|oumal X .N V ; NNNNNNNNNNWVV filler & DeinHmer. Pronrietors B. O. DKIMSOER, Associate Editor Hillhcini.TluirsdA) Aug. 2. Terms—sl.so Per Afifium. THE STRIKE. The strike now in is the greatest rebellion agatfnst capital known in the history of 'our coun try. "We have tieen accustomed to pe riodical strikes in some one or other branch of industry as many differ ent localities affecting the "interests onlv of the employers of labor in such particular branch ot production, but to-day wc are confronted with a strike that has epedemic like spread over tins country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, of such magnitude as to effect all industries aua paralyze the business of the nation. Let us for a moment exam me into the cause and effect of this war upon capital. Summing up the whole it is a direct result of our gravitating to wards specie resumption, a result similar to that experienced by Great Britain after the close of her foreign wars in returning to specie pay ments, so that in the world's historv it is no new thing; but why re it that because of our present flnanoial con dition such must be recorded ? Be cause of the outbreak of the inflated ideas of the war. Corpora'tions and individuals doing business paid in flated prices for labor, Wofßingmen livrd in inflated style, had inflated ideas as to tlie necessaries of life, counting luxuries as necessaries, in fact inflated in all Wieir ideas. A financial revoluthxi'came, all classes of property deprecated, the volume of busiuessshrank, the profits on the {reductions of labcr, coupled with he employment of capital diminish ed wonderfully, and as a consequent result the prices of labor had to be abated, expenses curtailed bv reduc tions of clerical and laboring forces, rigid economy became a necessity in order to survive the depression. The "live within yeur income" law is true as well of corporations and governments as it is of individuals and whoever fails to lieed this law must sooner or inter become engulph ed in financial ruin. Again, cap:'tal and labcr are twin sisters: what is to the interest or one is beneficial.to the other, wlien one suffers the other must feel the pre judical effects, and they cannot iu a general way beat war with each other without mutual loss, nor can one make prolonged war upon the other successfully. But it seeius to be a bitter lesson to learn tliat both must and should suffer equally, hence a body of men smarting under fan cied wrongs have gathered to assert what they deem their rights and that at the cost of everything. A single instance we give hi support of our view. Pennsylvania stock, par value 50, was up during inflated times to 55, is now worth about 28, whilst the dividends are reduced from lOper cent to 6 per cent per annum. The holders oi this stock are many who are dependent upon the dividends for their living. Now there is a4O oer cent shrinkage in income to the iiolder, making it necessary to reduce daily household - expenses pro rota, or should tbev desire or be obliged to disposerot it, thev can but realize lit tl® over one half of former value for their property. Is tlieie not suffer ing here ami all this in the face of the present red notion of wages and forced and rigid economy in all di rections, and if tlie stockholder, who as such is Dart of the company, and bjr reason of tfes existence of such company, employment is given to the laboring class, must suffer why should not the emjioyees suffer equally? Wa know tlidt a great, many per sons have no employment, that those that are employed must work at re duced rates and all have the sympa thy of people generally, but this state of affairs re net owing to any improp er or unjust policy of corporations or individuals doing business. An iu dividual would be termed a fbd, and people would lose their confidence generally, who doing business when the volume is greatly less, sales un certain and profits small, would con duct it with the same expense as though the condition of trade was the reverse, tie would be on the road to bankruptcy and what applies to individuals ii applicable to combina tions of individuals doing business as a company. Again a man has a perfect right to strike, to quit work, if wages are not what he thinks they should be, but he has no right to prevent his neigh bor from going to work in his place if he so chose to do at the prices paid. This is contrary to the free dom of our county and its free laws. He never has a right in this land to make laws for life neighbor. If he enjoyed such right we would have a worse despotism than that of the monarchies of Europe. But this is what the strikers are doing: thtre are plenty of men will ing to step mto tlieir places but are prevented from doing so by those who refuse to work, hence traffic is interrupted on the great public high way and business in all its ramifica tions is clogged throughout the land. These men have arrayed themselves against the laws of society, they seek to overthrow the laws of the land. Riot, bloodshed, plunder and the wholesole destruction of proper ty have followed in their train. This will not l** tolerated by the educated masses and our civilization will not allow sucii outbreaks. In what way do the strikers expect that this move will benefit tliem ? Will enforced idleness and the subversion of the laws of the country make money flow into their pockets or give them the necessaries of life in support of themselves and families i Will it bring joy into the household, peace and prosperity into the country i It will not. Its effect will be to fui ther depress business, to lessen demand for labor and to throw out of employ roent the majority of those that par ticipated in the crowning wrongs of the insurrection. The strong arm of the law must and will prevail. The state of affairs can only be mo mentary. Let us have peace. The excursion on the loth promi ses to be a grand affair. From all points we hear that hundreds are go ing. It will he a wholesale visit by Centre to Union. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Samuel Hoover caught an eel m Penns Creek, that weighed 6 pounds —a whopper. The picnic that was to lie held on the 20th of July was postponed until the Oth of August. The citizens arc preparing a suita ble place near town to hold picnics. Last week 4 men run a track h> Col. Moore's headquarters and hack, a distance of SO miles in 4 hours, for which they reveived a V. The rain on Friday last raised the water in Penns Creek 4 feet In 20 minutes, causing a great deal of dam age. YONKY. REBERSBURG FRAGMENTS. In course of time our town will "be, no doubt, inhabited by intelligent people, as it now boasts of having representatives at eight different schools, viz; Kutztown, Bloomsburg, Selinsgrove, New Berlin, Penn Hall, Centre Hall, Milesburg and Frank lin. How is this for high ? What village cau beat it V On Friday last, Daniel Strayer of this town, while engaged in cutting oats, some way or ot H er, fell in his "SCythe and had his arui cut very biul ly at the elbow. He is under the surgical care of Dr. Ilillbish and is fast recntitiiig. Brush Valley had'an abundance of rain and storm last week causing considerable damage by washing ter rible ditches into fields and destroy ing tlie oats. AXON. Mr. J. B. K reamer of Centre Mills raised a turnip in his garden, which measures 19 inches in circum ference. Hard to beat in this season. By invitation we visited our friend, Dr. E. J. Deshler, at Aaronsburg, the other day, to see a liortrait of Ellanora, the late daugh ter of the Doctor, and Mrs. M. J. Deshler, whose recent death inflicted such deep, and painful wounds upon every member of the family. The portrait is a full size oil paint ing of the lamented Ellanora, execu ted in good artistic style, by Mr. J. Wesley Cornelius, of Lewisburg. We were born and raised in Mu nich, which, as the home of Ger man arts, is called the German Rome, and have been familiar with the best productions of the German masters from ;early boyhood, and in our hum ble judgement we pronounce this pic , ture a very good one indeed. Mr. Cornelius has a bright career before him as an artist, suid deserves to lie liberally patronized. May his talent and genius be abundantly suc cessful B. Lf.iS. C. R R. EXCURSION. There will be a Harvest Home Pic nic Excursion from Centre county by L. C. ft 8. C. R. R., to a grove near Lewisburg, Uniou county and return, on August loth, 1877. One train will leave Duncan Station at 8.30, A. M., and another train will leave Coburn Station at the same hour, arriving at the Picnic ground at about 10.30, A. m. Trains will leave on the return at 4.30, p. m., reaching (Joburr- and Duncan Sta tions in time for the excursionists from a distance, to reach home be fore night. Tlie Cornet Band* of Millheim, Farmers Mills, Centre Hall and Reberaburg will be invited to accompany this Excursion. The price of tickets for the rod trip tor 2 jiersons or more will lie 50 cents each, for single tickets 65 cents, and for children uuder 12 years of age the half. The tickets can be obtain ed until the evening of the Bth of August at the following places: Ilalnes Twp,, Spigelmyer cfc Bro., R. C- Deihl, I. D. BoyerandM. M. Mussei- Penn Twp., Snook. Smith & Co. and W. K. Alexander; Gregg Twp., J. B. Fisher, I. J. Grenoble, Capt. Hasseiqilug and Shook Bros.; Potter Twp., Wm. Wolf, Michael Strom and Thompson Bros.; Harris Twp., Daniel Iless and George Jack; Miles Twp,, Ocker ft Eraerich and Hon. Samuel Frank; Beliefonte, Fraiik Green's Drag store and Cen tre County Bank. No tickets sold after tlie evening of the Bth of Augtist. M. M. MUSSER," Aaronsburg, Hon. W. K. ALEXANDER,MiIIheim, Hon. SAMUEL FRANK, Bebersburg, Maj. J. B. FISHER, Gregg Twp.. W. W. WOLF, Potter Twp., DANIEL HESS, Harris Twp., Committee of Arrangements. J. P. COBURN Treasurer. TI'RNPIKit RIOT. The toll gate at the east end of the Narrows between this and Union county, on the Youngmanstown Aaronsburg and Old Fort Turnpike was the scene of a serious riot last week. The toll house is occupied by a Mr. Hollo way, who it appears was permitted to remain one month from April let, last, conditionally, or in other words if satisfactory to the company for that period could re main longer, if not to quit then. Not proving satisfactory it was re solved that a change should be made. Mr. Holloway refused to move out of the house and thus the matter stood until last week a Mr. Yearick, the company's new man, was moved down. He was not permitted to move in to the gate house, when another place was secured for him but also was frightened off from moving into that. The company secured the ser vice of some fifteen men and went down on Thursday to eject the tenant and got possession of the house. Mr. Hollo way had quite a number of his friends there helping him to guard his place for several days, but it so happened that at the hour these men came there that there were but some four men on guard. The party inside was armed with guns, revolvers and clubs. Admittance being refused the company's men forced an entrance, and then took place a terrible fight, the parties clubbing each other, but the ejecting party proved too strong and cleared the premises, removing the goods out of the house and plac ed in the new man. Revolvers were flourished freely and one of the Turnpike men was wounded in the bead by a pistol shot, an accidental discharge of a weapon by one of his own party. It apiears as a result of the vigorous blows administered by the combatants that a number were considerably bruised. Mr. Holloway has brought suit, we understand, against the parties. The Reporter thinks our Associate Went east just to drink lager, .lust Wait Fred until Old Ben returns and he will make your fur fly for such 11 ■ low insinuation. That s what ho • will. A Box of GI.KNN'a SULPHUR SOAP, which contains three cakes and costs only sixty cents, is stiffl cient to sfupnly material for at least twenty Sulphur Baths which would eradicate a whole catalogue of rheu matic and cutaneous maladies. Sold by all Druggists. Hill's Hair & whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 cts. 4w There is not much to note in the progress of the war lietween Russia, and Turkey and not much has been recorded or the operations, the strike taking all precedouce in point of news. The Turks lmve suffered defeats of late and their territory is swarming with their foes who have their faces set 44 0n to Constantinople.'' NEW ARRIVAL.—J. B. Ford, for merly from Centre ilall has opened a Merchant Tailor Establishment in this town,on the second floor of Snook's Building, where lie is now prepared, to take any order in the tailor line and execute his work in a satisfactory way. He is a first class cutternnd a skillful mechanic ard fill ly deserves the patronage of the pub lic. Don't forget to give him a fair trial and be convinced of above stated facts. SAD ACCIDENT.—Mr. .T. N. Van- Ormer, a citizen of this town, who has been aliseut for some time met with a serious accident. While he was crossing the railroad bridge at New Brighton, Beaver Co.. the other day he happened to fall with one leg between tlie ties, by which he split lire knee-cap and broke the bone lie low the knee. The attending physi cian thinks the case as not diuiger ous, yet it will keep Mr. VanOrmer in bed for six weeks, after which time he expects to be able to return home. SPRINO MILLS, July 30th 1877. Dear Editor: —lt is a scoureeof great pleasure to me to learn that full and ample arrangements have been concluded to convey our people to Lewisburg on August 15th to join with the people of Union County in celebrating tlieir annual Harvest Home exercises. Again it is grati fying to me to know that the people of Union County take great interest and pleasure in our coming. They extended a cordial invitation to our people on the 4th inst., and since, to tie present on this occasion. In view of the celebration and preparations for our people to join, what do the people of this county intend to do ? Do they purpose to ignore the invi tation, to forego the festivities of this day ? I trust not and finally hope that the subsequent accounts of the jovous event will prove that our people manifested great interest, were present in large numbers and that the celebration as a joint affair was a grand success. They joined us in celebrating tlie Fourth and bv reason of tlieir mit ing with us, it was a grand success; we therefore owe it to them as well as to oumeives to return tlie com pliment. It is a fact tliat our agri cultural ixipvdatioH are not much given to celelaate holtfef* or festive events, therefore we say, can not one day be given 'to pleasure ? We have too few days of recreation. It is a fitting and apropriate event for the season, the JWT'KXI of harvesting being over, our barns are w4l filled, evidence of a plenteous harvest and to Him from whom proceeds all that is for the welfare of mankind lot all the praise be ascribed. - BAFFIN. The Pianos and Organs manufac tured by Mr. Daniel F. Beatty of Washington, Warren Co., N. J. may with the utmost confidence challenge the world to a compari son. They are unequaled and carry off the palm. We heartily recom mend them to all who contemplate purchasing such instruments. You may with perfect confidence rely on Mr. Beatty,who is a gentleman of honor and integrity. See his busi ness testimonials from citizens bf his native town on another page.. He will send you a first-class instru ment in every respect, as lie is de termined to maintain his present en viable reputation, and he allows none other to leave his establishment. See his advertisement. Send for cata logue of prices. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington. Warren Coun ty N. J., U. S. A. Tlie District Attorneyship. Jnly 4th, l*T7. D. F. Forti|ey— 'Dear Sir Learning that J. L. Spaaglcr, Esq., will not La a candi date for renomlnutloii for the ofllce of District Attorney and knowing the Im portant* of having a competent and ex* perienced attorney to prosecute the pleas of the commonwealth, we would respect fully ask you to lie a candidate for said olficc. Respectfully yours, J. C. Sample, .J. B. Ard, Wm. H. Fry, C. S. Danly, J. R. Smith, David W. Miller, John If. Market, Jacob Keller, John Grove, J. W. Runkle, J. 8. Duiibcrman, John R. Tuylor, Win. Wolf, J. M. Gilllliiml, W. B. Mingle, J. G. San key, S. T. Slingert, D. Z. Kline, S. Foster, B. F. Shaffer, W. T. Spocr, If. C. Yeager, Michael Shaffer, J. A. Woodward. Wm. W. Mara hull, Samuel Brlcklv, S. F. Kliue, A. Weber. Geo. H. Wis tor, A. W. Reese, James Morrison, A. S. Williams, Geo. R. Williams, James Walk, William Lewis, Patrick Malmr. Auibroa McMullen, Tbomus Butler, James Hog mi, George Spcrrlug, W. G. Comeford, 71 KLLxrcwTß, Fa., July 17,1H77. To John Grove, H. C. Y eager, Joseph Fox, 11. F. Shaffer. Joint Ristiel. Samuel Jirickly, Philip Williams, Levi Krebs, Wm. B. Mingle, Joseph L. Ncff, and others. GKprrLEJfKx:—Yours of recent date re ceived. In accordance with yonr request I will he a candidate for the office of Dis trict Attorney. I am very respectfully yours, DAVID F. FCTRTNKY. MARRIED. On the 22nd Inst.., at the Lutheran par sonage, Hublersburg, by Kev. J. A. Bright, Mr. B. F. Sen ft and Miss Magdulena M. Pletclior, both of Howard. While Wheat, per bushel new...... $ 1 80 Red Wheat, per bushel new No. 1... 1 50 ltve, per buslnd new ,V> Corn ears, l*>r bushel 30 Corn, shelled, per bushel So Oats, per bushel.new 30 Barley. per bushel SO Buckwheat, per bustiel SO Cloverseed, per bushel 6 ()O@C SO Potatoes, per bushel new SO Eggs, per dozen 15 Lard, per pound JO Bacon—Shoulders fo Sides 10 llains 12 Sugar Cured Hams IS Tallow, per pound 7 ltHtter, |ier pound 2n Rags, I>er pound 2 Ground Piaster per ton JO,OO 911 ftl I übn nr Xsrket. Corn •. fid Oats 40 Barley Tvmothy Hay If. 00 timer Hay 12 tu Veal lo Hams 14 Sides 8 laird 10 Cloverseed 8 iw Tvmothy wed 1 25 Flaxseed 1 40 Slllhelm Market. Wheat mo Corn 50 ltve ,V CWTS JD Ikirley ftil Tymothysecd Flaxseed fO C'loverseeU. fion Buttrr. 14 ILIINS i 15 Miles 1(1 Veal s Eggs 10 Potatoes. 40 Lard y Tallow 7 Soap.*.,.. 7 Dried Applet 4 Dried Pearlies Dried Cherries. A Announcement*. We are authorized to announre J. M. Krn iit.iNK, Kellefonie. Asa candidate for District Attorney. Subject to the decl lon of the Democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce D. F Fas letters of Admlnlst- XN ration on the estate of Michael Hazel, late of Miles Township. Centre Co.. Pa., de. | ceased, having been granted to the sulscrlb- T, all persons knowing themselves lud< bled to saixl estate are requested to make Imme diate payment, and those having claims against tins same to present Uiem duly au thentlcatetl for settlement. J. A. HAZKU, Administrator. , Bellefonie, July 19th, 1877. 2S-6t PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPER TY.— I There will he expos, d to Public S;ile by the undersigned Administrator of the ! Estate of Michael Hazel in Madisonburg, Centre Co.. Pa. on tliel Kth of August, 1877 the following personal property, viz: One Mare, one Cow, five Shoats, one 2- horsewagon, one Truckwagon. me Spring wagon, one Plow. one Cook stove. 2 Room stoves with trfpes, ne Oup|>er Kettle, one linger sew ing maehine. otic Keystone ing machine, three Beds, one Breakfast and one Dining table, one Bureau, one Cupt oard. and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock P. M., when terms will he made known by J. A. HAZEL, Administrator. PUBLIC RALK.— WiII tie exposed to public sale on the premises, one and a half mile south of Aaronsburg, on Thursday. August 2.1. 1H77. at one o'clock, P.M., the following valuable property: A splendid farm, containing 312 acres, about 200 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The lialauce is well timbered with excellent pine, hemlock, oak, ixiplar and chestnut. Upon this property is erected a good, two storv dwelling house, (rood barn, wagon slied and other outbuild ings. A good orchard i.B on the premises. This property could he divided Into two farms to good advantage, each of which would have a never-falling spring of excellent water. This farm is situated with In two miles of Forks Station, on the L. C. & S. C. Railroad, and will he sold separately or together, to suit purchasers. Terms will tie made known on day of sale. For further particulars apply to MICHAEL KORNMAN. BUnchnrd. Pa. or GEORGE KORNMAN, Spring Mills, Pa. D. 11. Kustaborder, Levi Krchs, J. K. Krcbs, T. G. Arehy, A. G. Arehv, Robert P. Craig, Conrad Fry, K. K. Young, Ellas Vonada. Thomas Wood, M. J. llolan, H. 11. Tvritmycr, John Wood, G. L Good hart, E. G. Krumbine, Joseph L. Neff, J. 11. Morrison, 11. Guihraith, Joseph Fox, Joseph Sehnell, Fredrick Smith, John Klshcl, P. N. Baruhurt, George Wants, Daniel Litc:is. John W. Gardner, James Murray, W. 11. Graham, John Wiser, Will bun Richards, Philip Spotts, Philip Williams, W. FL Williams, J. G. Jones, Tcrrence Mc.Ylurny, Owen M'Cann. Joseph Gerbrick, J. E. Sperting, J. 11. IleFlwain, J. W. McDowell. I3JIBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE KKAL . EST ATE.—The lielrs ot l'hiilp Ertel, late of Gregg Township, deceased, will offer at public sale, two valuable fa rins, as follows: August 4th. on the premises, that certain farm in Haines Township, ad Joining lands of A. Dutweiler, deceased,, Jacob Storer, David Krape and others, containing about 113 acres —nearly all of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Thereon is erected house, barn and other outbuildings, orchard and spriug of excellent water. August 11th, on the premises, that certain farm situate in Gregg Township, adjoining J? 1 . l >an 1 ,,, Weaver. Daniel Zeigler, F. W. Zeigler. Samuel Gobble and others, containing about 143 acres, of which about 100 are cjeated and under cultivation, the balance beinfc well timbered. Thereon erected a dwelling house, bam, saw mill, and' other outbuildings, two or chards, and sprung'of good water. Terms will be made known on days of sale. The Heirs of PHILIP EST EL, dee'd. F. HtH\HAIK'N "l74" WATER-WHEEL Is declared the "STANDARD TURBINE," by over lliO persons who use it. Prices re duced. New pamphlet, free. N, P. Bt'RN 11AM, York. Pa. iMw DIED. On tlicilnl ItiKt., near Centre Hull, W. 1.. Stncltcei> Aged .V> yeurs, it month ami drtys. Arrival anil 4 losing of Nall< Malls arrive at the Mlllhelm Post Office us follows : Daily from nil points cast via l-ewlsbnrg, lit p I'. M. Dully from nil points west via Hellefontr fttlP.ll Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, fri m north and oust, via Ixwk Haven at 4 P. M. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urdav from north aud west via Howard, at ft p. M. Malls close for east aud west, at 6 A. M. For laiek Haven and Howard, every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at ft A. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Preaching In the I.ntherun Church, Auroitsbtirg, next Sunday evening, by the Pastor, Kev. J. Tomltnson. Preaching and sacramental servlooa In the M. K. Church next Sunday evening, by Kev. U. W. House. The Pine Station District camp meeting, Kv. Aasuohttlou, ooniuieueed yesterday. Lod:o and Sooiety Directory. The MUlhciin Cornet Hand wilt moot til the Tow it Hull ou Monday and Thursday even lugs. Providence Grange No. *217 P. of H., mints In Alexander's block on the 2nd Su tunlav of euch month at 6Jf P. m. and on the ftn Satunlav of each month at I'.j r. m. The Irving I.uernry Institute meets In tlie Town Ifa.lt, on the last Friday evening ot eaoh month, until otherwise ordered. The Millticliii 11. A L. Association meets In the Tow ti llnll. on tbn evening of the second Monday oreach month. MUlhetiu Conncll No. 30ft, 0. I*. A. M. meets every Saturday at S o'clock, p. m., lii their Council Koom, Wilt's lloildliig. De gree Meetings will be held on Tuesday ou or lwfnre the full uiooa of euch month. C. H. Hxu>, Soc. 11. F. Millku, C. Brllrfoiitf Mnrk(. Butter B • 16 tfeai".V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V//.V.V.V.*.V.*. itK Rye en HARDWARE JAMES HARRIS & CO., Dealers in Hardware, JY"a. 5. Brockerhoff Bote, BELLEFOITTB, IPA_. eroi.DEST lIAHDWARE NTORE lIV CENTRE CO.*6* ■# Complete line of Hardware of all Kiml* at the LOWEST PRICES. The Celebrated Barley Sheaf Coot Store & Anchor Heater. CALL AND SEE. HARDWARE HARDWARE PI|W(K!IMAOMNCEST BRAN NEW FCTTO. riAHUOJosewood Piano* onlv $175, must FLDP AVUL SOLD. KINK ROSEWOOD CCKIGIIT UIIUNNOLPUNTH I.ITTI.K USBU COST *BUO, ONI.R #125. Parlor Organs 2 Stops #4 R >, 9 Htojw #iif>. 12 STOPS only *75. Nearly New 4 Set lteedl2 Btop Sub Baas and Coupler Organ cost over Aian. LOWEST Prices ever of. ered sent on 15 days test trial. You ask, why 1 offer so cheap ? I answer Hard Times, LUFTI employees must have work. Result of war commenced on me bv the Monopolies. Battle racing. Particulars free. Address Daniel F Bcatly, WnslilnKton, New Jersey. 30-4 w ONLY FIVE DOLLARS FOR AN ACRE! Of the Best land In AMERICA, near the OKEAT UNION PACIFIC KAIUtOAIA A FARM FOR $2OO. In fMjr pny mcntn with low rates of Interest. SECURE IT NOW! ! I Full infrinatinti sent free, address, . F. I>A VIA. Land Ageut, U. P. R. R. OMARA. NF.B. SU-lw VEGETINE. ti* r: 178 Baltic St.. Brook lyn. N. Y. Nov. 14.1874. H. H. HTEVBM, ESQ. Dear Sir,— Front tier sonal benefit received by its use, as well as from personal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost iniracu loos, 1 rati MOST heartily and sincerely re commend the YEOETINK for the complaints which 11 IS claimed lo cure. JAMES P. LMi.ow, Lots Potior Olivary Baptist Chvrch. Sac ramento. O. 2H-LW Sew find Thrilling! MILLIONS EAGER FOR IT!! 3000 Agents minted for the CROBB""MF"C*EStMT By the Unfolds the siranpc social, tmtltlca! and religious pecnlt arltie and History of the Rtmtan* and Turk* ; cause of the war. mighty interest* at stake; Biographies of itnler*. etc. Richly Illustrated. FOR terms, addroft-' quicklv, HUBBARD BROS., Pubs., 732 Ransom St.. Pliila , Pa. 28-4W TRIFLING WITH A COLD I* AT WATB DANUKItOCS. VJftE WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLET , , a sure remedy fo UOI'GHS, an all diseases of the THROAT, illNß#, CHKSTami Ml (tilB MEMBRANE. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C. N.CKITTENTON, 7 SIXTH AV ENUE, New York. Aft DC AT offb*T! ILLKH I We will dll ring ■ thosehardTim es dispose of 100 PI ANOS A ORGANS, new and second-hand of first -class uiakurs In eluding W ATKRS at lower prices for cash or Installments or to let until iiald for than ever before offered. WATERS' GRAND SQUARE and UPRIGHT PIANOS Jk OU GANS (INCLUDING THEIR NEW SOU VENIR AND BOUDOIR) are the BEST MADE. 7 Octavo Pianos TL.'IO. 7 1-3 do #JO not used a y ear. "2" Stop Organs #JO, 4 Stops (Off, 7 Stops 8 StojS #75, 10 Stops $BB, 12 Stops FILM canh, not used U vear, in perfect onler and warranted. LOOAL and TRAVELING AGENTS WANTED. Illust rated Catalogues Mailed. A lUHTUI DLS •count to Trachcr*. Minister*. Ch\irche*.ete. Sheet music at half price. HORACE WA TERS 4 SONS, Manufacturers K Dealers. 40 East 14th St.. Union Square, N. Y. 4W OSFANCY("ARIAS aIIMWKtyM With name AWWCTS. JHXSI paid. J. 11. HURTEL>. Nassau, N. Y. 28-4W nnnii' Ml*. °> v * ir> ° capital 111111 ■ required to start canvassiug jgjmi ply, with stamp, to ft * y T7 A QCJTDQ John K. Hallowfll, UUli T u U U Ii It U 139 East Eight St, New York. 4w The Slack Hills. By H. N. Maui'ike, who has spent 12 years In this region, latest accounts of Gold ami Silrer prospects, Agricultural ami Grazing resources, Climate, Hunting, Fishing, Indi ans, and Settler's Adventures with them. Mining and Wild Western Life, the Water falls, Boiling Geysers, noble Scenery, im mense Gorges etc. With 27 tine illustra tions, and oue map. Price only 1 et Sold bv At.l. N KWSDKAI.Kits or sent nost-paid for 12c. by IYOXSELLY LOYII & t'O.. Pubs, Chicago, ill. 4w GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Disease or the Skin, Beautifies the Complexion, Prevents and remedies Kheuuiatlsm and tiont, Heals Sores and Abra stons or the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. SOLD BY ALL DRIIGISTS. PRICES—2S Cent* per Cake ; Box (3 Cakes) 70 Cents. N. B.—Sent by Mall, Prepaid, on receipt of price. N. C. CRITTENTON, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. 4* XI KnT.-Topp*, Ptfhclt, Paa-hoMer, Gold en fen, K*t of Klogant Gold Bt.m Sleeve Button*. Oont*' I-aka Ooorge Diamond Pin, Airre itivat Stc.no Kins Inlaid with gold, Amethyt Stone Searf fid. Gold-plated wadding Rlnt Set Koaebod ftu jHp*. lAIIIUI' Flowered and Silvered flat Pin, Ladle*' raney Set Pin and Drop*. Gold nlato Collar Button. Gent* OokVvlti. ad Watch Chain and Set of ■■■ HA Throe Gold-plated Stud*. TMe^^9 tntirt Lt stnt OOH ■ ttnts. - J E.KTRAORDIKARYm ■ A INDVC EMS NTS TO A C.hKTS** 7—' ™ + BRtOI, Clinton FtMO Nuw.Vorfc? Glad Tiding to All! JOHN B. FORD HAS OPENED A TAftOfMIOP IN Snook's Building, Millheim, Fonna. Where he Is now ready to satisfy all those who will give him their trade in city style. He is a first-class Cutter anil Fitter ami as a workman can not lie surpassed. With close attention to Business, lie lK>i>es to receive the Patronage of this connmMilty ami the couut ry generally. All orders promptly filled and all work guaranteed. 3 TIMES IT WILL PAY YOU IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME TO Otil STORE TO COME TC OUR STOKE iW anything in the line of )[>ry UoAdR, Clothing, farpeh, Oil Cloth a, ItooU St ftboest Ureal tirodi, Notion*. Trim - nlaga, Skr. We are selling—LADlES SHOES at I.W eta We are selling—ladles Button Shoes at BLSO We are selling—Ladies White Hose at Sets We ore selling—Ladles Handkerchiefs at "-00 UaTTi~rw*~ ' '■ .i In fact we are selling everything usually kept in a large and well se lected stock for less than any other house in Centre County. It will pay you to call and see for yotfr selves. S. & A. LOEB. FOR Health, Comfort | ECONOMY. Cork Shavings are rtnstfr passed as an ar ticle for Beds, Mattresses. &a They are ten times as durable as Husks or Htraw. Only 6 eets per lb. Forty pounds will fill the largest lied. For sale by ARMSTRONG, Buo. & Co., 11 awl 46 First Aveuue, Pittsburgh. Ta. WAR I WAR I WAR! fn the gre.it Dry Goods Battle In Lock Itaven tint BEE HIVE ha* come off victorious on acoouut of the wonderful loir prices at which Dry Rood* are aokl at tlila old and reliable atore. The third Immense stock of bfjr Uooda, < rptii, ftc.. for the Spring and Hummer trade la lust being opened at prices below any ever before known. 5000 yard* all RII.K GROG RAIN RIBBON beautiful shades, only 15 eta. per yard. •JO new PARAHOLH, SPUING BTTI.ES. com mencing at 18 ets. a piece. Large lot BLACK KID GLOVKB, all Maw 25 ets. u pair. COD Paeks PI NR. at 3 ets. a pack. 1000 yards DKKHS I.INP.NR, au. PCHE LIX EN. from 16 ets. a yard up. 8000 yards BEAUTIFUL RPBING BTYLK PItINTH, warranted fast color* at sc. sc. sc. sc. sc. sc, sc. sc. ftc. j>er y. 200 Pair MENS* HALF IlOHKat 6 ets. apr. 200 Pair LADIES' HOKE at ets, lauge Stock beautiful reddy made LA DIES' SPRING SKIRTS, T, ets. Immense Kuick ready made LINEN SUITS roK I. A DIES, Very cheap. Our Slock of STRIPED ft PLAIN RUJCft. BItILLIANTINES, ALL WOOL, t>E PAWH EH. M.AIDS ft RUMMER DRESS GOODS, comprise* all the choicest styles In endless variety. THe largest and cheapest stock of PANT INGS, Su urn NUN, TICKING*, MCSMNB, TOWL isus. TABLE LINENS, MENS' FT ROTS' RUM MEK WKAUS, ever brought to Look Haven, at the BHK liivk J*t beingopened tbU week. New Stock CARrKT, Handsome ISOIUIN CAnrrr, only 28 ets. a yard. FLOOR OIL CLOTO, 2 yardsfwide, only IS c. Large Stock of 3 PLY ANO FINK CAKPRT CHAIN and WINDOW C CUTIS#, cheap. HARDWARE Kemfcmbarfcho Oreat BEE HIVE DHT GOOD STORE, ! S M*n BTREKT, LOCK HAVEN, PA. J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor. ■ , r . % , iTWanted—sooo lb. Good TtTB WAHHED WOOL in exchange for Dry (*ooda, for which the Higheet Cash Price will be paid. THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Beet*, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers and Rubbers FOB SUMMtR it At KAMP'S ! Fur Ladies, Afuieif rind CkiUlrtn '* trench Kid Button and Laccd Shoes. A AMERICA* RIB ARB BUTTON tACtt hBOK. Calfskin, Ki at and tlfaln Leather i Pegged and Sewed Shoes. Calf, Kin, Dpr and Split Leather Beets aii Shoes. •• Great Bargains for Cash Buyers ! XO OTIIKIt tfEED APPtY JACOB KAMP, LiClt UAYIW, PRKXA DA V.I.BROWN, Manufacturer And Dealer in * fV> T i jnwfr- V TIN-WARE, STOVEPIPE A TRIMMINGS, SPOUTING and FRUIT CANS. ve•-. • * i Would respectfully Inform the public that he keei>s on hand or makes to order all kinds of TINWARE, STOVB. FIXTURES, FBI IT CAMS, etc.. etc. SPOUTING A SPECIALITY ! Fruit cans always on hand. Repairing done at short notice. Having some ten years experienti* In the business he flatters him self that his work is fully effrtnl to any in this section of the country. A share of the public"s patronage to respect- _ fully solicited. Shrtn, second floor f f'ootc's titore, liltlheluiv Poaaa. ERfUnRS Bellcfting M W> lw BY FAR the bast Parlor and Orchestral Organ manufactured, we challenge an J nianufactnrer to equal them. The celebrated Golden Tongue Reeds Ri thi9 organ in eoajknction with the Perfected Reed Hoards prod If ee sweet, pure and pow erful tones. Superb cases of new and elegant design*. Ministers, teaeUers, ohurelies schools, lodges, etc.. should sand for price Wst and dlscohiits. Dealers will find it to their advantage lo examine this instrument, t lifts improve ments found in no other. Correspondence solicited. Best offer ever gfvefi. Money refttnded tfpcm retam of ojtran :nd (might charges paid by me (Daniel F. Beatty) both ways If unsatisfactory, after a teat trial of ttve days Organ warranted for six years. Agents dis count given everywhere luve no agent Agents wanted. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington. New Jersey, V. S. A ' AlcottT fater-V'•/1 ' Aicardcd tA# Tenl, r ' Medal. Tli rrtnst practical, *• pie, and effective. 1 • • perlor advantage at j . < gate M ftfitWrSHli' v i knowlcdged. Addrc* C. T. ALCOTT ft - Mfrs. of Wheels an. t Machinery, Motet HOLLV< N. J. W ■ • manujucluriim right*. IKSUBANCE MEN! AGEXTS WAXTED —KOK RKK-= Ket EflElaod Mutual Life lis. (J. The widest mutual in the country .ft'harU. •< 1335. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN: MAll If Nft WAKII IN, Genial />• ? ' i l. South Fourth Street, Philadelphia; Daniel F. Beatty'" CAtTiOß.—fhe reputation have gin and the celebrity of uiv Organs, have jmi ed soldo Unprincipled parties and age to oopp my circular*, and misrepresent i Instrument*; against this the public ;• > hereby euittioued. All my Organ# hear IMitlc-hiak. Golden Tongue, and an trtv I' nos liaTe the word PI * P O umierMmb and also La veiny naineDMfftpraUd u deuce, DANIEL K. BEArrr. xvashmtoti, ;T, J., wit In nit which none is genuine. Address, DANIEL P. BEATTT, Washington, X. J., C. .\, LIES A HEALTH WITHOUa LI&ITT NOW READ'i IFOR AGENT. , The oulv lxstk practically treating thf rt< ' universally abaortiiiig tonic. Hhows IKW . apply the treatment, and tells of many An • oessfnf cures made by the use of tills Wonder ful medium. Circulars ami liest terms : > early applicants, f. M . KTODDAUT ft Atto9 Wtelrtngl^^AJwtmflifaw AehahceftealltoaMkeWnvßitaMcy AHD GET THE DEBT GOODS IX Tin: MAJFCHBT;. TEAS, COFFEES, ft(J, 1 at lower micea than the same odafith can &• bought at Any other howee tu tills country- All goods guaranteed to be satis. facAbVT and as reprwuftrted, r %m Hmhy wtU be refunded on return of the goods, which may be done at our experts?. Therejmtation of ow house for Mfttaif standard goods at Low Prices, (for f*> year*), has given us a standard In York Ctty and vicinity, that is not enjoyed by anv other house in the trade. After mature ftp UU-mtiou wo have determined to offer our ,B thp tntcrfrtr, at the >W?H Wholesale Trade Prteea. wbmi a Qlu'i ls formed large enough to make a small case. THe goods of each member of UMf chib will lie put in seperate packages, and utafk ed with name and cost, so as to avoid CoS, fusion lu distribution. Goods will beaent bv Express to Collect on DeHvcry. An IrtslrfWif to saw? money dy purchasing fain My utp. plies at New York AvholeiV Prices can Taftc the matter over among friends and nefgK bors, and send to us for Club C'.radar, lbrt,- R we gfte a present of PRlfer ftsbds, dr money to the person whs gets up the club, to compensate for trouble ect- RaMpfn of * TEA ft COFFEE sent ly matt. Send ft* Price-list, and Club Circular. Atv Stiner'e New York 6f Ctski& Tda Co*i M. H. MOSES, & CO.. , : Fioprietors. 1 77. 79, 81, M and 86 TEREY Strt-ot N. Y. ' ' • ncFLEGANT CARlfc *ll stfleS With ngfie. LdlO ets.. pwd paid- J. B. Ousted, Nassau, Co., N. Y. |v Pest bargains in America, ill nlffl ,J. p MM* and CaUkhtW; free. I AltllO Maxcn* f3Newjileartt sheetrtfttale. retail* for lff.lt fur eta. and sUmp. Cheap MRsio Co., 51iA ! matO. postage prepui't.