ft lit Journal. o filler & Proprietors * Wvw V %. VV X ,v-V - .V - R. o. Associate Edit KlUheim.Thursda} .timett. Terms—3l.so Per Annum. e —if ■ ' 1 NOT ENDORSED. It is a significant straw, and a very thick and heavy one at that, that Mr. Ilaves has thus far failed to receive the endorsement of even a single Republican county conven tion yet held in Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia Radical convention tabled a resolution expressing confi dence in the President. In Lancas ter his "Excellency" was quietly ig nored at the meeting of the return judges. In Bradford an issue was made at the primaries to secure an endorsement of our boons President, and was lost: but it was in Allegha ny where opposition to his Fraud u lency showed itself tue most bitter and determined. A resolution to endorse the Administration was met with a perfect storm of opposition, and was twice tabled. All this shows very plainly even to the naked eye, that there is trouble in the Rad ical camp. These four counties are the Radical strongholds in Pennsyl vania, and gave a majority for Hayes of 27317 —nearly twice the nominal majority in the State. If Jdr. Hayes can not command the confidence and support of the party that tried so hard to elect him and " afterwards counted him in against a majority of popular votes as well as of states, he soon will be a la Johnson, a President without a party. Our Republican friends by their conduct show, that thev them selves do not believe that Hayes was elected, or that they are sorry he was. Their leaders feel dispirited, their ranks are demoralized, and they will doubtless let matters go with but a leeble show of effort vo carry the eleeticus next fall, in Pennsylvania and Ohio. In our own state the contest involves a Supreme Judge, State Treasurer, and Auditor General, while in Ohio a Governor and Legislature are to be elected, and if the Democrats carry the state, as now seems appar ent/it will insure another Democrat, ic U. S. Senator to succeed Mr.Sta: - Jey Matthews. The outlook is all togetlier encouraging for the Demo crats. Courage. tf'oiiKE lu t!ie Territories. ACTING AS CONSTABLES. CGR OXEKS, AND JURORS—A LIVELY LOU AL EL ECTION. Fefore the New- York "Woman's Suffrage Society, in Mrs. Or. J,ozi er's house at "West Forteentli street, last evening, ox-Go v. Lee of Wyoming Territory said tliat he had seen women acting in Ihe capacity of Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace", Constables, and Coroners, and that they were a great success. As jur ors, they are unequalled. It seemed strange, at first, to address the Jury as "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury." Mrs. Julia Weiler, a Justice of the Peace, had had her husband brought before her for Wing drunk. She sentenced him for the full pen alty—six months' imprisonment. Gov. Lee described a scene at a local election. There was great ex citement, pistols and bowie knives were in every hand, and words tluit could not be found in any current religious work were being used free ly. Suddenly there was a shout: "The ladies are coming to cast their votesand all was still. "If the ladies had not appearedG ov. Lee said, "I think that a number of po liticians would have Wen offered up ou their country's altar." Judge Clack's Attack on the Elector al Conwlselon. WASHINGTON. June 10.— It is said Judge Jere Black is engaged in the preparation of a severe review of the Electoral Commission and of the Supreme Court Judges who decided in favor of Mr. Ilaye3 the cases of the Commission. The article, which is designed for one of the magazines, is said to liave been revised by Jus tice Field one day last week at the Judge's residence at York, Pa. TIIE OIL EXCITEMENT IN LOCK HAVEN.— On Saturday three com mittees, com]>osed of Messrs. Boggis andßlesh, Houtz and Joseph Can dor, J. C. Brown and L. B. Schuyler were out to get subscriptions "to wards defraying the expenses of put ting down a test well in the vicinity of Lock Haven. The joint Result was about $1,200 stock in $25 shares, with promises that it is thought can be relied upon to bring this up S4OO or SSOO more within a few days. It is the purpose of the committee to renew their efforts and keep at it till they get the required sum, about $4,000, and they appeal to the busi ness men and property holders to come forward and meet their require ments, so as to settle the question whether or not there is oil at this point. If so, it will be the best in vestment ever made at this point. If not, no serious injury will occur to any one, as the losses will be small. Boon astlie amount is raised, the organization will take place and a well be put down at once at such point as a majority may determine. —Clinton Democrat. Several of the Lewisburg boys were playing "pig," recently. One was placed in a "pen" and fed with grass. This "pig" not being botan ist enough to distinguish between edible and noxious grasses, fed on what was given him without grunt of protest: and in doing so, swal lowed something that made him so terribly sick as to require the aid of some one more skilled in narcotics to "save his bacon." It resembled somewhat a feeble attack of hog cholera. George P. Rowell & Co. deserve the l>est thanks of the advertising community for their offerts to pre vent advertisers from being imposed on by unscrupulous publishers. Ev ery honest tuiblishcv will also thank them for the aid they have afforded them in maintaining their competi tion for business by fair means, against the fraudulent practices of dishonest rivals. Messrs. Howell .V Co., alone of Newspaper Directory publishers, have had the courage to undertake the task of discriminat ing among the statements of news papers, and to face the hostility which such a course was suro to ex cite among those who profited by misrepresentat ion. Notwithstand ing the "crushing" articles that from time to time have been hurled at them, sometimes by parties who ought to have known bettor, they have persevered in their course, and they have had their reward. Their publication has taken the first place as the standard authority among American Newspaper Directories, and a reference look for every large advertiser and advirtising agency in this country.— Jcrtcy City Journal M'-y 22, 1577. REBERSBURG FRAGMENTS. By all appearances, fruit of every description will t>e scarce. The Potato Bog is with us in all his fury, and our merchants are reaping a harvest froiu the sale of Paris Green. Our Band was again heard on Sat urday evening for the first time in several weeks. That's right boys, get out of the mire : your cloud may also have its silver lining. On Sunday three funerals took place in our valley—two at Madi souburgand one at Yeariek'sChurcli. The corner stone of the Reformed church was laid on Sunday, with appropriate ceremonies. Notwith standing the inclemency of the weath er. quite a concourse of people were assembled and a fair collection real ized. AXON. ■ ■ . ■ SPUING MILLS ITEMS. John D. Long lost a very valuable horse, last week, of lung fever. Messrs. YanDyko are again at work making the foundation for tho t urn-table. Bell, the stove and tin-ware man, will soon Have his building up, which will add greatly to the appear ance of that end of town. The general question is: "llow soon will the cars come V' Give Col. Moore a little time and you will see him at Spring Mills Station with the track completed. Think by the "Glorious Fourth" he will bring the first train consisting of a loco motive and a few trucks. The St ring Band gave one of its entertainments, gratis, last week as sisted bv the Farmers Mills Cornet Band They all did very well. Their teacher Prof. Rightmyer, knows how* to make those fellows blow. Boys there was a handsome enter tainment in store for you on "Water Street, but you forgot to come j around that way and so missed it. j Y'ONEY. Our neighbors along JVnr.s Greek had a tremendous rain fall on Mon day evening of last week. They say that they had no such heavy rain for years. Much damage was done to corn fields, especially on the Xees and upper Uosteriuan farms. "When such disinterested, able and patriotic statesmen as Simon Cam eron propose the beloved Grant for "next President," nothing should be suffered to stand in the way of mak ing the proposition a reality. In the absence of a sufficiency of votes, a few modern Ketum Hoard machines could do the business just as well. Our Supervisor, Mr. John ICeen, is busy renaming the road leading to the Depot. "While you are at it Johnny do the work thoroughly and push it, as fast as possible. For our part, we prefer to have good roads, even if taxes are a little high. Re pairing that must be done over every yeat, is a veiv poor as well as expen sive system of road making. J. Newman, Jr., the King Clothier of Bellefonte, has the largest as well as the lest assortment of clothing ever kept in Bellefonte. Why you can not ask for anything in his line, from a neck-tie or pair of suspenders to an overcoat, that Julius has not got,-and what is a consideration of special importance, is, that he sells for about 20 i>er cent, less than aver age prices elsewhere. Don't take our word, but try for yourself. Johnny Keen is'a regular old [sock ~ er of a road master. He beats our county commissioners and rail road contractors all hollow. On Monday he built a new bridge twenty feet long and just as wide, with six men —masonry and all —in four hours. That's putting things through. That natty, active, Irojht little preacher, He v. J. A. Bright, of Hublersburg, illuminated our sanc tum with the smiles of his pleasant face, on Monday. Adam called in to see lis on his way to llarrisburg, whither he goes as one of the dele gates of the county to the Henna. State Sabbath School Convention. Very obstinate and troublesome are old sores and ulcers. Yet how easily may they be healed. All that is necessary is to use freely Glenn's Sulphur Soap dissolved in water as a lotion. Depot Crittenton's No. 7 Sixtli Avenue. New York, ilill's Ilair sc Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 cts. 4w ♦ On Saturday, the 2nd inst., Lester, son of C. H. Hasseuplug,was drown ed while in the river swimming, with several other boys, at Lewis burg. Lester was in the water not over a few minutes when he was heard to cry out "I'm drowning.'' But little attention was paid to this at first, as it was a habit of the boys to do so when in swimming. Upon again hearing the cries of the boy a Mr. Wagner, who was standing on the shore, hastened to his rescue— butalas, too late. The vital spark had fled. It is supposed that lie died as I much from fright as from drowning, lie was ten years old. The European war news Is un important. The wheat crop in the upper end of Union county does not look very promising. The Ticmrtcr threatens "squalls'' if the rail road is suffered to stop at .Soring Mills. MndisonbHrg had three funerals on Sunday—Michael Jlasel, wife of John Zeigler, and a child of Fiedler. Young, Wilson & Co., a Mifilin burg firm, expect to emit, a large grain elevator at the Forks, before fall, liusincsr. ■ ' ' ■ ■■ At lloyer's store in Aaronsburg you can buy Extra No 1 Fat Mack erel, heads of, full weight, for $4.2 r > per quarter barrel. Mr. John M. Evans, studiosus thc oloyy at the Lancaster Theological Seminary, preached an excellent ser mon in the Reformed Church near Penn Hall. We wish him abundant success in his high calling. You can buy at Rover's store, in Aaronsburg, Mackerel for $2.50 per quarter barrel, warranted to be of the best in the market. ■■ ■■■■!■ A Girl in Dubuque granted her re jected lover a parting kiss, and he availing himself of the opportunity bit her cheek in away that Uifigures her for life. Tho Sunbury band has employed Joseph Feehrer, ot Selinsgrove as leader in place of Karl Kerclmer. ■ • ♦ That awkward corner in the road near the brick mill will soon beabat- j ed. The road will be made straight from about Judge Zerby's bouse, which will boa great improvement, The Philadelphia Timrt calls Beast Butler "the recognized leper of American politics," and the people consider the epithet very appropri ate. A large island in the Susquehanna river at the point where tho north and west branches unite, containing about three hundred acres, has been purchased by Hon. John B. Packer for $20,000. A DIVIDED CHURCH.—There is a church in Ceres, McKean county, the pulpit of which is in Pennsylva nia, and seats in New York. "The .State line splits the i>ost otlice also in that town. If there ever was a chance to elect a Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hayes' letter to Garfield seems to have put an end to it. Mr. Hayes wasn't used to being President when he wrote that letter. We are happy to inform the many friends of Ex-Sheriff Shaffer that he is slowly but surely recovering from a severe and protracted spell of in llamatory rheumatism. May he soon be fully restored. From the llarrisburg Patriot of the 7th inst., we learn that Prof. Karl U. Ilimluskey, so well and favorably known in this county ns a teacher of music, died in the hospit al of that city of dropsy of the heart, on the 0 inst. J. P. Gepliart, Eso., was in town several days last week and was kept pretty busy shaking hands with his many friends. Philip still considers Millheini 'us r \al home and only stays iu Bellefonte as a shift. The first load of goods brought to Penns Vallej on tho rail road was received yesterday morning by \V. K. Alexander. Christ was on hand with his team at the Depot, to bring the goods right to town but was so overcome with joy that he hunted atcay. On Monday of last week a terrible tornado struck Mt. Carmel. Illinois, blowing down numerous buildings, some of which caught fire. Sixteen lives were lost and many persons wounded. Property was lost to the value ot half a million dollars. — ♦ Instead of the circulation of the New York Sun being injured by picturing Hayes with the word fraud across his forehead, the circulation of that paper has since largely in creased. - ■ CADET APPOINTED. —SamueI E. Belford, son of I)r. Belford, of Lew istown, has been appointed to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Mary land, trom this district, by Hon. L. A. Mac-key. The young man is now attending the Normal School in Lock Haven. All who contemplate purchasing a Piano or Organ, who want excel lence of tone, combined with beauty of const uction, and who want an ornament fora parlor, Church, School room, Lodge or Reception room, and who admire business prompt ness and fair dealing can secure all these by addressing the celebrated manufac turer of organs and pianos, Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, Warren county, N. J., U. S. A. See his advertisement on other places. For several months past the grim monster, Death, has been gathering in a rich harvest, from amongst ns, summoning his victims indiscrimin ately from all classes and ages. The prominent and useful citizen, the kind and resected neighbor, the father, the mother, the beloved wife, or faithful husband, yea, the darling infant in the cradle —all, have fal len before the great but impartial Destroyer. Death is the leveler of us all. He is inexorable, for when he beckons we must obey, whether ready or not. And when we stand at his awful threshold, ready to en ter, eternity before us, the world be hind —what does it really matter what station in life we have occu pied, whether we have amassed great wealth or been poor ; whether we have written our names on the page of fame, or passed through life in humble obscurity—so we have acted well our part, and improved the talents God has given us for our own and our fellow's good. Header, do we think of this as frequently and as seriously as we should ? Our friend Mni. Flslier nt Penn Hull is having his prist mill thor oughly remodeled and repaired, with a view to a more extensive grain trade. He also intends to enlarge his store building at Penn Hall, pre paratory to dealing in Stoves and Hardware generally. The Major itf up to time. MARRIED. On the fitli lust.. at S. I*. M., In the Evan notion! Church, Millhelm, l'a., by tho liov. M. .1. ('wethers, Mr. J. !C. Thomas, of York, Pa., ami Miss Emma K., daughter of Kov. C. F. Dcinlnger, of litis plaoo. Wo yvero going to say tliat this wedding created milte a .sensation In town, but tli.it expressionwould lira littto 100 common— all weddings are sensational. Everybody— more especially the female persuasion—wants tyknow nil aland. thorn. So then wo will say that this was the first yvoddlug ever cole bra ted In a church in Millheim, and that the well arr < ngod programme yvas carried oui to the letter. We would fain dosoribo ml nutelv tho atipearanoo and attire of tlin eon pie, lint we are altogether too blunt ami practical, not snflloelntly schooled In Jenkii s ism for that : and so we will generalize by saying that both bride and groom looked vei v well, and that their attire was amply sufficient to lie married In. We had several Important duties to at tend to. viz: to see to it that the chureh was well filled, to make a Uttle speech and deliver tlte stamps to the kind, and to do our poor self justice at a table laden to groaning with such a variety of things good to eat, "tor numerous to mention all of which we did as gracefully and wildly as we knew how. and f-r which yve expect to have, in apditlonto adsll"lous weidtr.g'Vk already received, the lifelong thanks of the eappy couple. "Jttjbet xu trlnkc " would have made this a first class Jb-utach wed. ding as they have them in tho Valerian t. The happy couple have our kindest wishes. Mav their union l>e full of joy and sunshine, without a cloud to obscure their pathway , through life. DIED. On the 7th, inst., at Mlllheiin, infant daughter of R. A. and Ella J. 1). BuiulUer. At her residence near Hublcrsburg, on tha 4th, lust..Catharine, wife of Lewis Zimmer man , aged 32 years, 10 months and 3 days. I>oceased was a worthy metnl>er of the Lutheran Church. She! was buried at Hub lersburg with the honors of the order of the Patrons of Husbandry, of which she was a member. The funeral sermon was preach od bv the writer, on Ist Cor. 7:29. A hus band and eight children are left to mourn her loss. J. A. B. At Mtllheiin. on the Gth inst.. Franklin Edwin, son of G. W. and Maggie Stover, aged 8 months and 22 days. At Madlsoubiirg, on the Bth inst., Michael Hazel), aged 63 years. 2 months and 11 days. The deceased was honored and esteemed among Ids neighbors and friends. He was diligent,earnest and faithful in the perform ance of christian duties. At Millhelin. on the7th inst., Ida M. daugh ter ol Uriah and Tena Reifsnydcr, aged 2 years, 1 month and 20 days. Arrival ami Closing of Rails. Mails arrive at the Millhelm Post Office as follows : Daily from all points east via tawlsburg, .•it 9 r. M. Daily from all points west via Ilellefonte at 6 p. M Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, frnn north and east, via laick Haven at 4 p. M. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from north and west via Howard, at 6 p. M. Mails close for east and west, at 6 \. M. For 1-nck Haven and Howard, every Mon day, Wednesday anil Friday at 5 A. M. CIIURCII DIRECTORY. German preach ins in the Luther an Church, Aavon.slmrg.nextSniulav afternoon at 2} o'clock. Rev. J. Tomliitson, Pastor. Kev. J. M. Smith will preach in the U. 1). Church, next Sunday morning. Rev. J. 11. Peters will preach in the Evangelical Church, next Sun day evening. English. Lodgo and Society Dirootory. The Millheim Cornet Band will meet in the Town llall on Monday and Thursday evenings. Providence Grange No. 217 P. of tl,. meets in Alexander's block on the 2nd Saturday ©f each month at f>) P. M. and on the fourth Saturday of each month at 1} P. M. The Irving Literary Society meets in the Town Hall, every Friday ev ening. The Millheim B. 'cL. Association meets in Town Hail, on the evening of the second Monday of each month Millheim Council No. 300, O. U. A. M, meets every Saturday at 8 o'clock, r. M„ in their Council Room, Wilt's Building. Degree Meetings will be held on Tuesday on or before the full moon of each month. B. F. MILLER, C. i CHAS. 11. HELD, Sec. Bcllcfontc Dlarkcl. White Wheat, per bushel new * 1 80 Ited Wheat, per bushel new No. 1... 1 80 Bye, per bushel new 65 Corn ears, per bushel 50 Corn, shelled, per bushel 50 Oats, per bushel, new 3.5 Barley. per bushel 50 Buckwheat, per bushel 50 Otoreraeed, perbatM *>ootf?B 50 Potatoes, per bushel new 1 2.5 Eggs, per dozen 12 Lard, per pound 10 Bacon—Shoulders 10 Sides lo Hams 12 Sugar Cured Hams 15 Tallow, per pound 7 Butter, per pound 15 Bags, per pound 2 Ground Blaster per ton 10,00 Miißlnburg .Market. Butter * 10 Eggs 15 Wheat 1 75 Bye 61) Corn 50 Oats *5 Barley Tymotliy Hay 15 Oil Clover llay 12 Veal 10 Hams 11 Sides 8 Lard 10 Cloverseed 8 00 Tymothysced 1 25 Flaxseed 1 40 Mlllticlm Market. Wheat 1 75 Corn 50 Bye 56 Oats 35 Barley 50 Tymothyseed 50 Flaxseed 50 Cloverseed 900 Butter 14 Hams 15 Sides 10 Veal 8 Eggs 10 Potatoes 1 00 Lard 9 Tallow Soap 7 Dried Apples ...A 4 Dried Beaches Dried Cherries 5 Announcements. We are authorized to announce J. M. KEICULTNE, Esq., of Bcllcfontc,asa candidate for District Attorney. Subject to the deci sion of the Democratic county convention* HARDWARE JAMES HARRIS & CO., Dealers in Hardware, Ao. /j, Bvochevhoff lloxr, BELLEFONTB, •4 01. DENT II All DWARF. NTOItF IX CE.VTBE CO.lt Complete lino of 11 aid war a of all Kinds at tho LOWEST PRICES. The Celebrated Barley Sheaf Cook Store & Anchor Healer. CALL AND SEE. HARDWARE HARDWARE Miss L. Harter HAS JL'ST RKUF.IYKD A FULL LINK OF MILLINERY GOODS. which she offers to sell at the lowest prices. lirtss Making a Speciality. A share of public patronage respectfully so. lleltcd. 20-4 w " " " BETTER THAN WESTERN LANDS,. t DR. B. NKV1N.73.1 HAVPOXI ST., PIIII.V • DELPIIIA. PA., lias for sale thousands of choice improved and unimproved lands, in l>c!aware and Maryland within a few hours, ly rail, of the Philadelphia and New York markets. Climate healthful ; lands cheap; rail roads, churches and school hous es abundant: splendid opportunity for Colo tiiea. Send for Illustrated Pamphlets. Free. 24-3 m Best bargains in America. PiT}Wn J. l-\ Maps and Catalogue free.f liiUflO MANCIIA, Dover, Del. 4w 6 New pieces sheet music, retails for $1.75, MUit for 10 cts. and stain p. Cheap Music Co., Middloboro, Mass. 4w GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP^ Thoroughly fares Disease of the Skin, Kciiutlfics tho Complexion, Prevents and remedies Uheumatisin and bout, Deals Sores and A bra slorts of the Cuticle and Counteracts fontwrlon. SOLD BY ALL DRIGISTS. PltlCKs—2s Cents per Cake ; Box (3 Cakes) 70 Cents. N. B.—Sent by Mail, Prepaid, on receipt of price. N. C. CRITTENTON, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. 4w AITT7* WTT T mail one and one. >X I J > V 1 IJ I J half dozen of the most lMutifu! new Clivoinos, in French oil Color, ever seen lor t1.40i They are mount, e l in sxin black enamel and gold mats, oval opening and outsell anything now lvtore the public sla!isfaetloitguaranteed. Two sampl es for 25 cents, or six for 50 cents. Send 10 cents for grand illustrated catalogue with ehromo of Moonlight on the Hliiue, or 20 cents for two Landse uies and ("alia Lilies on i black ground. .1. LATHAM & CO., 419 Wash- ! ingtou st.. Button, Mass. Headquarters for [ Chromos, Engravings and 4 rADTI'VE At Works. 23 am f Ulll til lu -YY-HY WASTE YOUR MONEY WHY WASTE YOUR MONEY WHY WASTE YOUR MONEY IN SUCH HARD TIMES IN SUCH HARD TIMES IN SUCH lIAKD TIMES IT WILL TAY YOU IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME TO OUR STORK TO COME TC OUR STORK For anything in the line of Dry Good*. Cloth ins:. Carpets, OH Cloths, Loots A Klines, Dress Good*, Notion*. Trim - nilitffn, Ac. trs arc selling—LADlES SHOES at *I.OO cts Wc are selling—Ladies Button Shoes at ♦1.50 We are selling—Ladies White Hose at 5 cts Wc are soiling—Ladles Hatnlkcrc hiefs at 5c Wo are selling—DßESS GOODS at 8 cents We are selling—Dress Goods at 10 cents "We are seIIing—CALICOES at 5 cents Woaroselling—SHlßTlNGS at S cents We arc selling—SPOOL COTTON at 2 cents We are selling—LADlES DOLMANS *2.50 c. We are selling—Ladles Trimmed Ilats at 1.50 Wc arc selling—Ladies Trimmed Hats at 1.75 We aro selling—Ladies Trimmed Hats at 2.00 Wc are seIIing—CARPETS at 20 cen We are selling—OA BPET3 at 25 cents We are selling—lngrain Carpets at 30 cents We arc selling—Brussels Carpets at *I.OO We are selling—MEN'S SUITS at; ;*5.00 In ftct we are selling everything usually kept in a large autl well se lected stock for less than any other house in Centre County. It will pay you to call and see for your selves. S. & A. LOEB. RESULTS. THEN AND NOW ! Four months ago, iiiMn Introducing tho ctixh system, and finding myself ;iblc to purchase goods at figures far IH'IOW former rates, I deter mined to reduce prices on all articles In our line, and to give the public the lieii efit of the univer sal de cline in the eastern markets, lie low will be found an iuteiestliiKcoiiipar ison between the old and the new rates, and the few ar ticles here selected from many oth ers. will show at a glance the advan tage accruing to the public from the cash system : TIIKN. * NOW. AV. qr Note Paper sto 7 and 10c. IV. pack....Envelopes 5 to Bc. pack. 15 to 2Ue. ea..Mottoes 4c. $1.25 to $1.50. .Motto Frames 27 to 37c. 5 to fie Pins 2c. paper 50 to 75c Bxlh Frames, 25 to 3oc. >•. jH-r RJ,... Choice Caramels 40c. per #>. All Mi t olllee. J AXES WKLCII. J. ZELLER & SON, \o. 0. BrockerhoflT Row, BELLEFONTE, PA. DEALERS IX Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c. o A Full Stock of Goods of Superior Quality always on Hand. CHAMOIS SKINS for 10 cents and upwards. OAE.RIAGE SPONGES, 15 cents and upwards. A share of the public patron ago respectfully solicited. USE & HEALTH WITHOUT BLUE AND wo'k'u T Tfsxjrp NOW READY IVJJT FOR AGENTS. The only book practically treating tills now universally absorbing topic. Shows how to apply the treatment, and tells of many suc cessful cures made by the use of this wonder ful medium. Circulars and best terms to early applicants. .T. M. STODDART & Co., 723 Chestnut St., Phila. 4w Of ELEGANT CARDS all st vlos with name, iolo rts., pst paid. J. 11. 11 usted, Nassau. Co., N. Y. 4w Ml cony curions love letter, 1 pk. comic earus 1 pack popping question cards; all for 10 cts. & stamp. Fun Card Co., Mid dleboro, Mass. 4w The Black Hills. By 11. X. MaoI'IHE, who has spent 12 years in this region. Latest accounts of Gold and Silver prospects, Agricultural and Grazing resources, Climate, Hunting, Fishing, Indi ans, and Settlor's Adventures with them. Mining and Wild Western Life, the Water falls, Boiling Geysers, noble Scenery, im mense Gorges, etc. With 27 tine Illustra tions. and one map. Price only IO rt Sold lv Ai.lNewsorai.ekß, or sent post-paid for 12e. by DONNELLY LOYD& CO.. Bubs, Chicago, ill. 4w ■HB K OBfe. The Tip Top" rivtsge Is the Urcest iweteelllnKont. READ AND HHvSEE. 18 Sheets Note Tjwr 18 M ffl WfT Kiivolopc*, Peurll, Pen-holdor, Gold- H 111 I eu rn, Se tof Elegant tnld Slono (Oaove Buttons, Gents' iJike Overgo Diamond Pin, Amo ihT*tßtna Kliißlnluld with gold. Amethyst Stono Soarf Plu. Cold plated Wedding King. Bot Knee l>ad Eiu Dmiw. indies' Flowered and Silvered Hat Pin, Ladles' Fancy Set Mn and Drops, Hold-plate Poller Button. Cents' Hold plat ri! Watch Chain and Set of BB| Three Oold-plated Stiuls. The N ArM ent\rt Lot sent Oostf aid for fiO H M ■ cents. KjBXTRACRDINARYm B i IND UCFMHNTS TO A GENTS m m A BRIDE, Clinton Placet New York.' HfIAII t)nlv capital B4£ 11E M K retiuired to start canvassing .VotiiJ 1 K. b Han'o wen! CANVASSER'S 139 East Eight St., New York. 4\v DR. BANNING s permanently located at the NT. CIIAIILEN HOTEL, Pittsburgh, Pa. Diseases and Deformities of the Spine, l"l --terine Displacements, Dyspepsia, Hernia and Biles successfully treated by the BAN NIN'G SYSTEM of Mechanical Supports. Call or send for descriptive pamphlet, "The ( House You Live U),'' MaPeu free. ] WAR ! WAR ! WAR! Iu the Kre.it Dry Goods Battle in Lock Haven the BEE NIVE has come off victorious on account of the wonderful low prices at which Dry Goods are sold at tlus old and reliable store. The third Immense stock of Dry Goods, CnrpetM, &e. for the Sprl lie and Hummer trade Is lust lielng opened at prices below any ever before known. fIOOO yards all SILK GRtkGRAIN RIBBON beautiful shades, only 15 ets. |cr yard. 3<>o new PARASOLS, RPIIINO STILUS. com mencing at 18 cts. a piece. Larue 1M BLACK KID GLOVES, all sizes 25 cts. a pair. 500 Packs PIXS, at 3 rts. a pack. WOO yards DREBS LINENS, ALL PI'KE MS EN, from IS cts. a yard tip. 3000 yards BEAUTIFUL SPRING STYLE PRINTS, warranted fast colors at . r c. sc. 6c. 5. 3c. ic, ss. sc. sc. per y. 2UO Pair MEXB' II AH' HOSE at 5 cts. a pr. 200 Pair LADIES' lIOSE.at #4 cts. Large Stock beantifnj rcaJy made LA DIES' SPRING SKIRTS, 57 cts. Immense Stock ready made LIX EX SUITS ro K LADIES, very cheap. OUT Stock of STRIPED & PLAIN SILKS. Bit ILLIANTINES, ALL wool., DF. BAISH EH. PLAIDS & SUMMER DRESS OR, comprises all the choicest styles in endless variety. The largest and cheapest stock of PANT IXGS, SHfKTINOS, TICKIVOS, ML'SLINS, ToWL INOS. TABLE LIN EN H, MENS" & BOTH' SUM METT AVKAKS, ever brouuht to Ixck Harcn, at the BEE HIVE just being opened this, week. New Stock CARPET, Handsome INCKAIN CAKPET, only 28 cts. a yard, FLOOK OIL CLOTH, 2 yards wide, only 75 c. Large stock of 3 PLY AND FINE CAKPET CHAIN and WINDOW CUKTINS, cheap. Remember the Great BEE HIVE DRY GOOD STORE, 65 a vis STIiKKT, LOCK HAVEN, PA. J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor. C3T Wan ted—fXKX) tt>. Good TUB WASHED WOOL in exchange for Dry Goods, for which the Highest Cash* Price will be paid. THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers ami Rubbers FOR 3PKINU AND SUMMEB IS AT :ka.:M::F'S I For Ladies, Misses , ami Children's trench Kiel Button and Laccil Shoes. AMERICA!! KID AXD BI'TTON LAC*! UliOE. Catfskhi, Ki & t and Grain Leather Tcgged and Hewed Shoes. Calf. Kip, Dpper ani Split Leatlior Beds and Shoes. Great Bargains for Cash Bayers ! HARDWARE XO OTHER NEED APTLY JACOB KAMP, LOCK HAVEN, PENN'A READ THIS! ! A cliance foialltomakeorsave money, Axn GFT TIIK DEST GOODS IN TIIK MAKKET. TEAS, COFFEES, &C., sold at lower prices than the same qualities can IK* bought at any other bouse in this countrv. All goods guaranteed to l>e satis factory and as represented, or the money will be refunded on return of ttie Roods, which may be done at oar expense. Tim reputation of our house for selling stanaard goods at Low Priues, (for :>f years), has given us a standard in New York City and vicinity, that is not enjoyed by any other house in tlie trade. After mature de liberation we have determined to offer our ecHMls to Housekeepers in the Interior, at the 1-owest Wholesale Trade Prices, when a Club is formed large enough to make a small ease. The goods of each member of the chtb will be put in seperale packages, and mark ed with name and cost, so as to avoid con fusion in distribution. Goods will be sent by Kxuress to Collect 011 Delivery. All wishing to save money dy purchasing family sup plies at New York Wholesale Prices can talk the matter over among friends and neigh lors, and send to us for Club Circular, Price list, tfce. We give a present of either goods, or money to the person who gets up the club, to compensate for trouble ect. Samples or TKA & COFFEE sent by mail. Send for Price-list, and Club Circular. 4w Stiner's New York & China Tea Co., M. H. MOSES, & CO., Pioprietors. 7T, 79, 81, S4 and 80 VESEY Street N. Y" WIYTPU An old established N. Y. and if il.llLW Havana linn want a General Agent In Millheim, to control the sales of their Cigars. A permanent paying position for an acceptable man. Must lie energetic and reliable. Address RAMON, LOPEZ & Co., 147 Kcadc Street, New York. NERVOUSDEBILITY" Vital Weakness or Depression, a weak ex liausted feeling, 110 energy or courage; the result of Meutal Over-worK, Indiscretion or Excesses, or some drain upon the system is always cured by Hmitay'sHomtliic Specific No. 28. It tones up and invigorates the system dispels the gloom and desopiulency, imparts strength and energy—stops the drain and rejuvenates the entire man. Been used twenty years with perfect success by thous ands. Sold by dealers. Pi ice, ii.oOper sin gle vial; or $5.00 per package of five vials and $2.00 vial of powder. Sent by mail 011 receipt of price. Address Humphrey's Homoepathic Medicine'Companv, 582 Broad way, New York* JlxlJly. ' M,!s Water-WteL Q Aiwrded Ctntenui.': The most practical, sir pi", ami effective. Its pel tor PHI .rSf V'are |s universally oSh3eL®l know lodged. Address. # U. T. A l/JOTT & HON „ ~ „ Mfrs. of Wheels and Mi s Machinery, MOCNT IIOLLT, X. J. WiUcir-j manufacturing riphU. INSURANCE HEN! TAKE not.CE. AE.\TS WASTED —FOB THE— He? England Mntnal Life Ins. ft The oldest mutual in the country, Chartered 1835. LIBERAL, TERMS GIVEN. MAR 'HN& WAKIIJN. Cernnl ALCTTD. 183 Hntjth Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Daniel F, Beatty's jflTL jm PIANOS & ORGANS C.VTTTION.—Ti c reputation have pained! and the celebrity of ntv Orgons, hare Induc ed some unprincipled parti orho