t ilourmtl. filter & Deiaiflsr,Proprietors B. O. PKiNisur.R, Associate Editor V-.\ s. - dUlhcim.thHrsdA) July 10. Terms—ll.6o Por Annum. % u ja'J-7" TJ." "l .. .. .. i i . .. . Nemesis Perils to be after Wells and Ander son, the most infamous two of tho Louisiana Return Board, in earnest. They stand indict ed and are under arrest for forgery and perjury, in publishing and dec larmg as true, the Returns of the Presidential election for Louisiana, having themselves al tered and forged the same to an ex tent that gave the electoral vote of that state to Haves, when it was .patent to the world that Tilden had fairly carried it. Wells sends a wall of despair up to Washington for help, as if poor Hayes could help them it he would. Such is fortunately not the case. The Executive Deuart mentof the National Government and the Judicial Department ot the state of Louisiana are entirely dis tinct in their functions and the one has not the slightest control over the otlier. Not even the President's pardon could reach the ease. The Board must stand or fall on the record they made for themselves, find neither Haws nor his cabinet can save them. There is a great flutter in admin istration circles over this matter. The President shows much concern about it, and is of the opinion that the indictment of Wells and Ander son should be regarded aw a violation of the understanding under which the Federal support was withdrawn from Packard. If such a bargain did exist it is siraplv damning aud disgraceful to Mr. Jlayes and Gov. Nichollsboth, but lias no binding force whatever on the law courts of Louisiana. "What right liave Hayes and Nicholls to compound the felony of common criminals or impede the course of justice? All ''understand ings" of such a kiud are criminal in themselves and indictable at common law. But we doubt very much whether Gov." X icholls made himself luirty to any such contract. He mav stand "pledged" that no one shall be prosecuted from political or personal motives so far as lie can prevent it, and that would l>e alto gether consistent with his well knowti conservative character and essential to the pacification of Hit turbulent political elements in Loui siana; but it is extremely doubtful that he entered into solemn com|Kict to shield forgers and perjurers fiom trial and punishment. The small fry of the Radical press affect to treat the whole matter with contempt and sav that in no event will Haves'title" to the Presidency I>e effected; but the more respecta ble Republican papers, asfor instance j instance the New York Tribune takes matters much more seriously. The Tribune threatens that if Hayes is "broken down" the soldier and earpet-lwgger will march back into the Southern State house* perhaps before the end of the present Presi dential term. Such threats are no thing more or less than an admission of that the conviction of tlie Return Board rascals will seriously affect if not entirely invaledate Mr. Hayes' title to the Presidency, and may lead to hs expulsion from the White House. The country demands a fair but searching trial of the accused, and if they are found guilty let such con dign punishment be meted out to them as will make a repetition of their infamous crime forever impos sible . ON TCTBELLEFOME I In speaking of the L. C. &s>. C. rail road, the Watchnuin says: "The people along the route naitl with a liberality tnat was aimply astonishing, and waited with a patience that would have put Job to shame, bat only on the 4th in stant were their expectation* fully real ired. Is it any wonder, then, that every body and all tnelr friends went to Spring Mill 9 to wltnees tlie arrival of the first passenger cars and become part of a arand excursion down the road to Laurel ion and back T* True as preaching. Brother Meek, every word of it. Our people deeply felt the absolute necesssity of a rail road and done all they could to get it. Tlio several townships along the line in Centre county subscribed and paid from $25,000 to $50,000 each. But that Jis not exactly what we were going to say. We paid our money, liave the road, and our "afocfc" is about digested, although it was about the toughest diet Penns Valley ever had to masticate. Wnat next? Hear what the Watchman says further: "And now, what shall be done with the railroad ? Shall it stop wlierc it la, or be continued on to this place aad thus effect ually aid tlie development and improve ment of the whole of I'eunsylvaulH, as well as of Bellefoutc ? Citizens of IJelle foote—Farmers of Penns valley, novo Is your time. The completion of the road through to Lcmont and this place will give extra value to your property, open to you the cheapest and best markets, re duce your freightage and add vastly to your comfort and convenience. What my you t Let ua strike while the Iron is bot aud thus mould this great enterprise in accordance with our earnest desires and long-cherishod expectations." Now that is plain. direct,—a cap ital centre shot, in fact. It is just the talk (and much more of it) we like to hear on this subject. Penns Valley wants rail road connections with Bellefonte, its county town and principle business place. Anything less than that would be mere make shift and buugliDg. For instauce we can not see the propriety of ex tending the road to Centre Hall and make another stop there In the work for an indefinite time. Let it be >nade through to Lemont, and Belle fonte will meet us there. She can pot—dare not, refuse to do it. If we understand Mr. Meek rightly he appeals to the Penns Valley people as much as to those of Bellefonte, to assist m building the gap between Spring Mills and Bellefonte. His language, "citizens of Bellefonte— Farmers of Penns Nalley, now is your time," would seem to indicate that material help from Penns Val ley would be altogether acceptable to Bellefonte. This can not lie. Our people have done nobly. They have done all they qan or will do, and it would be as unfair as useless to ask thfm to do more. Even if Belle fonte graces the road entire from their town to Leuaont, she will haye done but a tithe of what our people did. Fenns Valley has spoken and acted, let Bellefonte follow her ex ample, She has the floor, Married Women and Building Asso ciation Loans. ISie supremo court of this state rendered a decision in the case of Wolbach and wife against tho Le high bhilding association. It de clares that in all cases where mar lied women deal with the associa tions the mortgage is good only for the actual amount loaned and legal interest. A logical consequence seems to be that if the money loaned has not been used to buy or improve her separate real estate, but has beeu used to raise money to pay her hus band's debts, or for other purposes, it is void altogether. This will, no doubt, seriously affect the vast investments made by build ing associations on the credit of mortgages given by married women, and will prove a grave matter for such associations. Of late years it lias been a Very common practice for men to hold tlieir property in their wives' names, and when desirous of a loan, to join with the wives in the mortgage, contrary to the law as it now appears. The effect of this de cision will certainly be seen in litiga tion consequent upon sKits on mort gages given bv married women, and a total refusal by the associations to make future loans on any terms.— JCxchamge, David I. Brown, who has worked for John 1). Foote for some years, has now bought out the Tin Shop and will carrv ou the business on his own hook. Davy is as good, clever a fellow as one could wish to meet anywhere, and a skillful mechanic at that. Let him have his full share of custom, for he deserves it. AWFUL.— Dan. Ilosterman show ed us it letter from his brother Hen ry, dated at Moccasin, Ills., July 10, from which we clip the '-"owing cu rious and awful circumstance: I in tut tell you something About a man plowing eorn in tho north-w ostern part of this state. He went out to plow ooru but found it too wet, at widen he was much'disuULsfled ami began cursing tiod, swearing that If he had the Almighty then* he would plow him under. Scarcely had the dreadiul blaspheming eseaped his lips when he was struck by a thundcr-boh. His IKHIV stands there just as be stood when alive, solid as marble, and the ground around him is as hard as stone. Thou sands are going there to see him. ami 1 in tend going myself. Of course we can not vouch for thcabove, but the writer, Mr. llenrv Ilosterman. who is well known here, does not seem to have the least doubt iu its truth. D. 1,. Zerby will open the Fall session of his school on Monday the 30th instant. Mr. Zerby is a teach er of much experience aiul is possess ed of qualifications second to none in this part of the county, lie deserves to le lilierally patronized. We have again and again urged upon parents theimiKfftanceof send ing their children to school. A com mon elementary education is a rfrbt which every parent owes to his child and those who do not get this much are simply robbed out of their just rights. tVe are often pained that so many of our boys and young men grow up in comparative ignorance, surrounded as they are by so many facilities for acquiring knowledge. It should not be thus/ Boys, go to school and irttprore your time when there. If your parents can not afford to pay your tuition, earn something anu pay it yourselves. Just as we go to press we learn that Sen. Peale luis recovered his horse tliatwas stolen on the night of the sth inst., at llebersburg. The thief, it appears, made his wav through Union, Snyder, Mifflin Counties, and again through the up per ewl of Ct litre into Clearfield County, where officer West brook of Lock Haven got on his track. Oil Saturday last he was surrounded in the woods and mountains beyond Curvvensville. He had concealed the mare in a ravine and was getting away himself on foot in another di rection, when he was discovered by two men by the name of Bloom, who were looking for him. They called "halt," then fired two shots at him. lie still persisted in running, when one of them shot him through the left lung, breaking a rib. He tlieu disclosed to them the where abouts of the mare. was found at tlie place, looking a little thin for the ride and hardshqis she had en dured. The thief is in jail at Clearfield and is unable to t>e removed at present. His name is Walter and it is said that his father is in tlie penitentiary for some offence, and his brother in jail in Williamsport for stealing horses. SPKISTI MILLS ITEMS. On Sunday as Mr. Ileckman and family were 011 their way home, some boys were running a hand truck on the rail road at which the horse took fright, upsetting the bug gy, throwing Mrs. Heekman and cnlld out. Happily, no serious re sult. The boys should at once be stopped iu such sport. On the same evening J. W. Itun kle had his buggy overturned. It happened after preaching and caused considerable scare but no damage. Mrs. Aaron Long was picking cherries, and was some 20 feet above ground; a limb broke causing her fall to the ground. She is considerably bruised. Capt. Ilassenplug is again in tbc city for goods. John Confer,while returning home after doing some mowing, stepped in to the scythe and cut himselt. Applicants for schools are nearly as plenty as grasshoppers. Mr. B. llipka, who could not talk above a whisper for the last 18 months, got some medicine from Dr. liubl, and after using it the second time, to the surprise ot all, can again speak as well as ever. YONEY. REBERSBURG FRAGMENTS. The thermometer has been revel ing up in the ninetys the last few days. The cherry season is about over. Splendid weather for farmers, to put a\yAV their grain. A few of our young gentlemen think of attending the Normal school at Milesburg. Work has been resumed in the Basement of the Ev. Lntheran Church. Applicants for our public schools are numerous, Reuben Sniull of RockviUe boasts of having bored eighty-five posts in less than a day. Who can beat it? AXON. • The JOURNAL office has envelopes and paper for sale —of every quality and price—cheap as the cheapest. Try us. - I The Centre county Normal School, under tho direction of Supt. Meyer ; and Prof. C. L. Gramly, opens at Milesburg on the 24 inst. ■■ Never did corn and potatoes ap pear more promising than just now, and if Providence continues to favor , us with seasonable rains, the poor man's diet will be very abundant. The Fall term of the Penn Hall Academy will open on Monday, July . 2ttrd. For terms, boarding, etc., apply to j Prof. D. M. WOLF, Principal. Harvest is over and oats comes next on the list. Peun, llaincs, Miles and Gregg townships are favor ed with a fair Average crop. In Potter and westward wheat is not quite so good. ( There will lie a Grand Harvest Home Festival somewhere near Lew isburg, August l.i, to which all Cen tre county is invited. An Excursion will lie arranged from Spring Mills and Forks. We will give tho earli est notice jiossible of the arrange ments. Bellefonte celebrated t lie Fourth by a moderate sized lire which en tirely consumed the roof of Mr. Goo. A. Bavard's residence, iu the rear of the Watchman office, and serious ly threatened said office as well as tne entire brick row of Bush & Mc- Lain. Our celebration was infinite- J y more pleasaut, F. D. MeCollum, the gentlemanly landlord of the Bush House, present ed the licjiublican man of that town with a lake trout weighing over six pounds, and Tuten feels very thank ful over the present. Don't doubt it one bit. We were up there last week and felt thankful for even a small piece of the same article. On Friday evening as Moore's train was going home (eastward) it run over and killed a steer belonging to Mr. Michael Ebert. Mr.'Ebert's cattle were standing iu Beaver Daiu Tunnel wlieii the train cauie there but did not go out. This one that was killed did not even move from the track. llarrv Toinliuson runs the Mill heirn Grocery on a strictly cash tiasis, which enables liiui to sell us cheap as the cheapest. Everything usually kept iu a first class grocery store on hand and sold at tho lowest possible prices. A new lot of goods will be on hand by Saturday. Come and see. — ■- A Box of GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, which contains three cakes and costs only sixty cents, is suffi cient to supply material for at least twenty Sulphur Baths which would eradicate a whole catalogue of rheu matic and cutaneous maladies. Sld by all Druggists. Hill's Hair A whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 cts. 4w Tlie Penn'a Railroad has issued a most attractive and comprehensive lxok of Excursion Routes and Rates for the season of 1*77. Persons de sirous of traveling or resorting to cooler climates during the heated term should procure one of these handsomely printed and finely Illus trated Route Books. After liberally paying all expenses incurred fur the 4th of July pie-nic excursion, there was a surplus of $113.00, which President Slifer pass ed over to the Treasurer of the Com- IMiiy. A "surplus*' on such occa sions is somewhat startling to the general la Iroudiug public; but in this case, the matter was well and honestly managed.— {Ltici.*bure absent on a visit east. Mr. Walter and Mr. Bumiller will conduct the JOURNAL while we are away. If thev get out a better jKijier than we, give them all the praise: if they do worse, give us a good, sound scolding for desert ing our post, and threaten to throw up the paper. Under any circum stances. m;u:age to find some fault, especially if you are 110 subscriber. We have tried to get something re liable regarding the time when reg ular trains will be run on our mil road, but could get nothing positive. Moore & Sons will soou be dore with their work, including the turn-table at Spring Mills. There was an inspection of the work by Snpt. Baldwin, Chief Engineer I.differ and other rail road officials on Tuesday. We presume trains will now soon run regularly. FATAL ACCIDENT.— We hear by a prfvate source that Mr. Charles Wingert, of Adarasburg, Cass Co., Michigan, formerly a citizen of Pens Twp., this county, met his death recently by a very sad accident. Mr. Wingert and his folks were haul ing in hay, he being on the wagon loading. It appears that they made the load unusually high, and while they were driving into the barn Mr. W. struck one of tire joice with bis bead, causing a fracture of the skull. He lived only a little over an hour after the accident liad happened. "DRY AS A DICTIONARY." —That phrase must pass away. into the elegant quarto edition of Wcb ster's Unabridged; see the three thou saud illustrations, handsomely en graved, interesting and instructive pictures. They are interspersed through the work in just the order in which you can most readily find them, with definition ami descrip tion. Then, again, they are classi fied, convenient for comparison. Hut this is only one of a hundred or more improvements made in the re cent edition, worth mentioning to our readers. No studious reader can afford to bo without it, or will hesitate to buy it upon examination. —Mining Prcs.i. The Pianos and Organs manufac tured by Mr. Daniel F. Beatty of Washington, Warren Co., N. J. may with the utmost confidence challenge the world to a compari son. They are unequaled and carry off the palm. We heartily recom mend them to all who contemplate purchasing such instruments. You may with perfect.confidence rely 011 Mr. Beatty, who is a gentleman of honor and integrity. See his busi ness testimonials from citizens of his native town on another page, lie will send you a first-class instru ment in every respect, as be is de ter mined t6 maintain his present en viable reputation, and be allows none other to leave his establishment. See his advertisement. Send for cata logue of prices. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, Warren Coun ty. N. J., U. & A. MARRIED. On the 17th nit.. by Rev. J. G. Shoemak cr, Mr. Gen. M. Bow er Mid Miss Martha.l. Oondo, all of Haines Township, Outrr L'o. On ttaftlut nit.. l,y tin* same, Mr. Ihui lol I). Ilnyrr, of 'Hcbcmburg, and MUs Mary A. Rough, of Madlsonburg. DIED. On the Btli Inst., >ln Potter To imlilp, Jacob Mayor, uged 82 yours. On tho 41th Inst.. Mm. Anna, wife of George Krape of Grvug Township, uged 53 years, S months ami 30 dtiya. In the death of-the deceased the commu nlty bus lost an excellent incmbcr, the faintly un atfocttonato with and mother, and the church a consistent christian, but there la consolation In believing thai llielr loss is her eternal gain. ■ 11 . . 1 ■ Arriotl and ( IMIRK of XAIIS. Malts arrive at the illllludm Tost ORicv as follows: Daily front all iolnt* cast via LewDburg, at 9 p. M. Dully from all points west via Beltefonte at 6 p. M Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, frv in north and east, via lawk Haven at 4 p. M. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urJay from north and west via Howard, at f> P. M. Malls close for east and nest, at <1 a. M. For Lock Haven and Howard, every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 5 A. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Rev. t\ F. Delnlnger w ill prench In the Evangelical Church. next Sunday morn ing. tleruian. Iter. (i. W. House will preach in the M. K. Church, next sundny evening. Kev. J. Torn lln son will preach In the Lutheran Clrurcli, Asronsbarg, nut Sun day evening. English. Lodge and Society Directory. Tlte Mlllhcim Cornet Hand w ill meet in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. Providence Grange Xo. 217 l\ of 11., meets In Alexander a hlK*k on tle 2nd Sa turtluv of each month at r. v. and on the 4th Saturday of each month at r. n. The Irving Literary Institute meets In the Town Hall, ou the last Friday evening oi each month, uirtll otherwise ordered. The Mlllhcim fl. & L Association meets In the Town Hall, on the evening of the second Monday of oHCIi month. Mlllhcim Council Mo. 30!. O. IT. A. M. meet* every Saturiluy at 8 o'clock, P. In their Council Room, Wilt's building. De gree Meetings will IK; held on Tuesday on or lie fore the full moon of each month. C. 11. HKLD, Sec. 11. F. MIUTN, C. Bellefonte Market. White Wheat. per bushel new $ 1 30 Red Wheat, per bushel new No. 1... 1 .'0 Rye, per bushel new..... 55 Corn ears, per bushel 50 Corn, shelled, per bushel..., .In eats, per bushel, new 40 Barley, per bushel w Buckwheat, per busnel 50 Cloverseed, iierbashel 6 .'0 Potatoes, per bushel new 1 no Egg*, per dozen 15 I.ard, per pniiml 10 Bacon—Shoulder* Itl Sides 10 Hams 12 Sugar Cured Hams J.'i Tallow, per pound 7 Batter, per |Kund 15 Bags, per pound 2 Ground Plaster per fun 10,00 Mllttlnbiirg Market, Butter | lfi Kegs 15 Wheat 1 75 Rye MI Corn 50 Oat* 40 Bar lev Tyranthv Hay 15 0i Clover Hay 12 ti Veal 10 Hants 14 Skies s LirUK NOTlCE^—Letter* of ml ministration on the estate of Dan iel W. Reholl. late of Miles Township, de ceased, having been granted totheunder slpned, all persons knowing themselves In debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and.t hose having claims against the same, to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. Miles twn.. F. P. Scnou., June, 28, 1877. Administrator. NOTICE.— Whereas letters of Administ ration on the estate of Michael Hazel, late of Miles Township, Centre Co., Pa., de ceased. having lieeu granted to the subscrib er. all persons knowing themselves iml< l>ted to said estate arc requested to make imme diate payment, ami those having claims against tlic same to present them duly au thenticated for settleineut. J. A. IIAZKL, Administrator. Bellefonte, July 19th, 1877. 28-6t PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPER TY.—There will be exposed to iSiliHe Sale by the under*lgned Administrator of the Estate of Michael Hazel in Madbonbiirg, Centre Co., Pa. on thel Bth of August, 1877 the following )>crsona)|propertT, viz: One Mare, one Cow, live Shonts, °ne 2- horscwagon. one Truckwaeon. one Spring wagon, one Plow, one Cook stove, 2 Room stoves with pipes, one Cupper Kettle, one singer sewing-machine, oue Keystuue sew ing machine, three Beds, one Breakfast and one Dining table, one Bureau, one Cuploard, and many other articles tea numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock P. M., when terms will be made known by J. A- HAZEL. Administrator. PUBLIC SALK.—WiII be exposed to public sale on the premises, one and a half mile south of Aanmshurg, on Thursday, August 23, 1877, at one o'clock, p. m., the following valuable proierty: A splendid farm, containing 312 acres, about 200 of which art* cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The Imlanoe is well tiiuin-red with excellent pine, hcinlock, oak, |>oplar and chestnut. Upon tIU property Is erected a good, two story dwelling house, good baru, wagon shed ana other outbuild ings. A good orchard Is on the premises. This property could be divided into two farms tq good advantage, each of which would have a never-failing spring of excellent water. This farin is situated with in two miles of Forks Station, on the L. C. & H. C. Railroad, and will be sold separately or together, to suit purchasers. Terms will be made known on day of sale. Bor further particulars apply to w MICHAEL KOKNMAN, Blanchard, Pa. or GEORGE KOKNMAN, Spring Mills, Pa. J PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.-'The heirs of PhlHp Ertel, late Gregg Townshlji. deceased, will offer at public sale, two valuable fa rms, as follows: August 4th. on the premises, that certain farm in Haines Township, adjoining lands of A. Dutweiler, deceased. Jacob Stover, David Krape and others, containing about 113 acres —nearly all of which Is cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Thereon Is erected lion.se, barn ami oilier outbuildings, orchard and spring of excellent water. August 11th, on tho premises, that certain farm situate In Gregg Township, adjoining lands of Daniel Weaver. Daniel Zcigier, P. W. Zeigler. Samuel Gobble and others, containing about 143 acres, of which about 100 are cleared and under cultivation, the balance being well timbered. Thereon erected a dwelling house, barn, saw mill, and otlier outbuildings, two or chards, and spring of good water. Terms will be made Known on days of sale. 1 The Hvirs of Fill LI I' LitTLL, deed. HARDWARE I JAMES HARRIS & CO., Dealers in Hardware, 'o. 5. Brockeriwff Bow, j BELLEFOUTE, 3?_A_. I I ' • M-OLPEMT HARDWARE NTORR IN CENTRE CO.-fcA Complete lino of Hardware of IUI Kind* at the LOWEST PRICES. The Celebrated Barley Sheaf Coot store & Anchor Beater.,! | __________ j CALL AND SEE. HARDWARE HARDWARE *. F. HI'KNHAM'N "17I" WATER-WHEEL I* declared the "STANDARD T CUB INF. by over 0V |M*raons who use It. Prloes re duced. New pamphlet, froe. X, F. BURN. HAM, York, Pa. 26-lw New and Thrilling! MILLIONS EAGER FOR IT!! 3QOO Agent* wan led for the C.BCBT By the Unfolds the ftranoe social, political and religious pecnll. unities and History of the Mutxian* and Turks; cause of the war. mighty interests at stake; Biographic* of Itulcrs, etc. Richly Illustrated. For terms, address quickly. HCBBARI) BROS., Pubs., 733 Sanawin St., l'Mla, I'a. 2*-4wr VEGETINE. 1 !^ 175 r.altic St.. Jiraoklyn. X. V. Xov. 14.1*74. H. 11. STKVENS, KIWJ. Dear Sir,—From p*r •oual benefit rccelveu by Its uc, as well as from personal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miracu lous, 1 can most heartily and sincerely re comincml the VKOKTINK for the complaints which It is claimed to rure. J AXKS P. Lutu-ow, //Of" I'a*tor tbbury Jlaptisl Church, Sac. ramcnto, U. 25- INV TRIFLING WITIX A I "OLD 19 ATWAI9 DASUKICOt S. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, „ a sum remedy fo COl'linS, :ui all distutfies of the TMROAT, U'NGt*, UHKST ami MIUOIH MKM BRINK. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUB BOXES. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C. X.CULTf ENTOX, 7 SIXTH AV enue, Xew York. AfiDC lT OFFER!! Bllirii | We will during ■ these bar, l Tim es db|kM> of 100 PI AN OS A ORGANS, new and M*conil-b*nd of first-clam uinkcrs in eluding W ATERS* at lower prices for cash or Installments or tolet until paid fortluin ever In-for.- offered. WATERH* GRAND >4/1 AltK ami t FRIGHT PlAN<* A tops fiM, 9 St,qje #7l, W Stops fv. l SUqm #IOO cash, not ustsl a venr. In nerfert order ami warmnGwL 1-G4A Lund Tlt.W KLIXti AGENTS WANTED. Illust rate,! Cwlnlognes Mailed. A lilteral tlls count to TV.ioiem. AGiustrf. Chv.rchrx. etc. sheet music at luilf price. IIOU.VCE WA TERsA>ONS, Mitnuf*<-turers A Dealers. 40 East 14th St., Union Square, N. Y. 4w WASTE YOUR MONEY WHY TV ASTK YOU R MON F.Y WHY WASTE YOUR MONEY IN SUCH HARD TIMES IN SUCH HARD TIMES IN bUCII H.Villi TIMES IT WILL TAY YOU IT WILL PAY YOU r • ■ TO COME TO OUR STORK TO COME TC Ol B HI ORE For anything lu the Hue of Dry Uoods, Clothing:, farpets, Ol! t'lMhs, Boats A Nhaes, Dm taCMMIs, Natlaaa, Trim - Mlarc Ar. We are selling—LADlES SHOES at *I.OO eta We are selliNg—Ladto* But inn Shoes at *l-10 We are selling—Ladies WhKe Hose at 5 eta We are aeillng—Ladles nandkerehiefs at 5c We are selling—DßESS GOODS at 8 cents We aro selling—Dress Goods at 10 cents We arc seIIing—CALICOES at 5 cents Wc are seIIing—SHIRTINGS at 8 cents We are selllng-SroOL COTTON at 2 cents Wc aro selling—LADlES DOLMANS 82.50 c. Wc are selling—Ladles Trimmed Hats at 1.50 Wc arc se lb n g—l -adies Til in med Hats at 1.75 We are selling—Ladies Trimmed Hats at 2.00 Wo are selßng-CARrF.TS at 30 cents i "• We are seIHug—CARPETS at 25 couts Wfe are selling-Ingrain Carets at 30 cents We are Belting—Brussels Carpets at *I.OO . We are selHng—MEN'S SUITS at 85-08 Iu fact we are selling everything usually kept iu a large and well se lected stock for less than any other house in Centre County.' ? ilt will pay you to cull and see for your selves S.&A.LOEB. DAV. I. BROWN, . Manufacturer and Dealer in TIX-WAIE, STOVEPIPE 4 TRIMMINGS, SPOTTING and FRUIT CANS. Would respectfully Inform the public that ! he keens on hand or makes to order all kinds of TISWABB, HTOVB riXTt'BKs, rariTcasH, etc.. etc. S SPOUTING A SPECIALITY !3 Fruit cans always on hand* KepalrliiK done at short notice. Having some teu yeafMfperletiee In the I HI sines* he flatters him self that bis work Is hilly eqnal to any In this section of the counter. A share of the pnbHe's patronage la respect fully solicited, ntwa, strand Biw af FMt*a Klare, IlllhrtM, Pegna. •CFANCY CA KIW *H new style* with name 10cts. postpaid. 3. B. IICSTEP. Nassau. N. Y. 23-4 w 11 tfl ill# See this. Only tI.GO capital BooKgpp*M ply, with stamp, t P A 1J U A CJQPDO .lohu K. Hallow ell, UAH V A U U U li B 139 East Eight St, New York. 4w The Black Hills. By If. S. Maori Kit, who has spent 12 years in this region. Latest accounts of Hold and Sil/er prospects. Agricultural and Grazing resource*. Climate, Hunting, Fishing, Indi ans, and Settler's Adventures with them. Mining and Wild Weatern IJh\ the Water falls. (toiling Geysers, noble .Sceuery, Ira niensc Gorges, etc. With 27 fine illustra tions. and one map. Price aaly JO eta Sold by ALL N KWBIIKALEBS. or sent post-paW for 12c. by IHINXCLLY LOYD & CO.. I'ubs, Chicago, ILL. 4w ■HB ■ ThsTtp Top rwki|ili the liiml T I Pa jr-""T'"*° Kr.?Cpf, Hmdt,Pro-bofcW, &ntd •a ro. Sei of fgMt Odd tkwa Button*. Oonf LSKU DUjnood Ha, MM* I *r* au>oKio|tl>dd • AmoUljdStone Srmrf Tin OuM pUiodVeddtaf Hint Hd Koaotrad Kr Una ahim' nwwrry Gx>ds are sold at this old and reliable store. The third Immense stock of Dry OSMIS, t'nrpetw. Ac., for the spring and Mummer trade is just being opened at prices belmv any ever before known. 5000 yards aU SILK KHOGRAIN RIBBON beautiful shades, only 15 ct*. jn>r yard. JfO now PABASOW, SPRING STTIX*. com mencing at 19 eta. a piece. Lot BLACK KID GLOVES, all sizes 25 eta. a pair. 500 Packs PINS, at S cts. a pack. 1000 yards PRESS LINENS, all pure i. IN KS. from IO cts. a yard up. .1000 yards BEAUTIFF!. SPRING STYLE PRINTS, warranted fast colors at se. sc. se. 6c. sc. sc, sc. sc. sc. per y, Pair MENU* HALF IIOSEat Scts. a pr. 200 Pair LADIKtr HOSF. al eta. I-aige stock beautiful ready mad* LA IMES* SPRING SKIRTS, *7 cts. Immense Stock ready made LINENSLITS roB 1 ADIEU, very cheap. Our Stock of STRIPKO & PLAIN SILKS. BKILLIAKTfNfSff, AIXWOOI, DK B.VISIL EM. PLAIDS * KLMMKR DRESS GOODS, comprlsaa aU the choicest styles In endless ; variety. Tim largest and cheapest stack of BANT INGS, SHIRTINGS, TICKINGS, Mukxn*. T Wr- INGS, Tahi k LINENS, MENS' & Boys' Mua MEM ever brungbt to Lock Haven, attbe Bee llir* juat beingopwtedthj week. New Stock CARPET. Handsome IXGRAIN CARPET, only 28 cts. a yard. FLOOR On. CLOTH, 2 yards wide, only 75 , Large Stock kif 5 PLY AM Fine CAKPBT CHAIN and WINDOW CLRTINS, cheap, . ftememb.ar Uw Great BEE HIVE DRY GOOD STORE, #i XIIX STBKKT, LOCK HAVEN, PA. J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor. rWanted-50U0 ft. Hood TUB WASHED WOOL in exchange for Dry AND*S NEW YORK CTTY BUSINESS XV DIttECTOBY FOR 1877. Tbe second volume of tills valuable and Indispensable work lias Just lieou Issued by tlie Publish eiw, Measrs. Walter Heugb & Co., of 3 Park Place, New York. No pains or expense has been spared In the production of pivsent volume, to make it eomplete and reliable. In lypogmnldoal appearance and bludlng. oerUilnly ft L* a flue specimen of bookumlctng. It oontalus over one hund red pages more matter than the lost year's volume, which lias added largely to the cost of ihe production of the work, and compelled tue Publishcrsto Issue hereafter only tlie fall cloth bouud edition at One Dollar per cony, upon the receipt of which sum tboy will forward the work to any ad dress In the United States or Canada, by mull, postage prepaid. FOB Health* Comfort | • ECONOMY. Cork Shavings are unsurpassed as an ar tlcle for Beds, Mattresses, &c. They are teu times as durable as Husks or Straw. Only 6 cents per lb. Forty pounds will fill the largest bed. For sale by AKWSTROW, BO. &Co., 11 audi 6 First Avenue, Pittsburgh, fa. 25-lnt 8 Mrs liter*?"- i The most praclkwl, . pJr.and effective I" per lor advantage at rr.;* gate is UIT kmiwletlged. Addrtn C. T. AIjCOTT&M Mfra. of AN heels aim t Machinery, Mors? HOIXT, N. J. *Ya - , manufuclHriitg rl'jhu. IHSIIEANCEMEN! I AGENTS WANTED ' —roit TR— New England Mntnai Life Ins. f the oldest mutual In the country,Vhart, 1 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN MAK ICN A AVAKI! IV. l Apt to, 1.13 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia- Daniel F. Beatty s RORORNRONVT CAIXIOW.-tTlic reputation . have £*-, ( ami the erlebrtty of mv Orgm**, have in. -' - ed some unprincipled parlies and agr, • to eopp my circulars, nnd misrepresent .w ■ instruments; against this the ptildie ;< hereby cautioned. All my Organs,be*r u.,- trade-inak. Golden Tongue, and all my \ • no* have the word PI ' VQ tuntarhta and also have nty nam<4HHlHfand t* deuce. DAMKI. F. BEATTT. Washtuton, ,*. J., without which none fo genuine. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washing; <>n. N. J., U. S, a , LfBE &£, HEALTH WITHOUT IBLUEAND REDKL I *^':: L "QHT |now rag" The oalv book practically treating this *>, ./ universally absorbing topic shows hoe ... •PPiy treat men t, ami tell* f many ti„.. I aftaSsfr % George Fehl, "W agon-Maker, AARtiNSBIRG, PEWA, Ail kinds of Wagons mada fo Order, BEATTTSggi The best and most lasting parlor organ now- in use. No other parlor crgan baaovti attained the same popularity. It has been tented by thousands, many of issssiff^ 1 "' *•***' The music is adapted to the hnaMii roier. ranging from the softest flute-like not* to a vol unit' of sound unsurpassed by any lustra meat. This instrument las all the jbjtegj Improve ments, and cverv onun 1s taffy warranted for six years Hesuiltful nil polish., Mack waj. "•-WJSi!** wWch wHT not OtACK mt WARP. and Xursns. to adiUHtui to a cplen. did instrument of music, a tK-autital piece of Ittrnlturc. This araut newds only to he wen to he ap preciated, and Is sold at extremely low Dg- Atres for cash, fecund band anst* iiatents taken jn exchange. - Agent* wanted, male or female, to every (vrHmtvln-the Untied states and Canada, a liberal discount made to teachers, ministers churches, schools, lodges, etc., where f have no agents. Illustrated catalogue, nd price *st free. Correspondence solicited. Agent dl*oiMrt given vwfeere 1 have no aptgtto. Bes ♦tier ever given now ready. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wasldngton. Nem ierssy, U. S. A. W 4\TED We Md!l fT *w* * Men and women Business that will Par from fl to DS per day, can t* pnratted In your own neighborhood, and j stnetly hnn oraWe *. , (yetictciare fret, or samples worth several dollars that w 111 enable vou to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt ol tlfty cents. . D0. 9 READ THIS!! A eVumcefttralltomttkßurMstreiziGiipy, ANDOrTTHB DKUT UO#t>S THK MARKET. TEAS, COFFEES, &L. At lower prion than the same dualities can tw bought at any athur buuM iu Gila omutry. All guods guaranteed to be aatts faruwy andmrepreseled. or the immey Jll be refunded on return of tne good*, which may be doue atoar expense TherepHtoUoutd *tur house lor seilluc standard goods at Trice*. (fm DK vearsV. hus given us a staadafd to Nam York City and rtdtilty. that is not culoycd by any -other hooaa in the tcude After mature do liberation we have deicntiiiied to offer onr goods to houaekoepersln the tfeertor. at the lowest Mbolwißle Trade Prfoea, wlieu a Ciublsformod targe enough to make a smalt ■case. The goods of each mejtdier of the olub will be put lu superate packages, and mark eti with uame and coot, mas to aauid con fusion An distrthotimx GoodswII) be sent by Kxnrcss tol'otWvt on DefHorv. Ail u ishtug to save uioney dy nurehaslng fajtdly sun plies at New York wholesale Prices ean tofk the matter ovet Ai.-ugg friends And ncW:- UrA and send n as for Club ( ".reular. Frit* Hst, Ac. AVe glue a gresontwf either goods, or ntoiM-Y to the JKTSOU who gets up tlie club, to oomyensate fort rouble t. Hamnles f • by maa feUS fof Rriee llst, ami Club Ctreular. 4w Stirrer's New York dc Gblna Tea M. R MOSES & CO., 77,79, *L M and VEBKY £r2^SLrf 8 * C, - *_••_ 4w Beat hdrgajnsln Amertcft.Dt'DlffO .L V". amt eaUtogiki fretjJUHo VancWa. Dover, IVI. ay Meoes sheet jnusie, retails for H.'A SBfiaßtaar"*- # AVE "WILL ES" Zji°sr. most lteautllul color, ever seen tor llThrv are inotinr ed in Bxlo black eityiml jMid g*d mats, oval : *d otrtoclTanrtlrimr now bclotw the publte. batlsfactloii guor.-uttcotl. Two sampl es for 25 eents, or for 50 cents. Mend % cent* for patwl 11 hist rated catalogue with chrwmo of Moonlight ou the ltldiie, of 20 ocnts for two JAttdsoawesmd Calla LfHeaou '25&52* ma gSS?k rORTIAK. est Miiton H Gold .lewetry Combination I out Consisting H of elegant K MM watch chain, la ■■ ■■ dies' handsome M brooch, and ear H drops, pair V HH HHHHW gaiit gold stone Hi deeve buttons, set,.spiral studs, collar button, heavy plain wedding ring, and get to' Parisian diamond SI". The above articles sent, post-paid, for ® CTR. have bean retailed lor DO. Bauk riipt stock and must be sold. Solid MtUon Gold NVatches, 9U)cauh. for speculative pur. poses, g.xnl timers, |n appearance to a fCJOO genuine gold. "His reputation for honesty, fair dealing and liberality la un equaled by any advertiser in this city."—.V }.Da Soot. Doe. 16,1870. FOHTAGK ST AMI H TAKEN AS CASH. F. STOCKY! AN 27 BOND ST.. New York.