®l)t|ounmL O ' t- -w filler & Bciniii£cv. Propriolors B. O. Dfet KING nit, Associate Editor ■illhcim.Tliursda) ,Sep.l3. Terms —$1.50 Per Annum. x . . .. - ... Democratic State Ticket. FOR SRRRKMK Jrrfl^ft,* JOHN Tit UN K BY* or VENANGO OOVNTV. FOR RTATK TuKAStliaß, AMOS 0. NOYCES, or CLINTON Cot NTT. FOR Arnreon GKNKRVL, W. P. JSCII ELL, or llEPronn CorNTY. Democratic Delegate Elaettou. The Democratic voters of Centre boun ty will meet at the regular places of hold ing the geucral election for such district, i on SATURDAY THE 13th DAY OF SEP TEMBER, lOT, to elect delegates to the ' Democratic Comity Convention. The > eleccion will open at 2 o'clock p. m. and I cloee at 6 oVlock p. 111. The delegates chosen at the above time •will meet in the Court House at Bellefante on TUESDAY, THE 18tS DAY OF SEP TEMBER, at 2 o'clock p„m.. to nominate one candidate for District Attorney and transact such other business teas maybe regularly brought before it. The number of delegates to which each district is en titled under tho present apporportion ment, Is us follows jjw. W.i itaMa •' 44 2 Bcllcfonte ;h. W. 2;Howard 44 ** 1 )N. w. 2, Huston " 44 1 I Miles burg borough j'Uberty " " I • VnioiAlk 44 • l Murtmi f MRes. '*■ *' .5j VMHpMwinr" 44 Sl'att.m f I Boggs township 2 Venn 44 4 * *5 Benner 44 * 4 3 Potter 44 44 6 Burnside , 44 44 1 Rush 4 - •• S College wf * J i fiiiow SiKH |i> 4 ,v , 2 t'urtiu 44 44 1 Spring ~ 4 " 4 Ferguson 44 41 flMyhT 41 " 1 flregg 44 * 4 Union 44 14 l Raines • 44 4 Walker , 44 44 4 Halfmoon 44 44 1 Worth 44 44 i The delegate election taB t*ise to he conducted strictly in accordance with the rules oTthe party horetoftyro. csaept ;vs to the time of opening and closing, which is as aboVe stated. . , t s CAiuoim cnrocßATicr •tt r j 1., t t i r.,* //• Carry the news to Rutherfo? d. Advices from tte GoMen State sho tbe Democrats have been victorious and secutc d ft mypi ity in the Legislature of forty eiflt on joint balk t. This seeort t a Dk-. 10- SWiitor in place of 8r --geAuLaud will uudce the Sem.te HTT close for the Tteiut;)f cans. Their majority wlil • hang on a slejicfer tfu eiid body. This is a goorlbegTrtifitig but our progress will improve Ibrtrdi d. ■■■■ ■■■'■ ■ ■ ■ 'j; IXOI6 H OF If. If Ruddy Ilayes wouljjsave him- Oelf from the* utter contempt into which he is falling, Je had better stop speech-making u-liich he seems to follow as u business, and devote himself to the duties of the cilice he holds by tlwappointment of Wells, Anderson. and Aliunde Jo*. It ipoy nffowl milch pleasure to the Green Mountain boys-to have a live Presi dent, such as he is, among 1 them; it •" may flatter the vanity and egotism of His Fraudulency, the whilom * EuekHeGovoriioroLno record,, hut it is absolutelyn unseating to tiie country at large to see its Chief.Mag istrate go about from village to vil lage ejfpouiidntfyTiiannnierou "poli te gaping crowds. Tw.o things Mr. Ilayes should constantly remember, namely that nature has denied him greatness and that the people of the United States refused to elect hira President. If Mr. Hayes is the good, common sense, ;■ practical man his friends . claim him to be let remain at his post and attend to the duties of his office and the interests of a suffer ing country. Action, not idle words, is what the people want. Or if he must harp en policies, let luni adopt honesty as the best policy,by resign ing the office which in the opinion of a large majority of the American voters he is idtogetlier unfit to hold. m Senator Coupling is reported by a Hfcica.correspondent Of - tie Siln to ■ i entertain the nettled conviction that' Tiluen was elected "President as fair-' lyas ary man was ever elected:] that tfce pretense tliat Hares carried J eitlief 'Florida or Louisiana is a humbug; and, also, that the civil! service policy of this fraudulent oc cupant of the White House is as much of a fraud as the decision of I the Electoral Commission. Not-' withstanding all this the Senator thinks Ilayes'title is good because, if based on fraud in Louisiana and Florida, those frauds were sustain ed by law. He thinks, too, that Ohio will repudiate Hayes by 30,000 majority; that Pennsylvania will do the same by 20,000, and that New : rr • -York wilLLoJiojv with a much larger majority. On the whole we think the New York Senators fieadis very nearly level.— Leicisburg Journal. And we think nothing of the kind. If Conkling really thinks "tliaf Tllden was trlected President as fairly as any man was ever elect ed" why did he not say so in his place in the Senate, at the proper time.when a nation anxiously waited for him to speak. Hhe miu any de sire to save his country from the burning disgrace of having a man in its chief executive chair ivho was so emphatically defeated;, as was Ruddy Ilayes, he had the opportuni ty, above all others to prevent the black fraud from being consumma ted, but he dodged the great qqes tion and hid himself into a sideroom, just when the eyes of the whole peo ple were turned to him in the fond hope that he would esponse the cause—not of Tilden —but of justice and truth. Some men have greatness thrust upon them, but ward it off by their own cowardly conduct... This was exactly what Senator Conkling did and it matters very little now what lite "settled convictions" are. The settled convictions of the people are that Senator Conkling ijj not a but slightly above the low level of Morton, Chandler and Camcron. \V% have enough of Senator Conk ling. GEifiXG VIViIKWAKI). 5 i— Anderson, of Louisiana Returning Board fame, has at last received the reward tor UiS dirty work, in count ing in the Hayes electors of Louisi ana. The other day ho "was appointed directly by the President himself, Special Deputy Collector of the nort of New Orleans, notwithstanding the fact that he is under indictment for forgery and perjury in Uoctering the election returns of the state so as tp give Louisiana to Hayes. This appointment to tho most dis graceful yet made by our fraudulent President and it clearly vt i tlo adniinistmtion lias an object in : quieting the voices of these Louisi [ una criminals, who lately have be ; come so clamorous and threatening, by giving thtm good fat offices. "Even the Phitidelphiu Time , which had so many kind words for Hayes and his bantling civil service reform, and tried so hard to win the confi dence of the people for the Fraudu lcnt President, gives vent to its dis nr.pomtment m the following sarcas tic style: CDil gevvioc reform rabst hove looked up ulili a serene milo of wit isfiuflkm the oth frly WIMU UutiU'ulug lloiin! Anderson jvoiivrd i uoiUOiMjet intolho ponitouil ary beiore be has- fairly entered upon his Untie* as Special Deputy Collector. As the public dow not iMacndly understand what a Special Deputy k * e are kindly af forded the explanation ihat in this ease the Sperlal Deputy hacbeen appointed "to give hhn the opportunity to provrdo places in Wie.New Orleans Custom House for the men wbomnnutaetured the fraud ulent affidavits on which the Vernon parish and other returns went thrown out." There Is a natural belief that it" these nu>u can thus be provided Sir when the trials of Wells and Anderson come on They will not tell the truth, and will not therefore he dangerous. The most enre- Jcss reader can see that this has not boon ylone to hclnkmt fin Indicted anrmmlrls Wf Louisiana —the President would not do Hp oh a thing as that; it is simply a pow erful movi meat in behalf of civil service reform, and it won't answer for the or ifana to eiitidroit. THE REGULAR ANNUAL CAMERON MEETING, otherwise called the Republican State Convention, met at Harrjsburg on the sth inst. The form of ap pointing officers, committees, adopt ing n phitfornr ing iq£ candidates, was of omifro all gone through with. matters of form, hut the' whole business was previous ly act up hp.U dispcsej.l of by the Cameron-H-ac.key Ring, who con trol the Republican pcutv of Penn sylvania ;>s despotically ns the old fashioned village school master con troiedhissc!tool. 11"whs simply a ratified lon meeting of what the ring had agreed upon.' Judgc.Jatyies p. Kterrrtt, <*f Alle ghany county, was "noHfcir.ftted for *uj*eeme Jwkre, W.. Jtf. Unit, of Qoimlv.for Mate urer, and >T. Jt.''"M. "P-smore, of SelrojHJM, for Audi tor Geqetirl. It Was well known only a few weeks since that Gen. Howard .1. 1 feeder had a large majority of delegates hi his'favoy for Auditor General, ami his nomination on ilrst seem ed assured; hut for some reason he dpi r.cf soil the (.teiieron Ring, which of course sotlod his fate, and the gallant General had fo'go under. IVr>bn:d!y, rmkasifle of their con nections with t!iC corfnpt rmg, the ticket is a good one. Judge Sier rett is certainly a man of ability and strict integrity;*but an iliyse "gfcerl ing c'pislith;® judge Tni infer y is n.t a whit Ivhlnd him. Of air. Pass more we know but little, while it is claimed for Mr. Hart that he has experience in the State Treasury, having Titled the responsible position of cashier since 1871. However the kind of "experience" a man would acquire m our State Treasury" as it has been conducted for the la at ten years is not such as would it commend a marf verrslwngly to the honest voters of PthiriSVlvfinia. Whether the Old Keystone will ratify the Besec&nnH niftile by Don Cameron, who watf liithself so re cently foisted yijon the state agaiusD the strongest protests of his own party, remains to bee seen. We think she will not. priors all flourish as thev never did before* Labor fs ftMmdant, living cheap and good, tliat no has any excuse for being idle or for not growing rich. And the Dem ocratic party seeks power only to subvert this happv stale of thing*. It sbal! not lie, and so the Iloneat Hilly sounds the alarm when hp" says: 4 Ii is our business to see that this demoralised and corrupt partv is again defeated." (Just so—and if you can not command a majority of TOtcstodoifc, Wells and Anderson or the admirably 4* to V rulo will help you out. And now the Honest Billy 11. Armstrong concludes In a noble and patriotic appeal to the faithful in the following sublime words.) •'Let ail minor and personal con siderations be last in our united ef forts for the public good." (Here we have noble sentiments, sound doctrines and a large amount of good, practical advice crowded in to the smallest possible space. Truly, a great man Is the Hon. Wm. 11. Armstrong. He is stamp ed and labeled ''A IS o. 1," and laid away on a shelf , for future great oc casions. It would be a pity indeed if the powers of his great mind were spent upon the common, every day affairs of life. Wm. ILAIiMSTUOVG. "Honest Billy Armstrong," as he much delights in being called;' is certainly a great man, and if the world does not generally know the tact, it is certainly the world's-fault' and not that of Honest Billy. Great men must haye great mis sions and can only be truly great on great occasions. Daniel Webster, for instance, was simply nobody un der ordinary circumstances, but when his country and her cherished institution were threatened or im periled, the Lion was roused and bore down with terrible and crush ing effect upon all who dared to stand in his way. Just so Honest Billy Armstrong. He is nothing, if not great, and it is really apitty that lie so seldom finds a proper sphere for the exercise of his mighty pow ers,; Recently, however, the gods i willed that he should no longer re main in comparative obscurity, and lie is made President of the Harris burg Cameron Ratification meeting. Here, then, Honest Billy found a great work to perform and nobly did toe come up to the emergency. That great. and sinful mass of humanity, the Democratic Party, comprising u Jufjre maturity of the people of the United States, must ho re-generated —else the whole country will go to tl, c ; and how can so great and glorious a work he accomplished unless they he shown their manifold sins in plain, unvarnished language? Hill undertakes the job, big as it seems, and the effect is magical— sublime. He starts out in the calm consideration of grave questions in a spirit of candor and fairness," lv tolling the wicked Democrats, who were not even present; that "they have for some base purposes. In plain violation of the truth of histo ry . attempted to arouse a spirit of insubordination, by knowingly and falsely asserting that the President of the United States holds his ollice by fraud." (Colliding.) "They have sought by every means known to practical ilemngogea to unite the South against the North, whereby the interests of both have been injured and reconciliation and peace jwstponecl for ''years." (Say about sixteen years of Radical- Carpet-bug-Bayonet misrule in tho South.} They have withheld the necessary appropriation from the army and navy and are the direct cause of tho present Tndian war inducing the Custer massacre. (The innocent Indian Agent, and tho Post Traders are entirely blameless; but the brave Howard will soon settle the trencle erdus Redskins. "They have left the courts without funds,** (and the lawyers without , pniet icc.") "We charge them with disloyalty in war; with insubordination in ponce, with systcinhiic corruption of the ballot, and (to cap the climnx) \v|th total unfitness to admiiiistur the governinent in either tho nation al or State administration." (If tlmt is not an effective settler for all times to come we would like to know what is. The jieople of the United States will see to it that a set of men so hopelessly corrupt will never again get the government into their wicked hands. The present prospor ousVareor*oT the country should not he elmckal iiß.the least. The evi dences of wealth,.as the result ot honest and (Tonotnicnl ghvernnient for tlu) last ten years, surround us on qvery iuuul. Capital and labor go "hand in tiahd in the developement of Q4lr lt sonrcef. Our manufacturing and iiulustrial enter- FROM PENN HALL. Croquet is all the game here. Major Fishers Hardware Store is up. The select school, npdat-the tu torship of Pr. M,"Wolf, is progressing finely. • Some of our young students are on a strike—one aav* he will learn farming, tvhilethe others fight for the mill. Roys, don't tight. (Jo [jitjacfuble and learn your trades right. | "Mrs. 'Fisher, an ollJady resident of Penn trail, wottM f"l under oWi- | gations to those who are in the habit : of frightening her, for quitting the nuisance. The fee t is aim im, longcrw iiling to t' lhratctlie imposi tion, and offers al6 ward'of 33D for I any oifecaught upon her premises at i impronrr hours, fur the* jnij pose of j committing depredations fipnh her' property, or for other njrachievoius Take warning, offenders, if yon nave no respect for >ld age. you.have some for the law if its clutches. "Love your neighbor us your self." and stop your-cbwardly woik agaiiisi an old lady. ? Somkuodv. "Mtr.i.in'rr lU>JNi>s I:i;rcT- We took it into" our head last week that a hjjral Pilper should! fic ii fair Index to The Imfttrres* r>f the Rli.ce wI ere it is published and with that idea on view consulted with our business men and mechan ics. The result may tx- seen on our outside page in the form of twenty five business carjs. ~ §qme Of our merchants could not kefc it as we do ' and-with such we have no dispute. mm sodm to think that a few dol laSlnvdsted in priutqis ink isjpon ey thrown away, or at best only help ing the printers along. IVe have no such charitable view of the matter at all —our experience is entirely dif ferent and have no reason to regret any money spent in advertising. Millheim "certainly has the ele- a business town and if our ]>eople manifest the properonUTrpriJw and iniUistiy our town will have a tpnofperous ftitnre. We aliould al ways be found on out posts ready to serve whoever will give us their pat ronage. Our merchants and me chanics should be satisfied with saitill profits as these are not the tunes to nmkeV monoy fast,—and then—milst say it > vve.should give tUo sulijeet of sidewalks our earnest ;uid practicfll attention. us mOve ou ward. OF tracmirs FOR 1877. Liberty—Eagleville, Saturday, Sept. 15. Howard & Curt in,—Howard, Xlon dav, Wejit. 17. If nston —Jtilian Furnace, Tuesday, Sept. 18. Unionville & Union—Unionville, Wednesday, Septenilier 19. M'lesburg & Bo^gs—Milesburg, ITi dav, Sept. 21. Miles— Rfcbqiiburg, Monday, Sei>t 21. - Haines—Aaronsburg, Tuesday, Sept. 25. . . Ptnn —Millheim, Wednesday, Sept. 20. Gregg—Penn Hall, Thursday, Sept. 27. Potters—Centre Hall, Friday, Sept. 28. Harris—Poalaburg, Tuesday, Oct. 2. College —Cement, Wednesiuiv, Oct. 3. Ferguson—Pine Grove Mills, Thurs day. Oct. 4. IlaUmoon Stormstown, Friday, Oot. 5. Pittton —Waddle's School House, Saturday, Oct. 0. Benner—Knox's School House, Mon day, Oct. 8. .Spring—Valentines' School House, Tuesday, Oct. 9. jy alker—liublersburg, "Wednesday, | Oct. 10. M arioa Jackson Ville, Th wrsday< Oct. 11. EXAMINATIONS TVTLL OPEN AT 9 A. M. Seme of the directors should' be present in time to rriake out a list of applicants to be examined. HENRY MEYER,". Aug, 25, 1877. County Bvpt. Clinton county court commenced last Monday and they count on keep ing it up throe weeks. Some 15000 people attended Brig ham Young's funeral on the 'lid. That bouts Ureorge Fowler's wed ding by one half. A Sunday School sermon will lxv delivered in the Evangelical Church on Sunday afternoon, Ivy Rev. C. F Deinuiger. Parents and children are cordially invited to attend, Tho papers of Union untl Ccntfe county, morn especially the Jieporter, don't like the "two year" proviso in the appropriation bill of tho Harvest Home Committee. Tlrey think it looks -so remail. Money atill continues to bring fabulous prices at the meetings of the Building & Loan Association. s7}—-38} per ct. premium for per manent loan was paid on Monday night. We'had abundant and seasonable rauis for the latter half of last week. It had liecame to dry for ploWiug and many of our farmers have not completed sowing. Henry Bollincrer has ficrd up the building at the east end of his house, and converted the first floor into a neat little store room. What's go ing into it, Henry, oysters Y Hon. Win. J. Foorman,of Flori da fame, has made a contract with John Iteighard and JOIIII Wise to have fifty acres of laiul cleared on Jwttany" mountain, north of Lo gausvUle. State Fair at Eric, September 24tli, 25th, 20th, 27th and 28th. Centre County Fair at Bellefonte, October 3rd, 4th and sth. Union County Fair at Lew is burg, Oc toiler* 3rd, 4th and sth. Greenbacks must be ns plenty as *,\ at t r'along tiro Westj liraueb. Eve ry town Is organising a Grcenhaek club. If you iuuv. a,,surplus over t here please send a frw Imskets full Dia way for 'genegl distribution. Don'tbo selfish. The TFufc/imrm th'nks there will l>e more real suffering in Bellefonte during the coming winter than ever before and advises the early forma tion of aid societies and relief cJului — a very proper and seasonable Sugges tion. IT. K. 1.(1*8 WIS hifT'GH liiU ..Jifst one to pay hlTSchool l;ix UiU -Aitir ami K. I>. Ki;n* the gecotid—rhiih* as last year. Tt to refreshing in these degenerate timos ta eee young tnenpa.t their debts promptly. i.el otiiers follow thy good ejcttmplev Gpjilhh t & Zinsser tinvo- just put np a Faiilvink'd >H'ale at the old Massor Mill, in pretmration to apo'al and r;tin trade. While other scales mav Ihj good for might we know. Fairbanks is sure to give equal and exact justice to nib Mr. Tuten of tlio Tirpublico.* t tejlHed Totft l last week on business, lie has a very giWKI opinion 't t4iq Uoiirt fdudiye Urvia) but says the lawyers made much effort to braw- Leui tlie Cy'irt into extenuatory i riine.'' lie- is glad to know howev er tlmf tlie lawyeis engaged in suoll unt '.ghteous jnaefieesare ])< mocrat*. Ihit then, How itbout Mr. Ftuvl / -♦♦♦♦ to " Faraihs. Milliieiui Council, Xo. 1>t9,0. U. A. M., mm Wash ington Cain p. Xo. 202, I*. S. of A., will have a Grand Joint l'aradp at ItebiTsburjr. on Saturday, Sept. lot 1 , next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Au address suited to the occ.ision will be deliv ertfl. One or several hands will t>e present. The public is cordially In vited to attend. J. NEWMAN', Jr., the KingCloth iet of Bellefonte, seems to be de tcTmituxl to be ahead of all Conapo , tetion in his line of business, lie has just returued from t lie city with the tnrgest stock of clothing ever Jtfought to Centre couutyv Over coats as low as $3; suits, $4 and I upward. Hats, To cents: Underwear, I 23 cents, and all oilier goods in pro portion. Don't fail to give New man a call when you go to JUelle fonte. Gcntre county row has 24 repre sentatives in the Western Penitenti ary at Pittsburg— of which number 7 were sent there by our last court. Tnis would give an average of near ly one to each township, but while many townships have more Hum their share, others are not re presented at all. Is not this "taxa tion without representation * ' . ■ Are you going to tlio Sea Side, or arc you .there already? In either case procure some of Gi.ktn's Sul phur Soap, if you would increase the luxury of the, bath, render your skin white aiul healthy, and fhniove freckles or sun burn. Sold by all Druggists. Hill's hair fc "Whisker Dye, black oi brown, 50 cts. . 4w. Tin: BKATTT PIANO, and Bent ty\s Golden Tongue Organs maim factured by Daniel P. Beaity, Wasli- J. IT,, S. A., ft re liglily endorsed by all who lmve tested them, an to the style of ease? tlfila bility, and sweetness of tone. They are said to excel any oilier instru ment m perfect construction. See bis advertisement iu another ook umii. 4\v. We do not know whether it is ac cident or design, but very milch re gret that the fairs of Union and Oen tre counties occur on exactly the same days, it will make it ti task for many of our people to decide at which one to go. Convenience cheap fares and perhaps inclination, all point Lew is burg ward, wlrile patri otism, duty, and a wish to encour age home industry strongly urge us "On to Beliefonte." In his account of a picnie recent ly held in Sugar Valley, the Tvlers vill correal ton deut of the Clinton Democrat speaks of "Prof. Jasper Weaver, of Aaronsburg" as being present. We are pretty generally acquainted in Aaronsburg but never saw or beard of Prof. Jasper Weaver there. If our neighboring town lias the good luck of having a real, live "Professof" among them; the JOUR NAL will be happy to note the fact, although that would put tliem in ad vance oi Millheim. No Professors here—at least no literary professors. ROAD MATTERS. —Review on the new road from Millheim to Coburn, Friday, Sept.,2 Ist. Samuel Brug gor, 1). Z. Kline und S. F. Forster, viewers. Review on project road from Aaronsburg to Swarf*, Saw Mill— time not givon—Thos. P. McElroy, John Shanl™ and A. P. Hogter man, all of Potter Township, view ers. DIED. On the Srl lnt., near MaUNonburg, Mk'lmci FleiUcr, aj;ed 72 years, II months mut 7 days. Mr. Khslier sufTemi for •01110 Mix yearn Imm 9 nervous utreetion ami for the last five months he was completely en nil! zed, l>elnp unuhle to iuovo u&iuulv iliub. Jle bore his seTtne ntfeeilonH with true clirtat -lai patience ami died In the frill fnltli lof a It leaned hniuoilallty. He was much be loved ns u acluhbor und cltl/.im, and lilh loss Is deeply iVlt by the eonuiiiinlty nf large. t. On the 3rd Inst.. In Gregg townnhlp, Ml ehael W„ son of Samuel ami Mary A. Iten nlnger, aged li yearn, 7 mouths ami 7 days. MARRIED. On the 7th last., at the Kvunprel'eal par sonage, by Rev. V. K. Uelniujfer, Mr. Charles Ovenlorf. of Indiana county ami Miss I.lr.ile Klelnfelter, of Madlsonlmrg, Centre Co. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ~ Prone Id ng in the Evangelical Church, next Sunduy afternoon, by Kov. c. K. Dvlnlngar. Preaching In the M. K. Church, next Sunday evening, by llev. W. Bouse. Lodge and Society Directory. The Millheim Cornet Band will meet In the Town llall on Monday und Thursday i evenings. , I'rovldcnop (• range ,\o. 217 P. of 11.. meats in Alexander';) Work on tlie 2nd Sa turday of each 1410 nth at 0£ r. M. and 011 Saturday of each mouth at 7 y. p. m. The Irving I.tfernry Institute meets in the Tow 11 J 1011, on the last Friday evening Of each month, until otherwise ordered. Tim Millheim 15. A I„ Axsoelatfon meets In the Town Hall, on the evening of the second Monday of each month. Milllaiin Council No. 30S. O t\ A. M. meets every Saturday nt s o'clock, t. m., in their Council Room. Wilt's Kutlding. I)e --gr-e Meetings will be !*!<• on Tuesday on or before the full moon of each month. C. 11. HELD, .sec. H. F. MILLFCN, C. Arrival snd Cloving of Malls. Molls arrive at the Mlllhehu Post Ofltee as follows J Daily from all points east via Lewisburc, at 9 r. M. I>a!lv from all points west via BeKcfonte at 6 p. \i Every Tuestlav, Thursday ami Saturday, Iron north and east, via la>ck Haven at 4 P. M. Every Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday from north and west via Howard, at h p. M. Malts d> se for c;ist and west, at 6 x. M. for Lock Haven ami Howard, every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday ut fi A. M. LC. tt N. < St All. BOAD. Extension or Tunusr. to SPRING MILLS. Oj* atiit after Manshift. Atrrntt 13JA, IS7T,, train* tat this road icill rtin daily, (except Stintlayt) at foUo%Coi WESTWARD I EASTWARD .1 l j ST.ITJOXS. 4 0 P. M. A.M. A. M. 1 i. .If. .t. M. If. •LlO r.2.; 7.'k.lf'j;iPoe/n, nr. ft.At nr. '.oo 'or. ti.uu or. 0.2" ItoV) 7Ar,L< flt'-urit. a:jr S.V) A45 lea. 7.M /•'.• (froand, k.44 C'J 10.11 7-1 llte/U. ~ t.V, .VJO lO.'il 7.A'. VicLthunt, r..is 10 :.T 7.45 MijfliTtbfLrg, Kl9 A.qO 10,- Vi' nr. *.wMiUm<>ni. s.IA 4. W ILHH J.aurrlton, 4..i0 f Unburn. 2.4-* ar. 1.40f Spriryt Mill*. 2.10 P. M. j>. M. 1 A. M j A. M. 1 .1. ,1/. IT .V/i*. 1 (• 2 con aerf of .1 fan taw! on wUh Eric Mall west on (he I'htairlpiJii A Arts Hail Road. Xos. a A 4 \cith Parijtc Express cast. A on. * .0 0 Kith mst'Linc west, An dm nihil* Kill run i*twHi lAWi.dmry ami MonUndon, to conivy passenger* to and from Xlagara Express w*st and Day Express east. on Vie Philadelphia A and Eric Rail Road. The regular Rail Road Tic left Kill he honored between these two points. PENNSYLVANIA It At L ItOAl*. I'll IRA DEL PHI A A ERIE R. R. DIVI SION. SI MMIZU TIMK TABLE. On and after Sunday, May 131A, 1577, the Train* an the Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road Division will run as follows: WKBTWA RI). Erie Mail leaves New York. 8.25 p. tn. " 44 " I'hUadelphtt | 11.55 p. m. 44 " " Rallimore O.io p. m. 44 " •• liarrisbury 4.25 a.m. " " " Sunhury 62>ia.m. " M " Montandon 6.57 a. tn. " " •' Willi am sport R. 35 a. in. " •• 14 J jack Ileum 9. ht a. m. 44 44 arr.atErie 7.55 p.m. Niagara Ex. leaves Philadelphia 7.20 a. in. • 4 44 44 Itarrishury 10.50 a. tn, 44 4 * 44 Sunbury 12.40 p. tn. 44 44 44 Montandon 1.05 p. m. 44 44 arr. at U'iUiainsport 2.20 p. in. 44 44 44 Is>ck Hutvn 3.25 tit 44 44 44 Kane. 9.20tn. Fiut lAne lea ret Xcic York 8.25 rt. m. wQ 44 " Philadelphia Tl.Rod.fti. 44 44 * 4 Tt'dtlmnre "• 14.35 a. m. • 4 44 44 Jl'irrisbitrp 3.20 p.m. 44 44 44 Sunburn 5.40 p. tn. 44 44 44 Mmtarulon a.v> p. tn. 44 44 4 * Williams}>ort 7.30 p. m. 44 44 arr. at Tsick Haven 8.40 p. in. EASTWARD. Pacific Ex. leaves Lock Haven 6.30 p. m. Wdndimptft ff.,Vn. tVI. 44 44 44 Montandon, 9.08 a. tn. 44 44 44 Sunfniry 9.35 a.m. 44 44 arr. at Itartisbury 11.55 a.m. 4 44 44 " Jtaitimore 0.10 p. pi. • 4 44 44 Philadelphia 3.45 p. ut. 44 4 * " 4 yew York 6.45 />. m. Dap Ex. leaves Kane A.oo c. tn. 44 44 IsirkjPirrn 11.24 a; tn, 44 44 44 WiUiamspoct 12.40 a. m. 44 i 44 44 Montandon 1.47 p. m. 44 J 44 44 Hutibury ■? 2.13y. in. 44 44 arr. at Hadrishunt 4.10 p.m. 44 44 44 Philadelphia 7.20 p. tn. 44 44 44 XetO York 10.15 p. in. 44 44 Jhdtlmarc. 7..T p. tit. 44 44 44 Washington 9.07p, tn. Eric Mail leaves Erie 11. up a. in. 44 •• 44 /sick Ifare n ... 9.45 p.m. 44 44 44 * Wittfatuspbrt 11.05 p. tn. 44 44 44 Montandon 12.18 p. m. 44 44 44 Sunhury 12.4">d 4 m. 44 44 arr. at Jmrrisburg 2.45 a.'tn. 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.45 a. tn. 14 44 44 Philadelphia 7.00 a.m. n ix 44 Hew York Iort on Niagara Express IPesf Pacific Express East and Day Express East. Sleeping Cars on all niyht trains. WM. A. BALI) WIN. Gtn'l Sup't. 1823. SEND POR 1878. THE New York Observer, The Best Religious and Secular Family News paper. $3.15 a Year, post-paid. Established 1823. AS- 37 Park How, New York. *£> BAMPLU copies free. HARDWARE JAMES HARRIS & CO., Dealers in Hardware, Va J. Brockcrh off Bow, BELLEPONTB, I?A. ' , rO!.DCST U4BDWARE KTURE IN CENTRE CO.-fc* — ■ ~ Complete line of Hardware of nil Kinds at the LOWEST PRICES. The Celebrated Barley Sheaf Coat Stove & Anchor Heater. CALL AND SEE. HARDWARE HARDWARE WATCHE S! ! JEWELRY ! ! JtQMATXt: GOLD. so extensively worn iu Pari*. wan first (Uncovered In IRTO, by the celebrated ITciich chemist, Moijs. D. He L-tlugr, who manufactured If info jewelry, and lor five years sold It to the lending Jeweler* of Pari* lor SOLID QQJUf), In l*7A wjien liU secret ec;uiie known, teu of the manufacturing jewelei * established a Mis*k homtmiv, With aranilMl of*UUAKVJuOfnr the purpose of manufacturing D<> W.-t 1 y Est(tl.lt JE Wlil r 11Y AXI) JIM TCUES With til.* immense cuuital. uiul l)i aid of Improved machinery they we enabled to produce all flu* latest pattern* of Jewelry at less than otic-tenth of thm Id Gold, and of a quality and color which makes it Impossible even for expert* to detect A from the genuine. . H> hare secured the e/rlutire ayeney of the I nlted State rtn'l Canada. L>t the sale of all good* inanufactured fmm this metal, and in order to intnsluee them in the most speedv maimer, have, put up assorted sample lots as jdveii befttw, which we will sell at on?-tenV • the retail value until January l*f, I*7. liead the list. 56-CRST I.OT. One Gent's Watch Chain retail price hi 00 • tiiopair Eucraved Sleeve Buttons re. pr. 75 Due stone Set Scarf Fin ** " '5 One *et (S) Sptral Sldrt Studs, " " 75 Oue Improved shape dollar Button,** " * r >o One heavy plain Wedding lling. 1 25 Total *SUP I'or fn rents we will send above six articles postpaid. Si.oo LOT. One patr'sieeve Bullous, stone setting. One set (11) Spiral Shirt studs. One heavy hand Engagement King. One set (2) Engraved Bracelets. Oiie J tidies' laoicOuard or Nivk Chain. One Engraved Mluiatur Locknt for the above. • unlet* at least ♦S.OU aecoutpanltt the order. Address plainly. W. F. EYA\S 0., Sole Agt's for U. S., and Canada, 93 * 97 Month Clark Hrect, Chicago, 111. Wc are authorized to annotmee J. M. KirwHUNE, E*q.,of !teUefout,a*a candidate or Histrlct Attorney. Subject to the 4ert ioit of the Democratic county cutventiou, Wc are authorized to announce D. F Fortnzy. Esq.. of Bcllefonti. a* a candb •late for Distrtct Attorney. Subject to the decision of the Democratic county con veil Hon. KCUTOBS'N.VLB.—Tb^undciylffnM Lxccutorsof tbc la*t will fwla mcnt of nr Turnpike. On tin* east by lamia of Jacob Noes' estate, ou the south by lands of Ad am Slorr. and on the weal lty n lane—con taining Ave wires aud atx jn-rchos neat measure. The same in In a good state of cmtivatlati. . , Turins will be made known on day or sale, by __ . JERKMIAH WAtVKH. JoNATiUKOiuiar. . Executor*. July 3S—fit. Bellct'onte Market. White Wheat; per husliel new...... $ 1 20 Ked Wheat, rcr bushel new No. 1... 1 20 Uye,jer bushel new................. f • Corn ears, per bushel .>o Corn, shelled, per bu'hcl Oats, per bushel, new.., Ka rle V. per bushel .jO Buckwheat. iw busncl...... -X> Cloveroeed, per bushel Potatoes, per bushel UCW Pima, por-ao7.Hu. v h Lard, per pound Bacon—Shoulders . W hides JO Hams.... 14 SugarCurod Hams 15 Tallow, per pound ' Butter, por pound 20 Hac*, per pound Ground Plaster ]>er ton 10,00 JfimiobiirK Market. Bntt°r * ig ORts 35 Barley „ Tymothy Hay.... 13 cievef Hay....... ••••• •• 1- J[ Hams.'.'. 1*.14 Sic'es | Lard W Cloverwed v.. goo Tytnotfhyseed Flaxseed .. , - 140 Mlllhetm Market. Wheat. 120 Corn 50 Kye f*> Oats W Barley , 50 Tyuiotlivseed Flaxseed.. Cloverseed Butter 20 Hams 15 Sides 10 Veal -. R Kgfcs 12 Putatoes i 2.5 Lord 9 Tallow . 7 Soap . 7 ]>ricd Apples 4 Dried Peaches... Dried Cherries... 5 *5.00 LOT. One Ladles' OpetHt Chain. j One Ladies Neck Chain and Cross. One licauttfiil IxK'kel. (engPaved). One pair Hand Bracelet*. One tieui s TwUi Link Vest Chain & Charm. One patr Ourx Sleeve Itultous. ' One set (3) ony* Bldrt Studs*. One new Improved vYdtar Bnttom One extra cnt Cameo Real lilng. one Arizona ikilitalre Stud. one set Amethvat nc Topaz I'lu & Lar Drops One Ltfdirs' Ciieiniso Button. <>UC Plain King. irtflii>ea 1 K. * , ' SSM LOT. One Igidie*' Opera Chain, with stlde ami tassel, (retail price kVOn) One (lent'a liiavv Wateii CUahu with Curb charm, (reUill price, HW) One Ladies' heavy lop* Seek Chaia. otuselegaiU Chased Miniature I.oeket for ab. one set CameoMediUitm n® and Kar lrojm. One pair (21 heavy Chavd Band Bracelets. One (Teiit'sVbiltaffc Olamndd Ktwl. F •• . One < lent *ClusUtr Oianuutd I'iu.. . One pair Ametnyw or Onyx SleevV Hnftous. One set (3) Si uds to match the altove. One elegautlicavi- set Cameo Seal King. J One Masshe Rand One Amethyst Or Topaz lUug. (e*t ra finish.) J. ZELZ.BR ft SCR, \n. 0. Brockrx&OfT Row, BELLEFONTE, FA. •})KAI.EIISIIN Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c. C** ,% |m>; • '" P * fr> •' - 4 '1 s tm**4-C""£' :: T* i 4 - " *-• ft., - - O * ' w. ."2 O T .* r- '.? . A Pull Stock of Goods of Superior Quality always on Hand. CHAMOIS SKINS for lO cents and upwards. CARftIAGB SPONGES, IS cents and upwards. A eharo of the public patron age respectfully solicited. ORTI'EU AXT, C ARDS No two alike, j name *O6. l'ost |*ald. ilusted & Co., NasHiio, N. ¥* 32-4w ■ " -1 —- " - ■ ■"* \'*f r" LEARN TELEGRAPH \g Young Men. and Ladies, aud caCi W from SA.I to 80 pet month. 4iend.p situations gunrauteed. Small salary while lenrniu*. Address, with stamp, JACKSON'S BEST & ABOVE ALL. These brands of Sweet Blug are ackuowl cdgml by all. to be the Fluent Chewing- TubnctsM In tlm market. Fut up in ail shapes and sizes, iu mahogany and bradk wrappers. BoM by thbtrade generally, bend for sample to the manufacturers. C. A. J ACKSON ft CO., Petersburg. Va. fit.o. F. WaHdi.b, General Agent, 3J-4 Nus. 3 iiucl 5 South Vi an>r 55treet, Phr. AfiEYTS WANTED. IV., A PeficilSketeh- D T ATQ P 1 y ,e tiKKAT riot.s., •K| I \l I 2| , AnTllnstrftted HMo> Road and other Rtots. vrftn a History of Com munlsm and Trade bntons. By t,hc popular author llou. J. y. Head ley. All classes want this book, depicting the reign of terror In ten Staves. The best selling book for Agents. Now ready. V>© pages, 53 llhwtmtions >2. bend 50 cents for ou;Ut and territorry. K. 11. TREAT, rub., 305 Broadway, N. Y. 34-1 w pUPTURg a * Those wishing Relief and Cure for Ku|)- ture should consult Or. J. A. SHERMAN, 258 Broadway, New York, Kr send for his new took, with Photographic llkeuessess of bad case# before ami after care. Beware of cheats who pretend to furnish Dr. Shermau's treatment. One of these fellows, a germ i n clerk, now caning himself Dr. W.G. Crcmplen, is indiet ed on coin plaint of Dr. 8. and awaits D ial Xc-y Xorg*ry, awl embezzlement.- 31-lw * ~ AMI Wster-VUd ft A vcardet! Cmtib % The most practical, pie, and effective. I . perior advantage u( l-,. care is universally ; know'.edprd. AcUlri-- .. ® MM of Wfb au>.< Machinery, Mount itoie.r, N, J. ti <: manifjncturinp rly!i k*. INSURANCE MEN! TAKI S,m:-- mm HA\TEi) i —rOit Tut— M'Rpfni Mutual Life to, ti. flie olde;t mutual in the country, Chant 1835. LIEERAL TERMS GIVEN. MAH 'll NAV MJ 1 1>". O i cinl /;<••• f I;n Mouth JYmrtii Striet, I'LUmklphla. —, — t Daniel F. Beatt; "r> Cattios.—The reputation have p; AXdihe celebrity of mv OrjMirs, have p.' • ed some unprincipled parlies and toeepp iny cireuinrK, and misrepresent a- nfumst this the public ; •' hereby cautioned. All my Or pans liea. i. , frade-inak, Golden Toltnwc, and all mv - J2 noa haw tc won! FX • O uuderni f and also have my nanict^Y£?l* ! 3taod h I-* ■ience, DANIKJ. F. ItKATTTTwiiirtitiiiim, n J., witbmrt which iioue is peuuiuu. Add res, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, X. J., U. S. . set spiral studs, collar i r vAklwriia. aafl set U' Fiui-dan di ii.io'. pin. jlVjiDtfw nrliciMiaeht, poM-paH, f ro C'Tf* have fetai retailed for #ft. 1M?;\ '^i' l i&r c ' t iU Jiunt lte wild. Solid Mjf! -t? Gold "Watches, Mo each. forsjwealative par panes, pti mat's, qu;d in appearance • , a, IcjulKottuifin pold. "flit repulsli.ni tf houcfty, fair dealing and liberality is v. tnjitaled hv any Advertiser In this eft**.'*— Y. i)n}i nook, Dec io, is:a „ I- r WTAt i KSC A VVH TA K* 1?X ARC AWT. F. RTOCXMAV "7 llOShsT. New V.,i NEEVOUSDEBTLITY. Vital Weak aw* - E e.se*. or some drain upon the sysiehv I? aiwaynetuod by HTiiiiiroy's Bopiatiic M No, 28. 1 It tones up and invigorates th < ; and #1) via! of powder. S cost or tlie nnvditefion of the woA. and compel Id |he Fuhltehem to home, hereafter eulv tlie full cloth boo rid edit km ct Ots imniiT per onpy. nj>on the recolpt of which RUiii the.v. will forward the work to any u<' lit rlie t iiUed states or Canada, br malt, pillage prepaid. ' " * " " " " ' """ " ■* HARDWARE George Fehl, "Wagron-Maker, AVRJYSBUtIi, pEXXI. Ail kinds of Wagons made ttf Order. .. '' 'J f i I 1: . i _ W V\'c will give energetic! .I.IILW, mvu and women Business that will Pay from to per day, Can be pursued fit yrtur own neighborhood, and la strictly hon orable. Particulars free, or sampler, worth several dollars that w ill enable von to go to work at onee, will be scut ou receipt of lifty cents. ft Addrets LATHAM ft C(b, Rnjc 2.14. 41D Washington Sr.. Boston. Mas? QAflPftfttVQ' T he "uly combination ofthe OflltiUllli Ujirtie Jamaica Ginger with dtofre. A roniat lesa ud French i •. ; Brandy. fct a delicious, harm dons. :usd strengthening s:. TA M AlilA *Utute for all kinds of si in iin JlliilfliUli ftants. It promptly relieves k*' Dyspepsia, i oppression after .l a'.infr. and evfrv aperies BY ALL DtUTGGIRTS. C\ NKC:UITTK.\TOX,7 SIXTH aav TVV- Rlfc Gscat chance to make uiu kßS If you can't-pet cold JisßaJtV:: n tsan , net greenback,, . • , need a person in everv town to take sulwcripliuhs fjr the ksrges: j cheapest and bust Illustrated fatnilv publica tion in the World. Any one can become v successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to sulNcribwx. The price, jis so kiw that almost every body subscribe*. Olio agent reports making over" *ir*i in a week. A lady agent reports taking over Htf Stibficrlbers in ten days. All who engage luttke money Mst. You oau devote all your time to the or only your spare time. \oit need no, lie away from bo me over iti-rhL You can do it ns-wqU ** othors.. Full parii. culars, directions apd terms free.' Kfeckutand cecpem-ive Outfit free, Ifydu want pmllta'jrt vvurri spud us your address at onee. It cost* nothing to try the bnsmettv No one who en gages fails to make great pay. Address ' The People's Journal," I'ortland, Maine. 31-iy Grand Square and Uprig-ht. lICKS V JTKS EVEK GIYF3 NtlW JiEXVY.- DANIEL F. BEATTT. Washington, New Jersey. U. S. A.- ■SHM no K£tt. The Tip Tau rarkagn Is tho Urpr.t "■"Sf* K Sri And lKvAliaBt. REAO Aku id K MSySEE- IB snoot* Note Caper, 1R Cn 5} Jt fiivM.m.-*, JVncfl, Pom-hilf 4l||BSfc BBBk Studs. mjf w HJL fMtirt Lot stntpcst-paulfor SO BQ crnti. ZXTRAORD/XAJIYm I J ixducfmj-:N7 S TO A Gi r/rs m ™ 4 BRIDE) Clinton Plaoo* New York.* Pcndiat"DTa^ 8 8t S