Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 23, 1877, Image 3

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    (Djjt ionrnal
filler & Deiiimer. Proprietors
R o. UKIMNOEK, Associate Editor
%.**%. V V .V\\VXW>.N%V\XNNNV^
HUlheim.Thursda) Aus.23.
Terms— Per Annum.
Ax Oliio informant of the Phila
delphia Press gives a gloomy ac
count of the political situation in
that state from a republican point
of view. He says the restoration of
home rule in Louisiana and South
Carolina does i;ot cause so much
complaint in the party as the appar
ent incongruities of the civil service
reform. Carl Scliurz appears to bo
the cllief object of the hostility of
the Ohio republicans who believe he
is ujing his position not in the in
terests of the reform of the civil ser
vice, but to revenge himself for the
affronts which lie received from lead
ing republicans when in the senate
Another cause of dissatisfaction is
the persistency with which the poli*
cv of resumption is pressed in tace
of the popular belief that the act of
IS7S would be repealed. There is
much apprehension among republi
cans in regard to ton threatened
si>eech of Secretary Sherman In fa
vor of forcing through resumption.
Great offense has been ariven by the
vxeitions of the administration in
.'ushing Stanley Matthews for the
senate without reward te the rights
and feelings of other senatorial can
didates. To aild to the general de
moralization in the republican party
in Ohio tlie office holders have been
i! rovmintoetterconfusion. While
\ hey have more money to spend for
political pori*oses than other people,
and are willing to spend at, they are
prevented froih taking an active part
m behalf of the ticket by fear of los
ing their places. All this the infor
mant of the JVrst, who is vouched
ft r as having great experience in
politics, says is producing a damag
ing effect On the party which will in
evitably lead to disastrous conse
quences unless The mistakes are re
On the fhhfeetcf the communistic
1 tatfonu ot tlie T)hlcr republicans
.iid the speech of their candidate in
i:s favor the correspondent expres
ses no optnion. Ite probable ap
-1 roves of such methods of fishing
for Votes. It appears from his ac
count of the demoralized condition
of tha republicans of Ohio that the
v ily way to repair damages is to re
move WffrScnurz from t:e cabinet,
; tundon tlie policy of resumption
for inflation, withdraw support from
> tanfr| at thews, wnd recall the cir
cular order ho office-holders. As tlte
s Hither! policy of Mr. Hayes is an
accomplished fact and canuot be re-
V'rsed the republicans of Ohio will
have to make the most of it. But
the other changes in the inugmmme
of i he administration might be made
without much trouble. From pres
. . * indications they would sut the j
republican party in Pennsylvania as
well as in Ohio. Mr. Hayes should
g ive the subject bis earnest atten
. ion as soon as lie returns from New
— V
I.' l STRICT Attorney Finney of
Near Orleans, in a letter bo the New
Y< rk Herald , very summarily dis
]" K-S of the defence recently made
" j tlfc members of the Returning
;, >*uxl. Mr* Fiiuiey says f the delay
i.i bringing the four "knaves to jus
t ce was due primarily to the failure
f the Nicholi's courts to secure re
£ tgwrtion. As lour ngo as January
Jijdge of the Criminal Court
( the Grand Jury with the
1 natter, but owing to the absence of
witnesses in Wellington it was
■•Cessarity joetponed, and when in
the succeeding April it was taken up
as old business the foreman of the
jury decided not to make an iirdict
nefit, simply in the fear that it be
ing a special term of court there
.night be some doubt as to tlie jury's
!*twer. On 27th of June, however,
he jary officially requested the
Court to instruct him, as District
Attorney, toet the proper infor
mation., which he accordingly did
v.UiKHitdelavand in the usual pro
c-s8 of law. The plain sentiment of
facts proves cowCTtwreeiy that the
; rosecution of Weßs, Anderson,
J venner and (Joasanavai# a. strictly
* gal proceeding, brought about with
out political aid and entirely remov
ed from the range of partv strife.
Neither Mr. Haj'es, Gov. fticholls,
nor any politician of either party
have any authority or" business te
interfere with it. bat each and every
one should stand by and let the law
tr< ke its course. The public, be it
ever so lenient toward Mr. Hayes,
will tolerate no open compromise
with crime. —Ex.
The Williamsport Rubber works,
the only establishment of the kind
west of New Jersey, is now employ
ing abont two hundred hands, and
ander the personal management of
ilr, E. 11. Burlingaffte £ g a
business of over fifty thousand dol
lars a month. In tlie present con
dition of things such an institution
is worth to the city as much as three
or four saw nulls. Nearly a thou
sand persons are suppoited by the
.wages paid by the rubber company
to its employes.
TblrtJ.-F<ve Hnudred Employe* off
tbe Pennsylvania Coal Company
}q>ecial Dispatch to THE TIMES.
PiTtsTON, August 18.—Accord
ing to a notice posfed last night to
the effect that the miners and labor
ers employed by the Pennsylvania
< >oal Company to meet their bosses
at their respective places of work
this morning at ten o'clock, at and
about each place there gathered all
the employes to hear what proposi
tion the company had to make. Af
ter calling the different meetings to
order the bosses read the following
petition, which had been transmitt
ed to each works: "We, the under
signed miners, laborers and other
employes of the Pennsylvania Coal
Company, do hereby agree to resume
work immediately upon the same
rates as paid in July, 1877, leaving it
to our company to makeanadvance,
should they in their judgment deem
it proper so to do." The reading of
the paper was in most cases received
with a thin 11 no. 14 Actum was then
taken s;id out of three thousand five
hundred men and bovs employed by
tins company there was less than
200 that would sign it under any cir
cumstances. Tlie general feeling
among the community is, that had
the company put up a notice lor all
the works to stmt at once there
won hi not have been any trouble,
but as it is now the men will not
sign the petition nor will thev go to
work without a raise. It looks as if
tlie company, instead of being afraid
of the Scran ton miners, had fears of
their own employes, or they would
not have taken this unwise and inju
dicious course to stir up a feeling be
tween themselves and the men at
this critical moment. As it is now,
this is a dead lock between them
which time can only tell when it
will be broken.
The Lehigh Valley Strikers Arrested.
Special Dispatch to Tun TIUKS.
MATTCn CHUNK, August to.—The
railrord companies in the Valley
have already caused the arrest and
incarceration of upwards of thirty
of the late strikers who had commit
ted overt acts and destroyed proper
ty. * David Lite, a brakeman t n the
Central road had prevented a train
from leaving the round house at
this place by drawing the fires from
the engine, was arrested to-day and
lodged in jail at thia place. He was
captured in the Pme 5 wamp, whith
er he hprt es japed.
A Whole Regiment Volunteers.
Special Dispatch to TUB TIMES.
BKTHLBIIBM, August 19.—At a
meeting of the company commanders
of the Fourteenth Regimeut, Nation
al Guards, helO at A Hen town last
evening, it was resolved that Colonel
Good should offer the service of the
entire regiment to the Governor.
The meeting was attend ed by all
the commanders but three, and the
entire regiment is ready to turn out
for a three month's service, or long
er If needed. As the Governor had
in orders designated the Fourth in*
the regiment next to be called, it is
believed that its services will be ac
cepted. 1 The regiment is about
seven hundred and fifty strong, arm
ed with Springfield breach loaders,
and uniformed in th e regular army
fatigue (blue), and in condition to
do effective service.
lucldcnts>ixl AftorTlis[ht.
Mucli credit is due the committee
for the manner in which this great
festival was managed. There was
no jarring, no friction, everything
moved along smoothly and liannoni
©usly. "What struck us as eiqieciallv
praise-worthy was tue perfect good
order and cowhict that prevailed tlie
entire day. No demiker.iiess or row
dyism lWenUonable occurred from
morning tiH night. It. affords us
great pleasure toveoord such a mark
ed improvement in this respect, in
the character of large gatherings this
summer, and we cherish theliope that
it may so continue. Every g<><d
citizen will haii with joy every stc.i
of progress in this direction.
The most iKipnlar and successful
institution of the day was tke Free
Lemonade Stand at Centre County
Head Quarters. Business was very
brisk here. N<>t •even a vestige of
hard times, p;iu>ot strike was v^i-.
Lite at the Quarters. Box after IxiX
of golden lemons-wad opened, sliced
and squeezed; tub after tub was fill
ed and emptied in rapid succession.
As fast as ten men could make and
deal out the doling fluid M was eon
sinned bv the thirsty •multitude.
For nearly five hours the stream
flowed continuously, cnitU tf>out thir
ty tire I Kir r els bP'ice coof lemonade"
had been manufactured and given
awav, free to all. W.iat a happy
thought by the what a
grand consummation—a free lemon
ade stand at a Urn vest Ilotao Fieuic. i
M. M Musser, oi Aarousburg. acted
Iwss of the sliautx, and Squire ileif
Snyder, Gust Deiningei, Judge Zer-
Uy, Haivy Tomlinson, Abs. Confer,
Cyrus Bright and a Mr. Dunkle, iff
Spring Mills, were the bar-tenders—
and a more obliging landlord and a
toitur set of bar-tenders could not
be scared up auy where.
The people of Union county, es
pecially of Lewisbnrg, won for them
selves golden opinions for tlie kind
manner in which they received and
treated their Centre County ruests.
It seemed to be their study to make
us all comfortable and happy. There
was nothing within the range of rea
sonable desires that was not fully
and freely provided. Their kind
ness is appreciated by our people.
Tiie iron lauid of commerce and
travel that now unites thfe two conn
ties is typical of the growing friend
ship between ttreir people. The bus
iness and social ties formed at Spring
Mills on July 4th, were much
strengthened on the 15th of August.
The only offset to the entire suc
cess of the Grand Festival, was its
huge proiiortions. Tie thing was
entirely too big. There was too |
much of it. You could not see or
find any one person in particular—
unless by accident —as everything
was one vast and dense mass of hu
manity in every direction. We had
hoped to see some of our old friends
*nd to iorm some new alliances as
weK, but had to give it all up in de
spair. A picnic party of one tenth
tne numlMsr that were here present
would be much mere enjoyable soci
ally. However we give this only as
our impression, having no desire
whatever to raise a discordant vo ice
where all seems pleasure and happi
Such festive occasions cannot be
without good and pi r nanent results.
The fleeting pleasures of t K e hour
will pass swiftly by, but if the ten
(lency of our better parts move in a
proper channel, we will return better
men, women and children, They
foster a kind fellow-feeling to our
race, euJtivate sociality between sec
tions and people, and are important
aids in tbe training and education of
the young.
J. P. Gephart,of Bellefonle, and
D. A. Musser, of Millheim, have as
sociated themselves into a partner
ship for the purpose of dealing in
grain, coal, plaster, &c. It is their
purpose to keep a full supply of the
btßl coal in the market always on
hand, and to sell them at the small
est liying margin.
Tljey will erect large bins under
roof, at the old Musser Mill, Mill
heim, which will be as convenient a
place for a coal depot as any could
be found in or about town.
We wish the new firm of Gepharl
& Musser abundant success.
Yoii can read* UIT-J time table of
the L. C. & S. C. rail road in another
The total amount of tickets sold
and distributed for the Excursion
last week was 24221, distributed as
Belief onto, 41,
Harris Twp., 1391,
Potter 44 4251,
Gregg, 44 7081
Penn, 44 4541
Haines, 44 52*
Miles, 44 21 71
Tylersville, 7
Some four more cars were sent
than had IRMMI ordered, and this en
abled the committee to take many
more persons than were provided
with tickets.
We aro informed that Walls,
Smith A Co. have purchased several
acres of ground at Coburu Station,
Centre Co , for the purpose of erect
ing a Grain House, Store IKWNI, and
Coal Yard, embracing all the ground
lying between the Railroad and
Penns Creek, opposite the dejHit.
Thev expect to hi oak ground for the
Grain House next week. Tliere are
several buildings lit Process of erect
tion now at this point, among the
rest a large hotel, put up by Geo.
Stover; another building by a l*rty
from Reliorsburg, to tie useu as a
tailor shop, and confectionary store.
Coburu will no doubt, becojue the
business centre in Centre county.—
Mijfiinburg Telegraph.
. -+-
for sale the best and cheapest lot of
STATIONERY ever brought to Mill
heim. Wesellliest Congress Note
Paper at loots, per quire; Best Con
gress Cap, 20 cts. per on ire: Sermon
Bath —a very tine article —10 cts. per
quire; Beautiful Stellar Papeteries,
24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes, as
sorted tints, 24 cts. a box; Blank
Copy and Composition Books, 5 cts.
a piece; Double Thick XX Granite
Envelopes, a novelty—very good. 15
cts. per uaok; Corn Hud Canary En
velopes, from 8-12 ets. per pack.
Good T*ead Pencll4'24 ets. a. dftflbMf
The celebrated Pens at
the price as other pens;
Beautiful Clil-oßtoa, 10 *ts. each. A
share of tliC public patronage re
spectfully solicited.
————— ♦ ■
It may as well lie understood from
tlie beginning that rowdyism, pro.
fane ami vulgar language, will not tie
tolerated on the trains of the L. C.
&S. C. rail road. Col. Slifer, the
President, is a christian gentleman,
and will meet such practices, should
they threaten to become common, as
they deserve. A iierson holding a
ticket can not for that reason do as
he pleases on a train. Ho can ride
to a given point on condition of good
behaviour. That's the contract and
the law, whether so printed on your
ticket or not, No one lias a right to
annoy his feliow-jwissengers by
swearing, yelling, noisy and boister
ous conversation or even by running ,
through the train continually. Per
sons guilty of such conduct can lie
ejected from trains at place.]
Wa write this in 11 *e kindest fee-ffngs
aiif nope Some of the young men
who were at LewisVuig last week
will thank us .for the Information. |
T T p to th>- hour of gciog to press
We have no news fnim IFarrisbonv
that Woull indicate who will IK*
nomina|ed by the Democratic state
convention IWIW in session tliere.
may by tlie nominee,
for the Supreme l*ench, but Trukey
fruin tha west and Furman She|i
pant of the Philadelphia liar, now
<*>enis to lie foremosL . the race.
Were 1f not that siwmifcrd is fraii ■
PUihulelpi|ia,liis noiahiaUoa might
becousi<leit <1 eertain.
Tbeiwm inat Kll of Scbcll for Audi
tor Genefai Seems to be coneeiled,
sad that of Col. N'oves, of Clinton
cosnty, tor State Treasurer, very
nearly so. However, a da} or so
will tell who are tin tUfJiy*'" '1
we hope the convent*®* will select
HjeJbest out of the g(Hnl material on
hdnd. Witii acceptable candidates
victory stenii to i>e assured.
• *
Our lioys were home lately on a- 1
visit from Milesburg and sjieak well
of the school.
The other Suuday iieariy every
body was to the Sugar Valley canqi
bneeting. Everything piussed off
witliou t accident. *
The lielbfonte JfcwubMhrni, in
sneaking of the fkctttmt fteb*rshurg
is at eight different
schools, asks whether Anon means
to insinuate that it is about time
they send their children away to lie
educated. In answer I would say
that our common schools rank ttitn
the liest in the county, lut that we
have no higher institution of learning
here, and so many of onr young men
complete their education at the vari
ous institutions throughout the
state. In one particular at least
Beltefonte is far in advance of us,
We have no student* al the Pittsburg
For the Journal.
Mr. Editori-Tlif allusion you make
In yemr p;q>er of the 9th to the good
side walks in smaller towns in east
ern Pennsylvania, and the wish ex
pressed that a better spirit might
prevail in your own town, finds a
hearty response throughout our en
tire valley. We of Brush Valley are,
often obliged to visit Mi.l leiin on
business, and it is vexations to find
your narrow and ofttiines crowded -
streets blockaded by wood piles, old
racks of wagons, piles of lumber MM!
rubbish generally, ymtr store fronts
ornamented with empty boxes and
barrels while your side walks at
many places are absolutely danger
ous to life and limb. It is yet alto
gether fresh in our memories how a
citir.en from Nittany Valley fell
into a inm-trap right iu Uie centre
of your town, last winter.
You expect much trade and busi
ness from our valley, we know ; but
you should have at least some re
gard for our safety and couifort in
return. seems to
me, manifest very littlepublic spirit,
while the majority of them are fully
able to take care of number one, es
pecially when we eouie to do busi
ness with them.
If you can not compel such im
provements as are indispensible in a
business town, which you are so ready
to boast of, you should at once take
measures to incorporate yourselves
into a borough. Your enterprising
men, if you have any, should act
without delay.
Rebersburg, Aug. 19,1879.
Sept. r.tli is the lust day on which
you ciut Ite assessed iti oixlei to vote.
See to it for yourself- r
Our fanners arc busy as heavers
plowing ami preparing for ceding.
The soil is in l-xcelleufc condition.
Money brought 38J (>r. ct. pre
mium at the last meeting of the
Building Association. Who would
not have M. B. A L. A. stock ¥
Johll Keen Hna re.roofed hia house
and hunk-building, and removed the
old fashioned dormer windows.
Quite an improvement, Johnny.
Doctor Mingle has just completed
some valuable improvements to his
dwelling. Faint Mid sidewalk
would still enhance the appearance
of things vastly.
Mr. James N. VanOnner, who
was laid up with a broken leg for
some weeks, at New Brighton, Bea
ver county, returned home on Sat
urday. lie is mending as fast as can
lie expected.
(J. 11. Morel muse, Esq., Route
Agent for Adams Express Comi winy,
was here last week to establish an
office tit Coburn Station. We under
stand that a Mr. Huston is to be
the express agent.
J. 1). Footo & Co., have sent
several of their celebrated Keystone
Cultivators away out to Nebraska.
The uext shipment may lie to China
or Japan, r<i San Francisco and
Pacific Ocean. Wliew 1
Wash Stover has nearly completed
the foundation walls for his new
house on Water Street. Wash
thinks handling stone is hard work,
but we encouraged him all we ecu Id
and advised liiui to stick to it.
Maj. Fisher, the substantial mer
chant at Penn Hall, is now engaged
in building a large addition to nis
store, to bo used as a Hard Ware
and Stove department. Hie Major
means business ou the .first tloor all
'm m •—■*
Jeremiah Haines and Jonathan
Gianily, Executors, will offer the
Homestead of George Gratnly, de
ceased, at public sale,. Sept. &th
next. This is one of the most de
sirable proiierties In or about Mill
lieim. Sue advertisement iu another
■♦ - ■
"TIMK IS MONEY," and if you de
sire to have correct time get one of
C. H. IlekTe splendid new clocks.
He Ims just received a very line as
sortment of clocks which he offers
to sell at bottom prices. No excuse
at alt for being behind time even in
these hard times.
Benjamin Beaver ha* made an
enjpigement with F. I'. Green, ot
Bellefnute, to aoll the popular Fami
ly Medicine* pie t tared by Mr. Green,
to merchants. Ben's {KvUteneas ami
engagiuf manners seems to flt him
very welt for such a business and we
hoi>e he will lie largely successful.
The cpmp megtiug for Brush Val
ley oil Ev*Kt4Kial Asstnation,
'Begins to -nay, al*mt a half mile east
of Outre Mills. T.ot all who go
consider that it is a r<kneel
ing they arc attending. and let theft
conduct be sip-h that they WilWWft*
jio refeoll to be ashamed of it after--
Ward*.- ,
Wr give place tt> a eorrei>ouflemce
from Ilelierslmrg under the signa
ture of HuirJt'//f, which goes fyr us
fellows a little more roughly J titan
is just necessary, but whidli lilts the
nail riglit square on the bead In *fW
it says. What gay von. citizens of
Miflhelm, \e> lb# suggesliows of
Uavrtceye? J
'•ITow I wish that my skin wan n*
white and soft as yours."" said a lady
tiro other day to a female
'Yon can eusilv make it Rvv," said
the lady addressed. '"llmv'l* ili
<l nired the lii-st. j.s|ertker. tTsK
'.r.ENN's Sulpuii Soap. S#|d by
all Druggists.
Hill's Hair & whisker Dye, bUiek or
l#v*wrx #0 eta. 4ir
Ritchie ■& Maynard are alxnit pub
lishing a history of Outre County,
mid we ar© -glad that the job lias
fallen into such able hands. While
at Bellefonte the other day, Mr
Maynard read to us the history of
Miflheim, as far as compiled, and we
feel bound to sav that it is accurate,
interesting and altogether good.
Messrs. 11. & M. should be liberally
encwuragodby our cfizeiis.
The Ijnion CoirtilyFair will coins
off, Thursday, Friday and .Saturday,
Octolier 4th, sth and fith, next and
the Lewisburg Chronical already
talks vf "Excursions" and lug
crowds from Centre county. Now
not so fast, gentlemen. Wo want it
understood from the beginning that
there will be no crowd from these
diggings unless the Jorvnnl thrown
the weight of its influence in that
direction, lleniemlter that fact as
you moYe along. Vcrstanden ?
■' '■ — - --- ■ ■
Bennington, on hist Wednesday
celebrated the one hundredth anni
versary ©£its sanguinary battle of
the Revolutionary war. 'Mr. Haves
was present as an invited guest, but
must have keenly felt the awkward
ness of his official position on fltiding
the walls and fences of Bennington
placarded with "Fraud Triumphant
eight to seven." Wonder if Mr.
Hayes would rather not lie President
than hate such nasty things offend
his Presidential eye V
At Coburn fetation matters airiib
ready rather brisk. Considerable
freignt and a fair sprinkling of
passengers arrive daily and business
will soon increase rapidly. A hand
some and convenient (le]K>t building
will soon lie completed, and it is to
be hoped that work on the new road
from Millheim to Cobttrn will lie re
sumed without delay. Such a road
as we now have is simply a nuisance,
considering the trame and travel'
tliat is already passing over it.
Make the road at once. " Let us
have peace.''''
The bi ick work of the bank build
ing at Centre Hall is ttpand the con
cern i 9 approaching completion. It
is a large, three story brick edifice of
excellent symmetry and proportions;
but we could not make out wliether
the town is too small for the build
ing or the building too large for the
town. .Perhaps brother Kurtz can
help us out of tlie dilemma. Uebri
yens we congratulate the jPenns Val
ley Hanking Co., and our neighbor
ing town on their external apjxar
jiire of wealth. Hut, then, why
don't you have a rail road?
In tbe No. 60—twelve stop Church
Organ, Mr. Daniel F. BcattV, the
talented manufacturer of musical
instruments, has reached the ncme
of perfection, it excells in ornate
beauty of construction and Its rich,
nfcss, power, volume, itnd sweetness
of tone must ne heard to Im* properly
appreciated. !Sce his advertisement.
Au clpirchcH who contemplate pur
chasing should at once address Dan
iel F. Beattv, Washington, Warren
county, N. .1., U* S. A.
On thie J*t nit. lv Kev. W. SI. iJtndta,
Mr. A. A. Mover to Mlhh T<*m*tn Snook,
all of Sugar Valley; Clinton Co.
On the nit. by the name, Mr. Oliver
K. Foist,*r of Mttlllnbnrg, to Mlse Mallle
C. Wulwr of lkil>wbiirg,
On the Itithlnst, hy the same. Mr. George
W. Ileum, of Fnnnersinllls. Centre t'o.Ui
Miss Anna Sehreckeagast of Sugar Valley,
Clinton Co.
On the 10th Inst, at the roHhleitoo of Mr.
K. L. llergsln'sser In Hublumbnrg Pa., hy
Hev. J. A. Bright, Mr. Nelson Caldwell of
lioveb Creek, Pa., to Mr*. Kllzahelh Nich
olas of Philadelphia.
(Clinton and 1 Lycoming County papers
please copy.)
•At the Lutheran parsonage, llebershnrg
Of, the 19th last. l,v Hev. K. A annul. Mr.
John S. titft and Miss V. A. Woir, both of
llooncville Clinton Co., Pu.
In Haines township, Ail the 14th Inst.,
l'hlllp Lc.iUel, aged ft, year* 5 mouths and
16 days.
At Spring Mill* on the 17tli Inst., Kllra
heth. aife of Thoiuiu, Iloover, aged 41
years, 4 mouths and lil days.
Preaching in the Lutheran Church. Aa Sunday morning. Car
man. Kev. 4. TomlluMoh, l*a*tur.
l'reaehlng in the Kefonued Church. Aa
routbufg, next Sunday at a o'clock P. M.
J. d. Sh<wmaker. Pastor.
Lodge and Society Directory.
The Mlllhatm Cornet Band will meet In
the Town Hall ou Monday ami Thursday
I'rovidi-noe <iruage No. Sl7 P. 0f.11.,
meets In Alexander'sbloek oa the tnd Ba
tunlay ofuacli month at p. *. and on
the 4tn Satnrdav of nneh month at \\s r. a.
The Inrlng Literary Institute meets In
the Town Hall, on the last Friday ovenlng
of ,-ueh month, truttl otherwise ordered.
Tbe MlirhoLm B. A L. Assoctatlo* wonts
In the Town Hall, on the erentag of the
sccood Monday or euch month.
Mtltketm Counefl No. W. O. U. A. M.
meets every Saturday at H o'eloelc. t. tn
their Council Room.'Wilt's Bunding, lie
gree Mooting* win be held on Ttuwday oa
or before the fnH moon of meh month.
C. H. ITxlp. Sec. • U. F. Millbk, C.
Arrival mh! Clmliic of Mallu.
Malls Arrive at the Millhelm Post Offlee hd
folkw< *
Daily from atl points east via
H P. H,
Dafly froia all points wcit via Ber.efoute
at 4 r. M
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
In m north and cast, via Luck Haven at
4 P. M.
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
from north aad aeit via Howard, at
Maifc close for east and west, at 6 a. m.
Firt- ix>ek llaven and Howard, every Mon
day, Wedm-sday and Friday at 5 A. M.
L r. d k c RAILROAD.
Ron ntwf nftrr Mrmrta v. Auyunt 13tA. 1577,
ami on thlt road will run daily, (except
urfiayn) oa foUturs :
"" • "" W ■ * 'r\W 1 • r
f *■ : (0*
**• K td '1 |pRS ♦ " • *•
T~i — f" sfAtioys. 4
/'. if. .t.JC A,% .1. M j.J/. 1' M~
'..M 9,'Ji i . ,0(i Mmibirvlon, nr. < ar. p.(O or. rTTII
ar. hf.uci I.l* Leicjf/ntrrti 6.9.1 B..>' AIA
iu.b'i 7.3 1 PHiAlirvund, H. 44 ft.29
io.H i.MSm. s.r,
10.21 ♦TJi I'Sktbtfurrr. H.2S< 5.13
10.37- 'T.l'i Mil - ft.OO
Vihl ari nut MfUmnnt, s.ys l.w
ialll Lrnrrlton, 1 so
I.WI < Xp urn. 2.45
or. 1.4(1 1 r Hprirnv AIM*, 2.10
~Fir ~mr -rdT-nr--?rv;-
sp^-i — J
- v sc? . <.
*, J, WRF Own;
A*m *i w i i .
Xni 1 A 2 connect nt .tf-ntonfftm W3
I Kite Mall icent on Out Phlladclphhi A Erie
Jin it flood.
No*. 3 A 4 i Mth rwjfc Express east.
AOS. AA with t> Wf Unc rr*t.
An Omnihu* t rW run between Iswis'mrg
and Montandon. to convey jxissengrr* to
nntl from Niagara Express treat and Day
ExnreMet*, on the Philadelphia A and
Erie Raff Road. -. ,
The regular Rail Road Tickets u-Ul he
honored hettreen these two points.
On ant after Sunday, May I.TtA, 1577, the
Train* on the Philadelphia ami Erie Hail
Road Division will run as follows:
Erie Matt trarrs Mo ui I'orfc, , -i"' P- m.
" Philadelphia It.XSp. n.
" '• So It I more 9.10 p. m.
• " Jlarrishury 4.25 a. m.
" Sunhury tkmia. m.
'* " Mantandon f1.57 a..
•• • •' William sport A35 a.m.
" •• '• Ijock Ilattn 9.40 a. m.
*' " arr. at Erie 7.35 p. m.
Xirrpara Rr. leaves Philadelphia 7.20 a. w.
" " " JiarrlAmrft 10.50 a. m.
" ** •' Runhvry 12.40 p. m
** " '" Moninndan 1 'V p. m.
♦* *• arr. at Wiltiamsport 2.20 p. ui.
e •* " I jock llaivn 3.2 ft p. m.
u •• " Enne 9.20 /a .
Mst Line temxs New York 8.25 a.m.
'• •' " Philadelphia 11.Vla.fH.
" " •• Baltimore 11.35 a. m.
•' " " Harrlshury 320 p. m.
M " Sunhury 5.40 p.m.
•* " " Montandon p. m.
" " •• WMlamsport 7.30 p. n.
" " arr, at Lock Haven 8.40j>. m.
Pacific Ex. Icoves I>oek Haien 6.30 p. m.
*• *• - WiUhmsport 7.55 a.m.
" " ** Montandon 9.08 a. in.
Nnnhury 9.35 a.m.
" " arr. at Harrishurff 1L.55 a.m.
Baltimore fi.lop. m.
" •' " Philadelphia 34ftp. m.
" • ,Vcmj York 6.45 p. m.
Day Ex, lea res Kane 6.U0 a. in.
'• " " Is* k Jfaivn 11.20 a. m.
" " " WUllamspoet 1240 a. m.
" " " Montandon 1.47 p. in.
44 " Sunhury 215 p. in.
" " arr. at Hasrishnrg 4.10 p.m.
e •' •• j'hiladetptrla 7.20 p. m.
e ♦* New York 10.15 p. m.
•* 44 44 Baltimore 7.35 p. in.
- 44 44 Washinyton 9.07 p. m.
Eric Mall leaves Erie 11.09 a. m.
* r " " iMck Haven a k r > p. m.
44 44 44 Wiltiamsport 11.05 /a m.
4 *' J. 44 44 Montandbn 12lp. in.
44 ~ -.i Su nku ry 1245 <v m.
• " 44 arr. atHarrishurg 2.13 (t: m.
44 * 4 44 Baltimore 7.43. m.
44 44 44 Philadelphia. 7.90 a. in.
44 44 44 ,ve York 10l 05 a. m.
Eist Line leaves Wiltiamsport 1233 a. m.
44 44 44 Sunhury 2.00 a. m.
" 44 arr. at Harrlsburg 4.00 a. m.
" 44 . 44 Baltimore 7.4-3 a. m.
" 44 44 Philadelphia 7.33 a. m.
44 44 44 New York 10.23 a. m.
Erie Mail West. Magara Ex. U'esf, Luck
Haoen Accom. West and Day Express East
make close connection at Northumberland
with L. AH. R. R. trains for WUkesbarre
and Scranton. ,
Erie Mail East and West connect at Erie
with trains on L- S. A M. S. R. R.. at Coru
with O. C. A A. V. if- if- at Emporium with
R. N. Y. Ap. R. if., and at Driftwood with
A. V.S.R.
Parlor Oars will run between Philadelphia
and WUliamsport on Niagara Express West
Pacific Express East and Day Express East.
Sleeping (firs an all night trains.
WM. A. BALDWIN. GfWl Sup't.
Dealers in Hardware,
No. 5. B ockc hoff Rox
- ~
Complete line of Hardware of all KUuls at the
The Celebrated Barley Sheaf Caul Store & Anchor Heats'.
Bllclwnt Market
While Wheat. per t>u*bl Hew | 1 V
Bed Wbft, jr iHiHheluew No. 1... I<6
Kye, per bushel new .•,. hi
Corn oar*, per b5hu1................ !*)
Onrit, shelled, per bnOie! .Hi
oats per buhn1.u0w......
Barley. per bushel fW
Buck a heat. per bmunri 50
Ctove raced. perlmshel , 60045<J M
Potatoes, per huahe! newt M
Kyyn, hardonm .
lard, per pound... U
Bacon —Shoulder! .................., in
Hides M
Hams i 12
rtnenr Cured llama 1">
Tallow, per P"nd 7
Butter, per p0und......
Baps, iter pound 2
G round Plaster per ton JO,OO
M iminbnrjr Market.
Butter # IS
Kan 12
Wheal.... 4 lm
Com 50
0at5............. ... ... .......... • 35
Tyniothy Ua*............... ...... 15 0i
Clover Hay. 1200
............. ltt
Hubs r. 11
Hide* ..; 8
Lard . It
Cloverseed L.V..*i/* , j lt
TVnothvaeed 1 25
Flaxseed 1 19
Mttlkelm Market.
IT belt 124
Flaxseed -99
i Worerseed .. . 900
Butter *....U.JUU1.,.4 14
§**• rter— .-..t-i- W
rules 10
Vu r - T -... 8
Kpps 10
Lard 9
T.ll 10w..., ...........
1 >ried Apples ." 4
brletl l**aces
!>ried ITherrtes i
■r- —:
We are authorized to autmraee J. H.
Kbichmnc, Ki.,of Bellefonte, as a candidate
for Bistrk* Attorney. Sabjeet U the deci
ion o( the Democratic county convention.
We are anthorUod to announce D. F
Fortnkt, Esq.. of Betlefonte, as a candi
date for DBtrlrt Attorney- Subject w the
det-Wlon of the Democratic countv con
E STRAY NOTlCE.—<iawe ta the resl
donoe of the subscriber, la Gregg Two.
<a nr about the ®th of'Jalj' last, wit sheep
anU ii*o lambs. all marked with the let
ters K." The wwr !* requested to
jmv charge* and take tfceqg away oChms
wise they will be disponed of as tlie-4aw
direct* .>•. Mara pa,
Gregg AUf. 8,1871 M-3w.
NOTICE.— Whereas letters of admlntstra
Hon on the estate of Wm. R. Harter, late
of Millheim. Centre County, Pa., deceased.
Imvlng been granted to the subscriber, aft
knowing themselves Indebted to
said estate are mpMwted tnua*e Immediate
payment, and those having claims against
the oame to present them antv authenticat
ed, for settlement.
28-01 " Administrator.
NOTICE.— Whereas letters of AAmiatet
ration on the estate of Michael Hazel,
late of Miles Township, Centre Co.. Pa., de
ceased. having been granted to the snhscrib
er, all persons knowing themselves Ind* bted
to said estate are requested to make imifte
<Hate pavmeat, and those having claims
against the same to present them duly au
thenticated lor settlement.
J. A. H Am, Adnrinlstratnr.
Uellefontc, July 18th, 1877. 28-et
EX KCtJTOß*'ft A EE.—The umlendgned
Kxeentomwf tlie lust will and testa
ment of George Gramly. late of MiUhelm.
deceased. will odor at public sale on the
premises. MHllteftn, on natnrday. Septem
ber 'HWIi. W77. at one o'clock, P. M. the fol
lowing vnlnnble real estate:
Thiikk Ckrtais Lots. situate la Mill helm
aforesaid. bounded north by alley and Klk
Creole, east hv Klk Crank. south by lands
of John 11. Masser and other*, anal west
hv Water street.—containing altogether
ninety two perohoa neat measure. There
on Is erected alarm* two and a half story
plank dwelling house, good barn. shop,
nnd all other neoesaary outbuilding*. A
fine variety of elvotoe fruit trees on tlie
pwrnlsed. X thrifty nrehard f apple
trees In good bearing condition In the
rear of barn.
Also, at the same tlnte, a certain piece
of iund situate owe half mile west of Mlll
lielm aforesaid, bounded on the north by
Turnpike, on the east by lands of Jacob
Noes' estate, on the south by lands of Ad
am Morr. and on the west by a lane—con
taining five aercs nml six perehes neat
measure. The same Is In a good state of
Terms wilt be made known on day of
sale, by
.July 23—dt.
Lands for Sale.
in Southwest Missouri.
First class Stock farms, excellent Agricu
rural Unuls, and tlie best Tobacco region In
the West. Short Winters, no grasshoppers,
orderly society, good markets and a healthy
country. !x>w Prices! Long Credit!
Free transportation from St. Louis to the
lands furnished purchasers. For further lu
forinattoii, address A. L. DEANE,
Land Commissioner, St. Louis & San Francis
co. lty. Co. N. W., eor. Fifth and Walnut St.
St. Louis, Mo. 31-4W
178 Baltic St., Brooklyn, N. Y.. Nov., 14,1574.
JI. If. ESQ. Dear Sir,—From ber
sonal benefit received by its use, as well as
from itersoital knowledge of those whose
cures thereby have seemed almost mlracu
lous, I can most heartily and sincerely recom
mend the VEGKTIXK for the complaints
which It Iselaimed tocure. JAMES F. LODM>W,
lAte Pastor Calvary Baptist Cbuach, Sacra
mento, o. 32-4w
H. R. STEVENS. Boston,
Maes. For Sal© by all Druggists.
■ m
faa gtfritfaaiJU.tom f afftbjMa it j<frt*at
daf<rft4t AtlfmiiUt.
®lta a' 4 o<bffti 'oriff tofli
il mtatorbartv CkbaHlifbfc fl (Malta
AraaHritr* aab CUvgagni tot fNaafHea tfr
#ggh carirt uafc arr|iabcrt ha Vuftrrtra
act RthnaffHß# ant OM<H, raffrrat
Qriak, tot m Ratfafloi aat
WraaiKTtti. ub to btit
frgri |rHT( fraaffiritw.
T>*xs bra <aytrrts biffrr orifr imbra
Uafd>tnbf(tra tor tDtorlaot tontrab naftaU
aah Ha ftf<toacrator fta|a| utf to#
Qkfrbt, tot tnrit, bit frgc gab <lt brr ttat
sf bit sue t*aMlf<to, wrt+t babar#
levaabrraagtaarbig rtU, f<bra
aab at i <b aHrK aatfltfibt
%>it(*i lilUat, ir#ailffe
aill bit Vatlagra
otf<babtt tltftor Mlfahami Mtbfg
gtbablto banb Wt Mt tolMto tl
•rrjtt jdt& iiixxOkbrasd <uu
prm: 23 nb 50 tnts par st#4; ]
per ($ Stick), COc %. *VXX
V. ft. f% pwfra esitf tor N £cal* #ab
trttwal fc grcS, ilttk fut U 4cat|.
SW $oor Hsk SMtl&rkcifttttctg
totoaavs abac Srcna, It <#U.
f. JL
*. 7 toat, IMM
*~ " ' 1 '* ' '!■'■'* .i,i ~ ~|,.^,.w. | ~^,.w
* v ' \ *•. 6, BrockerboW Bow,
Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drags, &c.
;i \ * i mMm y- 1 - ■ - 0 11 ■ '■
▲ Full Stock of Goods of Superior Quality always on Hand.
CHAMOIS SKINS for 10 cents and upwards. CARRIAGE
SPONGES, 15 oents and upwards, A share of the publio patron
age respectfully solicited.
a i__ AT nsnsnetsAsn
4S| aOl
Pwnr or Starana.
1 W _i __aaSM
Sew and Thrilling! MILLIONS EAGER
aoee Agcat WWIXS §m (he
By thel : nfolds the
straw/v social, political and religious peculi
arities and History of the luwnu and
Turk* ; cause of the war, uUghty interest* at
stake; Biographies of Rulers, etc. Rlciily.
illustrated. For terms, address quickKv
ridla, Fa, -*w
rilinUu [rosewood Pianos oniv W7S, must
A fin IKOp sold. FtXE ttOAEWOCWU rKIUHO-
UuUiiPdfi'usos little rEu Cost
Only $125. Parlor Organs 1 Htoj MTvthSfeuf*
Ma, 12 Stop* only $75. Nearly NAw 4 Set
need 12 Stop Sub Bass -and flmtylec Organ
*.">&, cost over $l5O. I .owes* Prices iwc of
fered sent on 15 days test trftiL Yon ask,
why I otTer so cheap ? I answer Hurt)* Times.
1000 employees must have work. Result <*f
war commenced on me brMte- Monoptdtea
Battle raging. Partfcmkus free. Address
Irani el F. Beatty, DHMthtaftMa, Www
30-4 w
"■ ■ lll ■ 1 - - ■ ■
Hill ■% Great chance to make mo
■all I II ***- net gold
UKlhlllE m ®' wl greenbacks.
•Weneedlß pereon in every
town to take snbseslptloigj to* the Ureses
clieapest and best IHust rated family imwte.v
ttnn in tbr wmrkL Auy ana win becvm* a
swoessful agent. Tlie most, elegant work-*
of art given fvee to suhscrtbers. "fbe grUm
is so low that almost everybody subscribes.
One agent reports making orer #l3O i a
week. A lady agent reports taking over 400
subscribers in ten days. Alt who engage
nmko mower fas*. You can devote all your
time le the business, or only your snore time.
You need not be away (pom home over night.
Yon can <to it as well a* others. Full parti
culars, directions and terms free. Ktrgant and
expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable
work send us your address at once. It costs
nothing to try the inertness. No > ie who en
gages fails to make great pay. Address "The
People's Journal," Portland. Maine. 31-ly
ofljsa MM I:i
4 F* t£?v the ttntcju ,X ,
A I2[ i Aft' 11 I "
AHni Tto% most practical. sif>
pie, Alia effecting ">
! perior advantage at
ciUe b universally
: QMHRmWr Knowledjrcr
0 | \Vtyels aiMt ti
Machinery, Morar lloxi.v, N. X He.' •*..<*
manufacturing riy/its.
mmm mm l *■ ,
*if ~Ui K T V*~~ '
KewEMhii Mutual Life las. K
Tha oldest biulhal in the country, Chartr., ,\
I MAR 'UNA XV A1 1 1 13*. u• ul />*?,
1: South Fourth Street, l'UiU.deiphia ;
Daniel FBeattyM
p turn k ww
CiUTtOM.-xTha UMHitatiop ttiive r- I
and the celebrity of mv Orgmis, have imr
edappir principled part Jen and *
Ui wpp my circulars, and mtorrpresent i. p
: instrument*; against this the public 4
liereqv cautioned. All my Organs heai ~
trado-mak, <1 olden Tongue, ami all my J |.i.
no* have the word Pi * Q nhderlif
ilepce, lUmu. F. >.
J., wltlHHtt which none is genuine.
I* f PCiA f -IT.
VV;u)iiugUMi, Zh T . J., U, S. A .
WT? WTT T ami
TT Jb W AljJUiwlf dozen of it
moat beautiful new vnrfmtn*, in French
color, #er seen for hi.>!, T|wy are pion, .
edln Bxlo lihtck enamel ami gnM mats, m ; 1
opening and oittawii anything now hetorr .,•
public. hwU*dh*diou guaranteed. Twosam.'
es for IS pent*, or six for (W miitv Hand . e
oent* for Wand illustrated catalogue wbh
ehromo of XJoou light on the Whine, * h
cents for two Kinase" pes and c*Ua Ultai'. i
black i* I.ATHAM lf!f.,4lTWae*i
Ingtnn at.. Ihadon. Mam. IltMfcfMaftors far
f* H T MiU ii
■K ■ ■ M °wl>^."'
■ drhi*, V \lr >■ '
wo lmss^-
set Mural stud.*, collar nuium, tocivjr plan
wedding ring. and getuf JVW i
rmtt stock and must be sold. rata ronton
UoW Warrtie*, |H> each, for j*tf
poaea, gaud Ulnar* equal in ai pearjmw: N
a dSOO genuine gold. "Hl* retmioHnu fr
honetfy, fair dealing and kMgralftv j* uu
equaled by anv advennwr In tins city,' l —
■ —. -h - • • : • —; & — rj- .
Vital YTerfk news or Hepaea*w, a waok ex.
sawa z^s^ksssss^::
to •wiaadnrta aoo tbe syetcm i*
always cared b jf
Hinimfi Bmeoutte Swic No.
•' 'h%" \ i ,
It tones at* and Invigorates <iy system
dispels tto ctonis and .fcsnpudwu-y, imparl*
strength ap* mwrg>~loi* the drain ami
rejuvenate* the entire num. Been used
twenty years wttli perfect sinuses* by thou*
nd. Meld by dealers. ■Pi tee, SLWvper stn
** *<** ® flw vuis
aad IC.OO vtal of powder. Mem by mail on
receipt of prfee. Address Humphrey s
Honfoepai lue Medicine Company. £& Broad
way, Xew York. Ilxlg ly.
* - ""
XV DiWCOTOJM vtm. WT7. The second
volume oft hi* valuable and indispensable
worir-tum Jaafbeew Uteal by the PuWiitb
era. Messrs. Waiter Hengb * Co., of 9 Park
Place, Sew York. *V> pain* or expense ;
lias been soared In the production of the
present volume, to make ft complete and
bookumking. It contain* over one hpnd
ved popes more matter than the last year's
volume which ha* added largely to the
swat of the arodvetfton of the work, ami
compelled the Publisher* to Issue heretilter
l only the full cloth hound edition at < >ne
i Dollar per cou*. upon the receipt of which
sum they will forward the work to anvad
strehaln lha United MCatea or Caoada. bx
mail, postage prepaid,
I ■ ••' - ••• '> iL^zull.
dM m x
George Pern,.
. Wa*on-Maker,
All Icitids of Wagons made &>,
Business that wW Pay
from k to h per day, can he- parmed m,
yutu-own tteighborhood. Audi strictly hon
orable. hartfculars free „ ofnuttttples worth,
several Arthurs that w ill emwrte ya to go to,
work at ouce, will be sent en receipt of fifty
Address kATIfvVM & (X).,
Box 2.1 M. 4 Washing**, an. Boston. AlAs .
CABfW No two alike.
dSOWith name lfte. Post paid, liusted ft
Co., Nassau. N. Y. -4\v>
a sure mne<ly JofYICGHS, :u alb
diseases of the THROAT, UM .
rHKBrHn.i MUCOUS mkmbraxk.
*xv*.N*n* York,
Of. the Rest land in AMERICA, near the
now iwnptc laviuuuu.
tat*"! (WBwp fhh Bvr mte of
SECURE IT jvmn//
FulA information sent free, address.
O. F. DAVIS, Land Agent, V. L R, If.
ChAnd Square and Upriffh>.
V kVk* 01VEN XW HfiyDT.
1 Washington, New Jersey, U, S. A.
M9MI n ■■m, The Vlp,T Paeksg* Is th UrgMt
■ ■. m LiivulopcM, lVncil, iVn lu'ldi r, OoVl
■ H ■ en Pen, Set of Elegant 0>!l otoie
Wecro Button*, Cent*' Jjike Utmrge DUmond D, Amo
ihyst Stone King I nlaiil *lth Jfl'l, Amothv*t Stone Scarf
rio-CkSit piMOd Wodtllng Klug-SoJ KeecbWl Kjm Drop*,
bMlUn' Klowered ai.d Silvered natrtn, LtoOca' Fancy Sot
ftn m Droi >*. OoUl-THete CoUer BuUnn, Gent*' Qold-plat-
Ml Watch Chain and Set of ■■■i ■MM
Three Gidd-piatod Studs,
tmtirtL* B H IHW
BRIDE, Clinton Place, N*w York,