®|c |ounal. v VN N VNNN \ \ V . d old ntun and left hint with reluctance. Ilis parting admonitions, given in a profusion of tears, were so kind and tender that we shall never forget them while we live. May bis end he eulm and peaceful, as his life was lonif and use ful. Ills memory w ill !*• precious to ban tired a of his former pupils. Walker Stepli&n was born at ltephoe, Ireland. Aug. Id, I7*V lie left Ireland at an early and went to Scotland, where he took a medical eonrseat Kind's College. tlasj;ow, but never practiced medicine, lie adopted the profession of teaching, and taught at Digger, Scotland. St. John, X. if.. Chester and Eaneaster counties, in Femi sylvania, and came to Womelsdorf in ISJI. where be taught school and served as s. s. Superintendent for over forty eonsecutive yours. Throe generations of Woauilsdori's good people, have been his pupils, and some of ttie fourth have bee in his school room, carried on the arms of their par ents. Mr. Stephen retired from active life only about ten years itgo, and now divides bis time between reading, meditation and prayer, calmly awaiting to be called to his eternal home. In religion Mr. Stephen is a Presbyte rian, in Polities an early nud rigid Aboli tion ltd, having east the only vote polled in Berks Co.. in lSto. for James G. Biraev, then ami in 1811 the Abolition candidate for President. To the second of the two old fathers re fered to in the heading wo arc related by the ties of consanguinity us well as by those of the warmest friendship. <>u*r tincle the ltcv. A. G. Hciaingcr, is still known to some of the older citizens of I'enns Valley, especially of Aumnshurg. lie w:is born in lloltisteiu. Kingdom of Wr.rtemburg, Germany. Oct. 3rd, 1 TaV and is therefore nearly eighty two years of age. lie came to America IIITM|7, 'and started for Ohio at onrc, but on his way through Tonus Valley )ie was pursn.nlis I to stay, and followed his trade as a weaver, for some time In a little shop on the farm of Col. f*. Coburn. then owned and aeett pietl bvSebii-HuM M'isser. father of Philip 15. Mu>s*r. Ksq.. late of MiUiicini. deceas ed. lie entered the ministry in .J uuc. lSl'i, having first pursued a theological course With I>r. Undress at i-aucn-ter, there be ing no Lutherau College or Semlunrv in AmericaHt that time. Unsettled at "K s lU*rlin. Adaius Co. Pa., where lie still re sides mid preaches to some of his first and only congregations, covering a peri > 1 of fifty years. His charge at flot wis (. .im posed of the on tiro territory now consum ing Adams comity, of whlHiliCfrtlil serves four congregations. Hie nearest being four miles distant from his home, lie enjoy excellent health, is a hearty eater and has good sleep. He patiently awaits the ea'.l of death, and soon expert* to he gathered to (lie fat hers in a belter world above. We asked the old gentleman for the numerical results of bis long, pastoral labors—the number of baptisms, confir mations, marriages and deaths, which must, in the aggregate, number many thousands.but be prefers not to have theiii published until after his demise. So"h aged fathers aw not of the present —they are isolated hut precious monu ments of a former and better generation. In our fast days—fast ID inventions ami improvtnent.s—fust in styles of living.in modes of travel, in luxury, and fast in de generacy and nin, we are apt to consider their habits and modes of thinking an tiquated and obsolete, hnt their sterling virtues, temperate living, modest desires and nntiring industry, are qualities which we of a later generation should more stu diously endeavor to imitate. REBERSBURG FRAGMENT?. Our people, by all appearances, are going to the picnic on the 15th, so that there will be no one left to take care of the children. Our Band is doing right well again since it re-organized. It was attend ing a picnic at Madisonbtng on Sat urday, and exieets going to Lewis burg on the I~>MI. The Brush Valley Camp-meeting will commence 011 Thursday Aug. 23rd, when a general good turn out is exacted. Notwithstanding the hard times, some of our folks prefer to lead a married life, as was shown again on Sunday evening by W. S. Miller, who was married to Miss Clemen tine Leitzell, both of this place. James P. Frank raised oats that measures six feet long, which fares pretty well. Marshal Hull is building a new house at east end of Rcbersburg. ANON*. LfT E8 ALL GO ! Yes, just so—let lis all go to the Grand Harvest Home llenic, 011 the loth. We owe it to our neighbors of Union county to go in force. It will be but returning the 4tl of July compliment which they gave us; for who does not remember with idea sure how they emerged from that long train of thirteen ears, like i*ces from a hive, on that memorable day. Let us all go. Who will regret spending a few dimes for recreation and pleasure? As a people we have too little inno cent pleasures and social enjoyments. We are not placed upon earth merely to lalxir, eat and sleep. Pro vidence intends that we shall enjoy the gilts which He lias so lavishly bestowed upon us as a nation, and it is not only a privilege but a duty to do so, provided "all things be done decently and in order." Let us all go. The people of Penns and Brush Yalleys have great reason to he thankful to a kind Father in Heav en for a bounteous harvest, for the entire absence of epedemics, and for many blessings which other fellow mortals in many localities through out the country and state, must fore fo. The true object of a Harvest iome is to return thanks to the great Giver of all good for tl>e many mercies we daily receive from His bountiful store. And will we neglect so plain a duty when so much plea sure is associated with it ? Let us all yo. We ran not clou*' this article with out a kind word to such as arc b'.ess rd with this world's goods. Look about yon and see whether vou have not some worthy ncighltorwho would sorely tike to go to the picnic with his family, l*t whoso circumstances absolutely forbid him the luxury. Suppose you make him a present ot one, two or throe tickets. as the ease nmy require. Doit, just as an ex periment to see how happy that poor family will fuel, and Iwtv much plea sure the act will afford jou—iutiuite ly more than the contemptible dollar or so eould give you. '1 ry it, and you will thank, us tor the suggestion. Li t as off i/o. The G. A. It. fellows from Un ion Co. are having an excursion and picnic at Spring Mills to-day. Our outside is tilled with interest ing and instruct ive reading, all bear ing more or less directly on the great strike. Read it. The regular monthly meeting of theMillheim 11. A L. Association will be held next Monday evening. Come along with your r/t Ul. And now comes lVter W. Zeigler, of Gregg Two., and reports a tur nip -ill inches in eirciinil'erence, and a red beat l. r > inches in circumference. That will do. Next? John IJ. Swart/., at Musser A Gephart's saw mill, has a turnip measuring -4± inches in circumfer ence. and still growing. Go up head John, trap the whole class. The Harvest Home Picnic on the loth will be the Grandest Social Fes tival ever held in Union County. About the best paying wheat field we hear of in this section is that on the Nesbit property, in Kast Lewis burg, Northumberland county, The field contains fifteen acres And the wheat averaged 87 bushels to the acre.— Lfici.sburg ./ >urnal. Harry Tuuitintton lias enlarged and improved his Grocery and the thi'.g now appears quite xtoreixh. There is enterprise and push in Har ry ami we are glad to see that he is getting along. May his success con tinue. By reason of the HI mettled condi tion of rail road attains lit Pennsyl vania, the Deniocnitic State Conven tion has been postpone I front the Hth to the 22nd of August. The con vention meets at Harrisburg. Lewi si Hire propose to close all lier business places on the day of the Grand Harvest Home Picnic. They mean to turn out th, at 10 o'clock, A. 31. The annual contribution fee sliouM be paid then. J. Y. DALE, Secretary. We could get no positive informa tion tis yet when trains will begin to run regularly. The general opinion is that it will Ive from and after the loth, the day of the Grand Harvest Home Picnic, near Lewisbnrg. Since the übove is in t;/}tc t re were reliably informed th il truins will be gin to run regularly by the end of this ir.ctk. It is thought that the suspension of the IyX*k Haven National Rink will be hut temporary, and that de positors will get all that is due them, dollar for dollar. We anxiously hope the prediction may be verified. The business interests of Lock Ha ven have suffered severely for sever al years past, and to have their best bank go under at this time would be a severe stroke indeed. Grand Harvest Home Picnic, Au gust 15th 1 5 77. That excellent musician and tip lop fellow, Prof. Jos. 11. Feelnvr, was in town on Tuesday evening and the result was as usual first— class music for our citizens. Boys of the Cornet Band, don't you think it is about time again to engage Joe for a few weeks to freshen you up ? Some of your tshnnes are getting a little worse for wear—just a tritle thread-bare from frequent use. Something new would now be in or der. What sav you. "llow I wish that my skin was as white and soft as yours,said a lady the other day to a female friend. "You can easily make it so," said the lady addressed. "llow !" in quired the first speaker. USE GLENN'S SULPUII SOAP. .Sold by all Druggists. Hill's Hair A whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 eta. 4\v - In the No.oo—twelve stop Church Organ, Mr. Daniel F. Heattv, the talented manufacturer of musical instruments, has reached the acme of perfection, it excells m ornate beauty of construction and its rich ness, power, volume, ami sweetness of tone must IHJ heard to be properly appreciated. See his advertisement. All churches who contemplate pur chasing should tit once address Dan iel F. Beattv, Washington, Warren county, N. J., U* S. A. MARRIED. At Itebersburgon the 29th ult., by Rev. F. Aumnil, J. Willis Musser, of Miilhcira, and Miss Joanna C. Weaver, of Aurons bttrg. On flu* 22nd nit., by Rev. W. 11. Stover, Mr. Hurry L. Zcllers, of Logan Mills, and Miss Reekie Frantz, of Tylereville. In Haines Twp., on the 27t1 ult., by Henry Reinhart, Esq., Mr. John Snyder, and Mis CatherineOrndorf, both of llaines Twp. in LogansvilK. Clinton Co., on tlte 31sl ult., by Rev. J. K. Brieker, Mr. Joel F. Kerstetter and Miss Elizabeth Breou, alt of Logansviile. DIED. On the 29th utt.. near Centre Hall, Malis sa. infant daughter of Amos and Malinda Parker, aged 2 months and 5 days. In Millheim, on the 441t inst.. Robert William, .son of Thouuis and Ameiia flock man. aged a years, ') month and 13 days, HARDWARE JAMES HARRIS & CO., Dealers in Hardware, A A /j. Ih'ockr rlwfj' How, BELLBFON"TE, I s JL. IfOI.DF.NT IfAKDWABE N'J'OHt: I,\ ri'ATKE ( O.'W Complete fine of Jlurdwarw of ajl Kimls at the LOWEST PRICES. Tie Celebrated Barley Sheaf Cook Stoye & Anchor Heater. CALL AND SEE. HARDWARE HARDWARE CHURCH DIRECTORY. Rev. .!. M. Smith will preach hi the t". It. Church, next Sunday evening. Preaching in the Lutheran Church, Aaron-burg. next Sunday morning, Gei imui. ltev. J. Toniltnson. I'astor. Preaching in the Reformed Church, Aaronrtmrg. next Sunday morning and oreulag. Rev. J. G. shoemaker, Pastor. Lodge and Society Directory. The Mlllhetin Cornet Band will meet in the Town Hall oil Monday and Thursday evenings. Providence Grange No. 217 P. of 11., meets in Alexander's block on the 2nd Sa turday of each monlh at ;kj r. w. ami on the 4th Saturday of each month at l'fc r. m. The Irving Literary Institute meets lu the Town Hall, on the hist Friday exciting ot ouch month, until otherwise ordered. The Mtllbeim it. A 1.. Association meets In the Town Hall, on the evening of the sceond Monday of each month. Milltieim Council No. :SU!>, O. I*. A. M. moots every Saturday at 8 o'clock, r. M.. in lheir Council Koom, Wilt's Building. De gTi-e Meeting* will bo hob' on Tuesday on <>r before the full moon of each month. C. ft. HEVD, SEE. It. F. MILLKB, C. Arrival ami Closing of .Walla. Mails arrive ai ;he MiUhelm Post Ofllce as follow s ; Daily from all points east via i/cwhburg, at 9 p. v. Dally from an points west via Bellcfonte at (1 p. M Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, tr< m north and east, via lawk Haven at -I l*. u. Every Tuesday, Tlntrsday and Rat urday from nortk and west via Howard, at I r. M. Malls close for cast and west, at 6 A. M. For lack Haven and Howard, every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 5 A. M. ttcllefente Mnrket. White Wheat, js-r bushel new...... f 1 Ml Red Wheat, tier bushel new No. 1... 1 50 Rye, per buslnd new At Cora ears, per bushel Ml Corn, studied, lcr bushel Ml oats, per bushel.new 30 Barley, per bushel... AO Buck wheat, jier AO Ctnvcrseed, per bushel fiOOfidi 50 Potatoes, per bushel sew 31 Eggs, per doxrn 10 Lard, JHT pound 10 Iku'oti—Rhntihtrrs 10 Ste divided into two farms to "good advantage, each of which would have a never-railing spring or excellent water. This farm is situated with in two miles of Forks Station, on the L. C. & S. C. llailroad, and will IK* sold separately or together, to suit purchasers. Terms will lie made known on day of sale. For further particulars apply to MICHAKL KORNM AN, Blaneliard, I'a. or'JliOJitiii JiUHNiIAM, spring Mills, Pa- NOTICE.— Where as letter* of nriiuiiiiHf ra tion ou the estate of Win. K. 1 tarter. late of Miniicim, Outre (County, Pa., deceased, having been grunton to tlu* Kubscrilior. all |M ISOIIS knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to ma*e immediate payment, and those having claims against I lie same to present them duly authenticat ed, for settlement. 15. 0. DKININGF.Tt, 28-flt Administrator. Frnuc KALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The lmlrs ot I'hJiip Krtcl, late of Gregg Township. deceased, will offer at public sate, two valuable ft ruis, as follows: August 4th. on the premises, that certain farm in Haines Tow nship, adloiniug lands of A. DulWfller, deceased,.la con Stover, I>avid K-nvpe and others, containing about 113 acres —nearly all of which is cleared and In a good state of cultivation. Thereon is erected house, barn and other outbuildings, orchard and spring of excellent water. August 11th. on the premises, that certain farm situate in Gregg Township, adjoining lands of Daniel Weaver, Daniel Zeigter, I*. W. Zcigier, Samuel Gobble and others, containing al'bb can't get zseriptlous for the largest, cheapest and lest Illustrated family publica tion in the world. Any one can become a suecevsful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost every Is sly BubscrJlei. Dm* agent reports making over tIAO In a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full iarti cniars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free. Jf you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who en cages fails to make great pay. Address "The People's Journal." Portland. Maine. Jl-ly Lands for Sale. q60,000 ACRES in Southwest Missouri. First clam Stock farms, excellent Agricul tural frauds, and the best Tobacco region In the West, hliort Winters, no grasshoppers, orderly society, good markets and a healthy country. Low Prices! Long Credit! Free transportation from St. Louis to the laiuts furnished purchasers. For further in formation, address A. L. DEANE, Gunl Commissioner. St. lands A- Kan Frauds eo, lty. Co. N, W, cor. Filth and Waliutt St. St. lands. Mo. 31-4w x. r. nrRXHAX'B "iwr WATER-WHEEL Is declared the "STANDARD TUKBINK," by over 670 persons who use if. Prices re dueed. New pamphlet, free. JC. F. BURN liAM, York, Pa. 28-1 w 0T ALTFLFL IMAGNIVICENT BKVS NBW STO. J InclUo |l nsewood LLANO* MIIV #l7">, must flDOlX! QP' O *° ltl ■ FINE KotsKwoont'fHMiiT UilunliiJllMASos KITTLE C9E COST *BOO, OM.t *l2. I'arlor Organs 2 Stops *45, S Stops 12 Stops only ♦7,*. Nearly New 4 Set iteed 12Stop Sub Bass and Coupler Organ ♦55, cost over ♦lift, Lowest Prices erer of fercd sent on 15 days tet trial YOM ask, why I offer so cheap ? I answer Hard Times, ltiou employees must have wsrfc. Result of war commenced on me by the Monopolies. Uattle raging. Particular* free. Address lluniel F Itrntly, WRKhiHKton, Jersey. 30-lw FOR Health, Comfort | ECONOMY. Cork Shavings are. unsurpassed as an ar ticle for lie ds. Mattresses, &e. They are ten times as darasle as Husks or Straw, Ouly . Forty |Hunds will (111 the larrest bed. For sale by AitMSTitoNo. Kuo. & CO., 44 and 4ii First Avenue, Pittsburgh. Pa. 2S-lm Now and Th rilling! MILLIONS EAGER FOR IT!! 3000 Ayosits WHuted for the lUOSS Sai^ E ?S^tRESrE\T By Unfolds the strmv/e social, political and religious fieculi oritt'es and History of the Russians ami Turk* ; cause of the war, mighty interests at stake; Biographies of Killers, etc. Richly illustrated. For terms, add res* qulrjcly, HC Hit AKI J BltOS., Pubs., 733 Sansont St., Plilla , Pa. 25-1 w TRIFLING WITH A COI.U IS \TWAYB UANGF.KOLS. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS, „ a sure remedy to 101 GHS, an all diseases of the THROAT, Li'NO , (ill EST and IHTOiS ME MRU (XK. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C. N. UK ITT EN TON, 7 SIXTH AV ENUE, New York. ONLY FIVE DOLLARS FOR AN ACRE! Of the Best land In AMERICA, near the OUKAT UNION PACIFIC UAILKOAD. A FARM FOR S2OO. In easy pity men in with low ratea of Interest. SECURE IT NOW! !! Full Information sent free, address, O. F. DAVIH, Land Agent, U. J, R, R. OMAHA. NKH. 80-4 W VEGETINE.W 178 IhUtic St., Brooklyn, N. V. Xo>\ 14,1874. H. K. STKVENS, ESQ. Dear Sir,—From iwjr sonal txmetit received by its use, as well as from personal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miracu lous, 1 can most heartily and sincerely re commend the VBGBTINB for the complaints which it is claimed to cure. J AMES P. Lununv, Lute J'ustor o.Uvary Jiaj>tist Church, Sac- KintiUv, U- -▼ ARa CAT OFFER!! ill ELM B We will during ■ those Imrd Tim h illnpnHc 1(10 PIANOS & ORUANS, new ami second-hand of flint-cluM mukirrw li eluding WATKUS' ut kiwcr prion* for rsmh or installment* or t l-t until pithf for than over before ofcnxi. WATKIW litt.VXD SQl T AKK ami UPRIGHT PI AN* OS A K. 1 Octuvu Piano* *IAO. 7 1-3 *t. f KKI not used a year. •"•2" Stop Organs $.lO, I Stops s."*, 7 Stop* #X. H Stops #7A. tO Stops ♦as, lit stops noncash, not used a vear, in j pert'eet order arut warranted. I.()oAlntn*l TttAYKLING AoKNTS WAKTKI). Itlust- Catulogucs Mailed. A liberal ills cotint to T Mini(er*. fihnrrhe*. rtr. She*) nuis> at hajf price. tyGIIACK WA TKIts A SONs, Mnnnfaetiireni A Dealers, 40 Hast 44th St.. |Tnitmßquan , l X. Y. 4\v Glad Tiding to All! JOH?TB~FORD IIASOPKXKD ATAILORSHOP IN Snook's BoMim, MilMm, Poena. Where he Is now ready to satisfy all those who will give him their trade in city style, lie Is a tirat-class Cutter and Fitter and as a workman can not he surpassed. With elose attention to Business, he hopes to receive the Patronage of this community and the count ry generally. All orders promptly filled and all work guaranteed. 30-uy JOIIX It. FORI* HARDWARE J. ZELLER & SON, Xo. 6. Brocfcerhoff Bow, BELLEFONTE, PA. DEALERSJIN Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c. - • o A Pull Stock of Goods of Superior Quality always on Hand. CHAMOIS SKINS for 10 oente and upwards. CARRIAGE SPONGES, 15 cents and upwards, A share of the public patron age respectfully solicited. THE PLACE TO BUY . YOUtt Boots, Shoes, Callers, Slippers and Robber* roo MMXC*AXD SCMMEB 13 AT KAMF'S I For Ladies, Xfiiwe*. aid Children-s J'rcnch Kid Button and L tccd Shoes. AMERICAN KID AND BITTOI LACK! nIIOK. Calfskin, Ki al and Cr;uii Leather Pegged and Sewed Shoes. Calf, Kin, Upper aid Split Leather Boots and Shoes. treat Bargains far Cash Buyers 1 KO OTHER HEED APPLY; JACOB KAMP, LCK HAVEN, TENNA TTRATTV PIANO 1 Grand Square and. Upright. ItEsT V fKKK BVEK GIVVN SOW 11F.ADV. DANIEL F. BEATTT. Washington, New JeracT,, U. S. A. MM n wta The Tip Top rscWo H Uw lwt brat *Mltn|f out. READ AND 2 Envoloi**. rendu Cu-bolder, tiukl ■ M ■ en IVu, S.U ml KWgunt tio!l Blono Sloevtj Ration*. QnnUC I-*k Gor** Diamond fin, Am- Ihyat Swme MwgtntaM with ffM. Amothyat Stone Scarf fin. UoW pUlrd'W.Hl.nrqflUoif SetHrwhod lun Dropa, ijuliM' Kluwurcl and HUaored HatPln, Ladlm'>nry Set rinendDrop*.Odd pUteCdlerßntnm,Gent*'Ooll- t ilie.. Ml Watch Chain ted tie* <>f ■■■ Throe (hdd-platoA Stndt. entire Let eemt Rcst-Rii(fee SO ■ ■ tenti. KXTRAOKDINARYW ■ . IJVOVCRNBSTS TO A GKKTS ™ ™ d kLfj. MID I, Clinton Place, New York, The Black Hills. By 11. N. Magl*ihe, who has spent 12 years in this region, latest aceonnta of Gold and Sllrer prospects, Agricultural and Grazing resources, Climate, Hunting, Fishing, Indi ans. and Settler's Adventures with them, Mining and Wild Western l.lfe, the Water falls. Hotting Geysers, noble Scenery, iiu nieiisc Gorges, etc. With 27 tine illustra tions, and one man. Price only 1 ft* Sold bv Ai.l Newsuevleks. or sent post-pa id for 12c. by DOKXEI.LY LOYU & Ci Pubs, Chicago, ilu 4w GLENN'S SDLPHDR SOAP. Thoroughly Cares Disease of the Shin, Beautifies the Complexion, Prevents and remedies Rheumatism and Uout, Heals Sore* ;u;d Abra sions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. SOLD BY ALL DRKiISTS. PRICES —25 Cents per Cake ; Box (3 Cakes) 70 Cents. N. B. —Sent by Mail, rrepaid, on receipt of price. N. C. CKITTENTON, I'rop'r, 7Sixth Avenue, N. Y. jw En Gfk ■#&*' thjs- Onlv ♦1.50 capital B2 B E 8 B M required to start canvassing DUUBV" MARK TWAIN'S www ■m NEW Scrap-Book Ap ib)hii* CANVASSERS 130 East Eight St, New York. 4w i>" FANCY CAIII IS all new styles with name •v 10 vis. post pai l. J. B. 11l'iJTEL>. Nassau, 2V iw Scott's Water-V ' I 1 w I Atcnfr* (gfgMfiMHlfcfr The most prsrelk-a!. perVor advantage id j- Mfrs. of \VheelA am Machinery, Morsr lloi.LT, X, J. ll'/ • ma ufa clu ri iaj rifih (*. INSURANCE MEN! TAKE m... AUE.WS WASTED —F< )H TIIE Hew EniM Mntol Life k, r c. •Tlw oldest mutual in the country ,X hn f< • : 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVE!" MAP KNeWM I 1 1 . t •ti JI ' /• • • , 133 .South Fourth Street, l'hUi dciphla. Daniel F. Beattv i Ir CAiertON.—Ti'C reputation have p: ' i aud the cclehrjty of piv Drguns, have i ed some unuriitelpW-d luti ties and u to copp inv circulars, and niisrepreseii instrument*; agamst lids the public hereby cautioned. All my Organs bean trade ntafc, Golden Tongue, and all my nos have the word PI e O utulerJ: , and also have my vSJJaiul deuce. DAWK:. F. Bf.ATTY, Yvaiihiuinr:, J., without which uout is genuine. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, WasliJngtvn* X. J., U, S. LIEE &, HEALTH WITHO ffiFM*RED?.:.:® ®,/; ;l "GHT. 1 Hi/- oiilv book prarticaJly treating this u | uuHrv-rsaily absorbing topic .Mjovys juv. • apjiiy the treatment, and tells of many *• eessful <-ure- made by the use of tnuVoiu. - fin nu-djuiii. Circulars and U-st , early applicants. J. M. STODIAIRT & O , I 723 Chestnut St.. J'lu'.a. I George Fell!, W agon-Maker, AABdXSBIRfi, PEAS A. UUUH UUUH All kinds of Wugocs made t Order. H r 4\TFf) p**® ft 7*ii * ui), men and women Business that will Far from *4 to per day, can tie pursued | your own neighborhood, and 4 strictly In : oral*he. Pariiculnrt free, or samples wot i 1 several dollars that wdlenatiie you to pa . I work at once, will be sent on receipt of filjv I cents. I Address I.ATIIAM & CO., ; Box 2.l'd. 419 Washington St.. Ik>rt factory and as represented, or the mtno- Mi 11 be refunded on returu -of tlie good . which may be dime at our expense. The reputation of our bouse lor seWn Mtaudard goods at Ixjw Prices, (for 36 year* has given us a standard in New York Cit and vicinity, that is not enjoyed by anV other house in the trade. After mature tie tiberutk>u we have determined to offer on. goods to housekeepers in the Interior, at Ui< l-owest Wholesale Trade Prices, when a Club is formed large enough to make a xina :i case. The goods of each member of the clnii will lie put iu seperate package*. and mark ed with name and coat, NO as to avoid con fusion lu distrfliutioti. Goods will lie sent bv Express to Collect on Delivery, AH wishing to save money dy purchasing family sup piles at New York Wholesale Prices eau talk the matter over among friends and neigh- Imrs, and send to us for Club Circular. lTh*e list, &c. We give a present of either good*, or money to the person who gets up the elul . to coinpeusate for trouble eet. Samples of TKA & COFFEE sent by jnaiL bend for Price-list. and Club Circular- 4w Stirrer's New York & China Tea Co.. M. H. MOSES, & CO., Pioprietors. 77, 79. HI, 8J and S6 VESEY St£ot V. Y. ftff ELEGANT CARDS all styles with name. 6dlo ct.*.. post paid. J. B. H Listed, Nassau. Co., N. Y. 4\v Rest bargains fu America.p I DlfO *• F Maps and Catalogue frce.l iHlUlu MANCDA Dover, Del. 4w 6 New piece* sheet music, retails for *T.7-\ sent for 10 ets. and sUiui*. Cheap Music Co., Middlcboro, M uss. 4* TITT?' TITTT T one and one. vY Xli YY J. J J l_J half dozen of tho most lteautiful new Phroiuos. In French oil color, ever seen for SI.OO. The? arc mount. el in AxlO black enamel and go!d mats, oval •queuing ami outsell anything now belnre the pul>llc. Satisfactionguaranteed. Twosampl es for to cents, or six for SO ernis. Send 10 cents for grand illustrated eatalomie with elirnmn of Moonlight on tlte Rhine, or 2< cents lor two Landscapes and Calla Lilies on hlartc ground. .T. LATHAM &CO., 419 Wash ill gtoit st- Boston. Mass. Headquarters foe Ohromos,Engravings and 4 Villi YITYI? Art Works. 2S .;m A r Utt 11.1 L, BSS Gold Jewelry Hfl Star Comb | n ati >i I uesa out Consisting of elegant ■■ ■■M watch chain, ■ dies' handsome H® iSH rooeJ, nml ear drops, pair m SfflSiMl ja'it gold stolio HIM ileeve buttons, sci spiral studs, collar uutton, heavy plain wedding ring, and gerts' Parisian diamond pin. The above articles sent, post paid, for 50 C'TJ*. have lieen retailed for "St Bank rupt stock and must be sold. Solid Milton (told Watches, $lO each, for speculative purr yioses, good timers, equal in appearance to aWm genuine gold. *'His reputation fop honesty, fair denting and liberality is uh equaled by any advertiser ill this city."— 1 . /* rw Hoot, Dec. lfi, IS7O. , PtLSTAd K STAMPS TA luliN AS CASH. V. STOCKMAN 27 BOND ST.. New York. NERVOUSDEBILITY. Vital Weakness or Depression, a weak ex hausted reeling, no energy or courage; the result of Mental Over-worK, Indiscretion or Excesses, or some drain upuutha system is always cured by Hrapiircfa Hoiiitaiatte Specific No. 28. U toiM and Invigorates the system dispels the gloom ami desopndetiay, imparts strength and energy—stops the drain ami rejuvenates the entire man. Been used twenty years with jierfeet stuitiess by tlions, amis. S:ld hv dealers, Pi toe, sl,llO per sin gle vial; or Jo-CO per package of live vials and "!E2.no vial of powder. Sent by mail on r'ceipt of priee. Address Humphrey's) llonioepat hie Medicine Coiupgnv, "*>2 Broatl way, New York. 51x13 ly. RAND'S XKW YORK CITY BUSINESS DIUKCTOBY FOlt 1877. The second volume of this valuable upd indispensable work he.s jijst been issued by the Publish-, ers, Messrs, Walter Ileugh Ac Co., of 3 l'nrk Place, New York. No pains or expense has been spared in tlm production of tin* present volume, to make it complete ami reliable. In typographical nppearance and binding, certainly it is tt line specimen < f bookumking. It contains over one hum - rts! pages more matter than the last year's volume, which has added hugely to the cost of the production of tlm work, and coin polled the Publishers to Issue hereafter only tile full cloth bound edition at One Dollar per cony, upon the receipt of which sum the> will forward the work toanyad, dress in the Culled Slates or Canada, by tnuil. postage prepaid.