®.|e fournal Tiller & Deiniuer. Proprietors * B. O. Dkimngkr, Associate Editor. lillhcim.Thursdn) June2B, Terms—Bl.so Per Annum. THEY DOXT LIKE IT. The Republican Press and party do not like Mr. Tilden's recent speech one particle, and it is no won der. They know that they are in unjust, if | lo t illegal possession of the Federal government, with its vast patronage and many odices, and it irritates them to be reminded of the Great Fraud that keeps them in power against the Large majority for Tilden. They wince and squirm at the slightest allusion to the mat ter. No doubt that kind, amiable gen tleman. Mr. Havre, feels the aching void of a good title—a title based on the w ill of the majority—more keen ly than any man. It is said tliat . he appears haggard and care-worn. , He courts the good will of the people in every }>ossible wav. Promises, and partially enforces, civil service reform. He makes tours, east and south, mingles with the masses in order to gam their respect and love, but it win not avail. He will pass into history as the "fraudulent Pres ident." The great Ilenty Clay once said : "I would rather be right than Pres ident. " Mr. Haves would rather be President than right. Ho has his choice and with it the consequences. It almost seems as if John Bull had nothing else to do just now than to fete and toast and dine and lionize generally, a certain Mr. Grant, late President of the U". S. If all this useless and nonsensical fuss is in tended as personal compliments to the great smoker, it may be all right and auswer the same purpose to the British Lords and Peers as any other innocent pastime. But if it is seriously intended as complimentary to us as a nation, it fails most woe fully of its object. Grant was a fair general but a miserable failure as a President. Ilis administration lias flie unenviable uistinction of having been the mos* corrupt of any the nation ever had. ARTFUL FIRE AT ST. JOHX, X. B. THREE FOURTHS OF THE TON X DESTROYED. trfjU Imm of Life >t ml Property. St. John, X. 8., June 21. Yester day afternoon at about 21 o'clock, a fire broke out in McLaughlin's Boil er works, at York Point, an outskirt of the city. The flames were fed by a sharp north-west wind, and soon spread into and over the business part of the city. In a short spsice of time Market Street, Market JSquare, Dock Street, Pr. Williams Street, Water Street, King Street King Square, German Street, Can terbury Street, Princess Street. Duke Street, Charlotte Street, Or ange Street and the whole of Coye district, Sydney and Connarthen Street, were a sea of fire and are now a mass of ruins. 18 churches, 7 ho tels, 5 printing offices, 7 public build - irgs and not less than 83 large busi ness houses, have fallen victims to the flames. Several large ships in the harbor are also burned up. Ten lives were lost. The loss of proper ty is estimated at 10 to 15 millions of dollars, while the insurance will hardly cover 6 millions. Every street, square and alley is filled with furniture and thousands of people are without eitlier food or shelter. The International Com pany's steamer New York sheltered and fed 1,000 persons last night, and the vessels in the stream have large numbers of people on board. Thous ands had to get away from the lower part of the city by boats. Wo men and children are 111 the streets prying fcr bread, and the scene beg gars description. WAKE UP. The rail road is coming, that is, trains will soon be running, so wake up! If we as a town and community would realize the full benifits which the railroad, in conjunction with our favorable location for trade and bus iness, justify us to expect, we must bestir ourselves and make judicious use of the means at hand to seeure those benefits. If we expect the travel and trade of our neighboring townships and valleys, we must show that we deserve it. It will not do to stand around idly, hands in pockets, expecting the rail road to bring ue riches, without an effort on our part. We must waJce up. The old, accustomed ruts of twenty and thirty years ago, must be dis carded, and we must take a new de parture—in business—in schools and in educational matters—in public en terprises generally.! The several roads that approach town, should be putin good condi tion. The turnpike companies should be urged to improve their roads, iu anticipation of increasing travel and revenue, and especially should the new road to the depot be opened and completed as soon as possible. In town there is much room for improvement. For instance, we should liave good, substantial side walks throughout, not for our own comfort only—but to make our place agreeable and attractive to others whom we expect to come here on bus iness or pleasure. "We should not stand on a few dollars of cost in this and other needed improvements, but give liberally according to our means, to every useful enterprise. We can not all nave fine, showy houses or places of business, because the most of us are poor, or at best in very moderate circumstances; but we can maintain some order and neatness In whatever we do possess or occupy. There is no excuse even for a poor man, to suffer premises, out-build - ings, fences and sidewalks to dilapi date and go to decay. Mauy other points might be touch ed, but as we have much more to say, we will resume the subject again. There were thirty-five applicants for the eight schools of Bellefonte over four to each school—most of \hem competent teachers. This shows a large surplus of teachers. 4TH OF JULY IB77. Grand Rail Road Excursion through the Mountains. Col. James Mooro & Sons will'run an Excursion Train on the L. C. & S. C It. It., from Spring Mills to Laurel ton —the most romantic part of the route —July 4th. Tho Train will leave Spring Mills at about 8 A. m., Forks at 8.20, and arrive at Lau relton at about 9.30, where a Basket Picnic will be held inn beautiful grove adjacent. The Train will return in time to enable those living at a dist ance to reach home the same day. A thousand seats will be provided so that none need fear of being left behind. The celebrated Millheim Cornet Band has fieen engaged to accompany the Excursion. Let us properly celebrate our National Birth day aud inaugurate our foiulliug Railroad, around which our hopes and fears so long have clustered. Tickets for the round trip will bo 50 cents. Schoch, of the MtjHinbury Trie, graph, goes on at a terrible rate about their proposed excursion to Spring Mills, on the Fourth. He threatens to print about a column of names, bring some tive hands and at Iwist twenty-five speakers for the il qlorious 'msitm," —and all from little Union countv. The fellow is absolutely getting dang* rsome, and we call upon our friend, Geo. W. Foote, to take charge of him. The way he talks is enough to throw us folks up hereout of our equilibrium, and so we concluded to have noth ing to do with that crowd, hut get up an excursion on our own hook. Of course we have but one kind but that is a qood one, and the one, or at most two speeches, will of course be of tho same quality. TIIE FOURTH AND THE EICIRSIOX. We have a letter from Col. Slifer, President of our rail road, under date of the 22nd in winch lie says: "Our first thought was to bring your people here on the 4th of July, but that would involve two trips. In the unfinished condition of our road we will have to run very slowly and two trips, each loaded, would consume too much time, and would necessarily hasten you and protract our stay to probably a late hour. We none to have our raid done in July, and I will get you a train to join us in a Grand Jlarccst Home celebration early in August. Trust we shall meet you and our friends generally, 011 the 4th when we can talk this matter over. The people of this county will give you a hearty reception whenever it will be convenient for you to come.'' We fully* appreciate the kind feel ings of Col. Slifer toward o*r people, and it pains us .that we must forego the pleasure of meeting him and others at Spring Mills, 011 the Fourth. (Mf people^have waited with a i>a tience that Job might have envied for an opportunity to have an ex ursion and it would be cruel to deny them the pleasure. Mar yof them never saw a rail road, even, and their anxiety for a trip has reached its utmost tension. Our excursion is promised and ar ranged and must proceed. However under all circumstances, "Let us have peace." Mr. Tuten,of the BeWfoute Jie pnblican, must indeed be hard up for matter to fill his pai>er, when he ad mits into his columns such stuff as a certain correspondent who signs himself "Wyoming.'' and pretends to write from Millheim, sent to that paper last week. What ?x>ssible good can be accomplished, we ask Mr. Tuten, by calling people such pet names as "idiotic maniacs" and "consummate asses ?" Such lan guage may* serve the i>erson using it the same purjKise as does a safety valve at a steam engine—keen the bilcr from bursting, but it is certain ly out of place in such a high-toned journal as the Ilcpublicuu pretends to be. "Wyoming" purports to write from Millheim, but that's too tiiin. The language is too coarse and vulgar for this locality. If Col. Coburn feels very thankful for such a vindication, then we entirely mis take the man. That's all. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Mr. R. 11. Duncan bad the mis fortune to lose a very valuable horse, on Saturday. lie drove to Bellefonte and back, aud on the ro;ul near An drew Komman's the horse dropped down dead. Ice cream of a No. 1 quality at J. D. Long's, every Saturday evening. The latest sensation in this neck of woods M-as a young man collaring a lady 76 years old anil putting her out of the house by force. Shame. The farnier's Mills Band assisted by the String Band of this place, en tertained their friends at their place of meeting, on Friday evening. They played exceedingly well. As the track nears our town, the R. R. excitement and 4th of July spirit goes up to fever beat. Col. Moore will be here with a train to run an excursion to Laurelton. Ev erybody is going. All aboard ? Hurrah ! The Journal is growing popular with our i>eople. Its timely editori als and spicy locals are very much liked. YONEY. REBERSBURG FRAGMENTS. Notwithstanding the unsettled state of the weather, farmers are be ginning to mow. The leading question at present is, are you going to the Grand Pic nic on the Fourth ? Judging from the answers given to this question, our valley will be fairly represented, yet our delegation would be larger were it not for the report that sever al trains will be run and tliat a col lision might occur. On Saturday evening our town was enlivened with sweet strains of music, displayed by a few Italians whose instruments consisted of a harp, violin and flageolet. The German Reformed Church is approaching completion, making the fourth in our town, whereas one might do, were it not for the follies of humanity. Truly, Rebersburg is becoming trie town of churches, as | Poughkeepsic is the town of schools and colleges. ANON. The verb "to go." SINGULAR. I am going, you arc going, he Is going. PLURAL. Tie arc going, You are going, They are going— TO LAURELTON ON THE 4TH. I\ s. Latest by Telegraph. Everybody is going, ■ -♦♦♦ • "■ Haying has commenced. Ilarry, the Grocer, has just put up a neat and tasty sign. That means business on the first lloor. The weather is very unsettled— rain every day—which very much interferes with hay-making. Are you going to laurel ton on the Fourth V Certainly; are you ? To le sure I am, with wife, children and all. The question is not who will go with the excursion to Laurelton, but who will stay at home to take care of tho babies and do the feeding. Three Penns Valley farms are of fered for sale in to-days Journal — one by Mr. Michael Kornman, the other two by the heirs of Philip Er tel, deceased. — ♦ ■ And so they have succeeded at last to get up a first class scandal, in a certain locality, down the val ley. Happy people ! always some thing on the tapis to keep tongues from rusting. The Lewisburg Jour mil says : A new pest to the corn crop has made Its appearance this season, in the shape of a worm, about an Inch lonjr, about the six teenth part of an inch thh-K, and of a dark russet color. It cuts thft young corn off un der the surface of the ground, and utterly destroys it. AH the corn it touches has to be replanted. A good deal of alarm is felt regarding this worm. —— ♦ + ♦- • In Penns Valley, from about Spring Mills to Woodward, and throughout Brush Valley—that is to say in that particular part of Urra firma where the Journal does mostly circulate —there will be a good aver age crop of wheat, an extra ditto of hay, while corn, oats and iKitutoes are very promising. The Bellcfonte Band has recently appeared on the street of that town with new instruments, in new uni forms and new hats. The Watch, man thinks they have a capital band and need not lje ashamed to have their boys play anywhere—all of which we have not the slightest wish to gainsay. Mr. William Ilenney is busy as a lieaver, hauling stone, lundier and other necessaries lor a first class brick house, to lie erected next summer. At that rate the Ilill is likely to get ahead of Strnsburg in the line of fine houses, but des dunkt die dtr J*aff\ they are all rich up there, and we Strastmrgers most all-tired i>or— except Dan Musser—and he has all the buildings he wants. Thnt\< ichat'.s the matter. Thursday of last week was per haps the greatest hanging day evei hail in the United States. Six mur derers Mere hung at Pottsville-, four in Maueh Chunk, and oneat Wilkes harre, all memlicrs of the murderous Molly Maguirc uand. The paj>ers give a full account of the tragedies in minute and horrid detail, which MO do not care to lay l>efore our read ers, as we can not see the propriety or protit of such reading. •— . ■■ Of twenty-two lowa Republican county conventions, held 011 one day hist Meek, Ailawakee stood alone in endorsing the policy of the President. The other twenty-one either maintained a sullen silence or voted against the Ilaves administra tion, as did the leading Republican comities of Pennsylvania. What sort of tigs does Republicanism ex pect to gather from such a liouiit.i fui crop of political thistles? Re ferred to Don Cameron Philadel phia limes. Some folks manage to have vaca tion all the year round, while j>oor printers have only two, and very s l mrt ones at that, the weeks in M'hieh occur the 4th of July and Christmas. So there Mill lie no Journal next Meek, neither will there lie an} job work done for friend or foe. The only items of business we could lie prevailed noon to transact would be to take in orders for jobs, cash, and fill up receipts, and M*e don't eveu care to be bothered with that, but hojie many of our friends will take time by the fore lock and call around thisM'cek. We are short —come. L. C. tb, in which the details of tho Excur sion are fully given. The trains wil 1 not run fast, and will pass each other at Laurelton or Cherry Itun siding. JVo collision can ooctcr. Regular p;issenger cars will be pro vided for ladies. Come along, friends. Moore & Sons, rail road contract ors, are doing their level best to com- Slete the track to Spring Mills, by tie Fourth, and the chances are that they will reach it. But whether they do or not, it will not prevent the ex cursion to Laurelton. It. It. Bridgens Sb Co. have the Contract for the building of the De pots at Forks and Spring Mills. We understand that the work is to be commenced at ouce. Very obstinate and troublesome are old sores and ulcers. Yet how easily may they be healed. All that is necessary is to use freely Glenn's Sulphur Soap dissolved in water as a lotion. Deiot Crittentoil's No. 7 Sixth Avenue. New York. Hill's Hair Whisker Dye, black or brown, 60 cts. 4w * All who contemplate purchasing a Piano or Organ, who want excel lence of tone, combined with beauti of const uetion, and who want an oi nament fora parlor, Cliurch, School room, Lodge or Reception room, and who admire business promptness and fair dealing can secure all these by addressing the celebrated manufac turer of organs and pianos, Daniel F. llentty, Washington, Warren county, >l. J., U. S. A. See his advertisement on other places. MARRIED. On the 14th Inst., by the Hev. It. IT. Fletch er, Mr. William E. (hum to MKs Annie F. Iloniler, both of Mppeuose Valley, Lycom ing county, Pa. ■ " Arrival and Cloviuir of HnlU. Malls arrive at the Millhcim Post Office as follows : Daily from all points cast via Lowisburg, at 9 i'. M. Daily from all points west via Bellcfonte at 6 r. M . Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, firm iH>rth and cast, via Lock ltaven at 4 r. M. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from north ami west via Howard, at 6f. M. Malls close for cast and west, at 6 A. M. For Lock llavcn and Howard, every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 5 A. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Preaching in the Lutheran Church, Auronshtirg, next Sunday afternoon at 2J o'clock, by the Pastor. Ger man. The sacrament of the Lord's sup per will be celebrated in the IT. B. Church, next Sunday, Rev. J. M. Smith officiating. M. E. quarterly meeting at Spring Mills, next Sabbath. ' Rev. C. F. Deininger will preach in the Evangelical Church, next Sunday evening. Lodge and Society Directory. The Millhcim Cornet Band will meet in the Town Hall oil Monday and Thursday evenings. Providence Grange No. 217 P. of il,. meets in Alexander's block on the 2nd Saturday of each month at G$ P. M. and on the fourth Saturday of each month at H P. M. The Irving Literary Institute meets in the Town Hall, on the last Friday evening of each month, until otherwise ordered. The Miilheim R. A L. Association meets in Town Ilall, on the eveuing of the second Monday of each month Miilheim Council No. 309, O. U. A. M. meets every Saturday at 8 o'clock, p. M.. in their Council Room, Wilt's Ruilding. IVgree Meetings will be held on Tuesday on or before the full ntoon of each month. * R. F. MILLER, C. CIIAS. 11. HELD, Sec. Jtellcfoiite Mnrkrl. White Wheat. per bushel new t 1 so Red Wheal, per luisliel new No. 1... 1 so Rye, per buslid new 35 Corn ears, per bushel an ''urn, shelled, jvr bushel stl oafs, jH'r bushel, new 40 Ha rlev. per bushel 50 Buckwheat, per buxiic! .> utoverseed, jer bushel ('.oe(tO 50 Potatoes, jtcr bushel new 1 25 |M*r dozen 15 Lard, |er jMiund io Haeon—Shoulders 10 Sides ]u Hams 12 SujKtr Cured llanis 15 Tallow, per pound 7 Putter, per pound ]_> -t |toiind •" CJround Plaster per ton lO.txi MiminburK Market. Butter $ 14 Euks 1.5 N\ heat 1 75 Bye S3 Corn so Oats Barley Tvmotliy flay 1.5 01 Clover Hay 12 00 £<**> 10 Hams U Sides M I-*rd lu Cloveneed r 01 Tyinothysccd 1 2.5 Flaxseed 1 40 azillhelm Vl(\rket. Wheat 1 7* Com 50 Rye ,V. Oats .50 Barley 50 Tvinothyseed 50 Flaxseed 50 Cloverseed poo Butter II Hams 1.5 tides in Veal 8 Kwis 12 Potatoes. 1 00 Lard 9 Tallow 7 Soap 7 Dried Apples 4 Dried Peaches Dried Cherries 5 Announcements. Wc are authorized to announce J. M. KEICHMNB, Esq., of Bcllcfoiite, as a candidate for District Attorney. Subject to tlie deei lon of the Democratic county convention, PUBLIC SALE.— Win ic exposed to raMta sale on the premises, one and a half inile southjof Aaronshurg, 011 Thursday, August 2.1.18 il, at one o'clock, r. M., the following valuable property: A splendid farm, containing 312 acres, alKmt 2U of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The balance Is well timbered with excellent pine, hemlock, oak, poplar and chestnut, t'pon this property Is erected a good, two story dwelling house, f:ood barn, wagon shed and other nntbuild ngs. A good orchard is 011 the premises. This property could be divided into two farms to good advantage, each of which would have a never-failing spring of cxcell ent water. This farm is situated wit h in two miles of Forks Station, on the L. C. ft H. C. lfallrnad. and w 111 lie sold separately or together, to suit purchasers. Terms will lie made knowir 011 day of sale. For further particulars apply to MICHAEL KOKNMAN, Blancliard, Pa. or GEORGE KOKNMAN, Spring Mills, Pa. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The heirs ot Philip Krtol, late of Gregg Township, deceased, will oiler at public sale, two valuable fa r 111s, as follows: August 4th. on tlie premises, that certain farm In Haines Township, adjoining lands of A. Dutweller, deceased. Jacob Stover, David Krape and others, containing about 111 acres —nearly all of which Is cleared and 111 a good state of cultivation. Thereon Is erected house, barn and other outbuildings, orchard and spring of excellent water. August lltli, on the premises, that certain farm situate in Gregg Township, adjoining lands of Daniel Weaver. Daniel Zcigler, P. W. Zcigler, Samuel Gobble and otliers. containing about 143 acres, of which about 100 are cleared and under cultivation, the balance being well timbered. Thereon erected a dwelling house, barn, saw mill, and other outbuildings, two or chards, and spring of good water. Terms win be made known on days of sale. The Heirs of PHILIP EIMTKL, dee'd. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Dan iel \V. Sclioll, late of Miles Township, de ceased, having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. Miles twp.. F. P. SUHOU.. June, 2s, 1877. Administrator. HARDWARE JAMES HARRIS & CO., Dealers in Hardware, Ao. A Brocksrli off Itoic, BELLEFOITTE, IELAI. •rOl.nrNT IMRUWARC NTOSE IN CENTRE CO.'U #■ Complete line of Hardware of all Kinds at the LOWEST PRICES. The Celebrated Barley Sheaf Cook Store & Anchor Heater- CALL AND SEE. 55 HARDW HARDW ARE IRA T. COTTI.K, Fashionable Tailor, Centre Hall. Having opened rooms on the 2nd floor of Wm. Wolf's warehouse, he Is prc|t*rtsd to manufacture all kinds of men's and boy's garments, according to the latest styles, and upon shortest notice, and all work warranted to render satisfaction. Cutting and repair inx done. 25 ly. . RELLEFONTE BREWERY, LEWIS HAAS, Proprietor. Bellefontr, 2-5-1 Pa. TRIFLING WITH A COLD JS AT WAYS DANGKHOVS. rsr. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. a sure remedy for COt'KIIK, an all diseases of the THROAT. Lt'.NttS, CHKST and MCCOI'H MEMBRANE. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUB BOXES. SOLD BY ALL D BUG GISTS. C. X.CRITTENTON,7 SIXTH AV ENUE. New York. 6 New nieces sheet music, retails for *1 .75, sent for lOets. and stamp. Cheap Music Co., Middlelmro, M iss. 4w GLEBE'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Disease of the Skin, Beautifies the Complexion, Prevents and remedies Rheumatism and Wont, Ilenls bores and Abra sions or the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. SOLD BY AI.L DRKiISTS. PRICES—2S Cents |KT Cake ; Box ( I Cakes) 70 Cents. N. H.—Sent by Mail, Prepaid, on receipt of price. N". c. t'RITTKNTON. I'rop'r, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. V. 4w "yyilY WASTE Tout MONET WHY WASTE YOCIt MONEY WHY WASTE YOUR MONEY IN SUCH H ARD TIMES IN SCCH MAUD TIMES IN SUCH HARD TIMES IT WILL PAY YOU IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME TO OUR STORE TO COME TC OCR STOKE For anything In the line of Dry Good*, Clothing, Carpel*, Oil Cloth*, Coots A Shoes, Dress Gooiln, Notion*, Trim ming*, Ac. We arc sclllng-LADIES SHOES at *I.OO cts Wc arc selling—Ladies Button Shoes at *1.50 We are selling—Ladles White Hose at 5 cts Wc arc soiling—Ladies Ilandkc rcldcfs at 5c We are selling—DltESS GOODS at 8 cents We are selling—Dress Goods at 10 ceuts Wc arc seIIing—CALICOES at 5 cents Wc are. seIIing—SHIRTINGS at 8 cents We arc selling—SPOOL COTTON at 2 Cents We are selling-LADIES DOLMANS *2.50 c. Wc aro selling—ladies Trimmed llats at 1.50 Wc are selling—Ladies Trimmed Hats at 1.75 We are selling—Ladles Trimmed Hat sat 2.00 We aro seIIing—CARPETS at 20 cen Wc are seIIing—CARPETS at 25 cants We arc selling—lngrain Carpets at 30 cents We arc selling—Brussels Carpets at *I.OO Wo are selling—MEN'S SUITS at; ;*5.00 In fact we are selling everything usually kept in a large and well se lected stock for less than any other house in Centre County, lit will pay you to call and see for your selves. S.&A.LOEB. RESULTS. THEN* ANI> NOW ! Four months ago, HIMHI Introducing the cua/i system, ami limit tit; myself aide to purchase good* at figure* far below former rates, I deter mined to reduce prh-es on all articles in our line, and to give the public the ben efit of the univer sal de '•line In the eastern market*. Ite low will le found * an inteiestliuj compar ison between the old anil the new rates, and the few ar ticles here selected from many oth ers. will show at a glance the advan tage accruing to the public from the cash system: THEN. NOW. 20c. qr Note Taper 5 to7 and 10c. 15c. pack....Envelopes 5 to Sc. pack. 15 to 2Uc. ea. .Mottoes 4e. ♦1.25 to $1.50. .Motto Frames 27 to 37c. 5 to 6c Tins 2e. paper 50 to 75c Bxlo Frames, %"> to 30c. Sdc. jer 1*.... Choice Caramels. 4bc. per A All Miscellaneous Books reduced 25 per cent. All ('.old Tens and Pencils reduced 31) per cent I'ocket Books reduced one-half. 5c Toilet Soap 2Uc. 30c Terforated Board Oe. 2Se Fancy Box Taper 15c Hair Tins reduced to a dozen. Children's Bound Combs reduced to 3 and sc. Tarties accustomed to dealing in these goods nill sec to it that this list is correct. Will any person be so unreasonable as to find fault with the prices giveu below ? 2HU Tins (in one lutper) tor 2 eta. 2 cakes Toilet Soap .lets. 1 pair (larters with stuel bucsle 7 ets. Mottoes 4 cts. Motto Frames, all walnut, varnished, wltn glass and hack complete 27 ets. 2 do/.. Hair Tins for 3cts. Tucket Books withnicklc rim 12cts. Note Taper 5 ami 7c. quire. Envelopes 4, 5 and Bc. park. Tooth Brushes 13cts. Chlldien's Kouml Combs .land 5 cts. Klibber Fine ('omits 6 and 8 cts. And many other gitods at prices equally low. Store ucxt door to post ofllce. JAMES WELCH. \ J. ZELLER & SON, Ho. 6. Brock erliofT Row, BELLEFONTE, PA. DEALERS IX Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c. o A Full Stock of Qoods of Superior Quality always on Hand. CHAMOIS SKINS for 10 cents and upwards. CARRIAGE SPONGES, 15 cents and upwards. A share of the public patron j age respectfully solicited. LIEE & HEALTH WITHOUT IBLDEAND HEDjSSyjS- 1 T TaWT NOW READY J - aVTrix - IFOR AGENTS. The univ Imok practically treating tills now universally absorbing tonic. Shows how to apply the treatment. and tells of many suc cessful cures made by the use of this wonder fin medium. Circulars and best terms to early applicants. J. M. STODDART & Co., ?23 Chestnut St.. Phila. 4w The Black Hills By H. N. MAGCIHR, who has spent 12 years In this region. Litest accounts of (told and S||/er prospects, Agricultural and Grazing resources, Climate, Hunting, Fishing, Indi ans, and Settler's Adventures with them, Mining and Wild Western Life, the Water falls. Boiling Geysers, noble Scenery, im mense Gorges, etc. With 27 tine Illustra tions, and one map. Price ouly 10 c* Sold by AlxNßwmKAl.KKß,orsentnost-paid for 12c. by DONNELLY LOYD & CO.. Pubs, Chicago, ILL. 4w hhmbb m Hk Tho Tip Trip rurkMrf I* the Urjwit TPI DasrS'isaiißMS.'Si KUTVTOJWP, Pvocil, rvn bulUrr, Gold- H ■ rn en, Sot of Kl(mnt Oold Btona SIOOTO Buttons, GonU' L*ko Goorgo Diamond lln, Amo ihvst Stono King Inlaid with gold, Anmthypt Bun- Scarf rin. Gold platod Wwldlng King, Sot RoaoboJ E*i Drop*. I.MIIOP' Klnwomd and 8ll*LmllItFln, Ladlw' Fancy hot Pin and Onm*. Oold pUto Collar Button, QanOt' Oold plat- Ml Watch Chain and Sot of ■■■■ Threollold-platcd Stud*. Lot nnlpest SO ■ ■ B ttntt. y j KXTRAORDINAKYm ■ A INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS m ™ 4 BiJ. BWIPI. Clinton Plaoo, NewVorkf this. Only *1.50 capital &A 1111H required to start eauvassing TWsmJ &„"MECANVASSERS 139 East Eight St., New York. 4w PR. BANNING s permanently located at the NT. CHAHLEti HOTEL, Pittsburgh, Pa. Diseases and Deformities of the Spine, Ul terine Displacements, Dysrepsia, Hernia and Piles successfully treated by the BAN NING SYSTEM of Mechanical Supports. Call or send for descriptive pamphlet, "The House You Live In," Mai'eu free. BETTER THAS WESTERN LAUDS. DR. B. NKVIN.7SSS SANSOM ST., PIIILA • DEI.PHIA, PA., has for sale thousands of choice improved and unimproved lands, in Delaware and Maryland within a few hours, by rail, of the Philadelphia and New York markets. Climate healthful •, lands cheap; rail roads, churches ami school hous es abuedaut: splendid opportunity for Colo nies. Send for Illustrated Pamphlets. Free. WAR ! WAR ! WAR! In the iire.it Dry Goods Battle In Lock Haven the has come off victorious on account of the wonderful low price* at which Dry Goods are sold at this old and reliable store. HARDWARE The third immense ntock of Dry Goods, Cnrprtu, Ac., for the Spring and Hummer trade Is lust being opened at prices below any ever before known. .7100 vards all SILK GICOGRAIN RIBBON beautiful shades, only 15 cts. per yard. .100 new PARASOLS, Sear NO STILES, com mencing at 18 cts. a piece. Large Lot BLACK KID GLOVES, all sizes 25 cts. a pair. 500 Packs PINS, at 3 cts. a pack. 1000 yards DRESS LINENS, ALL PUUE LIN ES, from 16 cts. a yard up. 3000 yards BEAUTIFUL SPRING STYLE PRINTS, warranted fast colors at sc. sc. sc. sc. sc. sc, sc. sc. sc. per y. 200 Pair MENS' HALF HOSKat Sets, a pr. 200 Pair LADIES' HOSK.atfi> cts. lAigc Stock beautiful ready tnade LA DIES' SPRING SKIRTS, 37 cts. Immense Stock ready made LINEN SUITS rou I AIRES, very cheap. Onr Stock of STRIPED & PLAIN SILKS. BUI LLIANTIN EH, ALL WOOL, DK BAISII ES. PLAIDS & SUMMER DRESS GOODS, comprises all the choicest styles in endless variety. The largest and cheapest stock of I'ANT INGS, SMIKTINUS, TfbIUNUA, MUMJNR, TOWL DKia. TATTLE LINENS, MESS' & Bors' SUM MBB WE .ins, ever brought to Ixtck Haven, at the BE B 11 1 v B Just being opened this, week. New Stock CARPET, Handsome INGRAIN CARPET, only 28 cts. a yard. I'LOOK OIL CLOTH, 2 yards wide, only 75 e. Largo Slock *of .1 PLY AND FINE CARPET CHAIN and WINDOW CURTINS, cheap. Remembar the Great BEE HIVE DRY GOOD STORE, to MAIN STKEKT, LOCK HAVEN, PA. J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor. C3T Wanted—sooo fib. * Good TUR WASHED WOOL in exchange for Dry-Goods, for which the Highest CaahJ Price will be paid. THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers and Bobbers rou SPRINd|\ND SUMMER IS AT IK .A. IMI P'Si! For Ladies, Misses, and Children's trench Kid Button and Laced Shoes. AMERICAN KID AXD BITTOX LACKB MIOE. Calfskin, Ki At and Grain Leather 'Pegged and Sewed Shoes. Calf, Kip, Upper and Split Leather Boots and Shoes. Great Bargains for Cash Bayers .' XO OTHER NEED APPLY JACOB KAMP, . LCK HAVEN, PENNA READ THIS!! Achancefontlltomukeorsavemoney, ANDOKTTHK DBST GOODS TV THR MARKET. TEAS, COFFEES, &C , sold a*- lower prices than the Mine qualities can bo bouglit at any other house in tliis country. All goods guaranteed to be satis factory and as represented, or the money will bo refunded on return M tlie goods, which may lx> done at our expense. The reputation of our house for selling standard goods at Low Priees, (for36years), lias given us a standard in New York City and vicinity, that is not enjoyed by any other house in the trade- After mature de liberation we have tleterinined to offer our goods to housekeepers in the interior, at the Lowest Wholesale Trade Prices, when a Club is formed large enough to make a small case. The goods of each member of the club will !>e put in seperate packages, and mark ed with name and cost, so as to avoid con fusion In distribution. Goods will be sent by Express to Collect on Delivery, All wishing to save money dy purchasing family sup plies at New York Wholesale Prlees can talk the matter over among friends and neigh bors, and send to us for Club Circular, Price list, &c. We give a present of either goods, or money to the person who gets up the club, to compensate for trouble ecL Samples of TEA & COFFEE sent by mall. Send for Price-list, and Club Circular. 4w Stiner's New York 8c China Tea Co., M. H. MOSES, & CO., Pioprietors. 77, 79, 81, 84 and 86 VKSEY Street N. Y. NERVOUSDEBILITY. Vital Weakness or Depression, a weak ex hausted feeling, noeuergy or courage; the result of Mental Over-worK, Indiscretion or Excesses, or some drain upon the system is always cured by Hraplirey's Homeoiatliic Mc Ho, 28. It tones up and Invigorate* the system dispels the gloom and desopndencv, imparts strength and energy—stops the drain and rejuvenates the entire man. Reen used twenty years with perfect success by thous ands. " Hold by dealers. Pi Ice, 41.00 per sin gle vial: or 4r>.00 per package of five vials and 42.00 vial of powder. Sent by mail on receipt of price. ' Address Humphrey's Homoepathic Medicine Company, 562 Broad way. New York. 51x13 ly. nrELEGANT CARDS ail styles with name, ZOIO cts., post paid. J. 11. Ilusted. Nassau, Co., N. Y. 4\v Best bargains in America. Dl pifn J. F. Maps and Catalogue free. l hIuUU MANCHA, Dover, Del. 4w Alcotft Water-Wheel I AKarded Centennial The most practical, sim ple, and effective. It* su perior advantage at partil ga'e Is universally ac knowledged. Address. C.T. ALCOTT&tION. Mfrs. of Wheel* and Ml! Machinery, MOUNT HOLLV, N. J. Will girt manufacturing right*. INSURANCE MEN ! lAKK NOTICE. A(i FATS WANTED FOK XIIC New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. The oldest mutual in the country, Chartered 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. MAR K N & WAKH.IN. Grim! /gent*, 1.13 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Daniel F. Beatty's CAUTION.—The reputation have gained and the celebrity of mv Orgium, have Indue ed some unprincipled parties and agent* to oopp my circulars, and misrepresent my iiistruinents; against this the public are hereby cautioned. All my Organs bear mv frade-innk. Golden Tongue, and all my Pia nos have the word Pi A O underlined, and also have n.-ynamekßlHKßand tosi dence, DANIKI. F. HEATTV, WhshUtioii, If. J., without which none I* genuine. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, X. J., U. 8. A. OPft TTI/'O™ lk ■ r * BEATTY S Parlor Organs. Messrs. Geo. P. Rowed & Co.,(N. Y.) Newspaper Reporter. says: "Daniel F. Realty, the organ builder, of WashiNgton, N. J., presses forward with greatest vigor." From Win. Pool, Nlagar-Falls. N. Y. "ocvcral months use of the plegent Parlor Organ you sent nie satisfies me tliat it U one of the best m ulc. t lias a rich tone; its various tones are mast pleasauL moot heartily recommend your orggns for parlor school, church or other use." Best Offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charge* paid by me (Daniel F. Realty) txith wavs If unsatisfactory, after a tost trial of live days. Organ warranted for five years. Send for extended list of testimonials before burins a pallor Orgau. Address. DANIEL P. BEATTY, Tri..hln K ln, Xew Jer.j, V. B. A j " —— , George Fehl, fW agon-Maker, AAR.)\SBI : R(i, PEWA. All kinds of Wagons made to Order. BEATTYSS2E SsTTlnlSc The best and most lasting parlor organ now in use. No other parlor organ has ever attained I he same popularity. It has l>een tested by thousands, many of them competent Judges, and gives universal satisfaction to all. The music is adapted to the human voice, ranging from the softest tluto-like note to a volume of sound unsurpassed by any instru ment This instrument has all the latest Improve ments, and cverv org d n Is fully warranted lor six years. Beautiful oil polish, black wal nut panelled cases, which will uot CRACK or WARP, and forms, in addition to a splen did instrument of music, a beautiful piece of furniture. This organ needs only to be seen to be ap preciated, and is sold at extremely low fig ures for cash Second-hand instruments taken lu exchange. Agents wanted, male or female, in every county in the United States and Canada. A liberal discount made to teachers, ministers churches, schools, lodges, etc,, where I have no agents. Illustrated catalogue and pri co list free. Correspondence solicited. Agent discount given where I have no agents. Bcs offer ever given now read}'. Address, DAM EL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U. 8. A. WAYTFTI We Rive *ne*W®tic men and women Business that will Par from $1 to 48 per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood, and is strictly hon orable. Particular* free, or samples worth several dollars that w ill enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt of fifty cents. Address LATHAM & C 0.,. Box 2.154. 419 Washington St., Boston. Ma?* BEATTY'SPartwjrw ErdrfffiS Believing it to be BY FAR the best Parlor and Orchestral Orgau manufactured, we challenge any manufacturer to equal them. The celebrated Golden Tongue Reeds in this organ in conjunction with the Perfected Reed Boards produce sweet, pure and pow erful tones. Kunerb eases of new and elegant desigus Ministers, teachers, churches schools, lodges, etc., should send for prico list and discounts. Dealers will find it to their advantage to examine this instrument, t has improve ments found in no other. Corrcspuudence solicited. Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon returu of organ and freight charges paid by mc (Daniel F. Beatty) both ways If unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five tbiv* Organ warranted for six years. Agents count giveu everywliere have uo agent Ageuts wanted. Address, DAM EL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, V. 8. A. AVE WILL ES' SSSix most beautiful new Uhroinos, in French nil c< J , ? r 'o for ♦ lo °- The Y are luonnf. Ed In Bxlo black enamel and go'.d mats, oval opening and outsell anything now before tho public. Satisfaction guaranteed. Two sain pi es for 25 cc'nts, or six for 50 cents. Send Id cents for grand Illustrated catalogue with chroiuo of Mooulight ou the Rhine, or 2d cents for two landscapes and Calla Lilies on black gnmnd. J. LATHAM &C 0.,419 Wash ington st.. Boston, Mass. Headquarters for Ai^Vorka UeraVlU § r.A FORTI'A'E. PATENTS! Feeßeteetf. Entire Oast $55. Patent < ffiee Fee RBS In ailvance, Mtianee ♦2D withiu 6 months aft cr patent allow, ed. Advice and examination free. Patents Sold. J. VANCE LEWIS A CO., 18-Sm Washington, D. (I Sm Koi Jewelry hSBihB 188 k Com bin a lion . I Consisting MB H of elegant ■ MK watch chain, la WffBII KM n dies' handsome n SI IB brooch, and ear drojis, pair V gaut gold stone m sleeve buttons, set spiral studs, collar button, heavy pLilu wedding ring, and gets' Parisian diamond pin. The above articles sent, post-paid, for Ho CTS. have been retailed for 46. Bank rupt stock aiul must be sold. Solid Milton Gold Watches, W0 each, for speculative pur poses, good timers, equal in appearance to a 4300 genuine gold. "His reputation for honesty, fair dealing and liberality is unf equaled bv anv advertLser in this city."— .v 1. Dag Dock. Dec. 16,1876. , POST AG K frrAMP'.i TAKEN AS CASH. F. STOCKMAN 27 BOND ST., New York.