C|c Journal Uller & Derail#. Pruirietors B. O. lIMMiTOER, Associate Kdito v--—-v ■lllheini. Titarstlaj, Scn.ZU. Torms— Sl.so Per Annum. 1." - Democratic State Tlftoit. For St i-rumk Judge. x JOHN TRUNKJ&', or Vksa*o CounTY, For State TurasVUkr, AMOS C. NO YES, % or CUNTOW CoCNTY. FOR ArbiTOß UCMIRAI., W. P. BCIIKLU, or Bkdtxmkd CorsTY. Democratic County Ticket. For District Attorney, D. F. FOHTNFA\_ Digest or Klectlon Laws. Election-Tuesday, Novbr. 6th. l*olls open at 7 A. and close at i p. M. WHO CAN VOTK. . ; Every male citizen, twenty-one years of axe, possessing the. follow lug qualxlca-. tlonfCttßU be cntiUM to v.otiaM,all clec- slmll bet tx a elHwn of the Vnlted States one uionth. 2. He shall have resided id the State one voar: or, * having previously been it qnal -1 tied elector or native born chiten thereof, nud shall'have reuioytsi therefrom apd returned, then he shall have resided there in six months immeUlately preceding the He"shall have resided in the district where he intends to vote two mouths tm * xuedinielv preceding the election, instead of ten davs as fovnlerly. 4. If twenty-one year* of age. or p --ward. he shall have paid, within twotyavs, a State or younU' J" v f bH?n asscjfcAlaf iessflwo ratuttos-ine\ i ous toThe election. fiul jinit conform to toe lvqnliv tnetxts eov.talned in mscti'ux 4, .mreceduig. The election will beheld otx Tixt 1 ilts dav next following rho ttrst Monday of November." being this year the Whtuiy ' oftheiuotxtb. „ Saturday. October Bth, is the last iLi\ for securing haturulixatlou papers. Saturday, October 6t'u. is the last day on which taxes can be paid in lyjpll timt W % The above date should -be carefully re membered and acted on by all voters. The Democrats ot .Northumber land county haVe already dboseu del egates for the next state convention, and instructed them for Hon. A, H. X)ill for Governor. ''Governor Dill woulu read pyottf^i*lh V Local matters and liave crowded politics entirely out of our columns this week. Patience, we expect to do sortie effective ser . • vice yet, and the JOURNAL deduct will give a good account of itself in November. Mark it. , For Journal. FROM AAROXSBFRP TO rOBUKX, VIA SWAKTZ'S KAW MILL. Mr. Editor:—We have had much angry discussion and bitterness of feeiing on the mooted question of new road s and bridges made nects- Kiry, or supposed to be necessary, by'reason'of the construction of the L. C. & 8. U. rail road, through the eastern iart of Penns Volley. Is it not deplorable that men, as a gener al tiling, will T'Ot consider these qnestions'dt flberately and form their opinions upon the merits of each particular case V Instead of doing this the bam passions of our na tures are often permitted to got the letter of our judgements, and we form our conclusions front the very narrow premises of self-interest, when the public good should be our controlling motive. If an Vote particular wd is ab solutely and radtspenssmy' necessary, it is the one leading from Miilbeira to the Depot. It aught to 1* freely admitted on all hands that the best and shortest load that can Le made over the route, is a public necessity, and yet there has 1 een and still is much opposition to it, as now pro jected and surveyed. Those who oppose the road say, and with much truth it must be admitted, that it is very unfair that one township should be compelled alone to build a road for the joint use of three town ships. Let ns see how the matter stands, relatively and financially. The assessed valuation of Pen 11 township is $479,209, Haines—soo4, 024. Miles $520,050. T0ta1—1.603,- 283. The estimated costs of the new road, if the location remains as now fixed, is a matter on whicb opinions differ very widely. I have heard es timates (guessing) from $3,000 to SIO,OOO, exclusive of county bridges, but consider such figures as ex tremes, and will assume say S4,CKX>, as the safe medium. These $4,000 must be paid by Pen 11 Twp. alone while slie has certainly not more tlian a half interest of actual use, iu ' the road. "She would thus pay SIOOO for the benefit of Miles, and the same amount for Haines. Pelin town ship, the smallest and poorest of the three, with an assessed valuation of only $479,209, bears the burden alone, which in equity, if not in law, should lie distributed over Penn, Miles and Haines, whose total as sessed valuation is $1,603,283. And yet Penn Twp. does not complain— at least the friends to the road do not— feeling, as they do, the utter necessity of a good and level road to the Depot. There is no legal reme dy against what seems to be a great wrong, and they are willing to ac cept the inevitable, withoat grumb ling. In addition to this Penn Twp. is now building a road for Haines at Pine Creek, at a cost of at least SSOO. Even this is done without a word of complaint, although tjie roadtfs almost solely for the benefit of Haines.' It was considered but fan that the Pine Creek region should liave better access to the Depot than their present roads afford, and Penn township very generously conceded their claim without remonstrance of any kind. Now Mr. Editor, if the matter would end here, Penn Twp. would bear the burden for herself and otli ors, heavy as it is, patiently. But wnat she has done and is doing is not yet enough, she is still asked to do more— much more — not for her own benefit, or even the benefit of a single one of her burdened citizens, but for the sole and exclusive con venience of a neighboring township, or part of a township. A new road is asked from the toll-gate at Aaron s burg, to a point near Swartz's saw mUI, in Penn Two. Let us inquire who asks for this road and who pro tests against it. For whose conven ience it is intended and who is to I pay for it. Tt needs no argument at iluuv UuU Penn Twp., does not aak oTwaht it. Not oneoUu'r citizens vvltl bo benefited by it to,the amount of a dime —not one is on the petition asking s-'ch a road. These are facts admitted by all. It is plain then that the road is not wanted lor the brtieffl of Penn Tvvp. or any man in it. "Who then does want it ? jTlie Pine Crock region certain ly-does not , Woodward dors not— the lower end of Haines generally does not. The whole matter boiled down amounts to about this: Some of the citizens of Aaronshurg and perhaps a small region round about would like to linve a near cut to t lie Depot provided they can saddle tlie heaviest burden upon others. Thej want the road as a convenience, for it is certainly not a business necessi ty, but are entirely willing that their neighbors of an adjoining township, who are already loaded down to groaning by taxation, for the lienofit of others, should foot the greater part of the bill. This is tlu ir modest rtquest—this is exactly what they ask. Let us now examine how the mat ter stands numerically. 73 citizens of Haines twp. being less than one fourth of her total number, ask for the road. Not a man from Penn is on the affirmative side of this ques tion, 56 citizens of Haines and 167 of of Penn—a total of 223 remon strate against it. This shows, if anything, the current of public opin ion on tlie subject, and that while but a small fraction of the voters of llaines towuship desire this road, a verv large majority of both town ships consider if unnecessary—in fact all but useless. The shortening of the distance from Aaronsburg to the Depot, which if fl am correctly informed will be lessened altout three fourths of a mile, and the convenience of a comparatively small number of the citizens of Haines, mostly of Am ons burg. will be but an insignificant offsett against the costs of construc tion and the damages this road will entail, and both costs of making and damages will fall most heavily on Penn, wl o has not the slightest in terest to subserve, bqfc much to suf fer, if this road be forced upon her against her strongest possible tiro test. It would cut the Swartz farm diagonally through its entire length, and nmssltite the building of at j least a mile of fencing (for both sides of road) in Penn township, all of which would come out of the straitened purses of her* tax-payers, while those at whose instance the road Is roftde. If at alf, wffl escape with but trifling expenses in compar ison. At a morderate estimate the costs of construction and damages, if fairly assessed, would lie %t least SIOOO for Penn -township. This is certiinly low enough, as the fencing alone would cost over SSOO. In summing up then, the account would about thus: Penn pays for the benefit of Tlaines: On tie new road from Alill heim to Depot, at hast SIOOO. On the Pine Creek road, 500. On the (projected) road from Aaroneburg to intersections, 1000. S2IOO. This is what Penn twp. is c-roly asked to do in the face of the ftrcf that the- assessed valuation of Haines is $1*24.817 in excess of that of Penn. and of the additional fact that Penn, with much jess means and with n number of her property holders residing in and subscribing their rail road stock to the credit of Jlaines, has contributed as much in dollars and cents to the building of the rail road as Haines township did. If any number of the citizens of Hames to wnsliip or of A aronslmrg want new roads for their exclusive benefit, let them follow the example of Penn, and pay for them tl emselves as they are so much more able to do, and not ask it of others, who are poorer, Ar.d who have already done much more than their comparative share to the building of the great enterprise of Penns Valley. This would be coromraon fairness and good logic as well. If the golden rule"i 3 worth anything at all in road making—here would tie a fine chance for a practical application. EQUITY. Communicated. THE (ICTXGER PICNIC. Great Outpouring of the People. OldXltUnr Mountain filled with • livlns in*Mi of tin inanity AM far HM tLe eye ran Nee. Mr/Editor Please find a place M the JOURNAL for my feeble ac count of one of the grandest rural festivities ever held in Centre coun ty. The fourth annual picnic of the Patrons of Husbandry was held'on the summit of Nittany Mountain, west of Centre Hall, Thursday the 13th, inst. In the morning the heavens were overhung with heavy clouds which momentarily threaten ed to descend in the form of rain and drench the earth. Many were the anxious and ierhaps doubtful looks cast heavenward, seeming to ask—"Will not Providence favor us with a pleasant day for our festi val About 9 o'clock the heavy clouds began to break and the blue sky be came visible Here and there, gladen ing the hearts of hundreds 011 their way to the picnic. Arriving on the grounds at abowfc 11 o'clock, we found thousands of Centre County's sturdy sous and fair daughters already assembled, and many others were coming in continuous streams, from the north, the south, the east and the west, to participate 111 the pleasures of the day. At 114 A. M., the meeting was or ganized, when our worhyt Deputy, Leonard Itbone, entertained the audience for half an hour in a well prepared address, after which the announcements were made for the afternoon arid the meeting adjourn ed for dinner. The scene that now presented itself beggars all descriir tion. As far as you could see the earth was covered with table linen and loaded with the good things pre pared for the occasion by the ladies, (God bless them,) without whose kind help all such festivals would be uttei failures. Five brass bands were present—from Farmer's Mills, Cen tre Hall, Loop, Pine Grove and Zion —and I tell you they made the wel kin ring and the valley echo with their delightful music. Hucksters as usual, to the number of a dozen, more or less, were also on hand with their melons, peanuts, candies, to bacco and cigars, cider, cakes and beer, and thev seemed to do a flour ishing business. Having done full justice to the in ner man and scent a pleasant hour in social intercourse with old and new friends, the meeting was reor ganized at half past one. According to previous announcements Mrs. Id dings of Union Urange, Bald Eagle Valley, now filled the speakers stand for about three quraters of an hour and tilled it very ably. Mrs. hi dings is certainly a lady of more than ordinary mental powers and courage, as her earnest and telling address full demonstrated. Ilad no other speech been made than that of Mrs. hidings, the writer would have felt fully compensated for li s jour ney of some thirty miles, on that dav. j)r. Calder, President of Pcgnn. State College, was next introduced, and entertained the vast audience for a short time very profitably in a very able and pointed address. Col. •las. P. Weaver was then called for and responded in his usual pleasant and happy style. The day being pretty well spent the exercises wero closed, and with the ln'st of feelings the brotherhood separated, each wending his way homeward, satisfied that the day was well and profitably spent, and hoping that the seed sown may spring forth and boor abundant fruit iu due season. EYK WITNKBS. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Dysentery is prevailing hero to sonic extent among children. Shook, Hro. A Co., are doing ft Whloesnlo Drug business at Fariuer'a Mills, (Spring Mills P. O.) We are all very ghvl to sec our goad old friend. Mr. l'GUr Wilson. on the street again, lie hud been laid up with sickness for several weeks. I J. Grenoble, the enterprising mer chant, is also in the grain ami seed busi ness. Tic will always pay tin! highest market price. Henrv Kn.nnine has the "trestlo work" up luid'the grain lloiise wdll soon be up too. This town needs a few more sueg pushing men. Kumor says this town lias a man who will compete with the K. It. in carrying merchandise to town. He proposes to start teams ami iiitul gtauis oheuper than hv mil. That is what we need, p 'ir freights arc entirely too high. Give too teamster a fair chance. , YOMA. - ♦ ■ * EitJiATUM. —In our article last week heatled "lltHi. VN m. H. Arm strong"' h vry annoy iug error occtir ed —not in tho writing but in the making tip of tbo form. Otir lore man was overcrowfit'd on press day : anil in bis 'uiitv had the misfortune to get the arlieig incorrtctly divid ed." It reads nil right, and that ixirt which we wrote, very truthfully too, if you jtistmanage to keep on tlio, truck. Impkov km i:NT s.—"\Yusl i new house ou Penn Street is up. Wash handles himself pretty lively. Squire Heifsnvtler removial the ojtl shqdat the east end of his house and a beautiful bay window now adorns that end. Israel Confer knocks the spots off everybody in the portico line in these parts, and we, ve local, are just about completing the neat est little Book and Stationery store tol-eseen in a day's travel, after which we expect to do business on the first f.'wr. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC?.—' The J Picnic,of tin* Sunday Schools on hist Saturday was a veiypleasaut occasion, only] wo are sorry to say, it was not as , well favored bv Iho weather as the 1 attendants would hnvtv wished. St ill the Sunday School? did not get dis couraged by the spells of rain, but succeeded in having a line time after all. The crowd was addressed by Ilevs. Peters and Stainlutch in speeches suitable for the celebration. The Millheitn Cornet Hand furnished ttieir Vfood music part of the dav. The singing of both sundav Schools was excellent.. In resjiccc to tlie dinner we must say., that the ladies had done their level best in filling the baskets with an abundance of well prepared and tasty provisions. Altogether the celebration was a Success. GRANDJOINT PARADE— On Sat urday last the Millheim Council, No. 30f>, (J. U. A. M., joined the Wash ington (tamp, Xo. 202, P. S. of A., in ltebersburg in a grand and showy parade. At a o'clock in the after noon the lirst named order, accom panied by the Millheitn Cornet Hand arrived in town and soon afterwards both orders headed by the band could be seen in ranks, equipped in full regalia and looking remarkably well. They marched up and down town and then proceeded to the evan gelical church of that place. After the orders had gone through their usual ceremonies, Mr. G. W. Foote of Mifllinburg was called upon to deliver a lecture, which he done in a clear and elegant manner. I!e was followed.by M* A. W. Berry of Sugar valley, a line speaker. Mr. Abs. Hurler made a few concluding remarks, which caused the audience to get in a good hiunor. The meet ing then adjourned and the. proces sion formed for another inarch down town, where the Milliieim Cornet Band honored Dr. Ilillibish by a line serenade. As the day drew to an end, the orders and band were soon on their way home, leaving a very good and satisfactory impression with the lie bersburg people, r and magazines will be published us heretofore. The Methodist Sunday School of I/ewisburg realized $276 nett profit by their recent excursion to Spring Hills. AwfuL Bio.— Post Master Si vela si;nti\rod beet to our ollice that weighs 7i pounds any hum who can lieat that beet will please step for ward three paces. The review on the road projected from Aaronaburg to Swartz's saw mill will come off on the 26th inst. T. B. McElroy, John Shannon and A. P. Hosterman, are the viewers. On lost Tuemiw.v evening our town Wfw vifilUal by a Russian, who went through quite uatouUliing per form ayot-a with lib well trained brow n beftr -mid drew a large number of M]M9ctatoni on the streets-. The extensive axe factory of Robt. Mann Ac Son, near Mill ilall, was totally destroyed hy tire on Monday night, the lOlh, inst. Loss, s2',ood, fully covered by insurance. Jndjje Mayer was in Jkdlejfbnte last Weefe iiiul the papersßny fie 16oks "splendid." pear me, we knew that fact twenty nine tvars ago When we made coats. Vests ami tuuncntiunu blcs for the etnbrvo .Tmlcr \ Wm. Cameron, a brothei of Hon.. Simon Cameron, and for many years a prominent citifcen of Lewlsnurff, died on Monday the 9th instant a*, his home in Lewisburg, in the 82nd year oi his age. ■ "■■■ ■ ■ Mnook, Smith Jc Co., have cleared away the old store boxes and other rubbish on the Penn Street side of their store. Make an entry to their credit, liawkeye, and let tine fjood work go on. The Millheim Cornet Band return their thanks through the .JOURNAL to that prince of good fellows, Dr. D, J. llillbish, for the present of a very finely executed and valuable tjirrn picture, on the occasion of their visit to Rebersburg, last Satur day. The Watchman suggests that Ifedlefonte should either build the rait road to Lemont, or else build a fence around the town and white wash litr. That's a capita! Itjt; brothel Meek, but see to it that fejiee will be washed white on the ratbtidr, 11 would be more scriptural, you know. Wm. Smith, of l'rauk; has been appointed eollertor of state and cor.n ty taxis lor LVnu Twp.;.l. 11. Wile for Haines and Joel Moir&for MHca. Don't know who the other collectors are but suppose all concerned wili ' liuil out somehow or] other. Get I your "scrip" ready. Head "Equity's" communication on the roan subject, in another col umn. Equity seems to have been at some pains to jjet correct data and presents one side of the case rather forcibly. Xow let the other side be heard also. The afiinuntive has the I floor. s *> A SENSATION. —Quito a stir ami buzz was created on Thursday last when Sheriff M user's splendid car riage arrived —the one that is to run between the town and Depot. By special mint at ion the JO&UXAL staff had the first ride, and we can assure the public that the carriage is lit for a Coventor to ride in. The Sheriff will please consider our chip hats tipped tor the ride;- ? ' Rev. .T. J). Tlerr. 1). D., ard Mr. J. W. Perry, from Nuw York city are here on a squirrel hunting expe dition. IfjOiily the JielMonters \youitl hurry up a little and supply the miss ing link, the IJ. C; & N'. C. It. It. would soon be the Grand Trunk Line around the world, via San Franciao, China and Japan. Hurry up, gentlemen, why stan I ye here, hands in pocket, afl the day idle? "From Bellefonte to Lenient, vn xcarO., The County Superintendent and the committee on permanent certifi cates M ill meet at Centre Hall, on Monday, Oct. 1,1877, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when all applicants are ex pected to be present for examina tion. SALT. IE MEEK. LAURA GRAHAM, Z. B. KKISK, E. 15. IIOSTEIOIAN, C. L. GKAMLKY, Committee. A IVAKMXO. —Two sons of Mr. Daniel Weaver, of Gregg twp., aged about 11 and 13 years respectively, went into the woods near their fathers, on Wednesday of last week. The older one luut a gun loaded with slugs, and was in the act of putting a cap on the tube, which was too small, when the boy tried to hammer it down with his knife. While doing *o. he hold the gftn under his arm, the muzzle cud behind, when the loitd discharged, and hit the younger brother in the side, taking away the ski it nnl flesh to tho ribs, then passed through his arm, midway between the shoulder and elbow, lacerating the flesh and bone in such a frightful munne,. as to make amputation necessary. At bust accounts the boy was doing as well as can l>e expected under the circumstances. Parents, take warning how you allow your boys to handle lire arms. It? IT FAlß? —Great and truly liberal preparations are being made by the Agricultural Society of Cen tre county to make the coming Fair a decided success. And now we ask our neighbors and friends—is it alto gether fair that all Fenns Valley and Brush Valley too should Igo to the Union county Fair and neglect our own Fair V Let us treat our own Fair fairly and afterwards do the fair thing, if we can to the Union county Fair, And if we go to the Bellefonte Fuir and get our fare at the Bush House, under the able management of that tip top fellow, McGollum, we will certainly fare | well. This is tlie/atYcst adyice we can give. Alt' you going to tli** 'Se ; i Side, or are you there already V 1m either case procure Home of Gletn'r Sul phur Soap, if yau would increase tholuxury of the lmtli, render your skiu white and healthy, and remove freckles or situ burn. Sold by all Druggists. Hill's hair & Whisker Dye, black 01 brown, 60 ets. 4w. —*—*>- * ■ Thk Bkatty Piano, and Jieat ty's (1 olden Tongue Organs in ami" factored by Dumel P. lJeatty, Wash ington, N. ,7. U., S. A., are highly endorsed by all who have tested thrni, hh to the style of cte, dttra biiity. and sweetness of tone. They are said to excel any other instru ment in perfeet construct ion. See his advertisement in another col umn. 4w. Thk Veteran Cluii reunion which was to couie of at Howard on last Saturday, was postjioned by rea son of bad weather, one week. The arrangements made for last Satur day will all hold good for next Satur day, the 22ndi of wliioh'ftll concern ed will please take notice. DIED. At Reberslmrg, on Hie 12th Inst., Charles W. Luther, tufunt *on of Samuel ami June Zetgler, aged S month* ami ibiyn. Announcement*. Wo are authorized to announce .T. M. Kkichlinh, Esi|.,iJ Rellofonte, as a zandldstfo or phMrh'.t Attorney. .Subject hi the deci lon of the lHnnooratie county convention, Wenro authorize:! to nnuoanco D. K Kwitnbv. Eh.|., of HeUufonte. as a oandl dnte for District Attorney. Subject to the decision of the Democratic county eoo vuuiion, 1 .1 ' . -JL 1 ■' CHURCH DIRECTORY. Preaching In the Lutheran Church, Auroushurg. uextsunday morning. CJor uun. Ucv. J. Tomlinson, Pastor. PrenoliinK In thci r. B. Chureli, ne\t San day morning, by Rev. J. M. Smith, Pant or. Lodge and Society Direotory. The MilUu'tm Cornet Itaml will toeet In the Town Hall on Atouday and Thursday u veiiin u*. Provident*. Orange No. 217 P. of It.. t„ In Alexander'* block on the 2nd Sa tardiiY of eneh month at r. M. and on the 4th Saturday of each month at i; on Tue.sday on or ltcforc the full moou of eaah month, t. H. llm.i>, Sec. B. I. Miller, O. K C. A 8. V. BAII. ROAD EXTENSION or THEMNETOSFHING MILLS. On and after Monday, AupUst lSf/i. 1877, trains on this road trill run daily, (except Sundays) as folio tea : WESTWARD HASrW.UIP . T*~ I STA&OXB. ;I I 4 "l ' /. A.M. A.:./■ ___A.M.''l M. P. M. ii.pi it , iL T.Oi Montnudoii, or. ft.Si) nr. W flf. 6.00 or. 6.25 ln.tr* 7.l*> fswtshiirp. ui"- H.."*) fi.4"> In 0" 7:s) Pair Ground, M 4fi Zi 10.14 7 21 nieiil. H.:tti 5.20 lo 21 7 X" vicknhurp. H.2i 5.1.1 10 37 7.4". Mimmhu.-.s, 8.10 fMW 1n.57 nr. 8.00 Mihnwnt. 8.05 4.10 II. Hi Laurelton, 4..W l.u (Jbburn, 2.45 nr. l.o Nprltyj Mills. 2.10 P.M. /'. M. A. M. J- M. | A. M. P. M. ,VM 1 J- 2 conncrt at Montandon with i Erie MaU west oh the Philadelphia C Erie i It oil Road. 1 .Vo*. 3. m. 44 44 44 Mantandon 105 p.m. 44 44 arr. at WilliamsporPl.'A)p. nt. 44 44 44 i/K.k Ifaven 3.25 p. m. 44 *• 44 Kane 9.20 p. m. fY'nt Line lea>es New York 8.25 a. m. 44 44 44 Philnrlclphia 11.30 a, m. 44 44 44 Ililtlmore 11.35 a.m. • 4 44 44 J/arrlshurg 3.20 p. m. 44 ,4 44 Sunburn 5.40 p. m. 44 44 44 Montaiulon G. 15 p. t n. 44 44 44 Williaimjiort 7.30 p.m. 44 44 arr. at Lock Haven MO p.m. EASTWARD. Pacific Ex. leaves Lock Haven 0.30 p. m. 44 44 44 Wdliamsport 7.55 a. m. 44 44 44 Montandon 9.1® a. in. 44 44 44 Sun'mry 9.35 a. in. u *' arr.pl liarriniotiy 11.55 a. in. 44 44 44 Baltimore 6.10 p. in. • 4 44 44 Philadelphia 3.l hp. in. 44 44 '• .Wtc York fi.45 p. m. I)ny Ex. leaves Kan* 0.00 a. in. • 4 44 Itock Ifaivn 11.20a. m. 44 44 4 - WiUiatnsjHHit 12.40 a.m. ° 44 44 ,1/bntanflod 1.47 p.m. 44 44 44 Banbury 2.15 p. in. 44 44 arr. at llarrishurg 4.10 p.m. 44 44 - 4 Philadelphia 7.20 p. in. 44 44 44 AVic York 10.14 p. 01. 44 44 44 H-Utiinore. 7.35 p. in. 44 44 44 Wtuhingtcm 9.07 ]k in. Eric Mail leaves Erie 11.09 a. tit. 44 jjO' k llnren ft 45 p.m. 44 44 44 WiUimn*port 11.05 p. in. 44 44 44 Mantandon 12.18 p.m. 44 44 44 Banbury 12.45 a- m. 44 44 arr. at llarrishurg 2.45 a. in. 44 4 •' ihutitnore. 7.45 a. m. 44 44 44 Philadelphia, 7.00a. in. i f 44 44 New York 10.05 a. in. J>\ut Line leaves Williamnport 12.35 a. m. 44 44 44 Banbury 2.00 a. trt. 44 14 arr.atfTarrfshtirg 4.00 a.m. 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.45 a. in. ii ii 44 Philadelphia 7.3-5 a.m. 44 44 44 jVei r York 10.25 a. m. Eric Mail Went. Mayor a Ex. liV.it. Is>ck Haven Aceotn. West and Day Express East make close connection at Northumberland with L. & H R. 11. trains for Wilkcnbarrc and Be rant on. , Erie. Mail East and West connect at Erie with trains on L. S. fr M. S. It. It., at Cory with O. C. d- A. Y. It. It- at Emporium with R. N. r. de P. 11. R . and at Driftwood with A. V. 11.It. . Parlor Oars will run between Philadelphia and WUUamsport on Niagara Express West Pacific Express East and Day Express East. Sleeping Cars on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, Ocnil Sup't. 1823. SEND FOR 1878. TUB New York Observer, The Best Religious and Secular Family News paper. fc3.15 a Year, post-paid; Established 1823. 37 l'ark Row, Sew York. "£# SAMPLE COPIES FREE. HARDWARE j JAMES HARRIS & CO., \ Dealers in Hardware, No. 5. Brock crh off Row, BELLEFOUTE, 3?_A. I ,s a f t . I * .3-10 iierches to a stone, thence ahjng laud of George Swart* south, 88*4° west, 14 iMO to a stone, thence along land of flettrr Dnt well cr north, lM" west. 48 7-10 jierches to the centre of said turnpike, ihbnce along same north, Slk® cast, 18 l-lo perehes to the place of beginning, containing •> acres, neat meas ure. NO. 2. All that certain tract of land situ ate in township, county and state aforesaid, bounded a'jd described as follows, viz : Be cinniui at a stone, thence along land or Ja cob Nees". estate north, 14 degree west, 31 1-10 perches to the middle of turnpike lead ing from Millheim to Aaronsimrg, thence along said turnpike south. 55? wst. 24_ 8-10 nurcnes to a post, thence hy Jacob Nees' estate south, Vs°, east 2sbs perches to stone, tlieuce bv laiul of John 11. Mussel and others north 77 a east. 53-10 perches to atone thence by land of Geo. Swartz north east, 17 3-10 lx 4 r. to the place of boginuing, containing 4 acres, noal measure. No. 3. All that certain piece of mountain land, situate tu township, county aiu! state aforesaid* bouaitted and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a stone, thence by land of Philip High south, 15° east, 98 perches to a stone, thenffic by laud of Musser S, Gephart, south 72>i° west, 25 9-10 perches to a stone, tlience by same, north 15 u west, 102 perches to a stoue, thence by same, north 64 east, 26 7-10 pbrches to the place of beginning, containing 18 acres and 30 perches, neat measure. Terms : One third of purchase money to be paid upon confirmation of sale, one third in a year, and the balance, iu two years, second and third pavments with interest, and to lie secured by bond and mortgage oil tlioprembes. Sa.etofoclock Administrator; A4IENTS WANTED. Pen & PeneilSketch- T> T Ariso es of the GREAT riots. It 1(1 1 S . An Illustrated Histo- XV X V * kJ j*y; of the great Rail- Road and other Riots, with a History of Com munism and Trade-Unions. By the popular author Hon. J. T. Headley. All clashes want this book, depleting the reigri of terror In teh States. The best selling book for Agents. Now ready. 550 pages, 53 lllnstratioiis $2. Send 50 cents for outfit and terrltom. TREAT, Pub., 805 Broad way, N. \. 4-tW $3.00 LOT. One Ladies* Guard Chain. One ladies NeCK Chain and CrosA *>ne Ite.iuUfnl l.nckt, (engraved). Oiie ilalr Hand Bracelets. one Gent's Twin Link Vest Chain & Chitrrii. One |lr Onyx Sleeve Buttons. Cmi set (S) Onyx Shirt Studs. One new improved Collar Button. One extra cut Caineu Seal Ring. One Arizona Solitaire Stud. One s*t Amethyst or Topaz Pin & Ear Drops One ladies' Chemise Button. One Plain lting, stamped 18 K. $3.00 LOT. One Ladle*" Opera Chain, with slicW and laattel, (retail price t'sdH) Onr Gent's he aw Watch Chain, with (Jurb charm, (retail price, fcS.uO.) One Ladles" heavy long Neck Chain. <>re elegant Chased Miniature Locket fur ab. Oue set Owmeo Medaliou Pin and Ear Props. One pair CI) heavy Chased Hand Bracelets. One Gent's Soil! aire DiamondS(ttd. One Gent* Cluster Diamond nh. One pair Ainethyst or Onyx sleeve Butfcue. One set (3) studs to match the above. One elegant heavy, let Catrtfo Seal Ringi One Massive Band or Wedding Itlng. 'One new "patent" Collar Button, one ladies' Chemise Button. One Amethyst or Topaz Ring, (extra finish.) J. ZELLER & BON, Xo. 8. BrockorhoiT Row, BELLEFONTE, tA. DEALERS IN Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c. ■— — o A Full Stock at Goods of Superior Quality always -jon Hard. CHAMOIS SKINS for 10 cents and upwards. CARRIAGE SPONGES, 15 cento and upwards. A eharo of tho .public patron age respectfully solicited. * ' - Belle tome Murk#!. White Wheat. pCrhrtshH hew..;;.. 8 1 J tt*U Wheat, jier Imshel now No. 1... 130 tjrir, per busltM wfeet : 55 I Corn earn, jwr bushel 50 I Corn, shelled, per hu.thel..: 50 I Oats, per bushel.new. :.. 25 I Barley. ier bushel 50 ' Buckwheat, per bushel 50 Cloverseed, per bushel Potatoes, per bushel new 25 Eggs, per dozen.... 12 Lard, per pound 1Q Bacou—Shoulders 10 Sides jo Hains 12 Sugar Cured Hams 15 ] Tallow, per pound 7 Butter, i>er pound 30; Bags, per pound 2 Ground Blaster per ton lo,CO Miflliubnrß Market Butter 4 22 fcv:.:::r.:v.:v.v:.v".v".v.v:. IB llyo BO Corn ; 50 Oats S3 Barley Tymothv Hay 15 00 Clover rtay 13 00 Veal ; 10 Hams 14 Sides : rv 8 Lard. ....; lo Cloverseed 8 m Tv mothyseed 1 25 Flaxseed 1 40 Milliieliu Market. Wheat 125 Crfm 50 j I Kye...: 56 I 0at5..... SO 8ar1ey......;, SO Tymcrthyseed '. Flaxseed Cloverseed 8utter.......20 Hams ; 15 Sides 10 Veal..;; 8 FftJiS 13 Potatoes ; .>...; ; 25 Lard 9 Tallow ffl Soap ; 7 Dried Apples 4 Dried Fecke5 % ....... Dried Cherries.. n Atoll's Water-*, I X Awarded iiw * The most practical, G-, rsSik§fsßSPa pic, ami eH'oi'tivtv I. perlor iitfvutituco alua wite h uiiivfri --'My Knowlcdged. Address MfrL of VViiPclfi arm- ; - Machinery, Mot* XT Holly, X. J. WW r > luantf/ucturinfi ripht*. INSURANCE MEN ! ' Ahh NtVtKv AUKNTS \VA,\TEI> —KOK THE— New England McM Life Ins, The oldest mutual In the country, Chart* 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. MA It" It N .v V7H IJK. tit ♦•Ull Am* .* 133 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Daniel F. Beatty'tf ji CA'TlO*.— The reputation have pal and the celebrity of iiiv Orgons, lave in<- ed some unpiiuclpied parties and ay* to copp mv circulars, and misrepresent to uiAtrwneiifsf against this the puWic a hereby cautioned. All toy Organs lienr * trade mr.k, Golden Tugviid*ll my 1-. nos have the word PI vO undTliir and .liaohn ve t- < deuce. D.fxrPT. BkATTtT Waw.lutOlJ, a .1., without which none is genuine. Address, DANIEL F. JtEfATTY, . Wiis'iiiiffloit. X. 1., U. S. set spiral studs, collar imltoii/ wedding fine, and certs' Parisian d, •nt pin. The above articles ft*nL post-pah', 30 €TM. imve been retailed for *1 Bank rnpt stoek and must be sold. holid * Oohl Watches, sloeach. forsjie.'ulatlve pin poses, good timers, equal in sppevniirf i a *>* l iv-nuioe goltL "ills vpui,',i>n f : honesty. fair de."tlnj? and ItberaHty |s \ } t equaled bv any advertiser in this cily."— 1 . Dni Dec. Id. UCfl. POST At; KST A M I'H TAKM V Aft O ASH I y. t>TOCKMAX 27 IJON'D .ST.. New Xw" . NERVOUS DEBILIT Y ViUU Weakhess or Depression, a weake't haunted feeiiug no energy or county . t. - result of Mental Over-wont. Irsdiwretiou n Excesses, or sonic draiu upon the system r always cured by Hraplirey's Hsieaialliic Mo Re, 28. It tons* p and invigorate* tlie system dispels t lie gloom and desopntthnear, impart strength rnd energy—stops Hie drain* aiu. rejuvenates the entire man. Been" used twenty vears with perfect success by !iiou auds. 8 ;ld hv dealers. Pi ice, tl.du per sin gle vial: or #5.09 per fmwm flt five vials and i2.il) vial of powder... Sent by mall on r iceipt of price. Address Humphrey* Ifomoepathic Medtclae Company. 503 Bro d way, New York. Six 13 ly. . JACKSON'S BEST & ABOVE ALL These brands of Sweet Plug are acknowl edged by AH. to be thb I'lnent Chcwiuy Tobacco* in the market- Put up in all shapes and sizes. In mahogany and black wrapper*. Sold l-y the trade generally. Send lor sample to tire manufacturers. C. A. JACKSON & CO.. I'eterslHtrg. Va. C bo. ML Wakdlk, General Agent. 3T-I Kos. 3 ami 5 South Wafer Street, Phi. George Fehl, Wagon-Maker, AABJXSIIIEIJ, PEXYA. I All kinds of Wagons made ta Order. The oldcat and best appointed laatiuuiop for obtaining a Botae*s Education. For cixeukxa address . *, P. Dcrp A soxs, r.ttaburch. Pa. * WU ■ .* '■■■■- 0V r TDHf 0 The only combination of the u" I LTili U.true Jaririfea Glnefr with .choice Aiomaiiasand French : Brandy, is a delkfon-, harin le.ers in ten days. All who bugago niake inoudy fust. You can devote all yoiu time to tin* 1 or only your snare time. Yon need not oe away frotn HomeoveruiglP. You fan do it as well as otiiers. Full parti culars, directions and ternisfrea Elegant and fxpt'n.siVe Outfit free. If you want ilxihtab e work send its y- fagts fails to inake great pity. Aikireas "Ti 0 'coplo's Journal/' Portland. Maine. 31-ly BEATTY PIANO 1 Grand Square and Upright. BEST V PFL-n BVEH OtVIN NOW EEADT. DAKIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, u. 8. A, TELEGRAPH%F Younc Men and Ladies, and.earn sf ifrom #45 to #OO per month. Good ft situations guaranteed. Small salary while learning Address, with stamp, 36-i SHfiUMANTELEGKAFHCO., Obefftll.O. RUPTUR'jg Those wishing Etlh'ef and Cure for Rup ture slmn'd consult Dr. J. A. SHERMAN, 258 Broadway, New York, or send for his heW took, with Photographic likenesses** of bad cases before nnd after cure. Beware of cheats who pretend to furnish Dr. Sherman's treatment. One of these fellows, a {rerun n clerk, now calling himself Dr. W. G. Creinpien, is Indict - ed on complaint of Dr. a aud Awaits trlai for forgery and embezzlement. 34-4w ()orf.EAM. €ABIW. No two alike. 430WYth name w. brtid. iiqsfbd & Go., Nassau; N. Y* ' * 32-lw HARDWARE