% jjt Ijounial filler & Deißinger. Proprietors B. IX DanuNjß.i, Associate Edlto HUlheint. Thursday, 0ct.25. Terms —tI.SO Per Annum. •Li - 1— Democratic State Tickets Fok SrrnFMß Jnnoe. JOHN TRUNKEV, or V*ja*oo Cor TIT. Foe State Tee a* ttuui, AMUS'O. NOYES, or CUstk* Covxtt. Foa ArbiTOß Oww-vt. W. P. SCHKLL, i \jr Beofoed Coi Trv .. W ;V.i ■ '.J Btnmniic Cuuuty Mrket Fom Ihstiiict Attorxkt, J f>. F. FORTNEY. m * . ",> ■ - .1 ■ ■ —. - Digest of Kltttl ob laws. I'lection-T uesday, Novbr. 6th. Polls open at 7 a. *., and close at 7r. x. WHO CAN VOTE. Every male citizen, twenty-one years of age, nossessing the following qualifica tion*, shall b entitled to vote at all olee ttons: ... ' jr 4 1. Ifs shall have been A citizen of the United States one month. 4. Uc shall have resMal In the State one year; or. If having previously been a qual ified elector or uative born citizen thei oof. uud shall have removed therefrom and •returned, then hesball havertsddttd tHEre ln six month* immediately piwedingtlm He shall have resided in the district where he intern!* to vote two months im mediately preceding the electiou, Ut.-Uad of ten days, a* formerly. *. If twenfe-ono years of age. or np - ward, he abailhave paid, wtlhin two years. • a State or county tax, which U\c been assessed at least two mofttha pHh 1- vius to the olcctlou, and paid at least one. month previous to tbeCsKiue. ■ v 3 Foreign born citizens must iwvvt jeui naturalized at le:i*t one month Ixdorethe - oiectkm, and mustconform to tlio nafeubv meutsCTiutalnedln section 4, protecting. The election will be held on "Gie Te-- day next following the first Monday of November," being this year tbo ethda; nlay! October Bth, to the last day for securing naturalization iiapers. Saturdav, October 6th. is the last day on which taxes can belaud in legal Time to TOt6. . _ ~ The above tote should be carefully re meinbcrj.l and acted on by all votera. a - l>en#tcratic County Contmilteo. The following persons wlll constltat e the Demtcratic County Committee for the ensuing yvan _ ... Bellefontr S. W. —Charles Snilih. *i. W. —William Gnlbraltb. W. \V—S. A. McQuLston. H-iwarU BoroHgh—G. W^— Comertorfi. yiilrebufg Borough—O. T Kni'imer. Vhilipsbtir* Borough—L. jU. lAugte. , Uuionvilie Borough—A- S- losl , ip-^- , *£? u ' tVlege t\rp—•!. £ Heimgh. Curtm twjfe-ConnulJßiiurr. Ferguson tv P oW —Fred Bottorf. Fergns.m two oew-Miles VV a.Jrer. *(t&yjk twp—SmiPie.l J. Hening. ' ibimc!- ip—lr. F.. J. - Harris twp-J.icob Weaver. ~ Half Moon tw-— A. T. Gray. Huston twp—Daniel Irvln. ' Howard twp—John A. Woodward, l.ibertv two—Tbonia* I.ingle. Ma riori twp—Kobert Holmes. ML lea tvp-Udah eJiairer. Button tap Pr. -I. If- Bush. I'otjcr twp uoitb— Pliiiip Messingcr. fotter twp soitUi—-foflttPn GlllllauJ. I'enn twq)—r.>nat:inu Kreamer. Bush twi—T. J. Duiiklo. Snow Shoe twp—4. H. Holt. Spring twi>-Joh n Npjl, TRvlor twi>—*Samtte! Hoover. Union twp—Jesse Frederick. Walker twp—eolomon I'ei-k. Worth twtv—Owen McCann. JOHN HOFFEB. Chairman. THE SENATE DISCUSSION. The discussion in the Senate on the resolution to admit Spofford, elect Irom Louisiana, plain ly evidences that the Republican party managers have not abandoned sectionalism npr become reconciled "to the new order of things in that portion of our country termed the South. They have failed to learn so far that that stock in trade is worn out completely, and offensive to all common sense citizens irrespective of party. The history of the South, sirce the war to this date, demonstrates fhlly that Republican administra tion there exi9ted for the interest of the party at large, and regardless al together of the welfare and interest of the governed. We all full well know that fraud, oppression and "the instigation and promotion of inter-i nal strife, were the means employed to retain power. Who does not know that as fast as the several states were redeemed from their debauched rule, order re- j sumed the place of chaos, internal trouble ceased to exist, the people re spected the law, and peace, and prosperity at the same time began to aawn upon them. The most nota ble of all are the states of South -Carolina and Louisiana where the people were longest oppressed by their outrageous mode of governing. There parpet-bagism longest held on with its tenacious grip, sunk them into debt enormously, plundered their treasuries, done everything that might be enumerated in tine cat alogue of misgovernment. They counted the ballots to their own de sire, but all being done under the bauner of Republicanism, that great moral party shouted "Amen," and sustained tliera in all their disgrace ful actions. Let as glance at the Condition of affairs there now. Owing to the policy of the present administration and the all powerful 'resolution to shake off the tyranous Voke they succeeded in gaining their freedom —government Of their own. This transition has occured within the last eight months and what has been the result ? Are they not as well governed as any commonwealth North; have not domes'tic troubles 'ceased to exist and to sum up* is not life and property as well protected and safe as here V It must be patent to all that Republican government in the boutli was a libel upon our free institutions and a dark and pol luted page in our country's history. The party managers are nothing but whited walls, seeking the despolia tion of one portion that they may retain power to rule the entire coun try. But the people will rebuke them. Ohio has spoken and, when the November gales blow they will be further rebuked and dethroned. They will be taught, forcibly too, that a recusitation of the sectional corpse will result in their final and complete overthrow. "Indeed the ray of the transgressor is hard." TriK Prksidf.xt deserves ritcl it for sending,to Congress a short mes sage, and especially for confining himself to matters for which the extra session was called. He says it was to provide appropriations for thearmvand navy that on gross w;us assembled, and asks $32,430,538 for t ie army, and several millions more for the navy. He also recom mends acceptances of the invitation to take part in the French Exposi tion, to takeiplace *e\t May. Mr. Hayes wisely YeserVea ids views and recommendat ions on the state of the country for the regular annual mes sage in December. The country can rest assured that the Democratic House will care fully and rigidly scrutinize every item of appropriation naked for, be fore it is granted. The extravagance and profligacy that hftVe so dishonor ably marked Grant's administration will not l>e related while trie Dem ocrats in the House hold the nation al puree strings. A WORD TO TME CM EMPLOYED Our attention hit* been called to a new cooking utensil, recently Invented, which makes nuking a pleasure, instead or u dreaded necessity ; the inventor of which has conferred an everlasting blessing upon every housekeeper. We refer to the Pat ent centennial Cuke and Bread Pan. with which, by eliuuly raising a book, vou can remove flic sides otuie jian froin the cake instantly, without breaking or injuring it In the least, tlitisonub.nng you to ieu and frost it while wstmi. To it-move the tnlaj in the eonn-r, insert u kuifv in the slot in the top of the tube, and simply glvo it a half ttirn. nnd It will drop out. It is also provided with a slide on the bottom, so that, when yon remove the tube, you can close the hole, making a pan with plain bottom, for baking Jelly and plain cakes, pudding, bread, etc., thiif practically gln *wp tw pan* for the prtct of &ne. The Centennial Cake Pan is highly roe ommended by the Ittrties as being the best and most Cimventeufpnp fever introduced. Tlvev are made of Kn*sia iron, ore more ffUraNr, hnd~vbthatcVont catts more even ly and a much nicer brvirn than t tcu can MAt them tn the old-jAohi >nrd tinaUepan*. These goods are sold exclusively through agents to families, and every housekeeper should by all means have them. A splen did opportunity is oflVrodfcosome reliable lady or gontleiiian canvasser of this cuun ty to secure the agenev for a pleasant and profitable business. For terms, territory, etc.. write to L. K. BnowxA Co., Vos. ill ami iIG Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Mr. R, 11. Dunciin is moving bis qM mill stable to the R. U. and will Convert it into a jjrain house. The 11. R. Co. put the iron on Krumriiife's switch last wefk, and it looks like business to see tbo iron horse go in and out. Mr. J. W. Shook, of the firm Shook. Bro. & Co., has just return ed from the city with a complete as sortment of merchandise. They are a set of genteel fellows and should be well patronized. T. B. Jamison is now erectincra Imuse on liis vacant lot near the De pot. That's light, Tone. The greatest curiosity the R. R. has yet brought was a car load of wrecked merchandise. Stoves could lie had cheap then. The company could hift have prevented the casual it v. I not ice an article tn the H'cde/i -nw stating that, we complain of high freights. We did so. but are happy to inform that paper thai our freights have been reduced. You ask, Mr. Editor, which town will tie the third in the county. No doubt Millneim will come in light after Spring MlV.fi. YONEY. [Thanks, for the compliment and the information.—Ed. Journal.l F. M. Fuby.—There afe some folks who are determined to find fault with everything at and tU on Tlnen gwun(k An inn 1 1hrs wad* enny Body ofemten Wilt bo I>elt utkciilcn Too In. Henry Fiedler bought a lot from Mr. Fliert, at the Forks, and ex pects ist., his couimia- j si"ti lieaiißg date JiJept. H. 1k75. j Ilis station will l>e —Stover's, in C'-en- j tie Co. Expects to go on duty Nov. | Ist. Oar frieiids who desire to see a good, life size portrait of the next Treasurer of Pennsylvania can do so by Calling at onf sanctum. Re publicans who still hesitate a little :it>out voting for "Old Square Tun- j her," especially invited Admit- t tancc free. Doors open during busi ness hours. Met Sam May, the other at Milesburg. Sain is as pleasant and lively as ever, bad lots ot questions to ask about Millheiraand its people, seems to be full of business, and has his head-quarters at 91, Pine WilHamsport. Pa., wbefit fie has on© of the finest Milliner Stores in the State. Long live Sam May. We have made arrangements by which we can got all kinds of book binding done at short notice and at very reasonable prices. Large sixed bibles rebound, from $2.1-5 to $3.2-5. Magazines, size of Harper's, Irom $1.20 to $3.1.5, according to st>le. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders taken at thff Journal Book Store. V, A LOKO FJIKE UIJJB.—Not long sihee a oouplp of worthy mechanics oi Loeen appointed collector of taxes for Belle fonte, with instructions to have the taxes collected by a certain fixed day. TUw is just as it should be. Every We that co,i jfoy his taxes should be compelled to do so in the current year, and who can not should 1)9 exnoiierated. There is no profit either to the township or tax-pfvyet to let taxes accumulate for sevefal years. FORKS HOUSE. —This is the name of Stover's new hotel at the depot. It is a spacious, well arranged house, with ample 100 m and accommoda tions for unv probable niiraber of guests. Perry, who is now a Full fledged landlord, showed us around last Wednesday, but we could not ac cept his invitation to be present at the formal opening the next day, as we were just starting away on a trip. The Forks House and its new host hayc our best wishes. J. Newman, Jr., is dotevmined not to be diverted 4'rom his legiti mate business by any idle rumors about bis get tint?* married. He goes right straight along selling the best and cheapest Clothing ever brouglrt to' Centre county. Cote the Eagle (Jlothinur Hall, HeHefonte, and le convinced that we Say but the square trull). TIIK PREMIUM, issued by,"'Peter son's Magazine" tor 1878, like every thing else froin that, quarter, is of rare excellency and beauty. It ijv not'one of the cheap, colored litho graphs, with which the country is Hooded, but. a first-chins lino and stipple engraving, executed in the highest stvln of art. The artists are Ilhnap & Brothers, and they have engraved it, (24 inches by 20,) ex pressly for "Beterami's Magazine." m thou - most brilliant manner, it is aucn a plate as would sell, at re tail, for five dollars. The pictuVe represents UIO"ANOKLS OF CHRIST MAS." They are hovering m the skv, over the Holy City, the StarVrf ■Bethlehem streaming down on the landscape. It is a picture that ought to be in every household *NJ America. In artistic merit and beauty it is, we think, the finest "Peterson" has ever issued You can get it, by raising a club fir "Pe terson" for 1888, or by remitting $2.50 for it and for tho magazine, the magazine alone Wing two dol lars. This is a rare clmnCe. speci mens of the magazine scut, gratis, to those wishing to get up clubs. Address ('HAS. J. PETERSON, ;>O6 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MARRIED. On tho 16th Inst.. by Buv. J. ToinllnHnn, Mr. W. LeitEctl. of ItoDcrxburg, and Misn 1,. Harter, of Millhelin. CHUROH DIRECTORY." The of the new I.utbemn Church at Kelxr*bnrg to be occupied on thS*tti Inut. on Krkliiv And HHtnnlay oviiH.iffc prior. ARniaterx from a dUtHiice are Miwotwl to be present, to pari icipate in taoervldex. We liereby ex tend uu invitation to alltifho present. V. A champ. Pastor. Rev. r. Lodge and Society Dirootory. j The Millhcim Cornet Hand will meet In the Ton u Hull on Motnluy ami Tbuttnlay evening*. xi „ Providence Grange No. -JI, P. of It., meet* In Alexander's bU>ok on t lit* 2nd Su tnnlnv of each month at 6'.. r. *. and on the 4th Saturday of cacli month at 1)* r. H. The Irvintr l.iternrv Institute tuorts.ln the Town llall. on the last FrldAy ovetig of each month, until utborwlM prdeml. The MiMheim It. A!.. VsHoebtUf.n lriftetft in the Town Hull, on the evofrlAg of the second Monday of each month. . .Millhelm Council No. atw, O. I*. A. M. meeta every Sat unlay at # o'clock, r. in their Council Room. Wtlt's ivr.fillui?. IK jfipo Meeting!* will be held on Tuesday on or before the full moon of with ruonth. C. 11. Ilato, Be It. 1 lltttr*. C. Ik ( 4c ti. < RAIL KfM I) fXTENSIOS or TUE I.INETO STKIXp MILL&. On wvi after Aforw/o//. Avrfytt 131A, 1K77. trxUy, (••jcctj't titw'tit;-*) P* fnlrov*: WK9TWA lilt EAUTWAH It. 5 3 j S Ttl TIOXB. 2 | 1 • J'. Af. \~Tjr A. At. A. M. A. M 0.10 7.0n Mont'in/lon, nr. ( ! ;Mi a/. D.dft nr. 0.00 ar. 6.23 111. 10 "It Isirirburfj. 6>3 K/s> A43 10.03 7.20 tnir (Jruutyl, 3.44 5 29 10.14 V'M Jtlchl. 8 ."L ft.2h hi.2l 7 :u> VU-kM'urg, s2*l .Via 10-oT 7.4 V Mijjlinbvrg. 8.19 3.00 PJ,O7 ar. KJOO Mil! n>nut. 8.0-V F.?O 11.1U T Jsivr ferine MH+ 2 )U J'.M. /'■ M. A. .1 /. * .1. MA.M. I /'. M. Xox. 1 it 2 rmxmct at Mantaiuton With Erie. Mall trest on the Philadelphia & JCrti Rail Road. - 1 JVA*. 3 \ Miy tr.fA, 177, the Train)? on abe )TU'laelpnui and Erie Rail Road Division Kill run as follows: WESTWARD. Erie Mu a leaves Xc w Y> trk, %fp. m. " rhirf'vfphia lite pint. ** " '' Baltimore 'jAop.m. 44 •* Jlarrisi'urg 4 .25 a. 44 * " Sunburn a. m. A '* 44 Mmtaiulon 6.57 a. in. " '• " WiUiam.ytort *.35 a. m. 44 •• 44 L>tck Haven 9.40 a. tn. " 44 arr. at Erie 7..15 p. ru. Niagara Ex. leaves Philadelphia .7.20 a. th. * 44 44 HarrUbur§ 10.50 a. Nt 44 " Sanbury YLiap.nt. 44 44 " Montandon 1 /t. " " arr. at WHliafnrjtort 2.20 p. in. 44 " " I jock Haven 3.25 p. In. " " •• Kane 0.20 p. uu 2*e?t Line leaves Aic York 8-3."> a. iu. " 41 " J'hiladclph la 11.30 a. tN. rt " •• Baltimore 11.35*. m. •' 44 Harrlshurg 3.20 p. m. " " 44 Sunhvry 5.40 p. m. 44 " " Montamlon #>.ls p. m. 44 44 WiUiamsport ,7.X) p. m. 44 " arr. al Lock Haven 8.40 p. m. EABTWA RD. pacific Ex. leaves Ixick Haven, f>.3o p. in. 44 '• • WiUiamsport 7.55 a. m. 44 44 44 Montandon 9.09 a. in. 44 44 Banhury 9.35 a. in. 44 44 cfr. at Harrishnry 17.55 a. in. 44 44 Baltimore 6.10 p.m. • 4 , 44 44 Philadelphia 3.45 p. in. 44 44 '' 4 ..Veto York fi.45 p. in. Day Ex leaves Kane 6.U0 a. m. 44 44 44 Lack Ham* 11.20 a. iH. 44 44 44 Wtiliamspoet 12.40 a. in. 44 44 44 Montamlon 1.47 p. wi. 44 44 44 Bunhury 2.15 p. in. 44 44 arr. at Harrlshurg 4.10}). in. 4 * 44 44 J'hiladelphla 7.20 p. in. 44 44 44 yew York 10.15 p.m. 44 44 u Baltimore 7.35 p. m. 44 44 44 Washing ton luff p. m. Erie Mail Have* Erie , 11.09 a. in . 44 44 44 Lock Haven 9.45 p.m. 44 44 44 William sport ll.Ofip. in. x 4 44 44 MontandOn 12.18 v. TO. 44 41 44 Bunhury 12.45 ■ in. 44 44 arr. at HnrrUburg 2.45 a. in. 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.46 a. in. 44 44 44 Philadelphia, 7.00 a.m. 44 44 44 Xeic York 10.05 a. TO. F\i*t Line leaves WiUiamsport 12.35 a. in. " " 44 Bunhury t'.oo*. m. 44 44 arr. at J/arrishurg 4.00 a. m 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.45 a. in. 44 44 44 Philadelphia 7.35 a. m. u " New York 10.25 a. m.. Erie Mall West. Niagara Ex. .-WesL Lock Haven Accom. Wet and Day Expreis East mole close connection at Northumberland with L. A• R- R. trains fcrr Wilkesbarre ami Scranton. **,■, Erie Mail East anfl West connect at fine with trains on L. 8. &M. 8. R. R., at Ofrv with O. C. it A. V- R- R• at Kmimrlum wHh B. N. Y- A P. R . li., ami at Driftwood with \ V R R. ' Parlor Cars wiU runbelween Philadelphia and WiUiamsport on Niagara Express. West j*acltic Ex Dress East and Day Express East. Sleeping Cars on all night trains. K WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. APPEAL* ON UNSEATED LANDS.— T)ii County Uoinnil**ton'rs will meet in their office lri TLIE* Court HOUHO on the 80th and 3)*t lu\> of October, to hear up- IH'UIM on unseat! <1 hinds. when nil who ore interested nuy uttoml If they nee proper. By order oftho Board. lIENIiY BECK. St *, Clerk. "YTVYKCUTOKS NOTlCE.—l*ltera teatu inentury on the estate of Michael Fiedler, UCoulLimk lute of Miles township, having been grant (hi to the undersigned, he mjuiwtt all persona knowing thcui selves indebted to said entitle to inukc Im mediate imymimt. nncUlhoee liliv lnjr clatniH against tho nunio io present >*houi duly u -11 tout touted, according lo law, fornettle ment. > • P. T. MUSHER, Executor. ITtXKCDTOKH NOTICE. - letter* testa umentsry on the Vflate of Jacob Hatter, late of Penti Towuslftp, deceased, Intvlnit been granted to the undersigned. all |>er. sons knowing tleuielveH Indebted to *ald estate are requifMed to make iinmedtate payment of the huiii*; and those having claims against the Kiltie, to present tueni duly autuenliciUed for wttleineu*-. J. 11. RrirsNTPKtt, Executor. Mlllhehn, Oct. 23. 1877. 42-0t nil I lie On Market. Wheat sv...v 140 Corn Rye I.* 35 t>aU4...v'...,.A > Barley... 50 Tyinutliyitced .. Flaxseed... doverMed Uuller.. • Harms v. 13 Udes....'. \..v. lo Veal Kgg....v. 18 Potatoes. ,v,>.,... 23 l-ard......... 8 7 Soap.,, • 8 Dried Atipli'M <> Dried beaches Dried Cherries 3 J. I'. bKFHIKT. D. A. 511SBLK GEPHA&T & MUSSEH DEALERS IN F- •' 1 #' ■ Drain. riftverstfd, l'lour A Feed, Coal. Vlaator * • Salt. MILLHEIM, PA. .y - ,< I Highest market price paid for all klads of GKRAJCUST, Delivered either at the BRICK MILL or at the old MUH3ER MILL, in MILLHEIM. COAL, PLASTER & I3ALT Always on hhnd arid sohlat prices tbat de fy competition. A share of Hie publie patronage respectfully solicited. S.My ■NMIiMUUMIiom . 42-4 w A MM W A THOISAXD. VC iNSf MUTIYK CU ItKD —Wl.en death was hnutly expected fronifoxHt iimoN ait remedies having failed,and Dr. 11. .lames was experimen'.iiie. tie aecideutiaUy made a ineparaUon of Indian llemp which enrea liis niilv eiilld. and now pivestlds recipe free on i reel jit i>l.i>£MtßKo can wi tie their name and imst-olllfce address find forward to Dg. tiOl.DßNaßttu, "lj Arch fvln'ct, I'hiladeluhia, when he will iVnirn them a list of minted ipieMlons, the answers P which vvlll enable hini t< determine the nature of their diseases ind the prim ibility ofeuje. lie will forward fo any address. Iris |atert>r lxHik, uiving full descriptions of rhe uiseases lie treats, etc. 2119 Ml. Vernn St., Phlla.. Oct.. 3er to l>r. UOLOEKBEIIti'S PRINCIPALORFICR, Old Arch tftrtet, Philadelphia. 42-iw ESTABLISHED 1840. UBK HARRISON'S WRITING INKS AND MUCILAGE. The best in the Market. Jet Black Scnool Ink A Speciality. FOR SALE ALL Leading STATIONERS AND ' HARBISON INK 00., V 9 Murray St., N. Y. BOOTS -SHOES- BOOTS •AA.K/03ST SBTJEO, OZEIsTTR/lEI CO., JPJI- I. D. BOYER Haswukled a Boot & Shoe Store to his otherwise large stock of General Merchandise. None but Watsontown & William sport BOOTS & SHOES f •- ' f y, . ' ** * ' aoW at this establishment. HeroyCfu Wfl'l find the lkrgeet of Boots *Shc63 between MiflUubur* and Bellefonte. All Goods gtiaJ-an teed or money given back. You will find here anything frem the prettiest little Baby Shoe to Ladies' finest Gaiters. Go iaiid See them. TScafikfofe the Largest Stock of BC&TS and SHOES in this part of the coiin try. Lien's Heavy Stoga Boots, $2.25 Women's All Lasting Gaiters, 95 cts. * JLJ. i HC JY .H aaronsburg, penna. SritlXtt 11RL8 and BELLfIKfI.VTK THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. Large and Complete stock of Hardware, in all Branches*. STOVES! STOVES! I ri i We have tfte ohly fteVertible, l"op Plate 066kiug Stoves in the Market. At Spring Mills we have the Largest Stock'of Cook Movts ever seen in Peuns valley. Come and see our KEYSTONE COOK STOVE. It is the Handsomest in the World. OUR PRICES DEFY COMPETITIQX. 3new vocal & ft new Instrumental pieces .shift Made, toe. sliver or stps. Music Pub. Cp., MiJdlcOoro, Mass. 42-4W n nyCtatr) Bevpivert l .fl!u3tratC*d Price lAst ullrlufree. Great tPcstcrn Gufi Work*. Pittsburg, Pa. -38-4W r fIrLAfcGK MIXED CARDS With name, in nUoasc. 13r. 25 without case. 9c. *) new fun cards 10c. Ouiiits 19c. P. WASH BURN & CO., Middleboro., Mass. 42-w Agents Works j NIGHT SCENES IN THE , Bomr I,Yfe IntfteVtble., •■'l •M* FMhcr'a HNW. No books ever published have received such nnhersxJ approval from the Press, Ministers and leading then everywhere. The choice reading, flfie wfeel engravings, and sbperb bindings, make them welcome 111 every h une. One sampUt lelfs all. Send for terms. Begin a paving business at ohcc. •> J. v. sbeCTKOT 4k CO.; Pmuii>Ku>nu, PA . ***' AGDNTB WAKTKB JMedata and Ditdomas for HOLM AX'S n . . nT nn -ja*+mußßL A. J. FIOI,MAN & CO., 990 ARCH Street. Philadelphia.. 38-4 w J|||| DRken Harvest for Agents. We ■■Zl 11 llsend free, our new 40 page ll llUftk'U Jewelry and Watch with instructions how to mak6'nonc)\A duress, M. CItONEGH & Co., Phila . Pa., or Mltwankec, Wis. 3S-4w AGENTS WANTED FOR tHE mILLUSTRATED HISTORY n THE GREAT RIOTS li a itUi Jifcc-a o. tuC reign of terror In PWwura IkiUi-, nu"re. Chicago and oWier Cities- I'be coii ftlcth bet When ttm Troops and the tnob. 1 or rible eonfiugratio'.is and deMruction of pro perty. Thrilling scene* and inciJcnbr, *tc.. etc. }4end fr fnll deficrlptlon of the Work und our e.ura terms to Agents. Address, NaTiosalb PPBLIsniNO Co.v Philadelphia I'a. 4w RPI VfY p (AKO, ditß AX bert, W Uuil 111 Look ! startling ! Boe ! Organ*, 12 Htouv WW. Pianos only *l3O- cost JfiSO. dr. Free. Datriel F. Bealtj*, WasMngtOu, X. J, iMw AGENTS WANTED ! ! FOR PARTICVLARA, ADUUKBB lILSON SEIIH6 MACHINE CO. 829 Broadway, New York City: Chicago ill.; New Orleans, La.; 40-4w. or Mm Francisco, tab 5(100 sold ! Agents Making 3JO to SBO a MHRK AUKSTB WA.NTKfI ,THK CROSS TilS CRRSCEST.J Tlie thrilling History ot ftn djT*rh. for 300 uear*. A wild *Ury of Blood nlied and Fountlelain, the Strife for poiccr and creed. By the popular historian. Dr. P. Drockett. Describes their peculiar Bell iriouN, HoClnl, and Polltlcol customs, their Htileka and OnraL cause* of this; war, icelghtv Interests at stake, etc. 6UO vp. Rich. 11l s. On y 32.50 OCR BtBBKR have 2000 Ill's, and far ex cel all others n quality and quick aw*®- Price* just reduced 25 per cent. 11l bena fpr full pacticulxrs, HUBBARD BROb.. Tubs,, Philadelphia. Pa. 40—tw C. M £ETREE> OIGAR MANUPAOTURBR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Choice Brand's of Tobacco and Cigars, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, ETC., MATVKJST STREET, Lewisburg, Pa. J.W.CORNELIUS ARTIST AND PHOTOGEAFHER, MARKET STREET, Lewisburg, Penna. RfIGTOG RAPHES of alllkylis size* finished la the holiest fityle known to the nit. K w G* And.' Pictures painted ; S? 3- H CO in ell, Wgter Color. India Inp, A Ptrtlcular atten .on given 18 copying did arid laded uictur w Of doeeKfad friend*, iCOI orod If desired. In any of tlfC above colors Oreat pains taken to insure lo"rft*t;>mers tlte tx*t ipialilv of work, i reperlJully au nounce that I Introduce alt the NEW tTYLKS OP PICTURES a* soon m any one arid am prepared to pro duce any piece of work in tk most approv ed faskl n. The lAibfieV* PordlalW iuvi ed tocaUat my rooms andcxamlne my work, whether fhev fifflre jfTeture* or ndt A liberal deduction qn large oi-der*. The larg est and best selected stock of ) rsiucv _in I own always on Imnd, The. greatest pains taken to lusv, re satlsikctleii to my custom 'er*. Don't forget the place: South SMoof Market Ntreet, LEWISBIfUi, PA, KOCH I STROUSFS Philadelpiii* Clothing Halt* Market olreet, Lcwisburg, Pa.-, Is the Head Quarters for Ready Made Clothing. 4 A larger stock can be found in our storb than 'in any other in Lnibn county, and ouY prices arc from 15 to 46 per cent lower than those of other stores. Any person in noed of clothing wiU save from a day T s to a week's wage's by calling at the >* f PHILADELPHIA CLOTHING HALL, opposite Lewisburg. National Bank^ LEWISBURG, PA. filcott's IHIMfM Tli* most practical, si pic, and effeCtlv*. lis porlor advantage at |>e.i * gate is universal!) InuwMfßl. Adrirvs> i® . i , MMt.H VN heels mm \ • Machinery, MOUNT HOLLY, N. J. MW- , * ! mannfavtnrt'ny rlfthts. INSURANCE MEN! TAKE >.)nr i j mm waited ! —roK TH* — l£MgMJft.lL! i LIBERAL GIVEN MAU 7ON & WAT I I IN, Uriela) A| 1 . 1.13 Month Fourth MtpjWH ildkdelphta. ' MR jam Ok. kT JlHtr*! in Will I eSh MB aaa KB HMoutr cmisj.-o 4, ■ : B Hi wnlch chain. BHB BflH dies'faaN&ttMc S B ■ H B H broocti.aml mm m - ggp WB HBPI button* sei spiral stmlA, collar button, heavy pl.V} wodaiiig ring, aud.cecu Farbdan duui'-t pin. TRe aboto articles 'post-imid. r, So CTS. have been retailed tor ¥•■ k> rupf stock ftnd Hunt be sold. Hoi Id -!"' ' (told Watties, ti each, fori®idaUve pwu poMi*. grxla lifters, rqttai In Appearand t£ a k-'") genuine |i4d. "Ills regulation f**V .honesty, fair dealing and hliet altty <*•* 'einahbl hy any advertiser in Ul* city. 1 . Dou Uo >k, Doc. Jd, 1X76. POST AUK KTA tfV* TAKKN AKCAHH F. MUCK MAX 27 wper mekS n can't get ci& ®f W ftn van K*' Ki'eeubacK*. . . We need a jietßott in every Town to WAtn attbeerlpifoas fur the largest, cheapest fud best l!tu Mibseribers In tea dagnt. All who en -at,.: make money fast. You ean devote all vour time P the business, or only your siKtre tliue. Yon need not bo away from* home over nighi.D Yon Van do if as troll cji others. I- utl parli rutaiis lltfpeHous tutd terms free. Elcgaut and expetpflve UutP.l free, rr yon want protab. work send us yocr addWH aft ouci. It ewMa nothing to try tlte business. No oe who cu. gHgrs fail* to make great pav. Address "Tho People's Journal,'" I'urtlaud, .Maine. 31-iy iz m BEATTY PI AN O! Grand Square and TTprighti Bnr .. rrVK KVKM ottuv NOW REIDV-. DANIEL F. BEST? WasMngton, New Jersey, U. 8. A. Daniel F. Beatt y's ('AurrAx.—Tii? reputation haie cained . and the cetethity of mv Orgon*, have luduc. Ed some unurinelpled parties and agents to ediip my circulars, and misrepresent mv lostrtiments; against this the public are hereby cautioned. AU my Organs bear inv trade-mak. Golden Tongue, and all mv Put nos have Oio word H Q uodeiiiiust, atid alsohave m y uamcTWaiSlliihd ted deuce. DANIEL F. BBLVTTY, N, J., without which none is genutno. Address, DANIEL P. BEATTY, Washington, X. J., U. S. A. PtTj T? MPe 'l New W&Alry WIN i widths market out by tliat 'Vainest of all books "Plain tlomb TAik and Medical (Auniuou Sense, "-r-nearlv LOU6 paaoe. iOC illustration , by Dr. h". B. FOOTS, or 130 Lexington Ave , N. V. Purchasers of t'aia book are at liberty to cousuit its author In person or by ntaU free. Prloe by mail. $3.21 for the STANDAKD edition, oi $1.50 for the POPULAK edllloi> which contains alll he same mattei and il lustrations. Contents tables free. Ameins "vyasTrm MURRAY HILL I Co., V~*i Fast Mb St. N. Y. IlsT Q-E/ELA.T "V"ARIETY .A.T BOYEB'S,