Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 27, 1877, Image 3

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    y . MgUi"
% Jom-iutl
w - >mm IvAVrJE*.
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filler Osirap\Piaji|ift
• 19SWfc 4 |
B. O. Deimnghk, Associate KtllU)
• evcrrtS,
g- : ■ . ~, , . ♦—*%■ A- 't
Terms —51.50 Per Aunum. —■
> ■JU . t j|. ill- 4 ' - - - : i
ncoxotrMir N*>tc lick*. u
FOR sttrkmt? Jt'OGB,
, ,-,LJ H N XKU XKE V, a
©i? Vus \Wu6 t <*a*\. |P|
. -■ • Brit* f*r |
> r \Mysc\ NOST,
t} i- f&R-? ti>lTsK!li ••' -.-f
•SfeW e* Ku4*oi:9rt'<JCNTY. H
" JL
TMnm natQ t Tirk©<. f
s ft : j
.ti.ix • •
Digest f KSerffeii Laua.
Election-Taesday, Navbr. 6th.
I\oiso||iior A. r
xv7tT> CAN VUTK.
F.vcry i
ug©, the mlloy ing <i ixttlitio.4
t ions>, shtlLiMffttitlt't tofcot© at all ulw
tionr. VMMmpC
1. Ho *lxnU haw l*v<£ xdllUyn > i •
FiutoU St*tW one t-—>-
•L ilo shalt have resided In the HttfcOft'*
war: or. it' having pivvfOttPrJ* bc** a <)mP
Ifled ©lector or native fcoKndtlton there©!,
aud sbu.ll Imv reiuoStMl therefrom and
vetnruo.l. tHon"ho slm have its kh* I Uwuo
iu six month* immcuSWfely preceding th©
-election. * <- a, „
3, Bo ahall luivc resided t©ol'.-ariel
whore b© intends to vote two month* im-
election, instead i
of ton ayi.- as fra tennl jx.
4. If twenty-oue year* of tfa x > .<4T U IY
vrard. ho sbaJlliKve paid. ituinCKoyeuiT*
a state trr ooR-ntv -tax, which shall luiv.
lavow-iKjr©* '• fir l €S* : Ifeitiift'rJi
©it-la tKeJ&tlJijklJ;wT§ j
snMi mmmxi-ii ****** \
natural teed at least one month before tinH
elect ton. and must conform to the require- <
iW nMMt.follotring.the. th>t Monday ot
Vain| tW4 ylur the Utfcf
, CfcffiinTtfitlii is Tito last d;rr for |
(kivhjfpkr mpc**. j
• Oot-wr th. ts tha !atj lav ort i
vjihiCn tdvotr can he -intltFiit leffal time to :
* *. i * r tr*iftH .Svtiiki.
The above date should 1-e caroTiiny. re
uteiabtuKKUtnd awteU pu h> ail \ ©h.u-. i
tioft House iu
FWkfmttc. Tuesday the lath inst..
at 2 o'clock, P. jr. John Honor,
Esq.. Uhakiaait Com
called the to 01-
Jm\ TvlteieiH-on J. A. CfaaB?aova,
hesen Pr< .vi tent ami <i.
llHIr, J. H. H**i '
amlli. -;e, Sec
On tiionontlie ron bf townSnim wra
•fWWfipiPß'Ki dele^Ut^
EoKtiWUitl J. K. Bairi w nrirc'-teil !
J. *l. Kci-J.if.e, for I/Strict Ati.r- i
iicy. ' '
Mr. XoicltliuelunuWt ia t ,x e fol
*llrhtt2r ietler. tvitlx!rawing iroui the !
ft ;!c.<jnte. > pt. I- :u. i-h".
TV tsssSSiauve *pf- C<iU-
Ire founty. flavins ui'*a ;iew. lO'd. i"o.'
the >ftl©*4*{ Dtetteet Atuxiu . "if
ecixni v. Ihsw a v-Liiv' - 1 StAS
my uuiaie b.- with- l.n> _U com I 1„• cm ft
'J ttankinie iwy i"i i. ' i.- t'.vc: itc;'' o * t;t
niaidleatad <a ;y l*ciuilt I auV ,
*'•" •*. >f raM:
. !>.*¥*.-mis4heu nomiua- |
ted I'Y iCclfani'fr.
J.' r. fTiqvltart Er-q., wis eleHre-l J
' 1 hahUKiU Ot !U Co'i.. I .y Copiihltte.
* ThfrChmveuiion was tUly and 6to- t
<iueiitjy addrwsed by D. E. Fort-i
m-y, E^:fdit 3 ! T1 <iK- (J. f. Alex tu
tler. s
OH nb\>in the Convention a-1-
jouiuied. a very Ina
sessk'H. Their \vo"k was t> p!1 doe
. ami >i isfactiiHi io
the parly and p opl. m !.ir : ;o.
; en; cAXDinm ?oi distrut
The county convention could .not I
well have bride-a better choice fir
District-Attorney than D. F. Fort
* nix* Etq. Jdr. Eoitney iais practis
ed law for several years, idth'onqh
' be Isyefcf a yeuitur man. ]'<l
ot first c! iss ahilitfes. eounh-.l wit:,
a thbroiigh le;jnf education, 31r.'f
Fortney is ted for,
Inwortlqer of li o county, a .J its- •
tyX-payera tjedl have no fear of !;•-
* ing put U> any uuncccssaiT costs by
Ue blwTMkn sof tier IF oriel Attoi -
ny. Mr. is sfcoTt *Biy Able
sttHap spwdiT'iyjinci bipi inviut
tkm fftitii Oliit>l;istoaiT|utirti, whiek !
*he tiecMMß pruft'MMg.y 4® t ; 4abr
the cause at home, ilis election is
asSiiretTbeyond doubt.
V i
.. TJle of Xew .Tersi-y have i
* nofbinafefT welf. Me? lei lam Rr Gov- ;
emor. The Philadelphia i'imes
thinks he will run like Jersey greased ,
lightning and advices the Republi
can to shut up shop, 'declare they I
don't care a darn anyhow and let;
the band play.
1 • The County iSuperintendcnt and ]
the committee on jieraianf nt certlfi
-4 * - cJttes-NviH-meet Ht Ontw Hall, on I
Monday, Oct. 1, lbT7, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., when alt applicants are ex
pected to be present for examina
.t Sallie MEEK,
La uiiA G K All AM,
Z. B. KRISE, .
E. B. Hostermax,- '
Ami .. * Committee.
*f — m m • • •
Tliere will lie a aeries of Lectures
delivered in Rebersburg by. the llev.
W. S. 11. Keys D. P., commencing
on Wednesday evening, Oct. rd,
and continuing for four suecesßive
evenings. Subject for Wednesday
evening "Power of Purpose;"
Thursday evening—"The unpardon
able Sin:'' Friday evening—"Pope
ry J' The subject for
evening not l>een deftnitly de
cided upon, but due notice will be
Key. Keys is a gentleman endow
ed with unusual talent and ability,
nod these Lectures will be a rare in
tellectual treat.
Tickets for sale at the More of W.
.; F. Bnilv., Samuel Frank, W. F. Sto
uer ana the Past Ofliee, in Rebers
liurg. * Admittance —15 cents each
c Jjectiite, or 50 cents for entire course.
Family Tickets—for the course of
fourLecture.s, 1.00.
■ - ■ *-• t ♦-
The Detroit Free Prfis knows of
a SnerinoiiT there who heads his
< :dMKy yirchewof sundrw rits of
fiery fakas," nnd he is a llupublican.
t 3ioo.mmuits. j T%: . : r
Uor. Hartmutl will ho at .^hc
T.ewisbufg Fair. Here is n cheap
j chHi*vo4io u. to 4f*c one otJjAC-great :
liuep ofpioßliNLs* ?
! * -- -
The lii}K>rtt r says that a town is
springing npjwpjdly at Cobuni Stn-
Olfhlt now that is urirs in this
et ioii it ib e ror 111 ry.
JvAd tU 1 adw'rt^ , 'm:nt. of Httuis"
>ritfiiier>* Store 'IV Lewis!mrg, nnd
vvlu'ii \on gel lhe.iv vonrsi lt', don't
rTsul to call cu IlafiSis t a|nl you will
find everything in the Millinery line
ymi omi-possibly desire.
- i VSmSSSoSSm Id a
Tvocit a stkousk iyvile tlie eifi
zmyh of Centre •f'ountV who intend
visiting the Lowisbnrg Fair, to call
oh thein at tliek Phihylolphia Cloth
ing Mail. op|>osite the l.ewisburg
! National'JJankr Tiiey eharg notli-
I ing to show off immense stock of
Coauno HOME. -Ihivid pur
chased John Hall's jtroperty on TVnn
sta^ct,.together Mitn a lot Adjoining,
iflul ishonwng home after ail ab
' soncoojfA * ars. W< Iconic Dave.
. - I I H '"* O V
I U'twh. Hutvhison, the old fttngo
♦ driver ot jom, through Millheim has
ftUchkuoral bringing the first ear
toad of coal toColiui n. The eoal are :
of excellent qtwlitv and Wstdi s.ys
brinsriog lots of tiieshrne kind. !
I Ife ex|>e:ts t j establish a coal yard
' tit the depot at twice.
Keys, D. D., m Lewislmrg will
leeture in the F. jt. Church, Mill
heim. on Tuesday evening, Oct. btn. i
Mr. Kevs has ati repuU- i
tion as a lecturer ami draw's full!
houses wherever know n. Let Mil!-
hcim gfve Kim "a cordial reception—
he fully deserves it.
.. * " *
Those cold, shivering mornings
( remiml us of the fact that Fisher's
Stove ami Hardware store is. orfeit
ami in fsiil r.lasfc for bu4im x ss. A.
i full line of Cook Stoves, Ranges and
I I'arlov Stoves always on hand. Call
j and see theiuajnore making tngage
j inents elsewhere.
j OuV friend Fmnfidel Kerstotter j
|ha An corn stalk 14 feet 5 inches j
; lngh. The stalk has but ore ear.
j which is way Luire and is S feet
aliO-Vu.greumlMiur tiiiuks he must
! iurc:t !omp:i:^**o'<Jrdiq' '.v <MROI j
husking, as <3fpn#.v fnen vk d not
PwWilf tHRMts wiuiont STep-nflfnrrfi :
anil tliat would be too inconvenient.
"* ># A A' *m i m y ,£H' _ L* 4^
v ' (In S Inrday the Jov.ny A L BOOK
rftiiST.v rre>?i kr\ Sron E wasAluown
iHKHiWtho public and many vi
r-ors and not a lew buyers called
during the dr.v and evening. All
express tiieiuoelvcspicas'";! with our
l modest little 1 tlie
tip,i3 are that iVe wili do sums ot. o
ncss. t
- -A-- -ri -* ♦-V C- \
InfFRVEM3ii i">, Judge' Uarl
' man bought u lot h\'iii John 11.
I MuF&er, On l*orro STrert, and is gv
j big tr put up a* J.ouso inst.uuer. j
j The Judge Hfivt* he is tired of pay ing |
rant's and livhyj fit other :
hotiMM. Tint's the talk—lot others '
go and do likewise.
"Miller Bi'otlievs, th? enterprising
lYuniturcmen,purchase! a lot front J
<|rcn]nu.<, mi Pf.errstreet. \
' aiui are goin * iq put up H this I
! tall. Wno is next V Let the goad
j work go on. Millheim hjs a future.
I T. W*jri uia:; y'si' to Ur.-
| i<n county and embraced the oppor
; tunity to visit our editorial brethren
j—.Sciioch -ot the I'ulQiX'-pk'x Whit
man of tub JdThjfXti and Goruelius i
|(d the Chrjni<:h'. They showed us all •
they had to show, answered ourl
questions veiw efifilU niul treated 0.3
courteously tln'omzminr. W du not I
like jo make invidious comparisons I
in favor.rf anv on'-, lest tb<v Oli>* r|
two get rbau abost ft. !mr%lrlfr i
; ipg naturally gravitates toward 1
I Whitman, Wc- Rse h-j is a —Jot
J SAL haan * I
J. NEWMAN, Jr., the King Cloth- '
Set of Beliefoll seems to be tie-1
tcrrnined to be aiieiul of all c-Sinpe I
1 tetion Ip his linccd business. Ife4
thai just returned from with :
t Iho largest stock <;f clothing ever
; Ironght \o Centre county. (Jver
coats as low as §'J; suits, gl ;uitfi
upward, Ilat.s, 75 cents; underwear,
25 cents, and ail other goods in pro
portion. Don't fail to give Xew
rtian a call wtiea you go to Belle
: foil he. #
7.1- -".♦, f JI —i——
A TKlA>~oj.,E.—Did vou ever trv
to nial:© a irionglttf, m-right
! angled J If not we can t< ll you how
fo dodt wiwaher you ever studied
j-Gcouictry or 110 L It you go to Leav
ishuvg next lycek as.uf course yon
j will, we expect v.ou to take din in a
r at the Cameron House —after which
j you want a good cigar. C. M. Pe
-1 tree, opposite"is your man for
[ tliat. 'J'iien you ought to get the
| iiefh suit y(u talked of so long.
1 Juefc step across the street to the
I Phihuleiphia Clpihing Hall of Koch
& hftjjgkpc, and if they can't suit you
aiKliiivbryou hi* besides, there is no
use.for anybody trying to do so.
Why they can rig you out that your
wife and children won't know you.
You will then be in the iieat condi
tion and humor to have your picture
A taken, which the artist, Mr. J. W.
Cornelius, over the.street, .will do
For you 111 capital style, and this
would complete the triangle—Pctree,
Koch & Stiuuse, Cotijeliuy.
WHY ? "
Because we want you to look at
and buy some of sur new .Stationery,
just received and sold at astonish
ing low prices, as given below:
Beautiful Papeteries, latest styles,
f;-pm 20 cents to $l.OO per box; Au
tograph AJbnms, very fine—7s cts.;
School Reward Cards, in packs of
ten each, from ten cents upward;
Sehool Ink, 6 cents per bottle; Pen
Holders, Pencils & Pens—very cheap.
Gphtennial Copy and Composition
Books—s cents; Envelones in great
variety, Bto 15 cts. per pack, Best
Xoto Paper, Cap, Legal Cap—very
lyw. Sermon and Composition Pa
! pari extra quality—lo cents per quire.
! Call and'sec in the Journal Book
& Stationery Store, first lloor of
Piiuting pfticfc.
II j f i ifi*. i .if • t v*
( jiltjqju'c of some time. Abs. is a
•follv gikal Ml'iV, that's even
and as irood an auctioneer as any
man of his wviqlb we ever saw. A lis.
gave us a hearty InVlthfiPn to visit
him and his—promised to have
voting chickens or anything else our
weak, editorial stomach can bear.
Gll ess we'll go. . *' x i
Mr. Peter WyiSiOn rt soing some
material repairs to his ;hotise which
improve it very much.
AV. J. Alexander has two onions
weighing 0 and ill ounces rcspectiv
ly, grown from the seed.
Tlios. Richardson sold part of his
. to (.'apt. llassenplug who will
er(H x t a store house thereon this fall
R If. 1 huicuu sold over ten acres
of laud to Mr. 11. Guise, at |
per here. Mr; Guise intends laying
it out in building lots. That 's just
what we want. Let improvemcnu
be pushed forward.
Wo have piueh excitement about
the new ro:r?t leading from, tiio pike
to 1 Vepot. Some want the n x w road
vacated, and innrte fnrtiier up sink
ing < r.*. k, \\ hde ■ • her ; w m! to
cj oSi PennsCi-eek #i§th6 hmnefi .
; I would susgest; tliat Dsef petitiOu-.
I the R. It. Co. to tn#e ilnr to ;
: the tnrnpiko msir 'he inn 14 which 110 |
<hud>t would he sat iSfactocv to ail] i
j £***•'
The corn crop throughout the val
ley Will not lie mjgMd|KS was exposj
fce l! wlll c 1 O\ttj©t ;f Mil 'l*e more
• plentiful than it had been for years.
The NormAlites having cogcbuh d
their work at MileAmirg xi'A with us
again, looking brighter and wiser
thai! e\ el.
Monday was exaTuhiaHorn day and
was much dreaded by our prnvisfon
nJ boys, but they survived it and are
now happy.
From s?iM to S4U) is what {otvjhers
receive for teaching tue youth ot j
Milostownship. This iscertninly a 1
s.iTTify" rmttn-ty -trrrrtvqunti*- ~tnr n i
(lUrtlified apd tuftfhfiil IWllt'f, and I
1 .Mr I li" hfltflf' kind olodpo
iy to down t> 'e ..w. \V:t*k'S (|
1 Bu*b k phitancii. However our J>i
: rectors have tixod the s.Uary for the
j cofc 1 Uig'toTm and tliUt ends the nini
lei for the I'iCaeUt.
• /VIMMIvdbiXEKS kAltf; or 'nrfswdfc. I
!v/ h\nc!y.' In Yim-iujiyci* an net <ii i
I fvmswl 4luWi cl.v of ilan U. |
A. D.. lSil. the OoinmiJdbaeid a CeuU't ;
couuty. will .sell at public slc at the i
Court Hon* in the lmronghul Beilefohf©, I
ojiTlf. f4vth© Ist Jarffif Xovcuib -r. A.
E.. ISTT. tho'following I ti*cts uiu'
putvnf tmrts tf nnwatmi VHl' jmrehti- I
r'll l>T thO'WnßtC it TmHUrtl* -*l'V '
*'bl4f havH r;n' i:ic<l
<pa of five vejirw nn l u- wiuM-C
\ \>:n vx r> :rv v.iu-. !
\n4rew i " V..
Vatontiac Mcyorjtfbi <* |f!Otl!i
Rtcii.'rU Wain 41."> (O
R:"Taulo©...\ 1 j*** i"> j,v
•lohM Meyt-ri.. .a.
( tsr ; t lMirrsx..v to
4n*qx!i H. V>.... ~hvl - t
,) :-:-i r.iv *'..H tin* Ut " 1
Sam*l Paird I 1
Al.rt!i.t"'(. oilftvy. .g'l ." : l
• I-'.- tf i T ;' y* ' c |
I Jnsiah Ln shy f<l CO
RuNnMdJ'! 1 1 a *r t
Wfy j|. m!!v r P .i '• 2 M
' dLfljCin
1 v* 7
114. : HS:s ; I
Wif*. *• ■ '
!'Pb Tjfldm
l ukeoxr-1. ' ' * •• j
, ;;; r.
VViu, t7' Vel. ... ..1 4l .2
J. aWnS-....t 31 w lln .01: !
•t ...• <0 j
A-.l.tmmuhstei.... '"•> • 1
V.'m. (.iianct il'w.ll 11-nae- t
11'. a ) ©u : i>on -Nl ( '
'2 >1 VI • |
slh Mqji :i.u. i in
Jacr-br- -.1/5. :M v j ,
' 1 Of V
' Ifnrx- ••hnilio ...I.'.i t TTMfurxSn J
■J . . :-.r~ w*-*'
HftatMi'l -Hi ">
PxHh. s#'ttl I irty
j yumh i <t>
i Vtxoru;4 s Iv I •- 30 •
j A .liip'. :t) <'
l.jich ~,|ti et
, It. & J. Hay©* -to el
! Hugh Sha\f 1 (O
') <*
i C . JtfV 4 -.■*• t ,
j llsecln't Ur.t l; >i-i a. t <!•>
{ l.OHTbof*. ,m 4i
Tf-".'h ... • ! '' '
; i.inn 4to e MAr. tn
i L'uktioxx'n.i -X"'
if ■ 147 00
{P. Zant/.iiigcr of lbd tfi "
UWBviiUivy 430 h "
rF:rkp< v.:i 125 PalufU
W. P. My 4
C'iiar|es Lucas 4-U 00 Btisn
-Davis t!d t ) ' >
JT. Pin: p. 3100
A. Gcrgeirt Jr. 433 153
iioUq't King - /sy Md • "
'TT. K'ik'.T m 18
11. M' lntvre ' 270 0U
H. Pattou 323 00
S im'l Harris SS) 00
fc Pai sou 2Jt> U0
.nmes Allien 104 io
•ChonStt Grjmi <0 00
Robert King 1(10 103
John Ifoover' 150 00
James Harrlsou 75 od
Robert King 13 12
if. Hamilton 438 153
Christ Ruber 50 00
Jrfij'n Lee 453 153
Thomas Grant lof 434 00
Robert Aliller 433 153
Itiehard Malonft 433 153 "
John Mct'omirig 313 173 Spring
Uiikimpya 75 00
JohnJWk 100 00 Taylor
Jacob Beck d 0
John Schnnek k'H 00
Dan'l Reck t>o 00
fieorge Cowlier 100 00
\V r . F. Lyon."& Co 170 00
Aun Ai titers 200 no
John Coitonhaver 100 00
.Tallies "\VVtllv 20 no
Geurgo At'qng . 100 00 "
Wm Botirg . ISO 03
Bam'l Downing 801 do
Thomas Arthurs 408 (H)
\Y. D. KulmeJ 15 00 Union
" 1U 00
Joseph Miller 7b -00
Jolih Dwn xvoody 150 00
W. J). Kulines 25 00
John Copp ISO 00
Sam'l Fr.ilips 100 00
John livin 85 00
Boyce Davis 17 00
Win, Ku.lHiS 40 00
Buui*l llovess bo 00
•' &0 00 "
(diaries Wilson I*l -00 "
Mary Kcnig.,ll 50 00 Walker
tf " 105 25
B. Ruw & Co. 50 00
John Baker -< 40 00
Marg. Daugherty 94 B'J "
Wm. Ackert, 143 111
Ci>t. Osnian 200 00
Alarg. J>,uigherty 111 42
Jane Miller 433 00 "Worth
James Hawthorn 433 153 "
J.N. lIALL, i
11. A. MINGLE, )
11 EN li Y Beck,
K n^7y.
Aic you going to tliej Sea Siile, or
urn ytiu liter* alitndy i\i either
cast) procure some of GLKTN S Kuir.-
j'liiji: fewv*\ it >ou would 'to'u.iuiu
tholuMuy of the bath, render your
sMh white and lien It hy, and remove
troubles or sun luru. .Sold by al
Hill's haiiyc Whisker Dyp,.bJ" k° l
brown, poets'. F || jtr.
TifW JIEATTY I'IANO, and Tleut
ty't I*otdwi Tongue Orgaiis manu
factured bv D.uuol F. ltmiy s Wash.
: ington, N. .1. IL-, S. A., are highly
eudt|'d by all who LAVM tested
them, as to the stylaof case", dura- I
biiity and sweet ness-t if tone. They j
are said to excel airy oiiter iustni
| lueut in jieiieet, iwiistiuclibn. Sff
Ihls ndveiibeu* Hl in another cub
i UtOU. 4nv.
K i'i;lSTl:u*#> ftV: i*riUs, 4- The
question is very ut'lcp a-sUed, what 1?
the difference bf tWeeh a Vcgisteml
lc Iter and any other ? The difference
is that a registered letter does not
go*in .the mail proper. It passes
from hand to hand outside of flic
lit til pooehes, everv person through
whose hands it Wiinmsjuired
to sign a receipt for ft "On passing it
over to the JU rauyit. TUy
person hokling .the last rocnipt 'is,
i hits always able to show \yh<> is ac
ton ntable in ease it is io t. The re—
]s>nsibitity vests upon tlie man who
ii tA signed a receipt for the register
ed package and win# U not aula to
fn'oduef the package or a receipt
fiurti somebody else tor it. The s if.
est way to scml money is by money
order. \V liyfi: ihUqck £'> Ul 4l J
nivginy oith'ifoUicJt, t%s!MUu always
m scut m a registered pacTiage.
Money oiffclit not to h shut in any
ordiutniy letter under any circum
stances." Thevo is no possible vvay
of tracking such a letter.
On tie- ma ut the re*<i<ncool the
briU(. jl y . U. JL Wn'j Mr. .Jumtv
llaftiulf alulJUjpb 1154. aet I
Ik>Ml t'fGO -X pnvtWif,'.
<in inn raiMoam ol M -
Surfieti'l ©r*, 4 >f ij**ir IltiblarsbunL J7>
R. v. a .t. Hi ad*, *tn |. an 1. JfcCmo
ami Mi4*lfwSr Di-BOa#.-ivHoth
lliiilj'a. '
Preaelkfiw? 1 Mm* 1. vang.Hr 0,
ha\t c nmly hml nh.g. li> itv-v. J. 11. i'<e
tern. ' " it< < |
Pr<*u<'hi:>gln tl-n M. K. ( biwvh. jyeit
Sunday ©wiling, be Itev. (J. IV. lk>UrQ.
and Society Directory.
The Millbeim Cornet ILuxl wlHwro: ITI
I hn Town Hull >i end j,
P'f >v i iU. " f :-' 4 No. 917 T*. nf IT., j
MataiuUr'H hlf" • ©n f tu*. jnd
tlpTlaTflf rtrrtrtwefMh: •. AL UjA iu j
til*.' Kb Suturdi\ iti r udi mouliint 1' . r. M. j
Tie* IrviuK I.ltcrury ru'lTtuTT' meets in
tbu Toiyc Ifall, <*ll the but Kridny evening j
<*t enet, mrf.ith. nntil i<tik-i-wii.<*a.rUe:\<U
The MDUitfliO H. <V L .IHMK MUUH itin'W
in the T.■•.* lla'l, on the eVentng Of tliO
.stjK'ouii JduiulH* ' t'-ach untiilU
yrimftHm islr.ffl #O. sAit <. i it, v.
Hiir-m .• vaii'v ttt H o'ejm-l: p.
their CamacU-i J r "ii. IViltN'Moiianpr. Ift -
grtte Moe'bixa will T't hel ' on Tiip!KV on
or)the liiU TOoOli of e;\eh mo*ith.
C. iZ. .. . r. Mo.UEU. O.
WIMlBW—UWi'il ■I WWiiWlW©©* Ik
l t. A S. mijdUHn
P.\TI:N-'ON ixr mSPRrNt; MII.IA
<"n nrtrf "if*r Af' Atii/U>! Iti'i. 1 '77.
! tr>iiiii < n thix r*ut(l I'tli run tlailji, (•ijccept
rttMin ;.'M- tot .
r i : =)
IS; F]7 is I
: isi' R
; \p:-K ?-\ '
I ii-i-:;' •:
|— —j —3 rl~
1 i 'ill .tillA*;
jt: V
|; j '
! i;SE±S
iIH- P
- .Viii 1 ,S J corfiPt-t ft'. V h
/'ri'- 1 <:< <■'.(■ PltUqdflphia A EriS >
yt-f. Is d-ivft'- Pwiff ftseast.
7" o.<. r. ,t ft irftfi I-yzst T.itif, ir, i.
jtu inuniiiH* w!'J run tx'ipri * Levi&tKrQ j
o+ l nti'tnlon, to r< ?<©*/ j>dßt'-/iJ/nw tO 1
(/r'rr iTfijit Aiofiurn p vtt ;<</ lHift
1. sjiWfS > n the J'htlfftijjh'l <£ OIK'
LtU, L/iflßlioarl.
The r 7't'nr It"it li tcl TiobtU trig l>r. j
udnortdotticctri these tv-uhof'ifcs
rr.N >fY LVAAiA StAI BT RO \S>.
PHILADELPHIA .1- Fliti: IL 11. It IVI- i
SIOX. ' '
f >j.Rlt ti •: i. T.\".: 8. '
On !9uv -t*. .tfr i\"th, 1-77. t/e*
<>n the l'hil'i'lt !j>hiii Erie Il'ill
Hond Division iciU run as follow:
Eric Mail leaves .Vri r Ynri . 1.9"> a.;).
" '• " J'hil'ulelphia 11.A5 /. t).
" ,l " n<i#iviort %!' p. m.
u " " H+rrishur'j
" *• " Snnbur;i TW*> a. m.
u " *' Mont+ruion 6.f>7 <t. in.
" '• " WiUtanispoM S.aia. in.
" •• " Lock" Hgtren 0.40 </. <.
" " arr. at Erie I.Xtp. in.
I\'i imtn Fir. Philadelphia 7.i0 a. in.
•' " t" Uorrinlmty M.;*o a. tit.
" '• " Stinhvru 12.40 p. Irt.
" " " Moil land on 1 Hhp. m.
" " arr. at 1 I' 2.20 p. in.
44 •' " Lock- Tfarni R.2f* m.
44 4 " 44 Kane 0.20 j>. in.
Fast Line fences Tieio Yorl- g.fia. h.
44 44 44 Philiulelphia 11.30 a. m.
44 44 lialdmora 11.37 a. in.
• 4 44 44 ircirrlsnurff 3.20 p. )/i.
44 4 44 tninliury 5.10>>. m.
44 44 44 Mantandon 17.17* p. >k
44 44 44 WllUamsport 7.30 p. m.
44 44 arr. at lMck Hnveu b.4l)i). /i.
Pa cilia Et IC>'VCS Lock' Haven R.,loj>. in.
4 * 4 * Williamspoi't 7.5.') n. m,
44 44 44 Jtfontnnrfon 9.08 a. in.
}• 44 . 2 Si'idmri) .o.3*' a. m.
" 44 H'trrlsbvrn jl.s7>u. m.
44 r 44 liPAitnore. 6.10 p.m.
• ' 4 " Philadelphia *45 p. in.
44 * 4 ffevc York 6.4.';>. m.
Dan Et. leavs Kane 6.00 a. m.
Jyiel: Harm 11.20 a. m.
• ' 4 4 44 IV d Ham if* eft l-i.40 (t. in.
4 44 44 1.47 ;>./.
44 •• *• sunituru 2.15 p. in.
44 arr. at Uirrishnro 4. in p. tn.
4 > 44 - 4 Philetdelphiu 7.20 p. in.
•< 44 " Kcu- York 10.1.7 p.m.
• 4 44 44 jnitfmord, 7.35 />. in.
" 44 44 Washington 'J.O7 p. m.
Eric Mail leaves Erie 11.09 a. in.
'• Ijoek TTarcn 0.4.) p. m.
" 44 44 Willimixport 1!.07> p. m.
44 44 44 Montarulon 12AH p. m.
44 44 4 - Sanitary 12.45 a • wi.
4 * 4> arr. at liar visit urg 2.45 a.m.
44 •• lialtjihorf. i.Vta.rn.
o 44 44 Philadelphia. T.uoa.m.
<< 44 44 yew York loocva. m.
Fist Line leaves Williamspoi't 12.85 a. m:
Sdnhuty 2.(1!) a. wi.
4 4 4 4 arr. at Ifarrishufg 4.'*) 11. m.
44 4 - 44 Baltimore 1 4- r > a. tn.
44 4 4 4 4 Philadelphia 7.3<"> am,
4 - 44 44 yew York 10.25 a. m.
Erie Mail West, Niagara Ex. Wert. Lock
Haven Accoim West and Day East
make close connection at Northumberland
icith TJ. AP. 11. It- trains for WMcesbarre
and Sctanton ....
Erie Mail East and West connect at hna
with truns on L.S. ,t M. K It. It. at (Oru
with O. 1 '■ A- J. V. Jt It at Emporium with
K y 'k & I *- R - R and at if<j~ tu *od with
Pftitfor barB -trill run between Philadelphia
a>id Wi>k>flD\spprl on Ndajarti Express West
l'acijic F.fpyJsPlast and Dd;i Express Lust.
V'ecptno Car sap all night train*-
D'.lf. A HA LD WIN Hcit'l EtijTT.
Arrival and Cloning or .ttiilln.
Mahsaii ivo Uic AliilUi hu Post MlHee as
follows t
puily from all points east via lanvlsburu,
at 0 v. M.
lall> from all jiolnu \vv> via lh Lqfontr
at 6 i*. m . m -m
orv l'tiestlav, Thurnday au<l Saturday,
n -4 m north ami easl, via la>ek Haven at
4 M. T
Every Luusday, Thui> 4 lay ami Sat ur<la>
fi'Oin iiurtli ami wfst via llotvarjj. at
6 P. >(.
Malls close for cast and \v<"*t, at 0 A. w.
For Lock M.ivon ati'l iinwartl, © very Mom
day, Wednesday and Hrlday at 7> A. m.
F|l VKI i' f )l<> NA I. IC. —'f he U 111 l lied
jKsmntoiiof tho hut will uud testn
r)V4,nt Pf heniiio liranily, lute <1 Milli.eliu.
i4isv.ii" d, will otto?ut puhih -uh' oil tlie
pi-enilsc. MHilia-liti, on €itur'ly. s.'it<no
ber S9th, V-W. i*t >ne o'dficV. P. M. the rob
lowing valuable real estate:
'I'IIIO k ( toituaje JJY MllUielm
af.evs.,l,t b.B&dod |orth
I ('reek, oust v, lvlk Oi.w'u.' soutii hy lamU
ot John llJMusser a>.<l otilein, ttilrt West
by Water street, -vontuluTng altogether
iiiaety two |sndlics n- at Tkeii*-
011 i- erected u largo two and 11 half story
plank dwelling house, ffood lairti, 8h)p,
auti wll other necessary oiitbuihiingn. A
tiiM viifiely of eh nice feu it trees on the
ptfinlsos. A thrlftv oridmist Ol apple
ttoc'.s tn grsxt btwi'lug coiiiiitioit in iho
rear o| barn.
Viko. *tth wlioe time, a certain pieee |
ot litiol situate onetmlf mile west of Mlli
heim itfov(*siii,|, bo on dor) on thenorliibi
Turn pike, on the east by land * ofJavob
Nge A eaUUe, "ii the south !*• land* of Vit
al© dorr, and <>lllho \*e-t ijy ft lane—eon
laloin ftv• acres and wix p.i" n-. ileal
measure. The alma is In a good atat- of •
eitltlvatian. •
I'erma will be made known on day of
j Bi>" Sjf—i.u
4 H.MlXtslU VTlilbS S,\Li: OK VAI.I
Jif virtii(*T an ordcrr.f the orphan-'<'.;iirt
J "ifbenU'i; iiaHnitv, U' 4 '. under>l pied, adiuin
l-tr:ipn <)f (he i>t.atr. of tvni. 8. n vHTpn, late
or Mllllichn. dco .ewd, will o3Vr at Pnh 4 !e
Sale,a! MiUnyiin,oh Saturday, iiftyber <Sth,
n* •. the fallowing vamnblb property :
tNn. 1 All thatcortahi tract of lam!. dtil-'
at< 4 ip lVun twp.. (Vutre 'o.j l'a. t Ismuded
and describe,! as follor. s, viz. Piarlnidiut on
the centre iA UiU 4 ilUve lend lug fnuil Mill
•hfim to Aafnusburg, tlicnee'aCong latidflate
bj .foliit Re.oiii.ui's #sfhe w mh.
'.9:i-li) pelt lies to a at Ae.|ieruie aiongrluid
of (ieorae Swartz south, ash, ' west, 11 9-hi to
.1 si 0110, ihotiss- along laud of Hhni 1 initwcrk
or north, \K J west, 4S 7-Id porches to the
tcfutre of sala turnpike, ikemui along same
upi th. A,;* ©out, is Itlu yurches hi tin) pUct*
< 4 f IstKiuniiH'. ooulaUJitu jgaes, neat moas
No. 2. All lhat eertaln tract of laud sku
ate in township, comity and state alores-U 1,
Smuded arid desert he las lollows, viz ; Hc 4 -
. nnine alHsfoin-, tlienc- 4 almig land of.fa
*onl Nees' estate north. 14. tieiciWe uost, 31
1-10 perdu** to the middle of turnpike lead
ing from Millbcim to Aiuonshurg, thence
al'tngsaid Mtrnptko Hw.Mtlb/M; .\vw4, 41 H-ld
•STi'hrs to n jixjf, ilaik 44 >bv land itfliacob
N<ics* est 44" watw. *->, <H*t 2i'< fkerpies to
' ftou©. ii..,.- n- i.iu<i uf Juhu lb Mnsser and
vthcrS nnr.'h 73 h\bV> perelHmtostofle,
tlieoce by land of (lea. Swartz north
east, 17 3-to per. toxhf 1 phtce of begiuujnc,
4 fteaits, u*;U menstirt 4 .
No. S. AU that i tam pkeg or juituntatn
land. siUiato la tow u dun, isiuutyjurf state
nforcswkl, bounded and de&cxujeU as follows.
*>Ui hecimunu at a true, tlienctr bv latnl of
Pin i) iiifrh waih, 17. east, us pcrdiei to n
stone, thence by land <if .MipAer & (iephart,
-ouih Th* we.t. i)'.MOiH-rclu's to .7 'tone.
Uienee by s iiiic. north !3 J wertt, 1C V o*r* 4 '.cs
10 a stnn©, Shvnee hv > ime, ami tU 61 J etst.
2d 7-10 ;erhos to tlie. placb Of beginninc,
'•ontalnuiK 16 acres and % perches, neat
i"< rnw • <ic. tbir.l'. 4 imr.■>•* UMlieV. 4"
i. 'v nald upon rmmvifflniilh! of s-*m. on© lldrd
Ui :t yy-tr, and the buiauf© in twa year*.
se< oiid and tldrd p.tvbiemh with hiU-rtolb
atid to tm Mccur* 4 -! by Ixuid and inortgagc 011
t'.ie premises. Kale to eominenee it 1 o'i'lock
e. X. Ik O. DKIXtNOKK.
K All persons are
Ifoi'iiby cautioned not In icewpas* up >n ni*
iaaflkTor the parp w if <enM us chestnuts
or couuMiUiug other <lenrelatloivs. as 1 a'u
devriuu)C'kt<) cnfi'Vee tin- law against of
fenders. A word t<> the wise is Miffhant.
.IoJJN Iv All V.
Fen.i twp. Sent 2s. 1H77 r
T 71, TRAY NOT IC K. —St raved from the
j ivmi-es of tho subs 'i iiK 4 ;-, in Haines
tuw'Xlilo, <niite ti'uc ;igo. tlir "* sheep ami
two lambs—all white imtouror Ut 4 lambs,
whieh i-tilaek. Aov ioform.vti iti that 'wilt
end in liio tretwry oi my .^r' 4 |s 4 rty wlil IK?
1 sulUhly rowardM. - •'■'■./
Namdki, M. MOti.
| *Vorlard. S 2UU. i-"77- s
-if sa trr TVx*—* ~-s.
TfiUhClw H Arkrk
Wheat,. T..:.,.: 1 2*>
tk.Us e"
It irley... fsl
i \m it It*-ceil
l'U\Mirt!,., 1
< IoViT.-eCti r.*.*7.......... i
tJurt< 4 r 2" 4
Ha tus 13
i ides 1"
Veal.... s ........f... 13
Potatoes 2'•
I.ard 1)
Taiiow... 7
Soap ii
Drk'd Apples I 4
lb led I'flushes
Pried C'licrries 5
niWBK Uevnivers. Iliustra'cd i'ru . I 1-'
UuliOfiss. Ureal Western Gun Work*.
j Pittsburg, Pa. .'IN-4W
! A'AMX W.4XTKD J Medal* and Pioloauii
for iloi.MaN'k , A . w , An ]!!iL
1 * 'Pictorial BIBLES
Address for new circut.
1 A. J. IIoi.MAN <y OA, hk) AHCH Street,
| i'iiiladelphi l. 38-4*
#4 N Jpfif is Harvest for Agents. AVc
CM 8p 3 Si H-'-nd free, our new to pace LL-
VjntViM uslrat 4 'd.lew<'!ry and Watch
i ,catalogue, with instructiona
I !l'w to n* tkamnney. Mlri vi, M.Pftipi Mi 11
5 Co.. Pliiia., Pa.. r MiiwaiiKce, Wis. ls-iw
MOTHER'S Kor Bums and Scalds, Hit• •
REMEDY " f l">vet-. Poison by Ivy,
rvrjoirjux. Frozen TJiiibsfit Parts, Dis
eharpltijr 4 *ores. Mi'k leg, sore and weak
eyes, H<>SLs, (.'arhuneles. Felons and Stycsj
Sore Nipple, Broken Breasts, Krysipela*,
Actltc Pi; Mis, Headache. Tooth
ache, Blind and Bleeding Plies, Bleeding of
the Lungs, t uajoe llennuTh ige ami inllani
ation* and Cleerat ion* tox-ttliar to females is
for it, because it is better, stronger aud
cheaper than any other, aud is w Jiromed
by Weeks & roller. Wholesale Drdtrgists,
' Washingtou St., ilost0:1, Mass. 4w
f || AGENTS WANTED for the r%
M II contains a full ace aunt of tho\ 1
■ reign ot terror in Pittsburg, B.ilti-"sf "
more. Chicago art other Cities Tins can
fliots isstwien the Tr<ois ami the mob. Ter
rible canifl.lgr.nifn'h ami dwi 1 iksloh id pro
perty. Thi ilHi.g seeiu's anil incidents, etc.,
etc. Seu'T fig lull d isrriptiou id the work
and our OAI ra fcfiu©l<fAgents. Address,
tfaifei Slrs'3t, iiir TliM,
Wliero you will find a fulL line of
ji| a A t-' dk Jk dK* JL
Consisting of lAillcs, Sllnncx Clall
(Iron* Mate aiil Bounete, trimmed
and tintrimineil. The largest assortiuent ot
LoUieM* Dress Trimming;*, Honey
Ulovoa, Hair (Jloveg, Jewelry mid
Tlie best assortniont west of Philadelphia
: all at the lowest prides.
Black Walnut Motto Frames at
30 cents.
Wannivi Vvdokc Uf.kch til Exckv.njc.
'I • * - ti
Daalers in Hardware, i
Xo. A lU'ocherhoff How, |
tj rOIJi:.VI' UAltl>V\ Altr. KtOIIE IX (IMKi; (0.-M Ji
M .• ■•' " --i |
) 4N : ...J . ;{ij| j .y ' * wS A btAliol
Ooiuplpto lino of Jliirdfvhru oi ail KiniU at tUo ,
5,4 ' ; 'fi i-fw >V r )ttf-i ;<WTO rjt*
: The Celehratcil Barley Sheaf Cook Store & taker Erato'- i;
l 'r >• Win ytffT ' 1
1:1 • • ■ n,, I —AJUfc 4 W j ••' 'ait at' fitd'' ff'
• ! 4
Mil \ \\< Il I \ 11
! nini >****** ar ifaj f ocß, Aha Jl'AmmßmdTsM
■ >J© PS • *ob at sf*l ; ' j Ar „ ... . •
5 J ir 10 44 1 **** * tn(f bi
s ' ■ ; ' ** " 1,5 - u
; . •-*" >** l. * -it HSlzsun*'.
■ i'Uh Toi - ?alo the evMimttd , .<
4 ity.f v .Vitwit * ' : iE t J *Mm tni aU 'w
j, tfr* $i y. ■ I S i&W Ut gfttasQ
V *#f ' - , 4 m - v A 1
- '*' Y ' * * * *4 -4f Jc"
i SB
' ' "T* '' ' ' : '" K> ' iwotal
... „ .V ."■"u.ffp -"v--*
i t?i m I<l i rtftfn 2 Ivjyte If, -IA
• • ; v • . ■ •
•* ■* n ~ I.**.•!
' . _ 1 e. i • - J ,* - llt 'iUjJ fin I--.; '*l
' irl n '' ' fci * 1* fito tftifiol a- DBiiow
* . 44 WoJ fail > ■ £ ,*2'.... (ifkAa: *
. '■ 1 . i ■ t+u > - H- r'-*v- /u ; i vj'l I
*l ,. ' iJ' * Jw-(|L j uaj -i -(fa 1 • Just #te* i .!{j{ ji 4 f
r'4 1 " j *
* *44
} ,wotl*Mt &L 2 aw&h JUtw ' 'tfwb&kw (mU iM ut nut j
A " ' ;>T ' "• 1 • 1 >4, nJ > I*. ( .' f „> I
' *— 7 „ _
■■'!.{ ir u .
' * *•* 1 fngjn n 7*J*m and* # w ,
flie.-fe *■> j
ChrtilicrttPKfJ vp
arr tuip(|tiale<l by
nnvthing of tlie kiial out. *
lluiuithUK rf fliPm arc Sold annti
aily bv Ministers of thii Gor.pel andMliPrs. . .
tto wore so liitrhly pleased with tlie samples sent
us, that we ordered a larjre lot at ouce; ajid madearrauge
rucnt-s with the publishers for tlie right of o&lnaive sale lii f'eiiri,
Orogg, Potter, Haines and Miles townships. We respectfully Invito. Min
isters and young couples to come and see. For sale singly or by tl do*en
J. |ornrlitis,
Lewisburg,' Penna.
PHOTOGRAPH ES^ stSesftnlshnMn 1 lie Ktgliclt
srsle known lo ihoart. -
M -
And Pictures painted
r* l
i:i oil, Water lndia luk,
A Spaciality.
I'arfloular attention given to copying old
atul faded pictures ( deceased friends, col
ored if desired. Ih any of the above colors.
Great pains taken to insure fro customers tls
bßst quattlv of wdrk. 1 respocttnUy an
nouiioo that 1 introduce all the
as soon as any one and aiu prepaid to pro
dime any piece rtf work in rhe most approv
ed fasiit it. The public fs cnrdiallv t nviicd
td call at my rooms and examine my work,
whether thc\ desire pictures or not. A
liberal deduction on larsr* orders. Tlie larg
est and best selected stoek of Prom en In
town always on hand. The greatest pains
taken to insure satisfaction to my custom
ers, Don't forget the place: .South tilde of
Market Mtroet,
WHOLESALE and retail dealer in
Choice Brands of Tobacco
and Cigars,
Lewisburg, Pa.
0 i
First Class in all respects ami
Centrally Located.
>o. . HrorkrrZioJr Kew, . i
Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c.
— o
A Pull Stock of Goods of Superior Quality alleys on Hand.
OHAMOIS SKINS for If) cents s\Bd upwards. CARRIAGE
SPONGES, 15 cents and upwards. A tiiare of tho public patron
age respectfully solicited.
mmm "ftJ Uts rf jol
Philadelphia Clothing llal!,
Market Btrtetj Lewiflmrgr, Pa.,
Is the 1 Quarters for >
Ready Made Clothing.
/. r * ' ?rw|
A livrn'T stock can bo fouinl liv our store
than in any other in Lnion couutyi arid our
prices are from
• J t art'
' 15 to 40 per cent lower
than these of other stores. Any person in
need of clothing will sure front a day's to a
week's wuges by calling at the
.v , !
# KM) I If m I
opposite Lewishurg NatioualDanfc,
. / • >md ■ -
•- i*mu o>& i r sr ha* ' itrmtt • t- 1
i &. I
Alcolt ! s Water-/ • •
A Atcardcil the Ce. (■
* r *J '' *>•#- -
<ss* The most practical,
rf • ■'. md t-lPlivi-. :
mmffl " : iWwMt J** l * l- tmvmiugwiu HfPip
|!l3 f'ii"
A x AiUh-f "L
-. ('• T. AIJfMTV
Mfrs. of wnfels arV
.Machinery, Mou*T HOLLY, N. J. ii, '
ihnAii/acturittfj right**
JJI * s*T""f * *►—-•?<? —. .-•rjriv C t , | m
INSWe MEN ' lAKK vn;:, '
-mn rfiE
lew MM Mntnal Life las. L -
The .;klesupnitt I .U^tgM f Unn.
M.VK 'l<> VAJiJ J IN. t 11, nd A}-
MttHmitlrffriri-th Street. I
Daniel F.Beatty
l ? ITNos& 1 7>^Ttf
Cai Tiov.-Tho reputation Ajr t .
ami tlit eelebrl# <r mvuvpnw,, pure to
ed *ottie unprincipled parlies a., a ; sjt <
to ropp my circular*, and misrspfr*skiit •■*.
iintvomaot-i Mttaubhl. Uilt .lip: j-iif ii.
IwTeby cantloced. AH my Organ ■
j&awNbfar' m. Ik) ..
mil also kit ve my iuie!mUßßF>iftr f **'
4JUiX.DA:j4KI a F. BCVTTV.W;wMIItO, ,■
J., ffßlmirikMloi* k* genuine.
*" | A A4dnwt tr- . ■ , , *
i rfi ! • i • >
-i-l frl stud*, aolLfi %uuuu. heavy n ..•
*v<uutig ring, and jfert* Part-Jan di-tYim *
pin. Tin- :t|*nre article* sen t.p*rt pakL -
'SQ Uave Itcen a fur *•;, Jtab
~ fuf?f stock nitd tn\m tw sUt. Solid *!l<
Cold t>.
~ poses, joVaf i niient. rtfttal In a pfmurappc • t
a *xneuuii|4 goki. "Hi* reputation :.
honest v. fair iTcalihg a'rtiT itlirraiKv fc ** t
' e<fwu!ed * JMiy*4l,j|iwr in litis ctly/'r
1 \lMit U.*jL lice, flOp.
I toßt .M W*S r A* PClr All MM ) AM A |rSf J.
t\ JtfuOkAlA? g ST., New Yot
Vttnl Wonienkm <#lWhrlßMtou{ a weak r
!?\wnwv, or Wieio drain upon lite syaeui
at - '
Hraifey'staeaiatMc S"scisc Nr.
' vlt Wues u aiul itiviup;a4C-< the sy.-(ci:i
tffsjtels tMe CTadrtfkirsw tmpari
streitKtJi etl Hvc : < mI
rcjutt-natev tin- enttrc nftin. - lk*en i
jrte vial*, or nackace <rt Ave ru *
ami isUJ vil of powder. Kent by tnalfo
r 'ceipt of irir#. • XfttiAg* Hmttforey -<
Hono '-vwtVhn; Mudicine Coupany, 562 JAro., :
, way. New Tofk. f>m 13 !y.
fca* f TiiOKSON S
Thcae brands of Sweet l*hrtr ate HrTrnowl
ednml by aIUIo be tlte Hnel bkewiiit
lob.vrros Lu the juarKet. l'ut u;> tit a.
aha pi's anil afaes, in nmiioftatir and hiacU 83
3>-* rfos- s aud 5 South Water St reel. Phi.
George Fehl,
.. W ai;on-Maker,
AAR )\NBIR(i, P^OfA.
*" " -33HH
All binds of Wagons uuwie to
Tlte oldestJtnd h -*t -;<laJtJtidge ;.,r
Gaining a Rntfthvi FXlaeatfon.
A'orcuvubcs address .
* H Pjftaborsh, Pa.-
I JHItKcTORY FOif is 77. Thb Weeond
voiiKflSi.l &:iitltvl%pc)i!stibfu
; work has Just been iMuvd Sjv the I'ul-lis,.-
ers, Nlt-*r. Wktfi-r 1 tk f ,f3 Park
Piacn-, N* York. No jiiiiiis <>r v v- s. e
hu been .spared in tlio limdnttlon •( t1:.
. prosi ut vi.uuia-. to make it oomjuete a. d
ndialde. In
biuttn. cmtaJniy it isaiflMciieeimcn -f
lKktnakim;. It cQUbuus over one J-unit
red pajrry mitre matter than tin- liut n-arN
vvfniint, which,Ra* added iarwely to the
eoi torttu* piwfttotiOW of the work, uini
eoinpotb-1 thill P nllJnhei> to tieraa tier
only ibo Jul! ejolh bound eilftioii al Oti.j
fvortar ir*oi>y. wjidn the nrciptu) whir i
sutu tti< \ vuL iwi x.jovt the work t<>un\ ao
fn ifti* rfiiletr UtiieM or Caiuttlii. by
insuk prejwiid.
; WELL'S CAREictablets,
a sfire n mWW fn iftlbhs, an all
iHttpasw of Uie IBiiOAT, ixlbfc,
eilfB| :uul iHVitus WfcNiiiKlNK.
sijf.rt in* ALL TmPoGis-rs.
C. N. I'Ki rJ KNTON. 7 srsTu ay
km e, N-\v Yot k.
B IPS ttr, ' at Jdtanee to make lite
Ss*£ ihi 10 ,! * V ' 11 JWJ cunt Jil tg. td
m pneub.uks.
. oe need a jieirou in every
town to take sujjscrlpttous for the |:ii-bom.
Cheapest and best Illustrated family publi. a
nou iu i he world. Any one can i t-eoiue a
successful ajrent. The mosi elegant works
of ait given freoto subsaibeis. The price,
is so low that almost <sreryUody ctibdcillMjs.
On- agent reports making over *l5O jn a
week . A lady agent n>iori3 tiiking over M
subcriters in tea dnya. All who encau
make money fast. You can devote all \oui
time .o tte imsittess: or only vour spam nme.
You ueoclui't bi-awny from home ovei nielil.
You ean (lo it as well as others. Pull parti
cukirs, directious and terms free. Kleguntand
exjieysive Outtit free. If you want profitable
work send us your address at once. It cos; s
nothing to try the business. No who en
gages fails to make great pay. Address • Tie
Pcpple s Journal," Portland, 3l-iy
Grand Square and Uprig-hfc.
B£sr vfFJilt KVI'H SOW r.KAUT.
WtiDltiiigtofi, New Jijisey, U. iS. A,
LEARN" telegraphej l
vouiid Meh aud Jndies. aud ear iW
from G-i5 to tjo per month. Good B
sftuattons guaranteed.' Smalt salary while
learning. Address, with siainp,
oC-1 tin BkMAK TtLEuKXili Co., Oberlin 0.
* waam
; * Those wishing Relief ainLCurc for Rup
ture sliou.d consult lJh Jr. A. BHKRMAN,
258 Hroadwav, New Xork, or semi lor hi*
novv Look, with Photographic likenesses* of
bad oases4flbre and after cilie. Beware of
clMatsfvviip plot end to furnish Dr. Shernuu's
One of tlmse fellows, a gevjuji n cJerk, now
calling himself l)r: \V. (I. Cieinjden, is indie -
*d on complaint W Dr. . and awaits trial
fyr /orrery ;\ud embezzlement. 34-tw
• T. < AJtUS Nu two aliko."
naitic Oc. Post paid, llfisud &
Vo., Ndssuh N. Y- , • in