Xlie Journal filler iDaniier.Proprietors Ik O. DUXRCOBX, Associate Ealto Milltu'im, Thursday, Nov. 1. 'form* —$1.50 Per Aimam. Ptntrtlt BUtle Tlrkti FOB SRRXBHB JTC>B, , JOHN TRUNKKY, OF V*BA COCBTT. FOB STATB TBKASWEIB, AMOSC. NOYES, or CUSTOM CTATTA Fas AVDiTor. OERBBAL, W. P. sen ELI., or BBoroBD Cowrr*. Democratic toßßb Tltkti FOB IlWTldcT ATBORFMBT, D. t\ JfcVRTxSEY. ' '•' ' • - - Digest or Elm ion us. Election-Tuesday, JKovbr. 6th. Folia opvn i. a., *nU cio* at 7F. *. WHO CAN VOTE. Every mare citlxea, iwettiy-oMjam of uoMHOtMlu* tins louowmg quauuc*- uona, AUBIL IM lIUNURA TO VOID UUU ClEC tloua: 1. Lie sbuU bare peou a ellixou of tbe United uu ntuulh. " He Dttini M i'oaiucu iu tbc state one year; OMGUWIAGPROVIOITTOY ibeatueCloi or uattfvoarnv-iute.ilAefeoi, AUU Diiait Have rviuovca luewliulu aim 1-eiurnoU, voen lutxvivsiuffll there in six uiouinsiuißieUtHuny vne election. 5. He a ball have resided in tbe district tvbeiu lut intern;* U> vote two mouiua liu iu entitle; y precvutng tue OACCIKJU, utaiuaU et leu oaj>, as tortuvtty. A It tw euty-ouo 3 ears ol itfe. or np wani, ue aia>i uuw piu, wtibua t wo yis, a State or-county ux, \v,uiru nave been useesseu-at least vwo uioutu* piuTi oua to tiie elvcuoo, anil paiU at iuui one month previous to ue.aaue. A fera%u ooru CUUDUD utust ltave been at least one tutmUi bctuiv tito j riecuoii.auu mut-iconiortu to u.e (uottlWe j tut-Bis couuauou iu neciiou 4, pitKv.Uii^. Tbe eteeuoa vriii l>e lieiu on "tue Tuct dsv uvi; ioiiuw t.ijf tne ni'ai Mommy o; HoVemoer,' octu a taia year tbe om day or tba uuoulb. Stii a rutty. ocTot>erth,ia tbe last ouy for aecunuy uuiurauutuou pa^K-rs. baturvtay, Ociuovtuiu, a iuv iat (lay on wbivu taJLes cau om patu in irt;at uuie to vote. Tue above date should be carefully re mwutocreu auu ttcteu on by at; voter*. Dcuniwtlt Cftaatjr Committee. Tbe following porous vrili constitute * the l)euio&.nuc oouUty ior ilia oxteuing ;t>: feodeloutro. V. —Charles Sir.i.b. A. W.—Auliui -* W. W—3. A. JU^USIUU. Howud Boitfu^ti —u. W.—ttm-c.ord. klUesourg iiuiuuxu —O. r. sUiUU4fe lOttUat>l|l —*-'Scai' iioll- iw|> —j. tx. t. ui iiu inp—Coarad s.u 0 0. - . Jrergusuu .w pur i.d i>ottorf. iv p new—aiucs a.kr. \jti twt>—>aaiuet J. Maine.* twp— l>r. kJ. m-smsr. SMtrris twp—Weaver. Mhit iioou two—A. 'A. Ur*y. tmus.wu iwu—Lw.ici iivlu. Uoward t*p—Jwjin A.a •odwaoi. i.iociiy iw i>—x'uoili*" V-Mf" M*rioa iiotlu. Mims twp—Ox-tan ketuiery ration iwp— i>r. J. M. o'uih. * •* 1 oiler twp uoitu— Puilip jdessiugor. roller xw p suuui—Ooauj.ii v*iun*n Penu tw p—donaliuiu iv, earner. JKu.m%w v—l. J, OuuUe. ijiu* Shoo lwp—jr. ii. lJ6Tfc 'xayior iwp—aatwuei li-jower. - ■>• v L muu I* p—J cseo * reueiick. V* tuner t* p—oo.ouxou fee*. Vi orui -fr> —uwtu iucCnau. a una noiri.il, Chairman. A Democratic meeting will be held in the Town Hail, MUlheim, on .Saturday evening. D. F. X'urtucy, Esq., our candidate for District At torney, will present to address the meeting- Turn out! JO fflE POLLS ! The election is almost at hand and trie FREEMEN OF PENNSYLVANIA are called upon to decide NEXT TUESDAY whether the RADICAL CAMERON RING shall continu i to rule the KEYSTONE STATE of the Federal Union, for an indefi . nite time longer. It will dejieud upon you, DEMOCRATS AND CONSERVATIVES, whether this question shall be decid ed in favor oi a sett or pamperped OFFICE HOLDERS and RINGSIEKS, who for years liav e grown noli on your sweat an laoor, or whether it shall be decided in favor of the in terests of the whole ieople. THOUSANDS OF LIEEUNLICANS through the state are ready to help you break down the CAMERON DYNASTY. ' The probable appointment of Simon, the elder, to tlie nigh and iuipoi taut office of Minister to toe Court of &t. James, will cost tne Ring FIVE THOUSAND VOTES IN FENNSYLVA MIA. TRUNKEY, for Supreme Judge, be HELL, for Auditor General, No YES, for State Treasurer, are men of positive anilities ahd rig id honesty. Their public and pri vate characters are nut only above reproach but absolutely above suspi . cion. They Will be TRIUMPHANTLY ELECTED, if you but do your duty. DAVID F. FORTELY, our candi date for District Atloruey, is a gen tleman entirely qualified lor so lui• - portant an office, ile uas talents, a good legal education and an experi ence of some years 111 the practice oi law. With Dave Forluey as its law officer, Centre county will nave no heavy bills to pay for costs, by rea son of bungling indictments and general ignorance. THE GREAT POLITICAL CRIME of countiug in a i resident against an adverse majority ot a QuAHTEJi MILLION of votes and an tiuiitvi mar jorUy of TWENTY THKKJS IN tue JClecioral College, is beiore you ou trial. Let your verdict oe sucu thai no Supreme Judges, no Senators or Congressmen will eyer dure to re ,peal so great a wrong against the liberties ot A FUKE PEOPLE. Xhtse are the CHEAT QUESTIONS which you TUES DAY. To THE POLLS THEN ! Com© eaiirjawl bring yotir neigh bors along. t TUTE FOR TRTTNKKY! VOTE FOR BCHKLL! VOTE FOR NO\ ES ! VOTE FOR FORTNKY! ! ! Don's mind a little rain ! Don't care for a little anow ! 1 Don't in,ss yo r vote for rain, snow or storm, and we will ledecm the GOOD OLD KEYSTONE from Radir. 1 Ring Rule, by a MAJORITY OF I*o,ooo. IK A SXAKL. Our amiable refoitn President has just succeeded in getting himself in to a very awkward snarl. Recent ly he took it into his head that Ohio had alout enough offices for at shift -and that lie had better give Penn sylvania some little attention. The English Mission is to bellied and Mr. Hayes concluded to let a Penn sytvanhui till it. But who? The President and Mr. Evartaceuld not fix on any one of the many promi nent Republicans of Pennsylvania, and so they submit the matter to tiie Republican members of Congress from the state, promising to anoint wUna the delegation would recom mend. The delegation, true to its vassal instinct*, unanimously re commend Simon, the old Winneba go Ciief, to tne great consternation nt Hayes and Evarts. Mr. llaves ts thus placed in a very embarrass ing position. If he means to give an anxious oniion any proof of tne sin cerity of his profession he can not appoint Siuiou Cameron, wheals the very embodiment of political trick ery ana corruption; and if lie does not appoint the old politicain he must go iMick squarely upon his pledges to the Pennsylvania Repub licans iu Congress, aud take the con sequent odium. EiUjer path is about as thorny us even a rtal Pre sident could desire. tUTORT 81B* I The Democrats and conservatives of i'mmsylvauia have bul to will it, and victcry is theirs. for many years the prospers have not been so favorable ps now. Wq- have eaudi d*ies tout are deservedW popular. They >eßoy thfc confidence of the people hi no common degree. As puoim servants they nave been fully fli led tuid never louuu, wanting. Be sides this we nave m© prestige of aii overwhelming victory in a neighbor ing state* win-re the Republicans ex liuusted every resource to retain powef* without u\uii. AnoUtei important factor enters in the contest*in i'enmylvauia, this imL The Republicans have for yeura j&oant-u undo: the galling yoxe of Ci\iueitaiisnj,*ud had londiy Hoped to see tile end -Of t lie Cauieron dynasty, lu the retirement of Si mon, ironi the U. 6. senate. But how woetullv Were they disappoint ed. Xue son succeeds the lather, auiiaLty by appoiidnu.nt % agaiimt the ati but nnaiiiutous protestol the Ite puUiCHU press. To re>imke tins new imposition uptni tueirrights us free men, thousands of Republicans will vole lor ine imwooraue candidates or uol vote at all. it very Democrat to the polls and victory is ours. THE sujsr. 1878. SEW .YORK. IS7B ' ' 4 - i . As-tlie limp approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, TtitsL'N would feiuimt its friends ami weuwisuem everywhere, mat it ihagulu u cauiliduu? for tneir con sideration and support. I'pon itn recoul lor the pat ten yeuw it relim iora euu. tunpince ui tin hearty nyiiipmhy aad en titxu co-operation which have hUlieitu beeu untenueit to it from every (juurter of tue C'niou. The IhUlr Baa is a four page-sheet of 28 coigju n, pnee by mull, po.-t palil, So ceuitf u uioutu, or |b.oO per year. Ibe ftumiity euuion of TRa Srs la an oigtiirpMge sheet of sh colauniM. W nile giv ui*; me ucwa ox toe'day, It aiso couCtiua a Minoant Minoant of literary and miscellan eous uiuiier specially prepared tor lc I'm Scmoay Svj> nas met With great eue cees. Post paid fl.Al The Weekly San. Whe does nut know hut VVaeklv Sck? It circouites naouguouttue United States, the Cjiuadus, and beyond. Ninety ihou saad land nen giecl its welcome iwigcs weekly.and regard it in the light or guide, eouuiH.-nor,and friend. Ite news, editorial agricultural, and literary depurtutenis make it tiaily a journal fur the rain ly and the tli-eside. Ternnc one foliar a year, post paid. This price, puality c->n i.lend, makes it ttie cheapest new spaper published, >or clubs of too, with slucasn, we wu seud au CAlia copy tree. Address PLMfkiSlI lilta Or llik aUN, New York City. fw, SPRINQ MILLS ITEMS. Itev. G. W/Bouse held commun ion in the M. X. Church, on last Sabbath. Our rood looking friend, I). M. Mccool is clerking tor Capt. lias senplug. C. F. Ilennich is putting ut> some building on bis land near town. Mr. Miller, from Boalsburg, while on a visit to his son-in-law hero, had the misfortune to lose the horse he drove, by death. 1). C. Keller, of Centre Hall, ship ped the first car load of live stock hogs and cattle—from this station, at 28 cents per cwt. At the store di I. J. Grenoble, you will find one of the largest and lnt selected stocks of merchandise eyer brought to town, aud selling at a trifle above cost. Rates are about as low now on the L. C. &S. C. mil road, as on any other road. Grain and flour to Phil adelphia 18 cents per hundred; to New Xork, 20centa; to Baltimore, 17 cts. YONET. Industries and Institutions of Cen tre County, with Historical es of Principal Villages, ect., ect. Compiled by D. S. Maynard, Richie & Maynard. Publishers. This book is now being printed, and we presume will be distributed to sulwcribers in the course of sever al weeks. The publishers have much enlarged the plan and scope of the work from what it was original ly intended to lie. Judging from the advance sheets, which were kindly sent us by Mr. Maynard. we feel bound to pronounce it all it pretends to be—a true history of Cer-tre coun ty. It is the first local history of our county ever published, as far as we know, *iid should find its wav into every family. We wish the p'ublish- j ers mudi * • , I The expensive grain housa of Walla & Smith, at the Depot, is go ing up. Grenninger's store building at the Forks nearly completed,, imxt in or der—"new goods. Win. S. Mass3i* m id 9 a new brick aid walk in front of the; Miilheiiu Hotel, Bravo, Vill> um 1 ■ - * %to ■ ■ ■ Judge II urtia.ui's and* Constable Lamy's houses wonteup this week. ex I—"the MfflcrhmsF Hon. W. K. Alexander has re turned from the city, lie Is already begiuuing to look * Jiy.le 'aohblyixk. Have you got year winter supply of cal ? Retter get them if you have not already doueao. They will J> higher after a while. Jaint-B C. Smith lias the lnmor caving bought the tiist Bible sold from the Journal Book Store. A very good beginning for -lumen. j It ra not Rcbeisburg, but Troxel ville, Smder Co., where Dr. Oliver K. Forster expects to locate and practice medicine. — ♦♦ ♦ ♦ -- ■ ■ . - Oui old friend and School mate, Dr. C. B. Wagner, of Lebanon, Pa. T sends us a paper once iu a wMle. Or. Wagner seems to ttb getting along down there. 1. HEAVY SHIPMENTSG ephart A Mnaaer have received one hundred tons of plaster and have ordered auoUiur hundred tons. Tne half of it goes to Spring Mills. Next Monday the Sheriff of Phila delphia will offer some fifteen hun dred properties for.sale. It will be the largest sheriff's sale ever hud-in Pennsylvania. Just received at the Journal Book Diaries for IK7S, Mottoes, Gold and Silver Paper, Pocket Ink Stands. Ornamental Flowers for Splint Baskets, Ac, Ac. The tirin of Muaser Brothers A Sons are out on a. hunting expeth tion. If they don't manage lo bring home at least several due cUter— in c uding a nice, pluuip round for poor , we'll get mail at the whole blam ed possy of them. Mrs. Roush has opened up n new Millinery Shop in North Miilheiiu. All kinds'of Hats, Bonnets, Hat Frames, Ribbons, Flowers. Fath ers, all kit ds olr Velveteen and other Trimmings, neat and cheap. Give her a call. tf. Matters are getting the new road to the 'Depot.* Supervisor U'ert has an average of about twen ty men on it daily. We understand that t..e work is to be-pushed lu&ul ly as king as the season is farorable. Maj. J. B. Fisherfias just receiv cd tke largest stock of Dry Gckhls, Hardware, Stoves, Queensware, Boots it* bhocs, Groceries, Drugs and tuerchandise generally, ever brought to Gregg township. The Major is always up to the times. Our Spring Milld neighbors are quarrelling over the location of a new road from the pike to the De pot. Gentlemen,don't spend pre cious time in disputing—unite and make your road before winter acts m. Wef-col partieular'y anxious that our district, by which wtj' mean the townships of Ilaiiies,®Pemi, Miles, aiuTTJiegg, where the Journal most doth circulate, .jninqld .give H good account of itself on election ' If it docs, as we hope and believe it will, we will not arrogate to OUT" setre* the honor of having done the work, but that we tried to do cur siuue of it. KILLED ON* THIC RAlL.—Benja matt B. Thomas, of the firm of Lantli, Thomas & Co., Howard Iron Works, went on the platform of a car to throw a letter off at Contes uitle, when his foot slipped; causing him to fall from the train. llis head struck the ground, first, frac turing the skull and causing his death immediately.— Clinton Demo crat. It is really astonishing to see tiie amount of coal hauled away from Coburu Station. Daily the street is lined with teams, from Brush Val ley, Sugar Valley aud our own yal ley. Everybody is going to burn lime for fertilizing purposes, and in a few years the productivness of our valleys will lie nmcluncreased.. For coal alone the rail road is of gr* at benefit to our people. In the Journal Book Store can lie seen a capital portrait of that first class Puotngrapher and artist, Mr. J. Wea. Cornelius, of LewiUbitiT?. The picture itself is a gem of its kind, and the. border is ornamented with letters drawn by band, highly artistic and very beautiful. If any of our friends go to Lewiaburg and desire a true, lite like portrait ot themselves, Mr. Cornelius is the man to serve them. We clip from the Clinton Demo crat, a letter from Guntoor, India, under date of Aug. 13. 1677. The writer, liev, A. D. Rowe, is a son of bquire Itowe, living near Bonneville, Clinton Co., ami has been laboring in the Guaioor District for severni years as a Lutheran missionary* Air, Rowe's letter should be a most effective care of our chronic com plaints of "hard times." Renumber that the sign of the Big Eagle, Alleghany St., Bellefonte, is die place where New man sells Beaver evercoats as low as s>7, genu ine all wool fur Beavers, $lO, Chin chillas, $5. Overcoats for $3. Suits lroru $6 upward. Hats lor 75eents. Underwear, 25 cents. Everything from an overcoat down to a necktie at bottom prices. Cali and see. They had a ven r lively Democra tic meeting, at Matlisonburg. tlie other Wednesday uing. That uatty, bustling little man, Sammy Faust, acted President, assisted by such old veterans as Jacob Hazel, Samuel Limbert and John •llasvk, for Vice President, and B. F. Mil ler and B. F. Royer, .Secretaries. W. C. Heinle and 0. F. Fortney, Esq., made spt eches, which axe high ly spoken of, especially that of the latter. Mr. Fortuev justly ranks as I one of the ablest political stump i sneakers in Central Pennsylvania. I His election as District Attorney is ' a f Oregon elusion. New recommendations freighted with praise and entire satisfaction, are constantly being tendered to Daniel I<\ Bentty, Esq., proprietor and manufacturer of instruments of rare merit, known us lite ltaitty (iolclen Tongue Organs. Advertiao nieuts elsewhere. With a cake of Gi.enn's Shl nirs SOAP mid bath tub, the victim of chronic cutaneous eruptions can imprwM a sulpnur hath, which no protctwrd hathii g establishment can stt|ply. Sold ;>t Druggis's. Hill's hair & "Whiskir Dye, black or brown, 50 eta. A WOIII* TO THE UXMI>I.OYEB. , ' . "J* Opr attention has been celled lo a new cooking utensil, recently ®votd, which, make* baking a pleasure, Instead of * threaded necessity ; the inventor of which ban con ferret I tin e vci lasting blessing upon every ho iw keeper. We refer to the Pat ent Centennial Cake and Bread l'an, with Which, by aim ply ralatpg a hook, you can remove tne Mure of the join from flu cake Instantly. w ti bout huaklug or injuring it In the ieuak thu enabling you to Ice amj frost it while warm. To remove the Uibe In tbe writer, Insert a knife in the slot In the tup of the tube, arul sluiply give it u hull turn, end it will e, you can close the hole, making u pun with pluln bottom, for baking jelly ami plain cukes,, pudding, bread, etc.. thu* pmcUcallp giv ing yvu tlco jHin*fbr the price of mw. , Tire Centennial Cake Vun is liighly i*ee oinmuuded by tbe ladle* as being Urn best aaiiniflateonvenieut i*m ever introduced. They ate utade of Uu*kv Iron, urt more rtMratJe, ami wttt frtir* voitr cak** mere etwr ly ami a much nicer brvun than you fun bake them in the otdfnshioncd Unenle jtans. These goods arc sold exclusively through agent a to iuiuillu.*, and every Itousukenpcr , should by ail vneuns huve them. A apltm- j tlid opportunity la ottered to some reliable ; lady or gentleman canvasser of this couu tv l<> seoure the agency for R pleasant and profitable business, tor terms, territory, etc., write to L. tv. B mows A Co., Num. iff and 216 Klui Street, Cincinnati. Olilo. MARIUKDJ On the 18 lust ,at the M. K. Parsonage Ceutrc HhII, liy Hev. ti. W. ltouse, Mr. Davltl It. Sweetvrootlnnd Miss Virginia Wolfe, luitli of Potter township. On the 25th in. St., by Hev. J. Toiullnson, Mr. Cyrus N. Philips, of luike Stark, nlilo, and Mils Catherine K. Vteaver. of Aarous imiyr, l*u. Oil the mil of Sept. lust. at the Itefornioit * Parsonage, Aai'ousbiu'K. by Hev. J 0. fchoeiouki'i', Mr. John ti. .-ius-.-er and Miss Mary A. Human, all ot tluuiea-Twp. Oh the ifctnd ult., at the same tdace by the s.ime Mr. Dunlol Mover una Miss sarali Stover Lodge and Society Directory. The MiUheiui Cornet Band wilt meet In the Town Hall ou Monday auU Thursday event*#!). Providence Grange N*o. 217 P. of U., nit-eta in Ak-xauder s block ou tiie 2nd M - turday of each month at Btf r. u. aud ou therm buturday oteacU month at !>, r. ml Tut Irving Literary tueel* In the Town Hall, ou the last Friday evening ot each montti. uutll otherwiae ordered. The Milt holm li. 4 L. Association meat* in the I'owu Hall, ou the eeeumg ot the second MoiuUy oi each month. Miilherui Council No. SPV, >. I". A. M. uioeia every Saturday ot i OVdook. r. m. iu their Council Itooui, Wilt's Uutlding. De gree Mt eiiufib will bo beh l on Tuesuay on or Ihjloiw the fulltuoou of each would. C. il. ll*tn ec U. F. Millos, C. y —.r " i ; 'il srm L C. * i. C. KAI LBOAU Extohok i)r the us*TO hI'UING MILLS. Dn and after At/putt 15 th. 1877. trains nn thi.t road uM run daily, {except Sundays-) us foii-us : ~ v f ' I V, ii . i in • WESTWARD RAHTXVAHP _h 3*l STATIONS. 1 4 !5 p. Af. A.M. A St. J. if. A hi. p. M. 6 10 fi,jfc T.t?' Mvntfnylf.n, er. f.io ar. 9.(<> ar. o.5 7.20 hair. Ornuildt t.44 5 '.K 10.11 7.28 Bieht, * M 5.20 10.21 7 35 VirtsCrUrp. 1.29 5.13 A 10.57 ~ 7.45 MiJlin¥ttrf, 6.1% 506 JO, 87 ar. 8.00 Milinnrii. Aof> 4.10 WCTi 11.10 . LuiireMon, 4.J0 1.00 (bftvrn. ' 2.46 ar. l.ta Kjrrixp Mills. 2.10 P. M. P.M. A.M. "TIT | A M I P. M. n > /v j f. ? to Nos. 1 A 1 conneet at Mentanden Wtth Rr t Mall west on the Philadelphia A Erls Hail Road. * s ' i Nos. S .ft 4 with Picljlc Express east. Nos. A®. PHILADELPHIA pun. • 44 44 j'hi'adeiphia I|Xl p. fn. • *• Mainmort 44 44 44 ' Harridburg 4.25 a. m. * M • Suutwry 6.:*) a. in. "i • " Montttndon € 87 a. m. 44 •' WilHcrmsport 8.55 a m. • •• 44 Lock Haven 9.40 a. m. " 44 arr. at Erie 7.Bft p. m Niagara Ex. leaves Philadelphia 7.20 a. m. n •• •• Harrlsbuty 10.50 a. tn. " '• •• Sunburn 12 40 p. m. • •• " Montondon 1 00 p.m. 44 " arr. at Wllliamsporl 2.20 p. m. " " •• ixtck Harm 5-25 p. tn. •• " Kane V.'JU p. tn. prist Line leaves New York 8.25 a. in. 44 •• Philadelphia 11.80 a. m. • " •• Baltimore 11.35 a. m. 44 " Harrisburg 3.20 p. . • Banbury 6.40 p. in. • •' •% ' Mcmiundon 6.1; >p. m. 44 Will io Disport 7.30 p. m. " " arr. at Lock Haven 8.40 p. in. EASTWARD. Pacfflc Ex. leaves J/ock Haom 6.30 p. tn. *• " '• M'iUiam'port 7JSf.ni. • * * Montam/on 8.08 a. m. 44 • Sunbury 8.35 a. m. 44 " arr. at Harrisburg ll.ftia. fH. • " " Baltimore 6.10 p. m. 11 Philadelphia 3.46 p. m. '• " '• jvw Fort 6.45 p. m. Da./ Ex. leaves Kane 6.10 a. m. " 44 44 Ijock Haven 11.ft) a. tn. 44 fF4aianiftpoet lft4o a. m. 44 44 " Mcmfandon 1.47 p. m. 44 " Sunbury 2,16 p. m. " 44 arr. at Harrisburg 4.10 p. m. 44 - 44 Philadelphia 7.20 p. m. 44 " " jVetr l'ort 10.15 p. m. •• 44 Baltimore 7.35 p. in, >• " " Washington au7 p.m. JFrie Jtfaif leaves #r/ . HO®a. m. " 44 Lock Haven a 15p.m. " " 44 WUliamsport 11.05 p. m, * 44 3;ojfo/idon 12.18 p. m. ' 14 44 Sunbury 12.45 a* m, 44 44 arr. at Harrisbavff 2.45 a.m. 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.4 ft a. m 44 44 44 Philadelphia. 7.00 a.m. 44 44 44 Kew York 10.05 a. ml* last Line leaves Wil'iamsport' 1'2.35 a. tn. 44 44 44 Sunliury 2.00 a. m." 44 44 arr. at Harrisburg 4.00 a. m. 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.4 ft a. nt. 44 44 44 Philadelphia 7.35 a.m. 44 44 New York 10.25 a. tn.. Erie Mall West. Niagara Ex. West $ Lock Haven Accom. West and Day Express East make close connection at Northumberland with, L. Her. J. M. Smith will preach in thi U. • B. Church, next Sunday morning. ' Her. J. O. Shoemaker will preach In the Ucfonned Church, Aurousburg, next Huu duv morning, Herman. EXKCI TOUS N(TlCk"—lo iters testa meiiiary on the estate of MlChuol Fiedler, deceased, lute of Miles towusiitp, having becu granted to the undersigned, he requests nil persons knowing tiim selves Indebted, to said Mtafsjo make Im mediate payment,and those hit vingelaluis against the name to present them duly un t iianUuaU'd, according to law, for net tic e * U P. T.AIUSSfcK, f M Executor. TJ>XKCCTpKS NUTJCK.-Utteis testa .Alimentary on the estate of Jacob llarter, lata ol f'etui Township, deceased, having been granted to tlie undersigned, all |ter- j *is knowing llifiiinelvc* indebted to mild ate ;ue regiieMed to fnakp immediate payment of the same; and those having claims against the mux*, to present tneui duly authenticated for settlement. rX J. H. luricsgrpKit, ' Kxcectbr. Mlllhelm, Oct. 23. 1877. 42-6t —— Mlllhcliu JHarkst. Wheat 1 P> Corn A) Hvo 86 uat.s , Barley *0 Tyamtliyaeed Flaxseed r........ (Jioverseed 5 Butter £3 itaai s 16 mjTs., w Veal.-.1, Kggs 1? I'aUUoes t* bard Tallow 7 Scap 6 Dried Apple* 6 Dried readies... 3 Diicd rberritw ft J. P. UEPHABT. D. A. MIfiESR GEFHART & MUSSER LF AL-LL.S IK Vrai*. i i lsier*f4. risnr Jk , ■ TM, 1 ■■B iMI, rtaster 'At ■alt. MILLHEIM, PA. Bltlieit market price paid far all klads at GKR,AJEN\ Delivered wither at tlio lIKICK MILL er at the old MUSHES MILL, (n MiLLfIEIM. COAL. PLASTER & SALT Always ea band and said at prtess thai de fy competition. A sLara of tbs public patronage respectfully solicited*. , sp-ly ■ ■ X-'J'-'U.- '11 —. ■ rows: EFZ VtVMOTH OUTFIT TO EVC RB £■ UYPOP7. stem winder watch fry, f 'fee wJ th first order. Ten Doi 9mmmmalars a day anaiantaed. M. CROKIW7H & OF, PiiiLtusLmiA, at MILWAOKCS. WXSCOMUM. 42-4w A MAI Ol' A THOL'SAID. V CONSUMPTIVE CCTtfcTV—When death was hourly expecicd froniCOHeiMrnow all leinrilie.s hnvlna failed,and Dr. 11. Jamo* win etiiiMiuu ntinc. lie accldeuUallv uiadr a preparation of Indian Hemp which cured ids oule child, and uow rlte- this recipe tres on receipt of two stamps to pay eapeusen. Hemp also cures uighl-sweaUi. nausea at the stomach, and will break a fresh cold In twen ty fenrbuuta. Addrc**. CTttDiIVCK Cl>4 „ 1 o*2 Race bucci, PhMadelphla, naming this paper. 3-4 W. e fellows, a gentian clerk, now cabin# himself Dr. W.G. Ci emtden, is Indiet ed on cuuiplaha of Dr. S. and awaits trial for forgery and embezilemsnt. S4-lw " A POSITU K 41 RK MI R CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, AND ASTHMA. Thousands have lieoii cured by I>R. Gol ik> bj'ko's l shai.ation, who were prononiic cd Incurable by physuiaus and filends, l'a tlents lving at ii distance desirtni to avail themselves of the advice of DR. GolDknbeug can write their name and mist-oWee address and bn-ward to Hit. GCH.nBNBaRo. 916 Arch street, Philadelphia, when he wilt return tliein a list oi prluiod questions, the answers i<> which will enable hhn to determine the nature of their 01-uriws and the probability ofenre. !le wilt forward to auy address, his paper or lxak, giving full deserlpftons of the oiscases he tio.its, etc. 2119 Ml. Vernon St., Phila.. Oct.. HA, 1877. I have used ITT. Goldenberg's Inhalation for Catarrh, Brouchitis, aim Asthma, and ain entirely cured. ANNi* NKai.. KIDNEY AND LVER SPECIFIC A RADICAL CIKK NOR ALL DISEASES OF TIIK KIDNEYS, BLADDER, AND URINARY ORGANS. Patients sending two ounces of nrlne, e*. pressage paid, can have a chemical analysis made, and an opinion rendered regarding the- uature of their diseases, etc., free < oi chargo. Consultations and exandnatlous ritxic. Bend for Descriptive I"a)>er to D*. UOLUKABKRU'S ritINCIPALOmrB, 916 Arch Street Philadelphia 42-4 w ESTABLISHED 1846. UHS HARRISON'S WRITING INKS AND MUCILAGE. • The best in the Market. Jet Black School Ink A Speciality. Fox SALE BT ALL LEADING STATIONERS AXD HARRISON INK 00.. 8 Murray 3t., N. , CT CHEAPEST AND BEST! : PSTSSEOM'B MAOMIHB wf m 9L -4fS(SHC ~ %B- &S. V IHHHWBWWI nWiaS?I-3L W ■ wSS^WM *• • * ! # # ■ FULL-SIZE PAPER PATTERNS! ■■■iff ll ** " a*- A SUPPLEMENT irHlhc piren in every nti mber for 117*. ccndininp a ftiMsii* p* per pattern tor u lady's or child's (Irene. Jbxery subscriber trill receive, avHsto the yc+r. welt ys qj these i*tien>&, so U>ai v-Lit axnt unfit ut/i fA muii. that* the snbecn ptton jtries. "MA t " •Twi-.so's V joazjnx" ccrtnlr.v, eveiy 5e.-r. MC|; jarcs. 14 Heelplates. 12 colored Her Mil |antiiift, l-iirnn oth-crimed fusldui jlates. 24 Uicid music, and Pcv wood aiU. Its limnetic clii-u.*uou t-i abhslts picptkroi to spenu n.cie money on rn.l* lihdiraents, elo ricc, fkC.. 4c. than any otlier. Ttyfves more tor th.,u txtty in the world. Its IfiRIILIKG TALIS AM NLVLLLTTLS Are the best published anywhere. All the most popular writers are employe* to write lip inaUff Jor "Peter***.'' In 1878. in addition to the usual quality cl shot l Motics, FIV h UlUu JSOVEIJKTTKS will be giveu, by Mia. Ann b. btepLtcus, Frank Lee Benedict. Mis. F. 11. Burnett, and others. Mammoth Colored Fashion Flates Ahead of an others. These partes are engraved ou steel. IWIC* TW uvri size, land are uuequaled for beauty. They w ill beaupeibiy colored. Also, Hoot •bold and other receipts; iu short, everyWiiug inteitsiiiiK toLulits. L , A'. B. —As the jjuUishers now pre pay the postage to all mail subscribers. *'Petcrmti" is > CMkAPhh lhAls k'VEJt; n/act uxaKtMBAFtsTiKTiiB womlu. TERMS: (ilwajs In AdYance) $2.00 A TEAR. 2 Copies for 93.60 i With a copy of the premium picture (24 x 20) Twt An*ia p 3 " 4.40 ' i UHiTMAh," aJfte doffar enffratfnp to Uie peiaou getting up ( the club. 4 Copies for t*-90 s With au extra copy of tbe Magazine for IfTt, as a premium, to ft *- 8.00 | Hie tiersuu getting up tbe <^ub. 6 Copies for 960 i With both an extra copy ot tlie Magazine for 1979, and the pre -8 •• " 12.00 < miuiu picture, a/ire dolixt enptdirmj, tu Umpcraou getting up U " % * 16.00 ( the dub. Addresa, post-paid.* CHARLEb J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., l'hlladeipfela,Pa. MTSpeclmen sent gratis. U written for. nnucfand Ke*oi*n. Uluttrated Prlec !.wt uUrlUfrea. Great Wet/tern Gun Work*. FiitoLurg, Fa. , ItMw r ALAItGE MIXED CARDS with nan*, ia nUcsuv 4 . i3o. 25 without case, fe#M* Uiu car ds If* 4 . utßts kc. E, WASH BURN i- CH UKHUe loro.. Mass. 42-4w A, 'Sf ABCH V WOBEB NIGHT SCENES in THK mm.*, H Life in (ke Blkle, and Our lathtr'n Usnis. No books ever published have received such universal approval from the Press, Nlinisteis and lending "lEen evrr>where. The choice readlu*. line steel engravings, and superb bindings, make them welcome In every home, one sample sells all. Send lor terms Begin a paving business at once. J. V MeiTRUI A it) , I'liiUDUrMii, Fa. 42-4 W WAIVTtD IMedals and Wlomas Tor HOi.MAN'S . Aw r r^fnTTtn S-KK, iiSSesio.e Pictorial BIBLES SOOO lllaswaloas. Address Tor new circul A. J. HOI/MAN 4k CO., V3O AKCH Street, i'hil&delphla. 34-4w H4|l B®en Harvest for Agent*. We ja dig I B send free, our new 40 page 11- IjB U L. ftj lust rated Jewelry and Watch catalogue, with Instructions how to make money. Addiess, M. CKUNEGH A Co., i'iiila.. Fa., or Milwaukee, Wis. 39-4w AGENTS WANTED FOR THE mILLUSTRATED HISTORY THE GREAT RIOTS lli cufefclJua a ItUl account oi .4.6 reign of terror in PRtabure, Balti moce, Chicago aud other Cities. The con flieia between the Troops and the mob. Ter rible conflagrations ana d est rue I ion of |ro lcrty. Tin tiling scenes and Incidents, etc., etc. Send for full description of the work and our extra terms to Agents. Address, j NATIONAL TCBUSIIINO Co., I*h4lade.phia Fa. 4w AGENTS WANTED! ! FOR FAKTICU LARS, ADDRkS* 11IE0R SEI \U HCBINE CO. 828 Broadway, New York City: Chicago 111.; Now Orleans, La.; C-tw. or San Frauc.sco, Cal. "TMIf CROSS iR CRESCEXT. The thrilling Histurv of for 300 years. A wild story of Bloodatood and Fanaticism, the strife for power and creed. By the popular historian. Dr. L. P. Brockett ." Describes their peculiar Kelt rlooß, Social, and Political customs, their Rulers and Rural, causes of this; war, weighty interests at stake, etc. 600 pp. Rich. HFs. On y *2.50 OITB BIBLES have 2000 111 s, and far ex cel all others n Prices just reduced 25 per cent. ! 1 I Sena Tubs.. FhiUdelphu^ anew > real A new IrHn tnCBllI pieces btoeet He. silver ot all*. Mueicfub. I Co., MiddleLoio, Macs. 42-lw KOCH & STROUSE'S, I hi!fidclphla t leihißg Hall Market Street, |Lewisburg, Pa., la the Cu*rtr for Ready Made Clothing. 4 A larger stock can be found in our atore than in ay other in LBloat ounty, and to j prices aro from 15 to 40 per cent lower • than those of other stores. Any person in need of clothing will save from a day's to a week's wages by calling At the PHILADELPHIA COTH IKG BAIL # opposite Lewishurg National Bank, EWISBURQ, PA. REATTY, 1 * 1 ** 0 * <>*** best, r IffV/l 1 t I Look I startling ! See ! Organs, 12stops 155. Pianos ouly *l3O. cost* 66o. Cir Free. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N, J, * i paia 'ts o*fuy4.> kmitviedgei. Ifrfwat* v 0. T. Aimi tv. i Mfrs. of U hp*U aph > I Maohlnery, MocwT Hoixt, N. J. ftTMf • e ; mmit/arjurinff rights. INSURANCE MEN! AGENTS WASTED —FOR Til R Hew Eiiclani Mnlcal Life Jos, f\ The oidaet mutual In fbo country, Chartered 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. * MAR T ON & WAKIIIK i #*ir i ITS Smith Fourth btreet, rbtlfcrielpbia. BsrtSß est MI: on Bui ty*ffyWt"" u Jcwe..,;, fMS rjm wfii out. Consul!* ; of elegant ■ m| watch chain, I > ■ dies' hsuuiMmnc jjfeyE fjM brooch, and SScl (fro pv.pair ok> IB MmES! 2A gOKUtu.M- I iiev " -piiifcl atuds, collar outturn lieavy pitl" wedding i int, jtnd cents' Parisian dian oho fin. The above aittflea sent. punt-pa; i, f'" O CTU. have been ictalled lor ¥•■ o*'k • rupt stock and inuutb* sold. Holid MiiUU. Gold Wat'hes, 410 each. (or apeoulative pui poses, good timer*. ecual tn appeartnea to • 4200 genuine gold. "Hit rcpatfUon Tor honesty, fair dealing end libera'tiv 4* on euitftied by any AdterUaer iu this city J. Day 8001-, Dec. {ft, 187 ft. rtkstAUH STAMPS TAKEN As.: or E*< et.se-, or some drain upon the sywein is always cured by Hrajbrej's Homeimtiiic h. 28. It tones up and Invigorates the *>*teia dispels the glonto a no deanprndeitcf, Impart* •Uctigth *ud energy—stoi* the drain sJet rejuvenates the entire man. Been used twenty years with pet feet success t-v thous ands. Held bydeaieca. Pi ice. fl toper *in gle vial; ort&.tOpci uackape or fl*e %i*l aud 42.00 vial of lowJer. rout by mail on receipt of price. Address Humphrey's HMuoepatbic Medicine CojnpoftV, Brent'j way. New York. Six iSly JACKSON'S BEST & ABOVE ALL. These brands of Sweet Plug arc srekfl wl edged by ail, to tie the Eisett tMid *f, Toliftecow in ll* market- Put •:? Pi ah •hapes and sizes, In mahogany And Id-re - i? ' 1 . . DFALAT. IN ALL KINDS CCD_A_IEji 5 AT COBURN STATION. . PERRY H. BTOYKR, IGEIT. TSatisfaction giiaranteeL*T?t ~ TRIF ING WIT* X COLD 18 STWXTB DSHftXICOVa. , WELL'S CREOLIC TBLETS. A sui-e to tOltitib, diseases of the THROAT, L( KS t'Hk'Sl and HI f 01S WKMBKANS. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXBt; ! SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. , CVN.CKITTENTON,7 sixth AV EN UK, iUW Yolk. AM ■ jfl Great chance to make uio lu 111 II BCV* It you can't ge' gold •IRJ IL- fJI wycu cau get grteal>ack. We need a uet sou in everv towu to take subscriptions Tor the cheapest and bw* lllustratftd family pubiic..- ttoft lu the world. Any one cau becorer successful agent. The most elegant work* of *rt given free to subscribers. The pric! is so low that almost everybody subscribe<. t>tte agent reports making over #l5O in a I A idy agent roports tekihg over 4tv I subscrib*rs in ten days. All who ) make money last. >ou can dercre !>i! ru.- lime to tire business. ir only your spare :'t me You need act lie away from home ove; fiigk You can do it as well as others. Full parti etihuw, dlivctlotts and terms free. Flegar. t aml expensive uttil free. If you want protttsifr work send us your address at once. It co.- nothiug to try Ute business. No one W'ki o gages falls to make great pay. Andrew Tl e People's Journal." Portland, Jlaitie. *!-]/ BEAITYPJAXO! I Grand Square and Upright, ®er v trie * EVEU vk\ NOW hxal.v. DANIEL F. BEAST? Wahhingtoa, New Jersey, U. S. A. Daniel F.Beatty's Cautiom.— The reputation Dave gained and the celebrity or my Urgons, liave indut ed unprincipled parties ami agents to copp my circulars, and misrepresent mv In'imimatita} against this toe public are nereby diutioned. All my Organs bear my tradc-mak, Golden Tungitß, and all mv Pia nee-hay# the word PI Vp nmieilined and also have my nauie'saE!l2l9S?abd tea', ilenoo,, I)WISI. F, BKATrr" \V;il|jiiyu Ji.. J., without which hone Is genuine. • Address, * ' •- , $ .^j-: DANIEL P. BEATTY, - Washington, N. J., L T . S. A' - r*Tlts ft V?ured. N* v vXlauWil d market out by that ' . plainest of ill books— Plam Home Talk and Medical Atom in on Bens,"—nearly 1,000 pages. 20C i{lustration-, by Dr. E, B, FOOTB, of T'JO Lexington Av N. Y. Purchasers of.t his ixiok are at Hbeii v to consult Its author In person or by mail free. Price by mail, 4124 for the Svi\i>.vnr edition, oi 41.C>0 for the POiTi.iii editton, which contains ail the sjine eistiei and I - lustratioua. puiteuts ta'des free. Aowi* YYaKTsn. MUIfHAY MILL PtJBLIHIIINst OC, 1 Kasi 2WJ. St. X. ,s-| y XUiT C3-K/EA.T VARIETY jAT BOYER'S : en