Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 18, 1877, Image 3

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    C|e Journal.
filler & Dgininzer. Proprietors
% S.>VSVN V %*.%SVS-XN^
B. O. DEIXUW**, Ateoclftto Edllo
kHUicim.Tliursdny, Oct. 18.
fr rri. ■.. r — r — — —■ —„ --
Terms— Per Annum.
TX>m<M>r*tir st*M TKhet
or CLINTO* Coriftv.
* * w. r. sciiex.l.,
or Bssrosp Conrrr.
Democratic County Ticket.
Digest of Election Laws.
Election-Tuesday, Novbr. 6th.
Polls open at 7 a. *nd close at 7 r. x.
Every ipoi* ciUien, of
age, t i owning Uie Allowing quallflca
tions, shell be entitled to vote et ell elec
L He shell beve been e citixen of the
United States one month.
S. lie shell have redded in the State one
veer, or. If having previously been a Qual
ified elector or native bornciUten thereof,
and shall have temcwed therefrom end
returned, then he shell have resided there
In si* months Immediately preceding the
*3° lie shell have residetl in the district
where ho intends toVote two months im
mediately preceding the election, instead
of ten devs, as forroerty. <■ t<
4. If twenty-one years of age, or up
ward, he (hklllwve paid, within two years,
a Btato or county tax, which shell have
been aaeeaaed at least two months previ
ous to the election, and paid at least one
month previous to thcsiume.
4. Foreign born citizens must have been
naturalised at least one month before the
election, and must conform to the require
ments contained in section #, preceding.
The election will be held on 'Hhc Tues
day oe*t following the first Monday of
. NoTember." being this year tlie 6th day
of the month.
Saturday, October 6th, is the last day for
securing naturalization papers.
Saturday, October 6th. is tbe last day on
which taxes can be paid in legal time to
The above date should be carefully re
oiembered and acted on by all voters.
The vastness of the result of tlie
election in the Buckeye State is a
-surprise to the successful, as well as
to the defeated party. Ohio is tne
home of President Hayes. She had
twice honored hi in with the highest
office In tter gift, and only a year ago
she gave him her electoral vote by a
majority of 7507. Mr. Haye3 as
President, appreciated, and bv all
the means in nis power; rewarded
•the confidence his state had shown
' ' him. More Federal offices were
given to citizens of Ohio than to
I hose of any other state in tlie Un
ion. If anyone state had reason to
be satisfied with tlie Administration
of President Haves, that state ought
to have been Ohio. The "favorite
eon" was extremely anxious to have
tlie endorsement of the state which
had done so much for hun and for
which he had done so much in re
turn, and lo! she repudiates him
with a majority so overwhelming
that the meaning cf the lesson can
not possibly lo mistaken by any per
son or partv. SO 000 Democratic
majority in 1577 agamst 7507 Re
publican majority just a year ago, is
a resrftt that eoftld not hr-v been
brought about by the workings of
ordinary political causes. True,
side issues and minor influence may
have Hided in the result to some ex
tent—just enough perhaps to give
Administrnt ion journals a slight pre
text tDexplain away thp force of the
Z kpson-r-but the ene issue that was
ciearlv, uhttf!itakably defined, was
whether the work of the Electoral
Commission should be sustained.
It is not sustained, but repudiate,
spurned by the potent voice of tlie
people rising in their majesty to re
buke a good wrong. Pennsylvania,
New \ oik. New Jersey and other
m states will follow the wake of Ohio.
* attntfH the verdict against the Great
Fraud shall have become universal.
"Truth crushed to earth will rise again."
"WASHINGTON, October 15.-—The
republican members of the house of
representatives in caucus this morn.
' ing nominated Mr. Garfield,of Ohio,
IOT Mr. Rnke, evtnender
from Wisconsin, for clerk, and Mr.
Ordway, of New Hampshire, for ser
geant-at-arras; Mr. Harris, of Ten
nessee, for doorkeeper, and Mr. Sher
wood, of Michigan, for postmaster.
In the senate the oath of office
was administered to Messrs. Stanley
Mattliews, of Ohio, elected Untter!
States senator in place of Johr Sher
man, resigned: J. Donald Cameron,
elected United States senator from
Pennsylvania, in place of Simon
Cameron, resigned; D. H. Arm
strong, appointed United States sen
atorfrom Missouri, vice L. V. Bog-
The usual committee was appoin
ted to meet a committee of the house
of representatives and wait on Mr.
Hayes, to notify him that a quorum
of the two houses of congress had as
sembled. The senate then at 12:25
adjourned until 12 o'clock to-mor
row. The only senators absent were
Messrs. Mortou (Ind.), M'Millan
(Minn.) and Sharon (Nev.)
The opening of the session in the
house was witnessed by a very large
assemblage,the galleries beingcrowd
ed to their utmost capacity and the
corridors being for two hours previ
ously almost imnassable. At twelve
o'clock the clerk of the last house
i(Mr. Adams) called the house to or
der and read the proclamation con
- vening congress and proceeded to
call the roll of members by states,
beginning with the state of Maine
After , some contesting the clerk
. ruled that the nomination ot speaker
was in order. Mr. Randall was elect
ed, receiving 143 votes to 132 for
' Garfield.
Mr. Randall on taking the chair
thanked the house for calling him to
that exalted position. He praised
the efforts of t lie last house at re
• trenebmeut and reform,and thought
that a greater reduction can vet be
made without impairing the efficien
cy of the administration. He also
• * said since the adjournment and ad
• ministration has been inducted into
office which is obeved as the actual
government regardless of tbe grave
j events which marked its birth, and
! this house, animated bv a spirit of
' true patriotism, desiring first, pub
i lie tranquility under the law, sill
! frankly approve any sincere and uer
! manent policy looking to complete
pacification liy constitutional meth
ods, and to the consequent prouio
tion of the general welfare, but it
; should tie held our sacred duty to
provide legislation which will render
impossible a repetition of tine wrongs
which have occurred.
The oath was administered to
Speaker Randall by Mr. fceMov, who
in turn administered It to the mem
bers—the southerners taking what
is known as the modified oath.
Objections were made to the swear
ing m of Messrs. Cain and Uainey,
of South Carolina, Darnill, Elaui
and Robertson, of Louisiana, and 11.
Paeheco, of California, and those
gentlemen stood aside.
Mr. Adams was then elected
clerk, Mr. Thompson sergeant-al
arms, Mr. Polk, doorkeeper, Mr.
Stewart postmaster, and Rev. l)r.
I'oiilel chaplain, and they were
sworn in—Messrs. PolK and Stewart
taking the modified oath.
law requires all persons going from
door to door or placing themselves
in streets, highways or other roads
to beg or gather alms, and all ier- I
sons wandering abroad and begging !
who have HO fixed place of residence
in the township, ward or borough to
be arrested as vagrants bj tlie con
stable or other officer of the peace,
upon notice to him bv any inhabi
tant of tbe township or in bis own
view. It also provides for a commit
nent of such vagrants for not less
than t iirty days, nor more than six
months with liability to labor under i
orders of the directors of the poor.
Hon. L. A. Mackey was inter-'
viewed a few days since by u Patriot
Reporter, and among other things,
spoke as follows of tlie campaign iu j
tiiis state: j
In reference to the result of the
N overuber election in Pennsylvania |
he has no doubt of the success of the
Democratic ticket, and is esjiecially
confident of the election of Col. A.
0. Jfoves for .state Treasurer, who !
lie thinks will poll 3.000 votes ahead j
of his ticket, in the interior of the
Stat*. where he is known as a gen
tleman of the highest integrity, en
tirely competent, and a true speci
men of New Hampshire Puritan fi
delity crystalised into Pennsylvania
houestv. He says the idea of run
ning a Philadelphia tailor as the re
presentative of the labor sentiment
of the State agaiust tlie"canthook,"
"aqnre timber" candidate of the
West Branch is a practical joko on
common seusi, and that Mr. Wright
will find that the workingmen of
Pennsylvania will recognize their
true friend aud representative.
President Hayes has appointed
Gou. Harlan, of Kcntuekey, Su
i premt Judge of the United States, to
fill the vacancy caused by the elec
tion of Judge Davis to "the U. S.
Senate, from Illinois. T''e appoint
ment is a good one.
Our attention has be*u cnll*tl to a new
cooking urengit. recently invented. which
niakcj, haklug a pleasure, in.xtenj if a
dreaded necessity ; the Inventor al' which
ban catUerrert an everlasting blessing upon
every housekeeper. We rei'cr to the rat
cut CentcnniayLake ami Bread Pan, with
which, br slniwr raising a hook, you can
remove the sides of the ian from the cako
Instantly, without breaking or injuring it
in the least, thus enabling you to ice and
frost it while warm. To remove the tube
in the center, insert a kuife in the slot in
the top ofthe tube, and simply give it a
half turn, and it will dropout." It is also
provided W illi a slide on the bottom, so
that, wlicn.yon remove the tube, you can
close the hole, making a pan with plain
bottom, for baking jelly and plain cakes,
pudding, brea-.1. etc.. thut practically giv
ing you two pans/or the price of one.
The Centennial Cuke ran is highly rec
ommended by the ladies as being the best
ami mosteon renitmt pan ever int roduccd.
They arc made of Russia Iron, are more
durable, and wilt bake t/otrr col es more even
ly and a much nicer brotrn (Mm you can
wire Went' in the oid-htxhioned tin cuke puna.
These goods are sold exclusively through
agents to families, and every housekeeper
•honld by all means have them. A splen
did opportunity Is offered to some reliable
lady or gentleman canvasser of this coun
ty %n secure the agency for a pleasant and
profitable business. For terms, territory,
etc., write to L. E. BROWN A Co.. No*. 2J4
and 210 Elm Street. Cincinnati, Ohio.
A good domestic Sulphur bath
can be instantly prepared by taking
into the bath tub. Such an expe
dient will, to use a slang phrase,
"knock the spots off" any victim of
cutaneous blemishes. Sold by all
Drugffi3ts 25 cents.
Hill's Hair A Whisker Dye, black or
brown, 50 cts. 4w.
From the many flattering testimo
nifilswe have read, paving, tribute
to the Beattj Piano, and Beatty's
Golden Tongue Organs, we are con
strained to recommend them to any
persons contemplating purchasing
an Instrument of either description.
Address the manufacturer and pro-
Drietor, Daniel F. Beatty, Washing
ton, N. J., U. S. Afor auy infor
mation respecting the same. See
The lecture of Rev. Dr. Keys, the
other Tuesday night, was a positive
success, both as regards the lecture
itself as well as the attendance.
The subject chosen, "'The grum
bler," may seem to be rather a bar
ren one to such as did not hear the
lecture, but to such that did it proved
to be a subject full of practical
thought and stern lessons. N ever
before did the grumbler appear so
grumbling , so ungrateful, so unchar
itable, so intolerant and so insuffera
ble, as he did on that evening after
Dr. Keys had portrayed him in his
true colors. Iu fact but few may
have known before they heard the
Doctor, into what a deformed and
pitiableobject the "image of God"
may transform himself, by tne seem
ingly small but too commou siu of
Dr. Keys lias a very extensive and
varied knowledge ot men and things,
and seems to read and understand
human nature thoroughly, lie also
has a happy and poweiful command
of language, and his flights of elo
quence are sometimes truly sublime.
He kept the attention ot the audi
ence riveted from first to last and
we have the first one yet to liear who
was not pleased and benefited.
Lectures, as a means of public in
struction, are deservedly popular.
Tlxev belong to an advanced state
of civilization and should be more
frequent. As a community we
should strive for a nigher intellectu
al life, instead of being satisfied to
move in the old beaten tracks of
years ago. The coming winter will
have but little manual labor for
many of us: Let us use Our time for
our moral and mental advancement.
I Everybody Is wnnted at the Spring
-Mills Photograph Gallery.
The Post Office has been removed
!to Hicks' Stoic, where \>eople will
find obliging clerks to deliver their
mail mutter.
Bell's New Store will oe occupied
this week vt itti a MilHnerv and
Fancy Goods Stores.
I. J. Grenoble is about to erect
a very handsome reeideuee this full,
ou East Penn Street.
And still they come —another coal
yard has been established, J. I).
Long, proprietor, who will also keep
on band all kinds ol lumber. Just
what is needed.
This place is assuming quite a
business aspect. The time is not
fur distant when Spring Mills will
rank the second town of the comity.
(Which will be the third f-Ed.
Snook, of Millheiui, Isaac I). Boyer,
of Aaronsburg and W. F. Bally, of
ltebeisbu rg, are laying in a stock of
those well known and reliable goods.
Tliey have a wide reputation, are
stamped on the bottom and warranted
to give satisfaction. Is one genuine
unless stain|Msl "J. E. Daytou &
Co." If drelieibh article is desired
purchasers can feel safe in purchas
ing these goods. There is no econ
omy, satisfaction or comfort in
"clieap" articles.
The Journal Book Store is loom
ing up. We are filling it —a little
slowly perhaps, for we are poor—
with a well selected stock of Books,
Stationery and the thousand and
one other articles that are Kept in
book stores generally. Anything
called for and not on hand, will be
furnished in a few days. We have
School Books, Family Bibles, Mis
cellaneous Books, Dav and S. S.
Cards, Chromos, Blank Deeds,
Mortgages and Bonds. Summonses,
etc.. Envelopes of every kind and
price. Paper of all grades. Motto
Frames with glass mid mountings,
—only 40 cents. Splints of all colors,
from 2 up to 15 cents a pack.
—t. r ♦ + —•
The following is a list of the
Teachers of Gregg and Penn town
ships, for the coming winter session,
where teaching and what salaries ,
Penn Hall Gram. D. M. Wolf, $45
" Prim. A. J. Long, SSO
Polk llill. F. F Jamison, $35
Cross Roads E. F. Smith, S3O
Spring Mills W. A. Krise, $35
Murry's. Cornelius Stover, S3O
Hoys', J. A. Grenoble, S3O
Beaver Dam, J. P. Heckman S3O
Decker's Charles It oyer, S3O
Mountain, Lot Rankle, S3O
Millheini Gram., D. L. Zerby, S3O
•* Prim., James Gepbart, S3O
" North Street, G. W.
Keen S3O
Elk Creek, J. R. Vanoriner, S3O
Liberty. L. P. Wolfe, S3O
Mountain, A. J. Keen, $25 j
GentzePs, A. J. Kishef, $25 '
Pike, Win. F. Smith, S3O j
oi R sriiooL:.
The Winter term of our public
schools opens next Monday, ami it j
is a proper time now to think of how i
we can make them more efficient aud
useful, as tlie institutions where our :
children get'their elementary educA? !
Wc can not think of the fact but ,
with regret that our schools are veiy j
deficient, both as regards tlie average ;
attendance and the standard of pro
ficiency in the brandies taught.
Most of our neighboring schools are
in advance of us. in education and
school matters; and unless wc make
up our minds to manifest more in
terest in the cause, it- will continue
to t>e so, to our discredit and re
proach. We are taxed year after
year to build school bouses and pay
teachers, but we feel too little con
cern that our children should reap
the full benefits of a wise and benev
olent system, which by the laws of
the land we are all equally bound to
support, whether we do so cheerful
ly or grudgingly.
If what we have saiu be gainsaid,
we ask in reply, where are our young
men, or young ladies either, who
have a good knowledge of History,
of Geography, Grammar or Arrith
matie, to say nothing of other
branches, such as, Rhetoric, Physi
ology, or Natural Science?
But we do not write in a spirit
of fault-finding. Our desire is lo
tlo soma good. Let us arise from
our lethargy, and resoh*e that our
schools shall strive for an advanced
position—shall more nearlv come up
to the requirements of the present,
instead of being content to move in
the old and worn ruts of several
decades ago.
Public sentiment ought to require
our School Board to maintain a
strict and rigid supervison over the
teachers and schools. Whiio every
just complain should be heard and
redressed, all ]etty fault-finding
should be discountenanced and dis
As a community we should do all
we can to encourage and aid our
teachers in their arduous labors.
This we can do most effectually
1. By teaching our children to
love and lespcct their teachers. If
enjoys the fwe of Ids or
her pupils£his task is made compar
atively light; but if parents instil
a dislike or hatred against the teach
ers iu to the minds of children, all
the moral good a teacher could oth
erwise do such children, is almost
wholly destroyed.
2. We should send them regular
ly. It is a wise provision of the
law that schools are closed on Satur
days. These, with the hours be
tween school ought to be enough for
work and play. If we all had a well
arranged system in the division of
our time, we couid send our chil
dren to school five days in the week
regularly, (excepting extreme cases,)
especially in the winter season when
work is not very pressing.
3. We should visit the school
loom, occasionally. It will have a
happy effect upon the teacher, your
children and yourself. Try it and
4. We should not suffer our chil
dren to be out until a late hour at
night, loafing in stores and shops,
or making night hideous with their
shouts and yells. We should require
them to be at home and divide their
time between studies and innocent
Wc may recur to the subject again.
The two Republican candidates
onthr state ticket, -Passmoro and
Hart, attended tbe Cbntre County
Read the advertisement of Mots
& {Jnook, in the German department.
They propose to buy all kinds of
grain at tlie highest, and sell coal,
plaster and salt at the lowest prices,
IT any body can ask more delight
ful weather than we have had for
Botno time, he must indeed lie hard
to suit in that line of goods, and
an ungrateful ■sinner besides.
... ..I ♦♦r—
Add the name of Hon. -5. I*.
Wickersbam to the list of Republi
can oandiduUfs for Governor. This
swells the list to some eighteen with
half the state to tmnr from.
If the It. R. Co. propose to put
seats Into the ticket oflice at Oobui n
Station, we suggest that this would
tm a gootl time to do it. Lumber
and labor are very cheap.
Motz & Snook liave ahip4ed the
tirst full car load of wheat, rye, oats,
flour and corn meal—altogether about
twelve tons—from Coburn Station.
It went to Orange, N. J. near New
York city.
Commkndable. —On Monday
night a number of our young men
dug out entirely the cellar for the
new house of Miller Rrothers, free
gratis. The neighborly act deserves
all praise.
George Miller, of Rrush Valley,
brought us a sack of Hour, last week,
tr/tttf is Jlour. George has a good,
practical miller, in the i>erson of
Andrew Moyer. and they make Hour
tit for a king, Thry deserve to be
largely patronized.
Gen. Grant, and the Uwisbwg
Chronicle thinks that 4 'Schurz is a
great humbug.'' Better send nutrk
ed copy to his Excellency, Ruddy
Hayes, that Schurz may get his
walking paper at once. There are
plenty or small humbugs in oitice—
the country could spare the great.
Luther Rulil, son of D. A. Rulil,
is here 011 a visit from Illinois. The
west seems to have a very good ef
fect on Luther. He has developed
into a full sized man, has an 6Asy
and fluent conversation and is ple;up
ant and smiling as a May morning.
lie used to be so atrful cross.
Katup, Die popular shoe man of
Look Ilaven. seems determined to
defy the world as fur as good work
and low prices are concerned. Just
read his advertisement and study
his prices and you tuust admit that
Kamp is lower" than the lowest; be
sides he sells you xrork as we
know by experience. Patronize
J. Newman, Jr., is determined
not to be diverted from his legiti
niate business by any idle ruruors
about his petting married, lie goes
right straight along selling the best
and cheapest Clothing ever brought
to Centre county. Go to the Eagle
Clothing llall, Bellefoute, and be
convinced that we say but the square
Dr. Xeflf, of Out re Hall, had his
rin broken nnd wrist disjointed the
other ThunMlHv night while out at
tending patients. The night was
very dark ami the 1 lector's horse
took fright at some object, ran off,
upsetting the sulkev and throwing
the Doctor so forcibly to the ground
as to break his arm. Upon upsett
ing the liorse became detached from
the sulkey*
Dennis Lose is never altogether
happy unless he is building. He
has -built no less thnn four bouses
in and alicmt Milllieim, one in
Michigan, and is now building an
addition to Ids dwelling large enough
to be called a house. Dennis de
serves to lie elected President of the
Building Association, and we pri
vately suggest to our friend Walter
that be resign to make place for a
live man like Dennis.
We publish to-day the first half of
the able address delivered by Maj.
It. 11. Forster. at the Veteran Club
Reunion, held at Howard, 011 the
22nd ult. Major Forster enjoyed
the confidence and love of his liieii
in an exceptional degree, and at this
distant day many hearts of the fam
ous 148 th, especially of Co. A,—beat
warmly for him. The address em
braces a history of the 44 1481h," and
is valuable as a leaf from history.
Preserve it, and the one to follow
next week, which will contain the
conclusion of the address.
There is—on exhibition in Alexan
der's Store iu Milllieim, a beet that
beats all beets we ever heard of. 32
inches in circumference, nearly 4 as
much in diameter, and weighs 174
pounds. It was raised (under the
auspices of Heaven) bv Mrs. Mattie
Meyer, wife of Prof. Henry Meyer
of Reliersbtu'g. All honor to the lady
who knows something practical
about raising vegetables. She has no
occasion to go a-begging for 44 garden
things" among her neighbors.
Rev. J. M. Smith will preaeh in the I*.
B, Church, next Sunday morning.
Itcv. J. If. Peters will preach in the
Evangelical Church, next Sunday ove
Rev. J. G. (shoemaker will preaeh in the
Reformed Church, Aarousburg, next Sun
day evening.
The basement of the new Lutheran
Church at Rebersburg to be occupied on
the 28th lust. Preaching on Friday and
Saturday evening prior. Ministers from a
distance are expected to be present, to
participate In the services. We hereby ex
tend an invitation to all to be present.
F. AI ranu, Pastor.
Lodge and Society Directory.
The Millhelm Cornet Baud will meet in
the Town Hull on Monday and Thursday
Providence Grange NO. 217 P. of 11.,
meets In Alexanders block on the 2nd Sa
turtluy of each month at r. M. and on
the 4tn Saturday Of each month at \% v. *•
The Irving Literary Institute meets in
the Town llall, on tho last Friday evening
of eacb month, until otherwise ordered.
The Millhelm B. A L. Association meets
in the Town Hull, on the evoning of the
second Monday or each month.
Millhelm Council No. 30!), O. U. A. M.
meets every Saturdav at 8 o'clock, r. *.. in
their Council Room, Wilt's Building. De
gree Meetings will bo held on Tuesday on
or before the full moon of each month.
C. H. lIELT. Sec. U. F. MILLKU. C.
Oo the eih of August la*t, by Henry
Rein hart, Esq., Curt Is W. Klecktier, of
Union Co., ami Mliw fL}dla Orudorf, of
Centre Co.
On tho 4th Instant, by the name, Adam
Korinan. and Mlhh Catidace ttoush, nil of
lltiinrs Twp., Centre Co.
In tho Presbytoifxn Chtiheh Belloroute,
on Thurmtuy, Oct. 4th. Iy Rev. Mr. Ijiii
rlo, as!iatt\l by Kev. Mr. Miller. P. H.
Hasting*, h(|„ uud Miss Jane Kuukln, both
of BcliclonUs.
(hi the 4tli, Inst., near Centre Hall, Dr.
Peter K. Smith, ajoxl 63 years, 5 mouth*.
On the Mh iitnU, rit Centre lf.Ul, George
Odeiikirk, atcut <2 years,9 montlw antl 10
C"yoM MISMONF.RS sAI.F, tlf s"snei(tel
j lamia. lit pin*minor of wh u<"% of
Awwunbty eussCd lite aith duy of March,
A.!>., 18*1, tlie Cominlasioncrs of Centre
county, will sell at public *wle ut tho
Court House In tho Io rough of Uellcfonte,
on Thrusday tlw Ist day of November, A.
K., 1m77. the folio* Inn (losorllM'd tract* and
piu ts of tracts of unneutral lands putehua
oil by the county at Treasurers aalo, anil
which have rouialacd uiiiimloimhikl for lite
space of Ave years a:td upwards:
Andrew kuhits.. .11l 00 RKK
Valentine Meyers4ls 00 Curtltt
IHohard Wain 415 l
It. Tunlec. 115 00 44
john Meyers 2M 51 "
Christ. 1t0hrtr.....140 00 *'
Joseph Kelso 100 00 •'
Jesse iirooks 415 00 ®"
Saut'l l'alril,, 870 00 "
Martha Godfrey. , JH* SI "
Isaac lluekley 5o M Ferguson
Joslah Lusby 50 CO '*
Richard Moaiev... .50 00 "
Henry Mauley.... .50 00 44
I'nknowu ] uo 44
44 271 Cregg
44 100
44 cm eft *
44 too ou 44
44 lis no 44
Kirhard Parker.. .400 i Harris
Wtn. Harrison WO oo 44
John lrvtu 100 on 44
Unknown 150 00 44
44 I*s tW
44 160 00
*'m. Lowefaj.; 106 12 44
J. lleury Sit 00 Huatou
—Heefy 870 oo 44
Adaiu Kuhttcs.... CJ 00 44
Win. Chancellor..2oo 11 Haines
C. Josephson 885 0o 44
Moore 231 00 44
K. Mul ho) la mi.... 100 qq "
Jacob tiratz 838 <*) 44
Andrew Kuhites..l3l 00 44
Ileury P1iU11pi....4.'8 Oil llalfmoon
Irn Flsber 68 12 44
Hubert Shun 288 77 44
W'ut. Srolt
Sarah Wi150n... ...0 on " 4
TliotnosKlng 90 00 4 .
Peter Swartz 90 oo "
Mutbew Lencb....4"o W 44
R. A J. Hayes. 2uo 00
Hub Shaw 60 00
44 90 00 44
C. Nestle road < oiiW 00 44
Margaret RnulfordSlO 00 44
Hugh Shaw..,. 00
M'C-oy & Unh...1.400 00 Marlon
Unknown..., 200 00 44
44 147 00
I'. Zitntsinger lof 190 00 44
.1. MoKinney 430 oo
Unknown 125 00 Pattou
W. P. R.uiy "
Charles Lucas 431 00 Rush
Davis Old 60 00
TI. Philips . 3 100
A. Rergert Jr. 433 153 u
Robert Kiug 50 00 44
It. K>lki r 393 108 44
H. Mc'ntyre 270 00
11. Pattou 323 00 44
Sam'l Harris 50 00 44
White & Parson 250 00
James Allison 104 10
Thomas Grant 70 00
Itoliert King 100 153 44
John Hoover 150 00 44
James Harrison 75 00 44
Robert King 13 12 44
If. Hamilton 433 153
Christ Ilubcr 30 00 44
John I,ee 433 153 44
Thomas Grant ♦of 434 00 44
Robert Miller 433 153
Richard Malone 433 151
John Mr-Coining 313 173 Spring
Unknown 75 00 44
John Reck 100 00 Tavlor
Jacob Reek *0 00 41
John Schenck 434 00 44
I)an'l Reck 80 00
George Cowher 100 00 44
W. F. Lyon &Co 176 00 44
Ann Artlters 200 00 44
John Cojtenhavor 100 til 44
James Walk 20 00 44
C corgi; Mong UK) 00 44
Wnt Rourg 180 92 44
Saiu'l Downing 301 IK) 44
Thomas Arthurs 408 00 44
W. D. Kuhues 15 00 Union
10 00
Joseph Miller 70 00 44
John Dunwoody 150 00 44
W. 1). Kuhues 25 00 • 44
John Copp 180 00 44
Sam'l Philips 100 00 44
John Irvin 85 00 44
Royce Davis 17 00 44
Win. Kuhns 40 00 44
Sam'l llaves HO 00 44
44 t4 " 50 00 44
Charles Wilson 304 00 44
Mary Kerrigan 50 00 Walker
44 44 105 2 5 44
R. Russ & Co. 54> 00 44
John Raker 40 00 44
Marg. Daugherty 94 39 44
Wm. Ackert 143 111 44
C'apt. Osman 200 00 44
Marg. Daugherty 111 42 44
Jane Millar 433 00 Worth
James Hawthorn 433 153 * 4
J. X. HALL, 4 )
11. A. MINGLE, )
II en it y Reck,
The County Commissioners will meet
in their office in the Court House on the
uuthaiul aint 'lays of October, to bear ap
peals on unseated lands, when all who are
Interested may attend if they see proper.
By order of the Board.
3t , Clerk.
TTtXECLTORS NOTlCE—Letter* testa
-2j liicnlary on Ihe estate of Michael
Fiedler, deceased. Into of Miles township,
having bo*n granted to the undersigned,
he iDqnwt* all persons know ing them
selves indebted to said estate to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them duly au
thenticated, according to law, for settle
ISHTRAY NOTICK.—The subscriber lost
J % Bull, two year* old. red. with a little
white alone the belly, and Weighs about C'O
pounds. Any person giving Information to
me or at the J<H KVII. ofllee. leading to the
recovery of my property, will lc suitably re
Ft?nn Twp., Oct. 3d, 187". &>-Jt
Graiuty, Administrator of the estate of
Daniel Conser, late of Rcbersburg, deceased
will offer at Public sale, on Saturday. Oct. 20
next, the house and lot of said decedent, tn
Rebersburg. Here is a chance for a good
town property. SAM. GUAMLY, Administ.
NOTICE.— I have this (lay purchased from
George El."culiulh, one bdud horse, oue
wagon unit 2 setts of harness—same proper
ty wjilpli George Elsenliutn had bought of
Jonathan Itider. All persons are hereby
cautioned not to meddle with above proper
ty. 1 have also rented the saw milt, dwell
ing hou-e and stable, at Fowlers, and the
lumbering business will be carried on under
my control by Jonatlian lMder, whom I have
appointed my agent. CASSINA DKKBLEK.
Witness: t her mark.
PRIVATE SALK.-The snbsoribcr offers
his Homestead at private sale. The
same is situated about \U mile east of Aa>
ronsburg, consisting of 18 acres of laud,
more or less, of which about 12 acres are
cleared. Thereon is erected a two-storv
log dwelling house, barn, spring house, and
other outbuildings.
1 a home of this kind aro
invited to call on
L. C. 4k H. C. RAILROAD.
On and after Monday, Auffvet IMA, 1877.
fro/mi on this road riU run dally, (except
tsunduyt) a* fvUvvi ;
U'BSrWji Rlt TWAUT) '
3 l STATtOyg. ~~Z 4 6
-jrM-rsrzrjr tt tit inr
8.10 9,ai T.ut Montnndtm. a.* or. 9.(0 or. giio
ar. 6.25 10.110 7.15 Lewi''uro. 6J3 %JSO 5.45
10.05 7.3) hair Ground, A44 5.29
iai4 7.2s ItieM. 5.20
10 21 7.3."> Vicknbunr, 8.29 5.13
• ,10 37 7.45 MijHinltvrg, 8.19 5.00
10,57 ar. 8.00 Mfltmont. 8.05 4.40
11.10 LaureUon, 4.3a
1.00 Cb6rn, 2.45
ar. 1.40 Sprittg MBit. *lO
I' M. P -V. A M A k. A M. > M
11 11 ■' ■ 1
.Vox 1 A 2 connect at Mont and on %rfth
Erie Mail tcest on the Philadelphia, A Erie
RaU Road.
Son. S t I with Pacific Exfirert eart.
Eon 5 <fr fi With that Line treat.
An Oinntbua trill run between Istrldniry
and Montandon, to cmcey paanenper* to
and from Eiar/nra Erprean vert and Dap
Kxpreaa eaat, on the Philadelphia <C and
Erie Rail Road.
The regular Rait Road Tickets trill be
honored between these two poitUa.
On and after Sunday, May IMA, 1*77, the
Train* on the Philadelphia and KrUßail
Road IHvMon will run a* follows:
Erie ifalt traces Xew York. 1.X5 p. m.
****** RaUimorc 9.W p. m.
****** Jlarrinburg Css a. tu.
44 4 44 Sunltury 6.30 a.m.
44 " '* Montandon 6-'7 a. m.
44 4 * " Williamsport 8.25 a. m.
" •• ** Lock Haren 9.40 a.m.
44 " arr. at Erie 7.35 p. tn.
Xiagara Ex. leaves Philadelphia 7.20 a. m.
" 44 Harrisburg hLft) a. m.
44 4 * 44 Sunburn 12.40 p. tn.
44 " 44 Montaitdras 1 08 p. ut.
" " arr. at Williamsport £.20 p. m.
44 44 44 Jjock Haren 3.26 p. m.
44 4 ' 44 Kane P.SO
t\iat Line leaves Xetr York 8.25 a.m.
Philadelphia 11.30 a. m.
44 44 44 Raltlmore 11.35 a. m.
• 4 44 44 Harrisbttrg iVMp.iu.
44 44 44 Svnburu 5.40 /1. m.
44 44 44 Montandon 6.15 p.m.
44 44 44 M'illiamsport 7JO p.m.
44 4 4 arr. at Lock Haven 8.40 p.m.
Pacific Ex. leaves Lock Haven 6.30 p. m.
4 - 41 4 * Williamsport I.M a. m.
44 44 44 Montandon 9.08 a. in.
44 * 4 44 Sunbury 9.35 a. in.
44 44 arr. at Harrisburg 11.65 a. m.
44 44 44 Jtaltimore 6.10 p. m.
" 44 44 Philadelphia 3.45 p.m.
44 44 • Xew York 6. 45 p. m
Day Ez. leaves Kane 6.W a. m.
Lock Haven 11.20 a. m
Williamspoet 12.40 a. m.
44 44 44 Montandon 1.47 p. m.
44 4 4 44 Sunburn 2.15 p. m.
44 44 arr. at Harrtshurg 4.10 p.m.
44 44 44 Philadelphia 7.20 p. m.
44 44 44 New York 10.15 p.m.
44 44 44 Raltimore 7.35 p. m.
4 * 44 44 Washington 9.07 p. m.
Kris Mail leaves Krie 11.09 a. m.
44 44 44 Lock Haren 9t5 p. m.
44 44 44 WiUlamxport 11.05 p. m.
44 44 44 Montandon 12.18 p. m.
44 44 44 Sunhury 12.43 a* m.
44 44 arr. at Harrlsburg 2.45 a.m.
44 44 44 Baltimore 7:45 a. m.
.1 0 Philadelphia 7.00 a.m.
44 44 44 Hew York iao6 a. m.
Past Lint leans Williamsport 12.33 a. m.
4 * 44 44 Sunhury 2.00 a. m
44 44 arr. at Uarrisburg 4.00 a. m
-44 44 . 44 Baltimore 7.45 a. m
-44 44 44 Philadelphia 7.35 a. m*
44 44 44 yew York 10.25 a. m..
Erie Mail West. Xiayara Ez. West. Lock
Haven Accom. West and Day Express East
make close connection at X'orth u inif rland
with L. A R. R- R. trains for Wilkesbarre
and Scranton.
Krie. Malt ftost and West connect at Krie
with trains on L A. A M S. R. R-, at Q>ry
with O. C. A A. V. R. R- at Emporium with
It. y. y. aP. R. R , and at Driftwood with
A* V* R* R*
Parlor Oars will run between Philadelphia
and Williamsport on ytagara Express West
Paeffic Express East and Day Express East.
Sleeping C& rt cn <dl night trains.
WM. A. RALDWIiV. Oen'l Sup't.
Mlllhclm Market.
Wheat 1 33
Corn -"O
Rye... 5®
Barley 50
t'loversced M
Hams 1
J Ides 10
Kkcs : 1*
Potatoes... J3
Lard *
Soap 6
l>rle1 Apples 6
Urted Peaches
Dried Cherries b
Flour dk
Planter *
Sal U
Highest market price paid for all kinds of
r"X"E3 A TTvT
VjT ULQOA 1 nil |
Delivered either at the RRICKSMILL or at
Always en hand and>oht at prices that de
fy competition.
A share of the public patronage respectfully
solicited. 39-Iy
Daniel F. Beatty's
CAtrrios—The reputation have gained
and the celebrity of mv Orgons, have in duo
ed some unprincipled parties and agents
to oopp my circulars, and misrepresent my
instruments; against this the public are
hereby cautioned. AU uiy Organs bear mv
trade-mak, Golden Tongue, and all my Pia
nos have the word PI %Q underlined,
and also have my immeMHHHMfend teal
deuce,DASlßL F. BKATTT, Waahlnton, N.
J., without which none is genuine.
• Washing; OIL X. ,T.. U. h>. A.
nmioand Kevolvera Illustrated Pile* List
UUflUfre*. Urtat WttUm Gun Worku,
I'Utsburv. Pa 3*4w
ADY.MH WANTRD {Medals and Diplomas
for HOI.MAN'S . .
oa >1 85&*,.n. Pictorial BIBLES
. . Addreas for new elrcui.
A. J. IIOI.MAN & CO., 93U AIICH Street,
i I'fiiladelpkia. Sf-lw
AAI >|*ll Harvest fnr Agents. We
■■III ■■send free, our new if page ft.
U|U| L gainst rated Jewelry and W.Hb-h
■ catalogue, nth Instructions
howtomakaumuey. Address, M. UKONKGH
& Co., riilla.. Pa., r Milwaukee, Wis.
U contains k tint aecu.>t u> ue
reign of terror In Pittsburg, Ballf
inore, Ctileago and other Cities T con
flicts lictwci'ii tho Trps aud the niuh. Ter
rible conflagration* and deal met ion of pro
perty. ThriPing scenes and incidents, etc.,
elc. Send for full di:serf|Kiou of the work
and our extra (eriti* to Agents. Address,
WURBWIN ILpaihs market out by that
W P kiln OAT of all Un/ks—
"Plain Ifoinc Talk mid Medical CoHitnou
Benae,"—nearly L.Onw PNAES. ilbistiaibuis,
by Dr. K. B. FOOT*, of Liu Lexington Ave.,
.V Y. Puiehasera of this Imok are at liberty
to commit its author iu person or by maii
free. Price by mail. FVIL for the KT.INIVUU>
edition, oi W. 50 for the KHSMAII ixlition,
wkich contains all the SAME matici and Il
lustrations. Contents tallies fnv. AOKNT*
CO., IA Fast ai-JI St. N. Y. SP-LY
RSiTVV'biXH, OKG.iX U-11, • j
It ECL 111 lotik ! startling ! ! Organs,
P! stops haV Pianos only kl*t. coiU *dVi. Cii. !
Fret. Daniel T. Bcutty, \S at'jington. K. ,t. j
129 Broadway, New York (Jtty:
Chicago III.; New*. La.;
| <Ww. . or su Francisco, CaL
„. ,
•VjOO sold ! Agents Making AW to a weik!
The thrilling History of Ruir and Tnrk
for .** year*. A wikl srory of BIik>Io(I
and Fanaticism, (bo strife for poirer und
cre*vf. By the popular bistortm. l)r. L.
HrockctL Describes their peovtiar Keii
KlouN. Roclnl. and l*ollffral customs ;
their Mnlerw and W urnl, caum* of Ui/s
war, Keighty iuU'.ji sts at -stake, etc. dot) pp.
/?/<•*. Ilfs. OnjrrA"
or K HI RI.KN have art*) lil's, and far ex
eel all others in quality and quirk ale.
PricefjuM reduced 25 per ceut. !! ! Sena
for full particulars,
HUBBARD BROS.. Ful)*,, PhlLwlelphU, Pa.
Lewisburg, Fenna.
0 ■
of alt styles and sizes finished la the highest
style known to the art.
N /
o i .
And Pictures painted
in Oil, Water Dolor. India Ink,
A Speciality.
Particular attention eiven to copying old
and faded pictures of deceased friends, col
orod If desired. In any of- the above colors
Great pains taken to insure to customers the
best qualitv of work. 1 respectfully au
nounce that 1 Introduce all the
as soon as any one and am prepared to pro
duee any piece of work in the most appro*
ed fashl n. The public is cordlallv itiviiwl
to call at mv room* and examine uiy work.
whetrT tftc\ dire pictures or not. A
liberal deduction oularge orders. Tlc larg
est anu best selected stock of Framoe in
town always on hand. Tho jtreateet pains
taken to Insure satisfaction to my custom
ers. Don't forget the place: South Side of
Market Street,
Philadelphia Clothing Hall'
Market Street, Lewisburg, Pa,
is the Head Quarters for
Ready Made Clothing.
| A larger stock can be found in our store
than in any other In Union county, and our
prices are from
15 to 40 per cent lower those of other store*. Any person in
need of clothing will save front a day's to a
week's wages by calling at the
opposite Lewisburg National Bank,
Choice Brands of Tobacco
and Cigars,
Alcolti fsler-W! ■.
5 AvrurM Jh* I ,f }t t -
The. moat practical,
pie, and effective. il* ">
perler advantage at pno
WU U tttl|VPf>;tfljr 1
CiKiwkdfta. Add ins*
t. T. AUViIT& it!'
H/rx.ut Wheels aim .
Machinery, MOUNT MOLL*, N. J. M '-*/. • '
m a mtfaet t/rtnp ri-jhU.
INSURANUfi jM! T . AK '-
INew Maui Moliial Ufa M C
The ui lest mutual in the country, ihurui •
I 1836.
! MAH 1f A IMI H I if. < nU'i *►<>*
j 1:0 South Fourth (Hr 4, tiitc 4el|UT:i.
wedding ring. and gerts" ntrNan duwto
pt ■*. *1 lie #;t. ;M paid, i •
ro CT. have ia*on retailor For . p-at "
rejit xfork ami mnf he sold. AMI 4 MUW
Gold Watch)*, tlftetwh. farspcxbiUMvc ; ••
is>*e, goed ihnrr". cqna! iu appeuiAm-. t •
a WJO g nultni gold. "His repuMtio'i i *
honesty. fair dealing and libera:lty C •>:
emiiiieil by any advertiser \:i this city.''
r. Uxjj Book. ir. id lCy. •
FOHT.itf KhT AMI'S J AU'iiS AH '\W
I*. STOCK MAX' it H'jS'JST.. Nr* V: *
Vital Weakness or PcjtrntdiMa* weak
I ha listed feeling, nocm-re? or c:>uiUf". *TI
I result of Vont.ll o,r.wti t lu4lMtr9tbi v -
I Excesses. or *o:nc drain upon the i;M' 1
i always cured hy J ...
Hfif&rejT HoiiiCu r 'filhis Specific
28. 4
It ton *s up aa.t the s**t v
di;i*l* the gloom ftud desvyudt-ce,', t;uf>a:
strength end energy—stops the drain a-tr
rejuvenate* the entire man. Been ■*..
twenty yrara with tns'tecl success by
auds. H:ld lv deafits. Iw, M.4o|wr .
flc rial: or £>.uli|M.'r a-kace <4 five via
and <£.oo vial of powder. sent by MMfN
r -celit of priee. Addles* II union rej'j
lloinoepatluc Medicine (Mmanf, l**z fPvxjt
way. New V ark. Ji* tdfjr.
These braiuUof Sv eet llua ate adtwrttl *
odttxl ty all, to be the l'taet ( btwiat
Tvbnrret lit ihf it arkct. rut up l.t
ahnpes and *ir*, iu mJ) >rait> and turn K
wmpiuk Siid ley the tr.ide eturrahf. Neu>s
for s unp!e to the m:iiiula<'turer*.
C. A. JACKSON d; <>i,. rtvr>burK, >*a
Cna F. v.'Aid'Lb. General Apeut.
3i-4 Nofc 3 aud j Sautii *V.tte, Street. i" ii.
Grand Kqaare and rprißht, ♦
From Geo. E. Letcher, firm of Win. H
Leidier & Bro. llaukere. Layette. Uhi<.
"We received the idaiio attfl think it a
very floe toned one out num. Waited a *horL
time to jtlvc it a co,wt teat, f you wish a
word in favor of It we a 111 cheerfully jjvi: it.'
Jamesß. Brohn, Kai., E dwaidKVlilc.ll
"The Beatty Piano received* jiive* entire
satlsfaetion." Acreuts w&nted. Send for
catalojoie. Adtlrct*
WbshiastoTi, New aereey, U. 8. A
1 The eddiit and heet anpiilrif.t iaMhdke f 4
| cbtnlniug * CuucaS JO.
i i'vt cavalara f.
j V. DUFF Jt snys,
I x I' rtabarch. Pi
Wash. Hutchinson,
ftTSatiafaction guaranteed,
wtxa x cocti it |Vrsyjrt vxsvkzqvx.
n irttre remedy fo 101 bub, uuCa
of the TUROAV, ii.Ytr
( MESf ami *llol'* S£\SUiiiM\
80r.ll BY At.r. DUt'GGIKT.S.
ENUExiifW York.
4% AI HI Grervt hanc to mavt, e-
Bss 211 0 8 v. If you can't apt gotu
llULUl>' mi kui yet srwubaes--
w "We need a avreon iu e.
town to take sut>scr(;:Ui>os for the Urjc-t,
cheaimst and best Limitralc.l family puhslc-i
uou in the world. Any mio *au Utvorav
su.-cessftti aueut. Tlaj most eh irant w ik 4
of ait rivoo free to xubscriiie. it' The psd
i* so low-that almost everybody sulsei'iu <.
Due arrcul reimrts makfug over tloU in x
week. A lut\ ageut reports taWlncovw
aahacrfherh In ten day* AW who
make money fast. Von can devote all
time to the tmsfucsa. or only your snare UHM
Y oil need uot bo away from home over night
Vou can do it as ttdl as OfheW. Full part'
cular?,dlrts'ti njand lermsfrnv Elegant ami
eajMiiisirc (ludilt free. If you want profltah .•
work send t:sy>uraddress at ouce. IthI \
iiothiu!; to try the business. No otc whon■
Bug, s fails to make great pay. Addßwl '1 he
I'rople's Journal," Port laud. Maine. 31-1;.
Grand Square and Upright.
Washington, New Jersey, IT. 8. A.
Youiiir Men and Ladies, and earn W
frptu If Jt to 890 i>er month. Good B
situations guaranteed. Small salary whliw
learning. Address, with slump,
3d-1 SUEllit AS TELEGRArUCO., Obfrtlli, O.
Those wishing Relief and Cure lor Ku.v
tureHhou'd consult Dr. J. A. KHKICMAN.
203 Broadway, New York, or seurt for his
new took, with Photographic UkonessesA of
bad easi's before and after run?. Beware of
cheats who pretend to furnish Dr. hherinan's
One of these fellows, a genua n elciic, now
calling himself I>r. W.O.Orempien, t indiei .
ed on <s>mpl:tint of ih\ S. and awaits trial
fur forgery and i'inbt/,zleunnt. 31-4w
iJP'LF.GAhT, CAR K. No two alike.
*3eJWith name ote. l' paid, llusted <it
Co., Nassjiti. N. Y- "2-4\r
MOTHER'S For Burns and Scalds, Bite
iBSeeM, J'olstui by Ivy
±thihCL£ilJX. p ro?ea Limbs & l'arts, L:<
charging Sores. Milk leg, sore and weak
eyas, 1 toils. Carbuncles. Felons and Styes
Sore Nipples, Broken Breasts, Erysßielas.
Aeutc Bains, Headache. Earnebe and T.kAli
aclie, Blind and Bleeding Piles. Bleeding (l
the Lungs, Uterine Hemorrhage and Inhum
ations and Uloerat lons peculiar to females is
SAxrohn'B EXTUACT or WITCH Hvgiu.. Ask
for it, because il is better, stronger and
cheaper than any other, and is wavronieit
bv YYwks & Potier. Wholesale lYyugKlst".
i!;i St., Bo>i.i. Vias. 4\*