fonraal. . filler & Deiipsr. Proprietors B. O. DRINISORR, Associate Edtto ■lllhcim,Thursday, Oct. 4. Terms— Per Annum. _LI. - ' ■ ■ Democratic State Ticket. FOR SCFRZXZ JCDOR, JOHN TRUNKEY, or YRRANOO COTWTT. F*a STATE TREASURER. AMOS C. NOYES, or CLIWTOX COCSTY. FOR Arorroß OBRRRAL, W. P. SCIIELL, or BEDFORD OOCKTY. Democratic county Ticket. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNBT, D. F.FORTNEY. Digest if Election Laws. Election-Tuesday, Novbr. 6th. Polls open at? A. *., and closo at 7r. *. WHO CAN VOTE. Every male citizen, twenty-one years of age, possessing the following qualifica tions, shall be entitled to vote at all elec tions: 1. He shall have been a elUbiem of the United States one month. S. He shall have resided in the State one yean or, tf having previously been a qual ified elector or native born citizen thereof, and shall have removed therefrom and returned, then lie shall have resided there in six months immediately preceding the ejection. J He shall have resided in the district where he intends to vote two mouths Im mediately preceding the eiectlou, Instead of ten days, as formerly. t If twenty-one years of age,, .or up ward, be si mil liave paid, within tjpo years, a Suhe or county tax, which stnrtf imve been assewaedjat bmtst two months previ ous to the election, and paid at least one month previous to thcjsaiue. S. Foreign born citizens must have been naturalized at least one month before the election, and must coufbrw to Ut>e JVqqiy®- menta contained in section 4, preeetilng. The election will be heid on • the 7.***- day next following the first Monday of November," being this year tins 6th day of the month. Saturday, October 6th. la the last day for securing ntrtunrtteatlon papers. Saturday. October 6th. is tin* last day on which taxes can be paid in legul time to vote. The above date should be oarefhlly re membered and acted op by all voters. •J Z" I . / * f t , ** ** 4 ' ti't THE PROSPECT. For more than a decade the pean pects have not bee 11 so favorable for a complete victory of the Democra cy of Pennsylvania as they are now. From all parts of the state —with perhaps the slightest shade of defec tion in and around Pittsburg—comes It he asjwanc# that the party is uni ted and enthusiastic for the election of Truukey, Sehell and Noyes. Their acknowledged abilities and ua iinueachuble integrity, are a power before the people which 110 platform could possibly give them. While it is true that Judge Sterrett, the Re- Jmblican candidate for Snpreni udge, is a geatleman of unquestion ed honesty aud legal ability, it is likewise true that Judge Trunkey in full ins equal mi every resjiect. Passmore, compared to Sehell, is nowhere, while the only tliing'claiui ed for Captai.i Ilarl is, that he h;is much '*ex{>erieH©e'' in the intricate mysteries of a Pennsylvania State Treasury. This is a very quesdona ble recommendation and will cost Mr. Hart thousands of votes. The people—as the sequel wjlj show — will prefer a man of the sterling lion ee*ty of Arooe O. Noyes, wiiose whole life aud character giye abundant proof that uuaei him the public funds will lie guarded with rigid watchfulness. The notes and checks of banks long since broken or not lie made to ap ,pear as cash assetts in the Treasury Accounts, if Col. Noyes is elected, as he assuredly will be. The contest hinges on the Treas ury. Jbe Radical ring politicians would Ukday gLidly barter away #*idge Sterrett aud Mr. Passmore, for tlie assured success of Capt. Hart. The?'see and feel that the .power they so pinch abused is very - 1 likelyfto pat* out of tlien* liands, aud fbat.their dark and wicked ways may be uncovered to the astonished gaze of an indignant people. Hence their desperate efforts to retain the control of the Treasury. This is why Mr. J. C.lDelany, Gov. Hart rauft's official Man Friday, goes to Pittsburg post haste, to lepeat his foul work of 1872,1874 and 1875, in securing by square purchase and sale'the solid Molly Maguire vote. * Mappilv thu dirty trick was dis ■covered and frustrated, and tlie hon est yeomanry of Pennsylvania wll - put jUiejjr seal of condemnation upon ife*hi a manner that will be as unmis takable as is will be effectual. . I VQUJNTABY SLAVERY. To • what degraded state of feeling aud thinking men are brought during *tße present severe times, is showed . the following, which we clip from an exchange. The persons offering to go info voluntary slavery are --'minors,.in the vicinity of Scranton and make their proposal tp one of their wealthy vni'mn# Gutselven to be your slaves, to toil early and late as our strength will permit for you, during one or flve-vears, and never will ask you for One bent of wages, if you will only give tin ttud our ies plafn and skifflclent food, such clothes as we really need, houses to live in, doctors jtncl medicines ■when we are sick, and bury us when we die." This languagels very pitiful; but the proposition cannot be accepted. The disease is bad enough; but the remedy is worse. . . - nii i' m The headquarters of our Democra tic State Central .Committee is at tljie .Guard-House, Philadelphia. Wm. . McClelland is Chairman; Wm. V t McGrath, Treasurer; P. J. Pieyce of Mercer, sol. Foster Jr., of Sehiiyl kill, an(l V. H. Egle,of Lancaster, 'are Secretaries. Froua all parts of the State comes most encouraging news for the Democracy. The Greenbackers held .a sort of rt , state corveution at Williams|K> and nominated B. 8. Bentley, o Supreme Judge, ,T. E. Emerson, for Auditor General and James L. Wright for State Treasurer. Now let the baud play. • * C * - * 4? ? : . "The "House jf Representatives, when it assembles in October will have a Democratic majority of elev en. Randall seems to have .the in side track for speaker-. SPRING MILLS XTBMB. Capt. Haasenplug had a run off. No particulai damage. Spring Mills is ahead of her sister towns—she has telegraphic commu nication already betweeqthe Station Building and the Post Oflice. So far. so good—but we want connec tions with the east. Krumrine's Grain House is up *nd will soon be ready to take in all kinds of grain. Mr. C. Barth is laid up with rheu matism. We have two coal yards, and oh I my, how cheap we are getting our fuel. Wish someWidy else would start another yard, as every addi tional one decreases the price about aixty cents a ton fop the consumer. YONEY. ~ . Corneliasjeonfesses with many re grets that we are' -a much better looking man thau he. Everyliody in Lewisburg whom we spoke with on that point agrees with liim exact ly. ■ ♦*-> . .. . The Republican County Conven tion came off, Wednesday the 26, insfc. and was a very mild affair — only thirteen delegates being pre sent. Clement Dale," Esq., was nominated for District* Attorney, and Gen. Beaver recommended for Governor. The teachers' examination the other Wednesday passed off very pleasantly, and we trust, profitably. Seven applicants were examined, all of whom received certificates, while two of our resident teachers— G. W. Keen and Andrew Rishel— were kept at home by sickness. Supt. Meyer is the right man in the right place and ought td be kept there. e #• A good domestic Sulphur bath can be instantly prepared by taking a cake ofGi.RUN'S SULPHUR SOAP Into the hath tub. Such an expe dient will, to use a slang phrase, "knock the spots off" any victim of cutaneous blemishes. Sold by all Druggists 25 cents. Hill's Ilair & Whisker Dye,black or brown, 50 cts. 4w. • a FIRES. —On Friday night the ham of Mr. Daniel Long, near TTartleton, was burned to the ground. fVnnor says that Rev. E. Hershey's horse was consumed by the flames. We can not give anv particulars. On Tuesday night of last week the Foundry and Machine Shop of George Swnrtr, at Hublersburg, was totally destroyed bv fire. Mr. Swartz's insurance had just run out a short time before tiie fire. Loss heavy. The game laws of Pennsylvania limit the neriod for the shooting of game, as follows: Wild Turkeys, from October 1 to January 1; plaver, from August 15 to Januaryl; wood cock, from July 1 to January 1; quafi, from October 1 to January 1; pheasants, from October 1 to Janua ry 1; rail and reed birds, from fd to eat. If you succeed to coultWate a taste for good reading among your young folks, you wjU lmve accom plished a great work indcQfi. But how do you expect people to get in your store? Men may perhaps crawl or climb up, but how alout ladies, or don't you expect lady customers ? you ppght to fill up ♦long the front ait once. The JOURNAL is getting popular here. Some even consider at the spiciest local paper in the county; but don't get vain about it, that I teii yew, old fellow. Nix for unyvt. HAWKEYE. - [Note. Of course we expect lady customers—Jots of them-—and gentle men, too. We expect to "fill up" along our front as well as inside, but give us a little time. We are busy and sometimes out of the neecb ed iH o tlie Stove and Hardware Store of T. A. Hicks & Bro., and were surprised to find an establishment so extensive and com plete. A spacious and tasty build ing, filled with every possible variety of stofesvthtwnifiaud hardware, all at prices that defy competition — ought to insure a large success in .business, Messrs. Hicks & Bro. are one of the most enterprising and liberal business firms in Centre county, aud fullv deserve the patronage yf the public. The Centre County Fair at B*llc fonte andfcUe Union Com ty Fair at Lewislvrg. commenci'd yesterday, and <*ye hope both wik he largely suc cessful. Excursion trains are ren rning to I>ewisburg on Thunulay and Friday, leaving Spring Mills at 8 o'clock, and Coburn at 8.25. in the morning—fare noj. stated. Excur sion trains should also run to Belle fonte, via Centre Hall and Lemont, hut—we suppose—our Bellefoute friends could not get their arrange ments completed in time. ACCIDENTAL SnooTixo. Mi chael Maize, living with I). A. Mus ser, Esq., as a hired man,shot himself through the left leg, earlv on Tues day morning. He got up a little be fore daybreak and went to his desk, in the bed-room, to get something which lay on a little shelf in the back part of the desk. On the sutne shelf also lay a loaded pistol, which he accidently moved with his hand when it fell to the bottom of the desk aud discharged. pass ed tlmmgh the front board of tlie desk, which is an inch thick, through Me, Maize's hit the wall, where it glanced. It is not kn° wn yet whether the bone is injured or jtq£. Mr- Maize is a young man ef good character, industrious and well* behaved, and has inucli sympathy in iiflsjujisfortune. ROAD MATTERS. —Qu Friday of last week the reyiew.exs on the road leading from Mttlheim to the Depot attended to the duties of their ap pointments,. Fhey tiled in the l'rotlwnotary's office, a copy of which was sent m as follows: "That the gaifi joafi is located upon the cheapest most favoralde route, and that tliere is no occasion whatever for }iy change." This should he .final to all cancem.- ed and the road should be opened without further delay. The fight about this road has been long con tinued and very intense, and it is about time that it should "Irft as have peace." Tuesday the 2§tb the review was on the proposed road from Aarons burg to Swarts's saw mill, and we are reliable informed that the jury report against the road. XAMINti THEX. F/>r the information of those not well acquainted in MUlUeira, we give the Raines of the streets ,ap recently Turnpike leading through town east ana west, is Main Street; that leading to Brush Valley—North Street. Texas is merged into Mill and the /whop house there will liereafter be known as the North Street School. The street from the crossing In town to Itaniel Clinch's, is Penu Street; and fropi JJlrich's to Elk Creek—with ■+ prospective ex tension westward to Long Lane- South SjtEQet. From Wash Stover's new house to Long Lane—Mill Street; and from Michael Lamy's house—now building—to Elk Greek, Centre Street; and that ends the .chapter tor the present. Bjg town, are we not ? We ask the question w i.tb u chip .on pur hat ? Grnpeii, Acts, a pound in Lewid burg. Cheap, If good. Potatoes are V* cents a bushel at Mifttiuburg. The Centre Jlall flaiHl got the job of furpiBlilpg the Centre County Fair with musle. Tliey offreri to blow cheaper Limn any other buiif), The Ijewisburg Journal fayori| the rc-rlection at Tilden and Uendriekiß in IHBO. We ttgiMi tft the proposi tion with our WTiole heart. Nov. W, S. fL *£er#, D. D., the elix|uent pretreher ana ijopujai l lec turer, will preach in tlie U. B. Church, MiUIM-iw, nextSuuday eve ning. ♦♦♦♦•> Young meu who volet} on age lust year must pnv either a state or coun ty tax 011 or Imfore Oct. 5 next, or lose their votes. See to it it yon are in that list. The other Wednesday pight tliey had a lire in MitAiuburg whidh de stroyed Getgen A Son's Variety Store, Shoup's Jewelry Store and Fees' Shoe Store. Loss—about s,'looo. -■ - m KEYS IS co*iNo!—liev. W. H. S. Keys, D. 1)., of Ieots to complete his nouse and move into it by April. Other buildings not heretofore no ticed in t)M> JOURNAL, are seriously talked of. T\w'Telcer. We don't dispute these facts in the least. COMMISSIONERS RALE of unseated lands. In purouunoe of au act of Aiwojubiy the *Hli day of March, .V. IV, lw!V the Comuilsalonem of Centre county, will sell at public alr lit the Court House tn ths borough of UellefotHe, on Thrwsduy tlie Is! ij v of November, A. K., 1*77. the roHoifW dojfcortiw*) tfact* and parts of tract* qf u uses t*4 purchas ed bv the county at Treucbgefli ab, pnd which have rejoined n tired eoi*s4 for the a|iacc of five and npvinl*: wariivktkes A*"*** rn*(u*-. TWI\ Andrew Ku1na...114 he Homh Valentine MeyeVii4ls Oil Curtin Richard WnIJUQ It. Tuntoe. ...*{ oi'4is to /* Jybn Meyers ,234 H Christ. itohrer 140 ) M ■liktenh Ke15()...,..1(W 00 Jesse Brooks 415 (io 13 dHia'l Palrd 378 W % * M.irThaW}o,lfrey.iH 31 Isjiac Iluekley .10 Id Ferguson Jostah Lufcby to Richard M0*1cy....50 W Honry )iuiUuy 5J Oil Unknown 135 DO - n 44 10U " -2- &•. -....j 100 w 44 114 00 41 Iticliard l*artter...4( 00 Harris Win. Harrison 400 00 John Irvlu 10 0 Unknown ljO to u |2 0 woo Win. Lowrio 106 22 * 4 J. Hcurv -HI W Hudon Seely 270 TO Adam Kuhnea.... i 3 00 Win. Cluineellor..2oo 11 Ilalnet C. Joscplison. 2U .1® Moore .231 to it. MulholUtid.., 100 o) Jacob Urulz W 44 Andrew Kuime,.l 11 00 **• 44 Ilenrv Phillips... .413 ♦ Hal fin ion Ira Fisher 50 12 Kohsrt Shaw 2*5 77 Wiu. Scott M Liberty Sarah Wilson. < 00 Thomas King 30 On • - 4 , Peter Swurt* 30 to Ma thrw* Leech.... 400 00 - r7*J. Have* 2o • Hugh Rha* 50 t 44 3O oo . 44 C. Ncstleroad of JW 00 Margaret Bnvdlord.3lo 00 LonglKttoni....4o 00 - Hugh Shaw * 00 44 M'Cov A Linn 400 00 Mfrlon Unknown *® 00 " 44 147 00 P. EknU'mger iof 19k 00 4i J. McKiunov 430 00 Unknown 125 00 Pafc:on W. P. Htirty " > Charles Lucas 434 00 Rusli Davis Old 60 00 " 11. Philips :* 100 A. llrgert Jr. 433 15JK 14 Koliert King 30 00 44 H. KHkcr 4 803 168 H. Mcintyre 270 oo 44 IT. Patton 823 00 u Sanr'l Harris 50 00 44 White A Parson 250 00 44 James Allison 104 10 Thomas Grant 70 IK) * 4 Robert King 100 158 John Hoover W 00 James Harrison lio 00 Robert King 13 12 H. 'Hamilton 433 153 44 Christ Iluber 30 00 John Lee 433 153 Thomas Grant iof 434 00 44 Robert Miller 433 158 Richard Malone 433 158 44 John Mc< Joining 313 173 Spring Unknown 75 00 44 John Bqck 100 00 Taylor Jacob Reck HO 00 John Schenck 434 00 Panl Beck HO 00 George Cowher 100 00 W. F. Lyon &Co *76 4)0 44 Ann Arthers 2000 M John Copeuliaver 100 iOO James Walk 20 Q0 •George Mong 100 00 Win Hours 180 02 44 . Sam'l Downing 301 0(1) ** Thomas Arthurs 408 00 44 W. D. Kulines 15 l W. D. Kulines 25 QM >' John Copp " 00 44 Sain'l Philips fcW M John Irvin 85 W 4 Boyce Davis 17 00 44 Wm- Subns f) 00 Sam'l fluy e# 80 -00 44 44 44 50 00 44 Charles Witou .304 00 44 Mary Keriig-uu 50 00 Walker . 4 . 4 44 - JO5 25 44 B. liuss Jk jQo. 60 00 44 .John Baker 40 00 44 Marg. Daugherty 84 39 44 Wm. Acikert 143 117 Capt. Qsman 200 00 44 Marg. Daugherty "111 42 44 Sun# Miller - 433 00 Worth James Hawthorn 433 153 J. Jf. HALL, ) ANDRKW GREGG, \ Gom. H. A. MINGLE, ) HEN it Y BECK, Clerk. CHURCH DJRIJCTORY. Tha next Quarterly meeting, U. 8., Church, will be held at MUlhelm. com inenclng Oct. IS. Rev. J. WUlkiir, P. L., U cxpcbted lo be proM-nt. Rev.,?. ||. I'otnx will prenoh In the Kvnngellcul Church, next timidity ye hlH*. Hurrloe lr> tlie Reformed Church, Aa fQiihurg, next Sunday rftyruOon at * a ulfMik. Rev. J. ti> aiidemakor, Pipttor. Srvlp in the Lutheran Church, AU ronaburg, next Sunday evening. Rev. J. Tomlluwtn, Panto*. Lodire and Society Directory. ' 'The HlUbelin Cornet Hand will meet In trie Town Hall on Monday and Thuptihly evening*. l'rovidence Gniugc No. 217 p. of if., meet* in Alexanders black on the Suit Su. tardav of vaali mouth ut lljj r. M. ami on the ttli Saturday or enoh month at 1% i\ *. The trying Literary Institute meet* in the Tow 15 Hull, on the luat Friday evening of each month, until otherwise ordered. The MUlhclm 11. h L. Aanoctntton meets In the Tow u Ifull. on the evening of the accoml Monday of each month. Mtllhelm Con net! No. son, O. I'. A. M. meet* every Saturday ut H o'clock, r. *., In their Council liranh, Wilt's Building. Dc- Ifrw Meeting* will be liel*' on Tueaday on nr before the full moon of each month. C. 11. llkuj, Sec t#F. Mii.lku, C. • - - - ' • 11 ■ ■ c. A n. v. ittit KA*t EXTENSION or TRK LINE TO SPRING MILLS. On and after Monday, Avftust 1 MA. 1877. train* eg (hi* road trill run daily, (except Sunday) a* /olhars : WESTWARD Ki STWARD 3 3 1 STATIONS. ~~1 4 6 /' X A.M. A. M. K. M. A.M. ~mr 6.10 h,2u Y.du Montandrm. ar. t.VI ar. 9.05 ar. 6.< m ar. a.n 'lo.uu 7.13 LetrfWmrp, 6.33 %5u &,45 ■< 1 IO.US 7.31> t-xitr (Jroetni, N. 44 5.39 lb. 14 7.28 Bithl. * 8.30 5.20 10 21 7 33 bn*u, 2.45 ar. 1.40 Sprima MV I*. 2.10 r. M. P. irl A. ML " M. \ A.M.] /'. M. ,Vos connect of A/orifarvfon ttillt Krif Mall ut on the Phttadelp/tia St XrU Hall Jtoatl. JVo*. 3 t- 4 with Pacific Frpresir cast. , JXot. 5 S- v For*. l£s p. m. ¥ >' •• Philadelphia MM p. pi. V 44 V Baltimore iJOp. m. p •• •• Rnrrfffrury 4.25 g. "In. " 1 - Sunhaxy fi.At a. m. " " f Mantandon 6..V7 c. in. * * * Wdlintnsport A350. ni. " y Lock 9.40 o. M. T •• arr. at Erie 7.35 p. in. i Niagara Ex. lei ires Philadelphia 7.20 a. m. y I* HarrLsbveg 1.50 o. ip. 44 44 44 Hurrishueg Atu p. tn. 44 44 44 Hanhury 5 M)p. m. 44 44 44 Montandon 6.15 p.m. 44 44 •* WiUlamsport 7.50 p. in. " 44 arr. at Lock Haven 8.40 p. m. EASTWARD. Pacific Ex. leaves Lock Haven 6..Dp. in. '* 44 44 WiUiamspoiA 7-sa. m. 44 44 44 Montandon 9.f a. m. 44 44 44 ftunhnr g 9.35 a.m. 44 44 arr. at Harrisburg 11.55 a.m. 44 44 44 Haiti more ti.lo p.m. .. .. Philadelphia 3.45 p.m. 44 -• 4 New York 6-45 p. tn. Day Ex. leaves Kane 6.00 a. in. lack Haven 11.20 a. m. 44 44 44 Wiliiams/toet 12.40 a. tn. 44 44 44 Montamlon 1.47 p. in. 44 44 A 4 Sanbury 115 p. m. 44 44 arr. at Harrls/mrp 4.10 p. in. * •* 44 Philadelphia 7.80 p. m. 44 44 44 Sew York 10.15 p.m. 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.35 p. m. 44 444 44 M'aVi ington 9.07 p. in. Erie Mail leaves Erie 11.09 i. m. 44 44 44 I net Haven <*.l6 p.m. ** ji jt WiUlamsport 11.05 p. jy. 44 i 4 * 44 Montandon llisji. m. 44 44 44 Snubury 1145 u* ta. 44 44 arr. at Harriet**:rg 145, i. m. 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.45 a. **.. £ 'm u 44 Philadelphia -7.00a. m. 44 44 New York 1A.05a. in. >b*f Ltpe leaves WiUlamsport 12.35 a. m. * r .. Sunhury 100 a. tn " 44 arr. at Harrisburg 4.00a. m. 44 ai 44 Haiti mors 745 a. in. 44 44 44 Philadelphia 7.33 .a. m. 44 44 44 New York 10.25 a. m. 3Erie Mail W*t. Xlapnea Ez. Tl'rsf. Ijnck Hm-en Ac com. West and Day Express Egst make close connection at Northumberland with L. a H. U B- trains for Wilkcsbarre and Pcronton _ , Erie Mall East and West connect at Erie with trains on L. S. d M. tf. R. JL. at Ooru with O. C. A A. Y. R. It at Emporium with R. X. Y. AP. R. R., and at Driftwood with A.V.R.R. Parlor Oars will run between Philadelphia ami WiUiamsport on Niagara Express >.t Pacific Express East ami Day Express East. Blecping Cars on all nlohf trains. WML A. MA LD WIN. Gen'l Sup't. Arrival AMI C losing or Kaila Malls arrive at the Mlllhcim Post Office as follows: Daily all pqlpt* east v;a Lewis burg, Dally -from "all points west via BcKefonte at 6 p. m ory Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, frc ui north and east, via lxck Haven at 4 p. *. Every Tuesday' -Thursday a-xl Saturday from 'aud west via Howard, at _ 6r. at. Malls close Cor cast and arret, at 6 a. m. For Lwk Haven aud Howard, evcrv Mon day, Wednesday .ud Friday at 5 4. m. TSVSTHAY NOTJUK-Ht rayed from tie 4 Jlipremlvo of the subsorlhrr, in Haines townsliipu some time ago. t.lua.r she- and twu laiuup—all whfce lail our of thr lamhs. whichTs hUek. Any Information that will trail to the rrewvesf ofsny property will I* 4 suitably rewarded. SAMt'KL&L MOTZ. Woodward, gepL 1477. TJt.STRAY Nct. 20 bMXL ♦ lie bouse and lot of said decedent, In Kenersburg. Here is a chance for a good town property. Bam. T.kamlt, Adn^lplst. | "VfOTIOE.—I have this day purcha,sed from I _l3l George Klsenhnth. out 4 Wind norte. one wagon and 2 setts of harness—same prnpor- Sr which ftoorge Bisehhutn had bought of onathan Rider. All persons are poreby cautioned not to meddle with above pro|*er ty. 1 have also rented the saw jodll, dwell. I log house and stable, at Fowlers, and the lumbering business wltl be carried on under m7 cotkrol by'Jouathau Rider, whom I have appointed my agent. Cashina Dkkblkk. Witness: 1 her mark. EMU KUBiiDUTH. 39-3t T>IVATK RALE.—The subserilier offers Jl his Homestead at nrlvattl Hide. The same Is situated about l} 4 n, i' e east of Aa ronsburg, oonsUtlng of 18 acnes of land, more or less, of which about 12 acres are cleared. Thereon is erected a two-story log dwelling house, Darn, spring house, and .Qtner outbuildings. . , , , Persons desiring a home of this kind are invited to call on 30-ot ' SALOMON WINKKLBLKCB. ADM IN ISTft ATOM'S BALE O? VALC AIILK ItKAL KMT AT K • By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Centre County, the Admin istrator of the eat ate of will, i. UAUTEK, late of Mlllhelm, dureaaed, will offer at Public Sale, at MUlhelm, on Saturday, October mi, 1877, the following valuable property : Mo. 1. All that certain tract of land, "Üb ate 111 Pcnii twp.. Centre Co., Pa., boundt'd and described aa follows, viz: Beginning <>n the centre of lurnplko leading ft out Mill, helm' lo Aaroiiaburit, thence a'nng lands late of John Hccsipuii's estate south, IS', east 59 s-lt) perdu* 16 a Stone, thence along laud of George tiwarU south, 88U' west, 14 9-10 to a stone, thence along landoT Henry Diitwell tr north, 1U J west. 48 7-10 perphej to the [ centre of xtld tuninjke, thence along same north, fiB?4 0 east, 18 l-io perches to the place of begfiuiliiif. confali.lngp acres, neat ineas. tire. No. 2. All tliat certain tract of land situ ate In township, county aim state aforesaid, hounded atol tlescilbed as follows, visi: Be ginning at a stone, thence along land of Ja cob Neex' estate north, 14 degree west, 81 1-10 perches to tlip tuiddje of turn|>|kf lead ing fpiin Millh*11 it to Aaronsburg, thence akujc said turnpike soutli, to* west. 24 5-lu bets-hws to a potd, 1 hence by land of Jacob Kees' estate south, W°, tast jterches to stone, thence by laud of John lr MussCr and , others north 77 east, 6 BrW puruhus to stone thence by laud of Geo. Hwartx north , east, 17 3rlo |>er. to the place of beginning, containing 4 acres, neat measure. No. 3. All Unit certain piece at mountain land, situate hi township, comity and stale aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a stone, thencebv land of Philip High south, 15° east, 98 perches to al stone, thence by land of Xfusser & (ici'hart, south 72'4' v west, 25 9-10 perelies to a stone, 1 tlience by sfinie, north le° west, 12 perclnm to a stone, thence hv same, north 81° east, 26 7-10 perches to Ike place of beginning, containing 1G acres and 3Q perches, neat measure. Term* : One third of lurckasa money to lie paid 11 |IOII ediiflrin.Uioii of sal', om- third in a year, and the balance in two years, sccnuig aiU third paviaeuts with interest, and Pi be secured by bond and mortgage on the premise*. Kale to commence at 1 0 clock y.H. B. O. DKININGFIL Administrator. NoTtc*ToTHEsspAi4tms. All persons are hereby cautioned not fo iimfsp.tss upon inv lands for the purpose of eliestnuts or committing other denudations, as lam (leteyinliic I to enforce the law a-zalnst 01- feiideH. ' A word to thb wise Is sufllcint. Juun KAKM. Peon twp. Kept 2s, 1877 " ywrkoA * Wheat................ ZZ J* l Com— ' :... .* 50 ILyu •. ~.. 50 oats '...; .:...... ikricf...,..,.,,,,..,,,, #,}.•• Hams i 15 Fides 10 Veal Rl 13 P0tat0e5......;..;; 25 tef..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ? fioap G Dried Apples 6 Dried Peaclies * Dried cherries 5 #. P. UEPHABT. •. A. MIS^KE. GEPUAUT & MUSSER DEALERS IN Mrpta, (Isvemed, Flosr 4k feed, leal. PUitrr A Jhdt MILLHEIM, PA. Highest market price paid for all kind* of O-ZR/JkllT, Delivered either at the BRICK MII.L or at the uid MUSTEK MILL, dn LLHELM. GOAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on diaad and sold at prices -tpat de fy coin petition. A share of the public patronage respectfully soiihtod- . | J. ZELLER & SON, j Xo. 6. Brockerhoff Row, BELLEPONTE, i?A DEALERS IN Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c. i — -®-—- A Full Stock of 6ds of Superior Quality always %i\ Hand. CHAMOIS SKINS for lO cents and upward*. CARRIAGE SPONGES, 15.cents and upwards-. A share of the public patron age respectfully solicited. nmioand Revolver*. Illustrated Price T.lst uUrlufree. Ureal Wertcrn Uun H'orit#. Pittsburg, Pa. 3*-4w "WSfi"" '""".SMS*- A. J. HOI.MAN & CO., 030 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. 3JM AHI It''" Harvest for A pent*. We ■a 111 I |*end free, our new 4U jvige Ji ll II lllustratcd Jewelry and Watch catalogue. with instructlous how to make mopey. Address; M. CRONKOH & Co., Phila., Pa., or Milwaukee, Wis. 38-4w AGENTS WANTED FOR THE JfSlMs It contains a full aceouui ot tne reign of terror iu Pittsburg, Balti niore, Chicago and other Cities. The con flicts between the Troops and the mob. Ter rible conflagrations ana deqmicMon of pro pewy. ThnlHng scenes and .incidents, etc., etc. Send lor full description Of the work and onr extra terms to Agent*. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING Co., Philadelphia Pa. 4w A VP* flOiaeaaru Cared. New UXIIIUiN market out by that w w of all books— "Plain Home Talk and Medical Cunrmou Sense,"— nearly 1,000 luiues. 20C illustratlous, by Dr. E. B. FOOTK, of 120 Lexington Ave., N. Y. Purchasers of this book are at liberty to consmt Its author in person or by mail free. Price by mall. #L2* for the STANDARD edition, 01 11.50 for the popular edition, j which contains all the same mattei .and il lustrations. Contents tables free. An*** WANTKD. MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING Co.. 129 Past 281U St. N Y. 39-ly |. 1I8 |fnelius, ARTIST ARD rUQTW)RAPIIKK, MARKET BTkEEJT, Lewisburg, Penna. * * 0 PHOTQGRAPHES of all styles and sizes finished In Ihe highest style known lo Art. I S3 N CD And Pictures painted h) O €+- | la Water Cdor. India Ink, A Speciality. ParticMlar attrition given ro copying nbt aod faded ketjwf dcocaaed friends, edl orod If de*lre#deof ffsrArJ direct. LEWIBBCB6, FA, KOCH & STROUSE'S Philadelphia Clothing Hall, Market Street, Lewisburg, Pa., la the liead Quarters (or Ready Hade Clothing, ,\ u . —a— -+ ——r - i A larger stock can be footid in our store than In any in Lnlon county, and our **■'. • t . prices are from ' "... '1 15 to 40 per cent lower f f ' ?• ' ,L|\ r ' n > than those of ottier jrtorea Any persop in need of clothiug will save from a day's to a week's wages by calling aJ,Utp PHILADELPHIA CLBIIISG HALL, opposite Levi* l burg National Bank, ;/ t , < .. LEWISBtfRG, PA, IX LBWiSBURU CALL AT HARRIS', I MILLINERY STORE, MaHet Street, nearSfltfri, Where you will flud a full llue of MILLINERY GOODS, Consisting of Ladle*, Mimmm kml Ckll* Are** Hsta an* Bonnet*, trimmed and tint rimmed. The jjugest assortment t adle* Dren Trimming*, Honey Ulo*w Hnlr Ulecvo*,' Jewelry and - i f leant, y* f* f"1 -* T ft tffj 4? J H v c i ... - IXI a. _ J FIBS, FURS, FIRS, The best assortment west otF|itladelpbto all at the lowest pntaes. Black Walnut Motto Frames at 30 oenta. Country Produce taken in Exchange. C.M. PETREE, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, [ * ' t ■' * - \* • w ■ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Choice Brands of Tobacco and Cigars, ARTICLES, ETC., MARKET BTREBT, Lctcinburg, Pa. CAMERON HOUSE, LEWISBURO, PENNA. Gh S. Proprietor. """ P | f S >,J- -.j First Class In all rfspnets ani Central!) Located. WANTED! We agent, male or female, in each Xowu of this county, to get up Clubs among laml'.les, hotels, factories. &., for the sale of our Teas, aud will offer verj' liberal com missions to such. We have be 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVE* MAR I no* hat.- tl CTN. liave been if Ban rupt stock and must be sold. Ail!' Gold Watches, #lO each, for speculative |>n poses, good timer*, equal In i a tCfcJO genuine gold. .'*lll# reputation . honesty, fair dealing and libera Mtv "N POKTAGK rtfAM l'S TAKEN Af!€ Abi' F. STOCK MAW 27 BOND ST.. New V-. NERVOUSDEBILITV Vital Weakness or Depression, a wte-vk e bausted feeling, no energy or courage: . .. result of Mental Oyer-MrorK. ltier >in f ftle vial; or *r w per ituttjcugg of JBye vt and *2.ou vial of powder. Sent t§ mail t r**ipt of price. Addraas lltwiiMitev'* Homocpathic Medicine Companv, s!nnrr a . Pa. TRIFLING ' ' WITH A COLD IS WASSKHOCS. WELL'S CARB9IC TABLETS, a sure reuiedt' lo ' iHrinb, tui all diseases of the THROAT, U.\b, DUKSF and Mli Ol S MEUUHAMt. PUT;UP ONLY IN BLU E BOXES. SOLD BY ALT. PRGautSTS. u>v * ,f ie. One agent reports making over #Uu in a Keek. A lady agent reports taking over AW| itwriliers in leu All who gßttgago make money fast. You can devote alt yout' lime to the tmsinees. oi' otilv vtur spare rime. You ueetl uot lie away fio'h home over otgm You can do ft as wefl as dnil&rC Full part: cnlars, directjou and jk'rtus feno. Klexant and expensive outllt frdc. If you want pßUttobu work solid us your address *at oujhc. 'lt eims nothing k try the business. No o>e who en gag. s falls to make giTat pay. - fhe l'eopk' s Journal," Portland, Matae. 31-ly BEATTY PIANO 1 Grand Square and Upriifht. BBpy v Ttv EVBU GIVKK NOW JtEADT. DANIEL F. BEAfIT WaslMngton, New Jersey, U. S. A. LEARN TELEGRAPH*# "Young Men and Ladles, and earn M from #45 to #9O per month. Good E I siinations guaranteed. Small salary wpPe learning. Address, with stamp, 36-1 SUEUSAN Tej.EUBAJ'U Ux, Obeflin, O. RBPTURg^ • Those wishing Relief and Cure tnr Rup ture should consult Dr. J. A. SHKK.M.v N\ 2fS Broadway, New York, or send, for his new hook, with Phttfographlu likeuesaeM of twid cases before and after Cure! 'Beware oT cheats who p ret cud to furnhih Dr. Socman's treatment. One of these folkms, a grrtnuu clerk, now calling himself Dr. W.(J. Creinpiclf, is indict ed ou coiuplaint of Dr. S. and waits trial fui forgery and Si-lw 1 ? k)- I, KG AN T V'ABBS. Ni7tw alike. daOwith oauii- uc. l'bst paid, ifustod & Co., AasSaii. N. •!" ■ ' ."i2-4w MOTHER'S For BUI-qs and Scalis, Bit. * BESdEDY. Ist riiarging Syres. Milk kg, sore and went eyes, Bolls, Carbuncles.* Felons and Styes. Son? Nipples, Broken Breasfs, Krysipalas, Acute I'.nlis. Headache, iiiracheanil aohe, Bbiidfind Bmedltig Bites, Bleeding of the Lungs, Uterine Hemorrhage and fufiarn ationA and Iflceratlonspeculiar to females is. SA^fou> , a Kxmxvt ov AVITOU Kizuf Ask for Tt, bccansy it Is better, stronger and cheaper thSlu any other, and is w.vrroniod bv Weeks & Potter, Wholesale Drnj'gists, WasLingtwi St , Boston, Mass. * 4*