd annual meeting at Mifllinburg, commencing on the 17th inst. The M. B. L. Association will , have its regular monthly meeting. next Monday evening. All ye that ; have dues to pay take notice. Miss : A word in your ear. The next fine afternoon that yon saunter • out, buy a box of GLENN'S SUL PHUR SOAP. That admirable puri fier will remove every one of those • pimples which detract so much from your beauty. Sold by all Druggists. There is Youth in ever)' bottle of HAIR DYE. At Hover's yon can bny the finest Fur Hats at $2.00. Best style. * • , The Republican calls the good i*>o pie of Kreamersville—Jie Kreamers villaina. Miaine on hihi. Latter end of last week we had a real cold snap. Underwear and overcoats were m active demand. Millheim now hts three regular oyster stores and A fourth Mo in prospect. The several bosses all seem to be making money. Boyer sells the best Calico at 54 and 04 cent per yard. Joseph Shafev, Nittany Vallev, butchered a young bull last week, 10 months and 12 days old, that had a hide weighing fatbs. 3581b5. of ressed meat and 25lbs. tallows. It was only common (grade stock. I'lio IVtfrki* ca g.*s for one of our townsmen after this fashion : Mr. Joint B. Foul, a young man well known in Hcjlefiintr, Dt*ftig a tailor ot' skill ami ta>t*. has o]H'netl a tailoring es tablishment in MUUiottn. And that is the placo*or the lOIIM in that section to et elejrant clot lies, and cheap too. Having obtained special rates on (JoAL OIL to Coburn Station we arc now prepared to sell by thebarrellto dealers at the same price they would le changed either at Sunburvor Wil liamsport. tf SMi rn it Co. A full line of Clothing for men and boys—at Dover's. Very cheap. Tin? HOG SUBJECT takes up much space in the newsiapers just now. The Mifflin burg Telegraph gives nearly a column of close and logical reasoning on the matter, winding up by cni,reusing tnat it is willing to take a ho/ of about 200 on subscrip tion. Mr. Sammy K. Faust is deter mined lo le up to time in all matters (tertaiuiug to tlw? business of Coach and Sleiglunakiiig. He has just ooinplctid as fine a lot of sleighs as ever were built in Centre county, if von want anything in that line really gH>d and neat yen hail better give Sammy a call. The Burlington Haickeye chap, the Syracuse S'uu'iar>i man, and broth er Met-k, of the Watchman, each thinks he has the prettiest wife in creation. Always the case—the ug liei the man, the more vain and jeal ous he is of his I letter half. Meek, (what there is of him.) is even yet the "nest looking of the lot ! Linn's lnna'.fc of fiutfaU Valley. Copies of the al>ove valuable local history of the far-famed Buffalo Val !ey may be obtained of It. F. Brown, Lewisburg Daniel Derr, Belief out e, or at the JOUKNAL Booh" STOKE, Miilneiiu. i'rice $2. After Decemtier Ist the subscrilier will l>e prepared to carry express packages and small bundles and oox *s of goods, from Coliurn station to Millheiin. Aaronsourg WWKI* ward, and all points along the line. at reasonable chai ges. The patron age of thepublie resjiectfully solicst td. J. WILLIS MUSSKR. All colors in Two Fly Maroon Heading Fringe, silk tied, at 30 els. a yard, at Boy r*s. At Coopersburg, Lehigh county, 'i Wednesday night, twelve tramps veiv arrested by cifneus of that town. They made stout resistance, tiring a number of pistol shots at the citizens who invested I lie old house m which they had taken refuge. Large quantities of stolen goods wen- found in the house. Tiie des j>eradoes were lodged m jail at Dov. lestown.— Ex. Rev. Henry Ward Beeclier has been engaged to deliver a lecture in Bellcfohte, Tuesday evening, Janua ry Ist. Think we won't go—first because of financial reasons, and secondly -ticcause tike liejjnblican threatens that the influence of the leetore will lie so "elevating and re fining" that we fear we would be of but little practical use in this rude and sinful world thereafter. The Middleburg Post says that on Saturday. N< 4 v 16th. while the teacher, Mr. Weidensuul, and his pupils were cleaning the Troxelville schawl house, Uie'Ceflit-g gave away, and billing U,K>U a daughter o f Jo siah Kline, Injured her so badly as to cause death in a few hours. Sh • was aboutl2 years af ige. The di rectors were in the same day, in ik ing efforts at repairing the half-hrok en dcwu ou tiding.— Leicxsburg Jour nal. Maftc-laese Cloaking for ladies at Bayer's, $2.75 per yard, very late it style. - - •• ♦ Of course that 650 porker of Gen. Wolf's was a socker, sell is so, and we fear i is all that aay of our read ers can do to beat it; but we butch ered thr< e hogs last week (i. e. we got others to do it,) each one of which would have weighed more than the General's, had they lived and IKTCII well fed for about a year longer. the whole hog question, h >i ed down to a proper consultancy, i* one of corn and time, more than of merit. J. Newman. Jr., of the Eagle (Jl"lMi*g Hail. IMlefonte. Fa., keeps up his reputation as the boss cloth ier in Centre county. Newman un derstands bis business tlemmghly and sells lower than anv other house in his line in Central Pennsylvania. Overcoats, winter suits, gloves, boots, hats, underwear, and in fact everything in the line of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, of the liest qual ity and at the lowest prices. Pat ronize Juiius —he will do the square thing by you. One of the meanest acts ever beard of was co min if ted hi Nittany Valley the other week. While Mr. William Shafer was lying a corpse, his ;toro at Washington Iron Works was for cibly entered and robbed of all the groceries and ui my other goods, by some unknown God forsaken rap scallions. If we bad control of the general disposition of things, we would send the devil alter these low. dirty subjects, with the biggest, ug liest ami sharpest hook that could be scared up. and give him orders to sock it into their foul carcasses and drag them to" where they couldn't annoy decent people auy more. Don't buy tbe old style Bail Fringe, when you can get tbe Two Flv Friog Jat Boyer's, for only 30 cents per yard- The U. S. Steamer Huron was reeked off the roust of North Car olina, thinner the storm of last week. Of a crew of 134 persons only 34 were saved. Martin Wise, a native of 1 fen us Valley, died at his home in Wood si oek township. Crawford omiuty, l*a., Oct. .9th 1577, aged 99 years ami 1 month. Mr. Hayes rewards E. W. Stough ton for Ins services before the 4X B to 7" commission with the appoint ment of Minister to ltussia. Is not the laborer worthy of his hire ? This time it is Isaac (/'rider, son of Philip Crider, of Lock IIAYen, who accidentally shot and killed himself while'An his way home from a pheasant hunt near Beech ('reek. IJe saw ;• pheasant, went to the back of his wagon and caught hold of the m -zzle of his gun to draw it out. The trigger caught, the cun dis charged its load into his breast find and he expired instantly. The Laurel Wreath, single or dou ble, is the tiest parlor stove, and the Economy and Zenith the best cook ing stoves ru use. They Are all madb at Lcwisburg uy tbe Slife , Walls & ShrinerCotnpauv,and it' by accident any part or piece gets hioketi. you can get another in a day. Just read the advertisement in another column. At ill* MifUteim Marble Works a magnificent monument is now l>eing built, to mark the last resting place of A. Dntwiler, Est., deceased. When completed we will give a full description of it in the Journal. This makes the third monument built by Deininger & Musser, during the present season and they all give entire satisfaction. It would la well for people who need anything in tliis line, to see first what they can get at home. The way in which Senator Dill would say "That is all, sir," after he had examined a witness in the Kuouf trial, spoke volumes. To one it won d say, "your evidence is true and important," to another "your evidence in this case don't amount to much," to a third, "my opinion of yotir character for truth and va ra city is not very high." And you could almost always tell the Sens tor's opinion of the witness by the way he uttered those Tour tvoids, "That is all, sir !" And as small things have their effect, too. we have no doubt that the Senator's varia tion in articulating tltose words had some influence in this case on tbe jury.— Sunburg Democrat. We art' informed that Dr. llhond*. of Ilartleton, while driving through the Narrows, recently, was stnpiied by a i>erson in female attire, who was in a moment after joined by a man WHO popped out of the brushes, but their intentions—certainly evil ones —were not made known, for the reason that other travelers hippcn etl upon the scene, when the frec -1 >ooters decamped, and thereupon the Doctor drove on. It is said that Dr. Iloy, of New Berlin, was halted in a similar manner in same section, and no doubt by the same parties. He. too, esca:ed thiough tiie timely arrival of deer hunters. Persons having occasion to travel that road, had belter tie well armed. — Mijflin bnre upon us and already evervbodv is docking to tlie Book and Stationery stores for Christmas presents. Thanksgiving WsVs observed with more than usual interest liere, espe cially at St. Jolilrs Episcopal Church. Services were couducetd by the ltee<- tor, Itev. John Hewitt, who preach ed a very able sermon froin Genesis. 8 ; 20, 21 and 22. Business was gen erally suspended and the stores clos ed. A literary society has been started here under the name of Pythian So cial Club. May it have abundant success. The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation holds regular meetings on Friday evenings and Sunday after noons. These meetings are highly interesting and l>enetieial,and should be largely attended. The lumbering business has im proved rapidly last week, caused bv the swelling of the river in conse quence of the recent heavy rains. The trains from Lock Haven are daily loaded with lumbermen re turning to their homes in Clearfield erruntv. A KIM) HKQI EST. It is now about the season of the year that people think of paying their small llehla, such as taxes, shoe-maker's ami tailor's accounts, subscriptions to preachers, Rntl—f we fondly hope—their printtas. We have labored industriously uiid nc cording to thMieat of our itbiltot to give our readers a good, readable lo cal paper, and have received but small sum on subscription, during the year. Make up your iniml when you Tead this, to pay your subscrip tion between now and Jan. Ist, and d it. We need money—constantly —for current and living expenses, ami if we get what is due us we can get along well enough considering the times. Please remember—be tween now and Jan. !. "A prelit netVspaperln every Hon*e of the phnwo" Is the Judgment of Joorualists ami the people upon the Phlludelphtii WKKKI.V Tisilts. Not yet u year old, this weekly paper has Hclik'Vixl a RIIOCCNI In elreulatlon as well as In intluenee that Is without parallel. It embrttsr* eight jmue* or fifty-six roliitiitti*, fttH to overflowing with readable matter gleaned from every part of the wide fields of Polities, Litera ture. Selene* and Art. The editorial ptige ahoiiuils in erlsp comment* on the news of The day . euilMMtying envefni and Inde pendent 'judgment fearlessly expressed. The departments relating to llouie and Society and the Farm and Garden makes it welcome at every tlreside, ami otter from week to work temphitimna that are irreslstable to the scissors of an edlti*- Fiction, jKS-try and ta'cs of travel ami at ventnre find a place in every number. Hut tlio great instinctive feature of the Philadelphia WBSKLY TIME* is its current series of chapters on the 1' XWKITTK.-* llis- TOHV or ritK WAR. Kveryone of these is front the ja-n of ft pramluent actor In the late coutlict between the States, and de scribes some platse o( the war that came w ithiu liis own personal observation. No newspaper ever lietore presented such an array of contributors as apjtear in this de partment. Among them are such men as lion, t'url Sclmrz, ilon. A. (I. (hi it in, ben eral -Joseph E. Johnson, General Joseph Hooker, (icneral James Longdreet, Hon. John VV. Forney, General G. T. Beaure gard, General William it- Franklin, lion. John H. Reagan, Hon. Simon Cameron, General ltiebardTaylor, (ioneral John C. Fremont, mid such women as .Mrs. Stone wall Jackson, Mrs. K. K. Brigg* ("Olivia ') and Mrs. Jessie )t**ntou Freemoiit. The prospts-tus of tltc WSKKLT I'MTX appear* in another column. At this season whet, people tire selecting their newsjiajK-rs for tins next year, no one should tail to send for ami examine a specimen copy of this truly lciuurkable journal. THE Sim, 1678. NEW YORK. IsTS As the time approaches for the rfiifnit of subscriptions, TilK SUN would remind its friend* and well wishers every where, j I hut it is again m eumiidutc for their con- ■ aidemtion and support. Upon its record for th* pad ton years tt relies for* eon. tinuance of the hearty sympathy ami gen. emu* cooperation which huve hitherto been extended to it from every quarter of tlie Union. The Dully Mis Is a four page-sheet of | 2* columns, pulce by inull. p•s r. u. and on the 4th Saturday of each month at ltf r. m. The Irving Literary Institute meets in the Town Hull, on the List Friday evening of each month, until otherwise ordered, v The Millheiin B. A L. Association no-eta in the Town Hull, on The evening of the second Mrmibty of each month. Mlllliefm Council No. SOP. o. U. A. M ' meets every Saturday at 3 o'clock, r. m.. 1 - their Council Room, Wilt's Building. I> ■* gree Meetings will be held on Tuesday ■ . or before the full a'.oon of each nion th. * C. 11. HELD Sec. U. F. .MILL vu. ADMINISTRATOR'S SAL K.—Letters of Administration on the estate of Pbll jlp Leltzell, lart of llilncx township, de ceas 1 1, having been grunted to the under* ! signed, all persons knowing tlientelTr.\ j indebted to said estate are requested to I make tin mediate payment. and those hav . ins claims against the Mine, to present | them, duly authenticated for settlement. MART WISKLERLECH, 47-ft. Administratrix. T' ■ KG AT, NOTICK.-Not .ee H fceraby giv J en that apnllcation will i* made to the Leuislature of Pennsylvania curing its nevt sessiou. to have the second sesUoti of the Aet of Assembly approved January .list IK9 j erecting Hcnryshurg In Centre county, ! into a Isirough, so changed as to secure a 1 more assessment of water taxe?. 4S-ST. - - * 11 ...I ■ milhcltu !WaTki Wheat So. 1 l.|o Wheat No. i.„ I.*) Corlt ,V) , By* 50 ! tints White -jA ! Oats. Black Buckwheat Ao Flour 6.75 i Bran A Shorts, per hundred ' 1.00 • Salt, per Brl , 1.80 Plaster, ground lO.'iO i Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50 Barley 50 Tymothvseed , Flaxseed Cloversecd 4.©5 Butter 22 Hams 15 I 1 Ides 10 i Veal . I FKKS 32 Potatoes 35 Lard 8 Tailow 7 Soap 1 8 Dried Apples .* 4 Dried Peaches Dried Cherries 4 I „ Corrected rnrrv Weliwrtir hv Kopksrt J * Vrwer. L C. ft 11. V KAIL ROAD. EXTENSION rtir Tllk I.INK TOSrItING MILI-8. (hi and after Monday, August \3th. 1877. train* on this road icill rvn daily, (except Ewutnys) us follows : ' • i i . . *' v . WEST WARP P.A&TVtAUDi. 3" r~ STATIOXfI " 4 b I' if. A.m. A M L I A M. A M. I'; M. 6.10 9,gn 7.U! Moi-tandon, nr. ti.*o ur. 5d5 art 6.10 ar. 8.2 i lOJOCI 7.1.1 lsvU*mrg. g.35 £fin 6.4-1 ln.ft.l 7.2 1 hair liround, 8.44 8.29 10.14 7.28 Hiehl. g..' 6.30 10.21 T V. Vicksburg, S.2y 5.13' 10 37 74-1 Mfltiinbury, - g.19 3.uo' 10,57 ar. 8.00 MthmorU, 8.05 4.40 11. lo ' lAtit reUon, 1.00 ty>h,iim, , £45 ar. 1.40 S,triTto Mill* . 2.10 P. jr. I p jr. I A. M. A. .vT : A.M. p M. 1 - • So*. 1 ,4r 2 connect at lrith Krie Mail wrst on the Philadelphia 1 Aril Kail lload. -Vox. A d 4 with Par(/te Express a.< X. . Mns. 0 ,t <> With Fast west. An Omnibus will run between Iswlsfairp ait'.* Mantaudon. to canrey jmssenyers to 1 and from Xiapara Krpr-ss west and Day Express east, an th* Philadelphia Jr and Erie Rait Road. The regular ltail n>jad Tickets will be honored between these two points. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. PHI LAD LPJIJA ,fr ERIE R. R. DlVJ srox. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after ffituday. May 13f5, 1877, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Rait Road Division will ran as follows: WESTWARD. Erie Mail h ares Xew York-, 8.2.1 p. m. " ** Pluladelphka ]l..V>i>. m. " ** *' Riut/niore 9in p.m. " " " I/drrishurv 4.2.5 a. m. " ' " Rnh*ry 6.: si a.m. : Mont a rut on 6.57 a. m. . WtUiamsiMirt 8.35 a. m. " " Jstclr Haven 9.40 a.m. " arr. at Erie 7.35 p. m. Xlagara Ex. leaves Philadelphia 7.20 a. m. 1 " ' " " Hnrrishurg 10.50 a. m. " " Runhvry ltihr.m. " " AJontundon 105 p. m. " arr. at \Yilliatn*j>ort 230 p. m. . "• " " lstek Haven .8.21 p. m. " *" " Kane 0.20 p.m. EXt.*t Line leaves Xew York 8 21a.m. " *' " Philadelphia 11.30 a. >. - " " Raltimore 11.3" a. /•. •* " " Harrisburg 5.204*. ni. ' " * " Sunhury 5.4f p. n. *' " " Mantandon 6.i.1 p. m. > M " " WWiamsjiart 1.30 p. m. " arr. at Lock Haven 8.40 p.m. K AST IV A 11D J*acij fe AV. Incites Jxwk Haven 6.50 p. ta. Witlinnsport 7 A') a.m. " 4 * ' Mantandon 9 a. m. " " " Sunhury 935 a. in. " " arr. at Harridairg 11.51 a. rti. t :r." " " Raltimore S.lO p. m. I .. •' " " Philadelphia 3.45 p.m. " " '' Xew York 6.4.1 p. m. Day Ex. leaves Kane 6.1*1 a. m. w " " I/or k Haven 11.20 a.m. " ,4 " Williamspoet 12.40 a. iw. " " A/ontandcn 1.47 p. h. w Snrit-kry 2.J5 p. rh. - •• arr. at Harrisburg 4.10 p.m. " " *• Philadelphia 7.3• p. in. " " " .Vev Ybrk p. m. *• " " UaJtimure 7.35}. m. '• " " WVrv/iinptrtn 9.07 p. ft. Erie Mail leaves Erie 1109 a. m. •' " •' leock Haven 9.46 p.m. t " " " William*}*rt ll txlp. m " " *• Montandon p. in*. " " " Runbury 12 4-1 a-m* •' " arr. at Harrisburg 245 a. m* . " " Raltimore 7.45 a. m" " " '• Philadelphia 7.00 a. in " " " Xew York 10.05 a. m* JP.ut Line, lesx' ft Wi'diarnsport 1235 a. m' ,r-i .. ... n u nhury 20fta. m" • " arr. at Harrisfairg 4.0f1a. n" " " Jlattiinore 7.45 a. *n' " • " " Philadelphia 7.31 -4w WN l" ■■ MAwuoTfi OCTTIT To EYE MH RFF EBS K KTBOWY. Stoin-winder walch II aLI with first order. TV Dol- a day guaranteed. M. C RON EC H & ('<., Pnti.ADKI.PBU, I'A.. or MLLWACLKE. WISCONSIN. pv-4w 10 ooi • ■ Cf n | 'k-rtiEUJaiMlUi als MPM • ./• 'S. dealt t>.e DUCON twos*. iy die ivUwan au riier, T. S. ARTHUR. A book tosTARTLE and the people. Vivid pictures and PROOFS, how it curses BODY, SOUL. HOME, SOCIETY, etc. Unfolds the work of INEBKIATK ASYL'.'MS, RIOSPKI. TEMPERANCE, N\ OMAN'S UKUSADK, FRANCIS MURPHY, PROHIBITUM, etc.. etc. ONLY £2. Its sale is MARVELLOUS. OI'R BIBI.E* with 2ooo ILLUSTRATIONS far excell all others. I'ricss just reduced 25 IKK CT :! Send for terms. HUBBARD BROS., Pnbs.. Sansom St., Philadelphia, WWw AGENTS WANTED FOR Creative Science *or MANHOOD. WOMANHOOD, AXDTUKTK MU TUAL LNTKK-RELATTON9; LOVE. ITS I.AWB, KTC. Agents are selling from 15 to 25 copies a day. Send for specimen pages aad our extra terras to Agents, and aec why it sells faster than any other book. Addreea, NATIONAL rwrmwrvk r.y. Hi W>mV; r,>. <*-> Christmas Goods just received at the JOURNAL BOOK STORE Flret Floor tJf Tfiusser's Building-, Mill helm, Permit. Mottoes, all styles, Clfromo Mottoes, Motto Frames, Zephyr*, Splibts, Ornamental Flowers, Bristol Board, all kinds. Ladies' Pocket Bok uig stoves. A.l warranted and you'tan get repaiisftoin tltu inanutac tuory in oua doy. For Sale Or J. A REE3EMAN. C antra Hall, " " J. B. FISHER, Penn Hall, " " " SNOOK, SMITH & CO., Millheim, •" " "G. R. SrIGELMYER, Woodward. MANUFACTUKKD BY TilE SLIFER, WALLS ft SHRINER Manufacturing Compuiy, LEWISBURG, PENNA., We also manufacture the CELEBRATED BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER, KEYSTONE CLOVER lIULLEK, COLE'S UNIVERSAL SITLKKY CULTIVATOR, NEW MODEL. CKN, TRE DRAFT, HORSE DUMPING HAY HAKE, LAND ROLLERS, PLOWS CORN SHELL EKS, &C., &C. G(X>PS AT REDUCED PRICKS !!! <;w.|>S AT REDUCED PRICES !!! ROODS AT REDUCED PRICES!!! J. W. STAB, DEALER IN General Merchandise, AT ALEXANDEIVSOLD STAND Main Street, Millhelm, Pa. O Sells as'cfHcap for CASH AS any store in the county. Sin XA" iiinvtavniK''. 184©pgs Quart®. 10,000 Words ami Meanings not in other > , Dictionati**., ...... FWH PAKE* Ft ATM INVALUABLE IN ANY FAMILY, AND IN ANY B'IIOOL. More than Sb.BOO copies have been plac e-bin tbepubln sclmo.s of the United States. Uecofamended by State SnfwrtnteudentH of School* in SO different States. The sale of Webster's Dictionaries if times a*Kret a the sale of any series ol Dictionaries. , ... Contains SOOO Illustrations. neariy three time*-' as many as any other Dictionary. off AT the three pictures of a SHIP on page 1751,—t lieae alone illustrate Ihe moaning of more than 100 wonts ami terms far better than taoy can be denned in words.] ... , . "Auouti 4,1K77. The Dictionary used In the rio'verninent PrintingOCice is Webster s 1 Puollshed by CI. &C. MEKKIAM, Spring field. Mass. C A NRTTTP'R.'S For Cuts. Rrutses & rAI XAHIAV Sprains, Blind and Bleed REMEDY . ing Piles. Rheumatbin. _ Fractured Limbs, Frosted Limbs, and Parts, Pains in the Muscles and Joints. Indolent Ulcers. Dis charging Mores, Swelled Sore Leg. Erysipelas and Vaii ose Veins is SANTOKD S EXTRACT OF WITCH lIAZKI.. Ask for it. because it is bettor, stronger and cheaper than any other and is warranted bv WEEKS & POl 1 Kit, WHOLESALE DHCOOIBTS, W Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 46-iw WANTED! An Energetic Man ,or Woman iu every Cduntv to take the Agency for two of the Most Popular Publications in the country. Four of the Finest Chromos (24x30inches eiu'ii) to Every Subscriber. The Best combi nation Ever Before Offered to Agents, and the Most Lilieral Inducements tn&ubscrl bers. Our Fine Publications, Elegant Pre miums. and Large Commissions place us A head of all Competitors, tend for Illustra ted Circulars and Terms. K. P. &L. JtKSTKJN. rnMtahw, 717 £an f< r •*tretv, PMrad'dpMSr. ' '> W HEN" IN LEWISBUKQ CALI. AT HARRIS' MILLINERY STORE, Market Street, near Third, Where you will find a full Hue of MILLINSRY GOODS' Consisting of Ladles, Misses and Alii drens Hats and Rounets, trimmed and initrinuned. The largest assortment ot ladle*' llres* Trimming*, Hosiery GUTC*, Hair Uoeds, Jewelry and Notions. Fins. Firs, firs The best assortment nest of Philadelphia all at the lowest prices. Black Walnut Motto Frames at 30 cent a. Cntntry Produce token in Exchange. 3 AAA AGENTS WANTED. From *1 .UUU to (U5 a Day Sore,. Ministers. ' Book and Pictuit Agents, - and all out of employment, of either net, here is the best chance offered this season. A Cti3h Present of from $5 to $lOO will bo given to every good working agent. Send 10 cents for small sample, or better still, l for .1 large samples w iili circulars, terms, &c-, and go to work at once. „ KHV.S. T BUCK. Box 346, Miiton, Pa. Mention tiiu. paper. 4a-tw G'M son's Publications. Great reduction io price for I7S of Gl.KA sos's I'ICTOKIAL to 62 * year. Single copies 6 cents. THK HOME Cut o#2 a year. Single cop ies 5 cents, for by all newsdealers. GLKASON'S MO lILT COMPANION to At a year,singlecoplc 8 Hicents. All postage Ircc. Sample copies sent on receipt ol H 3 cent stamp. The priee of CUmMoH has lust been ereat lp reduced. No one nov; gives such liberal terms to agents as we do. Send for new circular. Add.-oss F GLKASON, 738 Wili ng tou St. Boston, Mass 46-L Send f Tt Prve List of MASON & H&MLtN CABINET ORGANS. N KW ANDSPLEN I)ID STYLES; PItK'ES REDUCED *lO to *> t'eaulue Mold, "His repntatinb brf honcArv, fair dcafliijr and Uheralitv !* ;• * equaled bv any ad'ertiser lit this olt>. ,-l -- J Y. Dot/ Hook, Tier "16,1R7A. POST AO KSTAM PS T A KEV AS CAMP F. STOCKMAN 27 B Nl> ST.. New Yon ! NERVOtJSDEBTLITy- Vital We:kics§ ov DejfresAdti, ii wcak'e't hausted feellnx. op energy or courage ;~t * result of Mental ver-worg, IndiscretiOtw Excesw'*, or some drain upon the system always cured by : . •Hraplnr's Hoieoiathic S*aeillc St. 28. ' " r It lanes up and inrltorate* the %J*ie t drsjd l- the doom and desopndenev, ImpAr**, tlrcngth nd energy—stop* the nralu n ] rejuvenates the rtdire man. Been use twenty Willi perfect nueces* by t bel aud*. H!d bv dealers. **ilee, *l.OO per *ii gie vial; or A'.Htsjer package of five *4;'* mud *2.UI vial of {towacr. Sent by mail &* receipt of price. Address Moiiusqiathii' Mcdk'iue Company, 602 lire at way. New Vork. sfx 15 ly. 1 JACKSOtf'S E ~ BEST & AB3VE ALL. These brands of Hvoet I'las are acknowt edtte.l by all, to b 11• Fiiist Tubwros in tho market. Put hp In *ll miape.suud sizes, iu m'diMUi/ atul bums wrappers. Sold bv the tr ;dc generaHy. uAietl for sample to the manufacturer*. c. A. r v v . • <;ko F. Wahdlb, General Agent.* 3j-l Nor.d ril itu.i Vi;jf i.rrjt. Pal BE ittvpia'no DCHI I fa Oread ftqakre ah tprlgkl. From Geo. E. Letcher, firm oi Win., K Lfctrtler & Bro. HiKfO. l ayette. Id©. "We received the piauo aim fhiuk U * vcrv line toned one out neve. Waited a short time t. rriK EVER GIVEN NOW iuar. DANIEL F, BEATTY, Washington, XeW Jersey IT. 8. A. Daniel F. Beatty's OKdANS CAPTION. —T R J IVNATATION have gatae I asd the celebrity >F in f rgons, have indue ed SOME unprincipled parties and AGENT* to copp my circular*, and misrepresent nsr instruments; against this lie public are hereby cautioned. All my trgans bear mi trade-in ak, Golden Tongue, AMI all ruv J*L. no* have the wont! PI Q uwfCrHW and also have uiy name "* EQaud teai • eiicc. 1 > VSIEL. F. KTATRR, iVashlutou. JT. J., without which none is genuine. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. J., U. S". A. R I UDFTVFTI -,IM F NWE# ured. N S V£LXVWIN 1 WIDTHS market out by ETHE plainest of all book* "Plain Home Talk and Medical C.umnot Sense.**— nearly I,oo9 pake*. 20' illustration*,, by Dr. K. H. FOOTE. ol 120 Lexington ATE N. Y. Purcnasers of this book are at limit to consult its author in PERSON or by uia F>vo: I'rlee bv mall. F'L24 for the STAND** odiilon, oi 61.6H for the WLW EDMON wklct contains all the same luattei ami IL lustrations, Contents table* free. AGENT* WANTED. MCKRAY* LLLLL PUBLISHING Co., 129 East 2StU St. N. Y. N-LF C M. PETREE, CIGAR MANUFACTURER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER 1* Choice Brands of Tobacco and Cigars, S3IOSKR.V IRTiCBS, ET(V MARKET BYFLSM. f Le v isb u . AGENTS T WANTED 1 ! FOR PARTICULARS, APPEESI WILSON SEWINO MACHINE CO. 829 Broadway, New York City: Chicago 111.; New OrVfins, LA.; * V-ivv. or San Flwiclseo, fetL miauiiPl iGft CURED . .. ~k> if-. UA {irST.. O, . I. I'M '.I l-H-l untl*' vt W i'v 1..r . . MtV* 4j.1l tSTa..:i*'f.. ft: ... .. h>.(ihui> it, U4I4JT * ,1,(5.: *..•, A -S ..if .* (wtfur n*,o 1 At.uU i r.U -iii i4it*l.. . ( . UMUN ini, •! .., ijfuluk .t i. i .1} ..... JU;.I r,u nll jojltr rii :> l .wi. .. Vi .. -J-. .r>: . iiti.'u.i! i> . :„;,iijf rye,, .-Ul u>Hll'Hfisi(l\jr..a,i:t:eru ].,£ai.air*..-' , I 4, .i.. xi-j -'V .A1.1,T. A.I .R•*-.W . ; -.gfta...