SDJjt Journal filler l Detainer. Proprietor! * AO. Ptfxivnsa, Associate Edlto ■Whelm.Thursilny, SOT. 8. Tormr-—51.50 Per Annum. "THE ELECTIONS. fHK OLD KKTSTONR GOES DEMO CD in A THE EMFIBE STATB FOL LOWS. NEW JF.RSRY AM D MARYLAND WHEEL INTO LINE. MASSA CHUSETTS AND WTS COySIXOO ItEPURLWAX KYGKEAILY REDUC * ED MAJORITIES. Philadelphia G ttr.t - t Democratic Majority. On Tuesday the carried the states of New York, New Jersey, PENNSYLVANIA and IT * "• h •Maryland. In our own state Democratic gains have been uni form. excepting in a few eonwtics. In Harrisburg which is the Fiend , a Quarters of CAMEROXISH, the Democrats made larger gains proportionally, thaD anvwheie else in the state. The Democratic majority up to 1 o'clock, yesterday, was estimat ed by the Associated Press at 12,000. The indications are that Nbyci will lend the ticket very largely. PniLADKLpniA, November 7—l P. M.—lt seems to he conceded that majority will be at leat 1.000. This settles the state as Democratic beyond doubt. Special to the Vat riot. LOCK HAVEN, Pa., November 6.—Noyes'm ijnrify in L >ck Haven 870, a democratic gain of 140. Schell's gain 23. Clinton cotintv about 1000 majority; Noyes' major ity about 1400. NEW YORK, NOV. (5-miYmght.— New York has gone democratic by 20,000. NEW Yo&K, Nov, o. legislature Very close. Massachusetts republi can by about 1*2,00 J. Wisconsin re publican by ab ut 5,003. Indications are that the republi cans will retain control of the legis lature —about the same as last year. The Argus claims the state for the democrats by 20,0*30 majority, and probably democratic senate. NEW JERSEY. NEW JERSEY, NOV. 6 Partial returns indicate the election oT M'- Clellan, for governor, by 10.000, Ip. 3t.—lndications are that M'- CleUan will have about B.OCO major -7' MARYLAND. The indications are that the state has gone democratic by 30,000. „ Baltimore gives 23,000. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON', Mass.. Nov. 6.—Foot ings of 158 towns? Rice leads Gas ton 8.332 and is probably elected by 12,000. Returns of 180 townships show Bice leads Gaston 8,332 votes, being a gain of 165 fr Rice. The Herald concedes Bice's election by at least 10,000 majiwity. WISCONSIN. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 6 This cltv, except five precincts, gives 83 majority for Smith, Repub lican. Ninety eight towns and Wards give Smith T) majority? re publican gain of 700. The Indications are that the state lias gone republican by about 5,000. Legislature republican. VdorheeS Morton's Successor. TERRE HAUTE, Ind. Nov. 6 —A delegation arrived here this evening bearing a commission from Gov. Williams, appo'nted V. W. Vor- Jtees to All the vacancy in the United States senate occasioned by Senator Morton's death. We will give the official vote of Centre County fieit week. TEMUSSER HUNTING COMPA NY seriously think of taking out a Charter of Incorporation. They te turned on Saturday evening just in time for the Democratic meeting, with four fine deer, weighing in the aggregate, 540 pounds of dressed venison. Pierce shot four and the rest of the company jointly shot tne other one. We expect to see Pierce walking around in Bellefonte. proud aa a peacock, with three deer hides aud three pairs of magnificent ant- It* hanging around - his person as tmnhies. If We had shot three de we would do that very thing, just to miliie common people road. Pierce haa the good judgment to shoot a fine venison roast—large in size and delicious in flavor for our Special nse anil behoof. Old Dan, too, sent us a good, nice biece. May the laird abundantly bless Ujem for.'.enaejpber jUg the poor Going again ? The March of improvement* The lnveoUoftt anl improvements that bavv bwn made during the preaeut own tnry In thl ootmtry an well etter or cveu as well as the Victor Sewing Machine, now in use tu eve ry clluie, at home abroad. Being tho orig inal pioneer from the very start, under the name of the Flnkle and I.yon, the maim fact ure A have kept mice with the liiareh of Inipi-oveinent. ana have made such ult crattens and adjustiueuis as time and the severest trials have shown to be for the best, uutil it now stands the acme of ex cellence, iu finish, durability aud all that makes a sewing machine desirable. The manufacturers, to meet the times, have placed their best maehlue within the reuch of every family of whatever condition In life, thus benefiting the millions of this day a"Ud generation as well as future gen eral lonfc to come. See Imndsoui e and at tractive advertisement which appears in our columns to day for particulars. THE SUN". lb.o. NEW YORK. ISTS As the time approaches for the ronewal Of tfubscriptlona, THE SUN would remind Its friend* u:*l wellwihers everywhere, that it I* again a candidate for their oon- Mdvnttion and Support. Upon its record for the pn>l ten years it relics for a con tinuance of the hearty sympathy and gen. emus co-operktion which have hitherto been extended to it from every quarter of the Union. The Dally Ran is a four page-sheet of 28 columns, price by mail, post paid, 55 cents a month, or $s per vear. The Sunday edition of THR Srv Is an eight-page sheet of 58 eolftinn.s. While giv ing the news of the day, it also co ltains a large amount of literary and miscellan eous matter specially prepared for it Tag #UNPAY SUN has met with great suc cess. Post paid $1.20 Use Weekly San. Who does not know THK WKKKLT Sen? It elrouiaio* throughout the United States, ihc Canada* l , and leyond. Ninety thou sand families greet its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, counsellor, and friend. Itsnews, editorial agricultural, and literary departments make it essen tially a 'ournal for the fam ly aad the fireside. Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, puality con sidered. makes K- the cheapest newspaper published, For clubs of ten. with Shicash, we will send an extra copv free. Address PUBLlSlIlilts u* TUB SUX, New York City. fw. SPRING MILLS ITSMS, Samuel Crawford's house caught Ore on the second floor, and had it not been for timely aid. no doubt the result Wouf-l have been a rotal htnn i,u /up Of the house. Cause — hnper feet flue. Capt. Hasw.ptag is just unpack ing his new stock ol goods just brought from the city. Supervisor ilarter commenced work on the new road to the Depot. The bridge will also be under con tract soon. lie, also repaired the bridge at Krumrine's drtiich should have been done long' ago, however it was not the fault of the Supervisors but of the parties fur nishing the material. Hollow Eve has come and gone, and the lads and young men with ther nolished side whiskers went around town throwing over rtoxes, wagons, and destroying cabbage, Ac. The boys should be Corrected by the law. As Wni. Homan was about leav ing town on Saturday he accidentally broke his buggy. No other serious damage. Mrs. Bell has opened a new Milli nery and Fancy GoMs store, which is an other improvement. What next ? YOJJET REBERSBUR G- FRAGMENTS. Election dav passed off verv quiet ly as inn il. and the T)*moolitic ma jority will be about 22-5 in Miles. What do you think of a sermon preached iii one of our churches few weeks ago. in which the Rev. speaker took the position that moral ity artit Christianity were entirely distin-t arid different qualities ? Our farms will be improved at least tweotv-five per cent., judging from t'ie number of lim" 1 kilns erect ed luring the list few m viths—eve ry second farm is having one. Humor has it that the Reformed Church is to he delimited on Christ -1 mas—a verv suitable time. The Quarterly Conference of the Evangelical Association was held here ov-r last The Presid ing R'der M. J. Carothers, was not able to be present. but his place was ably filled bv Rev. C. F. Deininger* of your place. ANON. I Building Association meets in reg i ular monthly meeting next Monday evening, ilave your spondoolic's ready. Mrs. Ronsh has opened up a new ; Millinery Shop in North Street; I All kinds!of Hats.. Bonnets, Itat , Frames, Ribbons, Flowers, Feath : ers. all ki. ds of Velveteen and other Trimmings, neat and cheap. Give her a call. tf. ! Remember that the sign of the Big Eagle, Alleghany St., Bellefonte, is die place where Newman sells Beaver evercoats as low as $7, genu ine all wool fur Beavers, $lO, Chin chillas. $5. Overcoats for $3. Suits from $5 upward. Flats tor 75eents. Underwear, 25 cents. Everything from an overcoat down to a necktie at liottom prices. Call aud see. Mr. John 11. Musser writes us from Jamestown, New York, that lie expects to be home on Thursday, to-day with a car load of calves. He says he is bringing the best stock ever seen in C'/entre county—Dur bains, Shorthorns and Hereford*. He writes, '* Wo will have some 15 or2o bulls, lit slzos aud colors to suit all.'' * If von wish to aee a stock of goods fulllo repletion and selling at tho very lowest prices, go to .Boytr't at Aaronuburg. Chestnuts were down to $2 a bush el at Lewishunr, last w >ek. Large quantities are shipped from Centre county to eastern cities. GIVEN AWAY—A PREMIUM i Stkkl Fnoravino.— Every reader .of this paper can get It. See adver tisement iu another column. * ■ ■ Prof. J. 11. Feehrer is here this week brushing up the liaiul. The Professor never looked lietter and i s in the best possible musical humor. ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ Immense quantities of goods are sold at Hover's just now, and the reason must be plain to ; 11 —first class goods, low prices and obliging clerks. Squire Keifsnyder has removed his office to bis residence—first floor —oil the hill. It makes things handy for , the squire bu*. very unhandy for per • sons who have much ' swearing" to do. ——_ —- i .. . Just received at the Journal Hook Store, Diaries for 1878. Mottoes, Gold and Silver Riper, Pocket Ink Stands. Ornamental Flowers for Splint Baskets, &c.,fcc. j >VS. N. H. Bell has |>ened a Mil linery, Fancy Goods and Dress Mak iug establishment at Spring Mills. She promises to sell and work cheap ly and if so should bo encouraged. Give her a call and see lor yourself. j People were fear that Old Winter would slight us altogeth er this year; but on Saturday tho . Grim Old Fellow gave notice that lie !is about and may call to stav any ; day of the week. Let us prepare to give him a warm reception. Having obtained special rates on COAL OIL to Coburn Station WE are now prepared to set) by the barrel 1 to dealers fit the Stdme price they would be chatged either at Sunburyor Wil liaiusport. tf - SMITH A Co. New recoro'iberrdatiobs freighted with praise and entire satisfaction, are constantly being tendered to Daniel F. Beatty, Esq., proprietor aud manufacturer of instruments of fare merit, known as the Beatty Golden Tongue Organs. Advertise ments elsewhere. With a cake of GLENN'S SUL PHUR SOAP ami a commodious bath tub, the victim of chronic cutaneous eruptions can improvise a sulphur bath, winch no professed bathing establishment can supply. Sold at Druggis's. Hill's hair & Whisker Bye, black or brown, 60 ets. Senator Blaine's daughter recently shot herself b.'accident with a Pistol, the ball entering the forehead be tween the eyes, where it still lodges. She is sixteen years of age and will hardly recover. The shock affects the Senator very much. 1 .oaded piste Is aie rather oangerdus play tilings for young la lies. The Young Wen's Christian Asso. cialionof the Ulii district, composed of Union; Lveou 4 .lng, Clinton and Cameron counties, will meet in con vention at Hartleton or Friday even ing, Nov. #th. and adjourn on the llth. S. A. T AGO ART. State Secre tary, and other experienced workers, are expected to be present. SECRETARY. Tli* oth' r Saturday night certain persons who had not the tear of God ix'fore their eyes, entered Elk Creek school ho se, and judging from the appearance of things on Sunday morning, had a time at playing cards. They also done some, pretty filching in i)itp*r, i>ens ifce. We hope their consciences may worry them until they quit such dirty work aud rei>eiit v . It is a tart Fact FACT. That Boyer! Boyer!! Boyer !! ! At Aarorisburcr, Has his prices D r c n, Down, DOWN lie sells Chean! (Cheaper ! Cheapest !1! While his Goods are (rood, Better, BEST, His prices are Low ! Lower ! ! Lowest !! ! Mens' TTeavv Stogi Boots, only $2.25 Women's All L isting Gaiters, only .95cts. - ♦ * Accident. Oil Friday last Mr. It. B. Haft man had just started with a load of lriachincrv for Sugar Valley when he met with a painful accident at Wm. Miller's barn. North Street. Just as lie was reaching out to .take hold of the lock lever, one of the front wheels detached from the wag on and Mr. Hart roan fell out upon the road so severely as to break his collar bone. We are glad to hear however that he is getting along as well%s can be expected under the circumstances. The schools of Haines township opened 011 Monday. Oct. 22nd. Sal aries naid, from $27 to $85.30. The following is a list of the teachers and where teaching: Aarbnsbiirg— Primary—Julia A. Wolf. Intermediate —1. H. ltlock on the shad Sa turday of each month ut r. **. and on the 4th Saturday of each month at I>, r. u. j The Irving Literary lunitut* uuocu in ! the ToWr ilall, ou the U*t Friday evening I of oaob menlb, until ottmrwieu ordered. I The Mtllheim It ft L AociuUcu tuoote in the To* n Hall, ou llie evening of the ■ second Monday ot each month. Millhdlui Council No. WW, O. U. A. M. uieeta everv Saturday at 8 o'clock, e. u., In their Council 3t6dm, Wllt'e Budding. Ie gree Meeting* will be hvl*' ou Tuceduy ou or before the full moon of each month. C. H. HELD Sec U. K. MILLER. C. L. C. 4k N. C. MAI itOAD Kxtesuom or mi t-i kb to HP KING MILLS. On and offer Monday, August 13 th, 1877. trains in this rood uill run daily, (eaeejd £urMtav> a foUvxcs : WERT WARD EASTWARD 1 BTATIOXB. ~1 4 if J'. M. \~A~M~ A.M. __________ A. Jf AM.P. K 6.101 O.JO 7.0U Montandon, mr. 6.60 vr. k.W> or. 6 DO ar. t:L 10.00 7.16 ijnciMmry. dL3S B.*iu 5.45 10.06 7.3U tair Ground, B+4 ' 5 ffl 10.14 7 2* Hie hi. H 36 5 .^q 10. 21 7 3- Virlzshur?, s%}' 5.13 10 37 7.4-6 MitMnhury, Brl9 ' 5.00 lo,5" ar. 8.00 Miiirvont, g.05 4 4u U.lo Llurrilon. x 4JO 1. IW Cbfrum, ' 2.45 ar 1 C* b-prtng Mills. 2.1 P. it P M. \~A~M~ a>, u. A M. P. if. I FOB. 1 d 2 connect nt Mimtandon vith Erie Hail west on the Philadelphia A Erie Hall Road. , yos. 3 <* 4 irif* r icittc Express east, yos. ft A 6 with Ptist Lin ♦ west. An Omnibus will run beltctcn Vwidrurg and M mtandon, to convey passengers to and from Niagara Kinress west and Pap Express east, on the Philadelphia A and Erte. Hail Hood. The reoular Hail Hood Tickets will be honored between these (no points. p*\\l Will itil ilv PHI LAD LP HI A A ERIK R. R Dl vi sicy. SCMMBB TIME TABL*. On anl after Sunday, May \ Mh, 1877, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Hail Road Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Erie Hail leaves AVi e lor*, B.2ft p. m. " " Philadelphia li.fiS p.m. 44 44 " Baltimore 9.10 p. m. 44 44 " liarrisburg I.2ft a.m. " * 44 Bunbury 6.3>>a. p\. . M-mtandon B.ft" c. th. '• *• •' WtUlam%p>rt A3fta. m. " •• " Lock Haven 9 40 a. m. " " art. at Erie 7.3 ft p. in. Sicgara Ex. leaves PhV.adetpbfa 7.20 a. m. •• •' •• Harr(sharp 10.50 a. m. V V Sunburn 12.40 p. m. V " '• Hontandon 105 p. in. " " arr. at Wllllam*j>ort2.'li) p. m. " " ** Is>ck Haven 3.2 ft p. tn. " *• •' Kane... 9.311 p. m. /hist Line leaves yew York- B.2ft a. m. 44 44 Philadelphia 11.* a. w. < " ,v •• BVlintort 11.3 ft a. m. •' •• " Harrixburg 3.20 p.m. " •• " Sunburn 5.40;. m. Hontaiidon C.lft p. in. 44 •• WiUlairwport 7.30 p. m. •* *• arr. at l/>ck Haxrn 8.40 p.m. /c.4. a. m. •• " Harrisburg U.ftft a. tn, 44 " •* Baltimore 8.10 p.m. " 44 " Philadelphia 34ftp.m. " •• • yew Yo.'k fi.4ft p. m. Day Ex. leaves Kane 0.00 a. m. " •• " Lock Haven 11.20 a.m. " " " WiUiumsrpott 12.40 a. in. 44 44 44 Montandon 1.47 p. m. 44 44 44 Bunbury 2.lft p. m. J 4 44 arr. at Harrlshurp 4.10 p.m. 44 •; 44 Philadelphia 7.30 p. m 44 44 yew York 10.1 ft p. Nt; 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.3 ft p. tn -44 44 44 Washington 9.07 jj. m- Erie Mail leaves Erie 11.00 a. m -44 44 44 Lock ffaven 9. 44 p. m -44 44 44 Williamsport 1105 p. m 44 44 44 A tont and on ltll p. m. 44 44 , 44 Bunhury 12.44 a-m. 44 4 : arr. atJlarrlshutg '2.45 a.m. 44 41 44 BaUimork 7.44 a. m. 44 44 44 Phil'ulelpMa 7.00 a.m. 44 44 44 yew York 10.05 a. m. Fast Line leaves Williamsport 12.3% a. m. 4 * * 4 , 4 . 4 Bunbury 2-0> a. m. 44 arr. a(//arn'*ftur<7 4.00 a. m. 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.44 a. m. 44 44 44 Philadelphia 7th a.m. 44 44 A'eic I'orc 10.26 a.m.. Erte Mall Went. Niagara Ex. West, Lock Haven Ac com. Went and Day Express East make close connection at yorthumberlnr-a with L. A B. R. R. trains for Wilkesharre and Be ran ton. > Erie Mail East and Went connect at Era with Irai'nj on L. B. A If. B. R. R., pt (Xry with O. C. A A- V. R. R. at Emporium with B- y. Y. AP. R R, and at Driftwood with A. V.R.R. Parlor Care will runhetween Philadelphia arid Williamsport on Niagara Express Went Pacidc Express East and Dap Express East. Sleeping Oarn oh aU night trains. WM. A. BALD WIS, mtn'l Bup't. TEGAL NOTlCE.—Notice in hereby given J that application will be jnade unler the provision of thfe ?ct of Assembly of th* Common wealth of PennsylvMrca, entitled '•AH Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations" ap proved Apt 11 29th. 1874, for a charter of an intended corporation to be called "The bt. John's Kvangcltcal Lutheran Church, at MJ'dhetnu"the and object of which corporation Is to encage In the worship of Almighty God according to the feith and discipline of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the State ot Pennsylvania—and for this end. to possess and enloy all the rights, privileges and benefits or a corpora tion. Application fsr the approval of tl charter will be made before his honnf, J. H. Orvls, at Cham hers, on Saturday the Ist day of December, 1877 APAM HOT. Solicitor. NOTICE-Letters testa- Ij nientury on tlie estate of Michael Fiedler, detruded, late of Mile* township, having heon granted to the undersigned, he all persona knowing them selves Indebted to said estate to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims against tWaanto to present them thentloatad, according to law, for settle ment. P. T. MUMER, ExePntor. EXECUTORS NOTlCE.— Letuirs testa^ imentary on the estate of Jacob Hartrr, late of Peun Township, deceased; having been granted to the undersigned, all per, son* knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment of the same; and those having claims against the same, to present tuem duly authenticated for settlemen*. J. H. KfiraNTDKB, Executor. Millhelm, Oct. 23. 1877- 4&-6t H tflhetm Market. Wheat 1 49 Corn 50 Rye..... 3 5 oats 30 8arter.......... fc Tymothyseed Flaxseed Cloverseed Butter... Hams }* f-ldes 10 Veal.... £gg J® Potatoes Lard....... # Tallow , I Soap ; f Dried Apples , 9 Dried Peaches , Dried Cherries <> DIED. On the 22nd nit., In Potter Twp„ Mary £.. Wife of Joiiaibtiu Uoycr, Aged Si years, V month!* aud V days. IS aid for Htduccd Price List of MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. NEW ANDSI'LE?NDIDfttYLIES tPRft'PS RKDUCKI) OU#SU KAtTI.TNIS MONTH. (Nov. 1*77). Add****. MASON & HAM LIN oI(£AN CO., Boston, Now York oa Chirac**, % 4lx4w. .'JitCjUiJifliUN CUREC 1 • /.! .<|U if J.W (IfMWtoWv, 11. In., ... . iiu .fo.ii .ii * lii.i.. i .ufcVj ihi. i..jLu ... < • ipr —iU p*rui...i>u. 1 11 r. ill fun. UNl.lw, jMlMl'llllU, (M al> It, p. A .U, >1...l Ml. tilf ia* 111 J I I.IM MitilUliWllM . Ml*. ■< ru 10 lor UMITItO dpb.l.tjr ana aii iMirvoua kuiiipiauit*, limning Ui.twU .( I .U..!.< pjllrl l 111 IhtiUKMIIIIM > iin iil.iw. A.ii • •tii by niiffft' iiiroiioinhuman .utw.iif.l will. tiwa Ui ail wno k.i*nwiiui<.r,.N. t. J. P. BKPHART. D. A*. HtSKSR GEPHART & MUSSER DKALKItft IN % Urnla, • , rieverteed, I'leeriA VMd, CMI, riMieC* Matt. MILLHEIM, PA. Hlfheet market price paid for all kladsof C3-KioAinsr, Delivered either at the BRICK MILL or at the old MUSSKR MILL, !o MILLHEIM. COAXj, PLASTER 4& SALT Always on hand and sold at prices that de- ! fy competition. A share of the public patronage respectfully solklied. 3^-Iy ff!-X . -1 l zT m mlk F W Mavmoth otrrriT To Eva ■P K PR. Pa KTimtvv. Mem winder watch ||| rLZ | Qfree with first order. Ten DoL lavs a day guaranteed. M. f'HOXEr.H A CM. l'nu.AXeLPui.v, Pa., or MILWALKKg. WISOONSIK. % 42-4w A MAI OF A THOUSAND; AO >N.St M PTIV KCO Kfcl>.-W!,ei. death was nourly ox|K*oted froniOiNM'Mrrion ail remedies luvliii( failed.and l>r. H. iaires was experimenting, lie accidCulislly tn.ule a pieparaliun of lnahtn Hemp Which cured Ms onlv child, and now givmthis recipe Tree on receipt of two stamps tn pay expense*. Hemp also cures night-.sweats, nausea at the stomach, and will breaks fresh cold iu twen ty four hours. Address. CKADDOCK & CO., 1 Kace street, i'hiiadeiphia, naming this paper. 42-4w A' AWrnDTl'o The only combination of tue truD .lauaicu (ilnser with choice Ar>>iuatics Frencli Mrandy>r weakness,weaii r I ness ana nrosTrsKon of the Tlf4 l Tp 1 nervous forces.lnabillty to Jilinulofl sleep, coldness of the ex tremities and cr, culsihhi, is grate fill ttooii to . . ' sufleilug humanity at once IrlNir! R soothing, stiengthentng aud ; UlilU! IU refreshing. A*k for FANTOKD'S .IAM AICA CiINUKK. 42-4w RUPTURB Hns n Those wishing Relief and Cure for Kup ture slionTl consult l>r. J. A. dHKKMAN, 2T* Broadway, New York, Send for lif* new took, with Photographic likenesses* ofbadc-uat liefore andafter cure. Beware ofclurats who pretend tolurnishUr. Sherman's treatment. re of these fellows, a gertnan c!*t3c". dow calling himself I)r. W. ti. C rem Plea. Is indict ed on complaint of Dr. S. and awaits trial lor forgery and embezzlement. 34-4w A 16?, ITIVK cr* HK CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, AND ABTHMA. Thousand* have been cured by DR. GOL btMHKKO's InhAi.ATtOJ*. who were tnouour.c ed Incurable bv phys(irliiuBaild friends. ,i*a tlents lying at a distance desiring to avail themselves of the advice of Dk. UOLDEMIZKO can write their name and post-oftlce address and forwahl to DR. OOtnßNnKuo. 916 Arch Street, Philadelphia, dr)icn he will return them a list of printed que*!ions, the answers to which will enable hiin to determine thl nature of their disease* and the piobabllity of cure. He will forward to any address, his paper or book, giving full desciipttiui9 ot the uiseascs he treats, etc. 2119 Ml. Vernon St., Phila., Oct., 3d, 1877. I have used Dr. (Joldeiilierg's Inhalation for fSltdrrh. Bronchitis, and Asthma, and am entire!v cured. A N NIE NEAL. KIDN HANDIVER SPECIFIC 1 RADICAL CI' HE FOR ALL DISEASES OF TIIK SIDNEYS; BLADDER, AND URINARY ORGANS. sending two ounces .of urine, ex prcwaK* paid, can have a chemical Analysis made, and an op'ttfon rendered regarding the. nature of their dlsau*e, etc.. free ui charge. ♦ Consultations and examinations rftax. Send for lescrlpfive Paper to l>r. tioi.DF.a iikro'S Pkixcipai.offkh, 016 Arch Street Philadelphia 42-4w IN LEWISBUR IC ALL AT HARRIS' HILLIKEF.Y STORE, Market Street, near Third, Where you Will find a full 11 nd of MILLINERY - GOODS, Consisting of laAdles, illlesee and (hi drens list* snd UonneU, trimmed aud untrlmmed. Tile largest assortment ot miles' reods guaran teed or mi ey given back. You will find here anjfthiiig froM the prettiest little Baby hoe to Ladies' finest Gaiters. Go and See them. Examine the Largest Stock of BOOTS and 51)3 in this prt o? tn e country. Men's Heavy Stoga Boots, $2.25 Women's All Lasting Gaiters, 95 cts. X, DD- boyer, AAROITSBURO-, CEN"TRE, CO PA. AARONSBURG, PENNA. "COM bines klore attractions than anvother."-DAer (Pa.) Times tar CHEAPEST A!tD BEST! - # PSTBESON^MAGALINI FULL-SIZE PAPER / — t —— V. Mir A SUPPLEMEST will be given in every number for 1871. contininj a JU'lsiie pa per pattern tor * Udy' tor child's dress. Every subscriber and receive, during the yt*r, welwoi these patterns, so th*t these utone wiUbe woiV, more thsnUjssubscription price.-** ♦ dtd' • "rttEWKW'B A? AO a ro<*" containsu erttj yc*r. XTCO pages. HMfel ft , *sr*L J2 _ J ro ' or . elatc. 24 pajes ot aud 904* Wood cuts. Its unmen-e clicu.atitin i-nabht Its proprietor to spend mors tnotiey on embelliidimeuts, sto ilea, &c.. &c. than auv- ptber. Itgires more/or the money t/ian any in tho world. Its tHRILLIHS TALES AUD HQTELSIfES Arc tle beat published anywhere. All the most popular writers are employed to oriO inuUa for "Peterson." In ISTtJ, In addition to 4be usual quality of short stories F. VhOitH** INAL COPY lilt. tIT NOVEhiTTTI'IS will be given, by Mrs. Ann tt. fUeplien-, Wauk Lee Buinlict, Mrs. F. 11. Burnett, and others. Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates fS* in short, everything Interestldg to ladlm. , y. b. —As the publishers now pre pay the postage to a U mait nn%er ibert, "Pe'ereo*" it CHEAPER TRJLX E VER; in fact is THE CMEATKST in TUB WOMUJ. :TEEXB (UWJ in 1 TEA 4. , 2 Cothes for I&.60 i With a copy of the premium picture (24 * 20) "TH* AsoaiS o S 44 480 } ('mueTMAS," a/lte dollar engraving to the person getting up 4 Copiee for *>. Bo ) Within 'itra copy of the Msgarlne for 1871, as a premium, to 5 •' 4 p.wO } the person getting up the duU 6 Copim for 9.60 L W'uh both an extra copy of tiie Magazine for lf7B. and the pre g ?• 1100 f mlum picture, ajlue dollar engraving, to tbm per*>n getting up u- •• i l u,.u. .... CHARLEb J. PETERSON, 1-8 Chestuut sC, Philadelphia, Fa. *p"Speci:nen sent gratis, if written for. nTTUOatid Kevoivei* Illustrated Price IdSt IIU AO free. Great Wsslern uun Works, Plttoburg, Pa. 88-4 w P ALABGR MIXED CARDS wjthpianie. In hQcase. 13e. 25 without case, jc. ncw te sells all. Bend for terms. Benin a paving business at once. J. C. XeiTRUT A CO., PIULADW-FHIA. PA- 42 ~ 4TV AGENTS tTANTED IMedals and Olplomxs tor HOLM AN n T>o 000 IllnsSrolonn. A. J. HOLM AN it CO M SI3O AItCH dtrcet, Philadelphia. SS-tw #|||| Mru Harvest for Agents. We Ka. 11l I ■send free, our new 40 page lI IIUL Illustrated Jewelry aud Watch catalogue, with Instructions how to make money. Address, M. CRON KC.II a Co., Phil*., Fa., or Milwaukee, Wis. 3*-w AGENTS WANTED FOR THE m ILLUSTRATED HISTORY THE GREAT RIOTS a contain* u iuu account w# reign of terror tu Pittsburg, .Haiti, more, Chicago and other Cities The con flicts between the Troops and the mob. Ter rible con flag rat ions and destruction ef pro perty. Thrilling scenes and incidents, etc., qtc. beud for full dose riptton of the work aud our extra terra* to Agents. Address, Xatiokal Pomjsbim* Co., Philadelphia Pa. 4w AGENTS, , WANTEDJ FdR PARTICULARS, XDDKESW f ILSON SSIIN'I MhGHINE CO. 829 Broadway, New York City: Chicago 111.; New Orleans, La.; , 40-4w. or Sap Francisco, Cal CROSS THC * CRESCENT. The thrilling History of Rose and Tk*k for .Kin years-..A, Bloodslaed and Fanaticism, the strife for wnrer and creed. By the popular historian. 2>r. A./. Brofikett. Describes their peculiar Rail gfonS, Hoclsl, and rpirtlcnl customs. I tii clr Rulers and dhral, cause* of this; war, weighty Interests at stake, etc. 600 pp. Rich. UP*. On y 40.50 OUR BIBI.KB have 2000 Ill's, and. far ex cel all others n quality and qutek aula. I PriceejuM reduced 25 per cent. ! I ! bena I for full particulars, / , _ | Tn T *ARn Pnb?.. Vhllsdelphl^r* Bnew8 new vocal A .i.ew insm:BtenDl pieces M.eet k|ii*ic. He. sllvei or *4p. Music Ptib. Co., kitddicLoio, Mass. 42-4w KOCH & STROUSE'S, Phl'alelphlnCl itUlnjfl*'! Maiket Street I,ewibiirg, IV la the H utd Quartan for Ready Made Clothing. 4 A larger stock cud be found In Mir store than la any other la ißloa'counly, and ou price* are Iron 15 to 40 per cent lower than those of other s'ores. Iriy person lri need of clothing will satr from a day'a to a week's waged by calling at the PHILAD3LPHIA CiO'THIM HAL, opposite Lewlthurg National Bank, LEWLSSURQ, PA. re AffifVPIAJIO,. ORfIAJf best, SET 11 I Look ! startling 1 See ! Organs 13 stop* OVj. Pianos ouly *tij. cost *>><). Clr Free. Daniel F. Beatty,,Washington, N. J' 40-4 W C.M. PETREE, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEfi IN Choice Brands of Tobacco and Cigars, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, ETC., uAixar mvmawi. i ' hew isbnrg. AlGotfs filer-*- - ' A VUFt Unoela .at* . Machinery, MOONT HOI.LT, N. J. I r wia nu/act u ring rioh U. IWBINMiT Y * Krf-. AGESTS WANTED : —FOB TB— New Knalani Mutual Lifs las.l The vUcM mutual Jn the rouutryvvfM'" 1835. , jUberal, TERMS arvE^ MAR TO> A Y IV Y1 :Y. ( ci f !•! f • < 1?3 Aniith Fourth Mveet, Philadelphia. mj /jMßji ¥ jiv* i smiSßm oom n n I*:?/iT, ; ■ mdmm W*UV> eh*l n .St. ■> JI i ,ti slua L-Oiut UtlOil. hfAVv , weddln-l*:. and gecl*' Parish n ' above artlol* sent, postjuiwb 00 CTh. inveueeu retailed f cured by HTffipMrey'i HKUTOtlft fmJ 23. :• ft Uihen up and ItivlKoraics. w dispel* the x!wm aua desupudene^, rr. strength iml ♦iitity-'lopi t T * faft>* rejuvenates the it. tire nun. Roe;/. •* twenty yt ark witli perfect succesk by amis, sdd by dealers. *'tpp, ft-tv;" .* gio via!; or ti'.tX) per pucKajt; <ent by my • r:ci>i ol price. Aidrp.. Hum. ffoiuoep.-Ttlnc Medicine compnu'-' itt. u •ray. Now kork. S.x ij i jAOKaems" BEST & ABOVk Ai, These hrAads oTIi west -Tin t *re ••*• ! edged by ad, to be funt f rubsreM In the loarjtat. Tdf Ur* T kt:apes and sizes, bl Bt M'vi wrappers, sold by ihetr.ide gcneraHy. i - • for k*ut|Me to the manUlaef • fj. A.JAWd> ft-larsbq.j;, GEO. K. WAHUTK-GEIIERLI FF-ii*. 3v-4 Nos. 3 ami 5 ./i.e. .r :s P BEATfY£^ Grind kqeart sad .Tprlffet. Prom Geo. E. t.etefikr. Crtdol'Wm IS & Bra. Bankers, fnyetuvt &!'>■ "We received the pldnu afidlMikitt very fine toned oue out here. Waited a ahor time to give It a amid test. f 'you*#Ki a word In favor of It we wiUcbeerf ilty|ve is.' Jatiies It. Brown, Esq . E dwarcbnrlli;, ' says: "The Beatty Piano reeelved glvt* cs in satisfaction." Agents wautea. kk-nu w catalogue. AJdresA DAM EL F. BEAWY. WMIUNGTNA, MEW jmrmmf, . U. U - '■ " 11 11 ■—■ ' ■>*. - - flu okfoat and beet aapointcd InStttsftloe hi obtaining a Buflcose Edac&tiau. .- g Foe ercalm addree*, m, P. DUFF ± BOOS, ' t 2 * . litjGHaii. P. Wash, Hutchirison, )>K A.LITO JX ALT. Kbf?M 00-AJEj, ■*—-IT 003 URN STATION. PERRY H. ST)TKB, AUEWT. Cy3atififaotio.i ifiiaraaioad-t T rtl# ING WITH a OOLD IS *TW.\yg bwtrtrttlH'#. CMA WELL'S CARB3LC TABLETS. A sure remedy lo tOiutlA, nail diseases of the THROAT, LI.U CUKBT aiid HICOfS ME.OBKIVE fUT UF ONuYINBRUR BOXI - g IMALU BY Af.L DRLOOiSI*. C. x. Ai it IT i" ASr JJ, r ii ;_± X v EMJE, XeW roitc: IN GBEAT JSLT BOYBB'S, fiOLB : ; Uft gracub.t >v* QjMd a peiSyu In cv town to take subscriptions lor the hsr*** cheapest aud best iUosuaieJ U;ky paU,<- * nor, in the world. Any ono oat ties: :* # „ successful agent.. I'Uu mirti. elegitnt gr ot arc given tree to subscribers. Tit* p, • is so low that almost everybody euosoriocV One agent reports making iwer 41W tu jJLI* week. A lady agent reports taking vvei .: in |eu da&j. Aii. *4O oi- i. make money fast. \ off can" tfc_u all v. time to the. LuidneJiH,.or 04*erjM#fiwi o A iou need not be a way t, oj:i Uu.iuo over jujc# . You can do It as vvofi as ofemka. Hjii p.i" L ctriai-N,iltreed lua aud ten n* f re-?. Elegaas- ■ i expensive uttk free, n' you wMk* profl-....- work sand u*.your mfckaag at u nothing to try the. business. tCo dtewa i 11-vRt s tails U make great pay. Add tea *'l'l I **oplu Journal," i'urii.tnd, Mgniue. Si-. REATTY PIANO Grand Square aud Uprig-ht. ■rnr v rritu. bvb ety;* soy Bitxnr. DAiIiLF. fen, Washington, New Jersey, U. S. A. Daniel F.Beatty's OkOTAw.—Tho reputation have *aiu*d ad tbfc celebrity ol mv Org.uit, havo indite ed some unprincipled parties and agtmu to u|ip my circulars, and mNcopiwwt in* Instruments; against this the" public as# hereby cautioned. All my Organs bear -a. tr&de-mak, Golden Tongue, and all my i'ia nos have the word PI O underlined and also have my nam tow nence, Disiki, F. Br\Tt*, Wasnintoit, .V J., without which nun* is gejuauo. Address, DANIEL P. BEATTY, Washington. N. J,, U. S. A f TIIS A\TTf ,m,e, "* , ™ r i 1 N ** uflilU IN jLipath* market out by tin . ! w *"^" , " w l iUUi9s? of at! books - "Plain Home Talk anil Medic U Commn Hen**."—nearly 1,009 ? ixo. i K illustration*, by Dr. K. B. FOOT*, of w Lsklugton Av . N. Y. Purchasers of thU tyiak are at tilm t I ' to consult its auutrnr lii pers M or br t vi' frce. Pride by the Hra-soau edition, Ol g1.5) for the t eiition which contains nlUlti-oiMsrtic Hsfcsei an ! I' u<\ iMiijfe >